20160210 RELEASE 5MIAMIBEACH €ity of Miomi Beqch, I200 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33139, www.miomibeochfl.gov MEMORANDUMTo: Mayor Philip Levine and Members of the City Commission FROM: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk DATE: February 9,2014 SUBJECT: City Commission At-Large Nominations for February 10, 2016, - Release # 5 Below please find the City Commission At-Large Nominations received to date for the February 10, 2016 Commission Meeting. Changes made since Release # 4, ate shown in red. BOARD AND COMMITTEES 1. AFFORDABLE HOUSTNG ApVtSORy COMMTTTEE VACANCTES (6): c Beth B. Butler (Release # 1, Page 5)o Nominated for appointment (citizen who represents employers within the jurisdiction) by Commissioner Grieco. (Release # 3, Page 1 - category change) o Janie P. Hayes (Release # 1 , Page 13)o Nominated for appointment (citizen actively engaged as an advocate for low-income persons in connection with affordable housing) by Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez. o Francis (Frankie) Trullenque (Release # 1, Page 21)o Nominated for appointment (citizen actively engaged as an advocate for low-income persons in connection with affordable housing) by Vice-Mayor Alem6n.o Nominated for appointment (citizen actively engaged as an advocate for low-income persons in connection with affordable housing) by Commissioner Malakoff. (Release # 2, Page 1)o Nominated for appointment (citizen actively engaged as an advocate for low-income persons in connection with affordable housing) by Mayor Levine. (Release # 3, Page 1) o Nominated for appointment (citizen actively engaged as an advocate for low-income persons in connection with affordable housing) by Commissioner Arriola. (Release # 3, Page 1) o Jeffrey M. Feldmano Nominated for appointment (citizen who actively serves on the local planning agency pursuant to F.S. S 163.3174 [Planning Board Member]) by Commissioner Grieco. (Release # 4, Page 5) 2. BUDGET ADVISORY COMMTTTEE VACANCy (1): No nomination received do date. 1 3. HEALTH ApVtSORy COMMTTTEE VACANCTES (3): o Dr. Todd M. Narson (Release # 1, page 2g)o Nominated for reappointment (health benefits provider) by Commissioner Malakoff.o Nominated for reappointment (health benefits provider) by Vice-Mayor Alem6n. (Release #2, Page 1) . Dr. Nchard M. Awdeh (Release # 5, page 5)o Nominated for reappointment (corporate individual) by Commissioner Malakoff. o Dr. Anthony J. Japour (Release # 5, Page 17)o Nominated for reappointment (administrator from an ACLF/ALF) by Commissioner Malakoff. 4. |A IIIIIIIIIIIIIII BEACH HUMAN RtcHTS COMMTTTEE VACANCy (1): o Clare F. McCord (Release # 1, Page 4l)o Nominated for appointment by Vice-Mayor Alemdn.o Nominated for appointment by Commissioner Arriola.o Nominated for appointment by Commissioner Malakoff.o Nominated for appointment by Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez.o Nominated for appointment by Commissioner Grieco. (Release # 2, Page 1) 2 Dr. Richard M. Awdeh 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4 g MtAMlsrfrH o CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BOARD AND GOMMITTEE APPLICATION FORM NAME: Awdeh Richard Last Name HOMEADDRESS: First Name Mlaml Beach Middle Initial 33r39 Apt No. Home No./Street City PHONE: Home Work Business Name: Btacom Patmer Eye lmutute Position: Physlclan Address: 900 NW 17th Street Mlami StaE Zip Code rlchard.awdeh@gmai l.com Emai! Address FL 33't36 Street State Zip Code Pusuant to Clty Code sectlon 2-22111a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be afiiliated with the city; this requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city. o Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months Yes o Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: No . Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes o (Please dfcle one): I am now a resident of: South Beach o I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below: I am a physiclan ln illaml. o Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? l{o Please list your preferences in oder of ranking [] first dtoice [2] second cttoice, and [3] third choioe. Please note that only thrce (31 cholces will be observed by the Glty Clerk'g Crfflce. (Regular Boards of City) Cholce l: Health Advisory Committee Cholce 2: Choice 3: Note: lf applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center: 1 , Past serviee on the Youth Center Advisory Board: tr1o years of Service: 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children No if yes, please list the names of your children, their ages, and which programs. List below: o Have you ever been convicied of a felony: No lf yes, please explain in detail: City o Do you cunently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Do you cunently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Are you cunently serving on any City Boards or Committees: No lf yes, wtridr board? o What organizations in the City of Miami Beacfi do you cunently hold membership in? o List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: o I am now employed by the city of Miami Beach: No lMrich department? 5 rhe rotlowrns lnromatlon tr voy*i""?,iJl."Fn:{rr#;lll"rrtT,l,ll1::n nor hag tnv be.rins on lonslaer.uon ror appo.ntment. lt lr belng acked to comply x'[rr Gender: Male Race/Ethnic Categories What ls your race? Mark one or morc raoes to indicate what you consider yourself to be. Whlte Other Description: Are you Spanish/Hispanic/ Latino? Mark the "No" box if not Spanish / Hispanic / Latino. No PhysicallyChallenged: No NOTE: lf appolnted, you wlll bc rcqulrcd to lollow certrln lawr wlrlch apply to ctty boerdlcommlttee memberu. These law! lnclude, but.no not llmlted to, tfie followlng: o ProhibiUon ftom directy or lndirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beacfi City Code s€dion 2-{59).o Pohibition from contracting with the city (Miaml-Dade County Code section 2-1 t .l ).o Pmhibilion hom lobbylng before board/commatteo you have serued on for perlod of one year after leaving offce (Miaml Beach Codo section 2-26).o Requirement to disclose certain financlal lnterests and gifrs (Miami-Oade County Code seciion 2-t 1.1). (re: CMB Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year alter leaving offce, ftom having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Developmenl Block Grant funds for either yourself, or thos6 with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.61t). Upon rcqucrt, copler of there hwt may be obtalned from thr Clty Clerk. l'!..hete-by .ttest !o ths accurecy and truthfulnesr ol the .ppllc.Uon rnd hevc rccclved, ,€ad lnd wlt! abide by Chaptcr 2, Artlcle Vll - of the Clty Code "Standards of Gonduct for Ctty Olfhon, Employcer rnd Agency ilemben." I Rlchard Awdeh agreed to tlte followlng terms on Received in the City Clerks Oflice by: Name of Deputy Glerk Control No.Date 6 Rlchard M. Awdeh, M.D.-l Richard M. Awdeh M.D. CURRENT POSITION: Unlted States, Food and Drug Admlnlstratlon Clrle Founder, Chlef Executlve Officer CheckedUp Founder, Chlef Erecutive Ofllcer Bascom Palmer Eye lnstitute, Unlversity of Mlami Asslstant Professor of Ophthalmology Asslstant Professor of Pathology Asslstant Professor of Molecular Blology and Biochemistry Executive Mediclne, Ophthalmology Dlrector, Technology Transfer ln Ophthatmology 2012 Team Ophthalmologlst, Universtty of Mlaml Hurrlcanes Team Ophthalmologlst, Miami Marllns MEDICAL TRAINING: Bascom Palmer Eye tnstltute Fellow, Cornea and Refractlve Surgery. Post Gnduate Year - V Fellowship Training Duke Unlverslty, Depanment of Ophthalmology Resident, Ophthalmology. Post Gnduate Year - ll - lV Residency Training. Wnner Duke Ocular lnnovation Award Memorial Sloan-Ketterlng Cancer Center lnternshlp, lnternal lttledlclne. Posl Graduate Year - I Residency Tnining EDUCATION: Yale Unlverslty, School of Medlclne Doctor of Medlclne Washington, DC Chalrman, Dermatologlc and Ophthalmic Drugs Arlvlsory Committee Jan 2015 - Jan 2019 . Board Certified, United States Medical Licensilg Exam (USMLE) Step I, Step 2 & Step 3 . Medical School Thesis Project: Treatmeut of Optic Pathway Gliomas (tlonors) . Presideut. American Medical Associatiou, Snrdent Cbapter, Yalc University . Yale Student Research Grart Recipient - Suqmer 2001, Spring 2003 Emory Unlverslty Golzueta Buslness School . Valedictoriau of Emory Business School . Sruuua Cum Laude, Highest Honors. Coomencement speaker Miami, Florida Nov 2011 - Present New York, NY Dec2012- Present Miami, Florida July 2009 - Present July 2009 - July Miami, Flodda July 2008 - July 2009 Durham, North Carolina July 2005 - June 2008 New York, New Yotk June 2004 - June 2005 New Haven, Connecticut August 2000 - May 2004 Atlanta, Georgia August 1995 - May 1999 7 Rlchard M. Awdeh, rl.D.-2 London School of Economlcs, July 1997 London, England. Intcrnational Business Strategy Course concentrating on topics of European Monetary Union, rout€s for achicving international expansion, and managing a multi-national corporation. Haruard Unlversltyt Graduate ScDool of Eusiness Summer Venture in llanagament Program, June 1998 Boston, Massachusetts. Focused on entrepreneurial management and the dynamics of teams in today's work environment. RESEARCH FUNDING: Natlonal lnstitutes of Health I Natlonal Eye lnstitute Molecular in vivo lmaging of ophthalmic tumors R21 EY02091041 September 2010 - September 2012 " o)(1) 2008 Carl Zeiss AG Research Grant Research to Prevent Bllndness Resldent Support Yale School of Mediclne Sfudent Research Grant Yale School of liledlclne Studenf Research Grant 2003 2008 2001 HEALTH RELATED EXPERIENCE: 2008 Paul Kayser lnternatlonal Scholar Buenos Aires, Argentina Awaded by the Pan-American Assocration of Ophthalmology, December 2007 United Sfates Food and Drug Admlnlstratlon Centcr for Drug Evaluation and Rcssarch - Resident Medical Officcr, Summer 2007. Acted in the capacity of a Mcdical Offrcer (MO) in a multi-disciplinary tcam including pharmacologists, microbiologists, chemists, statisticians, compliance officers and physicians in the evaluation of new ophthalmic drugs.. Criticatly analyzed Investigational New Drug (IND) and New Drug Application (NDA) clinical trial design and statistical methods for Phase I, II, and III trials.. Participated in industry conference calls and meetings regarding clinical trial dcsign, methods, and results.. Completed courses in clinical trial design and statistical mcthods. Yale MD Thesis Prolect I St. Jude's Chlldren Research Hospltal Glinical Researcher. See description above. Bascom Palmer Eye lnstitute, Unlverslty of Mlaml Visiting Rcsident, Orbital Oncology/Oculoplastics Service, November 2004 Doheny Eye lnstitute, Unlversity of Southern Callfornla Visiting Medical Student / Researcher, Summer 2003. Contributed to sevcral clinical research projects in ophthalmology including the Intraocular Retinal Prosthesis 2005- Summer Summer 8 Rlchard M. Awdeh, M.D.-3 Project, 25-Guage Sutureless Vitrectomy Surgery, and patient Quality of Life following retinal surgcry. Emory Unlverslty Scfool ol lledlclne Basic Science Rcsearcher, August 1999 - May 2000 ' Conducted research on Nuclear Porc Complex, specifically studying the role of protein NUP 98 in transport both into and out of nucteus in a Xenopous system. Gained basic science bench skills including running Westem Blots, polyacrytamide gels, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), protein aflinity columns, and protein "r.uyt. PRIOR WORK EXPERIENCEi Arthur Andersen, LLP. Summer Analyst, Summer 1998 Goldman, SacDs l3 Co. Research Analyst, Fall 1997 Summer Analyst, Summer 1997 PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES: . American Board of Ophthalmology (ABO), Diplomate . American College of Ophthalmic Surgeons (ACOS), 2010 - Present (Founding Membcr). American Acadcmy of Ophthalmology (AAO),2005-Present . Comeal External Disease and Rcfractive Surgeons (CEDARS), 2012 - Present (Founding Membcr). Association for Rcscarch in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), 2003-Present. American Medical Association, 2000-Present. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ASCRS) and American Socicty of Ophthalmic Administrators, 2005-Prcsent. Sports Ophthalmology Society of thc Americas, Founding Board, 2005-Present. North Carolina Medical Society, Member. North Carolina Ophthalmology Society, Member RESEARCH: Courses Tausht: Awdeh RM, Donnenfeld E, Slade S, Dell S, Culberston W, Krueger, R, Trattler, W, Kilic, A. Femtosecond laser cataract surgery. American Society of Cataract and Refractivc Surgeons. Boston, MA, October, 2014. Dunbar M, Awdeh, RM. Breaking News from Bascom Palmer. SECO, Ncw Orlcans, LA, March 2014. Awdeh RM, Trattler, W, Donnenfeld, E. DiSital Tools for Patient Education and Communication. American Society of Ophthamic Administrators. Boston, MA, October, 2014. Awdeh RM, Donnenfeld E, Slade S, Dell S, Culberston W, Krueger, R, Trattler, W, Kilic, A. Fcmtosecond laser cataract surgery. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. San Francisco, CA, April 2013 Awdeh RM, Slade S, Dell S, Trattler W, Culbertson W, Nichamin S. Femtosecond laser cataract surgery. American Academy of Ophthalmology. Orlando, FL, October, 201l. Awdeh RM, Slade S, Dell S, Trattler W, Culbcrtson W, Nichamin S. Fcmtosecond laser cataract surgcry. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. San Diego, CA, March 27,2011. Toyos R, O'Bricn TP, Sciller B, Awdeh RM, Trattler H. Vision and Sports: Sports Ophthalmology Society of the Americas. Amcrican Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. Chicago, tL, April 7, 2008. Toyos R, Kim T, O'Brien TP, Mah FS, Schuler W, Awdeh RM, Trattler WB. Vision and Sports: Sports Ophthalmology Socicty of the Americas. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. San Diego, CA, May 1,2007. 9 Rlchard ll. Awdeh, M.D.4 Biomedical Engineering: Design in Biotechnology, Duke University, Spring 2006 - Teacher's Assistant Led a team of engineering students in the design and development of a novel devico for intraocular pressure measurements. Yale School of Medlclne Thesls: Awdeh RM. Visual Outcome using Conformal Radiation Therapy versus Chemotherapy versus Surgery in the treatment of Optic Pathway Gliomas. Book Chapters: Awdeh RM, Lakhanpal RR, Humayun MS. "Artificial Vision, Visual Prostheses & Retinal Implants" in Tano Y, Alfaro DV, Liggett PE, Micler WF, Quiroz-Mercado H, Jager RD ed. Ase-related Macular Deseneration: A Comorehensive Textbook. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. October l, 2005. O)t/0 Peer.Revlewed Sclentlflc Paoers : de laZerda, A, Prabhulkar, S, Perez, VL, Ruggeri, M, Paranjape, AS, Habte, F, Gambhir, SS, Awdeh, RM. Optical Coherence contrast imaging using gold nanorods in living mice. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmolog,2014. Awdeh, RM, Kiehna, EN, Drewry, RD, Kerr, NC, Haik, BG, Wu, S, Xiong, X, Merchant, TE. Visual Outcomes in Pediatric Optic Pathway Glioma aftcr Conformal Radiation Therapy. Intertational Journal of Radiation Oncologt, 2012,84(t). 46-5t. Prabhulkar S, Matthews J, Rawal S, Awdeh RM. Molecular Histopathology Using Gold Nanorods and Optical Coherence Tomography. Investigalive Ophthalmologt & Visual Science,20l3,54(2), I192-l2OO. Prabhulkar S, de [a Zerda A, Paranjape A, Awdeh RM. Single Step Nanoplasmonic Immunoassay for the measurement of protein biomarkers. Bios ensors. 20 I 3, 3( I ), 77-88. Awdeh RM, Vroman DT, Ying MS, Coldman D, Kymionis G, Yoo SH. Phototherapeutic keratectomy for treatment of subepithelial fibrosis and anterior comeal scarring following Dcscemet's stripping automated endothel ial keratoplasty. C orne a. 20 I 2 luly, 3 I (7), 7 6 I -7 63. Trattler WB, Awdeh RM, Albe E. The Ballots Are in. The all-time most-viewed videos on Eyctube.net. Cataract & Reftactive Surgery Today. February 20 I I . Pages I 9-20. Awdeh, RM, Alfonso, E, Humayun MS. Ophthalrnic Innovation: Thc cycs have it. Medical Innovation and Business. 2( I ): I 0- 14, Spring 20 I 0. (Featured, Covcr Article) Awdeh RM, Trattler WB, It's All in the Details. Exploring the fine points on Eyetube net. Cataract & Refractive Surgery Today. September 2010. Pages 25-26. Awdeh, RM, Alfonso, E, Humayun MS. Ophtalmic Innovation and thc Venture Capital Space, Cataract and Refractive Surgery Today: Innovation 2010. lanuary, 2010. (Featured Article to Book) Awdeh RM, Galchus S, Deramo V, Stinnett S, Lee P, Fekrat S. Vision-related quality of lifc in pcrsons with branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) using the 25-Item NEI Visual Function Questionnaire . Br J Ophthalmol. 2010 Mar 94 (3 ). Awdeh RM, Boggiano C, Goldbcrg DF, Stan CE, Stein J. What Type of Practice Does One Choose? Physicians and an employment spccialist discuss carccr options. Cataract & Refractivc Surgery Today. November 2009. Pages 40-45. Awdeh RM, Korcishi AF. Are donor comeoscleral rim cultures in penetrating keratoplasty clinically relevant? American Academy of Ophthalmology Current Insight. Q3, July 23,2008. 10 Rlchard M. Awdeh, tr.D.-s Awdeh RM, DeStefano JJ, Blackmon DM, Cummings TJ, Kim T. The Presence of T-lymphocyte Subpopulations (CD4 and CD8) in Ptcrygia: Evaluation of the lnflammatory Response. Adv Ther 2008 Sep-Oct; 25(5):47 9-87 . Awdeh RM, Galchus S, Dcramo V, Stinnett S, Lee P, Fekrat S. Vision-related quality of life in persons with branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) using the 25-Item NEI Visual Function Questionnaire. Accepted to Brirish Journal of Ophthalmologt.20l0 Mar 94 (3). (b)(o Abstracts / Presentatlons: Awdeh RM. Digital Management and Education of Cataract Patients: Analyzing Effects of a Mobilc Health Platform. American Academy of Ophthalmology, Chicago, IL, October 2014. Awdeh RM. Hanrahan, D, Yoo, S, Katz, J, Donnenfeld, E, Ingrosso M. Digital Management and Education of Cataract Patients: Analyzing Effects of a Mobile Health Platform. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Sugcry, Boston, MA, April 2014. Awdeh RM. Surgical Guidancc Systcm. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Sugery, Boston, MA, April20l4. Awdeh RM, Prabhulkar S, de laZerda A, Gambhir S. Development Of Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles As Diagnostic And Thcrapcutic Agents For Age-Rclated Macular Degeneration. ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, FL, May 2012. Matthcws JL, Prabhulkar S, de la Zerda A, Gambhir S, Awdeh RM. Tumors and Non-ncoplastic Lesions: Expanding Fronticrs from Histology to Molecular Histopathology and Gcne Expression. ARVO, Fort Lauderdalc, FL, May 2012. Prabhulkar S, de la Zerda A, Gambhir S, Awdeh RM. Development Of Singlc Step Nano-Optical Immunoassay As A Replaccment For ELISA For The Measurement of Protein Biomarkers Upregulated in Disease State. ARVO, Fort Lauderdale, FL, May 2012. Awdeh RM, de laZerda A, Perez VL, Rugerri M, Gambhir S. Optical Cohercnce Molecular Imaging Using Gold Nanorods [n Living Mice Eyes. ARVO, Fort Laudcrdale, FL, May 201l. Awdeh RM, Yoo SH, Culbertson WW. Femtosecond lasers to crcate astigmatic keratotomics. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Surface Ablation, Fcmtolasers, and Crosslinking Conference. Fort Lauderdale, FL, May 2010. Awdeh RM, Yoo SH. Confocal microscopy for the detection of acanthamoeba cysts. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. Dimitri Azar Conference. Boston, MA, April 2010. Lora A, Karp C, Vedula A, Yoo SH, Culbertson WW, Awdeh RM. Post LASIK Peripheral Inflammatory Keratitis. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. Boston, MA, April 2010. Vedula A, Awdeh RM, Goldman DA. Permancnt Tattoo of a Descemet Stripping Endothelial Keratoplasty Button. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. Boston, MA, April 2010. 11 Rlchard M. Awdeh, t .D.-6 Awdeh RM. Surgical Management of the Mature Cataract. Cataract and Refractive Surgery Congress. Miami, FL, February 2010. Awdeh RM. Metallic nbnoparticles as anti-infective agents. International Congress on Ocular Infection. Palm Beach, FL, February 2010. Awdeh RM. Ocular Allergy Presentation; Executive Board of ISTA Pharmaceuticats. January 2010. Awdeh RM. Bascom Palmer Eye Innovations: A Portfolio of Technology for the Future of Ophthalmology. University of Miam, Innovation Tcchnology Showcase. Miami, FL, November,2009. Awdeh RM. Dry eye and the patient with cataract. American Society of Ophthalmic Registcred Nurses Conference. Miami, FL, September 2009. Awdeh RM, Chang VS, Ide T, Culbertson WW, Yoo SH. Laser in Situ Keratomileusls Using thc VisuMax-MEL80 Platform for Correction of Myopia: Preliminary Report. Amcrican Society of Cornea and Rcfractive Surgeons. San Francisco, CA, April 2009. Awdeh RM, Galchus S, Deramo V, Stinnett S, Lee P, Fekrat S. Vision-related quality of life in persons with branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) using the 25-Item NEI Visual Function Questionnaire .. (Paper) Dukc Residents and Fellows Day, June 200E. Awdeh RM, Kim TK. Suturelcss Lamellar Keratoplasty: New Tcchnique of Tisseel Glue Application. American Society of Cornea and Refractive Surgeons. Chicago, IL, April, 2008. Awdeh RM, Koreishi A, Davies E, Stopa M, Bower B, Izatt JA, Toth C. High-Speed, High-Resolution Spectral Domain OCT Improves Imaging, Localization, and Quantification of Macular Pathology in AMD. (Paper) Dtke Residents and Fellows Day, June 2007. Awdeh RM, Koreishi A, Davies E, Stopa M, Bower B,lzatt JA, Toth C. High-Speed, High-Resolution Spectral Domain OCT lmproves Imaging, Localization, and Quantification of Macular Pathology in AMD. (Poster) Association for Research in Vision and Ophthaimology. Fort Lauderdalc, FL. May 8, 200?. Ahmadi M, Awdeh RM, Adetman, RA. Quality of Life Study Comparing Pneumatic Retinopcxy to Sclcral Buckle for the Treatrnent of Retinal Detachment. (Update) (Poster) Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. Fort Lauderdalc, FL. May 10,2007, Awdeh RM, Carlson AL. Slit Lamp Technique for ihe Rcpositioning of Dislocatcd DSEK Grafts. American Society of Comea and Refractive Surgeons. San Diego, CA, May 2,2007. Awdeh RM, Frcedman S, Kim T. A New Trcatment for Corneal Intrastromal Epithelial Cysts. (Paper) Cornea and Refractive Surgery Congress, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute. Miami, FL. February 9,2007. Awdeh RM, Davies E, Koreishi A, Stopa M, Bower BA, Izatt JA, Toth CA. Spectral Domain OCT Improves Imaging and Localization of Macular Pathology in AMD. (Poster) American Academy of Ophthalmology. Las Vcgas, NV. November 13,2007.. Wlnner: Best Poster. Awdeh RM' Carlson AL. Verisyse Phakic Refractive IOL: Outcomes and Complications. (Poster) presentod at the annual meeting of The American Society of Cornea and Refractive Surgeons. San Francisco, CA. May 2005. Awdeh RM, Carlson AL. Verisyse Phakic Refractive IOL: Outcomes and Complications. @aper) prcscnted at the annual meeting of The American Society of Comea and Refractivc Surgeons. San Francisco, CA, May 2006.. Wlnner: Paper of Interest. Awdeh RM, Suncr I. The Role of Peripheral Retinal Nonperfusion in the Progrcssion of Diabetic Eye Disease: An 12 Rlchard M. Awdeh, Iit.D,-7 Evaluation of Ultrawidefield Digital Angiography. (Paper) Duke, University of North Carolina, Wake Forest Annual Retina Conference. Winston Salem, NC. November 5, 2005. Awdeh RM, Vedula AS, Membreno JH, Awdeh MM, Adelman RA. A Quality of Life Study Comparing Scleral Buckle to Pneumatic Retinopexy for the Treatment of Retinal Detachment. (Poster) Association for Rcsearch in Vision and Ophthalmology. Fort Lauderdale, FL. May 2004. Awdeh RM, Drewry RD, Kerr NC, Haik BG, Wu S, Xiong X, Merchant TE. Visual Outcomc After 54 Gy Conformal Radiation Therapy in Children with Optic Pathway Glioma. (Poster) Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, May 2003. Awdeh RM. Idiopathic Retinal Vascutitis, Aneurysms, and Neuro-retinitis (IRVAN). Doheny Eye Institute Grand Rounds, University of Southern Califomia, Iune27,2003, Awdeh RM. A Case of Flat Anterior Chambcr: Aqueous Misdirection on Choroidal Detachment. (Discussant: Bruce Shields, MD) Connecticut State Glaucoma Society, May 14, 2003. Awdeh RM. Pathogenesis of Aqueous Misdirection. Yale School of Medicine, Dcpartment of Ophthalmology, January 25, 2003. Professlonal Llcensures : . Diplomate of the American Board of Ophthalmology. Board Certified by the ABO through 2020 . Florida Departmcnt of Health, Medical Board. License to practice medicine in the State of Florida. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) . License to dispense prescription medication. National Provider ldentifier (NPI): 1215198239. New York State, Medical Board. License to practice mcdicine in thc State of Ncw York Editorial Board Membershlps: . Cataract and Rcfractive Surgery Today: Current Editorial Board Membcr. Advanced Ocular Carc: Current Editorial Board Membcr Professlonal Awards: . Best Doctors, 2011,2012,2013,2014 . Premier Surgcon 250, listing of top 250 ophthalmic surgeons in the United States, 2010. Ophthalmic Innovation Award, Duke Universiry 13 14 Dr. Anthony J. Japour 15 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 16 g MIAMIBEACH NAME: Japour CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FORM Anthony Last Name HOME ADDRESS: First Name MlamiBeach Middle lnitial FL 33149 Apt No.Home No./Street City State Zip Code allapour@me.comPHONE Work Businegs Name: Anthony Japour & Assoc. Medicat position: Dlrector Address: 200 Ocean Drlve, 5A Mlami Beach Fax Email Address FL 33139 Street City State Zip Code Pursuant to Clty Code section2-22lal a and b: Members of agencies, boards, ard commiftees shall be affiliated with the city; this requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ornership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city. o Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months Yes r Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes o Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes o (Please cirde one): I am nor a resident of South Beach o I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below: See full resume o Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? No Please list y-our Pr_eferencgg in order of Elklng tlllrst Qoicr [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Please note that only three (3] cholces wlll be observed by the Clty Clert's Offlca. (Regular Boards of City) Choice 1: Health Advisory Committee Ghoice 2: Art in Public Places Committee Choice 3: Ad Hoc Committee Centennial Celebration Note: lf applying for Youth AdMsory Board, please indicate your afiiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center: 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: po years of Service: 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children No if yes, please list the names of your children, their ages, and which programs. List below: o Have you ever been convicted of a felony: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Do you cunently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Do you cunently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Are you orrrently serving on any City Boards or Committees: Yes Health Advlsory lf yes, whicfr board? o What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you cunently hold membership in? o List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: o I am now employed by the city of Miami Beach: No Which department?17 belng asked to comply whh federal equa! opportunlty rcportng requiroments. Gender: Male Race/Ethnic Categories What ls your race? Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be. White Other Description: Are you Spanish/Hispanic/ Latino? Mark the "No" box if not Spanish / Hispanic / Latino. No PhysicallyChallenged: No NOTE: lf appolnted, you wlll be required to fottow certaln laws which apply to clty board/commlttee members. These laws lnclude, but are not llmlted to, the following: o Prohibition from direcfly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459).o Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade county code section 2-11 .1).o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami Beach Code seciion 2-26).o Requirement to disdose certain linancial interests and gilts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-1 't.1). (re: CMB Community DevelopmentAdvisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one yeai after leaving offlrce, from having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either y-ourcelf, or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.611). Upon request, coples of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk. "l hereby attest to the accuracy and truthfutness of the applicatlon and have recaiyed, read and will ablde by Chapter 2, ArlcleVll - of the Clty Code "Standards of Conduc{ for Clty Offtcers, Employees and Agency l/lembers." I Anthony Japour agreed to the following terms on 1Zt3/.012014 9:2g:30 AM Reoeived in the City Clerk's Ofiice by: Name of Deputy Clerk Control No.Date 18 Anthony J. Japour, MJ). Curriculum Vitae Anthony Japour & Associates, Medical and Scientific Consulting,Inc. 200 Ocean Drive, #5A Miami Beach, FL 33139 TeL 305.989.4500 Ernail: ajjapour@me.com Japour-CY_AUG-2014 P. 1 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 EDUCATION FULL.TIME ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE PART.TIME ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE NON.ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE EMPLOYMENT RECORDS AT FIU PUBLICATIONS IN DISCPLINE Invited Papers in Professional Journals Peer Reviewed Research Articles Book Chapters Abstracts Other PublicationVBooks PRESENTED LECTURES AND PAPERS Invited Lectures Oral Presentations at Conferences Poster Presentations at Conferences by Fellows FUNDED RESEARCH External Funding as PI External Funding as Co-PVCo-Investigator Students/Fellows Funding/Fellowships PROFESSTONAL HONORS, pRtZES AND FELLOWSHIPS Local National TEACHING List of courses taught at FIU MENTORTNG (SCHOLARS & STUDBNTS) Medical Residents Postdoctoral Fellows OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES AND PUBLIC SERVICE Editorial Boards Journal Reviews Grant Reviews Conference Committees Conference Committees-AlDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) Others University Service 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 E I t6 t6 16 18 18 19 t9 t9 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 10 11 t2 Japour_C V_AU G -2014 P. 2 20 University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, Chicago IL Harvard Medical School Combined Infecti Diseases Program (Beth Israel Hospital, Brigham & Women's Hospital, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston Children's Hospital), Boston, MA Executive Training Program, Finance Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Infectious Diseases 200t 1989-1992 Mount Auburn Hospital, Cambridge, MA Residency in Internal Medicine Mount Auburn Hospital, Cambridge, MA Queen's Square london, England 46 Year Elective Northwestern University Medical School, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston MA l98l-1982 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 1977-t981 Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA Internal Medicine/Infectious Diseases 1995-1996 Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA Internal Medicine/Infectious Diseases Jackson North Medical Center Jackson Health System, Miami FL Florida International University, Miami, FL Consultant 20tt-12 Molecular Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine Florida International University, Miami, FL Veteran's Administration Hospital, Miami, FL University of Miami, Miami, FL.Voluntary Associate Professor Japour_CV_AUG-2014 P. 3 21 Center for Medical Ethics, University of Chicago Chicago,IL Visiting Senior Fe1low Medical Ethics 2002- 2003 Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA Visiting Lecturer Infectious Diseases 2002- 2003 Rush-Presbyterian St. Lukes' Medical School, Chicago,IL Assistant Professor Internal Medicine 2N2- 2003 Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA Assistant Clinical Professor Internal Medicine t996- 2001 Elite Health Medical Group Miami Beach, FL Health & Wellness Physician 2012-Present Director, Hepatitis C Program Mount Sinai Medical Center Miami Beach, FL Staff Physician 2012-Present Anthony Japour & Associates, Medical and Scientific Consulting, Inc., Miami Beach, Fl Managing Director 2006-Present Research Physicians Network Alliance Miami Beach, FL Anthony Japour Medical and Scientific Consultant, Miami Beach, Fl Abbott Laboratories, Global Medical Affairs, Abbott Park, Il Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, Il Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, Il Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, Il Abbott Laboratories, Abbott Park, Il Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Ma Principal Investigator Consultant Global Director HM Immunology Franchises Marketed Product Development, Global Medical Affairs Professional Development Director Physician Rotation Program/ CME Course Director, Global Medical Affairs Medical Director HlV/Transplant Franchise, Medical Affairs Associate Medical Director II Antiviral Venture, Pharmaceutical Products Division Associate Medical Director I Antiviral Venture, Pharmaceutical Products Division Senior Associate Physician 20t2-20r3 2002-2006 2001-2002 200t-2002 t999-2001 1998-1999 1996-1998 t995-1996 Japour_CV_AUG-2014 P. 4 22 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Ma Associate Physician 1992-t994 2003 J. Feinberg, A. Japour. Scientific and Ethical Considerations in Tria1 Design for Investigational Agents for the Treaftnent of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection. Clinical Infectious Diseases 36: 1-6. 1995 Japour, AJ. The Clinical Significance of HIV-1 Drug Resistance and the Impact on HIV Pathogenesis. NDS Clinical Care 7(9). 1993 Collier, A., Henry, K., Japour, AJ., van der Horst, C. Switching and Combining Antiretroviral Therapies - a Roundtable Discussion. NDS Clinical Care 5:3342. 1991 Japour, AJ. and Crumpacker, C.S. Zidovudine Resistance in HIV. dDS Clinical Care 3:65-67. 1987 Japour, AJ. But First, A Little Chi ChL Massachusetts Medicine. 31 2002 S. Walmsley, B. Bernstein, M. King, J. Arribas, G. Beall, p. Ruane, M. Johnson, D. Johnson, R. Lalonde, A. Japour, S. Brun, E. Sun. Lopinavir-Ritonavir Versus Nelfinavir for Initial Treatment of HIV Infection. New England Journal of Medicine 346:2O39-2A46. 30 20OZ Benson, C.A., Deeks, S.G., Brun, S.C., Gulick, R.M., Eron, JJ., Kessler, H.A., Murphy, RI., Hicks, C., King, M., Wheeler, D., Feinberg, J., Stryker, R., Sax, p.E., Riddler, S., Thompson, M., Real, K., Hsu, A., Kempf, D., Japour, AJ., Sun, E. Safety and Antiviral at 48 Weeks of Lopinavir/Ritonavir plus Nevirapine and 2 Nucleoside Reverse-Transcriptase Inhibitors in Human Immunodeficiency Virus l-Infected Protease Inhibitor-Experienced. The J o ur nal of I nfe c t io u s D is e ase s I 8 5 : 5 99-607. 2001 Kempf, D.J., Isaacson, J.D., King, M.S., Brun, S.C., Xu, y., Real, K., Bernstein, B.M., Japour, AJ., Sun, E., Rode, R.A.Identification of Genotypic Changes in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Protease that Correlate with Reduced Susceptibility to the Protease Inhibitor Lopinavir among Viral Isolates from Protease Inhibitor-Experienced Patients. Journal of Virology 75:7462-7469. 2OOL Murphy, R.L., Brun, S., Hicks, C., Eron, J. J., Gulick, R., King, M., White, A.C., Benson, C., Thompson, M., Kessler, H.A., Hammer, S., Bertz, R., Hsu, A., Japour, A., Sun, E. ABT-378/ritonavir plus stavudine and lamivudine for the treatment of antiretroviral-naive adults with HIV-1 infection: 48-week results. NDS I5 l-9. 2000 Gisolf, E.H., Jurriaans, S., Pelgrom, J., van Wanzeele, F., van der Ende, M-E., Brinkman, K., Borst, MJ, de Wolf, F., Japour, AJ., Danner, S.A. The Effect of Treatment Intensification in HlV-Infection: A Study Comparing Treatment with 29 28 27 Japour-CV_AUG-2014 P. 5 23 26 Ritonavir/Saquinavir and Ritonavir/Saquinavir/Stavudine. NDS l4:4O5-4I3. 2000 Welles, S.L., Pitt, J., Colgrove, R., Mclntosh, K., Chung, P.H., Colson, A., Lockman, S., Fowler, M. G., Hanson, C., Landesman, S., Moye J., Rich, K.C., Zorrilla, C., Japour, A. J. HIV-1 Genotype Zidovudine Drug Resistance and the Risk of Maternal-Infant Transmission In the Women and Infant Transmission Study. NDS 14:263-272. 1999 Colgrove, R., Japour, A. A Combinatorial Ledge: Reverse Transcriptase Fidelity, Total Body Viral Burden, and the Implications of Multiple-Drug HIV Therapy For the Evolution of Antiviral Resistance. Antiviral Res 41:45-56. 1999 Cameron, D.W., Japour, AJ., XU, Y., Hsu, A., Mellors, J., Farthing, C., Cohen, C., Poretz, D., Markowitz,M.,Follansbee, S., Angel, J.8., McMahon, D., Ho, D., Devanarayan,V., Rode, R., Salgo, M.P., Kempf, D.J., Granneman, R., lronard, J.M., and Sun, E. Ritonavir and Saquinavir Combination Therapy for the Treatment of HIV Infection. AIDS 13 :213-224. 1998 Demeter, L.M., D'Aquila, R., Weislow, O., Lorenzo, E., Erice, A., Fitzgibbon, J., Shafer, R., Richman, D., Howard, TM., Zhao, Y., Fisher, E., Huang, D., Mayers, D., Sylvester, S., Arens, M., Sannerud, K., Rasheed, S., Johnson, V., Kuritzkes, D., Reichelderfer, P., Japour, A. Interlaboratory Concordance of DNA Sequence Analysis To Detect Reverse Transcriptase Mutations In HIV-I Proviral DNA. J. Virol. Methads 75:93-1O4. 1998 Colgrove, R.C., Pitt, J., Chung, P.H., Welles, S.L., Japour, AJ. Selective Vertical Transmission of HIV-l Antiretroviral Resistance Mutations. NDS 12,2281-2288. 1998 Hsu, A., Granneman, G.R., Cao, G., Carothers, L., Japour, AJ., El-Shourbagy, T., Dennis, S., Berg, J., Erdman, K., Leonard, J.M., Sun, E. Pharmacokinetic Interaction between Ritonavir and Indinavir in Healthy Volunteers. Antimicrob. Agents Chemo.42 2784-279t. 1998 Sham, H., Kempf, D., Molla, A., Marsh, K., Kumar, G., Chen, C., Kati, W., Stewart, K., Lal, R., Hsu, A., Betebenner, D., Korneyeva, M., Sudthida, V., McDonald,8., Saldivar, A., Wideburg, N., Chen, X., Niu, P., Park,nC., Jayanti, V., Grabowski, B., Granneman, R., Sun, E., Japour, A., Leonard, J., Plattner, J., Norbeck, D. ABT-378, a Highly Potent Inhibitor of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Protease. Antimicrob. Agents Chemo. 42:3218-3224. 1998 Fiscus, S.A., Hughes, M.D., Lathey, J.L., Pi, T., Jackson,8.J., Rasheed, S., Elbeik, T., Reichman, R., Japour, AJ., Byington, R., Scott, W., Griffith, 8.p., Katzenstein, D.A., Hatnmer, S.M. Changes in Virologic Markers as Predictors of CD4 Cell Decline and Progression of Disease in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type l-Infected Adults Treated with Nucleosides. J. Infect. Dis.l77:625-633. 1998 Kew, Y., Olsen, LR., Japour, AJ., Prasad, V.R. Insertions into the p3-Ba Hairpin Loop of HIV-I Reverse Transcriptase Reveal a Role for Fingers Subdomain in Processive Polymerization. "/. Biol. C hem. 27 3:7 529-7 537 . 1998 Lathey, J.L., Hughes, M.D., Fiscus, S.A., Pi, T., Jackson, J.B., Rasheed, S., Elbeik, T., Reichman, R., Japour, AJ., D'AquiIa, R.T., Scott, W., Griffith, B.p., Hammer, S.M., Katzenstein, D.A. Variability and Prognostic Values of Virologic and CD4 Cell Measures in Human lmmunodeficiency Virus Type l-Infected Patients with 200-500 CD4 Cells/mm' 1e.CtC 175). J. Infect. Dis. t77:617-24. 1998 Kempf, DJ., Rode, R.A., Xu, Y., Sun, E., Heath-Ch\ozzi,M.E., Valdes, J., Japour, AJ., Danner, S., Boucher, C., Molla, A., Leonard, J.M. The Duration of Viral Suppression During Protease Inhibitor Therapy for HIV-I Infection is Predicted by Plasma HIV-I RNA at the Nadir. AIDS t2:F9-F14. 1997 Race, E., Adelson-Mitty, J., Barlam, T., Japour, AJ. Focal Inflammatory Lymphadenitis (FIL) and Fever Following Initiation of Protease Inhibitor (PRI) in 25 24 23 22 2t 20 t9 16 18 t7 15 Japour_CV_AU G -2014 P. 6 24 I4 13 t2 ll l0 Patients with Advanced HIV-I Disease. Lancet 351:252-255. 1997 Marschner, I.C., Mayers, DI., Erice, A., Smeaton, L., Johnson, V.A., Richman, D.D., Reichelderfer, P., Japour, AJ. Standardized Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Culture Assay forZidovudine Susceptibility Testing of Clinical Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type I Isolates: Effect of Reducing the Numbers of Replicates and Concentrations. J . C lin. Microbiol. 35 :7 56-7 58. 1996 Katzenstein, D.A., Hammer, S.M., Hughes, M., Gundacker, H., Jackson, J,B., Fiscus, J., Rasheed, S., Elbeik, T., Reichman, R., Japour, AJ., Merigan, T.C., Hirsch, M. The Relation of Virologic and Immunologic Markers to Clinical Outcomes After Nucleoside Therapy in HlV-Infected Adults With 200 to 50O CD4 Cells Per Cubic Millimeter. New England J . Med. 335:lO9 1-1098. 1996 Shafer, R.W., Winters, M.A., Mayers, D., Japour, AJ., Kuritzkes, D., Weislow, O., White, F., Erice, A., Sannerud, K., Iversen, A., Pena, F., Dimitrov, D., Frenkel, S., Reichelderfer, P.S. Inter-Laboratory Comparison of Sequence-Specific PCR and Ligase Detection Reaction to Detect an HIV-I Drug Resistance Mutation. J. Clin. Microbiol. 34:1849-1853. 1996 Coombs, R.W., Welles, S.L., Hooper, C., Reichelderfer, P.S., D'Aquila, R.T., Japour, AJ., Johnson, V.A., Kuritzkes, D.R., Richman, D.D., Kwok, S., Todd, J., Jackson, J.B., DeGruttola, V., Crumpacker, C.S., and Kahn, J. Association of plasma Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type-l RNA Level With Risk of Clinical Progression in Patients With Advanced Infection. J . Infect . Dis . 17 4:704-7 lZ. 1996 Japour, AJ., Lertora, JJ., Meehan, P.M., Erice, A., Connor, J.D., Griffith, B.p., Clax, P.A., Holden-Wiltse, J., Hussey, S., Walesky, M., Cooney, E., Pollard, R., Timpone, J., Mclaren, C., Johanneson, N., Wood, K., Booth, D.K., Bassiakos, Y., Crumpacker, C.S., for the AIDS Clinical Trials Group 231 Protocol Team. A Phase I Study of the Safety, Pharmacokinetics, and Antiviral Activity of Combination Didanosine and Ribavirin. J. Acquired Immune Defic . Syndromes Hum. Retrovirol. 13:235-246. 1995 Japour, AJ., Welles, S., D'Aquila, R.T., Johnson, V.A., Richman, D.D., Coombs, R.W., Reichelderfer, P.S., Kahn, J., DeGruttola, V., Crumpacker, C.S., Kuritzkes, D.R. Prevalence and Clinical Significance of Zidovudine (ZDV) Resistance Mutations in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Isolated from Patients Following Long-Term Zidovudine Treatment. J . Infect. Dis . 17 l:1172-1179 . 1995 Welles, S., Jackson, J., Yen-Lieberman, B., Demeter, L., Japour, AJ., Smeaton, L.M., Johnson, V., Kuritzkes, D., D'Aquila, R., Reichelderfer, P., Richman, D., Reichman, R., Fischl, M., Dolin, R., Coombs, R., Kahn, Mclaren, C., Todd, J., Kwok, S., and Crumpacker, C. Prognostic Value of Plasma HIV-I RNA Levels in Patients with Advanced HIV- 1 Disease and With Little or No Zidovudine Therapy . J . Infect. 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Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases lO:491-495. Ptr!_ltg_U9_{ |t 4$ggiution l 3 5 ft Annual Meetin g. 2W6 Gulnik S., AfoninaE., Eissenstat M., Parkin N., JapourA., and Erickson J. SpI-256, a Highly Potent HIV Protease Inhibitor with Broad Activity against MDR Strains. 13'h Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Denver, Colorado, February 5-8. 2OO2 i Cameron, D., Angel, J., Ryan, J., Jiang, P., Rode, R., Farthing, C., Cohen, C., Mellors, J.,Poretz, D., Markowitz, M., Ho, D., McMahon, D., Drennan, D., Seidler, T., Sun, E., Japour, AJ. Durability of Ritonavir (RTV) Saquinavir (SQV) Dual Protease Inhibitor Therapy in HIV infection: 5-Year Follow-up.Eh cRoI February 24-2g,seattle, wA. Japour-CY_AUG-2014 P. E 26 81 80 79 78 75 74 73 77 76 Ritonavir plus Saquinavir (SQV) Therapy in an HlV-Infected Cohort. g'h CROI February 24-28,Seattle, WA. 2002 Steinberg, S., Venuto, R., Kuruvila, K., Taylor, D., Anil Kumar, M., First, M., Greco, R., Boodhoo, T., Singh, A., Ashraf, T., Japour, A., Ryan, J. A Randomized, Open-label Preference Study of GengraP Compared to Neoral@ in Stable Solid-organ Transplant Recipients., T'h International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research - ISPOR, Arlington, May 19-21. Published in Value in Health 6(3), 198-290. 2OOl Harley, W., DeJesus, E., Pistole, M., Sension, M., Garrett, L., Nettler, S., Jiang, p., Rode, R., Ashraf, T., McMillan, F., Japour, A. A 24-Week Randomized, Controlled, Open-Label Evaluation of Adherence and Convenience of Continuing Indinavir Versus Switching to Ritonavir/Indinavir 4AO mgl400 mg BID (The NICE Study). 8'h Conference on Retroviruses and Opponunistic Infections, Chicago, Illinois, February 4-8. 2OO2 Hsu, A., Zolopa, A., Shulman, N., Havlir, D., Gallant, J., Race, E., Jiang, p., Boller, S., Swerdlow, J., Jasinsky, O., Renz, C., Japour, A., Kempf, D., Sun, E. Final Analysis of Ritonavir (RTV) Intensification in Indinavir (IDV) Recipients with Detectable HIV RNA Levels. 8'h Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Chicago, Illinois, February 4-8. 2001 Cohen, C., Ryan, J., Jiang, P., Cameron, D.W., Mellors, J., Kakuda, T., Japour, AJ. Effect of Nucleoside Intensification on Prevalence of Morphologic Abnormalities at Year 4 of Ritonavir + Saquinavir Therapy in an HlV-Infected Cohort. 1" IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment, Buenos Aires, July 7. 2OOl Farthing, C., Ryan, J., Rode, R., Markowitz,M.,Cameron, D.W., McMahon, D., Japour, AJ. Durability of Ritonavir + Saquinavir Dual Protease Inhibitor Therapy in HIV Infection: Four-Year Follow-Up. 1" IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment, Buenos Aires, July 7. 2OOl King, M., Brun, S., Marsh, T., Real, K., Kempf, D., Japour, A., Sun, E. Factors Affecting Long-Term Virologic Suppression in Phase II Studies of Lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) in ARV-Naive or Pl-Experienced Patients. 1" IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment, Buenos Aires, July 7. 2001 Sension, M., Harley, W., DeJesus,8., Jiang, P., Garrett, L., McMillan, F., Clax, p., Japour, A. Final Analysis of a24-week Randomized, controlled, open-Label Evaluation of Adherence and Convenience of Continuing Indinavir vs. Switching to Ritonavir/Indinavir 400 mg/400 mg BID. 1" IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment, Buenos Aires, July 7. 2001 Hicks, C., Brun, S., King, M., Marsh, T., Deeks, S., Benson, C., Gulick, R., Kessler, H., Murphy, R., Wheeler, D., Feinberg, J., Eron, J., Sax, p., Stryker, R., Riddler, S., Thompson, M., Richards, B., Kempf, D., Japour, A., Sun, E. for the Mr97-765 Study. Kaletra (Lopinavir/Ritonavir) Therapy in Single Protease Inhibitor Experienced Patients: 144 Week Follow Up. 8'n European Conference on Clinical Aspects and Treatment of HlV-Infection, Athens, October 28-31. 2001 Perrin, L., King, M., Brun, S., Yerly, S., Marsh, T., Travers, N., Real, K., Japour, A., Sun, E. Failure to Achieve HIV RNA < 3 Copies/ml Does Not Predict Loss of Virologic Response to Kaletra (Lopinavir/Ritonavir) Therapy through 3 Years.4l" Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Chicago, December l6-19. 2001 Piliero, PJ., Preston, S.L., Japour, AJ., Stevens, R.C., Morvillo, C., Drusano, G.L. Pharmacokinetics (Pk) of the Combination of Ritonavir (RTV) Plus Saquinavir (SeV), with and without Efavirenz (EFV), in Health Volunteers.4l"tlnterscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Chicago, December l6-19. 2000 Coplan, P., Cormier, K., Japour, A., Mardit-Kremers, H., Nikas, A., Lewis, R., Xu, y. 72 7t Japour_CV_AUG-2014 P. 9 27 70 2000 69 2000 68 2000 67 2000 66 2000 65 2000 64 2000 63 2000 62 2000 Myocardial Infarction Incidence in Clinical Trail of 4 Protease Inhibitors. 7'h Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, January 30-Febuary 2. Gulick, R., King, M., Brun, S., Real, K., Murphy, R., Hick, C., Eron, J., Thommes, J., Thompson, M., White, C., Benson, C., Albrecht, M., Kessler, H., Hsu, A., Bertz, R., Kempf, D., Sun, E., Japour, A. ABT-378/Ritonavir (ABT-378ir) in Antiretroviral- Naive HI+ Patients 72 Weeks. T'h Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, January 30-Febuary 2. Gisolf, E. H., Jurriaans, S., Pelgrom, J., Van Wanzeele, F., Van Der Ende, M. E., Brinkman, K., Borst, M. J., De Wolf, F., Sun, E., Japour, A., Danner, S. A. Ritonavir/Saquinavir Versus Ritonavir/Saquinavir/Stavudine in HIV-l-Infected Individuals During 48 Weeks: The Effect of treatment Intensifications. 7'h Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, January 3O-Febuary 2. Deeks, S., Brun, S., XU, Y., Real, K., Benson, C., Kessler, H., Murphy, R., Wheeler, D., Hicks, C., Eron, 8., Feinberg, J., Gulick, R., Sax, P., Stryker, R., Riddler, S., Thompson, M., King, M., Potthoff, A., Hsu, A.,Bertz,R., Molla, A., Mo, H., Kempf, D., Japour, A., Sun, E. ABT-378/Ritonavir (ABT-378/r) Suppresses HIV RNA to <400 copies/ml in 84Vo of Pl-Experienced Patients at 48 Weeks. 7'h Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, January 30-Febuary 2. Cameron, D.W., Xu, Y., Rode, R., Cohen, C., Mellors, J., Farthing, C., poretz, D., Markowitz, M., Ho, D., McMahon, D., Drennan, D., Hill, L., Sun, E., Japour, A. Three- Year Follow-Up and Conditional Outcomes Survival Analysis of Ritonavir (RTV) plus Saquinavir (sQV) Therapy in HIV Infection. 7'h conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, January 30-Febuary 2. Shulman, N., Zolopa, A., Havlir, D., Gallant, J., Race, E., Lam, W., Hill, L., Japour, A., Kempf, D., Sun, E., Hsu, A. Ritonavir Intensification in Indinavir Recipients with Detectable HIV RNA Levels. 7'h conference on Retroviruses and opportunistic Infections, January 30-Febuary 2. Pitt, J., Colgrove, R., Thompson, 8., Japour, A., Welles, S. Association of Maternal ZDV Use during Pregnancy and Infant ZDV Genotypic Resistance with Rapid Disease Progression among Infants in the wITS. 7'h conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, January 30-Febuary 2. Kempf, D., Xu, Y., Brun, S., King, M., Mo, H., Real, K., Bernstein, B., Hertogs, K., Larder, B., Molla, A., Japour, A., Sun, E. Baseline Genotype phenotype Do Not Predict Response to ABT-378/Ritonavir in Pl-Experienced Patients at24 and48 Weeks. 7'h Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, January 30-Febuary 2. Molla, A., Brun, S., Mo, H., Real, K., Poddig, J., Bernstein, B., Hertogs, K., Larder, B., Lie, Y., Hellmann, N., Vasavanonda, S., Chernyavskiy, T., Freimuth, W., Japour, A., Sun, 8., Kempf, D. Genotypic and Phenotypic Analysis of Viral Isolates from Subjects with Detectable viral Load on Therapy with ABT-378/Ritonavir (ABT-378 h).4'h International Workshop on HIV Drug Resistance Focuses on New Anti-HIV Drugs Sitges, Portugal, June 12-16. Kempf, D., Isaacson, J., King, M., Brun, S., Xu, Y., Real, K., Lie, y., Hellmann, N., Hertogs, K., Larder, B., Bernstein,8., Japour, A., Sun,8., Rode, R. Genotypic Correlates of Reduced In Vitro Susceptibility to ABT-378 in HIV [solates From patients Failing Protease Inhibitor Therapy. 4'h International Workshop on HIV Drug Resistance Focuses on New Anti-HIV Drugs, Sitges, Portugal, June l2-16. Kessler, H., Brun, S., King, M., Marsh, T., Murphy, R., Eron, J., Gulick, R., Glesby, M., Hicks, C., Benson, C., Thompson, M., Thommes, J., Deeks, S., Wheeler, D._White, C., Stryker, R., Feinberg, J., Albrecht, A., Sax, P., Riddler, S., Real, K., Xu, y., Japour, A., Sun, E. Analysis of Safety Data from ABT-378/ritonavir (ABT-378/r) in Two Phase II 61 2000 Japour_CV_AUG-20f4 P. f0 28 60 2000 s9 2000 58 2000 57 2000 56 2000 55 2000 54 2000 53 2000 52 2000 5l 2000 Clinical Trials XIII International AIDS Conference, July 9-14. Thompson, M., Brun, S., Xu, X., Murphy, R., Eron, J., Gulick, R., Glesby, M., Hicks, C., Benson, C., Thommes, J., Kessler, H., Deeks, S., Wheeler, D., White, C., Stryker, R., Feinberg, J., Albrecht, M., Sax, P., Riddler, S., Real, K., King, M., Japour, A., Sun, E., Analysis of Duration of Virologic Response in Two Phase II Studies of ABT- 378/ritonavir (ABT-3781r) at72 Weeks. XI[[ International AIDS Conference, July 9-14. Thompson, M., Murphy, R., Gulick, R., Hicks, C., Eron, J., Benson, C., Thommes, J., Kessler, H., Deeks, S., Wheeler, D., White, C., Stryker, R., Feinberg, J., Albrecht, M., Sax, P., Riddler, S., Real, K., King, M., Japour, A., Sun, 8., Analysis of Duration of Virologic Response in Two Phase II Studies of ABT-378/ritonavir (ABT-378/r) at72 Weeks. XIII International AIDS Conference, July 9-14. DeJesus,8., Pistole, M., Fetchick, R., Lauermann, M., Roland, R., Garrett, L., Jiang, p., McMillan, F., Japour, A. A Randomized, Controlled, Open-Label Study Comparing the Adherence and Convenience of Continuing Indinavir QSH vs. Switching to Norvirilndinavir 400 mgl4oo mg BID (The NICE study). XIII International AIDS Conference, July 9-14. Hsu, A., Williams, L., Chiu, Y-L., Hill, L., McMillan, F., Lamm, J., Rynkiewicz,K., Foit, C., Ji, Q., Hutman, W., Ryan, J., Sun, E., Japour, A. Pharmacokinetic (PK) Interactions Between Ritonavir (RTV) and Amprenavir (APV) in Healthy Volunteers. XIII International AIDS Conference, July 9-14. Havlir, D., Gallant, J., Race, E., Lam, W., Schulman, N., Zolopa,A., Ryan, J., Japour, A., Kempf, D., Sun, E. Ritonavir Intensification in lndinavir Recipients: Tolerance, Antiviral Effect and Pharmacokinetics. XIII International AIDS Conference, July 9-14. Williams, L., O'Dea, R., Weinberg, M., Keene, M., Japour, A., Centko, M., Bachand, J., Hsu, A., Hill, L., Lamm, J. High Incidence of Rash Associated with Amprenavir (APV) During a Pharmacokinetic (PK) Interaction Trial in HlV-Negative, Healthy Volunteer. XIII International AIDS Conference, July 9-14. Benson, C., King, M., Marsh, T., Murphy, R., Hicks, C., Thommes, J., Gulick, M, Thompson, M., White, C., Albrecht, M., Kessler, H., Hsu, A.,Bertz, R., Kempf, D., Travers, N., Real, K., Japour, A., Sun, E. ABT-378/ritonavir (ABT-378/r) in Antiretroviral-naive HIV+ Patients: 96 weeks.40'h ICAAC conference, Toronto, Canada, September l7 -2O. Brun, S., Kempf, D., Molla, A., Mo, H., Xu, Y., Real, K., Poddig, J., Hertogs, K.l, Larder, B., Freimuth, W., Japour, A., Sun, E. Analysis of Viral Isolares Following Viral Load Rebound on Therapy with ABT-378/ritonavir (ABT-378/r).40th ICAAC Conference, Toronto, Canada, September 17 -2O. Feinberg, J., Brun, S., Marsh, T., Benson, C., Deeks, S., Kessler, H., Murphy, R., Gulick, R., Wheeler, D., Hicks, C., Eron, J., Sax, P., Stryker, R., Riddler, S., Thompson, M., Real, K., Hsu, A.,Bertz,R., Kempf, D., Japour, A., Sun, E. Durable Suppression of HIV+ RNA After Two Years of Kaletra (ABT-378/ritonavir) Therapy in Single Protease Inhibitor Experienced Patients.40'h ICAAC conference, Toronto, canada, September t7-20. Stryker, R., Brun, S., King, M., Marsh, T., Mulphy, R., Hicks, C., Eron, J., Thommes, J., Gulick, R., Glesby, M., Thompson, M., White, C., Benson, C., Albrecht, M., Kessler, H., Real, K., Japour, A., Perrin, L., Sun, E. Kaletra (ABT-378/ritonavir) in Anti- retroviral-Narve HIV+ Patients: Follow-up Beyond Two Years and viral Load Suspension Below 3 Copies/ml.40'h ICAAC conference, Toronto, canada, September t7-20. Benson, C., Brun, S., King, M., Real, K., Murphy, R., Hicks, C., Eron, J., Thommes, J., Gulick, R., Glesby, M., Thompson, M., White, C., Albrecht, M., Kessler, H., poddig, J., 50 2000 Japour_CV_AUG-2014 P. 1l 29 49 48 47 46 45 44 4t 43 42 Sun, 8., Japour, A. Two Year Follow-Up of ABT-37S/Rironavir (ABT-378 in Antiretroviral Narve HIV + Patients.40'h ICAAC Conference, Toronto, Canada, September l7-20. 2000 Bertz, R., Lam, W., Rynkiewicz,C.,Foit,I., Benedek, W., Fiske, p., Bryan, p., Sylte, J., Brun, S., Japour, A., Granneman, G.R., Sun, E. Assessment of the Pharmacokinetic Interaction Between ABT-37S/ritonavir (ABT-378/r) and Efavirenz (EFV) in Healthy volunteers and in HIV + subjects.40'h ICAAC conference, Toronto, canada, September l7-20. 2000 Feinberg, J., Brun, S. Marsh, T., King, M., Benson, C., Deeks, S., Kessler, H., Murphy, R., Gulick, R., Wheeler, D., Hicks, C., Eron, J., Sax, P., Stryker, R., Riddler, S., Thompson, M., Real, K., Hsu, A.,Bertz,R., Kempf, D., Japour, A., Sun, E. Durable suppression of HIV + RNA After Two Years of Kaletra (ABT-378/ritonavir) Therapy in Single Protease Inhibitor Experienced Patients.5'h International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection, Glasgow, UK, October 22-26. 2000 Stryker, R., Brun, S., King, M., Marsh, T., Murphy, R., Hicks, C., Eron, J., Thommes, J., Gulick, R., Glesby, M., Thompson, M., White, C., Benson, C., Albrecht, M., Kessler, H., Real, K., Japour, A., Perrin, L., Sun, E. Kaletra (ABT-378/ritonavir) in Antiretroviral-Naive HIV + Patients: Follow-up Beyond Two Years and Viral Load Suppression Below 3 Copies/ml.5'h International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection, Glasgow, UK, October 22-26. 2000 Cohen, C., Cameron, D., Xu, Y., Rode, R., Mellors, J., Farthing, C., poretz, D., Markowitz, D., Ho, D., McMahon, D., Drennan, D., Selness, K., Ryan, J., Sun, E., Japour, AJ. Effect of NRTI Intensification on Prevalence of Body Composition Abnormalities at Week 144 of Ritonavir + Saquinavir Therapy in an HlV-Infected Cohort. 2nd International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Lipdystrophy in HIV Toronto, CA, September 13-15. 1999 Murphy, R., King, M., Brun, S., Orth, K., Hicks, C., Eron, J., Thommes, J., Gulick, R., Thompson, M., White, C., Benson, C., Hammer, S., Kessler ,H.,Bertz,R., Hsu, A., Kempf, D., Sun, E., Japour, A. ABT-378/ritonavir Therapy in Antiretroviral-Naive HIV-I Infected Patients for 24 weeks. 6'h Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic lnfections, January 3 1 - February 4. 1999 Mo, H., Chernyavskiy, T., Lu, L., Staser, J., Cohen, C., Cameron, W., Markowitz,M., Xu, Y., Kohlbrenner, W., Sun, E., Kempf, D., Japour, A., Molla, A. Characterization of HIV-1 in Patients Following Long Term RTV-sev rherapy.6'h conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, January 3l - February 4. 1999 colgrove, R., Pitt, J., Japour, A., welles, s. Evolutionary Hotspot Around RT codon 215 Evolves During Zidovudine Exposure. 6'h Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, January 31 - February 4. 1999 Hsu, A., Granneman, R., Xu, Y., Rode, R., Japour, A., Leonard, J., Sun, E.Initial HIV Clearance Rates Do Not Predict Long-Term Antiviral Activity for Ritonavir-Saquinavir (R-S) Combination Therapy in HlV-Protease Inhibitor-Naive Patient. 6'h Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, January 3l - February 4. 1999 Bertz,R., Lam, W., Brun, S., Kumar, G., Fields, C., Orth, K., Jennings, J., Hsu, A., Granneman, R., Japour, A., Sun, E. Multiple-Dose Pharmacokinetics (pK) of ABT- 378/Ritonavir (ABT-378/r) in HIV+ Subjects.3gth ICAAC Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, September 26-29. 1999 Hsu, A., Lal, R., Bertz, R., Lam, W., Jennings, J., Brooks, R., Bryan, p., Granneman, R., Sun, E., Japour, A. ABT-378 and Ritonavir Exposures Are Not predicted by Erythromycin Breath Test (ERMBT). 39'h ICAAC Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, September 26-29. 40 Japour-CV_ AUG-2014 P. 12 30 37 36 39 38 35 34 33 29 1999 Hicks, C., King, M., Brun, S., Real, K., Murphy, R., Eron, J., Thommes, J., Gulick, R., Glesby, M., Thompson, M., White, C., Benson, M., Albrecht, M., Kessler, H., Hsu, A. Bertz, R., Kempf, D., Japour, A., & Sun, E. ABT-378/Ritonavir (ABT-37g/R) in Antiretroviral Naive HIV + Patients: 48 Weeks. Tth European Conference on Clinical Aspects and rreatment of HIV Infection. Lisbon, Portugal, october 23-27 . 1999 Lal, R., Bertz, R., Lam, W., Jennings, J., Brooks, R., Bryan, p., Sun, E., Granneman, G.R., & Japour, A. Evaluation of the Pharmacokinetics (PK) of the Concurrent Administration of ABT-378/Ritonavir (ABT-378/R) and Nevirapine (NVP). 7th European Conference on Clinical Aspects and Treatment of HIV lnfection. Lisbon, Portugal, October 23-27 . 1998 Lal, R., Hsu, A., Granneman, G.R., El-Shourbagy, T., Johnson, M., Lam, W., Manning, L., Japour, AJ., Sun, E. Abbon Laboratories,Illinois "Multiple Dose Safety, Tolerability and Pharmacokinetics of ABT-378 in Combination with Ritonavir." 5th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. Chicago,Illinois, February. 1998 Colgrove, R., Pitt, J., Chung, P., Welles, S., Japour, AJ., Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, columbia University, and University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Selective Vertical Transmission of HIV-l Zidovudine Resistance Mutations. 5'h Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Chicago, Illinois. 1998 Mellors, J., Japour, AJ., Cameron, W., Cohen, C., Farthing, C., Follansbee, S., Markowitz, M., Poretz, D., Ho, D., McMahon, D., Xu, y., Rode, R., Hsu, A., Velo, C., Berg, J., Salgo, M., Leonard, J., Sun, E. Sustained Activity of Ritonavir (RTV) Saquinavir (SQV) in Protease Inhibitor-Naive Patients After 72 Weeks. 5'h Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Chicago, Illinois. 1998 Cameron, D.W., Japour, AJ., Mellors, C., Farthing, C., Cohen, C., Markowitz,M., Poretz, D., Follansbee, D., Ho, D., McMahon, D., Berg, J., Nieves, J., Xu, y., Rode, R., Salgo, M., Leonard, J., Sun, E. Antiretroviral Safety & Durability of Ritonavir (RIT)- Saquinavir (SQV) in Protease Inhibitor-Naive Patients in Year Two of Follow-up.5'h Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Chicago, Illinois, February. 1998 Japour, AJ., Kempf, D., Mo, H., Chernyavskiy, T., Kohlbrenner, W., Sun, E., Molla, A. HIV Protease Mutations Following Ritonavir-Saquinavir Therapy and Long-Term Outcome on Plasma Viral Load Following an Intensification Strategy.2'd International Workshop on HIV Drug Resistance and Treatment Strategies, Lake Maggiore,Italy, June24-27. 1998 Hsu, A., Granneman, R., Molla, A., Vasavanonda, S., Japour, A., Kempf, D., Sun, E. Ritonavir-Containing Dual Protease Inhibitor Regimens May Have Synergistic Antiviral Effects in Patients - Base on In Vitro Model. l2'h World AIDS Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, June 28 - July 3. 1998 Mellors, J., Japour, A., Leonard, J., Sun, E., Xu, y., Salgo, M.,M97-462 Study Groups. Ritonavir (RTV)-Saquinavir (SQV) in Protease Inhibitor-Narve Patients after 72Weeks. 12'h World AIDS Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, June 28 - July 3. 1998 Gisolf, E.H., De Wolf, F., Pelgrom, J., Van Wanzeele, F., popescu, M., Japour, A., Danner, S.A., van Leeuwen, R. Treatment of Ritonavir (RTV)/Saquinavir (sev) Versus RTV/SQV/Stavudine (d4T) (The Prometheus Study): Preliminary Results. l2'h World AIDS Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, June 28 - July 3. 1997 Race, E., Adelson-Mitty, J., Barlam, T., and Japour, AJ. Focal Inflammatory Lymphadenitis (FIL) and Fever Following Initiation of Protease Inhibitor (PRI) in Patients with Advanced HIV-l Disease. 4'h Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Washington, DC. 352. 1997 Colgrove, R., Japour, AJ. Mathematical Modeling of Within-Patienr Evolution of 32 31 30 28 Japour_CV_AUG-2014 P. 13 31 27 26 25 HIV-1 Antiretroviral Resistance as a Function of HIV Reverse Transcriptase Fidelity and Total-Body HIV Virion Burden Predicts Sharp Non-linear Superiority of Three- drug Over Two-drug Therapeutic Regimens.4'h Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Washington, DC. 406. 1997 Race, 8., Reimann, K., Letvin, N. and Japour, AJ. Recurrence of Trimethoprim- Sulfamethoxazole TMP-SMX Hypersensitivity Following Initiation of Protease Inhibitor (PRI) in Patients with Advanced HIV-1. 4'h Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Washington, DC. 535. 1997 Sun, 8., Xu, Y., Hsu, A., Japour, AJ., Korneyeva, M., Molla, A., Kempf, D., Leonard, J., and The Ritonavir-Saquinavir Study Group. Predictability of Response to Ritonavir- Saquinavir (RTV-SQV) Combination Therapy. Keystone, April. 1997 Molla, A., Korneyeva, M., Chernyavskiy, T., Colgrove, R., Chung, p., Japour, AJ., Mellors, J., Xu, Y., Rode, R., Hsu, A., Granneman, G., Kempf, D., Leonard, J., Sun, E. and M96-462 Study Team. Characterization of HIV-l Protease (PR) Mutations, Compliance, and Drug Concentrations in Patients Who Have an HIV RNA Rebound on Ritonavir-Saquinavh (RTV-SQV).International Workshop on HIV Drug Resistance, Treatment strategies and Eradication, St. Petersburg, Florida, 83, June 25-29. 1997 Welles, S., Pitt, J., Colgrove, R., Mclntosh, K., Chung, p., Colson, A., Lockman, S., Davenny, K., Fowler, M., Hansen, I., Landesman, S., Moye, J., Rich, K., Zorilla, C., Japour, AJ. Molecular ZDV-Resistance and the Risk of Perinatal HIV-l Transmission in the Women & Infants Transmission Study (WITS).Infectious Disease Society of America, San Francisco, California, September. 1997 Lal, R., Hsu, A., Chen, P., Dennis, S., El Shourbagy, T., Locke, C., Lam, W., Japour, AJ., Leonard, J., Granneman, G.R., Sun, E. Single Dose Pharmacokinetics of ABT-378 in Combination with Ritonavir. 37'h ICAAC. September 28-October l. 1997 Gisolf,8., Colebunders, R., Van Wanzeele, F., Van Der Ende, M., Koopmans, p., Portegies, P., Hoetelmans, R., Japour, AJ., Ward, P., De Wolf, F., Danner, S., on behaH of the Prometheus Study Group. Treatment with Ritonavir/Saquinavir Versus Ritonavir/Saquinavir/Stavudine. Sixth European Conference on Clinical Aspects and Treatment of HIV Infection. Hamburg, Germany,354, October. 1995 Japour, AJ., Lenora, J., Meehan, P., Clax, P., Connor, J., Pollard, R., Mclaren, C., Johannesson, N., Erice, A., Cooney, 8., Holden-Wiltse, J., Hussey, S., Walesky, M., Wood, K., Booth, D., Purdue, L., Greenspan, D., Kasdan, P., Basiakos, y., Timpone, J., Pettinelli, c. and Crumpacker, c. A Phase I study of the safety, Tolerance and Pharmacokinetics of Combination Didanosine/Ribavirin for HIV Disease (ACTG 231). 2nd National Conference on Human Retroviruses, Washington, D.C.102. 1995 Welles, S., Jackson, J., Yen-Lieberman, B., Demeter, L., Japour, A., Johnson, V., Kuritzkes, D., D'Aquila, R., Reichelderfer, P., Richman, D., Reichman, R., Mclaren, C., Todd, J., Kwok, S., Fischl, M., Dolin, R. and Crumpacker, C. prognostic Capacity of Plasma HIV-1 RNA Copy Number in ACTG 116,4.. 2nd National Conference on Human Retroviruses, Washington, D.C. 96. 1995 Japour, AJ., Drosopoulos, W., Katapodis, N., Chung, P.H., Kew, y., prasad, V. Saturation Mutagenesis of the HIV-1 RT b3- b4 Hairpin Reveals Novel Mutations Conferring Dideoxynucleoside Triphosphate Resistance. Fourth Workshop on Viral Resistance, Annapolis, Maryland. 1995 Japour, AJ. & Pitt, J. Maternal-Infant Transmission of Zidovudine-Resistant (ZDVR) HIV-1. Infectious Diseases Society of America Meetings, San Francisco, California. 1995 Japour, AJ., Kim, S., Greene, R., Joseph, R., Chatis, P. Clinical HIV-I Isolares Displaying ddl-Resistance in Culture May be Unstable With Serial Passage. 35'h lnterscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. San Francisco, 24 23 22 2t 20 19 18 t7 Japour-CV_ AUG-2014 P. 14 32 t6 15 I4 California, 1280. 1995 Chatis, P.A., Brewster, F., Joseph, R.A., Greene, R.A., Japour, AJ. A Direct Method for Detection of Nevirapine Resistance in HIV-1 Clinical lsolates. 35'h Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. San Francisco, California, T28T. 1995 Demeter, L., Sannerud, K., Mayers, D., Fitzgibbon, J., Sylvester, S., Arens, M., Fisher, E., Shafer, R., Zhao, Y., Huang, D., Reichelderfer, P., Johnson, V.A., Richman, D., Rasheed, D., Kuritzkes, D., and Japour, AJ., for the ACTG Genotypic Resistance Working Group. lnterlaboratory Concordance of DNA Sequence Analysis of the HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase. 35'h Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, San Francisco, California, 12 84. 1995 Erice, A., Brambilla, D., Demeter, L., Penas, J., Brewster, F., Stellrecht, K., Reichelderfer, P., Mayers, D., and Japour, AJ., for the ACTG Virology Committee. Zidovudine (ZDV) Susceptibility Screening Assay for Clinical HIV Isolates.35'h Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, San Francisco, California, 1285. 1994 Greene, R.A., Japour, A., Joseph, R., Kasila, P., Litt, G., Chatis, p. A Direct Method for Detection of ddl Resistance in HIV-1 Clinical Isolates.34th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Orlando, Florida, October, 12 I 4. 1993 Japour, AJ., Chatis, P., Kim, S., Crumpacker, C.S. HIV-1 DDl-Resistance Overcome With Combination DDl/Ribavirin. [X International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, Germany, Abstract #Po A26-O640, June. 1993 Japour, AJ., Fiscus, S., Mayers, D., Reichelderfer, P., Kuritzkes, D. Microtiter Modification of the MT-2 Syncytia Assay.IX International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, Germany, PoB4l -2484, June. 1993 D'Aquila, R., Johnson, V., Kuritzkes, D., Japour, AJ., Crumpacker, C., Richman, D. HIV-1 Drug Resistance and Syncytium-lnducing Phenotype: Associations With Disease Progression Among ACTG 1l68/117 Subjects. IX International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, Germany, PoB26-2O46, June. 1993 Lan, Y., Japour, AJ., Kim, S., Crumpacker, C.S., Welles, S.L., Mclntosh, K. A Rapid, Direct Test for Zidovudine Susceptibility in Clinical Isolates of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-l) From Infected Children. IX International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, Germany, Po8262048, June. 1993 Kuritzkes, D.R., welles, S., Johnson, v.A., crumpacker, c.s., DeGruttola, v., Japour, AJ. The ACTG l168/117 Virology Resistance Team. "Baseline Prevalence and Clinical Significance of Zidovudine (ZDY) Resistance Mutations in HIV-1 Isolates From Patients in ACTG Protocol 1l6Bi 1 17. Third Workshop on Viral Resistance, Washington, D.C., September. 1992 Japour, AJ., Kuritzkes, D., Johnson, V., Mayers, D., Beckett, L., Arduino, J.M., D'Aquilia, R., Crumpacker, C.S. Consensus Protocol to Measure Antiviral Resistance in Clinical HIV-l Isolates. VIII International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Abstract #PoA 2484, July . 1992 Johnson, V., Balfour, H., Beckett, L., Cheseboro, B., Crumpacker,C.,Haberzetti, C., Japour, AJ., Katzenstein, D., Kuritzkes, D., Mayers, D., Mclntosh, K., Rangan, S., Reichman, R., Richman, D., Scott, W., D'Aquila, R., AIDS Clinical Trials Group Virology Committee Virus Resistance Working Group. Inter-Laboratory Variability of Anti-HIV-1 Susceptibility Testing. VIII International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Abstract #PoA23I0, July. 1992 Japour, AJ., Kim, L., Chatis, P.A., Beckett, L., Arduino, J.M., Ecto, L., Chapman, B., Crumpacker, C.S. Serial HIV-1 ZDY and DDI Susceptibility in a Cohort of Subjects I3 t2 u 10 Japour-CV-AUG-2014 P. 15 33 2006 Enrolled in Three Antiviral Trials. VtrI International Conference on AIDS, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Abstract #PoB3572, Jul Japour, AJ., Mayers, D., Arduino, J.M., Beckett, L., Crumpacker, C.S. ZDY & ddl Susceptibility Correlates in Clinical HIV-I Isolates. Infectious Diseases Society of America Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California. Japour, AJ., Chatis, P.A., Kim, L., Crumpacker, C.S. HIV Susceptibility Testing in AIDS Clinical Trials. Seventh International Q$gpLgg o, AIDS,Ilorencg, Ita p, Japour, AJ., Chatis, P.A., Eigenrauch, H., Kim, L., Crumpacker, C.S. ddl Potentiation Ribavirin. seventh International conference on AIDS, Florence,Italy, June. Japour, AJ., Eigenrauch, H.A., Chatis, PA., Crumpacker, C.S. AzT-Resistant HIV Detection by RNA-RNA Hybridization. Sixth International Conference on AIDS, San Francisco, California, USA. Abstract #F.A.336, June. Japour A.rMassaro, M., Nordstrom D., Silberman C., Provost D.,phase IV trial, observational study or patient registry: which? when? why? at http://www.ppdi.com 62 7t2014 sov ALD I@ ( sofosbuv ir ) Roundtable Dis cus si.on : c linical c onsiderations in Paticnt Managemenr, Coral Gables, FL 6l 4t20t4 Transforming the Treatrnent Paradigm, Review of sovALDl@(sofosbuvir), Miami Beach, FL 60 3t20t4 Once Daily Olysio (simeprevir) 150 mg- Clinical Overview, Palm Harbor, FL 59 3/2014 once Daily olysio (simeprevir) 150 mg- clinical overview, Florida center for Gastroenterology, Largo, FL 58 3t2014 Once Daily Olysio (simeprevir) 150 mg- Clinical Overview, St. Petersberg, FL 57 3t2014 once Daily olysio (simeprevir) 150 mg- clinical overview, GastroHealth, Miami, FL 56 2t20r4 Once Daily Olysio (simeprevir) 150 mg- Clinical Overview, Tampa, FL 55 y20r4 Once Daily Olysio (simeprevir) 150 mg- Clinical Overview, Palm Beach, FL 54 u2014 Once Daily Olysio (simeprevir) 150 mg- Clinical Overview, Punta Gorda, FL 53 u20t4 Once Daily Olysio (simeprevir) 150 mg- Clinical Overview, Savannah, GA 52 12t20t3 Once Daily Olysio (simeprevir) 150 mg- Clinical Overview, Orlando, FL 51 t2t20t3 Once Daily Olysio (simeprevir) 150 mg- Clinical Overview, Miami Beach, FL 50 t2t20t3 Once Daily Olysio (simeprevir) 150 mg- Clinical Overview, Bonita Springs, FL 49 tu20t3 Hepatitis c: Past, Present, Future, Borinquen Medical centers of Miami Dade, Miami, FL 48 9t2013 Hepatitis c Medications & side Effects, Hepatitis c support Group, Miami Beach, FL 47 8t20t3 Hepatitis c: Past, Present, Future, Mount sinai Medical center Medical Grand Rounds CME Program, Miami Beach, FL Japour_CV_AUG-2014 P. 16 34 46 7t20t3 Treatment-Naive Adult Patient with Chronic HCV Gl Infection who has Compensated Liver Disease, Miami, FL 45 6t2013 Addressing Chronic Hepatitis C in Primary Care: Integrating Recent Medical Recommendarions, Borinquen Medical Center, Miami, FL 44 5t2013 Addressing chronic Hepatitis c in Primary care: Integrating Recent Medical Recommendations,Famtly Care at Bardmoor, Largo, FL 43 5t2013 Addressing Chronic Hepatitis c in Primary Care: Integrating Recent Medical Recommendations, lndian Shores, FL 42 4t20t3 Treatment-Naive Adult Patient with Chronic HCV Gl Infectionwho has Compensated Liver Disease, Fort Myers, FL 4t 4120t3 Today's Chronic Hepatitis C Patient: VirallPatient Factors and predicting Disease Progression, Digestive Care Center, North Miami, FL 40 3t2013 Treatment-Naive Adult Patient with Chronic HCV Gl Infection who has Compensated Liver Disease, Macon, GA 39 3t2013 Addressing chronic Hepatitis c in Primary care: Integrating Recent Medical Recommendarions, Athens, GA 38 3t2013 Current Treatments for Chronic HCV: Translating Clinical Studies into Clinical Practice, Absolute Care, Atlanta, GA 37 2t2013 Current Treatments for Chronic HCV: Translating Clinical Studies into Clinical Practice,Tampa General Medical Group, Tampa. FL 36 2t20t3 Treatment-Naive Adult Patient with Chronic HCV Gl Infection who has Compensated Liver Disease, Miami Beach, FL 35 U2013 Treatment-Naive Adult Patient with Chronic HCV Gl Infection who has Compensated Liver Disease, Melbourne, FL 34 y20t3 Today's chronic Hepatitis c Patient: virallPatient Factors and predicting Disease Progression, Daytona, FL 33 t2t2012 Advanced Liver Disease in Chronic HCV: Strategies to Help and Monitor Patients, Liver Transplant Unit at Broward General Medical Center, Fort Lauderdale, FL 32 tU20t2 Current Treatmentsfor Chronic HCV: Translating Clinical Studies into Clinical Practice,Triple O Medical, Palm Beach, FL 3l ty2012 Current Treatments for Chronic HCV: Translating Clinical Studies into Clinical Practice, Central Indiana Gastroenterology Group, Indianapolis, IN 30 tU20t2 Current Treatmentsfor Chronic HCV: Translating Clinical Studies into Clinicai Practice,Private Practice, Palm Beach, FL 29 IU20t2 Current Treatments for Chronic HCV: Translating Clinical Studies into Clinical Practice, Gastroenterology Care Center, Miami, FL 28 tot20t2 Current Treatments for Chronic HCV: Translating Clinical Studies into Clinical Practice, Digestie Medicine Associates, Miami, FL 27 tot20t2 Current Treatments for Chronic HCV: Translating Clinical Studies into Clinical Practice,University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore. MD 26 9t2012 Current Treatmentsfor Chronic HCV: Translating Clinical Studies into Clinicil Practice, St. Petersburg, FL 25 8/20t2 Management of chronic Hepatitis c Infection, one patient at aTime, west palm Beach, FL 24 7t2012 Current Treatmentsfor Chronic HCV: Translating Clinical Studies into Clinical Practice,Long Beach, CA 23 7t20r2 Current Treatments for Chronic HCV: Translating Clinical Srudies into Clinical Practice, Los Angeles, CA Japour_CV_AU G -2014 P. 17 35 22 5t20t2 Management of Chronic Hepatitis C Infection, One Patient at a Time, Miami Beach, FL 21 5t20t2 Current Treatrnents for Chronic HCV: Translating Clinical Studies into Clinical Practice, Augusta, GA 20 9t20It Jackson North Medical Center Obstetrics & Gynecology, September 2OlI, Hepatitis C Diagnosis and Treatment in Pregnant Women-New Directions in Hepatitis C treatment l9 8t20tt Jackson North Medical Center Radio Show, August 20ll, Hepatitis C in the Community-Epidemiology, Diagnosis a& New Treatment Directions in Hepatitis C 18 U20tt Florida International University College of Medicine , Syphilis t7 10/2010 BioFlorida Annual Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Keynote Address, Policy Implications for An Evolving Biosciences and Health Care Industry. 16 oIt20t0 Florida International University College of Medicine , Syphilis l5 tu2009 American Bar Association, AIDS Coordinating Committee, New HIV Infections in the United States. t4 L2t2N9 Florida International University College of Medicine , Infectious Diseases as Agents of Bioterrorism 13 02t2009 Northwestern University, Keynote Address, Alumni Dance Marathon Dirrrret,The HMNDS Battle in tlu 21" Century. t2 1ll2008 Cruise Line International Association, Miami, FiL, Avian InJluenTa ll r1t2007 Cruise Line International Association, Miami, FL, Avian Influenza t0 2W7 Seatrade, Miami Beach, FL, Avian Intluenza 9 2007 Miami Beach City Hall, Miami Beach, FL, Avian Influenla- History and Present Threat 8 08t2006 Centers for Disease Control, Florida department of health, Miami-Dade County Health Department, International Conference of Cruise Lines, Royal Caribbean Cruises Avian Influenza (HSNl Business Continuity and Shipboard Preparedness Planning) 7 2006 International Conference of Cruise Lines, Avian Influenza- History and Present Threat 6 2000,-2003 Academic Medical Centers in the US, Where Science Meets Ethics in Clinical Trials: The HIV/NDS Paradism 5 r996-2002 Harvard HMME Course, Antiviral Drug Resistance or Where Science Meets Ethics in Clinical Trials: The HIVINDS Paradigm 4 t99s-2002 lnfectious Diseases Training Program, Beth Israel-Deaconess Medical Center, Antiretroviral Thcrapy for HIV Disease 3 1992-199s Harvard Medical School, clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics course HST 350, Molecular Structure of Drug-Resistant HIV-l 2 1990-1995 Beth Israel Hospital Medical Housestaff Lecture Series , syphilis in the AIDS Era I 1989-1995 Harvard Medical school, Infectious Diseases course 5l3lviJ, syphilis in the NDS Era Japour-CV_AUG-2014 P. lE 36 1998 1997 1997 t997 Japour, A., Murphy, R., Hicks, C., Eron, J.,Yetzer,E., Hammer, S., Orth, K. Safety & Efficacy of ABT-378/Ritonavir in Antiretroviral-Naive HIV Patients: Preliminary Phase II Results. 12s world AIDS conference, Geneva, Switzerland, June 28 zoilla,c., Japour, A.J. Molecular ZDV-Resistance and the Risk of perinatal HIV- I Transmission in the women & Infants Transmission Study (WITS).Infectious Disease Society of America, San Francisco, California, September Race,8., Adelson-MittyrJ.rBarlam, T., and Japour, A.J. Focal Inflammatory Lymphadenitis (FIL) and Fever Following Initiation of Protease Inhibitor (PRI) in Patients with Advanced HIV-I Disease.4'h conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Washington, DC. 352 colgrove, R., Japour, A.J. Mathematical Modeling of within-patient Evolution of HIv-l Antiretroviral Resistance as a Function of HIV Reverse Transcriptase Fidelity and Total-Body HIV Virion Burden Predicts Sharp Non-linear Superiority of Three-drug Over Two-drug Therapeutic Regimens.4'h Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Washington, DC. 406 Race, E., Reimann, K., Lrtvin, N. and Japour, A.J. Recurrence of Trimethoprim- Sulfamethoxazole TMP-SMX Hypersensitivity Following Initiation of Protease Inhibitor (PRI) in Patients with Advanced HIV-1. 4'h Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Washington, DC. 535 Welles, S., Pitt, J., Colgrove, R., Mclntosh, K., Chung, P., Colson, A., Lockman, S., Davenny, K., Fowler, M., Hansen,I., Landesman, S., Moye, J., Rich, K., A Double-blind, Rando mized, Placebo-controlled, Multicenter Study Assessing the Impact of Additional LDl-Cholesterol Reduction on Major Cardiov asc ular Events When AMG 145 is Used in Combination with Statin Therapy in Patients with Clinically Evident Cardiovascular Disease A Multi-Center, Prospecti ve, Rando rnized,Double-B lind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group Study to Evaluate the Effect of AMR101 on Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality in Hypertriglyceridemic Patients with Cardiovascular Disease or at High Risk for Cardiovascular Disease: REDUCE-IT (Reduction of Cardiovascular Events with E?A-Intervention Trial) Amarin Pharma, Inc SABA: A study of factors that affect adherence to HIV therapy and safer sex behaviors a.mong women in the Miami-Dade County's AIDS Drug Assistance Program FOCUS: A study of factors that affect adherence to HIV Amarin Pharma, Inc. Miami-Dade County Health Department AIDS Program Miami-Dade 20t2-2013 2007-200/9 2004-2007 Japour_CV_AU G -2014 P. 19 37 6 5 therapy and safer sex behaviors among men who have sex with men in the Miami-Dade Counff's AIDS Drug Assistance Program. Intravenous Infusion in HlV-Positive Patients Maiernal-Infant Transmission of ZDV-Resistant HIV-l in the Women and Infants Transmission Study Maternal-Infant Transmission of ZDV-Resistant HIV- I HIV-I Zidovudine and Didanosine Resistance Detection Drug Resistant HIV-I RT-Molecular Structure and Function Detection of HIV RNA in Patients Blood County Health Department AIDS Program Hybridon NIH-NIAID Pediatric AIDS Foundation DuPont-NEN Life Sciences MH-NIAID American Foundation for AIDS Research 1996 1995-1999 tgg4-tgg6 1994-1996 1992-1996 t989-1992 3 Biological Response Toolkit for Florida Hospitals. Development, production and training kit. 2 Harvard Advanced Technical Laboratory Adult AIDS Clinical Trial Group Harvard/Boston AIDS Clinical Trial Elizabeth Race, M.D. (Fellowship) Clinical Investigator Training Program Florida Department of Health (subcontract to Jackson Health System) NIH.NIAID NIH-NIAID Harvard/MIT Health Sciences Technology 2006-2007 1995-1996 tgg}-tgg6 1996-1998 Physician-Scientist Award, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disiasei Japour_CV_AA G -2014 P . 20 38 Scholar for the American Foundation for AIDS Research Microbes, Infection and Immunology BMS63OO 2009-2013 Amy Colson, Beth Israel Hospital, Medical Resident, Boston, MA Title: Maternal-Infant HIV Drug Resistance Transmission Publications:. Welles, S.L., Pitt, J., Colgrove, R., Mclntosh, K., Chung, PJI., Colson, A., Lockman, S., Fowler, M. G., Hanson, C., Landesman, S., Moye J., Rich, K.C., Zorrilla, C., Japour, A. J. HIV-l Genotype Zidovudine Drug Resistance and the Risk of Maternal-Infant Transmission In the Women and Infant Transmission study. NDS 14:263-272. Welles, S., Pitt, J., Colgrove, R., Mclntosh, K., Chung, P., Colson, A., Lockman, S., Davenny, K., Fowler, M., Hansen, [., Landesman, S., Moye, J., Rich, K., Zorilla, C., Japour, AJ. Molecular ZDV-Resistance and the Risk of Perinatal HIV-1 Transmission in the Women & Infants Transmission Study (WITS). Infectious Disease Society of America, San Francisco, California, September Shahin Lockman, Beth Israel Hospital, Medical Resident, Boston, MA Title: Maternal-Infant HIV Drug Resistance Transmission Publiccation:. Welles, S.L., Pitt, J., Colgrove, R., Mclntosh, K., Chung, P.H., Colson, A., Lockman, S.rFowler, M. G., Hanson, C., Landesman, S., Moye J., Rich, K.C., Zonilla, C., Japour, A. J. HIV-1 Genotype Zidovudine Drug Resistance and the Risk of Maternal-Infant Transmission In the Women and Infant Transmission study. AIDS 14:263-272. Welles, S., Pitt, J., Colgrove, R., Mclntosh, K., Chung, P., Colson, A., Lockman, S., Davenny, K., Fowler, M., Hansen, I., Landesman, S., Moye, J., Rich, K., ZorilLa,C., Japour, AJ. Molecular ZDV-Resistance and the Risk of Perinatal HIV-I Transmission in the Women & Infants Transmission Study (WITS). Infectious Disease Society of America, San Francisco, California, Japour_CV_AU G -2014 P, 2l 39 1998 Scott Brun, Physician Rotation Program, Abbott Laboratories Professional Development Program Title: Phase I/II Clinical Research Studies in HIV Publications:. Hicks, C., King, M., Brun, S., Real, K., Murphy, R., Eron, J., Thommes, J., Gulick, R., Glesby, M., Thompson, M., White, C., Benson, M., Albrecht, M., Kessler, H., Hsu, A. Bertz, R., Kempf, D., Japour, A., & Sun, E. ABT- 378/Ritonavir (ABT-378/R) in Antiretroviral Naive HIV + Patients: 48 Weeks. 7th European Conference on Clinical Aspects and Treatment of HIV Infection. Lisbon, Portugal, October 23-27. Bertz,R., Lam, W., Brun, S., Kumar, G., Fields, C., Orth, K., Jennings, J., Hsu, A., Granneman, R., Japour, A., Sun, E. Multiple-Dose Pharmacokinetics (PK) of ABT-378/Ritonavir (ABT-378/r) in HIV+ Subjects.3g'h ICAAC Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, September 26-29. Murphy, R., King, M., Brun, S., Orth, K., Hicks, C., Eron, J., Thommes, J., Gulick, R., Thompson, M., White, C., Benson, C., Hammer, S., Kessler, H., Bertz, R., Hsu, A., Kempf, D., Sun, 8., Japour, A. ABT-378/ritonavir Therapy in Antiretroviral-Narve HIV-I Infected Patients for 24 weeks. 6'b Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, January 31 - February 4 1995-96 Robert Colgrove, Beth IsraeiHospital, Boston, MA Title: Mathematical Modeling of HIV Drug Resistance Publication: ' Colgrove, R., Japour, A. A Combinatorial Ledge: Reverse Transcriptase Fidelity, Total Body Viral Burden, and the Implications of Multiple-Drug HIV Therapy for the Evolution of Antiviral Resistance. Antiviral Res 4l,45-56 ' Colgrove, R., Japour, AJ. Mathematical Modeling of Within-Patient Evolution of HIV-I Antiretroviral Resistance as a Function of HIV Reverse Transcriptase Fidelity and Total-Body HIV Virion Burden Predicts Sharp Non-linear Superiority of Three-drug Over Two-drug Therapeutic Regimens. 4'h Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Washington, DC.406 Title: Maternal-Infant HIV Drug Resistance Transmission Publication:. Colgrove, R.C., Pitt, J., Chung, P.H., Welles, S.L., Japour, AJ. Selective Vertical Transmission of HIV-1 Antiretroviral Resistance Mutations . AIDS 12:2281-2288. Colgrove, R., Pitt, J., Japour, A., Welles, S. Evolutionary Hotspot around RT Codon 215 Evolves During Zidovudine Exposure. 6'h Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, January 3l - February 4. Colgrove, R., Piff, J., Chung, P., Welles, S., Japour, AJ., Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, Columbia University, and University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Selective Vertical Transmission of HIV-1 Zidovudine Resistance Mutations. 5'h Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Chicago, Illinois 1995-96 Jennifer Adelson-Mitty, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, MA Title: HIV Immune Reconstituion Syndrome Publication:. Race, E., Adelson-Mitty, J., Barlam, T., Japour, A.J. Focal Inflammatory Lymphadenitis (FIL) and Fever Following Initiation of Protease Inhibitor (PRI) Japour-C Y-AU G -?,014 P . 22 40 rn Patients with Advanced HIV-1 Disease. Lont'et 351:252-2-5-5 1994-96 Elizabeth Race, Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, MA Title: HI\z Immune Reconstituion Svnclrome Publication: ' Race, E.. Adelson-Mitty. J.. Barlam. T.. Japour. A.J. Focal Inflammatory Lymphadenitis (FIL) and Fever Follorvine Initiation of Protease Inhibiror (PRI) in Patients with Advanced HIV-1 Disease. Lancer 351:252-255 Race,8,., Reimann, K., Letvin. N. and Japour. A.J. Recurrence of Trimethoprim- Sulfamethoxazole TMP-SMX Hypersensitivity Follorving Initiation of Protease Inhibitor (PRI) in Patients lr'ith Advanced HIV- 1 . 4'i' Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. Washington. DC. 5-35 Race, E., Adelson-Mitty. J.. Barlam. T.. and Japour. A.J. Focal Inflammatory Lymphadenitis (FIL) and Fever Follorving Initiation of Protease Inhibitor (PRI) in Patients r,vith Advanced HIV-1 Disease.4'r'Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. Washington, DC. 3-52 SERVICE DETAILS Editorial Boards Date Editorial Board I r 1995-96 i Associate Editor, AIDS Clinical CzLre published by the Massachusetts Medicali __ ___t rgsrqry Revlewing Duties: Jounal 6 5 4 3 2 I l0 9 8 7 6 5 20t2 2002-03 1995-03 1995-2003 r994-98 r994-2003 Future Virology- ad hoc Clinical Infectious Diseases- ad hoc AIDS- ad hoc Journal of Infectious Diseases- ad hoc Journal of Clinical Microbiology- ad hoc Journal of AIDS- ad hoc Assay Development committee, virology Quality Assurance Program NIH-DAIDS NIH ACTG Adult Scientific Virology Committee, Core Member NIH ACTG Genotype Sequencing Swat Team, Core Member NIH ACTG HIV Resistance Screening Assay Srvat Team, Chair Assay Development Committee, NIH AIDS Clinical Trial Group; Vice Chair Beth Israel Hospital clinical Research Center Scientific Advisory committee Grant Reviews No Date Agencies 1993-2010 Ad hoc Reviewer, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD Conference Committees-AlDS Ctinical Trials Group (ACTG) No Date Conference Information 1996 t994-96 t994-95 r994-95 1994-95 t993-96 Japour_CV_ LUG-2014 P. 23 41 4 3 2 1 11 l0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1993-9s 1993-94 1990-9s 1990-93 NIH ACTG Primary Infection Committee Phase IVIII Working Group NIH ACTG MT-zSwat Team, Chair NIH ACTG Virology Committee NIIH ACTG HIV Resistance Working Group, Core Member Hepatology Speaker's Bureau, AbbVie, Nonh Chicago,IL Hepatitis C Speaker's Advisory Board, Bristol-Myers Squibb, plainsboro, NJ HIV Clinical Advisory Board, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Plainsboro, NJ Hepatitis Clinical Advisory Board, Gilead Pharmaceuticals, Foster City, CA Hepatitis C Speaker's Bureau, Janssen Pharmaceutical Company Hepatitis C Speaker's Advisory Board, Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH Pharmaceuticals, Ridgefield, CT Hepatitis C Speaker's Advisory Board-USA, Merck & Company, Blue Bell, pA Health Advisory Board, City of Miami Beach Scientific Advisory Board, ImmunoGenetix, Inc., Lenexa, KS American Bar Association, AIDS Coordinating committee, Health Care Advisory, Washington, D.C. Homeless Committee, City of Miami Beach, Miami Beach, FL Republican Primary Candidate, State of Florida House of Representatives, District to7 Cultural Arts Council, City of Miami Beach, Miami Beach, Fl community Development Advisory council, city of Miami Beach, Miami Beach, FL Florida Medical Association, Tallahassee, FL Miami Beach Bar Association, Miami Beach, FL Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce, Miami Beach, FL Scientific Advisory Board, S equoia Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Gaithersburg, MD Finc Arts Board, CltV of Miami Beach, Miami Beach, FL Scientific Advisory Board, PPD Inc. Government Group, Wilmington, NC Miami Beach Latin Chamber of Commerce, Miami Beach, FL Board of Directors, Open Hand Chicago, Chicago, [L Core Laboratory Beth Israel Hospital- Harvard Medical School, HIV Endowment Fund 23 20t4 22 2014 21 2014 20 20t4 19 20t3- Present 18 20t3 t7 20tt- Present 16 2011-2013 15 20tt- Present 14 2009- Present 13 20to 12 2009-10 2007-to 2006 2004-tt 2006-08 2006.o7 2004-06 - 2004-06 2004-05 2W3-O7 1999-O2 1989-96 Blackstone - Franklin Square Neighborhood Association, Boston, MA Scientific Director, Harvard-Thorndike General Clinical Research Center Molecular 1995 Japour_CY_AU G -2014 P. 24 42