20160713 AM1C6F MIAMI BEACH Gity Gommission Meeting ADDENDUM MATERIAL 1 City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3'd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive July 13,2016 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alem6n Commissioner Ricky Arriola Commissioner Michael Grieco Commissioner Joy Malakoff Com m issioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Vislf us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article VIl, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the Gity Clerk priorto engaging in any lobbying activitywith the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Gopies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. ADDENDUM AGENDA CG - Commission Gommittee Reports Report Of The June 17,2016 Finance And Citywide Projects Committee Meeting: l.Discussion Regarding Whether Or Not To Pursue Food And Beverage Concessions For Soundscape Park, Collins Park, And The Miami Beach BotanicalGarden.2. Discussion Regarding The Proposed Site Options For The New Fire Station No. 1. 3. Discussion Seeking Citywide WiFi Solutions And CMB Becoming lts Own lnternet Service Provider. 4. Discussion Regarding The Vacation Of A Portion Of The Alley Between Alton Road And West Avenue, Just South Of 17th Street -As Part Of A Proposed Mixed Use Project That Will lnclude Residential, Retail And Structured Parking, lncluding Public Parking. 5. Discussion Regarding lmplementing An Open Data Policy. 6. Discussion Regarding Miami New Drama Becoming The Resident TheaterAnd Venue Manager For The Colony Theater As A Pilot Program. 7. Discussion Regarding The Creation Of The City Of Miami Beach Transportation Fund. 8. Discussion To Consider The Closed Captioning For The Hearing lmpaired Of The City's Video-Recorded Meetings And Events. 9. Discussion Regarding A Competition Swimming Pool. 10. Discussion Regarding Advertising Opportunities Within Municipal Parking Garages And Not Visible From The Right-Of-Way.11. A. Discussion Regarding 300 Alton Road. B. Discussion Regarding Proposed Miami Beach Marina Development Agreement.12. Discussion To Consider Televising All City Special Master Hearings. 13. Discussion To Work With Miami-Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS) To Assess The Viability And lnterest ln A City Of Miami Beach School Bus Service Within The 2-Mile Boundary Of School Bus Service Provided By MDCPS. 14. Discussion Relating To City Clerk Rafael E. Granado's Annual Performance Evaluation. f5. 1 Addendum 1, July 13,2016 Discussion Regarding A Review Of The Fine Schedule For Littering On The Beach. 16. Dlscrrssirn Regarding A City Employee Healthy Cafeteria.17. Discussion On lncreasing The Living Wage Rate For Fiscal Year 2016-2017 ln Accordance With City Code's General Ordinances, Chapter 2, Article Vl, Division 6, Section 2-408.18. Discussion Regarding Building ASatellite CityCenterAtThe North Beach Police Station. 19. Discussion Regarding City Attorney's Annual Review/Contract Renewal. 20. Discussion Regarding The Exchange Of Property With The Owner Of 5860 North Bay Road ln Order To Resolve The Existing Boundary Lines, And The Location Of A Future City Pump Station And Sewer Line. 21. Discussion Regarding The Bass Museum Budget Enhancemenl.22. Discussion Regarding Payment To Bass Museum Of $150,000 Towards The Programming ln The NewlyAdded Renovated Exhibition Space. This ls Reimbursement Of Permitting And Parking Fees For The New Construction.23. Discussion Regarding A Lease Agreement With Crown Castle Solutions. 24. Discussion Regarding The Data And Analysis Required For The Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) Methodology Changes. 25. Discussion Regarding Change Orders Protocol/Policy For Construction Projects. 26. Discussion Regarding The Collins Park Parking Garage Project. 27. Discussion Regarding The Use Of Auto Return's Tow Technology On Miami Beach. 2 FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: JULY 13,2016 SUBJECT: REPORT OF THE FI PROJECTS COMMITTEE JUNE 17,2016 The agenda is as follows: OLD BUSINESS MIAMIBEACH City of Miomi Beoch, .l700 Convenlion Cenler Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33.l39, www.miomibeochfl.gov COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM TO: Members of the Finance and CE AND CITYWIDE (FTNANCE) MEETTNG ON '1. Discussion regarding whether or not to pursue food and beverage concessions for Soundscape Park, Collins Park, and the Miami Beach Botanical Garden (May 21, 2014 Gommission ltem G4G)(Gontinued from May 20, 2016 FCWPC Meeting) ACTION Item deferred. 2. Discussion regarding the proposed site options for the new Fire Station No. 1 (January 13, 2016 Commission ltem C4A)(Continued from April 22, 2016 FCWPC Meeting) ACTION The Committee recommended that staff bring back an option that provides at least 1 18 spaces plus the 32 spaces needed for the fire station and within the remainder 35 feet to get as many additional parking spaces as possible. 3. Discussion Seeking Citywide WiFi Solutions And CMB Becoming lts Own lnternet Seruice Provider (January 13, 2016 Commission ltem C4C)(Continued from March 18, 2016 FCWPC Meeting) ACTION Item deferred. Agenda ftem CGtsoateGTL3 Page 2 of 6 4. Discussion Regarding The Vacation Of A Portion Of The Alley Between Alton Road And West Avenue, Just South Of 17th Street - As Part Of A Proposed Mixed Use Project That Will lnclude Residential, Retail And Structured Parking, lncluding Public Parking (September 2, 2015 Commission ltem C4l)(Continued from April 22, 2016 FCWPC Meeting) ACTION The Committee discussed the items to be included with the vacation of the alley including providing new water and sewer lines, undergrounding the utilities, and paving the entirety of Alton Court from 17th Street to Lincoln Road. The Developer provided that the public benefit was the creation of public parking spaces although they could not give an exact number. There was discussion regarding the appraised values and the Committee used a base price of $475 per square feet and applied a 30o/o discount as the Developer was prohibited from placing anything other than a bridge across the two parcels and could not utilize the first floor due to maintaining vehicular access. The Committee approved the monetary contribution of $665,000 and moved the item to the full Commission. 5. Discussion Regarding lmplementing An Open Data Policy (March 9, 2016 Commission ltem C4E) ACT!ON Item removed from the agenda since it was heard at the Commission Meeting on June 8, 2016 under agenda item R9N. 6. Discussion Regarding Miami New Drama Becoming The Resident Theater And Venue Manager For The Colony Theater As A Pilot Program (April 13, 2016 Commission ltem C4M)(Continued from May 20, 2016 FCWPC Meeting) ACTION Item deferred. 7. Discussion Regarding The Creation Of The City Of Miami Beach Transportation Fund (April 13,2016 Commission ltem C4P)(Continued from April 22, 201 6 FCWPC Meeting) ACTION The Committee recommended that staff explore, as part of the enhancements in the Fiscal Year 2017 (FY 2017) budget process, if there is funding available to establish a Transportation Trust Fund. The Committee made a motion to dedicate 2Oo/o of one-time in unrestricted payments to the city of Miami Beach to a transportation capitaltrust fund. ln addition, the motion directed that dedicating a percentage of the general fund budget to fund transportation operations and maintenance costs should be evaluated as part of the budget development process. 4 Page 3 of 6 8. Discussion To Gonsider The Closed Captioning For The Hearing lmpaired Of The City's Video-Recorded Meetings And Events (April 13, 2016 Commission ltem R9M)(Continued from April 22, 2016 FCWPC Meeting) ACTION Item deferred. 9. Discussion Regarding A Competition Swimming Pool (April 27, 2016 Commission ltem R9E) ACTION Item deferred. NEW BUSINESS 10. Discussion Regarding Advertising Opportunities Within Municipa! Parking Garages And Not Visible From The Right-Of-Way (May 77, 2016 Commission ltem C4B) ACTION The Committee recommended that staff start small by bringing back to the Finance Committee display options and financial figures within 60 days. 11. a. Discussion Regarding 300 Alton Road (May 11, 2016 Commission ltem c4D) b. Discussion Regarding Proposed Miami Beach Marina Development Agreement(May 11,2016 Commission ltem R9J) ACTION Item deferred. 12. Discussion To Consider'Televising All Gity Special Master Hearings (May 11,2016 Commission ltem C4H) ACTION The Committee recommended that staff start with airing the special master short term rentals for a pilot period of 90 days. Funding is to be considered as part of the FY 2017 budget process to air all of the City's special master hearings. 5 Page 4 of 6 13. Discussion To Work With Miami-Dade Gounty Public Schools (MDGPS) To Assess The Viability And lnterest ln A City Of Miami Beach School Bus Service Within The 2-Mile Boundary Of School Bus Service Provided By MDGPS (May 11,2016 Commission ltem C4K) ACTION Item deferred. 14. Discussion Relating To City Clerk Rafae! E. Granado's Annual Performance Evaluation (May 11,2016 Commission ltem C4O) ACTION Item deferred. 15. Discussion Regarding A Review Of The Fine Schedule For Littering On The Beach (May 11,2016 Commission ltem R9R) ACTION Item deferred. 16. Discussion Regarding A City Employee Healthy Cafeteria (May 11, 2016 Commission ltem R9f ACTION The Committee recommended that staff bring this item back to the Finance Committee after meeting with the potential tenant on the options for food and costs. 17. Discussion On lncreasing The Living Wage Rate For Fiscal Year 2016-2017 ln Accordance With City Code's General Ordinances, Chapter 2, Article Vl, Division 6, Section 24Og (June 8,2016 Commission ltem C4B) ACTION The Committee recommended not indexing the hourly wage rate paid to employees of City contractors which currently stands at a rate of $1 1.62lhour with health benefits of at least $1.69/hour, and $13.31/hour without benefits. 18. Discussion Regarding Building A Satellite City Genter At The North Beach Police Station (June 8,2016 Commission ltem C4C) ACTION Item deferred. 6 Page 5 of 6 19. Discussion Regarding Gity Attorney's Annual ReviedContract Renewal (June 8, 2016 Commission ltem C4E) ACTION Item deferred. 20. Discussion Regarding The Exchange Of Property With The Owner Of 5860 North Bay Road ln Order To Resolve The Existing Boundary Lines, And The Location Of A Future City Pump Station And Sewer Line (June 8, 2016 Commission ltem C4F) ACTION Item deferred. 21. Discussion Regarding The Bass Museum Budget Enhancement (June 8, 2016 Commission ltem C4M) ACTION The Committee recommended moving forward with including the $560,000 funding request in the FY 2017 budgeting process. 22. Discussion Regarding Payment To Bass Museum Of $150,000 Towards The Programming In The Newly Added Renovated Exhibition Space. This !s Reimbursement Of Permifting And Parking Fees For The New Construction (June 8,2016 Commission ltem C4R) ACTION The Committee recommended and a one time contribution of $150,000 towards the programming and the newly added renovated exhibition space. 23. Discussion Regarding A Lease Agreement With Crown Castle Solutions. ACTION The Committee recommended moving foruvard with a lease agreement with Crown Castle Solutions LLC (Lessee) having a term of nine (9) years and 364 days (without any renewal options); said Lease permitting Lessee to install and maintain, at its sole cost and expense, a small cell network system at the Miami Beach Convention Center, including a Distributed Antennae System (DAS), equipment at a radio space, and all associated telecommunications cables and connections, having a value of approximately $1 million; permitting Lessee to sublease the radio space and DAS system to third party telecommunications companies, at lessees sole option; and further providing the City with an up-front fee of $25,000, plus monthly payments equal to twenty-five percent (25Yo) of the monthly recurring gross receipts collected by lessee. 7 Page 6 of 6 24. Discussion Regarding The Data And Analysis Required For The Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) Methodology Ghanges (June 8, 2016 Commission Item C4W) ACTION The Committee recommended that staff meet with each of the Commissioners and provide a better understanding of the Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) figures. The item is to be presented at the next Commission Meeting with the updated options for storm water rates. The storm water methodology will also be further discussed at the Commission meeting and that is when it will be determined if this item needs to be brought back to the Finance Committee. 25. Discussion Regarding Change Orders protocol/policy for construction projects (June 8,2016 Commission ltem R79) ACTION Item deferred. 26. Discussion Regarding The Gollins Park Parking Garage Project (June 8, 2016 Commission ltem R9D) ACT!ON Item deferred to July meeting. 27. Discussion Regarding The Use Of Auto Return's Tow Technology On Miami Beach (June 8,2016 Commission ltem RgO) ACTION Item deferred to July meeting. 8