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20160210 LTC 048-2016
MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC # LETTER TO COMMISSION 048-2016 TO: Mayor Philip Levine and Members /f the City Co mission FROM: Jimmy Morales, City Manager DATE: February 3, 2016 SUBJECT: REPORTS AND INFORMATION L ITEMS FOR THE FEBRUARY 10, 2016 COMMISSION MEETING The following reports are attached and will also be posted on the City's website. a.Parking Status Report- October 2015. b.Parking Status Report- November 2015. c.Informational Report On All Existing City Contracts For Renewal Or Extensions In The Next 180 Days. d.CIP Monthly Construction Project Update. e.Report On Emergency Purchases And Unauthorized Purchases. f. Informational Report On Capital Or Infrastructure Projects Awarded Pursuant To The National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) Competitively Solicited Contract For Construction Services. g.Report Of The Itemized Revenues And Expenditures Of The Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency's City Center District&South Pointe(Pre-Termination Carry Forward Balances) For The Month Of November 2015. JLM/REG/Ic F:\CLER\$ALL\LILIA\Commission-Meetings\2016\February 10,2016\LTC.doc MIAMIBEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach, Florida 33139,www.miamibeachfl.gov COMMIS ION MEMORANDUM 1 TO:Mayor Philip Levine and Members o the City •mmission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager I DATE: February 10, 2016 SUBJECT: PARKING STATUS REPORT OCTI','BER 2015 The Parking Department received revenue from different sources outlined in the categories listed below. In addition, only selected recurring expenses associated with the parking garages are reported herein. The following is a condensed presentation of revenue by source and variance: October 2014 October 2015 variance I On/Off Metered Spaces* On/Off Metered Spaces $ 1,768,087.69 $ 2,479,981.95 $ 71 1,894.26 Total Metered Spaces $ 1,768,087.69 $ 2,479,981.95 $ 711,894.26 These amounts include revenue from Pay by Phone Transactions II Enforcement** M-D Cty Pkg Violations 197,653.08 $276,667.03 $79,013.95 Towing 54,891.00 20,154.70 34,736.30) Total Enforcement 252,544.08 $ 296,821.73 $ 44,277.65 These amounts include revenue for the month that had not yet posted to EDEN Meter Revenue: Meter revenue is composed of both single space and multi space meters on the street and in lots as well as multi space meters located inside the City Hall and 42nd Street Garages. Meter revenue variances are driven by many variables which include, but are not limited to, road and sidewalk construction, closed streets and site of events held in the City. When compared to the prior year, the meter revenue increased due to the hourly parking rate increase effective October 12, 2015. Enforcement: The City receives a share of ticket citations for parking violations that occur in Miami Beach and are collected by Miami-Dade County. In October of 2014, enforcement staff wrote 1,141 citations for invalid tags. Enforcement staff is no longer issuing invalid tag citations as directed by the City's Legal Department. Despite this, citation revenue increased due to the added volume of scans and accountability provided by the new license plate recognition (LPR) devices and the increase in enforcement personnel. The decrease in towing revenue is attributed to the October 2014 launch of Freight Loading Zone (FLZ) program in the entertainment district. Dedicated resources for enforcement Agenda Item CC. Date .,240-4 February 10, 2016 City Commission Memorandum Parking Status Report-October, 2015 Page 2 of 3 resulted in additional tows in the period. This coupled with increased compliance resulted in decrease in towing revenue. October 2014 October 2015 variance Ill Off Street facilities a Garages 17th Street Garage 393,091.51 $ 483,306.46 $ 90,214.95 Pennsylvania Garage 73,372.82 77,617.92 4,245.10 Sunset Harbour Garage 51,859.93 88,490.95 36,631.02 City Hall Garage 21,469.36 50,672.38 29,203.02 7th Stret Garage 174,817.01 187,374.28 12,557.27 12th Street Garage 51,141.31 54,591.12 3,449.81 13th Street Garage 117,222.55 137,394.14 20,171.59 42nd Street Garage 120,667.87 128,304.20 7,636.33 16th Street Garage 343,348.64 295,636.08 47,712.56) Total rGaa e 1,34 6,991.00 $ 1,503,387.53 $ 156,396.539 b Joint Development* 5th and Alton Garage $ 47,444.08 $ 65,097.40 $ 17,653.32 Total 5th &Alton 47,444.08 $ 65,097.40 $ 17,653.32 46%of total revenue which represents the City's pro-rata share pursuant to the Development Agreement Garages: Revenues are composed of transient, monthly, and flat rate special event rates. Garage revenue variances are driven by many variables which include, but are not limited to, special events, weather, tourism, and maintenance. The decrease in transient revenue for 16th Street garage is due, in part, to refurbishment projects including upper level roof restoration; waterproofing over occupied retail space; joint replacements, entrance water intrusion mitigation, and painting. Segments of some of these projects sporadically obstructed access to the garage. 5th and Alton Garage: The 5th and Alton Garage is a joint development (parking garage) with the Developer" (Edens) containing 1,080 parking spaces. The Developer and City own 54% and 46% of the parking spaces, respectively, and profit/loss is also shared in the same manner. The City's revenue portion (46%) for the month of October 2015 is $65,097.40, resulting in total net profit of 10,473.77. Pursuant to the Development Agreement, the City receives its proportionate share of profit or must subsidize any loss. The City and Developer continue to jointly pursue initiatives to promote the use of the garage. These initiatives include but are not limited to "after hours" flat rate parking; valet parking storage; monthly parking; and strategically placed electronic signage directing users to the facility. Future considerations include promotional rates for"after hours and park and ride options to the entertainment districts. 2 February 10, 2016 City Commission Memorandum Parking Status Report-October, 2015 Page 3of3 October 2014 October 2015 variance IV Permit Sales Municipal Monthly Permits 18,048.33 $ 39,647.12 $ 21,598.79 Valet&Space Rental 29,079.00 36,434.00 7,355.00 Residential and Visitor Permits 252,091.76 255,277.35 3,1 85.59 Hotel Hang Tags 8,000.00 8,000.00) Total Permits 307,219.09 $ 331,358.47 $24,139.38 V Preferred Lots Preferred Lots 153,766.95 $ 111,576.23 $ 42,190.72) Total Preferred Lots 153,766.95 $ 111,576.23 $42,190.72) VI Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 467.57) $ 1,643.53 $ 2,1 1 1.10 Total Miscellaneous 467.57) $ 1,643.53 $ 2,11 1.10 VII Pay by Phone Pay By Phone Transaction Fees 32,972.72 $ 53,873.30 $ 20,900.58 collected on behalf of Parkmobile) Total Pay by Phone 32,972.72 $53,873.30 $20,900.58 Permit Sales: The sale of residential and visitor's virtual permits was introduced in fiscal year 2015, allowing residents to purchase residential permits and visitor permits for their guests online. The virtual permits are enforced using LPR technology. Preferred Lot: This lot is located in the front of the Convention Center, and variances are contingent on convention center special events. Miscellaneous Revenue: This category consists of other accounts including a revenue share from Deco Bike, advertising revenue, interest, etc. The City receives a share of the Deco Bike revenue after the first $750 thousand is exempted per the contracted terms for the year ending September 30, 2016. Pay by Phone: The City Commission awarded Parkmobile to provide pay by phone services. Pay by phone provides enhanced functionality over the in-vehicle parking meter. Miami Beach residents will continue to enjoy the resident discounted rate of $1 .00 per hour in the South Beach and Middle EastIYP Beach areas; from $4.00 for on-street parking and $2.00 for off-street parking in South Beach, and 3.00 for on-street parking and $2.00 for off-street parking in East Middle Beach. Moreover, Parkmobile will assess no transaction fees to Miami Beach residents for pay by phone service. Parkmobile began services on May 12, 2014. The revenue shown above represents the transaction fees collected by the City for non-resident transactions and remitted to Parkmobile in the following month. J LM/ B/S f:\ping\$all\b.nussbaum\2015-2016\01 october\parking status report\october 2015 parking status report.doc 3 PARKING DEPARTMENT REVENUE October-15 Meters lowing &Parking Permit Sales &Space SS&MS) Violations Garages&Attended Lots Rentals TOTAL Oct-14 $1,768,087.69 ' $ 252,544.08 $1,346,991.00 $ 307,219.09 $3,674,841.86 Oct-15 $2,479,981.95 . $ 296,821.73 $1,503,387.53 $ 331,358.47 $4,61 1,549.68 Diff $ 71 1,894.26 $ 44,277.65 $ 156,396.53 $ 24,139.38 $ 936,707.82 Diff 40.26% 17.53% 11.61% 7.86% 25.49% Revenue 2015 Permit Sales &Space Rentals 7% Meters ms s},SS &MS) rs'?`: «<; 54% J5 ,a`'v15ss rr, »'}v Y{(+{rh:S ti 3 3r xr{ e +s r e$'sv ryr r 'r'*.+ ti t t v t o rr. .rr rr i J f sS Srr.rr,.J{ r}:Fr}`,',ZS"j,`r1°x.°r'Ir J' fifc y { r 1111 ., y t rrrr¢WJ S >{xx t e' 4'.'.x441'4 j©: '.:•:. ,4 1yr Garages&Attended Lots ti ; 33% 7:'''''< x. .":::..;-:.::::::::::.:.:.::% Towing ParkingPkin9 Violations 6% 5,000,000 ..i-'"— . __ . ___..,..............-.._,.-....,.._._........_.... w.,._ .._..-.,_._ 4,500,000 w.. 4,000,000 w 3,500,000 3,000,000 r,,,,''„,- 2,500,000 ___ ,, a Oct-14 2,000,000 u Oct-15 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 -r s_ ---'4._i...___,__APP__ dipMeters Towing& SS&MS) parking Garages& permit Violations Attended TOTAL Lots Sales & Space Rentals co w so No o, o;a a) Q 7 1— :o o oOvr 0) D a b9- b9 y r\ r\ a) CO C)N w Lc) a) M cy) E L NM CO 0 Ci M C") E C L` 7 W 0 o 0 4,5- b4 r- 0T h CO CJ 0 72 0Wo QD0r< r\ Z co s0 06 W aM ri r a) 0)O 0 Q 0 I-- Lo o o r_Z L 0 LU b4 b4 O 0 O a) No O Q N N J co 0 Da 0 N N n m O V 3 5 0 ces Z 0 0b4175- I- a Q 0 0 7 o a a) 05 0,- 0' ea N r\ r\ to N Ni NC 45 a)Z ii, b4 b, Lo Lo Lo so so so -o so so -o so so QQa) 0 0OZCQ ' Q O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 L) 0 It) 0 in M CV N 4 b4 44 b4 bg b4 o' 0 ' M CV O CV L() r ; r UM nwJ Q O M, M cNi) M O 00 0o M O N E 64 4, 0 Q) O 0 co coo ) OLOO N o 0 O M M C (I) N O N in- INNN s O 64 64 o O O O N o N o- to v ao, o M O vNv co 5 o -o N t, C N v 64 b4 4 O v 0 co 0 o. A13 , o 9y M , c- lW 00 O N o N O r o 7 o t. , isE W a4 y" l coo co J W - NO N v o v a N n r a J C O in N l W s 0 0 4, 4, i as Q N o 'o co P 5,e__o M yc N co 2 N r ElMr O- M -O- 0 G c i ri ri 0 v) E Z E s o a o Q 5 a CI- o Mo o, 9,•% as0oco ^ v 7 7CN4. o v) 64, GQ 7 N O N 0-0 `0 O 0 0 O O 0 k. 0 0 0 0 0 0 424 rl C) } 64 O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 O 6 ' O ' O O 0 O 0 O M N N r toOsI ,O in- 4, to -64 604 N 7 0 E o so M n N N 4 64 64 C N 4) E d 5 4- _ C Q) SO PARKING DEPARTMENT VISITOR PERMITS ONLINE VIRTUAL PERMITS October-15 Visitor Permit Revenue 30,000 ------- Month Revenue October 27,357.56 25,000 November December 20,000 January 15,000 February March 10,000 April May 5,000 June 5- Total 27,357.56 o sec , o es o6 o6 r o I OG o , G ,o c Q PQ 12000 10000 8000 Permits Unique Month Sold Customers 6000 October 9592 1876 Permits Sold November 4000 December is Unique Customers January 2000 February March 0 1 April 45 m m o a a ` a D May o E E 2 p Q June U a) a) ° O o a) u_ Z PARKING DEmePt eAr oMETER f Usage REVENUE October-15 Multi-Space Credit Card), 48.88% Single Space Coins), 0.44% IttAlk :SAV:alitiffiZr Multi-Space tV144:11: Co les%s) o66 ),o Multi-S ac- 3. p( Bills), 21 . 18% Park Mobile, 25.85% PARKING DEPARTMENT PARKMOBILE PAY BY PHONE STATISTICS October-15 Users Residents 12% a Type of User Transactions %of Total Residents 22,643 12% 160,304 88% t. Total Transactions 182,947 100% w Wallet yprepaid) Payment Method 3% Payment Method Transactions %of Total y '' ,iNtit\ Visa 87,055 49% v StNN.N;441/4N4'k'' MasterCard 37,198 20% Discover 1,580 1% MC AMEX 29,393 15% 20% PayPal 22,516 12% Wallet(prepaid) 5,205 3% Total 182,947 100% Discover 1% 700,000 Parkmobile Revenue 600,000 500,000 Month Meter Revenue 400,000 October 580,860.78 November 300,000 December January 200,000 February March 100,000 April May June 3 E , July dos des o oc\ c o IAugustOeGo PQ P.- 0‘ z September o co, s:6 5 Q Total 580,860.78 N N o N N L co ct Ln 0 - LO 0 0 4 O O N o c vtMO ° C r•V Q Nt N O I IS to O M r CV O dp 0 9.k.,4: 9 Poo 6 V ldNa0coNtNZ: Z co d CP d S>. Nt l ../ 4,4 am ,ss MOU7o idol 'c2,0cD Lo. Cyo 0 scs 0 4 yl LJJ pi 'ct Or ,t, Z o •.c... X NOwNO 9 '0 yw°) LLJ CD M4O •O `O w l Gc° G7N07f V NaoN o o °oo `" yt-1, a a c '{0) r o O o QCe 0 N 4,4, 0 o tn. V in n 0 r aD N 7O e i4 CD 0r- N Nt. U O co N• Z i) 0. MLo N Q 00 c V N f e w * A L a`5 r\ 7 No tM a 0p in c n r r r 1 G upJN. r' "r^ N Lo co co ti>lrwP`'*'. c N r• sy a;dr.- i,u i`rar= N jf. i rt.">r CODLO N r. r Y; C7 O Lfl N • I c I O N N 0' C 0 o ao 0 0' 1 0o coM N a ,r) r V 0 W Ococ00 X c > o ri co c Q co co L a 4: 0 O vi ko 02 m N N N N N C7 C7 s A. N N r o 17, Zi c N Nt a 4L Q m N V V ri a-' 00 N N N N II111111111 • O O Q co co O N 1- 0 0 L N M ,O L 0 < 5 v _ 0 0 CI 0 b4 4:04 a U7 a- c L c-_-a) c o cN N a) N 2 _" Q U U U 5. " 2 (5 (/) C/) cn Q 0 O O N c N N „E N M N} ZO r' qq ( l) N\ e— V r r Q co C 7 co I) O O` O` L c co r) N 6 b9 4,9- Q v) U U 0 a N N r NI- Nt 75 N M Cr) 0 s N N H C_ t!-r O w N co CO C0vOo N -O O Z 2 Nt N N r V't W 2` W ,7 N N• 0 'U U r Q c L.. 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OrO CO E 0 2 C, 00 N 0' Nt O O v) 0' City of Miami Beach 5th and Alton Parking Garage Fiscal Year beginning October 1,2015 ending September 30,2016 For the current month ending October 31,2015 CMB Fiscal Current Month N't°t YTD total Revenues Edens 54%CMB 46% Expenses Portion Portion CMB GL Operating revenue: 484-8000-344405 5th&Alton Garage-Monthly 42,900.00 $ 23,166.00 $ 19,734.00 $ 19,734.00 484-8000-344406 5th&Alton Garage-Transient 39,782.24 21,482.41 18,299.83 18,299.83 484-8000-344410 5th&Alton Garage-Tenant Contribution 26,897.70 14,524.76 12,372.94 12,372.94 484-8000-344587 Valet Parking(Off)-Taxable 30,000.00 16,200.00 13,800.00 13,800.00 484-8000-369999 Miscellaneous Revenue 1,915.00 1,034.10 880.90 880.90 Total operating revenue 141,494.94 76,407.27 65,087.67 65,087.67 Operating expenses: 484-0470-000312 Professional Services 2,083.33 . 1,125.00 958.33 958.33 484-0470-000313 Bank Fees 639.43 345.29 294.14 294.14 484-0470-000314 Electricity 5,689.86 3,072.52 2,617.34 2,617.34 484-0470-000316. Telephone 551.88 298.02 253.86 253.86 484-0470-000317 Water 5,794.53 3,129.05 2,665.48 2,665.48 484-0470-000318 Sewer Charges 484-0470-000319 Sanitation Fees 484-0470-000321 Postage and Shipping 484-0470-000322 Administration Fees 484-0470-000323 Rent-Building&Equipment 484-0470-000324 Printing 484-0470-000325 Contract Maintenance 63,697.42 34,396.61 29,300.81 29,300.81 484-0470-000327 Advertising 484-0470-000329 Storm Water('t 484-0470-000341 Office Supplies 484-0470-000342 Repairs/Maintenance Supply 484-0470-000343 Other Operating Expenditures 2,225.22 1,201.62 1,023.60 1,023.60 484-0470-000349 Other Contractual Services 8,000.00 4,320.00 3,680.00 3,680.00 484-0470-000368 Taxes&Licenses • 484-0470-000375 Misc Insurance 30,065.38 16,235.31 13,830.07 13,830.07 484-0470-000484 Depreciation Total operating expenses 118,747.05 64,123.42 54,623.63 54,623.63 Nonoperating revenue 484-8000-361130 Interest-Repurchase Agreement 21.15 1 1.42 9.73 9.73 484-8000-344599 Miscellneous 0.00 Total nonoperating revenue 21.15 1 1.42 9.73 9.73 Net income/(loss) 22,769.04 12,295.27 10,473.77 10,473.77 Transfers In Change in net assets 22,769.04 12,295.27 10,473.77 10,473.77 Net assets,beginning 655,432.61 353,933.61 301,499.00 301,499.00 Net assets,ending 678,201.65 $366,228.88 $311,972.77 $ 311,972.77 Note II Source-Edens Monthly Financial Statements MIAMIBEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach, Florida 33139,www.miamibeachfl.gov COMMISS'ON MEMORANDUM TO: Philip LevineMayorPhiipLevne and Members :f the City immission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager I DATE: February 10, 2016 SUBJECT: PARKING STATUS REPORT NO EMBER 2015 The Parking Department received revenue from different sources outlined in the categories listed below. In addition, only selected recurring expenses associated with the parking garages are reported` herein. The following is a condensed presentation of revenue by source and variance: November 2014 November 2015 variance I On/Off Metered Spaces° On/Off Metered Spaces $ 1,615,321.33 $ 2,407,409.18 $ 792,087.85 Total Metered Spaces $ 1,615,321.33 $ 2,407,409.18 $ 792,087.85 These amounts include revenue from Pay by Phone Transactions II Enforcement** M-D Cty Pkg Violations 189,879.72 $266,148.00 $76,268.28 Towing 53,615.45 35,648.10 17,967.35) Total Enforcement 243,495.17 $ 301,796.10 $ 58,300.93 These amounts include revenue for the month that had not yet posted to EDEN Meter Revenue: Meter revenue is composed of both single space and multi space meters on the street and in lots as well as multi space meters located inside the City Hall and 42nd Street Garages. Meter revenue variances are driven by many variables which include, but are not limited to, road and sidewalk construction, closed streets and site of events held in the City. When compared to the prior year, the meter revenue increased due to the hourly parking rate increase effective October 12, 2015. Enforcement: The City receives a share of ticket citations for parking violations that occur in Miami Beach and are collected by Miami-Dade County. In November of 2014, enforcement staff wrote 1,168 citations for invalid tags. Enforcement staff is no longer issuing invalid tag citations as directed by the City's Legal Department. Despite this, citation revenue increased due to the added volume of scans and accountability provided by the new license plate recognition (LPR) devices and the increase in enforcement personnel. The decrease in towing revenue is attributed to the October 2014 launch of Freight Loading Zone (FLZ) program in the entertainment district. Continued dedicated resources for Agenda Item b Date 2-I0-/6 February 10, 2016 City Commission Memorandum Parking Status Report-November, 2015 Page 2 of 3 enforcement in November 2014 resulted in additional tows in the period. This coupled with increased compliance resulted in decrease in towing revenue. November 2014 November 2015 variance 111 Off Street facilities a Garages 17th Street Garage 408,582.20 $361,206.58 $ (47,375.62) Pennsylvania Garage 87,1 14.88 90,943.85 3,828.97 Sunset Harbour Garage 54,815.17 77,485.08 22,669.91 City Hall Garage 87,430.56 102,885.66 15,455.10 7th Stet Garage 178,280.29 154,102.83 24,177.46) 12th Street Garage 49,701.56 54,739.22 5,037.66 13th Street Garage 118,928.52 126,241.14 7,312.62 42nd Street Garage 73,695.92 1 1 1,922.16 38,226.24 16th Street Garage 245,475.32 236,092.27 9,383.05) Total Garage 1,304,024.42 $ 1,315,618.79 $ 11,594.37 b Joint Development* 5th and Alton Garage $ 49,331.28 $ 57,539.35 $8,208.07 Total 5th&Alton 49,331.28 $ 57,539.35 $ 8,208.07 46%of total revenue which represents the City's pro-rata share pursuant to the Development Agreement Garages: Revenues are composed of transient, monthly, and flat rate special event rates. Garage revenue variances are driven by many variables which include, but are not limited to, special events, weather,.tourism, and maintenance. 5th and Alton Garage: The 5th and Alton Garage is a joint development (parking garage) with the Developer" (Edens) containing 1,080 parking spaces. The Developer and City own 54%and 46% of the parking spaces, respectively, and profit/loss is also shared in the same manner. The City's revenue portion (46%) for the month of November 2015 is $57,539.35, resulting in total net profit of 19,785.02. Pursuant to the Development Agreement, the City receives its proportionate share of profit or must subsidize any loss. The City and Developer continue to jointly pursue initiatives to promote the use of the garage. These initiatives include but are not limited to "after hours" flat rate parking; valet parking storage; monthly parking; and strategically placed electronic signage directing users to the facility. Future considerations include promotional rates for"after hours and park and ride options to the entertainment districts. 2 February 10, 2016 City Commission Memorandum Parking Status Report—November, 2015 Page 3 of 3 November 2014 November 2015 variance IV Permit Sales Municipal Monthly Permits 7,307.13 $ 11,347.41 $ 4,040.28 Valet 8 Space Rental 137,151.33 175 465.98 38 314.65 Residential and Visitor Permits 40,932.98 75,430.50 34,497.52 Hotel Hang Tags 9,000.00 9,000.00) Total Permits 194,391.44 $ 262,243.89 $67,852.45 V Preferred Lots Preferred Lots 140,621.52 $ 183,894.12 $ 43,272.60 Total Preferred Lots 140,621.52 $ 183,894.12 $43,272.60 VI Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 3,589.16 $ 70,985.87 $ 67,396.71 Total Miscellaneous 3,589.16 $70,985.87 $67,396.71 VII Pay by Phone Pay By Phone Transaction Fees 32,869.00 $ 49,01 1.65 $ 16,142.65 collected on behalf of Parkmobile) Total Pay by Phone 32,869.00 $49,01 1.65 $ 16,142.65 Permit Sales: The sale of residential and visitor's virtual permits was introduced in fiscal year 2015, allowing residents to purchase residential permits and visitor permits for their guests online.The virtual permits are enforced using LPR technology. Preferred Lot: This lot is located in the front of the Convention Center, and variances are contingent on convention center special events. Miscellaneous Revenue: This category consists of other accounts including a revenue share from Deco Bike, advertising revenue, interest, etc. The increase in miscellaneous revenue was caused by the receipt of the Deco Bike revenue share payment. The City receives a share of the Deco Bike revenue after the first $750 thousand is exempted per the contracted terms for the year ending September 30, 2016. Pay by Phone: The City Commission awarded Parkmobile to provide pay by phone services. Pay by phone provides enhanced functionality over the in-vehicle parking meter. Miami Beach residents will continue to enjoy the resident discounted rate of $1 .00 per hour in the South Beach and Middle East Beach areas; from $4.00 for on-street parking and $2.00 for off-street parking in South Beach, and 3.00 for on-street parking and $2.00 for off-street parking in East Middle Beach. Moreover, Parkmobile will assess no transaction fees to Miami Beach residents for pay by phone service. Parkmobile began services on May 12, 2014. The revenue shown above represents the transaction fees collected by the City for non-resident transactions and remitted to Parkmobile in the following month ti< 7 JLM/ '• /SF f:\ping\':all\b.nussbaum\2015-2016\02 november\parking status report\november 2015 parking status report.doc 3 PARKING DEPARTMENT REVENUE November-15 Meters lowing&Parking - Permit Sales &Space SS&MS) Violations Garages&Attended Lots Rentals TOTAL Nov-14 $1,615,321.33 $ 243,495.17 $1,304,024.42 $ 194,391.44 $3,357,232.36 Nov-15 $2,407,409.18 $ 301,796.10 $1,315,618.79 $ 262,174.65 $4,286,998.72 Diff $ 792,087.85 $ 58,300.93 $ 11,594.37 $ 67,783.21 $ 929,766.36 Diff 49.04% 23.94% 0.89% 34.87% 27.69% Revenue 2015 Permit Sales &Space Rentals 6% rr Meters e:. SS&MS) 4554 sr 56/° i vg» h ; Garages&Attended Lots 6;'S? r'j`0 31% emu F Towing&Parking Violations 7% 4,500,000 "'"- --"°"'....• __-----_ _.,._...__...,._..".,..._......_..^,......._...,_._._.^_._......,._..... M.,.,.......... w.. 4,000,000 -.~""- "`._ ...— __.—__.._..... 3,500,000 -1------- „,-... -_.w.,,.._._............_.._._. 3,000,000 r^'' ^ r - __... _._._ .__.._, .__ 2,500,000 -- W 2,000,000 N Nov-14 1,500,000 -' ' w_ ___ l Nov-15 1,000,000 _ „ 500,000 ', N.._.o. di Allirs- ei!Meters Towing&SS&MS) Garages& permitParking Violations Attended TOTAL Lots Sales & Space Rentals V O, V NLnO` O N co p co os O V v 0) D Q 4,9 4.9- 0 N NI 7 a) Ma) - n E N co so O.0 0_ M N L()r • E c a)CL N 00o 1 4 a) O co U CV c LU JO Lo I\ co Q CD D p I< ao sO Z so O NO 06 N LLJ 0 M Le) o, a)e_ CA Q to M Q o — — C I N Z 2 LL1 0 4' 4 a) O co O co pI— > N r co Ce O 0) .o N.so O Q Z E r r Y C C)0 I o 0) LU O U O U u_ 0 O CV M Lc) 0) O O 3 5 Z 0 1— Q Lo w co a CI_ O. o0 0 o.m V) T t M 0 N V Nt Co v) N N N 7 Icr) Mil O IIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIINIMIIIMIINIIIIIIIIIIIIII Z c 1.9- 4,9 LO Lc) LO NO 'O 'O 'O NO '0 '0 NO '0 111.11111111111111111111111111 7 y pQpZDQ v 0 OO 0 O 0 4 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Lo O h O tO M N N be- 4:9- 49 4.9 E+9 ia9 co o so o, ooN o 0.i o0 O NON (n F__ N. N (N — O N CO 69 64 N O- N o N E s N N O N E 4- v O, O P N o O 0 p aNt O CO N N CO F- s ( NI N III 4O 64 69 so +0 0 +0 Ur __ 0 r- I- U) CV N N O O so 't) — f g C N 64 M V 00 'V 0 0 O _ 0yJOgGONN6- N r-- - O.Se:%: V) I 0 l W r 69 aa S 0 0 N O0 CV AGEo: o o; W 5 2 ^ 0 Q M - ainv a V N k•r, 6.} 69 W F4 l Z coo co• N o i 1.. %,‘,, o 0 O J Sr LLI CI E N v LO Ce s> W O 61). 69 anZa V O O -'O -O JSQcO; 0fN '0 k/ Ce a O(O Q Ovaco CT t oo G N M .ON N 0n N N O dam a V N N IZ Ir .69 69 3 y;;. l 00cec00w9OOO On E Q I yci_ e l ,— 00 0 0 0 0 V 7 n 1'`)11N a a Dv) ,f) 65- ail -%,O j GmooOooG O Nt V O, N ao o o O 0 0 O k, 0 O O O O O 44. cl O O O O O O 69- 64 O O O O O O O O O O O O Lo c0 0 a) O O O O O Oto• «') O t O to) o v_) O 69 69 69 69 15 r O N N N U NOs +0 +0 N CO s N 6.4 69- E a)a_ Z > 5 Z S _C 1..x <0 PARKING DEPARTMENT VISITOR PERMITS ONLINE VIRTUAL PERMITS November-15 Virtual Permit Revenue 40,000 Month Revenue 35,000 October 27,357.56 November 36,200.51 30,000 December 25,000 January 20,000 February 15,000 March April 10,000 May 5,000 June Total 63,558.07 OG, o ooh oG ° J c Q PQ C O 12000 10000 i 1 Permits Unique 8000 Month Sold Customers 6000 October 9592 1876 November 9387 1986 4000 IN Permits Sold December Unique Customers January 2000 February March April m `m `m Z _c a May a _a _a a a ` jYoEE2aQ < June U 0 u' a— - o N cp Z PARKING DEPARTMENT METER REVENUE Meter Revenue % of Usage November-15 Multi-Space Credit Card), 48.70% Single Space Coins), 0 24% r y,be % ,--. lc- M hi-Space uiA ` w< Y , p . Cons), h E;q fi #t R: k 2 87% p Multi-Spac Bills), 20.81 Park Mobile, 27.38% PARKING DEPARTMENT PARKMOBILE PAY BY PHONE STATISTICS November-15 Users Residents 15% Type of User Transactions %of Total s Residents 26,249 15% K Non-Residents 145,569 85% i Total Transactions 171,818 100% Non- Residents 85% PayPapayment Method Wallet 12% prepaid) 3% Payment Method Transactions % of Total 4L,s s Visa 81,289 47/°11,,,,,,1*. 4„, N,NN..N. MasterCard 34,399 20% Discover 1,410 1% 17%MC:AMEX 29,11818 17/° PayPal 20,684 12% 20 a Wallet (prepaid) 4,918 3% Total 171,818 100% Discover 1% 615,000 Parkmobile Revenue 610,000 0 605,000 600,000 Month Meter Revenue 595,000 October 580,860.78 590,000 November 609,935.29 December 585,000 January 580,000 February March 575,000 April 570,000 _ May June 565,000 T f July 00C ,Qes ,00s Job Job oar Q o S \A Jy' , oec August Oc' , ec God o , os P Pry eF September o Q 0 5' 9 Total 1,190,796.07 N CO V c° O J OLO N COCO t co N ' 1 f-Nt Nt z z 49-49- 8 O co N e N N sO I r i V s p. bc,...e.,...5. 6- N CO Nt 2 0 N N OU I I J 0 s SOl o N _ ctei'O co LO 1 t' 1 •;0 sCOCN dNt 4 c- V) w l '°... w v p9, sir• X N ,o ,- in sue,Cl- V N o d Q N r o r a 0o0 0 Ln C). N•C CO 15 OI c") N a) r Os Qcnoo 'O VI- COC R. V 0 0000 1.O c y L C O•• 6 N cy) co Os C t t6 0 0 i N N r1 eJr,ti•I rf a) IAA M c J 4.9-1tM r J'ej F' N VtrJ,MIr. 1 J4 s,if0rJ N N O \ y i+ a co fVri`t8N O O 4 coYt.,O Fy9J rt rJ.- pOtor1rJT L N CO CO f,,s. E, 0a• • r r If vV`4aOOcorNJAoo o, Nt f.J 1.'%%,.....:‘::::.%.,.,-*,, A,..;,;/./.:,,,, l‘,;:::: " r:::::::::::-:,,-:.--:::•••_:::::, r- IR p O N QO 3^ Ln U LO (N C)•> OCD cc- iNc? 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N-4 co N S 0 r Ce ' cON LO Q INLO M M 0 0 64 69 a) u_ O= OM sO O's i O N V U` V 0: c h N N Nt C N M C U V o> S 0 c• Q co co O tt` k i is:: 64 64 ii., k LO O N N I U ao ii f 5 N 444 i,giov Le) 5 N N N V N O O O O O O O O ONO 69 6F} O O O O O O O O O LO LO LO '0 '0 s0 '0 '0 s0 '0 '0 '0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v > v C L 0 Q i >. c Q O O O O O O in O LO Li 0 N 0 a) < 0 D -i D a) a co co N N 403- Z0 -' L1 QN O. 00O, O, '0N0 Ln0 N vl ‘4N. -4 ,O0r. 0 , aD O• N N.co ,O O 'i oo L0 N Q (N YD 0(N -- vO ON O vO N N I N f 0 N O O 69- b.' 0 1E id o 1" 00ao0 O OD V O c O N N 41 .4 N O O r c < 'O 'OOa^oNaa) 'O N O:Y 0 a C N aDMM MN — , 'L D co N N U1 00 co-N — '0 J C D O c V 69 I LL Q C ) 4O NcDN' 0N0 OD 5 0 O,oDN0,- O N 0 112 ppNyO M a co am 4 ai c co vONMO• .O — f NQ 0,4 C 0 NNNr N cO 4 U' NI C7 4.4 b4 i r a M VLO N 'o000 O OD T 0 ao N; O 06 - ' LC) M N 4 0 m v`) 0 CO000v0aa) -- •' 4 cn 4 o O' — (V — ' N 4 0 oCl)M 0 r—N E W 44 44- O NN .4 '0OaoO O h 0 N aoU .n 'nao00 O N a CD IN .Owm.4 .4LO M aD c0 mLLVco04) r M r O• 0F-- a) O rONmr N aQ0MN01( a 0 LLJ 64 44 I O. 00 IX) V) 'O000 0 0ZN 'OcNNtNO 0 a)t CD N . M M N O Nao 41 O• 0 X• E to 0 ^-LOONNN Nt N s rn w > c 0 (NI(NI vO 3 N 0 O Z CD 64 0 l CO pC c N Ma N00ao0 O o Q 0 0 `O '0 '0 0 '0 N 0 O v N O O 46 ao 00 CD - a) OD 41 CO cy CD 00 '0 r) 0 O o 'O 'ONNN'O N No Z N o M i s N N Ne 2 r 0 b4 b4 I i C CD 1 N0000 N 4.D O 0 co O O O N 'O 0 0 ' cococMOv0.4aa) . '0 N CD w 0 —cv J3 U• r 7 O N 64 a4 0 - N Nt N 0 0 0 0 U 0) C 6 so0Nco '0UM — 0 N Ln NN— ao M i 0 0 U CO 20 44 4) n ON0 0000 00 co. N a) C7 Uc'M •- ONOc!) O I a) 0U01Noo0U — E a v) m N a) 0 — co L -- cn V c 0 IN 00N 'c — OD N O N 00 M N Vr m 64 r N a) a 111111111111PIIIL a. a) v v a c p c O O O 11110. O p p 44 D 0 Q• c C 0 -o B C '6 > E c 2 E c v)< u LUG° U<Cl)) City of Miami Beach 5th and Alton Parking Garage Fiscal Year beginning October 1,2015 ending September 30,2016 For the current month ending November 30,2015 CMB Fiscal Current Month N°" YTD Total Revenues Edens 54%CMB 46% Expenses Portion Portion CMB GL Operating revenue: 484-8000-344405 5th&Alton Garage-Monthly 315.00 $ 170.10 $ 144.90 $ 19,878.90 484-8000-344406 5th&Alton Garage-Transient 33,577.55 18,131.88 15,445.67 33,745.50 484-8000-344410 5th&Alton Garage-Tenant Contribution 26,897.70 14,524.76 12,372.94 24,745.88 484-8000-344587 Valet Parking(Off)-Taxable 63,060.00 34,052.40 29,007.60 42,807.60 484-8000-369999 Miscellaneous Revenue 1,214.00 655.56 558.44 1,439.34 Total operating revenue 125,064.25 67,534.70 57,529.56 122,617.22 Operating expenses: A84-0470-000312 Professional Services 2,083.33 1,125.00 958.33 1,916.66 484-0470-000313 Bank Fees 675.92 365.00 310.92 605.06 484-0470-000314 Electricity 680.28 367.35 312.93 2,930.27 484-0470-000316 Telephone 271.24 146.47 124.77 378.63 484-0470-000317 Water 5,060.33 2,732.58 2,327.75 4,993.23 484-0470-000318 Sewer Charges 484-0470-000319 Sanitation Fees 484-0470-000321 Postage and Shipping 484-0470-000322 Administration Fees 484-0470-000323 Rent-Building&Equipment 484-0470-000324 Printing 484-0470-000325 Contract Maintenance 33,645.87 18,168.77 15,477.10 44,777.91 484-0470-000327 Advertising 484-0470-000329 Storm Water cv 484-0470-000341 Office Supplies 484-0470-000342 Repairs/Maintenance Supply 484-0470-000343 Other Operating Expenditures 1,592.25 859.82 732.43 1,756.03 484-0470-000349 Other Contractual Services 8,000.00 4,320.00 3,680.00 7,360.00 484-0470-000368 Taxes&licenses 484-0470-000375 Misc Insurance 30,065.43 16,235.33 13,830.10 27,660.14 484-0470-000484 Depreciation Total operating expenses 82,074.65 44,320.32 37,754.33 92,377.93 Nonoperating revenue 484-8000-361130 Interest-Repurchase Agreement 21.29 11.50 9.79 19.52 484-8000-344599 Miscellneous 0.00 Total nonoperating revenue 21.29 1 1.50 9.79 19.52 Net income/(loss) 43,010.89 23,225.87 19,785.02 30,258.81 Transfers In Change in net assets 43,010.89 23,225.87 19,785.02 30,258.81 Net assets,beginning 678,201.65 366,228.89 31 1,972.76 613,471.76 Net assets,ending 721,212.54 $389,454.76 $331,757.78 $ 643,730.57 Note': Source-Edens Monthly Financial Statements mks AMIN111.., 41k.41=11111111 11L moo assi City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach,Florida 33139,www.miamibeachfl.gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Philip Levine and Members 41 the City I/•mmission IFROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: February 10, 2016 SUBJECT: INFORMATIONAL REPORT ON ALL EXISTING CITY CONTRACTS FOR RENEWAL OR EXTENSIONS IN THE NEXT 180 DAYS On April 18, 2001, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2001-24332 providing for an informational report of all existing City contracts for renewal or extensions, which by their terms or pursuant to change orders exceed $25,000, and all extensions or renewals of such contracts, to be presented to the Mayor and City Commission at least 180 days prior to the contract extension or renewal date of each contract. The Administration, in addition to reporting on all existing City contracts, has included information relative to Miami-Dade County, State of Florida, U.S. Communities and Federal GSA contracts that are approved for utilization by the City Manager, pursuant to Section 2- 369 of the City Code. Please see attached informational report. 1: JLM/ :o F:\PURC\$ALL\REPORTS\Monthly Reports\FY 2016\Feb 2016-180 Day Cyr Ltr.doc Agenda Item C Date ;40-16. 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D D D H D Di O X 1; I I I I I 2'; in in m m m m m m H -I-1 I HH 1• D D IV I -.1 K. C W W W W W W 0) O O O O O O a jNNiNiNiNiNiNiNiNiiv30OOOOOOOOOOO Ni O 9,37 OPIC0) O C 0) 0) 0) O 0) O 0) 0) d7 e Z-IODH Z Z z-IODO-DODO Z Z Z Z Z-IOD -I-1 OD -1-1OD -i 3, O fD O O- * 0 0 0 (D = d D = O- = 0 0 0 O O fD = O- n-fD = O- * fD = O- * . CD 3 m ao > > > m (2_, og m ao Rg m QFeg m o- o3 0 2- o ; p, m3 .. -. CD CD CD 2 ._ = .-. m CD m CD m3 D _ a3 — r_: O3 — r_:0, CD O N O o U3 _, O cn _, O N _, O N N C) co w O O N i Ul n O a C N Ni 3 C. CD I T 11 D -I t/) 73 Co n n 0 r-< 2o5CO a CO, O 0 C , m -I a I- Z g m wO0 0 qm D m2 7J Z I D n Z mM n 0CO m m 70 0 5 m. o m i —1 cn n 9° 2 Cor m 0 C CO o DD I D n M m R1 Z 0 3oCO0m O CO I m 71 m Z D P D n 0 I K m z N.) Ni CZ a =0 Ni Ni N Cl rzt O o O = pl O O co a 10 > -I-10 > 0LD O Cc1), °_ 53 m CD CD o _,, o g zu a) - -< v 47 Attachment A 2013-245 STATE+OIF FLORIDA CONTRACT NO.: 120-440-08-1 TNT MARINE MARINA MIKE'S, LLC 2013-126 GSA IT'70 S,OHIEOUlL1E CONTRACT NO.: GS -35F-0265X IMMIX TECHNOLOGY, INC.IKRONOS INCORPORATED 2013-215 STATE OF IFLOiRIDA CONTRACT NO.: 360-240-12-1 BENTLEY PRINCE STREET CONTINENTAL FLOORING COMPANY MILLIKEN SERVICES MOHAWK CARPET DIST SHAW INDUSTRIES TANDUS FLOORING INTERFACE AMERICAS 2014-066 JHVAC EQUIPMENT, I'NSTALLATION., PARTS/SE'RV MASTER MECHANICAL SERVICE INC. MRSE LLC COMFORT TECH AIR CONDITIONING 2015-024 AEO'DEF RIBRILLATO RS PHYSIO-CONTROL, INC IZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION 2012-066 TRADES ENTERPRISE ELECTRICAL CONTRACT COMFORT TECH AIR CONDITIONING FHP TECTONICS CORP. COMMERCIAL INTERIOR CONTRACTOR A&J ROOFING CORP CORAL GABLES GLASS&MIRROR CO FXP CORP. DELCONS INC. HABER&SON'S PLUMBING, INC EDD HELMS GROUP INC. SA CONSULTANTS, LLC THE ANDERSONS, INC TEAM CONTRACTING INC. AARON CONSTRUCTION GROUP, INC. TRIANGLE FIRE INC SANCHEZ ARANGO CONSTRUCTION ADVANCED ROOFING, INC.CLEANING&RESTORATION CORP. AGC ELECTRIC SOUTHERN COMFORT SOLUTIONS AARON CONSTRUCTION GROUP, INC. CLEANING&RESTORATION CORP. SANCHEZ ARANGO CONSTRUCTION SOUTHERN COMFORT SOLUTIONS 1 Attachment A 2014-20'5 PURCH AUTOMOTIVE OILS, LUBRICANT, GREASE FLAMINGO OIL CORPORATION D/B/A/FLAMINGO OIL FLORIDA FLEET SERVICES, INC. COMPANY TPH ACQUISITION, LLLP D/B/A THE PARTS HOUSE 2013-307 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CONTRACT NO.: 9282-3/18-1 UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI I EMERGENCY MEDICAL CONSULTANTS 2013-315 MIAMI-DADE COU-NTY CONTRACT NO..: 185709-4/11-4 RAYMOND PURBAIX ENTERPRISES, INC.REX CHEMICAL, CORPORATION GRUNSKIS, LLC dba: INDUSTRIAL CLEANING EQUIPMENT 2014-063 MIAM°I-DADE COUNTY CONTRACT NO.,: 6819-5/17-3 SULLIVAN ELECTRIC&PUMP, INC. SANDERS COMPANY, INC. ITB -08-11/12 PRINTING SERVICES SOLO PRINTING, INC. ARC/RIDGWAY'S LLC DORAL DIGITAL REPROGRAPHICS ITB -15-11/1.2 CONCRETE CURBING/SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION TEAM CONTRACTING INC. METRO EXPRESS H&R PAVING INC. 2013-190 STATE OF FLORIDA CONTRACT NO.: 425-01-12-B ABCO OFFICE FURNITURE(A) NATIONAL PUBLIC SEATING(A) ADDEN FURNITURE, INC.(A) NEOCASE, INC. (A) AMERICAN SEATING COMPANY(A) NEVINS LTD(A) ARCADIA CHAIR COMPANY(A) NEW ENGLAND WOODCRAFT(A) AUGUST INCORPORATED(A) NIGHTINGALE CORP(A) BIOFIT ENGINEERED PRODUCTS(A) NORIX GROUP, INC. (A) BLOCKHOUSE CO., INC.(A)PALMER HAMILTON, LLC(A) CLARIN(A) PALMER SNYDER FURNITURE COMPANY(A) COLUMBIA MFG. INC. (A) PALMIERI FURNITURE(A) CONTEMPORARY INTERIORS, INC.(A) PETER PEPPER PRODUCTS, INC. (R) CORILAM FABRICATING CO., INC.(A) RECYCLED PLASTIC FACTORY(M) 2 Attachment A DCI, INC. (A) RT LONDON(A) EGAN VISUAL INTERNATIONAL, INC.(A) SAUDER MANUFACTURING CO.(A) ELECTRONIC CLASSROOM FURNITURE(A) SCHOLAR CRAFT PRODUCTS(A) ERG INTERNATIONAL(A) SEDIA SYSTEMS, INC.(A) FLEETWOOD GROUP, INC.(A) SHUTTLESYSTEM, LLC(A) FOLIOT FURNITURE, INC. (A) SICO AMERICA, INC. (A) GLOBAL INDUSTRIES, INC. (A) SITMATIC(A) GREENE MANUFACTURING, INC.(A) SOUTHWEST CONTRACT(A) HANEL STORAGE SYSTEMS(A) SPACESAVER STORAGE SYSTEMS, INC. (A) HERMAN MILLER, INC.(A) SURFACE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (A) HUSSEY SEATING(A) TOLEDO FURNITURE, INC.(A) INTERIOR CONCEPTS CORPORATION(A) VANERUMSTELTER(A) ISE, INC. (A) VIA, INC.(A) JOHN SAVOY AND SON, INC. (A) VS AMERICA, INC. (A) JSJ FURNITURE CORPORATION DBA FIXTURES KEILHAUER(A) FURNITURE(A) KEYSTONE RIDGE DESIGNS, INC.(A) KRUEGER INTERNATIONAL, INC. (A) KRUG, INC. (A) LEGACY FURNITURE GROUP, INC. (A) LESRO INDUSTRIES, INC.(A) MODUFORM, INC. (A) 2015,017 CITY OF MIAMI CONTRACT NO.: 260254(16) COMMERCIAL ENERGY SPECIALISTS, INC. IPRO STAR POOL SUPPLIES RFQ-42-09/1;0 NOISE/ACOUSTIC/SOUND CONSULTING SERVICES ARPEGGIO ACOUTIC CONSULTING EDWARD DUGGER+ASSOCIATES, PA LANGAN ENGINEERING, PA 2015-017 CITY OF MIAMI CONTRACT NO.:-260254(16) COMMERCIAL ENERGY SPECIALISTS, INC. IPRO STAR POOL SUPPLIES 20.15-263. S:.E. FLORIDA GOVERNMENTAL PURCHASING'CO-OP GROUP rf,'MTRArT Nrl • 9f111-1-Plitt FAST-DRY COURTS, INC. IMCCOURT CONSTRUCTION 2013-312 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CONTRACT NO.., IQ7928-4/18-1 AIRGAS USA LLC IBROWARD NELSON FOUNTAIN 3 Attachment A 2015-108 LAKE COUNTY FLORIDA CONTRACT NO.: ITB 12-0806 A ONE FIRE EQUIPMENT, INC. BENNETT FIRE PRODUCTS CASKEY'S MOWER DANA SAFETY SUPPLY ELITE FIRE&SAFETY EMERGENCY VEHICLE TECHNICAL SUPPORT EVS FIREFIGHTING TECHNOLOGIES FISHER SCIENTIFIC HALL-MARK FIRE APPARATUS HAZARD CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. LAWMAN'S&SHOOTERS SUPPLY MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT LLC NAFECO TEN 8 FIRE EQUIPMENT 2013-098-12' MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CONTRACT NO.: 8915-5/19-2 JC MACHINE WORKS CORP GENERAL WELDING SERVICE ENTERPRICES INC. HYDRAULIC SALES&SERVICE, INC. CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR CORP HYDRAULIC TECHNICIANS, INC. TAW MIAMI SERVICE CENTER, INC. ALM MACHINE, INC. AFFORDABLE METAL, INC. 2014-0.0.5 STATE TERM CONTRACT NO.: 405-000-10-1 MACMILLIAN OIL COMPANY, LLC MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY PETROLEUM TRADERS CORPORATION 2013-294-01 NIGP SOUTHEAST FLORIDA CHAPTER CONTRACT NO.: 522-10927 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES, INC. MELROSE SUPPLY&SALES, CORP. HORIZON DISTRIBUTORS, INC. ITB -07-11/12 ATHLETIC UNIFORMS FOR PARKS AND REC.. MATTY'S SPORTS RIDDELL ALL AMERICAN ROYAL T SCREEN PRINTING CORP. ITB -25-11/12 PURCHASE OF PUBLIC SAFETY SHOES SAFETY SHOE DISTRIBUTORS, LLP GLOBAL TRADING INC. ITB -06-11/12 SPITTER TICKETS, SCRATCH-OFF HANG TAGS RYDIN DECAL TOLEDO TICKET COMPANY WELDON,WILLIAMS&LICK INC NAGELS NORTH AMERICA, LLC 4 Attachment A ITB -09-11/12 DOOR RE L.ATEID.IREPAIR AND REPACE M E NT SERVICES . AAA AUTOMATED DOOR REPAIR INC IBEST GARAGE DOOR INC ITB -21-11:/12 FOR CITYWIDE LOT CLEARANCE SERVICES SUPERIOR LANDSCAPING&LAWN PERSONALLY YOURS LAWN SERVICE ELAN LAWN&LANDSCAPE SERVICES 5 MIAMI .BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach, Florida 33139,www.miamibeachfl.gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Philip Levine and Members f the City /ommission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: February 10th, 2016 SUBJECT: CIP Monthly Construction Project pdate Attached please find the monthly update for active City of Miami Beach construction projects under the purview of the CIP Office. Attachment Agenda Item d Date ;-10141 4 i Vj O U Q y 0 N C 1 0 fi C O U U a 3 _c C N O U -+ CD CD o a) u) CO O c0 0 c.) 0 0 .o c c o — c a) 0 a) c 2 .o aN O N c O c (a Q_ th a) _c N cn 4- N "0 CO j 0 co Cl) N C "C ot = c3O G)• N N co > E r 0 U - 0 D c N C CO N c O ; ' 0 W O O. - p C U N O O ca LC) a) )C Oa - p CD . Q I E Q OW0 .0 >, N N 0 U ON +. aa) +-' E cn O k a) LL C CO CO N ' C U N.. o U O E D a Y , U L a) O 0 0 u) O O N (') N a_ 3O D O O p j 0"..C -0 Z U O a) a) O = — — 1iJUN U 2 J o U a) a a N N N Q O r O C + \ p c a) U O N (a a€ O Q s O 0 ..- O 0c L . o L -C -C -C Q2zc UZao o a co = i— aaa c cc 3 cc a • •_• • • • _ _ • 0 -o ' 3 i • • • • .01 coCO V) N F, C CO N E q• r u) L E co c L i 4- u s N O U ;C- io O 4 • C 0 0 0 ._ (a LO O N O C Q) (a Q N O 0 a) a 0)U J d 0 +_ e-I 0oi 0 a) O 0 C p . 0 0) C a1 0 C U O O OD C a. 0 U o N ca c 2 ca ,— C > O U . -U d CO a rn O i c v) a CO Ta.v . 0 >CO Cr) >,— < L CO 0 N (a CC ry a) Q ° off O C > - V L- ' — 7 J N cn M Y E a)O to 'C v) C a) c o •5c03 ca)oa0 - C9 * a °c) aC )o n a o 0 0 C `- co — Y " c V c a) c c mU - (.) a) a O N ',- C j ° O ''0 --.-0 a) i_ -0 L a)a)oLOa) co c _c o U O o 0 °- a) E o .,. a }. ° co = +.03` ° x- cs 5 > . co) . x cn c o N not E a• ° ° O F— W cc ca ... o C a) ° 0 O CO O m w 7, U C LL CO 0 co C }, Q.- . r,,, a? C N c p ° U o a . a) c c E 0 a) O c o rn cn E 0 •ai o cn CO _O 2 o O c O E p rn ca a) .- L- o rn a c) "_'s ° cd• C •` O U +-, a cn C cn co U f:-D)a E O a) 0 (a CO a 0 - -c O to = N N O O V) J U 0 CC d (n _ H U a N U N a n d H _ ®1 U L Q) a) a) D) a rn v ,a.co co (/) (a C C (a 0 a) z _c 0 .o c E 1 0)N 0) cn UaoCo0CJ -c CO • U a a a LL C L CO N = c C (° m U Q a Yaa) >'a+ a .0 N C ` C ` N O ta; o a UiaU C2L10) N - O 0) s- _ - 0) O C " E L a CL o ° (n m i d COO CO O (n 2 F—° O l .lb; O I Lci o-- Q -- 1 j O o_ U) N N 3 (a S ac 4= N D N L _ N N R E Q 2 8 LL E C O 0 O C O 1.0 1- N 0) N U N NQCO4= N O E (u) -0 CO co O . a) Q 3 O • o '5 a)N EVm0O5c. L N O O i O Cfl 0 - >,0 C C NCO O 1o (0 o Q ON co w C N O O. 0 N- = I r O 0 N N U NuUO > ,, O D ON XO aa) O NONM OW Z' O O L, Q•0 0 -, U E co a)co • 0) Co • C N r c cm o- ca ca cn Z-U 0 >n Q O O N a) O C -- j 0 c co 0 N O O) CO N c E°Z _N co N 3 all •+. CO 4* U O Q Qa, Q 0 OQCQ lo_ .. Q QcOa)E E C • ' a) c ENOjmNVOOO111 ° O w o O p Q I U O O O I- ,, U a) o o U o U {U ° W U Q E o ° U o Q O L a O Q O 10 Q._1 r Q- O a N O Q C a) .0 n" 0 C O }. E E 0) E (a U o _o a.., E v O U N N m C O +. C O C C o N rn 4. o C 0 C LO a) 0 O tu U c w U 'ry CU U > c O E 4 U 0 E m O v) V cn t co O ._ 0 u) Q U C E o o) },o ca L C m 0 Ca a) ca o is Li) fa c= N L A- 0) LO O 0 .0 a) 0 .0 .0 0 .0 L O = 0 C a) (0O < - a) W Z ita. co itit 1co itI- < 1Z Lt n ' - •• •• cn •• .. •• — •• •"• •• • • • • c a c 0) L a)N L -o o C • D O Y C !'0 N =O c c cr u) ca O O ! o N 0 0 '§ c ,p) .2 4- O T O U)C O m - I- a)N 0- 0) O - O Y 0 L • a) c/) N Cl) cc1) _ 0) Cr)_ O v) 0 E E W c Q ° co '(3o a) cv = i Q-0O o a) — aD C • (a 0- O-c c°) a°,o CL ' rnNrn a) o QUO ° o ° L -- a) 2a) -° a C N Q co c E o -0 I N O U . U =.S " v a co C a) a) C .0 -a a) ci)O N (a L- ,- co a) c C . N•C C V „ U !U j 0 (a •aE O °--c E a) c 0- E •,-7) .4-. .c)C a) - c -0 O a) io ca 25 (a N N .co a- 0 0 cc a) ° o O p_ O 'V L L X a) L C co a) - t; E O a) ° .a o . o_c i .°c O coo 3 co a) -°- O 0) ° a ` o a a) C .L N -o O ,L ui > z45 i- co "iii a) c U 'uNi 1 C C c vi ca ` > O a°i C '0 "O ( N • 14_•2 .c C U 0 O 0 -0 -0 -50) w° 0 1 0 +L. a) a) a) c ; E L "C Q N _ Y O -0 0 E N 0) a = U c .0 ..., f >. C E ° 3 a) N CO -0 1 ° C °) E ° 'cn i o C C J In -0 N a) i U O O + { rn -0 O 00 O N 0" C a)1 cn >"'_ C "0 f1 2 • ca ••— .v N- > C 4- a) c c > 0 cca u) o) c F ) -O0 „a) N c E oc-' o o — Q Q C - 2aci -76 2 ; cUa) N " F_ c -a c ' ' a) o i s U , N (a E (a o c >. E r (a C 0 C a L., L ice! c +. c - 0) h'h o .- 0 ° -c '0 o c u) I (a o • N o U) CO i-- c 0 _ o cU5a) a) 0 ° o o Zr) L_ C ca ; a) -c -- -1 ,505 :6 ---100 cn L 0 ai L O O . U -C N = 1! a) 0 /2 0•D 0 C R (a E 2 0)i /U > 12 O . aQ^c.) co O.0 f- `i i- LL LL C al L CO CU w+ Q._ L co L a)i u) Q O Q Q L d 1_ Ia) c i i C O i C O A a_ O (6 c f/O (B O N •}, L • 1ia) a) 0 a) a) v aE EQ 1 5Ea) 0 2 a) o a) U = o a) LL O T ci) w N i(n D! L U iU co ' v O - c _c U L co ca u_ 1 LLL LL LPL o_ co Ct i.. 0_ I i L L L L L L LUUUI, U 0 0 (a 10 (a O N 7 CO a) u) co cnm u) co U) ao CO a) Y a) a ` 0 (a .c 0 A 0 N a _o .0 a) a O c 1) a) •- N a) • a)-0 0 o o 0 a Y E a > E a) (a (a a) O (a ca 0 0 ca 0 0 0 N 0 cncnm LLcncnco C E- woo c O O a ai •v) O C,O u-') Q a) 'N Erp_c ----NO O J N CU . E E ,E Q LL U O _ a cn E U c0 a) N o O .r c O L ` o_ co O _ av c . c 4- 3 ) U) E Q cO - c 2 a o i_ a) c c o c0 a) c c0 m 0 coi o c c u) 0 0 fN ... cn o u) = i o O N O O c cNOO . c .- a) M O 2 E .E c O Q o a o 1? c 2 ca i h. o c x ca o co ca 0 a f O L c i as cn U) 2 4_ co c7 Q c cu .c CO w a) i >,• c Q c N u) 4t "''c = Q t Q E Q 0_ to _c c ,_N- 0.0 u) u) c mo 5u) a—) foa? o O nc ilmDpcaoE N. 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O ! t O ( (6 N C i.o) N E C O c - co .- 0 ' N -Op N N E N U co ! C ( = c CO ~= •-- O L-• 9 U i • = O O C co a E C •- ca O O > • 0-a O (a U -0 C O cn c E aU) c 0 0 2 C o o i-- a)—o ' U C ' .2 00 ooaCLo .-. a `) EO O a- -0 as cu 0 t C c L U N O -0 — :5 O O Q I- `) c O O C cn V r co L 0d co O O 0_ 0) O C 0 0 0 C (n 0- O N a1 O O U `N N Q N ac 0 o Q -v I- U) = m GE U O E a) Z D roots c c E Ei o N a) Q- O C O ; c w = w U 7 (B S N N Ua30 -L O- u) 21 1 1\AIAtV'\ I City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach, Florida 33139,www.miamibeachfl.gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Philip Levine and Members f the City r .mmission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: February 10th, 2016 SUBJECT: REPORT ON EMERGENCY PURC ASES • AND UNAUTHORIZED PURCHASES EMERGENCY PURCHASES. Miami Beach City Code Section 2-396 provides for the City Manager to waive the requirements for competitive bidding for emergency purchases as defined in the Code. Pursuant to this provision,emergency purchases exceeding$50,000.00 are to be reported to the City Commission at its meeting following the emergency. With the discontinuation of the Job Order Contracting (JOC), the process that was most frequently utilized to procure emergency response services of a construction-related nature, the need to process emergency purchase requests has increased.While the Administration considers alternatives to the JOC program for emergency response services and urgent projects, the emergency purchase request process outlined in Code allows the City to respond expeditiously to unexpected needs for these services. The following is a list of emergency purchases for the preceding month. The Emergency Purchase Request form for each emergency reported is attached. Nature of Requestor Contractor Amount Emergency Raider Sewer Force Public Works Environmental 2016-079 Main Repair Operations-Water& Services & 68,600 Sewer Superintendent DMSI UNAUTHORIZED PURCHASES. Miami Beach City Code Section 2-393(a) prohibits the purchase of goods or services unauthorized by the Procurement Division(typically through the issuance of a Purchase Order with stated purchase authority prior to the receipt of goods or services). In its due diligence, the Department of Procurement Management(DPM) has identified those purchases that have been transacted in violation of the stated Code requirement. In those cases, the DPM has required documentation and justification be provided to the City Manager, through the Unauthorized Purchase form, who may then, pursuant to Code, consider and authorize the purchase. Unauthorized purchases exceeding 50,000 are reported to the City Commission at its meeting following the approval of the Unauthorized Purchase form. Following is a report of unauthorized purchases for the preceding month. The Unauthorized Purchase form for each purchase reported is attached. Nature of Unauthorized Requestor Contractor Amount Purchase Nothing to Report a!i JLM/ b/ME/• T:\AGENDA\2016\February 10th\Procurement\January Emergency and Unauthorized Purchz Agenda Item Date .)-(0-4(. f\AIA/VWIEACHEAC City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach, Florida 33139,www.miamibeachfl.gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO:Mayor Philip Levine and Members of he City Col l mission FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: February 10th, 2016 SUBJECT: INFORMATIONAL REPORT CAPITAL OR INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS AWARDED PURSUA T TO THE NATIONAL JOINT POWERS ALLIANCE (NJPA) COMPETITVELY SOLICITED CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Section 255.20, Florida Statutes exempts construction projects under$300,000 from formal competitive solicitation requirements. Nonetheless,the Administration believes it is prudent to establish a process,which includes assuring that qualified contractors are performing the work and competitive pricing, when awarding projects under the threshold established in Florida Statutes, while still expediting the award and completion of these projects. With these goals in mind, the Administration has pursued utilizing a process known as indefinite quantity contract(IQC)for construction services.The IQC process is used extensively by the local, state and federal governmental agencies throughout the United States to expedite the delivery of construction projects. The City Commission, at its April 23, 2014, meeting approved a recommendation by the Administration to utilize the IQC process to expedite the delivery of construction projects under$250,000 or for emergency projects as approved by the City Manager. The City, as a governmental agency member, is authorized to utilize the IQC contract for construction services competitively awarded by the National Joint Powers Alliance(NJPA). Additional information on the NJPA IQC contract is included in the attached Contract Award Memo which provides guidelines for using the NJPA contract. Following is a list of projects awarded pursuant to the NJPA IQC contract for construction services for the period prior the City Commission meeting. PROJECT TITLE IQC No. VALUE BRIEF SCOPE ROW BP 12D/E/F — South 2016 -041 $38,271.60 Installation of tree root Pointe Phase II, IV and V — watering system and related Landscaping and Irrigation irrigation work for approximately 125 sidewalk tree/palm pits for trees that are established along the ROW. rJ JLM/''.' /ME/KB F:\PURC\$AL \Monthly R orts\FY 2016\IQC\IQC Report—February 10th Agenda Item (= Date a-D-* REPORT OF THE ITEMIZED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES OF THE MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY'S CITY CENTER DISTRICT SOUTH POINTE PRE-TERMINATION CARRY FORWARD BALANCES) FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER 2015 Agenda Item Date 02-16-2016 fkal MIAMIBEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139,www.miamibeachfl.gov REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEMORANUM TO: Chairperson and Members of the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, Executive Director DATE: February 10, 2016 SUBJECT: Report of the Itemized Revenues and Expenditures of the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency's City Center iistrict and the South Pointe (Pre- Termination Carry Forward Balances) for the Period Ended November 30, 2015. On July 15, 1998 the Chairman and Members of the Board of the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency resolved that an itemized report of the revenues and expenditures of the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency, with respect to each redevelopment area, would be made available to the Chairman and Members of the Board of the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency at the end of each month. Currently the report is provided at the scheduled commission meeting. As of September 30, 2005, the South Pointe Redevelopment District ceased to be a redevelopment area within the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency's jurisdiction. At that point, the City of Miami Beach assumed the responsibilities for the South Pointe Area. This report will continue to summarize the capital expenditures incurred for the South Pointe construction projects that have been appropriated as of September 30, 2005 and that are being paid from the remaining RDA South Pointe TIF balance. The attached material includes the following: Section A— South Pointe (Pre-Termination Carry Forward Balances) Summary of Accrual Basis Transactions by Project and for the Fiscal Years Ended September 30, 1988 through 2015 and the Period ended November 30, 2015 Summary of Operating Activities for the Period Ended November 30, 2015 Section B — City Center District Summary of Accrual Basis Transactions by Project and for the Fiscal Years Ended September 30, 1988 through 2015 and the Period ended November 30, 2015 Summary of Operating Activities for the Period Ended November 30, 2015 JLM:arw:mp SOUTH POINTE PRE-TERMINATION CARRY FORWARD BALANCES) FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR THE PERIOD ENDED NOVEMBER 30, 2015 MIAMIBEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach, Florida 33139,www.miamibeachfl.gov REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEMORANUM TO:Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager FROM: Allison Williams, Chief Financial Officer DATE: February 10, 2016 SUBJECT: South Pointe Financial Information for the Month Ended November 30, 2015 At the July 15, 1998 Commission/Redevelopment Agency meeting a request was made for monthly financial information for the South Pointe Redevelopment District. As of September 30, 2005, the South Pointe Redevelopment District ceased to be a redevelopment area within the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency's jurisdiction. However, this report will continue to summarize the capital expenditures incurred for the South Pointe construction projects that have been appropriated as of September 30, 2005 and that are being paid from the remaining RDA South Pointe TIF balance (pre-termination carry forward balances). The information has been compiled and is attached. Historical Financial Information The summary report included in the attached material reflects that during the period from October 1, 1987 through November 30, 2015 approximately $120,063,000 of revenues were received in the South Pointe Area. On the expenditure side, approximately $114,033,000 has been expended from October 1, 1987 through November 30, 2015. These approximate expenditures were primarily made in the following areas: The cash balance as of November 30, 2015 is approximately $6,676,000. This balance consisted of the following amounts: Cash Balance 245,060 Investments Balance 6,431,212 6,676,272 Beginning in October, 2014 the South Pointe Pre-Termination Financial Information report is presented on an accrual basis of accounting. Previous reports were presented on a cash basis of accounting. We ore committed to providing excellent public Service and safety to all who live. work. and play in our Vibrant, tropical. historic community. Cash Flow Statement for the Period Ending November 2015 Cash at October 1, 2015 6,929,138 Net income 114) Change in accounts receivable 105 Change in accounts payable 252,857) Cash at November 30, 2015 6,676,272 JLM:arw:mp We ore committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS FOR THE PERIOD ENDED NOVEMBER 30, 2015 RDA-South Pointe Pre-Termination Balances Summary of Accrual Basis Transactions by Project Fiscal Years 1988-2016 Total Prior Years FY 2016 Rev./Expenses REVENUES Tax increment-City 55,162,212 $ 55,162,212 Tax increment-County 37,562,671 37,562,671 Tax increment(Interest)-County 26,627 26,627 Tax increment-Children's Trust 1,296,759 1,296,759 Bond proceeds 6,860,000 6,860,000 Cobb Partners-Closing Parcel 1,2 5,187,944 5,187,944 Marina rental income 3,169,547 3,169,547 Interest income 8,253,225 114) 8,253,111 Loan from City 1,000,000 1,000,000 Grants(Fla.Inland Navig.;shoreline restore.) 350,000 350,000 Other Grants 5,000 5,000 St.sales tax(receipt-income for pmt.to St) 209,358 209,358 Daughters of Israel contrib.-reloc.Mikvah 28,000 28,000 Consulting fee refund-Rahn S.Beach 27,026 27,026 Olympus Hldg.-reimb.Portofino advertsg. 24,405 24,405 Mendelson environ.reimb./refund 10,000 10,000 Regosa Engineering refund-Marina 8,500 8,500 Portofino DRI Payment from Greenberg T. 121,531 121,531 Payment received from Greenberg T.for CMB 23,500 23,500 Payment received from Olympus Holdings,Inc. 96,276 96,276 Payment received from Marquesa,Inc. 2,000 2,000 Contribution from Continuum II for S.Pointe Park 200,000 200,000 Cost of asbestos remediation reimb.-Cobb 5,800 5,800 Miscellaneous income 8,267 8,267 Galbut&Galbut contrib.-reloc.Mikvah 3,500 3,500 Murano Two,Ltd-Cash Bond per Agreement 242,000 242,000 Other(void ck;IRS refund;prior year refund,etc) 179,341 179,341 Total Revenues 120,063,489 114) 120,063,375 EXPENDITURES PROJECTS Cobb/Courts Land acquisition 9,444,065)9,444,065) Legal fees/costs 4,084,795)4,084,795) Professional services 886,620) 886,620) Title insurance 300,000) 300,000) Demolition 216,805) 216,805) Appraisal 212,440) 212,440) Board up/relocation 148,578) 148,578) Site imprvmt/prep/lot clearg/envir. 589,543) 589,543) Real estate tax 86,259) 86,259) Construction 45,000) 45,000) Utilities relocation 29,046) 29,046) Adv.due develop.('88);refund bid('89)20,000) 20,000) Misc. 321,519) 321,519) Total Cobb/Courts 16,384,670) 16,384,670) Marina Construction costs 1,594,094)1,594,094) Submerged land lease 2,017,803)2,017,803) Legal costs 648,698) 648,698) Professional services 467,017) 467,017) Parking lot improvements 464,755) 464,755) 1 of RDA South Pointe Pre-Termination Balances Summary of Accrual Basis Transactions by Project Fiscal Years 1988-2016 Total Prior Years FY 2016 Rev./Expenses Pool&deck improvements 285,555) 285,555) Shoreline restoration 212,526) 212,526) Site improvements 80,883) 80,883) Landscaping 80,448) 80,448) Environmental 18,076) 18,076) Miscellaneous 43,401) 43,401) Total Marina 5,913,256) 5,913,256) Portofino Legal costs/closing costs 1,926,558)1,926,558) Environmental cleanup 379,268) 379,268) Appraisal costs 80,518) 80,518) Professional services 580,992) 580,992) Utility relocation 1,844,167)1,844,167) Advertising 52,594) 52,594) Miscellaneous('95 incl.$3k-temp svc) 15,784) 15,784) Yacht Club Lease Agreement 1,284,101)1,284,101) Ad Valorem Property Tax-Yacht Club 74,588) 74,588) Murano Garage Lease Agreement 1,149,437)1,149,437) Ad Valorem Property Tax-Murano 85,442) 85,442) Murano(Marina Garage)Common Area Maintenance 93,247) 93,247) Yacht Club Common Area Maintenance 37,893) 37,893) Murano Grande Lease Agreement 1,844,357)1,844,357) Ad Valorem Property Tax-Murano Two 50,600) 50,600) ICON Lease Agreement 2,585,476). 2,585,476) Refund of Cash Bond 242,000) 242,000) Mailing,printing 3,269) 3,269) Total Portofino 12,330,291) 12,330,291) South Pointe Streetscape/Park Construction costs 23,540,104) 23,540,104) Legal costs 2,614,818)2,614,818) Professional services 11,812,241) 11,812,241) Miscellaneous 467,677) 467,677) Total South Pointe Streetscape/Park 38,434,840) 38,434,840) SSDI Legal cost 117,435) 117,435) Property Taxes SSDI North 92,371) 92,371) Construction 6,222,118)6,222,118) Advance due to developer 15,017) 15,017) Total SSDI 6,446,941) 6,446,941) Other Projects Fifth St.Beautification 300,000) 300,000) Beach Colony(I'scape/stscape/site imprvmt) 80,912) 80,912) Marriott 53,061) 53,061) Washington Ave. 1,541,983)1,541,983) Washington Ave Surface Lot 280,790) 280,790) Design guidelines 43,708) 43,708) MBTMA/Mobility 32,225) 32,225) S.Pointe Zoning 20,819) 20,819) South Pointe Pier 85,092) 85,092) Alaska Baywalk 218,323) 218,323) Victory/Community Gardens 174,477) 174,477) Washington Park 50,590) 50,590) 2 of 3 RDA-South Pointe Pre-Termination Balances Summary of Accrual Basis Transactions,by Project Fiscal Years 1988-2016 Total Prior Years FY 2016 Rev./Expenses Water/Sewer Pump Station Upgrade 1,064,020)1,064,020) Flamingo S.Bid A R.O.W. 402,639) 402,639) Flamingo Neigh-Lummus 428,246) 428,246) Flamingo 10g-6St ROW Improvement 31,782) 31,782) Potamkin Project(5th&Alton) 318,525) 318,525) Lummus Park 103,916) 103,916) Wayfinding Project 177,081) 177,081) Jewish Museum of Florida 500,000) 500,000) MBCDC Loan-530 Meridian Bldg. 1,500,000)1,500,000) First Street Improvement Alton&Wash 5,927) 5,927) 6th&Lenox Infrastructure Project 772,450) 772,450) Beachwalk II Project 850,873) 850,873) 54"Diameter Sewer Force 482,627) 482,627) Miscellaneous 60,132) _ 60,132) Total Other Projects 9,580,198) 9,580,198) Total Projects 89,090,196) 89,090,196) Administration Management Fees 3,942,700)3,942,700) Interlocal Agreement 1,716,010)1,716,010) Professional services 437,225) 437,225) Sales tax 211,233) 211,233) Legal costs 134,623) 134,623) Bond costs 85,180) 85,180) Outside Audit fees 98,275) 98,275) Salaries 47,134) 47,134) Other 42,196) 42,196) Temporary staffing 47,695) 47,695) Office supplies/postage/printing 63,291) 63,291) TIF to County 22,523) 22,523) Advertising&Promotion 22,029) 22,029) Miscellaneous 193,201) 193,201) Travel&entertainment 16,280) 16,280) Furniture&fixtures 6,734) 6,734) Dues&memberships 6,509) 6,509) Net Premium/Discount on investment 20,187) 20,187) Accrued interest on investments 290,834) 290,834) Total Administrative 7,403,859) 7,403,859) Debt Service/Loan Repayment 14,028,441) 14,028,441) Miscellaneous Carner Mason settlement 946,163) 946,163) City of Miami Beach(reimburse water main) 74,067) 74,067) Miscellaneous 24,503) 24,503) 1,044,733) 1,044,733) Community Policing 2,465,482)2,465,482) Total expenditures 114,032,711) 114,032,711) ENDING BALANCE 6,030,778 $ 114) 3 of 3 RDA - South Pointe Pre-Termination Balances Summary of Operating Activities Year-To-Date and For the Month Ending November 2015 Year to date Expenditures Expenditures 379 RDA South Pointe Capital Proj 379-2333-069357 Capital-Contracts 0.00 0.00 Total rwssprdaiv S Pointe Impry Ph III-V 0.00 0.00 379-2541-061357 Design-Capital Contracts 0.00 0.00 379-2541-069357 Capital-Contracts 0.00 0.00 Total Beachwalk II 0.00 0.00 379-2737-061357 Design-Capital Contracts 0.00 0.00 379-2737-069357 Capital-Contracts 0.00 0.00 Total pwc54irsfm 54in Diam Red 0.00 0.00 379-2986-061357 Design-Capital Contracts 0.00 0.00 Total pksflaml0g Flamingo 10g-6 St. 0.00 0.00 Total Expenditures 0.00 0.00 Year to date Revenues Revenues 379 RDA South Pointe Capital Proj 379-8000-361110 Interest on Investments 0.00 340.79 379-8000-361130 Interest-Repurchase Agreement 121.34 226.41 379-8000-361720 Unrealized Gain/Loss-Invest<1 year 0.00 0.00 Total Revenues 121.34 114.38 Total Revenues 114.38) Total Expenses 0.00 Total Net Income 114.38) The Check register for the Redevelopment Agency-South Pointe Pre-Termination is located at https://secure.miamibeachfl.gov/apvendorviewer/chksearch.aspx The Monthly Construction Projects update for active South Pointe Pre-Termination is located at http://www.miamibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/scroll.aspx?id=77106 Page 1 of 1 CITY CENTER REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR THE PERIOD ENDED NOVEMBER 30, 2015 IAM1 Lary k 1 City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach, Florida 33139,www.miamibeachfl.gov REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEMORANUM TO:Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager FROM: Allison Williams, Chief Financial Officer DATE: February 10, 2016 SUBJECT: City Center Redevelopment District Financial Information For the Period Ended November 30, 2015 At the July 15, 1998 Commission/Redevelopment Agency meeting a request was made for monthly financial information for the City Center Redevelopment District. The information has been compiled and is attached. Historical Financial Information The summary report included in the attached material, reflects that during the period from October 1, 1993 through November 30, 2015 approximately $749,302,000 of revenues were 'received in the City Center District of the Redevelopment Agency RDA"). On the expenditure side, approximately $641,118,000 has been expended from October 1, 1993 through November 30, 2015. The cash balance as of November 30, 2015 is .approximately x$107,992,000. This balance consisted of the following amounts: Cash Balance 18,466,619 Petty Cash 500 Investments Balance 83,909,579 Debt Service Reserves 5,615,547 107,992,245 Beginning in October,.2014 the City Center Redevelopment District Financial Information report is presented on an accrual basis of accounting. Previous reports were presented on a cash basis of accounting. Cash Flow Statement for the Period Ending November 2015 Cash at October 1, 2015 109,805,787 Net income 1,942,851) Change in accounts receivable 74,462 Change in interest 59,100 Change in due from other funds 181,597) Change in prepaid expenses 163,666 Change in accounts payable 1,127,119) Change in accrued expenses 21,382 Change in due to other funds 1,166,571 Change in due to other government 10,259 Change in deferred revenue 57,815) Change in access card deposit 400 Cash at November 30, 2015 107,992,245 JLM:arw:mp SUMMARY OF TRANSACTIONS FOR THE PERIOD ENDED NOVEMBER 30, 2015 Redevelopment Agency City Center/Historic Convention Village Summary of Accrual Basis Transactions by Project Fiscal Years 1994 2016 Total Prior Years FY 2016 Rev/Expenses REVENUES Tax increment-County 196,591,447 196,591,447 Tax increment-City 198,397,701 198,397,701 Tax increment (Interest)-County 19,057 19,057 Tax increment-Children's Trust 15,283,484 15,283,484 Bond proceeds 108,779,453 108,779,453 Rental income 292,859 292,859 Anchor Garage receipts 41,453,244 554,584 42,007,828 Anchor Garage deposit card receipts 30,788 30,788 Anchor Shops rental income 10,166,076 153,795 10,319,871 Anchor Shops rental deposits 193,044 193,044 Pennsylvania Garage receipts 3,486,784 168,549 3,655,333 Pennsylvania Garage deposit card receipts 240 240 Pennsylvania Shops rental income 1,039,720 1,039,720 Pennsylvania Shops rental deposits 302,700 302,700 Legal settlement 100,000 100,000 Loews Facility Use/Usage Fee 145,462 145,462 Loews Ground Lease Receipts 8,240,984 8,240,984 Loews Hotel-exercise option 27,498,975 27,498,975 RDP Royal Palm Ground Lease Receipts 470,222 470,222 RDP Royal Palm-Sale of Land 12,562,278 12,562,278 New World Symphony Contribution 250,000 250,000 Interest income/Unrealized Gain/Loss Invest 22,134,921 147,919) 21,987,002 Resort tax contributions 55,977,581 55,977,581 Cost of Issuance Proceeds-Series 2005 8,856,281 8,856,281 Bid deposits-hotels 375,000 375,000 Bid deposits-cinema 100,000 100,000 Loan from City 3,000,000 3,000,000 Line of credit from City 19,190,000 19,190,000 Cultural Campus 1,975,762 1,975,762 Transfers In(Reimbursement) St.Moritz Hotel-refund/reimbursement 925,450 925,450 Reimbursements(GMCVB/RE taxes/Grants) 3,864,530 3,864,530 St.sales tax(receipt-income for pmt.to St) 2,371,561 2,371,561 Miami City Ballet-Capital 106,802 106,802 Miami City Ballet Lease/Maint 267,009 7,083 274,092 Anchor Garage insurance reimbursement 26,170 26,170 Real Estate taxes refund 299,056 299,056 Refund Due to/From 1,128,005 1,128,005 Refund-Loews-Water/Sewer Impact Fees 348,319 348,319 Refund-Police Salaries and Wages 844,503 844,503 Miscellaneous/Prior Year Refunds&Voids 1,468,184 2,203 1,470,387 TOTAL REVENUES 748,563,652 $ 738,295 $ 749,301,947 EXPENDITURES Projects African-American Hotel Appraisal fees 4,200) 4,200) Bid refund 50,000) 50,000) Board up 50,995) 50,995) Construction(soil remediation/tank) 9,800) 9,800) Delivery 503) 503) Electric service 422) 422) Environmental clean up 161,613) 161,613) Equipment rental 14,815) 14,815) Fire alarm service 13,870) 13,870) 1 of 6 Redevelopment Agency City Center/Historic Convention Village Summary of Accrual Basis Transactions by Project Fiscal Years 1994 2016 Total Prior Years FY 2016 Rev/Expenses Hotel negotiation consultant 126,131) 126,131) Land acquisition 10,592,060) 10,592,060) Legal fees/costs 667,871) 667,871) Lot clearing 16,924) 16,924) Maintenance 48,173) 48,173) Miscellaneous 309,495) 309,495) Owner's representative fees&expenses 293,757) 293,757) Postage,printing&mailing 4,153) 4,153) Professional services 144,049) 144,049) Public notice/advertisement 13,951) 13,951) Refund of deposits 175,000) 175,000) Reimbursements 15,799) 15,799) Relocation 32,400) 32,400) Security guard service 170,015) 170,015) Title insurance 25,271) 25,271) Travel&related expenses 2,159) 2,159) Water/Sewer(impact fees) 25,240) 25,240) Total African-American Hotel 12,968,666) 12,968,666) Convention Hotel Administrative fees 5,436) 5,436) Appraisal fees 67,150) 67,150) Bid refund 100,000) 100,000) Bond costs 173,998) 173,998) Building permit fees 172,451) 172,451) Construction 33,265,118) 33,265,118) 1,778) 1,778) Demolition 47,361) 47,361) Environmental clean up 19,556) 19,556) Equipment rental 24,389) 24,389) Fire alarm service 600)600) Hotel selection/study 263,357) 263,357) Hotel negotiation consultant 723,112) 723,112) Land acquisition 20,673,575) 20,673,575) Legal fees/costs 1,026,811) 1,026,811) Lot clearing 12,407) 12,407) Maintenance 695)695) Miscellaneous 28,063) 28,063) Owner's representative fee&expenses 1,218,615) 1,218,615) Postage,printing&mailing 15,977) 15,977) Professional services 275,568) 275,568) Public notice/advertisement 5,996) 5,996) Reimburse closing costs to C.M.B. 3,000,000) 3,000,000) Reimbursements 27,902) 27,902) Security guard service 26,563) 26,563) Temporary staffing 3,000) 3,000) Training,conferences&meetings 1,750) 1,750) Travel&related expenses 25,800) 25,800) Water/sewer service 308,979) 308,979) Total Convention Hotel 61,516,007) 61,516,007) Hotel Garage-Construction Administrative fees 26,248) 26,248) Appraisal fees 24,913) 24,913) Board up 9,763) 9,763) Bond costs 37,442) 37,442) Building permit fees 818) 818) Construction draw 13,773,347) 13,773,347) Delivery 230) 230) 2of6 Redevelopment Agency- City Center/Historic Convention Village Summary of Accrual Basis Transactions by Project Fiscal Years 1994-2016 Total Prior Years FY 2016 Rev/Expenses Demolition 155,834) 155,834) Electric service 1,554) 1,554) Equipment rental 360) 360) Environmental 30,824) 30,824) Land acquisition 3,312,947) 3,312,947) Legal fees/costs 239,024) 239,024) Maintenance 832) 832) Miscellaneous 36,680) 36,680) Owner's representative fee&expenses 311,094) 311,094) Printing 6,915) 6,915) Professional services 80,094) 80,094) Public notice/advertisement 6,525) 6,525) Reimbursement 10,759) 10,759) Relocation 99,384) 99,384) Security guard service 81,247) 81,247) Water/sewer service 1,142) 1,142) Total Hotel Garage 18,247,976) 18,247,976) Movie Theater Project Appraisal fees 4,500) 4,500) Bid refund 80,000) 80,000) Delivery 476) 476) Equipment rental 4,032) 4,032) Legal fees 57,299) 57,299) Miscellaneous 2,913) 2,913) Professional services 14,380) 14,380) Refund of deposit 10,000) 10,000) Traffic parking study 8,600) 8,600) Total South Beach Cinema 182,200) 182,200) Lincoln Road Appraisal fees 5,000) 5,000) Delivery 8) 8) Equipment rental 11,900) 11,900) Legal fees 10,827) 10,827) Lot clearing 5,440) 5,440) Lighting 60,805) 60,805) Maintenance 195,588) 195,588) Miscellaneous 582) 582) Postage,printing&mailing 810) 810) Professional services 99,553) 99,553) Reimbursements 23,581) 23,581) Revitalization 960,522) 960,522) Repayment of Loan 21,776,959) 21,776,959) Temporary staffing 66,158) 66,158) Training,conferences&meetings 1,518) 1,518) Travel&related expenses 7711 771) Total Lincoln Road 23,220,022) 23,220,022) Beachwalk Environmental 5,400) 5,400) Miscellaneous 212,613) 212,613) Professional services 5,015,698) 5,015,6981 Total Beachwalk 5,233,711) 5,233,711) Convention Center Convention Center Hotel 368,529) 368,529) Convention Center Improvement 10,731,121) 335,465) 11,066,586) Total Convention Center 11,099,650) 335,465) 11,435,115) 3of6 Redevelopment Agency-City Center/Historic Convention Village Summary of Accrual Basis Transactions by Project Fiscal Years 1994 2016 Total Prior Years FY 2016 Rev/Expenses Collins Park Cultural Center Appraisal fees 24,605) 24,605) Environmental 137,515) 137,515) Land acquisition 6,661,982) 6,661,982) Construction 7,814,087) 7,814,087) Legal fees 768,507) 768,507) Miscellaneous 156,498) 156,498) Professional services 1,242,704) 1,242,704) Streetscape 401,312) 401,312) Utilities 110,168) 110,168) Children's Feature 7,200) 7,200) Total Cultural Campus > 17,324,578) 17,324,578) Other Projects Bus Prop.Ctr. 159) 159) Chamber of Commerce Relocation Study 2,000) 2,000) Colony Theater-Stage Lighting-Coils Repl 6,618,783) 6,618,783) Construction of Library 14,586) 14,586) East/West Corridor 88) 88) Electrowave 3,161) 3,161) Garden Center 3,077) 3,077) Guidelines 12,450) 12,450) Old City Hall 499) 499) 17th Street Surface Lot 256,887) 256,887) 10A Surface Lot-Lennox 382,854) 382,854) Streetscapes 324,849) 324,849) 6th Street Streetscape 577) 577) Botanical Gardens 356,552) 356,552) Transportation Mobility Study 32,225) 32,225) Convention Center Streetscape 2,251,631)3,796) 2,255,427) New World Symphony 21,591,976) 21,591,976) New World Symphony-Lincoln Park 14,440,890) 14,440,890) Washington Avenue Streetscape 3,198,183) 3,198,183) Rotunda/Collins Park 9/30/2014 735,652) 735,652) R.O.W. Improvements 2,356,207) 2,356,207) Flamingo(16 St.Corridor) 4,721) 4,721) Flamingo Neigh.South-Bid A 10,186) 10,186) Flamingo Neigh.Lummus-Bid B 456,047) 456,047) Flamingo Bid C 13,877) 13,877) Beachfront Restrooms 431,147) 431,147) Water&Wastewater Pump Station 1,228,541) 1,228,541) Miami City Ballet&HVAC 5,859,594) 5,859,594) Wayfinding Project 348,123) 348,123) West Ave/Bay Road Neigh.Improve.750,000) 750,000) Multi-Purpose Building Adj.City Hall 14,762,648) 14,762,648) Bass Museum 11,011,537) 11,011,537) Bass Museum Hydraulic 2,750) 2,750) Bass Museum HVAC Improv./Heat Pump 149,425) 149,425) Bass Museum Heat Pump Replacement 49,816) 49,816) Botanical Garden Window 19,050) 19,050) The Barclay,the Allen and the 4 of 6 Redevelopment Agency City Center/Historic Convention Village Summary of Accrual Basis Transactions by Project. Fiscal Years 1994-2016 Total Prior Years FY 2016 Rev/Expenses 1 London House 14,154,643) 14,154,643) Carl Fisher Renewal and Replacement 131,286) 131,286) Alleyway Restoration Program 221,632) 221,632) Lincoln Road Between Lennox and Alton 6,173,406) 6,173,406) City Center Neighborhood Improvement 304,449) 304,449) Lincoln Road Between Collins/Washington 1,460,915) 1,460,915) Lincoln Road Fountain 4,484) 4,484) Lincoln Road Mall Accent Light 90,446) 90,446) Aluminum Street Lighting Pole 168,060) 3,392 164,668) Lincoln Road Landscaping 58,271) 58,271) Lincoln Road Uplighting 7,820) 7,820) Lincoln Road Master Plan 493,000) 493,000) 1100 Lincold Road Updates 11,729) 11,729) Little Stage Complex 325,593) 325,593) Preferred Parking Surface Lot 526,649) 526,649) Tree Wells Pilot Project 409,571) 409,571) Washington Ave.Bridge Restoration Loan 700,000) 700,000) Collins Canal Enhancement Project 1,446,093) 1,446,093) Collins Park Parking Garage-and Land 7,471,545) 7,471,545) Collins Park Ancillary Improvement 100,773) 100,773) CCHV Neighborhood Improvements 11,672,435) 11,672,435) 21st Street Recreational Center Repairs 14,901) 14,901) Animal Waste Dispensers&Receptacles 25,000) 25,000) Trash Receptacles 12,400) 12,400) Pedestrian Countdown Signals 54,868) 54,868) Maze Project-21st Street&Collins 135,000) 135,000) Directory Signs in City Center ROW 190,277) 190,277) Beach Shower Replacement&Renovation 6,355) 6,355) 24"PVC Sanitary Sewer Improvements 315,016) 315,016) Bicycle Parking Phase 2 8,620) 8,620) Bicycle Parking Project 32,923) 32,923) Total Other Projects 134,408,908) 404)134,409,312) Total Projects 284,201,718) 335,869)284,537,587) Administration Administrative fees 225) 225) Anchor Shops Leasing 134,878) 134,878) Appraisal fees 7,000) 7,000) Bond costs/Bond Trustee. Fees 2,200,650) 2,200,650) Delivery 1,400) 1,400) Dues&subscriptions 10,830) 10,830) Facility Usage-Loews Hotel 117,377) 117,377) Management fees 2,836,300) 2,836,300) Interlocal Agreement/City Center Operation 24,240,327) 183,231) 24,423,558) Miscellaneous 83,225) 83,225) Office supplies 45,009) 45,009) Postage,printing&mailing 58,414) 496) 58,910) Professional services 1,166,950) 1,166,950) Parks Maintenance by Parks Department 178,579) 11,816) 190,395) Public notice/advertisement 2,496) 2,496) Reimbursements 62,184) 62,184) 5 of 6 Redevelopment Agency- City Center/Historic Convention Village Summary of Accrual Basis Transactions by Project Fiscal Years 1994-2016 Total Prior Years FY 2016 Rev/Expenses Sales tax 180,222) 180,222) Settlement Costs 457,500) 457,500) Legal Fees(Ongoing Litigation) 334,629) 334,629) Temporary staffing 14,197) 14,197) Training,conferences&meetings 19,294) 19,294) Travel&related expenses 1,769) 1,769) Accrued interest on investments 479,466) 479,466) Total Administration 32,632,921) 195,543) 32,828,464) New World Symphony Grant In Aid 15,000,000 15,000,000) Capital projects Maintenance 12,434,581) 12,434,581) City Center Greenspace Management 3,083,927) -_ 64,463) 3,148,390) South Beach area-Property Management 10,503,358) 90,935) 10,594,293) RDA City Center Code Compliance 182,122) _ 32,358) 214,480) RDA City Center Sanitation 3,061,000) 556,500) 3,617,500) Cost of Issuance Series 2005 A&B 8,829,107) 8,829,107) Debt Service/Loan Repayment 194,752,966) 194,752,966) Anchor Garage Operations 29,334,310) 483,127) 29,817,437) Anchor Shops Operation 2,401,3011 8,924) 2,410,225) Pennsylvania Ave-Garage Operations 3,194,214) 36,379) 3,230,593) Pennsylvania shops operations 1,697,855) 94,107) 1,791,962) Community Policing-CCHCV 37,127,859) 782,941) 37,910,800) TOTAL EXPENDITURES 638,437,239) 2,681,146)641,118,385) ENDING BALANCE 110,126,413 $ (1,942,851) 6 of 6 Redevelopment Agency-City Center/Historic Convention Village Summary of Operating Activity Fiscal Years 1994-2016 Year to Date Revenues Revenues 165 RDA-Loews/Royal Palm Proceeds 165-8000-362220 Miami City Ballet-Maint.Sub-Account 3,541.60 7,083.20 Total Normandy Pool Concession 3,541.60 7,083.20 168 RDA City Center Operations 168-8000-369999 Miscellaneous 0.00 540.00 Total RDA City Center 0.00 540.00 202 RDA City Center Debt Service 202-8000-361130 Interest-Repurchase Agreement 72.31 72.31 Total RDA City Center Debt Service "'Title Not Found--- 72.31 72.31 365 RDA City Center Projects 365-8000-361110 Interest on Investments 0.00 3,063.60 365-8000-361130 Interest-Repurchase Agreement 485.06 485.11 365-8000-361720 Unrealized Gain/Loss-Invest<1 year 247,543.48 247,543.48 365-8000-361760 Unrealized Gain/Loss-Invest>1 year 392,955.26 392,955.26 Total RDA City Center Projects 144,926.72 147,990.27 463 RDA Anchor Garage 463 463-8000-344587 Valet Parking(Off)-Taxable 23,083.65 45,618.23 463-8000-344903 Monthly Permits-Taxable 54,600.00 64,300.00 463-8000-344911 Attended Parking Sales 222,162.27 444,665.53 463-8000-369400 Refunds and Reimbursements 1,420.27 1,420.27 463-8000-369999 Miscellaneous 30.00 228.24 Total RDA Anchor Garage 463 301,296.19 556,232.27 465 RDA Anchor Shoppe 465 465-8000-362210 Rent/Lease Property-Misc 96,214.41 137,846.35 465-8000-369942 Capital and Maintenance 11,917.74 15,948.89 Total RDA Anchor Shoppe 465 108,132.15 153,795.24 467 RDA Pennsylvania Ave-Garage 467 467-8000-344411 Pennsylvania Ave.Garage-Transient 64,459.83 105,417.75 467-8000-344412 Pennsylvania Ave.Garage-Monthly 43,585.00 63,130.00 467-8000-369999 Miscellaneous 14.02 14.02 Total RDA Pennsylvania Avenue- 108,058.85 168,561.77 Total Revenues 376,174.38 738,294.52 Page 1 of 4 Redevelopment Agency-City Center/Historic Convention Village Summary of Operating Activity Fiscal Years 1994-2016 Year to Date Expenses Expenses 165 RDA-Loews/Royal Palm Proceeds 165-1985-000502 Property Mgmt-lnternal Svc 495.93 495.93 Total RDA/City Center Operations RDA/City Center Operations 495.93 495.93 165-2816-061357 Design-Capital Contracts 335,465.00 335,465.00 Total pfcconvctr Convention Center 335,465.00 335,465.00 Total RDA City Center 335,960.93 335,960.93 168-0945-000111 Salaries and Wages 1,709.46 1,709.46 168-0945-000165 Social Security Medicare 24.79 24.79 168-0945-000166 FICA Alternative(457) 42.74 42.74 168-0945-000312 Professional Services 10,039.05 10,039.05 Total Parks Maintenance by Parks 11,816.04 11,816.04 168-1124-000111 Salaries and Wages 175,891.16 239,543.33 168-1124-000132 Shift Differential 1,976.02 3,014.36 168-1124-000135 Overtime 107,103.34 136,193.94 168-1124-000136 Holiday Pay-Overtime 10,424.98 10,424.98 168-1124-000137 Court Overtime 10,261.70 16,605.08 168-1124-000138 Police/Fire Educational Suppl 1,031.49 1,475.04 168-1124-000139 Work Above Classification. 60.00 109.28 168-1124-000153 Allowances 7,505.05 10,882.73 168-1124-000155 Physical Assessment Benefit 500.00 500.00 168-1124-000159 Transfers-Pension Obligation 21,000.00 21,000.00 168-1124-000161 Retirement Contributions-Pension 162,666.66 162,666.66 168-1124-000162 Health&Life Insurance 29,777.40 42,567.13 168-1124-000163 Workmen's Compensation Pay 166.66 166.66 168-1124-000165 Social Security Medicare 3,539.48 5,003.24 168-1124-000168 OPEB pay-as-you-go 17,500.00 17,500.00 168-1124-000316 Telephone 416.96 416.96 168-1124-000342 Contracted Services-Repairs and Malt. 114.99 114.99 168-1124-000349 Other Contractual Services 51,719.10 51,719.10 168-1124-000367 Training&Awards 0.00 349.00 168-1124-000503 Fleet Management-Internal Svc 12,342.19 24,034.94 168-1124-000505 Self Insurance-Internal Svc 20,833.34 20,833.34 168-1124-000506 Applications/Computer Hardware/Network 16,334.00 16,334.00 168-1124-000513 Fleet Accidents-Internal Svc 0.00 1,486.04 Total Police-CCHCV RDA 651,164.52 782,940.80 168-1985-000312 Professional Services 0.00 6,089.12 168-1985-000322 Administration Fees 163,666.00 163,666.00 168-1985-000501 Central Services-Internal Svc 244.20 683.56 168-1985-000502 Property Mgmt-Internal Svc 12,792.42 12,792A2 Total RDA/City Center Operations 176,702.62 183,231.10 168-9963-000111 Salaries and Wages 11,293.07 15,817.72 168-9963-000132 Shift Differential 30.80 42.97 168-9963-000135 Overtime 5,328.32 7,803.39 168-9963-000136 Holiday Pay-Overtime 633.00 633.00 168-9963-000153 Allowances 49.00 88.06 168-9963-000161 Retirement Contributions-Pension 4,333.34 4,333.34 168-9963-000162 Health&Life Insurance 1,491.42 2,131.00 168-9963-000165 Social Security Medicare 243.60 342.25 168-9963-000168 OPEB pay-as-you-go 1,166.66 1,166.66 Total RDA Code Compliance 24,569.21 32,358.39 Page 2 of 4 Redevelopment Agency-City Center/Historic Convention Village Summary of Operating Activity Fiscal Years 1994-2016 168-9964-000111 Salaries and Wages 25,009.05 35,156.25 168-9964-000135 Overtime 1,031.65 1,111.17 168-9964-000139 Work Above Classification 188.50 282.54 168-9964-000153 Allowances 52.50 75.07 168-9964-000159 Transfers-Pension Obligation 166.66 166.66 168-9964-000161 Retirement Contributions-Pension 13,666.66 13,666.66 168-9964-000162 Health&Life Insurance 2,209.05 2,965.33 168-9964-000165 Social Security Medicare 371.05 518.62 168-9964-000168 OPEB pay-as-you-go 3,500.00 3,500.00 168-9964-000316 Telephone 78.63 78.63 168-9964-000502 Property Mgmt-Internal Svc 26,908.39 26,908.39 168-9964-000503 Fleet Management-Internal Svc 397.09 838.74 168-9964-000505 Self Insurance-Internal Svc 5,666.66 5,666.66 Total South Beach Area-Property 79,245.89 90,934.72 168-9965-000342 Contracted Services-Repairs and Maint. 556,500.00 556,500.00 Total RDA City Center Sanitation 556,500.00 556,500.00 168-9966-000111 Salaries and Wages 19,286.97 27,350.35 168-9966-000135 Overtime 358.05 358.05 168-9966-000136 Holiday Pay-Overtime 72.85 72.85 168-9966-000139 Work Above Classification 585.51 875.49 168-9966-000159 Transfers-Pension Obligation 166.66 166.66 168-9966-000161 Retirement Contributions-Pension 9,500.00 9,500.00 168-9966-000162 Health&Life Insurance 3,882.76 5,548.04 168-9966-000165 Social Security Medicare 271.07 382.16 168-9966-000168 OPEB pay-as-you-go 2,500.00 2,500.00 168-9966-000325 Contract Maintenance 17,709.34 17,709.34 Total Greenspace Mgmt.Public 54,333.21 64,462.94 Total RDA City Center Operations 1,554,331.49 1,722,243.99 365 RDA City Center Projects 365-2327-069357 Capital-Contracts 3,796.60 3,796.60 Total City Center RDA-Cony.Ctr. 3,796.60 3,796.60 365-2765-000674 Machinery&Equipment 1,118.92 3,392.23 Total pwcastrprp Aluminum 1,118.92 3,392.23 Total RDA City Center 2,677.68 404.37 463 RDA Anchor Garage 463 463-1990-000312 Professional Services 0.00 825.00 463-1990-000313 Bank Fees 4,126.75 7,715.18 463-1990-000317 Water 1,294.93 1,918.23 463-1990-000318 Sewer Charges 1,718.42 2,336.77 463-1990-000319 Sanitation Fees 5,036.64 5,036.64 463-1990-000322 Administration Fees 38,334.00 38,334.00 463-1990-000325 Contract Maintenance 3,452.00 3,452.00 463-1990-000329 Storm Water 1,400.28 2,800.56 463-1990-000368 Taxes&Licenses 380,396.16 380,396.16 463-1990-000502 Property Mgmt-Internal Svc 24,812.11 24,812.11 463-1990-000505 Self Insurance-Internal Svc 15,500.00 15,500.00 Total RDA-Anchor Garage Operations 476,071.29 483,126.65 465 RDA Anchor Shoppe 465 465-1995-000314 Electricity 394.08 1,018.07 465-1995-000322 Administration Fees 3,000.00 3,000.00 465-1995-000343 Other Operating Expenditures 369.22 738.92 465-1995-000505 Self Insurance-Internal Svc 4,166.66 4,166.66 Total RDA-Anchor Shop Operations 7,929.96 8,923.65 Page 3 of 4 Redevelopment Agency-City Center/Historic Convention Village Summary of Operating Activity Fiscal Years 1994-2016 466 RDA Pennsylvania Ave-Shops 466 466-1997-000314 Electricity 3,928.31 3,928.31 466-1997-000368 Taxes&Licenses 43,678.99 43,678.99 466-1997-000374 Management Fees-Rent/Leases 46,500.00 46,500.00 Total Pennsylvania Shops Operations 94,107.30 94,107.30 467 RDA Pennsylvania Ave-Garage 467 467-1996-000312 Professional Services 0.00 1,100.00 467-1996-000313 Bank Fees 1,682.48 2,859.04 467-1996-000317 Water 78.32 154.53 467-1996-000318 Sewer Charges 50.20 99.05 467-1996-000322 Administration Fees 27,166.00 27,166.00 467-1996-000325 Contract Maintenance 5,000.00 5,000.00 RDA Pennsylvania Garage 33,977.00 36,378.62 Total Expenditures 2,505,055.65 2,681,145.51 Total Revenues 738,294.52 Total Expenses 2,681,145.51) Total Net Income 1,942,850.99) The Check register for the Redevelopment Agency-City Center Historic Convention Village is located at https://secure.miamibeachfl.gov/apvendorviewer/chksearch.aspx The Monthly Construction Projects update for active City Center Historic Convention Village is located at http://www.miamibeachfl.gov/cityclerk/scroll.aspx?id=77106 Page 4 of 4