20160413 SM1MIAMI BEACH City Commission Meeting SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 1 City Hall, Commission Chambers,3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive April 13,2016 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alem6n Comm issioner Ricky Arriola Com m issioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Michael Grieco Commissioner Joy Malakoff Commissioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Vrsrt us at www.miamibeachft.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Ghapter 2, Article Vtl, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA R7 - Resolutions R7A A Resolution Adopting The Fourth Amendment To The Capital Budget For Fiscal Year 2015116. 10:15 a.m. Public Hearinq (Budget & Performance lmprovement) (Memorandum & Resolution) 1 Supplemental 1, April 13,2016 R7H A Resolution Accepting Recommendation Of The City Manager Regarding The Existence Of A Public Emergency And, Accordingly, Waive, By 5l7th Vote, The Competitive Bidding Requirement, Finding Further That The Best lnterest Of The City Would Be Served By Such Waiver; Authorizing The City Manager Or His Designee To Negotiate Amendment No. 5 To The Design-Build Agreement Between The City And Lanzo Construction Co. ("Lanzo"), Which Original Agreement Was Approved Pursuant To Resolution No. 2014-28765, For The Sunset Harbour Pump Station Retrofit And Drainage lmprovements Project; Said Sth Amendment, ln The Not To Exceed Amount Of $3,875,322, ls Needed ln Order To (1) Bring Parking Lot No. 46, The Purdy Boat Ramp, And The Purdy Marina Parking Lot, Located At West Avenue From 18th Street To Dade Boulevard, fo 3.7 Feet NAVD Elevation; (2) Expand Pump Station No. 2; And (3) Construct Of A Discharge Outfall Pipe, lncluding Associated Water, Sewer, Landscaping, Lighting And Irrigation For Parking Lot 46, Purdy Parking Lot, And West Avenue; Further Authorizing The Mayor And City Clerk To Execute The Sth Amendment, Upon Completion Of Successful Negotiations. (Public Works) (Memorandum & Resolution) 2 COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY lntended Outcome Su Ensure Value and Timely Delivery of Quality Capital Projects, lmprove Storm Drainage Citywide, and Maintain City's I nfrastructu re Data Environmental etc.): N/A Gondensed Title: A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, Adopting the Fourth Amendment to the Caoital Budoet for Fiscal Year 2015116. Item Summarv/Recommendation : Planning for capital improvements is an ongoing process; as needs change within the City, capital programs and priorities must be adjusted. The Capital lmprovement Plan ("ClP') serves as the primary planning tool for systematically identifying, prioritizing and assigning funds to critical City capital development, improvements and associated needs. The City's capital improvement plan process begins in the spring when all departments are asked to prepare capital improvement updates and requests on the department's ongoing and proposed capital projects. lndividual departments prepare submittals identifying potential funding sources and requesting commitment of funds for their respective projects. The CIP is updated annually and submitted to the City Commission for adoption. The 2015/16 -2019120 Capital lmprovement Plan and FY 2015116 Capital Budget was adopted on September 30, 2015 by resolution 201$ 29144 The first amendment to the Miami Beach Capital Budget for FY 2015116 was adopted on December 9, 2015 via Resolution No. 2015-29'144. The second amendment to the Miami Beach Capital Budget for FY 2015/16 was adopted on January 1 3, 2016 via Resolution No. 201 6-29262. The Third Amendment to the FY 20'15116 Capital Budget was approved on February 10,2016 by resolution 2016-29292. Section 166.241(4)(c.), Florida Statutes, requires that a municipality's budget amendment must be adopted in the same manner as the original budget. The Fourth Amendment to the FY 2015116 Capital Budget totals an increase of $16,077,977 and re-appropriation of $17,592,168, in orderto provide funding to the following capitalprojects: 1. Bayshore Neighborhood - South 2. Surface Lot 8H 4001 Prairie, and Surface Lot 22X NSYC 3. Surface Lot 1A- Penrods @ 1 Ocean Drive 4. PAL Building Life Safety lssues 5. Seawall-MussParkRehabilitation 6. Munis/EnergovTechnologyProject: 7. Reallocation of CDBG Funds 8. Sunset Harbor Pump Station 9. lndian Creek Advisory Board Recommendation: Financial lnformation: Source of Funds: ! "?"1 */ ,r/, Amount Account $1,082,366$ 95,000 $1,920,300$ 206,5s0 $ 618,789 $4,024,676 $8,130,296 Parking Operations Fund # 480 Renewal & Replacement Fund #125 South Point Fund # 389 Building Tech Fund Capital reserve Fund 304 Future Water & Sewer Future Stormwater MN r/bBPl Total s16.077.977 # MrAMIBHACH ITEf,I rr,rl D^rE q4?lb3 MIAMIBTACH TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov COMMISSlON MEMORANDUM Mayor Philip Levine and Members Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager April 13,2016 City A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYORIAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAM! BEACH, FLORIDA,NG THE FOURTH AMENDMENT TO THE CAPITAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015116. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Adopt the Resolution. BACKGROUND Planning for capital improvements is an ongoing process; as needs change within the City, capital programs and priorities must be adjusted. The Capital lmprovement Plan ("ClP") serves as the primary planning tool for systematically identifying, prioritizing and assigning funds to critical City capital development, improvements and associated needs. The City's capital improvement plan process begins in the spring when all departments are asked to prepare capital improvement updates and requests on the department's ongoing and proposed capital projects. lndividual departments prepare submittals identifying potential funding sources and requesting commitment of funds for their respective projects. The CIP is updated annually and submitted to the City Commission for adoption. The 2015116 - 2019120 Capital lmprovement Plan and FY 2015116 Capital Budget was adopted on September 30, 201 5 by resolution 2015-291 44. The First Amendment to the FY 2015/16 Capital Budget was approved on December 9, 2015 by resol utio n 201 5-29220. The Second Amendment to the FY 2015116 Capital Budget was approved on January 13, 2016 by resol ution 201 6-29262. The Third Amendment to the FY 2015/16 Capital Budget was approved on February 10, 2016 by resol ution 20 1 6-29292. Section 166.241(4)(c.), Florida Statutes, requires that a municipality's budget amendment must be 4 Resolution Adopting the Fourth Amendment to the Capital Budget for FY 2015/16 April13,2016 Page 2 of 5 adopted in the same manner as the original budget. Administration recommends adopting the resolution for the fourth amendment to the FY 2015116 Capital Budget. FOURTH AMENDMENT TO THE FY 2015/16 CAPITAL BUDGET The Fourth Amendment to the FY 2015116 Capital Budget totals an increase of $16,077,977, and $17,592,168 in re-appropriations, in order to provide additional funding to the following capital projects. 1. Bayshore Neighborhood - South: This amendment is a companion item to ltem # R7F A Resolution Accepting The Recommendation Of The City Manager, Request For Proposals (RFP) No. 2O15-133-YG, For The Design/Build Services For Neighborhood No. 8: Central B aysho re So uth Rig ht-Of-Way I nfrastructu re I m prove me nts. This amendment adds the project to FY 15116 Capital lmprovement Plan and appropriates the needed for the awarded contract associated with RFP No. 2015- 133-YG in the amount of $18,061,645.95, plus additional appropriation for professional services, City Admin Fees, Public lnfo Officer, Permits & Testing in the amount of $3,139,557.63. Additional appropriations needed for Above Ground needs will be requested in the FY 16117 Capital Plan. This amendment adds new funding for this project from available fund balances and transfers from other projects as follows: . Transfer Funds from Bayshoie Centrat BPA from Water & Sewer funds . Transfer Funds from Bayshore Central BPA from Stormwater funds $402,s20.00 $2,226,970.44 3,577,268.68 $10,374,456 , $151 ,691 $3,485,045.55 $618,789.50 Total $21,201,203.59 i'-iransfer FilnoJ rroq d. .!'.fio elUiiij 6pc Lake Pancoast - water &.seryer ,$il[6l5sffi" =Funds : o Transfer Funds from Bayshore Neighb BPC Lake Pancoast - Stormwater ( Funds rrvrr uayDrrvrs rreryrrv er v LqAs r qrrv, $179,495.17 r . Trahsfer F@ i=-d.tuJBiyq$.FF BPC ir ; ,Pancoist to-i'A.b.oib'G.!,,,! ,;f,61r.t4 111r : o Transferring funds from North Shore Neighborhood lmprovements o Future Stormwater Bond . New funding from Future Water & Sewer Fund 419 rJ-i Ne.y funding from Capital Reserve Fund 304.f=.6 h,o\ri#":lrl u Prior Years' Aooropriations $0 Aoril 13. 2016 Budoet Amendment $ Prooosed Total Appropriations $21,201.203.59 5 Resolution Adopting the Fourth Amendment to the Capital Budget for FY 2015/16 April13,2016 Page 3 of 5 2. Surface Lot 8H 4001 Prairie(P59), and Surface Lot 22X NSYC(P9l): This amendment is due to additional budget request in the amount of $1,082,366 to cover additional expenses including compliance with new City requirements in disciplines, such as lighting, drainage, and site elevations for Surface Lot 8H 4001 Prairie, and Surface Lot 22X NSYC. Funding for this amendment will come from available funding in Parking Operations Fund 480. Prior Years' Appropriations Surface Lot 8H 4001 Prairie $556,500 April 13. 2016 Budqet Amendment 449.469 Prooosed Total Aoorooriations $1.005.969 Prior Years' Appropriations Surface Lot 22X NSYC $381,600 Aoril 13.2016 Budoet Amendment 632,897 Prooosed Total Aoorooriations $1,014,497 Surface Lot 1A- Penrods @ 1 Ocean Drive: The Surface Lot 1A project originally entailed a new layout for the surface lot including milling & resurfacing, new irrigated landscape areas and improvements to the lighting and drainage systems, and making the lot ADA compliant. This amendment request in the amount of $1,369,000 is to cover additional expenses including compliance with new City requirements in all disciplines, and providing permeable concrete, silva cells for the landscaping, additional landscaping and special turtle friendly lighting fixtures. Funding for the amendment would come from available fund balance in Fund 389 - South Pointe. Prior Years' Aoorooriations $1.481.650 April 13. 2016 Budoet Amendment 1.369.000 Prooosed Total Anorooriations $2,850,650 PAL Building - Fire Life Safety: This amendment adds a Capital project to the FY 15116 Capital lmprovement Plan for the life safety needs at the PAL building that will address the current fire alarm system, emergency battery pack lighting, and exit sign replacement throughout the building. The current systems are old and antiquated and require immediate attention. The estimated cost of this project is $95,000 and will come from available fund balance in Fund 125 - Capital Renewal & Replacement. Prior Years' Aoprooriations $0 February 10, 2016 Budqet Amendment 95,000 Propcised Tota! Appropriations $95,000 6 Resolution Adopting the Fourth Amendment to the Capital Budget for FY 2015/16 April 13,2016 Page 4 of 5 5. Seawall-Muss Park Rehabilitation: This request is to increase the appropriation to the Seawall-Muss Rehabilitation by $168,000 to cover the cost of increasing the height seawall from the originally planned height of 3.2'to 5.7' NAVD. Funding for this amendment would come from a transfer of funds from Muss Park Kayak Launch in Pay Go Fund 302 which is no longer taking place. Prior Years' Aoorooriations $674,000 April 13, 2016 Budget Amendment 168,000 Proposed Total Appropriations $842,000 M unis/Energov Tech nology Project: This amendment request is a companion item to Commission item C7E on today's agenda to execute Amendment No. 4 to the agreement, Dated October 10,2014, Between The City Of Miami Beach And Tyler Technologies, lnc., For the replacement of the City's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System, to Amend (1) The ERP System "Go-Live" Dates, (2) The Provisions Regarding Professional Services, and (3) the maximum number of hours for custom report development services , in an amount not to exceed $206,550. Funding for this amendment will come as a new appropriation from available fund balance in the Building Tech Fund. Prior Years' Appropriations $7.200.000 April 13, 2016 Budqet Amendment 206,550 Prooosed Tota! Appropriations $7.406.550 Reallocation of CDBG Funds: This amendment allows for the re-appropriation of unspent CDBG funds. On March 9,2016 via Resolution No. 2016-29316, the City Commission approved the recapture and reallocation of CDBG funds previously unspent in the amount of $172,438.92 to an undetermined capital project. Staff has now identified a capital project that will meet the timelines requirement of the funds and will increase the quality of life of the residents of the Neptune Apartments. The project is a Water Heater replacement in the amount of $41,690 Prior Years' Aopropriations $0 Aoril 13, 2016 Budqet Amendment $41.690 Prooosed Total Appropriations s41.690 Park of the 7. 7 Resolution Adopting the Fourth Amendment to the Capital Budget for FY 2015/16 April13,2016 Page 5 of 5 8. Sunset Harbor Pump Station: Companion item to item R7K on today's agenda for the Sunset Harbour Pump Station Retrofit and Drainage lmprovements Project; in the not to exceed amount of $3,470,706 to bring the Parking Lot 46, Boat Ramp, and Marina Parking Lot, West Avenue from 18th Street to Dade Boulevard to A 3.7 Feet NAVD Elevation; also the Expansion Of Pump Station No 2 and Construction of a Discharge Outfall Pipe, lncluding Associated Water, Sewer, Landscaping, Lighting and lrrigation. Funding for this amendment will come from the following sources: $551,300.16 South Pointe Fund 389 $440,800.27 Parks & Rec-Beautification Fund 366 $539,630 Future Water & Sewer $2.478.605.08 Future Stormwater Bond $4,010,336 Total Prior Years' Appropriations $18.944.569 April 13.2016 Budqet Amendment $4,010,336 Proposed Total Aopropriations $22,954,905 lndian Creek Street Drainage lmprovements: This amendment request provides funding needed for Reso # 2016-29332 adopted on March 9,2016 for an agreement between the City of Miami Beach and The Florida Department Of Transportation (FDOT) For The Cost Sharing Of A Construction Project On Indian Creek Drive, Between 26th And 41st Streets, For The Construction Of A Seawall, lmproving Street Drainage And Road Elevation, ln The Amount Of $5.5 Million Dollars (Of A $25 Million Dollar Project). Funding for this project will come from Future Stormwater Bonds Prior Years' Aoorooriations $0 April 1 3, 2016 Budset Amendment $5.500.000 Proposed Total Appropriations $5.s00.000 JLM/RS 8 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE FOURTH AMENDMENT TO THE CAPITAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015116. WHEREAS, the final Capital lmprovement Plan for FY 2015116 - 2019120 and the final Capital Budget for FY 2015116 was adopted via Resolution 2015-29144 on September 30, 2015; and WHEREAS, the first amendment to the Miami Beach Capital Budget for FY 2015/16 was adopted on December 9,2015 via Resolution No. 2015-29144; and WHEREAS, the second amendment to the Miami Beach Capital Budget for FY 2015116 was adopted on January 13,2016 via Resolution No. 2016-29262; and WHEREAS, the third amendment to the Miami Beach Capital Budget for FY 2015116 was adopted on February 10,2016via Resolution No. 2016-29292; and WHEREAS, Section 166.241(4Xc.), Florida Statutes, requires that a municipality's budget amendment must be adopted in the same manner as the original budget; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment to the FY 2015116 Capital Budget is included in "Attachment A - Source of Funds" and "Attachment B - Programs"; and WHEREAS, the City Administration recommends that FY 2015116 Capital Budget be amended to add appropriations totaling $16,077,977, and $17,592,168 in re-appropriations from existing projects, as highlighted in "Attachment C - Projects"; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby adopt the Fourth Amendment to the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2015/16 as set forth in Attachment A (Source of Funds), Attachment B (Programs), and Attachment C (Projects). PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of Apri!, 2016. ATTEST: Philip Levine, Mayor Dote Raphael E. Granado, City Clerk 9 ATTACHMENT A FY 2015116 CAPITAL BUDGET SOURCE OF FUNDS Amended 4113116 Funding Source Arrended Capital Budqet Anended 4t13t16 Revised Transportation Fund 3,300,ooo 3.300.000 Renewal & Replacement Fund 3,576,551 95,OO0 3,671,551 Art in Public Places 3s2,000 352,OOO Parking lmpact Fees 8,927,O00 8.927,OOO Concurrencv Mitioation 5.377.934 5.377.934 Non TIF RDA (12,312,OOO"fi2.312.OOO Local Ootion Gas Tax 995,OOO 995,OOO Half Cent Transit Surtax - County (7.934 (7.934) Capital Projects Financed by Other 650.OOO 650,O00 Pav-As-You-Go 1,667,644 1.667.644 SB Quality of Life Resort Tax Fund - 17o 2.678.000 2,678,O00 MB Quality of Life Resort Tax Fund - 1oZ 1.235,000 1,235,000 NB Quality of Life Resort Tax Fund - 17o 3,108,080 3.108.080 Parks & Recreation Beautification 1.714,343 1,714343 RCP - 1996 15M GO Bond 104,175 104.175 2OO3 GO Bonds - Fire Safetv 43,610 43,610 2OO3 GO Bonds - Parks & Beaches 278,026 278,026 2OO3 GO Bonds - Neighborhood lmorovement 300,o00 300,ooo MDC CDT lnterlocal-CDT/Resort Tax Eligib (240,OO0)(240,O00) South Pointe Capital 10,757,000 1,920,300 12,677,300 Future Water & Sewer 10.795.119 4.O24.676 14,A19,795 Water & Sewer lmpact Fees 1,369,000 1.369.000 Water and Sewer Bonds 2005 75,OOO 75,000 Future Stormwater 8.130.296 8.130.296 Stormwater Bonds 60,266,296 60,266,296 Convention Center 2.500.ooo 2,500,ooo RDAAnchor Shops Fund 46,OOO 46.OOO Parkino Ooerations Fund 3,173,050 1,082,366 4,255,416 Equipment Loan/Lease 5,110,OOO 5.110,000 Buildino Tech Capital Proiect 150,OOO 206,550 356,550 Caoital Reserve (729.160)618,789 (110,s70) Miami-Dade County Bond 42,400,OOO 42.400.OOO Prooosed Parkino Bonds 64.800.OOO 64,800,O00 Proposed Future RDA Bonds 310.O50.000 310.O50.OOO Proposed Future Resort Tax 1 Bonds 204,500,000 204,500,oo0 Proposed Future Water & Sewer Bonds 50.000.o00 50,000,oo0 f otal Aoorooriation as of 4/13/16 $ 7a7.OO9,774 $ 16,077,977 $ 803,087,751 10 ATTACHMENT B FY 2015/16 CAPITAL BUDGET PROGRAMS Amended 4113116 Proqram Area Arnended Capital Budset Amended 4113116 Revised Art in Public Places $ 352.000 $ 352,000 Bridges $ 3,030,000 $ 3,030,000 Community Centers $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Convention Center $ 511,388,000 $ 511,388,000 Environmental $ 110,000 $ 110,000 Equipment $ 5,479,000 $ 5,479,000 General Public Buildings $ 5,603,000 95,000 $ 5,698,000 Golf Courses $$ lnformation Technology $206,550 $ 206,550 Liohtinq $ 1,677,000 $ 1,677,000 [Vbnuments $ 350,000 $ 350,000 Parking $$ Parkinq Garaqes $ 67,067,000 $ 67,067,000 Parking Lots $ 2,914,050 2,451,366 $ 5,365,416 Parks $ 7,576,414 $ 7,576,414 Renewal& Replacement $ 1,316,795 $ 1,316,795 Seawalls $ 10,026,894 $ 10,026,894 Streets/ Sidewalk lmps $ 26,087,715 4,255,526 $ 30,343,241 Trans iU Trans portation $ 14,524,000 $ 14,524,000 Utilities $ 126,549,705 9,069,535 $ 135,619,240 Total Appropriation as of 4113116 $ 784,101,573 $ 16,077.977 $ 800,179,550 11 ATTACHMENT C CAPITAL BUDGET PROJECTS Amended 4113116 CapitalProject Name Arended CapitalBudget Anended 4113116 Revised Capital Budget Bayshore Neighborhood - South $21,201,204 $ z't,201,204 Stormwater lrlaster Plan $(10,374,456)$ (10,374,4ffi) Bayshore CentralBPA $(2,629,799)$ (2,62e,7ee) Bayshroe Neighb BPC Lake Pancoast from Water & Sewer Funds $(364,153)$ (364,1s3) North Shore Neighborhood lmprovements $(3,577,269)$ (3,577,26e) Surface Lot 8H 4001 Prairie $556,500 449,469 $ 1,005,96e Surface Lot 22X NSYC $ 381,600 632,897 $ 1,014,497 Surface Lot 1A- Penrods @ 1 Ocean Drive $ 1,481,650 1,369,000 $ z,a5o,65o PAL Building - Fire Life Safety $95,000 $9s,000 Seawall-ttfu ss Park Rehabilitation $ 674,000 168,000 $ 842,000 Muss Park Kayak Launch (168,000)$ (168,000) Munis/Energov Technology Project:$ 7,200,000 206,550 $ 7,406,550 Neptune Apartments - Water Heater Replacement $41,690 $ +t,oso Reallocation of CDBG Funds $ 172,439 (41,6e0)$ 130,749 Sunset Harbor Pump Station $ 18,944,569 4,010,335 $ 22,954,904 ltrlaurice Gibb Park Remediation (440,800) lndian Creek $5,500,000 $ 5,5oo,ooo TotalAppropriation as of 4/13/16 $ 29.410.758 $ 16.077.977 $ 4s.929.s35 12 iiSeEig!EEIEEEiEEif IEEE*gEtEEEi;iErig' $ E EE;gE EI,IEE iEE frEE € E=tE; i;Eie; rEE *i-t t *EFr* aEe EiE IEE ;t i E iIEIE iEEEIE iEE Eie H, tE;i; EE;EEr. 3;E ai iEE;EfE,[i*iFEIIiiI * i* ;Eg6fH iii ,Ei 'i,: '=; 55 EIEigI $! : ;;s, :;;; ;E E E$ iEEEE$IgI gEEigiiEEE d dn cik)6N triN(o 6o(') a o teo.oa tr) s s o o ! 0) ao .o oa\a oa 5 t q; Go o oo Uc EE J =o @ o o tJ) c. .9 Go E () t'o aoooE. oL tttEgEEEEiiEEEEi fE #E *EE!:E;f tg$i :r H€- EEE$E;}E EFII EI ;gH il;;eEi; ggii i;aatEEEEiEEEEEEE iE Iu"s €iiE;EE= ;i* Eg e: FEt i;EfiEr:i. Etseti EsE gE lEl iat iiEtIiglt gIEE iF E€s afiE rE::fg!tE" ;"=tE =E "it frEi {fIlEgifF *EI€ "EailElEaEEi$fiEIiifiE Es E*= gE!*gEEId :F;EEs EsE EipEt,H=.XF E=g-En :l rsE EiE;EtE+s glEE *iiiEEiiEEiiEE*EiiE* si gls=g:gE;:FErs ::F[f \ E. x=-= e- =- cn FA rYlz Uz oo 13 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 14 COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY Condensed Title: A Resolution Of The Mayor And City Commission Of The City Of Miami Beach, Florida, Accepting Recommendation Of The City Manager Regarding The Existence Of A Public Emergency And, Accordingly, Waive, By 5/7th Vote, The Competitive Bidding Requirement, Finding Further That The Best lnterest Of The City Would Be Served By Such Waiver; Authorizing The City Manager Or His Designee To Negotiate Amendment No. 5 To The Design-Build Agreement Between The City And Lanzo Construction Co. ("Lanzo"), Which Original Agreement Was Approved Pursuant To Resolution No. 2014-28765, For The Sunset Harbour Pump Station Retrofit And Drainage lmprovements Project; Said 5th Amendment, ln The Not To Exceed Amount Of $3,875,322, ls Needed ln Order To (1) Bring Parking Lot No. 46, The Purdy Boat Ramp, And The Purdy Marina Parking Lot, Located At West Avenue From 18ih Street To Dade Boulevard, To 3.7 Feet NAVD Elevation; (2) Expand Pump Station No. 2; And (3) Construct Of A Discharge Outfall Pipe, lncluding Associated Water, Sewer, Landscaping, Lighting And lrrigation For Parking Lot 46, Purdy Parking Lot, And West Avenue; Further Authorizing The Mayor And City Clerk To Execute The 5"' Amendment, Of Successful Supporting Data (Surveys, Environmental etc.): N/A Item Summary/Recommendation : Lanzo has submitted the costs to complete Parking Lot P46, as well as Landscape and lrrigation enhancements. The construction work includes raising the parking lot elevation, harmonizing the sidewalk and driveways with abutting properties, landscape, irrigation, water/sewer main improvements and lighting. The cost proposal for this work is in the amount of $ 50'l ,18'1 .96 (Attachment A). The proposal provided for Design & Construction of Marina Parking Lot, Boat Ramp, Pump Station expansion, outfall pipe, including lighting. The cost proposal for this work is $440,800 (Attachment B). The proposal provided for Design of Sunset Harbour Sanitary Sewer System, will include design criteria and calculations, design and selection of lift pump station and detail drawings showing proposed sewer system layout. The cost proposal for this work is $60,000 (Attachment C). The proposal for the expansion of Pump Station No2 will include the design and construction of a stand-alone pump adjacent to Pump station No 2 and the design and construction of a discharge outfall pipe. The cost proposal for this work is $1 ,492,915.22 (Attachment D). The proposal for lining the 2O-inch Water Main will include Excavation, TV inspection of the line, cleaning, lining operation and installation of a new butterfly valve. The cost proposal for this work is $430,573.60 (Attachment E). The proposal provided for Design & Construction of West Avenue from 18th Street to Dade Boulevard to 3.70 feet NAVD to match with the limits of the future West Avenue Bridge construction, include drainage, roadway reconstruc{ion, Landscape and lighting. The cost proposal for this work is $597,548.46 (Attachment F). The Public Works Department recommends proceeding with work proposed to complete the described improvements associated with the Parking Lot 46, Marina Parking Lot, Design of Sunset Harbour Sanitary Sewer System, Design and Construction of Pump Station No2, Lining of the 20-inch Water Main under Collins Canal, and West Avenue Roadway Reconstruction, in the amount of $3,523,019.24. After negotiations with Lanzo, it is the opinion of Public Works that going out to bid for this construction would not necessarily yield a much lower price. The field of typical bidders to past solicitations is small. The procurement process will also take several months and possibly delay the overall neighborhood completion. The amount of the work for the recommended proposals (Aftachment A to F) is $3,523,019.24 and the Public Works Department is recommending a ten perc€nt (10%) construction contingency of $352,301 .92. The grand total forthe project is in the amount of $3,875,322. THE ADMINISTRATION REGOMMENDS ADOPTING THE RESOLUTION Advisorv Board Recommendation : Financial lnformation: I LlrT Agenda ltem Date South Pointe Fund 389 Stormwater Bond Series 2015 T:\AGENDA\201 6\April\Public Works\Sunset Harbour Pump Stations E MIAMIBEACH 15 g MIAMIBEACH FUND!NG Amount $ 551,300 $ 440,800 $ 539,631 City of Miomi Beoch, l70O Convention Cenier Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33,) 39, www.miomibeochfl.gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO:Mayor Philip Levine and Members offlhe City FRoM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: April 13,2016 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYORnND Clry COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER REGARDING THE EXISTENCE OF A PUBLIC EMERGENCY AND, ACCORDINGLY, WAIVE, BY 5/7TH VOTE, THE GOMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENT, FINDING FURTHER THAT THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CIry WOULD BE SERVED BY SUCH WAIVER; AUTHORIZING THE GITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO NEGOTIATE AMENDMENT NO. 5 TO THE DESIGN.BUILD AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ctTy AND LANZO CONSTRUCTION CO. ("LANZO"I, WHICH ORIGINAL AGREEMENT WAS APPROVED PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. 2014. 28765, FOR THE SUNSET HARBOUR PUMP STATION RETROFIT AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT; SAID sTH AMENDMENT, IN THE NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT OF $3,875,322, IS NEEDED IN ORDER TO ({) BRING PARKING LOT NO. 46, THE PURDY BOAT RAMP, AND THE PURDY MARINA PARKING LOT, LOCATED AT WEST AVENUE FROM 18TH STREET TO DADE BOULEVARD, TO 3.7 FEET NAVD ELEVATION; (2) EXPAND PUMP STATION NO. 2; AND (3) CONSTRUCT OF A DISCHARGE OUTFALL PIPE, INCLUDING ASSOCIATED WATER, SEWER, LANDSCAPING, LIGHTING AND IRRIGATION FOR PARKING LOT 46, PURDY PARKING LOT, AND WEST AVENUE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE sTH AMENDMENT UPON GOMPLETION OF SUCCESSFUL NEGOTIATIONS. ADMINISTRATION RECOMM ENDATION The Administration recommends adopting the Resolution Account Number South Pointe Fund 389 366-2885-069357 Water & Sewer account - Subject to the 4th Capital Budget Amendment$2.343.591 Stormwater Bond Series 2015 $3,875,322 Total 16 Commission Memorandum - Sunsef Harbour Pump Sfaflons lmprovements Page 2 of 3 BACKGROUND The City has a Design/Build contract agreement with Lanzo Construction Co. (Lanzo) for work associated with the neighborhood improvements to be completed within the Sunset Harbour Neighborhood including landscaping, lighting, water, sewer, drainage and paving, and the retrofit of the three pump stations. As part of the Design/Build contract, Lanzo is currently performing roadway work within Purdy Avenue and West Avenue, as well as 18th Street. The Parking Department has identified the need to improve the existing Parking Lot 46 in the neighborhood and has requested Public Works to include, as part of the current project the design and construction of the existing Parking Lot 46 and bring it to elevation 3.70 feet NAVD. At the same time, the Parks Department has also requested to include the design and construction of the area of the boat ramp and parking lot for the Marina to the same elevation. These improvements will include harmonization of the area surrounding the Marine Patrol Building and include street lights and landscape work. Public Works has also identified additional work that includes:o The expansion of the existing Pump Station No 2 to increase the capacity of the Sunset Harbour Neighborhood to meet City drainage requirements. The work includes the design and construction of a stand-alone pump adjacent to Pump station No 2 and the design and construction of a discharge outfall pipe. o The repair of the existing subaqueous 2O-inch water main under Collins Canal built in the 1967.. The reconstruction of West Avenue from 18th Street to Dade Boulevard to 3.70 feet NAVD to match with the limits of the future West Avenue Bridge construction. As part of the current work, the lnfrastructure Division also requested to prepare a Basis of Design Report for future improvements to the Sunset Harbour Sanitary Sewer System, the design will include assumptions, design criteria and calculations, design and selection of lift pump station and detail drawings showing proposed sewer system layout. Public Works received from Lanzo six cost proposals to complete the work. The total cost of the improvements is in the amount of $3,523,019.51. After negotiations with Lanzo, Public Works has reviewed and deemed the cost proposals acceptable for the work included. Public Works also recommends adding a ten percent (10%) for construction contingency. The above recommended change in scope would shorten the delivery of the remaining work, keep the Contractor mobilized on-site; and extend the construction schedule six (6) months bringing the new anticipated Project completion date to May 2017. COST ANALYSIS Lanzo has submitted the costs to complete Parking Lot P46, as well as landscape and irrigation enhancements. The construction work includes raising the parking lot elevation, harmonizing the sidewalk and driveways with abutting properties, landscape, irrigation, water/sewer main improvements and lighting. The cost proposal for this work is in the amount of $ 501,181.96 (Attachment A). The second proposal provides for Design & Construction of the Marina Parking Lot, Boat Ramp, Pump Station expansion, outfall pipe, including lighting. The cost proposal for this work is $440,800 (Attachment B). 17 Commission Memorandum - Sunsef Harbour Pump Sfafions lmprovements Page 3 of 3 Another proposal provides for Design of Sunset Harbour Sanitary Sewer System and will include design criteria and calculations, design and selection of lift pump station and detail drawings showing proposed sewer system layout. The cost proposal for this work is $60,000 (Attachment C). The proposal for the expansion of Pump Station No 2 will include the design and construction of a stand-alone pump adjacent to Pump station No 2 and the design and construction of a discharge outfall pipe. The cost proposal for this work is $1,492,915.22 (Attachment D). The proposal for lining the 20-inch Water Main will include excavation, TV inspection of the line, cleaning, the lining operation and installation of a new butterfly valve. The cost proposal for this work is $430,573.60 (Attachment E). The proposal for Design & Construction of West Avenue from 18th Street to Dade Boulevard to 3.70 feet NAVD to match with the limits of the future West Avenue Bridge construction, includes drainage, roadway reconstruction, landscape and lighting. The cost proposal for this work is $597,548.46 (Attachment F). The Public Works Department recommends proceeding with work proposed to complete the above described improvements associated with the Parking Lot 46, Marina Parking Lot, Design of Sunset Harbour Sanitary Sewer System, Design and Construction of Pump Station No 2, Lining of the 2O-inch Water Main under Collins Canal, and West Avenue Roadway Reconstruction, in the amount of $3,523,019.24. After negotiations with Lanzo, it is the opinion of Public Works that going out to bid for this construction would not necessarily yield a much lower price. The field of typical bidders to past solicitations is small. The procurement process will also take several months and possibly delay the overall neighborhood completion. The amount of the work for the recommended proposals (Attachments A through F) is $3,523,019.24 and the Public Works Department is recommending a ten percent (10Yo) construction contingency of $352,301.92. The grand total for the project is in the amount of $3,875,322. CONCLUSION The cost proposals were requested and received at the request of the Commission due to the demand of the neighborhood to complete all of the pending construction. The most expeditious method to complete all of the pending construction would be to add it to the existing contract with Lanzo. The Administration recommends adopting the resolution following the recommendation of the Public Works Department. Attachment A - Parking Lot 46 lmprovements. Attachment B - Marina Parking Lot lmprovements. Attachment C - BODR of Sunset Harbour Sanitary Sewer lmprovements. Attachment D - Expansion of Pump Station No2. Attachment E - Lining of 2O-inch Water Main under Collins Canal. Attachment F - West Avenue from 18th Street to Dade Boulevard Reconstruction. lLMt{#M!.s^trA,wRB/JR T:\AGENDAt2016\April\Public Works\Sunset Harbour Pump Stations lmprovements Amendment 5. Memo rev04-07.doc 18 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER REGARDING THE EXISTENCE OF A PUBLIC EMERGENGY AND, ACCORDINGLY, WAIVE, BY 5I7TH VOTE, THE GOMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENT, FINDING FURTHER THAT THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CITY WOULD BE SERVED BY SUGH WAIVER; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO NEGOTIATE AMENDMENT NO.5 TO THE DESIGN.BUILD AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ctTY AND LANZO CONSTRUCTION CO. ("LANZO"I, WHIGH ORIGINAL AGREEMENT WAS APPROVED PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. 2014. 28765, FOR THE SUNSET HARBOUR PUMP STATION RETROFIT AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT; SAID 5TH AMENDMENT, IN THE NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT OF $3,875,322, IS NEEDED IN ORDER TO (1) BRING PARKING LOT NO. 46, THE PURDY BOAT RAMP, AND THE PURDY MARINA PARKING LOT, LOCATED AT WEST AVENUE FROM 18TH STREET TO DADE BOULEVARD, TO 3.7 FEET NAVD ELEVATION; (2) EXPAND PUMP STATION NO. 2; AND (3) CONSTRUCT OF A DISCHARGE OUTFALL PIPE, INCLUDING ASSOCIATED WATER, SEWER, LANDSCAPING, LIGHTING AND IRRIGATION FOR PARKING LOT 46, PURDY PARKING LOT, AND WEST AVENUE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CIry CLERK TO EXECUTE THE sTH AMENDMENT, UPON COMPLETION OF SUCGESSFUL NEGOTIATIONS. WHEREAS, Lanzo Construction Co., was awarded, pursuant to Resolution No.: 2014- 28765, the design-build contract for the Sunset Harbour Pump Station Retrofit And Drainage I mprovements Project (herei nafter "Orig inal Agreement") ; WHEREAS, the scope of the Original Agreement has been modified over time, via change orders 1 through 4, to include work associated with the neighborhood improvements to be completed within the Sunset Harbour Neighborhood including landscaping, lighting, water, sewer, drainage and paving, and the retrofit of the three (3) pump stations; and WHEREAS, as part of the Original Agreement, Lanzo is currently performing roadway work within Purdy Avenue and West Avenue, as well as '18th Street; and WHEREAS, in the interim, the Parking Department has identified the need to improve the existing Parking Lot 46 in the neighborhood; and WHEREAS, also in the interim, the Parks Department has requested to include the design and construction of the area of the boat ramp and parking lot for the Marina and Purdy Boat Ramp to the new elevation of 3.7 feet above NAVD; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department has also requested additional drainage work for the expansion of the existing Pump Station No 2; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department has also requested funding for the dewatering operation associated with the work; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department has also requested additional professional 19 services to inspect and inform residents; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department has also requested funding for management expenses for the Engineering Division associated with the work; and WHEREAS, Public Works received the cost proposals from Lanzo, in the amount of $3,523,019.51 to complete allthe improvements; and WHEREAS, after extensive negotiations with Lanzo, Public Works reviewed and deemed the revised cost proposal acceptable for the work included, and recommend adding a ten percent (10Yo) construction contingency to the cost proposal; and WHEREAS, the City Administration recommends to proceed with negotiations to include the following terms as part of the proposed Sth Change Order to the underlying design/build contract, in the not to exceed amount of $3,875,322, in order to (1) bring Parking Lot No. 46, boat ramp, and the Purdy Marina Parking Lot, and West Avenue from 18th Street to Dade Boulevard to a 3.7 feet NAVD elevation; (2) expand Pump Station No. 2; and (3) construct a discharge outfall pipe, including associated water, sewer, landscaping, lighting and irrigation along parking lots and West Avenue. WHEREAS, the above recommended change in scope would significantly shorten the delivery of the remaining work, keep Lanzo mobilized on-site; and only extend the construction schedule by six (6) months, bringing the new anticipated Project completion date to May 2017; and WHEREAS, the Administration believes that given: (1) current conditions, both at the Project site and within the neighborhood; (2) the potential community hardships, quality of life issues, potentially aggravated due to a postponement of the current work in order to undertake a procurement process; and (3) the fact that this contractor is already performing work in the area, the City Administration, in assessing the totality of factors giving rise to this situation, believes there is ample support to find that a public emergency exists; and WHEREAS, the City Manager, based upon the foregoing, finds an emergency, and requests that the City Commission, waive, by 5t7tn vote, the competitive bidding requirement, and find it in the best interest of the City to waive the bidding requirements and award a Sht change order to Lanzo, once negotiations are completed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE Ctry OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby accept the recommendation of the City Manager regarding the existence of a public emergency and, accordingly, waive, by 5/7th vote, the competitive bidding requirement, finding further that the best interest of the City would be served by such waiver; authorizing the City Manager or his designee to negotiate Amendment No. 5 To The Design-Build Agreement between the City and Lanzo Construction Co. ("Lanzo"), which Original Agreement was approved pursuant to Resolution No. 2014-28765, for the Sunset Harbour pump station retrofit and drainage improvements project; said 5th Amendment, in the not to exceed amountof $3,875,322, is needed in orderto (1) bring Parking Lot No.46, the Purdy Boat Ramp, and the Purdy Marina Parking Lot, located at West Avenue from 18th Street to Dade Boulevard, to 3.7 Feet NAVD elevation; (2) expand pump station No. 2; and (3) construct of a discharge outfall pipe, including associated water, sewer, landscaping, lighting and irrigation for Parking Lot 46, Purdy Parking Lot, and West Avenue; further authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Sth Amendment, upon completion of successful negotiations. 20 PASSED and ADOPTED this -day of ATTEST: ,2016. PHILIP LEVINE, MAYOR RALPH GRANADO, CITY GLERK T:\AGENDA\2016\April\Public Works\Sunset Harbour Pump Stations lmprovements Amendment 5 Reso.doc APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE &FOR D(ECUTION HkF-#! 21 Attachment - A I of 1 LANZO collsIRuclr0ir c0MPA|Y November 20,2015 Bruce Mowry, Ph. D, P.E. CityEngineer Public Works Departnent - Engineering Division 1700 Convention Center Drive Mami Beach, FL 33139 Reference: Srmset Harbour Pump Station Rerofit - ITB No. @-20l3TC Sunset Harbour Purdy Ave Prking Lot Elevation 3.7 Design and Build Proposal Design and Construction of Prking Lot Improvanents Thc following with attachments summrize Lanzo's proposed cost to completc thc Sunset Harbor Prking Lot Lnproveinents and Lighting. Lanzo's takcoff quantities with unit prices have been presented to assist your review. Please note that this presentation is a Lump Srm Cost hoposal. Scope of work is as reflected in the attached drawing and unit breakdown sheet. This scope of work includes installing drainage, lighting and raising the parking lot adjacent to the Maurice Gibb Prk, just south of Pump Station No. 2 in Sunset Harbour. All work per City Standard Details and as summarized below. . Desip and Constnrction of Parking Lot o Additive Allowance for Lighting o Bonds & lnsurance TOTAL COST $ 369,146.38 $ I 19,811.63 $ t2,22395 $ 501,181.96 The Design and Construction duration is Thirty (30) days for construction after final drawings. Please note this timing does not include lighting, which can be several weeks delayed due to material procurernent. tu, a/Yi"l lvlesquit4 PM Lanzn Consfruction Com Attachmen(s): CC: LCC/File 22 LL/zolzoLs 6:11PM F439 Purdy Ave Parking Lot PAGE 1OF 1 ITEM DESCRIPTION OTY UNIT UNITS TOTAL T(UAI, I'UILUING TAVIN(, AI\U IIAI(U SUAT|I ISLANDVIEW PARK I General Conditions 1.00 LS 30,000.00 30,000.00 2 Ensineerine / Desisn 1.00 LS 53,000.00 53,000.00 J Asphalt 2" Thick S-III 2.533 SY 9.00 22,797.04 4 Lime Rock Base 8"2.683 SY 14.00 37.562.00 5 Stabilize Subbase l 2' No Geofabric Stabl ization 2.683 SY 5.00 r 3.415.00 6 lmport and Grade Fill Material In Place 1.930 CY 19.00 36.670.00 7 Bike Racks 2 EA 1.200.00 2.400.00 8 Parkins Stooes 43 EA 130.00 5,590.00 9 Concrete Bollards il EA 700.00 7 -700.04 0 Sidewalk / Concrete Pad- Gray Concrete 1,871 SF 10.00 18.710.00 I ADA Cross Walk Truncated Domes J EA 480.00 1.440.00 2 Ihermo Strioine 6"t.125 LF 2.88 3.234.38 J Thermo Strioins 12"20 LF 6.90 138.00 4 MOT / Detour and Barrier Wall I LS I,350.00 1,350.00 5 Demo Exisitns Hard Scapes I LS 5,000.00 5,000.0c 6 Sod Landscape Areas [No Irrieation. Bahia Sod)3.200 SF 1.00 3,200.00 t7 Remove Existing Trees in Conflict with Improvements I LS 7-500.00 7-500.00 DRAINAGE MODIFICATIONS l8 Install New Catch Basins 4 EA 6.300.00 25.200.00 l9 Drainase Pipe 18" 42000 Pipe 423 LF 180.00 76,140.00 20 Adjust Rim, Valve Box, Service Box & FH Elevations to Match Prooosed I LS 800.00 800.0c 2l De-Muck Pioe Line 550 CY 26.00 r4,300.00 22 Tie Into Existing Structure with New Pipe I EA 3,000.00 3.000.0c TOTAL 369.146.38 369.146.38 ITEM DESCRIPTION OTY UNIT UNITS TOTAL 23 Lishtins Allowance 330 LF 363.07 ll9.811.63 488.958.00 mlLANzo Summary.xlsx 23 Err)9)r,E- .EEx,tsoo)oo).N (E=q?.s9 ^(E'5i c -*.1 ililf,lf, :!,;*' .'.' :,-a ti i co() o (,,E o'= o o ()o oo C)N @ cio 0- #'ttvr.+#'#,ig ttf, 24 Attachment - B r7-ILANZOt-:!l I cof, srnrrcror coilPAlrY 8lriUrrrr.lfi*ffitIl,l dffl. lr&r*'frIc'sl# March23,2016 Bruce Mowry, Ph. D, P.E. City Engineer Public Works Department - Engineering Division 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 Reference:Sunset Harbour Pump Station Retrofit - ITB No. 60-20l3TC Marina Parking Lot Improvements The following with attachments summarize Lanzo's proposal to reconstruct Marina Parking Lot, located west of the intersection of 18th St and Purdy Ave, to the new 3.7' NAVD minimum crown elevation. This presentation is a Lump Sum Cost Proposal. Scope of work is as reflected in the attached unit breakdown summarized below. sheet. All work per City Standard Details and as NOTE: Design duration is 4 weeks for the Marina. The expected Construction duration is 5 weeks after City approval and obtaining any required permits. This proposal assumes dewatering into existing sanitary sewer at no additional charge to Contractor. No provisions made for demolishing/upgrading the existing seawall. Sincerely, tl Daniel Mesquita, PM Lanzo Construction Company Attachment(s) CC: LCC/File 125 SE 5rH Court Deerfield Beach FL 33441-4749 Phone (954) 979-0802 www.lanzo.net Fax (954) 979-9897 25 F439 PAVING AND HARD SCAPE ISLAND VIEW PARK ITEM DESCRIPTION OTY UNIT UNITS TOTAL ROAD BUILDING PAVING AND HARD SCAPI] ISLAND VIEW PARK I General Conditions 1.00 LS 40,000.00 40.000.00 2 Ensineerins / Desien 1.00 LS 43,000.00 43,000.00 3 Asphalt 2" Thick S-lll 1,898 SY 20.00 37.9s3.33 4 Lime Rock Base 8"1.898 SY 14.00 26.572.00 5 Stabilize Subbase 12" No Geofabric Stablization r.898 SY s.00 9,490.00 6 Import and Grade Fill Material ln Place 927 CY 19.00 17.613.00 7 Parkins Stooes l0 EA 130.00 1.300.00 8 Concrete Bollards 1l EA 700.00 7,700.00 9 Thermo Striping 6"768 LF 2.88 2.208.00 0 Thermo StriDins 18"12 LF 8.00 96.00 MOT / Detour and Barrier Wall LS 3,250.00 3,250.00 2 Demo Exisitng Hard Scapes LS 5,000.00 5,000.00 J Sod Landscape Areas (No Irrieation. Bahia Sod)755 SF 1.00 755.00 4 Remove Existine Trees in Conflict with Improvements LS 7,500.00 7"500.00 5 Gravitv Wall 50 LF 3s0.00 17,500.00 6 Hand Rail 50 LF 101.00 5.050.00 DRAINAGE MODIFICATIONS 17 Install New Catch Basins 2 EA 6,300.00 12,600.00 l8 Drainase Pine 18" 42000 Pipe 190 LF 180.00 34,200.00 19 De-Muck Pioe Line 190 CY 26.00 4,940.00 20 Tie lnto Existing Structure with New Pipe EA 3,000.00 3,000.00 2l Install Yard Drains in Green Aeas 6 EA 4,000.00 24,000.00 TOTAL 303.727.33 303.727.33 ALLOWANCE LINE ITEMS ITEM DESCRIPTION OTY UNIT UNITS TOTAL 22 Lishtine Allowance 350 LF 363.07 127.072.94 23 Landscape Allowance I LS r0.000.00 10.000.00 TOTAL t37.072.94 137.072.94 440.800.27 ffilLANzO F439 BID Boat Ramp Parking Lot 3.7 Elv V2 .xlsx 26 U)L 0) _c o -o IC-o_(DbE AE !,8 e ? i.= (E .12 YF oE- o- --a-l:-r'e'= -e ; 'E (D: CDn=..9 or.g; Ia>C-YEaa 9= h I U: i Bi E ? (s o)o.E*E CC s8_o6 E 0-)L_cu;U)rYa)- () J- .It (-) ff,> v/>c-*a -Ul9> UI -C e o_ co =a- TI 27 Attachment - C LANZO 00i6TRuGn0i coilPAlrY hlrratiraD rt'rEt'tdrt.l bErldffirrlh March 28th,2016 Jose Rivas Public Works Department City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive,4ft Floor Miami Beach, FL 33139 Reference: Sunset Harbour Pump Stations Retrofit - ITB No. 60-20l3TC BODR for Sunset Harbour Sanitary Sewer Improvements Jose, Per City direction, we have commenced Engineering Services or the Basis of Design Report for future improvements of the Sunset Harbour Sanitary Sewer System. The Design will include the following: o Preliminary Design Report detailing existing conditions, known issues in the system, assumptions used, design criteria, and detailed calculations o Cut sheets for equipment selected r Detailed drawings showing proposed sanitary sewer system layout and proposed pump station. o NOTE: For purposes of this design, a new pump station will be designed near the intersection of Purdy and 18ft that includes the wastewater flow from the condos and townhomes. In the event that the City does not work out a deal with the condos/townhomes for connection, design modification to the pump station will be required. Total Cost of this Engineering Service .. $ 60,000.00 Please feel free to call me should you have any questions. Sincerely, - ,'-, t-r' .-*i>" i'.*i- _ :. *;X ,! ,.,.7, Daniel Mesquita Project Manager Lanzo Construction Co., FL 407 Lincoln Road MiamiBeach FL 33139 Phone (954) 979-0802 Fax (786) 476-0368 www.lanzo.net 28 Attachment - D LANZO coxsTnucTroir coiiPAilY*'mm March23,2016 Bruce Mowry, Ph. D, P.E. City Engineer Public Works Department - Engineering Division 1700 Convention Center Drive MiamiBeach, FL 33139 Reference: Sunset Harbour Pump Station Retrofit - ITB No. 60-20l3TC Pump Station No. 2 Upgrade The following with attachments summarize Lanzo's proposal to upgrade Pump Station No. 2, consisting of a new force main and outfall at the Marina Parking Lot to increase the pumping capacity of the Sunset Harbour Neighbourhood to meet the new City Requirements. This presentation is a Lump Sum Cost Proposal. Scope of work is as reflected in the attached unit breakdou.n sheet. All work per City Standard Details and as summarized below. o Total Cost of Pump Station No. 2 Upgrade............... ..... $ 1,492,915.22 NOTE: Design and Permitting duration is 2 months. The expected Construction duration is 4 months after City approval and obtaining any required permits. This proposal assumes dewatering into existing sanitary sewer at no additional charge to Contractor. No provisions made for seawall improvements. Assumes FPL power source is available within 50 ft. No provisions made for handling contaminated materials. All permit fees are excluded. Assumes the concept for Pump Station Upgrade is permittable with all agencies including DERM. Assumes Pump Station No. 2 Upgrade to be performed prior to raising of the Marina Parking Lot and improvements of the seawall. Sincerely, -i Daniel Mesquita, PM Lanzo Construction Company Attachment(s) CC: LCC/File 125 SE 5rH Court Deerfield Beach FL 33441-4749 Phone (954) g7g-0802 Fax (954) 979-g}g7 www.lanzo.net 29 F439 Pump Station Upgrade and Pipe Work ITEM DESCRIPTION OTY UNIT UNITS TOTAL ROAD BUILDING PAVING AND HARD SCAPE I General Conditions 1.00 LS 140,000.00 140.000.00 2 Ensineerins / Desisn 1.00 LS 94,000.00 94,000.00 J Asphalt 2" Thick S-III 260 SY 20.00 5,200.00 4 Lime Rock Base 8"260 SY r4.00 3,640.00 5 Stabilize Subbase 12" No Geofabric Stablization 260 SY 5.00 1,300.0c 6 Imoort and Grade Fill Material In Place 75 CY 19.00 1.42s.0c 7 Curb any Tvpe. Valley Gutter - Gray Concrete t2 LF 25.00 300.00 8 Sidewalk - Grav Concrete 25 SF 10.00 2s0.00 9 ADA Cross Walk Truncated Domes I EA 480.00 480.00 0 Thermo StriDins 6"t2 LF 2.54 30.00 MOT / Detour and Barrier Wall 1 LS 10,000.00 10,000.00 2 Demo Exisitns Hard Scapes I LS 4,500.00 4,s00.00 J Sod Landscane Areas (No Irrisation. Bahia Sod)25 SF 1.00 25.00 DRAINAGE MODIFICATIONS 4 F&[24" C-905 Force Main Pioe 175 LF 525.00 9 l .875.00 5 F&l 36" A2000 Drainase Pipe 66 LF 450.00 29,700.00 6 Concrete Slab 6" thick bv 56" Wide 140 SF 15.10 2.114.22 7 De-Muck Pioe Line 241 CY 26.00 6,266.00 8 Tie Into Existins Structure with New Pipe I EA 5.000.00 5,000.00 9 Pumo Station and Structures I LS 1,096,810.00 1.096.810.00 TOTAL 1.492.915.22 1.492.915.22 flLLAh{zO F439 BID PS Upgrade Elv V1 .xlsx 30 zI&uzEOa= z9oqEO<o6= dJ =fd5 o 31 Attachment - E LANZO COltStBt CTloil G0IrlPAtlY lblrfir, 3.trt * trrh.tr. rrirlh!,:Errillco3* March29,2016 Bruce Mowry, Ph. D, P.E. City Engineer Public Works Department - Engineering Division 1700 Convention Center Drive MiamiBeach, FL 33139 Reference: Sunset Harbour Pump Station Retrofit - ITB No. 60-20l3TC 20" Water Main Lining Under Collins Canal - Revised Due to Concurrent Work Lanzo presented the City with a Proposal to line the 20" WM under Collins Canal and offered a credit if Bay Rd WM Replacement south of the Canal was awarded concurrently. If the lining of the Collins Canal is awarded with the Parking Lot and Pump Station No. 2 lmprovements, Lanzo will extend this credit for this proposal. Therefore, please see summary below. o Total Cost of Lining and Reconnection of Pipe............... $ 465,073.60 o Credit for Concurrent Work Parking Lot and PS2 Upgrade . . . . . ...($ 34,500.00) o TOTAL COST OF LINING (INCLUDING CREDIT). ............$ 430,573.60 Sincerely, 1 Daniel Mesquita, PM Lanzo Construction Company Attachment(s) CC: LCC/File 125 SE 5rH Court Deerfield Beach FL 33441-4749 Phone (954) g7g-0802 Fax (954) g7g-g8g7 www.lanzo.net 32 Attachment - F LANZO c(nflnuciloit coirPAilY lleJ,firffir*ffir.lrt 6rtH, ,tbrrrytcorr:.rt March25,2016 Bruce Mowry, Ph. D, P.E. City Engineer Public Works Department - Engineering Division 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 Reference: Sunset Harbour Pump Station Retrofit - ITB No. 60-20l3TC West Ave Road Improvements from l8'h St to Dade Blvd The following with attachments summarize Lanzo's proposal to reconstruct West Ave road from l8th St to Dade Blvd to the new 3.7' NAVD minimum crown elevation. This presentation is a Lump Sum Cost Proposal. Scope of work is as reflected in the attached unit breakdown sheet. All work per City Standard Details and as summarized below. Note: Private Property Concrete Harmonization is defined as harmonization up to the City ROW and limerock to existing grade transition for harmonizing driveways into private property. o Total Cost of Road Reconstruction (Including Allowances). $ 597,548.46 NOTE: The expected Construction duration is 8 weeks after City approval and obtaining any required permits. Assumes dewatering into sanitary sewer at no additional cost to Contractor. Assumes the interfacing with West Ave Bridge Project has elevations and stationing as defined in the Exhibit "A", provided by Bridge Contractor. Sincerely, : , -. :)' i,-.'r Daniel Mesquita, PM Lanzo Construction Company Attachment(s) CC: LCC/File 125 SE 5rH Court Deerfield Beach FL 33441-4749 Phone (954) g7g-0802 Fax (954) g7g-9897 www.lanzo.net 33 F439 Raise Road Along West from 18th to Dade ITEM DESCRIPTION OTY UNIT UNITS TOTAL ROAD BUILDING PAVING AND HARD SCAPE General Conditions 1.00 LS 100,000.00 100,000.00 2 Asphalt 2" Thick S-III ,200 SY 20.00 24.000.00 J Lime Rock Base 8"200 SY 18.00 21,600.00 4 Stabilize Subbase 12" No Geofabric Stablization ,200 SY 14.00 r6,800.00 5 6 I-pq{ qq{Grade Fill Material In Place Private Property Concrete Harmonization 1,050 275 CY SF 21.00 22,050.00 16.00 4,400.00 7 Drive Wav Aorons 275 SF 14.00 3.850.00 8 Curb any Type. Valley Gutter - Grav Concrete 540 LF 25.00 13,s00.00 9 Sidewalk - Grav Concrete 2.700 SF 10.00 27"000.00 0 ADA Cross Walk Ramos 2 EA 2,000.00 4,000.00 Thermo StriDins 6"680 LF 2.50 1.700.00 2 Thermo StriDins 18"t2 LF 8.00 96.00 3 Thermo Stripins 12"48 LF s.00 240.00 4 MOT / Detour and Barrier Wall I LS 15,600.00 15,600.00 5 Demo Exisitng Hard Scapes I LS 21,770.85 21.770.85 6 Sod Landscape Areas (No lrrigation, Bahia Sod)500 SF 1.00 500.00 7 Remove Existing Trees in Conflict with Improvements I LS 3,120.00 3,120.00 8 Gravity Wall 40 LF 350.00 14,000.00 9 Hand Rail 40 LF 10r.00 4,040.00 DRAINAGE MODIFICATIONS 20 Install New Catch Basins J EA 4,500.00 13,s00.00 21 Drainase Pipe 18" 42000 Pipe 270 LF 400.00 108,000.00 22 Adjust Rim, Valve Box, Service Box & FH Elevations to Match Proposed I LS 35,861.61 35,861.61 23 De-Muck Pipe Line Tie Into Existing Structure with New Pipe 270 2 CY EA 26.00 7,020.00 24 5.000.00 10,000.00 TOTAL 472.648.46 472.648.46 ALLOWANCE LINE ITEMS ITEM DESCRIPTION OTY LINIT UNITS TOTAL Lighting Allowance 270 LF 370.00 99.900.00 Landscaping Allowance I LS 25.000.00 25.000.00 TOTAL 124.900.00 124.900.00 s97,548.46 ffiILANZO F439 BID West from 18th to Dade 3.7 Elv V1 .xlsx 34