Ad 1153A (Published May 1, 2016)t2NE I
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MAY 11,2016
NOTICE IS HEREBY given that public hearings will be held by the Mayor and
City Commissioners of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, in the Commission
Chamber, 3rd Floor, City Ball., 17C$) Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach,
Florida. on Wednesday, May 11, 2016, at the tames listed, or as soon thereafter
as the matter can be heard, to consider:
11:00 a_nn.
An Ordinance Amending h'tiarni Beach City Code Chapter 2, Article VII, Division
2 Entitled "Officers, Employees And Agency Members"Adding Thereto Section
2 -461 Entitled "Disclosure By City Commission Members Of Solicitation On
Behalf Of Nonprofit Organization" Requiring City Commission Members Who
Solicit Gifts On Behalf Of A Nonprofit Organization From A Vender, Lobbyist
On A Pretauromant Issue, Real Estates Developer AndfOr Lobbyist On A Real
Estate Devealopmont Issue, To DiscloseThea Data Of Solicitation And Name Of
Individual Solicited, DisclosureTo Bo Filed In City Clerk's Office; Providing For
Repealer, Sovarability, Codification, And An Effective Date. This Ordinance
is being heard pursuant to Section 2.05 of the City Charter and §166.04? ES
inquiries nrary be directed to the Office of the City Attorney at 305.6717470.
11.Of. a.m.
An Ordinance Amending Miami Bauch City Cnric Chapter 2, Article VII,
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Cyr.riFaaryi. ..; sulfa. itsA1u1Cs .ruaii.AFlil tlF'Qrsons i Cntid Fron.Lo4byi.,g
City C>tii.ii..S. icr.i FL7 24 MU ti 3 S,rLF. - -- - •-.. - r ..
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INTERESTED PARTIES aro invited to appoaratthis meeting, or be represented
by an agent, or to oxprosa their views in writing addressed to the City
Commission, des the City. Clark, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1" Floor,
City Hall, Nliami Beach, Florida 33139. These hems are available for public
inspection during normal business hours in the Office of the City Clerk,
17Q0 Convention Center Drive, 1" Floor, City Hall, Miami Beach, Florida
33139_ This mooting, or any atom herein, may be continued, and under such
circumstances, additional legal notice need not be provided.
PursuaIli to Section 2$6,0105, Fla, Stat., the City hereby advisesthe public that
if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with
respect to any matter Considered at its meeting pr its hearing, such person
roust ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which' record
include the testimony and evidences upon which the appeal is to be based.
This notice does not constitute consent by the City for the introduction or
;:.drltissior5 of othrarl.viso inadmissible or irrelevant e,videnco, nor does it
authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by la.n.-
To request this material in alternate format, sign languatlainterpreter (fives -day
notice required), information on access for parsons with disabilities, and for any
accommodation to review any document or participates in any City .sponsored
proceedings, call 305,604.2469 and select 1 for English or 2 for Spanish,
than option 6;TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service)_
Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk
City of Miami Beach
The item was
deferred by
acclamation to the
June 8, 2016 City
Meeting on first
reading with