20160608 SM3R5F MIAMIBEACH City Commission Meeting SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 3 City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3'd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive June 8,2016 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alem6n Commissioner Ricky Arriola Commissioner Michael Grieco Com m issioner Joy Malakoff Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Com missioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Vrsrt us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article Vll, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Gode sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA R5 - Ordinances An Ordinance Amending Chapter 18 Of The City Code, Entitled "Businesses," ByAdding Article XVll, Entitled "City Minimum Living Wage," To Provide For lmplementation Of A City-Wide Minimum Hourly Wage;And Amending Chapter 102 Of The City Code, Entitled "Taxation," ByAmending Section 102- 371, Entitled "Application Procedures[,]" By Adding A Subsection Entitled "O Compliance With City Minimum Living Wage" And Providing For Repealer, Severability, Codification, And An Effective Date. 10:25 a.m. Second Readinq Public Hearinq (Sponsored by Mayor Philip Levine & Co-Sponsored by all the Members of the City Commission) (Legislative Tracking: Office of the City Attorney) (First Reading May 11,2016 - RsP) (Memorandum, Ordinance & Backup Material) 1 Supplemental 3, June 8,2016 R7 - Resolution R7R A Resolution Accepting The Findings And Recommendation Of The City Manager ln Certifying An Emergency Pursuant To Subsection 287.055(9)(c)(6)(a)(1), Florida Statutes, AllAs More Specifically Set Forth ln This Resolution And The Accompanying Memorandum; And As Permitted Pursuant To Section 2-367(e) Of The City Code, Waiving, By 517 Vote Of The City Commission, The Competitive Bidding Requirement, Finding Such Waiver To Be ln The City's Best Interest; Further, Approving And Authorizing The Mayor And City Clerk To Execute Change Order No. 8, ln The Amount Of $2,688,006, To Design-Build Contract (DBC) With Bergeron Land Development, lnc., Dated April 30, 2014 (The Agreement), Related To The Completion Of Roadway lmprovementsAlong WestAvenue, Between 6th And 8th Streets, And 1Oth, 14th, And 17th Streets, West Of Alton Road; Said Change Order No. 8, Providing For An Addition To The Scope Of Work To lnclude: Contaminated Soil Disposal, Street Lighting Adjustments, Roadway Adjustments, Additional Gravity Walls And Sidewalks, Drainage For Harmonization, Park Driveways, Landscaping, Re-Writing Lighting Specifications, Painting Of Fly-Over, And Associated Permitting. (Public Works) (Revised Memorandum & Resolution) 2 MIAMIBEACH Gity of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov TO: FROM: CC: DATE: SUBJECT: COMMISSION MEMORANDUM Mayor Philip Levine and Members of the City,Commission Raut J. Asuita, city Attot7qQ ; Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager June 6, 2016 SECOND READING PUBLIC HEARING AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAM! BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 18 OF THE CITY CODE, ENTTTLED "BUSTNESSESI,]" BY ADDTNG ARTTCLE XVil, ENTTTLED ,,CtTy MINIMUM LIVING WAGE[,I" TO PROVTDE FOR IMPLEMENTAT|ON OF A CITY-WIDE MINIMUM HOURLY WAGE; AND AMENDING CHAPTER 102 OF THE CITY CODE, ENTTTLED "TAXATION[,]" By AMENDTNG SECTTON 102- 371, ENTTTLED "APPLICATION PROCEDURES[,]" By ADDTNG A SUBSECTION ENTITLED "(J) COMPLTANCE W|TH CITY MINTMUM LtVtNG WAGE" AND PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. RECOMMENDATION The proposed Ordinance was approved by the City Commission at First Reading on May 11,2016 and referred to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee for public hearing, fact finding, and debate. At a specially set meeting on June 3, 2016, members of the Committee heard expert testimony, testimony from the public and City staff, and considered supporting documents entered into the legislative record. At the conclusion of that hearing, the members of the Committee made findings, unanimously approved the Ordinance, and returned it to the full commission for Second Reading. The transcript of that proceeding as well as written material entered into the legislative record are attached here. Staff recommends that the City Commission approve the Ordinance at Second Reading on June B, 2016.1 ' Between First and Second Reading, the City Attorney's Office recommended minor changes to the Ordinance, which are incorporated into the proposed Ordinance for Second Reading. These include changes to a few words regarding construction of the Ordinance, and minor changes to the effective date Agenda ltem Date Rsn 3 SUMMARY OF THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE This Ordinance, raising the minimum living wage in the City of Miami Beach, has been proposed and sponsored by Mayor Philip Levine. The proposed legislation would gradually raise, over a period of four years, the minimum living wage for all workers employed in the City and covered by the federal minimum wage. The current minimum wage is currently $8.05 per hour, as mandated by the State of Florida's Minimum Wage Act. The Ordinance would raise this rate to $13.31 per hour by 2020, the rate currently mandated for employees of City contractors pursuant to the City's Living Wage Ordinance (as codified in Miami Beach City Code 52-408). The City's minimum living wage would be set at $10.31 per hour beginning in2017, with one dollar an hour increases every year until the rate of $13.31 was reached on June 30, 2020. Thereafter, the City Commission could annually, at its discretion and by Resolution, consider whether an increase in an amount equal to the Consumer Price lndex for the year should be required. Enforcement would be provided by private right of action to a court of competent jurisdiction and of the Ordinance administrative penalties by the City Manager. ANALYSIS The United States Congress enacted the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U.S.C. 5201 ('FLSA"), in 1938. Underthe FLSA, the federal minimum wage was set at $0.25 an hour, and has since then increased steadily over time. Since 2009, the federal minimum wage has been $7.25.2 While the U.S. economy saw steady growth and an improvement in the jobless rate since 2009, wages have been flat or falling for much of the labor force. Currently across the country, there exists an ongoing campaign to raise the federal minimum wage above the current $7.25 level. A January 2015 poll by Hart Research Associates found that75% of Americans (including 92% of Democrats, 73o/o of lndependents, and 53% of Republicans) supported a federal minimum wage increase to $12.50 by 2020. Considering that a February 2013 poll by the Pew Research Centerfound that 71% of Americans supported a minimum wage increase, popularity is only surging for such changes. The federal and state government has not, however, acted. The U.S. Conference of Mayors' "Cities of Opportunity Task Force," in August 2014, endorsed higher city minimum of the Ordinance and dates for incremental increases in the minimum wage from June of each year to January of each year from 2018-2021. ' Generally, the FLSA covers employers engaged in "interstate commerce" and have annual revenues of over $500,000. 4 wages as key tools for fighting income inequality at the local level. Over the past year, an unprecedented number of cities and counties have moved to adopt higher local minimum wages. ln addition, cities are proposing substantially higher wage levels than the federal or state minimum wages (see Table 1). The Cost of Livinq in the Citv of Miami Beach A recent study based off the 50-30-20 budgeting rule (50% of income for necessities; 30% discretionary; 20% saved) calculated a cost-of-living comparison on a national scale across the 75 most populous U.S. cities, including Miami. ln researching living expenses that include rent, groceries, utilities, transportation, and healthcare, they found the yearly salary needed to "live comfortably" in Miami to be about $77,000, the sixth most in the country. The results also showed Miami's median income of just under $31,000 is about $46,000 short of that number, representing "the biggest gap between actual and ideal incomes of any major city in this study."3 Massachusetts lnstitute of Technology ("MlT") recently released research estimating the cost of living and hourly wage necessary to support a minimal lifestyle in Miami-Dade County. That study sets a minimum of $11.45 per hour in order for a single person to survive here in 2016. lf family and children are added, the hourly wage necessary jumps to between $18 and $25 per hour. The Florida minimum wage is currently $8.05 per hour, $16,744 per year, if working 40 hours a week for 52 weeks (2,080 total hours). The graph below summarizes the MIT findings. The Research lnstitute on Social and Economic Policy at Florida lnternational University recently theorized based upon available data that the cost of living in the City of Miami Beach is likely much higher. Miami-Dade County Annual and Hourly Cost of Living Estimates by Household Composition: 201 6 (tn 201 4 dollars) Adults No Children 1 Chald 2 Children Annual Living Annual Living Annual Living 3 Children Annual LivingWage Wage Wage 1 Adult $23,82 $1 1.45 $50,1 1 4 $24.09 $58,584 $28.17 $74,117 0 2 Adults $38,42 $18.47 $47,224 $22 70 $52,417 $25.20 $59,388 6 Wage $3s.63 $28.55 Source: Massachusetts lnstitute of Technology (MlT) Living Wage Calculator. 2016. Living Wage Calculation for Miami-Dade County, FL htto://livinqwaqe.mit.edu/counties/12086 3 http://miami.curbed.com l2O16t4t2Ol11463074tmiami-salary-live-comfortably 3 5 The Distinct Role of Loca! Minimum Waqes Local minimum wages offer several distinct advantages that differentiate these policies from state or federal minimum wage laws: . They allow higher-cost cities to set minimum wage rates that better correspond to higher local living costs; . They allow localities in states where the legislature is slow to raise the minimum wage to address the problem on their own; . They provide venues for demonstrating the feasibility of substantially higher minimum wages, and pursuing key reforms such as annual inflation indexing and higher tipped- minimum wages, which are less commonly adopted at the state level. The Economic Evidence Shows that Gity Minimum Wages Boost Earninqs Without Reducinq Emplovment Economic evidence indicates that the higher city minimum wages enacted in U.S. cities to date have boosted earnings without slowing job groMh or causing business relocations. These findings are consistent with the bulk of modern research on higher state minimum wages, which has generally found no statistically significant evidence of job losses resulting from minimum wage increases passed over the last 20 years in the United States. This is partly because the bulk of the low-wage positions affected by city minimum wages are in fields such as restaurants, retail, building services, home health care, and child care jobs that serve city-based customers such as residents, office workers, and tourists at city locations. As a result, most cannot practically be moved by their employers to locations outside of the city while still retaining their customer bases. Table 2 summarizes the most rigorous research examining the employment impact of minimum wage increases at the local level. The studies below pay particular attention to the experience of minimum wage increases in Santa Fe and San Francisco, which have had local minimum wages in place for over a decade now and offer the most complete picture of how businesses in low-wage sectors have adjusted to higher wage floors. ln both San Jose and San Francisco, for example, jobs in the restaurant industry grew faster after the minimum wage was increased than they did in surrounding cities and counties that did not raise wages. ln SeaTac, Washington-the first city in the United States to fully transition to a $15 minimum wage for workers in the hospitality and travel industries-predicted layoffs and expansion-plan cancellations did not materialize, and in fact some business owners, who were previously opposed to the wage increase, have expanded operations. And in Seattle, which began phasing-in its $15 minimum wage in April 2015, initial signs are positive. The 6 Seattle region's unemployment rate hit an eight-year low of 3.6 percent in Augusl 2015, significantly lower that the state unemployment rate of 5.3 percent. And King County, where Seattle is located, is well on its way to breaking last year's record for the number of business permits issued to food service establishments. This is how the media has reported on city minimum wage increases in San Jose, SeaTac, and Seattle: "lnterviews with San Jose workers, businesses, and industry officials show it has improved the lives of affected employees while imposing minimal costs on employers." USA Today, "ln San Jose, Higher Minimum Wage Pays Benefits" (June 14,2014) "Fast-food hiring in the region accelerated once the higher wage was in place. By early this year, the pace of employment gains in the San Jose area beat the improvement in the entire state of California." Wall Street Journal, "What Happened to Fast-Food Workers When San Jose Raised the Minimum Wage? Hold the Layoffs" (April 9, 2014) "Those who opposed the $15 wage in SeaTac and Seattle admit there has been no calamity so far." Washington Posf, "No Calamity Yef as Sealac, WA, Adjusfs fo $75 Minimum Wage" (September 5,2014) "For all the political uproar it caused, SeaTac's closely watched experiment with a $15 minimum wage has not created a large chain reaction of lost jobs and higher prices..." Seaff/e Times, "$15 Wage Floor Slowly Takes Hold in SeaTac" (June 13, 2014) "When Seattle's pioneering $15 minimum wage law was the subject of fierce debate last year, Tom Douglas predicted it would inflict a $5 million hit on his empire of more than a dozen restaurants ... Yet six months after the first wage increase to $11 per hour took effect, the fear of soaring payrolls shows no signs of killing the appetite of Douglas - or the rest of the Seattle restaurant world - for rapid expansion. Dozens of new restaurants have opened in the city since April 1, including many new eateries run by the law's fiercest critics, such as Douglas." - Puget Sound Business Journal, "Apocalypse Not: $15 and the Cuts that Never Came" (October 23,2015) 5 7 FLoRIDA INcoME REGULATIoNS Prior to the establishment of the Florida Minimum Wage Act (see below), local municipalities in Florida enacted "Living Wage Ordinances." These laws set a local minimum wage for certain categories of employment at a rate higher than the one required under FLSA. Miami-Dade County unanimously passed its Living Wage Ordinance in 1999. The City of Miami Beach followed in 2001, becoming the first city in the State of Florida to have its own Living Wage Ordinance.a lt applies to City contractors. The City of Miami Beach's statutory living wage is currently set at $11.62 per hour for jobs with health benefits, and $13.31 for those without health benefits. Miami Beach City Code $2-408(a) ln 2003, the Florida legislature passed, and Governor Jeb Bush signed, the "Minimum wage requirements by political subdivisions; restrictions" law, Fla. Stat. S 218.077. That Statute prohibited municipalities from adopting local ordinances establishing a local minimum wage higher than the federal minimum wage, which was at that time ($5.tS1. Specifically, it read, in pertinent part: (2) ...a political subdivision may not establish, mandate, or otherwise require an employer to pay a minimum wage, other than a federal minimum wage, to apply a federal minimum wage to wages exempt from a federal minimum wage. The Statute did leave municipalities with the power to maintain Living Wage Ordinances, but only those that applied to city vendors and contractors. ln immediate response, in 2004, 71.25o/o of Florida voters approved a Constitutional Amendment (now codified as Article X, Section 24 of the Florida Constitution), establishing a higher statewide minimum wage of $6.15 and indexed it to the Consumer Price lndex. Florida's Amendment has a policy statement, which explicitly provides: (a) PUBLIC POLICY All working Floridians are entitled to be paid a minimum wage that is sufficient to provide a decent and healthy life for them and their families, that protects their employers from unfair low-wage competition, and does not force them to rely on taxpayer-funded public services in order to avoid economic hardship.5 The constitutional amendment specifically provides that municipalities may establish local minimum wages higher than those set by the state. Specifically, the amendment read: (f) . . . This amendment provides for payment of a minimum wage and shall not be construed to preemot or otherwise limit the authoritv of the state leqislature or anv other public bodv to adopt or enforce anv other law. reoulation. requirement. policv or standard that provides for oavment of hiqher or supplemental waqes or o Other counties in Florida with Living Wage Ordinances include: Broward County (October 8, 2002) and Palm Beach County (February 25, 2OO3); cities include Orlando (August 25, 2003). ' Article X, Section 24, Fla. Constitution, subsection (a). 8 benefits, or that extends such protections to employers or employees not covered by this amendment.6 ln 2013, the Florida state legislature passed, and Governor Rick Scott signed, an amendment to Fla. Stat. $ 218.077, which ignores the constitutional amendment language and broadened the State's preemption of minimum wage law to include preemption of local regulation of benefits as well as wages. The statute currently reads: (2) ...a political subdivision may not establish, mandate, or othenruise require an employer to pay a minimum wage, other than a state or federal minimum wage, to apply a state or federal minimum wage to wages exempt from a state or federal minimum wage, or to provide employment benefits not otherwise required by state or federal law. It is our opinion that the 2004 Minimum Wage Gonstitutional Amendment reserved the authority of local governments to establish higher minimum wages than that set by federal or state !aw. Thus, Florida's statutory preemption of a loca! minimum wage, as set forth in both the 2003 and 2013 versions of Fla. Stat. $218.077, is unconstitutional because it violates that Amendment by taking power reserved to the municipalities and preempts it to the state. Therefore, we believe that an Ordinance by the Mayor and Commission of the Gity of Miami Beach, which sets a minimum wage higher than that set by the state or federal government, would be valid and would be upheld in court. FINANCIAL IMPACT In accordance with Charter section 5.02, which requires that the "City of Miami Beach shall consider the long-term economic impact (at least 5 years) of proposed legislative actions," this shall confirm that the City Administration evaluated the longterm economic impact (at least 5 years) of this proposed legislative action, and determined that there will be no measureable impact on the City's budget. CONCLUSION The proposed Ordinance comes at the right time. Miami Beach's cost of living is expensive and getting worse. Hotel room rates have risen to some of the highest in the country, leading to record profits. But wages have not reflected these realities. Cities around the country are setting fair wages for workers in their cities that allow employees to meet their basic human needs. Studies have shown that these higher living minimum wages have benefited everyone: employment rates remained steady, turnover was 6 td. atsubsection (f). 9 reduced, and employees were happier. The slow and gradual increase over four years in the wages paid to the City's lowest paid workers proposed here is prudent, fair, and laMul. RJA/rfr F:\ATTO\ROSR\RFR CMB\MINIMUM WAGE\COMMISSION MATERIALS\2O16-06-06 MINIMUM WAGE MEMO (SECOND READINGX2).docx 10 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANGE OF THE MAYOR AND GITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 18 OF THE CITY CODE, ENTITLED "BUSINESSES," BY ADDING ARTIGLE XVll, ENTITLED "CITY MINIMUM LIVING WAGE," TO PROVIDE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF A C!TY. WIDE MINIMUM HOURLY WAGE; AND AMENDING CHAPTER 102 OF THE CITY CODE, ENTITLED "TAXAT!ON," BY AMENDING SECTION 102.371, ENT|TLED "AppLtCATtON PROCEDURES[,]" BY ADDTNG A SUBSECTION ENTTTLED "(J) COMPLTANCE WITH CITY MINIMUM LtVtNG WAGE" AND PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILIW, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, promoting the welfare of those who work within the City of Miami Beach is one of the principle objectives of its municipal government; and WHEREAS, the federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour, effective at that level since July 24,2009 and, after years of inaction by the United States Congress, it is time for cities and states to lift families out of poverty and stimulate the economy by raising the minimum wage; and WHEREAS, a January 2015 poll by Hart Research Associates found that 75% of Americans (including 92o/o of Democrats, 73% of lndependents, and 53o/o of Republicans) supported a federal minimum wage increase to $12.50 by 2020, which surpassed a February 2013 poll by the Pew Research Center finding that 71% of Americans supported a minimum wage increase; and WHEREAS, the Florida Constitution was amended in 2004, with the support of 71.25% of the popular vote, to establish a minimum wage in Florida higher than that required by federal law; and WHEREAS, that Amendment to the Florida Constitution explicitly stated as its public policy that "[a]ll working Floridians are entitled to be paid a minimum wage that is sufficient to provide a decent and healthy life for them and their families, that protects their employers from unfair low-wage competition, and does not force them to rely on taxpayer-funded public services in order to avoid economic hardship"; and WHEREAS, that Amendment to the Florida Constitution explicitly stated that it "shall not be construed to preempt or otherwise limit the authority of the state legislature or any other public body to adopt or enforce any other law, regulation, requirement, policy or standard that provides for payment of higher or supplemental wages or benefits"; and WHEREAS, the poverty wage threshold for single adults providing only for themselves is $5.00 per hour (or $10,400 per annum assuming 2,080 hours worked per year); and WHEREAS, poverty thresholds do not account for living costs beyond a very basic food budget; the federal poverty measure does not take into consideration costs like child care and health care that not only draw from one's income, but also are determining factors in one's ability to work and to endure the potential hardships associated with balancing employment and I of 6 11 other aspects of everyday life; and, further, poverty thresholds do not account for geographic variation in the cost of essential household expenses; and WHEREAS, the newer "Living Wage" model, an alternative measure of basic needs to the poverty threshold, is a market-based approach that draws upon geographically specific expenditure data related to a family's likely minimum food, child care, health insurance, housing, transportation, and other basic necessities (e.9. clothing, personal care items, etc.) costs; and WHEREAS, the model draws on these cost elements and the rough effects of income and payroll taxes to determine the minimum employment earnings necessary to meet a family's basic needs while also maintaining self-sufficiency; and WHEREAS, the living wage in the State of Florida for single adults providing only for themselves is $10.94 per hour (or $22,755 per annum before taxes assuming 2,080 hours worked); and WHEREAS, the living wage in Miami-Dade County for single adults providing only for themselves is $11.45 per hour (or $23,816 per annum before taxes assuming 2,080 hours worked); and WHEREAS, the living wage for the cities of Miami-Fort Lauderdale-Pompano Beach, Florida for single adults providing only for themselves is $11.49 per hour (or $23,899 per annum before taxes assuming 2,080 hours worked); and WHEREAS, the minimum hourly wage in the State of Florida is $8.05, which is modified annually based upon inflation and a cost of living formula; and WHEREAS, the minimum hourly wage in the State of Florida was last increased on January 1,2015, but was not increased on January 1, 2016; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach is a longstanding municipal leader in ensuring the utmost protection of the civil rights of its diverse and cosmopolitan population; and WHEREAS, other culturally and economically diverse destination cities and counties with large tourism industries - including San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, and the District of Columbia - have seen it fit to significantly increase their own minimum wages to better serve their working class residents; and WHEREAS, the weight of research on previous minimum wage increases shows that raising the minimum wage has little or no adverse impact on employment and prices; to the contrary, according to the Economic Policy lnstitute, raising the minimum wage will help the economy at large, because workers' increased spending power will increase our nation's gross domestic product by about $33 billion and create approximately 140,000 jobs; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach is a vibrant multicultural community with significant tourism, service, and hospitality industries that must be founded upon the fair and equal treatment of the workforce; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Commission of the City of Miami Beach wish to ensure that each person working within the City limits is paid a minimum living hourly wage. 2of6 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE !T DULY ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CIry COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAM! BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. ENACTMENT That the Code of the City of Miami Beach be amended to add Sections 18-920, 18-921, 18-922,18-923, and 18-924, and that section 102-371 be amended as follows: CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEAGH, FLORIDA CHAPTER 18 - BUSINESSES ARTICLE XV!I. CIry MINIMUM LIVING WAGE Sec. 18-920. Definitions. For ourposes of this Section. the followino definitions aoolv: The terms "Emplover." "Emplovee." "Tipped Emplovee." and "Wage" shall have the meaninqs established under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act ("FLSA"). includino its implementinq requlations. "Fair Labor Standards Act" or "FLSA" means the United States Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. 29 U.S.C. S 201 et seq.. in force on the effective date of this chapter and as thereafter amended. "State Minimum Waoe Laws" means the Florida Minimum Waqe Act. Fla. Stat. 448.01 et seq.. in force on the effective date of this chaoter and as thereafter amended. tooether with aoplicable provisions of the Florida Constitution. Fla. Const. art. X. Q 24. Sec. 18-921. Minimum Hourlv Livinq Waqe. Everv Emolover shall pav no less than the followinq Waoes to each Emplovee for each hour of work oerformed for that Emplover while phvsicallv present within the qeoqraphic boundaries of the Citv: (a) Beoinnino onJ# Januarv 1. 2018. the oreater of: (1) the minimum hourlv Waqe set bv the State Minimum Waqe Laws: (2) the minimum hourlv Waqe set bv Fair Labor Standards Act: or (3) $10.31 oer hour. (b) Beqinnino orp# Januarv 1. 2019. the qreater of: (1) the minimum hourlv Waoe set bv the State Minimum Waqe Laws: (2) the minimum hourlv Waqe set bv the Fair Labor Standards Act: or (3) $11.31 per hour. (c) Beqinnino on=#+9 Januarv 1. 2020. the qreater of: (1) the minimum hourlv Waqe set bv the State Minimum Waoe Laws. (2) the minimum hourlv Waqe set bv the Fair Labor Standards Act: or (3) $12.31per hour. (d) Beqinninq orF#€# Januarv 1. 2021, the qreater of: (1) the minimum hourlv Waqe set bv the State Minimum Waqe Laws. (2) the minimum hourlv Waqe set bv the Fair Labor Standards Act: or (3) $13.31 per hour. 3 of 6 13 Indexinq. Beqinninq o . and everv vear thereafter, the minimum wage rate mav, bv resolution of the citv commission, be indexed annuallv for inflation using the Miami PMSA Consumer Price lndex for all Urban Consumers (CP|-U) Miami/Ft. Lauderdale, issued bv the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics. Notwithstandino the precedino, no annual index shall exceed three oercent. The citv commission mav also, bv resolution. elect not to index the minimum waoe rate in anv particular vear. if it determines it would not be fiscallv sound to implement same (in a particular vear). The determination to index (or not index) the livino waqe rate shall be considered annuallv durinq the citv commission's review and approval of the citv's annual operating budqet. ln the event that the citv commission has determined, in anv particular fiscal vear (or vears). to not index the livinq waqe rate. and thereafter determines that makinq up all or anv part of the orior vear's (or vears') unindexed percentaqe would not have an adverse fiscal impact upon the citv, then the citv commission shall also have the rioht, but not the obliqation. to cumulativelv index the livinq waqe rate to "make-up" for anv deficiencies in the orior vear (or vears) where there was (were) no increase(s) (the "catch up" election). The "catch-uo" election must be approved bv resolution. For Tioped Emplovees meetinq eliqibilitv requirements for the tio credit under the FLSA. Emolovers mav credit towards satisfaction of the Minimum Waqe in Subsections (a)-(e) tips up to the amount of the allowable FLSA tip credit. Sec. 1 8-922 Retaliation Prohibited. It shall be unlawfulfor an Emolover or anv other oartv to discriminate in anv manner or take adverse action aqainst anv person in retaliation for exercisinq riohts protected under this ordinance. Riqhts orotected under this ordinance include. but are not limited to. the riqht to file a comolaint or inform anv person about anv oartv's alleoed noncompliance with this ordinance, and the riqht to inform anv person of his or her potential riohts under this ordinance and to assist him or her in assertinq such riohts. Sec. 18-923 Enforcement. Persons aqqrieved bv a violation of this ordinance mav brinq a civil action in a court of comoetent iurisdiction aoainst an Emplover or oerson violatinq this ordinance and. uoon prevailinq, shall recover the full amount of anv back waoes unlawfullv withheld olus# e#+**i{#u*ede]# the same amount as liquidated damaqes. and shall be awarded reasonable attornev's fees and costs. ln addition, thev shall be entitled to such leqal or equitable relief as mav be approoriate to remedv the violation includinq, without limitation. reinstatement in emolovment and/or iniunctive relief. Actions to enforce this ordinance shall be subiect to a statute of limitations of two vears or, in the case of willful violations. three vears. Sec. tA-924. Cons ien It is intended that develooed under t inanc.e_olany imolementino reoulations. 4of6 14 Sec. 18-925.See# Required Affidavit of Compliance. ln order to apolv for. renew. or receive a transferred business tax receipt pursuant to Citv Code Sec. 102, each business shall submit with their initial or renewal application an affidavit attestino to compliance bv that business with the provisions promulqated under Section 1B-921 of this Article. No business shall receive a business tax receiot unless the Citv receives such an affidavit. Sec. 18-926.See * License Denial. Revocation. or Suspension for Certain Offenses. The Citv Manaqer. for qood and sufficient cause, mav denv an application for anv permit or license issued under this Code if, durinq the S-vear period prior to the date of the apolication, the aoolicant has admitted quilt or liabilitv or has been found ouiltv or liable in anv iudicial or administrative proceedinq of committinq or attemptinq to commit a willful violation. or two or more violations which do not include a willful violation. of the provisions oromuloated under this Article or under the State Minimum Waqe Laws or the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. CHAPTER 102. TAXATION ARTICLE V. LOCAL BUSINESS TA)( Sec. 102-371. - Application procedures. (i\ Compliance with Citv Minimum Livinq Waqe. No license shall be issued or qranted lo anv person to enoaoe in anv business named. identified, or encompassed bv this article unless that oerson or business'aoplication includes an affidavit. leqallv bindinq upon the person or business. attestino to that person or business' compliance with the Citv Minimum Livino Waqe Ordinance. Chapter 18. Article XVll. SECTION 2. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. SEVERAB!L!TY. lf any section, sentence, or phrase of this ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Chapter, Article, or Division of the Miami Beach City Code. 5 of 6 15 SECTION 4. COD!FICATION. It is the intention of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this Ordinance shall be added to the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. lf applicable, the sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered to accomplish such intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or other appropriated word. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shalltake effect and-adoption- PASSED and ADOPTED this day of ATTEST: 2016. Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk Philip Levine, Mayor ( Commissioner .tofin nosen Conzatez. Co ) Underline denotes additions. S+rit<e+nreu9h denotes de letions. Double-uncledine denotes additions after First Reading. @ denotes deletions after First Reading. APPROVED AS TO FORM & IANGUAGE & FORD(ECUTION -4.-0u,t-c\r\ra6 of 6 DaCI 16 Page 1 IN RE: FINATICE A}ID CITYWIDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE / Miami Beach City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Elorida 33139 Friday, June 3, 2OL6 COMMITTEE MEETING ON CITY MINIMUM LIVING V{B'GE National Reporting Service(305) 313-1295 17 Page 2 1 2 APPEARJAI{CES: RICKY ARRIOLA, COMMTSSTONER JOY }4Ar.AKOFF, COMMTSSTONER ELTZABETH AIEMAT{, COMMTSSIONER DONALD PAPY, CITY ATTORNEY ALLTSON WTLLTAI{S, CFO I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 76 l1 18 L9 20 27 22 23 24 25 National Reporting Service ( 30s) 313-1295 18 Page 3 1 Thereupon 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 76 71 1B t9 20 27 22 23 24 z3 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: We have a real.ly interesting topic today. This is a topic of minimum wage here in our city, and I know we have a J.ot of opinions on this matter, and werre going to have a really interesting discussion today. There's a few things, housekeeping, that need to take p1ace. This is a particular type of meeting where wefre going to ask that folks that eoming up to speak get sworn in, and our court reporter here will swear you in. We're going to hear, first, from some folks from FIU, an economists, and a representative from the National Employment Law Practice come in, and then we'd love to hear from members of the public on how they feel about this topic of potentially raising the minimum wage here in Miami Beach. I know we have fo]-ks from the chamber of commerce, some union representatives, members at large of the public, So we want to try to get and the National Reporting Service(30s) 373-1295 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 L2 13 l4 15 t6 L1 18 L9 20 21, 22 23 24 atr-LJ Page hotel associationr So we want to get as many folks to speak as possible. Wefre going to J-et the folks from FIU as weJ.J. as the National Employment Law Practice speak on their expertise in this matter to advise my feJ.J.ow commissioners on this, and then, obviously, we'd love to hear from folks from the charnber, and the hotel association, the union, and anybody else who wants to speak on this matter. Okay? I[e okay? MR. ROSENWALD: Yes. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: How do you want to do the swearing in, one-by-one? MR. ROSENWAID: }Ie can do it just everybody altogether. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Everybody? Okay. MR. ROSENWALD: Everybody who intends to speak today, please stand up, and the court reporter will swear you in. (Thereupon, the audience was sworn.) MR. ROSENWALD: If I can just give some instructions. This is a legislative fact-finding hearingr So you have been National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 76 71 18 19 20 2t 22 Z3 AAZ+ Page sr{orn. When you come up, introduce yourselves, say your name, spell it for the court reporter. If he canrt hear your he may stop you and teII you to speak more slowly or more clearly, and please do so if he asks. Also donrt while we expect discussion, please don't speak over each other, because our court reporter is trying to take everything down. So with that I will first invite Laura Huizar who is a staff attorney with the National Employment Law Project to come up and give testimony to the committee. Thank you. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Good afternoon. MS. HUIZAR: Good afternoon. Thank you. Can you hear me okay? Is that okay? Perfect. Good. My n€rme is Laura, L-A-U-R-A, Huizar, [I-U-I-Z-A-R, and I 'm a staff attorney with the National Employment Law Project or NELP. I actually EJrow up in Florida, in OrJ-andor so it's g'reat to be back here. TIerre a national nonprofit advocacy National Reporting Service(305) 313-1295 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 IJ L4 15 76 71 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Page organization. ![e're based in New York City but have offices around the country, and I'm based in our D.C. office. Our staff are recognized as poJ.icy experts on a number of employment policy issues, including the minimum wage, and in 2004 NELP was the lead drafter of the 2OO4 constitutional amendment here in Florida which created the first statewide mini:num wage. Paul Song, who is my colleague, was the lead drafter, and intended as part of that constitutional amendment to give cities like the City of Miami Beach the right to enact loca1 minimum wage that exceeds the state minimum wage. So the 2004 amendment was really a response to the 2003 law that was passed in the state which had tried to prohibit doing that kind of or passing that kind of legislation. So werre very excited to be here to support Mayor Philip Leviners proposal to raise the City of Miami Beach's minimum wagre to $13.31 by 2O2O . So I'11 speak a littJ-e bit about the National Reporting Service (305) 313-1295 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 T4 15 L6 71 18 t9 20 27 )) 23 .Az-a 25 Page 1 national context for this tlpe of legislation, some of the things wefve learned from other cities that have so far enacted similar proposals, and some of the economic research that we've seen that really backs up or supports this kind of measure , and then I 'm happy to ans!iler any questions you might have. So yesr w€'re here in support of the mayorrs proposal. As you probably know, cities around the country have been passing minimum wage legislation in growing nr:rnbers in recent years. This has been really a response to declining yrag'es that werve seen all over the country. ilust between 2OO9 and 2014 rire sarr that the real median vrage for workers across the country declined by 4 percent, and the declined was even steeper for low-wage workers. So we've seen the value of wages go down at the same time as income inequality has increased and at the same time that the federal- E1overnment, the federal minimum wage has stagnated at 7 .25 an hour. National Reporting Service(305) 313-1295 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 T4 15 16 l1 1B t9 20 27 22 23 24 25 Page In 2003 only two cities, San Francisco and Santa Fe, had a minimum wage that was higher than the state. By 2OL3 between 2013 and 2OL4, that nr:mber had increased to about 20 cities, and today ahout 38 cities have enacted their own higher minimum wage legislation. And currently, you'll see that more and more cities and states are moving towards higher nurnbers than we've seen before in terms of wage rates, and so werre seeing more places go to 15 an hour. California and New York just recently adopted legisJ-ation that statewide wiJ.J. establish $15 an hour as the minimum wage. Cities that have done the same are Los Angeles in Cal-ifornia, San Francisco, Seattle, and SeaTac, Washington. In 2OL4 Chicago adopted their own $13 minimum wage legislation which is being phased in by 20L9. The state of Oregon recently passed its own legislation which will increase the state's minimum wage to 12.50, 13.50, or L4.75 by 2O2O depending on the region of the state. National Reporting Service ( 30s) 313-1295 24 Page 9 1 Since November of 2OL2 when the 2 vast the rrFight For 15 Movementff 3 started, werve seen about .l^out L7 4 miJ-J-ion workers throughout the country earn 5 wage increases through state increases, 6 local increases, companies that are moving 1 Eheir wag'es up, and executive orders at the B city, state, and other government leveIs. 9 We're also seeing about 10 million 10 workers seeing their rf,ages go up to about 11 15 an hour through those tlpes of recent 72 policy changes. And this is not surprising 13 to us given the tlpe of support that we see L4 around the country for this tlpe of 15 increase. 16 Recent poJ-ling data tells us that t1 approximately 2 out of 3 individuals 18 support $15 as the minimum wage, and L9 support amongst low-wage workers, meaning 20 workers earning at or below 15, is even 27 higher. We also know that low-wage workers 22 are more like1y to vote for a candidate if 23 that candidate supports both 15 and a 24 union. 25 We're seeing also, of course, that National Reporting Service(305) 373-1295 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 L6 71 18 79 20 27 )aLL 23 24 25 Page 10 Iow-wage workers Irm sorry, that low-wage workers support this tlpe of proposal at about 75 percent compared to that two-thirds for workers in general. And we know that increasing the minimum wagie here in Miami Beach would significantly impact the J-ives of low-wage workers here. The city of Miami Beach has one of the highest costs of living in the state of Florida and also in the country. ?Ie know that one single worker working fuIl-time in the city of Miami Beach would have to earn about 915 an hour just to make ends meet, and a working with one chiJ.d working fu1J--time would need about $25 an hour to make ends meet. TIe also know that the most rigorous modern economic research tells us that one can increase the minimum wage without a negligibJ.e or without an adverse effect on employment Ievels. The most sophisticated study that we often cite to is one that was done in 2010 or published in 2010, and looked at National Reporting Service(30s) 373-1295 26 Page 11 L 250 pairs of neighboring counties across 2 Lhe United States, and it looks like those 3 counties to see if a higher wage J.eve1 in 4 one of those counties would have a negrative 5 effect on empJ-oyment in that county, and 6 this is considered one of the most 1 effective ways to isolate the impact of 8 raising the minimum wage. 9 In that study looking at those 250 10 pairs of counties found no significant 11 difference in employment level or in the L2 staters competitiveness, meaning the state 13 with the higher minimum wage. t4 Another meta study Looked at 64 15 other studies of the minimum wage, and it 16 similarly concluded that there was close to I1 no impact on employment for having the 18 higher minimum rragie. 79 At the city levelr w€'ve also 20 started to see studies come out showing 2t that the s€rme findings appJ.y. In San 22 Francisco, for example, there was a study 23 Ln 20L4, it J-ooked at basically the impact 24 of raising the cost of employment for 25 employers in San Francisco by about 80 National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 27 Page percent above the federal minimum wage, and it concluded that there was no adverse impact on employment, and it actualJ.y found that looking at just food service jobs in San Francisco, there was a 17 percent increase in jobs in that sector compared to the surrounding counties. The same thing was found in Santa Fe in a 2006 study that looked at the impact of that minimum wag'e by comparing it to Albuquerque, and it found that employment levels in Santa Ee had not suffered compared to Albuquerque's, and that it was actually doing better, employment was actually doing better in Santa Fe. The same thing was found in a study looking at Tlashington D.C., Santa Fe, and San Francisco, comparing those cities to their surrounding suburbs and other cities. So the list goes oD, and the written testimony that Irve submitted today will go into those studies in more detail, and it will list other studies that may be helpful to you. But we're also seeing, through the 72 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 13 1,4 15 L6 71 1B 79 20 2L 22 )? 24 25 National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 28 L 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 16 71 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Page 13 experience of cities like Seatt1e, SeaTec, and San Erancisco, that you can increase wage levels up to $15 an hour and stiIl see the same kind of findings. Werre seeing very positive benefits in San Francisco and Seattle, for example. The restaurant industry in both of those cities are booming. To the extent that we have data, for exampler oD the nr:mber of licenses issued to food service and beverage businesses, in SeattJ-e we sarf, a 15 percent increase since the $15 minimum rrag'e started to go into effect. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Can you repeat that. MS. HUIZAR: In Seattle we looked at the number of licenses that were issued to food and beverage businesses from the start of the implementation of that $15 wage, so that was March 2014 to the present, and we saw a 6 pereent increase in the number of those licenses issued. A number of newspapers have reported the s€rme thing, the Seattle Times, the National Reporting Service (305) 313-1295 29 Page 74 1 Puget Sound Business Journal, the 2 Washington Post, all of these newspapers 3 and journalists have gone to those cities 4 and have confirmed that in fact the 5 restaurant industry is bombing and all of 6 the predictions that we heard from the 1 business industry about, you know, how this B was going to lead to a decline in business 9 and businesses were going to have to close 10 simply hasnrt come to pass. 11 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Would you 12 happen to know -- pardon the interuption. 13 Would you happen to know what the 14 unemployment rate has been since the 15 impJ-ementation of the new minimum wage? 76 MS. HUIZAR: My written testimony 71 has details on that for Seattle. We know 18 that after Seattle' s minimum vrage t9 legislation went into effect, the 20 unemployment levels in Seattle were lowered 27 than in the state, and I don't want to 22 maybe give the wrong nr:mbers, but there was 23 a slight 2 4 coMMIssIoNER ARRIoI,A: A lower . 25 MS. HUIZAR: -- yeah, decrease in National Reporting Service (305) 313-1295 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 1,2 13 L4 15 L6 71 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 Page 15 Seattle. The Golden Gate Restaurant Association in San Francisco, which is one of the leading restaurant groups there, recently issued a statement on their website stating that the industry is strong, tipping in restaurants continues to be strong, and that the industry is doing just fine with the kind of legisJ-ation that has been successful in San Francisco. And we also know, apart from these studies, that the impact for low-wage workers themselves and their families could be truly significant. There's studies, for example, one from the National Institutes of [Iealth, which found that an increase of $41000 per year in income can lead to approximately one extra year of education by age 2L. }Ie also know from a study of California that a minimum wag'e of $13 there by 2OL7 can have significant benefits for chronic diseases and disabilities, could lead to less hunger, smoking, and obesity in that state. Now, of course r w€ t re happy we I re National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 t6 71 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 Page 76 happy to provide more research, more policy analysis here in Miami Beach to support the efforts of the mayor, and I'd J-ike to take this opportunity, again, to thank you for inviting me to testify, and Irm happy to answer any other qluestions. COMMISSIONER I,IALAI(OFF: I have one question. MS. HUfZAR: Sure. COMMISSIONER I'IALAI(OFF : Could you please discuss in San Erancisco or Seattle the effect on the hospitality as far as the hotel industry in those cities. MS. HUIZAR: Correct, I don't know at this point I don't have data on the hospital.ity industry specifically. I think some of our data wiJ.J. capture restaurant servers who work within the hospitality industry and outside of that, and we've seenr BS I mentioned, that the restaurant industry itseJ.f is doing very well, and the articles al.l the articles yrerve seen in San Erancisco have reported that all of the dire predictions simply haven't come to pass. National Reporting Service (305) 313-1295 32 Page And I think one one good example of or good evidence of the positive impact in San Francisco is that the city first enacted its first increase in 2003, gradua11y increased, and in 2OL4 the $15 proposal was presented to voters, and that was unanimously not you unanimously, I'rtr sorry, but with a great leve1 of support passed in San Francisco. So the city has been experimenting with higher wages for over a decade, and legislators and residents have approved even further increases. COMMISSIONER I"IALAKOFF: Thank you. COMMISSIONER ALE}TA}I: I have a question. In any of that research, have you seeing anything'around the impact on small businesses, perhaps an impact in the nr:mber of operating licenses or requests for new operating licenses by small businesses so we can understand if there's dny, you know, more severe impact depending upon the size? MS. HUIZAR: Correct, that's not something we've seen. I think the Seattle 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 76 71 18 t9 ZU 2L )) 23 24 25 National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 33 Page numbers that I cited for licenses for food service and beverage businesses is a good example. Those in Seatt1e, the numbers were over 3r000r so we know a lot of those businesses are smaIl businesses. TIe don't have over 31000 J-arge chains operating in Seattler so that we think is good evidence that it can benefit small business. Recently the Washington Post leaked a survey that was conducted by a council of state chambers of commerce, and that survey reported, based on their own members, that 80 percent of businesses supported increasing the minimum wage, and only 8 percent opposed it. And so what wefre seeing is that even amongst business owners, meml>ers of these chambers of commerce and the smal]. businesses that we talk to very often support higher wages for their workers. And in places like New York where more significant and detailed studies have been done, they have found that in some ways there is an effective leveling the pJ.aying field when you pass a higher minimum wage, 1B 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 B 9 10 11 \2 13 74 15 I6 l1 1B T9 20 27 22 23 24 25 National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 34 Page 19 1 because a lot of small businesses are 2 already trying to pay higher wages, and a 3 lot of the larger retailers, chain 4 businesses are in some ways pushing wages 5 down. 6 So we?ve been trying to find more 1 data on that. It's sometimes hard at the B loca1 level, but we have seen that there is 9 kind of levelling of the playing field 10 effect with some of this legislation. 11 Yes. 12 COMMISSfONER ALEI'IAN: Vlhere was 13 the where was the chamber of commerce L4 study done? 15 MS. HUIZAR: So it was leaked to the 16 ?Iashington Post. tl COMMfSSIONER I,IALAKOFF: Okay. 18 MS. HUIZAR: It was done by a very 19 prominent poIlster, Irm not sure who it was 20 leaked by, but it was created quite the 27 stir. 22 COMMISSIONER T,IAI"AKOFF: ThANK YOlr. 23 MS. HUIZAR: Uh-huh. 24 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Vfhat other 25 data do you have that you want to share National Reporting Service (30s) 313-1295 35 Page with us that you think is pertinent? And I've done a J.ot of research in the past couple of weeks on this, and so I definitely have a J-ot of guestions, but other data pro or con to this that you want to share with us? MS. HUfZAR: Sure, I think my written testimony will have a lot more detail. Seeing as hospitality might be a particular concern here in Miami or Miami Beach, we recently released a report in D.C. Iooking at the effect of 15 in D.C., particularly on tipped workers in that eity, and we looked at some of the National Restaurant Association's own data, and they, you know, project employment growth Ievels and sales growth leve1s across the country for each state, and what we found there is that even in some of their higher-wage statesr so California, Washington State, for exampJ.e, both have minimum walJe rates around $10 right noyir, those states have high employment growth projections. They also have sales projections 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 \6 71 18 79 20 27 aaLL 24 25 National Reporting Service(305) 313-1295 36 Page that are higher than the average for the country. And so we're seeing that that industry and by the industry's own data, itrs quite possible to be successful and to have strong growth even with higher wages. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Yeah, I mean, Irve got al.l kinds of data on different studies, and maybe I'1I just wait to share those, and I don't know what the economist is going to share, but some interesting findings that were surprising to me. MS. HUIZAR: Uh-huh, great. Any other questions? No, okay. WeIl, thank you so much for allowing me to testify. MR. ROSEN!{ALD: Commissioners, norr you'Il hear from Cynthia Hernandez, who was until recently the lead researcher at FfUrs RISEP Research wing, and she can explain her role and her findings to you now. MS. HUIZAR: Hi. Good afternoon. I have a quick presentation I want to share with folks, but let me just get it up here. COMMISSfONER ALEI{AI{: And could you spell your nErme for the record. MS. HERNANDEZ: Sure. It' s 2L 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 76 L1 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 National Reporting Service(3os) 313-1295 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 T6 71 18 79 20 27 22 ZJ 24 25 Page 22 C-Y-N-T-H-I-A, Hernandez, H-E-R-N-A-N-D-E-2. Hopefully, it should be coming up. There you go. So my name is Cynthia Hernandez. I was a researcher at FIU at the Research Institute on Social and Economic Po1icy for ten years until recently moving to the South FJ.orida AFL-CIO where I'm the head research there as welI. So today I 'm here to talk about why this initiative is important, not just for Miami Beach residents, but also for Miami-Dade County residents as weII. So in 2006 or 2OL6 Miami was ranked No. 8 in income inequality nationwide. A Brookings report basically found that based on the 2OL4 census data, and it also showed that Florida f'm sorry, that the wealthiest 5 percent of people in Miami-Dade !trere making basically LO.2 times more than the poorest 20 percent on average. Sory, I think my slides are a litt1e out of order here. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Okay. MS . HERNATiIDEZ : Yeah, okay. So let National Reporting Service(30s) 373-1295 38 Page me go back to the beginning. So as Laura stated, the minimum wage here in Florida was passed in 2004. It actually wasn't enacted until 2005. The majority -- overwhelming percentage of Florida residence voted and approved for the wage amendment to be passed, and it stated the hourly wag'e at that time was only 16.15 per hour. It also required a direct obligation of $3.13 for tipped employees. Since 2005 or 11 years laterr w€rve actually only seen the raise the raise of the minimum walJe raised by $1.90. So that's J-ess than $2 in the 11 years that it has been enacted. We can certainly, f think, all attest that our cost of living has certainJ.y increased by more than i2. So this graph basically shows, and Ifm not sure if it's very clear on your screen, but it basically shows the growing inequality that not only exists here in Miami-Dade County, but really throughout Florida as a whole. So if you see the darker green at 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 L4 15 I6 L1 1B 79 20 2t 22 23 24 25 National Reporting Service ( 3os) 313-1295 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 13 14 15 t6 L1 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 Z3 Page 24 the top, itts basically the U.S. mean wages, followed by the Florida mean wages, and the third line there is the U.S. median wag'es compared to the FJ.orida mean wages. Basically, it shows that Florida's vrages continue to be below average nationwide. And what inequal.ity, I would say, that hurts minorities more than anyone else. As you can see here on this graph, just look at the left I'm sorry, the top two right columns here where it says "white/black disparity. " If you look aJ.J. the way at the bottom, Ld 2OL4 there's a growing inequal.ity between white and black at $9,000 over $9,000, where Hispanics are over 61000 as well. So the people that are hurt most are primarily minorities, African-American and Latinos. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Can you leave that there. MS. HERNA!{DEZ: Sure, and this is based on census data. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Thanks. MS . HERNANDEZ : AlI right. So this is where I started. So a recent study by National Reporting Service ( 30s) 313-1295 40 Page GO Banking Rates conducted a cost of living comparison of the 75 most populous cities in the U.S., surveying dollar amounts of J.iving expenses which included rent, groceries, utilities, transportation, and health care. The study also compared the total. of income needed to be the actual median household income in each city to see if the differences in cost of living are matched by differences in pay. The results are clear, you know, showing that Miami's median income of just under 311000 is about $461000 short of that number representing the biggest gap between the actual income or the ideal income of any major city in this study. So for minimum wage workers, that's 161000 - you know, minimum wage workers are only earning L6,744. That's before taxes are even taken out, which clearly falls short over $60,000 of that ideal minimum walJe. COMMISSIONER AIEIIAI{: tlay I ask you a question about the 77,OOO. Is that a ac- 1 z 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 L6 71 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 National Reporting Servj-ce(30s) 313-1295 41 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 T4 15 76 71 1B t9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Page 26 county averag'e comfortabJ-e livingr or is that the peek, or is that Miami Beach? Wtrat is that number? MS. HERNANDEZ : Thatr s the Miami metropolitan statistical area, So that's taking into consideration everything from, you know, groceries, transportation, healthcare. COMMISSIONER AIEI"IAII: Countynride. MS . HERNANDEZ: County-wide, which is one of the highest as weII. COMMISSIONER ALEI,IAI{: So conceivably in Miami Beach it could be more. MS. HERNANDEZ: It cou].d be even higher, correct. So this table here shows the annual cost of living estimates by household comparison. So for an adult without children, the annua1 cost is 23,820. For an adult with a child it's 50,000. So this is just the median wages. So in Miami Beach we can see t-haL 22 percent is this is higher than the Florida wage frm sorry, the Florida average. It's actually 24 percent higher than the national average, and the cost National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 42 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 t6 L1 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Page 21 alone in Miami Beach is 65 percent higher than the national average. That's a huge significant difference. So itrs fair to say that not all of Miami employees curently live in Miami Beach, and that's why I think this initiative is going to have ripple effects all over our county. So when we look at the cost of living for Miami-Dade County, the monthly rent alone is for a 900 square foot apartment is just a little J-ess than $1,500 . For a 480 sqluare foot studio, it' s just a little over $1,000. Again, you know, I put this number of L6t144, because this is the annual average salary that a current minimum-wage worker earns before taxes. So if we take that into consideration, that's means that 75 percent of a minimum-wage worker has to pay 75 percent of that in housing costs alone if they J.ive in Miami-Dade. Thatrs why we see many minimum-wag'e workers that are having to work two or three jobs at most. So a Brookings report in 2016 found National Reporting Service(30s) 373-1295 43 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 B 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 76 LI 1B 79 20 ZL 22 23 24 25 Page 28 that Miami's metropolitan statistical- area ranked No. I in income ineqtrality nationwide. The wealthiest 5 percent of people are making LO.2 times more than the poorest, 20 percent on average. The gap is even wider in the South Florida area where the richest sector earns 15 times more than the most impoverished. And I put this -- you know, I'm putting these statistics up, because it's important to note that the majority of our growing businesses here in South Florida and growing jobs are minimum wage jobs. This creates a larger income inequality across, you know, not just the state but certainly within our Miami-Dade County and Miami Beach area. So what does this mean globally? Globa1ly, it means that Miamirs income inequality is higher than that of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Rio De Janeiro in Brazil, and it mirrors Mexico City. So werve not just become a gateway to Latin Americar w€ have become Latin America. According to a Bloomberg analysis, National Reporting Service(305) 313-1295 44 Page 29 1 Miami is the toughest city for low-wage 2 workers to increase upward social. mobiJ.ity. 3 So what is "social mobility"? It's 4 basically, it allows workers to move up the 5 ladder. 6 Historically, rates for women in 1 Elorida have been higher than those of men 8 than the overall poverty rate for the 9 entire population, and I'11 say that 10 between 1980 and 2014 median annual wage 11 inequality grew from 6,552 to just under 12 101000, which is a gap increase of 42 13 percent between white and African-American L4 workers. During the same time, the 15 white/Hispanic median annual rrage disparity L6 grew by 43 percentr so almost double. 71 Minorities experience higher levels 18 of poverty when compared to the white 79 population. African-Americans experience 20 the highest poverty rates, which have been 27 above 20 percent historically. The 22 Hispanic Latino population experienced 23 lower levels of poverty, nevertheless, 24 still in the double digits, and this is all 25 data coming from the State of tlorking National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 45 Page Florida Report, which is produced annually by The Research Institute. So on average the four largest paying industries lowest paying industries in Florida were retai1 trade agricultural, forestry, fishing, and hunting, leisure and hospitality and food services. These industries offer many opportunities to enter or reenter the labor market and have possibilities for career advancement at the management level. In 2OL4 there were 3.2 million or 22 percent of the lator force working in these industries in Elorida. It's important to note that these industries comprise a significant percentage of Florida's growing economy, I should add, and yet historically these are the lowest paying industries in Florida and pay below $30,000 a year. The largest growing sector of jobs in Florida are within the hospitality and tourism, which are compromised primarily here in Miami Beach. Yet the Florida g:eneral sales tax is 18 percent higher than the national average. 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 76 \1 18 L9 20 21 22 23 24 25 National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 46 Page 31 1 Florida State income tax is, 2 we know, one hundred percent lower than the 3 national averag'e, and the FJ.orida RetaiJ- 4 Eederation year after year boost on their 5 earnings year after year, yet they continue 6 to fight us fight wagie theft '7 anti-wage theft ordinances or fight against 8 increasing the minimum wagJe. 9 So in closing, you know, minimum 10 wage, what we've seen, and, you know, to 11 reiterate some of Laura's points, job 12 losses for raising minimum wage are 13 negligible. Minimum wage has al-ready been L4 raised 23 times with no detriment to the 15 economy. L6 A 2OL4 survey found that more than 3 71 out of 5 smalI business owners support 18 increasing the minimum wage to 10.10 an L9 hour. The real value of the minimum wage 20 has fallen dramatically, and since the 21 minimum sralJe was last raised 2OO9 22 nationally, the price of apples went up 16 23 percent, bacon 67 percent, cheese 2L 24 percent, coffee 27 percent, beef 39 25 percent, and milk 21 percent. National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 47 Page Low minimum wage J.aws are government subsidies to low-wage businesses, period. Worker productivity has gotten much faster than wages using the 1968 minimum wage as a benchmark. If minimum wage grew at the same rate as worker productivity, it would have reached 2L.72 per hour. Raising the minimum wage to 910 would impact over 15 million workers, 4,7001000 working mother's would gret a raise. There' s widespread bipartisan support for raising the minimum wage. In a 20LS poII, 75 percent Americans including 53 percent of republicans support raising the minimum waEJe to L2 .50 by 2020. And last but not least it would certainly increase consumer purchasing pour for those low-wage workers who are not able to save, and, therefore, their money gets circulated back into the economy and also reduces employee turn over. So in conclusion sure. COMMISSIONER AlElqlAU: Before you leave that site, the first bulIet, how are you measuring worker productivity there. 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 76 L1 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 National Reporting Service(30s) 373-1295 48 Page MS. HERNANDEZ: So it's basically looking at what corporations have made, the earnings, GDP, and looking at comparingr it to wages. So in conclusion, a minimum !ilage earner, again, earns only L6,744 a year working 40 hours a week, 52 weeks of the year, not including taxes. So that's L6,744. We try to think about how we would ever make ends meet living in Miami on that salary, and it's impossible. So if raised to 13.13 per hour, then the annual salary would increase to 27,684, and that basica1ly -- my J.ast point here is that even raising it to 13.31 by 2O2O is not enough. Our workers deserve better, our residents deserve better, and our economy will grow when our earners earn what they make. Thank you. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: How do do you know how we index the step-ups that are contemplated in this resolution from the 10 to the 13? MS. HERNANDEZ: Irm sorry? COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: The step-ups, 33 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 T6 L1 1B 79 20 2t 22 23 .AL1 25 National Reporting Service ( 30s) 373-1295 49 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 76 71 1B L9 20 27 aaLL 23 24 25 Page 34 is that indexed for particular inflation? I just want to make sure we get the record straight of how these numbers were estab]-ished. MR. ROSENWALD:Hi. Rob Rosenwald, city attorney's office. Vlhen the mayor proposed this ordinance, the way he arrived at the nurnbers were to match the number at the end of the ramp-up period in 2O2O to our curent J.iving wage ordinance price that we pay to our contractors and employees, and so we got to 13.31 by 2020, and then simply incremented by a dollar an hour starting in 2018 in order to reach the 13.31 by 2020. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: AJ-J- right. So werre more or less trying to level the playing fieJ.d of what the city is paying as a living wage and what we're requiring our vendors who do business with the city to even the playing field with any other employer in town. MR. ROSENWALD: That's correct, and we put a lot of thought and a lot of study into what the J-iving wage should be at the National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 50 Page time when we adopted it and when we index it, and so itrs not a number that's arbitrarily chosen, and yourre right, Ieveling the pJ.aying field after werve seen how weJ-J- our J-iving wage ordinance worked was reaJ-J.y the goal. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Irm not sure if yourre prepared to expand on the comment that was in your s1ide, that low-wage minimum wages is a subsidy to business. Can you expand on that? MS. HERNANDEZ: Sure. So when we have business owners that are not paying a fair J.iving wage, whether thatrs some of them are paying below the minimum wage, which we see a lot alJ- over this county, because we don' t have a state Department of the Labor to enforce our ].abor laws. So when we see these companies or employers paying less than a living wage, I should Say, basical.ly, we see that most of those folks -- you know, for example, minimum wage earning just slightly above $17,000 an hour, they are more like1y to need g'overnment assistance, and, therefore, 35 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 L6 L1 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 National Reporting Service(3os) 313-1295 51 Page corporations or business entities, employers who are not paying a minimum wage are perpetuating this dependency on govertrment assistance . COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Yeah, that' s one of the things that dawned on me when I was reading the research, which is, you know, to some extent businesses that pay minimum wage or low wages, they in essence get a free ride or are getting the benefit of a government subsidy that they don't have to al.sorb in their own cost structure. Because whether itrs food stamp or other public subsidies to heJ.p provide for folks who aren't living or making a J-iving !ilage, thatr s a cost that isn' t borne directly by that small business, the rest of society absorbs it, but that business isn't necessarily paying that. MS . HERNANDEZ : Corect, and even through our own research, we have found that business owners encouraging their employees to apply for government subsidies. COMMISSIONER ARRfOLA: Do you have 35 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 76 l1 1B t9 20 27 22 23 24 25 National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 52 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 76 71 18 t9 20 27 22 Z5 24 otr.LJ Page 31 statistics on what the effect of raising the minimum erag'e wilJ- have on poverty? MS. HERNATiIDEZ: Loca]-].y or across the country? COMMISSfONER ARRIOLA: Nationally. MS. HERNANDEZ: Nationally there are plenty of statistics, and Irm sure Laura probably -- COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: I mean, I have it if you don't, but I'd J-ike to have someone else MS. HERNANDEZ: Yes, so there are statistics that show that nationally. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: From what I read in multiple studies, a ten percent increase in the minimum rtrage reduces poverty by one percent. One percent is 2 .2 mj.].lion Americans. MS. HERNAIIDEZ: Significant. COMMISSIONER I'IALAI(OFF: I have a question. I have one question. You talked about the disparity effecting primarily African-American and Hispanic workers. Do you also have a breakout of women workers? MS. HERNANDEZ: I do, yes. National Reporting Service(3os) 373-1295 53 Page 38 1 Unfortunately, I did not incJ.ude it in this 2 presentation, but I td be more than happy to 3 share with you how it significantly effects 4 women workers. 5 COMMISSIONER I'IALAI(OFF: I figured 6 ir did. 7 MS. HERNATiIDEZ: And single mothers, B I should add, as weII. 9 COMMISSIONER I'IALAI(OFF: Yes. Do you 10 know the percent? 11 MS. HERNANDEZ: I actually don't L2 have the percent. I have it here, I can 13 look it up and get back to you. L4 COMMISSIONER TIALAI(OFF: Okay. Okay. 15 Later, yeah. L6 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: ff you look 71 it up, you can come back. 18 MS. HERNANDEZ: Sure, I'm more than 79 happy to do that. 20 coMMIssIoNER ARRIoI,A: T{hat' s 2l interesting about that is there's a 22 disproportionate effect on African-American 23 and Hispanics and women on J-ow minimum 24 wag'es, but raising the minimum wage 25 actually has a disproportionate benefit National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 54 Page percentwise, because there's more white workersr So more of the benefit percentwise goes to white workers. That's just an interesting statistic. It will help a J.ot of people, though. MS . HERNATiIDEZ : Sure, and I think it realIy depend on the industry, right? So depending on what industry. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: And the location. MS. HERNAIiIDEZ : That' s correct. COMMISSIONER ALEIIAII: A question about do you have any numbers I 'm thinking about the 71,OOO and single working parents. Do you have any numbers on the cost of daycare, childcare for a working parent that has to put their child into some sort of daycare or other sort of care facility during the day while they work or at night whenever they're working' and what those costs are compared to the wages that theyrre earning? MS. HERNAIiIDEZ: Thatr s actually a really great question. I actually don't 39 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 LZ 13 74 15 76 t1 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 National Reporting Service (305) 313-1295 55 Page 40 t have the exact figures, but I do know that 2 Miami-Dade County recently released a 3 report showing how therers a g'rowing cost 4 Eo childcare, and how disproportionately, 5 you know, women and single-parent 6 households cannot afford to basically make 7 ends meet simply because of the childcare, 8 and I believe that there are some childcare 9 workers herer So maybe they can better 10 answer that specific question. 11 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Do you have L2 any data on the effect of the increase of 13 the minimum wage on businesses or other 74 organizations? In particular what I've 15 seen is in cases where minimum wage was 75 increased, not realIy much noticeable l1 effect negative effect on businesses, 18 and part of that is because that extra 19 money that's being created gets spent on 20 those local businesses. 2t MS . HERNATiIDEZ : That' s correct. 22 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Do you have 23 any data to help expand on that? 24 Ms. HERNANDEZ: I do have data, and 25 I'm happy to share it. National Reporting Service ( 30s ) 373-1295 56 Page 4L Okay. You1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 76 71 1B 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 COMMISSIONER ARRIOI,A : can come back. MS. HERNANDEZ: You know, what I've said is it reduces employee turnover rates which reduces labor costs. COMMfSSIONER ARRIOLA: You know, one of the things about minimum wagie is, as you said, it forces people to work two or three jobsr So to the extent that they can get a living wag:e and maybe spend more time with families, which is a net positive, and maybe not have to take the second and third job, increases opportunities for folks that are unemployed. MS. HERNAIIDEZ: Abso1utely. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Any data on that? MS. HERNANDEZ: That I donrt believe not off the top of my files, but Irm sure we can look for that and share it with Rob. Thank you. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Rob, do we have anybody else? MR. ROSENI{ALD: That's the end of our expert testimony. I know there are National Reporting Service (30s) 313-1295 57 Page 42 1 several groups here who would J-ike to 2 speak, so Ird just turn it over to you to 3 conduct the testimony in the order you 4 prefer. 5 coMMIssroNER ARRror,A: okay. Great . 6 T think we'II keep it, f mean, unless you 7 have objections, the way we tlpical-ly do B it, sort of someone who is in favor of 9 raising the minimum wage and folks who have 10 a different opinion, we'Il kind of go 11 one-by-one. You know, you can each kind of 72 step to you know, one side will say this 13 is for maybe not going forward with the 14 minimum wage increase and folks that want 15 to support the minimum wag'e increase, and 76 we'lI give each other three minutes and 71 if we have more time at the endr w€'11 use 18 ir. L9 Frank, you're welcome to go first. 20 You rased your hand. Erank, are you in 2L favor? 22 MR. DELVECCIO: In favor. 23 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Okay? 24 MR. DEL\IECCIO: Frank Delveccio, 301 25 Ocean Drive, a retired attorney. National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 58 Page 43 1 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Pardon me, 2 Erank. Could someone keep time. Let's do 3 this for three minute. 4 MR. DEL\IECCIo: I'm going to need 5 less. 6 coMMrssroNER ARRror.A: The reason 1 Ls, fo1ks, the president is visiting Miami B Beach, which is wonderful. Traffic is 9 going to get busy around four, and f want 10 to try to gret us out of here before then, 11 so keep that in mind. 12 MR. DELVECCIO: Good public policy, 13 a good direction. You're authorized to do t4 this under the state constitution and good 15 Iegal analysis. Let me just make a couple 76 of recommendations. 71 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Keep talking. 18 Is somebody keeping the time? 19 MR. DEL\/ECCIO: No, I' 11 stop 20 talking. It's too distracting when you 2L keep 22 COMMISSIONER ARRIoI,A: You can have 23 as much time as you need, I just want to 24 make sure someone's keeping track. Go 25 ahead, Frank. National Reporting Service(3os) 313-1295 59 Page MR. DELVECCfO: Okay. I sugig'est, too, what I think should be clarifications and improvements to the text of the ordinance you should have before you. The real teeth of this ordinance is that an entity, a business, corporation that is doing business or an individual. that is doing business in the City of Miami Beach can be denied a business tax receipt by the City and must provide an affidavit, perhaps in the application, that he or she or the entity wilJ. comply with the City's minimum living wage ordinance. Thatrs the teeth of it. So I think as currently written, and I passed out a littIe suggested langusg€, but as curently written, I ' 11 read brief ly from the text of 18 Section 18.921. rrEvery employer shall pay no J.ess than the following wages to each employee entitled to receive the federal minimum wag'e for each hour of work performed for that employer while physical.ly present within the geographic boundaries of the city. " This could mean that a UPS driver or 44 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 B 9 10 11 1) 13 T4 15 76 71 18 19 20 27 22 ZJ 24 25 National Reporting Service (305) 313-1295 60 Page 45 1 a driver of some vehicle in interstate 2 c,ommerce could be held the company could 3 be held accountab].e for the duration of the 4 time that employer is delivering or passing 5 through the city. So I don't think you 6 want that. 1 I think you want it to read that B every employer who is subject to the 9 business tax receipt requirement of 10 Article 5 of Chapter 2 Miami Beach City 11 Code shall comply with aJ-J- these L2 requirements. 13 And the second point is yourve got a 74 couple of sections that deal. with 15 enforceability, and this is the teeth of 76 your ordinance, Section L8.925 and Section 71 L02.371(i) . Currently, it's worded in the 18 passive voice that there should be 79 compliance with. I think you should 20 substitute that the application for a 27 business tax receipt should include an 22 obligation to comply. And that's basically 23 it. The applicant for a city business tax 24 receipt shall certify on the application 25 form that the applicant wiJ-J- comply with National- Reporting Service (30s) 313-1295 61 Page the City' s minimum living wag'e ordinance. I think that was the intention. Yourve got a J.ot of legal loose ends if you don't change that language, because you purport to give a civiJ- right of action to an agreed person or empJ-oyee recourse to the court which would apply to a UPS driver passing through and making a few deliveries. So I think limited to the City's compJ.iance with the City's business tax receipt, that is the trigger that brings the business within the parameter of this very good ordinance. Thank you. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Thank you, Frank, and thanks for doing the analysis for us. I don't know, were you going to comment? I'11 ask that very question that Frank asked towards the end of our city attorney'S, who I know are considering this very issue. Next? MS. KALLERGIS: Good evening. Tlendy Kallergis, W-E-N-D-Y, K-A-L-L-E-R-G-I-S, president and CEO of The Greater Miami 46 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 76 71 18 79 20 27 22 ,/< .Az.) 25 National Reportj-ng Service(30s) 313-1295 62 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 I6 L1 1B L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Page 41 Beaches Hote1 Association. First of alJ-, I would like to open by teJ-J.ing you that wefre not opposing an increase, what wefre challenged with is the speed of the timeJ-ine. So f wanted to read to you our statement that we made at the commission meeting. The GMBIIA supports policies and regulations that ensure is a fair and equitable working environment for both employees and employers. Ifage increases proposed at the federal, stater or local level must not be too high or fast for the industry to absorb. The GMBIIA views increases that are too high or fast as hurting the hotel industry and its ability to create jobs and grow the economy. Increases that are too high and fast negatively effect the jobs of the people that they are purported to help. Our governmental. affairs consultant, AI Advisory Group, prepared a survey for Miami Beach hotels since our last commission meeting, and we wanted to provide to you an overview of the results National Reporting Service (30s) 373-1295 63 Page of the survey. We received responses from 43 hotels on Miami Beach comprising of boutique hotels, chain hotels, luxury, and limited service. By an almost 3 to 1 margin, Miami Beach hotels expect the proposed wage increase to have a negative effect on the hospitality industry. Approximately two-thirds of our hotels will be disrupted because the proposed minimum wag'e increases are too large and too high to absorb. A significant percentage feeJ- new wage leve1s, $10.31 and $13.31 are going to have serious consequences. Our hotels reported that they wiJ-l be forced to reduce employee head count, benefits, and hours. As numerous challenges face our Miami Beach hospitality industry and while the market is still very, very strong', with the Miami Beach Convention Center renovation and iIlega1 short-term rental-s, it is very important that we continue our great work together in welcoming opportunity, to also work very closely with you and staff to define walJe increases in a 48 1 2 3 A.1 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 t6 71 18 79 20 21, 22 23 24 25 National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 64 Page 49 1 timeJ-ine that industry can absorb without 2 j-nadvertent consequences and serious 3 disruptions. Thank you very much. 4 COMMISSIONER }'IAI,AI(OFF: I wanLed to 5 speak to you specifically about the illega1 6 short-term rentals, and Commissioner A1eman 1 and f are both working on something whieh B wiJ-J- help the hospitality industry with 9 that. 10 MS. KALLERGIS: We appreciate that, 11 and werre actually working very well with 12 staff right now, so we have f think 13 working together we're going: to make a big 74 difference. 15 COMMISSIONER T,IAI,AI(oFF: Yes . ThanK 76 you. tl MS. KAJ,LERGIS: Thank you. 18 MS. WAISH: Good afternoon, 79 commissioners My name is Wendi gla1sh, 20 W-E-D-N-D-I, W-A-L-S-H, and I am proud to 27 be the principa1 officer for Unite Here, 22 Local 355. I[e are the hotel workers union 23 here in South Florida. Our union 24 represents 11400 hotel workers here on 25 Miami Beach, many of whom are here with us National Reporting Service(305) 313-1295 65 Page today, and hundreds of thousands of hospitality workers across the United States and Canada. As we taJ.k about the data, I would like to put a face on this issue for us here this afternoon. Our members and the city's hotel workers are mostly women, mostly recent immigrants, and nearly all people of color. They are housekeepers and dish washers who do some of the toughest behind-the-scenes work to make some of our hotels here so some of the best in the country. In Miami the average cost to rent a hotel room is $246. For the time period ,fanuary through March of this year, that was the highest room rate in the entire country, higher than San Francisco, Maui, and New York City. Yet when you talk about what the housekeepers make to clean these hotel rooms, Miami is very far behind. Hotel housekeepers in Miami on average clean between 20 and 30 rooms a d"y, and earn around $9 an hour,' while in New York City, housekeepers clean nearly 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 I2 13 74 15 76 71 1B T9 20 2T 22 23 24 25 National Reporting Service (305) 313-1295 66 Page half that, 15 rooms, and earn nearly $30 an hour; and in San Francisco they're also cleaning 15 rooms a day and earn closer to $20 an hour. A real living wag'e here in Miami Beach is extremely necessary. The hotel workers are the backbone of the tourism industry. Many of our members who work here have had to move off the beach to make ends meet, while others struggle to continue living here on the beach. They do their best, as was said earlier, working two, sometimes three jobs, but it just isnft enough. As the Miami Beach hotel industry makes record profits, it's only right to direct our attention to the people who make that possible. You cannot continue to have a successfuJ- hotel industry with poor, frustrated, anxious hotel workers. The workers cannot be expected to smile for a guest when theyrre worried about feeding their kids. We applaud the commissioners for proposing to expand the living wag'e to aJ.J. 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 I2 13 74 15 T6 71 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 67 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 L6 71 18 79 20 2L 22 23 .ALA 25 Page 52 of the workers here on the Beach, and the members of Unite Here wi]-]- stand and support every step of the way. Thank you. MR. TARTARINI : HeIIo . My na,me is Eduardo Tartarini, T-A-R-T-A-R-I-N-I. Ifve been living in Miami Beach for 25 years, and I work in the hotel business for 20 years. I can see increasing of J.iving is enormous. AIJ. of my friends have to leave the beach. I want to also know that the building where I live, the rent is 450 a month 25 years a9o, and now the rest costs $1,800, and a J-ot of people, they have to move, a lot of good workers, people J.ike me that pay taxes, provide many things for the hotel business. Miami Beach is one of the highest tourisms in the wor1d, and I met people even from Dubai that ].ike to come to Miami Beach, and I think that this living wage is necessary, not only for me, but for people who are my neighbors, so they can have a good standard of living. I have a niece who is a single National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 68 Page mother, and she can hardly pay the baby-sitter, and she can hardly pay also her rent, and they have to move somewhere e1se, and they cannot be closer to me as part of my famiJ-y. Thank you. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Michael. MR. GOLDBERG: Thank you, commissioners. Michael Go1dberg, M-I-C-H-A-E-L, G-O-L-D-B-E-R-G, chairman of the board of the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce. ,fust for the record, you know, we are here to get more information, which I think a J.ot of great information was presented today, and we want to thank you for that. We have not taken a formal position on it for or against. I just want to point out a few concerns that did come up. We had a few meeting's, and f just wanted to point out a couple of them. Similar to the hotel association, one of our concerns is the and the outreach that we did was the time frame. If this does pass by 2O2O, the wage would have to be up to $13.31. Based on an $8.05 53 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 76 l1 1B t9 20 27 22 23 24 25 National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 69 Page wag'e now, that's a 65 percent increase in about a three-year time period. So that was one of the concerns that cErme out from some of the outreach that we did. Also there may be some unintended consequences, you know, if this does pass. This is feedback that werve gotten back, not the Chamber's position, you know, of one small business owner to say, weII, I've had someone working for me for ten years, Irve gotten them up to a certain wage, which be above the $13.31, but then if you hire someone else, you pay them the same, that employee may say, welI, Irve worked here ten years, and now this person is coming on board, and hers going to be working at the same wag:e. So they felt that may be a concern. Again, this is just feedback that werve gotten that I wanted to share. And the last one, which, I think, was expressed by 'Jerry Libbin/ our CEO, was any possible litigation that we may have to go into with the State and the cost of that litigation. I just wanted to share that, 54 1 2 3 4 5 5 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 t6 L1 1B L9 20 27 22 24 25 National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 70 Page but we appreciate you having this special meeting. There' s some g'reat information that we will now take back, you know, to our board and to our members, and we appreciate you doing this special meeting to give us more information on this. Thank you. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Thanks, Michael, for coming in. Fo1ks, Iet's have some decorum. Okay? I have questions for you, you know, particularly small business, I think the average small business oerner makes $30,000 a year. It's not what people t1pieal.J.y think. Mom and pops work as hard as anybody or harder than many people just to make ends meet themselves. So I have a concern on anything that impacts our small businesses, which is the backbone of our economy, whether it's rising health care cost, rents, government red tape, or yrages. Any comments or thoughts that you have on what this would mean to small businesses, and how we can make sure that, you know, we donrt put people out of 55 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 L6 71 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 )C, National Reporting Service (305) 313-129s 71 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 L6 t1 1B 79 20 2T 22 ZJ 24 25 Page 56 business, because if we put peopJ-e out of business, you lose jobs. MR. GOLDBERG: Sure . WeJ.l , it' s funny you say that, because one of the things that came up and was discussed was, of course, this threshold to be $500,000 in gross sa1es. Over 5001000 you'd have to be implemented, Lf it was less than 500,000, they wouldn't have to implement it, So the question came up, you know, weII, would that impact them. TleJ.J., it actually would impact them, too, because if yourve got employees and you're a smal-l business owner with gross sales of less than 5001000, and you're not paying that wage, whether or not it was the 10.31 which would be implemented, you know, a year from June or at the end of the year, they would have a problem retaining their employees, and that actually came up in some of their discussions, that it real.ly is going to effect aII sma1l business. Again, I don't think therers an issue with raising the wages. I mean, again, therers some good facts that were National Reporting Service ( 305) 313-1295 72 Page presented here, and we definitely want to bring that back and I think educating the small business owners and all the business owners in the City of Miami Beach as to, you know, what the statistics are. It's important. We real.ly have been trying to gatherer data and just learn as much as we can, and we didn' t think we had enough data to take a formal position yet, but we appreciate you taking the time to educate, you know, the pubJ-ic on the issue for the next commission meeting. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: You know, there's so much goes into Itrn a business owner myse1f . There's so much that g:oes into a business and, you know, costs and being able to make a profit is essential for a healthy business, and wages are a huge component for many businesses, but, you know, I'm interested in maybe the chamber can help us identify ways to help particularly the small businesses but also our workers, because even if minimum waqJe were to gro up, itr s not a silver bullet 51 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 L6 71 1B L9 20 27 )) 23 24 25 National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 73 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 L6 71 18 79 20 2L 22 23 24 z5 Page 58 people are still going to struggle to make ends meet. This will he1p, but transportation costs, parking on the beach, rising healthcare costs, all of these things. You know, f want to down the road, you know, I know al.l of us commissioners are working on things like transportation, affordable housing, and all of that, but this is potentially, you know, one step in the direction of making Miami Beach a more affordable pJ.ace to J.ive and to do business, and f would love to hear ideas from the chamber on other things that we can do to help small businesses and our workers have a better quality of life and be a more successful business. MR. GOLDBERG: Absolute1y, and we'Il continue, as you know, w€ work very closeJ-y, you know, with you and the administration all the issue effecting, you know, anything that impacts, you know, not just the businesses of Miami Beach but residents and quality of life. So you know we're engaged with that, and we appreciate National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 74 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 T6 L1 1B 79 20 2L 22 24 25 Page 59 your partnership with us and working with uSr and we'Il continue to do that, and we thank you. COMMfSSIONER AIEtlAl[: If I can comment to just, I think, illustrate or highlight what Commissioner Arriola said is that, you know, Lf we pass this minimum wage ordinance, we know that this alone doesn't solve the problem of the affordability of workforce living in Miami Beach, but itrs one piece to the puzzle, and we know transportation is an issue we you know, we know that affordabJ-e housing is an issue, w€ know that education is an issue. So for everyone who is here today and for everyone who may be watching this novr or in the future, al-l of our emails are on the website. If you have another piece of that puzzle, it's really important to us for the qual.ity of our city, it g'oes right to the heart of the issues that effect our quality of life J-ike traffic and congestion and just being a healthy vibrant community. So our doors are open for your National Reporting Service ( 305) 313-1295 75 Page 60 1 feedback and ideas, and that extension 2 goes, of eourse, not just to the chamber 3 but to aII of you. 4 COMMISSIONER I'IALAI(OFF: And I have 5 one more thing to talk about with 6 specifically Michael Goldberg with the -l e,hamber. You talked about the mom and pop I businesses. If Irm corect, when it's a 9 family-owned business and there is a 10 husband and wife and say a son or daughter 11 that are working the business, I beJ-ieve 72 they are they can be exempted from this? 13 MR. ROSENWALD : That' s coffect, L4 commi-ssioner. The the FLSA the federa]. 15 standard guides who has to pay the minimum 76 wage, and that is businesses that make J.ess 71 than $500,000 a year and exempted from that 18 is anyone with who is staffed so1ely by 79 immediate family members. So if you are 20 truly a mom and pop, even if you're making 27 more than $500,000 a year, if only your 22 immediate family is working for you, then 23 you're not subject to minimum wage at al-l. 24 COMMISSIONER TIALAI(OFF: Thank you. 25 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Rob, in National Reportj-ng Service(30s) 313-1295 76 Page 67 1 reading to whom this applies, it's $500,000 2 or more, but I a]-so sa!{ a clause that said 3 or the businesses engaged in interstate 4 commerce; is that correct? 5 MR. ROSENI{ALD: I think it's "and 6 Lnterstate commerce. " 1 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Oh, it's I ttandrr? ItrS rrandw nOt rrOf , rr itr S wand. rr 9 MR. RoSENWALD: yes, exactly. 10 And -- 11 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Because 12 everyone's involved in interstate commerce 13 now-a-days. !4 MR. ROSENWALD: yeah, it's very hard 15 not to be, but if you truly arenrt, if you L6 don't send anything outside of the state, t1 you wouldn't be you wouldn't be included 18 in it. You would be exempted also. L9 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: So it's 20 500,000 'randrr ? 27 MR. ROSENWALD: Yes, that' s my 22 understanding, but you're right, almost 23 everybody is covered. 24 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Everybody 25 under the supreme court. National Reporting Servj-ce(30s) 3'73-1295 77 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 L6 I1 18 T9 20 27 ZZ 23 24 25 MR. PAPY: Page 62 I also wanted to clarify, the comment was made about the business that would be impacted, the small business. The coverage is identical- to the Fair Labor Standards Act and the state law, the state constitutional minimum wage ordinance, so werre not adding anyone whots not al.ready covered under the federa]- and the state Iaw. So f just wanted to clarify that. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: What are all these young kids doing here? I want to hear from them. MS . BACH: Good afternoon commissioners. Good to see you aII. My name is Lili Bach, L-I-L-I, B-A-C-H. Irm with 32BJ with SEIU. The minimum rf,age increase is a dire necessity aJ-l over the state, especially right here in the City of Miami Beach. Those who work hard we fee]- deserve fair pay. Our members live in our communities and attend our public schools and overall contribute to our ]-oca]. economies. We hear from workers who want to spend more time with their families but National Reporting Service (30s) 313-1295 78 Page simply cannot, because theyrre running from one low-paying job to other, therefore, not having any time to spend with their children or with their families, usually having to work two to three jobs just because the pay is not enough. How does minimum erage jobs help our communities? Quite frankly, they do not, and how is the need to work two or three low-wage jobs to survive helping our economy and helping our people that live in these communities, and again, it's not right. I'd actually J.ike to chal-Ienge the charnber to try to spend living on a week on minimum wag'e to see if maybe that couJ-d help encourage them to be a little more involved in being proactive in helping with this so they can really feel what it's like to have to make certain cuts, whether it's to paying this bilJ- or another biII, whether it means that they have to bring their child with them to work because they cannot afford childcare and so on. So Miami Beach needs to lift up our 63 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 76 71 1B I9 20 27 22 23 .Az,a 25 National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 79 Page workers and support increasing the minimum wage, and we definitely encourage the commission for doing' so and support mayor Levine as weII, So thank you. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Lili COMMISSIONER ALEI'IAI{: LiIi, you know we only make $6,000 a year, right? MS. BACH: Excuse me? COMMISSIONER ALEldAl{: I said, you know we only make $51000 a year, right? MS . BACH: That' s why we have to make sure that COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: I want to check with the city attorney. You know that commissioners make less than minimum wag'e, a lot less. MR. PAPY: We'II take it up. MS. BACH: This is for everyone. MR. QUINCOCES: Good morning, commissioners. My name is Richard Quincoces, Q-U-I-N-C-O-C-E-S. First, I want to thank Mayor Levine on fighting for the working families of Miami Beach and proposing this ordinance on raising the minimum wage and you for hearing this and 64 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 8 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 76 T1 1B L9 20 27 a.>LL 23 ..\ ^z-n 25 National Reporting Service(305) 313-1295 80 1 ) 3 4 trJ 6 1 B 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 76 71 18 79 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 65 considering it. I've been a resident of Miami for over 25 years and have been a construction worker for over ten. I come here, Itm speaking on my personal experience as a construction worker. I work under union, I worked under LIUNA Loca1 L652, and I have work with other people that are not represented under my collective bargaining agreement, and I have seen the struggles that these families have firsthand. I have seen how they have been =1.1e to have to jump onto public assistance, and the employer, the corporation, wiJ-J. teJ.I them this is the way to go do it. I also I believe that these corporations are earning year in and year out they earn massive profits, and all they do is propose for people to jr:mp on public assistance. So I ask you to please consider in helping these people out and, you know, gror{ Miami-Dade I mean, €Jrow Miami. Wef re all residents here, and, you know, it's hard to live here. Thank you. MR. BARFIELD: He1lo, how you aII National Reporting Service(3os) 313-1295 81 Page 66 1 doing? 2 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Good. How 3 are you? Your name for the record? 4 MR. BARFIELD: My name is Isaiah 5 Barfield. Isaiah Barfie1d. Can you hear 6 me now? Ifm a fast food worker for KFC, 1 and as this grentleman was just saying, itrs B v€ry, very difficuJ-t and hard to fight this 9 minimum wal1e, and at the moment it's 8.52 10 is what I get approximately, and that is 11 clearly too J-ittle. 12 It's a J.ittle too late, because, you 13 know, I'm facing eviction, and because L4 I canft pay my bi]-ls, I canrt rea1ly eat, 15 I loose pounds, and this is just me myself. 16 So, you know, for families I know itrs Ll devastating, and for them to get out there 18 with their children, try to encourage them 79 to eat out of a can of beans or to eat this 20 steal food that they canft afford it's 2\ hurtful and downhearted that they get low 22 salary. And they have to stay up with 23 their children. Not only work two or three 24 jobs, but also make their families happy 25 when theyrre not really happy with National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 82 Page 61 1 themselves and the way that they are 2 Ereated. 3 So I'm here just to siy, just one 4 voice, that, please, give Miami Beach what 5 they need. Thank you. 6 coMMrssroNER ARRror.A: Thank you. 1 Thank you for sharing your story. B MR. CUBA: Good afternoon 9 commissioners. My name is Juan Cuba, 10 ,I-U-A-N, C-U-B-A. I'm going to telI you a 11 little bit about my personal experience, 72 but aJ.so Irm going to read a letter into 13 the record from Rabbi Schiff. 74 First, I grew up in Miami. Since 15 I Yras three years old, I grew up in 76 Kendall, I lived in the City of Miami most l1 of my life. My parents worked minimum wage 18 jobs. My dad worked two or three jobs just 19 to make ends meet, and so did my mom. You 20 know, I would remember my dad had to 2L deliver pj-zzas, you know, was a maintenance 22 guy in condos, and how tough it was for him 23 and how much strain it caused our famiJ.y. 24 So this bilI, this minimum wage that 25 you guys are doing, it's inspiring, and National Reporting Service(30s) 373-1295 83 Page itts going to help so many famiJ.ies. It's about families, it's about neighborhoods, it's about communities, because when workers that are working two jobs are barely making it and come home, and if you give them a raise, it will mean so much to them and their childrenr So thank you. I have a letter here from Rabbi Solomon Schiff, president of South Florida Interfaith Worker Justice that I'11 read into the record. Dear Mayor Levine and commissioners, on behalf of South Florida Interfaith Worker ilustice and the faith communities that we represent, we would J-ike to commend you for your efforts to support working fami1ies in Miami Beach and to encourag'e you to continue to do so by enacting the Miami Beach living wag'e ordinance that will be heard by the finance committee on ,June 3,20L6. You have the opportunity not only to support our Miami Beach community through those initially affected by the ordinance, but also to affect many others due to the 6B 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 I2 13 74 15 76 71 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 84 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 t-1J T4 15 L6 L1 18 79 20 2L 22 Z3 .ALA 25 Page 69 ripple effects of the ordinance. Additionally, Miami Beach can, once again, serve as an exemplar and set a positive tone for others in our county and our state. Your actions in support of this ordinance would embody our diverse faith tradition by recog'nizi,ng the inherent worth, rights, and dignity of employees and their families. DIe urge you to support the Miami Beach Minimum Living Wage Ordinance, thereby benefitting not just our local community but many others as well. Sincerely, Rabbi Solomon Schiff. Thank you. MR. LICHTI'IAI{: Good afternoon. My name is A1 Lichtman, A-L got that one? L-I-C-H-T-M-A-N. Great presentations. I think Irve got some bullet points here, I think there's some things we need to know, but the federal minimum wage is not currently tied to infJ-ation or the cost of living changes. So in areas where the minimum vrage is not enough to pay for basic 1iving and National Reporting Service(30s) 373-1295 85 Page employees who are working for minimum wage and do not reJ-y on government assistant prog'rams have greater hurdles to make a living. That means that greater turnover of employees who are consistently seeking wages and to find new ways to make more money. Now cities like Santa Fe and San Francisco, and I did a J.ittle research on this, because there's a lot there's a lot going on around the country and the different cities that have already done these things, and some of the things are that the economic evidence indicates that the highest city minimum wages enable in U.S. cities to date have boosted earnings without slowing job growth or causingr business relocations. Now, an indication of this new Yrave of action around local minimum wages was the U.S. Conference of Mayors, the Cities of Opportunity Task Force, which in August of 2OL4 endorsed higher city minimum wag'e wages, asking tools for fighting income inequalities at the lower Ievel. 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 L4 15 76 71 18 79 20 27 )) 23 24 25 National Reporting Service ( 305) 313-1295 86 Page Now, Irve worked on Miami Beach for the last 35 years, and, you know, I'd like to keep it as a great place to work, visit, and have fun. So thank you for your time. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Thank you. Other fo]-ks? Sir. MR. DIXON: Marcus Dixon, SEIU, Florida state counsel, M-A-R-C-U-S, D, as in dog, I-X-O-N, as in November. I just wanted to provide some information based on some of the earlier conversations. Two-thirds of minimum vrage workers in the United States are women, and that, you know, puts it in perspective exactly how much it affects families, but in EJ-orida the averag'e underpaid worker is 40 years old, and most of them are women. Another important fact is that Iow wages are costing Florida taxpayers $11.4 billion in public assistance each year. That's based on a report SEIU published earlier this year called the High Pub1ic Cost of Low l[ages, and that's taking into consideration 10 public assistance programs excluding Medicaid costs. 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 76 L1 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 Z3 National Reporting Service (30s) 373-1295 87 Page And to answer or respond to one additional point that I heard a littJ.e bit earlier is the cost for living in Miami Beach. Using the Economic PoJ-icy fnstitute as a resource, they have a family budget calculator. If I could put it up on the computer, I would, but it lays out for the Miami, Miami Beach, KendaII Metro area the cost of living, and so it takes into consideration housing, food, transportation, health care, and other necessities and taxes. So for a single individuaJ., the cost of living in this metropolitan area is $31,354 annuaJ-J-y. So you think about that, you think about the 16,000 that Cynthia mentioned ear].ier in terms what of a minimum wage worker actually gets, and you wonder what exactly they' re doing to make it through. This calculator also al-J-ows you to add children and the number of adults in the household, so you stay with a single adult and add a child, and that number jumps from the 30,000 number up to $52,000 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 76 71 1B L9 20 2t 22 23 24 4tr, National Reporting Servj-ce(305) 313-1295 88 Page 13 1 annually. 2 That's all I wanted to share with 3 you. Thank you. 4 COMMISSIONER AI,E![A]I: r might add, 5 as we contemplate those numbers, that 6 obviously therers no room in there for '7 savings, and there does come a point in a]-]. 8 of our lives when it's time to retire and 9 werre not able to work anymore, and then 10 you know, then wetre talking a hundred 11 percent 9ap, because there's no way with 72 that model that people can be putting aside 13 money for their future which may have L4 higher healthcare costs and other issues. 15 MR. DIXON: Absolutely. Thank you. 16 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Matis. Letrs l1 hear from Matis. 18 MR. COHEN: Hi, Matis Cohen, 79 M-A-T-I-S, C-O-H-E-N. Tru1y, I'rl inspired 20 and moved by the testimony and stories that 27 Irve heard here today, and f I was also 22 educated with some of the numbers that 23 I tiras surprised to hear, and f 'm happy that 24 we had this open forum that we can have 25 that discussion, but as Commission Aleman National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 89 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 76 71 1B 79 20 2t 22 23 24 25 Page 1 4 and Commissioner Ma1akoff, and Commissioner Arriola, you've mentioned that it j-s only one component. And I think it would be a nice idea if there was a City contribution, I caJ.J. it a "contribution" for lack of another word, that would promote the in addition to this, the businesses that actually have residents working on the beach. So while we're talking about transportation, so a resident that lives on the a resident that is working on the beach, that small business or a larger business can benefit -- should have a beneficial there should be some benefits to that business that helps to embrace this tlpe of ordinance and long-term thinking, and just an idea of something that might be a win-win for everybody and for the city also to contribute into this initiative. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: It's a good idea. Can you maybe now or maybe later you can come back to us with some ideas there. I think that's a good idea for a ]-ot of reasons. National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 90 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 14 15 t6 77 18 L9 20 27 22 23 24 25 Page 1 5 MR. COHEN: Yeahr so so we've had a lot of conversations on this issue, and there are some things and, of course, some other ideas regarding workforce housing that are attached to it as weII, and f think that the City had had many, many years alto some kind of initiatives that never took effect, but I think that they can be combined, and I think that from a holistic perspective, Iooking at the housing, transportation, and wage as a combination is a very healthy way to be looking at it. Thank you. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: It's a great idea. You know, at the end of this I'11 give you my comments on all of this, but, you know, as I had mentioned earlier, even if we raise the minimum wage, it's stiIl tough to get by. MR. COHEN: Yes. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: So, you know, the concern I have is, you know, with traffic being a big problem for our community, to the extent that the foJ-ks who are trying to help here can' t actually live National Reporting Servi-ce(305) 313-1295 91 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 74 15 76 L1 1B L9 20 27 22 23 24 25 Page 1 6 here, w€'re not addressing traffic and the other issues that werre trying to tackle, and perhaps there's a way to keep some of these folks, either move them to Miami Beach or keep some of our folks that are J-iving here but working elsewhere. MR. COHEN: Right. COMMISSIONER ARRIOI,A :So Ifm very interested in those ideas. MR. COHEN: So when you touched upon when you offered to hear the ideas, it triggered the next stage, and we'd love to have that conversation, because there are a J.ot of ideas coming around right now regarding how to make this a combination that solves the real problem. It's not just one element, and when I hear people working two and three jobs, it hurts to hear it, and to live on the beach, and that's a big sacrifice. Werd like to find ways to incentivize them and to loosen the burden that it's not just about an increase in wage, but it's about the quality of J.ife as weII. National Reporting Service (30s) 313-1295 92 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 T4 15 L6 71 18 79 20 2L 22 23 -AZ1 25 Page 11 COMMISSIONER ARRfOLA: Thank you. MR. COHEN: Thank you. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Matt, did you want to come up? MR. LAI{D: Sure. COMMISSfONER ARRIOLA: Folks, we' 11 go maybe another 15 minutes or sor and then we'1I close it off. MR . LAI{D : Matthew Land, M-A-T-T-H-E-$I, L-A-N-D, political director for the Southeast Labor District Counsel and aJ-so Commissioner A1eman appointee or one of her appointees the Miami Beach Affordable Housing Advisory Committee. I commend you alJ. for taking this position today and agree with all the comments about this is a multi-pronged approach. Itr s not just wag'es, itr s transportation and housing, and just to give you all a very brief preview, So our affordable housing advisory committee is currently contemplating muJ.tipJ-e different legislative proposals . VIe hope to bring something forward to you guys in the coming months, give you National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 93 Page 18 1 guys a buffet of options, what have you, to 2 say these are some great ideas. We've been 3 hearing from some phenomenal people J-ike 4 Ralph Rosado, hearing from the folks at UM. 5 I've been consulting with peopJ.e 6 like Commissioner Francis Suarez, 1 Commissioner Xavier Suarez, Commissioner I Barbara Jordan on things that they're doing 9 aJ-l around Miami-Dade County, because 10 there's some really great things that 11 we can do to address affordable workforce 72 housing, and that's one of the areas Miami 13 is certainly lagging in addressirg, and we 14 look forward to bringing you those soon. 15 Thanks. 16 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Thank you. tl MR. CfRjAIDO: Daniel Ciraldo, 18 C-r-R-A-L-D-O. t9 COMMISSTONER ARRIOLA: Daniel, I'm 20 used to seeing you with the historical 27 preservation. Itrs like a paral.lel 22 universe here. 23 MR. CIRjALDO: I know, and actual.ly I 24 have to I have to thank Tlendy and 25 Jackie, because during the convention National Reporting Service (305) 313-1295 94 Page center hotel vote, I learned about how the hotel was proposed to have a J-iving wage for its workers, and f promised them at the time that if we won and the hotel was defeated, that I would be here to stand in support of living wager so hear I am. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: You know wefre working hard to bring it back. MR. CIRjAIDO : I know. I know, we I re going to buiJ-d consensus and make a great hotel, but yeah, I think Miami Beach has been so successful with its hotels, with its historic preservation, with its real estate that now is a great time to catch up with the workers who really make it all happen, and I think it's a great idea, and, hopefully, you'11 all support it. And al-so in terms of housi.g, you know, the North Shore is a great area that has a lot of housing where people live and work in Miami Beach. I J-ive in Flamingo Park, it's a historic district. Everyone in my building works in Miami Beach, and a lot of them are hotel workers. So let's also look to our historic 19 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 B 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 L6 71 18 79 20 2L )) ZJ 24 25 National Reporting Service(3os) 313-1295 95 Page B0 1 district and other areas to protect and 2 Lmprove the housing there, because it is 3 one of the last remaining affordabl-e places 4 Eo live. Thank you. 5 COMMISSIONER ARRfOLA: Thank you. 6 You gtot up earlier, do you want to speak? 1 T saw you got sworn in, I didn't know I if you wanted to speak. Okay. Anybody 9 else? 10 No? Okay. Great. 11 COMMISSIONER },IAI.AI(OFF: ThE ChiIdrEN 72 are shy. 13 COMMISSIONER ARRIOI"A: You know 74 what, it's good practice for you gfuys. One 15 of you brave ones, stand up. This wiJ-l be 76 good. You'Il remember this for the rest of 71 your J-ife. It's okay. 18 MS . FLEIIRILUS : He said he wanted to L9 speak. 20 coMMrssroNER Al,EltAt{: we would love 27 to hear from you. 22 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Itrs good 23 practice. I want to hear from you. 24 CoMMISSIoNER ALEtdAt[: Then you'I1 25 get to yeah, all right, and you'lI get National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 96 Page to see yourself on television later, so that's fun too. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Yeah, you' 11 be on TV. Somebody take his picture so he can show off. Whatrs your name? MR. DENISON TOUZE: I think they should -- COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Wtrat I s your name, and where do you go to school? MR. DENISON TOUZE: Denison, and I go to school at Woodlands Middle, and I think they should raise the minimum wage to $15 because COMMISSIONER AIEtlAlit: Hers a good negotiator. MR. DENISON TOUZE:people deserve it, because they're J-ike working for their families, and it's not fair to them. They're like overworked, and they don' t get like paid enough, and yeah. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Thank you. I[ait, wait, wait, wait. Come back. Come back. Yeah, Denison, thank you so much for your comments . You're very brave, and if you guys want to come up, I'd love to B1 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 16 71 1B L9 20 27 )) ZJ .A2.7 25 National Reporting Servi-ce(30s) 373-1295 97 Page 82 t hear from you, too. 2 Vlhat are you thinking about being 3 when you grow up? 4 MR. DENISoN TOUZE: Engineer. 5 coMMrssroNER ARRror,A: very good. 6 Nice. Do you J-ike math? 7 MR. DENfSON TOUZE: Yes. 8 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: GOOd. StiCK 9 to it. That's the hottest career. you'Il 10 have a job for life, a good paying job, 11 you'll never make minimum wage, and you 72 will and our country needs more 13 engineers. It's a big problem that L4 we have. So stick to it, don't give up. 15 Come on. You won't regret it, 76 I promise. Come up. Whatr s your nErme. t] MR. NrcK TouzE: Nick Touze. 18 MS. FLEURLfUS: Just go say your L9 name. 20 COMMfSSIONER ARRIOLA: Come on up. 27 We've g'ot time to kiII . Wtrat' s your name? 22 MR. NICK TOUZE: My name is Nick 23 Touze. 24 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Okay. Good. 25 Where do you go to school? National Reporting Service (305) 313-1295 98 Page 83 1 MR. NfCK TOUZE: Poinciana 2 Elementary. 3 COMMISSIONER ARRIOI,A: GTEAT. HOW 4 do you feeJ. ahout this issue? 5 MR. NICK TOUZE: Sorry for the 6 people that can't make enoug'h money to J raise their families. 8 CoMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Okay. Wtrat 9 do you want to be when you grow up? 10 MR. NICK TOUZE: A footJcall player. 11 COMMISSIONER ARRIOI,A: It'S A liIt,lc 72 bit tougher, but that's good. Do you play 13 now? 74 MR. NICK TOUZE: Yes. 15 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: EIag or pads, L6 tack]-e? 71 MR. NICK TOUZE: Pads. 18 COMMISSIONER ARRfOLA: Pads, oh, 19 tackle. Wtrere do you play, what park? 20 MR. NICK TOUZE: WBFL ?Iest Boynton. 27 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Nice . Wtrat 22 position do you J-ike playing? 23 MR. NICK TOUZE: Linebacker. 24 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Good 25 position. Iilho is your favorite football National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 99 Page 84 1 player? 2 MR. NICK TOUZE: Ray Lewis. 3 COMMISSTONER ARRIoI,A: Mine Ioo. I 4 Love Ray. He's amazing. He's great. 5 I[e11, good. That wasnrt so bad, right? 5 You did your first public speaking. 7 Dlerve got one more. You can I t be B the odd -- the odd guy out. Yourre shy. 9 T. just want your name. I just want your 10 name. 11 MR. NOAH FLEURILUS: Can you hear L2 me? 13 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: What's your 74 name? Yeah, I can hear you. Iiltrat's your 15 name? 76 MR. NOAH ELEURILUS: My name is Noah 71 Fleurilus. 18 CoMMISSIoNER ARRTOLA: Do you like 79 football? 20 MR. NOAH FLEURILUS: I ]-iKE 27 basketba].]-. 22 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: You like 23 basketbalJ-. Who you rooting for? Wtro are 24 you rooting for in The Finals, the Warriors 25 or the Cava].iers? National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 100 Page 85 1 MR. NOAH FLEURILUS: Warriors. 2 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: ?Iarriors. 3 All right. Me, too. Do you know who Cam 4 Newton, the footbal-J- player, Cam Newton? 5 MR. NOAH FLEURILUS: No. 6 COMMISSIONER ARRToI,A: You Kind of 7 look J.ike him. Very handsome guy, and a B great football player. So where do you go 9 to school. 10 MR. NOAII FLEURILUS: Benoist Farms 11 Elementary. L2 CoMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Wtrat do you 13 want to be when you grow up? L4 MR. NoAH FLEURILUS: A fire fighter. 15 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Oh, good, 16 good. tle have great we have, I think, 11 the best fire department in the whole 18 county and the whole state, so when you get 79 o1d enough, we'd love to have you apply 20 here, and if you'd like to come see a fire 2L station, I'11 arrange that. f'11 have my 22 aid give you his business card, and you 23 call us, and we'Ll have the firefighters 24 show you around. Deal? 25 MR. NOAH FLEURILUS: Yes. National Reporting Service(30s) 373-1295 101 Page 8 6 1 coMMrssroNER ARRror,A: That wasn't 2 so bad, right? That yrasnrt so bad. Okay. 3 Anybody else? 4 Okay. Irm going to close the public 5 hearing, and f would love to hear from my 6 col].eagrres on this issue. 1 COMMISSIONER TIALAKOFF: I'm very B much in support of this ordinance, and 9 I thing wefve heard a lot of good data 10 today. About 38 cities that have enacted 11 their own minimum wage J.egisJ-ation with L2 positive benefits not only to the workers, 13 but to the businesses. 74 I think that the impact has been 15 positive, not adverse. I think that werre 16 on the right track to to do not only the L1 wages, but also, dS I mentioned before, 18 Commissioner Aleman and I both are working 79 on stopping illega1 short-term rentals 20 which is having a very negative impact on 2L the hospital.ity industry, and I think that 22 is realIy going to help and enable the 23 hotels to feel better about about paying 24 the living wage. 25 I think we also need to continue National Reporting Servj-ce (305) 313-1295 102 Page looking. We right now have trolleys that are free of charge to everybody in Miami Beach, and wefre going to be putting in the Middle Beach, So that worker who are working on Miami Beach will have free transportation going South Beach, MiddJ-e Beach and North Beach. I think that will help. I al-so think, because transportation was one of the main items, and the other was workforce housing. YIe are putting out a request for proposal for several- new garages in the city, and part of each of the garag'es wilJ. be a component for workforce housing. There's a big need for housing in the city, and as Matthew Land mentioned, our affordable Housing Committee is also Iooking at that with some, hopefully, out-of-the-box ways that we can provide affordable housing as well as workforce housing in the City of Miami Beach. So I thank you all for coming here today, and thank you so much for giving us this additional facts, f igrures, and B7 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 72 13 t4 15 I6 71 1B t9 20 2L 22 ZJ 24 25 National Reporting Service(3os) 373-1295 103 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 t6 71 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 Page 88 information. COMMISSIONER ALEIIAI{: I just want to echo what my colleagues have said. Irm interested as well in some of the ideas that were raised al.out additiona1 benefits that we might as a city be able to provide to businesses that employ residents and looking forward to some additional creative thinking there. I was really, similar to what Mr. Cohen said, very impressed, inspired, and humbled by a lot of the research and analyses that was shared by some of the experts today. I found that very helpful. I rf,as real1y shocked to learn that globalIy Miami's income inequality exceeds that of Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro and Mexico City. I found that you know, it was a bit a bit shocked by that. I did know we had one of the highest wage gaps in terms of the f can' t remember the terminology for it, but basically the 77,OOO that it takes to live, and that's not an excessive lifestyle that they're modeling, that's a very basic 1ifestyle. National Reporting Service(305) 3'73-1295 104 Page So the gap against the curent minimum wage is pretty shocking, and so I think we can see why werve had with combine that with just the soaring'property values driving increased rents, combine it withr ES Commissioner Mal.akoff said, short-term rentals really stealing stealing jobs and also not providing, you know, the funding to the city that we can use to offset, you know, some of these issues and help us with these issues. So f think it was an excellent forum. I'm proud to be a part of it, and thank you to everyone who came out and stayed, and congratulations to the young men who did testify, thank you for that, and yeah. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: I just I just have some notes and thoughts. I'11 just kind of ramble a littJ-e bit and try to be coherent. So, you know, I got to this point of, obviously, favoring this resolution and moving in the direction of raising our minimum wage in Miami Beach. I did a lot of research, read a lot B9 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 t6 71 18 79 20 2L 22 23 AAZ1 25 National Reporting Service (305) 373-1295 105 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 I2 13 L4 15 76 71 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 Page 90 of studies from different economic economists and think tanks, and the overwhelming consensus, I was very surprised to read, is that minimum wage does not hurt jobs and it does not hurt economies or businesses, and so that Eave me comfort, because I donft want to see bus j-nesses suffer, because then we aJ.J- suffer. But what really got me to the place where Irm at now in supporting this is that, you know, when you look at the impact on human beings that get trapped in the cycJ-e of poverty, it's it's not easy to gret out, you know, and I you know, Irm embarrassed that our community in Dade County has the income inequality that it does. Irm not sure that this will break that, but if it if it helps get us out of that cycle, then I'm going to be very proud to have supported this legislation. Itrs going to be a fight. Itrs J.ikeJ.y going to end up in court. I think the City is ready and eager to challenge the state on this. Miami Beach has always National- Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 106 Page been a progressive city. That's why, I know, By colleag-ues and I ran for office. Werre very proud of this community, and the folks that live here and work here. We've J-ed the way on LGBT issues. Wefre leading the nation on sea level rise. We have a very open and transparent government. Werre leading on environmental causes now, and, again, the State is challenging us on a lot of those things. Dferre trying to be very progiressive on transportation, tacklingf our transportation issues. We're aJ.J. going to be seeing a lot more of that in the eoming months. You know, we welcome g'uests from aJ.J. over the world, so, you know, what are we saying to the world about who we are as a community, and, you know, income inequality is a big problem in our country, and Miami Beach has always been a progressive city, and I think people expect us to lead as a city, and this is sending a signal to the State and to the rest of the nation that we're willing to do things that we think are right, and even if it's going 9L 1 2 3 4 trJ 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 76 L1 1B t9 20 27 22 23 24 25 National Reporting Service ( 30s ) 373-1295 107 1 ) 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 13 74 15 76 71 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 Page 92 to be hard to do, w€'re wil]-ing: to do it. Werre tackling sea leve1 rise at a time when this is an existentia]- crisis for us, but werre not backing down. ?Ie think rf,e can meet the challenge. I think we can meet the challenge of dealing with income inequality in our community. Itrs not a silver bullet. Raising the minimum wage is not going to get us where we all want to be in making Miami Beach an afford pJ-ace and having a high qual.ity of life, not just for people in the upper income level, but for all people. So you've heard my col1eagues here talking about things that we want to do, and we need your help. Affordable housing, transportation, we need your help to help us get there. }Ie have a lot of good ideas, but we need public support to get there. Raising the minimum wage is not the only way to help deal with affordability and qual.ity of life. VIe're prepared to do everything Yre can to get us there. Property taxes, which is a big way National Reporting Service (305) 313-1295 108 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 L6 L1 1B 79 20 2t 22 23 24 25 Page 93 that we found ourselves here at the city, went up 13.3 percent is 20L4, and just recently, we got the nr:mbers two days ago, another L2.2 percent. That tell-s us that we have the money to solve a lot of these issues. I think this commission has the wi].]. to do LE, but we need your support, and so I'm saying this to the public at large, we need to come together as a community and lead the way for our state and our nation on how communities can build for the future for everybody, not just the upper income fo1ks. So I'm proud that wetre here today and taking this initiative to raise the minimum wage, and I look forward to, you know, winning this in court if it comes to that. I think for the small business owners out there who might be worried with this, I think you heard from myself and my colleagues that we're also going to do everything we can to mitigate any negative effects this may have. The implementation is an 18-month National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 109 Page 94 1 implementation, and it's phased out over a 2 period of years so that businesses can 3 prepare. Vle're dealing with transportation 4 and affordable housing, which wilJ- also 5 help offset some of the costs that 5 businesses today have to absorb in their '7 workers and in their businesses. I I believe, correct me if I'm wrong, 9 is there a provision in the resolution for 10 an economic study every couple of years to 11 see the impact of this? L2 MR. PAPY: At the end of the period, 13 each year there will be an annual review of 14 the cost of J-iving. That's how itrs set 15 up. That's the way we L6 COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Okay. Oh, 71 wonderfuJ-. ?Ie have a present for you g"uys. 18 Do you have something, ,foy? 79 COMMfSSIONER I,IALAI(OFF: yes, I just 20 wanted to mention besides the minoriti-es 2L that are so much impacted, I just wanted to 22 repeat, ag'ain, that two-thirds of the 23 minimum wage workers are riromen, and I think 24 that's so important. 25 It's a wonderful it's a terrible Natj-onal Reporti-ng Service(305) 313-1295 110 Page statistic, but it's good to know, and I think that when women are trying to raise a family, and often they're singJ.e women, itrs often impossible, and this is really going to help. This is important. And I wanted to repeat something that Juan Cuba mentioned in his letter from Rabbi Schiff. This is for workers to show their worth, their rights, and dignity, and I think itt s something' ere have to keep in mind, whether there are some problems in implementing, w€ have to think what the end result is, and it's going to be helping the minorities, heJ-ping woman, and validating the dignity and worth of every worker. Thank you. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: You know, LL makes me proud that we are Miami Beach, and we're leading the way on so many of the issues that I mentioned, and yet, you know, it's troubling to me that we live in a state that takes great prider 3s the governor did a couple of weeks ago in California, going out and saying that we have the lowest yragesr a's if it's 95 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 t6 L1 1B 79 20 27 22 23 24 ZJ National Reporting Service(30s) 313-1295 111 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 76 71 18 L9 20 2! 22 23 24 25 Page 96 something to be proud of. tle live in a state that tries to preempt municipalities from passing environmental laws to protect their own communities. You know, w€ live in a state that, you know, currently denies cJ.imate change, and werre at the ground J.evel of sea level rise. You know, so it doesnrt matter what the State is going to do, Miami Beach will lead, and we will be progressive, and we will show the State what needs to be done to make this the best state in our nationr so do we need a motion to pass the resolution? MR. PAPY: It seems to me you could make a motion to endorse it and support ir. COMMISSIONER }'IALAI(OFF: I move the item to move forward with this ordinance amending Chapter 18 of the city code entitled I'Businessesr" and adding this to ir. COMMISSIONER AI,E![A]I: I second it. COMMISSIONER ARRIOLA: Okay. Passes National Reporting Service (305) 313-1295 112 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 I6 71 1B 79 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Page 91 unanimously. To the three younlJ men to the three young men that were bold enoug'h to come up and speak, YOU, COme On ljrP. (Thereupon, concluded at 2253 we have somethj-ng for the meeting was P.m. ) National Reporting Servj-ce(30s) 313-'7295 113 Page 98 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 I 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 76 II 18 79 20 27 22 23 24 25 CERTIFICATE OF REPORTER STATE OF FLORIDA : COT'NTY OF MIAI{I-DADE : I, Matthew J. Haas, shorthand reporter, do hereby certify that f was authorized to and did stenographically report the foregoing proceedings and that the transcript is a true and complete record of my stenographic notes. Dated this Sth day of June, 20L6. }{ATTHEW J. IIAAS Court reporter National Reporting Service (305) 313-1295 114 NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT LAW PROJECT Testimony of Laura Huizar National Employment Law Project Increasing the Minimum Wage in Miami Beach Hearing before the City of Miami Beach Finance and Citywide Proiects Committee fune 3,2016 Laura Huizar Staff Attorney National Employment Law Project 2040 S Street NW, Lower Level washington, D.C. 20009 (202) 683-482s lhuizar@nelp.org 115 Good afternoon and thank you for the opportunity to testify today. My name is Laura Huizar, and I am a staff attorney at the National Employment Law Project [NELP). NELP is a non-profig non-partisan research and advocacy organization specializing in employment policy. We are based in New York with offices across the country, and we partner with federal, state, and local lawmakers on a wide range of workforce issues. I am based in our D.C. office. Across the country, our staff are recognized as policy experts in areas such as unemployment insurance, wage and hour enforcement, and, as is relevant for today's hearing, the minimum wage. We have worked with dozens of city councils and state legislatures across the country and with the U.S. Congress on measures to boost pay for low-wage workers. NELP has worked with most of the cities in the United States that have adopted higher city minimum wages in recent years and is familiar with their economic experiences. NELP testifies today in support of increasing the City of Miami Beach's minimum wage to $13.31 per hour by 2020, as Mayor Philip Levine has proposed. In response to declining wages for low- wage workers across the country, as well as state and federal minimum wage rates that fail to provide for a basic standard of living the number of cities throughout the country that have increased their minimum wage has grown significantly in recent years. In 2003, only two cities, Santa Fe, New Mexico, and San Francisco, had enacted local minimum wage laws, Between 2013 and201.4, almost twenty cities enacted their own higher minimum wage, and to date, thirty-eight cities have done so.1 Cities and states are also increasingly adopting minimum wage rates at or near $15 per hour. California and New York approved a statewide $15 minimum wage earlier this year. SeaTac, Washington, which was the first city to adopt a $15 minimum wage, did so in 2013. San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee brokered an agreement between labor and business to place a $15 minimum wage on the November 2074 ballot, which the voters overwhelmingly approved, and the Los Angeles city council approved a $15 minimum wage in f une of last year. Chicago adopted minimum wage legislation in2074 that would raise the city's minimum wage to $13 per hour by 2079. Oregon also enacted legislation earlier this year that would raise the state's minimum wage to $12.50, $13.50, or $14.75 by 2022, depending on the region. A full list of recent minimum wage increases can be found at the Raise the Minimum Wage website.z The most rigorous modern research on the impact of raising minimum wages shows that raises increase worker earnings with negligible adverse impact on employment levels. As more and more U.S, cities enact local minimum wages, the research has similarly shown that such local measures have no adverse effect on jobs, and implementation of higher local wages has proven manageable for employers. The benefits for low-wage workers and their families of higher wages have been very significant, raising wages in the face of broader economic trends that have led to stagnant and falling wages across the bottom of our economy, reducing economic hardship, Iifting workers out of poverty, and improving other life outcomes. Low paying industries are disproportionately fueling job growth today, with more and more adults spending their careers in these positions. Raising the wage floor, which has badly eroded over the decades even as corporate profits have skyrocketed, is urgently needed to ensure that local economies can rely on workers' spending power to recover and that the growing numbers of workers relying on low wages to make ends meet can contribute fully to this recovery. 116 Raising the minimum wage across the country, including in Miami Beach, would go a long way toward restoring the minimum wage to where it was at its peak, when unemployment rates were low, the minimum wage reflected much higher purchasing power, and the minimum wage was equal to half of what the median worker earned. Who Would Benefit From A Higher Minimum Wage in Miami Beach? The cost of living in Miami Beach substantially exceeds the cost of living in most other parts of Florida and ranks among the highest in the country.3 A single worker in the Miami/Miami Beach/Kendall metro area with no children needs at least $31,354 per year-or at least $15 per hour working full time-to get by.a A single worker with one child requires $52,068, or more than $25 per hour, for basic living costs.s The Growing List of Cities and States Enacting Minimum Wage Increases Reflects a DeepeningWage Crisis and Popular Support for Bold Change The U.S. economy has seen steady growth and improvement in the unemployment rate in recent years, but wages have been flat or declining for much of the labor force. 6 Averaged across all occupations, real median hourly wages declined by 4 percent from 2009 to 2014, and lower-wage occupations experienced greater declines in their real wages than did higher-wage occupations.z Moreover, job growth over the past year-and in the recovery overall-continues to be unbalanced, with especially pronounced job gains in lower-wage industries and slow growth in mid-wage industries. There are approximately 1.2 million fewer jobs in mid and higher-wage industries than there were prior to the recession, while there are 2.3 million more jobs in lower-wage industries.s Thus, low-wage workers and families are being squeezed between flat pay and rising living costs. The worsening prospects and opportunities for low-wage workers have prompted a record number of cities, counties, and states to enact higher minimum wage rates for their residents. Since November 2072,nearly 17 million workers throughout the country have earned wage increases through a combination of states and cities raising their minimum wage rates; executive orders by city, state and federal leaders; and individual companies raising their pay scales.e Of those workers, nearly 10 million will receive gradual raises to $15 per hour.to More than fifty cities and states have raised their minimum wage since 2012.11 As the Fight for $15 movement gathers strength, advocates in a rapidly growing list of localities and states are calling for a $15 minimum wage. Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, SeaTac, Washington, and Emeryville, California, have already enacted a $15 minimum wage for all workers.12 New York and California approved a statewide $15 minimum wage earlier this year.13 More than a dozen cities and counties are currently pushing for a $15 minimum, and the list of states considering the same is rapidly expanding.t+ States now considering legislative proposals and/or ballot initiatives that would raise the statewide minimum wage to $15 include Missouri and New fersey.ls Recent polling data shows that approximately two out of three individuals support a $1,5 minimum wage, and support among low-wage workers is even higher.to A poll of Iow-wage workers commissioned by NELP found that approximately 75 percent of low-wage workers support a $15 minimum wage and a union.17 It also found that 69 percent of unregistered respondents would register to vote if there were a presidential candidate who supported raising the minimum wage to $15 and making it easier for workers to join a union, and 65 percent of registered voters reported that they are more likely to vote if a candidate supports $15 and a union for all workers.ls 117 The trend in localities and states pushing for higher minimum wage rates will likely continue to intensify as wages continue to decline, inequality remains at historically high levels, and the federal government fails to take bold action to ensure that hard-working individuals can make ends meet. Higher Wages from Minimum Wage Increases Have Very Significant Beneficial Effects for Low-Income Individuals and Households The higher incomes that result from minimum wage increases have very direct and tangible impacts on the lives of the workers affected and their families. Significant increases in minimum wages have proven an effective strategy for addressing declining wages and opportunity for low- wage workers by raising pay broadly across the bottom of the city economy. For example, over the decade that San Francisco's strong minimum wage has been in effect, it has raised pay by more than $1.2 billion for more than 55,000 workers, and it has permanently raised citywide pay rates for the bottom 10 percent of the labor force.le The widely recognized success of San Francisco's minimum wage led Mayor Ed Lee to broker an agreement with business and labor to place an increase to $15 on the November 2014 ballot, which the voters overwhelmingly approved. The higher pay resulting from minimum wage increases translates to a range of other important improvements in the lives of struggling low-paid workers and their households. For workers with the very lowest incomes, studies show that minimum wage increases lift workers and their families out of poverty.zo Similarly, higher incomes for low-wage workers and their households translate to improved educational attainment and health. For example, a recent study by the National Institutes of Health determined that "[a]n additional $4000 per year for the poorest households increases educational attainment by one year at age 2L."21 Another study found that raising California's minimum wage to $1-3 per hour by 20L7 "would significantly benefit health and well-being."zz 1, stated that "Californians would experience fewer chronic diseases and disabilities; less hunger, smoking and obesity; and lower rates of depression and bipolar illness."23 Moreover, "[i]n the long run, raising the minimum wage would prevent the premature deaths of hundreds of lower-income Californians each year."z4 Yet another study found that high dropout rates among low-income children can be linked to parents' low-wage jobs and that youth in low-income families have a greater likelihood of experiencing health problems.zs The Most Rigorous Research Shows That Higher Minimum Wages Raise Worker Incomes without Reducing Employment The most rigorous research over the past 2 0 years-examining scores of state and local minimum wage increases across the U.S,-demonstrates that these increases have raised workers' incomes without reducing employment. This substantial weight of scholarly evidence reflects a significant shift in the views of the economics profession, away from a former view that higher minimum wages cost jobs. As Bloomberg News summarized in 2072: [A] wave of new economic research is disproving those arguments about job losses and youth employment. Previous studies tended not to control for regional economic trends that were already affecting employment levels, such as a manufacturing-dependent state that was shedding jobs. The new research looks at micro-level employment patterns for a more accurate employment picture. The studies find minimum-wage increases even provide an economic 118 boost, albeit a small one, as strapped workers immediately spend their raises.zo The most sophisticated of the new wave of minimum wage studies, "Minimum Wage Effects Across State Borders," was published in 2010 by economists at the Universities of California, Massachusetts, and North Carolina in the prestigious Review of Economics and Statistics.zT That study carefully analyzed minimum wage impacts across state borders by comparing employment patterns in more than 250 pairs of neighboring counties in the U.S. that had different minimum wage rates between 1990 and 2006. The study's innovative approach of comparing neighboring counties on either side of a state line is generally recognized as especially effective at isolating the true impact of minimum wage differences, since neighboring counties otherwise tend to have very similar economic conditions, and the study has been lauded as state-of-the-art by the nation's top labor economists, such as Harvard's Lawrence Katz, MIT's David Autor, and MIT's Michael Greenstone. (By contrast, studies often cited by the opponents of raising the minimum wage that compare one state to another-and especially those comparing states in different regions of the U.S.-cannot as effectively isolate the impact of the minimum wage, because different states face different economic conditions, of which varying minimum wage rates is but one.) Consistent with a long line of similar research, the Dube, Lester, and Reich study found no difference in job growth rates in the data from the 250 pairs of neighboring counties-such as Washington State's Spokane County compared with Idaho's Kootenai County where the minimum wage was substantially Iower-and found no evidence that higher minimum wages harmed states' competitiveness by pushing businesses across the state line.28 However, it is not simply individual state-of-the-art studies, but the whole body of the most rigorous modern research on the minimum wage that now indicates that higher minimum wages have had little impact on employment levels. This is most clearly demonstrated by several recent "meta-studies" surveying research in the field. For example, a meta-study of 64 studies of the impactof minimumwageincreasespublishedinthe BritishJournalof IndustrialRelationsin2009 shows that the bulk of the studies find close to no impact on employment.2e This is vividly illustrated by a graph from the meta-study showing the results clustered around zero: Funnel Graph of Estimated Minimum Wage Effects (n=1,492) 350 3OO l 250 l 200' 150 100 50 o -20 -r.5 o ul.E' o =tc|! tn r{ i III IIl- 0510-10 -5 Sour(e: Dou(oufiaSos .nd Stilley (2009)Elasticity 119 Another recent meta-study by Paul Wolfson and Dale Belman of the minimum wage literature demonstrates similar results.3o Further underscoring how minimum wage increases are simply not a major factor affecting job growth, economists at the Center for Economic & Policy Research and Goldman Sachs have noted that the U.S. states that have raised their minimum wages above the minimal federal level are enjoying stronger job growth than those that have not.31 The Evidence from Cities, in Particula1 That Have Adopted Significantly Higher Local Minimum Wages Similarly Shows That They Have Not Cost fobs and That Implementation Has Proven Manageable for Employers The experiences of cities with higher local minimum wages-and the most rigorous economic research on the impact of city wage laws-have shown that they have raised wages broadly without slowing job growth or hurting local employers. The two U.S. cities that have had higher local minimum wages for the longest period are San Francisco, California, and Santa Fe, New Mexico. Both adopted significantly higher local minimum wages in 2003 and the impact of the minimum wages has been the subject of sophisticated economic impact studies, In San Francisco, a2007 study by University of California researchers gathered employment and hours data from restaurants in San Francisco as well as from surrounding counties that were not covered by the higher minimum wage and found that the higher wage had not led San Francisco employers to reduce either their employment levels or employee hours worked. 32 A follow-up 2014 study examined the combined impact on San Francisco employers of the city's minimum wage ordinance and of other city compensation mandates that cumulatively raised employment costs B0 percent above the level of the federal minimum wage. The study again found no adverse effect on employment levels or hours, and found that food service jobs-the sector most heavily affected-actually grew about 17 percent faster in San Francisco than in surrounding counties during that period.33 In Santa Fe, a similar 2006 study conducted after the city raised its minimum wage 65 percent above the state rate compared job growth in Santa Fe with that in Albuquerque [which at that time did not have a higher city minimum wage). It determined that "[o]verall, . . . the living wage had no discernible impact on employment per firm, and that Santa Fe actually did better than Albuquerque in terms of employment changes."34 A sophisticated 2011 study of higher minimum wages in San Francisco, Santa Fe, and Washington, D.C., compared employment impacts to control groups in surrounding suburbs and cities, It similarly found that "[t]he results for fast food, food services, retail, and low-wage establishments . . . support the view that citywide minimum wages can raise the earnings of low-wage workers, without a discernible impact on their employment. . . ."3s In addition, the actual experiences of cities that have recently raised the minimum wage at the local level have shown that such increases have been manageable. For example, in San fose, California, business groups made similar predictions before voters in2012 approved raising the city's minimum wage. But the actual results did not bear out those fears. As the Wall StreetJournal reported, "[flast- food hiring in the region accelerated once the higher wage was in place. By early 120741, the pace of employment gains in the San f ose area beat the improvement in the entire state of California."a5 U.5i4 120 Today similarly found, "[i]nterviews with San f ose workers, businesses and industry officials show [the city minimum wage] has improved the lives of affected employees while imposing minimal costs on employers."3z The same pattern of dire predictions followed by manageable real world implementation was repeated when SeaTac, Washington, phased in its $L5 minimum wage-the nation's first at that level. As The Seattle Times reported, "[f]or all the political uproar it caused, SeaTac's closely watched experiment with a $15 minimum wage has not created a large chain reaction of lost jobs and higher prices . . . ."38 The Washington Post similarly reported that "[t]hose who opposed the $15 wage in SeaTac and Seattle admit that there has been no calamity so far," and highlighted how even though Tom Douglas, a Seattle restauranteur, stated in April 2014 thata $15 wage could "'be the most serious threat to our ability to compete"' and that he "'would lose maybe a quarter of the restaurants in town,"' as of September 2074, he had opened, or announced, five new restaurants that year.re In Seattle, while many business owners supported the increase, other business owners predicted that increasing the city's minimum wage to $15 would lead to dramatic job losses for restaurants and strain on small businesses. An article by the Puget Sound Business Journal reported in October 2015 that the restaurant business in Seattle is, in fact, booming.+o More recent reports confirm that neither the city's economy nor the restaurant industry has suffered.al A few months after Seattle began phasing in its minimum wage, the region's unemployment rate hit an eight-year low of 3.6 percent, significantly lower than the state unemployment rate of 5.3 percent.a2 Since Seattle passed its trailblazing $15 minimum wage, the number of food services and beverage industry business licenses issued in the city has increased by 6 percent.43 Low Wages Paid By Large Profitable Employers Present a Significant Cost to the Public by Forcing Workers to Rely on Public Assistance in Order to Afford Basic Necessities Nationally, nearly three quarters (73 percent) of enrollments in America's major public benefits programs are from working families. With wages that leave their earnings below subsistence levels, these workers must rely on additional support from programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicaid, Children's Health Insurance Programs, and the Earned Income Tax Credit IEITC) in order to afford basics like food, housing, and health care. Data available for some of the largest employers in the retail and fast-food industries indicate that the low wages paid by profitable companies like Walmart and McDonald's entail substantial costs for the public, as a whole. A 201.3 report from the Democratic Staff of the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce estimates that low wages paid at a single Walmart supercenter cost taxpayers between $900,000 and $1.7 million on average per year,aa Similarly, a 2013 study from the University of California-Berkeley found that the low wages paid by companies in the fast-food industry cost taxpayers an average of $7 billion per year.as A companion study from NELP found that the bulk ofthese costs stem from the ten largest fast-food chains, which account for an estimated $3.9 billion per year in public costs.a6 121 Thank you so much for the opportunity to testify today. I would be happy to answer any questions that you may have. For more information, please contact NELP Staff Attorney Laura Huizar at lhuizar@nelp.org. For more about NELP, visit www.nelp.org or www.raisetheminimumwage.org. 1 National Employment Law Project, City Minimum Wage Laws: Recent Trends and Economic Evidence (Apr. 2076), available athttpt / /www.nelp.org/content/uploads/City-Minimum-Wage-Laws-Recent-Trends- Economic-Evidence.pdf; Raise the Minimum Wage, Local Minimum Wage Laws and Current Campaigns, http: / /v'rv,rw.raisetheminimumwage.com/pages/local-minimum-wage (last viewed lun. L,201,6). 2 Raise the Minimum Wage, Campaigns, http://www.raisetheminimumwage.comf pagesf campaigns/ (last viewed May 31, 20t6). 3 Economic Policy Institute, Family Budget Map, http://www.epi.org/resources/budget/budget-map/ (last viewed May 31, 201,6). a Economic Policy Institute, Family Budget Calculator, http:/ /v'rww.epi.org/resources/budget/ (last viewed May 31, 2016). s Id. 6 National Employment Law Project, Occupational Wage Declines Since the Great Recession (Sept. 2015), available athttpt//www.nelp.org/content/uploads/Occupational-Wage-Declines-Since-the-Great- Recession.pdf. 7 Id. B National Employment Law Project, An Unbalanced Recovery: Real Wage and lob Growth Trends (Aug. 2014), avqilable ot https://www.nelp.orglcontent/uploa ds/2015 /03 /Unbalanced-Recovery-Real-Wage-)ob- G rowth- T rends -Au gu st- 2 0 1 4. p df. e National Employment Law Projec! Fight for $15 Impact Report Raises for 17 Million Workers, 10 Million Going to $15 (Apr. 2076), available athttp:/ /vrww.nelp.org/content/uploads/NELP-Fact-Sheet-Fight-for-15- Impact-Report.pdf. 10 Id. t1 Id. 12 Raise the Minimum Wage, $15 Laws & Current Campaigns, http://raisetheminimumwage.org/pages/L5- Laws-Current-Campaigns (last viewed May 26, 2016). 13 Id. 1+ Id. ls Id. 16 Hart Research, Support for a Federal Minimum Wage of $12.50 or above (Jan. 2015), available at http://v,rv,rw.nelp.org/content/uploads /201,5/03/Minimum-Wage-Poll-Memo-fan-2015.pdf. 17 Victoria Research, Results of National Poll of Workers Paid Less than $15 Per Hour (Oct. 20LS), available at http://www.nelp.org/content/uploads/Low-Wage-Worker-Survey-Memo-0ctober-2015.pdf. 18 Id. 1e Michael Reich et al (eds.), University of California Press, When Mandates Work: Raising Labor Standards at the Local Level (2014), qvqilqble athttp://irle.berkeley.edu/publications/when-mandates-work/. 20 Arindra;'it Dube, Minimum Wages and the Distribution of Family Incomes (Dec. 2013) at3L, avqilable at https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15038936/Dube-MinimumWagesFamilylncomes.pdf ("1 find robust evidence that minimum wages tend to reduce the incidence of poverty, and also proportions with incomes under one-half or three-quarters of the poverty line"J. 21 William Copeland & Elizabeth f. Costello, Am. Econ. I.Appl. Econ., Parents' Incomes and Children's Outcomes: A Quasi-Experiment (Jan. 2010) at 1. 122 22 Rajiv Bhatia, Human Impact Partners, Health Impacts of Raising California's Minimum Wage (May 2014) at 3, available athttp:/ /healthpolicy.ucla.edu/publications/Docum ents/PDF /2014/SB935-HealthAnalysis.pdf. 23 Id. 24 Id. 2s Lisa Dodson & Randy Albelda, Center for Social Policy, Univ. of Mass., Boston, How Youth Are Put at Risk by Parents'Low-Wage Jobs (Fall 2072) at9-13. 26 Editorial Board, "Raise the Minimum Wage," BloombergView (Apr. 1,8,2072), available at http://www.bloomberg.com/news/20L2-04-76/u-s-minimum-wage-lower-than-in-lbj-era-needs-a- raise.html. 27 Arindrajit Dube et al, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Minimum Wage Effects Across State Borders: EstimatesUsingContiguousCounties(Nov.2010Jat92(4):945-964. Asummaryofthestudypreparedby NELP is available at http://nelp.3cdn.net/98b449fce61fca7d43_j1-m6iizwd.pdl 28 Similar, sophisticated new research has also focused in particular on teen workers-a very small segment of the low-wage workforce affected by minimum wage increases, but one that is presumed to be especially vulnerabletodisplacementbecauseoftheirlackofjobtenureandexperience. However,theresearchhas similarly found no evidence that minimum wage increases in the U.S. in recent years have had any adverse effect on teen employment. See Sylvia Allegretto et al, Industrial Relations, Do Minimum Wages Reduce Teen Employment? (Apr. 20tl) atvol. 50, no. 2. A NELP Summary is available at http : //nelp. 3 cdn.net/eb5 d f32f3af 67 ae9 1b_65 m6iv7 eb.pdf. 2e Hristos Doucouliagos & T.D. Stanley, British J. of Indus. Relations, Publication Selection Bias in Minimum- Wage Research? A Meta-Regression Analysis (May 2009) atYol.47,lss.2. 30 Paul Wolfson & Dale Belman, Upjohn Inst. for Employ. Res., What Does the Minimum Wage Do? (2074). 31 Center for Economic & Policy Research, 2074 lob Creation Faster in States that Raised the Minimum Wage ()une 2014), available athttp //www.cepr.net/index.php/blogs/cepr-blog/2014-job-creation-in-states-that- raised-the- minimum-wage. 32 Michael Reich et al, Univ. of Calif.-Berkeley, The Economic Effects of a Citywide Minimum Wage (2007), avqilable athttp:/ /v'rww.irle.berkeley.edu/cwed/wp/economicimpacts_07.pdf. 33 Michael Reich et al (eds.J, Univ. of Calif. Press, "When Mandates Work: Raising Labor Standards at the Local Level," {2074) at37, available othttp:/ /irle.berkeley.edu/publications/when-mandates-work/ . See also Susan Berfield, San Francisco's Higher Minimum Wage Hasn't Hurt the Economy, BloombergBusiness (fan. 2074), available athttp:/ /vvvvw.businessweek.com/articles/20L4-01-22/san-franciscos-higher-minimum- wage-hasnt-hurt-the-economy; Carolyn Lochhead, S.F. praised as model for U.S. on increasing minimum wage, Jan. 28,20t4, SF Gate, available athttp:/ /www.sfgate.com/politics/article/S-F-praised-as-model-for-U- S-on-increasing-5 18 3 3 78.php. 3a Bureau of Business and Economic Research, University of New Mexico, Measuring the Employment Impacts of the Living Wage Ordinance in Santa Fe, New Mexico [June 2006), qvailable at http ://bber.unm.edu/pubs/EmploymentlivingWageAnalysis.pdf. :s;ohn Schmitt & David Rosnick, Center for Econ. & Policy Research, The Wage and Employment Impact of Minimum-Wage Laws in Three Cities (Mar. 2011) at 'J., availoble at http:/ /www.cepr.net/documents/publications/min-wage-2011-03.pdf. For a helpful overview of this literature on the impact of city minimum wages, see Michael Reich et al, Local Minimum Wage Laws: Impacts on Workers, Families and Businesses: Report prepared for the Seattle Income Inequality Advisory Committee (Mar. 2014) at 17 -79, available athttpt/ /murray.seattle.gov/wp-content/uploads/2 074 /03 /Uc-Berkeley- I IAC - Rep ort- 3 -20 - 20 | 4.pdf . 36Eric Morath, rvVhat Happened to Fast-Food Workers When San Jose Raised the Minimum Wage?, Apr. 9, 2015, Wall Street lournal, avqilable athttp: / /blogs.wsj.com/economics/20 U /0a /09 /what-happened-to-fast- food-workers-when- san- jose-raised-the-minimum-wage/. 37 Paul Davidson, In San fose, higher minimum wage pays benefits, lun. 14, 2075, USA Todoy, qvqilable at http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/business/2 074 /06/74 /minimum-wage-san-1'ose/9968679 /. 38 Amy Martinez, $15 wage floor slowly takes hold in SeaTac, Jun.3,2014, The Seattle Times, avqilable at http://seattletimes.com/html/localnews/2022905775_seatacproplxml.html. 3e Dana Milbank, "Raising the minimum wage without raising havoc," Sept. 5, 20L4, The Woshington Post, available athltps: / /www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/dana-milbank-no-calamity-yet-as-seatac-wash- adjusts-to-15-minimum-wage/2014 /09 /05 /d1,2ba922-3503-tte4-9e92-0899b306bbea_story.html. 123 40 Ieanine Stewart, Apocalypse Not: $15 and the cuts that never came, Oct.23,2075, Puget Sound Business Journal, available athttpt / /www.bizjournals.com/seattle/print-edition/2075 /1-0 /23/apocolypse-not-15- and-the-cuts-that-never-came.html. a1 Blanca Torres, A year in, 'the sky is not falling' from Seattle's minimum-wage hike, Mar. 31, 2016, The Seattle Times, available athttp:/ /wvvw.seattletimes.com/business/economy f a-year-in-the-sky-is-not-falling- from-s eattles-minimum-wage-hike/. a2 Coral Garnick, Seattle jobless rate hits 8-year low in August, Sept. L6,2015, The Seattle Times, qvailable qt http:/ /v'rv'rw.seattletimes.com/business/local-business/state-jobless-rate-stays-steady-at-53-percent-in- august/. a3 National Employment Law Pro;'ect, The Case for Eliminating the Tipped Minimum Wage in Washington, D.C. (May 2076), available athttq / /nelp.org/content/uploads/Report-Case-Eliminating-Tipped-Minimum-Wage- Washington-DC.pdf. aaDemocratic staff of the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce, The Low-Wage Drag on Our Economy: Wal-Mart's low wages and their effect on taxpayers and economic growth (May 2013), qvqilable at http://democrats-edworkforce.house.gov/imo/media/doc/WalMartReport-M ay2073.pdf. as Sylvia Allegretto et al, Fast Food, Poverty Wages: The Public Cost of Low-Wage Jobs in the Fast-Food Industry (Oct. 20 1 3), ovailable athttp: / /laborcenter.berkeley.edu/publiccosts/fast_food_poverty_wages.pdf a6 National Employment Law Project Super-sizing Public Costs: How Low Wages at Top Fast-Food Chains Leave Taxpayers Footing the Bill (Oct. 2013), availqble qt http: / /vvv'rw.nelp.org/content/uploads /201,5 /03 /NELP-Super-Sizing-Public-Costs-Fast-Food-Report.pdf. 10 124 125 126 127 Psqfr'= rE rn co E = =3s n -c;E iH = =io;i hs p8,!E'= ro oo rn'= = N N b - .f,> {r> t- =-c(J." S=N=ln$ = oo' 6i& aa a hooraoil - 6e r\(u =-.=+GiE -=SSeTt =.C(JF{ti =Xf Ft f! = oF-, rn <if\r {-rI {.4 ps.EA tr:>S==o -J > 1r> <-i =s(J 2 E B $ = doo'& sa gE EE F{N sf FloN g r|o}r{oN c .9 .=.^o CL Eo(J =o oIA =o lt aaoPG E*,.5 IrJ u0tr 5rFo PtioI ->L o E'g (E (E =trtr Pg =o(J o!,oo.l E .g = 128 129 130 131 t,L .s € t () E\I lf l-oN I B C!} F 3 :E l-.Eta IIJ s{J fi,E .,4 ,cI.h(f oo rtr E Et-ff o EDfi E Eq l- E tr$EftE * H $Hfg$g fil (E} F. ts w rpfil ff) -dF m (D c\rq. $) lft Idr (s (/) rn aLf! Er #, t\l {D €] l1l f\I C\l(}'l S* {f} SlI g) (o (\I(f,ffi {o (f, c+rr .xEoFr0 fi=sg*E"i{ $Jr)q (o cE) ffiq $ tfl t\lLq {} €A rq(!{ sq (I} Cf,} €(}{f 6 {#} .f, {oq trI +# ('f) ry q s}slmi!r c#t E6)$t 6i cf} \L' tr.'- CV ,IJ {E(t roI q CDr\q(\! 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(0 (fl tf} gI(e(Il l--ffl c#l :fs! nq. s) (f,} €s cn1lr [*(ro r# (I} $r g L {t) ,il, {Jfitr 6E E}r [o6frr- o(t|(nr 6s6lr o€ct$t FEo$t s C} CIfl cl o.\l rtFo{il r(r # $Tsdql o EIg rs J_(J s 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 coro CJz ! iiIiIi*E'EEE*E*iEEiIEiIEEiliiiiiiii* ii**iss iE EE+EI iiiiliiiii EiEII Ei giiEiIiEEIIiiiEEe EiEgiEis @(, -1clE ITJ IIJtrtI =9<E5f-o-*u-t-r 6i'lb9 o I Uzr (n f r"lz e* eci-= p= == 139 140 COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY Condensed Title: A Resolution Of The Mayor And City Commission Of The City Of Miami Beach, Florida, Accepting The Findings And Recommendation Of The City Manager ln Declaring An Emergency Pursuant To Subsection 287.055(9)(C)(6XAX1), Florida Statutes, All As More Specifically Set Forth ln This Resolution And The Accompanying Memorandum; And As Permitted Pursuant To Section 2-367(E) Of The City Code, Waiving, By 517 Vote Of The City Commission, The Competitive Bidding Requirement, Finding Such WaiverTo Be ln The City Best lnterest; Further, Authorizing The City Manager To Take The Following Actions To Procure The Necessary Services Under The Change Order No. 8; Approving And Authorizing The Mayor And City Clerk To Execute Change Order No. 8, ln The Amount Of $2,688,006, To Design-Build Contract (DBV) With Bergeron Land Development, lnc., Dated April 30,2014 (The Agreement), Related To The Completion Of Roadway lmprovements Along West Avenue Between 6th And 8th Streets, And 1Oth, 14th, And 17th Streets, West Of Alton Road; Said Change Order No. 8, Providing ForAn Addition To The Scope Of Work To lnclude: Contaminated Soil Disposal, Street Lighting Adjustments, Roadway Adjustments, Additional Gravity Walls And Sidewalks, Drainage For Harmonization, Park Driveways, Landscaping, Re-Writing Lighting Specifications, Paintino Of F , And Associated Perm lntended Outcome Su Item S ummary/Recommendation : At its March 14,2OO7 meeting, the City Commission adopted the "Basis of Design Report" (BODR) for the West Avenue - Bay Road Neighborhood right of way improvement project. The BODR improvements included road reconstruction, sidewalks and bicycle circulation, installation of stormwater drainage systems, upgrade to the water distribution system, landscaping, street parking, and street calming features. On February 12,2O14, the City Commission based upon the BODR, was awarded pursuantto subsection 287.055(9)(c)(6XaX1), Florida Statute, an emergency procurement of a Design Build Contract (DBC) to Bergeron Land Development, lnc., which DBC was executed on dated April 30, 2014 (the Agreement) to construct stormwater drainage pump stations at 6'n, 10'n and 14'n Streets. Thereafter, over the past two years, the City Commission approved seven (7) additional Change Orders to the DBC, in order to include improvements to the West Avenue Neighborhood at'the following rigtris-ot-way: West Airenue from 6th to 8th Streets; 14th, 10'n and 6'n Streets from Alton Road to the bay; 17th street from Alton Road to Collins Canal; West Avenue from Lincoln Road to Collins Canal; and the construction of a new pump station at the intersection of 17th Street and West Avenue. Change Order No. 8 proposes to include the following additional scope of work: . Removal and disposal of contaminated soii. Street lighting adjustments;o Roadway elevation adjustments;. Additional gravity walls and sidewalks;. New drainage for harmonization;r Landscaping maintenance plan, landscaping and sidewalks;r Park driveways;o Re-writing of City Ordinance and Specifications for Street Lighting;o Permitting for Stantec (subcontractor engineering services); and. Painting of the Alton Fly Over. As part of the existing scope of work Bergeron has uncovered contaminated soils, the removal which exceeds the budget for this work on West Avenue due to DERM requiring a special method of disposal for the material, which is not within the scope of work already authorized under the prior Change Orders. Another portion of the work contemplated under Change Order No. 8, is to be provided to Stantec for their support to the work associated with the permitting and disposal of dewatering by other means than the sanitary sewer. At the request of the City Administration, Stantec and Bergeron have retained a special consultant shall provide direction relating to DERM's dewatering requirements, which consultant services were not considered in prior change orders, therefore, the costs associated with the retention of the consultant are included in this Change Order No. 8. An additional reason for Change Order No. 8, is due to the City's changing light standards, that the City Commission subsequently adopted after the prior change orders were issued, and the lighting change would be consistent with the City Commission direction. Finally, Change Order No. 8, would allow for harmonization that of the street elevations for access of adjacent owners of the right of way, which harmonization was not within the scope of prior change orders. Change Order No. 8 is being requested to complete the current West Avenue Neighborhood lmprovements and the cost is estimated at $2,688,006; which includes a 10% owner's contingency in the amount of $244,364. Based upon the foregoing, the City Manager declares an emergency pursuant to subsection 287.055(9)(cX6Xa)(t ), Florida Statutes. The City Manager and the Administration, pursuant to section 2-367(e) of the City Code, seek the City Commission's waiver, by 5/7 vote, of competitive bidding requirement, as it is in the city best interest to waive the requirements due to the foregoing reasons. THE ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDS THAT THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA ACCEPT THE RECOMMENDATION AND FINDINGS OF THE CITY MANAGER IN DECLARING AN EMERGENCY PURSUANT TO SUBSECTTON 287.055(9XCX6XAX1), FLORTDA STATUTES, AND AS PERMTTTED PURSUANT TO SECTTON 2-367(El OF THE C|TY GODE, WA,|V|NG, BY 5t7 VOTE OF THE CITY COMMISSION, THE COMPETTTTVE B|DDING FINDING SUCH WAIVER TO BE lN THE CITY'S BEST INTEREST; FURTHER, AUTHORIZING THE CITY R1 R dP An IAAn IrIFACH Aoenda ltem n t Date@lC-141 MANAGER TO TAKE THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS TO PROCURE THE NECESSARY SERVICES UNDER THE CHANGE ORDER NO.8. Board Recommendation: Financaal ln n: Source of ,/,Funds: /tl).,' Amount Account ,Approved 1 $806,402 Storm water line of credit tU 2 Total rct Summi lry: Neighborhoods Fund 384- Subject to Capital Budget Amendment c s Offic ;e Leoislat ive Trackin Siqn-Offs: Department DirBctor Assistant C)iE Manaqer Gity ll lnaqerJJFK{ETC FI'JLM A V016Uune\PUBLIC WORKS\Bergeron CO No 4..Summaryupdated.docT:\AGENDA 142 MIAMIBEACH Cityof Miomi Beoch, lZ00 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33,139, www.miomibeochfl.gov COMMISSIO To: Mayor Philip Levine and Members of City FRoM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: June 8, 2016 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MA FUNDING Amount $806,402 $1,881,604 $2,688,006 AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER IN DECLARING AN EMERGENCY PURSUANT TO SUBSEcTION 287.055(9)(c)(6)(a)(1), FLORIDA STATUTES, ALL AS MORE SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH IN THIS RESOLUTION AND THE ACCOMPANYING MEMORANDUM; AND AS PERMITTED PURSUANT TO SECTION 2-367(e) OF THE CITY CODE, WAIVING, BY 517 VOTE OF THE CIry COMMISSION, THE COMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENT, FINDING SUGH WAIVER TO BE IN THE CITY BEST INTEREST; FURTHER, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO TAKE THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS TO PROCURE THE NECESSARY SERVICES UNDER THE CHANGE ORDER NO. 8; APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE CHANGE ORDER NO. 8, IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,688,006, TO DESIGN-BUILD CONTRACT (DBC) WITH BERGERON LAND DEVELOPMENT, tNC., DATED APRIL 30,2014 (THE AGREEMENT), RELATED TO THE COMPLETION OF ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS ALONG WEST AVENUE BETWEEN 6TH AND 8TH STREETS, AND 1OTH, 14TH, AND 17TH STREETS, WEST OF ALTON ROAD; SAID CHANGE ORDER NO. 8, PROVIDING FOR AN ADDITION TO THE SCOPE OF WORK TO INCLUDE: CONTAMINATED SOIL DISPOSAL, STREET LIGHTING ADJUSTMENTS, ROADWAY ADJUSTMENTS, ADDITIONAL GRAVITY WALLS AND SIDEWALKS, DRAINAGE FOR HARMONIZATION, PARK DRIVEWAYS, LANDSCAPING, RE-WRITING LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS, PAINTING OF FLY.OVER, AND ASSOCIATED PERMITTING. Description Storm water line of credit neighborhoods Fund 384- Subject to Capital Budget Amendment MEMORANDUM 143 Commission Memorandum - Bergeron Design-Built Agreement With Bergeron Land Development, lnc. Page2 BACKGROUND At its March 14, 2007 meeting, the City Commission adopted the "Basis of Design Report" (BODR) for the West Avenue - Bay Road Neighborhood right of way improvement project. The BODR improvements included road reconstruction, sidewalks and bicycle circulation, installation of stormwater drainage systems, upgrade to the water distribution system, landscaping, street parking, and street calming features. On February 12, 2014, the City Commission based upon the BODR, was awarded pursuant to subsection 287.055(9)(cXOXaXl), Florida Statute, an emergency procurement of a Design Build Contract (DBC) to Bergeron Land Development, lnc., which DBC was executed on dated April gO,2014 (the Agreement) to construct stormwater drainage pump stations at 6th, 1Oth and 14th Streets. Thereafter, over the past two years, the City Commission approved seven (7) additional Change Orders to the DBC, in order to include improvements to the West Avenue NeighborhooO at ttre following rights-of-way: West Avenue from 6th to 8th Streets; 14th, 1Oth and 6th Streets from Alton Road to the bay; 17th street from Alton Road to Collins Canal; West Avenue from Lincoln Road to Collins Canal; and the construction of a new pump station at the intersection of 17th Street and West Avenue. Change Order No. 8 proposes to include the following additional scope of work: . Removal and disposal of contaminated soil;. Street lighting adjustments; o Roadway elevation adjustments;. Additional gravity walls and sidewalks;. New drainage for harmonization; o Landscaping maintenance plan, landscaping and sidewalks; . Park driveways;. Re-writing of City Ordinance and Specifications for Street Lighting; o Permitting for Stantec (subcontractor engineering services); and o Painting of the Alton Fly Over. As part of the existing scope of work Bergeron has uncovered contaminated soils, the removal which exceeds the budget for this work on West Avenue due to DERM requiring a special method of disposal for the material, which is not within the scope of work already authorized under the prior Change Orders. Another portion of the work contemplated under Change Order No. 8, is to be provided to Stantec for their support to the work associated with the permitting and disposal of dewatering by other means than the sanitary sewer. At the request of the City Administration, Stantec and Bergeron have retained a special consultant shall provide direction relating to DERM's dewatering requirements, which consultant services were not considered in prior change orders, therefore, the costs associated with the retention of the consultant are included in this Change Order No. 8. An additional reason for Change Order No. 8, is due to the City's changing light standards, that the City Commission subsequently adopted after the prior change orders were issued, and the lighting change would be consistent with the City Commission direction. Finally, Change Order No. 8, would allow for harmonization that of the street elevations for access of adjacent owners of the right of way, which harmonization was not within the scope of prior change orders. 144 Commission Memorandum - Bergeron June 08, 2016 Page 3 Change Order No. 8 is being requested to complete the current West Avenue Neighborhood lmprovements and the cost is estimated at $2,688,006; which includes a 10% owner's contingency in the amount of $244,364. Based upon the foregoing, the City Manager declares an emergency pursuant to subsection 287.055(9)(cXO)(a)(1), Florida Statutes. The City Manager and the Administration, pursuant to section 2-367(e) of the City Code, seek the City Commission's waiver, by 5i7 vote, of competitive bidding requirement, as it is in the city best interest to waive the requirements due to the foregoing reasons. CONCLUSION The Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida accept the recommendation and findings of the City Manager in declaring an emergency pursuant to Subsection 287.055(9)(c)(6)(a)(1), Florida Statutes, and as permitted pursuant to Section 2-367(e) of the City Code, waiving, by 517 vote of the City Commission, the competitive bidding requirement, finding such waiver to be in the City's best interest; further, authorizing the City Manager to take the following actions to procure the necessary services under the change order no. 8. JLM / W,aerta gffiee 145 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAM! BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER IN CERTIFYING AN EMERGENcY PURSUANT To SUBSECTIoN 287.05s(9)(c)(6)(a)(1), FLORIDA STATUTES, ALL AS MORE SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH IN THIS RESOLUTION AND THE ACCOMPANYING MEMORANDUM; AND AS PERMITTED PURSUANT TO SECTION 2-367(e) OF THE CITY CODE, WAIVING, BY 517 VOTE OF THE CITY COMMISSION, THE COMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENT, FINDING SUCH WAIVER TO BE IN THE CIry'S BEST INTEREST; FURTHER, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE CHANGE ORDER NO. 8, IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,688,006, TO DESTGN-BUILD CONTRACT (DBC) W|TH BERGERON LAND DEVELOPMENT, tNC., DATED APRTL 30, 2014 (THE AGREEMENT), RELATED TO THE COMPLETTON OF ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS ALONG WEST AVENUE, BETWEEN 6TH AND 8TH STREETS, AND 1OTH, 14TH, AND 17TH STREETS, WEST OF ALTON ROAD; SAID CHANGE ORDER NO. 8, PROVIDING FOR AN ADDITION TO THE SCOPE OF WORK TO INCLUDE: CONTAMINATED SOIL DISPOSAL, STREET LIGHTING ADJUSTMENTS, ROADWAY ADJUSTMENTS, ADDITIONAL GRAVITY WALLS AND SIDEWALKS, DRAINAGE FOR HARMONIZATION, PARK DRIVEWAYS, LANDSCAPING, RE.WRITING LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS, PAINTING OF FLY-OVER, AND ASSOCIATED PERMITTI NG. WHEREAS, at its March 14,2007 meeting, the City Cornmission adopted the "Basis of Design Report" (BODR) for the West Avenue - Bay Road Neighborhood Right-of-Way lmprovement Project; and WHEREAS, the BODR improvements included road reconstruction, sidewalks and bicycle circulation, installation of stormwater drainage systems, upgrade to the water distribution system, landscaping, street parking, and street calming features; and WHEREAS, on February 12, 2014, the City Commission approved, pursuant to subsection 287.055(9)(cXOXaXl), Florida Statutes, an emergency procurement of a Design Build Contract (DBC) to Bergeron Land Development, lnc., which DBC was executed on dated April 30, 2014 (the Agreement) to construct stormwater drainage pump stations at 6th, 1Oth and 14th Streets; and WHEREAS, thereafter, over the past two years, the City Commission approved seven (7) additional Change Orders to the DBC, in order to include improvements to the West Avenue Neighborhood at the following right-of-ways: West Avenue from 6th to 8th Streets; 14th, 1Oth and 6th Streets from Alton Road to the Bay; 17th Street from Alton Road to Collins Canal; West Avenue from Lincoln Road to Collins Canal; and the construction of a new pump station at the intersection of 17th Street and West Avenue; and 146 work: WHEREAS, Change Order No. 8 proposes to include the following additional scope of . Removal and disposal of contaminated soil; o Street lighting adjustments;. Roadway elevation adjustments;. Additional gravity walls and sidewalks;. New drainage for harmonization;. Landscaping maintenance plan, landscaping and sidewalks;. Park driveways;. Re-writing of City Ordinance and Specifications for Street Lighting;. Permitting for Stantec (subcontractor engineering services); and. Painting of the Alton Fly Over; and WHEREAS, as part of the existing scope of work Bergeron has uncovered contaminated soils, the removal which exceeds the budget for this work on West Avenue due to DERM requiring a special method of disposal for the material, which is not within the scope of work already authorized under the prior change orders; and WHEREAS, another portion of the work contemplated under Change Order No. 8, is to be provided to Stantec for their support to the work associated with the permitting and disposal of dewatering by other means than the sanitary sewer; and WHEREAS, at the request of the City Administration, Stantec and Bergeron have retained a special consultant to provide direction relating to DERM's dewatering requirements, which consultant services were not considered in prior change orders, therefore, the costs associated with the retention of the consultant are included in this Change Order No. 8; and WHEREAS, an additional reason for Change Order No. 8, is due to the City's changing light standards, that the City Commission subsequently adopted after the prior change orders were issued, and the lighting change would be consistent with the City Commission's direction; and WHEREAS, finally, Change Order No. 8, would allow for harmonization of the street elevations for access of adjacent owners of the right-of-ways, which harmonization was not within the scope of prior change orders; and WHEREAS, Change Order No. 8 is being requested to complete the current West Avenue Neighborhood lmprovements and the cost is estimated at $2,688,006; which includes a 10% owner's contingency in the amounl ot $244,364; and WHEREAS, based upon the foregoing, the City Manager certifies an emergency pursuant to subsection 287.055(9XcXOXa)(1), Florida Statutes and WHEREAS, the City Manager and the Administration, pursuant to Section 2-367(e) ot the City Code, seek the City Commission's waiver, by 517 vote, of the competitive bidding requirement, as it is in the City's best interest to waive the requirements due to the foregoing reasons. 147 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE GITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby accept the findings and recommendation of the City Manager in certifying an emergency pursuant to subsection 287.055(9XcXOXa)(1), Florida Statutes, all as more specifically set forth in this resolution and the accompanying memorandum; and as permitted pursuant to section 2- 367(e) of the City Code, waiving, by 517 vote of the City Commission, the competitive bidding requirement, finding such waiver to be in the City's best interest; and approving and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Change Order No. 8, in the amount of $2,688,006, to Design-Build Contract (DBC) with Bergeron Land Development, lnc., dated April 30, 2014 (the Agreement), related to the completion of roadway improvements along West Avenue, between 6th and 8th Streets, and 1O'h, 14th, and 17th Streets, west of Alton Road; said Change Order No" 8, providing for an addition to the scope of work to include: contaminated soil disposal, street lighting adjustments, roadway adjustments, additional gravity walls and sidewalks, drainage for harmonization, park driveways, landscaping, re-writing lighting specifications, painting of fly- over, and associated permitting. PASSED and ADOPTED this ATTEST: day of June, 2016. Philip Levine, Mayor Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk T:\AGENDA\20 1 6\June\Public Works\Bergeron. Reso.docx 4, 148