20160210 SM1MIAMI BEACH City Commission Meeting SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 1 City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive February 10,2016 Mayor Philip Levine Com missioner John Elizabeth Alem5n Commissioner Ricky Arriola Com m issioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Michael Grieco Comm issioner Joy Malakoff Comm issioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Visif us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article Vll, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Glerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA C7 - Resolutions C7L A Resolution Approving And Authorizing The MayorAnd City Clerk To Execute An Amendment To The Professional Services Agreement With lndustrial/Organizational Solutions, lnc., Approved By The City Commission On July 18,2012, Said Amendment To Provide Additional Testing Services During The Fourth Contract Year For Potential Non-Certified Police Officer Trainees, Certified Police Officers And Fire Fighters;And Requesting Additional Funding, ln An Amount Not ro Exceed $69'400'(Human Resources) (Memorandum) 1 Supplemental 1 , February 10, 2016 R5 - Ordinances R5D An Ordinance Amending Chapter 78 Of The Code Of The City Of Miami Beach, Entitled "Personnel," By Amending Article l, Entitled "ln General," By Amending Section 78-2, Entitled "Reserved," To Codify Requirements For Criminal History Record Checks For Certain Municipal Employees, Contractors, Employees Of Contractors, And Vendors, ln Accordance With State Law; Providing For Repealer, Severability, Codification, And An Effective Date. 10:15 a.m. Second Readinq Public Hearinq (Sponsored by Commissioner Michael Grieco) (Legislative Tracking : Human Resources) (First Reading on January 13, 2016 - RsO) (Memorandum & Ordinance) R7 - Resolutions R7J A Resolution Approving And Authorizing The Mayor And City Clerk To Execute The Second Amendment To Lease Agreement With The Miami Beach Police Athletic League, lnc. (PAL), Substantially ln The Form Attached To This Resolution, Relating To The Building Located At 999 1 1"' Street (Premises); Said Amendment Establishing The Permitted Uses Under The Lease; Clarifying And Establishing Terms Relating To The Shared Use Of The Premises By The City And PAL; Clarifying The Operational, Management, And Maintenance Obligations With Respect To The Shared Use Ot tfre Premises; Providing PAL With A $1 .00 Per Hour Of The Off-Duty Police Surcharge During The Term Of The Lease; And Further Extending The Lease Agreement Term For An Additional Two (2) Years, Through And lncluding June 30,2025. (Police) (Deferred from January 13,2016 - R7G) (Memorandum & Resolution) R7K A Resolution Authorizing The City Manager To Enter lnto Eight (8) Consent Orders With The State Of Florida Department Of Health For Noticed Permit Violations Dating Back To 2012, Associated With City WaterSystems Being Placed lnto Service Without The State Of Florida, Department Of Health ApprovalOrState Clearance ln Violation Of 62-555.345, F.A.C., And 403.121(3)(a), Florida Statutes; And Authorizing The City Manager To Execute The Eight (8) Consent Orders Attached Hereto As Exhibit 1, For A Total Cost Of $31,500. (Public Works) (Memorandum & Resolution) Reports and lnformational ltems 4. Miami Beach Convention Center Monthly Construction Project Update - LTC No. 052-2016. (Office of the CitY Manager) (Lrc) 2 COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY Condensed Title: A Resolution of the Mayor and Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, Approving and Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute an Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with lndustrial/Organization Solutions, lnc., approved by the City Commission on July 18, 2012, Said Amendment to Provide Additional Testing Services For The Police and Fire Department And Requesting Additional Funding, ln An Amount Not To Exceed $69,400. Intended Outcome Su Attract and maintain a workforce of excellence Item Summary/Recommendation : On May 25,2011, the City issued RFP #34-10111,for testing services programs to determine qualified applicants for police and fire entry level positions and classified promotional classifications, and to provide consultation services for sworn and non-sworn positions in order to develop job analyses, entry level and promotional tests, scoring, and minimum requirements for jobs background test requirements. At its regular meeting on July 18,2012, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No.2012-27941, approving and authorizing the City Manager to execute a professional services agreement with lndustrial/Organizational Solutions, lnc. (consultant). Pursuant to directions from the City Attorney's Office, the agreement was executed for the services pertaining to the police promotional process and general consultation services for the Human Resources Department, in an amount not to exceed $75,400. The contract was first amended on April 22,2013, through Resolution No. 2013-28182 to provide funding for testing services for police and fire entry level positions, in an amount not to exceed $70,000. The second amendment was on October 16,2013, through Resolution No. 2013-28396 to provide funding for testing services for classified ranks in the Ocean Rescue Division of the Fire Department, in an amount not exceed $38,000, and the third amendment through Resolution No. 2014-28775 lo provide promotional testing for the Fire Department. The request for this fourth amendment is To Provide Additional Testing Services During The Fourth Contract Year For Non-Certified Police Officer Trainees, Certified Police Officers And Fire Fighters; And Requesting Additional Funding, ln An Amount Not To Exceed $69,400. As the Administration continues to evaluate and identify areas for which the consultant's services are ate, The Citv will seek Commission a for additional fu Financial lnformation : Source of Funds: Amount Account 1 $21,130 Professional Services Account #01 1 -1210-00031 2 2 $48,240 Professional Services Account #011-1'1 30-00031 2 Tota!$69,370 FinanciaT lmpact Summary: Clerk's Office Sylvia Crespo-Tabak, Human Resources Director AGENDAffENil CI L oma 2-fi-(hAAIAAAISEACH3 MIAMIBEACH City of Miomi Beoch, l200 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33,l39, www.miomibeochfl.gov SSION MEMORANDUM TO:Mayor Philip Levine and Members of e City FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: February 10,2016 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR hND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH INDUSTRIAL/ORGANIZATIONAL SOLUTIONS, INC., APPROVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON JULY 18, 2012, SAID AMENDMENT TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL TESTING SERVICES DURING THE FOURTH CONTRACT YEAR FOR POTENTIAL NON.CERTIFIED POLICE OFFIGER TRAINEES, CERTIFIED POLICE OFFICERS AND FIRE FIGHTERS; AND REQUESTING ADDITIONAL FUNDING, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $69,400. RECOMMENDATION The Administration recommends adoption of the resolution. BACKGROUND On May 25,2011, the City issued RFP #34-10111,tor testing services programs to determine qualified applicants for police and fire entry level positions and classified promotional classifications, and to provide consultation services for sworn and non-sworn positions in order to develop job analysis, entry level and promotional tests, scoring, and minimum requirements for jobs background test requirements. At its regular meeting on July 18, 2012,hhe Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2012-27941, approving and authorizing the City Manager to execute a professional services agreement with lndustrial/Organizational Solutions, lnc. (Consultant). l/O Solutions is a public safety human resources consulting firm that specializes in personnel selection, development, validation and administration of police, corrections and fire services entrance, physical ability and promotional examinations. ln addition to providing third-party recruitment services, the firm is also a national test publishing organization, offering over 30 published entry-level and promotional exams and assessments. The firm employs a team of psychometricians and experts in the industrial and organizational psychology field, and puts a strong emphasis on developing assessment tools to identify the best candidates whether entry- level or promoting existing personnel, through a valid, reliable, fair, and defensible selection process. l/O Solutions has worked with over 1,000 public safety agencies throughout the United States 4 and Canada, such as the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), Jacksonville Sheriff's Police Department, Washington, D.C. Fire and EMS, Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department, New York State Police Department and the City of Chicago. l/O Solutions is one of the few major public safety consulting firms with an unblemished litigation history. ln 2009, the U.S. Supreme Court, in Rlcci v. DeStefano, ruled that the City of New Haven, CT was required to use the examinations developed by l/O Solutions in order to resolve a lawsuit brought against the City by twenty city firefiqhters alleging that the city discriminated against them with regard to promotions. ln addition, in 2007, the entry-level police officer examination l/O Solutions developed for the City of Buffalo, NY, satisfied the scrutiny of the U.S. Department of Justice. Further, an independent firm hired by the City of Chicago to evaluate all commercially available entry-level firefighter examinations identified l/O Solutions as having the best firefighter selection tool in the nation. The City entered into an agreement with the consultant for an initial term of one (1) year, with four (4) additional one (1) year renewal options, exercised at the City Manager's sole option and discretion. At the time, pursuant to direction from the City Attorney's Office, the agreement was executed for services pertaining only to testing services pertinent to the police promotional process and general consultation services for the Human Resources department. The contract was first amended on April 22, 2013, through Resolution No. 2013 -28182 lo provide funding for testing services for police and fire entry level positions, in an amount not to exceed $70,000. A second amendment to the contact was approved on October 16, 2013, through Resolution No. 2013-28396 to provide funding for testing services pertinent to the ocean rescue promotional process, in an amount not to exceed $38,000. The Mayor and City Commission approved a third amendment to this professional service agreement by adopting Resolution 2014-28775 October 22,2014. The statement of work from the consultant included the related activities to develop promotional testing in the Fire Department, to fill vacancies in the ranks of Fire Lieutenant and Fire Captain. The City is seeking to amend the agreement with the consultant a fourth time, to develop, update, as required, validate, administer, and score written examinations, and to develop and validate live interview questions for the firefighter, certified police officer and non-certified police officer candidates selected by the City who are interested in pursuing an educational opportunity in law enforcement through the Police Department's pilot program, therefore, we are requesting additional funding in an amount not to exceed $69,400. A copy of the proposals from l/O Solutions are attached. As the Administration continues to evaluate and identify areas for which the consultant's services are appropriate, the City will seek Commission approval for additional funding. CONCLUSION The Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission approve the attached resolution, approving and authorizing lndustrial/Organizational Solutions, lnc., to provide additional testing services for Fire Department classified promotional classifications, and requesting additionalfunding, in an amount not to exceed $69,400. Attachment JLM/JMT/SC-T 5 I N D U sTR IAL/[] RGAN I ZATI(fNI\L S O I..UTI ONS EXPERTS IN THE SCIENCE OF r]UBLIC SAFETY SELECTION ATTACHMENT Statement of Work Client: Miami Beach Fire Department Project Title: Entry-level Firefighter Selection Process The purpose of this document is to describe the components of the proposed project and to document the associated costs. The table on the following page will describe the anticipated project steps and associated costs. Should any component of the project need to be modified, IOS will contact the client and explain the required modification and any associated pricing change. Any future change in the proposed project must be mutually acceptable to the Client and IOS. Industrial/Organizational Solutions will submit invoices according to the following schedule: 1/3'd upon project commencement, 1/3'd at project midpoint, and L/3'd upon project completion. The following table(s) contain a breakdown of the project steps and associated costs. 6 Brian Marentette, Ph.D. Linda Reynaud, M.A. Maria Szczech, M.A. Amy Kupec, M.A. Christen Dovalina. M.S. Karen Steiger, M.A.Technical writer Tami Marsiglio Samantha GleavesAdministrative Cost Structure Candidate orientation presentations Delivery of candidate orientation presentations to describe process and preparation recommendations (4 sessions over three days) 24 4 $4,340 National Firefighter Selection Inventory (NFSI) $18.0O/candidate (estimated 500 candidates)$9,000 Written exam administration On-site exam administration oversight by IOS consultant (assumes 2 days, four exam sessions) 16 $2,800 Development of technical summary Development of a repoft to summarize job analysis outcomes, design/validation of the assessment and analysis of outcomes, includinq impact. 10 4 $2,090 Administrative expenses Shipping of exams and assessment materials.$200 Consultant travel expenses (detailed below) Site visits: exam administration, ca ndidate orientations.2,70O TOTAL COST 50 4 4 $21,130 7 Travel Costs (detailed) Authorizations: Acceptance by Client: I acknowledge that I have reviewed this Statement of Work and hereby authorize I/O Solutions and its representatives to commence work on the project components as described herein. Signature of Authorized Agent Title of Authorized Agent Date Acceptance by IOS: IOS agrees to conduct the work outlined herein according to a timeline that is mutually agreeable to both pafties. Signature of Authorized Agent Title of Authorized Agent Date $1,200Written Exam Admin TOTAL 8 I r.'r ou srRtau/E RGAN tzATtctNAu S o uurl EN Ei ExFERTS rN THE tscrENcE oF FUBLI6 SaFETY sELEcrloN Statement of Work Client: City of Miami Beach - Police Department Project Title: Entry-level Police Officer Testing Process - (Non-Certified AND Certified combined) The purpose of this document is to describe the components of the proposed project and to document the associated costs. The table on the following page will describe the anticipated project steps and associated costs. Should any component of the project need to be modified, IOS will contact the client and explain the required modification and any associated pricing change. Any future change in the proposed project must be mutually acceptable to the Client and IOS. Industrial/Organizational Solutions will submit invoices according to the following schedule: 1/3 at project commencement, l/3 at the project midpoint, and L/3 upon completion of the project. 9 The following table(s) contain a breakdown of the project steps and associated costs. Brian Marentette, Ph.D, Linda Reynaud, M.A. Maria Szczech, M.A. Amy Kupec, M.A. Christen Dovalina, M.S. Technical writer Karen Steiger, M.A. Tami Marsiglio Samantha Gleaves ure Candidate orientation presentations Delivery of candidate orientation presentations to describe process and preparation recommendations (4 sessions over three davs) 24 4 $4,340 National Criminal Justice Officer Selection Inventory-Integ rity (NCrOSr2) @ $18/candidate + the Situationally Based Structured Assessment (SBSA) @$1O/candidate $28. 0O/ca ndidate (estimated 1,000 candidates) $28,000 Written exam administration On-site exam administration oversight by IOS consultant (assumes 2 days, four exam sessions - additional days will be billed at a daily rate of $1,400) 16 $2,800 Oral Interview Development Development and validation of interview questions and rating 20 $3,500 Copyright O 2015 IOS, Inc.Page 1 10 Cost Structure criteria. Assessor training Conduct assessor training for oral interview process 8 $1,400 Provision of oral interview results Data entry and scoring of oral interuiew 4 16 $1,260 Development of technical report Development of a repoft to document job analysis outcomes, design/validation of the assessment and analysis of outcomes, includinq impact. 16 4 $3,140 Administrative expenses Shipping of exams and assessment materials.$200 Consultant travel expenses Site visits: exam administration, candidate orientations, assessment training.$3,600 TOTAL COST 88 4 20 $48,240 Travel Costs (detailed) Written Exam Admin $1,200 Oral Interview Training TOTAL Copyright O 2015 IOS, Inc.Page 2 11 Authorizations: Acceptance by Client: I acknowledge that I have reviewed this Statement of Work and hereby authorize I/O Solutions and its representatives to commence work on the project components as described herein. Signature of Authorized Agent Title of Authorized Agent Date Acceptance by IOS: IOS agrees to conduct the work outlined herein according to a timeline that is mutually agreeable to both parties. Signature of Authorized Agent Title of Authorized Agent Date Copyright O 2015 IOS, Inc.Page 3 12 RESOLUTION TO BE SUBMITTED 13 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 14 COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING Condensed Title: An ordinance of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, amending Chapter 78 of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, entitled "Personnel," by amending Article l, entitled "ln General," by amending section 78-2, entitled "Reserved," to Codify Requirements for Criminal History Record Checks for Certain Municipal Employees, Contractors, Employees of Contractors, and Vendors, in accordance with State Law:for repealer, severability, codification, and an effective date. internal controls to achieve more Supporting Data (Surveys, EnvironmentalScan, etc.): N/A Item Summary/Recommendation : ln 1999 the City of Miami Beach entered into an intergovernmental agreement with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to permit the City of Miami Beach to check the criminal backgrounds of persons who work or volunteer with children, the elderly, or the disabled under the National Child Protection Act (NCPA) (1993), as amended and $ 943.0552, Florida Statutes (1999). The City of Miami Beach runs criminal background checks prior to the beginning of employment or service to the City on all selected candidates for employment and promotions, most contractors, contractor employees, interns, temporary agency employees assigned to work for the City and any other such persons whose employment or contractual relationship with the City gives them routine, who has direct contact with individual members of the public or unescorted access to City offices or publicly operated facilities in such a matter or to such an extent the City's governing body finds that preventing unsuitable persons from having such contact or access is critical to security or public safety. ln May 2015, the FBI conducted a National ldentity Services (NlS) audit at the City of Miami Beach. The one finding was that the City of Miami Beach "performed FBI criminal background checks on all applicants for employment, volunteers, contractors and interns. ln addition there was not a Public Law 9-544 approved state or ordinance that covered the applicants who were not covered by the National Child Protection AcWolunteers for Children ACT (NCPAiVCA)." To correct this finding the Administration recommends adopting the ordinance. Financial lnformation: Source of Funds: OBP! Financial lmpact Clerk's Office Sylvia Crespo-Tabak, Human Resources scr ,ai Agenda ltem R'DWT15 g MIAMIBEACH Ciiy of Miomi Beoch, I700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33,l39, www.miomibeochfl.gov COMMISS N MEMORANDUM Philip Levine, Mayor and Memberspf the City FRoM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: February 10,2016 SUBJECT: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 78 OF THE CODE OF THE GITY OF MIAMT BEACH, ENTITLED "PERSONNEL," BY AMENDING ARTIGLE t, ENTITLED "IN GENERAL," BY AMENDING SECTION 78.2, ENTITLED "RESERVED," TO CODIFY REQUIREMENTS FOR CRIMINAL HISTORY RECORD CHECKS FOR CERTAIN MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, EMPLOYEES OF CONTRACTORS, AND VENDORS, IN ACGORDANCE WITH STATE LAW; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER' SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFEGTIVE DATE. SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING BACKGROUND ln 1999 the City of Miami Beach entered into an intergovernmental agreement with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to permit the City of Miami Beach to check the criminal backgrounds of persons who work or volunteer with children, the elderly, or the disabled under the National Child Protection Act (NCPA) (1993), as amended and $ 943.0552, Florida Statutes (1 999). The current name for the program used by the City is VECHS, which is an acronym for Volunteer and Employee Criminal History System for criminal history checks by a qualified entity under the (NCPA) 1993 as amended and S 943.0552, Florida Statutes (1eee). To qualify for the VECHS program, an entity must provide some type of "care" or "care placement services" for children, the elderly or the disabled; even if it is only a limited part of the entity's overall business. Once qualified to participate in the program, an entity may request criminal history information on all current and prospective employees and volunteers, not only those who work with vulnerable persons. A qualified entity may also request criminal history information on employees or volunteers who have or who seek to have unsupervised access to the populations described above. "Qualified entities" are authorized to obtain criminal history record information as described under the NCPA and related federal guidelines. Under the NCPA and Florida statute, a "qualified entity" is a business or organization, whether public, private, for profit, not-for-profit, or voluntary, that provides care or care placement services, including a business or organization that licenses or certifies others to provide care or care placement services. "Care" means the provision of care, treatment, education, training, instruction, supervision, or recreation to children, the elderly, or individuals with disabilities. 16 Commission Agenda - Criminal Background Checks February 10,2016 Page 2 ol 2 The City of Miami Beach runs criminal background checks prior to the beginning of employment or service to the City on all selected candidates for employment and promotions, most contractors, contractor employees, interns, temporary agency employees assigned to work for the City and any other such persons whose employment or contractual relationship with the City gives them routine, who has direct contact with individual members of the public or unescorted access to City offices or publicly operated facilities in such a matter or to such an extent the City's governing body finds that preventing unsuitable persons from having such contact or access is critical to security or public safety. Typically, state and national criminal history record checks are completed within three business days of receiving the electronic submission. Results are posted to DataMotion SecureMail, a secure FDLE web mail application. The results include both state and national criminal history information from the Federal Bureau of lnvestigations (FBl), as well as any warrants and other information related to the individual. A result notification email is sent to the email address designated by the customer and will contain a link to this SecureMail application. This notification will also contain descriptive information specific to the transaction. A noteworthy inclusion to this memorandum is that adverse employment decisions cannot be made solely based on the fact that an individual has been arrested. Title Vll of the Civil Rights Act, longstanding court decisions and the United States Federal Government Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforcement guidelines state that prior to excluding an applicant based on a criminal history, the hiring agency needs to consider the nature and gravity of the offense or conduct; the time that has passed since the offense, conduct and/or completion of the sentence; the nature of the job sought; and whether excluding the applicant is consistent with business necessity. ln May 2015, the FBI conducted a National ldentity Services (NlS) audit at the City of Miami Beach. The one finding was that the City of Miami Beach "performed FBI criminal background checks on all applicants for employment, volunteers, contractors and interns. ln addition there was not a Public Law 9-544 approved state or ordinance that covered the applicants who were not covered by the National Child Protection AcWolunteers for Children ACT (NCPANCA)." CONCLUSION As requested by Commissioner Joy Malakoff, the word "Appointees," is removed from this ordinance. To correct this finding the Administration recommends adopting the following, "An ordinance of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, amending Chapter 78 of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, entitled "Personnel," by amending Article l, entitled "ln General," by amending sectionTE-Z, entitled "Reserved," to Codify Requirements for Criminal History Record Checks for Certain Municipal Employees, Contractors, Employees of Contractors, and Vendors, in accordance with State Law; providing for repealer, severability, codification, and an effective date". JLM/JMT/SC-T t:\agenda\2016\february\human resources\memo re background checks through vechs.docx 17 ORDINANGE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY GOMMISSION OF THE CITY OF M!AM! BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING CHAPTER 78 OF THE CODE OF THE GITY OF MIAMI BEACH, ENTITLED "PERSONNEL," BY AMENDING ARTICLE I, ENTITLED "IN GENERAL," BY AMENDING SECTTON 78.2, ENTITLED "RESERVED," TO CODIFY REQUIREMENTS FOR CRIMINAL HISTORY RECORD CHECKS FOR CERTAIN MUNICTPAL EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, EMPLOYEES OF GONTRACTORS, AND VENDORS, !N ACCORDANGE WITH STATE LAW; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Miami beach conducts criminal background checks of employees, applicants, and others pursuant to Section 166.0442, and other relevant provisions, of the Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, Section 166.0442 was amended in 2013 to expand its scope; and WHEREAS, Section 166.0442 currently requires criminal background check policies be enacted by an ordinance with regard to state and national criminal history records checks for: (a) Any position of municipal employment, whether paid, unpaid, or contractual, which the governing body of the municipality finds is critical to security or public safety; (b) Any private contractor, employee of private contractor, vendor, repair person, or delivery person who is subject to licensing or regulation by the municipality; or (c) Any private contractor, employee of a private contractor, vendor, repair person, for-hire chauffeur, or delivery person who has direct contact with individual members of the public or access to any public facility or publicly operated facility in such a manner or to such an extent that the governing body of the municipality finds that preventing unsuitable persons from having such contact or access is critical to security or public safety; and WHEREAS, to implement the provisions in Section 166.0442, the Mayor and City Commission determine that a) positions of municipal employment are critical to security or public safety, and b) that preventing unsuitable persons from having direct contact with individual members of the public, or having access to public facilities and publically operated facilities, is critical to security and public safety; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission find that criminal history records checks should be required of a) positions of City employment, whether paid, unpaid, or contractual, as such positions are critical to security and public safety; and b) those City contractors or employees of a City contractor or vendor who have direct contact with individual members of the 18 public or access to any public facility or publicly operated facility because preventing unsuitable persons from having such contact or access is critical to security and public safety; and WHEREAS, municipal ordinances enacted pursuant to Section 166.0442 must require that such criminal history record checks include fingerprinting the applicable individuals, and having the individuals' fingerprints submitted to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for a state criminal history record check and to the Federal Bureau of lnvestigation for a national criminal history record check; and WHEREAS, the information obtained from the criminal history record checks will be used to determine the respective individual's eligibility for employment or continued employment by the City, and to determine eligibility for City contractors, employees of City contractors, and vendors to have access, or continued access, to public facilities or publicly operated facilities, as authorized by this Ordinance and Section 166.0442 of the Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE !T ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMTSSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEAGH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. Section 78-2 of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows. Sec.78-2. Chapter 78 PERSONNEL Article l. l: cene.ral Resewe4 Griminal historv record checks for certain ciW emplovees. contractors. and vendors. a) Pursuant to Section 166.0442 of the Florida Statutes. as such may be amended from time to time. state and national criminal historv record checks shall be required for: l) Any position of Citv emplovment, whether paid, unpaid, or contractual: and !) Anv Citv contractor, emplovee of a Citv contractor, or City vendor who has direct contact with individual members of the public or access to anv public facilitv or publiclv operated facility. 19 b) Each person shall be finqerprinted who is: 1) applyinq for, or continuinq employment to any position of Citv emplovment as provided in subsection (aX1), and 2) a City contractor. emplovee of a City contractor. or Citv vendor havino public contact or access to public facilities or publiclv operated facilities. The City's Human Resources Department, its successor department, and other applicable departments shall utilize such finoerprints to conduct the state and national criminal historv record checks provided for in this section. O Finoencrints obtained pursuant to the authority of this section shall be submitted to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for a state criminal history record check and also to the Federal Bureau of lnvestisation for a national criminal historv record check. The information obtained from each respective criminal history record check conducted pursuant to this section shall be used to determine a person's eligibilitv for emplovment required pursuant to this section, to determine a person's eliqibilitv for continued employment and to determine eliqibility for Citv contractors. emplovees of Citv contractors, and City vendors to have access, or continued access. to public facilities or publiclv operated facilities. SECTION 2. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. lf any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. SECTION 4. CODIFICATION. It is the intention of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made part of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. The sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or other appropriate word. 20 SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shalltake effect on the day of _, 2016. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _ day of 2016. Philip Levine, Mayor ATTEST: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk (Sponsored by Commissioner Michael Grieco) Underline denotes new language S+i*eHreugh denotes removed language APPROVED ASTO FORM & IANGUAGE SFOREXECUtpiI e##1 4 T:\AGENDA\2016\February\Human Resources\Ordinance Re Background Checks.docx 21 EEEEiEEIllEtri*ai;i:!!g3E1g*gE:E;I,lrl EiiEiEiiliiiiIliiElrEElr*s;siiiiggiili gTggElEgigiiiIilEaSaEiEiilglg;gElligiliiEoo-z(JE UI lJJOI =9<d =?^EutJot',l- olC)- oz :rU t-u c0 =g 5 \ r3zo. (r) rrr rI]z l-<o =U-ci E- =- 22 COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY Condensed Title: RESOLUTION OF THE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE MAYORAND CITY RK TO EXECUTE THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE MIAMI POLICE ATHLETTC LEAGUE, INC (PAL). lntended Outcome Item Su mmary/Recommendation : lnsist On Police Department Accountability And Skilled ManagemenU Leadership On September 19,2014 an internal Audit Division report of the Miami Beach Police Athletic League (PAL), covering 2OO9-14, highlighted a number of findings. Thereafter, the City and the PAL negotiated the Second Amendment to the Lease Agreement, which addresses the following issues (among others):r Shared Use. currently 50% by each party, with certain portions of the premises being used exclusively by PAL or City, with other areas shared. o Shared obliqations/Expenses. o Maintenance/Capital lmprovements. The City shall be responsible for maintenance and capital improvements for premises, except that with respect to the following expense relating to the area used exclusively by PAL, forwhich PAL shall be responsible: (1) floors; (2) walls; (3) maintenance of personalty in the PAL Area in good, clean and working order; and (4) maintaining clean and in good order the PAL Area; and o Shared Utilities. (50%) of the shared utilities (cable, water and electricity).o Deliverables. PAL shall provide reports/financial records; an annual report as to all activities, including revenue generating uses; an audited financial statement; a detailed operating budget, and upcoming annual programmatic plan. . Back-pavment for utility p : City shall pay PAL $77,468.54 as back-payment for previously shared and unpaid utility payments through December 31,2015. City continues to assign one full-time police officer to spearhead programming efforts. o The PAL shall receive $1.00 from all of the Police Department's Off-Duty surchargeso The PAL shall hire, at its own expense, an Executive Director to manage/fundraise. o The fitness center shall continue to offer City of Miami Beach employees a25o/o discount. Recommendation: Adoot the Resolution. NA Financial ! nformation : Source of Funds: Amount Account 1 77,468.54 General Fund Contingency Account 2 3 OBPI Total Financial lmpact Summary: Chief of Staff Wendy Rich-Goldschmidt ext. 3054 Chief DanielJ. Oates $S3 T:\agenda\201 6\FEBRUAR AGENDA '"U fl7J oerc &4hbMIAMIBEACH item sum-PALlease 23 MIAMIBEACH City of Miomi Beoch, ,l700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33 139, www.miomibeochfl.gov COMMISSION ORANDUM TO:Mayor Philip Levine and Members FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: February 10, 2016 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR CITY COMMISSION OF THE GITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE MIAMI BEACH POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE, INC (PAL), SUBSTANTIALLY IN THE FORM ATTACHED TO THIS RESOLUTION, RELATING TO THE BU|LDING LOCATED AT 999 1lrH STREET (PREM!SES); SAID AMENDMENT ESTABLISHING THE PERMITTED USES UNDER THE LEASE; CLARIFYING AND ESTABLISHING TERMS RELATING TO THE SHARED USE OF THE PREMISES BY THE CITY AND PAL; CLARIFYING THE OPERATIONAL, MANAGEMENT, AND MAINTENANCE OBLIGATIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE SHARED USE OF THE PREMISES; PROVIDING PAL WITH A $1.00 PER HOUR OF THE OFF.DUTY POLICE SURCHARGE DURING THE TERM OF THE LEASE; AND FURTHER EXTENDING THE LEASE TERM FOR AN ADDTTTONAL TWO (2) YEARS, THROUGH AND INCLUDING JUNE 30,2025. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Approve the Resolution. HISTORY/BACKGROUND The City is the owner of the fee simple title in and to that certain City-owned property consisting of a building having approximately 13,367 square feet, within Flamingo Park, located at 999 1 1th Street, Miami Beach, Florida, 33139, hereinafter demised and described (the "premises"). On May 15, 1996, the Mayorand City Commission adopted Resolution No. 96-21987, approving the Lease Agreement with the Miami Beach Police Athletic League, lnc., a not-for-profit corporation ("PAL") for use of the premises for a five (5) year term, commencing on July 1, 1996 and ending on June 30, 2001 (the "Lease Agreement"). ln 1997, PAL was awarded a grant from Miami-Dade County under the Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program (the "SNPB Program") to assist in funding the building of the new PAL Youth Resources Center (the "PAL Cente/') to be located on the premises and one of the requirements of the SNPB Program was that grant funds used for the purposes of development, improvement, rehabilitation or restorations bythe grantee (PAL) be expended 24 only on lands owned by the grantee or upon lands for which the grantee holds a lease or other use agreement for an unexpired term of twenty-five (25) years. ln order to meet the requirements of the SNPB Program, on June 17, 1998, the City Commission approved Resolution No. 98-22787, authorizing the First Amendment to Lease Agreement, dated June 17, 1998, which First Amendment extended the lease term from June 30, 2001 , to June 30, 2023; added Exhibit B describing the permanent improvements (i.e. the new "PAL Center") which were going to be constructed at the premises; and updated the notice provision for the City under the Lease. On September 19, 2014 the lnternal Audit Division of the City of Miami Beach Office of Budget and Performance lmprovement (OBPI) published an lnternalAudit Report relating to the activities of the Miami Beach Police Athletic League (PAL) between June 1, 2009 and February 28, 2014. The audit was presented to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee on September 24,2014. The report highlighted a number of shortcomings that needed to be addressed. As a result of the audit findings, the City and the PAL Board met on numerous occasions to clarify follow up responsibilities. These discussions evolved into a negotiated Second Amendment to the Lease Agreement. ANALYSIS The Second Amendment to the Lease Agreement reflects the audit recommendations and incorporates language regarding optimal business practices. A summary of the proposed terms includes: . Establish the permitted uses of the premises to coincide with the current uses of the PAL Center.o Shared Use. Clarify and establish the terms and conditions relating to the shared use (currently approximately 50% by each party) of the premises, with certain portions of the premises being used exclusively by PAL ("PAL's Area"), certain portions being used exclusively by the City ("City's Area"), and certain portions shared by PAL and the City ("Shared Area"). . Shared obliqations/Expenses. Clarify the obligations of the City and the PAL, in connection with their respective use of the premises, including apportioning responsibility for the payment of operational expenses, management obligations, maintenance obligations, insurance obligations and other like necessary conditions, in connection with providing a recreational and sports facility for use by the community. Primarily, as follows: o Maintenance/Capital lmprovements. The City shall be responsible for the payment of all maintenance and capital improvements expenses for the entire premises, except thatwith respect to the following expense relating to the PAL Area, for which PAL shall be responsible: (1) floors; 12) walls; (3) maintenance of personalty in the PAL Area in good, clean and working order; and (4) maintaining clean and in good order the PAL Area; and o Shared Utilities. The parties shall equally share the costs of the shared utilities (cable, water and electricity).r Deliverables. PAL shall be responsible for providing the following reports/financial records: (1 ) within 120 days from the end of each fiscal year, an annual report as to all activities at the premises, including revenue generating uses; and an audited financial statement and Profit and Loss statement for all PAL programs and uses at the premises; (2) by August 1't of each year, PAL shall provide the City Managerwith a detailed line item annual operating budget, covering the next fiscal year, with projected income and expense statement and upcoming annual programmatic plan. . Approval of Subtenants. The following subtenants occupying a portion of PAL's Area are being approved as subtenants: (1) Miami Beach Policeman's Relief and 25 Pension tund; (2) William Nichols Lodge No. 8 Fraternal Order of Police; and (3) Miami Beach Police Athletic League Fitness Center, lnc. FISCAL I!MPACT The Second Amendment also contains the following terms, which have a financial impact: o The City shall pay the PAL the total sum of $77,468.54 as back-payment for previously shared and unpaid utility payments through December 31,2015. This amount will be paid from the General Fund Contingency Account.. The PAL shall pay the City the rental sum of $1.00 per year, though June 30, 2025.. The City and PAL shall be responsible for their proportionate share of all shared utility bills generated in connection with the joint use of the premises, which currently is 50%, but is subject to adjustment if there is a material change in the use of the premises (defined as a change by 15o/o or more).o The City's ongoing support of assigning one full{ime police officer to spearhead programming efforts, consistent with PAL's mission.. The PAL shall receive $1 .00 from all of the Police Department's Off-Duty surcharges during the term of the Lease Agreement which may be used for the payment of the Executive Director's salary, utility expenses and other operation expenses.. The PAL shall hire, at its own expense, an Executive Director to manage and operate all PAL activities, including fundraising.o The fitness center shall continue to offer City of Miami Beach employees a discount of no less than 25% off of the current rates for services offered by the fitness center, so long as the discount does not violate any gift rules which may be implemented by the City from time to time. CONGLUS!ON: The Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission adopt the Resotution approving the proposed Second Amendment to the Lease Agreement between the City and the Miami Beach Police Athletic League, lnc., relating to the building located at 999 11th Street. Exhibits: "A" - Second Amendment to Lease Agreement@ JLM:DJO:DW T:\agenda\201 6\FEBRUAR\TPOLICEDEPARTMENT\Com memoPALlease 26 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY GOMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE MIAMI BEACH POLTCE ATHLETTC LEAGUE, INC (pAL), SUBSTANTTALLY tN THE FORM ATTACHED TO THIS RESOLUTION, RELATING TO THE BUILDING LOCATED AT 999 11rH STREET (pREMISES); SAID AMENDMENT ESTABLISHING THE PERMITTED USES UNDER THE LEASE; CLARIFYING AND ESTABLISHING TERMS RELATING TO THE SHARED USE OF THE PREMISES BY THE CIry AND PAL; CLARIFYING THE OPERATIONAL, MANAGEMENT, AND MAINTENANCE OBLIGATIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE SHARED USE OF THE PREMISES; PROVIDING PAL WITH A $1.00 PER HOUR OF THE OFF-DUTY POLICE SURCHARGE DURING THE TERM OF THE LEASE; AND FURTHER EXTENDING THE LEASE AGREEMENT TERM FOR AN ADDTTTONAL TWO (2) YEARS, THROUGH AND INCLUDING JUNE 30, 2025. WHEREAS, the City is the owner of the fee simple title in and to that certain City-owned property consisting of a building having approximately 13,367 square feet, within Flamingo Park, located at 999 11th Street, Miami Beach, Florida, 33139 (the "premises"); and WHEREAS, on May 15, 1996, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 96-21987, approving the Lease Agreement with PAL for use of the premises for a five (5) year term, commencing on July 1, 1996 and ending on June 30, 2001; and WHEREAS, in 1997, PAL was awarded a grant from Miami-Dade County under the Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program to assist in funding the building of the new PAL Youth Resources Center ("PAL Cented') to be located at the premises; and WHEREAS, one of the requirements of the Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program was that grant funds used for the purposes of development, improvement, rehabilitation or restorations by the grantee (PAL) be expended only on lands owned by the grantee or upon lands for which the grantee holds a lease or other use agreement for an unexpired term of twenty-five (25) years; and WHEREAS, in order to meet the requirements of the Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program, on June 17, 1998, the City Commission approved Resolution No. 98-22787, authorizing the First Amendment to Lease Agreement, which amendment extended the lease term from June 30, 2001, to June 30,2023; added Exhibit "8" describing the permanent improvements (i.e. the new "PAL Center") which were going to be constructed at the premises; and updated the notice provision for the City under the Lease Agreement; and WHEREAS, On September 19, 2014 the lnternal Audit Division of the City of Miami Beach Office of Budget and Performarrce lmprovement (OBPI) published an lnternal Audit 27 Report relating to the activities of the Miami Beach Police Athletic League (PAL) between June 1,2009 and February 28,2014; and WHEREAS, the audit report highlighted a number of shortcomings that needed to be addressed and said audit findings were presented to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee at its September 24,2014 meeting; and WHEREAS, the City and PAL hereby wish to amend the Lease Agreement in order to: (1) address the audit findings contained in the September 19,2014 Audit Report; (2) establish the permitted uses on the premises to coincide with the evolving character of the PAL Center; (3) clarify and establish the terms and conditions relating to the shared use of the premises by the City and PAL; (4) clarify the obligations of the City and PAL, in connection with their respective use of the premises, including without limitation, apportioning responsibitity for the payment of operational expenses, management obligations, maintenance obligations, insurance obligations and other like necessary conditions, in connection with providing a recreational and sports facility for use by the community; (5) provide for financial and programmatic reporting requirements; and (6) provide PAL with a $1.00 per hour of the off-duty police surcharge during the term of the Lease Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Administration recommends that the Mayor and the City Clerk execute the Second Amendment to the Lease Agreement, substantially in the form attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit "A". NOW THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLOVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Second Amendment to Lease Agreement with the Miami Beach Police Athletic League, lnc. (PAL), substantially in the form attached to this Resolution, relating to the building located at 999 11st Street (premises); said amendment establishing the permitted uses under the lease; clarifying and establishing terms relating to the shared use of the premises by the City and PAL; clarifying the operational, management, and maintenance obligations with respect to the shared use of the premises; providing PAL with a $1.00 per hour of the off-duty police surcharge during the term of the Lease Agreement; and further extending the Lease Agreement term for an additional two years, through and including June 30,2025. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of ,2016 ATTEST: PHILIP LEVINE, MAYOR RAFAEL E. GRANADO, CITY CLERK rhsendat2l16/February 1O/Police DepartmenuPAL Second Amendment *"* ?8[[[8HRA|,I8, & FOR EXECUTION Er^L|,,,(- t t (L - Dote 28 SECOND AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AND THE MIAMI BEACH POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE This Second Amendment ("Second Amendment") to the Lease Agreement, dated May 15, 1996 (the "Lease Agreement"), as amended by that First Amendment to Lease Agreement, dated June 17, 1998 ("First Amendment") (collectively the First Amendment and the May 15, 1996 Lease Agreement are hereinafter referred to as the "Lease"), for the property located at 999 11th Street, Miami Beach, Florida, between the CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida Municipal Corporation ("City" or "Lessol''), and the MIAMI BEACH POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE, lNC., a not-for-profit corporation ("PAL" or "Lessee"), is entered into this Date"). day of , 2O15 ("Effective WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Lessor is the owner of the fee simple tiiEin and to that certain City-owned property consisting of a building having approxihately 13,367 square feet, within Flamingo Park, located at 999 11th Street, Miami Beach, Florida, 33139, hereinafter demised and described (the "premises"); and ..=.... ,i,iri,,=.. WHEREAS, on May 15, 1996, the Mayor and City.Commi3*ion adopted Resolution No. 96-21987, approving the Lease Agreement with PAL for use of the "premises for a five (5) year term, comrnencing on July 1, l996end "rtiin on June 30, 200lilrand tY' "1:j1 WHEREAS, in 1997, the PAL was aGir,Oed furant from Miami-Dade County under the Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program==(theilS$ffi Program") to assist in funding the building of the new PAL Youth Resources Center l"PlikaCented') to be located on the Premises; and =-'i Lll'Li'" WHEREAS, one of the requirements of the SNPB Program was that grant funds used for the purposes of development, improvement, rehabilitation or restorations by the grantee (PAL) be expended only on lands owned by the grantee or upon lands for which the grantee holds a lease or other use agreement for an unexpired term of twenty-five (25) years; and WHEREAS, in order to meet the requirements of the SNPB Program, on June 17, 1998, the City Commission approved Resolution No. 98-22787, authorizing the First Amendment, which First Amendment extended the Lease term from June 30, 2001, to June 30, 2023; added Exhibit B describing the permanent improvements (i.e. the new "PAL Center") which were going to be constructed at the premises; and updated the notice provision for the City under the Lease; and WHEREAS, Lessorand Lessee herebywish to amend the Lease in orderto: (1) establish the permitted uses on the premises to coincide with the current uses of the PAL Center; (2) clari'fy and establish the terms and conditions relating to the shared use of the premises by Lessor and Lessee; and (3) clarify the obligations of Lessor and Lessee, in connection with their respective use of the premises, including without limitation, apportioning responsibility for the payment of operational expenses, management EXHIB]T ll r ll 29 obligations, maintenance obligations, insurance obligations and other like necessary conditions, in connection with providing a recreational and sports facility for use by the community; and WHEREAS, the parties acknowledge that to the extent any of the provisions in this Second Amendment are in conflict with the provisions of the SNPB Program agreement, the provisions of the SNPB Program agreement shall govern. NOW THEREFORE, the Lessor and the Lessee, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants, agreements and undertakings herein contained, and in further consideration of the payments herein mentioned, made and to be made, do by these presents mutually covenant and agree to amend the Lease, as follows: 1. The recitals set forth above are true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference =.==:F.2. The paragraph on page 1 of the Lease, comfficing with the word "WITNESSETH," is hereby amended as follows, including the11:f6flffiment of Exhibit A with the Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by referencdffi WITNESSETH: The Lessor, for and in consideration of the rent hg{lpin reserved to be paid by the Lessee, and in consideration ofr;.[fe covenants herein to bd kept and performed by the Lessee, does hereby lease and dEfiige unto the Lessee the following des€ribe+'remises Citv-owned facility (the "premis€rs,,l')'situated in the City of Miami ; iLiii:rir named and refeired to havinq Agpproximately 42;6OO l ,ft -efprc fd.g,gted 11'n Street in Flamingo Park Fi Amendment. which , more particularly described as a portion of Block 90, Orcean Beach, FL Addition No. 3 (Dade County P.8.2, P.81), as contained in the@,gffirExhibitA. r liir,iil Lessor and Lessee herebv acknowledob and aoree that the premises. includinq. without limitation. the Buildinq are owned bv the Citv of Miami Beach. Florida. 3. The paragraph on page 1 of the Lease (as amended by the First Amendment), commencing with the words, "TO HAVE AND TO HOLD", is amended as follows: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises unto the Lessee, from the 1't day of July 1996 to and including the 30th day of June, M 2025, the Lessee yielding and paying to theLessortherentalsumofone($1.00)dollarperyear' imprevements te the premises as deseribed in the attaehed Exhibit; and subjeet te the @ 4. The following paragraph on page 1 of the Lease is deleted in its entirety: d5 at 999 Page 2 of 16 30 i ing inimum is ef whieh i+the square feetage ef the premises and the deneminater ef whieh is the square feetage ef all ef the rentable area in the building ef whieh the premises is a part ises' 5. Paragraph 2 on page 2 of the Lease is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: 2. Pavments. es). if anv. imoosed. leviedr:r or anv other the premises. even thouqh the taxihd=qtatute or ordinance mav purport to impose such charqe or pavment aqainst Le53Qr;,,:,,rTh*;,,gavment of such sales, use. or excise tax(es) shall be made bv Lessee concuiiently with pavment of the annual rental. -'= 'r:itit 'tr2.2 Real Estate Taies. Lessee also aqrees that it will pav its Proportionate Share of real estate taxes. if same are also assessed aqainst the premises. As used herein, Lessee's "Proportionate Share" means a fraction. the numerator of which is the square footaoe of the Buildinq beino occupied exclusivelv bv Lessee and iointlv bv Lessee and Lessor. and the denominator of which is the square footaqe of all of the rentable area in the Buildinq. As of the Effective Date. Lessee is occupvinq approximatelv fifty percent (50%) of the Buildinq. with the balance of the Buildinq beinq occupied bv the Lessor's Parks and Recreation Department: with certain portions of the Buildinq beinq occupied exclusivelv bv PAL ("PAL's Area"), certain portions of the Buildino beinq occupied exclusively bv the Citv ("Citv's Area"). and certain portions of the Buildinq beinq shared bv PAL and the Citv ("Shared Area"). as more particularlv described in the Site Plan. attached hereto and incorporated herein as composite Exhibit "A-'1". Unless otherurise indicated herein. Lessee's Proportionate Share shall be deemed to be fiftv percent (50%). Lessee's Proportionate Share of real estate taxes will be paid upon demand accompanied bv a copv of the paid tax bill. Notwithstandinq anvthinq to the contrarv in this Lease. if the premises is assessed real estate taxes. 2.1 Sales/UseiExcise Tax(es). LesSee shall pdV,;pll sales or use or Page 3 of 15 31 solelv as a result of PAL's use of the premises (includinq the use bv anv subtenant's of PAL). PAL shall be solelv responsible for the total real estate tax assessment. 2.3 Operatinq Expenses: The operatino expenses for the Buildinq shall be shared between the Lessor and Lessee, as follows: 2.3.1 Utilities: Based upon the parties' current use of the premises. Lessor and Lessee shall each be responsible for pavment of fiftv percent (50%) of the total utilitv bills oenerated in connection with the ioint use of the premises. which includes the bills for electricitv. water. and cable ("Shared Utilitv Expenses"). As of the Effective Date. Lessor pavs for the water bill for the premises ("Citv's Utilitv Expenses") and Lessee pavs for the electricitv and cable bills of the Shared Utilitv Expenses for the premises ("PAL's Utilitv Expenses"). Each partv shall continue to pav the utilitv bills. as currentlv established: however. within thirtv (30) davs from the end of each quarter (the end of each quarter shall be referred to herein as September 30th. December 31't. March 31't. and June 30th) throuqhout the term. Lessee shall orovide Lessor with a reconciliation. includinq the supportinq documentation for PAL's Utilitv Expenses. and Lessor will. in turn. provide Lessee with a reconciliation. includinq the supportino documentation for the Citv's Utilitv Exoenses. showino each partv's respective share of the Shared Utilitv Expenses. The reconciliation oavment shall be due within thirtv (30) davs from receiot of the reconciliation. The Lessor's Asset Manaqer shall provide Lessee with copies of the water bills. based upon the established Citv of Miami Beach rates. and as reoistered on the onsite water meter for the premises. which has been installed at the sole expense of the Lessor. lf there is a material chanqe in the use of the premises (bvfifteen oercent (15%) or more). the parties aqree to adiust the proportionate share of the Shared Utilitv Expenses. as applicable. which adiustment shall be subiect to approval bv the Citv Manaqer. and memorialize in writinq throuqh an amendment to the Lease. executed bv the City Manaqer on behalf of the City. 2.4 Back-Pavment. Lessor and Lessee aqree that upon the parties' execution of the Second Amendment. Lessor shall pav Lessee the amount of $77.468.54 ("Back-Pavment"). representative of the aqreed amount which Lessee has overpaid toward the Shared Utilitv Bills for the premises prior to execution of this Second Amendment. which sum also includes a credit for sums PAL owes the Citv in connection with PAL's portion of anv Citv Utilitv Expenses. from Mav 1. 2015 throuoh December 31. 2015. The parties aqree and acknowledqe that such Back-Pavment constitutes full and final settlement of anv responsibilitv or liabilitv that the Citv may have to reimburse PAL for overpavments toward the Shared Utilities. as of the Effective Date. 2.5 General Maintenance and Repairs. Durino the Lease term. Lessee will not suffer or oermit anv strio or waste of the premises. Except as specificallv required to be maintained bv Lessee in subsection 2.5.1. Lessor shall be responsible for the qeneral maintenance and repairs of the premises. inclusive of PAL's Area (excludino the interior floors and walls of the PAL Area). Citv's Area. and the Shared Area. As referred to herein. "qeneral maintenance and reoairs" Page 4 of 16 32 shall include maintaininq the interior of the premises. and everv part thereof. in qood condition. includino the HVAC svstems. interior plumbinq, interior electrical oroblems and windows (Lessor's Repair Responsibilitv"). Lessee aqrees to repair and maintain the interior walls and floors of the PAL Area. and maintain. repair and replace the securitv svstem, PAL phone system and PAL cable svstem. for the premises (not iust PAL's Area) as needed ("Lessee's Repair Responsibilitv). Lessor shall repair all doors and windows. as may be required. as a condition precedent to Lessee performing anv maintenance. repairs and/or replacement of the existinq securitv svstem. 2.5.1 Lessee's Dav to Dav Maintenance Responsibilitv. Lessee shall. at its sole cost and expense. and to the reasonable satisfaction of the Citv. keep and maintain PAL's Area. includinq all improvements. fixtures. and equipment thereon, in good. clean. and workinq order. Lessee assumes sole responsibilitv and expense for dav to dav housekeepinq. ianitorial services, and routine maintenance of PAL's Area. Lessee's dav to dav maintenance responsibilitv shall include. without limitation. dailv removal of litter. oarbaqe and debris qenerated b){ Lessee's use of the PAL Area. includinq all oarbaqe disposal qenerated":'bv ils operations and activities occurrino therein. and interior paint and floors. Maintenance maintenance responsibilitv shall include, with4t limitation. dailv removal of litter. qarbaqe and dg,hfig,i enerated bv LessoF+use of the Citv's Area and Lessor and Lesseels use of the Shared Area. inCludinq all qarbaqe disposal qenerated bv its operations and activities occurrino therein. and interior paint and floors. \ for anv costs associated with all caoital improvements to the premises. which L'bssor. in its reasonable discretion, deems necessary. As referred to herein. capital improvements shall include roof. structural elements and infrastructure. exterior walls. exterior plumbinq and sewer lines. and maior exterior electrical repairs (not othenvise the responsibilitv of the electric companv). 2.6.1 Notice of Maintenance and Capital lmprovements to premises. Durinq the Lease term, Lessee shall provide Lessor with prompt notice of anv qeneral maintenance and repairs and/or capital improvements which mav be required in PAL's Area. and Lessor and Lessee shall coordinate in qood faith such repairs and/or maintenance so as to minimize the impact to PAL's operations. 2.7 Securitv. Lessee shall be responsible for providinq and maintainino a securitv svstem in order to protect the equipment and furnishinqs at the premises. Under no circumstances shall Lessee be responsible for anv stolen or Page 5 of 16 33 damaqed materials. equipment. and furnishinos of Lessor's and/or Lessor's officials, emplovees, contractors. patrons. quests. and/or invitees. Additionallv. under no circumstances shall Lessor be resoonsible for anv stolen or damaoed personal propertv of Lessee and/or Lessee's officials, emplovees, contractors, patrons, ouests. and/or invitees. Paragraph 3 on page 2 of the Lease is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: 3. The tessee aeee^ts the premises in "As ls" eenditien; and is respensible fer all interier medifieatiens and maintenanee, tessee prust first ebtain tesser's written then must pay fer sueh medifieatiens, Detailed plans fer leaseheld imprevements e duratien ef this Agreement, ln the event any ef the aferesaid items are lesb stelen g. tne tessee nereov reaffirms anc.Jlll[ftteoqes that. as ott;; effective oate. it continues to accept the premises ifi fAs !s:i condition. Lessee must first obtain Lessor's written approval for anv alteiation. add_itions and/or improvements to the premises. and then must pav for such modifications. Detailed plans for anv proposed alteration to the premises must fiiSt e submitted to Lessor. throuqh its Citv Manaoer. for Lessor's prior review'and wfitten approval. Upon expiration of this Lease, Lessee shall quietlv and peacefullv redeliver to Lessor the premises and anv equipment. furnishinqs and fixtures. with the exception of the Fitness Center (as defined in subsection 7.8) equipment and furnishinqs located in the PAL Area. which are not permanentlv affixed to the real estate. 7. Paragraph 7 on page 2 of the Lease is amended to add the following paragraphs (subsections) and a new Exhibit A-1: 7.1 Use bv PAL. Lessee shall have access and use of the premises. as more particularlv described in the attached comoosite Exhibit A-1. lt is understood and aqreed that the premises shall be used bv Lessee durino the entire term of this Lease onlv for the purposes and/or uses described in (and/or otherwise approved pursuant to) this subsection 7.1. and for no other purposes or uses whatsoever ("PAL Aoproved Uses"). ln the event that the Lessee uses the premises for anv purposes not expresslv oermitted herein. such use shall be considered an event of default under this Lease. The PAL Approved Uses shall be limited to and only include the followino: Page 6 of 16 34 a. On-Site PAL Approved Uses. A recreational facilitv for use bv PAL consistent with its stated mission "to prevent iuvenile delinquencv throuqh the use of academics. athletics. and artistic activities" ("PAL's Mission"). which approved uses include PAL's administrative offices: weiqht room and qvm room membership for adults: Boxinq Proqram: adult Fitness Center: Hiqh School Fitness Prooram: distribution of snacks; community meetinos and Miami-Dade Countv elections' pollinq place. PAL also participates in the followinq sponsorships/collaborations with communitv orqanizations. includinq Another Chance Prooram Bicycle Proqram: Book Baq Giveawav: Bov Scouts: Bus Pass Proqram: Girl Scouts: Kinderqarten Corp.: Mommv & Me: National PAL Mentorino Proqram: Nautilus School Awards Prooram: PAL Summer Work Prooram: Police Explorers; Rad Kids: Safetv Patrol Proqrams: Take Your Child to Work Proqram: Thanksqivinq Basket Giveawav Youth Director CouncilAfouth b. Pal and Citv Collaborative Approved,FS,gs. ln addition to the above mentioned PAL Approved Uses,.,:'thdie are recreational proorams offered bv the Citv of Miaml::iBeach. which mav have a P udino. without limitatifrom ier. ch 7.2 Use by the Citv. Lessorshall,have iccess and usdii"df the premises, as to include teacher work davs=nd holidays: Frovidinq sports. recreational and enrichment proqrams in a 'st*prcrvis€d' environment: providinq homework assistance. computer traininq. cultiral..,qIts. career mentorinq and social skills: providinq Sorinq Break Camp. Wintei=.,E Eak Camp. and Summer Camp; providino disaster/hurricane on-site facilitv. as required bv the Citv: orovidinq a venue for phvsical fitness proqrams: and public meetinqs. 7.3 Additional Proqrams/Adult vs Youth Proorams. The parties aqree and acknowledqe that. in furtherance of and consistent with the approved uses, Lessee and/or the Lessor mav wish to include additional activities and/or proqrams at the premises ("Additional Proqrams"). which Additional Proqrams shall be mutuallv Qoordinated between the parties. As to the Citv. such Additional Proqrams shall be coordinated throuqh its Parks and Recreation Department. The Citv and PAL shall mutuallv aqree upon and approve any such Additional Proorams. in writino. in advance of their implementation. The Additional Proqrams must be reasonablv related to the PAL Approved Uses and the Citv Approved Uses and mav not materiallv interfere with each other's operation. PAL and the Citv hereby aqree to use reasonable efforts in mutuallv determininq and aqreeinq uoon the time. olace. and manner in the coordination of such Additional Proqrams, pursuant to policies and orocedures. which shall be established and mutuallv aqreed upon more particularlv described in the,;?ltqche4,composite Exhibit A-1, solelv for the recreational and other communitv a'Cttyities which the Citv offers to the public. as determined bv the Citv. in its..qole discrqtign:'frg",rl]-time to time. to be in the best Page 7 of 15 35 bv PAL's Executive Director. on behalf of PAL, and the Citv's Parks and Recreation Director. on behalf of the Citv. Similarlv, the parties aqree that the schedulino of anv permitted prooramminq which involves adult participants in the Shared Area shall be coordinated in advance bv the parties. and memorialized in writino, prior to the commencement of said adult prooramminq, so that such adult proqramminq does not conflict with anv children and vouth proqramminq. with the children and youth proqramminq taking precedence over the adult proqrammino. 7.4 Conflict Resolution. Should a conflict arise wherebv Lessee and Lessor cannot reach an aoreement with respect to coordinating the shared use of the premises, including. without limitation. the parties' failure to aqree to an Additional Proqram, the matter mav be brouqht to the attention of the Citv Manaqer. wherebv the Citv Manaqer will issue a written decision with respect to the conflict. lf either partv is not satisfied with the decision of the Citv Manaoer. the decision mav be appealed to the Citv Commission within thirtv (30) days from the date of the Citv Manaqer's written decision and. if appealed timelv. the final decision of the Citv Commission shall be bindi 7.5 ln the event that Lessee seeks to use thC pr€ s for additional proqrams. services. activities, and uses which are materiallv different from the approved uses (as enumerated in subsection 7.1). then each suchi:firoposed new prooram. service. activitv and use shall be subiect to the prior written approval of 7.6 Operation and:$efi,agernent of the Premises. Subiect to the approved uses enumerated.in subsedti.-oJ 7.1 (as same mav be amended from time to time). and anv and all other terms. limitations and required approvals contained in this Lease. and complianceX[i-.,i*h all ap fipable laws, includinq. without limitation. a. Manaqe and operate"'the PAL Area. in connection with the PAL Approved Uses. activities. services. and proorams thereon. for the purpose of coordinatino. implementino. and supervisinq all PAL Approved Uses: b. Maintain and provide for the dav-to-dav maintenance and housekeepinq of the PAL Area: c. Provide and maintain. at its sole cost and expense. all labor. personnel. materials, equipment. and furnishinos. as reasonablv required. to operate the PAL Area. in accordance with the approved uses set forth in subsection 7.1. ln the event anv materials, equipment. and/or furnishinos are lost. stolen. or damaqed, thev shall be promptlv replaced or repaired at the sole cost and expense of the Lessee: d. Supervise and direct all PAL emplovees. officers, aqents. contractors. invitees. visitors. and guests on the PAL Area and Shared Area. when beinq utilized bv PAL: bv the Citv Manaqer. all such new prooram(s). sdi.vice{S}=ctivity(ies), and use(s) shall be memorialized bv written amendment to thiS-:Lease. 4 Page 8 of 16 36 e. Maintain and supervise detailed, accurate and complete financial and other records of all Lessee activities under this Lease in accordance with oenerallv accepted accountinq principles. All financial records maintained pursuant to this Lease shall be retained bv Lessee as lonq as such records are required to be retained pursuant to Florida Public Records Law. and shall be made available upon reasonable notice bv the Citv: f. Develop and implement proorams and activities which support and promote the PAL Approved Uses (as same may be amended from time to time); and q. Coordinate and cooperate with the Citv. in connection with approved Additional Proqrams. as set forth in subsection 7.3 hereof, which coordination and cooperation shall not be unreasonablv withheld or delaved. and orovided that such Additional Proqrams do not materiallv interfere with PAL or the Citv's operations. 7.7 Hours of Operation. Lessor and Lessee herein aqree that the normal hours of operation for the premises shall be from 6:30 AM to 11:00 PM, Mondav throuoh Fridav. and 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM. durino the weekend, in order to accommodate the various proqrams which operate f,fom the Dremises. includinq. but not limited to: Y a. PAL's Use of Premises, llf/'/.,/, .: tt4 iam i eeach polide Rthdt6 LA;64-.::::,,,,. o Mondav throuqh Fridav 7:00 AM - 9:00 PM ' U-S,OOPttt ::: u:Sundav '' (de06hds upon proqiam or event) b. Citv's Use of Premises: Mondav throuoh Fridav 8:30 AM - 9:00 PM Saturdav and Sundav 8:30 AM - 9:00 PM The parties recoqnize and acknowledqe that under certain circumstances. (i.e. special events, special proqramminq, etc.), the normal hours of operation mav be modified to accommodate a special event or proqram. Lessee mav be permitted to extend its hours of operation. but anv prolonqed extension shall be subiect to the prior written consent of the Citv Manaqer (which consent shall not be unreasonablv withheld or delaved ). 7.8 Lessor herebv consents to Lessee subleasinq a portion of PAL's Area to Miami Beach Policeman's Relief and Pension Fund, a Miami Beach Police Page 9 of 15 37 A-1. Additionallv. Lessor herebv consents to Lessee subleasinq the portion of the premises delineated for use as a fitness center (the "Fitness Cente/') on Exhibit A- 1 to Miami Beach Police Athletic Leaque Fitness Center, lnc.. a Florida for profit corporation. which entitv is whollv owned bv PAL ("MB PAL Fitness Center"). As consideration for Lessor's approval of these subtenants. PAL indemnifies and holds harmless Lessor. its elected officials. officers. emplovees and aqents (collectivelv. the Citv). from and aoainst anv and all damaoes. losses and all claims. counterclaims. suits. demands. actions. causes of action. setoffs. liens. attachments, debts. iudqments. liabilities or expenses includinq. without limitation. attornev's fees and leqal costs bv reason of anv claim, suit or iudqment arisinq or alleoed to arise from. or relatinq to the use of the premises bv anv of said subtenants. includinq. without limitation, real estate taxes which mav be assessed aqainst the premises as a result of the use of the premises by anv of the approved subtenants. Additionallv. PAL shall ensure that all said approved subtenants shall secure anv requisite qovernmental approvals to operate from the premises, includinq the requisite business tax receiots. Additionallv. as further consideration for the apprgll$l|Lf the Miami Beach Police Athletic Leaoue Fitness Center. lnc.. and as an additional public benefit. PAL shall full access pricinq that is at least 25% off .the non-emOibyee membership fee. subiect to compliance with the Citv's policies and procedures. includinq, without limitation. anv oift policies. as mav be amended from time to time. 8. 9. Paragraph 10 on page 3 of the Lease is nereOy deleted in its entirety. 10, tessee agrees te keeB interier eJ-{he premises in geed eenditien during the eentinuatien ef the term heiEiDr.demised, and every part thereef, ineluding the ptumgingr d€ers an eenditien and repair' erdinary weai and tear' fire' hurrieane er ether aet ef Ged arene exeepted; and will net suffer er permit any strip er waste ef th+premises, Paragraph 19 on page 4 of the Lease is hereby deleted in its entirety. 19, the tessee agrees that this tease shall be subjeet and suberdinate te any ises +ses, 10. Paragraph 20 on page 4 of the Lease is amended as follows: 20. At the expiration of the term hereof, the Lessee shall quietly and peaceably deliver the premises, and anv equipment. furnishinqs. and fixtures (excludinq the equipment for the Fitness Center (as defined in subsection 7.8)) to the Lessor, in the same repair and condition in which they were received, ordinary wear and tear excepted. Ne estate fer years is ereated by this tease, tessee shall be allewed te Page 10 of 16 38 remeve these "trade fixtures" installed by tessee' and as set ferth in Paragraph 3, 11. Paragraph 21 on page 5 of the Lease is hereby deleted in its entirety. the tesser seven (7) days written netiee ef needed repairsr and the tesser shall irs. 12. Paragraph 26 on page 5 of the Lease is amended as follows: 26. Should any mechanics' liens. mortqaqes. or other liens be filed against the premises or any part thereof for any reason whatsoever by reason of Lessee's acts or omissions or because of a claim against Lessee, Lessee shall cause the same to be cancelled and discharged, of record, by bond or othenvise within $n*enty thirtv (2O 30 days after the filing such lien.) 13. Paragraph 27, commencing on page entirety. dit " "t'11'W5 of the Lease-CSltihereby deleted in its ::::::::::: 14. time as the premises are ready fer eeeupaney'*d'1F'brgemmeneement date ef the terminatien date set ferth en Page t hOreef, For Lessor: With a copy to: For the Lessee: 1 700 Convention'Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 +vqu+rafg=gubbin Raul J. Aquila City Attorney City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive 4th Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 E€lEni€tl*in€rE Executive Director 999 11th Street Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Page 11 of 16 .'i4 '"^l Paragraph 30, commenclpg oh "page 6 of the Lease, is amended to update the d e s i g n ated pa rti e s f or noli€6,!:4p rpose s"';fu ,fo I |ows : With a copy to: 39 Chief of Police 1 100 Washington Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 33139 15. Paragraph 31 on page 7 of the Lease is hereby amended to reflect that the Comprehensive General Liability lnsurance coverage is increased from $300,000 to $1,000,000.00 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. 16. Paragraph 31, on Page 8 of the Lease, entitled "Limitation of Liability", is hereby renumbered to reflect Paragraph 32, instead of 31. 17. Paragraph 33 is hereby added to the Lease, as follows: 33. Executive Director. PAL shall hire. at its own expense. an Executive Director. who will manaqe and operate all PAL activities, includinq fundraisinq. Within sixtv (60) davs from the Effective Date of this Second Amendment, Lessee shall recommend a candidate for the Executive Director position. to replace the full-time police officer currentlv assioned to this position. The new Executive Director. as well as anv subsequent Executive Directors for PAL, shall have sionificant experience in non-profit oroanizational manaqement, as well as in charitv fundraisino. Additionallv. the hirino of this new ExegUfiVe Direitor. as well as anv subsequent Executive Directors. shall require the piibr written approval of the Citv Manaqer. on behalf of the Lessor. which approValiiishall .not be unreasonablv withheld. For qood cause. and upon the request of the LesSee. the Citv Manaqer mav extend the time to secure a candidate.j the Exbcutive Director position. which extension shall not be unreasonable withheld. 18. Paragraph 34 is hereby added to the Lease, as follows: 34. Desiqnated Police Officer. The,,City shall continue to support PAL's vouth services to the community bv assiqninc,, q*]p- full.time police officer, to be selected bv the Citv's Chief of Police..at his'6i,.her reasonable discretion, and who shall be charqed with the spdcificassiqnmCnt of supervisinq the police- communitv proqrams. consislent with''PAl'Stftission of servino vouth, excludino fundraisinq activities ("Dedicated Police Officer"). Durinq this assiqnment. the Dedicated Police Officer shall report to the Chief of Police or his or her desiqnee. However. said Dedicatd Police Officer mav also be directed bv PAL's Executive Director. for dav to dav duties. so lono as the Dedicated Police Officer operates at all times within the rules of the Citv and the Citv's Police Department, works primarilv on proqrams for the vouth, and does not enqaqe. directlv or indirectlv. in fundraisino activities. 19. Paragraph 35 is hereby added to the Lease, as follows: 35. This Lease is made with the understandinq that Lessee shall at all times, throuqhout the term of this Lease. remain a Florida not-for-profit corporation, pursuant to Chapter 617, Florida Statutes. the Florida Not For Profit Corporation Act. and maintain a federal tax exemption pursuant to IRC 501(cX4). ln the event that Lessee ceases to be a not-for-profit corporation. this Lease shall be subiect to termination upon thirtv (30) davs written notice bv Lessor to Lessee. Notwithstandinq the foreqoinq, Lessee shall be permitted to operate the Fitness Center throuqh PAL's related entitv. Miami Beach Police Athletic Leaque Fitness Center. lnc., a Florida for-profit corporation. which Page 12 of 16 40 Lessor has approved as a subtenant in subsection 7.8 of the Lease. subiect to the conditions set forth therein. 20. Paragraph 36 is hereby added to the Lease, as follows: 36. Revenues from PAL related activities. financial records and reports. 36.1 Revenues from PAL Related Activities. The Lessor herein acknowledoes that Lessee mav derive additional revenues from a portion of the approved uses it conducts on the premises (such revenue qeneratinq uses mav include. from time to time. events on the premises. specialtv sales. classes. lectures. and sale of food and beveraqes). Anv revenue-qeneratino uses conducted from the premises must be in accordance with the approved uses in subsection 7.1 and consistent with this subsection 36.1 of the Lease. All revenues received bv Lessee in connection with such uses shall be dedicated exclusivelv to help fund Lessee's manaqement. operation. and maintenance of the premises. as required herein. ln the event that revenue(s) pertainino to Lessee's operation exceeds expenses durino a particular budqet vear (in accordance with proiected annual operatinq budqet submitted by Lessee to Lessor. pursuant to subsection 36.2,llprein). Lessor and Lessee aqree that such excess. if anv. shall be applied iibv Lessee to support other contributions m For rivate resultinq from the activities of Lessee on the premis.gs shSlljnure to the benefit of anv private individual. Anv revenue qeneratinq tuseb which are not or at such other olace comolete uses. services. proqrams. eventsir:*Fg=ctivities (includino. without limitation all revenue qeneratinq uses) beinq conducted on the premises bv PAL and MB PAL Fitness Center, and shall qive the Citv Manaqer. or his authorized representative. access durinq reasonable business hours to examine and audit such records and accounts. Throughout the term of this Lease. and no later than one hundred and twentv (120) davs followinq the closinq of Citv's fiscal vear (October 1st - September 30th). Lessee shall provide the Citv Manaoer with an annual report of all uses. services, programs. events, activities and operations (includino. without limitation. all revenue qeneratinq uses) ("PAL Proqrams") conducted uoon the premises bv PAL and MB PAL Fitness Center. referencinq the number of persons participatinq in the PAL Proqrams. Simultaneouslv with said annual report for the PAL Proqrams, Lessee shall provide Lessor with audited financial statements for PAL and MB PAL Fitness Center. certified as true, accurate and complete bv Lessee and bv its certified public accountant. Page 13 of 16 41 36.3 The annual report for PAL and MB PAL Fitness Center shall also include a Profit and Loss Statement (includinq qross revenues bv cateqories from all revenue sources and operatinq expenses bv cateqories), and a detailed vear-end Balance Sheet. 21. Paragraph 37 is hereby added to the Lease, as follows: 37. Budqet and Fundino for PAL. 37.1 Throuqhout the term of this Lease, Lessee shall prepare and present, commencinq on Auqust 1. 2015. and thereafter bv Auoust 1 of each vear. a proposed. detailed line item annual operatino budqet for Lessee and MB PAL Fitness Center for the period from the next October 1 to September 30th, for review bv the Citv Manaqer. Said budqet shall include a proiected income and expense statement: proiected year-end balance sheet: statement of proiected income source.g: and application of funds. Additionallv, the budqet shall also include./iiiithout limitation. the followinq detailed proiections for PAL and MB PAL Fitness Center:a. Gross revenues bv cateoories from SlP"r6Venue sources and revenue qeneratinq uses derived on the premises: i' b. Operatino expenses: c. Administrative. labor and qeneral expenses:d. Marketino. advertisinq and promotion expenses:e. Utility costs: l f. Reoular repairs and maintenance coSts: andq. ln addition to subsection (f) ab-Y,,g. Lbsqgg_ shall identifv for the Lessor, such lono term capital repairsl gfrd maintenance of facilitv infrastructure of which Lessee_.mav be awaig. ln coniunction with this subsection (q). Les_F.eg-=Agreea to allqw LeSsor and/or its authorized representative(s) q.oSESS t rthq premises. as the Citv Manaqer mav deem necessarv, in his reagg._nable iudgment qnd discretion and upon at least 24 hours prior notice (written or verc,g!). for the purpose of Lessor conductinq its own facilitv assessment. 37.2 Proorammatic Plan. "i: eOmpanyinq Lessee's proposed annual budqet shall be Lessee's proorammatic plan for Lessee's upcominq fiscal vear. detailinq the then-known (planned) PAL Proqrams (includinq an proqrams for the MB PAL Fitness Center) and the number of users anticipated. 22. Paragraph 38 is hereby added to the Lease, as follows: 38. Use of Off-Dutv Police Surcharqe. PAL shall receive $1.00 per hour of the off- dutv police surcharqe fund ("Surcharqe Contribution"). subiect to fundinq availabilitv. durinq the term of this Lease. This Surcharoe Contribution shall be paid to PAL on a quarterlv basis. upon PAL presentinq a written request to the Chief of Police or his or her desiqnee. PAL mav use the Surcharoe Contribution for the pavment of the salarv of the Executive Director. PAL's Utilitv Expenses. PAL's proqramminq. and other like operational expenses. Page 14 of 15 42 23. Upon execution of this Second Amendment, the Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU"), dated as of October 29, 2007, shall be void ab initio. The parties acknowledge that the only agreements in effect, relating to the premises, shall be the Lease Agreement, the First Amendment and this Second Amendment. ln consideration of the mutual covenants contained in this Second Amendment, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Pal, on its behalf and on behalf of its successors and/or assigns, hereby releases and forever discharges, and expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Miami Beach, its Mayor, Commissioners, Officers, employees, Agents, Representatives and Members, together with their successors and/or assigns, from any and all alleged or actual claims, actions or damages which PAL shall or may have arising out of or relating to the MOU or PAL's alleged failure to receive any benefits or privileges under the MOU including, without limitation, the $1.00 Surcharge referred to therein. 24.|n light of the longstanding relationship between the City and PAL and the benefits which the PAL organization provides to the Miami Beach residents and community at large, and further subject to PAL being in good standing$der the Lease, it is the intent of the Administration, within a year of the Effe-.eti$ Date of this Second Amendment, to place an item for discussion before th.d== y1Q,g;nmission, relating to the possible approval of a new [ease with PAL, e-ff@ively efiQgding the current lease term for a period of time in excess of ten (1OFars. The pEfl|j,p,-,,-,,-,,-,,-,s understand that the approval of said new lease by the City Commission, shall"Hb,in the City Commission's sole discretion, and said appr,,$N,#),: if granted at all, shallte subject to any other approvals which may be requireilil#lftSer the City Code or City Charter, including, if required, the approval of said new ffis'b\h.y4 majority of the voters in a City-wide referendum q 25. Except as amended herein, all othei terms ino *;Uilfn. or in" L""r" Agreement and First Amendment shall remeiR.unchanged and in f$ll force and effect. 1..- rHE REMATNDER orTWr;^,rAGElS INTENIoNALLY LEFr BLANK. %,1r,,4i,,,,_ ..,,,,i Page 15 of 16 43 lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Second Amendment to be executed by their appropriate officials, as of the date first entered above. FOR LESSOR: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA ATTEST: By:By: Rafael E. Granado, Gity Clerk Philip Levine, Mayor BY: Print Name: FOR LESSEE: MIAMI BEACH POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE, !NC. ATTEST: BY:By: BY: Secretary President Print Name: F:ATTOffORG/ASSET/PAUSECONDAMENDMENTTOLEASEAGREEMENT6-25-201SRedlined Draft Page 16 of 15 44 t\ A ffi Location Map 999 11th Street *;ir.l fffi _ *4 {tt utmm}]qr[Iw t n F i * . tnlxx*m'j 4d.l. r#l I fii,n r i 13.367 totat Sq Ft - 45 WEST la.nlrl(J l.) Community Room (Shared) Stairs =JJ -l- Wrestling Room (Shared) Recreation Restroom (PARKS) Playtime Room (PARKS) Hallway Elevator (Shared) Each maintains comDuter stations Kitchen (Shared) Recreation Office (PARKS) FOP Office (PAL)PAL Executive Office (PAL) Women's Restroom (Shared) *Needs ADA* Men's Restroom (Shared)Gym Office (PAL} Fitness Center (PAL) Fitness Center (Cardio Room) (PAL) Exhibit A-1 NORTH EAST SOUTH 46 NORTH Classroom (Arts & Crafts Room) (PARKS) Computer Lab (Shared) Classroom (Guitar Room) {Shared) m o q,,+o5 = JJ - Library (Shared) Classroom (Homework Room) (Shared) Office (PAL) Computer Lab (Shared) Stairs Opening 47 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 48 COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY Condensed Title: A Resolution Of The Mayor And City Commission Of The City Of Miami Beach, Florida, Authorizing The City Manager To Enter lnto Eight (8) Consent Orders With The State Of Florida Department Of Health For Noticed Permit Violations Dating Back To 2012, Associated With City Water Systems Being Placed lnto Service Without The State Of Florida, Department Of Health Approval Or State Clearance ln Violation Of 62-555.345, F.A.C., And 403.121(3) (A), Florida Statutes;And Authorizing The To Execute The Eiqht (8) Consent Orders Attached Hereto As Exhibit 1, For A Total Cost Of $31,500. ltem Summarv/Recommendation : The State of Florida Department of Health (DOH) notified the City of Miami Beach on July 6, 2012lhat records of several water main extension projects may have been constructed or placed into operation without the required clearance from the Department. Over the past 15 years the City has approved a number of development projects that have been constructed. lt is often necessary to also install larger water mains and associated equipment due to the increased demand for water services. As a result, the permittee for the project(s) has a professionally licensed engineer prepare and submit permit plans to the Department of Health (DOH) to expand water services to the project area. As the City is the water supplier, the City is also required to sign the DOH permit application along with the developer's licensed engineer (engineer of record). Prior to placing any component of the water system into service, whereby water is passed through the new water main or water system for consumption, the water system must be pressure tested, flushed, and the water tested for bacteria on two (2) consecutive days. The results from a certified laboratory are then submitted to the DOH for clearance to activate the component proposed prior to the component being placed into service. DOH has authority derived from the Florida Statues and through an lnteragency Agreement between the State and the federal government to implement the Florida Safe Drinking Water Act Program of January 1 , 2010. Additionally, the DOH, through Chapter 62-555.345(5), Florida Administrative Code, requires that "suppliers of water shall ensure that permittees have obtained written clearance from the department before suppliers of water turn on water to permittees." On July 6,2012, the DOH issued a letter notice of violation to the City citing five (5) projects which DOH records indicated expired permits and failure to test and obtain written clearance of the water system from DOH. lt appears several of the expired permits dating back to 2003 through 2010. Since that time, the City of Miami Beach Department of Public Works has been working with the DOH to close out these open permits. During a complete review of all of the pending DOH applications, additional incomplete permit files were discovered. Over 15 files were identified as questionable. ln most cases, all of the documentation was in the possession of the engineer of record, but the permittee and engineer(s) failed to provide the testing information to the DOH priorto the water components being placed into service. ln a couple of cases the projects were never constructed. ln other cases, the records could not be located as the applicable engineer of record was no longer in business, and as a result, new testing was performed to ensure compliance with DOH requirements. None of the subsequent testing identlfied any results that failed to meet DOH standards. Although the permits are now closed, and in compliance, the DOH has issued eight (8) Consent Orders to the City of Miami Beach fornine(9)violationsof62-555.345F.A.C.and403.121(3)(a). EachConsentOrderacknowledgesthatDOHrequestedthatthe City undertake certain actions to resolve the violations and that the prescribed actions have been completed. However, due to the nature of the violations, the City, as the water provider, remains subject to civil penalties, as well as costs incurred by the DOH during the investigation of the matter. DOH is seeking $3,000 in civil penalties and $500 in expenses for each violation (3,500 x 9 violations) for a total cost to the City of $31 ,500. lt is the intention of the Administration to seek reimbursement from the applicable permittee and/or engineer of record for each violation. By agreeing to the terms of the Orders, which include acknowledging and waiving rights to appeal and paying the fines, the Consent Order will constitute a final order of the DOH, unless a request for an administrative hearing is filed by a third party. The DOH acknowledges that the City's acceptance of the offer does not constitute an admission of liability for the violations THE ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDS ADOPTING THE RESOLUTION. Source of Funds: OBPI Financial I Summa Clerk's Office lative T Works\Consent Decree - summary.doc Asenda Item R'J K Board Recommendation: Financial lnformation : Eric Public Works X6012 # AAIANN IBEACH Date Z-(Gl649 C MIAMIBEACH City of Miomi Beoch, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33,l39, www.miomibeochfl.gov CO ISSION MEMORANDUM TO:Mayor Philip Levine and Members of th City Co FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: February 10,2016 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO ETGHT (8) CONSENT ORDERS WITH THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FOR NOTICED PERMIT VIOLATIONS DATING BACK TO 2012, ASSOCIATED WITH CITY WATER SYSTEMS BEING PLACED INTO SERVICE WITHOUT THE STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL OR STATE CLEARANCE IN VIOLATION OF 62.555.345, F.A.C., AND 403.121(3) (a), FLORIDA STATUTES; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE EIGHT (8) CONSENT ORDERS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT 1, FOR A TOTAL COST OF $31,500. BACKGROUND The State of Florida Department of Health (DOH) notified the City of Miami Beach on July 6, 2012 lhat records of several water main extension projects may have been constructed or placed into operation without the required clearance from the Department. ANALYS!S Over the past 15 years the City has approved a number of development projects that have been constructed. lt is often necessary to also install larger water mains and associated equipment due to the increased demand for water services. As a result, the permittee for the project(s) has a professionally licensed engineer prepare and submit permit plans to the Department of Health (DOH) to expand water services to the project area. As the City is the water supplier, the City is also required to sign the DOH permit application along with the developer's licensed engineer (engineer of record). Prior to placing any component of the water system into service, whereby water is passed through the new water main or water system for consumption, the water system must be pressure tested, flushed, and the water tested for bacteria on two (2) consecutive days. The results from a certified laboratory are then submitted to the DOH for clearance to activate the component proposed prior to the component being placed into service. DOH has authority derived from the Florida Statues and through an lnteragency Agreement between the State and the federal government to implement the Florida Safe Drinking Water Act Program of January 1,2010. Additionally, the DOH, through Chapter 62-555.345(5), Florida Administrative Code, requires that "suppliers of water shall ensure that permittees have 50 Commission Memorandum -Consent Decree. February 10,2016 Page 2 of 2 obtained written clearance from the department before suppliers of water turn on water to permittees." On July 6, 2012, the DOH issued a letter notice of violation to the City citing five (5) projects which DOH records indicated expired permits and failure to test and obtain written clearance of the water system from DOH. lt appears several of the expired permits dating back to 2003 through 2010. Since that time, the City of Miami Beach Department of Public Works has been working with the DOH to close out these open permits. During a complete review of all of the pending DOH applications, additional incomplete permit files were discovered. Over 15 files were identified as questionable. ln most cases, all of the documentation was in the possession of the engineer of record, but the permittee and engineer(s) failed to provide the testing information to the DOH prior to the water components being placed into service. ln a couple of cases the projects were never constructed. ln other cases, the records could not be located as the applicable engineer of record was no longer in business, and as a result, new testing was performed to ensure compliance with DOH requirements. None of the subsequent testing identified any results that failed to meet DOH standards. Although the permits are now closed, and in compliance, the DOH has issued eight (8) Consent Orders to the City of Miami Beach for nine (9) violations of 62-555.345 F.A.C. and 403.121(3)(a). Each Consent Order acknowledges that DOH requested that the City undertake certain actions to resolve the violations and that the prescribed actions have been completed. However, due to the nature of the violations, the City, as the water provider, remains subject to civil penalties, as well as costs incurred by the DOH during the investigation of the matter. DOH is seeking $3,000 in civil penalties and $500 in expenses for each violation (3,500 x 9 violations) for a total cost to the City of $31,500. lt is the intention of the Administration to seek reimbursement from the applicable permittee and/or engineer of record for each violation. By agreeing to the terms of the Orders, which include acknowledging and waiving rights to appeal and paying the fines, the Consent Order will constitute a final order of the DOH, unless a request for an administrative hearing is filed by a third party. The DOH acknowledges that the City's acceptance of the offer does not constitute an admission of liability for the violations. CONCLUSION The Administration recommends the adoption of the resolution and authorizes the City Manager to execute the eight (8) Consent Orders and pay the civil penalties and costs of $31,500 to the Depafiment of Health. ,r*,=ffirrffir,r$ T:\AGENDAVOl 6\February\Public Works\Consent decree - MEMO.docx 51 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZ!NG THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO EIGHT (8) CONSENT ORDERS WITH THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FOR NOTICED PERMIT VIOLATIONS DATING BACK TO 2012, ASSOCIATED WITH CITY WATER SYSTEMS BEING PLACED INTO SERVICE WITHOUT THE STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL OR STATE CLEARANCE IN VIOLATION OF 62.555.345, F.A.C., AND 403.121(31 (a), FLORIDA STATUTES; AND AUTHORIZING THE GITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE EIGHT (8) CONSENT ORDERS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT I, FOR A TOTAL COST OF $31,500. WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Health (DOH) under Chapter 62- 555.345(5), Florida Administrative Code, requires that "suppliers of water shall ensure that permittees have obtained written clearance from the department before suppliers of water turn on water to permittees;" and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach as the water supplier for the City, is required to sign off on all permits to the DOH to expand or enhance water services in the City to the construction of new development projects that may increase water consumption; and WHEREAS, it appears that between 2003 and 2012, several permit applications were filed with the DOH, but were not closed out properly; and WHEREAS, on July 6,2012, the DOH issued a letter notice of vlolation to the City citing five (5) projects which DOH records indicated expired permits and no written clearance of the water system; and WHEREAS, since that time, the City of Miami Beach Department of Public Works has been working with the DOH to close out these open permits, and conduct all necessary testing; and WHEREAS, none of the subsequent testing identified any results that failed to meet DOH standards; and WHEREAS, although the permits are now closed, due to compliance, the DOH has issued eight (8) Consent Orders to the City of Miami Beach for nine (9) violations of 62-555.345 F.A.C. and 403.121(3Xa); and WHEREAS, each Consent Order acknowledges that DOH requested that the City undertake certain actions to resolve the violations and that the prescribed actions have been completed; and WHEREAS, due to the nature of the violations, the City, as the water provider, remains subject to civil penalties, as well as costs incurred by the DOH during the investigation of the matter. DOH is seeking $3,000 in civil penalties and $500 in expenses for each violation (3,500 x 9 violations) for a total cost to the City of $31,500; and, 52 WHEREAS, by agreeing to the terms of the Orders, which include acknowledging and waiving rights to appeal and paying the fines, the Consent Order will constitute a final order of the DOH, unless a request for an administrative hearing is filed by a third party; and WHEREAS, the DOH acknowledges that the City's acceptance of the offer does not constitute an admission of liability for the violations; and WHEREAS, the administration recommends approving the resolution and authorize the City Manager to execute the attached eight (8) Consent Orders and to pay the total penalties and costs of $31,500 to the Department of Health. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CIry GOMMISSION OF THE Clry OF MIAMI BEAGH, FLORIDA, authorizing the City Manager to enter into Eight (8) Consent Orders with the State of Florida Department of Health for noticed permit violations dating back to 2012, associated with City water systems being placed into service without the State of Florida, Department of Health approval in violation of 62-555.345, F.A.C., and 403.121(3) (a), Florida Statutes; and authorizing the City Manager to execute the eight (8) Consent Orders attached hereto as Exhibit 1, for a total cost of $31,500. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of February, 2016 ATTEST: Philip Levine, Mayor Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR.EXECUTION -tLl" \- L- +- t b ,r*onffi F:\ATTO\BOUE\RESOS\INTERLOCAL RESOLUTION ON PRE-K WITH MDCSB.docx 53 John H. Amstrong, MDRick Scott Covemor General July 6,2012 Mike Alvarez Director of Public Works City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 Dear Mr, Alvarez: Our records indicate that several water main extension projects permitted under the referenced numbers \yere or may have been oonsfuucted and placed into permanent operation without the required olearance from the deparhlent in violation of the conditions under which the permits was issued. Chapter 62-555.345 Florida Adninistratiye Code requires that no public water systern components constructed or altered under a permit granted by the departrnent shall be placed into permanent operationwithout prior d.epartment's approval or clearance, Specifi'cally, Chapter 62'555.345 (5) itortdo Administratiye Code requires that "suppliers of waler shall ensure that permittees have obtqined written clearancefront the departnrcnt before suppliers ofwater turn onwater to penfiiltees". By this letter, the department is requesting that you provide dooumentation to evidonce that the attached listed projects received proper clearance before you turned on the water to the permrttees' If the aforernentioned projects have not obtained proper clearance from the department, the pennittees shall return and follow all clearance process to ensure the integrity of the water lines' WaUreswllin n fine of up to $ 3,000,00 .and/or other penslties.in accordance willlChapter 40 3, I 21 (il (il Florida Statutes, We look forward for your cooperatian fo thrs matter by responding within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of this lettar. Failure to compty witl teave us with no alternativa to proceed as previously sfafed. We do advanoe for your cooperation. P Pro nai Engineer Supervisor I Cc: Samir , PE, DEE, CEHP, PhD Tracie Dickerson, Esq. (MDCHD) Samil Elmir, PlrD, PE, DEE, CEHP' Director Environmmtal Health and Engineering Mianri-Dade County Llealth Depattment 1725 Nw 16?tr'Street, Miami Gardens, Floridq 33056 Tell (305) 623'3500 Fax: (305) 623'3502 Email: Samir Elmir@doh,state.fl 'us Wehcife' uvw dadehealfh nro @ PubttcHalit i@ 54 Rick Scott Governor John H, Armstrong, \4D State Surseon General 1) z) 3) 4) List of Exoife-Permits Permit Name: Cosrnopolitan at the Court at South Beach Address : Meridian Avenue & I't Street Date of Issuez 0112912004 Permit Name: Regatta Condomlniums Address: 6580 Collins Avenue Date of Issue: 061L6DA04 Permit Name: Nautica Condominium Address: 5970-5990 Indian Creek Drive Date of Issu e: 0510212003 Permit Name: Apogee Address: 800 South Point Drive Date of Issuez 7?12U2A05 Perrnit Name: La Gorce Country Club Address: 5685 Alton Road Date of Issue: 7012912003 Permit No. 126648-177-DSGP Expiration Datez 07 129 12009 Permit No. 126648-1M-DSGP Expiration Datel 0 6/ 16 12009 Permit No. 125648-168-DSGP Expiration D ate: 05 I 02 12008 Permit No. 126648-197-DSGP Expiration Date: 7? 120 I 2010 Permit No. 126648-170-DSGP Expiration D ate: t0 I 29 l20AB s) Samir Elmit, PhD, PE, DEE, CEHP, Dlreotor Environmental Health and Engineering Miami-Dade Counfy flealth Department 1725 Nw l67th Stleot, Miami Gardens, Florida 33056 Tel: (305) 623-3500 Fax: (305) 623-3502 Bmail: Samir_Blmir@doh.state,fl .us Wehsite' rrrunv rledphealth oro @ PubucHealtll Ei@Effi 55 Exhibit L Iirslon: To protect, promote E improve the health of all people in Florida though integrated state, clunty & communi$ elforb. Rlcr lcott Govemor John H. Annttrongr ID, FACS State Surgeon General & Secrelary Vidon: To be he Healthiest State in the Nation Sent Via US MailArticle Number: 7@2 24tO Cf04, Tt@ M3 January 14,2016 Eric Carpenter, Assistant City Manager & Director of Public Works 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami, Beach, FL 33139 j-:i} Dear Mr. Carpenter- -_ e ,; Enclosed please find eight Consent Orders forthe following nine permits where the dity of Miami Beach, as the supplier of water placed a water system into service without Health Department approval or clearance in violation of 62-555.345 F.A.C. and 403.121(3)(a). The fines were determined per permit violation, but to minimize confusion we have combined the consent orders by Engineer of Record (EOR). EOR: Carl L. Skiles, PE DOH Permit Number 126648-168-DSGP Project Name/Applicant: Nautica Condominium EOR: Stephen Kutch, PE DOH Permit Number 126648-170-DSGP Project Name/Applicant: La Gorce Country Club EOR: Timothy K. Blankenship, PE DOH Permit Number 126648-177-DSGP Project Name/Applicant: Cosmopolitan at the Courts at South Beach EOR: Kevin J. Sacks, PE DOH Permit Number 126648-1gs-DSGP Project Name/Applicant: Miami Beach Senior High School EOR: Kevin M. Mccabe, PE DOH Permit Number 126648-197-DSGP Project Name/Applicant: Apogee / T.R.G. Alaska l, LTD, Joyce Bronson DOH Permit Number: 126648-223-DSGP Project Name/Applicant: Block 52 Condominium/TRG Alaska lll, LLC Florldr D.D.rtr.nt of ll..lth Ofice olhe Gmeral Consd. Mbn$.Oade & ll,tonroe Countlx 8323 NW 12 StEet Suib 214. l\fiami, Fbida 33126 P|-ONE:78&845{300 . FAX 786{454306 wUw.FlorieleHrelth.gov TWIIIER:HeathyFt A FACEBOOK:FLDeparimentolHeallh YOUTUBE: fldoh FLICKR: HealthyFla PINTEREST: HealthyFla 56 EOR: Eithel Sierra, PE DOH Permit Number 126648-207-DSGP Project Name/Applicant: 12" Ductile lron Pipe lndian Creek Drive 63-67 St EOR: Guido Van Meek, PE DOH Permit Number 126648-225-DSGP Project Name/Applicant: Caribbean / Caribbean Group Owner, LLC EOR: Jason McGlair, PE DOH Permit Nurnber 126648-231 -DSGP Project Name/Applicant: City Center Bid Package 98 Please review and execute each of the eight enclosed documents and return to rny office" Payments should include the DEP Permit Numbers assigned and be made payable to "The State of Florida Department of Health" and should be sent to the FDOH-Environmental Health Division, Attn: PaulAndre, 1725 NW 167 St., Miami Gardens, FL 33056. Should you have any questions regarding these actions, please call me at (786) 845-0360. fr.Dc,Ee,tstrr: Tracie L. Dickerson Senlor Attorney Endosures (8 Consent Orders) cc: Lillian Rivera, RN, MSN, Ph.D., Administrator DOH-Miami-Dade Samir Elmir, P.E., Ph.D. DOH-Miami-Dade, Oirector Environmental Health & Engineering Paul Andre, P.E., DOH-Miami-Dade Environmental Health & Engineering Supervisor Sincerely, {.;-o-, 57 illf.lon: To proEct, promote & inprove the health of all people in Florida hrough int€grated strte, munty E community eflorb. llck lcott Govemor John H. A'lrtt?ong, nD, t.lc! Stat€ Surgeon General & Secrotary Vlrlon: To be he Healttlsst Sbte in he Nation Date: To: February 10,2015 Samir Elmir, PhD, PE, BCEE, CEHP, DOH-Miami-Dade Director of Environmental Health & Engineering Lillian Rivera, RN, MSN, PhD, Adrninistrator, DOH-Miami-Dade Delegation of Authority for Signature on Department of Environmental Protection Drinking Water Files From: Subject: Lillian Rivera, RN, MSN, PhD, Administrator, Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County (DOH-Miarni- Dade), hereby gives Samir Elmir, PhD, PE, BCEE, CEHP, Director of Environmental Health & Engineering signature authority for Consent Decrees generated under the DOH-Miami-Dade Drinking Water Program. The DOH-Miami-Dade Drinking Water Program is the designated program that regulates small water systems which provide water for public consumption for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The Authority for the DOH-Miami Dade Drinking Water Program is derived frorn Chapter 403, Part lV, Florida Statues and by delegation of the federal program from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This program was delegated to the Florida Department of Health through the lnteragency Agreement for the lmplementation of the Florida Safe Drinking Water Act Program dated Janua ry 1,20!A. Drinking Water Program Consent Decrees rnust first be reviewed for sufficiency by the DOH-Miami-Dade legal department prior to Dr. Elmir/s signature. This authority may not be re-delegated. ln the event of Dr. Elmir's absence or unavailability to sign, the signature authority will revert back to the DOH-Miami-Dade County Administrator. Each time this signature authority is used, a scan of the document shall be sent backto the legal office for filing. The use of rubber stamps, signature plates or other rnechanical devices to affix the signature is prohibited. For documents requiring signatures of two parties, the Florida Department of Health signature shall be last. This delegation of signature authority shall be effective as of the date of signature and will remain in full force and effect until revoked by me or my successor. C/7-\-i L ,2-ta-2o{ RN, MSN, Ph DOH-Miami-Dade Acknowtedged and Agreed: I b/\x !/L_-/ Samir Elmir, PhD, PE, BCEE, CEHP DOH-Miami-Dade Director of Environmental Health & Engineering Date Florida Department of Health Miami-Dade County E175 NW 12th Street, Suite 300, Doral, FL 33126 PHONE: 305-324-2400 . FA)( 786-336-1 297 wtw.Flroddellrrttlr.gov TWfiIERTHealhyFLA FACE BOoK: FtDepartm€ntofrleanh YOUIUBE: fdoh FLICKR: HealthyFla PINTERE$T: tlealhyFla 58 Mission: To protect, promote & improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, munty & community efforts. : . ..-ffi HEALTH Rick Scott Govemor John H. Armstrong, MD, FACS State Surgeon General & Secretary Vision: To be the Healthiest State in the Naiion January 14,2016 City of Miami Beach as Supplier of Water Eric Carpenter, Assistant City Manager & Director of Public Works 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami, Beach, FL 33139 SUBJECT: Florida Department of Environmental Protection v. Citv of Miami Beach as Supplier of Water, Engineer of Record: Timothy K. Blankenship, PE OGC File No.: 2016-00387 DOH Permit Number 126648-177-DSGP Project Name/Applicant: Cosmopolitan at the Courts at South Beach Permit Expiration Date: January 28,2004 Mr. Carpenter, The State of Florida Department of Health for the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection ("Department") finds the City of Miami Beach ("Respondent"), as supplier of water placed a water system into service without department approval or clearance in violation of 62-555.345, F.A.C. and 403.121(3)(a). Before sending this letter, the Department requested that the Respondent undertake certain actions to resolve the violation(s). These actions have since been completed. However, due to the nature of the violation(s), the Respondent remains subject to civil penalties. The Respondent is also responsible for costs incurred by the Department during the investigation of this matter. The Department's Offer Based on the violations described above, the Department is seeking $ 3000.00 in civil penalties and $ 500.00 for costs and expenses the Department has incurred in investigating this matter, which amounts to a total of $ 3,500.00. Respondent's Acceptance lf you wish to accept this offer and fully resolve the enforcement matter pending against the Respondent, please sign this letter and return by February 15,2016 it to the Department at the following address: State of Florida, Department of Health ATTN: Drinking Water Program 1725 NW 167th Street Miami Gardens, Florida 33056 Florida Department of Health Division of Environmental Health and Engineering Miami-Dade County 1725 NW 167th Street, Miami, FL 33056 PHONE: 305/623-3500 . FAX 305/623-3502 www.Florida Health.gov TWITTER:HealthyFLA FACEBOOK:FLDepadmentofHealth YOUTUBE: fldoh FLICKR: HealthyFla PINTEREST: HealthyFla59 FDOH vs. City of Miami Beach as Water Supplier (Timothy Blankenship, P.E.) OGC No" 201,6-00387 Page2 The Department will then countersign it and file it with a designated clerk of the Department. Once the document is filed with the designated clerk, it will constitute a final order of the Department pursuant to Section 120.52(7), F.S. and will be effective unless a request for an administrative hearing is filed by a third party in accordance with Chapter 120, F.S. and the attached Notice of Rights. By acc,epting this offer you: (1) certify that you are authorized and empowered to negotiate, enter into, and accept the terms of this offer in the name and on behalf of Respondent;(2) acknowledge and waive Respondent's right to an administrative hearing pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S", on the terms of this offer, once final;(3) acknowledge and waive Respondent's right to an appeal pursuant to Section 120.68, F.S.; and(4) acknowledge that payment of the above arnount does not constitute a waiver of the Department's right, if any, to recover emergency response related costs and expenses for this matter. The Department acknowledges that the Respondent's acceptance of this offer does not constitute an admission of liability for the violation(s) referenced above. Respondent's Performance After signing and returning this document to the Department, (1) Respondent must pay $3,500.00 in full by February 15,2016. (2) fhe payment must: (a) be in the form of a cashier's check or money order (b) be payable to the "Florida Department of Health"; (c) include the DEP Permit Number assigned and (d) be sent to Florida Department of Health in Miami Dade County, Environmental Health Division, 1725 NW 167 Street Miami Gardens FL 33056. The Department may enforce the terms of this docurnent, once final, and seek to collect monies owed pursuant to Sections 120.69 and 403.121 , F.S. Until clerked bv the Department, this letter is onlv a settlement offer and not a final aoencv action. Consequently, neither the Respondent nor any other party rnay request an administrative hearing to contest this letter pursuant to Chapter 120, F.S. Once this letter is clerked and becomes a final order of the Department, as explained above, the attached Notice of Rights will apply to parties, other than the Respondent, whose interests will be substantially affected. Electronic signatures or other versions of the parties' signatures, such as .pdf or facsimile, shall be valid and have the same force and effect as originals. No modifications of the terms of this Order will be effective until reduced to writing, executed by both Respondent and the Department, and filed with the clerk of the Department. Please be aware that if the Respondent declines to respond to the Department's offer, the Department will assume that the Respondent is not interested in resolving the matter and will proceed accordingly. lf you have any questions, please contact Paul Levelt Andr6, P.E. at 305-623-3500 or at Paul.And re@flhealth. gov. Sincerely, I.F / vN Samir Elmr, PE PhD Environmental Administrator Environmental Health and Engineering Florida Department of Health Miami-Dade County 60 By: FDOH vs. City of Miami Beach as Water Supplier (Timothy Blankenship, P.E.) OGC No. 2076-00387 Page 3 FOR THE RESPONDENT: t,lType or Print Namel, HEREBY ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THE SETTLEMENT OFFER IDENTIFIED ABOVE. Date: [Signature] Title: lType or Printl FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY DONE AND ORDERED this _ day of January, 2016 in Miami-Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ON BEHALF OF STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Samir Elmir, PE, PhD Environmental Administrator Environmental Health and Engineering Florida Department of Health Miami-Dade County Filed, on this date, pursuant to section 120.52, F.S., with the designated Department Clerk, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Clerk Date: Attachments: Notice of Rights Final clerked copy furnished to. Lea Crandal l, Agency Clerk (lea. crandall @dep. state.fl. us) 61 FDOFI vs. City of Miami Beach as Water Supplier (Timothy Blankenship, P.E.) OGC No. 201,6-00387 Page 4 NOTICE OF RIGHTS Persons who are not parties to this Order, but whose substantial interests are affected by it, have a right to petition for an administrative hearing under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to forrnulate final agency action, the filing of a petition concerning this Order means that the Department's final action may be different from the position it has taken in the Order. The petition for administrafive hearing rnust contain a1l of the following information: a) The OGC Number assigned to this Order; b) The name, address, and telephone nurnber of each petitioner; the name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's representative, if any, which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; c) An explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests will be affected by the Order; d) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the Order; e) Either a statement of all material facts disputed by the petitioner or a statement that the petitioner does not dispute any material facts; 0 A statement of the specific facts the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the Order; g) A statement of the rules or statutes the petitioner contends require reversal or rnodification of the Order; and h) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action petitioner wishes the Department to take with respect to the Order. The petition must be filed (received) at the Department's Office of General Counsel, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, MS# 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 within 21 davs of receipt of this notice. A copy of the petition must also be mailed at the time of filing to the District Office at the address indicated above. Failure to file a petition within the 21-day period constitutes a person's waiver of the right to request an administrative hearing and to participate as a party to this proceeding under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Mediation under Section 120.573, Florida Statutes, is not available in this proceeding. 62 ll, ;sion: To protect, promote & improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county & communrty efforts. Rick Scott Governor John H. Armstrong, MD, FACS State Surgeon General & Secretary EEEk]I rE"r#r[ffi& IHEALTH i be the Healthiest State in the NatlonVision: To January 14,2016 City of Miami Beach as Supplier of Water Eric Carpenter, Assistant City Manager & Director of Public Works 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami, Beach, FL 33139 SUBJECT: State of Florida Department of Health vs. Citv of Miami Beach as Supplier_qllu/aleL Engineer of Record: Kevin J. Sacks, pE OGC File No.: 2016-00390 DOH Permit Number 126648-195 DSGP Project Name/Applicant: Miami Beach Senior High School Permit Expiration Date: June 2A,2010 Mr. Carpenter, The State of Florida Department of Health for the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection ("Depafiment") finds the City of Miami Beach ("Respondent"), as supplier of water placed a water system into service without department approval or clearance in violation of 62-555.345, F.A.C. and 403.121(3Xa). Before sending this letter, the Department requested that the Respondent undertake certain actions to resolve the violation(s). These actions have since been completed. However, due to the nature of the violation(s), the Respondent remains subject to civil penalties. The Respondent is also responsible for costs incurred by the Department during the investigation of this matter. The Department's Offer Based on the violations described above, the Department is seeking $ 3O0O.OO in civil penalties and $ 500.00 for costs and expenses the Department has incurred in investigating this matter, which amounts to a total of $ 3,500.00. Res pondent's Acceptance lf you wish to accept this offer and fully resolve the enforcement matter pending against the Respondent, please sign this letter and return by February 15,2016 it to the Department at the following address: State of Florida, Department of Health AfTN: Drinking Water Program 1725 NW 167tn Street Miami Gardens, Florida 33056 Florida Department of Health Division of Environmental Health and Engineering Miami-Dade County 1725 NW 167u, Street, Miami, FL 33056 PHONE: 305/623-3500 . FAX 305/623-3502 www.FloridaHealth.gov TWITTER:HealthyFLA FACEBO0K: FLDepartmentofHealth YOUTUBE: fldoh FLICKR: HealthyFla PINTEREST: HealthyFla63 F' JH vs. Ciry of Miami Beach as Water Supplier (Kevin Sacks, PE) C-lC No. 2016-00390 PageZ The Department will then countersign it and file it with a designated clerk of the Department. Once the document is filed with the designated clerk, it will constituie a final order of the Department pursuant to Section 120.52(7), F.S. and will be effective unless a request for an administrative hearing is filed by a third party in accordance with Chapter 120, F.S. and the attached Notice of Rights. By accepting this offer you: (1) certify that you are authorized and ernpowered to negotiate, enter into, and accept the terms of this offer in the name and on behalf of Respondent;(2) acknowledge and waive Respondent's right to an administrative hearing pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S., on the terms of this offer, once final;(3) acknowledge and waive Respondent's right to an appeal pursuant to Section 120.68, F.S.; and(4) acknowledge that payment of the above amount does not constitute a waiver of the Department's right, if any, to recover emergency response related costs and expenses for this matter. The Department acknowledges that the Respondent's acceptance of this offer does not constitute an adrnission of liability for the violation(s) referenced above. Respondent's Performance After signing and returning this document to the Department, (1) Respondent must pay $3,500 in full by February 75,2016. (2) The payment must: (a) be in the form of a cashier's check or money order (b) be payable to the "Florida Department of Health"; (c) include the DEP Permit Number assigned and (d) be sent to Florida Department of Health in Miami Dade County, Environmental Health Division, 1725 NW 167 Street Miami Gardens FL 33056. The Department may enforce the terms of this document, once final, and seek to collect monies owed pursuant to Sections 120.69 and 403.121 , F.S. Until clerked bv the Deoartment, this letter is onlv a settlement offer and not a final aqencv action. Consequently, neither the Respondent nor any other party may request an administrative hearing to contest this letter pursuant to Chapter 120, F.S. Once this letter is clerked and becomes a final order of the Department, as explained above, the attached Notice of Rights will apply to parties, other than the Respondent, whose interests will be substantially affected. Electronic signatures or other versions of the parties' signatures, such as .pdf or facsimile, shall be valid and have the sarne force and effect as originals. No modifications of the terms of this Order will be effective until reduced to writing, executed by both Respondent and the Department, and filed with the clerk of the Department. Please be aware that if the Respondent declines to respond to the Department's offer, the Department will assume that the Respondent is not interested in resolving the matter and will proceed accordingly. lf you have any questions, please contact Paul Levelt Andr5, P.E. at 305'623-3500 or at Paul.Andre@flhealth. g ov. Samir Elmir, PE, PhD Environmental Administrator Environmental Health and Engineering Florida Department of Health Miami-Dade County 64 By: F" JH vs. City of Miami Beach as Water Supplier (Kevin Sacks, PE) L.lC No. 2016-00390 Page 3 FOR THE RESPONDENT: t,lType or Print Narnel, HEREBY ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THE SETTLEMENT OFFER IDENTIFIED ABOVE. Date: [Signature] Title: lType or Printl FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY DONE AND ORDERED this day of January, 2016 in Miami-Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ON BEHALF OF STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Samir Elmir, PE, PhD Environmental Administrator Environmental Health and Engineering Florida Department of Health Miami-Dade County Filed, on this date, pursuant to section 120.52, F.S., with the designated Department C1erk, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Clerk Date: Attachments: Notice of Rights Final clerked copy furnished to: Lea Crandall, Agency Clerk (Lea.cr@) 65 F' JH ,/s. City of Miami Beach as Water Supplier (Kevin Sacks, PE) u'JC No. 2076-00390 Page4 NOT]CE OF RIGHTS Persons who are not parties to this Order, but whose substantial interests are affected by It, have a right to petition for an adrninistrative hearing under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate final agency action, the filing of a petition concerning this Order means that the Department's final action may be different from the position it has taken in the Order. The petition for adrninisfrative hearing must contain all of the following information: a) fhe OGC Nurnber assigned to this Order; b) The name, address, and telephone number of each petitioner; the name, address, and telephone nurnber of the petitioner's representative, if any, which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; c) An explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests will be affected by the Order; d) A staternent of when and how the petitioner received notice of the Order; e) Either a staternent of all material facts disputed by the petitioner or a statement that the petitioner does not dispute any rnaterial facts; f) A statement of the specific facts the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the Order; g) A staternent of the rules or statutes the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the Order; and h) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action petitioner wishes the Departrnent to take with respect to the Order. The petition must be filed (received) at the Department's Office of General Counsel, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, MS# 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 within 21 davs of recelpt of this notice. A copy of the petition must also be rnailed at the time of filing to the District Office at the address indicated above. Failure to file a petition within the 21-day period constitutes a person's waiver of the right to request an administrative hearing and to participate as a party to this proceeding under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Mediation under Section 120.573, Florida Statutes, is not available in this proceeding. 66 Mission: To protect, promote & improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county & community efforts.ffi HEALTH be the Healthiest State Rick Scott Governor John H. Armstrong, MD, FACS State Surgeon General & Secretary Vision: To in the Nation January 14,2016 City of Miami Beach as Supplier of Water Eric Carpenter, Assistant City Manager & Director of Public Works 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami, Beach, FL 33139 SUBJECT: Florida Department of Health v. Citv of Miami Beach as Supplier of Water, DOH Permit Number 126648-207-DSGP OGC File No. 2016-00482 Engineer of Record: Eithel Sierra, PE Project Name/Applicant: 12" Ductile lron Pipe lndian Creek Drive 63-67 St Permit Expiration Date: October 24,2011 Mr. Carpenter, The State of Florida Department of Health for the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection ("Department") finds the City of Miami Beach ("Respondent"), as supplier of water placed a water system into service without department approval or clearance in violation of 62-555.345, F.A.C. and 403.121(3Xa). Before sending this letter, the Department requested that the Respondent undertake certain actions to resolve the violation(s). These actions have since been completed. However, due to the nature of the violation(s), the Respondent remains subject to civil penalties. The Respondent is also responsible for costs incurred by the Department during the investigation of this matter. The Department's Offer Based on the violations described above, the Department is seeking $ 3000.00 in civil penalties and $ 500.00 for costs and expenses the Department has incurred in investigating this matter, which amounts to a total of $ 3,500.00. Respondent's Acceptance lf you wish to accept this offer and fully resolve the enforcement matter pending against the Respondent, please sign this letter and return by February 15, 2016 it to the Department at the following address: State of Florida, Department of Health ATTN: Drinking Water Program 1725 NW 167m Street Miami Gardens, Florida 33056 Florida Department of Health Division of Environmental Health and Engineering Miami-Dade County 1725 NW 167h Street, Miami, FL 33056 PHONE: 305/623-3s00 . FAX 305/623-3502 www. Florida Hea lth. gov TWITTER:HealthyFLA FACE BO0K:FLDepartmentofHealth YOUTUBE: ffdoh FLICKR: HealthyFla PINTEREST: HealthyFla67 . FDGH vs. City of Miami Beach as Water Supplier (Eithel Sierra, P.E.) OGC No. 2076-00482 PageZ The Department will then countersign it and file it with a designated clerk of the Depaftment. Once the document is filed with the designated clerk, it will constitute a final order of the Department pursuant to Section 120.52(7), F.S. and will be effective unless a request for an administrative hearing is filed by a third party in accordance with Chapter 120, F.S. and the attached Notice of Rights. By accepting this offer you: (1) certify that you are authorized and empowered to negotiate, enter into, and accept the terms of this offer in the name and on behalf of Respondent;(2) acknowledge and waive Respondent's right to an administrative hearing pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S., on the terms of this offer, once final;(3) acknowledge and waive Respondent's right to an appeal pursuant to Section 120.68, F.S.; and(4) acknowledge that payment of the above amount does not constitute a waiver of the Department's right, if any, to recover emergency response related costs and expenses for this matter. The Department acknowledges that the Respondent's acceptance of this offer does not constitute an admission of liability for the violation(s) referenced above. Respondent's Performance After signing and returning this document to the Department, (1) Respondent must pay $3,500 in full by February 15,20L6. (2) The payment must: (a) be in the form of a cashier's check or money order (b) be payable to the "Florida Department of Health"; (c) include the DEP Permit Number assigned and (d) be sent to Florida Department of Health in Miami Dade County, Environrnental Health Division, '1725 NW 167 Street Miami Gardens FL 33056. The Department may enforce the terms of this document, once final, and seek to collect monies owed pursuant to Sections 120.69 and 403.121, F.S. Until clerked bv the Department, this letter is onlv a settlement offer and not a final aqencv action. Consequently, neither the Respondent nor any other party may request an adrninistrative hearing to contest this letter pursuant to Chapter 120, F.S. Once this letter is clerked and becomes a final order of the Department, as explained above, the attached Notice of Rights will apply to pafties, other than the Respondent, whose interests will be substantially affected. Electronic signatures or other versions of the parties' signatures, such as .pdf or facsimile, shall be valid and have the same force and effect as originals. No modifications of the terms of this Order will be effective until reduced to writing, executed by both Respondent and the Department, and filed with the clerk of the Department. Please be aware that if the Respondent declines to respond to the Department's offer, the Department will assume that the Respondent is not interested in resolving the rnatter and will proceed accordingly. lf you have any questions, please contact Paul Levelt Andr6, P.E. at 305-623-3500 or at Paul.Andre@flhealth. gov. Sincerety, / Samir Elmir, PE, PhD Environmental Admi nistrator Environmental Health and Engineering Florida Department of Health Miami-Dade County 68 FDCH vs. City of Miami Beach as Water Supplier (Eithel Sierra, P.E.) OCC No. 2016-00482 Page 3 FOR THE RESPONDENT: t,lType or Print Namel, HEREBY AGCEPT THE TERMS OF THE SETTLEMENT OFFER IDENTIFIED ABOVE. By: Date: [Signature] Title: lType or Printl FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY DONE AND ORDERED this day of January, 2016 in Miami-Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ON BEHALF OF STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Samir Elmir, PE, PhD Environmental Admi nistrator Environmental Health and Engineering Florida Department of Health Miami-Dade County I'iled, on this date, pursuant to section 120.52, F.S., with the designated Departrnent Clerk, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Clerk Date: Attachrnents: Notice of Rights Final clerked copy furnished to: Lea Crandall, Age ncy Clerk (lea.qandall@dep.state.fl. us) 69 FDCH vs. City of Miami Beach as Water Supplier (Eithel Sierra, P.E.) OGC No. 2016-00482 Page 4 NOTICE OF RIGHTS Persons who are not parties to this Order, but whose substantial interests are affected by it, have a right to petition for an administrative hearing under Sections '120.569 and 120.57, Fiorida Statutes. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate final agency action, the filing of a petition concerning this Order means that the Deparfment's final action may be different from the position it has taken in the Order. The petition for administrative hearing must contain all of the following information: a) The OGC Number assigned to this Order; b) The name, address, and telephone number of each petitioner; the name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's representative, if any, which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; c) An explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests will be affected by the Order; d) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the Order; e) Either a statement of all material facts disputed by the petitioner or a statement that the petitioner does not dispute any materialfacts; D A statement of the specific facts the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the Order; g) A statement of the rules or statutes the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the Order; and h) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action petitioner wishes the Department to take with respect to the Order. The petition must be filed (received) at the Department's Office of General Counsel, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, MS# 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 within 21 davs of receipt of this notice. A copy of the petition must also be mailed at the time of filing to the District Office at the address indicated above. Failure to file a petition within the 21-day period constitutes a person's waiver of the right to request an administrative hearing and to participate as a party to this proceeding under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Mediation under Section 120.573, Florida Statutes, is not available in this proceeding. 70 Mission: To protect, promote & improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, coLrnty & community efforts. ffiEG@ rr-I#EEG& IHEALTH i be the Healthiest State in the Nation Rick Scott Governor John H. Armstrong, MD, FACS State Surgeon General & Secretary Vision:To January 14,2016 City of Miami Beach as Supplier of Water Eric Carpenter, Assistant City Manager & Director of Public Works 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami, Beach, FL 33139 SUBJECT: Florida Department of Health on v. Citv of Miami Beach as Supplier of Water, DOH Permit Number 126648-231-DSGP OGC File No.: 2016-00480 Engineer of Record. Jason McClair, P.E. Project Name/Applicant: City Center Bid Package 9B Permit Expiration Date: February 1 5,2013 Mr. Carpenter, The State of Florida Department of Health for the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection ("Department") finds the City of Miami Beach ("Respondent"), as supplier of water placed a water system into service without departrnent approval or clearance in violation of 62-555.345, F.A.C. and 403.121(3)(a). Before sending this letter, the Departrnent requested that the Respondent undertake certain actions to resolve the violation(s). These actions have since been cornpleted. However, due to the nature of the violation(s), the Respondent remains subject to civil penalties. The Respondent is also responsible for costs incurred by the Department during the investigation of this matter. The Departrnent's Offer Based on the violations described above, the Department is seeking $ 3000.00 in civil penalties and $ 500.00 for costs and expenses the Departrnent has incurred in investigating this matter, which amounts to a total of $ 3,500.00. Respondent's Acceptance lf you wish to accept this offer and fully resolve the enforcement rnatter pending against the Respondent, please sign this letter and return by February 15, 2016 it to the Department at the following address: State of Florida, Department of Health ATTN: Drinking Water Program 1725 NW 167'n Street Miami Gardens, Florida 33056 Florida Department of Health Division of Environmental Heallh and Engineering MiamlDade County 1725 NW 167t,Steet, Miami, FL 33056 PH0NE: 305/623-3500. FAX 305/623-3502 www.FloridaHealth. gov TWITTER:HealthyFLA FAC EB0OK: FLDepartmentolHeatth YOUTUBE: fldoh FLICKR: HealthyFla PINTEREST: HealthyFla71 FDOH vs. City of Miami Beach as Water Supplier (Jason McClair, P.E.) OGC No.2015-00480 Page2 The Department will then countersign it and file it with a designated clerk of the Department. Once the document is filed with the designated clerk, rt will constitute pursuant to Section 120.52(7), F.S. and will be effective unless a request for an administrative hearing is filed by a third party in accordance with Chapter 120, F.S. and the attached Notice of Rights. By accepting this offer you: (1) certify that you are authorized and empowered to negotiate, enter into, and accept the terms of this offer in the name and on behalf of Respondent;(2) acknowledge and waive Respondent's right to an administrative hearing pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 12Q.57, F.S., on the terms of this offer, once final;(3) acknowledge and waive Respondent's right to an appeal pursuant to Section 120.68, F.S.; and(4) acknowledge that payment of the above amount does not constitute a waiver of the Department's right, if any, to recover emergency response related costs and expenses for this matter. The Department acknowledges that the Respondent's acceptance of this offer does not constitute an admission of liability for the violation(s) referenced above. Respondent's Performance After signing and returning this document to the Department, (1) Respondent must pay $ 3,500.00 in full by February 15,20'1.6. (2) The payment must: (a) be in the form of a cashier's check or money order (b) be payable to the "Florida Department of Health"; (c) include the DEP Permit Number assigned and (d) be sent to Florida Department of Health in Miami Dade County, Environmental Health Division, 1725 NW 167 Street Miami Gardens FL 33056. The Department may enforce the terms of this document, once final, and seek to collect monies owed pursuant to Sections 120.69 and 403.121 , F.S. Until clerked bv the Department. this letter is onlv a settlement offer and not a final aqencv action. Consequently, neither the Respondent nor any other party may request an administrative hearing to contest this letter pursuant to Chapter 120, F.S. Once this letter is clerked and becomes a final order of the Department, as explained above, the attached Notice of Rights will apply to parties, other than the Respondent, whose interests will be substantially affected. Electronic signatures or other versions of the parties' signatures, such as .pdf or facsimile, shall be valid and have the same force and effect as originals. No modifications of the terms of this Order will be effective until reduced to writing, executed by both Respondent and the Department, and filed with the clerk of the Department. Please be aware that if the Respondent declines to respond to the Department's offer, the Department will assume that the Respondent is not interested in resolving the matter and will proceed accordingly. lf you have any questions, please contact Paul Levelt Andr6, P.E. at 305-623-3500 or at Paul.Andre@fl health. gov. Sincerely, / / Samir Elmir, PE, PhD Environmental Adm inistrator Environmental Health and Engineering Florida Department of Health Miami-Dade County 72 By: FDOH vs. City of Miami Beach as Water Supplier (jason McClair, P.E.) OGC No.2015-00480 Page 3 FOR THE RESPONDENT: t,lType or Print Namel, HEREBY ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THE SETTLEMENT OFFER IDENTIFIED ABOVE. Date: [Signature] Title: lType or Printl FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY DONE AND ORDERED this _ day of January, 2016 in Miami-Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ON BEHALF OF STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Samir Elmir, PE, PhD Environmenta I Admi nistrator Environmental Health and Engineering Florida Department of Health Miami-Dade County Filed, on this date, pursuant to section 120.52, F"S., with the designated Department Clerk, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Clerk Date: Attachments: Notice of Rights Final clerked copy furnished to: Lea Crandall, Agency Clerk (lea.crandall@dep.state.fl.us) 73 FDOH vs. City of Miami Beach as Water Supplier (Jason McCiair, P.E.) OGC No. 2016-00480 Page 4 NOTICE OF RIGHTS Persons who are not parties to this Order, but whose substantial interests are affected by it, have a right to petition for an administrative hearing under Sections 720.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to forrnulate final agency action, the filing of a petition concerning this Order rneans that the Department's final action may be different from the position it has taken in the Order. The petition for administrative hearing must contain all of the following information: a) The OGC Number assigned to this Order; b) The name, address, and telephone nurnber of each petitioner; the narne, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's representative, if any, which shall be the address for seruice purposes during the course of the proceeding; c) An explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests will be affected by the Order; d) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the Order; e) Either a statement of all materialfacts disputed by the petitioner or a staternent that the petitioner does not dispute any material facts; f) A statement of the specific facts the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the Order; g) A statement of the rules or statutes the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the Order; and h) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action petitioner wishes the Department to take with respect to the Order. The petition must be filed (received) at the Departrnent's Office of General Counsel, 3900 Cornmonwealth Boulevard, MS# 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 within 21 davs of receipt of this notice. A copy of the petition must also be mailed at the time of filing to the District Office at the address indicated above. Failure to file a petition within lhe 21-day period constitutes a person's waiver of the right to request an administrative hearing and to participate as a party to this proceeding underSections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes" Mediation under Section 120.573, Florida Statutes, is not available in this proceeding. 74 Mission: To protect, promote & improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county & community efforts. Rick Scott Govemor John H. Armstrong, MD, FACS State Surgeon General & Secretary Vision: To be the Healthiest State in the Nation January 14,2016 City of Miami Beach as Supplier of Water Eric Carpenter, Assistant City Manager & Director of Public Works 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami, Beach, FL 33139 SUBJECT: Florida Department of Health Environmental Protection v. Citv of Miami Beach as Supplier of Water, Engineer of Record: Guido Van Meek, PE OGC File No.: 2016-00389 FDOH Permit Number 126648-225 DSGP Project Name/Applicant: Caribbean i Caribbean Group Owner, LLC Permit Expiration Date: August 31, 2012 Mr. Carpenter, The State of Florida Department of Health for the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection ("Department") finds the City of Miami Beach ("Respondent"), as supplier of water placed a water system into service without department approval or clearance in violation of 62-555.345, F.A.C. and 403.121(3)(a). Before sending this letter, the Department requested that the Respondent undertake certain actions to resolve the violation(s). These actions have since been completed. However, due to the nature of the violation(s), the Respondent remains subject to civil penalties. The Respondent is also responsible for costs incurred by the Department during the investigation of this matter. The Department's Offer Based on the violations described above, the Department is seeking $ 3000.00 in civil penalties and $ 500.00 for costs and expenses the Department has incurred in investigating this matter, which amounts to a total of $ 3,500"00. Res pondent's Acceptance lf you wish to accept this otfer and fully resolve the enforcement matter pending against the Respondent, please sign this letter and return by February 15, 2016 it to the Department at the following address: State of Florida, Department of Health ATTN: Drinking Water Program 1725 NW 167th Street Miami Gardens, Florida 33056 Florida Department of Health Division of Environmental Health and Engineering Miami-Dade County 1725 NW 167h Street, Miami, FL 33056 PHONE: 305/623-3500 . FAX 305/623-3502 www.Florida Health.gov TWITTER:HealthyFLA FACEB00K:FLDepartmentofHealth YOUTUBE: fldoh FLICKR: HealthyFla PINTEREST: HealthyFla75 FDOH v's. City of Miami Beach as Water Supplier (Guido Van Meek, P.E.) OGC No.2016-00389 Page 2 The Department will then countersign it and file it with a designated clerk of the Departrnent. Once the document is filed with the designated clerk, it will constitute a final order of the D pursuant to Section 120.52(7), F.S. and will be effective unless a request for an administrative hearing is filed by a third party in accordance with Chapter 120, F.S. and the attached Notice of Rights. By accepting this offer you. (1) certify that you are authorized and ernpowered to negotiate, enter into, and accept the terrns of this otfer in the name and on behalf of Respondent;(2) acknowledge and waive Respondent's right to an adrninistrative hearing pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S., on the terrns of this offer, once final; (3) acknowledge and waive Respondent's right to an appeal pursuantto Section 120.68, F.S.; and (4) acknowledge that payment of the above amount does not constitute a waiver of the Department's right, if any, to recover emergency response related costs and expenses for this matter. The Departrnent acknowledges that the Respondent's acceptance of this offer does not constitute an admission of liability forthe violation(s) referenced above. Res pondent's Performance After signing and returning this document to the Department, (1) Respondent must pay $3,500 in full by February L5,2016. (2) The payment must: (a) be in the form of a cashier's check or money order (b) be payable to the "Florida Departrnent of Health"; (c) include the DEP Permit Nurnber assigned and (d) be sent to Florida Department of Health in Miami Dade County, Environmental Health Division, 1725 NW 167 Street Miami Gardens FL 33056. The Department may enforce the terms of this document, once'[!na.[, and seek to collect rnonies owed pursuant to Sections 120.69 and 403.121, F.S. Until clerked bv the Departrnent, this letter is onlv a settlement offer and not a final aqencv action. Consequently, neither the Respondent nor any other party may request an administrative hearing to contest this letter pursuant to Chapter 120, F.S. Once this letter is clerked and becornes a final order of the Department, as explained above, the attached Notice of Rights will apply to parties, other than the Respondent, whose interests will be substantially affected. Electronic signatures or other versions of the parties' signatures, such as .pdf or facsirnile, shall be valid and have the same force and effect as originals. No rnodifications of the terms of this Order will be effective until reduced to writing, executed by both Respondent and the Department, and filed with the clerk of the Department. Please be aware that if the Respondent declines to respond to the Department's offer, the Departrnent will assume that the Respondent is not interested in resolving the matter and will proceed accordingly. lf you have any questions, please contact Paul Levelt Andr6, P.E. at 305-623-3500 or at Pau LAndre@flhealth. gov. Environmental Administrator Environmental Health and Engineering Florida Department of Health Miami-Dade County Samir Elmir, PE, 76 By: FDOH vs. City of Miami Beach as Water Supplier (Guido Van Meek, P.E.) OGC No. 2016-00389 Page 3 FOR THE RESPONDENT: I,lType or Print Namel, HEREBY AGCEPT THE TERMS OF THE SETTLEMENT OFFER IDENTIFIED ABOVE. Date: [Signature] Title: lType or Printl FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY DONE AND ORDERED this day of January, 2016 in Miami-Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ON BEHALF OF STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Sarnir Elrnir, PE, PhD Environrnental Adrn in istrator Environrnental Health and Engineering Florida Department of Health Miarni-Dade County Filed, on this date, pursuant to section 1"20.52, F.S., with the designated Department Clerk, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Clerk Date: Attachments: Notice of Rights Final clerked copy furnished to: Lea Crandall, Agency Clerk (lea.crandall@dep.state.fl.us) 77 I;DOH vs. City of Miami Beach as Water Supplier (Guido Van Meek, P.E.) OGC No. 201,6-00389 Page 4 NOTICE OF RIGHTS Persons who are not parties to this Order, but whose substantial interests are affected by it, have a right to petition for an administrative hearing under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate final agency action, the filing of a petition concerning this Order rneans that the Department's final action may be different from the position it has taken in the Order. The petition for administrative hearing must contain all of the following information: a) The OGC Number assigned to this Order; b) The name, address, and telephone number of each petitioner; the narne, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's representative, if any, which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; c) An explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests will be affected by the Order; d) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the Order; e) Either a statement of all material facts disputed by the petitioner or a staternent that the petitioner does not dispute any materialfacts; 0 A statement of the specific facts the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the Order; g) A statement of the rules or statutes the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the Order; and h) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action petitioner wishes the Department to take with respect to the Order. The petition must be filed (received) at the Department's Office of General Counsel, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, MS# 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 within 21 davs of receipt of this notice. A copy of the petition must also be mailed at the time of filing to the District Office at the address indicated above. Failure to file a petition within the 21-day period constitutes a person's waiver of the right to request an administrative hearing and to participate as a party to this proceeding under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Mediation under Section 120.573, Florida Statutes, is not available in this proceeding. 78 Mission: To protect, promote & improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated shte, county & community efforts. Rick Scott Govemor John H. Armstrong, MD, FAGS State Surgeon Geneal & Secretary Vision: To be the Healthiest State in the Nation January 14,2016 City of Miami Beach as Supplier of Water Eric Carpenter, Assistant City Manager & Director of Public Works 1700 Convention Center Drive Miarni, Beach, FL 33139 SUBJECT: Florida Department of Health v. Citv of Miami Beach as Supplier of ltVatet, Engineer of Record: Kevin M. McCabe, PE (36841) OGC File No.: 2015-07455 DOH Permit Number 126648-197-DSGP Project Name/Applicant: Apogee / T.R.G. Alaska l, LTD, Joyce Bronson Permit Expiration Date: October 20,2010 DOH Permit Number: 126648-223-DSGP Project Narne/Applicant: Block 52 Condominium/TRG Alaska lll, LLC Permit Expiration Date: August 14,2013 Mr. Carpenter, The State of Florida Department of Health for the State of Florida Department of Environrnental Protection ("Department") finds that City of Miami Beach ("Respondent"), as supplier of water placed a water system into service without department approval or clearance in violation of 62-555.345, F.A.C. and 403.121(3Xa). Before sending this letter, the Departrnent requested that the Respondent undertake certain actions to resolve the violation(s). fhese actions have since been completed. However, due to the nature of the violation(s), the Respondent remains subject to civil penalties. The Respondent is also responsible for costs incurred by the Department during the investigation of this matter. The Department's Offer COUNT I DOH Permit Number 126648-197-DSGP Project Name/Applicant: Apogee / T.R.G. Alaska l, LTD, Joyce Bronson Permit Expiration Date: October 20,2010 Based on the violations described above, the Department is seeking $ 3000.00 in civil penalties and $ 500.00 for costs and expenses the Department has incurred in investigating this rnatter, which amounts to a total of $ 3,500.00 for Count l. COUNT I! DOH Permit Number 126648-197-DSGP Project Name/Applicant: Apogee / T.R.G. Alaska l, LTD, Joyce Bronson Florida Department of Health Division of Environmental Health and Engineering Miami-Dade County 1725 NW 167rh Street, Miami, FL 33056 PHONE: 305/623-3500 . FAX 305/623-3502 www'FloridaHealth.gov TWITTER:HealthyFLA FACEB00K:FLDepartmentofHealth YOUTUBE: fldoh FLICKR: HealthyFla PINTEREST: HealthyFla 79 FDOH vs. City of Miami Beach as Water Supplier (Kevin McCabe, PE) OGC No.2075-07455 Page2 Permit Expiration Date: October 20,2010 Based on the violations described above, the Department is seeking $ 3000.00 in civil penalties and $ 500.00 for costs and expenses the Department has incurred in investigating this matter, which amounts to a total of $ 3,500.00 for Count ll. TOTAL AMOUNT DUE COUNTS I and l! combined: $7.000.00. Respondent's Acceptance lf you wish to accept this offer and fully resolve the enforcement matter pending against the Respondent, please sign this letter and return by February 15,2016 it to the Department at the following address: State of Florida, Departrnent of Health ATTN: Drinking Water Program 1725 NW 167th Street Miami Gardens, Florida 33056 The Department will then countersign it and file it with a designated clerk of the Department. Once the docurnent is filed with the designated clerk, it will constitute a final order of the Departrnent pursuant to Section 120.52(7), F.S. and will be effective unless a request for an administrative hearing is filed by a third party in accordance with Chapter 120, F.S. and the attached Notice of Rights. By accepting this offer you: (1) certify that you are authorized and empowered to negotiate, enter into, and accept the terms of this offer in the name and on behalf of Respondent; (2) acknowledge and waive Respondent's right to an administrative hearing pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S., on the terms of this offer, once final;(3) acknowledge and waive Respondent's right to an appeal pursuant to Section 120.68, F.S.; and(4) acknowledge that payment of the above amount does not constitute a waiver of the Departrnent's right, if any, to recover emergency response related costs and expenses for this matter. fhe Department acknowledges that the Respondent's acceptance of this offer does not constitute an admission of liability for the violation(s) referenced above. Respondent's Performance After signing and returning this document to the Department, (1) Respondent must pay $7,000 in full by February 75,20'1.5. (2) The payment must: (a) be in the form of a cashier's check or money order (b) be payable to the "Florida Department of Health"; (c) include the DEP Permit Number assigned and (d) be sent to Florida Departrnent of Health in Miami Dade County, Environmental Health Division, 1725 NW 167 Street MiamiGardens FL 33056. The Department may enforce the terms of this document, once final, and seek to collect monies owed pursuantto Sections 120.69 and 403.121, F.S. Until clerked bv the Department. this letter is onlv a settlement offer and not a final aqencv action. Consequently, neither the Respondent nor any other party may request an administrative hearing to contest this letter pursuant to Chapter 120, F.S. Once this letter is clerked and becomes a final order 80 FDOH vs. City of Miami Beach as Water Supplier (Kevin McCabe, PE) OGC No. 2015-07455 Page 3 of the Department, as explained above, the attached Notice of Rights will apply to parties, other than the Respondent, whose interests will be substantially affected. Electronic signatures or other versions of the parties' signatures, such as .pdf or facsimile, shall be valid and have the same force and effect as originals. No modifications of the terms of this Order will be effective until reduced to writing, executed by both Respondent and the Departrnent, and filed with the clerk of the Department. Please be aware that if the Respondent declines to respond to the Departrnent's offer, the Department will assume that the Respondent is not interested in resolving the rnatter and will proceed accordingly. lf you have any questions, please contact Paul Andr6, P.E. at 305-623-3500 or at Paul.Andre@flhealth. gov. Sincerely, / Samir Elrnir, PE, PhD Environmental Adrninistrator Environmental Health and Engineering Florida Departrnent of Health Miami-Dade County FOR THE RESPONDENT: t,lType or Print Namel, HEREBY ACCEPT THE By: TERMS OF THE SETTLEMENT OFFER IDENTIFIED ABOVE. Date: [Signature] Title: lType or Printl 81 FDOH vs. City of Miami Beach as Water Supplier (Kevin McCabe, PE) OGC No. 2075-07455 Page 4 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY DONE AND ORDERED this day of January, 2016 in Miarni-Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ON BEHALF OF STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Samir Elmir, PE, PhD Environ mental Adrninistrator Environmental Health and Engineering Florida Department of Health Miami-Dade County Filed, on this date, pursuant to section 120.52, F.S., with the designated Departrnent Clerk, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Clerk Date: Attachments: Notice of Rights Final clerked copy furnished to: Lea Crandall, Agency Clerk (lea.crandall@dep.state.fl.us) 82 EDOH vs. City of Miami Beach as Water Supplier (Kevin McCabe, PE) OGC No. 2015-07455 Page 5 NOTICE OF RIGHTS Persons who are not parties to this Order, but whose substantial interests are affected by it, have a right to petition for an administrative hearing under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate final agency action, the filing of a petition concerning this Order means that the Department's final action may be different from the position it has taken in the Order. The petition for administrative hearing must contain all of the following information: a) The OGC Number assigned to this Order; b) The name, address, and telephone number of each petitioner; the name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's representative, if any, which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; c) An explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests will be affected by the Order; d) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the Order; e) Either a statement of all material facts disputed by the petitioner or a statement that the petitioner does not dispute any material facts; 0 A statement of the specific facts the petitioner contends warrant reversal or modification of the Order; g) A statement of the rules or statutes the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the Order; and h) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action petitioner wishes the Department to take with respect to the Order. The petition must be filed (received) at the Department's Office of General Counsel, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, MS# 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 within 21 davs of receipt of this notice. A copy of the petition must also be mailed at the time of filing to the District Office at the address indicated above. Failure to file a petition within the 21-day period constitutes a person's waiver of the right to request an administrative hearing and to participate as a party to this proceeding under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Mediation under Section 120.573, Florida Statutes, is not available in this proceeding. 83 Mission: To protect, promote & improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county & community efforts. r F#BmmlI rltJilLt&i HEALTH Vision: To be ihe Healthiest State Rick Scott Govei'nor John H. Armstrong, MD, FACS State Surgeon General & Secretary in the Natisn January 14,2016 City of Miami Beach as Supplier of Water Eric Carpenter, Assistant City Manager & Director of Public Works 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami, Beach, FL 33139 SUBJECT: Florida Departrnent of Environmental Protection v. Citv of Miarni Beach as Supplier of Water, DOH Permit Number 126648-170- DSGP OGC File No: 2016-00479 Engineer of Record: Stephen Kutch, PE Project Name/Applicant: La Gorce Country Club Permit Expiration Date: October 29, 2008 Mr. Carpenter, The State of Florida Department of Health for the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection ("Department") finds the City of Miami Beach ("Respondent"), as supplier of water placed a water system into service without department approval or clearance in violation of 62-555.345, F.A.C. and 403.121(3)(a). Before sending this letter, the Department requested that the Respondent undertake certain actions to resolve the violation(s). These actions have since been cornpleted. However, due to the nature of the violation(s), the Respondent remains subject to civil penalties. The Respondent is also responsible for costs incurred by the Department during the investigation of this matter. The Department's Offer Based on the violations described above, the Department is seeking $ 3000.00 in civil penalties and $ 500.00 for costs and expenses the Department has incurred in investigating this matter, which amounts to a total of $ 3,500.00. Resoondent's Acceptance lf you wish to accept this offer and fully resolve the enforcement matter pending against the Respondent, please sign this letter and return by February 15,2016 it to the Department at the following address: State of Florida, Department of Health ATTN: Drinking Water Program 1725 NW 167u Street Miami Gardens, Florida 33056 Florida Department of Health Division of Environmental Health and Engineering Miami-Dade County 1725 NW 167m Street, Miami, FL 33056 PH0NE: 305/623-3500 . FAX 305/623-3502 www.FloridaHealth. gov TWITTER:HealthyFLA FACE B0OK:FLDepartmentolH ealtr YOUTUBE: fldoh FLICKR: HealthyFla PINTEREST: HealthyFla84 FDOId vs. City of Miami Beach as Water Supplier (Stephen Kutch, P.E.) OGC No.201.6-00479 Page2 The Department will then countersign it and file it with a designated clerk of the Departrnent. Once the document is filed with the designated clerk, it wrll constitute a fi pursuant to Section 120.52(7), F. S. and will be effective unless a request for an administrative hearing is filed by a third party in accordance with Chapter 120, F.S" and the attached Notice of Rights. By accepting this offer you: (1) certify that you are authorized and empowered to negotiate, enter into, and accept the terms of this offer in the name and on behalf of Respondent;(2) acknowledge and waive Respondent's right to an administrative hearing pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S., on the terms of this offer, once final; (3) acknowledge and waive Respondent's right to an appeal pursuant to Section 120.68, F.S.; and (4) acknowledge that payment of the above amount does not constitute a waiver of the Department's right, if any, to recover emergency response related costs and expenses for this matter. The Department acknowledges that the Respondent's acceptance of this offer does not constitute an admission of liability for the violation(s) referenced above. Respondent's Perfo rmance After signing and returning this document to the Department, (1) Respondent rnust pay $3,500 in full by February 15,2016. (2) The payment rnust: (a) be in the form of a cashier's check or money order (b) be payable to the "Florida Department of Health"; (c) include the DEP Permit Number assigned and (d) be sent to Florida Department of Health in Miami Dade County, Environmental Health Division, 1725 NW 167 Street MiamiGardens FL 33056. The Department rnay enforce the terms of this document, once final, and seek to collect monies owed pursuant to Sections 120.69 and 403.121, F.S. Until clerked bv the Departrnent, this letter is onlv a settlement otfer and not a final aqencv action. Consequently, neither the Respondent nor any other party may request an administrative hearing to contest this letter pursuant to Chapter 120, F.S. Once this letter is clerked and becomes a final order of the Department, as explained above, the attached Notice of Rights will apply to parties, other than the Respondent, whose interests will be substantially affected. Electronic signatures or other versions of the parties' signatures, such as .pdf or facsimile, shall be valid and have the same force and effect as originals. No modifications of the terms of this Order will be effective until reduced to writing, executed by both Respondent and the Department, and filed with the clerk of the Departrnent. Please be aware that if the Respondent declines to respond to the Department's offer, the Department will assume that the Respondent is not interested in resolving the matter and will proceed accordingly. lf you have any questions, please contact Paul Levelt Andr6, P.E. at 305-623-3500 or at Paul.And re@fl health. g ov" Sincerely, Environmental Adm inistrator Environmental Health and Engineering Florida Department of Health Miami-Dade County 85 By: FDOI{ vs. City of Miami Beach as Water Supplier (Stephen Kutch, P.E.) OGC No. 201.6-00479 Page 3 FOR THE RESPONDENT: t,lType or Print Namel, HEREBY ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THE SETTLEMENT OFFER IDENTIFIED ABOVE. Date: [Signature] Title: lType or Printl FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY DONE AND ORDERED this day of January, 2016 in Miami-Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ON BEHALF OF STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Samir Elmir, PE, PhD Envi ronmental Ad m inistrator Environmental Health and Engineering Florida Department of Healih Miami-Dade County Filed, on this date, pursuant to section 12052, F.S., with the designated Department Clerk receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Clerk Date: Attachments: Notice of Rights Final clerked copy furnished to: Lea Crandall, Agency Clerk (lea. crandall@dep. state.fl. us) 86 FDOH vs. City of Miami Beach as Water Supptier (Stephen Kutch, P.E.) OGC No. 2016-00479 Page 4 NOTICE OF RIGHTS Persons who are not parties to this Order, but whose substantial interests are affected by it, have a right to petition for an administrative hearing under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Because the adminisfrative hearing process is designed to forrnulate final agency action, the filing of a petition concerning this Order means that the Department's final action may be dif{erent from the position it has taken in the Order. The petition for adrninistrative hearing rnust contain all of the following information: a) The OGC Number assigned to this Order; b) The name, address, and telephone number of each petitioner; the narne, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's representative, if any, which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; c) An explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests will be affected by the Order; d) A statement of when and how the petitioner received notice of the Order; e) Either a statement of all rnaterial facts disputed by the petitioner or a staternent that the petitioner does not dispute any materialfacts; 0 A statement of the specific facts the petitioner contends warrant reversal or rnodification of the Order; g) A statement of the rules or statutes the petitioner contends require reversalor modification of the Order; and h) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action petitioner wishes the Departrnent to take with respect to the Order. The petition must be filed (received) at the Department's Office of General Counsel, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, MS# 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 within 2'1 davs of receipt of this notice. A copy of the petition rnust also be mailed at the time of filing to the District Office at the address indicated above. Failure to file a petition within lhe 21-day period constitutes a person's waiver of the right to request an administrative hearing and to participate as a party to this proceeding under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Mediation under Section 120.573, Florida Statutes, is not available in this proceeding. 87 Mission: To protect, promote & improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county & community efiorts. r !@I r-6,*.*A ffi p-I f'tuE tLgeti HEALTH Vision: To be the Healthiest State Rick Scott Govemor John H. Armstrong, MD! FACS State Surgeon General & Secretary in the Nation January 14,2016 City of Miarni Beach as Supplier of Water Eric Carpenter, Assistant City Manager & Director of Public Works 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami, Beach, FL 33139 SUBJECT: Florida Department of Environmental Protection v. Citv of Miami Beach as Supplier of Water, DOH Permit Number 126648-168-DSGP OGC Fib No. 2016-00392 Engineer of Record: Carl L. Skiles, PE Project Name/Applicant: Nautica Condominum Permit Expiration Date: May 2,2008 Mr. Carpenter, The State of Florida Departrnent of Health for the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection ("Department") finds the City of Miami Beach ("Respondent"), as supplier of water placed a water system into service without department approval or clearance in violation of 62-555.345, F.A.C. and 403"121(3Xa). Before sending this letter, the Department requested that the Respondent undertake certain actions to resolve the violation(s). These actions have since been completed. However, due to the nature of the violation(s), the Respondent remains subject to civil penalties. The Respondent is also responsible for costs incurred by the Department during the investigation of this matter. The Department's Offer Based on the violations described above, the Department is seeking $ 3000.00 in civil penalties and $ 500.00 for costs and expenses the Departrnent has incurred in investigating this matter, which arnounts to a total of $ 3,500"00. Respondent's Acceptance lf you wish to accept this offer and fully resolve the enforcement matter pending against Respondent, please sign this letter and return by February 15, 2016 it to the Department at following address: State of Florida, Department of Health ATTN: Drinking Water Program 1725 NW 167th Street Miarni Gardens, Florida 33056 the the Florida Department of Health Division of Environmenhl Health and Engineerlng Miami-Dade County 1725 NW 1671h Street, Miami, FL 33056 PH0NE: 305/623-3500. FAX 305/62!,3502 www.FloridaHealth.gov TWITTER:HealthyFLA FACEBO0K:FLDepartmentofHealth YOUTUBE: fldoh FLICKR: HealthyFla PINTEREST: HealthyFla 88 FDOH vs. City of Miami Beach as Water Supplier (Carl L. Skiles, P.E.) OGC No. 2016-00392 Page2 The Department will then countersign it and file it with a designated clerk of the Depadrnent. Once the document is filed with the designated clerk, it will constitute a final order of the Departrnent pursuant to Section 120"52(7), F.S. and will be effective unless a request for an administrative hearing is filed by a third party in accordance with Chapter 120, F.S. and the attached Notice of Rights. By accepting this offer you: (1) certify that you are authorized and empowered to negotiate, enter into, and accept the terms of this offer in the name and on behalf of Respondent;(2) acknowledge and waive Respondent's right to an administrative hearing pursuant to Sections 120.569 and 120.57, F.S., on the terms of this offer, once final; (3) acknowledge and waive Respondent's right to an appeal pursuant to Section 120.68, F.S.; and (4) acknowledge that payment of the above amount does not constitute a waiver of the Department's right, if any, to recover emergency response related costs and expenses for this matter" The Department acknowledges that the Respondent's acceptance of this offer does not constitute an admission of liability for the violation(s) referenced above. Respondent's Performance After signing and returning this document to the Department, (1) Respondent must pay $3,500 in full by February15,20'1,6. (2) The payment must: (a) be in the form of a cashier's check or money order (b) be payable to the "Florida Department of Health"; (c) include the DEP Permit Number assigned and (d) be sent to Florida Department of Health in Miami Dade County, Environmental Health Division, 1725 NW 167 Street Miami Gardens FL 33056. The Department may enforce the terms of this document, once final, and seek to collect monies owed pursuant to Sections 120.69 and 403.121 , F.S. Until clerked bv the Department. this letter is onlv a settlement offer and not a final aqencv action. Consequently, neither the Respondent nor any other party may request an administrative hearing to contest this letter pursuant to Chapter 120, F.S. Once this letter is clerked and becornes a final order of the Department, as explained above, the attached Notice of Rights will apply to parties, other than the Respondent, whose interests will be substantially affected. Electronic signatures or other versions of the parties' signatures, such as .pdf or facsirnile, shall be valid and have the same force and effect as originals. No modifications of the terms of this Order will be effective until reduced to writing, executed by both Respondent and the Department, and filed with the clerk of the Department. Please be aware that if the Respondent declines to respond to the Departrnent's offer, the Department will assume that the Respondent is not interested in resolving the matter and will proceed accordingly. lf you have any questions, please contact Paul Levelt Andre, P.E. at 305-623-3500 or at Paul.Andre@flhealth. gov. Sincerely, t Samir Elmir, PE, PhD Environmental Administrator Environmental Health and Engineering Florida Department of Health Miami-Dade County 89 FDOH vs. City of Miami Beach as Water Supplier (CarI L. Skiles, P.E.) OGC No.2076-00392 Page 3 FOR THE RESPONDENT: t,lType or Print Namel, HEREBY ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THE SETTLEMENT OFFER IDENTIFIED ABOVE. By: Date. [Signature] Title: lType or Printl FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY DONE AND ORDERED this day of January, 2016 in Miami-Dade County, Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ON BEHALF OF STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Samir Elmir, PE, PhD Environmental Adm inistrator Environmental Health And Engineering Florida Department of Health Miami-Dade County Fiied, on this date, pursuant to section 120.52, F.S., with the designated Department Clerk, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Clerk Date: Attachments: Notice of Rights Final clerked copy furnished to: Lea Crandal l, Agency Clerk (lea. crandall@dep.state.fl. us) 90 FDOH vs. City of Miami Beach as Water Supplier (Carl L. Skiles, P.E.) OGC No.2076-00392 Page 4 NOTICE OF RIGHTS Persons who are not parties to this Order, but whose substantial interests are affected by it, have a right to petition for an administrative hearing under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to formulate final agency action, the filing of a petition concerning this Order means that the Department's final acfion may be different from the position it has taken in the Order. The petition for adrninistrative hearing must contain all of the following information: a) The OGC Number assigned to this Order; b) The name, address, and telephone number of each petitioner; the name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner's representative, if any, which shall be the address for service purposes during the course of the proceeding; c) An explanation of how the petitioner's substantial interests will be affected by the Order; d) A staternent of when and how the petitioner received notice of the Order; e) Either a statement of all material facts disputed by the petitioner or a statement that the petitioner does not dispute any material facts; 0 A staternent of the specific facts the petitioner contends warrant reversal or rnodification of the Order; g) A statement of the rules or statutes the petitioner contends require reversal or modification of the Order; and h) A statement of the relief sought by the petitioner, stating precisely the action petitioner wishes the Department to take with respect to the Order. The petition must be filed (received) at the Department's Office of General Counsel, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, MS# 35, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 within 21 davs of receipt of this notice. A copy of the petition must also be mailed at the time of filing to the District Office at the address indicated above. Failure to file a petition within lhe 21-day period constitutes a person's waiver of the right to request an administrative hearing and to participate as a party to this proceeding under Sections 120.569 and 120.57, Florida Statutes. Mediation under Section 120.573, Florida Statutes, is not available in this proceeding. 91 Rict< Scott Governor Exhibit 2 John H. Armstrong, MD State Surgeon General July 6,2012 Mike Alvarez Director of Public Works City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 Dear Mr. Alvarez: Our reoords indicate that several water main extension projects permifted under the referenced numbers were or may have been oonstructed and placed into permanent operation without the roquired clearance from the department in violation of the conditions under which the permits was issued. Chapter 62-555.345 Florida Administrative Code requires that no public water systern cornponents constructed or qltered under a permit granted by the department shall be placed into permanent operation without prior department's approval or clearance. Specifically, Chapter 62'555,345 (5) ilortdo Administrative Code requires that "suppliers of water shall ensure that permittees have obtqined written clearancefrom the department before suppllers of water turn onwaler to perrnittees"' By this letter, the department is requesting that you provide dooumentation to evidence that the attached listed projects reoeived propq clearance before you turned on the water to the permittees. If the aforernentioned projeots have not obtained proper olearance fronr the department, the permittees shall return and follow all clearance process to ensurE the integrity of the wator lines. If this tflstter ls not rcsot|9d irnmediatglv the Depfl.fwent will initiate lggal flction ssalnst vo$,.whlch mav res-ult ilt a fine of up to $ 3,A00,00 and/or otLqlpgnalties in accordance with ChaPtet 4 0 3. I 2 1 ( il @) Florida Statu!.et, Wo look forward for your cooparation fo fhls matter by responding within fifteen (15) days from tha date of receipt oi this letter. Failure to comply will teave us with no alternative ta proceed as prevlously sfafed. We do advance for your oooperation. P.8., CEHP ai Engineer Supervisor I Co: Samir , PE, DEE, CEHP, PhD Tracie Dickerson, Esq. (MDCHD) Samir Elmir, PhD, PE, DEE, CEHP' Director Environmcntal Health and Engineering Mianri-Dade County Llealtlt Departmont 1725 Nw 16711' Streot, Miami Gardons, Florida 33056 Tol: (305) 623-3500 Fax: (305) 623'3502 Email: Samir-Elmir@doh,state.fl . us V.Iahcife. ww darliheahh nro @ mLIt*H:SJI iiiii@@iiiii 92 Rick Scott Governor John H, Armstrong, MD State Surgeon General 1) 2) 3) 4) List.qIEI|nire Permits Permlt Name: Cosmopolitan at the Court at South Beach Address : Merldian Avenue & I't Street Date of Issue: 0112912004 Permit Name: Regatta Condominlums Address: 6580 Collins Avenue Date of Issu ez 0611.612004 Permit Name: Nautica Condominium Addressr 5970-5990 Indian Creek Drive Date of Issuet 05/0212003 Permlt Name: Apogee Address: 800 South Point Drlve Date of Issue: 1212012005 Permit Name: La Gorce Country Club Address: 5685 Alton Road Date of Issuet 1012912003 Permit No. 126648-177-DSGP Expiration D*et 01129 12009 Permit No. 126648-184-DSGP Expiration Datet 06 116 12009 Permit No. 125648-168-DSGP Explratlon Date: 05/0212008 Permlt No. 126648-197-DSGP Explratlon Datet 12 120 12010 Permlt No, 126648-170-DSGP Expiration Date: L0 12912008 s) Samir Elmir, PhD, PE, DEE, CEHP, Direotor Environmontal Health and Engineering Miami-Dade County Health Dopafiment 1725 Nw 1 676 Street, Miami Gardens, Florida 33056 Tel (305) 623-3500 Fax: (305) 623-3502 Email: Samir_B1mir@doh.state.fl .us \Uehcifo' rvrrnxr rladehcahh nro @ PutllcHtrltlr Effi 93 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 94 City of Miomi Beoch, ,l700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33139, www.miomibeochfl.gov MIAMIBEACH OFFICE OF THE CIry MANAGER LTC # os2-2016 TO:Mayor Philip Levine and Members the City FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City DATE: February 2,2016 Manager SUBJECT: Miami Beach Convention Center Project Update The purpose of this LTC is to update the Mayor and City Commission on the Miami Beach Convention Center renovation and expansion project. Project dashboard and progress photos are attached as Exhibit A. Key project milestones during the month of January 2016 are as follows: BIDDING Clark awarded an additional $61 million in trade contracts in January; bringing the total under contract $361 million out of the budgeted $430 million. New awards related to drywall, ceilings, plaster, spray fireproofing, masonry, folding panels, and folding doors. Total trade contracts to date are on budget and the $29.7 million construction manager's contingency has not yet been utilized. GMP DRAW Construction commenced in November, 2015. A total amount of $25,893,796, or 5o/o, of the total GMP amount of $515,458,058 has been invoiced to January 31, 2016. DESIGN STATUS Construction documentation continues to progress toward its mid-February targeted completion. The Building Department and Fire Department have reviewed and commented on the plans, and Fentress Architects is incorporating their comments into the construction documents. Based upon the large population that these buildings contain, Fentress and the City have collaborated with the Building and Fire Department to provide enhanced life safety measures. These design enhancements were not anticipated at the time of the GMP (guaranteed maximum price) Amendment and a portion of the Owner's Contingency may be required to implement these improvements. The cost will be quantified after the design is complete and the construction team has time to assess the impact of the changes. SCHEDULE The schedule for 2016 is continually evolving with added input from the trade contractors as they come on board. Challenges with creating a safe environment for event patrons, while construction is undenruay, has slowed progress during the first 45 days of construction. Clark is working on a recovery plan to make up the lost productivity driven by life safety issues. ln addition, Clark has indicated that their original plan of keeping the eastside kitchen in operation while the eastside is being renovated is not viable. The team is working on a solution for temporary kitchen space until the east side renovation is completed prior to Art Basel this year. Agenda ltem Date LETTE COMMISSION qW95 Ll! ;; ae4 3 = = Miami Beach Convention Center Project Monthly Construction Project Update February 2,2016 Page 2 of 3 The following schedule summarizes the key milestones being tracked for Phase I which ends in December 2016: CONSTRUCTION Key construction activities include: r The demolition of the youth center has been completed, and the demolition of the north loading dock is near completion. . The Fire Command Center has been relocated to enable the west side to safely service the events occurring on the west side . Work continues to separate the east side and west side life safety systems. . East side interior demolition is progressing. o Auger cast piling installation continues in the loading dock area. . Owner and construction manger trailers are on-site. OWNER GOSTS A total of $24,763,277, or 35o/o, of the owner cost budget has been expended to date. 9 F + E € P 3 4a*,4*=Ei:BerE--?ea+6=9=,Ai-TEEE= = e A A F H a C *7^7 Z , + e az a e s = * a EAEeg tr V e -a 4 AZ e .E =g = * H E =*' 44 E E g Z E = 3 = zaaa* = = =z E E=E= * = A A E = E 96 Miami Beach Convention Center Project Monthly Construction Project Update February 2,2016 Page 3 of 3 LOCAL H!RE Clark Construction is committed to maximizing workforce opportunities for City of Miami Beach and Miami-Dade County residents. Attached as Exhibit B are two documents that relate to the local hiring efforts of Clark and its subcontractors thus far. The Utilization Report comes out of LCP Tracker and shows a summary of all employees on the project thus far, sorted by zip code. This shows that Clark is currently over 50% local hire (Miami Beach and Miami-Dade County) by individual and over 42o/o by man-hours. lf there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Maria Hernandez at Extension 2584. Attachments: Exhibit A - Project Dashboard and Site Photos Exhibit B - Clark Construction Local Hiring Plan JLM / MH F:\cmgA$ALL\Convention Center\Commission_Land Use_FCWPP_NCAC\Commission Updates Month ly_Quarterly\M BCC Project Construction U pdate 20 1 6 02.docx 97 EXHIBIT A j -gg;gE o8=EE E ; = - : E E-E E*.==-LL€ AE E f; e E E _q a EEEE=S=r=BcrE=ef€8E8=5 EEEEEEEErnOlnOlnOlnOfO fO N N Fl F{ <t> <,f><tt 1rt lfi 1f}. lf}. 1f}. rJ1A?bscc ='Eo5 () gg b E vssE =E E E E€gEefg -c E -cE:E=o,6 E.oE Ep'€PEEEg ;iD=p-a E5Eg5;EEeE$E B()...... le n]lv la8png EEEEEEEEoooooooof\(Oln$rnNrl 1f><t> <J\ <J\ <-r). {..4 <J\ 4J\ EEEEEEEotnoLnotn0fn N N F{ Fl lfi <fi<h <.f> <.ft <fi <.f> Igo LJ .=iFtEoI len]lv latpng EEEEEEEEEEEooooooooooooLnotnotn0tnotn{/>Lnststrn(nNNF{s{<t>{D <.r> <f> <-r> <-D {/} <tt <^. lrt lenllv la8png .1 '-'-**--{' Eoo (Y1<fi r*-***".7--.1*- EEEooornolnst st rn<f> {.r} <J\ hrOOC EEL.-'co o z o v1 u- o z o tt't lJ- o 98 *e= '17-z:.: tr:: t(,_ .. ., \ =?--Z':,.-. :, , '.'".. rl t .r..',.'Z 99 EXHIBIT B Miami Beach Convention Center Renovation and Expansion project LOCAL HIRING PLAN 2/L/16 LOCAL WORKFORCE PLAN The Clark team and subcontractors are committed to maximizing workforce opportunities for City of Miami Beach and Miami-Dade County residents. Through our Local \l/orkforce Plan outlined below, our team will establish and implement a goal-oriented program to serve all sectors of the community. lt is vttal to the success of both this project and the local workforce that meaningful job opportunities for local residents are created and help them develop careers which will continue to contribute to the local Miami Beach and l\'liami-Dade communities. Our company has a significant and successful history of reaching out to local residents and workforce development programs in the communities where we build. ln partnership with our subcontractors we will continue to build on that history for the Miami Beach Convention Center Renovation and Expansion project. r REFERRAL NETWORK Local hiring success will begin by encouraging a referral network between the assistance agencies listedbelow and our subcontractors" This network will reinforce the signiflcant benefits oi hiring local workforce as well as maintain local hiring efforts within the Miami Beach area. By referring both applicants and our subcontractors to utilize the existing and trusted local resources, the pool of potential candidates is lhereby increased. South Florida U/orkforce lnvestment Board Career Source South Florida Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce SER Jobs for Progress, lnc. City of tvliami Beach City of l\i'liami 4B-HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE Associated BuilCers & Contractors (ABC) Assocrated General Contractors (AGC) Local Union & Apprenticeship Programs Helmets to Hardhats Transitions lnc. Clark and its subcontractors are committed to provide 48-hour advance notification of open employment opportunities via the project website and any associated City project specific website (should tne iity be agreeable). This advanced posting will allow for early notification of employment opportunilies throughthe exrsting referral network and any poiential employees signed up through their respectiie em ploym ent notification systems. } JOB FAIR Clark will facilitate a Subcontractor Community Job Fair focused on matching qualified local candidates with open and available subcontractor job opportunities. Project employers will be provided a table andexhibit space to highlight the various employment opportunities that may be available with their respective company. Private on-site interview space will also be made available. lt is anticipated that this event take place in the convention center within the next 30-45 days. Subcontractors have already been contacted and briefed about participating in the event and are looking forward to showcasing employment oppo(unities with their companies. - JOB OPPORTUNITY BOARD Clark will provide an on-site Job Opportunity Board. The job opportunity board will provide a visible reminder to the local community that job opportunities exist with our subcontractors. The board willhighlight open positions, employment process, contact informatron for subcontractor hiring personnel and helpful referral network contact information. 100 CLARK . #1 1345,I . MIAMI BEACH CONYENTION CTR LOCAL WORKER UTILIZATION REPORT BY PROJECT P.di.cr.! il.ar - (1.sn Sei.h gcr,..t.!1 :.il., Proi.ctCd:::r:-:Sn:: Cd.gqs) trtoe a5.tr3fiB Cnqrti \!!r4:!B FrmD.t l1 !::1!foDE :1:31?F.@no:br: t:lla Ap Lilts tllam Beach iltiatri Dade Co(nt, E rplcle5 Nct h Specrfed Zp Lrsts C 30 .i .13 !0 :am% '3.873.m t9;0 qn '8.80-0 2s s87C m S870 C0 9?{.@7 14 53.49:27 s{7s.363.:s '150.:0478 r6{ 0:3qi 1:.10 _.6 47,r7 % r53 0 0 0 ! c 0 0 ! c Ocmognphic Prof le Afncar Amencar Asian Hrspanrc Caucasrar Crhs hlde Female 0 30 li 28.30 .r8.790n 10.3:9.m 10.ss 3.334.00 ,6A.U .rmtE 92 07 % 30.6c3 7s 7.93 q6 2.087 C0 581 351 9: 5t0 7J2.59 s8J3$ S8{3J8 c:5.:1:.58 52.7 S:4.i: 5',0..3(€.:i 53a.:O4.67 s345.515.3 S330.*51 S s7,.97..Ir 16',/-3218.{r t1234861 S.r2.3,t€54 00n 00r 003 OBJ 000 Fn a '60 33 M :g 6 _.,t 0Ng\ 31 55.4 10.19 ?r 39 11 16 3362% 6.38 i6 I ! 49 .60 3l 8{ 3S 28 0 0 30? 26 fotal Employeg nn07s s7t+.320.13 rJ5.567.05 101 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 102