20160309 SM3MIAMI BEACH Gity Commission Meeting SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 3 City Hall, Gommission Chambers, 3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive March 9,2016 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alem6n Commissioner Ricky Arriola Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Michael Grieco Commissioner Joy Malakoff Commissioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Visff us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article VIl, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Glerk priorto engaging in any lobbying activitywith the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the Gity Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA R7 - Resolutions R7l A Resolution Accepting The Recommendation Of The City Manager To Not Award The Request For Proposal (RFP), ln Order To Allow The City Manager To Negotiate Price And Terms With The Sole Responsive Proposer Bergeron Land Development, Pursuant To RFP No. 2016-062-KB For The Design Build Contract Of The West Avenue Bridge Over Collins Canal With The Option To lnclude Or Exclude The Lincoln Court Pedestrian Bridge Over Collins Canal As Part Of The West Avenue Project. (ProcuremenUPublic Works) (Memorandum) R7J A Resolution Accepting The Recommendation Of The Neighborhood/Community Affairs Committee, And Requesting That The Florida Department Of Transportation Evaluate The lnstallation Of A Pedestrian Crosswalk On Alton Road At 57th Street, To Connect Existing Bus Stops On Opposite Sides Of The Street. (Transportation) (Additional !nformation) 1 Supplemental 3, March 9, 2016 Reports and lnformational ltems 4. Miami Beach Convention Center Monthly Construction Project Update. (Office of the City Manager) (LTC 0s7-2016) 2 COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY Advisory Board Recommendation: Financial lnformation : Source of Funds: OBPI Amount Account 1 The cost of the related services, determined upon successful negotiations, are subject to funds availability approved through the Citv's budoetinq orocess. Total Financial !mpact Summary: T:\AGE Condensed Title: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER TO NOT AWARD THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) rN ORDER TO ALLOW THE C|TY MANAGER TO NEGOTTATE PRrCE AND TERMS W|TH THE SOLE RESPONSIVE PROPOSER BERGERON LAND DEVELOPMENT, PURSUANT TO RFP NO. 2016. 062-KB FOR THE DESIGN BUILD CONTRACT OF THE WEST AVENUE BRIDGE OVER COLLINS CANAL WITH THE OPTION TO INCLUDE OR EXCLUDE THE LINCOLN COURT PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE OVER COLLINS CANAL AS PART OF THE WEST AVENUE PROJECT. Build and Maintain I nfrastructure with Full Accountabil Data (Surveys, Environmenta! Scan, etc: N/A Item Summary/Recommendation : On December 29,2015, the RFP was issued. A voluntary pre-proposal conference to provide information to the proposers submitting a response was held on January 7 ,2016. RFP responses were due and received on March 1 ,2016. The City received a total of one (1) proposal, from Bergeron Land Development, lnc. The Evaluation Committee convened on February 2,2016 to consider proposals received. Mr. Josiel Ferrer, Ms. Sabrina Baglieri, and Mr. Luis Soto participated as committee members. The Committee was provided an overview of the project, information relative to the City's Cone of Silence Ordinance and the Government Sunshine Law. The Committee was also provided with general information on the scope of services, references, and a copy of each proposal. The Committee was instructed to score the proposal pursuant to the evaluation criteria established in the RFP. On March 1,2016, the City received a single proposalfrom Bergeron Land Development in a total amount of $15,645,372.60 (inclusive of 10o/o owner's contingency) for three components: West Avenue Bridge $9,43a,700.00; Dade Boulevard Harmonization $4,880,134.60; and Lincoln Court Pedestrian Bridge $1,330,538.00. The City has reached out to the prospective proposers which attended the pre-proposal meeting on January 7 , 2016 and those which received the solicitation and addendums through Public Purchase, to inquire as to why they did not submit a solicitation response to this RFP. Out of 50+ prospective proposers three (3) responded advising that there was insufficient time to respond, the specifications were unclear or too restrictive, workload does not allow us to proposal, and/or they were unable to meet the specifications. PCL Civil Constructors, lnc. further explained that there was "insufficient time to acquire permits and meet the required substantial completion date; permitting alone could take longer than the time specified of 270 calendar days." After reviewing allthe submissions and the results of the evaluation process, the City Manager recommends not award the RFP in order to allow the City Manager to negotiate price and terms with the sole responsive proposer, Bergeron Land Development. RECOMMENDATION ADOPT THE RESOLUTION. Clerk's Office islative rac Alex Denis. Bruce Mowry n-Offs: Depaffient Dilector Assista,nt City Manager City ll/lnager J.tr-s ^DrT /EC I MTfi-JLMTr u.. NDAUO 6-062-KB West Avenue Bridge\RFP-2016-062-KB - West Avenue B'td* - Summary.doc S MIAAAIBTACH AGEFNEA 'TEM RlA DAr u- TqqL3 MIAMIBEACH City of Miomi Beoch, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33139, www.miomibeochfl.gov COMM MORANDUM To: Mayor Philip Levine and Members of FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: March 9,2016 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR City Com CITY COMMISSION OF THE GITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER TO NOT AWARD THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) IN ORDER TO ALLOW THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE PRICE AND TERMS WITH THE SOLE RESPONSIVE PROPOSER BERGERON LAND DEVELOPMENT, PURSUANT TO RFP NO.2O16-O62.KB FOR THE DESIGN BUILD CONTRACT OF THE WEST AVENUE BRIDGE OVER COLLINS CANAL WITH THE OPTION TO INCLUDE OR EXCLUDE THE LINCOLN COURT PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE OVER COLLINS CANAL AS PART OF THE WEST AVENUE PROJECT. ADM!NISTRATION RECOMMEN DATION Adopt the Resolution. KEY INTENDED OUTCOME SUPPORTED Build and Maintain Priority lnfrastructure with Full Accountability FUNDING The cost of the related services, determined upon successful negotiations, are subject to funds availability approved through the City's budgeting process. BACKGROUND The West Avenue Bridge Prolect and the Lincoln Court Pedestrian Bridge (if included) is expected to improve traffic safety, transit, bicycle and pedestrian mobility and general safety in the area. ln addition, the new bridge will create a direct connection across Collins Canal. The proposed Lincoln Court pedestrian bridge was not part of the PD&E study but it will also improves pedestrian and bicycle mobility. Public Works Department (PWD) desires to expedite the construction of the West Avenue Bridge Project and the Lincoln Court Pedestrian Bridge (if included) while the Sunset Harbour Project is currently on-going. ln order to save time, PWD determined that the design build procurement method would be suited for this project. As a result, PWD prepared a Design Criteria Package (DCP), as required by Florida Statutes, for the project that served to define the design requirements for development of construction documents by Design Build Firms and for submission of their price proposal. On December 16, 2015, the City Commission directed the Administration to prepare and issue an RFP seeking proposals for design build services for the West Avenue Bridge over the Collins Canal, and possible pedestrian bridge at Lincoln Court. The City Commission also directed the Administration to provide a copy of the RFP once it was released. The RFP was released on December 29,2015 and City Commission was notified via LTC No. 491-2015 on 4 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) No. 2016-062.K8, DESIGN BUILD SERVICES FOR THE WEST AVENUE BRIDGE OVER COLLINS CANAL March 9,2016 Page2 December 31,2015. Proposals were requested from Design Build Firms for the design, construction and construction management of the West Avenue Bridge over Collins Canal and the reconstruction of Dade Boulevard. The City, at its option, may elect to add the Lincoln Court Pedestrian Bridge as part of this project so Design Build Firm shall provide a separate proposal for the design, construction management and construction of the pedestrian bridge and its approaches. The scope of work also includes street lighting, pedestrian lighting, signing and pavement markings, a new vehicular and pedestrian signal at Dade Boulevard and West Avenue, utility relocation and/or adjustments and drainage. RFP PROCESS On December 29, 2015, the RFP was issued. A voluntary pre-proposal conference to provide information to the proposers submitting a response was held on January 7, 2016. RFP responses were due and received on March 1,2016. The City received a total of one (1) proposal, from Bergeron Land Development, lnc. On January 25, 2016, the City Manager, via Letter to Commission (LTC) No. 035-2016, appointed an Evaluation Committee (the "Committee"), consisting of the following individuals:. Josiel Ferrer, Transportation Manager, Transportation Department, City of Miami Beacho Sabrina Baglieri, Senior Capital Projects Coordinator, Capital lmprovement Program, City of Miami Beacho Luis Soto, Civil Engineer lll, Public Works Department, Engineering Division, City of Miami Beach The City Manager also considered the following individuals as alternates:. Roger Buell, Assistant City Engineer, Public Works Department, Engineering Division, City of Miami Beach. Milos Majstorovic, Transportation Analyst, Transportation Department City of Miami Beach The Evaluation Committee convened on February 2,2016 to consider proposals received. Mr. Josiel Ferrer, Ms. Sabrina Baglieri, and Mr. Luis Soto participated as committee members. The Committee was provided an overview of the project, information relative to the City's Cone of Silence Ordinance and the Government Sunshine Law. The Committee was also provided with general information on the scope of services, references, and a copy of each proposal. The Committee was instructed to score the proposal pursuant to the evaluation criteria established in the RFP. The evaluation process resulted in the scoring of the proposal as indicated in the table below. On March 1,2016, the City received a single proposal from Bergeron Land Development in a total amount of $15,645,372.60 (inclusive of 10% owner's contingency) for three components: 5 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) No. 2016-062-KB, DESIGN BUILD SERVICES FOR THE WEST AVENUE BRIDGE OVER COLLINS CANAL March 9,2016 Page 3 West Avenue Bridge $9,434,700.00; Dade Boulevard Harmonization $4,880,134.60; and Lincoln Court Pedestrian Bridge $1,330,538.00. The City has reached out to the prospective proposers which attended the pre-proposal meeting on January 7, 2016 and those which received the solicitation and addendums through Public Purchase, to inquire as to why they did not submit a solicitation response to this RFP. Out of 50+ prospective proposers three (3) responded advising that there was insufficient time to respond, the specifications were unclear or too restrictive, workload does not allow us to proposal, and/or they were unable to meet the specifications. PCL Civil Constructors, lnc. further explained that there was "insufficient time to acquire permits and meet the required substantial completion date; permitting alone could take longer than the time specified of 270 calendar days." CITY MANAGER'S RECOMM ENDATION After reviewing all the submissions and the results of the evaluation process, the City Manager recommends to not award the RFP in order to allow the City Manager to negotiate price and terms with the sole responsive proposer, Bergeron Land Development. J LM/MT/EC/AD/M B/RB/LS T:\AGENDA\2016\March\ProcuremenM0l6-062-KB West Avenue Bridge\RFP-2016-062-KB - West Avenue Bridge - Memo.doc 6 Granado, Rafael From: Sent: To: Subiect: Attachments: Aleman, John Sunday, March 06,20L6 3:46 PM Morales, Jimmy; Granado, Rafael Fwd: Crosswalk Petitions for Alton and 57 Crosswal k Support.zip; ATT00001.htm Please add these materials to the supplemental for item R7J as the initiative was triggered by resident requests. Sent from my iPhone Be gin forwarded message : From: Lin Lougheed <lougheed@,loughee Date: February 23,2016 at7:29:13 PM EST To: Aleman Jotur <iohnaleman@miamibe Subject: Crosswalk Petitions for Alton and 57 Dear Commissioner Aleman, I have asked neighbors to support establishingazebracrosswalk with yellow hazard lights at Alton and 57th. Eleven of my neighbors so far have added their support. Their letters of agreement plus my request are attached. I will forward any additional support I receive. Many thanks for your help on my request. Sincerely Lin Lin Lougheed 5646 North Bay Road Miami Beach, FL 33140-2042 cell: 305-968-6888 Agenda ltem Date7 From: LIn Lougheed lougheed@lougheed.com Subject: Petition for Podestrian Crossing at Alton and 57th ST Date: February 21, 2016 at 6:33 PM To: Lougheed Lin lougheed@lougheed.com Dear Neighbors, (My apologies if you received more than one request.) A lew months ago I waited for ten minutes with a woman and two children to cross Alton Road at 57th ST lrom the east side bus stop to the west side. The traflic was non-stop and fast. Finally, I took my life and theirs at risk and barged into traffic, waving my arms hoping traffic would at least slow down if not stop. This has now become a daily occurrence and is ospecially dangerous during the early morning and evening rush hours when speeding cars make it impossible for bus riders to get to a bus stop or ror any pedostrian to cross Alton. I would like our City Commissioners to ask the State to install on the state road, Alton at 57th, a zebra crossing and a yellow hazard light that pedestrians could activate when they need to cross. The system would operate like the lights in Coconut Grove and would only inconvenience drivers lor the time people ar6 actually in the crosswalk- unlike the podestrian-controlold traffic light at Alton and 51st. lf you would llke to see somethlng done to protect pedestrians crosslng between bus stops at Alton and 57th, please reply ,.1 AGREE" to thls Fmal!. lwlll forward the petitlons to the Clty Commisslon. Many thanks, Lin Lin Lougheed 5&16 North Bay Road Miami Beach, FL331lt() 8 From: Tansey, Darin Darin.Tansey@elliman.com I Subject: Re: Petition for Pedestrian Crossing at Alton and STth ST Date: February 22, 2016at 9:45 AM To: Lin Lougheed lougheed@lougheed.com I AGREE Best, DARIN TANSEY DIRECTOR OF LUXURY SALES REALTOR ASSOCIATE DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT DIVISION OFFICE: 305.695.6300 MOBILE: 305.924.4100 dari n.tansey@elliman.com 1111 LINCOLN ROAD SUITE 805, MIAMI BEACH, FL 33139 SOCIAL: ASKELLIMAN /FACEBOOK /TW TER /GOOGLE+ /YqUTUBE VIEW MY LISTINGS / INSTAGRAM / LINKEDIN From: Lin Lougheed <lougheed@ lougheed.com> Date: Monday, February 22,20L6 at 9:36 AM To: Lougheed Lin <lougheed@lougheed.com> Subject: Petition for Pedestrian Crossing at Alton and 57th ST Dear Neighbors, A few months ago I waited for ten minutes with a woman and two children to cross Alton Road at 57th ST from the east side bus stop to the west side. The traffic was non-stop and fast. Finally, I took my life and theirs at risk and barged into traffic, waving my arms hoping traffic would at least slow down if not stop. This has now become a daily occurrence and is especially dangerous during the early morning and evening rush hours when speeding cars make it impossible for bus riders to get to a bus stop or for any pedestrian to cross Alton. I would like our City Commissioners to ask the State to install on the state road, Alton at 57th, a zebra crossing and a yellow hazard light that pedestrians could activate when they need to cross. The system would operate like the crossins safetv-lishts in Coconut Grove and worrld onlv inconvenience drivers for the time neonle are 9 actually in the crosswalk- unlike the pedestrian-controlled traffic light at Alton and 51st. !f you would like to see something done to protect pedestrians crossing between bus stops at Alton and 57th, please reply "l AGREE" to this e-mail. I willfonrard the petitions to the City Commission. Many thanks, Lin Lin Lougheed 5546 North Bay Road Miami Beach, FL 33140 10 From: Sld Feltenstein sidfeltenstein@aol.com Subiect: Re: Petition for Pedestrian Crossing at Alton and 57th ST Date: February 21, 2016at g:02 PM To: Lin Lougheed lougheed@lougheed.com I agree. On Feb 21,2016, at 6:32 PM, Lin Lougheed <lougheed@lougheed.com> wrote: Dear Neighbors, (My apologies if you received more than one request.) A few months ago I waited for ten minutes with a woman and two children to cross Alton Road at 57th ST from the east side bus stop to the west sido. Tho traffic was non-stop and last. Finally, I took my life and theirs at risk and barged into traffic, waving my arms hoping traffic would at least slow down il not stop. This has now become a daily occurrence and is especially dangerous during the early morning and evening rush hours when speeding cars make it impossible lor bus riders to get to a bus stop or for any pedestrian to cross Alton. I would like our City Commissioners to ask the State to install on the state road, Alton at 57th, a zebra crossing and a yellow hazard light that pedestrians could activate when they need to cross. The system would operate like the lights in Coconut Grove and would only inconvenience drivers lor the time people are actually in the crosswalk-- unlike the pedestrian-controleld traffic light at Alton and 51st. lf you would like to see somethlng done to protect pedestrians crossing between bus slops at Alton and 57th, please reply "l AGREE" to this Fmall. I wlll lorwad the petltlons to the CIty Commlsslon. Many thanks, Lin Lin Lougheed 5646 North Bay Road Miami Beach, FL33140 11 From: gisaguate@aol.com Subject: Re: Petition for Pedestrian Crossing at Alton and STth ST Date: February 22,2016 at 12:34 PM To: lougheed@lougheed.com I agree. Sara Arbel 5060 north bay road miami beach, fl 33140 ----Original Message---- From: Lin Lougheed <!ougheed@lougheed.com> To: Lougheed Lin <lsugheed@lougheed.com> Sent:Sun, Feb21,2016 5:33 pm Subject: Petition for Pedestrian Crossing at Alton and 57th ST Dear Neighbors, (My apologies if you received more than one request.) Alew months ago I waited for ten minutes with a woman and two children to cross Alton Road at 57th ST from the east side bus stop to the west side. The tratfic was non-stop and fast. Finally, I took my life and theirs at risk and barged into traffic, waving my arms hoping traffic would at least slow down if noi stop. This has now become a daily occurrence and is especially dangerous during the early morning and evening rush hours when speeding cars make it impossible for bus riders to get to a bus stop or lor any pedestrian to cross Alton. I would like our City Commissioners to ask the State to install on the state road, Alton at S7lh, azebra crossing and a yellow hazard light that pedestrians could activate when they need to cross. The system would operate like the lights in Coconut Grove and would only inconvenience drivers for the time people are actually in the crosswalk- unlike the pedestrian-controleld tratfic light at Alton and 51st. lf you would like to see something done to protect pedestrians crossing between bus stops at Alton and 57th, please reply "l AGREE" to this e-mai!. I willfonrard the petitions to the City Commission. Many thanks, Lin Lin Lougheed 5646 North Bay Road Miami Beach, FL 33140 12 From: roberttutchin robertturchin@yahoo.com Subject: RE: Petition lor Pedestrian Crossing at Alton and 57th ST Date: February 22, 2016 at 8:35 AM To: Lin Lougheed lougheed@lougheed.com I agree Sent lrom my Verizon Wireloss 4G LTE smartphono ---- Original message ---- From: Lin Lougheed <luSbCcd_@lgusheed.eem> Dale: O2121 12016 6:32 PM (GMT-05:00) To: Lougheed Lin <lougheed@ lougheed.com> Subject: Petition for Podestrian Crossing at Alton and 57th ST Dear Neighbors, (My apologies if you received more than one request.) A few months ago I waited for ten minutes with a woman and two children to cross Alton Road at 57th ST from the east side bus stop to the west side. Tho traffic was non-stop and fast. Finally, I took my life and theirs at risk and barged into traffic, waving my arms hoping traffic would at least slow down il not stop. This has now become a daily occurrence and is especially dangerous during th6 early morning and evening rush hours when speeding cars make it impossible for bus riders to get to a bus stop or for any pedestrian to cross Alton. I would like our City Commissioners to ask the State to install on the state road, Alton at 57th, a zebra crossing and a yellow hazard light that pedestrians could activate when they need to cross. Th€ system would operate like the lights in Coconut Grove and would only inconvenience drivers for the time people are actually in the crosswalk-- unlike the pedestrian-controleld traffic light at Alton and 51st. !f you would like to see somethlng done to protect pedestrlang crossing betureen bus stops at Ahon and 57th, please rcply "l AGREE" to this e-mail. I wlll forward the petltlons to the Clty Commission. Many thanks, Lin Lin Lougheed 5646 North Bay Road Miami Beach, FL33140 13 From: Maria Srebnick maria@scottnotions.com Subject: Re: Petition for Pedestrian Crossing at Alton and 57th ST Date: February 21,2016 at 6:53 PM To: Lin Lougheed lougheed@lougheed.com IAGREE!! Feldenkreis 5700 North Bay Road On Feb 21, 2016, at 6:33 PM, Lin Lougheed <leggheed@louqheed.com> wrote: Dear Neighbors, (My apologies if you received more than one request.) A few months ago I waited lor ten minutes with a woman and two children to cross Alton Road at 57th ST lrom the east side bus stop to the west side. The traffic was non-stop and fast. Finally, I took my life and theirs at risk and barged into tratfic, waving my arms hoping traffic would at least slow down if not stop. This has now become a daily occurrence and is especially dangerous during the early morning and evening rush hours when speeding cars make it impossible for bus riders to get to a bus stop or lor any pedestrian to cross Alton. I would like our City Commissioners to ask the State to install on the state road, Alton at 571h, a zebra crossing and a yellow hazard light that pedesvians could activate when they need to cross. The system would operate like the lights in Coconut Grove and would only inconvenience drivers for the time people are actually in the crosswalk-- unlike the pedestrian-controleld tratlic light at Alton and 51st. lf you would like to see something done to protect pedestrians crossing between bus Btops at Alton and 57th, please reply "l AGREE" to this e-mail. I will fonvard the petitions to the City Commisslon. Many thanks, Lin Lin Lougheed 5646 North Bay Road Miami Beach, FL33140 14 From: Karen Miller m karenl@bellsouth.net Subject: Re: Petition lor Pedestrian Crossing at Alton and 57th ST Date: February 22,2016 at 12:50 PM To: Lln Lougheed lougheed@lougheed.com I AGREE, On Feb 21, 2016, at 6:32 PM, Lin Lougheed <lpggheed@lougheed.com> wrote: Dear Neighbors, (My apologies it you received more than one request.) A few months ago I waited ,or ten minutes with a woman and two children to cross Alton Road at 57th ST from the east side bus stop to the west side. The traffic was non-stop and fast. Finally, I took my life and theirs at risk and barged into tratfic, waving my arms hoping traflic would at least slow down it not stop. This has now become a daily occurrence and is especial,y dangerous during the early morning and evening rush hours when speeding cars make it impossible for bus riders to get to a bus stop or for any pedestrian to cross Alton. I would like our City Commissioners to ask the State to install on the state road, Alton at 57th, a zebra crossing and a yellow hazard light that pedestrians could activate when they need to cross. The system would operate like the lights in Coconut Grove and would only inconvenience drivers for the time people are actually in the crosswalk-- unlike the pedestrian-controleld tratfic light at Alton and 51st. lf you would like to see something done to protect pedestrians crossing between bus stops at Alton and 57th, please reply ,,1 AGREE" to this e-mail. I will fonivard the petitions to the City Commission. Many thanks, Lin Lin Lougheed 5646 North Bay Road Miami Beach, FL33140 15 From: ierrold goodman jer.jan@hotmail.com Subject: Re: Petition for Pedestrian Crossing at Alton and 57th ST Date: February 22,2016 at 10:05AM To: Lin Lougheed lougheed@lougheed.com I agree From: Lin Lougheed <lougheed@ lougheed.com> Sent: Sunday, February 2L,2OL6 6:32 PM To: Lougheed Lin Subject: Petition for Pedestrian Crossing at Alton and 57th ST Dear Neighbors, (My apologies if you received more than one request.) A few months ago I waited for ten minutes with a woman and two children to cross Alton Road at 57th ST from the east side bus stop to the west side. The traffic was non-stop and fast. Finally, I took my life and theirs at risk and barged into traffic, waving my arms hoping traffic would at least slow down if not stop. This has now become a daily occurrence and is especially dangerous during the early morning and evening rush hours when speeding cars make it impossible for bus riders to get to a bus stop or for any pedestrian to cross Alton. I would like our City Commissioners to ask the State to install on the state road, Alton at 57th, a zebra crossing and a yellow hazard light that pedestrians could activate when they need to cross. The system would operate like the lights in Coconut Grove and would only inconvenience drivers for the time people are actually in the crosswalk-- unlike the pedestrian-controleld traffic light at Alton and 51st. lf you would like to see something done to protect pedestrians crossing between bus stops at AIton and 57th, please reply "l AGREE" to this e-mai!. lwillforward the petitions to the City Commission. Many thanks, Lin Lin Lougheed 5545 North Bay Road Miami Beach, FL 33140 16 From: carolinatardy@gmail.com Subject: Rei Petition for Pedestrian Crossing at Alton and 57th ST Date: February 21,2016 at 10:22 PM To: Lin Lougheed lougheed@lougheed.com I agree Sent lrom my iPhone On 21 Feb 2016, at 18:32, Lin Lougheed <lgggheed@lougheed.com>wrote: Dear Neighbors, (My apologies if you recelved more than one request.) A few months ago I waited for ten minutes with a woman and two children to cross Alton Road at 57th ST from the east side bus stop to the west side. The tratfic was non-stop and fast. Finally, I took my life and theirs at risk and barged into traffic, waving my arms hoping trafiic would at least slow down if not stop. This has now become a daily occurrence and is especially dangerous during the early morning and evening rush hours when speeding cars make it impossible tor bus riders to get to a bus stop or for any pedestrian to cross Alton. I would like our City Commissioners to ask the State to install on the state road, Alton at 57th, a zebra crossing and a yellow hazard light that pedestrians could activate when they need to cross. The system would operate like the lights in Coconut Grove and would only inconvenience drivers lor the time people are actually in the crosswalk- unlike the pedestrian-controleld tratfic light at Alton and 51st. lf you would like to see something done to protect pedestrians crossing between bus stops at Alton and 57th, please reply "l AGREE" to this e-mail. I will forward the petitions to the City Commission. Many thanks, Lin Lin Lougheed 5646 North Bay Road Miami Beach, FL 33140 17 From: Ed Harris ed5203@afc-ais.com Subiect: Re: Petition lor Pedestrian Crossing at Alton and 57th STOL Date: February 22, 2016 at 9:1 I AM To: Lin Lougheed lougheed@lougheed.com I agree - 5725 NBay Roadii Sent from my iPhone On Feb 21, 2016, at 6:33 PM, Lin Lougheed <laugheed@lougheed.com> wrote: Dear Neighbors, (My apologies if you received more than one request.) A few months ago I waited for ten minutes with a woman and two children to cross Alton Road at 57th ST from the east side bus stop to the west side. The tratfic was non-stop and rast. Finally, I took my life and theirs at risk and barged into traffic, waving my arms hoping traffic would at least slow down if not stop. This has now become a daily occurrence and is especially dangerous during the early morning and evening rush hours when speeding cars make it impossible tor bus riders to get to a bus stop or lor any pedestrian to cross Alton. I would like our City Commissioners to ask the State to install on the state road, Alton at 57th, a zebra crossing and a yellow hazard light that pedestrians could activate when they need to cross. The system would operate like the lights in Coconut Grove and would only inconvenience drivers for the time people are actually in the crosswalk- unlike the pedestrian-controleld traff ic light at Alton and 51st. ll you would like to see something done to protect pedestrians crosslng between bus stops at Alton and 57th, please reply "l AGREE" to this e-mail. I will lorward the petitions to the Clty Commisslon. Many thanks, Lin Lin Lougheed 5646 North Bay Road Miami Beach, FL 33140 18 From: ALBERTO EIBER a.eiber@icloud.com Subject: Re: Petition lor Pedestrian Crossing at Alton and 57th ST Date: February 21,2016 at 9:02 PM To: Lin Lougheed lougheed@lougheed.com I agree with this e mail. Sent from my iPhone On Feb 21, 2016, at 6:32 PM, Lin Lougheed 4pughseg!@lqugheed.corn> wrote: Dear Neighbors, (My apologies if you received more than one request.) A lew months ago I waited for ten minutes with a woman and two children to cross Alton Road at 57th ST from the east side bus stop to the west side. The traffic was non-stop and fast. Finally, I took my life and theirs at risk and barged into tratfic, waving my arms hoping fafiic would at least slow down if not stop. This has now become a daily occurrence and is especially dangerous during the early morning and evening rush hours when speeding cars make it impossible {or bus riders to get to a bus stop or lor any pedestrian to cross Alton. I would like our City Commissioners to ask the State to install on the state road, Alton at 57th, a zebra crossing and a yellow hazard light that pedestrians could activate when they need to cross. The system would operate like the lights in Coconut Grove and would only inconvenience drivers tor the time people are actually in the crosswalk- unlike the pedestrian-controleld tratfic light at Alton and 5l st. lf you would like to see something done to protect pedestrians crosslng between bus stops at Alton and 57th, please reply "l AGREE" to this e-mail. I will forward the petitions to the City Commission. Many thanks, Lin Lin Lougheed 5646 North Bay Road Miami Beach, FL 33140 19 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 20 TO: FROM: DATE: MIAMIBEACH City of Miomi Beoch, 1700 Convention Cenler Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33.l39, www.miomibeochfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CIry MANAGER LTC # 097-2016 LETTER TO COMMISSION Mayor Philip Levine and Members o the City Com Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager March 4,2016 SUBJECT: Miami Beach Convention Center Construction Project Update The purpose of this LTC is to advise the Mayor and City Commission that future updates for the Miami Beach Convention Center renovation and expansion project will be published in the 2nd Commission meeting monthly agenda. The reason for this is change to allow staff and the contractor the time needed to properly close out the previous month's financials and report them accurately to the public and elected officials. Due to the volume of the information and scale of the project, this is not possible until after the second week of the following month. lf there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Maria Hernandez at Extension 2584. JLM / MH F:\cmgr\$All\Convention Center\Commission Updates - Monthly_Quarterly\2016 February Monthly\MBCC Project Construction Update 2016 03.docx 21 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 22