20160309 SM2MIAMIBEACH Gity Commission Meeting SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 2 City Hall, Gommission Chambers, 3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive March 9,2016 Mayor Philip Levine Com missioner John Elizabeth Alem6n Commissioner Ricky Arriola Com m issioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Michael Grieco Commissioner Joy Malakoff Com missioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Visff us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article Vll, Division 3 of the Gity Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the Gity Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Gopies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA R7 - Resolutions R7N A Resolution Waiving, By 5l7th Vote, The City's FormalCompetitive Bidding Requirement, Finding Such Waiver To Be ln The Best lnterest Of The City; And Approving And Authorizing The City Manager Or Designee To lncrease The Scope Of Services Submitted By Metric Engineering lnc. (MEl), As Successor By Merger With Advance Transportation Engineering Consultants, lnc., For Traffic Monitoring And Management Services, lncluding Performance Measures, Through May 31 , 2016, On A Month To Month Basis, ForAn Amount NotTo Exceed $122,000;And Approving MEI As The Successor Vendor Entity For The Services; And Further Authorizing The City Manager To Extend And/Or Modify The Level Of Service Provided By MEI Until lmplementation Of lntelligent Transportation System And Smart Parking System Project, Based Upon The Traffic Needs Of The City And Subject To Funding Availability. (Transportation) (Memorandum & Resolution) 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2 COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY Condensed Title: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CIry OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIOA, WAIVING, BY S/7TH VOTE, THE CITY'S FORMAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENT, FINDING SUCH WAIVER TO BE IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY; AND APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR DESIGNEE TO INCREASE THE SCOPE OF SERVICES SUBMITTED BY METRIC ENGINEERING INC. (MEI), AS SUCCESSOR BY MERGER WITH ADVANCE TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC., FOR TRAFFIC MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INCLUDING PERFORMANCE MEASURES, THROUGH MAY 31, 2016, ON A MONTH TO MONTH BASIS, FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $122,000; AND APPROVING MEI AS THE SUCCESSOR VENDOR ENTITY FOR THE SERVICES; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXTEND AND/OR MODIFY THE LEVEL OF SERVICE PROVIDED BY MEI UNTIL IMPLEMENTATION OF INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM AND SMART PARKING SYSTEM PROJECT, BASED UPON THE TRAFFIC NEEDS OF TO FUNDING AVAILABILITY. Key lntended Outcome Supported: Ensure ins All Modes Throuqhout The Data Environmental Scan. etc: N/A ltem Summary: Financial lnformation : To mitigate traffic conditions during high impact periods, the City has been working with Metric Engineering lnc. (F.K.A. Advanced Transportation Engineering Consultants (ATEC)) to monitor and manage principal corridors throughout the City during special events, morning peak-hours, and afternoon peak-hours, between December 1 and May 31 since 2OM.fhe effort consists of monitoring traffic conditions via 26 traffic monitoring cameras, 28 travel time measurement devices, WAZE information, ten (10) City-owned DMS, and other available media. ln addition, MEI works with the County signal timing engineers to implement temporary and permanent signal timing changes for the main corridors in the City. ln addition, MEI traffic monitors communicate on a daily basis with the Department of Emergency Management, Police Department, and the Transportation Department to exchange information related to traffic operations, incidents, and congestion. The information is shared with the public bythe City and by MEI via Twitter, Text. Messaging (91011 Traffic Alerts). Given the increased traffic volumes, the number of events on a weekly basis, and the current traffic conditions affecting internal and external corridors, the Administration identified a need to supplementthe existing scope and fee agreement with additional monitoring hours during weekday and weekend. Currently, during the after-hour and weekend periods, Transportation Department staff is on-call and monitors and responds to traffic congestion and unplanned incidents in addition to their job duties and other responsibilities. The proposed amendment to the existing scope and fee agreement proposes the addition of Off-Hour and Weekend Remote Traffic Monitoring, and Afternoon Field Monitoring by a Traffic Engineer on a temporary basis until the Traffic Flow Specialists are hired, equipped, and trained to perform their duties. lf approved, this service will provide Remote Traffic Monitoring services by experienced traffic management center operators between 7:00 AM and g:00 PM, Monday - Sunday. Furthermore, given that the City's traffic engineer position is currently vacant and the importance of having a traffic engineer located in the County's Traffic Management Center to prioritize signal timing requests and projects for City corridors, the Administration is recommending to utilize an experienced MEI consultant to perform this function, and to provide a backup on an interim basis until the position is filled. Given that traffic operations throughout the City is a high priority issue for the Commission, it is important to expand upon previous efforts and continue to monitor and manage traffic conditions on a daily basis. To do so, the City Manager recommends that the Mayor and City Commission approve a resolution, waiving, by 5/7th vote, the City's formal competitive bidding requirement, finding such waiver to be in the best interest of the City; and approving and authorizing the City Manager or designee to increase the scope of services submitted by Metric Engineering, lnc. (as successor by merger with Advance Transportation Engineering Consultants, lnc.) for traffic monitoring and management services, including performance measures, on a month-to-month basis, for an amount not to exceed $122,000 until May 31 ,201 6; and further authorizing the City Manager to modify the level of service provided by Metric Engineering, lnc., until implementation of lntelligent Transportation System and Smart Parking System Project, based of the Citv and to Board Recommendation: Source of Funds: Amount Account OBPI '/ $ 95,ooo.oo March - May 2016 106-9615-000349 /t $ 26,768.23 March - May 2016 106-9615-000312;-{u $160,000.00 June to September 2016 106-9615-000349 Not to Exceed $540,000.00 FY 2016117 Coverage for vacant traffic engineer at County TMC, as needed, subiect to fundino availabilitv. City Clerk's Office Legislative Tracking: Jose R. Gonzalez. P.E. Sign-Offs: Department Diteelor Assistant Citv Manaoer Citv ll lnager JRdv6 Ap^W.KGB b MT-JLMa n{\t T:\AGENDA\201 the Contiactwith ATEC forTraffic Monitoring and ManageyhertServices SUM.doc qD MIAMIBEACH Aoenda ltem R7 N- D"t" T--qT3 AAIAMI BTACH City of Miomi Beqch, 1700 Convention Cenier Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33139, www.miomibeochfl.gov C SSION MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Philip Levine and Members FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: March 9,2016 the City SUB.JECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MA AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLOR!WAIVING, BY SNTH VOTE, THE CIry'S FORMAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENT, FINDING SUCH WAIVER TO BE IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY; AND APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR DESIGNEE TO INCREASE THE SCOPE OF SERVICES SUBMITTED BY METRIC ENGINEERING INC. (MEr), AS SUCCESSOR BY MERGER WITH ADVANCE TRANSPORTATTON ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC., FOR TRAFFIC MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INCLUDING PERFORMANCE MEASURES, THROUGH MAY 31, 2016, ON A MONTH TO MONTH BASIS, FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $122,000; AND APPROVING MEI AS THE SUCCESSOR VENDOR ENTITY FOR THE SERVICES; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CIry MANAGER TO EXTEND AND/OR MODIFY THE LEVEL OF SERVICE PROVIDED BY MEI, UNTIL IMPLEMENTATION OF INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM AND SMART PARKING SYSTEM PROJECT, BASED UPON THE TRAFFIC NEEDS OF THE CITY AND SUBJECT TO FUNDING AVAILABILITY. KEY INTENDED OUTCOME Ensure Comprehensive Mobility Addressing All Modes Throughout The City. FUNDING As part of the budget process, the City Commission approved $289,000 in Fiscal Year 201512016 for the services approved on October 14, 2015, pursuant to Resolution No. 2015- 29181. There are $95,000 remaining on this account which will be supplemented with an estimated additional $26,768.23 from the Transportation Department Professional Services Account to fund the services until May 31 ,2016. ln the event the City's traffic needs require maintaining traffic monitoring and management services, the City Manager should have the discretion to continue the service until the implementation of the lntelligent Transportation System and Smart Parking System Project, subject to any necessary adjustments in the level of service and subject to funding availability. 4 Commission Memorondum Extending the controct with Metric for Troffic Monitoring ond Monogement services Morch 9, 2076 Poge 2 of 5 BACKGROUND While County-wide traffic volumes on regional highways have grown an average of 1% in the last 5 years, highways serving Miami Beach have grown significantly more. ln the last 5 years, northbound l-95 trafflc volumes have grown by approximately 20%. From 2013 to 2015, eastbound and westbound volumes on the MacArthur Causeway have grown by 3% ?Ad 7o/o, respectively. From 2010 to 2015, eastbound and westbound volumes on the Julia Tuttle Causeway grew by 15o/o and 12o/o, Gspactively. Additionally, staff discussed population trends in the City as documented in the 2O1S Environmental Scan and the impact of population groMh on traffic. Over the past 5 years, the City of Miami Beach resident population has grown by 4o/o, while the national average growth for mid-sized cities has been only 1o/o ovar the same S-year period. Average daily population, consisting of daily resident population, labor force in Miami Beach, hotel guests, and other visitors, has grown by 37o/o over a 10-year period. Daily traffic volumes and limited network capacity has caused traffic conditions to degrade and Level of Service (LOS) conditions to fail along principal arterials. The increased congestion also has a direct effect on law enforcement. To mitigate traffic conditions during high impact periods, in November 2013, the City engaged Advanced Transportation Engineering Consultants, lnc. (ATEC) to provide traffic monitoring ind management services as part of a pilot project during the 2013 Art Basel event period. ATEC was responsible for collecting the appropriate data, manually adjusting signal timing, and updating the information on the Digital Message Signs (DMS) to correspond to the demand observed. The pilot project yielded positive results in the reduction of travel times and increasing average vehicular speed and through-put. Based on the positive results obtained in the pilot project, on March 5,2014, the City Commission adopted Resolution No.2014-28512, approvingthe expansion of the traffic monitoring and management services along major corridori throughout the City to cover five (5) events (2014 Miami lnternational Boat Show, Winter party Week, Winter Music Conference, Ultra Music Festival, and MemorialWeekend). ln the first year, traffic monitoring and management was found to be an effective tool in active arterial traffic management during special events. Using the Miami lnternationalAuto Show as a baseline, travel times along the six (6) principal ingress and egress routes were reduced between 7o/o afid 230o/o. Moreover, average speeds along the routes increased between B% and 58o/o. Based on the positive results yielded by the service, the City Commission authorized the Administration to engage ATEC, via bid-waiver, to deploy Traffic Monitoring and Management for six (6) events during the2014-2015 high-impact period. To complement the event cilendar traffic monitoring and management efforts and as a response to lane closures and increased traffic due to roadway construction, the City expanded the scope of work for ATEC to include traffic monitoring and management during morning, mid-day, afternoon peak hours from February 2015 to May 2015. During that period, ATEC monitored various intersections throughout the City. ln addition, ATEC coordinated with the FDOT signal contractor for the Alton Road project to ensure signal monitoring, coordination, and repairs were being conducted periodically and expeditiously. As part of this effort, ATEC also developed travel time thresholds for key corridors in the South and Middle Beach areas during weekday peak periods and weekend peak periods. 5 Commission Memorondum Extending the Controct with Metric for Troffic Monitoring ond Manogement Services Morch 9,2075 Poge 3 of 5 Based on the documented improvements to the network through the monitoring and management services, in Octobet 14,2015, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2015- 29181, waiving, by 5/7th vote, the City's formal competitive bidding requirement, authorizing the City Manager or his designee to enter into a scope and fee agreement for Event and Peak Hour Monitoring and Management Services with ATEC for three (3) years or until the implementation of the City of Miami Beach lntelligent Transportation System and Smart Parking System project, whichever occurs first. The Administration received written notification from Metric Engineering, lnc. (MEl), dated February 8, 2016, verifying that ATEC had merged with Metric Engineering, lnc. As such, moving forward, the traffic management and monitoring services would be performed under the name of MEI and the Administration would need to update all current ATEC task work orders to reflect MEI as the vendor providing the services. MEI has been serving the engineering community since 1976 and currently holds various Traffic Management Center Operation Contracts with FDOT. From here on, ATEC will be referred to as MEI for the remainder of this memorandum. Currently, MEI monitors peak-hour traffic throughout the City via 26 traffic monitoring cameras, 28 travel time measurement devices, WAZE information, ten (10) City- owned DMS, and other available media. ln addition, MEI works with the County signal timing engineers to implement temporary and permanent signal timing changes for the main corridors in the City. ln addition, MEI traffic monitors communicate on a daily basis with the Department of Emergency Management, Police Department, and the Transportation Department to exchange information related to traffic operations incidents and congestion. The information is shared with the public by the City and by MEI via Twitter and Text. Messaging (91011Trafiic Alerts). ANALYSIS The scope of work approved at the October 14,2015 City Commission Meeting included seven (7) events per year and traffic management during peak periods (7:00 AM - 9:00 AM, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM, 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM) from December 1 to May 31 for a period of three (3) years (up to Memorial Weekend 2018) or the implementation of the ITS and SPS Project, whichever occurs first. Additionally, the approved scope of services includes monitoring of key corridors in North Beach. Although the scope was increased at that point, MEI has worked on reducing the maintenance needs of the devices and other aspects to help reduce the cost of the project. Given the vibrant characteristics of our City, the number of events on a weekly basis, and the current traffic conditions atfecting internal and external corridors, the Administration identified a need to supplement the existing agreement with additional monitoring hours during weekday and weekend periods. Currently, during the after-hour and weekend periods, Transportation Department staff is on call and monitors and responds to traffic congestion and unplanned incidents in addition to their regular job duties and other responsibilities. By increasing the scope of services provided by MEI to include additional coverage during weekdays and weekend periods, the monitoring, management, and communication process will be more efficient and effective. Furthermore, in order to improve response time for signal timing modifications, the Administration identified the need for the City to have an experienced in- house consultant on an interim basis at the County's Traffic Management Center (TMC) to prioritize signal timing requests and projects for City corridors. The additional scope of services being considered includes: 6 Commission Memorondum Extending the Contract with Metric for Troffic Monitoring ond Manogement Services Morch 9, 2076 Page 4 of 5 Off-Hour and Weekend Remote Traffic Monitorinq The proposed services will complement the existing services to ensure that there will be continuous traffic monitoring of the City's principal corridors between 7:00 AM and 9:00 PM, Monday-Sunday. Under the current contract, Traffic Monitoring and Management during peak hours occurs through constant reviews of the existing traffic monitoring cameras and travel time devices. The additional services being proposed would expand weekday monitoring via WME, lNRlX, and other web-based traffic applications to include the additional hours from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, and from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM, including weekend monitoring. During the monitoring period, the traffic monitoring operators will be in constant contact with the City's Traffic Management Working Group to ensure that incidents and mitigation measures are reported on a real-time basis. All after- hour and weekend emergency signal timing modifications will be sent to the assigned Miami-Dade County Traffic Signals Engineer, as previously agreed with Miami-Dade County staff. The services will also include a Field Monitor to drive the City corridors and be in constant communication with the operators in the office to report any issues outside of camera coverage. The Field Monitor will be part of the service on a temporary basis until the Traffic Flow Specialists are hired, equipped, and trained to perform their duties. The proposed additional services will include strict performance measures to ensure that communication and mitigation measures are implemented on a timely manner to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the service. SiqnalTimino Support ln 2015, the City worked with the Miami-Dade Public Works' Traffic Signals and Signs Division to become the first City in the County to place a City employee at the County's TMC to manage the 273 signals in Miami Beach. Recruiting that position was challenging, given the uniqueness of the position, and unfortunately, that employee is no longer with the City. Until a new City employee is hired, as part of the additional services, the City is recommending placing an in-house consultant in the County's TMC to manage the traffic signals in the City and perform the necessary real{ime modifications in response to MEI recommendations, conduct corridor optimization analysis, and other tasks related to traffic signal timing engineering. The in-house consultant will be located at the County's TMC for eight (8) hours a day, five (5) days a week. The contract will be able to be used whenever there is a vacancy in the City traffic engineer position, subject to funding availability, in order to ensure continuous City presence at the County's TMC. COST IMPACTS Since these services are subject to engaging MEI based on the City's needs, the Administration recommends that the City Commission approve these services subject to issuance of task orders. Based on historical needs for traffic monitoring and management, the estimated cost for the service through May 31 ,2016 shall be approximately $1Zt ,768.23. Further, the City has typically only engaged traffic monitoring services for the high impact period (December through May). ln the event the City chose to maintain at least peak hour weekday monitoring and management through September 30,2016, it is estimated that the additional cost would be approximately $120,000, if the City chose to increase the level of monitoring and 7 Commission Memorondum Extending the controct with Metric for Troffic Monitoring ond Monogement services Morch 9,2016 Page 5 of 5 management from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM includlng weekends, with on-call support for the off-peak hours, the estimated amount of these services would be approximately $160,000. Funding is available in the Transportation budget. The Administration will monitor the level of support needed, depending on tratfic conditions beyond May 31 ,2016, and determine if an extension to the services are needed. The authorization for the level of service for FY 2016t17 would be subject to FY 2016117 budget appropriation. FY 2016117 coverage for vacant traffic engineer position at County TMC, as needed, subject to funding availability. RECOMMENDATION Given that traffic operations throughout the City is a high priority issue for the Commission, it is important to expand upon previous efforts and continue to monitor and manage traffic conditions on a daily basis. To do so, the City Manager recommends that the Mayor and City Commission approve a resolution, waiving, by 5/7th vote, the City's formal competitive bidding requirement, finding such waiver to be in the best interest of the City; and approving and authorizing the City Manager or designee to increase the scope of services submitted by Metric Engineering, lnc. (as successor by merger with Advance Transportation Engineering Consultants, lnc.) for traffic monitoring and management services, including performance measures, on a month{o-month basis, for an amount not to exceed $122,000 until May 31,2016; and further authorizing the City Manager to modify the level of service provided by Metric Engineering, lnc., until implementation of lntelligent Transportation System and Smart Parking System Project, based upon the traffic needs gF{he City and subject to funding availability. ttur nAkrrvlrlAD/JRG JFDT:\AGENDA\2016Warch\Transportation\TRAFFIC MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT ADDTTTONAL SCOPE MEMO.docx 8 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION Of THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, WAIVING, BY 5I7TH VOTE, THE CIryS fORMAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENT, FINDING StrcH WAIVER TO BE !N THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY; AND APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR DESIGiIEE TO ItrcREASE THE SCOPE OF SERVICES SUBMITTED BY METRTC ENGTNEERTNG rNC. (MEr), AS SUCCESSOR By MERGER WITH ADVANCE TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC., FOR TRAFFIC MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INCLUDIhIG PERFORMANCE MEASURES, THROUGH MAY 31, 2016, ON A MONTH TO MONTH BASIS, FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $122,000; AND APPROVING MEI AS THE SUCCESSOR VENDOR ENTIry FOR THE SERVICES; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING TFIE CITY MANAGER TO EXTEND AND/OR MODIFY THE LEVEL OF SERVICE PROVIDED BY MEI UNTIL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM AND SMART PARKING SYSTEM PROJECT, BASED UPON THE TRAFFIC NEEDS OF THE CITY AND SUBJECT TO FUNDING AVAILABILITY. WHEREAS, the 2012 City of Miami Beach Community Satisfaction Survey identified traffic congestion and deyaded traffic flow as the number one problem for Miami Beach residents; and WHEREAS, in order to mitigate traffic conditions during "high-impact periods," the City engaged Advanced Transportation Engineering Consultants, lnc. (ATEC) to initiate a pilot project to provide rnonitoring and management services during the 2013 Art Basel event period; and WHEREAS, based on the positive results obtained from the pilot project, on March 5, 2014, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2014-28512, waiving the City's formal competitive bidding requirement, and authorizing the Administration to engage ATEC to provide additional traffic monitoring and management consultant services for five (5) events (2014 Miami lnternational Boat Show, Winter Party Week, Winter Music Conference, Ultra Music Festival, and Memorial Weekend); and WHEREAS, in comparison with events corridors reported improvements in travel time average speeds between 8% and 58%; and that were not monitored and managed, major between 7o/o a,nd 230o/o and improvements in WHEREAS, as a result of the improvements to travel time achieved during the 2013- 2014 high-impact period, on March 5, 2014, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2014- 28512, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to engage ATEC to deploy Traff'rc Monitoring and Management for the 2AM-2015 hQh impact period; and WHEREAS, for the five (5) major special events during the 2014-2015 period, ATEC implemented a new traffic signal pattern based on observations and results from the previous year; and WHEREAS, although major events reported higher attendance, travel times and speeds reported by ATEC were similar, and in some cases better than those measured during the 2013-2014 high impact period; thus, demonstrating that the signalized intersections and 9 corrhors were efficiently managing greater vehicular through-put; and WHEREAS, to complement the event calendar traffic monitoring and management efforts and as a response to lane closures and increased traffic due to construction, the City expanded the scope of work for ATEC to include traffic monitoring and management during morning and afternoon peak hours from January 2O15 to June 20'15; and WHEREAS, based on the documented improvements to the network through the rnonitoring and management services, on October 14, 2015, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2015-29181, authorizing the City Manager or his designee to expaM the scope and fee agreement for event and peak hour monitoring and management services with ATEC for three (3) years or until the implementation of the City of Miami Beach lntelligent Transportation System and Smart Parking System project, whichever occurs first; and WHEREAS, on or about February 8, n+6, the Administration received notification that ATEC merged with Metric Engineering, lnc. (lvtEl); anO WHEREAS, the Administration recommends approving MEI as the successor vendor entity providing the traffic monitoring ard management services; and WHEREAS, MEI has been serving the engineering community since 1976 and currently holds various traffic management center operation contracts with FDOT; and WHEREAS, the scope of work approved at the October 14, 2015 City Commission Meeting included seven (7) events per year and traffic management during peak periods (7:00 AM - 9:00 AM, 12:OO PM - 1:00 PM, 4:O0 PM - 7:00 PM) from December 1 to May 31; and WHEREAS, in order to meet the traffic operation needs for the City, the proposed increase to the scope of work (additional services) includes off-hour remote traffic monitoring services via WAZE, lNRlX, and other traffic and web-based applications from 9:00 AM to 12:O0 PM, from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, and from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM; and WHEREAS, the proposed additional services also includes weekend remote traffic monitoring services from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM; and WHEREAS, during the monitoring period, the traffic monitoring operators will be in constant contact with the City's key departments to ensure that incidents and mitigation measures are reported on a real-time basis; and WHEREAS, as part of the additional services, the City is planning to place an in-house consultant in the County's Traffic Management Center (TMC) to manage the traffic signals in the City, whenever there is a vacancy in the City traffic engineer position, subject to funding availability, in order to ensure continuous City preserrce at the County's TMC; and WHEREAS, the in-house consultant will be located at the County's TMC eight (8) hours a day, five (5) days a week; and WHEREAS, the additional services also include strict performance measures to ensure that communication and mitigation measures are implernented on a timely manner to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the service; and WHEREAS, the cost for the additional services is approximalely $122,000 through May 2016; and 10 WHEREAS, although the City has typically only engaged traffic monitoring and management services during the peak season (December through May), said services may need to be extended in order to address the evolving tratfic needs of the City; and WHEREAS, the Administration recommends detregating authority to the City Manager to extend and/or modify the level of service being provided by MEl, including possibly maintainirg the peak hour week day traffic monitoring and management until implementation of the lntelligent Transportation System and Smart Parking System Project, based upon the traffic needs of the City and subject to funding availability. NOW, THEREFORE, BE !T RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor aM City Commission hereby waive, by 5/7th vote, the City's formal competitive bidding requirement, finding such waiver to be in the best interest of the City; and approve and authorize the City Manager or designee to increase the scope of services submitted by Metric Engineering, lnc. (MEl), as srrccessor by merger with Advance Transportation Engineering Consultants, lnc., for traffic monitoring and management services, including performance measures, through May 31 ,2016, on a month-to- month basis, for an amount not to exceed $122,000; and approve MEI as the successor vendor entity for the services; and further authorize the City Manager to extend and/or modify the scope of services provided by MEI until implementation of the lntelligent Transportation System and Smart Parking System Project, based upon the traffic needs of the City and subject to funding availability. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS DAY OF 2016. ATTEST: RAFAEL E. GRANADO, CITY CLERK PHILIP LEVINE, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION(>**, e tt=h, cW Anon(l fitlt Dote 11 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 12