20160427 SM2MIAMI BEACH Presentations & Awards/Commission Meeting SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 2 Gity Hall, Commission Chamber, 3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive April27,2016 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Ellzabeth Alemdn Comm issioner Ricky Arriola Com m issioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Michael Grieco Comm issioner Joy Malakoff Comm issioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Visif us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article Vll, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Gommittee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA R7 - Resolutions R7B A Resolution Accepting The Recommendation Of The City Manager, To Award, Pursuant To RFP No. 2016-062-KB, The Design Build Contract For The West Avenue Bridge Over Collins Canal To Bergeron Land Development lnc. (Bergeron), ln The Not To Exceed Amount Of $9,930,000; And Further Authorizing The Mayor And City Clerk To Execute The Design Build Agreement With Bergeron, Which Agreement Shall Be ln Substantial Form To The Contract Attached Hereto As Exhibit 1. (ProcuremenVPublic Works) (Deferred from April 13,2016 - R7O) (Revised Memorandum & Resolution) 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2 Condensed Title: A Resolution Of The Mayor And City Commission Of The City Of Miami Beach, Florida, Accepting The Recommendation Of The City Manager, To Award, Pursuant To RFP No. 2016-062-KB, The Design Build Contract For The West Avenue Bridge Over Collins Canal To Bergeron Land Development lnc. (Bergeron), ln The Not To Exceed Amount Of $9,930,000; And Further Authorizing The Mayor And City Clerk To Execute A Desion Build with tr fil{IA COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY AGET*DA ITEM Build and Maintain P I nfrastructure with Full Su Data Environmental Scan. etc: N/A Item Summarv/Recommendation : ln efforts to improve traffic, safety, transit, bicycle, pedestrian mobility and general safety in the area, the Public Works Department is in the process of expediting the construction of the West Avenue Bridge Project while the Sunset Harbour Project is currently on-going, by processing a design build agreement. Public Works had prepared a Design Criteria Package (DCP) as stipulated by the Florida Statutes, to define the design and construction requirements for development of construction documents by Design Build Firms and for submission of their price proposals. On December 16,2015, the City Commission directed the Administration to prepare and issue a Request For Proposals (RFP) for design build services for the West Avenue Bridge over the Collins Canal, with an option to include a pedestrian bridge at Lincoln Court over Collins Canal. The RFP was released on December 29,2015 and City Commission was notified via LTC No. 491-2015 on December 31 ,2015. The scope of work also included street lighting, pedestrian lighting, signage and pavement markings, a new vehicular and pedestrian signal on Dade Boulevard and West Avenue, utility relocation and/or adjustments, and drainage. On March 9, 2016, the City Commission authorized the Administration to negotiate with the sole respondent and provide price proposals closer to the City's estimates. City staff recommended the following: (1) to modify the PD&E design criteria so that the design would be more in line with the existing conditions; (2) increase the length of the West Avenue Bridge to address the FPL transmission line concerns; and (3) removal of the scope of work related to the reconstruction of the seawall along Dade Boulevard, between the Venetian Causeway Bridge and the 17th Street Bridge. The original completion date for raising the travel lanes on Dade Boulevard (75 calendar days and 270 calendar days for total project, including Bridges following the issuance of a notice to proceed as specified in the Design Criteria Package for the project) was maintained after discussions with the City Attorney's office determined that this represented a material change to the original solicitation. -crTY MANAGEB'S BECOMM EN DATTON The City Administration requests that the City Commission accept the recommendation of the City Manager to award Bergeron Land Development, pursuant to RFP No. 2016-062-KB, the Design Build Contract for the West Avenue Bridge and Pedestrian Bridge over Collins Canal in the amount of $9,930,000; and further authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Design Build Agreement with Bergeron. THE ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDS APPROVING THE RESOLUTION. Financial lnformation: Source of Funds: n},r Amount Account 1 $3,011,000 The cost of the related services is subject to funds availability approved through pending Miami-Dade County Joint Partnership Agreement 2 $1,443,266 Pending Capital Budget Amendment May 2016 2 $4,430 1 87-2950-069357 4 $1 ,104 303-2950-069357 5 $3,379 384-2950-061 357 MIBTACH DATE3 6 $52,197 384-2950-069357 7 $12,127 384-2950-069358 I $59 1 58-2575-000670 9 $16,864 1 58-2575-061 357 10 $800,000 1 58-2575-069357 11 $204,315 1 87-2575-000356 12 $133,846 187-2575-069351 13 $339,839 187-2575-069357 14 $555,318 303-2575-061 357 15 $230,000 187-2740-069357 16 $24,707 187-2670-061357 17 $425,669 1 87-2670-069357 18 $334,000 305-2780-069357 19 $137,880 011-9407-000342 OBPI 20 $2,200,000 304-2336-069357 Total $9,930,000 Financia! lmpact Summary: T:\AGENDA\20 Department Director Assistant City Manager Gity lt{fnager JJF ETC JLM At: 16\April\Public Works April 27VIFP-2016-062-KB - West Avenue Bridge - Award Summary - REtflS t .doc 4 MIAMIBEACH City of Miqmi Beoch, 'l 700 Convenlion Cenler Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33,l39, www.miomibeochfl.gov COMMISSIO MEMORANDUM Mayor Philip Levine and Members the City Co Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager April27,2016 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYdR AND GITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AC NG THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER, TO AWARD, PURSUANT TO RFP NO. 2016.062.KB, THE DESIGN BUILD CONTRACT FOR THE WEST AVENUE BRIDGE OVER GOLLINS CANAL TO BERGERON LAND DEVELOPMENT tNC. (BERGERON), !N THE NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT OF $9,930,000; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CIry CLERK TO EXECUTE A DESIGN BUILD AGREEMENT WITH BERGERON. ADMINISTRATION RECOMM ENDATION Adopt the Resolution. FUND!NG $3,011,000 $1,443,266 $4,430 $1,104 $3,379 $52,197 $12,127 $5e $16,864 $800,000 $204,315 $133,846 $339,839 $555,318 $230,000 $24,707 The cost of the related services is subject to funds availability approved through the Miami-Dade County Joint Partnership Agreement Pending Capital Budget Amendment May 2016 187-2950-069357 303-2950-069357 384-2950-061357 384-2950-069357 384-2950-069358 158-2575-000670 158-2575-061357 158-2575-069357 187-2575-000356 187-2575-069351 187-2575-069357 303-2575-061357 187-2740-069357 187-2670-061357 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: 5 REQUESTFOR PROPOSALS (RFP) No. 2016.062-KB, DESIGN BUILD SERVICES FOR THE WEST AVENUE BRIDGE OVER COLLINS CANAL Apfl 27,2016 Page 2 $425,669 $334,000 $137,880 $2,200,000 $9,930,000 187-2670-069357 305-2780-069357 011-9407-000342 304-2336-069357 Total BACKGROUND ln efforts to improve traffic, safety, transit, bicycle, pedestrian mobility and general safety in the area, the Public Works Department is in the process of expediting the construction of the West Avenue Bridge Project while the Sunset Harbour Project is currently on-going, by processing a design build agreement. Public Works had prepared a Design Criteria Package (DCP) as stipulated by the Florida Statutes, to define the design and construction requirements for development of construction documents by Design Build Firms and for submission of their price proposals. On December 16, 2015, the City Commission directed the Administration to prepare and issue a Request For Proposals (RFP) for design build services for the West Avenue Bridge over the Collins Canal, with an option to include a pedestrian bridge at Lincoln Court over Collins Canal. The RFP was released on December 29,2015 and City Commission was notified via LTC No. 491-2015 on December 31 ,2015. The scope of work also included street lighting, pedestrian lighting, signage and pavement markings, a new vehicular and pedestrian signal on Dade Boulevard and West Avenue, utility relocation and/or adjustments, and drainage. RFP PROCESS The RFPwas issued on December29,2015 and on March 1,2016, the City received a single proposal, by Bergeron Land Development ("Bergeron") in a total amount of $15,645,372.60 (inclusive of |Q% owner's contingency) for three (3) components: West Avenue Bridge $9,434,700.00; Dade Boulevard Harmonization $4,880,134.60; and Lincoln Court Pedestrian Bridge $1,330,538. On March 9, 2016, the City Commission authorized the Administration to negotiate with Bergeron and provide price proposals closer to the City's estimates. City staff met with Bergeron on multiple occasions in recorded negotiating sessions, during the course of these sessions, Bergeron presented several iterations of the proposed design. They also described in detail the challenges and constraints from this project including: the existing substandard geometry of the 17th Street Bridge over Collins Canal at the Dade Boulevard approach, the existing profile constraints along Dade Boulevard near Bay Road, the presence of two (2) existing underground FPL high voltage transmission lines located near the support on the north side of the bridge, and impacts to the existing Collins Canal seawalls. Bergeron recommended to increase the length of the West Avenue Bridge by 10 feet from the length specified in the Design Criteria Package due to the need for clearance for the high voltage transmission lines. City staff recommended the following to value engineer the project while still maintaining the original intent: (1) to modify the PD&E design criteria so that the design would be more in line 6 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL S (RFP) No. 201 6-062-KB, DESTGN BUTLD SERVICES FOR THE WEST AVENIJE BRTDGE OVER COLLINS CANAL April27,2016 Page 3 with the existing conditions described above; (2) increase the length of the West Avenue Bridge to address the FPL transmission line concerns; and (3) removal of the scope of work related to the reconstruction of the seawall along Dade Boulevard, between the Venetian Causeway Bridge and the 17th Street Bridge. The original completion date for raising the travel lanes on Dade Boulevard (75 calendar days and 27Q calendar days for total project, including Bridges following the issuance of a notice to proceed as specified in the Design Criteria Package for the project) was maintained after discussions with the City Attorney's office determined that this represented a material change to the original solicitation. Based upon the foregoing conditions, Bergeron and the City Administration negotiated a modified price proposal in the amount of 99,930,000 for the West Avenue Bridge for all three components as follows: West Avenue Bridge $6,806,400; Dade Boulevard Harmonization $1,729,600; and Lincoln Court Pedestrian Bridge $864,000. The modified, negotiated proposal includes a $430,000 City's contingency, $100,000 for permitting work, with a total allowance of $530,000. CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION The City Administration requests that the City Commission accept the recommendation of the City Manager to award Bergeron Land Development, pursuant to RFP No. 2016-062-KB, the Design Build Contract for the West Avenue Bridge and Pedestrian Bridge over Collins Canal in the amount of $9,930,000; and further authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Design Build Agreement with Bergeron. Attachments: Cost Proposal Design Criteria, West Avenue Bridge Over Collins Canal Sample Design Build Agreement J LM/ETC/AD/BAMA//R B/LJ S T:\AGENDA\2016\April\Public Works April 27\RFP-2016-062-KB - West Avenue Bridge - Memo 4-27-16.doc 7 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE REGOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER, TO AWARD, PURSUANT TO RFP NO. 2016.062.K8, THE DESIGN-BUILD GONTRACT FOR THE WEST AVENUE BRIDGE OVER COLLINS CANAL TO BERGERON LAND DEVELOPMENT INC. (BERGERON), tN THE NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT OF $9,930,000; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE DESIGN BUILD AGREEMENT WITH BERGERON, WHICH AGREEMENT SHALL BE IN SUBSTANTIAL FORM TO THE CONTRACT ATTAGHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT 1. WHEREAS, on December 16, 2015, the City Commission directed the Administration to prepare and issue an RFP seeking proposals for design build services for the West Avenue Bridge over the Collins Canal with an option to include a pedestrian bridge at Lincoln Court over Collins Canal; and WHEREAS, on December 29, 2015, the City Administration issued Request for Proposals No. 2016-062-KB (the "RFP"), with a proposal opening date of March 1, 2016; and WHEREAS, a voluntary pre-proposal meeting was held on January 7,2O16; and WHER.EAS, the Cityreceived one (1) proposal in responsetothe RFP, from Bergeron Land Development, lnc. ("Bergeron"); and WHEREAS, on January 25,2016, the City Manager, via Letter to Commission (LTC) No. 035-2016, appointed an Evaluation Cornmittee (the "Committee") to review the sole proposal, and the Committee convened on March 2, 1016; and WHEREAS, on March 9, 2016, the City Commission authorized the City Administration to negotiate with Bergeron in order to get its price proposals closer to the City's estimates; and WHEREAS, City staff met with Bergeron in different occasions during the months of March and April 2016; and WHEREAS, Bergeron and the City Administration have negotiated a modified, negotiated price proposal, in the amount of $9,930,000, for all three components, including contingencies: (1) the West Avenue Bridge work, estimated at $6,806,400; (2) Dade Boulevard harmonization estimated at $1,729,000; and (3) Lincoln Court Pedestrian Bridge work, estimated at $864,000; with a contingency of $430,000, and a $100,000 proposed permitting allowance; and WHEREAS, the original completion date for raising the travel lanes on Dade Boulevard and completing the West Avenue Bridge and the Lincoln Court Pedestrian Bridge remain as stated in the RFP; and WHEREAS, the City Administration believes that the modified, negotiated, prlce proposal is fair and more in line with current construction costs in Miami Beach; and 8 WHEREAS, the City Administration requests that the City Commission accept the recommendation of the City Manager to award a contract to Bergeron, pursuant to RFP No. 2016-062-KB, in the amount of $9,930,000, and further authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Design Build Agreement with Bergeron. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby accept the recommendation of the City Manager to award, pursuant to RFP No. 2016-062-KB, the Design Build Contract for the West Avenue Bridge over Collins Canal, to Bergeron Land Development, lnc. (Bergeron), in the not to exceed amount of $9,930,000; and further authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Design Build Agreement with Bergeron, which agreement shall be in substantial form to the contract attached hereto as Exhibit 1. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of April 2016. Philip Levine, Mayor ATTEST: '8["TBYiRBilB'& FOR EXECUNONRafael E. Granado, City Clerk T:\AGENDA\2016\Aprill nPublic Works\ \RFP-2016-062-KB - West Avenue Bridge - Award Resolution.doc 4' zq - Dote -11 9 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 10