20160427 BMMIAMI BEACH Presentations & Awards/Gommission Meeting City Hall, Commission Ghambers, 3'd Floor, 17OO Convlntion Center Drive April27,2016 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alemdn Commissioner Ricky Arriola Com m issioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Michael Grieco Commissioner Joy Malakoff Commissioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Vrsif us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video streaming of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article Vll, Division 3 of the Gity Code of Miami Beach, entitled "Lobbyists," requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City CIerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the Gity Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on Iobbyists laws are available in the Office of the Gity Clerk. Questions regarding the provisions of the Code should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. To request this material in alternate format, sign language interpreter (five-day notice required), information on access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodation to review any document or participate in any City-sponsored proceedings, call 305.604.2489 and select 1 for English or 2 for Spanish, then option 6; ffY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service). ln order to ensure adequate public consideration, if necessary, the Mayor and City Commission may move any agenda item to an alternate meeting date. ln addition, the Mayor and City Commission may, at their discretion, adjourn the Commission Meeting without reaching all agenda items. AGENDA Call to Order - 5:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance. Requests for Additions, Withdrawals, and Deferrals 1. 2. 3. We are committed to providing excellent public seruice and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. 1 Commission Agenda, April 27,2016 Presentations and Awards PA1 EmployeePerformanceRecognition. (Office of the City Manager) PA2 Proclamation To Be Presented ln Honor Of National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week. (Emergency Management) PA3 Proclamation To Be Presented To Marjorie York. (Sponsored by Commissioner John Elizabeth Alem6n) PA4 Certificate Of Recognition To Be Presented To The Miami Beach Seahawks Swimming Team, And Certificates Of Appreciation To Their MVPs: Chloe Gonzalez And Alexander Daybach. (Sponsored by Commissioner John Elizabeth Alem6n) PAs Proclamation To Be Presented To Jimmy McMillion, North Beach Resident And City Employee, And Danny Hawk, North Beach Business Owner, For Their Bravery And Action, Protecting The Miami Beach Community Against Crime. (Sponsored by Vice-Mayor Micky Steinberg & Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez) PAO Certificates Of Recognition To Be Presented To Law Enforcement Officer Foundation's (LEO) Award Recipients And Nominees, And Officer Of The Month. (Sponsored by Vice-Mayor Micky Steinberg) PA7 Proclamation To Be Presented ln Honor Of Landscape Architecture Month. (Sponsored by Commissioner Joy Malakoff) PA8 Proclamation To Be Presented ln Observance Of Arbor Day ln The City Of Miami Beach. (Sponsored by Commissioner Joy Malakoff) PAg Certificates Of Appreciation To Be Presented To The Fienberg Fisher Rock Ensemble Who Performed At The Friends Of Fienberg Fisher Event. (Sponsored by Vice-Mayor Micky Steinberg) 2 Commission Agenda, April 2T, 2016 REGULAR AGENDA R5A R5 - Ordinances An Ordinance Amending Miami Beach City Code Chapter 2, Article Vll, Division 2 Entitled "Officers, Employees And Agency Members", Adding Thereto Section 2-461 Entitled "Disclosure By City Commission Members Of Solicitation On Behalf Of Nonprofit Organization," Requiring City Commission Members Who Solicit Gifts On Behalf Of A Nonprofit Organization From A Vendor, Lobbyist On A Procurement lssue, Real Estate Developer And/Or Lobbyist On A Real Estate Development lssue, To Disclose The Date Of Solicitation And Name Of lndividual Solicited, Disclosure To Be Filed ln City Clerk's Office; Providing For Repealer, Severability, Codification, And An Effective Date. First Readinq (Sponsored by Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez) (Legislative Tracking: Office of the City Attorney) (Deferred from April 13,2016 - RsH) An Ordinance Amending Miami Beach City Code Chapter 2, Article Vll, Division 5, Entitled "Campaign Finance Reform," By Adding Thereto Section 2-491 Entitled "Prohibited Lobbying By Campaign Consultants," Prohibiting Campaign Consultants And Certain Affiliated Persons Or Entities From Lobbying City Commission For 12 Months Subsequent To Swearing ln Of Subject Elected Official(s), Establishing Definitions, And Limited Exemption; Providing For Repealer, Severability, Codification, And An Effective Date. First Readinq (Sponsored by Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez) (Legislative Tracking: Office of the City Attorney) R5B R7 - Resolutions R7A A Resolution Accepting A Donation ln The Amount Of $10,000.00 From The Miami Beach Education Foundation, lnc., From Proceeds Of The Miami Beach Chamber Of Commerce's Annual Golf Tournament, To Be Utilized By The City Of Miami Beach's lnternational Baccalaureate ("1B") Educational Program, And Appropriating The $10,000.00 Donation To The City's lB Program. (Organizational Development Performance I nitiatives ) R7B A Resolution Accepting The Recommendation Of The City Manager, To Award, Pursuant To RFP No. 2016-062-KB, The Design Build Contract For The West Avenue Bridge Over Collins Canal To Bergeron Land Development lnc. (Bergeron), ln The Not To Exceed Amount Of $9,930,000; And Further Authorizing The Mayor And City Clerk To Execute The Design Build Agreement With Bergeron, Which Agreement ls Attached Hereto As Exhibit 1. (ProcuremenVPublic Works) (Deferred from April 13,2016 - R7O) (ltem to be Submitted in Supplemental) 3 Commission Agenda, April 27, 2016 R9 - New Business and Commission Requests RgA Discussion Regarding Mitch Novick's "Minority" Report, And Recommendation Concerning The Deterioration Of The Quality Of Life In The MXE District, Ocean Drive, Collins Avenue And The Surrounding Neighborhood. (Sponsored by Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez) (Deferred from April 13,2016 - RgK) RgB Discussion Regarding Floatopia And Related Viral Unsanctioned Events. (Sponsored by Commissioner Michael Grieco) RgC Discuss Request To Revisit The Air And Sea Show Scheduled To Come To Miami Beach, Memorial Day Weekend 2017. (Sponsored by Commissioner Joy Malakoff) RgD Report Of Strategy For Dealing With High lmpact Beach Events. (Office of the City Manager) (ltem to be Submitted in Supplemental) RgE Referral To The Finance And Citywide Projects Committee Discussion Regarding A Competition Swimming Pool. Note: Attached to this item is a Myrtha Pool Brochure Submitted by Commissioner Alemdn. (Sponsored by Commissioner Ricky Arriola) (Legislative Tracking: Parks & Recreation) RgF Discussion Regarding City Manager's Plans To Prevent Floatopia From Returning To The City Of Miami Beach And The Creation Of The Mayor's Blue Ribbon Panel Regarding Major Events Allowed On The Beaches. (Sponsored by Mayor Philip Levine) Reports and lnformational ltems 1. Miami Beach Convention Center Project Update - LTC. (Office of the City Manager) (ltem to be Submitted in Supplemental) End of Asenda 4 Presentations and Awards PA1 EmployeePerformanceRecognition. (Office of the City Manager) PA2 Proclamation To Week. PA8 Proclamation To Beach. PA3 Proclamation To Be Presented To Marjorie York. (Sponsored by Commissioner John Elizabeth Alem5n) PA4 Certificate Of Recognition To Be Presented To The Miami Beach Seahawks Swimming Team, And Certificates Of Appreciation To Their MVPs: Chloe Gonzalez And Alexander Daybach. (Sponsored by Commissioner John Elizabeth AlemSn) PAs Proclamation To Be Presented To Jimmy McMillion, North Beach Resident And City Employee, And Danny Hawk, North Beach Business Owner, For Their Bravery And Action, Protecting The Miami Beach Community Against Crime. (Sponsored by Vice-Mayor Micky Steinberg & Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez) PA6 Certificates Of Recognition To Be Presented To Law Enforcement Officer Foundation's (LEO) Award Recipients And Nominees, And Officer Of The Month. (Sponsored by Vice-Mayor Micky Steinberg) PA7 Proclamation To Be Presented ln Honor Of Landscape Architecture Month. (Sponsored by Commissioner Joy Malakoff) Be Presented ln Honor Of National Public Safety Telecommunicators (Emergency Management) Be Presented ln Observance Of Arbor Day ln The City Of Miami (Sponsored by Commissioner Joy Malakoff) PAg Certificates Of Appreciation To Be Presented To The Fienberg Fisher Rock Ensemble Who Performed At The Friends Of Fienberg Fisher Event. (Sponsored by Vice-Mayor Micky Steinberg) Aqenda rt", PA l-f Date '1')1'lb5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 6 MIAMIBEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY RAUI J. AGU!]A, CITY ATTOR.NEY TO: FROM: COMMISSION MEMORANDUM MAYOR PHILIP LEVINE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION CITY MANAGER JIMMY MOR,+LES -rl'A.RAUL J. AGUII@(-l{-.fit: \ CITY ATTORNEY DATE: APRIL 27,2016 SUBJECT: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING MIAMI BEACH CITY coDE CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VII, DMSTON 2 ENTTTLED (OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES AND AGENCY MEMBERS", ADDING THERETO SECTION 2-46I ENTITLED "DISCLOSURE BY CITY COMMISSION MEMBERS OF SOLICITATION ON BEHALF OF NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION', REQUIRING CITY COMMISSION MEMBERS WHO SOLICIT GIFTS ON BEHALF OF A NONPROFT ORGANIZATION FROM A VENDOR, LOBBYIST ON A PROCUREMENT ISSUE, REAL ESTATE DEVELOPER AND/OR LOBBYIST ON A REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT ISSUE, TO DISCLOSE THE DATE OF SOLICITATION AND NAME OF'INDIVIDUAL SOLICITED, DISCLOSURE TO BE FILED IN CITY CLERK'S OFFICE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Pursuant to the request of City Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez, the attached Ordinance has been drafted for the purpose of amending the City's Standards of Conduct for Elected Officials to include a requirement that members of the City Commission disclose direct solicitations by them of gifts on behalf of a nonprofit organization (as such term is defined in Section 2-ll.l(e)(2)(g), from a vendor, real estate developer, and/or their respective lobbyists (as said terms are defined in City Code Sections 2-487 through 2-490). Although the practice of elected officials soliciting on behalf of nonprofit organizations is generally permitted by County ethics laws', there is presently no requirement that such solicitation be made public via disclosure. Accordingly, and in light of the City's prior establishment of certain classes of donors (vendors, real estate developers, and their respective lobbyists) as presenting the greatest threat of perceived undue influence, Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez has proposed this legislation which will mandate public disclosure in those instances in which the City's elected offrcials have directly solicited this limited class of donors for gifts to nonprofit organizations. ' Note, This County law is subject to the State's ethics laws which prohibit elected officials from soliciting a gift from a vendor or lobbyist where such gift is for the personal benefit of the official, another reporting individual or procurement employee, or any member of their immediate family, as well as from a political committee. Fla. Stat. secs. 112.3148 (2)(a) and 112.31485. Aqenda lt". RSA Date--9fi7-b7 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VII, DIVISION 2 ENTITLED "OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES AND AGENCY MEMBERS', ADDING THERETO SECTION 2.46l ENTITLED "DISCLOSURE BY CITY COMMISSION MEMBERS OF SOLICITATION ON BEHALF OF NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION', REQUIRING CITY COMMISSION MEMBERS WHO SOLICIT GIFTS ON BEHALF OF A NONPROFT ORGANIZATION FROM A VENDOR, LOBBYIST ON A PROCUREMENT ISSUE, REAL ESTATE DEVELOPER AND/OR LOBBYIST ON A REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT ISSUE, TO DISCLOSE THE DATE OF SOLICITATION AND NAME OF INDIVIDUAL SOLICITED, DISCLOSURE TO BE FILED IN CITY CLERK'S OFFICE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, as reflected by its prior adoption of legislation on the issue of Campaign Finance Reform, the Miami Beach City Commission has found and determined that legislation is necessary for the preservation of the integrity of representative democracy in the City of Miami Beach in order to prevent the perception that public officials may be influenced by special interests; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 2-ll.l(e)(z) the Miami-Dade County Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance (applicable to City of Miami Beach personnel), elected officials of the City are permitted to solicit gifts "in the performance of their ofhcial duties", and are also permitted to solicit gifts on behalf of any nonprofit organization (both said provisions subject to certain specif,rc criteria2); and WHEREAS, the County's ethics laws, however do not impose any requirement for disclosure of such solicitation activities; and WHEREAS, the below legislation is thus presented as an amendment to the City's Code of Conduct in order to provide for stricter ethics laws than currently exist under State or County ethics codes, by requiring members of the City Commission to disclose their direct solicitation of gifts for a nonprofit organization from those donors found to be most involved in creating the perception of undue influence, said donor class consisting of "vendors," "lobbyists on a procurement issue," "real estate developers" or "lobbyists on a real estate development issue," as said terms are defined in Chapter 2, Article VII, Division 5, Sections 2-487 through 2- 490 of the Miami Beach City Code; and 2 See, Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1(e), subsections (2)(f and (g). 8 WHEREAS, in its adoption of this new ethics law, the Miami Beach City Commission believes such disclosure necessary in order to advance the City's important government interests of dispelling perceived undue influence while providing increased transparency in City government, recognizing that transparency has been acknowledged by the United States Supreme Court as enabling "...the electorate to make informed decisions and give proper weight to different speakers and messages"3. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That Miami Beach City Code Chapter 2, Article VII, Division 2 entitled "Officers, Employees and Agency Members" is hereby amended by adding the following City Code Section2-461 entitled "Disclosure by City Commission Members of Solicitation on Behalf of Nonprofit Organization" to read as follows: Sec. 2-461. Disclosure by City Commission Members of Solicitation on Behalf of Nonprofit Organization. A. Disclosure. Any member of the City Commission who directly solicits gifts on behalf of a nonprofit organization from a vendor, lobbyist on a procurement issue, real estate developer and/or lobbyist on a real estate development issue shall disclose, on a form available in the City Clerk's Office, the date of solicitation and the name of the individual solicited. The form shall be filed in the City Clerk's Office as a public record within 10 business days from the date in which the subj ect solicitation occurred. B. Exception. Any solicitation otherwise subject to the disclosure requirements of subjection A above is exempt from such disclosure requirement in those limited instances in which the City Commission has, by Resolution or motion adopted prior to such solicitation, endorsed or sponsored that particular nonprofit organization. C. Definitions. (1) The term "gift" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Miami-Dade County Code Section 2-11. 1 (e). (2) The term "nonprofit organization" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Miami-Dade County Code Section2-|l.1(e)(2)(g) and shall mean any entity described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (the "Code") that is tax exempt under section 501(a) of the Codea. (3) The terms "vendor", "lobbyist on a procurement issue", "real estate developer" or "lobbyist on a real estate development issue", shall have the meaning ascribed to such terms in Chapter 2, Article VII, Division 5 of the Miami Beach City Code. t Citirrnt Unitedv. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310,371(2010). a See, f.n.#2, above. 9 SECTION 2. REPEALER. A11 ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. SECTION 4. CODIFICATION. It is the intention of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made apart of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. The sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered to accomplish such intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or other appropriate word. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect the _ day of 2016. PASSED and ADOPTED this ATTEST: day of 2016. Philip Levine Mayor Rafael E. Granado City Clerk (Requested by Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez) (/ F:\ATTO\AGUR\RESOS-ORDU0l6\Rosen-Goualez\CM Ordinance FINAL 4-27-l6.docx - Dote 10 ,Vl IAMIBEACH City of Miomi Beoch, 'l 700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33I 39, www.miomibeochfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTOR,NEY RAUT J. AGUILA, CITY ATTOR.NEY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO:MAYOR PHILIP LEVINE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION CITY MANAGER JIMMY MORALES I2e, C*\*FROM: RAUL J. AGUIkA+ CITY ATTORNEY DATE: April 27,2016 SUBJECT: INCREASING STRINGENCY OF CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ETHICS LAWS BY AMENDING CITY CODE CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VII..STANDARDS OF CONDUCT", DIVISION 5, ENTITLED..CAMPAIGN F!NANCE REFORM," BY ADDING THERETO SECTION 2491, ENTITLED "PROHIBITED LOBBYING BY CAMPAIGN CONSULTANTS," PROHIBITING CAMPAIGN CONSULTANTS AND CERTAIN AFFILIATED PERSONS OR ENTITIES FROM LOBBYING CITY COMMISSION FOR 12 MONTHS SUBSEQUENT TO SWEARING IN OF SUBJECT ELECTED OFFtC!AL(S), ESTABLTSHTNG DEFtNtTtONS, AND LIMITED EXEMPTION; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Pursuant to the request of Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez, the attached Ordinance is being submitted for the purpose of amending the City's Campaign Finance laws to include provisions prohibiting campaign consultants from lobbying the City Commission. This amendment to the City's ethics laws serves to augment the City's intent of good government, and will once more place the City of Miami Beach at the forefront of local ethics legislation. The proposed Ordinance was previously considered by the City Commission on January 13,2016, but did not pass on second reading. As the three (3) month period has passed, as required in Section 2-12(dX5) of the City Code for the consideration of an ordinance that previously failed for lack of the requisite vote for adoption, this Ordinance may be considered by the City Commission at this time. RJA:DT/mmm F:\,ATTO\AGUR\RESOS-ORD\2016\Rosen-Gonzalez\Memo and Ord Campaign Consuttant 4-27-16.doc Aoenda ttem n SBDatewlTF11 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VII, DIVISION 5, ENTITLED..CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM," BY ADDING THERETO SECTION 2491 ENTITLED "PROHIBITED LOBBYING BY CAMPAIGN CONSULTANTS," PROHIBITING CAMPAIGN CONSULTANTS AND CERTAIN AFFILIATED PERSONS OR ENTITIES FROM LOBBYING CITY COMMISSION FOR 12 MONTHS SUBSEQUENT TO SWEARING IN OF SUBJECT ELECTED OFFIC!AL(S), ESTABLTSHTNG DEFINITIONS, AND LIMITED EXEMPTION; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, corruption and the appearance of corruption in the form of campaign consultants exploiting their influence with City elected officials on behalf of private interests may erode public confidence in the fairness and impartiality of City governmental decisions; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach has a paramount interest in preventing corruption or the appearance of corruption which could result in such erosion of public confidence; and WHEREAS, prohibitions on campaign consultants lobbying former clients/members of the City Commission will protect public confidence in the electoral and governmental processes. lt is thus the purpose and intent of the people of the City of Miami Beach in enacting this Ordinance to prohibit campaign consultants from exploiting or appearing to exploit their influence with City elected officials on behalf of private interests. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That Miami Beach City Code Chapter 2, Article Vll, Division 5, entitled "Campaign Finance Reform," is hereby amended by adding the following City Code section 2-491 entitled "Prohibited Lobbying by Campaign Consultants" to read as follows: 12 Sec.2-491. Prohibited Lobbvinq bv Campaiqn Consultants. A. Prohibition. No campaiqn consultant shall lobbv the Citv Commission for a period of 12 months following the swearinq in of any elected official(s) for whom the campaiqn consultant provided campaiqn consultino services within the past election cvcle. B. Definitions. (a) "Campaion consultant" means anv person or entitv that receives or is promised economic consideration in exchanqe for campaiqn consultinq services to a candidate for elected office in the City of Miami Beach. (1) "Campaiqn consultant" shall include any individual who has an ownership interest of 10% or greater in the campaiqn consultant, and anv emplovee of the campaiqn consultant. except as othenrvise excepted below. (2) "Campaiqn consultant" shall not include: i) anv vendor for a campaiqn whose primary responsibilitv is to supplv qoods or services for a campaiqn. ii) anv emplovee of a campaiqn consultant whose sole duties are primarily clerical: or iii) any emplovee of a campaiqn consultant who did not personallv provide campaiqn consultinq services. (b) "Campaiqn consultinq services" means primary responsibilitv for campaiqn manaqement or campaiqn strateqv. (c) "Campaiqn manaqement" means conducting, coordinatinq or supervisino a campaiqn to elect a candidate. (d) "Campaiqn strateqv" means formulation of plans for the election of a candidate. (e) "Candidate" shall have the meaninq ascribed to such term in Florida Statutes. section 97.021(5). as amended and supplemented. (fl "Economic consideration" means any pavments, fees, commissions, oifts. or anythinq else of value received directlv or indirectly as consideration for campaign consultinq services. The term "economic consideration" does not include reimbursements for out of pocket expenses. 13 (q) "Past election cycle" means the subiect immediatelv precedinq Citv of Miami Beach General Election/Special Election held for the purpose of electinq a member of the Citv Commission. (h) "Lobby" for purposes of this Code Section shall mean the act of seekinq to encouraqe the passaqe. defeat or modification of any ordinance, resolution. action or decision of any member of the Citv Commission. C. Limited Exemption. A campaion consultant who has within the past election cvcle provided campaiqn consultinq services to an incumbent member of the City Commission, and has entered into a lobbvinq contract prior to the effective date of the ordinance creatinq this code section. the term of which lobbyinq contract includes the subiect proscribed 12 month period established in Subsection A above, is exempt from the proscription herein with limited reqard to that subject lobbvinq contract. SECTION 2. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. lf any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. SECTION 4. CODIFICATION. !t is the intention of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. The sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered to accomplish such intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or other appropriate word. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after its adoption. PASSED and ADOPTED this _ day of ATTEST: 2016. Philip Levine, Mayor Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk (Sponsored by Commissioner Kristin Rosen Gonzatez) ,6[tr8UR61,I8, F:\ATTo\AGUR\RESOS-ORDU016\Rosen-Gonzalez\Memo and Ord Campaign Consultant 4-27-16.doc 8zt1'ooc a'L\tr"\1,fitffiiffi-'66;14 COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY Condensed Title: A Resolution accepting a donation of $10,000 from the Miami Beach Chamber Education Foundation to be appropriated bythe Cityforprofessionaldevelopmentof teachers/staff for the lnternational Baccalaureate authorized Miami Beach public schools. Kev lntended Outcome Achieve Educational (K-12) Excellence and lnduce Public SchoolAccountability Mainly at the Middle School Supporting Data (Surveys, Environmental Scan, etc.): ln the 2014 Survey, 75o/o of respondents with children in public schools were either very satisfied or satisfied with the City's public schools compared to 90% in 2012, 51o/o in 2OO7 and 53% in 2005. 760/o of low- income lnternational Baccalaureate diploma graduates go on to get a 4-year degree, compared to 69% in Miami-Dade Public Schools and 63% at Miami Beach Senior Hiqh. Item Summarv/Recommendation : As part of the City's Education Compact, the City agreed to support discussions with the Miami Beach Chamber and other appropriate organizations to identify funding for annual lnternational Baccalaureate Program operating costs. Developed with significant community input, the Compact reflects the desire of the Miami Beach communityto supportexcellence in theirschools and an investment in the overall enhancement of education for its residents. The areas of focus in our Compact include: teacher recruitmenUretention, enhanced communication, family support, increase well-being, enhance student achievement, improve safety, and improve access to technology. Enhanced student achievement includes a seamless curriculum of advanced studies through the lnternational Baccalaureate (lB) Program from Pre-Kindergarten through twelfth grade. On January 6, 2009, the City made a presentation to the Chamber outlining additional needs to support the lB programs in Miami Beach Schools. The Chamber understood that as each school becomes authorized annualfees and professional development of staff are required to maintain the lB programs. As a result, the Miami Beach Chamber's Education Foundation has donated $60,620 to date to offset the annual fees and professional development of staff for the lnternational Baccalaureate authorized schools. These funds will be applied to upcoming annual fees and professional development of staff for Miami Beach public schools. lt is recommended that the Commission aoorove the resolution the donation. Financial lnformation: # 177-8000-36691 7 Source of Funds:" OBPI Financial lmpact Summary: Glerk's Office Leqislative Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld, Chief Learning Development Officer n-Offs: Department Director Assistant CsSiManaser Citv Mana !rlry/ KGB JLNy'r\ NGENIIA |TEM R7 A neve q-,.1^lb# MIAMISHACH 15 MIAMIBEACH FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACC A DONATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $IO,OOO.OO FROM THE MIAMI BEAGH EDUCATION FOUNDATION, ING., FROM PROCEEDS OF THE MIAMI BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE'S ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT, TO BE UTILIZED BY THE GITY OF MIAMI BEACH'S TNTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE ("1B") EDUGATIONAL PROGRAM, AND APPROPRIATING THE $1O,OOO.OO DONATION TO THE GITY'S IB PROGRAM. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Approve the Resolution. BACKGROUND As part of the City's Education Compact, the City supports excellence in education in the City's public schools recognizing it is an investment in the overallenhancementof education for residents. facilitate discussions with the Miami Beach Chamber and other appropriate organizations to identify funding for annual lnternational Baccalaureate Program operating costs that include required annual fees, ongoing teacher training, coordinator supplements, books, extra teaching period supplements, and annualexam registration and fee perstudent for the Diploma Program. Developed with significant community input, the Compact reflects the desire of the Miami Beach community to support excellence in their schools and an investment in the overall enhancement of education for its residents. The areas of focus in our Compact include: teacher recruitment and retention, enhanced communication of education and community events, family involvement and support as well as engaging youth and community, increase the health and well-being of students, enhance student achievement, improve safety and perceptions of safety in our schools, and improve access to technology. Enhanced student achievement includes a seamless curriculum of advanced studies through the lnternational Baccalaureate (lB) Program from Pre-Kindergarten through twelfth grade. To date, approximately $638,702 has been expended for application fees, professional development for teachers, and other youth related activities. The following is the status of implementation for each lB program: Diploma Program as of Fall 2010. As an lB World School, approximatelyS2 percent of those eligible in 2012 ,89 percent of those eligible in 2013, 62 percent of those eligible in 2014, and 73 percent of those eligible in 2015 received the lB Diploma. Currently there are 176 students in the ninth grade seeking the lB Diploma, a 528 percent increase since the program inception. City of Miomi Beoch, 1700 Convention Cenler Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33139, www.miomibeochfl.gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM Mayor Philip Levine and Members of City Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager April2T ,2016 16 Commission Memorandum April 27,2016 Miami Beach Chamber Education Foundation Donation Page 2 of 2 authorized to teach the lB MYP Program and attained authorization in 201 1. Fisher, and Treasure lsland Elementary are authorized lB schools as of February 2013. Fienberg Fisher K-8 Center and Biscayne Elementary are in the process of obtaining their five-year reauthorization. CHAMBER SUPPORT Over the past several years, the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce has been working with the City of Miami Beach and the City's public schools, to supportvarious components of the Education Compact. On January6, 2009, the City made a presentation to the Chamberoutlining additional needs to support the lB programs in Miami Beach Schools. The Chamber understood that as each school is authorized, annualfees and professional development of staff are required to maintain the lB programs. As a result, the Miami Beach Chamber's Education Foundation has donated $60,620 as of March 2015 to partially fund lB related expenses for the City's lB authorized public schools. CONCLUSION The Administration recommends the approval of this Resolution accepting a donation for $10,000 from the MBCC forthe implementation of the lB program in Miami Beach schools. This approval will assist the Department in accomplishing its measurable objectives linked to the City's Key lntpnded Outcomes to Achieve Educational (K-12) Excellence and lnduce Public School ful,countability Mainly at the Middle School. .rr*,*or,rw-/' 17 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AGCEPTING A DONATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $1O,OOO.OO FROM THE MIAMI BEAGH EDUCATION FOUNDATION, INC., FROM PROCEEDS OF THE MIAMI BEACH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE'S ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT, TO BE UTILIZED BY THE CITY OF MtAMt BEACH',S TNTERNATTONAL BACGALAUREATE ("18") EDUGATIONAL PROGRAM, AND APPROPRIATING THE $1O,OOO.OO DONATION TO THE CITY'S IB PROGRAM. WHEREAS, over the past several years, the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce has worked with the City of Miami Beach and the City's public schools to support various components of the Miami Beach Education Compact ("Education Compact"); and WHEREAS, the Education Compact reflects the desire of the Miami Beach community to support excellence in education in the City's public schools and is an investment in the overall enhancement of education for the City's residents; and WHEREAS, as a result of the City's Education Compact with Miami-Dade County Public Schools, all public schools in Miami Beach offer the lnternational Baccalaureate (lB) Program, which is internationally recognized as a benchmark for education excellence and also fosters student participation in community service; and WHEREAS, the implementation of the lB Program at Miami Beach public schools depends on appropriate funding for a variety of operating costs such as teacher training and student books, supplies, and fees; and WHEREAS, certain proceeds from the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce's Annual Golf Tournament were received by the Miami Beach Education Foundation, which Foundation has generously offered to donate $10,000.00 to the City's lB Program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE !T DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA that the Mayor and City Commission hereby accept a donation in the amount of $10,000.00 from the Miami Beach Education Foundation, lnc., which it received from proceeds of the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce's Annual Golf Tournament, and hereby appropriate the $10,000.00 donation to the City of Miami Beach's lnternational Baccalaureate Program. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ATTEST: Rafael Granado City Clerk day of April, 2016. Philip Levine Mayor APPROVEDASTC' FOBM & TANGUAGE - 4'La- lE-DO tL 18 R7B A Resolution Accepting The Recommendation Of The City Manager, To Award, Pursuant To RFP No. 2016-062-KB, The Design Build Contract For The West Avenue Bridge Over Collins Canal To Bergeron Land Development lnc. (Bergeron), ln The Not To Exceed Amount Of $9,930,000; And Further Authorizing The Mayor And City Clerk To Execute The Design Build Agreement With Bergeron, Which Agreement ls Attached Hereto As Exhibit 1. (ProcuremenVPublic Works) (Deferred from April 13,2016 - R7O) (ltem to be Submitted in Supplementa!) Agenda rt", RJ B Date-n:IW-19 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 20 Granado, Rafael From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Rosen Gonzalez, Kristen Wednesday. March 15, 2016 10:14 AM Granado, Rafael Fwd: Ocean Drive - Emergency Item Mitch Novick ODTF Minority Report Five Point Plan on MXE District 8 January 2016.pdf; ATT00001.htm Please add this item to the agenda as a discussion item. Kristen Rosen Got1galez City of Mlami Beach Commissioner 30s-965-472s Begin forwarded message : From: Mitch Novick <sherbrookehotel@ Date: March 16,2016 at 9:51:18 AM EDT To: "Levine, Philip" <Philiplevine@mia , "Arriola, Ricky" <Rickl,Arriola@miamib , "Steinberg, Micky"<MickySteinberg@mi , "Rosen Gor;alez, Kristen" <Kristen@miamibeao , "Malakoff, Joy" <JoyMalakoff@miamibea >, "Grieco, Michael" <MichaelGrieco@mi , "Aleman, John" <JohnAleman@miamibea Cc: "Morales, Jimmy" <JimmyMorales@miamibeachfl .eov> Subject: Ocean Drive - Emergency Item Dear Mayor Levine and Members of the Miami Beach City Commlssron: I was greatly disappointed with your rash decision last week to reward Ocean Drive with yet another "third-time-taxpayer-funded" multi-million dollar sidewalk widening/lighting project, etc. Your plan to expand the 24-hour-carnival-like-circus of Ocean Drive and encroach further into Lummus Park speaks volumes as to what I perceive as your lack of leadership and failure to understand the needs of the MXE neighborhood. In January, I provided you with the "Minority Report and Recommendation" of the Ocean Drive Task Force (attached - two minute read). The fact that only Commissioner Rosen-Gonzalez reached out to discuss my report further supports my assertion that you're disconnected with the needs of my neighborhood. As my 5-Point Plan suggests, "Cleaning up Ocean Drive will require strong leadership and a commitment and resolve to stand up to special interests," and not require the waste of any taxpayer resources. In light of the murder which took place on Ocean Drive on Saturday night, my request is for this matter to be placed on today's agenda as an emergency item to finally address the merits of my report. I can't imagine this item taking-up more than ten minutes of the commissions time. R?A TTTGItem Date Agenda 21 For informational purposes and for your convenience, I've also attached two YouTube links of edited clips of proceedings which took place on the dais regarding Ocean Drive. There's also another clip of an unfortunate incident which took place outside my home,/hotel on Saturday night. I would appreciate if each commissioner replied to this email and state if whether they have any issue with my request. https ://t outu.be/BMFdOzNjug LUDC 21 1 4 I I 6, 5 minutes https://youtu.be/HBNtmuiUgo4 ODTF Acceptance of Recommendations, 3/9/l6less than 7 minutes https://youtu.be/JBJbMNBHqk Ocean Drive attracts Unsophisticated Lightweights, 4 minutes Thank you, MitchNovick 30s 532 0958 22 S.POINT PLAN FOR MXE DISTRICT Mitch Novick "Minority" Report and Recommendation to the Miami Beach Gommission Concerning the Deterioration of the Quality of Life in the MXE District, Ocean Drive, Collins Avenue and the Su rrou ndi ng Neighborhood January 8, 2016 For several years I have witnessed the deterioration of the quality of life in the Ocean Drive Entertainment District. I have continuously resided in this neighborhood since prior to the MXE zoning which was adopted in 1989. I also operate a hotel in the District. The MXE zoning was intended to accelerate the revitalization of the Art Deco District. lnstead, what we have today is a 24 hour circus-like carnival atmosphere which was never anticipated, and is entirely unacceptable. Before preparing this report, I have conferred with members of the business community, residents, and govemment officials. ! have examined plans, reports, and have attended all the Ocean Drive Task Force meetings to study these issues. 23 From my home, I have witnessed drug deals, prostitution, public inebriation, defecation, and urination, stabbings which precipitated murder, sexual assaults, robberies (up 35% this past year), and the list goes on and on. The MB Police Department have visited me regularly to view my CCTV public right of way footage which has assisted in the arrest and conviction of hardened criminals. ! also have little doubt that the problems which plague Washington Avenue along the districts western boundary, are causally related to the nearby MXE zoning district which spans from 5th to 16th Street along Ocean Drive and Collins Avenue. The area is congested with all kinds of riff-raff, it's dirty, dangerous, loud, and the vacancy factor has skyrocketed. The three streets are saturated with tee shirt shops, 7-elevens, pizza joints, liquor stores, tattoo parlors and smoke shops. Due to the continued degradation of the neighborhood, this past year we've seen the departure of national tenants including: Bamey's Co-op, Urban Outfitters, Benetton, Kenneth Cole, Ralph Lauren and just recently, Levi's announced it too, will be leaving. As a hotelier, I can attest that international tourists are also finding safer destinations to spend their dollars. I urge you to reject all recommendations having to do with throwing the public's money to hire more police and code officers. Moreover, a'third-time" waste of tens of millions of dollars of the publics money to widen sidewalks and encroach further into Lummus Park reducing its green-space are all the same 24 costly and unwise mistakes made by your predecessors serving on the commission. Cleaning up Ocean Drive will require strong leadership and a commitment and resolve to stand up to special interests that often make their living off the riff- raff drawn by the chaos we find so abhonent. Transforming this neighborhood could be done rapidly and would certainly be encouraged by the new development occurring in and around the entertainment district. My recommendations would be easy to implement and more importantly, will not require special public expenditures of taxpayers funding. My recommended five-point plan is as follows: 1. lmmediately begin enforcement of vehicular noise violations. lt is the noise which fuels the riff-raff which is destroying the neighborhood. (This was done effectively during the Dermer administration, but has since been abandoned). 2. Amend the noise ordinance as it relates to Ocean Drive. Currently there are no restrictions and businesses can blast noise as loud and as far Eastward as possible without threat of violation. Again, it is the noise which fuels the nft-rafi which continues to destroy the Miami Beach brand. Observe the folks who congregate and are often drinking from "Solo" cups in Lummus Park to enjoy the free entertainment from these noisy establishments. 3. Revisit the MXE Zoning. I strongly believe the "E' should be changed to an "H". How does Mixed- Use-Hotel or Mixed-Use-Residential sound? lt sounds like a compatible use to me. 4. Preclude any additional entertainment establishments from opening on Ocean Drive and grandfather in those existing establishments with the 25 provision that they contain or substantially reduce their noise levels. 5. The tunnel-like gauntlet of awnings and umbrellas cunently obscuring Ocean Drive can only be resolved by limiting table coverage on the Right of Way. Ocean Drive looks like a squalid tent city from the serpentine walkway. It is the tables that dictate the umbrellas and awnings required to protect patrons from sun and rain. I am looking to this commission to show leadership and resist the incessant pressure from the Ocean Drive businesses which continue to want more and more to the detriment of the greater good of the City of Miami Beach, its residents and businesses. Respectfully Submitted, Mitch Novick 901 Collins Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 305 532 0958 26 RgB Discussion Regarding Floatopia And Related Viral Unsanctioned Events. (Sponsored by Commissioner Michael Grieco) Agenda ltem Date P.1t3w:27 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 28 &,4tA,\41mil&s*[JI \d \ $l-\J v \ I [JLC*\\* { I OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Jimmy L. Moroles, City Monoger Joy V. W. Molokoff, Commissioner April 1 9,2016 Request to Revisit the Air ond Seo Show Scheduled to Come to Miomi Beoch, Memoriol Doy Weekend 2017 Pleose ploce the obove discussion item on the Agendo for the Commission Meeting of April 27 , 201 6. lf you hove ony questions, pleose contoct me ot extension 6622. Thonk you. JWVM We ore commiffed to providing excellent public service ond soIeryu to oll who live, work, ond ploy in our vibronf , troptcol, his' Agenda ltem Date29 - -dL- --.r-- 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido33l39 www. m iom ibeochfl-oou OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Tel: 3O5.673.7 47O, Fox 305,673.7002 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: JIMMY L. MORALES CITY MANAGER RAUL J. AGUtLt',' )*l CITY ATTORNEY-'.r-'*,. APRTL 19,2016 SUBJECT: AIR & SEA SHOW EVENT ln response to Commissioner Malakoffs email to you dated April 18, 2016, regarding the Comrnissioner's concerns as to the proposed Air & Sea Show Event (the "Event,'[ and the Commissione/s inquiry regarding the City's February 1,2OiO agreement with A National Salute to America's Heroes, LLC (the "Event Producer") for the production ofthe Event in the City of Miami Beach (the "Agreement"), this memorandum oulines thekey Event-related deliverables set forth in the Agreement, along with pertinent provisions relating to the City's right to suspend Event activities or othLnruise terminate the Agreement. A copy of the fully executed Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit,r1 ," BACKGROUND On Decernber g, 2015, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2015- 29226, approving the substantive terms of the proposed agreement for the production ofthe Event, which would take place each year during the MLmorial Day weekend, unless terminated in accordance with the Agreement (the "Event Period"). The Agreement isfor a five (5) year term, subject to the termination rights as set forth morelully below. The event site is generally described as the area easi of Ocean Drive, from Sth Street to 1sth Street (the "E-vent Site"). The Agreement provides the City with the right to review and approve the various plans with respect to the activation of the Event. The key Eventrelated deliverables under theAgreement are as follows: 30 Memorandum to City Manager April 19,2016 Air & Sea Show Event 1' Special Event Permit Application Process. Not less than one hundred and*1,, (120) days prior to the commencement of each Event Period (for the first year ofthe Event, this means prior to January 26,2017), the Event Producei, as the applicant, must submit to the City, for review by City departments and final approval by'tire CityManager, a Special Event Application with the proposed Event Site plan (See Agreement, Section 4), which must include: (i) depictions of all locations designated for Event Producer's exclusive use, including the Restricted Event Area (for command and control, landing zone, operations, and hospitality); (ii) locations of all tents, facilities, concessions, alcoholic beverage service areas, fences and barriers at the Event Site; (iii) copies of all permit applications; (iv) a description of all activities to occur at the Event Site, and identity of Event sponsors; and (v) any other information required pursuant to the City's Special Event Rules and Regulations, or othenrvise required by the City Manager. 2 Public Safetv Plan. Not less than one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the commencement of each Event Period (for the first event, prior to january i6,' 20171,the Event Producer must submit to the City its proposed Public Safety ilan, whicitmust include Event Producer's plan for responding or mitigating criminal oremergency incidents that may occur at the Event Site. (Agreement, Slction 5). lmportantly, the City Manager has absolute sole right and discretion to requireany revisions or adjustments to the Public Safety Plan, and any such adjustments shall be binding on the Event Producer. (Agreement, section 5). 9:_-. ll,laintqnancg-efjraffic (MOtt plan. Not less than one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the commencement of each Event Period (for the first Event, prior to January 26,2017), the Event Producer must submit its proposed MOT plan, which must include a construction, automotive and pedestrian traffic flow schedule, and Event Producer's proposal for opening and closing times for streets or transportation conidors.AI! closing of streets to be determined by the City Manager's at his solediscretion, (Agreement, Section 6). 31 Memorandum to City Manager April 19, 2016 Air & Sea Show Event 4. Erection of Facilities/Structures. As part of the permit process, City's Fire Department and Building Department must review and approve the proposed use of any facilities or structures to be erected for the Event. (Agreement, section g). 5. Use of Gitv Parkinq Lots. Not less than ninety (90) days prior to the Event Period (for the first Event year, prior to February 25,2017), Event Producer must submit requests for use of City parking lots (at the Special Event Parking Rate). (Agreement, Section 7). 6. Other Permits/Governmental Approvals. At least fifteen (15) days prior to the Event Period, Event Producer must have secured all licenses and governmental approvals applicable to the Event. (Agreement, Section 13). Forthe proposed.airand sea show program, the govemmental approvals required for the Event include authorization from the Federal Aviation Administration (FM), the U.S. Coast Guard, and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 7. Room Block Requirement. Event Producer must generate a minimum of one thousand (1,000) room nights on the peak night of the Event Period, and must provide the City with documentation verifying compliance with this requirement within thirty (30) days following the conclusion of each Event. lf Event Producer fails to meet this requirement, the City may immediately terminate the Agreement for cause. (Agreement, Section 27). ln addition to the specific deliverables and milestones noted above, the Agreement includes a variety of terms and conditions for the protection of the City, including obligations with respect to maintenance of City property; insurance; payment of Event- related costs; submittal to the City of a payment bond to guarantee the Event Producer's obligations; and standards of conduct to ensure the Event Producer conducts its activities with full regard for public safety, including, without limitation, the requirement to comply with all applicable laws. ln addition to the City Manager's right to review and approve the proposed plans for the Event, the Agreement provides that the City Manager shalt have the authority to suspend all or any part of the activities of the Event Producer, if in the -City Manager's sole judgment and discretion, such activities may be or are detrimental tothe public orto the City. (Agreement, Section 19). The CityManager may also suspend activities if the City has reason to believe any law is being violated and such conduct is not corrected within forty-eight (48) hours. Among othel things, the City Manager may also suspend or terminate use of the Event Site if visitors become unruly. (Agreement, Section 1g). 32 Memorandum to City Manager April 19,2016 Air & Sea Show Event TE RM INATION PROVISIONS 1. Termination for Convenience. The City Commission has the right to discontinue the Event each year, following theconclusion of the first Event. (Agreement, Section 2O(a)). Termination for convenience pursuant to Section 20(a) of the Agreement must be etfectuated by motion approved by the City Commission, within ninety days following the conclusion of eachEvent. lf the City terminates the Agreement for convenience, the City shall not permit production of an air and sea show on City's beach for two (2) years after the year the last Event is produced. (Agreement, Section 2O(a)).1 ln addition, the Event producer also has the ability to terminate the Agreement for its convenience, if it elects to do so prior to the July 15 of the year preceding the next Event. (Agreement, Section 2O(b). 2. Termination for Cause. The Agreement includes a termination clause to permit either party to terminate the Agreement for cause if the other party defaults on its obligations und-er the Agreement. lf the Event Producer fails to comply with the Agreement terms or any applicible laws, the City shall provide the Event Producer with a written notice of default. The City may thereafter terminate the Agreement for cause, if the Event Producer fails to cure the default within a specified time period (not later than 60 days). lf the Event producer commits a default and timely cures the default, and later subsequently commits a default of a similar nature, the City may terminate for cause immediitely without providing any opportunity to cure the subsequent default. ln addition, if the default is of a nature that cannot be cured (such as the failure to have met the minimum room block requirements), the City may immediately terminate the Agreement for cause. See Agreement, Section 20(c). ' At the December 9, 2015 City Commission meeting, in response to a question conceming the termination for convenience clause proposed as part of the agenda item, the City Attorney interprete-d the qlopose! language as authorizing the City to terminate the Agreement for convenience prior to July 30,2016. Both the Event Producer and at least one Commissioner disagreed with thi interpretition, reasoning that, due to the work associated with organizing the Event, securing sponsors, and the like, the intent was to only authorize the City to termination for convenience after the conclusion of the first Event. Subsequently, the Mayor proposed either a postponement of the agenda item to the January, 2016 City Commission meeting, or a limited termination for convenience clause to allow the City to cancel the Agreement in the first sixty (60) days following execution of the Agreement, but after the Event producer explained that the room block commitments would be compromised, these points were not included in the motion to approve the agenda item. As a result, the termination for convenience clause in the Agreement only applies after lhe conclusion of the first Event. 33 Memorandum to City Manager April 19,2016 Air & Sea Show Event ln response to Commissioner Malakoffs question as to whether the City may rescind Resolution No. 201 5'29226, and terminate the Agreement prior to tne iOt 7 Event, inthe absence of a default on the part of the Event Pioducer that is not cured or cannot be cured within the cure period, any such action may constitute a breach of the Agreementthat may expose the City to potential damages, including the Event pioduceis attorneys' fees. ln this regard, the Agreement provides that'{he defautting party shall remain liable for all damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable att6rney'i fees, arising out of or related to its Defaults under this Agreement." (Agreement, Section 20(c)(3). lf the City Commission desires to rescind Resolution No. 201 5-29226 and terminate the Agreement, I recommend that the City Commission formally direct the Administration and City Attorney's Office to meet with the Event Producer to address the possibility fora negotiated settlement or buy-out of the Agreement, prior to the City Commission taking any final action to rescind or terminate the Agreement before the conclusion of the first Event. 34 EXHIBIT 1- - -- between THE clry oF MLAMI BEACH, a municipal corporafion of the State of Florida,hereinafler refened to as ,Citf, and A National Salute to Arnerica's Heroes, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Companyhereinafter refened trc as "Applicanf. WHEREAS, Applicant has requested appoval from the City to conduct its aircraft flightdemonslraton and aquatic show, wlth'ancittaryaitivities such a" "ntirtain*ent, exrrioiis, iuvenksales' and refreshment sales (hereinafter refened to couectirJy.i'itt" .ni, "nd Sea shor,t' ortfie'Event'). WHEREAS, City has been advised that, due_to the scope and magnitude of the proposed Airand.Sea.Show, Applicant desires a contract with city fur an'iniuaiterm of five (E) years, so rratApplicant can appropriatery pran the commrtment o? r"rour"r, "pon"or", subcontractors andfinances. WHEREAS, City recognizes trat treEventh a urnQue bmndedenentrequirirB s6ntfrcantcapitaland time investnent and, as sttcft, is willing to enler into tris agreement wmr abprifinfirUi*i-to t.tenns and ordilions contained herein. NoW, THEREFORE, in conskleratlon of the mutuatpromises and covenants contained inthis Agreement, and other good and valuable consloeration, [rr" ,."ipt "nd aaequacy oi"rtriln .r"acknowledged,lhe parties agree as follows: 1' RECITALS INCORPORATED. The foregoing reciEls are inoorporaEd lnrc6 by reference. Z DEFINITIONS. For the purposes of ttris Agrcernent the Definitions sel forh below are agreedupon byfie parties: "Agreement' means tir Agreement between the city and eppficantincluding all of tre attacfred and/or referenced Exhiblts, as tr. same may beamended torn tinre to lirne, jn.*tttng, lgned by boh part*es, ;"d *ifr, any iu*,amendment as to tte ciV, furtrer suUect to tre apprdral of'he ruapr and cityCommbskrn. "Applicant'means A Nationat salute b Arnerica's Her@s, LLC, a Florida LimitedLiability company authorized to do business in the state of Roriaa. 'cit/'means the cityof Miami Beach, Florida, a municipalcorporationofthestateof Florida. b. AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into on tfrisl FoL."..I dayor--€r__,2016, Page 1 35 d' 'confactAdm,lnlEhatof means, as b.Qu., fie cityManag€rorhbdesigrreeard, asbAppri'can[ t rtn"g*of A Nafionatsprule to Ar;,#,. tiaroes, LLC, orhis/herdesignee. rn the daylo day orer"i'grrt ano acmNpii't[n],F* ngr*nenr and excsitwt€re otherwiEe provi,ola rer6m, 0r" p?d;#'& u*n irrfirdbr* orde'ninadifllg. by.the r#cmm conma tfu*-ini"rrtor* The con{naotAdrrkr$abT maY I|ol Tql<e "nifr"ng" {o il*- Adffi rviiurcnrt rhe approrat of awritEn anendrnentb fris ngr*irerrt "jo;r*"d dciil'# ood** and, as to City.furrher subl'ect to rht d;;;d;d drrn raiFr'"ii'didtmmissaon. €. titylraru-gef,means fiegtyof iliami Beaeit's Cfry ManqBr. f' tc,ty Gommissi,on'means the Gg of Miami Bea$ city commksion. g' Elrant lnpact Ateas" rnG,ans the araas olftsicts of the Event sirl€ that are direcs/impacted by *e Event. m" treri knpa.i;i,EB .Cl;l mm:ug*pg6fi-,mffi ,uffi fi'ffi#rt,tfie event of a olsagreerEnt u"t*iiinpirii*r,t .-,ii t'" ciyEarding tre Event lrnpactAr'as, tre citv Managers oeGio;rr;fi b. t#iiffiffiifi upon the parries as rotha determin;d E /eni impac#;s.' h' "Event Period means tre dabs of MemonialDayweekend annuallyand tho,ghoutthe Term of this {seement ni niiJi,o s* siri,,;i[iiiil[" pno on Memortat Davweekend over a ihree<ii p"ri6Ju"gir,,iii#; ;;ffi;:;l tr#5;lPi##trtum"'*ffi nrl;rffi'*s*lm ncessrohs o r hospih rity tents sha il d-jd;td ;-frdil* rhe pr:acrice day.The Event p?rgi may 5e revhJrhn tr,e m,i,al-fir"rrt or tr€ City and treAppricanr "nd, ,lfy,Tq, "nv newlLqrerioa "iiJit'riln*urized as a formarffi tl&Ti*$r*oAd'#;Lwrricnstriii'tft ,ffi lltElffi fi;1ffi i. 'BrEaldorrn" dfl qgrn fte rlse of treavy eqripn.ent macfrirrery or drideE iin hedeoonsfucdon of fie EvEritfiIcfr;es. ----', -rr'|t'"H(' rrwtrr i. 'Ev'srtsrte"mlns tr.e a1ry wittrinl[re cfi usedp hoH the Eventand shail generar&refer to the area east of oc"a; D,ir", ilori;fldffit rr?Hstreet rimited bv rhewaterrine and the Mainhnance or rramc irvroriiLn.'ir"-6ili'iiiL*d#;specificailydescrtbed m e*,nlri ,ry f*Lro. k' ,,l5$ffitT.of r,,fficpran'or'rrrrorphn"shaurannsthenreanrnggiwntosuclrbm l. "PuHic safety Fhn" shafi hare the nreanirg ghpn b suctr tarm in seodon s. m' "Repair' sharr neal any umrk (incrudiing ail trird oarty labor, supprieq materirrb andequipment)reasonauvnecessa'ryt"r"p"ir,*rt*',"#u_"*;,Urru+;ie#; building, strtrrt.,", or-any oteicomionent withrn tu E,ent sie, if suctr work isneoessitah:ci B ?n, aarnage or oestrucilon- du# ;; #;cts or ornscions of theApplicantand/or.ibbmprofes, *nbritor,s, subconkactors, agenB. concesronaires,licensees, or invibes. ' - Page 2 36 "Resticted Errenl Anea' shall rnaan he rasticEA ar€a locaH $/itdn the Event Site !rtiliT9..!v Appricanr for oommand "no "*trol, tl;diryg}ine]6}"mn , anohospiElity. 'Ercnt Sib Plan* shall harc tre nreanlng gnjel b sudr Hm in Secfion 4. Term"shall have the rneaning girren b such brm in Section 20. 3' PERMISSIoN I!.USS, Subfect to the lerms ard conditions in this Agr€snrent, Appticantshall be permitled to r.se fie E ent si,ti ln orrier tro cordua G niiaru sea shqr. The rightto usetheEvent sib shall not imp-ry tg r,e &ri;;iil p#ffi;;iG'J[* and hansportaron mnuorsffil&Hffireffitr Errent diii, unG"d*u"h douu'"u;;-fu*u, k ,furu, by-t,"sq, The cfiy Manager shall.have the rbht b pre-apprcva all promorional materials, adrrerti.sing and.signage for the Event, wfrich approvitin"ri'ot il ffi;;;iirir,iir*ro. F, upon rwieur, hs cityItrlanagerdenies te use of certii'h prornotionairnateriats, "or*ti.irg, ors(ynage, theApplicantshall |ffiyr:fntinue tre use of, airolo.orrennlse remove, sui,n-dl,i"ur*rnrabrrilS,-iJvirti.i"g Applhant agrees to list &e city of Mhmi Beach as a_cffiponsor of the Evsnt on all appmvedSomotional rna&arials, advertisi,;g anA signegg for fre grren[ -"--' J TryryrfiBagreetratagryr:h?r,qryEeemiminaanesmcteoEventArea- lppricanfsahohorsales, use. and oonsunrpdon gynrgtiJEffilgiib"-il#t-Jcmroarrc" wttr a1app{icabreprovisions ofthecitv of Miami Beai,tr cooe ana ni,id;"1il;;;ffi amenaed from rime b time. 4' ctTY SPEGI'AL EVENT PERMIT APPLICATION:. Not bss than ono hundred tur€nty (r20)davs prior to the first dav of eacrr eveni'C;*i i;d '*'i"'#,E ffinr shascomprete and submira Speciat Event Applicition and pr"ril; tfi; citywi-ur rre roirffiff;'* a. The Event Sitrs,lle.it"pi"q."g: aLa lninimum, a[ bcaffons hatwilt bedasknated forApplicanfs excluslva uie lindueing; wffrout'rirnuton-rre nesUctea EGnt lo.ut,detailing,the bfpry 9f -any En-G, sanih, f.dtik, Frktrg, ,t g"q'il&r,@noesslons' alcoholic beverag-e s-ervice areas, etc.; ind t;[ bou-ndary lines,incruding trosedoumtofiewarerfiry(asalr"l/Edtita;i;,f ;;J;;;;, ilili&{.t".to be conEbucted at fre Event S1e... lie srrent sie'irarisrran 6 ;ubJA b h6 ,4,i"$,and appm*at 9v. qp ryrrorrtab qrv deparrmenc. Afteiievta,r ty G'ipprFdat" ;iildepartmenb, rre finalploioseo a6nt Sna ain sLlr * iuutea L fio;fia;,"ou nn rtaritten "trEl{ry'c-nr mgaser. A finat inspe.u"r 'ririire""d,rit i-iiG liilimmediate[ pJror to tre Event tolnsqre t at tr; hcation of all &nts, bodts, sanftaryfacilifies, parking, sbgs' etc. are in amordance ",itt t" city "efidEirilIbnuPlan. rhe -city appov-d evort sib ptan shar G in*'poona firilfii'lnsre.;";,t auExhiblt iD'hiret6- b' A descri'plion of all adivities a.nd evenB to occur at the Event Sib, o. p. Page 3 37 The cellularand beiness phone num .bers of tre indMduab in drarge of the variousaspects of the Event &ffi_i,i"#trffiiff:#,ffi HH[-"ff;#[?ffirner&ardbe,foodandbererasre'*-;d;";;,HiiiELlXiloffi#. Allsponsorsof he Event.ando.rafl goods and eendcestobe promoted, disbibubd,soH' or girren awav must.h* r,e phi *riu"n "ppr.,"r of the city Manag€r, v$ichapprorral, if glven at a[, shail oe at'ne ciiy l,rani&rs son iil;i#. Applicant shail prw'e.any other deri,enabqs)..t{ulEd by the city Manager,whe{her same is requked pro*ni'u'-frL oy, speciar Errent Rures andRegulations, which are atta"n6,r bno i"'#rir"o ,s Exhibit "_" herero, orwhetherrequked ln order to saf€u-ard enc ensure Gieanl or.ry, .frt'*#," of.the€ivsresldents ana visitors An tng Or. ir;ht b;Jj. ffi 'ffi?t*T.ffi ?iEltllfl;?Hf"?f, ,filff i.,ylffi Hffi ffi iffi ffiMemoriat oav nori,oav'weeGna:; h'i,;i"i;iltusyrveerend urttrin sre ciryof Miamrfqt' fr4lngtv, appncanrstdiJiiJiub, prog'm, and activation shar becoordinated wfth h€ cxtv, so as to insJrl ih" h6tlr];ilty';il#;'"," of cffiresidents and visitors d{1p.qqe,B1iF"'ioo,lna rylimardisruptionorintenuption Ef$.Jmties orevenb-rii'u pirL-niili,i t'e city;] Mia;ffi; dudng rre 5. pUBLIC SAFEry PLAN FOR TI{E€\ENT" Eecause of the phyrsicat siza of the Etentandfienumber of peopre rhat mav afrend, ciy straliffi ffiffi;H"il]and ln such typ. mannerad nu*Gr, o *"itana.iue#;r-i;;#;-0,.#.il*.dffi #ffie**dng tre Resricted E "rt'Ad, *r,di ffiiEr,nrt# ii$rH"r" expens, Trre i,arri,es maytr"Tfffi ffi ffi trbd;;;.*ftt,a,o@I;ilii,s-affi IiJ,i;,G,ffi "* TheApplicant shall povide a publiosafety papprovil,norateiirianq,elulgrqi;*-d;,1il(fjo}LPrH?Er#if#y# Evant period. This pubric s"r"v nl-, d il&t, * "r ue rimneo to, ill ^irffiJdannedadions to r=s,ond.o 3na.ritdta mtus pomnri,roi*m"fani,orefllergencyincHenb wtricfr mav ooa.rr d uring t*-fi;iltr ryrvirg the pubric s&ty pran fiornthe Apdicanr rrebitv la",ffi,rfiffifr^,ifl, *g od,ffiil;;", to properrydetermine tre number of o"6ilr ;;;..q to.."p"ri*ry and efficbnty cany outthe Pubric safetv pran. rhi crtl."nonirioni,inar o"*reffi;tilffi"d budset forthe pubric saferv pran. TJre citv ru"IiG ir,"n r,* il!;ffi;Etb rishr anddiscrerion to "ppror the puuric-6iil-tvE[ir, i,'raudrng any revisions or adjusrmentsthereto. tn the event or a aiToreemJriidj GqF?" eppii,6i iiij r,J,ciV r"g"reqthe number of personnd- r6quid,, f* h"E1ffi s",r"ryFlqn fi;i;;il" anflciparedbudget of the pubrc sahty-Frari, gr; cild;g"/rdecisions sfidlbefinar. Thefinarffi Pren. satutv pun lrijn o" 1tffiHililffiffitrilw '". o r,s Pqe4 38 d. AFplicant shall meke arangemsnb M& tre applopdate CiU dWartnen(s) toprovtle potice, tu, 9f.iig"c.ru ;;.i*h;"'i-#;'=r;.G,,*rts musr berevter,rred and approvd by Ae CiV GLgar, The parties will act in good faitr b kep tre o0rer pary rptffied of ffre latest lnformationand any rnw &velopmenb or i,ir.loirG-u,"t rlis*;" .dffi.A;ffi.ffipensonnelbbe dephybd b&e€re* - ln additbn b sle cfi-approrcd Public safety Ptan, the citfs poti,ce and Fireoepartmene wflg aufr*.sir,h,Ee *mp*f,"*r* n Ulnt -n",to.irfOp"_Urn"l pbflsspecific ro herr resoe_crrre' dur"r. $fi;i;;;;il ffi; ;ffi;?rrarion se,er:a rqPo, b tndude ri-ur""rv-arai*itili "r6iitrrirrd G r{;i#i i;,id*i ffifr",*^r ffi Atriffislns&m (rcsl. These pbruE wi, aeluu up-rirtr td """iiGon-Jite,o,t ar maychanse based on rear -rine i"bnu.nce;r,ilii{ilil;"r;; o*}!r*, r,p.rr. roorrepresenbtr/tss ard ry"r,e rori're i"d",ar Bd;;i';;#il; FBD speceilEvenb unrt ne oemrime,toiilr*d"a 5J**rrotrtl, Nary criminar rnvestignriveseMce (Ncts), "ri,."l*lq:rdri.l'#rJp'Jru'* ',tar a$iJil il.-r,rng r,e bverand magni[rdE rating {'8" g*ri,';M*.or "r,v. p*nil-r"*uo*l securityconsiderariors, and frllre ,r"t,ig* -g;ii,ering and Errent threat assessmentassisrance. Due b fiie sensitive **ntv;ri;qryilfuililkffi,1ffiffi:fi;;will be kept onffden&al, accessirupr otioriiLr- phffiE r*ilrier andAppti<xntonly, and shail noJ ue araltaup ior prsr,i ii'lir"ora distriburion. r-g T "ny eryansion of Event+erabd aaivitbs, ooundariee or otrer EyentprograT cfranges reqrrsted Uy nppfbanf or the ,ir.b-fo;-"ddltionat servles|"q*rrs b.yApqkang rncrr.dirglwifrbuirir-it tion, pruri"*dtriilla sewicesthatare greatsr than the sen ioeg n",ng provided ui n" civro, the Erent as estabrished inthe Public safetv pran, sfiart b n-ft-*t"iip"np o{Areficant cxty shail be pard orrelmbursed for ail *sp 1nd n;; "*o"i"t"o with any such additionar orexpandedsewices provueo uepiluant'rffiafl such oos6 beirg accountsd forandpai'd sepanatefyfrorn the prowors orsi"iion 17 of fiis Agreemen! ,*,ffir"rriiapply witr.respect trereti. Elpansion-ot seiric." m"an, enhancemerfs sf Event-related activttias or orogrammini, "ni .r,rrq"r i,n m" tlf" ; dh;b" ;,eroved for treffi; ffitr# shouldAffilcant requestnon-criticarpublicsafetyseM@s, such as a policeeecort,or if such servioes are Ue,mna ftt" dil.";ri; amargernenb and cryrservi&isr,,arO"t"lffi# paid to city wi&ln fie ti*e tarne seitiort, i" a€cfid i;.' wYry Y' u E^f^ Ik rg{an -?Tgigrq ordrssbrduriry tre Event, at fie Brcntsib, or as a directresutt of Event adivnft*, trat rcquires pubfrc ;{ety ,€"c*uoes o.yry,o r," bityl"ppJiffiplt" i"r"tv ptan, ir shalt ue tire sore reuporisiLn,vtlffieii.i.a'ni'f ,eirrrurse t ecity for its addfiionar @st b tespord to a[*, eqrer6"r,.y o., oiaser. This pEragmdrshall not appty b anynatrnat ce#er, aa oitrmrt rn] or;h;c.d drnay ourat teEvent.sie during. the Event irdudirfo, t^dtr*tl'rrfdilql; hrril,r",'iiltrhing stfte,ffnado, ,or ar;y olher such causes u,traeoe,rer lqprU tre contoJ of *ri parfies. Pagre 5 39 h' ln tE evBnt teApplioantwishes to ulflize bmporarymobile callularcommunicationsersce booetinglto,uers, wrri*r can arso ueniifpi,bd" ;;ery ttffi;i# ii" i+l Icapabifr8es d rre specff c se$ ?,*vlo*, fir" Adt?nr *,ir,j;or, * c,ti e"ii, u.aHre Departnenb and €lees trat n o"ni,r.m{fii6Lnt provideiwitr-utrom nryprocure sur*r equipment servioes eb. "flr *,o* ooJrry*rn ffi Gt rRtffi LIffio oconfirmfietemporarylmrcnswillnotinterlere-r,virrG"Uil*c""*iv-p.rffi"i?iii,"u1, ftequen<*x. 6. STREETCLOSINGS:TheCituMannna,**i,p ;;'*, Mf#tffiffiffi"Tpffirffi ffiffiH:: approrie a,r a. Noiless than one hundred and,J,*ry-(1_2e days priorto tha dato of eacfi EventAppricanr shail provide rc rre city a rjror p{an irir,"'iilii"iii"?"=,lt$'rnoapproval -The cis approved tlor ptan irrair Gln*rpoodd i"to fr[ Agii"ilntoE)fihlt t' arrd srrail ionhln a orsucdon ana aulom&e ard pede6tian 3laffic flowffifff H3,ffi ff$Hqmmm,l:mffi*mrm*rte city approrrcd uor p6n. mnrcant "slees-ti-dffiJtro'crl/ilfr1ffiilr.yaccsss b all areas irxduded in ihe erent-S 7- PARKING AND TRANSIT sERVtcES: ltwillb" F" re,spomibitity of App$canrb anange,ooordlnab, ard pay tur aff parkir€ "t Cf), trdt,i* qnd ;,ry tr^j;itsi;* fronr these fadlites b theEvent site' All proposeo srruue Eut*s ,inJ[L sups ahaab" Afitii* troor,*nt,as part of theMorPIan. citvasrreesbinroiceApprica;ilii";dp;;il;;iE;tpa*irs Ratetoranypuubmeteredpa*hEspaestratareremi,reatomorUfi|r,rs"lffi*lilUVr,"Appfrcantandapprov.d bt' tte city iranagerl All pa*ing ut request ryirst b€ in wdtng l[ re"st ninety (s) dap in adrance ofthe Event An estimate of parking cnaiges wiliu" proricJfid;ffi no nior6 trin rourteen tr+)days afier receMns *ry| requist . nipric.i*'rni.oEnJrIr"iffpp*rod spedd ErnntparkrngRate b a dady nab and nny rnite proriEJ. '- 8. IVIAINTEI'IANCE OF EVENT STTE A}ID EVENI IMPACT AIREIS: a' Applient shall be resmnsble for" arrd slnll provlde, sufficient hmporary publh sanihryfacirifles so.as lo..rneit ue requiremenu-dtuiirt Aby m cry rrranirler.}pfiontshall povide dally service or'*re racilities at aritirnesturtng rire Ev",iipe,ffi. rr,"cost of *&. t*-o-ory pubtb.TniFry fecilifies st"ff O" an oxpen& to Apptir:ant,whather .uch fac-irflies'aie tumished uv rppri."r,t or b]tv. n "rilrlu.t i""ii'ni," *funrished by City, all costs and eryensei sttil ne pqld " citv'rinin:frliri" fri* ,.set forh jn s€die 17. Rpp[carn shaf notte resionsitrte 6 prtild";il*i ii clrypublic rest room facili0es. b' TIE City *qll be responsit{e for all clearup coails and expenees associiaH wih trerernovalof rash ard@risttatam.rinr.labsraifrintreEvent'geor N-tf,i GriflnareaEvent lmpac{ Areas, provided, horamer, trat ,qpplicant shall be r€spnsioli ar af b' ffi*Xffim:f.:f_In1p tre apprryriars anangements wirr any ffigreskrenbdbdadrvarvsueetordr#ruffi rfr tr;ft:#XffiJJIg,,*-nr* .suff <ient and 6;u'ffi Rfiffi xHf* lg313p5 g 99 ryry*'.pd; ;h"u is6,,x.d'# -* *,.o .*egrcss b buslnee oir6iUenes du,ing #ilR rse of tre Erent Page 6 40 e*?cosb ard ",*enses rrg."l'qrrih rhe remorar of frash and dobds hatamlmuhbs on any porlbn qfhe Rgsehbdit;rilatt haeh shall be colbdEd andremoved $rcqfroutaa eventu,mr n*i.,t*n+eG,u';r,phr.d ldhh 24 fo.,soffteEvent cornpnttm. rne r.quinamant u re*,ir-Hsrr aild d*ris indrdes stueetS!,,t€gpifg. G Apllcant shall provide all day aocess pases to fre neeessar/ city s1s6 lsgufied b' tt'*fie EwntApplicantano'ci4ywirr"6r*-to-tr"iiJiipuooftatwi[ bedistributed6r the tyl :l l.:rrt ten (roj iays ;,lfdt'J Ei."il Addit onaly, Appncant shauFncvide an operations tentio 6eiocano,noruri";F,;s"#"frfij|H9,ffi ffi Hffiffi,S:*"ft "!.9. CONSTRUCTH}N OF EACILITIES, STRUCTURES. CANOPIES, TENTS ANDCONCESSION STANDS; a. Appricant shefi be penn]tbd to consfr.rct.yo..rylntain, rfithin rre Eveni site, sudrfadlilies and/orshrrchne rratare appro@ forrre gvert * p.rt or roEveilt sfie Fhn.All Euctr facili$"";il;';ilr*" shail be erectJ, ano detiveries wih raspectfff" made, on asreed+rpon uates arer *rifilil,i "in tha cit/s speciat Eltnr b' Applicantsfiallbe permftred tosetupno taterfran the Mondaypriorto$oE\€nt Allsuch faciriues andror rr,rau* must be ,"r*r,"d;;lin eeventy_two {72) hoursfoilou/ing the concl,sio;;t,*-ir/"dr "- 's.r'yqr wru €' Apprhantshafiqbbinappovaruvf,cu{reDgpartnentandfrhwitrbsp€o.arEvent Permit applicadon evloene-ftrar "nl r".nitii|*'an!d'*t*n r.s are of firepmofmate*alard wifi rptconst]tute a 1re 1,iryu:'Cit]r";;iiling Deparrnentmust niuoryand approve the proposerl use of,anymnro;ri/*r:ffi"F., !n aocrydanoE wifr tre,9.#* and rhe Frorua suird6g'd;d€:;-;# be amended fipm rime ro d' All construc{on, lnstallations and services, induding ebctical hod<+rps, sfrallte nmdeatAppri'canfseyrTary approvea h aa€nce ulil--dtys eunoing Demrtnent rfelecrkr'ty is requlreo, epiliraritltrarl n"gou"b "EliglilJs ror.uch servioe wifr *reOity or a licensed oorithc_or. Thi, "irt ,f,"U U" i"'"til,* to Applicant ard, iftumrshed bv orry, shail be pato to city-*iti,il;; rr#;: aB setforrh In secrion 1 7,Rarmbursementof Gosh ino gxpErises. ." wrru,ur f, -Ecron l e. Unless Applicalt reeives prbr nrilen pennission fmm fire Clty Manager, nooonstruc-li0n or installatkrns siralt inrrcrva rrl ,"";t;G or ollrer materir* rratmaybreak the surface ordefae any ir*astuctrre;,rd, ;lfr;41, ggncrgte, oric* or:anyPlant mabrial. - --v" wvtar f' Applicantis required to provide ard.inshllEr,ent-relateds[7nage, indtdirgdiredionat,general mes{.9rng, corrcession sundq, "nO "po*oi[i;d ;igffi,;i 5.[6;,subjecr to tre cig Managers approvai. *plr#ffiiG;p fid remowsuctr signage,atno mtbthe Gity. Page 7 41 1 0' tutAINTENANCE oF AND PAYI'ENT FoR DAMAGE To PRoPERTy: Rogardte5g of ffre@gFg' Appllcant shaltoe., responsiute tJany.oarys{fu'a"y'*i alt property locat€d or situatedwithin the Eventsite(includin!, "irt "tt'ilidtion, n! neditJgirynr4real. ttisturllreragreed&at citv shall insoect me ni,!tri*,Jt Jirr Ard ;;i 6;;iEtl ro, c"r"se no rater rhan t'ewednesdavimmectatelyrguowinffi ivJntano, ir"r " r.rit*Jiid inspection, damgge lsfoundb exist' citv shatl nrprir epniicaiiriirr Jrmu"n *pd "f #;'a]r*g" by the ctose of hrsrnesswlthinburteen (1+)<hvsrolidillnglii'Liit Ih.*pori.ia-r-#"necostbbepaid byAppricantto rernedythe damage. Ttris "ostitr"ttu.priu uvnp;il,;;ffiufi?ourton (i4)daysafterAppticantreceives th€ City.s report 11. $EcuRIry:. Ail consfi'c{ion materi_{g,,leuiqmqn!, goods, srgns and anyotferpersonarproperty of Applbant shall be protecteCranO/ ryi*ry;uffiffi ,o,*."norespon*biFffiffi*[:1ffi,8*,ffimmffim andprorection of anysurfi iter(s)fiLm d&.;;;il;:tr,?Ii3.i""r", act$ of cod, oranyorheroaus€,arestrictythiresponsibi'lfiy.inpplir;nt -'--.-,.n 12' SUBLEASES AsslGNMENTs, oR TTAI'ISFERS: Applicant shatt not assign, subreas€ ortransferanyofitsobrigationsorrlsrrhuhd"iil,begr"r-m"nt,i'[ir'nri"orrnparltoanyperson. Theforegotns notwitrsunoing, th" qity;d;_ilg"r-:thrtAedil;iriiir,ave sutcrnhadors piovidir'services lo AppHcant t .** #Ad;ffii ti efidiltJdi" rg["r*nt and tho hiring of suchsuboontac{ors shau not be, vrLiiliiii ti.ii'" par:agrraph. 13' LIGENSESAN-D PERMITS;CoP\frftSHTS, PATENTS AI{DTRADEMARKs:Aleastffieen(15) davs prbr to rre.-ql3rt, nnnriianiG;,-: i; ."..uL;;fiIora, licenses, permik oro$rer ;f,f$S?#'fi ilililffi?:3hgm'i#,rApdililil;,;;-;an*umu,',u,iuil*r* requeled by City, App*".r**priiii*g^ffi appthabte, ail fees have ueeri paia in triibfiffi#;i.'ff,"'[rogs19ns of rhis paragraphspec{fically appty to q* 4n6,6- d;.b,i,-;i ffipd*: Aufrors and pubfishers("AscAp,'), aruncasl Musb idry;,ud_ {gMr) -ani' any*, oEe, sffiar organizdbnrnat may reguire wdtten panrlssion -iifr.-puy*"nt of a fee f6r lrse.of prctected rnahrial.Appncant shall ensurc_ trit alr-pern#inG'.;y'#"'ffi,Ji b be rnade under sucfrlicerses are rtade prompfly "-a'aiffiiid;; ild,ii' it,n i[ ;;,ffi*[ B-,nrFffi,i,ff"ffi*%ffi.S, *;;fsubrnit ttre nwrses oI reporr as required- ii*i;';;;;lr*nt ton * ,6EtJ*orvtc qrty, Applicant stralt ud ,p"ponsnii-i* payrilent "io city frafi license rees inarrneo lythe oty in connection with' G- E;t brtv sri"r-ri"uJ' no responsibflties ro anyperbrmiru righe rii:errsing organiat o.s ti"iiy perrdhnanoe arffirc e*r,t 14. STANDARDS OF CONDUCT; COMPLI/ANCE W|TH RULES, REGUT-AT|ONS,oRDlt{ANcEs: *pBl,cantagrees trafat alr mir rt *i.rr gg;d-rrt il ilt iues witr tu1 regard for pubticsafesand will obsene ard "uu" uv "u r"&'"i;'stm#d i*;ii,ir",1-tic,ru, wihd.( ltmihuon, hoeerelatngionolse,buirdrrg, zonir-g,q"ry,,qrili,ii= n ot".uon,ii,quor,#;h&n, sahfrarir:n, foodfadrit€,and lpursof operalion. Apdcati'sharriurtili-Gr" ail precauffons ind use due care to mnduct ttsoperationsln a safe and fnrdentrmnnerwtr'rep"dbibag"nb:ln&resaruvisirbrsbheE\€nt Page 8 42 '5' lt{st'RAI{cE The,Appticantshall provide and maintaln atall times during the brm of anyoonfact, without cost or glU,gnslto_n"-gltv, p"ii"l,., "riiIrffili"it a oornpany.or compantesauthorized b do business in ille state orrdrria, ?ry -nr*;1" i#r** b fie city Arr requiredinsurance will be placed wittr caniery lloenseu.tooo uusiness ln n!-iLe "r prodda, havtng agenbupon whom seMe dprocess maybe rnaoe eSme s-i;6;il#;,-in.rri,rs tre-airiiicariliriainstapy^and all olaimq dernands or ciuses ot ac0on.unr"t"""oij"r i'niurou" 6"elveh'or;ahTge upropertvretatins tottreperformanceof duriras, serriceJana,or;ird6;;iil;fr#;i,'iftrr,"terms and provisions of the confiact. appicant is re.ponsiur" ror i'r*V prrirlon of certjficaqs) of Itrsupnce g rhg grry at fie ceruf,cateliiGiaoid;s-eiilffiil ffir*"* wifr rhe contracrequircmenb at a[ tirnes throqghouttre term of the mnhact sucfr polk;bs shall rernain in full force and effect cy1lng the Event and shall spedfically irmludethose times of setrp and Brmkdown in oonne"ti* wis, fie Eueni dr-i*r poticies of insunance, and f,m;X$mo*tes of inzurance, srran iniurl irr;;peti6iilin-il*ruun* rivwr rre forowins General Lhbflity insurance on fonns no npre resfiidive than the htest edition of Srepccgnence Form commerc,ar Generat *aririv poracyiccii,o ,il;iii;ffi;;;servi'oe$ office or ecuivarent wnmouttresdde- enooriaments, ;fihH" ;il;ilmlnimum limits and correrage: Ea ch Occunenoe/General Ag gregale Products€ompleted Operati-o-n s - Personal& Adv. lnluru Flre Damage Medical&rperise b.Liquor Liability with the furbwing minimum limits and coverEige: €ach Occunence AnnualAggregnte $1,000,000/2,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $50,000 S,5,000 lnduded $1,oo0,ooo $1,000,000 furtomoblleli,ability insurancg, rncrudirg oriyned, rpn-q1lvned, and hired autros wih trefollowing minirrnum limits and coveragi Gombined Singte Limit $1,000,000 Workerc' compensalion insuna nce based on proper reportrg of dassiflcation 6gdesand payroll amounb in acordance wBr cripter aaO, norila st hrp;ffiil;;otherappticabte raw requrrrng worters compdnsation iF;;;i,-mariti;i, etcl. n,ritrecuJqed by law trc malntain workers.compensation iisurance, tni'appilorit mustprovlCe a notarized statement that if he oishe f nniroal n" "i "iiifril not hotd rreCity responslble for any palrnent or comprsafon. Empbyers !,qbit{y insurane with the foflorying minlmum rimib and coyemge:EachAccident - - $I,OOO,OOODisease-Eacfi lrnployee if ,ffiO,OOODlsease-poliqy,Limit Sf .OoO,OOO Conkactual Liab,ility 43 f. Professronar riabirity and/or speciarty itry.on " (medicar maprac{ioe, enginees,architect, onsuHanl envrroomenriar,'poilution. "d;;J;;ilions, eb.) insurance fi,.ffim:b, wifrt mlnimum timiti or $1,'000,06"Li0""^*ual assregate of The city of Mht,B,-:?s -"Hll.* named as addirlonar insured as their in@rest may The certificate(s) of rnsurarrce shafi provrde for a minimum of thrrty (30) days priorwritten notbe to the_citvof any crran&i;;;*ffi;;:'#ffi&!*r of fie providedinsuratrce. tt is $re app,ricanr,i "pecff re"po*hitity 6 ii;.il'rrat any such notioeis provrded within thi irated timirama to ih" druiaL dil;.: . If it is not po.ssirrre for. the.Appricant to ceruff cornpliance, on the cerrificate of' insurance, with an of ne abdve r.qrii"*"nt", $en the App#;iir;;,ffiJi tprovlde a copyof heactualpolicyanlor=emen(sl provluinJtf,e required co\rerageand notificauon provbbns. ----i-:'r-rr.lv'r'vrre"{'uE Certificab trolder shall be: Tle City of t\{iami Beacfi, Ftodda 1700 Gonvention Center Drive Miamigeach, FL 3313€ certificates of insurance sh"aJr g@noe a 1$ve. r o{ sutogaqon in faror of tt," crg,hat correrage shaH be pridry l;A n&.rmUrt"ry, ""d UrlGcir evidenceO pol'ytnctudes a cross Liability or slverairritv& rnter""E'6H;,;il no requrrementofprcmium payment uy tne cny. r'v'Eu" rv,s Applicant is rcqu$ to confiqtrat each \rendor of-thb Appricant carry insurancecovenag. that me* or exced th€ sv.rages set iortr iiii,aEbiaphs (aH0 ftatapply to each vendql, as appricabrJb each venoofs work, and that the same rimits+ply to anv and 3u qn{oii n" npp$.*t.uses ro. n"'i*ni Apprrcent turtrercol,firyi trat Apprir:anfs insurance -rrihJ apprv aJ.i"e&-orli'aiy orrerrrafld andcoltectibte cowrase of rheirrrenosns. saidir;ib i"ylfid;;by purchase of anumbrella or excess policy. All selFinsuad rt$?l_:jffi-appear on the cefficaHs) ar shaH be subpct bapproval bv 0re ciry. e1 *re optidri oJ tra city, tr"-i,r"ri]:ltiiriooo or erimina*such self-insured rsentions oi tre appfcanf ir suu"onrad"r ut,r b" ,=diil-frprccurc a bond guaranteeing paynrenibrn-s". a"d a;t"d;;i,r; epenses. The City shall be exemptfrom, and in no w.ayllabfe for, any surm of money, whichrnay represent a deductibre or serf{nsured r"t;rtbnH i;i il;"* poricy, Thepaymentof sucfi deductibte orsetf-lnsuredreenuon;i.,ariilti;;;ou responsibilifof the appticant and/or Bub-conmaor provioi,rg iltil;rirH" - tf Applklant fairs to deriver an insurance Ttrfiqt9, tre cilys failure to requestdellvery shlt in rp $ray be.o"s.qu"-o ri a-waye.lornipri*"i'( Joiigar*:n rrc providethe insuranse coverdge specitied hBrpil. FFihIe t;brailiii maintain such Page 10 44 msurance as setoutaboue will be-mn$dered a breach of con&actand may rcsultintennination of the contractfor default Ndfi:t_:lqfyt by fte Crty of ?.ny insurance supplied by tre, nor a faiture todlsapprorre that insuranoe, etiatllelpv-ett*ApptG;ioftuilresponshilityturtiabitity, damages, and aq&nB is set forttr herein.-- "--"' 16' INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD I'IARMLESS: Appliwrtshatt irdenrnffi/, deferd ard hotdharmless city' iE officers1.agents, anolorerrphfg." "g;rffii"r,).il alldamages, claims, loss€s,llabilities and expenses tirfiuatuig. ffiil'hmit"rion, i"asonaiiJr"g"r fee. ard disbursennnts)caused by, in connec-ti9,J yst, "ti;in'g o,rt or, or,r"surring frmG';e of the Errent slte, or oausedbv' in mnnection with, arising ir*oi ir-resriiing f**in1;;ip-ilnirr*n[ its parrrers, emproyees,officeE, @nt"iactcrs. "laot #ns-cirL' il'Ii" **n*nfo otifrir 6r*n"nt tf callsd rrpon by 61ty,Appttcant srra$ deEnd'mt "rtv ieer, o.ri;u6nil; ffi;#i"fr'any srcri deftn, at ffihanrsexperse, and at no expens" o*,rtffii rt,r. Appliantfurfreraoreeslo defrrd,irrdemniff, sarre and hold harmbss tre crtyand tre cit/s ofiicers,agenb, and erpropes.toq *v it"im, su( Lsq cost or expense oi any oamages arising out of orrelating bApplicantsfailureo oLtainaline srnyp"rr;mirrft]iirits and leens*forrtreeient(B't,ASCAP, etc.). 17 . RE|MBURSEITiENf OF EXPENSES, Thg C*V Td eppfioant shail $e responsibte for thecosts and elqranses assoclateA wiffr poficefire, Oceah {esc,I6,'a]J Sanitation servlces within treEventsjteandEvsntrrnpactArea,;ap'o,iiln:r.,;, ",i^;;il'#;p"nshreforinliatexpensestr"t"HjXffiXntsnassociatea "in u"ilorurhvweeteni riirdJirir"oi"arvpi"""iring-fi"nd", ffirum,*lra1i ilsiffi:iHveff ilffi1?]r##*sin"i*:ryiffi ffi#effiil:Icontriburion). crrvandAppriciniioeacl'b.;.p.*,br;?;;60-;;;;t(50%)ofarosrsinexces of {ppllcant's lnitialcontri6.dion, apfii"anisrrjn reimoursaffiiilrnvamounbdue underthtsAgreementwihinfourteen(14)dayB;i6,pl.ot"*iril;tffibity. Appilcantsha[havethe il$!lrt,gffi'r"t;"p3;#9"ffi ;i,gigi'ffifigf .rd"'i,.L"ntriil'ffi dr;H,Xjnc", 18,BOND: a.Applicantagree-s trc secuns a 6qld in an amount oqual to one hundred and bnrypnt (110%) sr rhe esrirnabd mst of Jen*oeuEi d; Adil;;d requmredadditionalseMces or eloansion of.ryrvicas requested uvnppii.lni foitho Eventindudlng, wttrout lrmiratiin, pubriu ialarty, *"inti"""iii effi, ,rimy @nnecrions,Brcakdorrn and emolal, i,glg: .qi'..r"ir or repracement of prop"rry. cityryrylfs sq right te approve tha?qnoing &mpanv oi in*inruon kling the bondand the instrument shafi be kepr in n ii t"r*I ",iJ;i;;t #'l#period of theAgr€ement No later.than *,lrty (3ol tlvs wigl to the date of pennisskm fiom cityto first usa thoEvent site,.Appticant shatipriviae tfrc city with i vatid pavm"nt ooni in tre amountspecified abo\re. The bond shalt be wrttei by a oorporate surety company holding acertiflcateofAuftorttytomthesecretaryofrreasuryofr,runit u-sEtes,executed Pase ll 45 FirJ rssued bv a rcsrdent rytllamnseo bv and fuv,r,g an offoe in rhe srate of pay-',gmru:lir, shail arso haue the option to escrow the runos i,n in ?TouI[ equar b one hundred*"lTl.fr ffi lJl".H!'ffi ffi ,f.:f ed,*_,Amount sha'l be ptaceolrru tn"_d,ryffi;;ff1n.* undar fie terms andcondiuons hereindfier eet t"rtn fl*i[* ";;,i)]c. The Clty,s Chlaf Financlal Officer shall be,the Escrow Agent lhe Escrow AUent shallf#oo, deposit rratain and dl"b, lilffiJJ**ft rn accordance:w1h fie",d,f,ffiH:T,il:l*fl'trtr$,y##g; "d' [YE"H[HffiXliltHoJ* ic his orherd**; Ff:.,.ourAsentsharr rerain asreq in writr ns-b ffi ;ffi#[! d'ffiX'j,HfrT ffi # il,Sg-*,1jurisdrcrion rras iojuautJG-"giilt Ho,'ffi; Jrd rhe crry. e.,qny1ylFtsenAppticantandCigwfrereEscrowl olaCdno es Escn ^r i^--i ;;;-:.:-:::jv'rs roYr/w ,rgenr ls ma0e a paff becaUse **q oharyed and assesqil Bg"rsffi6ni[:,Iiii1s.,ilry. f. f[re.ryrties agree trat the EscrcwAgent shall not be I ggJHTiigfpflffi y*rilffi trx#ffi,ffi""Utrfj .iii-"fi6ifi$:ff":y;:ffiffX|Itit o-R RFM.\E pERs.?{s FR'M E!,ENr s,rE: urhen, in the City Manasers sol"lr;:;?.;;:XY^" -::-?ry ?.aL or me activities of Applicanttothepub,ic;;ee;twi#m:,ffi:xiffi d##,lHff #HT#,*", #*:,*rm,mrmabriator item wfilch ! oq niay ue, rn *re so-retd;?f d; dirifrT""g"r, hazarirous, ofiensive, IIfr :t',S$ff:tr'#.tt?#i:Tig*rit#g#lt*;"norpersonsrhedecision 20' TERMANDTERMINATIoN: ThecityherebygrantstotheAppllcantoreexclusiverishtand ii11trff",,ffixxffi:ar ani sea d;-#ilil;i"T'#;ild;#3. orrive (5) years, su'iecr to a' I!im'*nt mav cqnduc't th€ AI "S sea shop annualy for tre Term of trrs ffi*nrffi Page'12 46 1. the Appricant of lts intent-tg 31er the Air and Sea.show prior to Jury 30 0f tte yearpreceding rhe nenscheduu eirano d;; Efr.o*. Hr*;; ilJ#ences crryshau &ffi##flLX* jpri,,fi l;Hi*,d;ffi#x,"#i#,*,#the citvcommrssron ,neaing at,mh;d;"*rril;;,J#ffi H;rined. rf cityehcils b dismntinue, 9qv!fttin;i-p^iffilrp"onitthe producrion of an airandsea shour on cry" ryl.r"r t*. iziot-'il"i years afier the yea r the f ast Eront bproduced by Sre Applicant The Applicant mav elct duri.re the Trcrm of this^Agreemant to brminate trbfeqemenl ano rn-ronserconruh me nii "fo"liJ""fff1IHLP^J iff'rfr yn###ffi.H#ffi ffi ffi #ffi ,ffi#ffiffi# Appllcant etec6 not to coriduci'tdAt#; s€" show in a parucurar year or erectsnot to seek an exbnsion orr," te-!;;t 6;;;;;1';r"tigr*re'r w*automatically brmlnaie. Terminauon for cause: rf either_pa*y faib to ryrtorm in acoordance wih tlerequiremenb of trisAoreement orfairs to #ptyilfth;;;#iffiffiun (anysudrfailurebperformor*-rprv*iiiiiliilil?lli"ry3byg*blrnsa-.DefauttJ,the ffiff ff ,fr y^3f; HmSH,ilim*iTB#Fff H1,8.,1,,lt,,;s_ j;_i; lf, afrer derir,"ry of the l*otice of Dsfaurt, tre defautting pery fairs to prompflycommenoe and therealte, *rnppe ihl'-c,ri1o _or sucfr-Default wifirin areasonabreperiodoittrne,not'iii;;fi ifu (3tl-i"Glh}?ffilryormeNotice of Defaultor. if sucir D"f"rrGil oo"ur" ot u"ing cured withrn such ffi,iii##m:::ruulq;i^n[g"nn*,iilffi xrconduston no tabr tq :,ryJooi orr iiili*ing detivery of the Notice ofDef;ault, tlren tle *i.lgayirrno ;r*i;;y rrrminate this Asreernent forcause at anytime foilowing tre exirration of tn" "ure pedod specifud in freNotice of Defautt oras pro-videa i,it,l" 6"itiin e{{. lf either party oommib a Defaurt durirg fre tenn of tris Agreenent and c.resth6 Default wihin trE cure period, "nauu'[Guenfly cornmib,a Defau]t of asimrarnarur€,rhenth6"""+"i"irnng-rffi ;;r.ii;G'iiiu'I"[-oifl""nadiscrpilon to terminate .t!is dgreemE it-L', ouo efi*tive imriJJatetxwlthout providtng f,", -d.uf"y@- ilrty'ffi *," "opJd,iE'to "J* u,"subsequent Defsurt. r m oera,itt I oi, *ilr" that cannot be anred, suchas ftaud or a materbr mjsr sertd{ffiil;nnedion "im "rn"ihrtr,perron-nance under rhis Ag,elimnt, o.? hffi il;;; *i fiil'ilimu*roombtockrequirements.i.rtrorttrli,si*tli,'ezuerow,*re-nJn-JJ"rling pafi sha, b€ entifled toilnmegtatery te*irire fris Agreernent for cause,and sueh termrnation shalr ue ir*xG iiin ltipt of thorermrnatinn noriceand no cure perlrd shall apply. - ---- -r-'r 'Y upon brmination, rhe defaurting parry sharr remarn riabbfora[ darnageg,cosb and e&enses, indpdlng ri"o,iaOe "ttorn"y. fee, ari"irjirioro,,reh{ed to ib Defaurts uniir frigAgrcem"nt, "r,o the non{e,faurting party 47 sh.ll be fu'y drsehargpd frgq any and a, riab{rities, duties, or obrigationsafising out oJ or by vl-rtue "f, Uri" i;;#;i. 21. .GOVERNING I.AWANDATTORNErawsor*rl'si"tJlin",e;;ilu,"i,i;ilq;i!Er:Uffi il#H,?""fffi yrxl: *T,TH;[{,nff g#ilf;l;HffiTJffi ffi fiiffi ,ffi i"*r^,ri;i"irJJ,oo*r" 22' A$srGNMENl, uo. asq$nrnent of [q rishts, interest or obrigation under rhrs A$€emeitshatl be made by ei*rer p"*y*,irilri-tii":*ii"n consent of the other.23' At,lENDfulENT: No- modificatbn am3$qgnt or alterauon of fre terms or conditions##j$,l"fJu*3t."r;u,;,,r"'i#iEriiffi 'ffifl EH**iodaiiJa[i,frli!,r", 24' EXIENT OF AGREEMENT: This -A-greernent represenb F"- entirc and integrated#ffi*ffift?yr*tA;iil"tr"i"u#-.."d;;iffiil&"rations,,"p,s"ntatilnsor 25' l'lorlcE: wheaercralYP?.rty.*slres to-give.notice to anyotherpagl itmustbegrven bywritten norioe sent bv regist€redGht3H; r"t, "iffi;;;-r#ili ,.q*r,"0, addressed ro rppao for wrrom it iiindnaeo "ir," pr"-i*."Y*LH ffiil;trft phce so designared sha'remain s,cfi untir'srev :r:rEf Fffi;'dd bv .fu;ffi ;' il mmpriance w*r the provisronsS^ffiffi| For [re pressnt, t'" paniiia*s6;;Hil;ff;ffias ne respecrive bhces ror CItyof MiamiBeach 1 I00 Conrrention Cenbr Drive Miami Beach, Florftla egfiU-Atrr: City Manager APPLICANT: A National Salute. to Amedca,s l_fieroes, LLC,a no{3_Li.1{90 tiablity cornpanv -. --?, cJo Michaell. Kofler. gsiulr"- s4 Sw eo"a n"ton i3orilil-rd Boca Raton, Florida aa+ii-'- 26. CORPORATE STATIIS: Thic a^*^. s:ts"#"#ff:#nffi fi$3ffffi 5t:lilxff,ffi rrm;il{HH#t:ll 27. ROOM BLOCK REQUTREMENT: F ffi'#,'H;f; f:{Tr.;*ir*.;i;l""ifi ffi fl l,ft "8d*",ffi ,"Hlff ,ffi f ffi ihff gSrnpf r!o;,rng'h*dilxrJ#Jrffi "Ht.enqereLirgii;l,i{,i'-iilffffi 'au*, xru*tru;r$in#jffiiffi rfff:#ffi*:#ffiffiH#ffir$# CITY: Page 14 48 ffii*ffiH:;?,ffi?3.PT block re.quheryF... r"se-e\fent the Appticant fails ro meet rreror cause p;;ffiit'E3:lfi:ffiffiffi."* rpreirl uri cid il;n"s#nay ierxninat€ rfls Asreernent *.r.Jilffi:ffiirf rHE FoREGoINQ'thepartieshavoserrreirhandsardsearsrhedayand -APPROYED AS TO F^ORI' & I.A}IGUAGE/1 g{gB4EpunoN eflStL+\- t-21-lb D!h grrrr gI i,lrAmr eeic+r, rua munhipal corporalion of the IOIIIAL SALUIE TO AITERICA,S HEROES,a Florida Limitsd Lhbitity Gomor*'-' --*' Page 1f -T cltyAlbmq, 4gf 49 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 50 RgD Report Of Strategy For Dealing With High lmpact Beach Events. (Office of the City Manager) (ltem to be Submitted in Supplemental) Agenda rtem R ?D Date tt-27-(L51 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 52 MIAMI BEACH City of Miomi Beoch, ,l700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33,139, www.miomibeochfl.gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: DISCUSSION REGARDING A COMPETITION SWIMMING POOL. Commissioner Arriola has requested to refer the Discussion Regarding a Competition Swimming Pool to the May 20, 2016 Finance and Citywide Projects Commission Committee. CC: Erick Chiroles, Aide to Commissioner Ricky Arriola JLM'€{9 p Agenda ltem Date Mayor Philip Levine and Members Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager April2T ,2016 of City ssion REFERRAL TO FINANCE AND C DE PROJECTS COMMITTEE - i1 (ET14;53 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 54 Myrtha Pool Brochure Submitted By Commissioner Alemdn 55 ) r,,t Myrlha Pools , Myrlha Pools, Srmply tho Bostl 56 lnstitutional market Myrtha Pools,s a larnrty ol\,ner, company vrlh over 50 yea!'s ol exDerrence In lhe poo! indusiry, Since 1961. f,llrrtha PoolB has d€velop€d ris technologt' lo lte rnslalled in over 7D cDurtries arrd contrrrues to be Ihe leader cf irtnovative technDloqies- .:t,lsfruclron ,trt{t design. Myt'tha Pools :s a glot€l dtslr,bulor yfilh rts USA headquatters bagerj rrr Sarasola. FtDrids Jno tts Etrropean Headquarlers rrr Cast:olor:e. ltaly By rlesrgrr;rrg arrd rrrffrtuiaclulrrq lhe ntafnrly ol rls cDrnponerrls Myrlha Poole also rrafiIalr-rs 360 Cj6grees of coverage rn lhe llosl tt'iarkel .r'. ?i Why and What is Myrtha Poole? ilyrtha rs srmEly ihe mosl exclus,ve .rnd advanccr, lechn6rl6gy In lho swrmmrng F,ro! rn{rulitry. lts palBnle{l ;:ro'engr.rreored rtlocllllar lerlriltale0 sleel parlEls and L:rrllress sygtenr enahlEs Myrtha tL1 oDrarn Derlecr waler$rooftng, etfrcrenl rnstallation and loil rnatntenance Dools :irrl.rhl$ tr:r almosl ;lny rlnvtronrnanl. A$ i, rarull fll Mvrltra leohrloiflgy. Myrtha Pools ltave vrrlu.rlly unlrrr,ited life spans crealtqq fr oool lFral ehrritirEtBs tradrlronal probl+nrs ol psol cDnslruclr.sn and rrrain!enance, Myrtha Pools morntarn! ofjl,onE tDr all a(Itrattc ricerjs and ,iny brrrJgct lhus ntakltq llle cr]{}tcg f$r a b'lyrlhl Po.rl runflly tlti.r t)r-,$lr li-rr,r.,r j:l,it; ! l nr,iy,irtr . I ri,'at.:| ri:r i r Ir;1til,fl 6,,r,r, : r f,i r 'r |_r.r;1{Iri' ,rr,r lL..trlrn', ..: in.tt.l:t : ' rrr,ie,,,r Il Illyrllr,r Fr,rrl (ISA hr, 57 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 58 Discussion Regarding City Manager's Plans To Prevent Floatopia From Returning To The City Of Miami Beach And The Creation Of The Mayor's Blue Ribbon Panel Regarding Major Events Allowed On The Beaches. (Sponsored by Mayor Philip Levine) Agenda ltem Date R1FW59 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 60 1.Miami Beach Convention Center Project Update - LTC. (Office of the City Manager) (ltem to be Submitted in Supplemental) Agenda ltem Date61 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 62