20160127 AAAfter-action January 27, 2016 Presentation & Awards City of Miami Beach
Presentations & Awards/Commission Meeting
City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive
January 27, 2016
Mayor Philip Levine
Commissioner John Elizabeth Alemán
Commissioner Ricky Arriola
Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez
Commissioner Michael Grieco
Commissioner Joy Malakoff
Commissioner Micky Steinberg
City Manager Jimmy L. Morales
City Attorney Raul J. Aguila
City Clerk Rafael E. Granado
Visit us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video streaming of City Commission Meetings.
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In order to ensure adequate public consideration, if necessary, the Mayor and City Commission may
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their discretion, adjourn the Commission Meeting without reaching all agenda items.
Meeting called to order at 5:01:59 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance led by Fire Chief Virgilio Fernandez.
5:04:22 p.m.
5:07:20 p.m.
Commissioner Grieco requested that Item R9B be added to the Agenda. Motion was made by Commission
Grieco; seconded by Commissioner Steinberg; Voice-vote: 7-0.
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City Clerk’s Note Reference Item R9B:
Sec. 2-12(3)
Addendum agenda items - Any item not included in the agenda submitted to the Mayor and City
Commission on the initial print day must be submitted by the City Clerk to the Mayor for a determination
whether the item is to be placed on the Agenda as an addendum item. If the Mayor declines to place the
item on the agenda as an addendum item, then the item shall be submitted to the City Commission for a
vote and the item shall only be considered at the City Commission Meeting upon a finding by the City
Commission, by a five-seventh (5/7th) affirmative vote.
Presentations and Awards
5:37:40 p.m.
PA1 Recognition to City of Miami Beach Fire Department for their participation in Miami-Dade Stroke
Consortium (MDSC).
ACTION: Plaque presented. Fire Chief Virgilio Fernandez recognized Dr. Steven Resnick and
Dawntray Williams, R.N.
Dr. Jeffrey Horstmyer introduced the item. He thanked the Mayor and City Commissioners for
recognizing partners in the project. The MDSC is a group consisting of all 14-stroke hospitals as
well as all 6-fire rescue services in the area. For the first time, the groups were all brought
together to collect stroke data. He explained that stroke is the number 4 killer in the United
States. Dr. Horstmyer recognized Miami Beach Fire Rescue and along with Executive Director
Jennifer Reid, presented a plaque to the group.
He recognized Dr. Ryan Dahlgren, Dr. John Chaloupka and Stroke Program Coordinator
Dawntray Williams, R.N. Dr. Dahlgren then provided a video demonstration and verbal
explanation of the work done regarding stroke care at Mount Sinai Hospital.
Dr. Horstmyer added that the time from the time a stroke hits to the time that the patient is taken
to the hospital to be evaluated and undergo surgery is crucial.
Fire Chief Fernandez recognized the residents, staff, City officials and City Manager for allowing
them to have resources to be able to do what is best for the community.
Handouts or Reference Materials:
1. Miami Dade Stroke Consortium, Inc. pamphlet – www.nscff.org
5:49:39 p.m.
PA2 Proclamation To Be Presented To Dr. Rabinowitz And Miami Beach Community Health Center
For Their Outstanding Work Caring For Our Citizens.
(Sponsored By Mayor Philip Levine)
ACTION: Proclamation presented - January 27, 2016 was proclaimed as the Miami Beach
Community Health Center Day in the City of Miami Beach.”
Mayor Levine presented a proclamation to Dr. Rabinowitz and the Miami Beach Community
Health Center. He read the proclamation into the record.
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“Whereas, the Miami Beach Community Health Center was founded in 1977 as the former
Federally funded Stanley Myers Community Health Center, the Miami Beach Community Health
Center has been a tremendous resource to our community, integrating medical facilities for
patients of all ages and income levels in three locations: South Beach, North Beach and North
Miami. The Miami Beach Community Health Center was instrumental in providing residents with
affordable healthcare coverage by assisting with insurance enrollment. In August 2015, the Miami
Beach Health Center was recognized for achieving the highest levels of clinical quality
performance and improvement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Whereas,
the Miami Beach Community Health Center ranks first in Florida in the Federally qualified health
centers and seventh in the entire nation, having achieved the best overall clinical outcomes
among all health centers in our country. The Miami Beach Community Health Center is a true
asset to our community, improving the daily lives of our residents. Now therefore do I, Philip
Levine, as the Mayor of the City of Miami Beach hereby proclaim January 27, 2016 as the Miami
Beach Community Health Center Day in the City of Miami Beach.”
Dr. Rabinowitz thanked the City Commission and stated that MBHC is a wonderful asset in the
community. In 2015, they saw about 150,000 face-to-face visits with patients. Their mission is to
take care of everybody who needs their services, regardless of their ability to pay; they hope that
through their work they will decrease the number of patients that are served by the Stroke
Network; he thanked the MBHC board members and Chief Operating Officer Sorangely Menjivar.
5:54:12 p.m.
PA3 Certificates Of Completion To Be Presented To The City Of Miami Beach Neighborhood
Leadership Academy Graduates For Fall 2015.
(Office of the City Manager)
ACTION: Certificates presented. The following graduates were recognized: Glenn Bosley-
Mitchell, Angel Taveras, Barbara Smith, Brian Gerber, Brooke Jackson, Celia Melah-Taveras,
Cynthia Fleischmann, David Yepez, Elaine Litwin, France Lopez, Fred Bean, Giuseppe Bartolani,
Indiana Moreno, Iveta Mihokova, Izabela Bartoszuk, Jelena Kolarov, Joseph West, Juan Velez,
Judith Parry, Julia Amosova, Julie Alexander, Julie Fornary, Katherine Cespedes, Layda
Hernandez, Leonor Perez, Lester Caballero, Michael Barrineau, Morgan Goldberg, Pia Bell,
Richard Comisky, Shannon Dalton, Steven Margetis, Suely Suchodolski, Susan Wellner, Susan
Kilrain, Susan Schermer, Tanya Bhatt, Tavares Angel, Timothy Wilcox, Marilee Fleischmann and
Maryanne Santomare.
City Manager Morales introduced the item. Twice a year they recognize residents and businesses
that volunteer to go through the Leadership Academy; this past fall was the 30th session, with
over 1,000 graduates. 40% of City boards consist of former alumni. He recognized Commissioner
Rosen Gonzalez, who is a graduate of the program.
Judith Parry thanked the City Commission and City Manager for the opportunity and supporting
the effort. Special thanks were given to Caroline Defreze.
Commissioner Malakoff recognized Cynthia Fleischmann for her persistence after her accident to
continue in the academy.
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5:59:24 p.m.
PA4 Honoring The Miami Beach Visitor And Convention Authority (VCA) And Its Board Members For
Winning First Place In The Best Wedding Destination, U.S. & Canada Category In The 2016 Edition
Of The Prestigious Travvy Awards.
(Sponsored by Commissioner Joy Malakoff)
ACTION: Certificates presented.
Commissioner Malakoff presented a Certificate of Recognition to the VCA for winning first place in
the Best Wedding Destination in the U.S. and Canada category of the Travvy awards. She
congratulated Peggy Benua for her leadership, Tim Nardi and the entire VCA staff. She added that
the VCA was a finalist in the Destination’s Best Tourism Board in the U.S. category; and came in
third place after the Las Vegas VCA, and the New York Department of Economic Development “I
Love New York Organization;” it is an outstanding award for Miami Beach being a considerably
smaller city.
Peggy Benua, VCA Chair, stated that they are dedicated to promoting Miami Beach as a destination,
and there is no other place in the world like Miami Beach.
Commissioner Steinberg thanked everyone from the VCA.
06:04:06 p.m.
PA5 Certificates Of Appreciation To Be Presented To Maria Maquieira, Octavio Rodriguez, And Lisa
Spence, Employees Of Walgreens In Miami Beach, Who Donated Over 1000 Toys To The Miami
Beach Fire Department’s Annual Toy Drive.
(Sponsored by Commissioner Micky Steinberg)
ACTION: Certificates presented.
Commissioner Steinberg introduced the item and stated that the volunteer employees and
management from the Walgreens on Pine Tree Drive helped contribute toys for the holidays. Their
work is much appreciated.
Michelle Viera, Firefighter, thanked Maria, Octavio, and Lisa for all their help and continued
dedications towards this event.
Commissioner Steinberg stated that without them the children of this community would not have had
such a nice holiday.
Octavio Rodriguez stated that Walgreens is proud to be part of the program, and working together
with the Fire Department. They are looking forward to the next holiday toy giveaway.
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06:06:57 p.m.
PA6 Recognition Of Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Greater Miami In Celebrating January 2016 As National
Mentoring Month, A Nationwide Awareness Campaign Promoting Mentoring And The Extreme Need
For Mentors In South Florida. Big Brothers Big Sisters President And CEO Lydia Muniz, A Miami
Beach Resident, Will Present Opportunities To Become Mentors To Local Children At Risk.
(Sponsored by Commissioner Micky Steinberg)
ACTION: Recognition made and proclamation presented. January 27, 2016 proclaimed as Lydia
Muniz and Big Brothers Big Sisters day in the City of Miami Beach.”
Commissioner Steinberg stated that Lydia Muniz from Big Brothers Big Sisters will give a brief
6:07:45 p.m.
Video shown.
Lydia Muniz, President and CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters, stated that they have been serving the
County for over 50 years, and they do that by pairing mentors with children to awaken their
potentials. The City has been very supportive of their program; unfortunately, volunteerism is not in
high percentage, so they are working with the County Mayor and other municipalities and invite the
City to have the opportunity to become involved.
Rolando Rodriguez stated that when he was a child, he needed some mentoring, and hopes today’s
youth receives the mentoring needed.
Commissioner Steinberg presented a proclamation and read it for the record: “Whereas Big Brothers
and Big Sisters of Miami is the premier mentoring organization of South Florida. Every day they
awaken possibilities for thousands of our kids through professionally supported one-on-one
relationships with caring adult volunteers. And whereas Big Brothers and Big Sisters have over 55
years of history and experience in this community since their founding in 1958, they rank in the top
30 Big Brothers Big Sisters in the Country, and number one in Florida. And whereas as President
and CEO of Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Lydia Muniz, a Miami Beach resident has lead the agency
since 1988. Prior to joining Big Brothers Big Sisters, she had extensive experience in government
and private sector human services organizations. During Ms. Muniz’s 27 years with the Miami
Agency, the organization has tripled in service delivery and budget, raising over $40 million in that
time. The volunteering client base has expanded to reflect the rich ethnic diversity of Miami-Dade
County. Currently, Big Brothers Big Sisters serves about 7,000 children, families, volunteers, and
community organizations. Now, therefore do we, as Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami
Beach, we hereby proclaim January 27, 2016 as Lydia Muniz and Big Brothers Big Sisters day in the
City of Miami Beach.”
Handouts or Reference Materials:
1. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Miami brochure – bbbsmiami.org
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6:13:17 p.m.
PA7 Certificates Of Recognition To Be Presented To Officers Omar Marrero And Vincent Stella.
(Sponsored by Commissioner Michael Grieco)
ACTION: Item deferred to the February 24, 2016 Presentation and Awards City Commission
Meeting. Lilia Cardillo to place on the Commission Agenda if received.
R5 - Ordinances
5:14:02 p.m.
R5A CD-2 Height For Mixed-Use On Alton Road
An Ordinance Amending The Land Development Regulations Of The City Code, By Amending
Chapter 142 “Zoning Districts And Regulations,” Article II “District Regulations”, Division 5, “CD-2,
Commercial, Medium-Intensity District,” At Section 142-306, “Development Regulations,” By
Increasing The Maximum Permitted Height For Properties On The West Side Of Alton Road From
6th Street To Collins Canal Providing For Codification; Repealer; Severability; And An Effective
Date. 5:01 p.m. Second Reading Public Hearing
(Sponsored by Commissioner Joy Malakoff)
(Legislative Tracking: Planning)
(First Reading on January 13, 2016 - R5M)
ACTION: Title of the Ordinance read into the record. Ordinance 2016-3992 adopted. Public
Hearing held. Motion made by Commissioner Malakoff; seconded by Commissioner Arriola;
Ballot-vote: 7-0. Thomas Mooney to handle.
Motion made by Commissioner Malakoff to direct the Planning Board to accept the application
from this developer, so that it can be discussed at Planning Board and DRB; seconded by Vice-
Mayor Alemán; Voice vote: 6-0. Absent: Commissioner Steinberg.
Thomas Mooney, Planning Department Director, briefly introduced the item.
Gayle Durham lives on the east side of West Avenue and will be affected by the height increase;
she suggested limiting the height to Collins Canal and Lincoln Road. She added that although she
is for flood mitigation, but wants to know why this ordinance was being done for flood mitigation
but the criteria is not written into the ordinance. As long as this is done in a responsible manner,
she is in favor.
David Kelsey asked why the City started 5th Street instead of 6th Street.
Mr. Mooney stated that the reason is that it was always applicable with the CD-2 district; and the
CD-2 district begins at 5th Street; south of 6th Street is the CPX district.
Former Commissioner Nancy Liebman offered her support for this project again, as it is a model
for the kind of construction that should go on in that area. On first reading the City Commission
agreed that the ten feet should go at the request of Mr. Galbut; and as long as it does not impede
the project, she thinks that if they are dealing with flood mitigation on Alton Road, they may want
to do this as one of the measures, which will probably be a good example of what to do in other
places. At the Sea Rise meeting, she realized that some of the ideas that are already in the
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pipeline should be brought to the table.
Commissioner Malakoff explained that this allows the first floor to be built higher up to protect the
buildings from sea level rise. It is not adding another floor.
Discussion continued.
5:18:59 p.m.
Commissioner Malakoff explained that the project had been discussed at the Land Use and
Development Committee and they directed that it move forward, but there was a three-month
delay due to election time. She would like to direct the Planning Board to accept the application
from this developer, so that it can be discussed at Planning Board and DRB. It is her
understanding that the developer will hold the City harmless. The vacation of the alley may take
more time for the completion. There was consensus on the dais. Motion made by Commissioner
Malakoff; seconded by Vice-Mayor Alemán; Voice vote: 6-0. Absent: Commissioner Steinberg.
Thomas Mooney to handle.
Handouts or Reference Materials:
1. Ad No. 1120 published in The Miami Herald on January 14 and January 22, 2016
R7 - Resolutions
5:06:47 p.m.
R7A A Resolution Accepting The Written Recommendation Of The City Manager Regarding The
Existence Of A Public Emergency And, Accordingly, Waiving, By 5/7th Vote, The Competitive
Bidding Requirement, Finding Further That The Best Interest Of The City Would Be Served By
Such Waiver; Authorizing The City Manager Or His Designee To Negotiate Amendment No. 5 To
The Design-Build Agreement Between The City And Lanzo Construction Co. (Lanzo), Approved
Pursuant To Resolution No. 2014-28765, For The Sunset Harbour Pump Station Retrofit And
Drainage Improvements Project; Said Amendment In The Amount Of $2,000.000 Plus A
$200,000 Contingency, For A Total Amount Of $2,200,000, To Bring Dade Boulevard (West
Avenue To Purdy Avenue) To A 3.7 Feet NAVD Elevation, Water, Sewer, Stormwater
Improvements, Seawall, Landscaping, Lighting, Irrigation, And Street Signalization.
(Public Works)
ACTION: Resolution not adopted. Item deferred to the February 10, 2016 City Commission
Meeting. Lilia Cardillo to place on the Commission Agenda if received. Eric Carpenter to
Eric Carpenter, Public Works Director/Assistant City Manager, explained the situation on Dade
Boulevard adjacent to Purdy Avenue. There has been significant flooding for several years, and
they are trying to find ways to bring relief to the area while the West Avenue Bridge is under
construction. They are working on a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) with the County Public Works
Department to add this scope to the existing JPA to the West Avenue Bridge, but unfortunately,
that JPA process is in the works, and would have to go before the County Commission in the
future to be approved. If the City were to move forward with construction, it would be at its own
risk, until the County Commission approves the $2.2 million expenditure, but they are still working
through details with the County. There is an opportunity to move construction forward and keep
two traffic lanes open at all times, and perform work, while having reduced impact to the travelling
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Mayor Levine explained to the public that the project’s goal is to fix the flooding problem before
the Venetian Isles bridge is finished to reduce the amount of traffic going that way. He stated that
they hope to have this done before the king tides return.
Vice-Mayor Alemán asked if the City has previously advanced work on a project, and then been
refunded by the County.
Mr. Carpenter stated that he is not aware of a similar situation in the past, but he believes they
have a good working relationship with the County, and he believes the County will work with them
on this project.
Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez asked how much the City would save if the project were bid out.
Mr. Carpenter stated that this project could be added to the West Avenue bridge project, which is
currently out to bid. He estimated the City would save 10 - 15% as a bid as opposed to a change
order. It is a function of time versus money.
Discussion continued regarding the West Avenue Bridge.
Mr. Carpenter stated that the West Avenue bridge project bid is scheduled to open on February
10. He explained the procedure of what the City would have to work on for the bid.
City Manager Morales stated that this item could be deferred to the February 10, 2016 City
Commission Meeting, and by then there will hopefully be more clarity on the issue.
Commissioner Steinberg asked for future projects, she would like to have a pre-bid program, in
which the City qualifies and has a transparent process, and a pool of companies they can contact
in case of an emergency situation, that way it has already been bid. David Martinez and Alex
Denis to handle.
Clerk’s Note: This item was not placed on the February 10, 2016 Commission meeting, as
per the City Manager’s instructions.
5:05:09 p.m.
R7B A Resolution Authorizing The City Manager To Approve The Sunset Drive Water Main
Replacement Project Utilizing The Competitively Bid National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA)
Cooperative Contract For Construction Services With The Gordian Group.
(Public Works)
ACTION: Resolution 2016-29278 adopted. Motion by Vice-Mayor Alemán, seconded by
Commissioner Arriola. Voice-vote: 7-0. Eric Carpenter to handle.
City Manager Morales introduced the item, which is for the repair of the Sunset Harbor water
main. The City gave direction to move quickly on this, and they are currently in phase 2 of the
project. They will now bid the project at a national basis. The contract will be for $326,000.
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5:04:32 p.m.
R7C A Resolution Accepting A Utility Easement From The Board Of Trustees Of The Internal
Improvement Trust Fund Of The State Florida, Owner Of The Sovereignty Submerged Lands
Located In Section 11, Township 53 South, Range 42 East, In Indian Creek, Miami-Dade County,
For The Construction, Installation, Maintenance, Repair, And Replacement Of Water Mains; And
Further Authorizing The Administration And City Attorney’s Office To Finalize A Grant Of
Easement Agreement.
(Public Works)
ACTION: Resolution 2016-29279 adopted. Motion by Commissioner Malakoff, seconded by
Vice-Mayor Alemán. Voice-vote: 7-0. Eric Carpenter to handle.
City Manager Morales introduced the item, which is in connection to the work that will take place on
63rd Street, and it is accepting the easement from FDOT for the City to do the necessary work.
R9 - New Business and Commission Requests
6:13:36 p.m.
R9A Presentation Of The MBPD’s New Recruitment Video.
ACTION: Presentation made. Chief Daniel Oates to handle.
Chief Daniel Oates introduced the Miami Beach Police Department’s new recruitment campaign
and debut the recruitment video. He explained that the City has essentially not done recruitment
for Police Officers in a long time. The video has been professionally produced by MBTV
Productions. He thanked the Communications Department, Julia Yarbrough and her team, Ben
Gonzalez, Chief Photographer, Deeana Johnson, Editor and Alicia Zaitsu, Editor and Control
Room Operator. The video will be uploaded to the website for recruitment efforts.
Video shown. Click link.
Assistant Chief of Police Lauretta Hill stated that they change the process and now they have a
comprehensive recruiting process, to recruit the best and the brightest. They are reaching out to
military institutions and colleges; they have done about nine career fairs and more scheduled for
the spring. People are connected electronically and so the video will be up on YouTube. She
stated that in the time they have been recruiting certified and non-certified Police Officers, they
have just as many non-certified people with new requirement, which is 21 years of age and a
Bachelor’s degree, as they have certified officers. The pilot program is on track to have the best
chance and they are excited about what they are doing and what they have to offer.
Mayor Levine stated that since Chief Oates and Assistant Chief Hill have come aboard, the
positive changes have been outstanding. This is one of the great successes of Miami Beach and
they are incredibly thankful for what the Police Department has done. He recognized Julia
Yarbrough for the team effort.
Assistant Chief Hill thanked the City Commission for their support.
Handouts and Reference Materials:
1. Post Card “Interested in a Career in Law Enforcement in a World-Class City?
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5:20:31 p.m.
R9B Discussion Regarding Yacht Show Styrofoam Docks.
(Sponsored by Commissioner Michael Grieco)
ACTION: Discussion held. Elizabeth Wheaton to handle, Hernan Cardeno and Eric Carpenter
to handle.
Commissioner Grieco explained that when the City renewed the Yacht Show they also made sure
that environmental protections were put in place, to ensure that Indian Creek would not be
negatively impacted by the boat docks. From day one, they had problems, and he is concerned
that the City may not be able to fix what is happening. He invited the folks from the Yacht Show to
speak and show how they will protect the City’s environment.
Michael Llorente, Esq., representing Yachts Miami Beach, stated that there are concerns with set
up problems experienced during the first days, but they want to assure the public that they made
commitments last year to avoid pollution and they are complying with those commitments, and
they will continue complying with those commitments. One of the chief commitments was the
conversion of the Styrofoam docks exposed to fully encapsulated docks; this is a $2.6 million
project and takes a long time. The manufacturer can only produce a certain amount of product
per day. They agreed to have a full conversion within five years; however, the conversion will be
completed within three years. They are doing it as quickly as the manufacturing capacity will
allow. Clean-up crews will ensure that the waterways are clean, and they will not just remove
Styrofoam but any debris as well. They will also have yellow booms to keep all the debris
contained to a specific area. They have agreed to an independent monitor come out every Friday
to hold them accountable. They want to assure the City Commission and the rest of the
concerned citizens that they are doing everything possible to make sure the waterways are
preserved. The show has been here for 27 years, and hopes to be here in perpetuity. Organizers
are invested in the show and the community, and they are willing to work together. They are
committed to do everything possible and they stand behind this commitment.
Commissioner Grieco asked Dave Doebler to show a video.
Video and slide show presented showing the docks moving in, Styrofoam pieces, and other
debris floating in the waterways.
Dave Doebler expressed his opposition to the Yacht Show.
Commissioner Grieco stated that Dave does not work for the City; he does this out of passion. He
stated that this is unacceptable, and suggested to Mr. Llorente to advise his client accordingly,
that it is unacceptable and if they want to maintain the partnership moving forward, then the City’s
waterways must be treated with the highest respect, as they are the number one priority.
Commissioner Arriola asked if Code had been given any violations.
Discussion held.
Max Sklar, Tourism, Culture & Economic Department Director explained that Code was not there
and no fines were issued. Max Sklar was there on Monday and yesterday, the Booms were
installed, and they had staff cleaning on a daily basis.
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Commissioner Arriola asked why fines are not imposed with video documentation of what is
Commissioner Grieco explained that unless there is a Code Officer that witnesses at the time,
they could not cite violators.
City Manager Morales will send Code out to the docks.
Commissioner Malakoff worked with Mr. Graziano many years ago, and he should know that this
problem has been going on year after year; this never should have happened, and she agrees
with Commissioner Arriola.
Vice-Mayor Alemán asked if they could have a description of how staff is cleaning the docks.
Dan Graziano, Vice-President of Yacht & Promotions, stated that they have been doing this event
for the last 26 years, and his company has always performed and done what the City ask of them
to do. There are 29 conditions in the Planning Board that they have agreed to do through the
years. They constantly remove debris with nets from the docks, approximately 60 bags of debris,
and send to the Sanitation Department. They have posts staying an hour after the show and are
cleaning with nets. He is willing to bring additional people to clean it up to standard. He clarified
that the debris is not only Styrofoam. They have a four-year plan, and by 2016, 10% of their
inventory will be converted. He is committed to continue to do this, and added that by 2019 6,000
blocks of foam will be replaced with a new system that is plastic encapsulated. He is committed to
comply to make sure that the Show is here for the community and the industry. He added that he
also hired an environmental company who is the Florida Navigation District that come every
Friday to the Show with two environmentalists to monitor them of what they are doing and how
they are cleaning. These reports are also given to Max and are an additional cost to him. He
explained the problems encountered during the first year. In answering Commissioner Arriola’s
questions, he stated that the new docks are being replaced with plastic encasing and Styrofoam
injected inside; all marinas are using it as the trend for the future.
Discussion continued.
Vice-Mayor Alemán stated that she is concerned about the amount of debris in the water but she
appreciates Mr. Graziano accelerating the five-year timeline conversion by 20% to get it done in
four years rather, and asked if the City needs to take a look at the new engineering of the
Styrofoam injection to make sure that it is robust enough to stay inside the plastic capsule. Eric
Carpenter to handle.
Mr. Graziano added that they are monitored by several organizations, DERM, the Department of
Environmental Resource Management, DEP, the Department of Environmental Protection and
the Army Corps of Engineers.
Vice-Mayor Alemán thanked Dave Doebler for bringing this issue to their attention.
End of Agenda
Meeting adjourned at 6:22:30 p.m.
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