20160413 Transportation Masterplan Executive Summary 1EXECUTIVE SUMMARY W H A T ’ S I N T H E P L A N ? Goals Public Input Travel Mode Share Multi-Modal Strategies, Management, & Corridors Concurrency Management Project Bank Transportation Master Plan TMP Goals Goals 1. Prioritize pedestrians. Encourage city residents and visitors, through safe and engaging infrastructure, to resort to walking. 2. Improve transit service and infrastructure. Develop a city-wide transit network that will have exclusively assigned road space and easy to access transfer areas. Utilize vehicular alternatives (i.e. Car-sharing) for trips where transit is not convenient. 4. Provide off-street parking facilities that are accessible and convenient. Seek opportunities for off-street parking facilities that support and encourage multi-modal activity. 6. Provide POLICIES for the future. Ensure that transportation policies support the projects recommended and promote multi- modal best practices. 3. Develop a bicycle network that is safe, connected, and consistent. Promote bicycling, through well designed facilities, education, and encouragement. 5. Plan for efficient freight mobility and delivery of goods. Improve the way in which goods are delivered through the city and on which roadways. 4 Executive Summary Existing CONDITIONS Existing Conditions 6 Executive Summary Existing Conditions 7 Executive Summary Existing Conditions 8 * In most Cities, Transportation facilities (Roadways, Sidewalks, Pathways, etc.) account for the majority of the land-use; however, as shown in the data, Miami Beach does not fit that mold. This serves to further indicate of the limited right-of-way available for facility widening. Executive Summary Understanding Mode Share Understanding Mode Share 10 Executive Summary 11 Understanding Mode Share Executive Summary 12 Understanding Mode Share Executive Summary 13 The team reviewed the following data: •Causeway transit data •Overnight and Non-overnight visitor data •Transit usage within the City of Miami Beach Based on the calculations, the team arrived at the estimated mode share shown above. Based on the results obtained by other cities who made commitments to multi-modal transportation, the team developed a proposed vision for modal share. This vision, as shown above, was further calibrated based on the modal impact recognized by each of the projects. Understanding Mode Share Executive Summary 14 Understanding Mode Share Executive Summary Prioritization Process Corridor Prioritization 16 Executive Summary Corridor Prioritization 17 Executive Summary Menu of Improvements Menu of Improvements 19 Executive Summary Menu of Improvements 20 Executive Summary Developing Projects 22 Executive Summary Project Bank 24 Executive Summary 25 Executive Summary 26 Executive Summary Project Length ( Miles ) 1 SR A1A / MacArthur Causeway Complete Streets Feasibility Study South Multimodal Downtown Collins Avenue 3.8 Review of design alternatives for exclusive transit lanes and bicycle lanes long MacArthur Causeway (Phase I) SR A1A/MacArthur Causeway requires an improvement towards regional and local connectivity. Improve the speed, reliability, comfort and convenience of transit. Serve new markets and support economic vitality. S.Pointe Drive Washingto n Avenue &&SR A1A/5th Street Dade Boulevard 3 West Avenue Protected Bicycle Lanes South Bike/Ped 6th Street 20th Street 1.3 Protected/buffered bicycle lanes (Lane repurposing), Enhanced crosswalks West Avenue requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 4 73rd Street One Way Protected Bicycle Lanes North Bike/Ped Dickens Avenue Atlantic Trail 0.35 Protected/buffered bicycle lanes (Lane repurposing), Enhanced crosswalks 73rd Street requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 5 72nd Street One Way Protected Bicycle Lanes North Bike/Ped Dickens Avenue Collins Avenue 0.28 Protected/buffered bicycle lanes (Lane repurposing), Enhanced crosswalks 72nd Street requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 6 Byron Avenue Protected Bicycle Lanes/Neighborhood Greenway North Bike/Ped 73rd Street Hawthorne Avenue 0.56 Protected/buffered bicycle lanes (Lane repurposing) from 73rd Street to 75th Street. Neighborhood Greenway from 75th Street to Hawthorne Avenue. Enhanced crosswalks Byron Avenue requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. North Bay Road Neighborhood Greenway (Including SR 907/Alton Road connecting bridge over Surprise Waterway) SR 907 / Alton Road and 17th Street Intersection Improvements 9 51st Street Green Bicycle Lanes Middle Bike/Ped Alton Road Pine Tree Drive 0.4 Enhanced (green) Bicycle Lanes 51st Street requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 10 63rd Street: Feasibility Study for Bicycle Alternatives Middle Multimodal Alton Road Indian Creek Drive 0.4 Multimodal Feasibility Analysis for bicycle and transit alternatives consistent with the Bicycle Pedestrian Master Plan 63rd Street requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. Review Geometry of the intersection for the addition of an additional left turn lane. Improved vehicular operations at the Intersection of SR 907 / Alton Road AND 17th Street8SouthBike/Ped N/A N/A N/A 7 Middle Bike/Ped Dade Boulevard La Gorce Drive 4.6 Neighborhood Greenway (Boulevard Markers and Traffic Calming) Enhanced crosswalks North Bay Road requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. Project Description Purpose & Need 2 Miami Beach Light Rail/Modern Street Car South Multimodal 4.55 (Rail Lane) and 4.70 (Protected Bike Lanes) Exclusive transit and protected/buffered bicycle lanes (Lane repurposing and/or roadway widening) South Beach requires an improvement for regional and local connectivity. Improve the speed, reliability, comfort and convenience of transit. Project Number Project Name City Area Project Type From To 27 Executive Summary 11 SR 907 Bicycle Alternatives Analysis and Implementation Middle Bike/Ped Michigan Avenue Chase Avenue 0.93 Analysis and implementation of Separated or Protected Bicycle Facilities adjacent to the golf course Alton Road requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 12 Dade Boulevard Shared Use Path + Road Diet South Bike/Ped 17th Street Pine Tree Drive 1 Feasibility Study and Implementation of Shared Use Path Adjacent to Collins Canal with potential road diet on the eastbound approach between SR 907/Alton Road and Michigan Avenue Dade Boulevard requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 13 Euclid Avenue Protected Bicycle Lanes South Bike/Ped 2nd Avenue 16th Street 1.15 Protected Bicycle Lanes from 5th Street to 16th Street. Neighborhood Greenway from 3rd Street to 5th Street. Dade Boulevard requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 14 Meridian Avenue Bicycle Facilities South Bike/Ped/ Safety/ Capacity 16th Street Dade Boulevard 0.47 Phase I of the Project includes a geometric feasibility analysis for protected bicycle lanes. The analysis also includes a capacity analysis of the Meridian Avenue and 17th Street Intersection (Priority 1A). Phase II of the project includes implementation based on the results of Phase I. Meridian Avenue requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 15 Meridian Avenue and 28th Street Shared Use Path Middle Bike/Ped Dade Boulevard Pine Tree Drive 0.9 Shared Uses Path (Lane repurposing) Enhanced crosswalks Meridian Avenue and 28th Street require an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non- motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 16 La Gorce Drive / Pine Tree Drive Protected/buffered bicycle lanes Middle Bike&Ped 51st Street La Gorce Circle 2.69 Protected/buffered bicycle lanes (Lane repurposing) BPMP Page 158 La Gorce Drive/Pine Tree Drive requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non- motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 17 6th Street and Michigan Avenue Bicycle Facilities Analysis South Bike/Ped West Avenue SR A1A / 2nd Street 0.5 Phase I of the project includes a geometric analysis of the proposed section of the corridor determine what bicycle facilities are appropriate for the corridor. Phase II of the project includes implementation based on the results of Phase I. 6th Street and Michigan Avenue requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non- motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. SR A1A / 5th Street and SR 907 / Alton Road Intersection Improvements 19 Dickens Avenue and SR 934 / 71ST Street Geometric Modifications North Roadway N/A N/A N/A Feasibility study for Geometric Modifications including an additional Southbound Lane This site requires examination for improved capacity and functionality. Examining the potential addition of a Southbound Lane gives the area the opportunity to improve roadway traffic. SR A1A / MacArthur Causeway and SR A1A / 5th Street's Feasibility Study of Adaptive Signal Controls Improve multimodal vehicular operations will be pursued at the Intersection of SR A1A / 5th Street AND SR 907 / Alton Road 20 South Roadway Fountain Street Washingto n Avenue 2 Feasibility Study of Adaptive Signal Controls Improve multimodal vehicular operations will be pursued along the corridor of SR A1A / MacArthur Causeway / 5th Street 18 South Bike/Ped N/A N/A N/A Provide Enhanced Crosswalks and improved sidewalk crossings. 28 Executive Summary 21 SR 907 / Alton Road's Feasibility Study of Adaptive Signal Controls South Roadway 6th Street Michigan Avenue 1.5 Feasibility Study of Adaptive Signal Controls Improve multimodal vehicular operations will be pursued along the corridor of SR 907 / Alton Road 22 23rd Street's Complete Streets Feasibility Study South Multimodal Dade Boulevard SR A1A / Collins Avenue 0.3 Feasibility Study of Complete Streets Design 23rd Street requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 23 SR A1A / Indian Creek Drive Bicycle/Pedestrian Safety Improvements Middle Roadway 26th Street SR 112 / 41st Street 0.9 Safety Improvements Improve multimodal vehicular operations will be pursued along the corridor of Indian Creek Drive from 26th Street to 41st Street 24 Intersection of SR A1A / Indian Creek Drive and 63rd Street and SR A1A / Abbott Avenue's Feasibility Study of Intersection Improvements North Roadway N/A N/A N/A Feasibility Study of Intersection Improvements Improve multimodal vehicular operations will be pursued at the Intersection of SR A1A / Indian Creek Drive and 63rd Street and SR A1A / Abbott Avenue 25 Intersection of SR 907 / Alton Road and 43rd Street/Ed Sullivan Road Feasibility Study of Intersection Improvements Middle Roadway N/A N/A N/A Feasibility Study of Intersection Improvements Improve multimodal vehicular operations will be pursued at the Intersection of SR 907 / Alton Road and 43rd Street/Ed Sullivan Road 26 SR 934 / 71st Street / Normandy Drive Safety Improvements North Roadway N Shore Drive SR A1A / Collins Avenue 0.5 Safety Improvements Improve multimodal vehicular operations will be pursued along the corridor of SR 934 / 71st Street / Normandy Drive 27 SR 112 / Julia Tuttle Causeway s Feasibility Study Middle Multimodal US-1 / Biscayne Blvd SR 907 / Alton Road 3.18 Feasibility study for Shared Path, Protected Bike lanes, and Exclusive Bus lanes SR 112 / Julia Tuttle Causeway requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non- motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 28 85th Street Neighborhood Greenway North Bike/Ped Stillwater Drive Atlantic Trail 0.5 Neighborhood Greenway(Boulevard Markers and Traffic Calming) Enhanced crosswalks 85th Street requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. SR 907 / Alton Road Sullivan Drive (Mt. Sinai Medical Center Entrance) SR 112 / 41st Street SR 112 / 41st Street SR 907 / Alton Road SR A1A / Indian Creek Drive / Alton Road SR A1A / Indian Creek Drive / Collins Avenue SR 112 / 41st Street Dade Boulevard Dade Boulevard Proposed Middle Beach Trolley Route SR A1A / Indian Creek Drive 17th Street 30 SR A1A / Collins Avenue and Indian Creek Drive Signal Optimization Study North Roadway SR 907 / 63rd Street SR 934 / 71st Street 0.79 Signal Optimization Feasibility Study on SR A1A Improve multimodal vehicular operations will be pursued along the corridor of SR A1A / Collins Avenue 29 Middle Transit 6.4 (Total Distance of One Loop) Trolley Route from Mt. Sinai Medical Center servicing Mid and South Beach This project proposes a route which will provide the Middle Beach area of the City with a trolley system to help encourage multimodal alternatives of transportation. 29 Executive Summary 31 SR 934 / 71st Street Feasibility Study North Roadway Carlyle Avenue SR A1A / Collins Avenue 1.02 Feasibility Study for removing existing dedicated left turns along 71st Street and review the feasibility of adding an additional westbound lane. This section of SR 934 / 71st Street stands a chance of improving capacity and functionality by examine the efficiencies of Left turn lanes and their alternatives. 32 SR 112 / 41st Street and SR 907 / Alton Road Auxiliary Turn / Shoulder Lane Study Middle Roadway N/A N\A N/A Feasibility Study for Auxiliary Turn / Shoulder Lane Improve multimodal vehicular operations will be pursued at the Intersection of SR 112 / 41st Street and SR 907 / Alton Road 33 Middle Beach Intermodal Station Middle Multimodal N/A N/A N/A Develop an Intermodal Station to provide multi-modal transfers This site specific improvement will reach beyond just its immediate area. This station is being designed with the hopes of 34 SR 112 / Julia Tuttle Cswy Westbound Ramp Middle Roadway Mount Sinai Hospital SR 112 / Julia Tuttle Causeway 0.25 Westbound on ramp to SR 112 / Julia Tuttle from Mount Sinai Hospital This project’s focus is to helping improving roadway functionality and capacity but providing mitigation of traffic generation from Mount Sinai Hospital 35 10th Street/11th Street Neighborhood Greenway South Bike/Ped West Avenue SR A1A / Collins Avenue 0.52 Neighborhood Greenway(Boulevard Markers and Traffic Calming) Enhanced crosswalks 10th or 11th Street require an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. SR 907 / Alton Road and Michigan Avenue's Intersection Improvements 37 Middle Beach Recreational Corridor Middle Bike/Ped SR A1A / Collins Avenue BLK 4700 SR A1A / Collins Avenue BLK 5400 0.8 Connect the North and South existing Beachwalk segments The Middle Beach Recreational Corridor has the potential to function as a pedestrian and bicyclist only environment which full connects the North and South portions of the City of Miami Beach. This is the last section of the route that remains as an inconsistent experience for travelers. 38 SR A1A / Collins Avenue / Indian Creek Drive and SR 112 / 41st Street's Intersection Safety Study and Improvements Middle Roadway N/A N/A N/A Intersection Safety Study and Improvements Improve multimodal vehicular operations will be pursued at the Intersection of A1A / Collins Avenue / Indian Creek Drive AND SR 112 / 41st Street 39 81st Street Neighborhood Greenway North Bike/Ped Crespi Boulevard Atlantic Trail 0.36 Neighborhood Greenway(Boulevard Markers and Traffic Calming) Enhanced crosswalks 81st Street requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. Provide Enhanced Crosswalks. FDOT Project Improve multimodal vehicular operations will be pursued at the Intersection of SR 907 / Alton Road AND Michigan Avenue 36 Middle Bike/Ped N/A N/A N/A 30 Executive Summary 40 77th Street Neighborhood Greenway North Bike/Ped Dickens Avenue Collins Avenue 0.28 Neighborhood Greenway(Boulevard Markers and Traffic Calming) Enhanced crosswalks 77th Street requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 41 Tatum Waterway Drive Neighborhood Greenway North Bike/Ped 77th Street 81st Street 0.34 Neighborhood Greenway (Boulevard Markers and Traffic Calming) Enhanced crosswalks Tatum Waterway Drive requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non- motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 42 Chase Avenue Shared-Use Path Feasibility Study Middle Bike/Ped Alton Road 34th Street 0.23 Phase I of this project includes a feasibility analysis for a shared-use path adjacent to the golf course. Various constructability concerns were found during the master planning exercise, thus the need for a feasibility analysis. This analysis will also include the intersection Alton Road and Chase Avenue. Phase II of the project will consist of the implementation phase. Chase Avenue requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 43 Alton Road and North Bay Road Intersection Bicycle Improvements Middle Bike/Ped Intersection Project N/A N/A Intersection Safety Improvements The intersection requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 44 16th Street Bicycle Facilities Improvements South Bike/Ped Bay Road Collins Avenue 0.83 Phase I of the project proposes the improvement of the existing Bicycle Lanes by painting them green. Phase II of the project includes the implementation of Protected Bicycle Lanes along the corridor. 16th Street requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 45 47th Street Enhanced Bicycle Lane Middle Bike/Ped North Bay Road Pine Tree Drive 0.66 Enhanced (Green) Bike Lane for the corridor, including the portion between Alton Road and North Bay Road. 47th Street requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 46 42nd Street Enhance Bicycle Lanes Middle Bike/Ped Prairie Avenue Pine Tree Drive 0.25 Enhanced (Green) Bike Lane for the corridor. 42nd Street requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 47 Bay Drive Neighborhood Greenway North Bike/Ped West 71st Street East 71st Street 1.3 Neighborhood Greenway(Boulevard Markers and Traffic Calming) Enhanced crosswalks Bay Drive requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 48 Royal Palm Avenue Neighborhood Greenway Middle Bike/Ped 28th Street 41st Street 0.55 Neighborhood Greenway(Boulevard Markers and Traffic Calming) Enhanced crosswalks Royal Palm Avenue requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non- motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 49 Baywalk South Bike/Ped 5th Street 15th Street 1.05 Feasibility Study and Implementation of Shared Use Path Baywalk requires an improvement towards local non- motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 50 South Beach Pedestrian Priority Zones South Bike/Ped N/A N/A N/A Designation and formalization of Pedestrian Priority Zones (PPZ) Phase I of the project includes analysis and implementation of PPZs for the South of 5th Street Neighborhood and the West Avenue Neighborhood. Phase II includes analysis and implementation of the Flamingo Park Neighborhood. 32 Executive Summary 33 Executive Summary 34 Executive Summary 35 Executive Summary 36 Executive Summary 37 Executive Summary 38 Executive Summary 39 Executive Summary 40 Executive Summary 41 Executive Summary 42 Executive Summary 43 Executive Summary 44 Executive Summary 46 Executive Summary 47 Executive Summary 48 Executive Summary 49 Executive Summary 50 Executive Summary 51 Executive Summary 52 Executive Summary 53 Executive Summary 54 Project Number Project Name City Area Project Type From To Project Length ( Miles ) Project Description Purpose & Need 1 17th Street Exclusive transit and protected/buffered bicycle lanes South Transit/Bike&Pe d WashingtonAven ue Collins Avenue 0.14 Evualuation of Exclusive transit and/or protected/buffered bicycle lanes (Lane repurposing and/or roadway widening), 17th Street requires an improvement towards regional and local connectivity. Improve the speed, reliability, comfort and convenience of transit. 2 SR A1A / Collins Avenue / Indian Creek Drive Exclusive transit and protected/buffered bicycle lanes South / Middle Transit/Bike&Pe d 17th Street 44th Street 2.76 Exclusive transit and protected/buffered bicycle lanes (Lane repurposing and/or roadway widening), Enhanced crosswalks SR A1A / Collins Avenue / Indian Creek Drive requires an improvement towards regional and local connectivity. Improve the speed, reliability, comfort and convenience of transit. Serve new markets and support economic vitality. 3 Meridian Avenue Protected/buffered bicycle lanes South / Middle Bike&Ped 16th Street 28th Street 1.04 Protected/buffered bicycle lanes (Lane repurposing and/or roadway widening), Enhanced crosswalks Meridian Avenue requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non- motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 4 69th Street Buffered Bicycle Lanes North Bike/Ped Indian Creek Drive Collins Avenue 0.20 Buffered Bicycle Lane 69th Street requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 5 21st Street and 22nd Street/Park Avenue Protected Bicycle Lanes Feasibility Study South Bike/Ped Washington Avenue and 23rd Street Beachwalk 0.6 Protected/buffered bicycle lanes (Lane repurposing and/or roadway widening), Enhanced crosswalks 21st & 22nd Street requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non- motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. Executive Summary 55 Project Number Project Name City Area Project Type From To Project Length ( Miles ) Project Description Purpose & Need 6 63rd Street Protected/buffered bicycle lanes Middle Bike&Ped North Bay Road SR A1A Indian Creek Drive 0.47 Protected/buffered bicycle lanes (Lane repurposing and/or roadway widening) 63rd Street requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 7 SR 934 / 71st Street / Normandy Drive Exclusive Transit Lanes/ Protected/buffered bicycle lanes North Bike&Ped Bay Drive SR A1A Collins Avenue 2.6 Exclusive Transit Lanes Protected/buffered bicycle lanes (Lane repurposing and/or roadway widening) Enhanced crosswalks SR 934 / 71st Street / Normandy Drive requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi- user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 8 SR 907 / Alton Road AND SR 112 / 41st Street's Safety Feasibility Study North Bike&Ped SR 907 / Alton Road SR 112 / 41st Street N/A Safety Feasibility Study Improve multimodal vehicular operations will be pursued at this intersection of SR 907 / Alton Road AND SR 112 / 41st Street 9 SR 112 / 41st Street and Pine Tree Drive Safety Feasibility Study North Bike&Ped SR 112 / 41st Street Pine Tree Drive N/A Safety Feasibility Study Improve multimodal vehicular operations along the corridor of SR 112 / 41st Street AND Pine Tree Drive 10 44th Street AND SR A1A / Collins Avenue Safety Feasibility Study Middle Bike&Ped 44th Street SR A1A / Collins Avenue N/A Safety Feasibility Study Improve multimodal vehicular operations along the corridor of 44th Street AND SR A1A / Collins Avenue Executive Summary 56 Project Number Project Name City Area Project Type From To Project Length ( Miles ) Project Description Purpose & Need 11 Meridian Avenue Bicycle Greenway Analysis South Bike/Ped 1st Street 16th Street 1 Neighborhood Greenway(Boulevard Markers and Traffic Calming) Enhanced crosswalks Meridian Avenue requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non- motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 12 Lincoln Road Shared Space South Bike/Ped Washington Avenue Collins Avenue 0.12 Shared Space including changes to pavement and various multi-modal accommodations. Meridian Avenue requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non- motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 13 Lincoln Lane North Bicycle Connection/ Neighborhood Greenway South Bike/Ped Alton Road Washington Avenue 0.57 Exploring the various typical sections of the alleyway to create an exclusive bicycle lane or Neighborhood Greenways. Lincoln Lane North requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non- motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 14 Fairway Drive Shared- Use Path North Bike/Ped Biarritz Drive Bay Drive 1.10 Shared-Use Path adjacent to the golf course. Fairway Drive requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. Executive Summary 58 Executive Summary 59 Executive Summary 60 Executive Summary 61 Executive Summary 62 Executive Summary 63 Executive Summary 64 Executive Summary 65 Executive Summary 66 Project Number Project Name City Area Project Type From To Project Length ( Miles ) Project Description Purpose & Need 1 SR A1A / Collins Avenue Protected/buffered bicycle lanes South Bike/Ped South Pointe Drive 17th Street 1.68 Protected/buffered bicycle lanes (Lane repurposing and/or roadway widening) Enhanced crosswalks SR A1A / Collins Avenue requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non- motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 2 Prairie Avenue Neighborhood Greenway Middle Bike/Ped 44th Street 47th Street 0.25 Neighborhood Greenway(Sharrow Markers) Enhanced crosswalks Prairie Avenue requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 3 SR A1A Collins Avenue Exclusive transit lanes Middle Transit 44th Street SR A1A Collins Avenue / Indian Creek Drive Split 2 Exclusive transit lanes (Lane repurposing) SR A1A Collins Avenue requires an improvement towards regional and local connectivity. Improve the speed, reliability, comfort and convenience of transit. Serve new markets and support economic vitality. 4 SR A1A Collins Avenue / Indian Creek Drive Exclusive transit and protected/buffered bicycle lanes Middle / North Transit/ Bike/Ped SR A1A Collins Avenue / Indian Creek Drive Split SR 934 / 71st Street 2.05 Exclusive transit and protected/buffered bicycle lanes (Lane repurposing and/or roadway widening), SR A1A Collins Avenue / Indian Creek Drive requires an improvement towards regional and local connectivity. Improve the speed, reliability, comfort and convenience of transit. Serve new markets and support economic vitality. 5 SR 934 / 79th Street Causeway Exclusive transit, Shared Uses Path, and protected/buffered bicycle lanes North Transit/ Bike/Ped US 1 / Biscayne Boulevard Bay Drive 2.67 Exclusive transit, Shared Uses Path, and protected/buffered bicycle lanes (Lane repurposing and/or roadway widening), SR 934 / 79th Street Causeway requires an improvement towards regional and local connectivity. Improve the speed, reliability, comfort and convenience of transit. Serve new markets and support economic vitality. Executive Summary 67 Project Number Project Name City Area Project Type From To Project Length ( Miles ) Project Description Purpose & Need 6 Abbott Avenue Protected/buffered bicycle lanes North Bike/Ped Indian Creek Drive SR 934 / 71st Street 0.3 Protected/buffered bicycle lanes (Lane repurposing and/or roadway widening) Enhanced crosswalks Abbott Avenue requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 7 77th Street Shared Path North Bike/Ped Normandy Avenue Dickens Avenue 0.24 Shared Uses Path(Lane repurposing and/or roadway widening) Enhanced crosswalks 77th Street requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 8 77th Street Neighborhood Greenway North Bike/Ped Dickens Avenue Atlantic Way 0.34 Neighborhood Greenway(Sharrow Markers) Enhanced crosswalks 77th Street requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 9 81st Street Neighborhood Greenway North Bike/Ped Tatum Waterway Drive SR A1A / Collins Avenue 0.19 Neighborhood Greenway(Sharrow Markers) Enhanced crosswalks 81st Street requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 10 South Pointe Drive Protected/buffered bicycle lanes South Bike/Ped Alton Road Beachwalk 0.31 Protected/buffered bicycle lanes (Lane repurposing and/or roadway widening) Enhanced crosswalks South Pointe Drive requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non- motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. Executive Summary 68 Project Number Project Name City Area Project Type From To Project Length ( Miles ) Project Description Purpose & Need 11 Alton Road Exclusive transit and protected/buffered bicycle lanes South Transit/ Bike/Ped South Pointe Drive SR A1A / 5th Street 0.49 Exclusive transit and protected/buffered bicycle lanes (Lane repurposing and/or roadway widening), Enhanced crosswalks Alton Road requires an improvement towards regional and local connectivity. Improve the speed, reliability, comfort and convenience of transit. Serve new markets and support economic vitality. 12 Washington Avenue Exclusive transit and protected/buffered bicycle lanes South Transit South Pointe Drive SR A1A / 5th Street 0.44 Exclusive transit and protected/buffered bicycle lanes (Lane repurposing and/or roadway widening), Enhanced crosswalks Washington Avenue requires an improvement towards regional and local connectivity. Improve the speed, reliability, comfort and convenience of transit. Serve new markets and support economic vitality. 13 Venetian Causeway Conventional Bike Lanes South Bike/Ped US 1 / Biscayne Boulevard West Avenue 3.21 Conventional Bike Lanes(Lane repurposing and/or roadway widening) Enhanced crosswalks Venetian Causeway requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non- motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 14 SR 907 / Alton Road Exclusive transit lanes South Transit Dade Boulevard SR 112 / 41st Street 1.46 Exclusive transit lanes (Lane repurposing) SR 907 / Alton Road requires an improvement towards regional and local connectivity. Improve the speed, reliability, comfort and convenience of transit. Serve new markets and support economic vitality. 15 24th Street / Liberty Avenue Protected/buffered bicycle lanes Middle Bike/Ped Pine Tree Drive 23rd Street / SR A1A Collins Avenue 0.28 Protected/buffered bicycle lanes (Lane repurposing and/or roadway widening) Enhanced crosswalks 24th Street / Liberty Avenue requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. Executive Summary 69 Project Number Project Name City Area Project Type From To Project Length ( Miles ) Project Description Purpose & Need 16 Flamingo Drive Protected/buffered bicycle lanes Middle Bike/Ped Pine Tree Drive SR A1A / Indian Creek Drive 0.13 Protected/buffered bicycle lanes (Lane repurposing and/or roadway widening) Enhanced crosswalks Flamingo Drive requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 17 Biarritz Drive Protected/buffered bicycle lanes North Bike/Ped Shore Lane SR 934 / 71st Street 0.32 Protected/buffered bicycle lanes (Lane repurposing and/or roadway widening) Enhanced crosswalks Biarritz Drive requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 18 Bay Drive Neighborhood Greenway North Bike/Ped Fairway Drive SR 934 / 71st Street 0.34 Neighborhood Greenway(Sharrow Markers) Enhanced crosswalks Bay Drive requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 19 Wayne Avenue Shared Path North Bike/Ped Raymond Street 73rd Street 0.07 Shared Uses Path (Lane repurposing and/or roadway widening) Enhanced crosswalks Wayne Avenue requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 20 Wayne Avenue Shared Path North Bike/Ped Michael Street 75th Street 0.19 Shared Path (Lane repurposing and/or roadway widening) Enhanced crosswalks Wayne Avenue requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. Executive Summary 70 Project Number Project Name City Area Project Type From To Project Length ( Miles ) Project Description Purpose & Need 21 SR A1A Collins Avenue / Indian Creek Drive / Harding Avenue Exclusive transit lanes and Protected Bicycle Lanes Middle / North Transit SR A1A Collins Avenue / Indian Creek Drive Split 88th Street 4.36 Exclusive transit lanes (Lane repurposing) and protected Bicycle Lanes along Harding Avenue SR A1A Collins Avenue / Indian Creek Drive / Harding Avenue requires an improvement towards regional and local connectivity. Improve the speed, reliability, comfort and convenience of transit. Serve new markets and support economic vitality. 22 Hawthorne Avenue Neighborhood Greenway North Bike/Ped 77th Street 85th Street 0.54 Neighborhood Greenway(Sharrow Markers) Enhanced crosswalks Hawthorne Avenue requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non- motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 23 85th Street Neighborhood Greenway North Bike/Ped Hawthorne Avenue SR A1A / Collins Avenue 0.46 Neighborhood Greenway(Sharrow Markers) Enhanced crosswalks 85th Street requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 24 Pine Tree Drive Protected Bicycle Lanes Middle Bike/Ped 23rd Street 51st Street 2.00 Protected/buffered bicycle lanes (Lane repurposing and/or roadway widening) Enhanced crosswalks Pine Tree Drive requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 25 SR A1A / MacArthur Causeway Light Rail Connection/ Shared-Use Path South Transit/ Bike&Ped US 1 / Biscayne Boulevard SR 907 / Alton Road 3.41 Light Rail Connection across the Bay/ Protected Bicycle Lanes (Lane repurposing and/or roadway widening), Enhanced crosswalks SR A1A / MacArthur Causeway requires an improvement towards regional and local connectivity. Improve the speed, reliability, comfort and convenience of transit. Serve new markets and support economic vitality. Executive Summary 71 Project Number Project Name City Area Project Type From To Project Length ( Miles ) Project Description Purpose & Need 26 SR 112 / 41st Street Exclusive transit lanes and protected/buffered bicycle lanes Middle Transit/ Bike/Ped SR 907 / Alton Road Beachwalk 0.87 Exclusive transit lanes and protected/buffered bicycle lanes (Lane repurposing) Enhanced crosswalks SR 112/41st Street requires an improvement towards regional and local connectivity. Improve the speed, reliability, comfort and convenience of transit. Serve new markets and support economic vitality. 27 SR 112 / Julia Tuttle Causeway Exclusive Transit Lane/Shared-Use Path Middle Multimodal US-1 / Biscayne Blvd SR 907 / Alton Road 3.18 Exclusive Transit Lane and Shared-Use Path. This project required extensive bridge work. SR 112 / Julia Tuttle Causeway requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 28 SR A1A/ Indian Creek Drive Protected Bicycle Lanes North Bike/Ped Abbott Avenue Dickens Avenue 0.33 Protected Bicycle Lanes (Lane repurposing and/or roadway widening) That section of Indian Creek Drive requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 29 15th Street Neighborhood Greenway South Bike/Ped Washington Avenue West Avenue 0.66 Neighborhood Greenway (Bicycle Boulevard Markers) Enhanced crosswalks 15th Street requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 30 20 Street Neighborhood Greenway South Bike/Ped Purdy Avenue Sunset Drive 0.25 Neighborhood Greenway (Bicycle Boulevard Markers) Enhanced crosswalks 20th Street requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. Executive Summary 72 Project Number Project Name City Area Project Type From To Project Length ( Miles ) Project Description Purpose & Need 31 Ocean Drive Shared Space South Bike/Ped 5th Street 15th Street 0.90 Shared Space (Public Space) allowing for easy closures for events, calming traffic, and improved pedestrian space. Ocean Drive requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 32 Crespi Avenue Neighborhood Greenway North Bike/Ped Hawthorne Avenue 85th Street 0.22 Neighborhood Greenway (Bicycle Boulevard Markers) Enhanced crosswalks Crespi Boulevard requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non- motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 33 Purdy Avenue Neighborhood Greenway South Bike/Ped Dade Boulevard 20th Street 0.26 Neighborhood Greenway (Bicycle Boulevard Markers) Enhanced crosswalks Purdy Avenue requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. 34 Drexel Avenue Neighborhood Greenway South Bike/Ped Espanola Way 17th Street 0.40 Neighborhood Greenway (Bicycle Boulevard Markers) Enhanced crosswalks Drexel Avenue requires an improvement towards local non-motorized transportation infrastructure connectivity. Develop a safe, complete, and accessible multi-user citywide bicycle and pedestrian network. Promote non-motorized transportation as a reliable mode of travel within the City. Executive Summary 74 Executive Summary 75 Executive Summary 76 Executive Summary 77 Executive Summary Potential Costs 79 Potential Costs $ 483,000,000 Executive Summary Potential Costs 80 Executive Summary Recommended Policies Recommended Policies 82 Executive Summary Recommended Policies 83 Executive Summary Recommended Policies 84 Executive Summary Recommended Policies 85 Executive Summary Recommended Policies 86 Executive Summary Recommended Policies 87 Executive Summary Executive Summary Transportation Master Plan