20160518 SM1MIAMIBEACH City Gommission Meeting SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 1 City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3'd Floor, 1700 Gonvention Genter Drive May 18, 2016 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alem6n Commissioner Ricky Arriola Com m issioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Michael Grieco Commissioner Joy Malakoff Commissioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Vrsrt us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENT!ON ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article Vl!, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Gommittee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the Office of the City Clerk. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA R7 - Resolutions R7E A Resolution Accepting The Recommendation Of The City Manager Pertaining To Award, Pursuant To Request For Proposals (RFP) No. 201 6-042-KB, For Design/Build Services For Stormwater Pump Station At Northeast Corner Of Convention Center Drive, To David ManciniAnd Sons lnc. (DMSI) ln The Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) Of $5,398,019.00; And Further Authorizing The Mayor And City Clerk To Execute A Design Build Agreement With DMSI. (Procu remenVPu bl ic Works) (Memorandum) 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2 COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY Gondensed Title: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER PERTAINING TO AWARD, PURSUANT TO REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) NO. 2016-042-KB, FOR DESTGN/BUTLD SERVIGES FOR STORMWATER PUMP STATION AT NORTHEAST CORNER OF GONVENTION CENTER DRIVE, TO DAVID MANCINI AND SONS lNC. (DMSI) lN THE GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE (GMP) OF $5,398,019.00; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DESIGN BUILD AGREEMENT wlTH DMSI Build And Maintain lnfrastructure With Full Accountabi Data (Surveys, Environmental Scan, etc: N/A Item Summary/Recommendation: On December 16,2015, the City Commission approved the issuance of the subject RFP, which was advertised on December 18,2016. On February 4,2016 the City received proposals in response to the RFP from the following five (5) firms: Bergeron Land Development, lnc., David Mancini & Sons, lnc., Lanzo Construction Company, Ric-Man Construction, lnc., and Ric-Man lnternational, lnc. ln accordance with Section 287.055 of the Florida Statutes, the RFP provides for a two-step, phased evaluation process. During Phase l, the evaluation committee considers proposers qualifications. During Phase ll, the evaluation committee considers price and detailed technical proposals. On February 8, 2016, the City Manager appointed the Evaluation Committee via LTC # 060-2016, which convened on February 17 ,2016 to consider proposals received under Phase l. On February 26,2016, after reviewing all the qualifications of each firm and having considered the Evaluation Committee's comments and rankings, the City Manager approved for all firms submitting proposals to be shortlisted for Phase ll consideration. On March 26, 2016, the Administration issued Phase ll of the RFP process to the short-listed proposers. A pre-proposal conference to provide information to the short-listed proposers was held on March 5, 2016. On May 9, 2016,2016, the City received proposals in response to Phase ll of the RFP from all short-listed proposers. The Evaluation Committee once again convened on May 10,2016 to consider the technical proposals received under Phase ll. The Evaluation Committee ranked the Phase ll proposals as follows: (1) Bergeron Land Development, lnc.;and (1) Lanzo Construction Company; and (1) David Mancini& Sons, lnc.; and (4) Ric-Man Construction, lnc.; and (5) Ric-Man lnternational, lnc. As depicted above, a three-way tie for first place ranking has resulted from the Phase ll evaluation process between: Bergeron Land Development, Lanzo Construction Co. and DMSI. All three firms are well qualified to complete the work. Additionally, the pricing proposed by the three firms is relatively close with less than a 1% differential among the two firms submitting the lowest costs, Bergeron and DMSI. After careful review of the results of the evaluation process, the Manager recommends awarding the agreement to DMSI for the following reasons: 1. DMSI received a top-ranked raw score of 190.12 in the Phase ll evaluation process. Bergeron received a raw score of 189 and Lanzo received a raw score of 188.20. 2. DMSI has proposed a technical design that is in the best interest of the City. Where Bergeron has proposed a single wet well design, DMSI has proposed a double wet well design which provides redundancy to the design. Accordingly, DMSI design is in the best interest of the City. For these reasons, the Manager recommends award to DMSI. Should the Administration be unsuccessful in executing an agreement with DMSI, the Manager recommends an award to Bergeron and Lanzo, in this respective order based on the overall raw scores received during the evaluation of proposals process. RECOMMENDATION the Resolution. Advisory Board Recommendation : Financial lnformation: Source of Funds: OBPI Amount Account 1 N/A 2 Total Financial lmpact Summary: The cost of the related services, determined upon successful negotiations, are subject to funds availabilitv aooroved throuoh the Citv's budoetino orocess. AGENBA ITEITII EATE# n,{tA&s$ffirAcH 3 MIAMI BEACH City of Miqmi Beoch, I 700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33,l39, www.miomibeochfl.gov COMMI MEMORANDUM TO:Mayor Philip Levine and Members the City FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: May 18,2016 SUB.JECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE GITY OF MIAMI BEAGH, FLORIDA, ACC NG THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER PERTAINING TO AWARD, PURSUANT TO REQUEST FOR pRoposALS (RFp) NO. 2016-042-KB, FOR DESTGN/BUTLD SERVICES FOR STORMWATER PUMP STATION AT NORTHEAST CORNER OF CONVENTION GENTER DRIVE, TO DAVTD MANCINI AND SONS lNC. (DMSI) lN THE GUARANTEED MAXIMUM PRICE (GMP) OF $5,398,019.00; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DESIGN BUILD AGREEMENT WITH DMSI. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Adopt the Resolution. KEY INTENDED OUTGOME SUPPORTED Build And Maintain Priority lnfrastructure With Full Accountability FUND!NG The cost of the related services, determined upon successful negotiations, are subject to funds availability approved through the City's budgeting process. BACKGROUND A pump station must be located at the southwest corner of Washington Avenue and Dade Boulevard. lt is part of the ongoing effort the City of Miami Beach is currently undertaking to perform improvements of the existing drainage conditions citywide to provide higher level of service by reducing flooding due to: extreme high tides, increased rainfall depth, intensity and distribution. The pump station will be designed to convey stormwater runoff resulting from a 5- year 24-hour rainfall event. The pump station will serve the redevelopment of the Convention Center, a major portion of the Lincoln Road District Projects, and will cover the area bordered by Collins Canal to the north; Lincoln Lane South to the south; Collins Avenue to the east; and Michigan Avenue to the west. Public Works prepared a Design Criteria Package (DCP) as stipulated by the Florida Statutes to define the design and construction requirements for development of construction documents by Design Build Firms and for submission of their price proposals. RFP PROCESS - PHASE I On December 16, 2015, the City Commission directed the Administration to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Design/Build Services for Stormwater Pump Station at Northeast Corner of Convention Center Drive. The RFP was released on December 18,2015, with an opening date of February 4, 2016. A pre-proposal conference to provide information to the proposers submitting a response was held on January 6, 2016. ln accordance with Section 287.055, Flodda Statutes, the RFP provides for a two-step, phased evaluation process. The Phase I selection process relates to the qualifications, experience and availability of the proposers and key members of the design-build team, including the lead designer and lead constructor. Only those Proposers short-listed during Phase I are 4 Request For Proposals (RFP) No. 2016-042-KB, For Design/Build Services for Stormwater Pump Station at Northeast Corner of Convention Center Drive May '18, 2016 Page2 authorized to proceed to Phase ll of the RFP selection process, in which price and detailed technical proposals based on the approved Design Criteria Package (the "DCP") will be considered. Under Phase l, the City received proposals in response to the RFP from the following five (5) firms:. Bergeron Land Development, lnc.. David Mancini & Sons, lnc.o Lanzo Construction Company. Ric-Man Construction, lnc.o Ric-Man lnternational, lnc. On February 8,2016, the City Manager appointed the Evaluation Committee via LTC # 060- 2016. The Evaluation Committee (the "Committee") consisted of the following individuals:o Carla Dixon, Capital Projects Coordinator, Capital lmprovement Program, City of Miami Beach. Jose Rivas, Civil Engineer lll, Public Works Department, Engineering Division, City of Miami Beacho Luis Soto, Civil Engineer lll, PublicWorks Department, Engineering The following individuals were appointed as alternates:. Roger Buell, Assistant City Engineer, Public Works Department, Engineering Division, City of Miami Beach. Olga Sanchez, Capital Projects Coordinator, Capital lmprovement Program, City of Miami Beach The Committee convened on February 17, 2016 to consider proposals received under Phase l. The Committee was provided an overview of the project, information relative to the City's Cone of Silence Ordinance and the Government Sunshine Law. The Committee was also provided general information on the scope of services, references, and a copy of each proposal. The Committee was instructed to score and rank each proposal pursuant to the evaluation criteria established in the RFP. The evaluation process resulted in the ranking of proposers as indicated below. PHASE ! EEOF... (RfFJ I r ris Soio Ra nki no lose Rivas Rrnkind aarla Dixon Renkino LOW AGGREGATE TNTAI C Rank 3eroeron Land DeveloDment o?2 88 81 o 2 lic-Man lntemalional lnc.72 4 g3 2 73 5 11 5 ann Consinntion Co '76 94 77 I 2 lic-Man (]onrlnnti6n ln.5 92 3 7R 2 .to 4 David Mancini and Sons lnc.88 92 78 2 6 1 5 Request For Proposals (RFP) No. 2016-042-KB, For Design/Build Services for Stormwater Pump Station at Northeast Corner of Convention Center Drive May 18,2016 Page 3 On February 26, 2016, after reviewing all the qualifications of each firm and having considered the Evaluation Committee's comments and rankings, the City Manager approved for all firms submitting proposals to be shortlisted for Phase ll consideration, including: Bergeron Land Development, lnc., David Mancini & Sons, lnc., Lanzo Construction Company, Ric-Man Construction, lnc., and Ric-Man lnternational, lnc. RFP PROCESS - PHASE II On March 23,2016, the Procurement Department issued Phase ll of the RFP process to the short-listed proposers. A pre-proposal conference to provide information to the short-listed proposers was held on March 5, 2016. On May 9, 2016, the City received proposals in response to Phase ll of the RFP from the two short-listed proposers: o Bergeron Land Development, lnc. . David Mancini & Sons, lnc. . Lanzo Construction Company . Ric-Man Construction, lnc.. Ric-Man lnternational, lnc. The Evaluation Committee, appointed by the City Manager via LTC # 060-2016, convened on May 10, 2016 to consider the technical proposals received under Phase ll. Ms. Carla Dixon and Ms. Olga Sanchez the alternate were unable to attend. The Committee was provided an overview of the project, information relative to the City's Cone of Silence Ordinance and the Government Sunshine Law. The Committee was also provided general information on the scope of services, a copy of each proposal, and engaged in a question and answer session with each proposer. The Committee was instructed to score and rank each proposal pursuant to the evaluation criteria established in the RFP for Phase ll. The evaluation process resulted in the ranking of proposers as indicated below. PHASE II Luis Soto Rankinq Jose Rivas Rankino LOW AGGREGATE TrrTAI S Rank Seroeron Land Develoornent 97 2 92 2 4 1 Ric-Man lntemational lnc.83.17 5 80.17 5 '10 5 -anzo Construction Co.97.1 1 91 .1 3 4 1 Ric-Man Construction lnc.90.73 4 85.73 4 8 4 David Mancini and Sons lnc.96.s6 3 93.56 1 4 1 rroooser Lump Sum Cost 3eroeron Land Develoornent $5,350,169.00 Ric-Man lnternational I nc s7.196.427.70 Lanzo Construction Co.$5.679.850.00 Ric-Man Construction lnc.s6.568.''155.00 David Mancini and Sons lnc.$5.398.019.00 6 Request For Proposals (RFP) No. 2016-042-KB, For Design/Build Services for Stormwater Pump Station at Northeast Corner of Convention Center Drive May 18,20'16 Page 4 MANAGER'S DUE DILlGENCE & RECOMMENDATION As depicted in the table above, a three-way tie for first place ranking has resulted from the Phase ll evaluation process between: Bergeron Land Development, Lanzo Construction Co. and DMSI. All three firms are well qualified to complete the work. Additionally, the pricing proposed by the three firms is relatively close with less than a 1o/o ditferential among the two firms submitting the lowest costs, Bergeron and DMSI. After careful review of the results of the evaluation process, I recommend awarding the agreement to DMSI for the following reasons: 1. DMSI received a top-ranked raw score of 190.12 in the Phase ll evaluation process. Bergeron received a raw score of 189 and Lanzo received a raw score of 188.20. 2. DMSI has proposed a technical design that is in the best interest of the City. Where Bergeron has proposed a single wet well design, DMSI has proposed a double wet well design which provides redundancy to the design. Accordingly, DMSI design is in the best interest of the City. For these reasons, I recommend award to DMSI. Should the Administration be unsuccessful in executing an agreement with DMSI, I recommend an award to Bergeron and Lanzo, in this respective order based on the overall raw scores received during the evaluation of proposals process. CONCLUSION The Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida accept the recommendation of the City Manager to award David Mancini and Sons, lnc., pursuant to Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 2016-042-KB for Design/Build Services for Stormwater Pump Station at Northeast Corner of Convention Center Drive in the amount of $5,398,019; and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Design Build Agreement with David Mancini and Sons, lnc. JLM / Mr td€t eo txeLt T:\AGENDA\2016\May\Procurement - May 18\RFP 2016-042-KB MBCC Pump Station\2o16-042-KB RFP - Design Build Servicesfor MBCC Pump Station (Phase ll)- Memo.docx 7 8