20160210 AM2MIAMI BEACH Gity Gommission Meeting ADDENDUM MATERIAL 2 City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive February 10,2016 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alemdn Commissioner Ricky Arriola Com m issioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Michael Grieco Commissioner Joy Malakoff Com missioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Visrt us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article Vll, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk priorto engaging in any lobbying activitywith the Gity Gommission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the Gity Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. ADDENDUM AGENDA G4 - Gommission Committee Assignments C4L Referral To The Neighborhood/Community Affairs Committee - Discussion Regarding The lnstallation Of A Pedeitrian Crosswalk Over Alton Road At 57th Street, To Connect Bus Stop To Bus Stop On Opposite Sides Of The Street. (Sponsored by Vice-Mayor John Elizabeth Alem6n) C4M ReferralTo Neighborhood/CommunityAffairs Committee - Discussion On Renaming/Dedicating The Stage At The Bandshell ln Honor Of Mr. Clark Douglas Burris. (Sponsored by Commissioner Micky Steinberg) 1 The sponsor of the addendum agenda item deems that such item either constitutes a public emergency affecting life, health, property, or public safety and should be considered immediately; or does not constitute a public emergency, but should be considered immediately. See Miami Beach Code Sec. 2-12 (c)(3). 1 Addendum 2, February 10,2016 R7 - Resolutions R7R A Resolution Approving And Authorizing The Administration To Negotiate A Lease Agreement, Consistent With The Essential Terms Set Forth ln This Resolution, Between The City Of Miami Beach, As Tenant, And RK 946-966 Normandy, LLC, As Landlord, For Use Of Approximately 1,800 Rentable Square Feet Of Property, Located At 962-964 Normandy Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, To Be Used As Administrative Offices For The City's Building Department; Said Lease Agreement Having An lnitial Term Of Fifty (58) Months, Commencing On March 1,2016, And Ending On December 31, 2020, With Two (2) Three (3) Year Renewal Options, At The City's Option; And Upon Successful Negotiations, Authorizing The Mayor And City Clerk To Execute Said Lease Agreement. (Tourism, Culture & Economic Development) R9 - New Business and Commission Requests RgV Discussion Regarding Renewal Of Progressive's Solid Waste Contract. (Sponsored by Commissioner Joy Malakoff) RgW Discussion On Muss Park Pavilion, Located At 4400 Chase Avenue. (Parks & Recreation) 2 Cardillo, Lilia From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Aleman, John Tuesday, February 09,201610:40 AM Cardillo, Lilia Ruiz-Paz, Cilia Maria FW: Please approve addition to agenda: consent referral to neighborhoods Dear Lilia - please use this (l corrected it somewhat as it had been originally dictated while driving)' From: Aleman, John Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2016 11:13 AM To: Levine, Philip Cc: Morales, Jimmy Subject: Please approve addition to agenda: consent referral to neighborhoods Dear Mayor, Would you be willing to authorize the addition of a consent item for referral to the Neighborhoods Committee regarding the installation of a pedestrian crosswalk over Alton Road at 57th Street to connect bus stop to bus stop on opposite sides of the street? This would improve the safety for those riding the bus, which for the most part I believe consists of service workers for single-family homes in the mid beach area. It would also improve safety for resident adults and children using the La Gorce Country Club facility on the eastern side of Alton Road. The intersection is somewhat dangerous as pedestrians must cross four travel lanes of traffic, as well as two turn lanes, and street parking on all comers may obstruct views. Thank you for your consideration, Vice-mayor Aleman Agenda ltem Date cqL J-to-iw3 :::::;a;rl I i:::,21 i. ffii t :'i;r.,::::/:= 4 g MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Jimmy Morales, City Manager FROM: MickySteinberg, Commissioner DATE: February 10,2016 SUBJECT: Referral to Neighborhood/Community Affairs Committee Please place on the February 10,2016 City Commission agenda a referral to the Neighborhood/Community Affairs Committee renaming/dedicating the stage at the Bandshell in Mr. Clark Douglas Burris's honor. Mr. Burris was a teacher at Miami Beach Sr High School who taught music, classical guitar but is most known for founding the MBSH Rock Ensemble over 40 years. He has touched the lives of countless students and has made a big impact on this community. Unfortunately he recently lost his battle with MS but he continues to inspire. Thank you! lf you have any questions please do not hesitate to call our office. Commissioner Micky Steinberg OFFICE OF MAYOR AND COMMISSION 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 305-673-71 03 I Fax: 305-673-7096 / www.miamibeachfl.gov We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. Aoenda ltem cYM Date Zp'A5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 6 COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM R1 R Condensed Title: A Resolution Approving And Authorizing The Administration To Negotiate A Lease Agreement Between The City, As Tenant, and RK 946-966 Normandy, LLC, As Landlord, For The Use Of Approximately 1,800 Rentable Square Feet Of Property, Located At 962-964 Normandy Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, For The City's Building Depa(ment, For An lnitial Term Of Fifty-Eight (58) Months, Commencing March 1, 2016 And Ending December 31,2020, With Two (2) Renewal Options For Three (3) Years Each, At The City's Option; And Upon Successful Negotiations, Authorizing The Mayor And Clerk To Execute Said Lease lntended Outcome N/A Supporting Data (Surveys, Environmental Scan, etc.): N/A ln an effort to become more customer friendly and reduce vehicles on City roadways, the Administration has continued to seek ways to bring City services closer to residents and property owners particularly in the North Beach area. With this in mind, the Administration has continued to search for ways to locate a Building Department satellite office in the northern end of the City to service North Beach and parts of Mid Beach. Such an office would allow for residents and business owners to apply for building permits closer to their homes or businesses allowing these customers to avoid getting in their vehicles for what can be a 20-30 minute drive to City Hall. The criteria established by the Administration for the required office space included the following: 1) approximately 2,000 rentable square feet, 2) an existing buildout which met the needs of the Building Department and would enable a quick occupancy, 3) fair market terms & conditions and 4) a North Beach location in close proximity to Normandy Drive / 71st Street. Subsequently, the Office of Real Estate negotiated terms and conditions for a new lease at 962-964 Normandy Drive. Prior to execution, the fully negotiated lease agreement shall be subject to Legal review and approval. A summary of the proposed lease terms are as follows: SIZE: Approximately 1,800 rentable square feetTERM: Fifty-eight (58) months RENT ABATEMENT: Three (3) months COMMENCEMENT DATE: March 1,2016 EXPIRATION DATE: December 31,2020 RENEWAL OPTIONS: Two (2) renewal options for three (3) years each, at Tenant's option. lNlTlAL BASE RENT: $29.00 per square foot ($52,200 annually; $4,350 monthly) on a triple net (NNN) basis. BASE RENT INCREASES: Three percent (3%) annually commencing January 1,2017 OPERATING EXPENSES: ln addition to Base Rent, Tenant shall pay its pro rata share of maintenance, insurance and real estate taxes. TENANT IMPROVEMENTS: Tenant to accept the Premises in "as-is" condition The Administration recommends that the Mayor and Citv Commission adopt the Resolution. Advi Board Financial lnformation: Financial lmpact Summary: The Base Rental Rate is $29.00 PSF, triple net, with three percent (3%) annual increases commencing January 1, 2017 , and Operating Expenses estimated at $4.67 PSF during Year 1 . Over the initial fifty-eight month term of the lease, the Building Department Fund Balance subject to a future Budget amendment. Fundino for future vears is subiect to Max Sklar, ext. 6116 T:\AGENDA\201 6\February\TCED\962 Normandy\962 Normandy E MIAMIBEACH oor, 2'10'[G 7 MIAMIBEACH City of Miomi Beoch, ,l700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33.l39, www.miomibeochfl.gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM Mayor Philip Levine and Members Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager February 10,2016 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: the City A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, F APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO NEGOTIATE A LEASE AGREEMENT, CONSISTENT WITH THE ESSENTIAL TERMS SET FORTH IN THIS RESOLUTION, BETWEEN THECIry OF MIAMI BEACH, AS TENANT, AND RK 946.966 NORMANDY, LLC, AS LANDLORD, FOR USE OF APPROXIMATELT 1,800 RENTABLE SQUARE FEET OF PROPERry, LOCATED AT 962.964 NORMANDY DRIVE, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, TO BE USED AS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES FOR THE CITY'S BUILDING DEPARTMENT; SAID LEASE AGREEMENT HAVTNG AN tNtTtAL TERM OF FtFTy (58) MONTHS, COMMENCING ON MARCH 1, 2016, AND ENDTNG oN DECEMBER 31 , 2020, WITH TWO (2) THREE (3) YEAR RENEWAL OPTIONS, AT THE CITY'S OPTION; AND UPON SUCCESSFUL NEGOTIATIONS, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE SAID LEASE AGREEMENT. ADM I N ISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Adopt the Resolution. BACKGROUND ln an effort to become more customer friendly and reduce vehicles on City roadways, the Administration has continued to seek ways to bring City services closer to residents and property owners particularly in the North Beach area. With this in mind, the Administration has continued to search for ways to locate a Building Department satellite office in the northern end of the City to service North Beach and parts of Mid Beach. Such an office would allow for residents and business owners to apply for building permits closer to their homes or businesses allowing these customers to avoid getting in their vehicles for what can be a 20-30 minute drive to City Hall. By Florida Statutes, permit fees collected for building permit fees must be utilized to cover costs incurred by the department in providing services. ln the past year, the 8 Commission Memorandum New Lease Agreement - Building Department February 10, 2016 Page 2 of 3 Building Department has seen permit revenues that have exceeded budgeted amounts leaving funds sufficient enough to investigate the purchase of property for a satellite office as suggested above. The Administration identified a site for sale, located at 6961 lndian Creek Drive, consisting of approximately 1,448 square feet. The Administration pursued a purchase of this site but it was determined the cost to modify the building to suit the needs of the Building Department was prohibitive. The Administration also pursued a lease of a space, located aL1250 Normandy Drive, consisting of approximately 3,925 square feet. The Administration determined, due to the large size, and high asking rent ($45.00 PSF Triple Net), the space was also cost prohibitive. Accordingly, the Administration continued its search for office space. ANALYSIS The criteria established by the Administration for the required office space included the following: 1) approximately 2,000 rentable square feet, 2) an existing buildout which met the needs of the Building Department and would enable a quick occupancy, 3) fair market terms & conditions and 4) a North Beach location in close proximity to Normandy Drive lTft Street. Subsequently, the Office of Real Estate negotiated terms and conditions for a new lease at 962-964 Normandy Drive. Prior to execution, the fully negotiated lease agreement shall be subject to Legal review and approval. A summary of the proposed lease terms are as follows: TENANT: LANDLORD: PREMISES: SIZE: TERM: City of Miami Beach RK 946-966 NORMANDY, LLC 962-964 Normandy Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33141 Approximately 1,800 rentable square feet Fifty-eight (58) months RENT ABATEMENT: Three (3) months LEASE COMMENCEMENT DATE: March 1,2016 LEASE 9 Commission Memorandum New Lease Agreement - Building Department February 10, 2016 Page 3 of 3 EXPIRATION DATE:December 31,2020 lNlTlAL BASE RENT: $29.00 per square foot (952,200 annually; 94,350 monthly) on a triple net (NNN) basis. BASE RENT INCREASES: Three percent (3%) annual increases commencing January 1,2017. RENEWAL OPTIONS: Tenant shall have two (2) renewal options for three (3) years each, at the Tenant's option. The Base Rent during the renewal period(s) shall be increased by three percent (3%) annually. OPERATING EXPENSES: ln addition to Base Rent, Tenant shall pay its pro rata share of maintenance, insurance and real estate taxes which are estimated at $4.67 PSF in 2016. lncreases in controllable Operating Expenses shall be capped at no more than five percent (5%) above the previous year. TENANT IMPROVEMENTS:Tenant to accept the Premises in "as-is" condition. SECURITY DEPOSIT: None USE:Administrative offices CONCLUSION The Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission adopt the Resolution approving and authorizing the Administration to negotiate a lease agreement, between the City and RK 946-900 NORMANDY, LLC, for approximately 1,800 rentable square feet of space, located at 962-964 Normandy Drive, Miami Beach, Florida; and upon successful negotiations, subject to Legal review and approval, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute said lease agreement. utxfuntASl/M -fuw T:\AGENDA\201 6\February\TCED\962 Normandy\962 Normany MEMO (Final).docx 10 RESOLUTION TO BE SUBMITTED 11 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 12 ,\J\ {,&sivu\ i $$ ffis\il $-$ OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Jimmy L. Moroles, City Monoger FROM: Joy V. W. Molokoff, Commissioner DATE: Februory 8,2016 SUBIECT: RE: Renewol of Progressive's Solid Woste Controct lnsteod of opening the proposols currently out on the street for solid woste controcts, I recommend setting these oside ond exercising the renewol option in Progressive's Solid Woste Controct. Also to be included is odding the recycling of electronic equipment ond textiles ot their green woste focility on Miomi Beoch. Pleose odd the obove item to the Februory 1 0, 2016 City Commission. lf you hove ony questions, pleose contoct me ot extension 6622. JVWM We ore committ'ed to providing excellent publtc service ond sofety to oll who live, work, ond ploy in our vibroni, tropicol, historic communily Aqenda ltem RlV Date z-lo-V13 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 14 TO: FROM: DATE: Attached is a elevations of //""\ il ilt w""4'[1 presentation showing new pavilion, and a t, ,' \, '1, i yS,Y:; iX City of Miomi Beoch, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33139, www.miomibeochfl.gov LOCATED AT 44OO CHASE AVENUE The City offers afterschool and summer recreational programs foryoung children in grades K-3'd at Muss Park. Currently, there are approximately 147 children enrolled in the City's summer recreational programming at Muss Park. The Park contains a pavilion with bathrooms, a tot lot and an open, greenspace area. The Park does not offer an indoor facility for program participants and therefore, during periods of inclementweather, alternative accomodations must be provided. Buses are continually on standby in order to relocate children to another City facility during inclement weather. At the July 23, 2014 City Commission, concerns regarding the existing renovation project for Muss Park was discussed. The Commission directed the Administration to present alternatives to the existing project that would provide a long-term solution to better address the challenges of weather protection for the young children who attend programming at the Park, while maintaining the existing greenspace. The Administration presented four (4) options to consider to which the Commission developed a Sth option, which was a hybrid of the presented options. The scope includes the demolition of the existing pavilion, and the construction of a 4000 sf pavilion that can accommodate 120 children, includes two (2) ADA accessible restrooms, office, reception area, storage, and mechanical room. Additionally, the new pavilion will include a permanent air conditioning system and have panels / doors that provide full enclosure of the pavilion when needed. The adjacent landscape will be restored and the existing trees will be preserved with the exclusion of a few palms thatwill be relocated. The new Muss Park Pavilion will provide a dynamic and secure environmentfor residents and visitors. The City has since implemented the criterion of setting finish floor elevations to Base Flood Elevation (BFE +3'; for all new buildings. The proposed pavilion and adjacent tot lot areas will be constructed to elevation of BFE +3'. The estimated cost is $1.8 million. The conceptual plans have been submitted to the Design Review Board (DRB) and the project is scheduled to be heard on April 5,2016. Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager February 10,2016 MEMORANDUM information of the existing facility, a proposed site plan and preliminary estimate of probable construction costs. Agenda ttem R 1W 6\February\Cl P\MussPark\MussPark.Pavilion. Memo.doc Date Z-104L15 -U LIJm = = LUO -- -) (Y - EZ. ,^\LUY LU-v)u .r LUUm 8= sr= 16 17 a er-vEtElJ'rirrt ttstrltcltY:rYlGr&i €tzl|l l€afl2.ra n4 -Eta,! 'hl: I lrltllllri I g1 :o !to YBlrylrxtsrafrllIIv.,rrill.rlNa .I. 1 18 lil it$lll{' Itril tiflil ; ilXr illi iliiii lr Jl,'l' ts-- d. h c,ooo.(n o Eo o,c o'x ul a II It II I I i II I ii I >I:r TIllrl(,x a 19 6trtE votuoll 'H5Vf S lt4tYlt l ]NN3AV SSVHJ OO'.' (,,.. l'tL..- -; I a5 !l;: :i 1." nIttllti L::-::t t ::::.-:- -t:--l 20 IId tu Il,e+ h $t ilt+ *i:iigiri* 21 EI sl il ili+ i i {i !r;ti1IIqBttilI It iErIriI iiilrli liti ,!OOOOOOO(OOO At I lt B? llB$ 22 A oqooo^oo)lo o V I (E o .cl o PtnoI coa-*t(J -JL+,tng o(J g .cT tu .CTol-o- lFo oP tu Ea- *,ta UJ L(ug a- -E =oL. 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