20170208 RELEASE 1MIAMIBEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, wunil.miamibeachfl.qov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Philip Levine and Members of the City Commission FROM: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk DATE: February 1,2017 SUBJECT: City Commission At-Large Nominations for February 8, 2017 - Release # 1 Below please find the City Commission At-Large Nominations received to date for the February 8, 2017 Commission Meeting. BOARD AND COMMITTEES: 1. AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE vAcANCtES (1) / POSSTBLE REAPPOTNTMENTS TO BE MADE (2): No nominations received. 2. ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMITTEE VACANCTES (1): No nominations received. 3. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT VACANCTES (0) / POSSTBLE REAPPOTNTMENTS TO BE MADE (1): . Noah R. Fox (Release # 1, Page 5) Nominated for reappointment (Real Estate Developer) by Vice-Mayor Malakoff. 4. CULTURAL ARTS COUNCIL VACANCTES (0) / POSSTBLE REAPPOTNTMENTS TO BE MADE (1): No nominations received. 1 5. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Clerk's Note: On December 14, 2016, the Gity Gommission agreed to postpone the appointments to the Design Review Board to the February 8, 2017 Commission meeting. VACANCTES (1) / POSS]BLE REAPPOTNTMENTS TO BE MADE (2): o Kathleen S. Phang (Release # 1, Page 1 1) Nominated for reappointment (Category 4: Architect registered in the US, or a professional practicing in the fields of architectural or urban design, or urban planning, or a resident with demonstrated interest or background in design issues; or an attorney in good standing licensed to practice law within the US) by Mayor Levine. o F. Michael Steffens (Release # 1, Page 35) Nominated for reappointment (Category 2: An architect registered in Florida or a member of the faculty of the school of architecture, urban planning, or urban design in the State, with practical or academic expertise in the field of design, planning, historic preservation or the history of architecture, or a professional practicing in the fields of architectural design, or urban planning) by Commissioner Alem5n. . James L. Bodnar (Release # 1, Page 43) Nominated for appointment (Category 5: At-large position) by Commissioner Alemin. Nominated for appointment (Category 5: At-large position) by Vice-Mayor Malakoff. o Pierre Leon Elmaleh (Release # 1 , Page 51) Nominated for appointment (Category 5: At-large position) by Commissioner AlemSn. o Frank J. Kruszewski (Release # 1, Page 59) Nominated for appointment (Category 5: At-large position) by Commissioner Grieco. 6. HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE VACANCIES (4) / POSSTBLE REAPPOTNTMENTS TO BE MADE (1): No nominations received. 7. HEALTH FACILITIES AUTHORITY BOARD VACANCTES (0) / POSSTBLE REAPPOTNTMENTS TO BE MADE (1): No nominations received. 8. HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE VACANCTES (0) / POSSTBLE REAPPOTNTMENTS TO BE MADE (1): No nominations received. 2 9. NORMANDY SHORES LOCAL GOVERNMENT NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT VACANCTES (0) / POSSTBLE REAPPOTNTMENTS TO BE MADE (3): o John E. Bowes (Release # 1, Page 67) Suggested for reappointment (Member of the Executive Committee of the Normandy Shores Homeowners Association) by Richard Hull, NSHOA President. o Carmen M. Browne (Release # 1, Page 77) Suggested for reappointment (Member of the Executive Committee of the Normandy Shores Homeowners Association) by Richard Hull, NSHOA President. o Brett A. Harris (Release # 1, Page 83) Suggested for reappointment (Member of the Executive Committee of the Normandy Shores Homeowners Association) by Richard Hull, NSHOA President. 10. PARKS AND REGREATIONAL FACILITIES BOARD VACANCTES (0) / POSSTBLE REAPPOTNTMENTS TO BE MADE (1): No nominations received. 1 1. PERSONNEL BOARD VACANCY (1): No nominations received. 12. PLANNING BOARD VACANCY (1): No nominations received. F:\CLER\$ALL\REG\COMMISSION MEETINGSUOl 7\020820'l 7\RELEASE # 1.docx 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4 NOAH R. FOX 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 6 b:MIAMI BEACH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FORM NAME: FOX Noah Last Name HOME ADDRESS: 1198 Venitian tryay #215 First Name Miami Beach Florida Middle lnitial 31 r40 Apt No. Home No./Street PHONE: (30s1467-7718 (30s) 532-6100 State Zip Code noahramfox@yahoo.com City Home Business Name: Koniverstein Grouo Address: 1665 Washington Ave. PH Email Address position: Real State Miami Beach Florida 33139- Street State Zip Code Pursuant to Gity Code section 2-22(41a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city. o Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months Yes o Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes o Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: yes o (Please circle one): I am now a resident of: South Beach o I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below: Specialized knowledlge in real estate development, accounting and the law o Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? No Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Please note that only three (3) choices will be observed by the Citv Clerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City) Ghoice 1: Board of Adjustment Choice 2: Ghoice 3: Budget Advisory Committee * Board members are required to file Form 1 - "statement of Financial lnterest" with the State. _ lf you seekappointment to a professional seat (e.9., Iawyer, architect, etc.) on the Board of Adjustment, Design ReviewBoard, Historic Preservation Board or Planning Board, attach a copy of your currently-effectively license, and furnish thefollowing information: Type of Professional License License Number License Expiration Date Note: lf applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center: 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: 1o years of Service: 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children No if yes, please list the names of your children, their ages, and which programs. List below: City License lssuance Date Child Name Age Program 7 . Have you ever been convicted of a felony: No lf yes, please explain in detail: . Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Are you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees: No lf yes, which board? o What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you currently hold membership in? o I am now employed by the city of Miami Beach: No Which department? o List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: Gender: Male The following anformation is voluntary and is neither part of your application nor has any bearing on your consideration for appointment. lt is being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting requirements. Race/Ethnic Categories What is your race? Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be. White Other Description: Are you Spanish/Hispanic/ Latino? Mark the "No" box if not Spanish / Hispanic / Latino. No PhysicallyChallenged: No NOTE: lf appointed, you will be requlred to follow certain laws which apply to city board/committee members. These laws include, but are not limlted to, the following: o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459).o Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1).o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami Beach Code section 2-26).o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-1 1.1 ). (re: CMB Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office, from having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself, or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.61 1). Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk, "l hereby atlest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the applicatlon and have received, read and will abide by Chapter 2, Article Vll - of the Clty Code "Standards of Conduct for City Officers, Employees and Agency Members." I Noah Fox agreed to the following terms on Received in the City Clerk's Office by: Name of Deputy Clerk Control No.Date 8 NOAH FOX 550 West 51't Terrace Miami Beach, Fl33140 Noahramfox@yahoo.com (30s) 467-77t8 EDIICATIOIT St Thomas School of Law Miami, Florida Juris Doctor May 2008 Honors: Deans List, Fall 2006, and Fall 2007. Tulane Universitv Master of Accounting Tulane Universitv Bachelor of Science in Finance PROFESSIONAL LICE Real Estate Salesperson License Licensed Lawver New Orleans, LA December 2004 New Orleans, LA December 2004 State of Florida 2000- Present State of Florida 2008-Present EXPEBIENCE Koniver Stern Reality Miami Beach, FL 2005-Present Real Estate Broker Salesman Participated in the negotiation and sale of commercial real estate having a fair market value in excess of $35,000,000. City of Miami Beach Board of Adiustment Miami Beach, FL Real Estate Developer Seat and Vice Chair 2014-Present Law Offices of Black. Srebnick. & Kornspan Miami FL 2008-20 I 3 White Collar Defense Division Participated in the litigation and defense of federal criminal cases. 9 THE FLORIDA BAR NEWS&EVENTS FORTHEPUBLIC The Florida Bar - Find a Lawyer Prof...ion.lism Log ln Follow Us THE FLORIDA BAR / DiBctories / Find a Lewy6r ABOUT THE BAR LawyeB Authorized House Counsel Law Faculty Afiiliates Florida Registered Paralegals Florida Bar Stafi Courts and Judges Legal Grcups and Law Schools Judicial Nominating Commission Find a Lawyer MEMBER SERVICES LOG IN Soarch Tho Florida Ber FINO A LAWYER Clear Resulls cerrified Foreign Legat I noan Consultants 1", | ",o EI lciv nar" EFind names that sound lake the entered names EEligible lawyers only fllnclude deceased lawyers + More optlong SEARCH CLEARALL Showing I result View in new trb Noah Ramhenri Fox lrlember in Cood Standlng B.r Numbln 6a466 Mrll AddB3: lrirm I 8", #- Seardr by Bar number only produces results that are an e)(act match with the number provided. Emll: PgEond BT URL: vC.d: Cordrty: Circuit: Admitted: Young LawyeE Divlalon: to-Yu. Di*ipliE Hi.tory: Lrw sch@l: E&tionr: Flm Eizo: Fim Porltim: Noah Fox PA '1665 \ lsshlngton Avs Fl il Mlami B6ach, FL 33139-3172 Untod Ststos Ofi@:305-467-77,|8 noahaamfox@yahoo.com ww.fl oaxlabar.oE/mybs.prcf ler€6,166 nll, --( Miemi-Oadg 11 c6.t21n009 Momber None St. Thomas UniwEity Schoolof Lry,200E Young LawyeE Ons Prlvalo Lil PEciice http://www.floridabar.org/wps/portal/flbar/trome/directories/\,IBR/lut/plzlljY_LDoIwEEU_... 2lllZOlT10 KATHLEEN S. PHANG 11 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 12 MIAMIBEACH Professional License BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FORM Mlddle lnltlal ,,,!,9,-\$.,xJE 4b Si-rc* hia4i Shorcs fu 3 g tgBHome Address .a* - A tFnmalOccupatlon J _Jq, 5n =q"icx.-rt Avt ,u. , #r ggo Hi grni Fu gs r3 rBuslness Address ' . CIty State Zip Code lllrseant to Glty code eectlon 2'22l4la& b: Members of agencies, boards and commlttees shall be affillated with theCity. This requirement shall be fulfilled in he following ways: a. An individual shall have been a resident of the City fora minimum of six months; or b. An indlvidual shall demoirstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in abusiness established in the City for a minimum of six months. e Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: ves f] or Ho f] o Demonstrates ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six months: yes E or ruo E. Are you a reglstered voter in Miami Beach: Ves f,l or Ho E o I am now a resident of: North Beach E south Beach E uuat" Beach flo I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. please llst betow: o Are you presently a reglstered lobbyist with the clty of Mlaml Beach? ves f] or no E Ple-asg list yourpreferences ln order of ranking [rlRrst choice [2]second choice,onlv thre" (3) cholc"" will be obserred bv thi offtce of the iltv cterk. and [3] third choice. Please note that E Affordable Housing Advisory Commlttee 0 Health Advlsory CommiHee O Parks and Recl€atlon Fecllltles Board € O Art in Public Placas Commitla..! llealth Facilitlcs Authorlly Board O Parsonnel Boeni O Audit Commltoe 0 HlapanicAfairu Commlftee B Planning Board'X0 Boad ofAdlustrnent.*0 Hlstorlc Presaruallon Boanl'O Pollca Cithens Relallons C6mmilt.. tr tsudoet Advlsory Comrnltte6 O Houslns Authorltv tr Produdion lndusiru Caunajl 0 Human Rlohtr Commitlee 0 Slstar Cities O Commltte€ for Qualitv Education ln MB O LGBT Advlsory Commlttce E S!8!ilnabillty Commltteeo Gonvantlon Center Advlrory Board O Marine & Watorftont Protcdlon Authorlty O Transportatlon, Parklng, & Elcycle-pedestdan Facllltlas Commlttee O q(turalArts Councll O Mlami Beacfr Commlsslon forWo;m O Vlsitor and Conventlon Authorltv06eslgn Revlcw Boardfi O Normandy Shoros Local Govcmment Nelohborhood lmDrovement O Youth Comml$lon 0 Dlsebllltv Access Commitlae *. Boatd memberc are rcquired to filo Form I - "statament of Flnanclal lnter€st,with the State,ft lf you seek appolntnent . to a professional seat (e.g.,- lawyer, arrhltec( etc.) on the Boerd of Adlushnan! Ileslgn RevlewBoard' Hlstoric Precervatlon Board or Plannlng Board, attach a copy oi youi currenfly.effectively license, and 6mbh thefollowlng informadon: Type of Professlonal License *?tOrnct Llcense Number -Ra. &. lrP , 3lgbso Llcenee lssuance Date OCf , ?-, ?Crfr Llcense Expiration Oate rJ /A / S.,rh ecf to FrcrER\sArL\rFoRMs\BoARD AND coMMrrrEEs\Bc AppLrcAnoN **,3$ni.1fltolu.o*, 13 oo Note: lf applying for the Youth Cenler positions of the Parks and Recreatlons Fadlitles Board, please lndlcate your aflillation wlth the Scott Rakow Youth Center and/or the North Shore parks youth Center: r Please describe your past servica wlth the Clty's Youth Centers (indudo dates of service): r Present particJpation ln Youth Center actlvitles by your children: yes E ruo fl lf yes, please list below the names of your children, their ages and the programs ln whlch they partlclpate: Chlld's name: Child's name: Age: _ Program: Age: _ Program: r Have you ever been convic,ted of a felony? Yes or No lf yes, please explaln ln detall: r Do you currently have a violation(s) of Cig of Mlaml Beacfr Code? Ye. f] ol. UEtf yes, please elglain ln detall: . Do you cunently owo the City of Miaml Beach any money? ves f] o, xo C lf yes, explaln in detail: board/committee? o ln what organlzation(s) ln the clty of Miaml Beactr do you cunenily hold membership? Position Name Positlon r Lisl all properlles owned or ln which you have an lnterest withln the cig of Miami Beach: . Are you now employed by the City of Miaml Beach? yes f] o, nod Which department and title? . Pursuant to Clty code Section 2-25 (b),-Qo you have;r parent El, ,pou." E, child E brother fl or sister E *to i. employed by the City of Miami Beach? Yes LJor lto [Jf lf 'Yes,o identi$ person(s) and department(s): The fotlowlng lnfotmadon ls voluntary and ls nelther part of your appllcatlon nor has any bearing on your conslderation forappolntnent lt ls belng aaked to comply wlth Clty dlverslty repordng regulrcments. Gender: Male t-l Female Race/Ethnlc Categorlee What ls vour raca? U Atrlcan-American/Black f] CaucaslanMtrlte 6n.i.n or Pacific lslander f] Natlve-American/Amertcan tndian F:\cLERsALL\aFoRMs\BoARo AND coMMrrrEEs\Bc AppLrcAroN ..r5#L1 3toL o*, 14 fl otner- Prtnt Race: Do you conslder yourself to be Spanlsh, Hlepanlc or Latlno/a? Ma* the "No" box /f not Spanish, Hispanic, Lalino/a, d*"E y". Do you gonsider yourself Physlcally Dlsabled? Efr.rofl v". NOTE: IF APPOINTEO, YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO FOLLOW CERTAIN LAWS THAT APPLY TO CITY BOARD,COMMITTEE MEMBERS. THESE I.AWS INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: o Prohlbltlon from dlrectly or lndirectly lobbying City peraonnel (Miaml Beach Clty Code secllon 2-159). o Prohlbltlon ftom contractlng with the Clty (Miami-Dado County Code sec{on 2-11.1). o Prohlbltlon from lobbying before the board/commiftee yor have serued on for perlod of one year after leaving ofiice (Miaml Beach Clty Code sectlon 2-26). o Requirement to dlsclose cerlaln llnandal lnterests and gifts (Mlaml-Dade County Code sec'tion 2-11,1). o CMB Communlty Development AdMsory Commltlee: prohibiUon, dudng tenure and for one year afler leavlng ofice, tom having any lnterest in or recelving any benelit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself, or those with whom you have buslness or lmmediate famlly tles (CFR 570.611). o Sunshine Law - Florida's Govemmenhln-the-Sunshine Law was enaclsd ln 1967. Today, the Sunshine Law regarding open govemment can be found in Chaoter 286 of the Florida Statutes. These statutes establlsh a basic right ol access to most meetings of boards, commlssions and other govemlng bodies of state and local govemmental agendes or authoritles. o Votlng confflct - Form 88 is for use by any person servlng at the county, city or other local level of govemment on an eppolnted or eleded board, coundl, commisslon, authority or committee. lt applias equally to membem of advlsory and non-edvlsory bodies who are presented wlth a voting confllct of lnterest under Sedlon l'12.3143, Florlda Statutes. Upon reques( copies of these laws may be obtalned from the Clty Clerk. I HEREBY ATTEST TO THE ACCURACY AND TRUTTIFULNESS OF THE APPLICATION; AND I HAVE RECEIVED, READ AND WLL ABIDE BY CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VII, OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE, ENTITLED "STANDARDS OF CONDUCT FORctwAND AGENCY MEMBERS ANO ALL OTHER APPLICABLE COUNTY AND'OR STATE LAWS AND ST Y.' Received ln the-the Clty Clerk by:/s'/6 ( of Deputy Clerk Control No. ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME, PHOTOGRAPH AND A COPY OF ANY APPLICABLE PROFESSIONAL LICENSE. ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS, IF NECESSARY, TO PROVIDE REQUIRED INFORMATION. Page 3 of 4 FlCLER$ALL\,FORMS\AOARD ANO COMMITTEES\8C APPLICATION REVISED 06,,I2Oi6,docx 15 MIAMIBEACH City of Miomi Beoch lZ00 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33139, www.miomibeochfl,gov OFFICE OF THE CIry CLERK C i tyClerk@miom ibeochfl. gov Telephone: 305.673.741 I Fox: 305,673,7254 Acknowledgement of fines/suspenslon for Board/Gommlttee Members for failure to comply with Miami- Dade County Financial Dlsclosure Code Provlslon Code Sectlon 2-f 1.{(i) (2) Board Membe/s Name: lCo.H^t rr,\ 5 . Fhr,rTl I understand that no later than Julv '1. of.each vear "U ,"#o of Boards and Committees of the City of Miami Beach, including those of a purely advisory nature, are required to comply with Miami-Dade County Financial Disclosure Requirements. This means that the members of City Advisory Boards, whose sole or primary responslbility is to recommend legislation or give advice to the City Commission, must file, even though they may have been recently appointed. Eg of the following forms must be flled with the City Clerk of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, no later than 12:00 noon of Juty l, of each year. 1. A 'Source of lncome Statement' 2. A "Statement of Financial lnterests (Form 1)' 3, A Copy of your latest Federal lncome Tax Return Failure to file one of these forms, pursuant to the Miami-Dade County Code, may subject the person to a fine of no more than $500, 60 days in jail or both. Updated: Tu€sday, Odobcr 04, 2016 Pagd 4 of 4 F:\CLER\!ALL\eFORMS\8OARD ANO COMMITTEES\AC APPLICATION REVISED 061420ta.dmx 16 KATIE S. PHANG 1079 NE 96 Street. Miami Shores, Florida 33il!8 . (30S) 815-1419 kphang@bergercingerman. com EDUCATION Univcrsity of Miami, School of Law, Coral Gables, Flodda Juris Doctorate cum laude, May 2000 Yale Univcnity, New Haven, Connecticut Bachelor of Arts, May 1997 Major: Political Science (International Relations Concentration) January 201 S-Present Patmet March 2012-Dec.2014 Foundlng Paaner Feb. 201 1 -Feb.2012 Attomey Nov.2009-Feb. 2011 Assistant Statc Attomey and l*ad Adomey July 2008-Nov. 2009 ManagingPatmet May 2006-July 2008 {0009s4 r 6} PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Berger Singerman LLP Representation of corpotate and individual clients in commercial/business tots litigation, family law, and cdminal defense mattets. Professional fees and costs expert witness, Arrastia Capotc & Phangr r.r.P Foundi"g partner,/Owner in 100% minority_owned and women_owned law fum with emphasis on complex commercial litgation, business torts, family law, premises/product liability, personal infury, and criminal defensc. Ptofessional fees and costs expert witrtess. Client reptesentatioo includes cotpotations, small businesses, and individuals. Seipp & Flick, LLP (n/k/a Seipp, Ftick & Hosley) Ptoducts liability defense of automotive corporations and dealerships in wrongful death and catasttophic cases. Ptemises liability defense of major retailets and restaurants, as well as commercial litigation on behalf of banks and other financial institutions, Broward County State Attorney,s Office Prosecuted and tried Ufe and Fitst-Degree felony offenses. Supervised, trained, and mentored other felony prosecutors with pre-tdal and trial activities for the prosecutioo of all types of feloni.r. Maget & Maget, LLC Partner/Owner in litigation firm with focus on commercial litigation and business torts, as well as fust-party insutance claims, Seipp & Flick, LLP (f/k/aScipp, Flick & Kissane) 17 Attomey August 2005-May 2006 Attomey April2005-July 2005 Attomcy August 2000-March 2005 Dluislon Chlef Speclal Assistant State Attomey Commltted Prcsecutot CV of Kath S, Pbang Pagc 2 otl5 Genetal negligence and products lJrability defense of majot corporations and third parry administrators, Wicker, Smith, OtHara, McCoy, Gtaham & Bord, P.d Defensc of hospitals, physicians, and professiooal associations in medical malptactice cases. Also defended colpotate clients in geneml negligence cases and individual litigants in commercial litigation cases. Patino & Associates, P.A. Ptosecution of fedetal/state civil rights, wrongfi.rl death, ptofessional negligence, and conmetcial Iitigation cases. Also teptesented insured defendants involved in negligence actions. Miami-Dade State Attornqy's Office Prosecuted and tried First Degtee Murder and other capital felonies. Superrrised, uained, and mentoted kvel "A", "8," and ',C" felony prosecutors with pre-trial and trid activities for the prosecution of all types of fclonies. Conducted conferences with law enforcement officets and civilian victims and wi&esses to determine charging decisions. Extensive evidentiary motion, deposition, and investigative expedcnce. Honicide Dafi, Superwsed the Iegal aspects of homicide investigations t<r dtaft on-scene search and anest warrants; included responding to active crime scenes. Narcotics l]nit/Specialized Ptosecutions Division: Selected as one of thtee prosecutors to investigate and prosecute high-level and intemational narcotics trafficken. Ptosecuted jury tdals with multiple defendants, confidential inforrnants, cooperating co-defendants, scientific evidence, and local, state, and federal agents. Received specialized training in the areas of seatch and seizute, money laundering conspLacy, and drug law enfotcement evidence. Reviewed and dmfted oumerous search warants, affest waffants, and applications fot electronic interception of suspects. Superyisot/County Court Division: Selected as one of eight prosecutors to ftain, supendse, and mertor entry-level Assistant Sate Attomeys. Prosecuted oumelous bench and jury trials involving criminal uafEc offenses, as well as violent and drug-related misdemeanor ctimes. {000e54 r6} 18 2012-Ptesent Adfunct Prcfessot 201 1 -Present Adfunct Professor 2007-2008 AdJunct Professot 200s-2006 Adfuact Professor Adfunct Profcssot 2004-2005 Adfunct Ptohccor CV of lQtie S, Pbary Pagr l of l5 ACADEMIC POSITIONS University of Miami School of Law, Litigation Skllls Progtam Instnrctor fot law school students in the areas of pre-trial motion practice, tdal prcpamtion, and courEoom trial skills, i.e. direct/ctoss examinations, expett witnesses, opening statements and closing argumenB. Univetsity of Miami School of Law, Litigation Skills Progtam, Summet Intensive Ptogram Instructor in intensive summer prcgram schedule for law school shrdents in the ateas of pre-trial motion practice, trial preparation, 4nd courtroom rrial skills, i.e. direct/ctoss examinations, expert witnesses, opening statements and closing arguments. Flotida Intemational University College of Social WorL, tustice, and Public Affairs, Deparunent of Public Adminietration Coyrse: Adninistratiw Lau, Instructed studcnts in the tesponsibilitics of public administrators under local, fedetal, and state laws with an analysis of cdtical case law and court decisions. Florida International Univercity School of Poliry and Managemcnt, Masterc Dcgree Program Coarte: l-out atd Social Contml InsEucted gtaduate students in the examination of the law as ar instrument of social control coupled with the study of the legal basis of criminal law' Corrse: Legal Issues for Crinhal Jrctia Adninittratioz. A comprehensive introduction to genetal negligence and to$ law concepts as they apply to criminal justice managets. Analysis of the rnost important legal and social issues that confront criminal justice admioishatols. Flodda Intemational Unlversity, Legat Studies Institute Coune: L,egal lVritittg. Instructed Paralegal CertiEcate candidates in the writing of legal memoranda, and case analysis and bde6ng. 2016 2016 2015 {000954 r 6} HONORS & AWARDS Top Lawyet, Corporate and Business Law,,foilh Fhnda L,egal Gd& Top Lawyer, Business Law, Fbrida l-egal E lite Top Lawyet, Corporate and Business Law, South Fhida L^cgat Gri& 19 CV olKattc S, Phaag Pagc 4 of l5 2014 AV-Preeminent Reting (Martindate-Ifubbelly in Family Law 2014 Cystic Fibtosis Foundation's 40 Under 40 Outsanding Lawyers of South Florida 2014 Leadet in the l.aw, Sate Florida Association for Women Lawyers (FA'0fL) 2014 Top l,awyer, Corporate and Business Lav, Soatb Florida Legal Gdda 2014 Top Up & Comer, Corpotate and Business Law, Soytb Flonda Legal Guidc 2014 Tteasutet, Miami-Dade Flotida Asgociation for Women Lawyets O,IDFA\flL)2013 40 Under 40 Rising Staq Ameican lat, Media/ Daifi Budnm Reuhw 2013 Top Up & Comet, Coqpotate Law, Fbida Legal Elite 2013 Top Up & Comet, Coqporate and Business I'aw, Sotth Fbnda bgal Gilde 2013 OutstandingAttorney/CotpomteandBusinessl-tw,Abogadot 2013 Board of Directors, Miami-Dade Florida Association for Women Lawyers 2013 Chait, Flodda Bar Grievance Corrmittee 1lL 2013 Bickell Maga{ne't2073 Best Dressed Professionals in Mie-i 2012 AV-Prceminent Rating (Martindale-Ilubbelll in Litigation, Criminal Law, & Bankruptcy 2012 Boatd of Directors, Dade County Bat Association 2010 American Inns of Court, Stephen R. Booher Chaptet 2006 Nominee for Gubernatorial Appointrneot to the Miami-Dade County Coutt Bench 2006 Nominee for Gubernatorial Appointment to the Miami-Dade County Cout Bench 2006 Board of Duectots, Dade County Bat Association 2005 Appointed to Miami-Dade County Asian-American Advisory Board (appointed by ChairmanJoe A. Marrinez, Board of County Commissioners) 2005 Boatd of Directots, Dade County Bat Association 2005 Top Government Attorney, Sottb Fbida l-.cgal Gri& 2000 Graduated am lat& ftom the University of Miami, School of Lav PROFESSIONAI COMMITTEE. MEMBERSHIP The Flotlda Bar Chair GrievanceCornmitteell"L",Janvzty20l3-Octobet2014 Membet Gdevance Committee 11 "L", 201 1-Octobet2074 Membet Grievance Committee 11 'J", 2007-2008 Membet Civil Procedure Rules Committee, 2013-Present Member Civil Procedue Rules Committee, Dtafting Subcommittee, 2013-Ptesent Member Civil Procedure Rules Committee, Rule 1,983 Subcommittee, 2014-Present (000e54 r6) 20 CV of Kdh S. Pbang Pag 5 of l5 Member Civil Procedure Rules Committee, Use of Technology by Committee Subcommittee, 201 6-Present Member Civil Procedure Rules Committee, Statewide Uniform Guidetines for Taxation of Costs in Civil Actions Subcommittee, 2016-Ptesent Miaml-Dade Flotida Assoclation for Women Lawycn (FAIW) Ptesident-Elect 2016-Ptesent Secretary 2015-2016 Treasuter 2014-2015 Directot BoatdofDirectot:s,2073-2074 Co-Chait Scholamhips Cornmittee, 2013-2015 Member [eadershipCorrmittee,20l3-Present Member Statewide, Public Relations/Communications Conrmittee 201S-Present Member Statewide, Progtams & Events Committee, 2010 Defence Research Instltutc (DRI) Chair Small Fitm, Specialized Utigation Group/Commetcial Litigation Committee,Z}73- present Vice-Chait DiversityExpo,20l6-Present Member CommercialLitigationCommittee,20l2-Ptesent Vice-Chair Marketing, 2014 !7omen in the Law Scrninat, 2013-2014 Vice-Chait Mentoring Subcommittee, Women in the Law Committee, 2013-Present Member Planning Committee for the 2014 Women in the Law Seminar, 2013-2074 Member Planning Committee for the 2013!flomen in ttre Law Scminat, 2012-2013 Co-Chafu \UTomen in the Law Cornmittee, local Ma*eting Committee for 2013 Seminat, (0009s4r6) 21 CV of Katio S, Pbaq Pag 6 of l5 2012-2013 Membet Women in the Law Committee, 2011-Present Membet DiversiryCommittee,20l3-Present Membet Small Firm Subcommittee, DRI Diversity Commitree, 2013-2015 Member ProductUabilityCommitteq20ll-Prcseot Member Lawyer Nenrorking Initiative, 201 1-Present Dade County Bar Assoclation Directot Board of Dhectors, 2012-2075 Membet Executive Committee, 2013-2015 Director Board of Dfuectors, October 2005-2007 Member Solo/SmallFirmCommittee,2012-2015 Mernber Criminal Coutts Committee, 2012-2015 Co-Chait Criminal Coutts Committee Bench & Bar Mixer, 2012-Ptesent Member MembershipCommittee,October2005-2007 Co-Chair Schools Cornmittee,2006-20A7 Member ProfessionalismCommittee,200T-2008 Member YoungLawyers Section,PtofessionalismCorurrittee,z}0T-z0f,8 Volunteet Mentor Young l,awyers Section, e-Mentoring Progmm, 2N5-2007 Voluateet Advisor Put Something Back Progtam, Pro Bono Advisot, 2005-2008 Volunteer Tutot Young Lawyets Section, Minodty Bat Passage Progtam, 2005-200S Volunteet Coach Young Lawyers Secrion, Mock Trial Competition, November 2006-2007 Volunteet Supcr Itial Lawyers Mock Trial, Miami, Florida, May 2008 {000954 r6} 22 CV of lQtic S. Phang Pag 7 of l5 Cuban Anterlcan Bar Assocladon (CABA) Member Judicid Cornmitrce, Miami, Florida, 2012-Present Brcward Counql Bat Assoclatlon (BCBA) Member Bench/BatCommittee,July2010-2011 Member Social Sports & Goodwill Committee,July 2010-2011 Member Judicial Bar Poll Committee, October 2010-2011 Member Subcommittee on Cdminal Administrative Orders, October 2010-2011 Membet Civility and Ethics Seminar Planning Committee, November 2010-2011 Ifispanlc Natlonal Bar Assoclatlon (IINBA) Membet Section of Utigation and Altcrnative Dispute Rcsoluuon, 2012-Ptesent COMMI.'MTY INVOLVEMENT Elorida You)h orch""tn Director Board of Directors,2016-Present Drese for Succese Miami Vice-Ptesident ExecutiveBoardofDirectots2Ol4-Present Directot Executive Board of Ditectors, 2013-ptesent Friends of the New lVorld Symphony Member Executive Comrnittec, 2012-2014 Vice-Chair Corpotate Subcommittee, Executive Committee of the F-riends of the New Wotld Symphony, 2013-2014 (000954 l6) 23 CV of Y'ath S, Pbaq Pagt I of 15 LawEnforcemcnt Ofrcers Memorlal lllgh School Chair Advisory Board 2014-Ptesent Membet AdvisoryBoard,2013-Present Yale tlnivetrity Alumni Schools Comminec Interviewer Yale CIub of Miami,2000-Prcsent Member Yale Club of South Flodda,2007-Present City of Miami Beach Deslgn Revlew Board Vice-Chair 201S-Prcsent Member 2014-Present VolunteerJudgc Pine Crest School, Moot Court, March 2014 Irgal Eagle Closing Atgument Competition for I-egal Services of Greatet Miami, 2012-Ptesent University of Miami School of Law, Utigation Skills Ptogtam, Final Trials, 2005-Present University of Miami School of Law, Appellate Otal Arggment, 2012-Present Pine Ctest Schoof Moot Court, March 2013 DCBA/Miami-Dade County Public Schools Mock Tdal Competition,January 2013 University of Miami School of Law, Moot Cour Competition, 2010-Present Nova Law School, Nova Trial Team Ptepatation fot AAJ Regional Trial Fiflals, 2010 Association of Trial Lawyets of America (I,TI-A) Regional Tdal Finals, 2005-2008 Miami-Dade County Teen Courg Mero-Miami Action Plan Trust Ptogram, 2006-2007 Miami-Dade County "\We the People Competition," December 2006 (000954 r6) 24 CV otlQth S. Phaq Pagc 9 o/15 FIU School of Law, 2005 Appellate Advocacy Competition, Octobet 2005 Mt, Sinai l{ospltal Foundation Member Young Founders, Match 2009-2010 Co-Chair Young Ptcsidents Club, Decembet 2008-Januuy 2010 Corpotate Rep, Young Ptesidents CIub, March 2009-2010 Membet Young Ptesidents Club, 2007-2010 Member Young Ptesidents Club, Board of Ditectors, 2007 -2010 P,A,C,E, Ccnter for GfuIc Volunteer 2010-2011 Member Planning Committee for the 2010 "A Change of Pace" Event, 2010 Mlaml-Dade County Aslan-Amedcan Aduisory Board Mer:rber Special Events Planning Committee, Novembet 2005-2007 LECTURES & PANELS . lnvited Panelist - Dade County Bar Association's '"Vlew from the Bench A High-Profile Conversation," Miarnj, Florida, June 2016 . Invited Faculty - DRI Young Lawyers Semioar, 'Deposing Experts", Las Vegas, Nevada, June 2016 Invited Speaker- U.S. District Court Law Day, Miami, Florida, May 2016 r Invited Panelist - Miami-Dade FAWL's Thfud Annual Ieadetship Summig Miami, Florida, May 2016 o Invited Faculty - DRI Deposition Skills Institute, Chicago,Illinois, April2016 . Irvited Speaket - Florida Bar Practicing with Professionalism Seminat, Miami, Florida, March 2016 {0o0es4 r6) 25 CV of ktit S. Pharg Pagt l0 o! I 5 lnvited Interviewee - The Flodda Bar's Diversity & Inclusion Committee, 2016 Wintet Meeting of the Flodda Bar, Odando, Florida o Invited Intcwiewee - Florida Bat Young I-awyer's Division interview serics, "Balancing in Hecls; Self, Family and the Practice of Law" -Jmuxy 2076 o Panelist - Univetsity of Miami School of Law: Effective Client Communications, Business Development - Miarni, Flodda,Januzry 2016 Invited Speak* - Barry University's American Courts Class, Miarni, Flod&, October 2015 Emcee - Soath Fbnda Busittus Jotnals 2015 Tech end CIO Awatds, Ft, Laudetdale, Flodda, October 2015 o Invited Faculty - DRI Deposition Skills Institute, Chicago, Illinois, Septembet 2015 r Keynote Speaket - National Uni6cation Advisory Council, Kotean American Young Professionals Conference, Otlando, Florida, September 2015 o Panelist - Miami-Dade FAr0flL's 2d Annual Leadenhip Summit, "Media and the Law", Miami, Florida, May 2075 o Invited Panelist - Dadc County Bat Association, "Mastering Your Media Relations with the Masters of Miami fi News," Miami, Florida, May 2015 . Trial Lawyu - Drily Business Review/FIU College of Law, "superstan Mock Trial", Miami, Florida, Apdl2015 ' . Trial Faculty - Flotida Association of Criminal Dcfense Lawyers, Miami-Dade Chapter, "Men are from Man, Trial Lawyem are from Venus," Miami, Flodda, April 2015 o Invited Faculty - The Florida Bar, Business Law Section, 'Business Lawyers in the Courtrooml Trial Skills for Minodty Business Lawyers", Miami, Florida, Apdl 2015 o Broward County Young Republicans,'Justice f,ot All", April 2015 . Miami-Dade FAWL s Deposition Skills Seminar, February 2015 r AlPha Kappa Alpha (Chi Psi Omega Chaptct) Community Forum: "Know Your Rightsr Potice and Community Relations Post-Ferguson", February 201 5 {000e54r6} 26 CV ofKatc S. Pbaag Pagc 1l ofl5 Dade County Bat Association's 'View ftom the Bench: Foteclosure Semina/', Srcatsfit$ Tr1iry thc Connercial 0 R$idential Fonclossn Cax: A Jdicial Pmpeoiu,Jarrv ry 2075 University of Miami School of Law, Legal Communication and Research Skills, Business Development Panel "Effective Clieot Communications", September 201 4 Daily Business Review/AlM's "Commercial Litigation Mock Ttial Super Stars vs. Rising Stars", Jvly 2014 Miami-Dade FAWL, "Numbers and Sense: Your Ptactical Guide to Forensic ,l"qsunring in Litigation",June 2014 Miami-Dade FAWL, Inaugual Lcadetship Summit, Expett l7itness Panel May 2014 FACDL/DCBA CLE Panel on Professionalism and Ethics, May 2014 University of Miami School of Law, Legal Communication and Research gkills, p1fls[; "Effective Client Communications", January 2014 Law Enforcement Officets Memorial High School, Magnet Fair, Decembet2}13 University of Miami School of Law, Icgal Communication and Research Skills, Novembet 2013 2013 Miami International Book Fait/C-Span, Inttoduction of Chris Matthews, November 2013 Miami-Dade FAWL, 'oThe Nuts and Bolts of Opening Your Own Law Firm: From Renting Space to Storage in the Cloud", Novercbet 2013 Law Enfotcement Officers Memorial High School,2013 College and Career Fair, November 2013 Business Law Section of The Flotida Bat, CABA, & Catibbean Bar Association's "Business Lawyers in the Couuoom: Trial Skills for Minority Business Lawyers", Octobet 2013 Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust, Ethical Governance Day, October 2013 Miami-Dade FAWL, "!0(/omen in the Couttoom": Trial Skills fot Women Lawyers, 2012-Ptesent Alpha Kappa Alpha (Chi Psi Omegp Chaptet) Political Fonrm on Sand Your Gtound Law and the 2d Amendment, April 2013 (000954 r6) 27 CV of Katit S, Pbang Pagt l2 oll5 r Miami-Dade FAWL, "Rainmaking: Skills to Develop Business for !7omen by Women", Match 2013 . Miami-Dade Public Defender's Office/Univetsity of Miami School of t aw, "How to Handle a Misdemeanot Case" Semin a\ Match 2012 o DCBA, Supet Trial Lawyers Mock Trial, May 2009 o Florida Intemational University, School of Policy & Maaagement Cou$e: "ltgal Isuu for Ciahal Jwtiu Adninistraton" October 2006 o Miami Carol City Seniot High School Center of Legal and Public Affairs, "Ufe u a lan1er," Apil 2006 o Florida [ntemational University, School of Policy & Management Coutse: "l-ant and Cnflinal fustia," February 2006 r Florida International University, School of Policy & Managemcnt Gmduate Level Coursel "Adaanced Semittarin the Cotrts," June20f5 o Florida Intemadonal Univetsity, Legal Studies Institute Course; *Trial Techxiqucs: Motions it Uilhu," Apdl 2005 o Florida Intemational University, kgal Studics Institute Coursq "Trial TubrQrcs," March 2005 o Florida Intemational University, School of Policy & Management Graduate Level Course t'nltdicial Pnnss d Poligl', Novembet 2004 o Miami-Dade State Attomey's Officer Tmined enry-level Assistant State Attotneys in various areas, including daily calendar rnanagement, tdal prepatation, and probation violation headngs. 2001- 2005 o Miami-Dade Police Department 0{DPD) Tmining Bureau: Tmined entry-level police officets on a ptosecutor's case ptepatation expectations. Apdl 2003 r University of Miami School of Law, Litigatioo Skills Ptogmm: Addtessed law school students regarding the importance of ethics and professionalism, 2002-2W4 (0009s4 r 6) 28 CV of Katit S, Pbary Pagr 1! of l5 MEDIAAPPFJ.RANCES TYLegalAnalyst FOX News, 2014-Present Fox Business Nenvodr, 201 S-Present 'U7PLG-10,'"fhis Week in South Florida," Roundtable Contdbutor, 2014-Present CBS4, "Semt Seruia Agant Am*d After BcbryFomd Pasad Oil it Miani," Octobet 2072 CBS4/UPN33I Ptovided oo-ail cornmentary rcgarding various legal issues and high-ptofile cases on a local and national level. Match 2005-Present CBS4/UPN3 3 *Jin dt !a& in rhc Monir!': daily, livg in-studio moming show focusing on different legal issues/analysis, Septembs 2008-November 2008 CBS4/UPN33 "The lfifurl Edgl\ daily, live, in-studio morning show segmcnt e:rclusivdy on Michael Jackson trial analysis, March 2005-June 2005 CBS4/UPN33, "Foo* on Soutb Fbida: NASA .4rtnnatt Cbarycd uitb Mltder," Spdng 2007 CBS4,'Itod L)gttt Cancra Contmwnlt in Plailatiott," December 7,2(xJ6 CBS4,*OJ Expcchd to Make Milhofis t,itb Tell-AllBoa*," Novembet 15, 2006 CBS4, "Acrused S crial Rapirt RErulh Rapalo Capnnd', Decembet 26, 20A5 PBS, "Metttal Engineeing" Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 2005 CBS4, " S tatc Attong' t P u h to get An Ta h't Bo nd ku kc l', JuLy 1 5, 2005 CBS4, "Mom Outragcd Darybter\ Alhged Kidnappr Fne Agoirl' , July 12, 2005 CBS4/4 Sunday Morning: "Thc Jufua ba{ordAc4" May 8, 2005 CBS National News, "I-azlzts Floidiau 'ShootFirst",Aptil 26, 2005 CBS4, "Bill to l-ct Fbidiau Mul Forn witb Fore" ,April 6, 2005 CBS4 & CBS2 Chicagot Teri Scltiaw L,egalArafids, March 22,2005 (000954 l6) 29 CV of Kath S, Pba;g Page 14 of l5 CBS4,"Robert Bhkc't Not Gttil! Vctdict', March 14, 2005 Radlo LegalAnalyst WMAL, "Mornirgs or the Moll',2015-Present The Mike Gallaghet Show,"Michael Bmwt andFetgtsoa," Novcmbet2014 '{7LRN/NPR Radio, "l%ly Yor Dotr't G* SpudingTickatfiw Yotr Sarpatl', Februery 2014 850WFTL AM Radio, Guest Host of "kllg Mitcbell Utplagd' ,August 3, 2005 610WIOD AM Radio, MichaelJackson Trial Analysis, March 2005-June 2005 850WF-TL AM Radio, Sexual Offendets & Sexud Predltots and MichaelJacksoo Vetdict Analysis, March 2005-July 2005 BIG105,9 FM Radio, MichaelJackson Tdal Analysis, March 2005-June 2005 Y-100 100.7 FM Radio, MichaelJackson Trial Analysis, Match 2005-June 2005 KISS 99.9 FM Radio, MichaelJackson Ttial Analysis, Match 2005-June 2005 National Public Radio (|.IPR), MichaelJackson TtialAnalysis and Terri Schiavo Legel Analysis, March 2005-June 2005 Bj.R M EM B E RSHI pS & pRO FESSI ONAL AS S_O CIAT I ONS The Florida Bar United States District Court/Southem District of Florida United States District Cout/Middle Discict of Florida Unitcd Sates District Court/Northcrn District of Florida United States Bankruptcy Cout/Southem District of Flodda Defense Reseatch Institute pRI) Dade County Bar Assoc.iation pCBA) Flodda Association for Women Lawyers (FAWL)/Miann-Dade Chapter Cuban American Bar Association (CABA) Hispanic National Bat Association (HNBA) Ellesquire Browatd Counry Bat Association (BCBA) Flotida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers FAcDl-)/tttiami-Dade Chapter {000954r6) 30 CV of Kalic S, Pharg Pagt l5 of 15 I.AI{GUAGES Fluent in Spanish Conversational Kotean Conversational Italian (0009t4r6) 31 N$w iterbu S*rce 09/20t2000 Kathleen S Phang [il1ilil1 0&ttE5r0 32 33 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 34 F. MICHAEL STEFFENS 35 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 36 M AMIBT&CH S0.{ftS APJ* COi,}il4lTTf€ APFLICA.?ION FCIR?'S FFar.r faN,wit First Name t4r EL Middle lnitialLast Name baa Orly{tl p{L,Lott*t Lk) City ?qr Home Address Zip Code qos'AZ+L qTsa asitlcq're Email address Business Name Occupalion Business Address City State Zip Code Professionat License (describe): J"{t"tA'ls<'Tr^c Expires: 'l'- t'}vr IA-'^.\..h^e 4'4.oq Please attach a copy of currently effective professional license. Buslness Name \JccuPauull I4W lM.tt*.;"z tn;\e Cptutu 6^vW fv 1l!?\!L Pursuant to City Gode sectio n 2-22(4la & b: Members of agencies, boards and committees shall be affiliated with the City. This requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a. An individual shall have been a resident of the City for a minimum of six months: or b. An individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the City for a minimum of six months. r Resident of Miami Beach for a minimu", ".i- iul *".int' """ * o1. *o X r Demonstrates ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beqchfor a minimum of six months: Yes t or. Ho H r Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes E or Uo @ o I am now a resident of: North Beach E Souttr Beach E fUiOUl" Beach * o lam ng for an ap because I have specigl es, knowledge and expelen-ce. Please list below: r Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? Yes * or No Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [2] second choice, and [3] onlv three (3) choices will be observed bv the Office of the Citv Clerk. Page 1 of4 F:\CLER\sALL\aFORMS\BOARD AND COIIIMITTEES\BC APPLICATION REVISED 06142016.docx third choice. Please note that n Affordable Housing Advisory Committee i: Health Advisory Committee I Parks and Recreation Facilities Board € l- Art in Public Places Committee I Health Facilities Authority Board i.'i Personnel Board D Audit Committee lllisoanic Affairs Committee XPlanninq Board*}( f, Board of Adiustment *t XHistoric Preservation Board *i Police Citizens Relations Committee Budoet Advisorv Committee n Housino Authoritv i.t Production Industrv Council i:l Committee on the Homeless C Human Rights Committee .1 Sister Cities Proqram " ri*. : Committee for Quality Education in MB D LGBT Advisory Committee I Sustainabilitv Committee ;:r: I Convention Center Advisory Board n Marine & Waterfront Protection Authoriiy al Transportation, Parking' & Bicy,cle-Pedestrian Facilities Committee = Cultural Arts Council ii Miami Beach Commission forWomen I Visitor and Convention Authority )DesiSn Review Boardfr r- Normandy Shores Local Government Neinhhnrhonrl lmnrnvement C Youth Commission I Disability Access Committee Y* Board members are required to file Form 1 - "statement of Financial lnterest" with the State. f tf you seek appointment to a professional seat (e.g., lawyer, architect, etc.) on the Board of Adjustment, Design Review' 'Boird, Historic Preservation Board or Planning Board, attach a copy of your currently-effectively license, and furnish the following information : Type of Professional License License Number Ao orrr..,ql License lssuance Date &.lf License Expiration Date 4't1 37 € Note: lf applying for the Youth Cenler positions of the Parks and Recreations Facilities Board, please indicate your affiliation vrith the Scott Rakow Youth Center and/or the North Shore Parks Youth Center: . Please describe your past service with the City's Youth Centers (include dates of service): . Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children: yes il f.fo Q lf yes, please list below the names of your children, their ages and the progmms in which they participate: Age: _ Program: Age: _ Program: Child's name: Child's name: Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Yes lf yes, please explain in detail: r Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach Code? yes E or. NoH lf yes, please explain in detail: . Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money? yes t o, ruoB lf yes, explain in detail: . Are you currently serving on any City Board or Committee? YesHor No ff, lf yes, which board/committee? g*ur* rk^r* r ln what organizatlon(s) in the City of Miami Beach do you currently hold membe rship? NA tpmo Name CI& Position Name Position o List all properties owned or in which you have an interest within the City of Miami Beach: T,R r Are you novr employed by the City of Miami Beach? yes * or. Hoffi Which department and title? r Pursuant to City Code Section 2-25 {bl: Do you.[avp a parent E, spouse *, child E Orotner t or. sister B who is employed by the City of Miami Beach? yes [or ruo EI lf "Yes," identify person(s) and department(s) The following information is voluntary and is neither part of your apptication nor has any bearing on your consideration for appointment. lt is being asked to comply with City diversity reporting requirements. Gender: MaleJ4LI Female Race/Ethn ic Categories What is your race? * ntrican-Rmerican/Black H(cur.r.i"nA//hite H ariun or Pacific lslander * Native-emerican/American lndian ?age 2 al 4 F:\CLER\$ALL\aFORMS\BOARD AND COtv1MITTEES\BC APPLICATION REVISED 06142016.docx 38 t otn"r- Print Race: Do you consider yourself to be Spanish, Hispanic or Latino/a? Mark the "No" box if not Spanish, Hispanic, Latino/a. H*"E y". Do you consider yourself Physically Disabled? X*"E v"" NOTE: lF APPOINTED, YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO FOLLOW CERTAIN LAWS THAT APPLY TO CITY BOARD/GOMMITTEE MEMBERS. THESE LAWS INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying City personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459). o Prohibition from contracting urith the Gity (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1). o Prohibilion from lobbying before the board/commiftee you have served on for period of one year after leaving oflice (Miami Beach City Code section 2-26). o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1). o CMB Community Development Advisory Committee: prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office, ftom having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself, or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.61 1). o Sunshine Law - Florida's Governmentin-the-Sunshine Law was enacted in 1967. Today, the Sunshine Law regarding open government can be found in Chaoter 286 of the Florida Statutes. These statutes establish a basic right of access to most meetings of boards, commissions and other governing bodies of state and local governmental agencies or authorities. o Voting conflict - Form 88 is for use by any person serving at the county, city or other local level of government on an appointed or elected board, council, commission, authority or committee. lt applies equally to members of advisory and non-advisory bodies who are presented with a voting conflict of interest under Sec{ion 112.3143, Florida Statutes. Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk. I HEREBY ATTEST TO THE ACCURACY AND TRUTHFULNESS OF THE APPLICATION; AND I HAVE REGEIVED, READ AND WILL ABIDE BY CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VII, OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE, ENTITLED "STANDARDS OF CONDUCT FORctwEMPLOYEES AND AGENCY MEMBERS AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE COUNTY ANDIOR STATE LAWS AND STATU Applican Received in of the City Clerk by:crr /66 Name of Deputy Control No. ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME, PHOTOGRAPH AND A COPY OF ANY APPLICABLE PROFESSIONAL LICENSE. ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS, IF NECESSARY, TO PROVIDE REQUIRED INFORMATION. Page 3 of4 FlCLER\SALL\aFORMS\BOARD AND COMMITTEES'€CAPPLICATION REVISED 06142016.docx Name of Applicant (PLEASE PRINT) 39 MIAMIBTACH Cify of Miomi Beoch I700 Convenlion Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33139, www.miqmibeochfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C i tyClerk@m i o m i beochf l. gov Telephone: 3A5.673.741 1 Fox: 305.673.7254 Acknowledgement of fines/suspension for Board/Committee Members for failure to comply with Miami- Dade Gounty Financial Disclosure Code Provision Code Section 2-11.1(i)(2) Board Member's Name: ?. Mrdnngt 4b,rrfart I understand that no later than Julv 1. of each year all members of Boards and Committees of the City of Miami Beach, including those of a purely advisory nature, are required to comply with Miami-Dade County Financial Disclosure Requirements. This means that the rnembers of City Advisory Boards, whose sole or primary responsibility is to recommend legislation or give advice to the City Commission, must file, even though they may have been recently appointed. ftg of the following forms must be filed with the City Clerk of Miami Beach, '1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, no laterthan 12:00 noon of July 1, of each year. 1. A 'Source of lncome Statement" 2. A "Statement of Financial lnterests (Form 1)" 3. A Copy of your latest Federal lncome Tax Return Failure to file one of these forms,nt to the Miami-Dade County Code, may subject the person to a fine of no more than $500,both. (o.tr4. Signature Date Updated: Tuesday, October 04, 2016 Page 4 of 4 F:\CLER\$ALL\aFORMS\BOARD AND COMMITTEES\BC APPLICATION REVISED 06142016.docx 40 Nevi lle/Steffens Architects LLP Gregory A. Neville AR 0012197 F. Michael Steffens AR 0011052 F. MICHAEL STEFFENS EDUCATION Rice University, Houston, Texas Masters of Architecture 1984 University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida Bachelor of Design in Architecture 1981 REGISTRATION Florida Personal AR 0011052 Florida Corporate AA 0003466 EXPERIENCE Neville/Steffens Architects LLP was formed in December of 1999 for the practice of architecture, interior design, planning, and related design services. Mr. Steffens project responsibilities encompassed the public sector and corporate and private clienls who express a desire for quality in the built environment. Mr. Steffens has lived in South Florida for 55 years and in Coral Gables for 30 years. Mr. Steffens is currently serving on the City of Miami Beach Design Review Board. He is past Vice Chairman of the Coral Gables Planning and Zoning Board and past Chairman of the City of Miami Beach Design Review Board. He also served on the Coral Gables Board of Architects and the Coral Gables Historic Preservation Board. Specific Food Service Projects lnclude:. Le Zoo Restaurant, Bal llarbourr Plsco y Nazea Restauranfs, Kendall & Doral. La Goulue Restaurant, Bal Harbourr SIX Restaurant, Miami Beach. Eagatelle Restaurant, Miami Beach. Yuga Restaurant, Coral Gableso The Daily Restaurant, Miami. Upland, Miami Eeach Other South Florida Projects lnclude:o Chaminad*Madonna High $chool Performing Arts Facility, Hollyttoodo Chanlnad*Madonna High School Athletic Fields and Facilities, Hollyoode 2320 Ponce de Leon Olfice Euilding, Conl Gablest Miami lnternational AirpoftTerminal E Renovationt Coral Gables City Hall Restorationr Sf Morib Hotel Renovation, Miami Beach. Bass Museum Historic Renovation Consultant, Miami Eeacht Anchor Place Shops and Parking Garage, Miaml Beach: China Grtil Restaurianf, Las Otas RivefirontShops; Morton Towers Addition and Renovation, Miami Beachr Bef Shira $ynagogue, Miamlt B'nai lsrael Synagogue and School, Baea Raton. Toussarnf L0uverture Elementary Scftool, Miamit NumerousHistaricalResldentialReslorations 316 Miracle Mile Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Telephone 305-44&52SSFacsimile 305-444-08,/-2 41 STATE.OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION BOARD OFARCHITECTURE & |NTERTOR DESTGN (850)487-1395 1940 NORTH MONROE STREET TALLAHASSEE FL 32399.0783 STEFFENS, FRANCIS MICHAEL III 316 MIRACLE MILE CORAL GABLES FL 33134 Congralulationsl Wth this license you become one of the nearly one million Floridians licensed by the Depa(ment of Business and Professional Regulation. Our professionals and businesses range from architects to yachi brokers, from boxers to barbeque restaurants, and they keep Florida's economy strong. Every day we work to improve the way we do business in order to serve you better. For information about our services, please log onto www.myfloridalicense.com. There you can find more information aboul our divisions and the regulations that irnpact you, subscribe lo departmenl newsletters and learn more about the Department's initiatives. Our mission at the Department is: License Efficiently, Regulate Fairly. We constantly slrive to serve you better so that you can serve your customers. Thank you for doing business in Florida, and congratulations on your new license! lS LICENSED under the provisions of Ch.4sl FS. Exorration date FEg2a 2017 11412150000656 KEN IAWSON, SECRETARY ffi AROOl 'r :. _:.,,. :, DETACH HERE RICK SCOTT, GOVERNOR STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION BOARD OF ARCHITECTURE & INTERIOR DESIGN AR0011052 TheARCHITECT Named below IS LICENSED Under the provisions of Chapter 481 FS. Expiration date: FEB 28,2A17 STEFFENS, FRANCIS MICHA.EbI{ I 316 MIRACLE MILE CORAL GABLES FI8.3134 " '' rqat ttrn. tr14r,t7n4A NIRPI AV Aq Ptrrll IIRtrN PY I AlA' -'r.. l sFor r 1d1215000065642 JAMES L. BODNAR 43 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 44 g MIAMIBEACH NAME: Bodnar CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BOARD AND COMMIfiEE APPLICATION FORM James Last Name HOME ADDRESS: 301 Ocean Drive First Name Miami Beach Florida Middle lnitial 33139 Apt No. Home No./Street State Zip Code Jbodnar@bodnar.com City PHONE: Home Work Email Address Business Name: Address: position: Architect Street ctv State Zip Code Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(41a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city. o Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months No o Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: No . Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes . (Please circle one): I am now a resident of: South Beach o I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below: Architecture and Urban Design o Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? No Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Please note that only three (3] choices will be observed by the City Clerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City) Choice 1: Design Review Board Ghoice 2: Choice 3: * Board members are required to lile Form 1 - "statement of Financial lnterest" with the State. lf you seek appointment to a professional seat (e.9., lawyer, architect, etc.) on the Board of Adjustment, Design ReviewBoard, Historic Preservation Board or Planning Board, attach a copy of your currently-effectively license, and furnish thefollowing information: Type of Professional License License Number License Expiration Date Note: lf applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center: 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: po years of Service: 2. Present participation in Youth Center activitles by your children No if yes, please list the names of your children, their ages, and which programs. List below: License lssuance Date 45 . Have you ever been convicted of a felony: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Are you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees: No lf yes, which board? o What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you currently hold membership in? o I am now employed by the city of Miami Beach: No Which department? o List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: Gender: Male The following information is voluntary and is neither part of your application nor has any bearing on your consideration for appointment. ll is being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting requirements. Race/Ethnic Categories What is your race? Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be. White Other Description: Are you Spanish/Hispanic/ Latino? Mark the "No" box if not Spanish / Hispanic / Latino. No PhysicallyChallenged: No NOTE: lf appointed, you will be required to follow certain laws which apply to city board/committee members. These laws include, but are not limited to, the following: o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459). o Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1). o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami Beach Code section 2-26).o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (MiamiDade County Code section 2-1 1.1). (re: CMB Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office, from having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself, or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.611). Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Gterk. "l hereby attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the application and have received, read and will abide by Chapter 2, Article Vll - of the City Code "Standards of Conduct for City Officers, Employees and Agency Members." I James Bodnar agreed to the following terms on 11312017 9:01 :10 AM Received in the City Clerk's Office by: Name of Deputy Clerk Control No.Date 46 Resume I James BodnarArchitect, PLLC IAMES L BODNAR'ARCHTTECI PLLC Page 1 of2 Home About Contact Pordollo Rerume EDUCATION |rtlfsL*oDilA&irr.rus|' American Acad€my in Rome,ltaly Post 6mduate Fellowshlp. 1979'1980 Yolo UnlwNlty, New Haven, C'f Mssner 0f tuchltecorm, 1979 Crtfiolic Universlty of AElertB, Washing@n, DC Bachelof of Architecturo, 197,i Bmle des BeuxArts. Fontllnebleau, Frarcc Sqmmer kognm,1972 lamx Bodrrar Architftt Nfl York NY hincipal 1990 to pruseft Skidtrm.Owings& Merrill lnndon, Ns York and Washil}gton, DC AssGiate FdrEer, D6iEIer, 1982 to 1990 Asiate. Dcsigner,1980 to 1902 Deslgner. 1974 to 19?7 I.M. Pei sd PartneB flewYork, NY D*lgner, 1978 EXPr.nrf,}{CE PROFESSIOI{/IL Rcgislered ,trofesslonal ArchiracL New Ytrk MaschEetts.nd llalna ArrhlEcn 16l Regstmdon Council otthe Urited l(irgdom Na{onal Coundl of AEhitechml Reglstmtioo B6rds Pf,OfES$oIAL AnericanlnstituBofArchlt cts ORGAI{IZATIONS Roynllnnla$eofBdtidrArcblBts Amerlcs Aadem, ln Rom, Fellow frllsree EmerlntJ Scicty of F.0m,AAn" Predd€$t Emlrihls Sftlptfe Cerer, Bmld of TrusEes, Chak EmeriaB Society of Arriibctural Hlstorla6 AWANDS Ameri€n Asdmyin Romc. Rome Pr{ze Fellowship, t97q-1980 Stccdmn Taudliag Fcllowrhip, 1979 AIA Schoql Hedal, Yale Universlty, 1979 All School Dsign Compedtion, Yale Unirersity, 19?7 htp ://j bodnar. comhesume/u6n0t7 47 Resume I James Bodnar Architect, PLLC TEACHING Universi ty of Texas, Austin, Departm ent of Architecture, Visiting Critic, 1992 Haryard Uriversity, Craduate School ofDesign. Visiting Critic, 7991 Ivlassachusetts lnstjtute of Technologr, School of Architecture, Thesis Adviser,1991 University of &1aryland, Departmenr of Architccture, Visiting Critic, 1982 Page2 of2 lanes L. tsodnar . ArchitecL Pl,t-C jbodnar@ibodnarpllc.cort Phone 917.673.1?12 http ://j bodnar. con/resume/t/6t2017 48 49 W rffi 50 PIERRE LEON ELMALEH 51 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 52 -.**li F*{. '.-,'-'"\*i { ELMATSIT PIERRE ::yql_ i :. ^ .r .i i ^ rt :- - , ,i i &EON Lasl Name 4545 PRAIRIE AVE First Name MIA!{I BEACH !.t Middle lnitial 33140 Homc Address 305-532-591S 786-999-8455 City ? I 6 *3 03*? 255 Zip Gode PEL!{ALEIISGI.IAIL . COM State Home Telephone Work Telephone SUNSTONE BROI(ERS Cellular Telephone PRINCIPAL AROXSR Email address Business Name 407 LINCOT}I RD SUITE 9D occupalion !,1IA}4I BEACII fL 3313 9 Business Address Professional License (describe): City State REAL ESrA"E BROI(aR, ,/ GENEBAL CON"RACTOR Expires: Zip Code 20t 8 pJ.rass sft;,{r} a f (}s}, ol curr*rfly sffs4}tjys Frof*$3ions, #ser*e. Pursuant to City Gode section 2-29{4}a & b: Members of agencies, boards and committees shall be affiliated with the City. This requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a. An individual shall have been a resident of the City for a minimum of six months; or b. An individual shall demonslrate olynership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the City for a minimum of six months. r Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six {6) rnonths: yes EI or No fJ r Demonstrates ownership/intarest in a business in Mlami Beach for a rninimum of six months: yes E or No f3 . Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes I or No fII r I am now a resident of: North Beach fJ Sou$r Beach ff miaat" Beach EI o I am applying for an appointrnent bacause I have spacial abilities, knowledge and experience" Please list below:I AU PN,SSENTLY BUILDING A 5 STORY-AUILDING IN NOBTH BEACH. I HAVE BEEfl TBROUGE TIIE :r TTCENSED GENERAT CONTRtrCTOR . Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? Ves fJ or No Ef Please list your preferences in order af ranking [lJ first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third clroice. Please note that onlv three (31 choices will be observed bv the Office of tha City Clerk. tr Affordable Housing Advisory Commitl€e f Health Advisory Committee B Parks and Recreation Facilities Board * C Arl in Public Plses Cmmitt*C Health Facilities Authority Board n Feasoflne, Board SAudh Committee C Hisoanic AffBirs Committee i Piarnino Board'* tr Baard of Adiustment'*f Historic Preservation Board*ll Police Chizens Relatbns Committ* tr Bud0el AdvisorY Comrnittee I Horlsinc Authoritv C Praduction lndustry Council Ll committee on the Homeless X Hum6n Riahts Cornmittee n Sister Cities Prooram n Cornmitte€ for Ouslitv Educatian in MB C LGBT Adviso.v Committee O Convention Ceoter Advisory Board II Marine & Wat8rfront Protection Authority il Transportalion, Parking, & Eicyde-Pedestrian Facilities Committee C CulturalArts Council I Miami tseach Cornmission for Wcrnen C Vieitor and Conveniion Authoriiv & Design Review Eoard*C Normandy Shores Local Goyemment Neiohbo/ndad l$lorovedrent n Youth Commission n Oisability Access Committee * Board mambers are required to file Form 'l - "Slatement of Financtal Iniarcst" wlth the Stats.*f you seek appointmant to a professional seat {s.g., lawyer, architect, etc,} on ths Board of Adjuatment, Design Reviow Board, Historic Pr*ervetion Board or Planning Board, atiach a copy of your currently.effectlvaly licen*, and lurnish tha follouring infonnation : Type of Profe$sional License REAI ES?ATE SROXER LicenseNumber BX3120gg5 License lsruance Date e$ { "<r { ?d}e 5 License Expiration nate Ctlt# lZo f I Page 1 of{ F:\CLEFilSALL\BFORMSIBOARS ANO COMMITTEES\BC APPLTCATTON REvtSEO 0€14Z016.docx 53 e Note: lf applying for the Youlh Center positions of the Parks and Recreations Facilities Boarcl, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Cenler and/or the North Shore Parks Youlh Center; . Please describe your past seruice with the City's Youth Centers (include dates of service): . Present panicipation in Youth Canter sctiviljes by your children: Yes ff No ff lf yes, please list below lhe names of your children, their ages and the programs in which they participate: Child's name: Child's name: Age: _ Program: Age: _ Program: r Have you eyer been convicted ofa felony? Yes or No lf yes, please exptain in detail: r Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach CoOe? Yes I or U& ff yes, $ease explain in detail: . Do you cu.renlly o$re the City of Miemi Beach any money? Yes fJ or no E f yes, explain in detail: r Are you cunendy serving on any City Board or Committee? Yes ff or No El If yes, which boardlcommittee? r ln what organization(s) in the City of Miami Beach do you curently hold membership? Name Position Name Position . List all properties owned or in which you have an interest \rithin the City of Miarni Beach: 8421 CRESPI BLVD| 8427 CRXSpI 8LVD, 84L5 nARDTNG AVE, 550 WEST AVE, 4546 pRA,TRIE AVE . ArB you now ernployed by the City of Miarni Beaoh? yes fJ or No E Which department and title? r Pursuant to City Code Section 2-25 (b): Oo you have employed by the city of Miami Beach? ves flor r*o f,EI a partsnt ff,, *po,r"" f], chitd ff brother ff or sistar fJ wtro is lf 'Yes," identifu person(s) and department(s): The following information is voluntary and is appointment. lt is being asked to complywlth Gendcri Male I,iJ Female neithcr part of your application nor has any baaring on your consideration for City diverslty roporting requlrements. RacelEthnic Catogories What is your race? ff Rtrican-nmerican/Btack fll CaucasianrWhite ff e"i.n or Pacific lslander ff Natire-American/American tndian FICLER$ALL\aF0RMS\BoARD ANo co&{MrTrEEsiBc ApplrcAroN *ru,5#L1;f01u.o*, 54 f] otn"r- Print Race: Oo you consader youBelt to be Spanlsh, Hlfipanlc or Latlno/a? Mark the "No" bax if not Spani$i. Hispanic, Lalino/a. El Hofl v", Do you consider yourself PhFlcally Oasabled? Elr,ioff v"" NO?E; lF APPOINTED, YOU WLL BE REQUIRED TO FOLLOI,Y CERTAIN LAlr|S TIIAT APPLY TO CITY BOARO/COLiUffTfE I{FiiiEENS. THESE LAII'S $ICLUDE, BUTARE NOT LIiNIED TO: s Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying City personnel {Miami Beach Ciiy Code section 2-459}. o Prohibition from coniracting r,yith the City (Miami0ade County Code section 2-11.1). o Prohibition lrom lobb'ying before the board/camrnittee you have sawed on for period of one year after leaving olfice (Miami Beach Crty Code section 2-26). o Requirement 10 disclose certain financial interesl$ and gi{ts {Miami-Dade County Code section 2-1 1,1}. o CMB Community Development Advi$ory Committee: prohibition, during tenure and for one year aft*r leaving office. frorn having any interest in or receiving any benefil from Cornmunit'y Oevelopment Block Grant funds for eilher yourself, or those with wtrom you have business or immediate farnily ties (CfR 570.61 1i. o Sunshine Law - Florida's Govemment-in-the-$unshine Law was enacted in 1967. Today, the Sunshine Law regarding open government can be found in fiJUCI$L*$S of lhe Florida Statutes. These statutes esteblish a basic right ol accass to most meetings ol boards, commissions and other goveming bodies of state and local govemm€ntal agencies or authorities. c Votlng contlicl - Form 88 is for use by any person serving at the county, city or olher local level of government on an appointed or elecied board, council, commission, authority or commltt€€. lt applies equally to members of advisory and non-advisory bodies who are presenled with a voting conflicl of interest undsr Section 112.3143, Florida Statuies. Upon request, copi€s of these laws may bo obtainod from the City Clerk. I HEREBY ATTEST TO THE AGCURACY AND TRUTHFULNESS OF THE APPLICATION; AND I HAVE RESEIVED, REAO AUD WLL ABIOE BY CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE vII, OF THE MLAMI BEACH CITY CODE, ENTITLED "STANOAROS OF CONDUCT FOR CITY OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES ANI} AGENCY !'EMBERS A}ID ALL OTHER APPLICABLE COUNTY IINT}/OR STATE LAWS AI.IO STATUTES ACC Y," z.rt{ Applicenl Received in the Office of the City Clerk by: Narne of 0eguty Clerk Control No.Date ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME, PHOTOGRAPH AND A COPY OF ANY APPLICABLE PROFESSIONAL LICENSE, ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS, IF NECESSARY, TO PROVIDE REQUIRED INFORMATION. Page 3 of 4 FICLERIIAIL\aFORMSIAOARD AND COMMITTEES1AC ApPLICATtON REVTSED 06142016-docr -)l'ra4*-.q 6i*if i\ LC,l* 55 Pierre Elmaleh 407 Lincoln Rd, Suite 9D, Miami Beach FL-33139 pelmalshQigmail.com 53 years old Real Estate Construction, Development and Brokerage Professional Experience SUNSTONE DEI/ELOPERS Mismi BEACH since 2AtG General Conhactor, building in North Beach on Crespi Blvd A S-story, 16 aparunent building on the Biscayne waterway GD Constructiott, Miami USA 2010-2016 Consrucdon Manager ' KLA Schools in Brickell 15,000 sft ' Bridge Invest Offices ' Freedom Hotel and Resort ' Francisco Mehech Offices ' Kydoo Kids Cafd+Club Brickell Miami Sunstone Brokers - MiamiBeach, USA 2008-4016 Real Estate Broker - Principal Brokerage and property management Miami Investment Brokers - Miami Beach, USA 2005-2008 Real Estate Sales Associate Tours Promotion Paris, France Construction Manager - Real Estate Development * ' La Coupole, Tours * France, 6 floors, 60,000 sft ' Le Bellevuen Tours * France, 4 floorso 29,000 stf ' Le Bellevue, Le Mans * France, 4 floors, 47,000 sft ' Le Bellel'ue, Rennes* France, 3 flacrs, 50,000 sft ' Le Parc Tonneld, Tours - France, 5 floors, 55,000 sft Accenture - Arthur Andersen Cansulting * Paris, France Consultant - Real Estate Departrnent r996-200s 1988-r996 Education Licensed General Contractor - 2015 Licensed Real Estate Broker - 2005 ESSEC - Ecole Supdrieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales Class of 86 Master in Business Administration Lycee Janson de Sailly - High School Scientific Baccalaureate Cum Laude i98l Languages Completely fluent in 6languages : French, English,Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and German56 3:1a:l{YN trlfrt2ui Data Contained ln Search Results fs Current Ac Of 11/23 12Ot5 03:23 pM" $eilrerl **xr:It* Pleasc see our Sf*S*Afy-gtleIslg for an explanation of the license status *ho$.n in these search results. For additional information, including any oomplainto or discipline, click on the name. UcaniarypG : ,::: , ':tl Certified General Contractor Certified General Contractor EL!{ALr H.- Pt ["nEE tESIra lrlaln Addraeet: 407 U{ilCOLll ROAO SUTTE 9D l-1lAM: BEACit. FL 33139 Current, Active 08/3112018 8K3120995 Current, AcflveBroker 09/30120L7 H*HA*JEH,',$B*LIE'H prrmary :::ffi*? tffir"ir,r$ll'" }laln Addrcrrr: 407 UNCOLN ROAD SUITE 90 MIAITU BEACt-t, FL 33139 Real Estate Broker'- ;;;1"! --- r.k!.{AlE{, PTERRE Lroil Prlmary l^{air Address*r 407 UNCOLN ROAD SUITE 9D i'IIAMI 8EACH, FL 33139 @@ t danotaa t'lain Address - lhis address is the Primary Address on file, ,i'tailing Address - This is the address where the mail assoclated wlth a partlcular liceose $ill be sent (if diff€rent from &eMain or License Location addresses). License Locallon Address - This is th€ address $rhere the place of busin€ss is physically tocated, s5s"4$7_1f95 :: customef Conttct center: Prty.a Stlt]tt$ltfhe $tdte ol fiOrida IE an tA"/(to am$l+ygi uftle{ fiqrrda laB, emarl ,ddtesscc are prblir roaord6. I{ yorr do n*i wana yu$r email sddr$r relea*d in rerporsa to a pub}k.rcrsrdsfeQurft. ds rioi $and oiorlronic fna,l to this entity, Iilst*ad, rsnli{' ihe gfnce by pxo'te or by tra{ritiarBl mail, !f you rrave'*ny que*tnrr,plea* c+Dtact 850 487.1395. 'fur$otnt to gtrtlon 455.?75{t}, fiadd, Statrlaair etlcrsya odlsbar 1. z0rz, tiricnra63 llcrriri, ;rrdrr-'(.tapt€t 'r55. F.S. msst ,rsvidd thc DetaAfieni *it}l aff €fiaii addrr$ if ttrey havr o6e. The lmils Frryided mry bc urad for otfgrrlt&rflffiuri{alrorr wlth llra licen5ee. Hdtreyer emril ddreS$eg are ptrblic record. Ia yo{, do r}ot ilrrir !o srFply i pco*{}.'| lddrdl, sctieiuov.de tnr *epart$l*'It wllh an Btn6;l add/ess which can be n€tf ayrilabi€ tr th€ erblk. Ptaire *i dir. CAfgffff pa$tn " daterfiln€ if you nr6 affected by this cll'nc*. l; rli;:iu.tuJrsslL\r rr r ! I,,,.i :i,", " ffililffi-\$,ffiit ffif[ ccc1524125Primary ;;;;il;; 57 sux8mtr fr -*:t;mt Plerre Elrnaleh Orner/Quafiisr 78&301,72s5 Piene Elmaleh Ownor/ B'olor ?s&30s'72$5 58 FRANK J. KRUSZEWSKI 59 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 60 4 MIAMIBEACH NAME: Kruszewski CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FORM Frank Last Name First Name HOME ADDRESS: 1800 Sunset Harbour Drive .2002 Miami Beach Middle lnitial FL 33139 Apt No. Home No./Street City PHONE: 3055863191 State Zip Code fksobe@icloud.com Email Address Business Name: Address: Position: Street State Zip Code Pursuant to City Code section 2-22141a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this requirement shall be fulfllled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city. r Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months Yes o Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: No o Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes o (Please circle one): I am now a resident of: Middle Beach o I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below: 4 years prior experience on the Planning Board, three years on the Budget Advisory Board, three years on the Police Advisory o Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? No Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Please note that only three (3) choices will be observed by the City Glerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City) Ghoice 1: Design Review Board Choice 2: Planning Board Choice3: Police/CitizensRelationsCommittee Note: lf applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center: 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: po years of Service: 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children No if yes, please list the names of your children, their ages, and which programs. List below: r Have you ever been convicted of a felony: No lf yes, please explain in detail: City o Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Are you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees: No lf yes, which board? o What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you currently hold membership in? Nime Title Sunset Harboui South Condominiu, ,V,";-tr"sident o List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: 61 Property 1800 Sunset Harboul Driue - 2|002^ o I am now employed by the city of Miami Beach: No t Which department? The following information is voluntary and is neither part of your application nor has any bearing on your consideration for appointment. lt is being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting requirements. Gender: Male Race/Ethnic Categories What is your race? Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be. White Other Description: Are you Spanish/Hispanic/ Latino? Mark the "No" box if not Spanish / Hispanic / Latino. No PhysicallyChallenged: No NOTE: lf appointed, you will be required to follow certain laws which apply to city board/committee members. These laws include, but are not limited to, the following: o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Mlami Beach City Code section 2-459).o Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.'l).o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami Beach Code section 2-26).o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-1 1.'1 ). (re: CMB Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office, from having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself, or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.61 1). Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk. "l hereby attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the application and have received, read and will abide by Ghapter 2, Article Vll - of the City Code "Standards of Conduct for City Officers, Employees and Agency Members." I Frank Kruszewski agreed to the following terms on 11116120'16 12:34:23 PM Received in the City Clerk's Office by: Name of Deputy Clerk Control No.Date 62 FRANK J. KRUSZEWSKI 1800 Sunset Harbor Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Home: 305.695.8571 . Cell: 305.586.3191 . fksobe@icloud.com SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Eight years of Community Association Management Experience in properties ranging from 187 to over 500 units. Over 1 5 years of progressive management and project management experience ranging from Financial Systems lT lntegration Projects. Throughout my career I have consistently been recognized as driving organizations to the highest levels of customer satisfaction. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE First Service Residential lnc. 2008 - July 2016. Community Association Manager -o Association Manager luxury high rise properties ranging in size from 187 to over 500 units.o Managed the startup of a new condominium property for First Service Residential; implemented corporate policies and procedures, staff training and on-going maintenance policies. o lnstilled in building staffs at four condominiums to strive to exceed resident's expectations.o successruli|J#il'ffL?Jfl::I3[ffiHiJ.X'r'',:ffi::X,1i'p,inting, waterproonns and roorrepairs and/or replacement projects at five condominium properties.. Total Pool Restoration & Pool Deck Rebuild. Manage the successful renovation of common areas including; hallways, lighting systems, carpeting and lobby refurbishments. :3Hffi::1ffi',13,,.1i:i#'3il;',f :.,i#il1fl1:;:Il.l,:'x.T;[1,,,.o Working with Board implemented strict collections policies which significantly reduced delinquencies.o Prepared weekly and monthly financial and management reports. lmplemented weekly resident newsletter and moved associations fonrard to total electronic communications with owners and residents. Gary Hennes Realtors 2005 - 2008. Closed over $3.5M in residential real estate sales NDS AMERICAS, Newport Beach California 2000 - 2005 Account Director- DirecTV Latin America Account, Miami Lakes, Florida. Full responsibility for service delivery to DirecTV LA and its subsidiary companies in 13 countries.. Outsourcing Services Manager responsible for Video, Voice and Data Encryption services for DIRECTV Latin America. Responsible for the live encrypted broadcast feed for 1.5M subscribers in Latin America COMPAQ COMPUTER SERVICES 1986 - 2()(}() ProjecUProgram Manager - Various Locations. lmplementation manager for lnternet based retail banking project at a major global financial services company.. Successfully implemented Citibank's first true lnternet Portal for Full Service Banking.. Developed systems implementation and deployment project schedules, staffing plans and operational support model, in support of mission critical 24 x 7 operations. GENERAL ELECTRIC. NEUTRON DEVICES DIVISION 1983 - 1986 Data Center Manager. Designed, implemented and managed the VAX Cluster Data Center for Engineering Operations at the General Electric Facility in support of the Department of Energy Nuclear Weapons Program. DOE "Q' Clearance. Security Officer for all engineering computer systems at the facility. Designed and implemented both electronic and physical security controls on ADP resources. 63 MODERN TALKING PICTURES, 1981 - 1983 Systems Programmer and Computer Systems Manager CATHOLIC TEACHING ORDER OF DE LA SALLE CHRISTIAN BROTHERS 1975 - 1981. Taught High School Mathematics and Computer Science in Queen of Peace High School - North Arlington NJ. Dean of Studentsfl/ice-Principle La Salle High School - New York New York EDUCATION /TRAINING Licensed Community Association Manager, Licensed Real Estate Sales Associate College of Staten lsland - City University of New York, New York, New York Bachelor of Science, Mathematics, Secondary School Education Teachers College - Columbia University - Studied Secondary School Adminiskation COMMUNITY SERVICE. Served four years on the Planning Board of the City of Miami Beach. Served as Vice-Chairman of the City of Miami Beach Budget Advisory Committee. Served on the City of Miami Beach Police-Citizens Relations Board. City of Miami Beach Citizens Police Academy Graduate. City of Miami Beach Leadership Academy Graduate. Vice President Sunset Harbor South Condominium Association Board of Directors AWARDS & RECOGNITIONo FSR Annual Excellence in Unit Owner Communications. FSR Annual Excellence in Board and Association Relations. FSR Annual Excellence in Board and Owner Reporting 64 65 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 66 JOHN E. BOWES 67 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 68 g MIAMIBEACH NAME: Bowes CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FORM Last Name HOMEADDRESS:530 First Name Miami Beach Middle lnitial Florida 33141 Apt No. Home No./Street PHONE: 7863028768 7863028768 City State Zip Code bowesjo@gmail.com Home Business Name: NoBe Ventures Email Address position: Member Manager Address: 530 N Shore Drive Miami Beach Florida 33141 Pursuant to Gity Gode seclion 2-?2(41a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; thisrequirement shall be fulfilled.in _the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of sixmonths; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city. . Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months yes o Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: yes o Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: yes o (Please circle one): I am now a resident of: North Beach o I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. please list below: Finance and Security Expertise, I am a member of the Normandy Home Owners Association. o Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? No State Zip Code Please list your preferences in ordet of Lanking [!lfirst choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Please note that onty three (3)choices will be observed by the City Glerk's O,ffice. (RegularBoards of City) choice 1: Normandy shores Local Government Neighborhood lmprovement Choice 2: Board of Adjustment Choice 3: Convention Center Advisory Board Note: lf applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Voutfi Center: 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: po years of Service: 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children No if yes, please list the names of your children, their ages, and which programs. List below: o Have you ever been convicted of a felony: No lf yes, please explain in detail: City o Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Are you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees: No lf yes, which board? o what organizations in the city of Miami Beach do you currenfly hold membership in? o List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: o I am now employed by the city of Miami Beach: No which department? 69 The following information is-voluntary and is neither part of your application nor has any bearing on your consideration for appointment. lt isbeing asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting requirements. Gender: none Race/Ethnic Categories What is your race? Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be. none Other Description: Are you Spanish/Hispanic/ Latino? Mark the "No" box if not Spanish / Hispanic / Latino. No PhysicallyChallenged: No NOTE:- !f appointed, you will be required to follow certain laws whlch apply to city board/committee members. These laws include, but are not limited to, the following: o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459).o Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade county code section 2-11.1).o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami Beach Code section 2-26).o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-1 1 .1). (re: CMB Community DevelopmentAdvisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office from having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant iunds for either yourself or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.61 1). Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Glerk. "l hereby attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the appllcation and have received, read and will abide by Chapter 2, ArflcleVII - of the City Code "Standards of Conduct for City OfflCers, Employees and Agency Members.,, lJohn Bowes agreed to the following terms on 11/9/2016 g:57:!4 AM Received in the City Clerk's Office by:Zot/ Control No.Name of Deputy Clerk 70 530 N Shore Drive Miami Beach FL33141r Cell 786-302-8768 Email: bowesio@omail.com Jot n E Bowes Corporate Business Leader in Operations, Contract Negotiations, Gustomer Service, Process lmprovement & Ghange Management lncreasing Productivity and Bottom-Line Profitability through Operational Efficiency Strategies Professional Profile Accomplished executive with a proven ability to develop and implement Corporate-wide change in North America that supports business and financial objectives. Developed and led key initiatives to negotiate favorable contractor pricing agreements to control costs and operating budget while strengthening supply chain. Recognized as an expert in financial analysis, data analysis, advanced spreadsheet modeling that uncovers operational strengths and weaknesses for making sound decisions for improvement Respected Leader able to build highly motivated management teams focused on achieving goals. Keep up-to-date with changes in the industry through continuing professional development (earned Masters from Harvard University focusing on management and finance). Areas of Expettise . High-Volume Negotiations . Strategic Planning . Multimillion-Dollar Operating and Capitat Budgeting . Analyticaland Financial Skills . Statistical Modeling and ROlAnalyses Ptofes sional Experience Principle Partnet, Consultant/Real Estate Investment -NoBe Ventures LLC US . June 1 2O1g- present Real Estate lnvestment and Development Company1. Company Start-up: Strategy, Supply Chain, Analysis tools, and Marketing Development2. Find, evaluate and bid on undervalued properties.3. Consulting work surrounding Real Estate investments.4. Manage real estate investments from acquisition to divestiture. Ditectot, Global Ptocutement, Inditect Spend - Diebold lnc. US . Jan 2013 - June 1 2O1g Collaborative development and launch of 2 cost saving projects:5. National subcontractor management process and subcontractor management software automation requirements and design6. New supply chain program for electronic security products including developing new RFp and cost strategy Director, Process Improvement - Diebold lnc. US . April2012 - Jan 2013. Develop process improvement & process reengineering programso Division Lead for Oracle iProcurement, isourcing and isupplier roll out with field associates and subcontractor networko DeveloP automated Subcontractor RFI and database for field and procurement use. Reengineered subcontractor on boarding process Managet, Strategy Development, Sr. Proiect manager- Diebold lnc. Boston & Miami. Jan 2009 - April2012 71 530 N Shore Drive Mlami Beach FL33141. cell 786-302-8768 Email : bowesio@omail.com o Develop Reengineering program for Subcontractor Optimization, Estimation and PO Administration programs for US implementations Businesso Co-lead a cross functional team with Global Procurement to Roll out reengineered processes to provide subcontracted serviceso Develop extensive RFP, processes to analyze the results, and implement final agreemento Rationalize contractors across US - Efficiencies gained in Scope and Scaleo Create centralized estimation & procurement process using agreed price structureo Reduce variation in subcontractor cost for traditional & TISo Establish cost controlthrough procurement methodologies, RFP and advanced negotiationso Rationalize Subcontractor Network from 1154 in 2009 to 391 in Dec 2010 for 100% of spendo contributed 1.2M in annual savings in 2010 for Business savings program Area Implementation Managet,- Diebold lnc. Boston, MA. April 2oo7 -Jan 2009o Develop strategic processes for installation divisiono Roll out new processes to internal employees and contractors & monitor and measure process change. Lead team of employees from different departments to business transformation initiatives.o Leadership responsibility of $48M in annual installation revenue for the areao Lead attainment of annual operating budget $40M in operating costso Financial analysis of area costs and revenue to understand and drive operational efficiencies Regional solutions Manager - Diebold lnc. Boston, MA March 2oo4 -April 2007. Develop positive long-term customer relationshipso Full Leadership responsibility of $48M in annual revenue businesso Lead attainment of annual operating budget of $29Mo Lead rollout of Regional Operations Center (ROC) and Regional Lock Shop.. Lead team of 17 managers above (direct), and 182 field associate (indirect) Programming and Software Skills Advanced ExcelWA/isual Basic Macro building, Arena Modeling Simulation, Sawion Business Modeler, Access, lnfoPath, Oracle iProcurement & isourcing Education Master of Arts, ALM Management- Harvard university, cambridge, MA . GpA 3.7214.0 Bachelor of Science, Major in Finance, Minor in CIS - Universitybf Miami, Miami FL. GpA 3.55/4.0 Advanced Negotiations Seminar, Harvard University, Cambridge MA Six Sigma -Green Belt - 2006 Vertical Leadership- Diebold 2OO7 -2OOB Licensing Florida Real Estate Sales Associate (Active) - November 4,2012 Florida Real Estate Sales Associate - 1987, lggg Florida Registered Appraiser Trainee -2001-2002, Miami Ftorida Volunteer Experience & Causes Discussion leader / Coach Harvard Alumni Association April 2012Education - Breakthrough Miami is a program to assist disadvantaged students to prepare and receive exceptional secondary education. Discussion leader for a series ofbreakout groups to talvteach a skill, e.g. pubiic speaking, resume tips, college advice, etc. 72 530 N Shore Drlve Miaml Beach FL33t4l. ceil 786-302-8768Email: boweslo@qmail.com City of Miami Beach Leadership Academy Citv of Miami Beach Sept 2013 - Presenr - politics Advisory Council Member, Normandy Shores Local Government Citv of Miami Beach - December 2012 - Present * Politics Advisory Board member to the City of Miami Beach City Commission to provide support and recommendations for Normandy Island, Miami Beach. Normandy Shores HOA Board Member City of Miami Beach December 2012 - Present - politics Member, Special Advisory Committee for Security Services RFp Citv of Miami Beach June 2013 - Present - politics - Committee to analyze, review, and advise the City of Miami Beach City Manager & Commissioners on the security 11p'p Guest Lectur". WHN"I$Y Barr.v Universitv March 20l2Education - Yearly guest lecturer training undergraduates on advanced Excel and Microsoft tools. Show students the practical use of these tools to help their employer manage a better operation. Discussion Panelist Harvard Alumni Association April 20l2Education - Overtown Youth Center offers program - Participated in a panel presentation ofexperiences about education, work, and college designed to motivate youth, including e&A session. Ambassador o, City Year October 2012 Education - City Year is wholly focused on fighting the national dropout crisis. As an Ambassador, I work as an adviser and support person to the Core Members I am assigned to. Volunteer Feedins South Florida - August 2}l2Povefi Alleviation Volunteer to sort food and health products to ready for distribution 73 +,C o) EJlJoE .9 oo J o oo..4CCFC'6.e 6+, .=ro ts+,ai LY(uE_c =oo O6tEEuro r-(!OLlJo(U r',l- =O.trc3O(oo=f .9g cioco.g )o .t1 .vl Eo(,1 o 1cq)(J =(I,E L -9lJ- (! o .E tro vlothco .U 'u-o a (! 3 zo -F SfI IJJd, J zo Itntn IJJlra& AH 6, zt,q r4tn: IJI'z Itnfo ltoFz IJJ Fd, o-lrlo o Id,oJII lto IJJF Ftn *.\(ufl\.<tr E X.61 .E t/r.- rr. E 6i !*.ts _a* c h; ro Ll o-t .Y -€4Oo)> -, l- d)#mo-oZ d. FlrJd Hta 2g 3Iz IJJY N F{o O{ o(I, d o !- ddxlrl d,ozd lrJ ou EoU(n Y(J d. 74 75 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 76 CARMEN M. BROWNE 77 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 78 g MIAMIBEACH NAME: Browne CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FORM Carmen Last Name HOME ADDRESS: SZS North Shore Drive First Name Miami Beach Middle lnitial 33141 Apt No. Home No./Street State Zip Code carmenmbrowne@gmail.com City PHONE: Home Business Name: NoBe Ventures LLC Address: 530 North Shore Drive Work Email Address position: lnvestor Miami Beach FL 33141 Pursuant to Gity Code section 2-?2(41a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city. o Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months Yes o Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: yes o Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: yes o (Please circle one): I am now a resident of: North Beach o I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below: I have Iived and worked in this community since November 2003. I also serve on the board of our HOA and am familiar with the o Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the Cig of Miami Beach? No State Zip Code Please list your preferences in order of glking t_il-first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Please note that only three (3) choices will be observed by the City Clerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City) Choice 1: Normandy Shores Local Government Neighborhood lmprovement Choice 2: Choice 3: Note: lf applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center: 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: po years of Service: 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children No if yes, please list the names of your children, their ages, and which programs. List below: o Have you ever been convicted of a felony: No lf yes, please explain in detail: City o Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: No lf yes, please explain in detail: . Are you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees: Yes lf yes, which board? Normandy Shores Local Government Neighborhood lmprovement Board o what organizations in the city of Miami Beach do you currenfly hold membership in? o List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach; o I am now employed by the city of Miami Beach: No Which department? 79 The following information isvoluntary and is neither part of your application nor has any bearing on your consideration for appointment. lt isbeing asked to comply with federal equat opportunity reporting requirements. Gender: Female Race/Ethnic Categories What is your race? Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be. White Other Description: Are you Spanish/Hispanic/ Latino? Mark the "No" box if not Spanish i Hispanic / Latino. No PhysicallyChallenged: No NOTE: !f appointed, you wlll be required to follow certaln laws which apply to city board/commlttee members. These laws include, but are not limited to, the followlng: o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2459).o Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1).o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami Beach Code section 2-26).o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dadg County Code section 2-1 1 .1). (re: CMB. Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office, from having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant iunds for either yourself, or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.61 1). Upon request, coples of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk, f'! -t "tely attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the applicatlon and have received, read and will abide by Chapter 2, Article Vll - of the City Code "Standards of Conduct for Clty Officerc, Employees and Agency Members." I Carmen Browne agreed to the following terms on 1111112016 9:28:09 AM Received inthecitvcrerk'sofficeby: Zr,-r. ^ O)ue,_-^-J._ rtt/ / ll Name of Deputy Clerk Control No. Z./.t./ z o.t z Date 80 Carmen M. Browne 575 N. Shore Drive Miami Beach, FL 33141 305-793-4445 Education: 1975 Graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor's of Social Work from Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 1983 Graduated with a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Denver College of Law, Denver, CO Past Work Experience: 1975 - 1977: Social worker with Hahnemann Hospital in philadelphia, pA 1978 - 1980: Foster care worker with the Fairfax Department of Social Services in Fairfax, VA 1983 - 1995: Attorney. Practiced law in Denver, CO 1995 - 2003: Assistant manager for Strategic Asset Management, LLC in Denver, CO Current Occupation: 20l2to present: One of two managing members of NoBe Ventures LLC, aFlorida limited liability company in Miami Beach, FL 81 82 BRETT A. HARRIS 83 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 84 ID:MIAMIBEACH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FORM NAME: Harris Brett Last Name HOME ADDRESS: 805 N. Shore Drive First Name Miami Beach FL Middle lnitial 33141 PHONE: Apt No. Home No./Street City State Zip Code bharris200@gmail.com Work Email Address Business Name: Douolas Elliman Real Estate Address: 1111 Lincoln Road Miami Beach FL position: Realtor 33139 Street City State Zip Code Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4) a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city. r Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months Yes o Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes o Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: yes o (Please circle one): I am now a resident of: North Beach e I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below: o Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? No Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Please note that onty three (3) choices will be observed by the Gitv Clerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City) Ghoice 1: Normandy Shores Local Government Neighborhood lmprovement Choice 2: Budget Advisory Commiftee Choice 3: Parks and Recreational Facilities Board * Board members are required to file Form 1 - "statement of Financia! tnterest" with the State. lf you seek appointment to a professional seat (e.9., lawyer, architect, etc.) on the Board of Adjustment, Design ReviewBoard, Historic Preservation Board or Planning Board, attach a copy of your currently.effectively license, and furnish thefollowing information: Type of Professional License License Number License Expiration DateLicense lssuance Date Note: lf applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center: 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: 11o years of Service: 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children No if yes, please list the names of your children, their ages, and which programs. List below: 85 . Have you ever been convicted ofa felony: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Are you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees: No lf yes, which board? o What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you currenfly hold membership in? o I am now employed by the city of Miami Beach: No Which department? o List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: Property 805 N. Shore Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33141 Gender: Male The following information is votuntary and is neither part of your application nor has any bearing on your consideration for appoantment. lt is being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting requirements. Race/Ethnic Categories What is your race? Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be. White Other Description: Are you Spanish/Hispanic/ Latino? Mark the "No" box if not Spanish / Hispanic / Latino. No PhysicallyChallenged: No NOTE: lf appolnted, you will be requlred to follow certaln laws whlch apply to clty board/committee members. These laws lnclude, but are not llmlted to, the following: o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459).o Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2.11.1).o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami Beach Code section 2-26).o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-1 1 .1). (re: CMB Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office, from having any interesl in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant iunds for either yourself, or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.61 1). Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk. 86 'l hereby attest to the accuracy and truthfulnerc of the appllcdlon and have rccelved, rcad and wllt abldo by Ghapter 2, ArUcle Vll - of the Clty Code "Standardl of Conduc't for Clty Ofilcers, Employees and Agency tembers." I Brett Harris agrced to the followlng terms on Receivedinthecitvclerk'sofiiceby: Zt - Q-.-r.4- :-rot, ?, , o,- Name of Deputy Clerk Control No. Date 87 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 88