20160113 AM2MIAMIBEACH City Gommission Meeting ADDENDUM MATERIAL 2 City Hall, Gommission Chambers,3rd Floor, 1700 Gonvention Center Drive January 13,2016 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alem6n Commissioner Ricky Arriola Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Michael Grieco Commissioner Joy Malakoff Commissioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Visit us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Ghapter 2, Article Vll, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Gommittee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Gopies of the City Code sections on lobbyists Iaws are available in the Gity Glerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. ADDENDUM AGENDA' G4 - Commission Committee Assiqnments C4H Referral To The Land Use And Development Committee - Discussion Regarding Short Term Rentals ln North Beach. (Sponsored by Commissioner Michael Grieco) C41 Referral To The Land Use And Development Committee - Discussion Regarding The lmpact Of A Partial Modification Of Ordinance2Ol4-3876, As lt Relates To A FAR (FloorArea Ratio) lnterpretation. (Sponsored by Commissioner Joy Malakotf) G7 - Resolutions C7J A Resolution To Consider Waiving The Special Event Fees, ln The Amount Of $6,238.50, And The Collins Park User Fee (Cost TBD), For The Miami City Ballet's 30th Anniversary Gala. (Sponsored by Commissioner Ricky Arriola) 1 The sponsor of the addendum agenda item deems that such item either constitutes a public emergency affecting life, health, propefi, or public safety and should be considered immediately; or does not constitute a public emergency, but should be considered immediately. See Miami Beach Code Sec. 2-12 (c)(3).1 Addendum, January 15, 2014 R7 - Resolutions R7R A Resolution Of The Mayor And City Commission Of The City Of Miami Beach, Florida, Creating An Ad Hoc Host Committee For The June2017 United States Conference Of Mayors AnnualMeeting ("AnnualMeeting"), To Be Held ln MiamiBeach, ln OrderTo Raise Funds For The City's Hosting Of TheAnnual Meeting; Prescribing The Duties, Manner Of Appointment, And The Terms Of Office Of Host Committee Members; Establishing That The City's Hosting Of The Annual Meeting Serves A Public Purpose; Authorizing The Acceptance Of Donations Made To The City For The City's Hosting Of The Annual Meeting; And Authorizing The City Manager, Or His Designee, To Make Such ExpendituresAnd/Or Reimbursements From The Aforestated Donations ln Furtherance Of And Consistent With The Hosting Of The Annual Meeting. (Sponsored by Mayor Philip Levine) (Legislative Tracking: Office of the City Attorney) R9V R9 - New Business and Commission Requests Discussion Regarding Short-Term PM Rush-Hour Gridlock Mitigation. (Sponsored by Commissioner Michael Grieco) 2 Cardillo, Lilia From: Sent: To: Subject: Bonini, Danila Thursday, January 07, 20L6 12:05 PM Cardillo, Lilia Referral North Beach short-term rental ordinance Please add the following ordinance to the January 13th City Commission consent agenda for a referral to Land Use in February. This email is to serve as the cover memo. Thank you for your attention on this matter. Ddr4r(a llllAlAlmffi&il$--$ ffi Danila E. Bonini Aide to Commissioner MICHAEL C. GRIECO OFFICE OF MAYOR AND COMMISSION 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 786-338-3865 / Fax: 305-673-7096 i www.miamibeachfl.oov We are committed to providing excellent public seruice and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. Agenda,tem C4k Date I -13'n3 SHORT TERM RENTALS IN NORTH BEACH ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE CITY CODE, BY AMENDING CHAPTER 142,,ZONING DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS', ARTICLE IV,.SUPPLEMENTARY DISTRICT REGULATIONS', DIVISION 3, "SUPPLEMENTARY USE REGULATIONS', TO MODIFY THE REGULATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR SHORT TERM RENTALS TO INCLUDE PROPERTIES IN NORTH BEACH LOCATED IN THE RM-1 RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY LOW INTENSITY ZONING DISTRICT AND FRONTING HARDING AVENUE, FROM THE CITY LINE ON THE NORTH, TO 73RD STREET ON THE SOUTH; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER; SEVERABILITY; CODIFICATION; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Code contains provisions for the short term rental of apartments and townhomes in those zoning districts that do not permit hotel uses; and WHEREAS, a specified section of the RM-1 district in North Beach has permitted hotel uses prior to the prohibition on short term rentals in the City of Miami Beach; and WHEREAS, prior to prohibiting short term rentals in the RM-1 districts, and in recognition of the historical existence of transient, hotel uses near the ocean in North Beach, the City of Miami Beach amended the City Code to permit hotels along the Harding Avenue corridor; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach desires to amend existing regulations pertaining to the short term rental of apartments and townhomes to allow short term rentals in certain, nearby portions of North Beach also designated RM-1; and WHEREAS, these regulations serve to make the retention and renovation of architecturally significant buildings in North Beach economically feasible for property owners; and WHEREAS, in the continuing efforts to revitalize North Beach, this ordinance will stimulate its economy and provide another source of tax revenue for the benefit of the City and community at large; and WHEREAS, the amendment set forth below is necessary to accomplish all of the above objectives. 4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. Chapter 142, "Zoning Districts and Regulations", Article lV, "Supplementary District Regulations", Division 3, "Supplementary Use Regulations", of the City Code is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 142-1111. Short-term rental of apartment units or townhomes. (a) Limitations and prohibitions. Unless a specific exemption applies below, the rental of apartment or townhome residential properties in districts zoned RM-1, RM-PRD, RM-PRD-2, RPS-1 and RPS-2, CD-1, RO, R0-3 orTH for periods of less than six (6) months and one (1) day is not a permitted use in such districts. Any advertising or-advertisement that promotes the occupancy or use of the residential property for the purpose of holding commercial parties, events, assemblies, gatherings, or the occupancy of a residence for less than six months and one day, as provided herein, or use of the residential premises in violation of this section. "Advertising" or "advertisement" shall mean any form of communication for marketing or used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate viewers, readers or listeners for the purpose of promoting occupancy of a residential property for the purpose of holding commercial parties, events, assemblies, gatherings, or the occupancy of a residence for less than six months and one day, as provided herein, upon the premises, as may be viewed through various media, including, but not limited to, newspaper, magazines, flyers, handbills television commercial, radio advertisement, outdoor advertising, direct mail, blogs, websites or text messages. None of the districts identified below shall be utilized as a hotel. (b) Previously existing short-term rentals in specified disfrrcfs. For a period of six months after June 19, 2010, owners of certain properties located in the following districts shall be eligible to apply for approval of a certificate of use permitting short-term rental of apartment and townhome residential units for these properties under the requirements and provisions set forth below. Eligibility: Properties within the RM-1 and TH zoning districts in the Flamingo Park and Espanola Way Historic Districts. Those properties that can demonstrate a current and consistent history of shortterm renting, and that such short-term rentals are the primary source of income derived from that unit or building, as defined by the requirements listed below. (1) (2) (3) (1) 5 (2) (A) For apartment buildings of four or more units, or for four or more apartment units in one or more buildings under the same City of Miami Beach Resort Tax ("resort tax") account. ln order to demonstrate current, consistent and predominant short-term renting, the property must comply with all of the following: (i) Have been registered with the city for the payment of resort tax and made resort tax payments as of March 10, 2010; and (ii) Have had resort tax taxable room revenue equal to at least 50 percent of total room revenue over the last two-year period covered by such payments; and (iii) Have been registered, with the State of Florida as a transient apartment or resort condominium pursuant to Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, as of March 10,2010. For properties containing more than one apartment building, eligibility may apply to an individual building satisfying subsections (bXlXAXi)-(iii) above. (B) For apartment and townhouse buildings of three or less units, or for three or less apartment units in one or more buildings under the same state license. ln order to demonstrate current, consistent and predominant short-term renting, the property must: (i) Have been registered with the State of Florida as a resort dwelling or resort condominium pursuant to Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, as of March 10, 2010. Time periods for the disfricfs identified in subsection (b)(1) to apply for short-term rental approvals. (A) Owners demonstrating compliance with subsection (bX1) above, shall apply for a certificate of use permitting short-term rental as detailed in subsection 142-1111(0, within a time period of six months from June 19, 2010, or be deemed ineligible to proceed through the process specified herein for legalization of short-term rentals. (B) Within three months of June 19, 2010, eligible owners shall apply to obtain all necessary approvals to comply with the Florida Building Code, Florida Fire Prevention Code and with all other applicable life safety standards. (C) Compliance with the applicable requirements of the Florida Building Code and Florida Fire Prevention Code shall be demonstrated by October 1,2011, or rights to engage in short-term rental under this section shall be subject to restrictions and/or limitations as directed by the building official and/or fire marshal. This subsection 6 (3) shall not prevent these officials from undertaking enforcement action prior to such date. (D) Applications under this section may be accepted until 60 days after April 1 1, 2012, upon determination to the planning director that a government licensing error prevented timely filing of the application. Eligibility within the Collins Wateffront Local Historic District. Owners of property located in the Collins Waterfront Local Historic District shall be eligible to apply for approval of a certificate of use permitting short-term rental of apartment and townhome residential units under the requirements and provisions set forth below: (A) Only those properties located south of West 24th Terrace shall be eligible for short- term rentals. (B) Only buildings classified as "contributing" in the city's historic properties database shall be eligible for shortterm rentals. The building and property shall be fully renovated and restored in accordance with the Secretary of the lnterior Guidelines and Standards, as well as the certificate of appropriateness criteria in chapter 118, article X of these Land Development Regulations. (C) The property must have registered with the State of Florida as a transient or condominiumpursuanttoChapter509,FloridaStatutes,asofffi (D) The property must have registered with the city for the payment of resort tax and made resort tax payments as of ffiinanee-Februarv 21. 2015. (E) Shortterm rental use shall be based on a single use for the property. No building or property seeking to have short-term rentals will be permitted to have mixed residential uses. (F) Any property seeking to have short-term rental will need to demonstrate that there is on-site management,24 hours per day, seven days a week. (G) The short-term rental use requires at least a seven-night reservation. Time period to apply for short-term rental approvals for those properties located in the Coll in s Wate rfront Arch itectu ral D i strict. (A) Owners demonstrating compliance with subsection (bX3), above, shall apply for a certificate of use permitting short-term rental as detailed in subsection 142-1111(e) within a time period of three months from the effeetive date ef thie erdinanee (4) 7 Februarv 21. 2015, or be deemed ineligible to proceed through the process specified herein for legalization of short-term rentals. (B) Within three months of the effeetive date ef this erdinanee Februarv 21, 2015, eligible owners shall have obtained all the necessary approvals to comply with the Florida Building Code, Florida Fire Prevention Code and with all other applicable life safety standards. (C) Compliance with the applicable requirements of the Florida Building Code and Florida Fire Prevention Code, shall be demonstrated by the effeetive date ef this Februarv 21, 2015, or rights to engage in short-term rental under this section shall be subject to restrictions and/or limitations as directed by the building official and/or fire marshal. This subsection shall not prevent the building or fire departments from undertaking enforcement action prior to such date. (5) ln the event a building approved for short-term rentals in accordance with subsections (b)(3) and (4), above, is demolished or destroyed, for any reason, the future use of any new or future building on that property shall not be permitted to engage in short-term rentals, nor apply for short-term rental approval. (c) E/rq,Dilify r4lifh,n North Beach. Notwithstandinq the requirements of subsection (d) below, owners of properties in North Beach zoned RM-1 shall be elioible to applv for approval of a certificate of use permittinq short-term rental of apartment and townhome residential units under the followino requirements and provisions: (1) Onlv those properties frontino Hardinq Avenue, from the Citv Line on the north. to 73d Street on the south. shall be elioible for short term rentals: (2) Owners seekino to construct a qround floor attached or detached addition. or seekinq to introduce an alcoholic beveraoe establishment. may use the followinq sections: (A) For buildinqs classified as "contributinq" in the North Shore National Reqister Historic District which are beino substantiallv retained. preserved and restored. and anv addition uo to a maximum of 2.500 square feet. whether attached or detached. there shall be no off-street parkinq requirement. The proposed addition to the existino structure shall be subiect to the review and approval of the Desion Review Board or Historic Preservation Board, whichever has iurisdiction. and shall include a renovation olan for the existinq structure that is fullv consistent with the Secretarv of the lnterior Guidelines and Standards for the Rehabilitation of Historic Buildinqs. (B) For buildinqs classified as "contributinq" in the North Shore National Reoister Historic District which are beinq substantiallv retained, preserved and restored. and anv addition in excess of 2.500 square feet, whether attached or detached, mav participate in the Fee ln Lieu of Parkino Proqram specificallv provided for in Chapter 8 130. Article V. of these land development requlations. The proposed addition to the existinq structure shall be subiect to the review and approval of the Desion Review Board or Historic Preservation Board. whichever has iurisdiction. and shall include a renovation plan for the existinq structure that is fullv consistent with the Secretary of the lnterior Guidelines and Standards for the Rehabilitation of Historic Buildinos. (C) An alcoholic beveraqe establishment. whether a restaurant or bar. with a maximum of 40 seats. shall be permitted as an accessorv use in buildinos classified as "contributino" in the North Shore National Reoister Historic District. There shall be no parkino requirement for the accessory alcoholic beveraqe establishment use. (d) Regulations. For those properties eligible for short-term rental use as per (b) shall be permitted, provided that the following mandatory requirements are followed: Approvals required: applications. Owners, lessees, or any person with interest in the property seeking to engage in short-term rental, must obtain a certificate of use permitting short-term rental under this section. The application for approval to engage in short-term rentals shall be on a form provided for that purpose, and contain the contact information for the person identified in subsection (3) below, identify the minimum lease term for which short-term rental approval is being requested, and such other items of required information as the planning director may determine. The application shall be accompanied by the letter or documents described in subsection (9) below, if applicable. The application for a certificate of use permitting short-term rentals shall be accompanied by an application fee of $600.00. Time period. All short-term rentals under this section must be pursuant to a binding written agreement, license or lease. Each such document shall contain, at a minimum: the beginning and ending dates of the lease term; and each lessee's contact information, as applicable. No unit may be rented more frequently than once every seven days. Contact person. All rentals must be supervised by the owner, manager, or a local and licensed real estate broker or agent or other authorized agent licensed by the city, who must be available for contact on a 24-hour basis, seven days a week, and who must live on site or have a principal office or principal residence located within the districts identified in subsection (b). Each agreement, license, or lease, of scanned copy thereof, must be kept available throughout its lease term and for a period of one year thereafter, so that each such document and the information therein, is available to enforcement personnel. The name and phone number of a 24-hour contact shall be permanently posted on the exterior of the premises or structure or other accessible location, in a manner subject to the review and approval of the city manager or designee. (1) (2) (3) 9 (4) Entire unit. Only entire apartment units and townhomes, as defined in section 114-1, legally created pursuant to applicable law, may be rented under this section, not individual rooms or separate portions of apartment units or townhomes. Rules and procedures. The city manager or designee may adopt administrative rules and procedures, including, but not limited to, application and permit fees, to assist in the uniform enforcement of this section. Srgns. No signs advertising the property for short-term rental are permitted on the exterior of the property or in the abutting right-of-way, or visible from the abutting public rightof-way. Effect of violations on fibensure. Approvals shall be issued for a one-year period, but shall not be issued or renewed, if violations on three or more separate days at the unit, or at another unit in any building owned by the same owner or managed by the same person or entity, of this section, issued to the short-term rental licensee were adjudicated either by failure to appeal from a notice of violation or a special master's determination of a violation, within the 12 months preceding the date of filing of the application. Resorf faxes. Owners are subject to resort taxes for rentals under this section, as required by city law. Association rules. Where a condominium or other property owners' association has been created that includes the rental property, a letter from the association dated not more than 60 days before the filing of the application, stating the minimum rental period and the maximum number of rentals per year, as set forth under the association's governing documents, and confirming that short-term rentals as proposed by the owner's application under subsection (c)(1) above, are not prohibited by the association's governing documents, shall be submitted to the city as part of the application. (10) Variances. No variances may be granted from the requirements of this section. (e) Enforcement. Violations of section 142-111'1(b) shall be subject to the following fines. The special master may not waive or reduce fines set by this section. A. lf the violation is the first violation: $500.00. lf the violation is the second violation within the preceding 12 months: $1,500.00. lf the violation is the third violation within the preceding 12 months: $5,000.00. (5) (6) (7) (8) (e) (1) B, c. D. lf the violation is the fourth violation within the preceding 12 months: $7,500.00. 10 (2) (3) E. lf the violation is the fifth or greater violation within the preceding 12 months: suspension or revocation of the certificate of use allowing short-term rental. Fines for repeat violations by the same offender shall increase regardless of locations. ln addition to or in lieu of the foregoing, the city may seek an injunction by a court of competent jurisdiction to enforce compliance with or to prohibit the violation of this section. Any code compliance officer may issue notices for violations of this section, with enforcement of subsection 142-1111(a) and alternative enforcement of subsection 142- 1111(b) as provided in chapter 30 of this Code. Violations shall be issued to the owner, manager, real estate broker or agent, or authorized agent, or any other individual or entity that participates in or facilitates the violation of this section. ln the event the record owner of the property is not present when the violation occurred or notice of violation issued, a copy of the violation shall be served by certified mail on the owner at its mailing address in the property appraiser's records and a courtesy notice to the contact person identified in subsection (c)(3) above. SECTION 2. CODIFICATION. It is the intention of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made part of the code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. The sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered to accomplish such intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article", or other appropriate word. SEGTION 3. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY. lf any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect ten days following adoption. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of ATTEST: 2015. Philip Levine, Mayor 11 Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk First Reading: Second Reading: Verified By: Thomas R. Mooney, AICP Planning Director Underline = new language Str*emreugn = deleted language (Sponsor Commissioner 12 Miami Beach, FL Code of Ordinances Sec. 1 42-1111. - Short-term rental of apartment units or townhomes. (a) Limitotions ond prohibitions. (1) Unless a specific exemption applies below, the rental of apartment or townhome residential properties in districts zoned RM-1, RM-PRD, RM-PRD-2, RPS-1 and RPS-2, CD-'l, RO, R0-3 or TH for periods of less than six months and one day. (2) Any advertising or-advertisement that promotes the occupancy or use of the residential property for the purpose of holding commercial parties, events, assemblies, gatherings, or the occupancy of a residence for less than six months and one day, as provided herein, or use of the residential premises in violation of this section. "Advertising" or "advertisement" shall mean any form of communication for marketing or used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate viewers, readers or listeners for the purpose of promoting occupancy of a residential property for the purpose of holding commercial parties, events, assemblies, gatherings, or the occupancy of a residence for less than six months and one day, as provided herein, upon the premises, as may be viewed through various media, including, but not limited to, newspaper, magazines, flyers, handbills television commercial, radio advertisement, outdoor advertising, direct mail, blogs, websites or text messages. (3) None of the districts identified below shall be utilized as a hotel. (b) Previously existing short-term rentols in specified districts. For a period of six months afterJune 19,2010, owners of certain properties located in the following districts shall be eligible to apply for approval of a certificate of use permitting short-term rental of apartment and townhome residential units for these properties under the requirements and provisions set forth below. (1) Eligibitity: Properties within the RM-1 and TH zoning districts in the Flamingo Park and Espanola Way Historic Districts. Those properties that can demonstrate a current and consistent history of short-term renting, and that such short-term rentals are the primary source of income derived from that unit or building, as defined by the requirements listed below: (A) For apartment buildings of four or more units, or for four or more apartment units in one or more buildings under the same City of Miami Beach Resort Tax ("resort tax") account. ln order to demonstrate current, consistent and predominant short-term renting, the property must comply with all of the following: (i) Have been registered with the city for the payment of resort tax and made resort tax payments as of March 10, 2010; and (ii) Have had resort tax taxable room revenue equal to at least 50 percent of total room revenue over the last two-year period covered by such payments; and (iii) Have been registered, with the State of Florida as a transient apartment or resort condominium pursuant to Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, as of March 10, 2010. For properties containing more than one apartment building, eligibility may apply to an i nd ivid ual bu i ld ing satisfyi ng su bsections (bX1 XAXi)-(i i i) a bove. (B) For apartment and townhouse buildings of three or less units, or for three or less apartment units in one or more buildings under the same state license. ln order to demonstrate current, consistent and predominant short-term renting, the property must: about:blank u5 13 tvz3t20t5 Miami Beach, FL Code of Ordrnances (i) Have been registered with the State of Florida as a resort dwelling or resort condominium pursuant to Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, as of March 10, 2010. (2) Time periods for the districts identified in subsection (b)(1) to opply for short-term rentol opprovols. (A) Owners demonstrating compliance with subsection (bXl) above, shall apply for a certificate of use permitting short-term rental as detailed in subsection 142-1111(0, within a time period of six months from June 19,2010, or be deemed ineligible to proceed through the process specified herein for legalization of short-term rentals. (B) Within three months of June 19,2010, eligible owners shall apply to obtain all necessary approvals to comply with the Florida Building Code, Florida Fire Prevention Code and with all other applicable life safety standards. (C) Compliance with the applicable requirements of the Florida Building Code and Florida Fire Prevention Code shall be demonstrated byOctober 1,2011, or rightsto engage in short-term rental under this section shall be subject to restrictions and/or limitations as directed by the building official and/or fire marshal. This subsection shall not prevent these officials from undertaking enforcement action prior to such date. (D) Applications under this section may be accepted until 60 days after April 1 1,2012, upon determination to the planning director that a government licensing error prevented timely filing of the application. (3) Eligibility within the Collins Woterfront Locol Historic District. Owners of property located in the Collins Waterfront Local Historic District shall be eligible to apply for approval of a certificate of use permitting short-term rental of apartment and townhome residential units under the requirements and provisions set forth below: (A) Only those properties located south of West 24th Terrace shall be eligible for short-term rentals. (B) Only buildings classified as "contributing" in the city's historic properties database shall be eligible for short-term rentals. The building and property shall be fully renovated and restored in accordance with the Secretary of the lnterior Guidelines and Standards, as well as the certificate of appropriateness criteria in chapter 1 18, article X of these Land Development Regulations. (C) The property must have registered with the State of Florida as a transient or condominium pursuant to Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, as of the effective date of this ordinance. (D) The property must have registered with the city for the payment of resort tax and made resort tax payments as of as of the effective date of this ordinance. (E) Short-term rental use shall be based on a single use for the property. No building or property seeking to have short-term rentals will be permitted to have mixed residential uses. (F) Any property seeking to have short-term rental will need to demonstrate that there is on-site management, 24 hours per day, seven days a week. (G) The short-term rental use requires at least a seven-night reservation. (4) Time period to opply for short-term rental approvols for those properties locoted in the Collins Wote rfro nt Arch itectu ro I D istri ct. (A) Owners demonstrating compliance with subsection (bX3), above, shall apply for a certificate of use permitting short-term rental as detailed in subsection 142-1111(e) within a time period of three months from the effective date of this ordinance, or be deemed ineligible to proceed about:blank 14 tl23/20t5 Miami Beach. FL Code of Ordinanccs through the process specified herein for legalization of short-term rentals. (B) Within three months of the effective date of this ordinance, eligible owners shall have obtained all the necessary approvals to comply with the Florida Building Code, Florida Fire Prevention Code and with all other applicable life safety standards. (C) Compliance with the applicable requirements of the Florida Building Code and Florida Fire Prevention Code, shall be demonstrated bythe effective date of this ordinance, or rightsto engage in short-term rental under this section shall be subject to restrictions and/or limitations as directed by the building official and/or fire marshal. This subsection shall not prevent the building or fire departments from undertaking enforcement action prior to such date. (5) ln the event a building approved for short-term rentals in accordance with subsections (bX3) and (4), above, is demolished or destroyed, for any reason, the future use of any new or future building on that property shall not be permitted to engage in short-term rentals, nor apply for short-term rental approval. (c) Regulotions. For those properties eligible for short-term rental use as per (b) shall be permitted, provided that the following mandatory requirements are followed: (1) Approvols required: opplicotions. Owners, lessees, or any person with interest in the property seeking to engage in short-term rental, must obtain a certificate of use permitting short-term rental under this section. The application for approval to engage in short-term rentals shall be on a form provided for that purpose, and contain the contact information for the person identified in subsection (3) below, identify the minimum lease term for which short-term rental approval is being requested, and such other items of required information as the planning director may determine. The application shall be accompanied by the letter or documents described in subsection (9) below, if applicable. The application for a certificate of use permitting short-term rentals shall be accompanied by an application fee of $600.00. (2) Time period. All short-term rentals under this section must be pursuant to a binding written agreement, license or lease. Each such document shall contain, at a minimum:the beginning and ending dates of the lease term; and each lessee's contact information, as applicable. No unit may be rented more frequently than once every seven days. (3) Contoct person. All rentals must be supervised by the owner, manager, or a local and licensed real estate broker or agent or other authorized agent licensed by the city, who must be available for contact on a 24-hour basis, seven days a week, and who must live on site or have a principal office or principal residence located within the districts identified in subsection (b). Each agreement, license, or lease, of scanned copy thereof, must be kept available throughout its lease term and for a period of one year thereafter, so that each such document and the information therein, is available to enforcement personnel. The name and phone number of a 24-hour contact shall be permanently posted on the exterior of the premises or structure or other accessible location, in a manner subject to the review and approval of the city manager or designee. (4) Entire unit. Only entire apartment units and townhomes, as defined in section 114-1. legally created pursuant to applicable law, may be rented under this section, not individual rooms or separate portions of apartment units or townhomes. (s) about:blank 15 lll23l20l5 Miami Beach, FL Code of Ordinances Rules and procedures. The city manager or designee may adopt administrative rules and procedures, including, but not limited to, application and permit fees, to assist in the uniform enforcement of this section. (6) Signs. No signs advertising the property for short-term rental are permitted on the exterior of the property or in the abutting right-of-way, or visible from the abutting public right-of-way. (7) Effect of violotions on licensure. Approvals shall be issued for a one-year period, but shall not be issued or renewed, if violations on three or more separate days at the unit, or at another unit in any building owned by the same owner or managed by the same person or entity, of this section, issued to the short-term rental licensee were adjudicated either by failure to appeal from a notice of violation or a special master's determination of a violation, within the 1 2 months preceding the date of filing of the application. (8) Resort toxes. Owners are subject to resort taxes for rentals under this section, as required by city law. (9) Associotion rules. Where a condominium or other property owners' association has been created that includes the rental property, a letter from the association dated not more than 60 days before the filing of the application, stating the minimum rental period and the maximum number of rentals per year, as set forth under the association's governing documents, and confirming that short-term rentals as proposed by the owner's application under subsection (cX1) above, are not prohibited by the association's governing documents, shall be submitted to the city as part of the application. (10) Varionces. No variances may be granted from the requirements of this section. (d) Enforcement. (1) Violations of section 142-1 1_!_!_(b) shall be subject to the following fines. The special master may not waive or reduce fines set by this section. A. lf the violation is the first violation: $500.00. B. lf the violation is the second violation within the precedingl2 months: $1,500.00. C. lf the violation is the third violation within the preceding12 months: $5,000.00. D. lf the violation is the fourth violation within the preceding 12 months: $7,500.00. E. lf the violation is the fifth or greater violation within the preceding12 months: suspension or revocation of the certificate of use allowing short-term rental. Fines for repeat violations by the same offender shall increase regardless of locations. (2) ln addition to or in lieu of the foregoing, the city may seek an injunction by a court of competent jurisdiction to enforce compliance with or to prohibit the violation of this section. (3) Any code compliance officer may issue notices for violations of this section, with enforcement of subsection 142-1111(a) and alternative enforcement of subsection 142-1 1 1 1(b) as provided in chapter 30 of this Code. Violations shall be issued to the owner, manager, real estate broker or agent, or authorized agent, or any other individual or entity that participates in or facilitates the violation of this section. ln the event the record owner of the property is not present when the violation occurred or notice of violation issued, a copy of the violation shall be served by certified mail on the owner at its mailing address in the property appraiser's records and a courtesy notice to the contact person identified in subsection (c)(3) above. (Ord. No. 2010-3685, S 1, 6-9-10; Ord. No. 2012-3758,91,4-11-12; Ord. No. 201 4-3854,53,4-23-14; Ord. No. 201 5-3925,S 1, 2-1 1 -1 5) about:blank 16 . : . I t"-t t'*' r....: i i -: -ll OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Jimmy L. Moroles, City Monoger FROM: Joy V. W. Molokoff, Commissioner DATE: Jonuory 7,2016 SUBJECT: Referrol to Lond Use for o discussion regording the impoct of o portiol modificotion of Ordinonce 20,l 4-3876 os it relotes to o FAR interpretotion. Pleose odd the obove ilem to the Jonuory 13, 2016 City Commission Consent Agendo for referrol to the Lond Use Committee on Jonuory 20,2016: lf you hove ony questions, pleose contoct me of extension 6622. JWVM We ore commilted lo providing excellent public sentce ond sofety to oii who live, work, ond ploy in cur vibronl, hopicoi, hisloric communit\,/. Asenda tten ? (Z . oat" t. i S./b17 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 18 ]"''' l ' +-\ ! l, i-< i* ;. j i**"1, : i -- i . -. i, : ;' 1*:! i- -. -,,. -. : i OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Jimmy Morales, City Manager FROM: Ricky Arriola, Commissioner DATE: January 8,2016 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION TO CONSIDER WAIVING THE SPECIAL EVENT FEES IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,238.50 AND THE COLLINS PARK USER FEE (COST TBD) FOR THE MIAMI CITY BALLET'S 3OTH ANNIVERSARY GALA. Please add the above subject as a consent item to the January 13,2016 Commission meeting agenda. Sincerely, Ricky Arriola We ore commified to providing excellent public service ond safet,, to oil vrho ilve, work, ond ploy in our vibront, tropicol, histotic communjty. Agenda ltem (? 5 sals t.l3.lb19 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 20 MIAMIBEACH FROM: DATE: SUBJEGT: City of Miomi Beoch, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33I 39, www.miomibeochfl.gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO:MAYOR PHILIP LEVINE MEMBERS OF THE CITY GOMMISSION JIMMY L. MORALES, CITY MANAGER -tr\t RAUL AGUILA \- ,r* \ i ),. ,. \- --- CITY ATTORNEY JANUARY 13, 2016 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, GREATING AN AD HOC HOST COMMITTEE FOR THE JUNE 2017 UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF MAYORS ANNUAL MEETING ("ANNUAL MEETING"), TO BE HELD IN MIAM! BEACH, IN ORDER TO RAISE FUNDS FOR THE CITY'S HOSTING OF THE ANNUAL MEETING; PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES, MANNER OF APPOINTMENT, AND THE TERMS OF OFFICE OF HOST COMMITTEE MEMBERS; ESTABLISHING THAT THE CITY,S HOSTING OF THE ANNUAL MEETING SERVES A PUBLIC PURPOSE; AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF DONATIONS MADE TO THE CITY FOR THE CITY'S HOSTING OF THE ANNUAL MEETING; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER, OR HIS DESIGNEE, TO MAKE SUCH EXPENDITURES AND/OR REIMBURSEMENTS FROM THE AFORESTATED DONATIONS !N FURTHERANCE OF AND CONSISTENT WITH THE HOSTING OF THE ANNUAL MEETING. Pursuant to the request of Mayor Philip Levine, the attached Resolution is submitted for consideration by the City Commission at the January 13,2016 Commission Meeting. Agenda ltem lK*(- F:\ATTO\TURN\COMMMEMO\HosI|ng ot 2017 US Conf of Mayors Annual Meeting Reso.doc Date t-l3.lb21 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEAGH, FLORIDA, CREATING AN AD HOC HOST COMMITTEE FOR THE JUNE 2017 UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF MAYORS ANNUAL MEETING ("ANNUAL i'tEETtNG"), TO BE HELD tN MtAMt BEACH, tN ORDER TO RAISE FUNDS FOR THE CITY'S HOSTING OF THE ANNUAL MEETING; PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES, MANNER OF APPOINTMENT, AND THE TERMS OF OFFICE OF HOST COMMITTEE MEMBERS; ESTABLISHING THAT THE CITY,S HOSTING OF THE ANNUAL MEETING SERVES A PUBLIC PURPOSE; AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF DONATIONS MADE TO THE CITY FOR THE CITY'S HOSTING OF THE ANNUAL MEETING; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER, OR HIS DESIGNEE, TO MAKE SUCH EXPENDITURES AND/OR REIMBURSEII'IENTS FROM THE AFORESTATED DONATIONS IN FURTHERANCE OF AND CONSISTENT WITH THE HOSTING OF THE ANNUAL MEETING. WHEREAS, the United States Conference of Mayors (USCM) is the official non-partisan organization of cities with populations of 30,000 or more and there are currently 1,407 such U.S. cities; and WHEREAS, the primary roles of the USCM include promoting the development of effective national urban/suburban policy; strengthening federal-city relationships; ensuring that federal policy meets urban needs; and creating a forum in which mayors from across the nation can share ideas and information; and WHEREAS, USCM members speak with a united voice on organizational policies and goals, and mayors contribute to the development of national urban policy by serving on the USCM's Standing Committees; and WHEREAS, the USCM has eleven (11) Standing Committees that discuss, debate, and draft the USCM's positions on pressing issues of the day, including the environment, transportation, tourism, global climate change, energy, education, the worKorce, health, and human services; and WHEREAS, as Vice Chair for Tourism on USCM's Tourism, Arts, Parks, Entertainment and Sports Standing Committee, Mayor Philip Levine has a prominent role in the development of USCM's national policies in these areas which are of significant importance to the City of Miami Beach, a world renowned internationaltourist destination; and WHEREAS, the USCM hosts a Winter Meeting each January in Washington D.C. and an Annual Meeting each June in a different U.S. city; and WHEREAS , the 2017 Annual Meeting of the USCM is scheduled to be held in the City of Miami Beach in the month of June; and 22 WHEREAS, the hosting of the 2017 USCM Annual Meeting in the City of Miami Beach will promote tourism, art, and culture in the City, will provide public benefits and generate revenue for local businesses, and serves a public purpose; and WHEREAS, the creation of a Host Committee to raise funds for the City's costs in hosting this national meeting serves the aforestated public purpose; and WHEREAS, in recognition of the public purpose served by the City's hosting of the 2017 United States Conference of Mayors Annual Meeting, the Mayor and City Commission authorize the acceptance of donations in furtherance of this purpose; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission further authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to make any and all necessary reimbursements and/or expenditures of the donations in furtherance of and consistent with the City's hosting of the 2017 United States Conference of Mayors Annual Meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND Ctry COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. The City of Miami Beach's hosting of the June 2Q17 United States Conference of Mayors Annual Meeting in the City of Miami Beach serves a public purpose. 2. An Ad Hoc Host Committee for said 2017 Annual Meeting is hereby created, whose purpose is to raise funds for the City's costs in hosting the 2017 Annual Meeting. 3. The Ad Hoc Host Committee shall be composed of up to ten (10) members to be direct appointees of the Mayor. 4. Ad Hoc Host Committee member terms shall commence on January 14, 2016 for an initial one year term, followed by an additional term through and including June 30, 2017 (subject to earlier or later sunset by the City Commission). 5. The City is hereby authorized to accept donations for this public purpose, and the City Manager, or his designee, is authorized to make such expenditures and/or reimbursements from the donations in furtherance of and consistent with the aforestated public purpose served by the City's hosting of the 2017 United States Conference of Mayors Annual Meeting. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of 2016. Philip Levine, Mayor ATTEST: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk F:\ATTO\TURN\RESOS\F|osI|ng 2017 U.S. Conf of Mayors Annuat Meeting [revised 1-7-16].doc APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOI}EXEGUTION K-{ L)_.i r-i ri; 23 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 24 Rgv Discussion Regarding Short-Term PM Rush-Hour Gridlock Mitigation. (Sponsored by Commissioner Michael Grieco) Agenda ltem KQV Date t. /J. /C25 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 26