20160713 SM3MIAMI BEACH City Commission Meeting SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 3 City Hall, Gommission Chambers, 3'd Ftoor, 1700 Convention Center Drive July 13, 2016 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alemin Commissioner Ricky Arriola Commissioner Michael Grieco Commissioner Joy Malakoff Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney RaulJ. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Vlslf us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article VIl, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City CIerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Commiftee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Gopies of the City Gode sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA C7 - Resolution C7F A Resolution Urging The Florida Department Of Transportation ("FDOT') To Stripe Dedicated Bicycle Lanes On The Julia Tuttle Causeway (l-195) And To Stripe Green Bicycle Lanes On Those Portions Of l-395 And ,A1A Known As The MacArthur CausewayAs Soon As Possible To Protect The Safety Of Cyclists During The Next Phase Of Miami-Dade County's Venetian Causeway Project. (Sponsored by Commissioner Ricky Arriola) (Legislative Tracking : Transportation) (Memorandum & Resolution) R7- Resolution RTGG A Resolution Accepting The City Manager's Recommendation Of AECOM To Modify The Methodology For Calculating The Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) For Stormwater Utility Usage, And Directing The City Administration To Draft An Ordinance Amending Chapter 110 Of The City Code To lmplement The Modified ERU Calculation From 791 To 849 Square Feet Of lmpervious Area. (Public Works) (Attachment) 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2 Condensed Title: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, URGING THE FLORTDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATTON ("FDOT") TO STRIPE DEDTCATED BTCYCLE LANES ON THE JULTATUTTLE CAUSEWAY (r-195) AND TO STRTPE GREEN BTCYCLE LANES ON THE THOSE PORTIONS OF I-395 AND A1A KNOWN AS THE MACARTHUR CAUSEWAY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO PROTECT THE SAFETY OF CYCLISTS DURING THE NEXT PHASE OF MIAMI.DADE COUNTY'S VENETIAN CAUSEWAY PROJECT. GrrrEir COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY Item Su ln April 2016, Miami-Dade County (County) advertised a Request for Price Quotation (RPQ) for the rehabilitation of the East Venetian bascule bridge (Bridge # 874474) connecting Rivo Alto lsland and Belle lsle and the East Venetian Bridge connecting Belle lsle and PurdyAvenue (874481), collectively, the Venetian Causeway Project or Project. The rehabilitation project is proposed as a result of operational conditions that were determined to affect the bascule bridge's mechanical operation as well as the bridge decking for the easternmost bridge. On May 25,2016, the Office of the City Manager of the City of Miami Beach submitted Letter to Commission No. 231- 2016 providing notice of the upcoming construction. According to the letter, construction was anticipated to begin in August 2016 and last 120 days; however, in recent coordination, County staff has not being able to commit to an August beginning of construction date. The County and its chosen contractor will be hosting a Pre-Construction meeting on July 20,2016 regarding the scope of work of the Venetian Causeway Project. At the meeting, County staff anticipates finalizing the project schedule and the construction approach. The results of the meeting and the final schedule and construction approach determined will be communicated via Letter to Commission. The existing lane configuration of the Venetian Causeway includes bicycle lanes and the operational characteristics of the corridor (low operational speed and low vehicular volumes) promote safe and comfortable bicycling and walking. With the previously described construction, pedestrians and bicyclist will be affected and would have to alter their route between Miami Beach and the mainland. Currently, the Julia Tuttle Causeway (l-195) and portions of l-395 and AIA (the MacArthur Causeway) have striped bicycle lanes; however, given the existing operational conditions of the corridors (high speed and high vehicular volume, bicycle facilities adjacent to the travel lanes), bicyclists are not likely to use these corridors. On July 8, 2016, the City met with FDOT to discuss mitigation efforts to enhance bicycle facilities during the closure of the Venetian Causeway during the Project. At the meeting, FDOT advised that enhancements to mitigate the adverse effects for bicyclists and pedestrians as a results of the Project are only planned for the MacArthur Causeway. The enhancements include additional sections of green bicycle striping at conflict points and wayfinding signage to assist bicyclists through the corridor. At the meeting, the City requested the striping of green bicycle lanes for the MacArthur Causeway; however, FDOT advised that current guidelines for green bicycle lanes on state highways and roadways only allows the use of green bicycle lanes at conflict polnts with other road users. FDOT advised that it is in the planning stages of a long term project for a protected pathway along the Julia Tuttle Causeway that would accommodate pedestrians and bicycles. Currently, the long-term implementation of a pathway along the Julia Tuttle Causeway is under review by the District Vl Design Office; however, no exact time for implementation has been provided. The Julia Tuttle Causeway (l-195) is part of the lnterstate System; therefore further coordination with the Federal Highway Administration is required for implementation of the pathway. CONCLUSION It is recommended that the Citv Commission aoorove the resolution. Source of Funds: Agenda ftem C'7 F oate ?-t3-lb lntended Outcome S Board Recommendation: Financial lnformation: OBP! Financial I Glerk's Office T:\AGENDA\2016\July\Transportation\A Resolution Urging FDOT to Enhance the Julia Tuttle Bicycle Lanes Jose R. Gonzalez, P.E. AN IAAAIBEACH 3 MIAMIBTACH City of Miomi Beoch, 'l 700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33139, www.miomibeochfl.gov MEMORANDUM TC: Mayor Philip Levine and Members FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: July 13,2016 \ \ | \r \i SUB.IECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND GITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, URGING THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATTON ("FDOT") TO STRTPE DEDTCATED BICYCLE LANES oN THE JULIA TUTTLE CAUSEWAY (!-195) AND TO STRTPE GREEN BICYCLE LANES ON THE THOSE PORTIONS OF I.395 AND A1A KNOWN AS THE MACARTHUR CAUSEWAY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO PROTECT THE SAFETY OF CYCLISTS DURING THE NEXT PHASE OF MIAMI.DADE COUNTY'S VENETIAN CAUSEWAY PROJECT. Sponsored by Commissioner Ricky Arriola BACKGROUND ln April 2016, Miami-Dade County (County) advertised a Request for Price Quotation (RPQ) for the rehabilitation of the East Venetian bascule bridge (Bridge # 874474) connecting Rivo Alto lsland and Belle lsle and the East Venetian Bridge connecting Belle lsle and Purdy Avenue (874481), collectively, the Venetian Causeway Project or Project. The rehabilitation project is proposed as a result of operational conditions that were determined to affect the bascule bridge's mechanical operation as well as the bridge decking for the easternmost bridge. The Venetian Causeway Project includes but it is not limited to mechanical repairs to the East Bascule Bridge (874474), such as replacing motors, brakes, switches, wiring, tread plates, and other mechanical elements. ln addition, the Venetian Causeway Pro1ect includes repairs to the bridge deck for the East Venetian Bridge (874481). On May 25,2016, the Office of the City Manager of the City of Miami Beach submitted Letter to Commission No. 231-2016 providing notice of the upcoming construction. According to the letter, construction was anticipated to begin in August 2016 and last 120 days; however, in recent coordination, County staff has not being able to commit to an August beginning of construction date. The County and its chosen contractor will be hosting a Pre-Construction meeting on July 20,2016 regarding the scope of work of the Venetian Causeway Project. At the meeting, County staff anticipates finalizing the prolect schedule and theconstruction approach. The results of the meeting and the final schedule and construction approach determined will be communicated via Letter to Commission. 4 Commission Memorondum Accepting NCAC Recommendation to Adopt o Policy Requiring Thot All New Events Requiring Lane Closures Along Main Thoroughfores Appeor ln Front of City Commission for Approval luly 1j, 2016 Poge 2 of 2 ANALYSIS Currently, the Venetian Causeway is the prime connector for pedestrian and bicyclists between Miami Beach and the mainland. The existing lane configuration of the Venetian Causeway includes bicycle lanes and the operational characteristics of the corridor (low operational speed and low vehicular volumes) promote safe and comfortable bicycling and walking. With the previously described construction, pedestrians and bicyclist will be affected and would have to alter their route between Miami Beach and the mainland. Currently, the Julia Tuttle Causeway (l-195) and portions of l-395 and AIA (the MacArthur Causeway) have striped bicycle lanes; however, given the existing operational conditions of the corridors (high speed and high vehicular volume, bicycle facilities adjacent to the travel lanes), bicyclists are not likely to use these corridors. On July 8,2016, the City met with FDOT to discuss mitigation efforts to enhance bicycle facilities during the closure of the Venetian Causeway during the Project. At the meeting, FDOT advised that enhancements to mitigate the adverse effects for bicyclists and pedestrians as a results of the Project are only planned for the MacArthur Causeway. The enhancements include additional sections of green bicycle striping at conflict points and wayfinding signage to assist bicyclists through the corridor. At the meeting, the City requested the striping of green bicycle lanes for the MacArthur Causeway; however, FDOT advised that current guidelines for green bicycle lanes on state highways and roadways only allows the use of green bicycle lanes at conflict points with other road users. FDOT advised that it is in the planning stages of a long term project for a protected pathway along the Julia Tuttle Causeway that would accommodate pedestrians and bicycles. Currently, the long-term implementation of a pathway along the Julia Tuttle Causeway is under review by the District Vl Design Office; however, no exact time for implementation has been provided. The Julia Tuttle Causeway (l-195) is part of the lnterstate System; therefore further coordination with the Federal Highway Administration is required for implementation of the pathway. CONCLUSION It is recommended that the Mayor and City Commission approve the resolution urging FDOT to stripe dedicated bicycle lanes on the Julia Tuttle causeway (l-195) and to stripe green bicycle lanes on the those portions of l-395 and the A1A, known as the MacArthur Causeway, as soon as possible to protect the safety of cyclists during the next phase of Miami-Dade County's Venetian Causeway Project. xrD JLM /KGB/JRG/JFD T:\AGENDA\2016\July\Transportation\A Resolution Urging FDOT to Enhance the Julia Tuttle Bicycle Lanes MEMO.docx 5 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, URGING THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATTON ("FDOT") TO STRIPE DEDICATED BICYCLE LANES ON THE JULIA TUTTLE CAUSEWAY (r-19s) AND TO STRIPE GREEN BTCYCLE LANES ON THOSE PORTIONS OF I.395 AND A1A KNOWN AS THE MACARTHUR CAUSEWAY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO PROTECT THE SAFETY OF CYCLISTS DURING THE NEXT PHASE OF MIAMI.DADE COUNTY'S VENETIAN CAUSEWAY PROJECT. WHEREAS, in April 2016, Miami-Dade County ("County") advertised a Request for Price Quotation (RPO) for the rehabilitation of the East Venetian Bascule Bridge (Bridge No.874474) connecting Rivo Alto lsland and Belle lsle and the East Venetian Bridge (Bridge No.874481) connecting Belle lsle and Purdy Avenue (collectively, the "Venetian Causeway Project" or "Project"); and WHEREAS, the Venetian Causeway Prolect includes, but it is not limited to, mechanical repairs to the East Venetian Bascule Bridge (874474), such as replacing motors, brakes, switches, wiring, tread plates, and other mechanical elements; and WHEREAS, the Project also includes repairs to the bridge deck for the East Venetian Bridge (874481); and WHEREAS, the County and its chosen contractor will be hosting a Pre-Construction meeting on July 20,2016 regarding the scope of work for the Venetian Causeway Project; and WHEREAS, at the meeting, County staff anticipates finalizing the Project schedule and the construction approach; and WHEREAS, the existing lane configuration of the Venetian Causeway includes bicycle lanes and the operational characteristics of the corridor (low operational speed and low vehicular volumes) promote safe and comfortable bicycling and walking; and WHEREAS, the Venetian Causeway Project will affect pedestrian and bicyclist routes between Miami Beach and the mainland; and WHEREAS, currently, the Julia Tuttle Causeway (l-195) and those portions of l-395 and 41A known as the MacArthur Causeway have striped bicycle lanes; however, given the existing operational conditions of the corridors (high speed and high vehicular volume, bicycle facilities adjacent to the travel lanes), bicyclists are not likely to use these corridors; and WHEREAS, on July 8, 2016, the City met with FDOT to discuss mitigation efforts to enhance bicycle facilities during the closure of the Venetian Causeway during the Project; and WHEREAS, FDOT advised that enhancements to the existing striping and wayfinding signage to mitigate the adverse effects for bicyclists and pedestrians as a result of the Project are only planned for the MacArthur Causeway; and 6 WHEREAS, at the meeting, the City requested the striping of green bicycle lanes for the MacArthur Causeway; however, FDOT advised that current guidelines for green bicycle lanes on state highways and roadways only allows the use of green bicycle lanes at conflict points with other road users; and WHEREAS, FDOT advised that it is in the planning stages of a longterm project for a protected pathway along the Julia Tuttle Causeway that would accommodate pedestrians and bicycles; and WHEREAS, currently, the longterm implementation of a protected pathway along the Julia Tuttle Causeway is under review by the District Vl Design Office; however, no exact time for implementation has been provided; and WHEREAS, the Julia Tuttle Causeway (l-195) is part of the lnterstate System; therefore, further coordination with the Federal Highway Administration is required for implementation of a protected pathway. NOW, THEREFORE, BE !T DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby urge the Florida Department of Transportation to stripe dedicated bicycle lanes on the Julia Tuttle Causeway (l-195) and to stripe green bicycle lanes on the those portions of l-395 and A1A known as the MacArthur Causeway as soon as possible to protect the safety of cyclists during the next phase of Miami-Dade County's Venetian Causeway Project. PASSED and ADOPTED this 13th day of July, 2016. ATTEST: Philip Levine, Mayor Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO M & LANGUAGE OR EXECUTION IL 7 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 8 ATTACHMENT RTGG Agenda ttem RTGGoate-1:7TfF9 E]E - -l- l-JE'AEVa t-I-L.E T -?l-l- l-rl ErE r1 =EL. 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