20160309 AM2MIAMIBEACH City Gommission Meeting ADDENDUM MATERIAL 2 City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive March 9,2016 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alem6n Commissioner Ricky Arriola Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Michael Grieco Commissioner Joy Malakoff Commissioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Visrt us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Ghapter 2, Article Vtl, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all tobbyists with the City Clerk priorto engaging in any lobbying activitywith the City CJmmission, any City-Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections' Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. ADDENDUM AGENDA G4 - Commission Committee Assiqnments C4J Referral To Neighborhood/CommunityAffairs Committee To Discuss Traffic Calming Efforts On Prairie Avenue And ln Bayshore Neighborhood. (Sponsored by Commissioner Michael Grieco) C4K Referral To The April 20, 2016 Land Use And Development Committee - Discussion Pertaining To Development Regulations And Guidelines For New Construction ln The Palm View Historic District To Address Resiliency, sustainability And Adaptation. (Sponsored by Commissioner Joy Malakoff) C4L ReferralTo The Finance And Citywide Projects Committee To Discuss Financing And Production of The 2066 Miami Beach Time capsule And Rising Above Prolect. (Sponsored by Mayor Philip Levine) 1 The sponsor of the addendum agenda item deems that such item either constitutes a public emergency affecting life, health' prop"rty, or public safety and snoriiO be considered immediately; or does not constitute a public emergency, but should be bonsidered immediately. See MiamiBeach Code Sec.2-12 (c)(3). 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2 Granado, Rafael From: Sent: To: Subiect: Attachments: CONSENT ITEM Michael Grieco <michael@griecolaw.com> Friday, March 04,201,6 7:16 PM Granado, Rafael Addition to March 9 CONSENT ITEM pastedGraphic.pdf Referral to NCAC to discuss traffic calming efforts on Prairie Ave and in Bayshore Neighborhood Please include this email in the agenda. I want us to look into ways to discourage cut thru traffic on Prairie Ave. I have already discussed with the Transportation Department the option of disallowing traffic from Convention Center Drive from continuing into the residential neighborhood, and taking a similar measure southbound on Prairie approaching Dade Blvd. I also want us to look into lowering the speed limit on Prairie below current 30mph and installing a stop sign at 37th Street. MichaelC. Grieco M ichael@G rieco Law. com (305) 857-0034 (30s) 856-7771 (tax) '175 sw 7th Street Suite 2410 Miami, FL 33130 www. M iamiC ri mi nalDefense. com ---The information contained in this transmission may contain PRIVILEGED and CONFIDENTIAL information. lt is intended only for the use of the person(s) named above. lf you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this communication is strictly prohibited. lf you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original /nessage. To reply to our email administrator directly, please send an email to iessica@qriecolaw.com. 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4 l,,iiAr\r\l$RilAS-"ilti v \ i,$r"J v \ I L}{*,s\\_" $ I OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Jimmy L. Moroles, City Monoger FROM: Joy V. W. Molokoff, Commissioner DATE: Morch 7,2016 SUBJECT: Referrol to the April 20, 2016 Lond Use ond Development Committee - Discussion pertoining to Development Regulotions ond Guidelines for New Construction in the Polm View Historic District to oddress Resiliency, Sustoinobility ond Adoptotion. Pleose ploce the obove item on the Consent Agendo for the Commission Meeting of Morch 9,2016. lf you hove ony questions, pleose contoct me ot extension 6622. Thonk you. IVWM We ore commiffed to prcviding excellent public service ond so{ety to oll who live, work, ond ploy in our vtbront, tropical, historic cammunifv Agenda ltem Date5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 6 Office of the Moyor ond Commission,lZ00 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, FL 33139 MEMORANDUM TO:Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager FROM: Office of the Mayor and Commission DATE: March 9, 2016 SUBJECT: REFERRAL TO THE FINANCE AND CITYWIDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE TO DISCUSS FINANCING AND PRODUCTION OF THE 2066 MIAM! BEACH TIME CAPSULE & RISING ABOVE PROJECT BACKGROUND Climate change is real and it's happening right now. We have the responsibility to carry on with the commitment to make a difference for generations to come. The Office of the Mayor and Commission have designed a '2066 Miami Beach Rising Above and Time Capsule' project that would focus on bringing worldwide awareness and highlight Miami Beach's efforts in dealing with climate change and sea level rise. The project will be broken down into various segments: o An iconic above ground Time Capsule which will be opened in 2066o A'Miami Beach Jump'social media campaign o A 2016 Art Basel kickoff event where contents of the Time Capsule will be presented at the New World Symphony (NWS) Park The proposed project was presented at the December 23, 2015 City Commission for discussion and further direction. The City Commission made a recommendation to create a budget, identify the resources and bring it back as a budget amendment. PROJECT SCOPE The proposed 2066 Miami Beach Rising Above and Time Capsule project will take place during an 8 month time period (thru December 2016). This is a re-branding effort to send a worldwide message that Miami Beach is not only a vacation destination, but a community that cares deeply about preserving our environment for future generations. An iconic above ground Time Capsule dedicated to climate change and sea level rise will be produced with messages from the City officials and prominent personalities. Agenda ltem Date c{Lw7 Social media campaign will result in thousands of posts on a variety of social media outlets. Additionally project will also include: TIME CAPSULE VIDEO CONTENTo Video messages from City officials and experts about climate change & sea level rise. .MIAMI BEACH JUMP'. 300 photos & videos of Miami Beach residents & visitors Jumping' in the air as a part of the social media campaign. Photos and videos will include elected officials, City Manager and employees, police officers, life guards, firefighters, City officials, celebrities, etc. TIME CAPSULE (PHYSICAL PRODUCTION}o Time Capsule contained in a waterproof cylindero Optical hard drive solution for digital files. One copy of digital book. WEBSITE. Website: programing, design and multiple pages dedicated to the project.o The monitoring of thousands of photos and videos posted in a worldwide social media portalwith 2066 hash tags.o Motion graphics / animated gifts / social media teasers. Social media campaign (Facebook, lnstagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Periscope etc.): posting, reposting, comments, monitoring during a 6 month period. Engaging thousands of social media posts with 2066 project hashtags.o Organic growth of social media outlets ART BASEL 2016o fi climate change interactive multimedia digital event at Soundscape Park with projections on the NWS wall and around the park. CONCLUSION This information is provided to the members of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee for discussion and further direction. Enclosure: Budget proposal for the '2066 Miami Beach Rising Above and Time Capsule'. 8 Office of rhe Moyor ond Commission, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, FL 331 39 2066 RISING ABOVE BUDGET PROPOSAL PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEO: TIME CAPSULE VIDEO CONTENT Video messages of the City officials and experts about climate change & sea level rise that will be included in the Time Capsule. .MIAMI BEACH JUMP' 300 photos & videos of Miami Beach residents & visitors 'jumping' in the air as a part of the social media campaign. Beside residents & visitors photos and videos will include police officers, life guards, firefighters, city officials, celebrities, etc. TIME CAPSULE (PHYSTCAL PRODUCTTON) TC waterproof cylinder Optical hard drive solution for digital files Digital book one copy. CREATIVE Website: programing, design, multiple pages dedicated to project. Monitoring thousands of photos & videos posted on world wide social media with 2066 hash tags during 5 months period. Motion graphics/ animated giffs / social media teasers Social media (FB, instagram, snapchat, twitter, etc): posting, reposting, commenting, monitoring during 6 months period. Organic growth of social media outlets ART BASEL 2016 Climate change interactive multimedia digital event in Soundscape park with projections on the NWS wall and around the park. PR / SOCIAL MEDIA PROMOTION Word wide media promotion Payed social media promotion TOTAL: ${90.000 9 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 10