20160511 Release 01MIAMIBEACH City of Miomi Beoch, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33139, www.miomibeochfl.gov MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Philip Levine and Members of the City Commission FROM: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk DATE: May 4,2016 SUBJECT: City Commission At-Large Nominations for May 11, 2016, - Release # 1 Below please find the City Commission At-Large Nominations received to date for the May 11, 2016 Commission Meeting. BOARD AND COMMITTEES 1. AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE vACANCIES (3): o Pilar B. Caruajal (Release # 1, Page 5)o Nominated for appointment to Position 1 (engaged in the residential home building industry) by Commissioner Alem6n. 2. BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE vACANCY (1): No nomination received do date. 3. MIAMI DESIGN PRESERVATION LEAGUE. INC. (MDPL) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE vACANCIES (3): o Tanya K. Bhatt (Release # 1, Page 1 1)o Nominated for appointment by Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez. o Sarah Leddick (Release # 1, Page 15)o Nominated for appointment by Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez. . Raelene Mercer (Release # 1, Page 19)o Nominated for appointment by Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez. o Jamie Straz (Release # 1, Page 23)o Nominated for appointment by Commissioner Alemdn. . Sfacy Kilroy (Release # 1, Page 33)o Nominated for appointment by Commissioners Alem6n and Malakoff. F:\CLER\$ALL\REG\COMMISSION MEETINGSUO I 6\051 1 201 6\RELEASE # 1 .docx 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2 Pilar B. Carvajal 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4 C MIAMIBEACH NAME: Carvalal CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BOARD AND COMIIITTEE APPLIGATION FORM Last Name HOME ADDRESS. First Name Middle lnitial PHONE: Apt No. Home No./Street City State Zip Code pilarcarvajall 01 @gmai!.com Home Work Business Name: lnnoyatlon Senlor Uanagement Position: Owner' CEO Address: ! am moving into a new workspace Miami Beach FL Email Address 331/O Street City State Zip Code Pursuant to City Code sectlon 2-22141a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city. o Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months Yes o Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes o Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes o (Please circle one): I am now a resident of: Middle Beach o I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below: I am an assisted living operator. I have worked wlth affordable housing licensing it as assisted living o Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? No Ple1se list your preferences in order of ranking [1] lirst choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Please note that onty three (3) choices will be observed by the Clty Clerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City) Choice 1: Health Facilities Authority Board Ghoice 2: Housing Authority Choice 3: Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Note: lf applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center: 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: lgo years of Service: 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children No if yes, please list the names of your children, their ages, and which programs. List below: o Have you ever been convicted of a felony: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Are you cunently serving on any City Boards or Committees: No Friends of North Beach Elementary Board Member lf yes, which board? o what organizations in the city of Miami Beach do you cunenfly hold membership in? Name Title 5 r List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: Property o I am now employed by the city of Miami Beach: No Which department? The following Informatlon Is voluntary and !s nelther part of your appllcatlon nor hae any bearing on your conslderatlon for appolntment tt Is belng asked to comply with fuderal equa! opportunlty ropoitlng requlrements, Gender: Female Race/Ethnic Categories What is your race? Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be. White Other Description: Are you Spanish/Hispanic/ Latino? Mark the "No" box if not Spanish / Hispanic / Latino. Yes PhysicallyChallenged: No NOTE: lf appolnted, you wlll be requlr€d to follow certain lawe whlch apply to clty board/commlttee members. These lawr Include, but are not llmtted to, the following: o Prohibition from directly or indirec{ly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2459).o Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1).o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami Beach Code seclion 2-26).o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-1 1.1). (re: CMB Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office, frcm having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself, or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.611). Upon request, coples of these laws may be obtalned from the Clty Clerk. "l hereby attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the appllcatlon and have recelved, read and wlll ablde by Chapter 2, Artlcle Vll - of the City Code "Standards of Conduct for CIty Offlcers, Employees and Agency llembe,!." I Pilar Carvajal agreed to the followlng terms on N12J2016 7:29:34 PM Received in the City Clerk's Office by: Name of Deputy Clerk Control No.Date 6 PILAR B. CARVAJAL WORI( EXPERIENCE: rnnovation Senior Management (Miami, FL) March 2016-Present Owner, CEO Mia Senior Living Solutions (Miami Beach, FL) Aug. 2001 - Present Owner, Chief Operating Oficer o Provide cousulting and management services to for profit and non-profit companies establishing senior living projects including assisted living facilities and adult day care centers. Company has created new housing models for the elder market. Established and managed the first public housing assisted living facility in the nation. Experts in securing service and rental subsidies for the residents of our communities including Medicaid, VA Aid & Attendance and Sectiou 8 vouchers.o Certified IIIJD 232 Operators. Certified assisted living administrator in the State of Florida. IBM Global Mergers & Acquisitions (New York, NY) Aug. 2000 - Aug. 2001 Senior Consultant/Americas MM Practice Fast Track Program . Developed, implemented, and institutionalized n€w processes, assets, tools, and methodology for the new offeringo Led an internal executive awareness program to heighten awareness of IBM M&A offering and generated new channelso Developed and executed marketing collateral, busiuess developme,nt opporhrnities, and client pitches o Participated on collaborative global initiatives across the Americas, Europe, and Asia Pacific.r Designed the global M&A Methodology training course. Coordinated and facilitated global leadership meetingse Created a weekly article of interest alerting the business developers to current trends, deals, industry news, and competition Accenture (New York, NYAilashington DC) Jan 97 - Aug. 2000 Consultant/Organization & Human Performance Competency Groupr Built personal and professional relationships with clients. Understood the client's business issues suitably to offer added value.e Developed a tiered help desk for a telecommunications clieirt. Redesigned the existing help desk organization and work process.o Designed, developed and e,nhanced Accenture staffing processes. Designed jobs, roles and teams to support the new staffing process. Developed a hiring process for a new telecommunications organization that included competency modeling, hiring and managemeut of external search firms, creation of interview guides, identification, screening and interviewing of candidates. o Coordinated and facilitated focus groups sessions desiped to meet the specific goals of sponsorship for new organization. o Managed an IT communications strategy project as a result of a merger of two global pharmaceutical companies. o Designed and created six business training modules for a small telecommunications client and global pharmaceuticals company. IttYK Bulkship (USA) (NewYork, NY) Nov. 95 - Dec 96 Marketing Analyst/Quality Specialist o Prepared analysis used in the formulation of the company strategy in the Latin American trade route.o Developed an approach of process continuous improveme,nt to achieve Ford Ql Award for Quality and ISO 9000 certification. Boehringer Mannhsi6 Pharmaceuticals (Miami, FL) Sept. 92 - Sept. 94 Marketing Representative in Greater Miami Area o Established personal credibility with clients and delivered relevant product knowledge in Spanish, Bnglish and French.r Planned and coordiuated own work effort to exceed sales targets to become top salesperson in the S. Florida Region.o Developed and implemented approaches to maintain a targeted list ofphysicians and hospitals that generated high profits. YOLTJNTARY EXPERIENCE : Friends of North Beach Elementary (Miami Beach, FL) Board Mernber (Nominated) 2012-Pressnt Town of Surfside Parks & Recreation Board (Surfride, FL) Chairperson (Nominated) 2010 - 2011 Smith College (Northampton, MA) Class Vice-President @lected). Organize tenth year alumnae reunion. Five-year position. 1997 - 2002 Miami Club President @lected). Provide leadership to officers/ members. 2003 - 2011 ;rrnior League (Miami, FL) Member (Nominated) VoluntaryCommunityService. 2003-2009 EDUCATION: Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Program (Miami, FL) 2016 Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce (Miami, FL) 2005-2006 Leadership Miami Graduate London School of Economics and Political science (Londou, UK) 1994 - 1995 Master of Science. Faculty of Economics. Merit Graduate. Student liaison for the post graduate dormitory. Smith College (Northampton, MA) l99O - 1992 Bachelor of Arts. Government Major. Senior Class President. Chairperson of Model United Nations. Miami-Dade Community College (Miami, FL) 1988 - 1990 Associate of Arts. Honors Graduate. Full scholarship award. Summer Study Frogram in Aix, France. 7 8 Tanya K. Bhatt 9 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 10 a a a MARIGTING LEAIIER Skilled marketing director with diverse experience in strategic planning brand managemen! product development, events, digital marketing, public relations, copywriting and advertising. Effective at building brands from the ground up, and reinvigorating mature categories. Passion for building brands.with charitable and social awareness, including nonprofits. Leader of people and processes who works well in fast-paced, high-energy settings. Experienced in managing multicultural teams of creative,and sales TANYA K. BHATT ' tanya@launchbrand.net Linkedln Profile: http ://www.linkedin.com/in/tanyakbhatt MARKETING EXPERIENCE DIRECTOR OF MARKETTNG (2014-2015) Top Secret Nutrition LLC, Miramar, Florida Responsible for overall strategic marketing for startup nutritional supplements company. Created cohesive product and brand strategy. Develop and oversee all advertising and branding efforts. ' Drove consensus among management team to embrace comprehensive corporate rebranding, ushering the process from agency selection to anticipated full rollout in20L6. Delivered consistent material branding, with strategically unifi ed presentation across platforms. ' Launched new e-commerce web site featuring highly upgraded experiential marketing program, yielding increased ROI through sophisticated tracking and coverage of users, and leading to substantial follower growth on Facebook (50% increase), Twitter (BB%o increase), email subscriptions (92o/o increase), and Instagram (414o/o increase). ' Created partnership program to benefit 55Sfitness.org, a nonprofit dedicated to improving the health of firefighters through fitness, driving revenue for both organizations. LEAD MARKETER / FOUND ER (2 0 07 -20 L0, 2 0 L2-20 t4) Launch! Brand Building, Miami Beach, Florida Owner of boutique branding and marketing strategy firm. Helped clients define, position, and communicate brand messaging to ensure alignment with consumer engagement and sales goals. Developed corporate identity strategies and brand repositioning. Clients included national and regional hotel chains, nationally known restaurateur, artists, and small businesses. ' Spearheaded digital media tactics, including overall content and social strategies. ' Created style parameters for clients, including style guides, author guidelines, and editorial best practices to improve engagement on social platforms. DIRECTOR OF BRANDING (2010-2012) TEAM Enterprises, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Responsible for all content marketing and corporate communications activities for experiential marketing firm supporting maior brands, including Bacardi portfolio and MillerCoors. Managed TEAM's public positioning. Led project teams writing proposals targeting new business. Ran research and development marketing efforts. ' Won two 2011 REGGIE awards for best agency marketing campaigns activations.. Managed TEAM's integration into MDC Partners. ' Devised innovative pitch to secure new business in military sector, a new area for TEAM. owNER / PRESTDENT (2007 -20L0) BeachBugSwimwear.com, Miami Beach, Florida Launched and brought to market innovative childrens' swimwear company. ' Designed, developed, sourced, and commercialized entire product collection; created all branding, ' Built sophisticated e-commerce business model, doubling revenue from first to second year. ' Launched public relations campaign leading to coverage in Miami Herald andparenting blogs; named "Best of Miami 2008" by Miami Sun Post. 11 cuto I PARTNER (2004-2007) Microkitten.com, Miami, Florida Developed all marketing and product positioning for private specialty retailer of Brazilian bikinis. Managed multiple aspects of commercialization, including vendor management through production. ' Developed comprehensive product marketing strategy, including building e-commerce website, copywriting, and photo shoot coordination. Staged complete fashion shows to promote product. DTRECTOR OF GLOBAL MARKETTNG (1994-2000) Converse, Inc., North Reading, Massachusetts Planned and implemented strategy for product development in children's category. Managed prototype and development process as dotted-line manager of research and development staff. Accountable for gross margins, profitability, budgeting, forecasting, and inventory. Partnered with international sales staff to promote products globally and to test and open new markets in Asia and Europe. ' More than doubled children's business to $70 million in revenue by rolling out several innovative products in global markets, including highly successful line of Touch-EFX shoes. ' Negotiated and closed deals to develop products and implement long-term alliances based on Lucasfilm's Star Wars brand and OddzOn's Koosh brands. ACCOUNT EXECUTTVE (1989 -L99 4) Advertising firms (Grey Group, FCB/Leber Katz, N.W. Ayer & Son, Houston Effler Herstek Favat) Account executive for a variety ofconsumer and service-based accounts. ' Executed high-profile brand strategies for Burger King and Kool-Aid, including kids & family marketing initiatives.. Launched "Truth" anti-smoking campaign. NONPROFIT EXPERIENCE BOARD MEMBER /VICE PRESIDENT OF MARKETING (2014-Present) Friends of Indreni, Redding, California Activist board participant for nonprofit dedicated to supporting education for disadvantaged children around the world. Raised awareness through broad marketing campaign, including new website and social media. ' Produced fundraising gala, which exceeded established donation goals by l90o/o. Executed rapid overhaul of planned gala events in order to directly benefit Nepal earthquake victims. FOUNDING COMMITTEE MEMBER / MARKETING (2014-Present) Friends of the Underline, Miami, Florida Activist participant in group creating ten-mile linear park adjacent to US1. COMMUNITY ACTIVIST MIAMI BEACH Save Miami Beach Neighborhoods (2 0 1 5 -Present) Strategy and communications for group seeking thoughtful balance between preservation and development. Bayshore Homeowney's Association, Co-President, Secretary and Board Member [2015-Present) Lead organization to collaborate with city and represent resident interests impacted by Miami Beach evolution. EDUCATION BACHELOR OF ARTS, AMERICAN CIULIZATION Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island SKILLS Languages: Fluent in Portuguese and French, conversational Spanish; international life experience Technical Skills: Knowledge of Windows, Mac, MicrosoftWord, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint, Constant Contact, WordPress 12 Sarah Leddick 13 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 14 Sarah Leddick Education .Master of Arts in Painting from San Diego State Univercity (1974-1976) .4.0 GPA .Studied under John Baldessari, Joan Snyder, Joan Jonas, Joan Thorne, Lynton Wells, Eleanor Anton, David Anton and Robin Bright .Bachelor of Arts in Art from San Diego State University (1970-1974) "3.9 GPA with Highest Honors .W.C Crawford High School class of 1971 Work Experience .Painting Chicks (l 995-present) oOwner .Specializing in decorative painting, faux finishes, art restoration, Venetian plaster, metallic leaf, murals, historic building finishes restoration etc. .Commercial Hair and makeup artist (1984-present) 'Experience in commercials, editorial, fashion and beauty, and advertising. .Client list includes Bruce Weber, Cartier, Chanel, Victoria's Secret, Burberry, Norwegian Cruise Lines, American Airlines, et al. .Modeling career (197 6-t986) .Client list includes Vogue, Revlon, L'Oreal, Glamour, La Perla et al. .lnstructor at San Diego State University (1975-1976) 'Taught drawing, painting and design, video tape, conceptual art, performance art, art history, film and photography. Exhibitions .CallFlawaii Exhibition at The Museum of Art, San Diego 1976 .San Diego State University Graduate exhibition Art Gallery SDSU 1976 .Larry Umrtia's Floating Wall Gallery, Escondido, Calif. 1976 .Cedar-Creigh Gallery in Coronado, Calif. 1977 .Cassat Gallery, LaJolla, Calif. 1977 .Orr's Gallery, San Diego, Calif. 1977 Volunteer Work *Involved in Animal Rescue from 1995-present *Formed Green Mile Rescue of South Florida 2012 (Dog and cat rescue) *Serves on board of 5013c Animal Rescue "Animal Care Now" since 2014 *Works as a volunteer with "Save Miami Beach Neighborhoods" * Affordable Housing Committee member for City of Miami Beach References .Dr. Sean and Rosalie Shea (clients) "305 968-7085 15 *Raelene Mercer (graphic designer & owner of Sublime Miami Graphic Design) "305 720-5805 *Jeannette Brandt (clienWill a?zo property manager) "305 926-5565 *Ray Hoafat (supplier/Eco Wall Coatings) "305 793-4693 *Kristen Rosen Gotualez- (commissioner City of Miami Beach) 30s 673-7035 16 Raelene Mercer 17 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 18 Raelene Mercer Education B.A. Business Marketing; Graphic Design, The American University Present Position Creative Director, Roar Media Inc., Coral Gables, FL (2015-Present) President, Creative Director I, Senior Graphic Designer/Consultant (2009 - Present), MediaForce PR Serves as Creative Director I and Senior Graphic Designer to produce and oversee creative material for project programs. Proprietor/Creative Director, Sublime Miami, Inc. (2002-present) o Creative director, art director, graphic designer. o Handles concept through completion of all graphics o StronB project management skills o Excellent interfacing with printers, developers, o producers, photographers, copywriters Major Clients The Lifeline Program, Hunter Douglas, W Hotels, Punta Cana Hotels & Resorts, Hearthstone Homes, Miami Center for Plastic Surgery, Elortegui Law, Helen Hayes Theatre Professional Experience Art Director/Designer, Pinkhau s (1997 -2002) Designed successful new identity systems for several large-scale corporations. Involved in the entire process of from concept to print. Developed effective business relationships with peers, supervisors and clients. Demonstrated reliability and flexibility under pressure. Established photo shoot art direction and travel experience. Initiated and designed websites, including Pinkhaus' website. Major Clients Mercedes, Bacardi, Sterling Commerce, Couples Resorts, Schnader Attorneys At Law, Gilbert Papers Graphic D esigner, Planet Propa gand a (199 4-1997) Designed logos, brochures, books, posters, direct mailers and packaging. Participated in design, production, client presentations and printing. Directed numerous photoshoots. Quickly became efficient in all required graphics software. Designed the company's initial website. Major Clients Saris, Graber, Wiskids, Salisbury Studios, American Players Theater IVIEDIAFORCET 19 Raelene Mercer Employment History 2002-Present Proprietor/Creative Director, Sublime Miami, Inc. 1997 -2002 Art Director/Designer, Pinkhaus 1994-1997 Graphic Designer, Planet Propaganda Awards Books:1000 More Graphic Elements: Unique Elements for Distinctive Designs, Graphics Letterhead 4, Logos 4, Packagin g 7 , Creativity 28, Big Book of Logos, PIE Best Diagrams, Rockport Best of Series Publications: Communication Arts, Print Regionals, How, GraphicDesign: USA Addy's: I Best of Show and l6+ category winners appearing in juried exhibitions Critique's Big Crit, Print Magazine Web Award, Potlatch ContextlTOP Top Senior Designer Award, Montana State University 1994 MEDIAFOFTCEfr 20 Jamie Straz 21 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 22 Jomie Stroz AA, LEED GA. NCARB Principol Mr. Stroz hos over 7 yeors of experience with both public ond privote sector projects. He hos served os Project Architect, Monoger, ond Designer for both lorge ond smoll scole projects through lhe schemotic ond design development stoge, construction documents, permitting. ond construction odministrotion for vorious types of projects ond clients. Understonding whot ihe client wonts ond working with them to creote o design thot reflects their dreoms into o reolity, good design does not come of o cost ond Mr. Stroz strives to incorporote this philosophy into his work regordless of the type of project. EDUCATION Bochelor of Architecture, University of Miomi, Miomi, Florido,2009 REGISTRATIONS Registered Architect, Florido, AR9693l LEED Green Associote, U.S. Green Building Council MEMBERSHIPS AlA. Americon lnstitute of Architects, No. 38032483 NCARB, Notionol Council of Architecturol Regisirotion Boords No. 77801 WORK EXPERIENCE REINES & STRAZ, LtC 2OI4-PRESENT* Jomie Slroz Archltecture 20] 3-20 1 4 Stonlecfuchlleclure 2013** C3IS Archlleclure 2009-2012** Reines Deslgn,lnc. 2008 rReines Design, lnc. & Jomie Stroz Architecture Portnered **C3TS wos ocquired by Stontec in December 2012 RETNES & STRAZ, LLC | 975 4lsT STREET. SUTTE 407, MtAMt BEACH, FLORIDA 33140 | (3051397-8779 INFO@REtNES-STRAZ.COM I WWW.RETNES-STRAZ.COM A/.26002849 23 Jomie Stroz ArA, LEED GA, NCARB Principol PROJECT EXPERIENCE Communlty lnslllulionol Theotre Entronce, City of North MiomiBeoch, Floridor Renouation of the existing theatre plaza and. mtrance for the city's rebranding ofthe theater to include a conference center. All desigrc enhance the original character ofthb entrane uith a contemporary twist on ared carpet. Corporole / Offfce Genesis Office Building & Porking Goroge. Port Au prince, Hoiti* Architectral Designer and Project Managerfor The Genesis Building, anAratec deuelopment. It is a to story o:ffice located in Port-att-Prince, Haiti utith 3 below grade parking leuels, 3 leueb ofbank space, z leuels ofleasable opan plan office space, t leuel of a hotel, and a roof top restaur@tt that ouerlooks the bay and mountains. Each tenant leuel hos roughly t,too mz of lcasable space, In uordinationusiththe contractor this is a Design-Build Fost Ttack project utith uaious packnges being deliuered. bi-monthly. The building structure has been desigrud to withstand Hurricane and Seismicfactors, o,ll os per the International Building Code. All mqjor design disciptines (mechaniu.l, electrical, and plumbing) haue bem addressed in this building; it hos been designed to be a mostly self-sustaining buililing sine public utilities are hard to come by locally. Pouer generation, water & sewage treatment, and.u;ater storage haue allbeen prouided on site. The building features iconic red canopies and. undulating eye brouts at each leuel that giues the building the serae of mouement. The building was designeil and constraction documents were prepared. using Reuit/BIM technologies. Cullurol& Religlous K'holAhovos Toroh Synogogue, Miomi Beoch, Florido Architecnral Designer and Projea Managerfor a small Jeu;ish Orthodox Congregation in Miami Beach, Floida. They recently outgrew their old Synagogue of 9oo sqnre feet. Tley decided for the next couple ofyears to rerrt a t,77o squarefoot space in a 3rd story of an offce building. the program included a main worship roomfor mm and. womm, kid's room, and a kitchen. The contemporary ilesign w os influenced by the traditions and needs of the enngregation; c,.rstom furniture piees were abo designed anil built. All spaces usere acammodating of this smalls angregationsneedto grota and adapt depending on the specific euent, Presidentiol Synogogue, Aventuro, Florido Architect of Record for a nera 4,ooo sf proposed symagogue located. in Auentura, Florida. The design lu.las to take an existing residential home and. update the design into a modern multiuse symagogue. We added a 2 story aildition in the back for residence qtarters upstairs for the rabbi. htstead offeeling like you are in arcsidentialneighborhood only, use d*ign a lush landscnping plan tuith a large round entrance ploza. Doughters of lsroelMikvoh, Miomi Beoch. Floddo Architect of Recordfor the interior remodel of the Miami Beach Milanh. this iconic building in Miami Beach luL,as due for an upgrade and. ue usere able to macimize the existing floor plan to include additional dressing rooms, upanded lobby, outdoor tetrace, spa room, ofice space anil upgradeil utilities allin amodern and clean design. Educollon Miomi Northwestern Senior High School ADA lmprovements, Miomi-Dode County Public Schools, Miomi, Florido* Architecnral Designerfor thb projea entails the renouation of a 96o,ooo sq. ft. school wmpus by upd.ating key elements for compliance withlife safety & acessibilitg requirements, and. correcting campus-toiile d.eficiencies such os the existing publidstudent bathroomfaciliti* and the buililing enuelope. The firm has been called. to undertake this "expanded maintenance project" based onits past experimce in thb particular project typefor the Miami-Dade County Public School system (MDCPS) cndits uealth of in-house resources in architecture and engineeing. School Prototype for Hoiti* Design cone.eptfor amodular schoolbuilding in Haiti. Designed. specifically with the Haitian climate in mind all eleuations are designedfor all seasons,no matter uhere the sun is the uindouts are always in shade to alloto maximum light in toithout the heat. AII rooms haue a high eiling and louuers to catch the breeze and. in turn cool the room uithout air conditioning. The buililing is ilesigned with flexibility in mind, all the bags are the same size to allow the ability to moue and *pand as needed uithout hauing to haue a new design. SW MiomiSenior High School, Miomi, Ftorido* Neu z story uocationalbuilding to honse automotiue uorksholts, arts, & sciences to be designed to a LEED standard. featuing a contemlrorary and innou atiue design. *Wo* completed while ot previous firms (Stontec/C3TS) RETNES&SrRA;r,LLC l9T54lsTSTREET,SU|TE40T,MtAMtBEACH,FLOR|DA33t40 | (3051397-8779 tNFO@REtNES-STRAZ.COM I WWW.RETNES_STRAZ.COM 4r'.2600284924 Jomie Stroz AA. LEED GA, NcARB Principol Florido City Elementory School, Florido City, Florido* New classroombuilding to rqlace temporary trailer classrooms. Design concept included an contemporary couered open air corridor to allow breezes and indirea tight into the classrooms as utell as prouiiling a community gardm for the school. Jusllce Dorol Police Heodquorters Emergency Operotions Center & Troining Focility, Dorol, Florido* Mr. Straz performedArchitectural / Inteior Design seruies for the $t8 Millionfacility.Thefirm deuelopeil a designwith LEED C*tifiable Design which fulfilb the pragmatic, aesthetic, andpublic need.sfor thisfacility. lJnl*e most other carrent prototypicalfacilities this Cat Fiue rateilfacility toill be uisually opm and is set to prouide an iileal work enuironment for both the limited. publicly accessible areas and staff areos. The use oflight and internal courtyard will serue as abenefit to minimizing stress intheworkplae and. contribute to the effciency of the departmant os enuisioned by the administration. The typical open areos of the ofie portions haue been created to promote open communication and uisibility while still prouiiling for iniliuidual spaces for each staff member. Innouations include reflectors for moximbation of natural light ; electronically tinted glass for limiting uariation of light fatigue ; indiuiilual control of local enuironmental controls; heat recouery of mechanical systems for use in domestic hot water; & solar generated potaer. Mosler Plonning Morino Ploce of Rivero Beoch Moster Plon, City of Riviero Beoch* Architectural and Urban Designerfor this project which inuolues the creation of aneta master planfor the mtire area, whichis enuisioned.both as seruing localresidents and attracting regional uisitors qtd cruise tourists from the nearby port. The project includes conceptualbation anil design of seueral new buildings: a multi-leuel "croum jetoel' ammunity eenter thatincludes ofice space along with small meeting areos os well as aballroomforformal euents; a restaursnt ; a year-round., open-air farrners' marl<et building ; and a multi-leuel parking structure for seueral hundred. cars that is lined ruith retail and restaurant spaces. The project also includes a larg e public park with play g rounil equipment, decoratiue pergolos, splash areas, and. pimic gazebos; a concert amphitheat* for city festiuals; an etpansiue plaza area for outdoor public gatherings ; reilesign of a beach access area ; ntstainable landscaping and uniqtely4esigneil, peruious walking surfaces ; and a reinuigorated IIS-I corrid.or adjacmt to the site, as well as eeation of na;o localroads to make this "superblock" site morehuman-scale and appealing, and. a branding/entry sign campaign to mark arriual at this distinctiue locale. Mlxed-Use Mixed Use Town Center, Sweetwoter, Florido* Architectural and. Urban Design*for this project which inuolued. moster planning, trafi.c stuilies, and zoning analysis for a 64 acre undeueloped. site. The main design concept taas to make aTownCenterwith amixeduse offunctiorc: Residential, Commercial, ffice, Hotel, and Ciuic. A lake wos incorytoratedfor uater retention in case of flooding os well as prouiding abeautifulfeaturefor the area. Aroundthe lake will include an interaal ring road that taill haue bus stoyts throughout to prouide a mqi or bus station u;ithout prouiding a permanent large bus terminal. All blocks are ilesigned to be a ualkable area, so that whateuer you need. uould be in a good. mix within a 5 minute ualking range. The parking structures uere kept totDard the middle of the blocks this way at street leuelyou arefacedwith commercial spaces instead of dead zones of parking . A public ploza toos designed to prouide a place for this neut neighborhood. to gather and. hold eumts as well asfor a Ciuic structure to{ront the plaza. 'Work completed while ot previous firms (Stontec/C3TS) RETNES & STRAZ, LLC | 975 41sl STREEI, SUTTE 407, MtAMt BEACH, FLORTDA 33140 | (3051 397-8779 INFO@REtNES-STRAZ.COM I WWW.RETNES_STRAZ.COM A/,6002849 25 Jomie Stroz ArA, LEED GA, NCARB Principol Multl-Unll / Fomlly Resldenllql AIMCO Reflections Community Exterior Fogode Renovotions, West Polm Beoch, Florido* Architectural Designer ofthe major renouation of goo unit apartment compl* in Palm Beach County due to ilelaged maintenonce, uater and termite damage. Repairs incluileil site re-grading and drainag e, enfu uay enhancements, major multi-story reframing repair,re-glazing of existing 2,3 and 4 story apartment buildings, and renouation of cmtral mailbuilding andrecreation enter / management compl@c, The firm deueloped architectural and structural plans for the re-facing and.framing repair of the existing buildings aswell asfagade studies of new uteriorfinish*. AIMCO Plontotion Gordens Aportments, Plontotion Gordens, Florido* Architectural Designerfor the interior renouations ol a SZ2 unit apartment compl*. There uere 3 apartment types tho:t uere to be renouated. uhich included new kitchera, bathrooms, mechanical sy stems, electrical, anil finishes. The firm prouideil cotatrudion drauings and designfor this project. Ghono Housing, Ghono, Africo* Design studiesfor a deueloper inGhanato create typical hotsing otd apttment building s for deuelopment, Designs tookinto awunt the history andindigenous patterns that relate a sense offamily and shelter. Municipol Po*ing Goroge Assessment, Town of Surfside, Florido* The Toum of Surtiide uas reaching their max capacity of cur-rent public parking auailable for their Toutn. We studied the impact and needfor neu parking garage structures. What ue proposed to the city was parking garages that uere not parking garages. Designs were prepared ofunderground parking strtctures uith a large community park on top ; parking g arag e usith a residential toranhome liner and a mixeduse pedestrian shopping area that conceals the parking garage. Miomi Beoch Restrooms/Concession Stonds, City of MiomiBeoch* Architecaral and Interior Designerfor these r*trooms/concession stands located at the heads of the mqjor eost/luoest streets where they intersect the beaeh, These restroom and conessbn facilities were designed through the Arts in Public Places Committees requirements to expend. funds at these bcations.Thefirmutas extremely proud tohaue been selected, together uith Tlan Coratraction, to prouide these much neededfacilitbs on a design-build basis. Each street head. (tVh, ztst, z9th, 46th, and 64th) will act as location markers and be each uisttally distinctiue from the other in order to promote uay-finding along the beach as uell as prouide a leuel of whimsy to uhat hos been traditionally a uery dourprogram. Corol Springs Fire Stotion #71, Corol Springs, Florido* Architechral and Interbr Designer for this projea whieh scope included architectural and engineeing seruicesfor the demolition of the exbtittg structure of the Fire Station *V. The firmalso prouideddesign seraicesfor anew hto storyfire station of approimately 9,9oo SF to replace the demolisheil building uith updated ofices, three diue thnt bays, eights dorm rooms, uith exercise, d.ay rooms and required kitchenflaundry facilities. The exbting Fire Tlaining Tower uill b e salu ag ed. and. ryt aire d . Porks & Open Spoces Eost Pork Youth Center, Miomi Lokes, Florido* Architectural and Interior Designer for a neut 3,75o s.f. Youth Center and ouerall park renouatiorc. The Park will be getting a new half basketba[ court, parking lot, playground surfacing, pimic shelters, as uell as a new landscaped berm to prouide a uniqte outdoor sitting area to uatch the basketball g ames. The building was designed and constntction doarments prepared using Reuit/BIM technologies. The building is a contemporary clean design, taith multipurpose rooms and a clerestory to prouide natural light throughout the building. The building utas laid out in a manner that the administrator can monitor all park actiuities from hb ilesk. New courtyards uith seni-open pauerc are prouideil outside of the building which helps traraition the uisitor {rom the natur al p ark to built enuir onment, *Work completed while ot previous firms (Stonlec/C3TS) RETNES & STRAZ, LLC | 975 4tsT STREET, SUTTE 407, MtAMt BEACH, FLORTDA 33140 | l315l 397-8779 tNFO@REtNES-STRAZ.COM I WWW.RETNES-STRAZ.COM AAC600284926 Jomie Stroz ArA, LEED GA, N.ARB Principol Gibson Pork, Miomi, Florido* Architechraland Inteior Designerfor aneto 6,4oo s.f. recreation center. The ouerall scope isfor a g-acre, gto million urban park os part of the area reneto aI and community redeuelopment district. This Siluer LEED Certified proj ect consists of a 6,4oo s.f. recreation center, 4,ooo s.f. renouated ammunity center, t5,ooo s.f, basketball gymnosium, bowling alley, concession area,football andboseballfields and an aquatic center, all of tohich toill be completed. in two phases. The deuelopment of the park was carefully arranged to meet the program requirements while taorking uithin strict space limitations. Toking these limitations into consideration, the firm worleed to develop fooprints and a site layout that uses the qtace auailable in the most efficient manner. Riverbend Pork Office ond Restrooms, Polm Beoch County, Florido* The proposed building s for Riuerbend Park add the needed upd ated program uhile respecting the beautg and history of the park. The buildings are located unobtrusiuely in the park in away that allous eosy accessfor thepedestrian and uehianlar uisitors. The main couered entrance is located in between the proposed offce and restroom buililing s, protecting the vbitors from the elements. By using natural tuood, concrete, t*tured. stucco, and landscaping the building will blmd in seaml*sly into its surroundings. Both buililings feafitre an insulated metal panel roof that ties both of the strucfires together, taking influence by the prototypes found in other parks and as well as prouiding actra protectionfrom the ueather. The restroom is based off of the 8t5 Sq. Ft. prototgpefur Palm Beach Cotmty.Ithas aWomen's and Menb restroom; janitor closet & plumbing closet; and a electrical room. The entranesuere redesignedtoface the main arridor. The buuers & standing seamroof roere also redesigned tofit amore contemporary style while still paying homage to the originalprototypes and adjacent ofiee building. The open pauilion that ties the buildings together has auniEte open designto allow light and catchthe breezes but protecting eueryone from the direct light and weather . There is a change inmaterialto markthe main entran@ to the ofice building in a discreet manner while being respec{ul to the surrounding s. Whm y ou enter into the t 3 5 o sq. ft . ofice building y ou tlllill be greeted by a receptionbt Retoll Beyond by Shemtov's, Miomi Beoch, Florido Architecfiral and Interior Designer for a small z,ooo s.f. Miami Beach Restaurant that uas ready to etqand not onlg in size (4,ooo s.f.) but in their ilesign. A conceptual design was put in place to increose their seating capacitg while at the same time increasing the quality of the restaurant arperimce. UniEte lighting and accent choies uere ptfi in place to giue a contemporary feel as uell as a new branding opportunity. A cr.rstom anrued. screen booth was designed to prouide a priuate dining area raithout closing off the room completely. House of Dog Restouront, Vorious. Florido Architectural and Inteior Designer for a chain of restaurants locatedin MiamiBeach, Boca Raton, and Jacksonuille.In coordination with the oumers tae deueloped a look andfeel that was uniEte to the House of Dog tranchise. Coribbeon Shoppes Fogode lmprovements, Miomi Gordens, Florido* Architectural Designer and. Project Managerfor this project ushich inu olues a renouation of a shopping center. flu proj ect included complete store{ront/utindous replaument with a neus mergy efi.cient glass system, neu fagade design to bring a contemporary colorfulfeel to the shopping cmter, as uell as prouide a neu finishing for the parking lot and ouerall mde compliane for the building. Roodwoys Opo-Locko lntersection Beoutificotion, Opo-Locko. Florido* Architecfural Designer for a neut g ateu ay entrane feahtre to the City of Opa-Locka. The uisting coadition was an empty trafic intersection triangb and the Citg approadteil us looking for a sofution to their site. We proposed. a design that euokes the Moorish Architectural stgle that Opa-Locka is historico.lly btownfor. A large archeil gateway uith a digital information screen placed in the middle. The screen allow s the AU to display importantinformation oruideo canbe shown of the fushproposed.lotdscape behind.to make theArch appear to be completely opm. Flanking the arched gatewag are landscaped arcades that run along the streets, These arcadesprouide anentr@rce to themain City streets as well os at night each indiuidual arch is lit to prouiile an entrancr- that is not only uelcoming during the day but also at night. *Wo* completed while ot previous firms (Stontec/C3TS) RETNES & STRAZ, LLC | 975 4lsT STREET, SUTTE 407, MIAM| BEACH, FLORTDA 33140 | (305) 397-8779 tNFO@RE|NES-STRAZ.COM I WWW.RETNES-STRAZ.COM {r',6002849 27 Jomie Stroz ArA, LEED GA, NCARB Principol John F. Kennedy Cousewoy lmprovemenh, City of North Boy Villoge, Florido* Architectural D*ignerfor the Master Plan and the redeuelopment of the Catrseway, the commercial corriilor of the City . A custom bus shelter was d.esigned by Mr . Stroz for this projea that retlected the design concept ofthe ouerall improuemmtsuhile giuing the city notjust abenchfor taaiting but a sanlpturalpiece. The master project corTsists o/a master plort that encompassed the of a ilesignfor a 6 lane diuided road., improued public safety, streetscape improuemmts, sidewalks, lighting, landscape improuenunts, abuffer wallfor the Village'sresidents and entryfeatur*. Old Cutler Rood Hordscope lmprovements, Cutler Boy, Florido* The project consis* of roadway improuernents, trafic circles, pauement resurfacing, sidetaalks, drainage facilities, mediara, landscaping and lighting. Mr. Straz designed a anstom bus shelter for this historic roaduay that honors the history and feel of the City.Itis aunique one of akind. design solution that features Sporh, Recreollon & Lelsure Uleto Community Center, Norih Miomi Beoch, Florido* Inteior Designerfor anew 5,4oo sd. community cmterinthe Park Interior finishes were chosen to prouide a long lasting and easy to maintain sohttionfor the Center. Exciting colors and fun patterns were designed to allow all ages the enjoyment of the qtaces. Extra care wes taken in the ilesign of the multipurpose room so that the design patta.ns and calors uould.workif itwas anopenspace or diuideilinto two separate rooms. The ouerallproject scope uas abo to prouid.e architectural and engineeing ilesign ofthe master plan of Aeta P ark which utill be constructed in seueral phases, Cloude Pepper Pork Youth Community Center & Gymnosium, North Miomi, Florido* Mr . Straz was the Architectural / Graphic Designer for the youth centeruhichincludes a ggmnasium, dassrooms, youth training eenter, computer labs, and. health cmter. Seruices also included parking lot drainage, u)ater main, pump station, and. general site deuelopment. Programmed to be the crotun jewel of the Citg of North Miami's Parks & Recreation Department, thisfacitity uiII occupg auery highly uisible location raithin the uestern end of the City. Munoy Pork Aquotic Center, South Miomi, Florido* Mr. Stroz wos the Architectural Designer of the designfor thb Aryatic Facility to include a teaching and recreational pool. This pooluillhaue practice lanes but is intendedfor high school swimming competition use and be prouided uith erteior retractable bbachers. A support'bathhottse" to include restrooms lockers and shoutersfor both saces as uell as concessdons (non-cooking) support ard. ofice space appropiate to the adjoining aErcticfacilities only. The building ennwpt wos designed with z stories uith the abilitg Jor the City to build out the seand story tohm thefunding is there until then it uill be prepped as a shell. Flomingo Pork lrock ond Bleocher/Concession Building Renovotions, City of Miomi Beoch* Architectural anil Interior Designerfor a histoic renouation and. ADA improuements fur this Flamingo Park building . The building program included concrete bleachers, restroonn, electrical room, concession room, and a press box. the entire program wos renouated uhile maintaining the oiginal exteior chara*er of thebuilding yet giuing theirsiile afresh, clean, and. maintainable enuironment. Wile bringing the building up toADA standards anaa ramp,handicappeil seating, as well as mouing of structural walls hail to be done to acammodate the new program. BHI Center, Town of Boy Horbor lslonds* The Toum of Bay Harbor Islands had an existing 8,ooo sf shell space in their parking garage uith a dream to put their community center there. The main design challmg* was the parking garage itself ilue to aa ustics and. lacl< of ciuic center character ; and the diu erse programming the Toum utould like to do irside, Unique design approaches were taken to prouiding a non-parallel surface design in all ilimmsions to reduce sound polfution. Inteior acoustic glazing uos prouided throughoutto help trarusmitnaturallight into the deep areas of the parking garage os uell os to prouide uisual seanrity for the staff. With the flexibilitg of all the lu,alb and spaces any use can be utilizedherefrom a dinn* reception to after carefor children. New &erior glazed fagade uas d.esigned to prouide a sense ofciuic space andnotjust another retail space utilizing a parking garage. Specially designed. branding for the toun of the BHI Center prouides them away to market to their residmts andprosgtectiue donors the mainputpose of the qtaee: a Central looation to create memoies. *Work completed while ot previous firms (Stontec/C3TS) REINES & STRAZ, LLC | 975 4lsT STREET. SUTTE 407, MtAMt BEACH, FLORTDA 331 40 | l31sl 397-8779 I N FO@ RE|N ES-STRAZ.COM I WWW. REt N ES-STRAZ.COM 4A,600284928 Jomie Stroz AA" LEEDGA, NcARB Principol Residenliol Roth Residence, Miomi Beoch, Florido Neluo home in Miqni Beachthatincorporateilthe original historb house. A new clean design that kept with the original elements of the house and. neighborhooil was ilesigneil. z Stories at about atotal of4,Soo sf. Privote Condo, Miomi Beoch, Florido Neus interiors for a qndominhnn bcated in Miami Beach. This was a atrnkey projeA ushere ue prouiileil interior il*ign induding castom furnibtre dxign. Nevorez Residence, Miomi Beoch, Florido New modernkitchendesignedtoreplae a small and outdated space. Coordination ru:ros taken into amunt to make tlv space feel as large aspossibleuhileraorking uithtlle uixing structural sgstem ofthe hortse. Cohen Residence, Miomi Beoch, Florido Neus 4,5oo sf home located in Mioni Beaeh. Modern ilesign with design elemenb typical of MiamiBeaeh. Housefeahtres an ianic stairqse,Jloating eilings,floor to eiling uinilows, and aanstomdesign S\tkkahthatisfulfu enclosable as aroom allgear long. Frohlinger Residence, Miomi Beoch, Florido New kitchenremdelbcatedinMiamiBeach. We were able to utilize onuasted spoe to almost ilouble their existing kitchm spaceuhibbeing able to prouiileupgrades to their anneded guest suite. Schrogo Residence, Surfside, Florido Neut 4,ooo sf r*idene louted in Sutfside, norida. Project design has a home uith multiple massing to allout ilffirent scales tofelt as you qproachthehome. With a couered terrace in the [ront to help flank ihe main mtrance with the single car garage old. a custom balony useil to ilouble as protectionfrom the ebmentsfor the entr@rce; all of the iletails utork together in this home. Klein Residence, Miomi Beoch, Floddo Nalu 3,goo sf residmce located in Miami Bea&. ?hb proj eA utas desigrcd asfullnan construction andhad to go through the Design Reuieus Board Process. With double height qte'ior entranoe and.foger to ld story open terra@s the ouerall massing of the buililing was brol<en dowt to be a less imposing eonstruction to the existing neighborhood. tWork completed while ot previous firms (Stontec/C3TS) RETNES & SrRAiZ, LLC I 975 4lsr STREEI, SUTTE 407, MtAMt BEACH, FLORTDA 33140 | ,3051397-8779 |NFO@RE|NES-STRAZ.COM I WWW.RE| N ES-STRAZ.COM AA26002849 29 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 30 Stacy Kilroy 31 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 32 STACY KILROY sekilroy@me.com EXPERIENCE Mount Sinai Medical Center of Florida 2008 - Present Director, Planning & Government Relotions Miami Beach, Florida ' Develop and fund collaborative projects including infrastructure and building renovations; utility and-generator upgrades, seawall replacement for climate change, medical meetings and convention center marketing, and community health needs research. Negotiate and monitor multi-year contracts including performance metrics and goals, compliance requirements, budgets vs. actual spendr Perform analyses on demographic service areas, policy reviews for workforce metrics; Medicaid, disproportionate share, graduate medical education and other government formulas I Establish community benefit and strategic health planning using demographic and health analyses with community based organization and public input; Author Community Health Needs Assessment. Manage over 40 FEMA project contracts and assist with project development and mitigation strategy . Public liaison for governments, public policy groups local Chambers of Commerce policy committees City of Hollywood, Florida Manager, Special P r oj e cts, C ommunity Re dev el opment Agency r Perform market demographic analyses for downtown redevelopment using leading metrics including demographic purchase patterns, retail and tax spending and area specific trends. Create Storefront Grant Program for businesses to improve fagades and compliance issues within the Downtown Historic District. Created the Tax Increment Funding (TIF) Capital Improvement Plan. Administer Young Circle and Federal Highway ZoningProjects and Hollywood Station Development Agreement obligations with team Elle Elle See, LLC (Consulting for Flexible Mom Time)t Miami Beach Community Development Corporation - worked to revitalize Flamingo Park Neighborhood Association and assisted on senior housing projects and with construction analysist Lotspeich Co; PAC analysis and commercial property management City of Miami Beach (Four promotions) Senior Planner, Budget Anolyst, Capital Projects Office & public works Re dev elopment Spe ciahsf, Redevelopment Agency & Community Developmentr Oversee various projects involving planning, basis of design, performance metric, budgets vs. actual spend, and contracts for $80 million in infrastructure project . Monitor affordable housing construction and CDBG grant programs. Nominated Old City Hall for the Save America's Treasures progratrt. Acquired grants for Colony Theater, Atlantic Greenway, and morer Favorite project: created the Miami Beach Victory Garden concept 2006 -2008 2004 -2006 1999 -2004 33 S. Kilroy Page 2 John L. Adams & Company 1997-1999 Nonprofit & Government Funding Consultant . Performed demographic analysis and funding research including Fairshare, an analysis of Florida Trust Funds. Book Editor for Guide to Florida Foundations and Florida Funding. Wrote funding proposals for Humane Society, One Community One Goal, Florida Tax Watch, Florida City and Wilton Manors EDUCATION Columbia College, M.B.A (a.0) (in progress) plus completed undergraduate business Harvard University, B.A., cum laude SEMINARS & COURSES: LEADERSHIP - Leadership Miami, Leadership Hollywood, Junior League provisional year, Miami Beach CitizenPolice Academy and Miami Beach Architecture Course at MBCDC TECHNICAZ -Measuring Construction Inefficiencies; Construction Scheduling; Construction Contracts Delays Claims; Effective Project Management, Dealing with Difficult People, HUD & CDBG training, Florida Housing Corporation Training CURRENT MEMBERSHIPS & ASSOCIATIONS Miami Beach United - Board Member Medical Tourism Taskforce, Visit Florida - State of Florida, 2014-2016; Purple Ribbon Taskforce, State of Florida, appointed by Speaker - Florida House 2013 Miami Dade County Local Mitigation Strategy, Leadership Working Group Miami Beach Capital Projects Oversight Committee, appointed the Miami Beach City Commission 2008-2013 (reappointed three times, term limited) Healthcare Committee, Co-Chair Legislative, Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce Advocacy Committee, Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce Florida Hospital Association, Safety Net Hospital Alliance and similar groups FORMER MEMBERSHIPS & ASSOCIATIONS Florida Redevelopment Association, Urban Land Institute, International Council of Shopping Centers, Greater Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, Tri-Rail Operations Subcommittee INTERESTING THINGS TO KNOW: worked in film production for six years after college including such notable films as Slack Trek: The X Generation; speak basic German, the place that I was bom imploded last year; My admiration of our beautiful city began in 1987 when I chose the Art Deco District as my high school senior year art history project. My current goal is to create a World War II Heritage Initiative in Miami Beach. 34