20161109 Release 2MIAMIBEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.oov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Philip Levine and Members of the City Commission FROM: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk DATE: November 2,2016 SUBJECT: Corrected City Commission At-Large Nominations for November 9, 2016 - Release # 2 Below please find the City Commission At-Large Nominations received to date for the November 9, 2016 Commission Meeting. ltem received since Release # 1 are shown in red. BOARD AND COMMITTEES 1. AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE vACANCY (1): No nomination received do date. 2. ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMITTEE vACANCY (1): No nomination received do date. 3. BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE vACANCY (1): No nomination received to date. 4. BUDGET ADVISORY GOMMITTEE vACANCY (1): No nomination received to date. 5. HEALTH FACILITIES AUTHORITY BOARD vACANCIES (0): POSSTBLE REAPPOTNTMENTS TO BE MADE (2): No nomination received to date 1 6. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD vAcANCtES (0) o Daniel Veitia (Release # 2, Page 3)o Nominated for appointment, effective January 1, 2017, (At-Large position) by Commissioner Grieco.o Nominated for appointment, effective January 1, 2016, (At-Large position) by Commissioner Alem5n. Clerk's Note: Ms. Carol Housen, who currently holds an At-Large position in the Design Review Board, will be termed limited effective December 31, 2016. 7. HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE vACANCY (1): o Francinelee Hand (Release # 1, Page 3)o Nominated for appointment by Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez. . Jesse Fleet (Release # 1, Page 13)o Nominated for appointment by Commissioner Grieco. F:\CLER\$ALL\REG\COMMISSION MEETINGS\201 6\1 1 09201 6\RELEASE # 2.docx 2 Daniel Veitia 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4 E MIAMIBEACH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BOARDS A ND COMMITTEE APFLIGAT'ON, FO.BM NArlrE: Y.iliL P"T.l 3g16 0e T ! ,, pi,r r, 39LastName FirstName -''" --- - MidEieGmi- HOUE ADDReSSt iI I T \' r,;L t.i,, s ij r i: ;c i: No. Street C pHoNE: 395-219-3408 195-.103-0657 305-+03-242S daniel@urbanresource.com Home Work Fax Business Name: Urban Resource Position: Owner Address: ll93 Tlst Strggt, Miami Beach, FL- 33141No. Street City State Zip CoOe Prolesslonal ucense loescrtuel Real Estate Broker and ProperU Manager erpiro,-09/30/20l0- Aflach a copy or the ticense PuEuant to Clty Code eectlon 2-22141a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the citf this requirement shall be fulfilled in the bllowing ways: a) an individual shall haw been a resident of the city for a minimum -of six months: or b) an individual shall demonsfate ownershipfinterest fur a minimum of six months in a business eitabtistred in the city. o Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes Xor No E o Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: yes Xor No g e Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes Xor ilo n o (Please check one): I am now a resident of: North Beach XSouth Beach E Middle Beach tr o l am applying for an appointment because I have specialabilities, knowledge, experience. Please list below: Pleesa list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [2] second choice, and t3l third choice. Please note that onlv thrue (31 cholces wlll bc observed bv the Gttv Clerk's Off,ce. (Regular Boards of City) tr Art in Public Places Committee 0 Housing Authority. tr Beach Preservation Board B Loan Review Committee. tr Beautilication committee tr Mayor's Green Ad-Hoc commiilee E Board of Adjustment' E Marine Authority' o Budget Advisory Committee tr Miami Beach CulturalArts Council tr Committee on Homeless tr Miami Beach Commission on Stiatus of Women E Committee for Quality Education in MB E Miami Beach Florida Sister Cities tr Community Development Advisory' E Normandy Shores Local Gov't Neigh. lmprovement E Community Relations Board D Oversight Committee for General Obligation Bond tr Convention Center Advisory Board E Parks and Recreation Facilities Board O Debarment Committee O Personnel Board. DOesign Review Board' O planning Board' tr Disability Access Committee D Police Citizens Retations Committee E Fine Arts Board O Produclion lndustry Council E Golf Advisory committee E public safety Advisory committee E Health Advisory Committee E Safety Committee E Health Facilities Authority Board E Transportation and Parking Commiftee E Hispanic Affairs Committee E Visitor and Convention Authority' tr Historic Preservation Board' E youth centerAdvisory Board t Borrd Requlmd to Flle Strto Dlsclorue form ClDocuments and Setlings\conlpurbm\Local Settings\Temporary lnternet f ilstOt-XtCS\BC Apptication Revised Juty 1B 2007.doc 5 Note: lf applying tur Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center: 1. Past servioe on th6 Youth Center Advisory Board: Yes 0 No o Yeals of SeMce: 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children YesB No o. lf yes, please list the names of your children, their ages, and which programs. List below: Child's name: Child's name: Age: _ Program: Age: _ Program: oHave you ever been convicted of a felony: YeB D or No X lf yes, please explain in detail: o Do you cunently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: Yes tr or No X lf yes, please explain in detail: o Do you cunently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: Yes E or Uo X tt yes, explain in detail o Are you cunently serving on any City Boards or Committees: Yes Xor No 0. lf yes; which board? North Beach Master Plan Committee o What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you currently hold membership in? ttame: Rhythm Foundation 16. Board Member Name: o List all properties ovvned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: 1525 Normandy Drive, I l7 S Shore Drive, 119l-1203 Tlst Street o I am now employed by the City of Miami Beach: Yes E or Noil[Wtrictr department? o Purruent to Clty cod. Secton 2-25 (b): Do you have a parent D, spouse E, child E, brother o, or sister o who is employed by the Ci&of Miami Beach? Check all that apply. ldentify th€ departrnent(s): This seciion is "not required" but desired: Age: 44 years old Ethnic Origin (Check one) Gender: Maleil. Female D Write tr African-American/BlackE Hispanic: O Asian or Pacific lslander E American Indian orAtaskan Native tr Employment Stratus: Employed ilRetired tr Home-maker! OtherO "l hercby .tteti to thc accuracy and tntthfulneer of tfte rppllcaton .nd hrve rccelycd, rcad and wltl abldo by Chapter 2, Artlcle Vll - of thc Clty Code "Strnderdr of Conduct for Clty Offtccrs, Employees and Agcncy Membclt." t0/tllt6 Daniel VeitiaDate Name of Appticant (PLEASE PRTNT) Pleaca attach a copyr of your resume to thl3 appllcatlon NOTE: Apptlcatlons wlll remaln on llle for a perlod of one (l) calendar year. 2 C:\Doqrnlents and Settings\compurbm\Local Settings\Temporary lnlernet Files\OLK1CS\BC Application Revised Juty .lB ?00z.doc Received in City Clerks Ofice by Document Control Number (AssaSned by the City Clert's Onel / O / / 6 1525 Normandy Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33141 305.219.3408 daniel@northbeachnerc.com llanlel Ueltia Irolosrlonrl Urlrn Xcaoulcc. lunotrPlrtldcrt 1008 - prcmrt [lmiltilS . ReatEstate Brotonage Fim. Propefl Management Firm. Pfiect/Construction Management Servies. Li:ensed RealBtate BrckerardCAM lrtcrnrtlonrl lodrilcr, tt00 - 20!,. FS Trucking, Vice Presldent. Maed<-Sealand, Nodr American @nalions Manager ' Pronlo Caqo, Operathns Manager/Oncr COfnUnlU Steering Committee lor Nortr Beach Master Plan lnurlucncnt Btue Ribbon paneilor North Beach CMB Planning Board Member Founding Member, Faimay Park Neighborhood Association Pasl President, Normandy lsle Norfi Neighbofiood Association Past Presklent, Nodh Beach Development Corp. Past Presidenl, North Beach Bandshell Park Trusl Past President Cunent Member, Bhyhm Foundation Past Board Member, MiamiBeach Communily Dev Corp. Founding Member, North Shore Neighborhood Association Commitlee Member, Hunicane Task Force (C.M.B) Leadership Miami Graduate (2005, Miami) Leadership Academy Graduate (2006, C.M.B) Citizens Police Academy Graduate (2006, C.M.B.) C.E.R,T. Graduate IifCftlOl BusinessAdministration, BBA University of Miami 1997 TallahasseeCommunityCollege 1994Business Administration, M 7 KEN I.AWSON, SECRETARY . Always verify licenses online at MyFloridalicense.com 'l' Po not alter this document in any form. This is your license. lt is unlawful for anyone other than the licensee to use this document. 8 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION coMMUNtTY ASSOCTATTON MANAGERS (850) 487-1395 2601 B1AIR STONE ROAD TALI.AHASSEE FL 32399-0783 Congratulations! \Mth this license you become one of lhe nearly one million Floridians licensed by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation. Our professionals and businesses range from architects to yadrt brokers, from boxers to barbeque restaurants, and they keep Florida's economy strong. Every day we work to improve the way we do business in order to serve you better. For information about our services, please log onto wvw.myfloridallcense.com. There you can find more information about our divisions and the regulations that impacl you, subscribe to department newsletters'and leam more ibout the Departmenf s initiatives. Our mission at the Department is: License Effcienty, Regulate Fairly. \A/e constandy strive to serve you better so that you can serve your customers. Thank you for doing business in Florida, and congratulations on your nenil license! VEITIA, DANIEL PO BOX 415700 MIAMI BEACH FL 33141 RICK SCOTT, GOVERNOR The COMMUN]TY Named below lS LICENSED Under the provisions of Chapter rt68 FS. Expiration date: SEP 30,2018 VEITIA, DANIEL 1193 71ST STREET MIAMI BEACH FL 33141 . STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATTON cAM33730 .. |SSUED: 09/18/2016 ' f ' coMM uNrw AssooATrqN iTANAGER i' lS LICENSED under the provi3ions of Ch.468 FS. Expk lhnd.lo : SEPel, 2018 Lr6091E{m3(,37 KEN I.AWSON, SECRETARY DETACH HERE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTIUENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION MANAGER ffi# . : -. NISPI AV AS PtrNI llPtrN RV I AW COTIIUIUNITY ASSOCIATION MANAGERS rcst lEn. nofitrrntA sFn{ I r609tn0nn3n379 10