20160316 AM2MIAMIBEACH Presentation & Awards/Commission Meeting ADDENDUM MATERIAL 2 City Hall, Gommission Chambers, 3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive March 16, 2016 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alem6n Commissioner Ricky Arriola Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Michael Grieco Commissioner Joy Malakoff Com missioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Vrsff us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Articte Vll, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk priorto engaging in any lobbying activitywith the City Gommission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Glerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. ADDENDUM AGENDA R9 - New Business & Gommission Requests RgB Referral To The Next Sustainability And Resiliency Committee - Discussion Pertaining To Using The Opportunity For Mangroves/Living Seawall Options On The lndian Creek Seawall. (Sponsored by Commissioner Joy Malakoff) RgC Discuss Moving Forward With The Placement Of Storm Water Drainage And Pump Stations ln A Critical Area Near Mount Sinai Medical Center As Expeditiously As Possible To Protect The Safety, Health And Welfare Of Our Residents And Visitors. (Sponsored by Commissioner Joy Malakoff) 1 The sponsor of the addendum agenda item deems that such item either constitutes a public emergency affecting life, health, property, or public safety and should be considered immediately; or does not constitute a public emergency, but should be considered immediately. See Miami Beach Code Sec. 2-12 (c)(3). 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2 i\r\;,.&,fu4 tffiN&il h"$ OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Jimmy L. Moroles, City Monoger FROM: Joy V. W. Molokoff, Commissioner DATE: Morch 15, 2016 SUBJECT: Referrol to the next Sustoinobility ond Resiliency Committee - Discussion pertoining to using the opportunity for mongroves/living seowoll options on the lndion Creek seowoll. Pleose ploce the obove item on the Consent Agendo for the Commission Meeting of Morch 16,2O16. lf you hove ony questions, pleose contoct me of extension 6622. Thonk you. JV\^/M We are commitled to provtdtng excellent publtc senice ond sofery to oll who live, work, ond plai" in our vibront, tropicol, hist'oric communig. Asenda rtem RlB.v- oate b'lF3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4 ,*o.i, ir;i):r;'ru,'\ i m ilr&il *-$ OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Pleose ploce the obove discussion item on the Agendo for the Commission Meeting of Morch 16,2016. l[ you hove ony questions, pleose contoct me ot extension 6622. Thonk you. JV\VM We are commryted to providing excellent public servlce ond safety to oll who live, work, ond ploy in our vibront, lropical, hisloric communi\. Agenda ltem Date MEMORANDUM Jimmy L. Moroles, City Monoger Joy V. W. Molokoff, Commissioner Morch 15, 2016 Move forword the plocement of storm woter droinoge ond pump stotions in o criticol oreo neor Mt. Sinoi Medicol Center os expeditiously os possible to protect the sofety, heolth ond welfore of our residents ond visitors. 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 6