20170301 SM2MIAMIBEACH Gommission Meeting SUPPLEM E NTAL MATERTAL 2 (2127 I 20',17) City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3'd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive March 1,20'17 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alem6n Commissioner Ricky Arriola Commissioner Michael Grieco Commissioner Joy Malakoff Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Comm issioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Vlsff us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article Vll, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Glerk priorto engaging in any lobbying activitywith the Gity Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the Gity Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA G7 - Resolutions C7 K A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, WAIVING CITY FEES FOR THE RUCK FOR VETS MARCH ON APRIL 22,2017. Commissioner John Elizabeth Aleman Deferred from February 8, 2017 - C7 S Supplemental updated on 2127 12017 (Revised Memorandum) R7 - Resolutions R7 A A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE THIRD AMENDMENT TO THE CAPITAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016t17. 11:05 a.m. Public Hearinq Budget and Performance lmprovement Commissioner Michael Grieco Supplemental updated on 2127 12017 (Mayor's Memo: Request for Deferral of R7 A - 3'd Amendment to FY 16t17 Gapital Budget) 1 Supplemental 2, March 1, 2017 R7 H A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD/COMMUNITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE TO SIGN THE PLEDGE TO BECOME A CITY OF KINDNESS. Marketing and Communications Commissioner Micky Steinberg Supplemental updated on 2127 12017 (Resolution) 2 Resolutions - C7 K AAIAMIBEACH COMttfl SSION ME MORAN D U M TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Commissioner John Elizabeth Alernan DATE: March 1,2017 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, WAIVING CITY FEES FOR THE RUCK FOR VETS MARCH ON APRIL 22,2A17. RECOMMENDATION ANALYSIS Please add to the March 1, 2017 City Commission Consent Agenda a resolution to waive the City fees for the Ruck for Vets event to be held in Miami Beach on April 22,2017, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Ruck for Vets is a six-mile foot march to raise awareness and secure non-profit funding for veteran's suicide awareness and prevention. Due to the limited amount of time to submit the necessary paperwork, I would ask that the Commission agree to vlaive the associated fees for the event contingent on all information being provided to and vetted by the City, with all the requirements below being met. The fees to be waived would include the application and pennit fees ($250 each) and the administrative and user fees to be determined by the City through the application process. The organizerwillneed to provide: o the non-profit organization requirements (letter to the Manager on letterhead, IRS tax 501 lD, most recent 990). confirmation from the non-profit organization that they are to be the applicant/ permittee/ insured/indemnified to be able to waive the application and permit fees ($250 each) o the number of vehicles needing Vehicle Access passes and where they would need to be waived. the invoices to estimate the administrative fees associated with Police and Fire if they are not approved as onduty assignments. detailed and to scale site plans showing tents, tables and other privatized uses to estimate square footage fees o proof of insurance o proof of indemnity Page 382 of 1120 3 . a sanitation plan o Pfi,\ requirements. community review/notice The organizers will be compelled to provide the following (not waived by guidelines): . $5000 security deposit (based on type of permit) to be retumed after the successful completion of the event. late submittal fee if materials are not submitted 14 days prior to load-in. building permits, if any are needed lf you have any questions please do not hesitate to call our office at ext. 6437 . Legislative Tracking Commissioner John Elizabeth Aleman Page 383 of 1120 4 MIAMIBEACH OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION To: From: Date: Re: Agenda ltem fl?A Date 3-l-l J Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager Rafael Granado, City Clerk Mayor Philip Levine March 1,2017 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM nt to FY16/17 Capital As I am unable to attend the March 1,2017 City Commission meeting, I respectfully request that Item R7A be deferred to the April, 2017 Commission meeting, so that I may participate in the consideration of this item and more fully address the issues set forth in this Memorandum. The proposed Agenda ltem R7A, the Third Amendment to the FY 2016117 Capital Budget, "deappropriates" the $36 million the City Commission previously allocated, from various revenue sources, to fund the Light Rail/Modern Streetcar Project, so that the $36 million may become available for use for other unspecified projects (so long as those projects meet the authorized uses for each individual fund). Although my colleagues and I unanimously voted to suspend the Streetcar Project at the December 14,2016 City Commission meeting (see Resolution No. 2016-29690, attached), the purpose and intent of the Streetcar Project was to bring about meaningful traffic solutions that address traffic congestion and gridlock within our City. With or without a Streetcar Project, the need for traffic relief continues to be one of our City's greatest challenges. For several years now, the City's residents and visitors have continued to experience increased traffic congestion as a result of significant growth in traffic volumes. As we all know, traffic congestion increases overall driver frustration, increases safety concerns, and serves to diminish our residents' quality of life and our visitors' experience. A local and regional transportation network that includes short and longterm mobility solutions, and that brings about traffic relief to the maximum extent possible, is critical to our City's continued success. As much remains to be done to improve traffic conditions in the City, and in view of this Commission's recent unanimous support for meaningful local and regional traffic solutions in Resolution No. 2016-29690, I believe that this Commission should continue to prioritize transportation initiatives that reduce traffic congestion and improve the quality of Iife for our City's residents and our visitors' experience. For this reason, with respect to the proposed amendment to the Capital Budget, I support the re-prioritizing of the $36 million allocated for the Streetcar Project, but only if these funds are used for transportation-related initiatives and projects, including but not limited to transit projects that may be developed in partnership with Miami-Dade Gounty, the Florida Department of Transportation, and the federa! government. 5 MIAMIBEACH OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION I urge each member of this Commission to not only supporl talk of traffic reduction measures, but to dedicate the funds to improve traffic conditions for the benefit of our community. As there is no emergency requiring the immediate approval of this item, I request the brief deferral of Agenda ltem R7A to the April, 2017 Commission meeting, so that I may participate in the consideration of this important amendment. 6 Agenda ltem R7H Oate 3-f-t? RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD/COMMUNIW AFFAIRS COMMITTEE TO SIGN THE PLEDGE TO BECOME A CITY OF KINDNESS. WHEREAS, at the October 19, 2016 City Commission meeting, the City Commission referred a discussion item to the Neighborhood/Community Affairs Committee ("NCAC") to study the possibility of signing the pledge to make Miami Beach a City of Kindness; and WHEREAS, City of Kindness identifies itself as the growing center of the kind movement. lt is a coalition of organizations working to inspire kindness in our world. The goal is to effect meaningful change among schools, professionals, young people, elected officials, and companies; and WHEREAS, the kindness movement has been endorsed and promoted by many cities and celebrities, including Ellen DeGeneres, the Dalai Lama and Lady Gaga; and WHEREAS, the City, through its Communications Department, is preparing to launch a kindness campaign, aimed at both children and adults, to encourage acts of kindness; and WHEREAS, the NCAC recommended that the Communications Department work with Commissioner Steinberg to create a marketing campaign, perform community outreach and sign the pledge to become a City of Kindness; and WHEREAS, the Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission approve this Resolution and sign the pledge to become a City of Kindness. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby accept the recommendation of the Neighborhood/Community Affairs Committee and authorize the City to sign the pledge to become a City of Kindness. PASSED and ADOPTED this 1't day of March, 2017. ATTEST: Philip Levine Mayor Rafael E. Granado City Clerk (Sponsored by Commissioner Micky Steinberg) T:\AGENDA\201n3 - March\Communications\March 2017 city of kindness Reso.doc APPROVEDASTO FORM & IANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION @g- otyAttont€u Dde NK 7 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 8