20160113 SM1MIAMIBEACH City Gommission Meeting SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 1 City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive January 13,2016 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alem6n Commissioner Ricky Arriola Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Michael Grieco Commissioner Joy Malakoff Com m issioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Vrsff us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article Vll, Division 3 of the Gity Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any Gity Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the Gity Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA R5 - Ordinances R5N An Ordinance Amending Chapter 30 Of The Miami Beach City Code, Entitled "Code Enforcement," By Amending Article ll, Entitled "special Master," ByAmending Section 30-37, Entitled "Terms Of Office; Compensation"; By Amending The Compensation Of The Special Master(s); Providing For Codification, Repealer, Severability, And An Effective Date. First Readinq (Sponsored by Michael Grieco) (Legislative Tracking: Office of the City Attorney) (Memorandum & Ordinance) RsS An Ordinance Amending The Code Of The City Of Miami Beach, Subpart B, Entitled "Land Development Regulations," Of Chapter 142, Entitled "Zoning Districts And Regulations," By Amending Division 2, Entitled "Accessory Uses"; ByAmending Section 142-905, Entitled "Permitted Accessory Uses ln Single-Family Districts," By lncreasing The Monetary Fines For Violations Of Subsection (bXS); By Amending Article lV, Entitled "Supplementary District Regulations," By Amending Division 3, Entitled "supplementary Use Regulations," By Amending Section 142-1111, Entitled "Short-Term Rental Of Apartment Units Or Townhomes," By lncreasing The Monetary Fines For Violations Of Subsection 142-111 1(a), (b) And (c); And Providing For Repealer, Severability, Codification, And An Effective Date. First Readinq (Sponsored by Mayor Philip Levine) (Legislative Tracking: Office of the City Attorney) (Memorandum & Ordinance) 1 Supplemental 1, January 13,2016 R9 - New Business and Gommission Requests RgT Motion To ReconsiderVote On Agenda ltem R7C From December 16,2015 City Commission Meeting (Re: South Beach Component Of The Direct Connect Transit Project). (Sponsored by Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez) (Memorandum) 2 &:BtA(_ i-{ OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY RAUI AGUILA, CITY ATTORNEY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: COMMISSION MEMORANDUM MAYOR PHILIP LEVINE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION JIMMY L. MORALES, CITY MANAGER crrYArro--r+\Cr\- JANUARY 1?,2016 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 30 OF THE MIAMI BEAGH CITY CODE, ENTITLED "CODE ENFORCEMENT,'' BY AMENDING ARTICLE II, ENTITLED..SPECIAL MASTER,'' BY AMENDING SECTION 30.37, ENTITLED "TERMS OF OFFICE; COMPENSATION"; BY AMENDING THE COMPENSATION OF THE SPECIAL MASTER(S); AND PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance amendment is sponsored by Commissioner Michael Grieco. The proposed Ordinance amendment provides an increase to the hourly compensation amount for those Special Masters appointed by the Chief Special master. The hourly rate will be adjusted to $150.00 (a $50.00 per hour increase), and thus reflects the current prevailing rates for other governmental agencies within Miami-Dade County that employ such Special Masters. It is anticipated that this ordinance amendment will serve to represent a more realistic and equitable compensation amount for the City's Special Masters. RA/AB/sc Agenda ftem RrN_.v_ iaGB;lL3 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSTON OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 30 OF THE MIAMI BEACH CIry GODE, ENTITLED "CODE ENFORCEMENT," BY AMEND!NG ARTICLE I!, ENTITLED "SPECIAL MASTER," BY AMENDING SEGTION 30.37, ENTITLED "TERMS OF OFFICE; COMPENSATION"; BY AMENDING THE COMPENSATION OF THE SPECIAL MASTER(S); PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach Code of Law and Ordinances are issued by the City's regulatory departments, and are heard by the City's Chief Special Master and his appointed Special Masters; and WHEREAS, the Chief Special Master appoints those Special Masters to hear these various code violations, and are compensated pursuant to the hourly rate set forth in Section 30-37 of the City Code; and WHEREAS, the hourly rate of compensation has not been appropriately adjusted since 1996, and does not reflect the correct reasonable prevailing rates in Miami-Dade County Florida; and WHEREAS, the hourly rate of compensation should be adjusted to reflect the prevailing rate of $150.00 per hour. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CIry GOMMISSION OF THE GIry OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Chapter 30, "Code Enforcement," Article ll, "Special Master," Section 30-37, entitled, "Terms of office; compensation"; of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, is hereby established, as follows: Chapter 30. CODE ENFORCEMENT On,"a U. Special ,""*, Sec. 30-37. Terms of office; compensation. (a) The chief special master shall be appointed for a term of six months and shall receive an hourly rate of compensation in accordance with reasonable prevailing rates for chief special masters and retired circuit court judges in the county as determined by the city manager. (b) Other special masters shall be appointed for a term of six months and shall receive compensation at the base rate of $1O0€O $150.00 per hour with a maximum payment of $see$O $750.00 per hearing session. 4 SECTION 2. CODIFICATION. It is the intention of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made part of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. The sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered to accomplish such intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or other appropriate word. SECTION 3. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY. lf any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. SECTION 5. EFFEGTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shalltake effect upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _ day of 2016. ATTEST: PHILIP LEVINE, MAYOR RAFAEL GRANADO, CITY CLERK Underscore denotes new language S+rike+nreugh denotes deleted language (Sponsored by Commissioner Michael Grieco) APPROVEDASIO FONM &UI.IGI'AGE lFigR E(ECT'IIEIT{ I^ (-l'-(t-\CE%u-r 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 6 A ,''i;'"'',,it',.i"'t, ry OFFICE OF THE CITY AITORNEY RAUI AGUIIA, CITY ATTORNEY [3 [: "lI, i"- i J COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MAYOR PH!LIP LEVINE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION JIMMY L. MORALES, CITY MANAGER RAUL J. AGUTLA, crry ArroRNE Z-l*/ ) \",-- JANUARY 1r,2016 r=\ * '*' /' AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, SUBPART B, ENTITLED "LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS,'' OF CHAPTER 142, ENTITLED "ZONING DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,'' BY AMENDING DIVISION 2, ENTITLED "ACCESSORY USES"; BY AMENDING SECTION 142-905, ENTITLED..PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES !N SINGLE.FAMILY DISTRICTS," BY INCREASING THE MONETARY FINES FOR VIOLATIONS OF SUBSECTION (bXs); BY AMENDING ARTICLE lv, ENTITLED..SUPPLEMENTARY DISTRICT REGULAT!ONS," BY AMENDING DIVISION 3, ENTITLED "SUPPLEMENTARY USE REGULATIONS,'' BY AMENDING SECTION 142.1111, ENTITLED "SHORT-TERM RENTAL OF APARTMENT UNITS OR TOWNHOMES,'' BY INGREAS!NG THE MONETARY FINES FOR VIOLATIONS OF SUBSECTION ',42-1111(a), (b) AND (c); AND PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Philip Levine has proposed an ordinance amendment to Section 142-105(5) and 142- 1111 of the Miami Beach Code, which will modify the existing fine schedules in both Ordinances by substantially increasing the monetary fines. The increased fine amounts are an important public policy component that will ensure the City's residents to the quiet enjoyment of their single and multifamily residences, and to make certain that the character and value of the residential neighborhoods and residences are protected and properly preserved. The City has a substantial interest in maintaining the aesthetics, character and tranquility of its residential neighborhoods, in conjunction with regulating the flow of traffic, which this Ordinance amendment directly advances these important governmental interests. This amendment will prohibit the unscrupulous conduct of those persons seeking to financial exploit the rental of single and multi-family residences, thereby creating adverse living conditions for the City residents that results in excessive number of guests, vehicle and noise that tragically impact these quiet residential communities. The amendment to this Land Development Regulation must be presented to the Planning Board, and the Mayor and City commission must have this matter transmitted to the Planning Board for their review on January 26,2016. RA/AB/sc Aqenda ltem 85 9 Date bl3-lb7 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CIry OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, SUBPART B, ENTITLED "LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS," OF CHAPTER 142, ENTITLED.,ZONING DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,'' BY AMENDING DIVISION 2, ENTITLED "AGCESSORY USES"; BY AMENDING SECTION 142.905, ENTITLED "PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES !N SINGLE.FAMILY DISTRICTS," BY INCREASING THE MONETARY FINES FOR VIOLATIONS OF SUBSECTION (bXs); BY AMENDING ARTICLE !V, ENTITLED "SUPPLEMENTARY DISTRICT REGULATIONS," BY AMENDING DIVISION 3, ENTITLED,.SUPPLEMENTARY USE REGULATIONS,'' BY AMENDING SEGTION 142.1111, ENTITLED "SHORT.TERM RENTAL OF APARTMENT UNITS OR TOWNHOMES," BY INCREASING THE MONETARY FINES FOR VIOLATIONS OF SUBSECTION 142-1111(al, (b) AND (c); AND PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Land Development Regulations ("LDRs") restrict single-family and multi- family residential properties to residential and compatible uses; and WHEREAS, the rental of single-family residential properties in districts zoned RS-1, RS- 2, RS-3 and RS-4 ("Single Family Residential Homes") for periods of less than six months and one day is prohibited; and WHEREAS, single and multi-family residences used on a transient basis, creates excessive numbers of guests, vehicles and noise, causing inappropriate adverse impacts on the surrounding residences and residential neighborhood; and WHEREAS, the City has a substantial interest in maintaining the aesthetics, character and tranquility of its residential neighborhoods, as well as in regulating traffic flow, and these amendments directly advances these interests by serving a narrowly tailored interest of the City; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission finds that a substantial increase in the monetary fines for these prohibited conduct is consistent with and further the public health, safety and welfare of the City and its residents; and WHEREAS, this increase in the monetary fine amounts for prohibited transient rentals in single-family districts and transcient rental of apartment units or townhomes, are hereby adopted to accomplish the above objectives. NOW, THEREFORE, BE !T DULY ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND GITY COMMISSION OF THE GITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Division 2, entitled "Accessory Uses," of Article lV, entitled "Supplementary District Regulations," of Chapter 142, entitled "Zoning Districts and Regulations," of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida is hereby amended as follows: 8 Chapter 142 ZONING DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS ARTICLE IV. SUPPLEMENTARY DISTRICT REGULATIONS OlVlSPf.f Z. eCCeSS*" rr=, Sec. 142-905. Permitted accessory uses in single-family districts. (a) Generally. Permitted accessory uses in single-family districts are those uses which are customarily associated with single-family houses such as, but not limited to, decks, swimming pools, spas, ornamental features, tennis courts. However, in no instance shall landing or storage areas for a helicopter, or other aircraft, be permitted as an accessory use. The planning and zoning director may allow other accessory uses if the director finds after consultation with the chairman of the planning board that they will not adversely affect neighboring properties, based upon the criteria listed in section 142-901. Appeal of the directo/s decision is to the board of adjustment pursuant to chapter 1 18, article Vlll. (b) Permitted accessory uses. The following are permitted accessory uses in single-family districts: (1) Day care facilities for the care of children are permitted if the following mandatory criteria are met: a. A family day care facility shall be allowed to provide care for one of the following groups of children: 1. A family day care home may care for a maximum of five preschool children from more than one unrelated family and a maximum of five elementary school siblings of the preschool children in care after school hours. The maximum number of five preschool children includes preschool children in the home and preschool children received for day care who are not related to the resident caregiver. The total number of children in the home may not exceed ten under this subsection. 2. When the home is licensed and provisions are made for substitute care, a family day care home may care for a maximum of five preschool children from more than one unrelated family, a maximum of three elementary school siblings of the preschool children in care after school hours, and a maximum of two elementary school children unrelated to the preschool children in care after school hours. The maximum number of five preschool children includes preschool children in the home and preschool children received for day care who are not related to the resident caregiver. The total number of children in the home may not exceed ten under this subsection. 3. When the home is licensed and provisions are made for substitute care, a family day care home may care for a maximum number of seven elementary school children from more than one unrelated family in care after school hours. Preschool children shall not be in care in the home. The total number of elementary school children in the home may not exceed seven under this subsection. 2 9 b. Signs on the property advertising the day care facility are prohibited. c. The family day care facility complies with all applicable requirements and regulations of the state department of children and family services and the city's police, fire and building services departments. All of the South Florida Building Code, city property maintenance standards and fire prevention and safety code violations shall be corrected prior to the issuance of a city occupational license. d. Play area shall only be located in the rear yard and equipment shall be limited to three pieces of equipment. e. Day care is prohibited on Sundays. f. The building shall maintain the external appearance of a single-family home. g. Site plan shall be approved by the planning and zoning director. The plan shall include landscaping and a permitted wall or fencing enclosing the rear yard. h. Family day care facilities shall not be located within 400 feet of another such facility; except that this restriction shall not apply to state-licensed family day care homes as defined in F.S. S 402.302(5). (2) The planning and zoning director may approve a second set of cooking facilities if the residence contains at least 3,600 square feet of floor area and the arrangement of such facilities or conditions at the property shall not result in the creation of an apartment unit. No more than one electric meter shall be placed on the property and that portion of the residence having the second set of cooking facilities shall not be rented. Appeal of the director's decision shall be to the board of adjustment. (3) GuesVservants quarters. (4) Home based business office, as provided in section 142-1411. (5) Leases of single-family homes to a family (as defined in section 114-1) for not less than six months and one day, including extensions for lesser periods of leases permitted under this subsection to original leaseholders. a-. The advertisement, as defined in section 142-109(b), of single-family homes for a period of less than six months and one day shall not be permitted for single-family districts. and shall be a violation of this section 142-905(bX5). b-.a. Enforcement. 1. Violations of subsection 142-905(5)a= shall be subject to the following fines. The special master shall not waive or reduce fines set by this section. A. lf the violation is the first violation: @ B. lf the violation is the second violation within the preceding 12 24 months: w$15.000.00 C. lf the violation is the third violation within the preceding 42 24 months: $ffi $20,000.00 D. lf the violation is the fourth violation within the preceding 12 24 months: $#00€g $25.000.00 e. lf the violation is the fifth or greater violation within the preceding 12 24 months: ${€SO0€O $30. 000. 00 3 10 Fines for repeat violations by the same offender shall increase regardless of locations. ln addition to or in lieu of the foregoing, the city may seek an injunction by a court of competent jurisdiction to enforce compliance with or to prohibit the violation of this section. Any code compliance officer may issue notices for violations of this section 142-905(5). Violations shall be issued to the owner, manager, real estate broker or agent, or authorized agent, or any other individual or entity that participates in or facilitates the violation of this section 142-905(5). ln the event the record owner of the property is not present when the violation occurred or notice of violation issued, a copy of the violation shall be served by certified mail on the owner at its mailing address in the property appraiser's records. SECTION 2. That Division 3, entitled "Supplementary Use Regulations," of Article lV, entitled "Supplementary District Regulations," of Chapter 142, entitled "Zoning Districts and Regulations," of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida is hereby amended as follows: Chapter 142 ZONING DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS ARTICLE IV. SUPPLEMENTARY DISTRICT REGULATIONS DIVISION 3. SUPPLEMENTARY USE REGULATIONS Sec. 142-1111. Short-term rental of apartment units ortownhomes. (a) Limitations and prohibitions. Unless a specific exemption applies below, the rental of apartment or townhome residential properties in districts zoned RM-1, RM-PRD, RM-PRD-2, RPS-1 and RPS- 2, CD-1, RO, R0-3 or TH for periods of less than six months and one day. Any advertising or-advertisement that promotes the occupancy or use of the residential property for the purpose of holding commercial parties, events, assemblies, gatherings, or the occupancy of a residence for less than six months and one day, as provided herein, or use of the residential premises in violation of this section. "Advertising" or "advertisement" shall mean any form of communication for marketing or used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate viewers, readers or listeners for the purpose of promoting occupancy of a residential property for the purpose of holding commercial parties, events, assemblies, gatherings, or the occupancy of a residence for less than six months and one day, as provided herein, upon the premises, as may be viewed through various media, including, but not limited to, newspaper, magazines, flyers, handbills television commercial, radio advertisement, outdoor advertising, direct mail, blogs, websites or text messages. None of the districts identified below shall be utilized as a hotel. 2. 3. (1) (2) (3) 11 (b) Previously existing shortterm rentals in specified districts. For a period of six months after June 19, 2010, owners of certain properties located in the following districts shall be eligible to apply for approval of a certificate of use permitting short-term rental of apartment and townhome residential units for these properties under the requirements and provisions set forth below. (1) Eligibility: Properties within the RM-1 and TH zoning districts in the Flamingo Park and Espanola Way Historic Districts. Those properties that can demonstrate a current and consistent history of short{erm renting, and that such short-term rentals are the primary source of income derived from that unit or building, as defined by the requirements listed below: (A) For apartment buildings of four or more units, or for four or more apartment units in one or more buildings under the same City of Miami Beach Resort Tax ("resort tax") account. ln order to demonstrate current, consistent and predominant short- term renting, the property must comply with all of the following: (i) Have been registered with the city for the payment of resort tax and made resort tax payments as of March 10,2010; and (ii) Have had resort tax taxable room revenue equal to at least 50 percent of total room revenue over the last two-year period covered by such payments; and (iii) Have been registered, with the State of Florida as a transient apartment or resort condominium pursuant to Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, as of March 10,2010. For properties containing more than one apartment building, eligibility may apply to an individual building satisfying subsections (b)(1XAX|)-(iii) above. (B) For apartment and townhouse buildings of three or less units, or for three or less apartment units in one or more buildings under the same state license. ln order to demonstrate current, consistent and predominant short-term renting, the property must: (i) Have been registered with the State of Florida as a resort dwelling or resort condominium pursuant to Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, as of March 10, 2010. (2) Time periods for the districts identified in subsection (bX1) to apply for shortterm rental approvals. (A) Owners demonstrating compliance with subsection (bX1) above, shall apply for a certificate of use permitting short-term rental as detailed in subsection 142-1111(f), within a time period of six months from June 19,2010, or be deemed ineligible to proceed through the process specified herein for legalization of short{erm rentals. (B) Within three months of June 19,2010, eligible owners shall apply to obtain all necessary approvals to comply with the Florida Building Code, Florida Fire Prevention Code and with all other applicable life safety standards. (C) Compliance with the applicable requirements of the Florida Building Code and Florida Fire Prevention Code shall be demonstrated by October 1, 2011, or rights to engage in short-term rental under this section shall be subject to restrictions and/or limitations as directed by the building official and/or fire marshal. This subsection shall not prevent these officials from undertaking enforcement action prior to such date. 12 (D) Applications under this section may be accepted until 60 days after April 1 1, 2012, upon determination to the planning director that a government licensing error prevented timely filing of the application. (3) Eligibility within the Collins Waterfront Local Historic District. Owners of property located in the Collins Waterfront Local Historic District shall be eligible to apply for approval of a certificate of use permitting short-term rental of apartment and townhome residential units under the requirements and provisions set forth below: (A) Only those properties located south of West 24th Terrace shall be eligible for short-term rentals. (B) Only buildings classified as "contributing" in the city's historic properties database shall be eligible for short-term rentals. The building and property shall be fully renovated and restored in accordance with the Secretary of the lnterior Guidelines and Standards, as well as the certificate of appropriateness criteria in chapter 1 18, article X of these Land Development Regulations. (C) The property must have registered with the State of Florida as a transient or condominium pursuant to Chapter 509, Florida Statutes, as of the effective date of this ordinance. (D) The property must have registered with the city for the payment of resort tax and made resort tax payments as of as of the effective date of this ordinance. (E) Short-term rental use shall be based on a single use for the property. No building or property seeking to have short-term rentals will be permitted to have mixed residential uses. (F) Any property seeking to have short{erm rental will need to demonstrate that there is on-site management,24 hours per day, seven days a week. (G) The short-term rental use requires at least a seven-night reservation. (4) Time period to apply for shortterm rental approvals for those properties located in the Collins Waterfront Architectural District. (A) Owners demonstrating compliance with subsection (b)(3), above, shall apply for a certificate of use permitting shortterm rental as detailed in subsection 142-111 1(e) within a time period of three months from the effective date of this ordinance, or be deemed ineligible to proceed through the process specified herein for legalization of short-term rentals. (B) Within three months of the effective date of this ordinance, eligible owners shall have obtained all the necessary approvals to comply with the Florida Building Code, Florida Fire Prevention Code and with all other applicable life safety standards. (C) Compliance with the applicable requirements of the Florida Building Code and Florida Fire Prevention Code, shall be demonstrated by the effective date of this ordinance, or rights to engage in shortterm rental under this section shall be subject to restrictions and/or limitations as directed by the building official and/or fire marshal. This subsection shall not prevent the building or fire departments from undertaking enforcement action prior to such date. (5) ln the event a building approved for short-term rentals in accordance with subsections (bX3) and (4), above, is demolished or destroyed, for any reason, the future use of any new or future building on that property shall not be permitted to engage in short-term rentals, nor apply for short-term rental approval. 13 (c)Regulations. For those properties eligible for short{erm rental use as per (b) shall be permitted, provided that the following mandatory requirements are followed: (1) Approvals required: applications. Owners, lessees, or any person with interest in the property seeking to engage in short-term rental, must obtain a certificate of use permitting short-term rental under this section. The application for approval to engage in short-term rentals shall be on a form provided for that purpose, and contain the contact information for the person identified in subsection (3) below, identify the minimum lease term for which short-term rental approval is being requested, and such other items of required information as the planning director may determine. The application shall be accompanied by the letter or documents described in subsection (9) below, if applicable. The application for a certificate of use permitting short{erm rentals shall be accompanied by an application fee of $600.00. (2) Time period. All short-term rentals under this section must be pursuant to a binding written agreement, license or lease. Each such document shall contain, at a minimum: the beginning and ending dates of the lease term; and each lessee's contact information, as applicable. No unit may be rented more frequently than once every seven days. (3) Contact person. All rentals must be supervised by the owner, manager, or a local and licensed real estate broker or agent or other authorized agent licensed by the city, who must be available for contact on a 24-hour basis, seven days a week, and who must live on site or have a principal office or principal residence located within the districts identified in subsection (b). Each agreement, license, or lease, of scanned copy thereof, must be kept available throughout its lease term and for a period of one year thereafter, so that each such document and the information therein, is available to enforcement personnel. The name and phone number of a Z4-hour contact shall be permanently posted on the exterior of the premises or structure or other accessible location, in a manner subject to the review and approval of the city manager or designee. (4) Entire unit. Only entire apartment units and townhomes, as defined in section 114-1, legally created pursuant to applicable law, may be rented under this section, not individual rooms or separate portions of apartment units or townhomes. (5) Rules and procedures. The city manager or designee may adopt administrative rules and procedures, including, but not limited to, application and permit fees, to assist in the uniform enforcement of this section. (6) Signs. No signs advertising the property for short-term rental are permitted on the exterior of the property or in the abutting right-of-way, or visible from the abutting public right-of-way. (7) Effect of violations on licensure. Approvals shall be issued for a one-year period, but shall not be issued or renewed, if violations on three or more separate days at the unit, or at another unit in any building owned by the same owner or managed by the same person or entity, of this section, issued to the short-term rental licensee were adjudicated either by failure to appeal from a notice of violation or a special master's determination of a violation, within the 12 months preceding the date of filing of the application. (8) Resort taxes. Owners are subject to resort taxes for rentals under this section, as required by city law. 14 (9) Association rules. Where a condominium or other property owners' association has been created that includes the rental property, a letter from the association dated not more than 60 days before the filing of the application, stating the minimum rental period and the maximum number of rentals per year, as set forth under the association's governing documents, and confirming that short-term rentals as proposed by the owner's application under subsection (c)(1) above, are not prohibited by the association's governing documents, shall be submitted to the city as part of the application. (10)Variances. No variances may be granted from the requirements of this section. (d) Enforcement. (1) Violations of seetien Subsections 142-1111(s),(b), or (g) shall be subject to the following fines. The special master may shall not waive or reduce fines set by this section. A. lf the violation is the first violation: $5OOSO $10.000.00. B. lf the violation is the second violation within the preceding 42 24 months: $+soeso $15.000.00. C. lf the violation is the third violation within the preceding {2 24 months: $5S00SO $20,000.00. D. lf the violation is the fourth violation within the preceding 42 24 months: $4500€0 $25.000.00. E. lf the vielatien is the fifth er greater vielatien within the preeeding 12 menths: lf the violaion is the fifth or oreater violation within the precedino 24 months: $30.000.00 and the suspension or revocation of the certificate of use. Fines for repeat violations by the same offender shall increase regardless of locations. ln addition to or in lieu of the foregoing, the city may seek an injunction by a court of competent jurisdiction to enforce compliance with or to prohibit the violation of this section. Any code compliance officer may issue notices for violations of this section, with enforcement of subsection 142-1111(a), and alternative enforcement of subsection 142-111 1(b) and (c) as provided in chapter 30 of this Code. Violations shall be issued to the owner, manager, real estate broker or agent, or authorized agent, or any other individual or entity that participates in or facilitates the violation of this section. ln the event the record owner of the property is not present when the violation occurred or notice of violation issued, a copy of the violation shall be served by certified mail on the owner at its mailing address in the property appraiser's records and a courtesy notice to the contact person identified in subsection (c)(3) above. SECTION 3. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. (2) (3) 8 15 SECTION4. SEVERABILITY. lf any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. SECTION 5. CODIFICATION. It is the intention of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. The sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered to accomplish such intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or other appropriate word. SECTION 6. EFFEGTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect ten days following adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _ day of 2016. Philip Levine, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk Sponsored by Mayor Philip Levine \-L -- t(a Ilff 16 City of Miomi Beoch, l70O Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch FioriCc 33139 www.miomibeochfl.gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM MAYOR PHILIP LEVINE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION JIMMY L. MORALES, CITY MANAGER I,,1 {AAAIBEACH FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: TO: KRISTEN ROSEN.GONZALEZ CITY COMMISSIONER JANUARY 13,2016 MOTION TO RECONSIDER VOTE ON AGENDA ITEM R7C FROM DECEMBER 16, 2015 CITY COMMISSION MEETING (RE: SOUTH BEACH COMPONENT OF THE DIRECT CONNECT TRANSIT PROJECT) At the December 16,2015 City Commission meeting, we voted to proceed with "Option 3" of the above referenced Agenda item, to accept receipt of the unsolicited proposal from Greater Miami Tramlink Partners, and to initiate the statutory process for receipt of other proposals. At the time of the vote, I was not aware of the attached letter from FDOT to the Policy Executive Committee (PEC) members, stating its position that "the project eligibility for the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) New Starts Program will be jeopardized if any parties advertise and/or procure any portion of the Beach Corridor Direct Connection Project prior to completion of the federal environmental process." The letter further states that, pursuant to FDOT's Business Plan for the Project, FDOT would accept the proposed deadline for submitting an application for Federal funding of August 15, 2016 (NOTE: The full FDOT letter plus enclosures is attached to this Memorandum as Exhibit "A."). Given FDOT's concerns, I would like to propose that we reconsider our December 16th vote (to proceed with Option 3) and, in the alternative, that the City proceed with the recommended FDOT approach, and abate any action until August 15,2016. Thank you. Agenda ltem Date RqTT\TE-17 RIC'K SCOTI covr:RNOll [entenninl .. .. \ i, l,)r(; ]i.t {.\ ,....,.,,: ,,1:;:1 lglS * 20ls Floritla Depurtn, ent oJ' Tru nsportutiort l00o Nw lt lrh r\r,enue lr{iarni, Florida 3i I72-.jg00 J![T BOXOLD SECNETARY December 16,201S The Honorable Carlos.A. Girnenez, Mayor, Miami-Dade CountyThe Honorable Philip Levine, Mayor. City of Miaml Beach The Honorable Tornas p. Regata-do, t,taior. City of MiamiThe Honorablo Bruno A. Barroiro, Miami-Dade 6ounty commissioner, Districr 5The Honorable Xavier L. suarez, Miami-Dade county co;;ir"ior"i,'oirrri"r z Dear Policy Execulive Comrniltee (pEC) Members: The Departmenl has revielve<J the modifications proposed by the pEC (last senlence paragraph 12 of rheattached MoU) and we have delermined lhat prqecietigibi,ii fo; rne-reoerat Transit eomiiiiiration (FTA) NewSlarls program will be ieopardized if any parties iovertije un&* pio.ire any portion of lhe Beach GorridorDirect connection Projectprlor 19 the completion of the federal enviionmenral process. The Department,sBusiness Plan, as presonled at lhe last pEC meeting, ls baseo on r," rrn nil siil;p;;;;. As part of lhe Buslness Plan, lhe Department accepts the August 1s, 2016 New start project DevelopmentApplicalion deadline, subject to..all pirties completing $roasiign;o tasls agreea upon at the pEC meeting.Each city has besn provided.wilh a scope of servlce lo advanie Fuuti" tn 6lru*"nt r,,lrint"*nce and storageFacllily Analysis: and Visual/Aeslhelics bondition Analysis. tvilami-oadl rransit is also coordinating to linalizslhe Transil service Plan and ridership forecastlng. ln "irJiiion, rnu o"i"rrr"nt is advanclng mugipleenvironmental and prellminary enginboring lasks-for a ru.*iririappiicarion to FTA, as lvell as to acceleratethe overall schedule. lt is impirrative that iil parties corpreie aisigiJJ rasrs by Juty 1 , 2016. To.summarize n9I! steP:: tl9 reqygqt for entry to FTA New starts Project Devetopment rvllt be transmitted onor beforeAugust 15, 2016.,Upon FTA acceptinca, lhe Deparr*"nt"iri initiate the 24 month project schedule.and upon successful completion, request enrry to i19 r11'rntineerin; prraie. il;;r;i;;;;ins pnase rvirrrequire addilional documentation and negotiation with rre rictrieve"a Full Funding G"r.ri;gi"ement. The Dapartment understands thal !lr9t9 T"v be olher comments or concerns lhat your aggncy may have thatmay need to bo addressed before this MoU can be finalized. we-request that you proviilt&, commenls atthe earliest possible date so lhat we can remain on schedute ror an eiecuted Mou within he noxl lhreemonlhs from the date of this.letle1 !!r-oqto-you have any queslions, or require additional informalion, please donot hesitale to conract me ar (30s) 4ro-s1gr or emair oirs.oeoordobi.siate.tt.us. Enclosure c: Jimmy L. Morales, Clty Manager. Clty of Miami Beach Daniet J. Alfonso, Clty Manag-er, Cityof Miaml Jesus Guena, tnterim MpO Executive Dlrector Harold Desdunes, p.E., District Direcror of rransporration Deveroprnent EXHIBIT 18 MEMORANDUM OF UNDEITSTANT'ING Behyeen CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, MIAMI.DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA And FLORIDA DEPARTMDNT OF TRANSI}OI(TATION, DISTRICT #6 For BEACH CORRIDOR DIRECT CONNECTION PROJECT NEPA ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES, PROJEC'T DEVEI,OPMENT, ENGINEEITING AND CONSTITUCTION PHASES; FLTNDING; PROJECT SPONSORSI.IIP; AND OPERATING AGENCY This Memorandnm of Undcrstanding (MOU) is entered into between the City of Miarni Beach, Flodda (Beach), City of Miami, Florida (City), Mianri-Dade County, Florida (County), and the Florida Department of Transportation District 6 (FDOT), collectively knorvn as lhe "Parties." The Parties wish to continue the efforts already nnclerrvay to improve regional rnobility whiclr has involved local, regional and state stakeholder collaboration and coordination, including the Parties' ongoing efforts to identify optimum multimodal altematives for a balanced regional transportation system and to define regional and local projects that sr.lpport corttinued econonric transit oriented development through effective transportation and land use planning and subsequent decisions. The developtnetrt of a multirnodal transportation systeur rvithin the southeast Florida regiou involves nulnelous transportation agencies and stakeholders and is a cornplex tundertaking. Each of the Parties lms unique skills and abilities which are necessary for successful impletuetttation of the Beach Cotridor Direct Connection Project (fonnerly known as Baylink), a frxed guideway corridor project between dorvntorvn Miarni near the Governtnent Center to the Miarni Beach Conventiorr Center via the MacAfihtrr Causeway, hereinaftel referred to as the "Project." The Parties acknowledge the potential trznspofiation, econornic, social, and envirorunental benefits of the introduction of passenger rail seryice linking downtown Mianti rvith the Convcntion Center in Mianri Beach. The projecl is identified in the Miami-Dade 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) as a Priority III partially fttnded projcct for Prelirninary Engineering and Riglrt-of-Way phases. In addition, portioru of the Project are included in the Beach, City and County lranspoltation plans and progratns. It will improvc cast-west mobility, promote redevelopnrent and levitalization, enhance and integrate existing Miarni-Dade Transit service, and improve citculation in the two dorvntown al'eas. Introducing passenger servicc in the Project corddor will provide an efficient option to driving on congested streets and highrvays and a much-needed integrated transportation Iink. 19 The purpose of this MOU is to develop a multi-agency partnership for undertaking the Project, especially as to the National Environmcntal Policy Act (NEPA) process artd Project l)eveloprnent activities. This includes, but is not limited to: o Clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the Parties relative to the Project; c Clarifying the involvement of the Palties relative to the Project; o Identifying Project funding; o Improving the efficiency by rvhich Project activities are conducted; e Establishing a Project Advisory Committee ("PAC") with specific responsibilities and regulally scheduled rneetings; r Scheduling regular Project updates to the involved Boards and agencies as cleemed llecessar')/ by the Pr\C ;o Prescnting and advancing the Project with a unified voice; o Coordirrating technical studies and evaluations; o Coordinating outrcach to the public, rrrunicipalities, and other involved stakeholders; o Collaborating on imovative approaches to a funding fiamervork fol the Project, r Maxinrizing the Region's competitiveness in secnring potential federal ftrnding for the Project; o Managing the ftrnding and adrninistration relating to the Project; and r I)etermining the Project Delivery rnethod and the responsible parties. The Parties hereby mutr.rally agree and express tlreir urrderstanding of the follorving colnponeltts: l. Project Roles. The role of the follorvs: a. The Parties agree to pursue FDOT management. Parties in conducting the Project shall be as the Project turder one NEPA document, uttder b. The Palties shall ensure that the Project is coordinated and consistent rvith all local, regional, and sfate transporlation plans. c. All Parties shall seek to reach consensus orr key project issnes and rvork coopemtively torvards resolving any conflicts that may arise. d. All Parties shall ensure that the overall Project Development tnilestone schedule (two year required timeline by Federal Transit Administration "FTA") is maintained throughout the Project, for the entite Project. A schedule with kcy milestones (FTA docnmentation, public nreetings, etc.) rvill be cleveloped by FDO f and revieu,ed by the PAC. e. Upon prioritization of this project as a MPO Priolity I funded project for Planning and Prelirninary Iirrgirreering phascs in the MPO 2040 Long Range Transporlation Plan, FDOT shall coordinate with lhe Beach, the City and the County on operations, planning and engineering to support the advancement of the Project, llarlicularly as it affects the Beach, the City and the Courty transportation network and local infiastructurc, f. FDOT, with support lrom the Beach, the City and the County, u,ill present regular Project updates quarterly to the MPO, and the Parties' boards. g. FDOT shall serve as the contract manager for the Project and shall administer Project funds, and ensure that the Project's procurcment 20 process is consistent rvith Federal, state ancl local regulation and that apllropriate billing procedures are irnplemented. h. FDOT shall have the primary responsibility for completing all activities associated rvith the Project Developmerrt Phase and the NEPA plocess. FDOT rvill coordinate this effort directly rvith the Parties, including teclurical support and all presentations, workshops, and hearings. Follorving approval of a Locally Preferred Alternative by the Miami-Dade MPO, FDOT shall submit final NEPA documentation to FTA. Upon apllraval of the NEPA document, FDOT on behalf of the Parties, shall submit a request to FTA to enter the Engineering Phase.i. FDOT rvill coordinate u,ith the PAC regarding coordirration rvith local goverilnents addressing station localions, land use, future trarrsit oriented developnrent opportunitics, arrd related rnatters. 2. Initial Project Funding. The Parties agree to ftind the NEPA and Projcct Developrnent activities up to the total amount of $10,000,000. Upon approval and execution olthis MOU by all Par"ties, the Bcach, the City and the County shall each enter into Locally F-unded Agreernent ("LFA") for purposes of contributing its portion of Project funding, as ftirther indicated belou,: a. FDOT shall contributc $5,000,000, or 50% of the initial Project funding.b. Beach shall contribute $417,000, or 4J7% of the initial Project funding. c. City shall contribute $41 7,000, or 4. I 7Yo of tbe initial Project funding. d. County shall contribute $417,A00, or 4.l7Yo of the initial Ploject ftrndirrg. e. The Parties shall further pursue the ftlnding commitrnent of the Citizens Independent Translnrtation Tnrst (CITT), in tlre amount of $3,750,000, or 37.5o/o of the initial Project funding.f. In the evettt that the entire amount is not expended, the funcls rvill be rcturned to the respective party based on tlrc above percentages.g. In the cvcnt that the enlire amount is not enough to cover the initial Project activities cost, FDOT shall provide detailed information as to the need for additional ftinding, and will request funding fi'om the Parties according to the above percentages. 3. Party Involvement in the Project. Each stage of the Project shall be conducted lvith the involvement ancl cooperation of each party. During Project Developrrrent, and subsequetrt phases, input and approval must be obtained from each parly to define the appropriatc project milestones. 4. Project Atlvisory Conrrnittce (PAC): The Parties shall establish a Project Advisory Cottttnittee lo provide guidance for the Project and to serve as a liaison to their respective ageucies. The Beach, the City and the County shall each select two representatives to serve on lhe PAC and FDOT shall select one representative to serve as an ex-officio urember. All Parties shall provide staff and teclrnical support to the PAC. The PAC may appoint advisory subcommittees as deemed necessary. 5. Projcct tr'inancc Plan. FDOT shall have the prtrnary responsibility to develop a general funding framenork rvhich will include anticipated federal, state, and local shares. The Parties shall have lhe primary responsibility for project financing, as herein staled, 21 and shall lirrther be responsible for the development of a conceptual project finance plan that addresscs capital costs, operations/maintenance costs, and local contributions. These efforts will occur simultaneously throughout the course of the Projcct. l'he Project Fitrance Plan rvill be coordinated rvith and integrated into ongoing MPO finance plaruring and be presented to thc MPO for approval. Approval will be sought by the PAC and all affected fi.rnding parties at the federal, state, county, and rnruricipal levels, as rvell as other sources that rnay be identified, and ultimately brought to the MPO for inclusion in their Cost Feasible Plans atrd Transportation Irn;rrovement Plans (TIPs), per federal larv. 6. Future Project Funding. Funding for the NEPA and Project Development Pltase of the Project rvill be included in the FDOT five-year wolk prograrn. The PAC shall pursue all sources of capital money to fund the remaining phases of Engineerirrg and Construction. Operations ancl mainlenance costs shall be a local and regional responsibility. FDOT shall have no obligations lo fi.rnd operations and maintenance costs fbr the Project. It is the intent of all Parties that the Operating Agency of the Projectrail passenger service n ill be the Beach, the City, the Cor.rnty, or their agents, and that the selectecl entity shall have the primary responsibility for thc service. Under no circttnrslances lvill FDOT become the Operating Agency, or ftlnd future operations. 7, Deterrnining thc Projcct Delivery Method and the Responsible Partics. Up to atrd trear the cotnpletion of the NEPA and Project Development u,ork, the Parties will detennine collectively how to proceed into the next phases of tlre capital program developtnent ptocess, and nray reconsider the Project process as well as Project roles at that tirne. Thc Parties will collaborate on a schedule for proceeding, as well as agree on a funding plan for the next stage of the capital program development process, engineering arrd design. At that tirne, the Parties u,ill explore and agree upon the prefemed Project Delivery Method, and the associated roles and responsibilities. 8. Basis anel Forrnclation for the Project. It is the intent of the Parties that the previotts u,ork completed for the Project, most notably the Beuch Coriclor Transit Corutecliort Stucly Report (June 2015) and the Phase 2 i,Iianfi-1,ficurti Beach Transportation Corridor (BaylinftS StuclS, (April 2004), shall serve as the basis for the Project, and the analysis and technical rvork that u,ent irrto cleveloping the Direct Corurect alternative shall be used as the foundation for the NEPA and Project Development work. 9. Obligations. Through this MOU, the Parties express their mutual intent to move in a diligertt ancl thorough nlanner to develop the Project duing the NEPA and Project Developntent phase, but understands this MOU is by its nature a prelirninary agreement outlining comntitments to be made in this process, and irnposes no legally enforceable colttractual obligations on arly party, other thau the obligations sct forth in Paragraph 2 herein. 10. Effective Date. 'Ihis MOU shall take effect rvhen executed by all Parties, on the last date shorvn below, and shall expire upon Project completion, unless extended in rvriting by the Parties. 11. Counterparts. This MOU rnay be executed in counterparts, and lvhen taken together, the same slrall constitute a binding agreement on all Parties. 22 12, Right to Termitrate, The Parties agree that if the Nerv Start Praject Development Application is not submitted to the Federal Transit Adrninislration by August 15,2016, atry party may choose to terminate this MOU and proceed independently. If thc New Slart Project Development Application is subnritted by August 15, 2016, then any party may terminate this MOU no sooner than forty five (45) days and no later than ninety (90) fi'om the datc of the subrnittal of the Nerv Start Project Developnrent Application. It.!s e€edh€*i Corrider D:reet eenneetien Prqieet s+ arry pertien tlrereefi WHEREFORE, the Parties have each executecl this MOU on the dates below rvritten. F loricla l)epartment of Transportation Miami-Dade County By:By: Namc: Tirle: Name; Date: Title: Date: Legal revierv:LegalRevierv: City of Miami City of Miami Beach By:By: By:By: Name: Title: Nartre; Title: Date:Date: Legal revierv:Legal Revierv: By:By: 23 RIC'K SCOTT GOvERNOIT }entenninl ' ..,\ l,',1, i,i, i,'1,')\i; l: rli': J: l' \.\ J . .:. ) ,'..:,.::.:,,.''' . :,,:,,,: ::::.:,:),,. lglS * 20/,5 Flori cltt Depurtn, ent oJ' Tru nsportation 1000 N\\, I I t'h r\r,enue Ir{ianri, Florida 3 i I 22-.5900 JIIII BOXOLD SECRDTARY December 16,201S The Honorable Carlos A. Gimenez, Mayor, Miami-Dade CountyThe Honorablo philip L6vine, Mayor, City of Miaml Beach The Honorable Tornas p. Regalado, tvtayor, City of MiamiThe Honorable Bruno A. Barreiro, Miami,Dade bounty commissioner, District 5The Honorable Xavier L. suarez, Miarni-Dade county co;;irrion"r,'oirrri"r z Dear Policy Executive Committee (pEC) Members: The Dopartment has revielve<i the modificalions proposed by lhe pEC (last sentence paragraph 12 of lheatlached MoU) and we have detormined lhat proJecieligibilii ror tneliaerat Transit iominis'trauon (FIA) Newslarts program will be ieopardizedif any parlies dovertiie anflor p;;ru any portion of the Beach co'idorDirect Connection Proiect.prior t.9 the completion of the federal ",iriionrnenral process. The Departrnent,sBusiness Plan, as presenled at the last PEC meeling, ls uaieo on ir'u rrn ruoi+, siirrip;;;;. As parl of the Business Plan, lhe Departmenl accepls the August 15, 2016 New start project DevelopmentApplicalion deadline. subiect to.all pirties compteting th" usiigild i.Jrs "greea upon al the pEC meeting.Each city has been provide!^with a scope of servioe=to aovanie puuric tnv6tvemenr; rr,liinier,rnce and storageFacllily Analysis; and Visual/Aesthelics bondilion Analysis. uramioaol Transit is alio coordinating to llnalizelhe Transit service Plan and ridership forecastlng. n aloition,irr" o"prrrr"nl is advanclng mullipleenvironmental and prellminary engineering taskifor a successfui"ppi.ution to FTA, as well as to acceleratelhe overall schedute. lt is impirative that alt parties "onipruiu ,riigiJoia"rs by Juty'1, 2016.-' To.summarize nex!step:: lhe request for entry to FTA New slarts Project Development rvill be transmitted onor before August 15, 2016.,Upon FTA accepl;ncs, the Departmentn iti-initirt" ir,Jec r*r,iil pioj""t schedute.and upon successfttlcompletion, requesl entry to ine rre'gnginuurirg pr,ase. irre e^Jr""ri"J phase rviltrequire addilional documentation and negotiatjon with rre mictiieve"a Full Funding G"r.n119i"ement. The Department undorslands thal !lt9t9-T"y be other comments or concerns lhat your agency may have lhatmay need to be addressed before this MOU can be finalized. we reluest that you proi iuyiurcomments atthe earliost possible date so lhat we can remain on schedule for an executed Mou within the noxt lhreemonlhs from the dale of this. lltteJ. s. lr9uld -vou have any quastions, or require additional informalion, please donot hesitate to contacr me at (30s) 4to-s1d7 or emait oi,s.oeoordobi.siati.tt.us M District Secretary Enclosure c: Jimmy L. Moralos, Clty Manager, City of Mlami Beach Daniet J. Alfonso, Clty Manager, Cityof Miami Jesus Guerra, lnterim MpO Executive Director Harold Desdunes, p.E., District Direcror of rransportation Deveroprnent Singerely, 24 MBMORANDUM OII UNDERSTANDING Betryeen CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, CITY OT MIAMI, FLORIDA, MIAMI.DADE COUNTY, FLOIUDA Antl trLORIDA DEPARTMENT OIi TRANSI'OIITATION, DISTRICT #6 For BEACH CORRIDOR DIRI,CT CONNECTION PROJECT NEPA ENV I RONMENTA L STUDIES, PROJEC'T DEVEI,OPMENT, ENGIN EEI{ING AND CONSTI{UCTION PHASES; FUNDTNG; PROJECT SPONSORSI-IIP; AND OPEI{ATTNG AGENCY This Memorandurn of Understanding (MOU) is entered into between thc City of Miami Beach, Florida (Beach), City of Miami, Florida (City), Mianri-Dade County, Florida (County), and the Florida Department of Transportation District 6 (FDOT), collectively knorvn as the "Palties." The Parties wish to continue the efforts already nnclerrvay to irnprove regional rnobility which has involved local, regional and state stakeholder collaboration and coorclination, including the Parties' ongoing efforts to identify optimurrr multimodal alternatives for a balanced regional transportation systenr and to define regional and local projects that support continned economic transit oriented development through effective transportation and larrd use planning and subseqlrcnt decisions. The development of a multimodal transpofiation system rvithin the southeast Florida region involves numelous transportation agencies and stakeholders and is a complex undertaking. Each of the Parties has unique skills and abilities which arc necessary for successful implementation of the Beach Conidor Direct Connection Project (fonrrerly known as Baylink), a fixed guideway corridor project between dorvntorvn Miarni near the Governrnent Center to the Miami Beach Convention Center via the MacArlhur Causervay, hereinaflet referred to as the "Project." The Parties acknowledge the potential transportation, ecorrornic, social, and environmental benefits of the introduction of passenger rail sen ice linking downtorvn Miami rvith the Convcntion Center in Mianti Beach. The project is identified in the Mianri-Dade 204A Long Range Tmnsportation Plan (LRTP) as a Priority III partially fturded projcct for Preliminary Engineering and Right-of-Way phases. In addition, portioru of the Project are included in the Beach, City and County lransllofiation plans and programs. It will improvc east-rvest rnobility, promote redevelopnrent and revitalization, enhance and integrate existing Miarni-Dade Transit sen ice, and improve circulation in the trvo dorvntown areas. Introducing passenger servicc in the Project corddor will provide an efficient option to driving on congested streets and highrvays and a mnch-needed integrated tmnsportation link, 25 The purpose of this MOU is to develop a multi-agency partnership for undertaking the Project, especially as to the National Envirorunental Policy Act (NEPA) process artd Project l)evelopment activities. This includes, but is not liuited to:. Clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the Parties relative to the Project;. Clarifying the involvement of the Parties relative to the Project; o Iderrtifying Project funding;o Impraving the efficiency by rvhich Project activities are conducted;o Establishing a Project Advisory Committee (^PAC') with specific responsibilities and regularly scheduled rneetings;r Scheduling regular Project updates to the involved Boards and agencies as cleemed lrecessary by the PAC ;o Prescnting and advatrcing the Project with a unified voice;. Coordinating technical studies and evaluations;o Coordinating outreach to the public, mruricipalities, and other involved stakeholders; r Collaborating on irurovative apploaches to a ftinding fiamervork fol the Project, r Maxintizing the Region's cornpetitiveness in securing potential federal ftlndirrg for the Project; o Managing the ftrnding and adrninistration relating to the Project; andr l)etennining the Project Delivery method and the lesponsible parties. The Parties hercby rnutr.rally agree and express their understanding of the follolving colrlponents: l. Project Roles. The role of the Parties in conducting the Project shall be as follorvs: a. The Parties agree to pursue the Project under one NEPA document, under FDOT management. b. The Parties shall ersure that the Project is coordinated and consistent rvith all local, rcgional, and state transpofiation plans. c. All Parties shall seek to reach consensus orr key project issnes and rvork coopemtively torvards resolving any conflicts that may arise. d. All Parties shall ensnre that the overall Prcject Development rnilestone schedule (two year required timelinc by Federal Transit Administration "FTA") is maintained throughout the Project, for the entire Project. A schednle with key nrilestones (FTA documentation, public meetings, etc.) rvill be cleveloped by FDO I- and reviewed by the PAC. e. Upon prioritization of this project as a MPO Priority I funded project for Planning and Preliminary Engineering phases in the MPO 2040 Long Range Transpofiation Plan, FDOT shall coordinats rvith the Beach, the City and the County on operalions, planning and engineering to support the advancement of the Project, particularly as it affects the Beach, the City and the Coiurty transportation network and local infiastnrcture. f. FDOT, with support from the Beach, the City and the County, u,illpresent regular Project updates quarterly to the MPO, and the Parties' boards.g. FDOT shall serve as the contract rnanager for the Project and shall administer Project funds, and enstrre that the Project's procrnement 26 process is consistent with Federal, state ancl local regtrlation and that appropriate billing procednres are irnplemented. h. FDOT shall have the prirnary responsibility for completing all activities associated rvith the Project Development Phase and the NEPA process. FDOT rvill coordinate this effort directly rvith the Parties, including teclnical support and all presentations, wor*shops, and hearings. Follorving approval of a Locally Preferred Alternative by the Miami-Dade MPO, FDOT shall submit final NEPA documentation to FTA. Upott allproval of the NEPA docurnent, FDOT on behalf of the Parties, shall subrnit a request to FTA to enter the Engineering Phase. i. FDOI' rvill coordinate rvith lhe PAC regarding coordination rvith local govemrnents addressing station locations, land use, ftiture transit oriented derrelopnteut opporttrnities, and related tnatters. 2. Initial Project Funding. The Parties agree to ftind the NEPA and Project Development activities up to the total amount of $10,000,000. Upon approval and execulion olthis MOU by all Pafiies, the Beach, the City and the County shall each enter into Locally F-unded Agreemenl ("LFA") lor purposes of contributing its portion of Project funding, as ftirther indicated belorv: a. FDOT shall contributc $5,000,000, or 50% of the initialProject funding. b. Beach shall contribute $417,000, or 4.17% of the initial Project funcling. c. City shallcontribute $417,000, or 4,l7Yo of the initial Project funding. d. County shall contribute $417,000, or 4.17% of the initial Prnject fundirrg. e. The Parties shall further pursue the fllnding cornmitrnent of the Citizens Independent Trans;lortation Trust (CITT), in the amount of $3,750,000, or 37.5o/o of the initial Project funding. f. In the event that the entirc amount is not expended, the funds rvill be returned to the respective party based orr the above percentages. g. In the event that the enlire amount is not enough to cover the initial Project activities cost, FDOT shall provide detailed informatiott as to the need for additional ftlnding, and will request funding from the Parties according to the above percentages. 3. Parfy Involvement in the Project. Each stage of the Prnject shall be conducted with the involvenrent ancl cooperation of each party. During Project Development, and subsequent phases, input ancl approval must be obtained lrom each pafty to define the appropriatc project mi lestones. 4. Project Atlvisory Committce (PAC): The Parties shall establish a Project Advisory Conrrnittee lo provide guidance for the Ploject and to serve as a liaison to their respective agencies. The Beach, the City and the County slull each select two representatives to serve on lhe PAC and FDOT shall select one representative to serve as an ex-officio rnember. All Parties shall provide staff aud teclrnical support to the PAC. The PAC may appoint advisory subcomnrittees as deemed necessary. 5. Projcct financc PIan. FDOT shall have the prirnary responsibility to develop a general funding framervork rvhich will include anticipatecl federal, state, and local shares. The Palties shall have the pilrnary responsibility for project financing, as hcrein stated, 27 and shall lirrther be responsible for the development of a conceptual project finance plan that addresses capital costs, operations/maintenance costs, and local corttributions. These efforts will occut simultaneously tlrroughout the course of the Project. I'he Project Finance Plan rvill be coordinated rvith and integrated into ongoing MPO finance plaruring and be presented to thc MPO for approval. Apploval will be sought by the PAC and all aflected funding parties at the federal, state, counfy, and municipal levels, as rvell as other sources that may lre identified, and ultimately brought to the MPO for inclusion in their Cost Feasible Plans and Trausportation Improvement Plans (TIPs), per federal law, 6. Future Project Funcling. Funding for the NEPA and Project Developtnent Phase of the Project will be included in the FDOT five-year wolk prograrn. The PAC shall pursue all sources of capital money to flurd the remairring phases of Engineering and Constnrction. Operations and mainlenance costs shall be a local and regional responsibility. FDOT shall have no obligations to fund operations and maintcnance costs fbr the Project. [t is the intent of all Parties that the Operating Agency of the Project rail passenger seruice s,ill be the Beach, the City, the County, or their agents, and that the sclectecl entity shall have the primary responsibility for thc service. Urtder no circunrslances rvill FDOT become the Opelating Agency, or fund future operations, 7, Determining the Project Delivcry Methorl and the Responsible Partics. Up to and near the completion of the NEPA and Project Development u,ork, the Parties will detemrine collectively how to proceed into the next phases of the capital program development process, and nray recormider the Project process as well as Project roles at that tirne. Thc Parties will collaborate on a schedule for proceeding, as well as agrce on a funding plan for the next stage of the capital program development process, engineering arrd design. At that time, the Parties rvill explore and agree ttpon the preferted Project Delivery Method, and the associated roles and responsibilities. 8. Basis and Foundation for the Project. It is the intent of the Parties that the previons nork completed for the Project, most notably the Beach Coticlor Transit Corurcction Stucll, ReJtort (June 2015) and the Phase 2 Afiatni-ltfiaui Beqch Trcmsportation Corridor (Bayt inlg) Stucly (April 2004), shall serve as thc basis for the Project, and the analysis and technical rvork that u,ent into cleveloping the Direct Comect altemative shall be used as the foundation for the NEPA and Project Developrnent work. 9. Obligations. Through this MOU, the Parties expless their rnutual intent to move iu a diligent and thorough nlanner to develop the Project dtrring the NEPA arrd Project Developnrent phase, but understands this MOU is by its nature a preliminary agreement outlining commitments to be made in this process, and irnposes no legally enforceable contractual obligations on any party, other tlran the obligations set forth irr Paragraph 2 Irerein, 10. Effcctivc Date. 'Ihis MOU shall take effect rvhen executed by all Pafiies, on the last date shorvn below, and shall expire upon Project courpletion, unless extended in rvriting by the Parlies. 11. Counterparts. This MOU rnay be executed in counterparts, and when taken together, the same shall constitute a binding agreement on all Parlies. 28 12. Right to Tennirrate. The Parties agree that if the Nerv Start Project Development Application is not subnritted to the Federal Transit Adrninistralion by August 15,2016, any party may choose to ternrinate this MOU and proceed independently. If thc New Start Project Development Application is subrnitted by August 15, 2016, then any party may termitrate this MOU no sooner than forty five (45) days and no later than ninety (90) fi'om the date of the submittal of the Nerv Start Project Developnrent Application. I!.|g eeedhg with the prceurenrent-ef-the des:gn; eqtrst+trqtieni Eleratien; er nraintenaneesFthe Beaeh WHEREFORE, the Parties havs each executecl this MOU on the dates below written. Floricla l)epartment of Transpofiation Miami-Dade County By:By: By:By: Namc: Title: Narne; Date: Title: Date: Legal rcvierv:LegalRevierv: City of Miami City of Miarni Beach By: Name: By: Nanre: Title: Date: Tirle: Date: Legal review:LegalRevierv: By:By: 29 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 30