20160113 RELEASE 1MIAMIBEACH Cify of Miomi Beqch, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 331 39, www.miomibeochfl.gov MEMORANDUMIO: Mayor Philip Levine and Members of the City Commission FROM: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk DATE: January 7,2016 SUBJECT: City Commission At-Large Nominations for January 13, 2016 - Release # 1 Below please find the City Commission At-Large Nominations received to date for the January 13, 2016 Commission Meeting. BOARD AND COMMITTEES 1. AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Vacancies (6) No nomination received to date. 2. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT- Vacancy (1) o Daniel J. Nagler (Release # 1, Page 3)o Nominated for appointment (General Business category) by Commissioner Malakoff. Clerk's Note: Mr. David E. Lancz withdrew his name from consideration to the BOA, as he accepted an appointment to the LGBT Committee made by Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez. 3. BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Vacancy (1) No nomination received to date. 4. HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Vacancies (3) No nomination received to date. 5. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD: - Vacancies (2) . Jack L. Finglass (Release # 1, Page 9)o Nominated for appointment (Category 5 - Architect or Attorney registered in the U.S.) by Commissioner Gonzalez. o Sfeyan J. Pardo (Release # 1 , Page 19)o Nominated for appointment (Category 5 - Architect or Attorney registered in the U.S.) by Mayor Levine. F:\CLER\$ALL\REG\COMMISSION MEETTNGSUO 1 6\01 I 320 1 6\RELEASE # 1 .docx 1 6. inlAMl BEACH HUMAN RIGHTS COIIIMITTEE - Vacancies (6) o lvan Cano (Release # 1, Page 25)o Nominated for reappointment by Commissioner Steinberg. o Bradley A. Ugent (Release # 1, Page 31)o Nominated for reappointment by Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez. . William H. Warren Jr. (Release # 1, Page 37)o Nominated for reappointment by Commissioner Steinberg. . Alan B. Fishman. (Release # 1 , Page 41)o Nominated for reappointment (Attorney Category) by Commissioner Steinberg. o Jarred L. Reiling (Release # 1, Page 49)o Nominated for appointment by Mayor Levine. 7. PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES BOARD - Vacancies (2) No nomination received to date 8. VISITOR AND CONVENTION AUTHORITY - Vacancy (0) ltem R9A-1, in the January 13,2016 Agenda, incorrectly indicated one vacancy for the Visitor and Convention Authority. There are currently no vacancies in the VCA. F:\CLER\$ALL\REG\COMMISSION MEETI NGSUO1 6\01 1 3201 6\RELEASE # 1 .docx2 Daniel J. Nagler 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4 g MIAMIBEACH NAME: Nagler CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FORM Last Name HOME ADDRESS: First Name Apt No. Home No./Street PHONE: Home Work Fax Business Name: Mltranl, Rynor, Adamsky, & Toland, pA positon: Attorney Address: '1200 Weston Road Weston Middle lnitial City State Zp Code dan.nagler@gmall.com Email Address FL Purcuant to City Code section 2-22(11a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this rcquirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six months; or b) an individual shall demonstrats ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city. o Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months No o Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: No o Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: No o (Please circle one): I am now a resident of: Middle Beach o I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below: Law/Attorney licensed in three states, Business/Founder of sports company, P.R. and Marketing/studied and worked in the field o Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? No Street State Zip Code Please list your preferences in order of La-nkt-nS [] first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Please note that only three (3) choices will be observed bv the Gity Clerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City) Choice 1: Police Citizens Relations Comrnittee Choice 2: Parks and Recreation Facilities Board Choice 3: Committee on the Homeless Note: lf applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Crcnter: 't . Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: No years of Service: Not applicable 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children No if yes, please list the names of your children, their ages, and which programs. List below: o Have you ever been convicted of a felony: No lf yes, please explain in detail: City r Do you cunently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: No lf yes, please explain in detail: . Do you cunently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Are you cunently serving on any City Boards or Committees: No lf yes, which board? o what organizations in the city of Miami Beach do you cunenfly hold membership in? Name Tifle Toastmasters Member r List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: 5 . I am now emplo)red by the city of Miami Beach: No Which department? Not applicable The following lnformatlon is-voluntary and ls nelther part of your applicatlon nor has any bearing on your conslderatlon for appointmetrt. It 13belng asked to comply wlth fedaral equal opportunity reporting requlrements. Gender: Male Race/Ethnic Categories What is your race? Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be. White Other Description: Are you Spanish/Hispanic/ Latino? Mark the "No" box if not Spanish I Hispanic / Latino. No PhysicallyChallenged: No NOTE: lf appolnted, you wlll be requlred to follow certaln laws whlch apply to clty board/commlttee membarr. These laws include, but are not llmited to, the followlng: o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459).o Prohibition fiom ontracling with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1).o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving offce (Miami Beach Code seciion 2-26).o Requirement to disclose certain financial inlerests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-1 1 .1 ).(re: CMB Community DevelopmentAdvisory Commitee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office, from having. any interesl in or receiving any benefit fnom Community Deve6pment Block Grant iunds for either yourself, or those with whom you have business or immediale fumily ties (CFR 570.6i 1). Upon request, copbs of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk "l hereby attost to the accuracy and truthfulnegs of the appllcation and have received, rsad and wlll abide by Chapter 2, Argcle Vll - of the Clty Code "Standards of Conduc{ for Gity Offlcers, Employees and Agency tembers.', I Daniel Nagler agrced to the following terms on 51171201411:58:2g AM Received in the City Clerk's Ofiice by: Name of Deputy Clerk Control No.Date 6 Daniel I. Nagler dan.nagler@gmail.com Admissions: . Florida Bar, 2008, member in good standing.. Massachusetts Bar, 2008, member in good standing.. New York Bar, 201 1, member in good standing. ' U.S. District Courts, Southern, Middle, and Northern Districts of Florida, member in good standing.' U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, 2012, member in good standing.. Notary Public, State of Florida, commissioned through October 2015. Community: . St. Thomas University School of Business Advisory Council. (6/13-Present) ' St. Thomas University Sports Administration Workgroup. (6/13-Present). Miami Beach Toastmasters. (9/13-Present) ' Entertainment, Arts & Sports Law Section of the Florida Bar. (9/08-Present) Experience: Mitrani, Rynor, Adamsl<y, & Toland, P.A. Associate (1 2/1 2-Present) Education: Weston/MiamiBeach, FL 'Manage all aspects of Civil Litigation Defense caseload, including personal injury and property damage. 'Responsibilities include appearing in court, taking and defending depositions, mediating cases. ' Daily tasks include settlement negotiations, drafting motions, all discovery, detailed reporting, research. lnvolvedFan.com MiamiBeach, FL President and Founder (2/1 1-Present) 'Gonceived and founded a crowdfunding website for professionaUsemi-professional athletes. 'Handle athlete recruitment, marketing, social media, web-design, accounting, contributor relations.. Featured in The New York Times, ESPN the Magazine, Sl.com, ESPN.com, The BBC, The NY Post. Ablitt Scofield PC Associate (81 12-1 21 1 2) West Palm Beach, FL . Responsible for all aspects of large contested/litigated Foreclosure Plaintiff caseload. ' Duties included bench trials, hearings, motions, discovery, and bankruptcy stay relief. 'Worked with opposing counsel, clients, and support staff; advised clients on case strategies. Menzer & Hill, P.A. Of Gounse! (4112-81121 . Utigation counsel; drafted pleadings, motions, discovery, and demand letters. Airan Pace Law, P.A. Boca Raton, FL CoralGables, FL Of Cou nsel (A 1 1 -31 121, Associate (1 0 I 10-21 1'l I. Managed firm's Foreclosure Defense caseload; attended mediations. . Appeared in court about three days each week; handled all written discovery, pleadings, and motions. ' Court appearances included summary judgments, evidentiary hearings, and trial matters. Rudd & Diamond, P.A. Associate (5/09-6/10), Law Glerk (3/09-5/09) Hollywood, FL ' Managed all aspects of personal injury and property damage lnsurance Defense caseload. 'Conducted and defended depositions of: plaintiffs, defendants, witnesses, and police investigators. 'Appeared in tri-county courts about three days each week; negotiated settlements. Sf. Ihomas University Miami, FL School of Law and School of Business J.D. and M.B.A. Degrees (5/08). Book Award (highest GPA) in Sales class; scholarship recipient.' Summer abroad in China. Studied internalional law in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Xiamen. Syracuse University Syracuse, Ny Newhouse schoolof Public communications and whitman schoolof Management B.S. Degrees, Public Relations and Marketing (5/05) ' National Honor Society; National Society of Collegiate Scholars; Dean's Scholarship.' Semester abroad in Madrid, Spain. Enrolled in five-country European business seminar. 7 8 Jack L. Finglass 9 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 10 MIAMIBEACH I BOARO ANO COilTITTEE APPUCATION FORIi Zp cooe Emdl addrcss Homenddress H-6rneTeniffiE Work Telephone Cellular Telephone City Business Name Occupatlon Eusiness Addresg Clty Zp Code Professional Uense (describe) : l}t15$ to Glty code tecuon-%-22l4la & b: Members of agencies, boards and committees shalt be affiltated wittr theGity' This requirement shall be fulf,lled in the following waysia. ln inOivtOuat shal have Gen a resident of Ure City 1ora minimum of six monthe; or b. An individual shall demoirstrate ownership/interest ior a minimum of six months in abusiness established in the City for a mlnlmum of six months. o Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: yes Effor xo ff, o Demonstrates ownership/interest in a buslness in Miami Beach for a minimum of slx months: yes fl or noE[ c Ale you a registered voter in Miami Beach: yee$or ruo fl o I am now a resident ot North geach Etr South Beach E nnuan geachEl- o I am "BPyiI,g lor 393ne111]Se1!-b*ag9 I have-special abilitles, knowtedge andexperience. pteaso rst betow: c Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? v,er Etr or no [tr Please list your in order of ranking tll tirst ct-rolce {2t sacond choice, and [3] third choice, please note that O Affodabls Housing Advisory Comnrlnee o Ail ln Publlc Phces Commlttea o Pa*s and Rsqeatlon Faclllths Boad € t Boatd members arp rcqulred to llle Form I i- "statement of Flnanclal lnbrcaf, with the stBte.fi ll you seek appolntment -to a proteasional seat (e.g., !"r,ry"r, "r.rtrti.t, 9tc.) on ure aoard of AdJustnenf Dealgn RevlswBoatd, tllstoric Prcseryatlon Board or Plannlng idd, ;t&;it;;6y ii yol,i orrmen-uy+duve tt6ense, and tumtrh thefollowlng I nformatlon : Type of Professional Ucens Ucense Number FrcLERrtArL\aFoRMs\BoARD AND coMMrrrEEs\Bc AFpucATloN Rrr5$nilo$lfu,* 11 @ flote: lf applying brthe Youth Center positions of he Parfts and Recreatlone Facillties Board, please indicate your affiliation wtth the scott Rakow Youth center and/or the North shore parks youth center: r Please describe your past seMce witr the City's Youtr Canters (nclude dates of seMce): . Present particlpation in Youth cenier sc*ivities by your children: yes El ruo ff, lf yes, please list below the names of yourchildren, thelr agee and the prcgrame ln tifildi hey par{clpata: Child's name: Child's name: Age:_ Program: Age: _ Pmgram: r Have you ever been convicted of a ftlony? yes lf yee, please explain in detail: o Do you cunently have a vlolatlon(s) of City of Miaml Beach Code? yee f] or NcEl I yes, ptaase exptain in detail: o Do you annenUy owa the Clty of Miami Beach any money? Yet EI o, No'B[ lf yes, elelein in ddtail: o Are you anranllyseMng on eny Cfty Board or Commltlee? vesf] or xeEtr [yes, wtrlch board/committee? r ln what organlzaflon(s) in the city of Mianri Beadr do you currenily hold mernbershlp? Narne PosHon o Ust all properties o,,rned or ln which you have an lnterest within the Clty of Miami Beadr: . Are you noar employed by the ctty of Miaml Beach? yes [l or t.lo.Ef Whhh departnent and tltle? o Fursuant to clty code secfron 2'25 (b[ po you have a parent ff, .pou." Ef, "nlo E 0.m", E or eigter f! r,t o t, employed by the City of Miami Beach? yes Uor No Dff lf Yes," identiff person(s) and departnent(s): Tha follodng lnformatlon is voluntary and ls netorcr part of your appllcatlon nor hao any bearlng on your constdeneuon brappointoenl lt ls belng edrad to comply wlttr clS dlnersity reiortind'rcquircments. Genden Female Race/Ethnlc Categorles trVhat is your race? fl erican-nmerican/Btad< -EfCaucasianruhite-EI Rrun or Pactfic tstander E[ Native-tmerioan/Arnerican tndian FrcLERrlALLraFoRMs\BoARD AND comilrnEEsrgc ^"rr"^r,o* **5#41?t f..r*. 12 E Otner - Print Race: Do you ooneider yourcelf to be Spanish, Hiapanlc or Latnola? Mai< the "No" bsx if not Spanish, Hispanic, Latinila. No Yes ,Etrl Do you oonslder youruelf Physlcally Disabled? ,EI ruo Elv"t NOTE:IF APPOINTED, YOU WLL BE REQUTRED TO FOLLOW CERTATN LAWS THAT AppLV TO CITY BOARDTGOMM|TTEE MEilIBERS. THESE |AWS INCLUDE, BUTARE trtOT UMITEDTO: o Prohlbiilon ftom direcfly or indirecfiy lobbying Cig pensonnel (Miami Beadr City Code sec{ion 2-459). o Prohlbilion from ontracting with the clty (Miami-Dade Gounty code seclion 2:11.1). o Prohibition fiom lobbying befure the board/commlttee you hane served on br perlod of one year afierleavlng offce (Miami Beactr City Code aec{ion 2.26). o Requirenrent to disclose certein financialint€resh and gifis (Mlaml-Dade County Code socflon 2-11.1). o CMB Community Development Advisory Comrnittee: protrtbitlon, dudng tenuraand br one year aftir leaving office, ftom havlng any interest in or receiving any benefit ftonr Commurilly Development-ebck Grant funds foi elther yoursetf,-or thoee with whomyou have businoss or immedlate famlly ties (CFR Sz0.6il). o Sunshine Lew - Flodda's Govemment-in-ths.Sunshine Lal uas enacted in 1967. Today, the Sunstlne larr regardlng opengovemment can be found ln Ghaotqr ?86 of the Florlda Statutes. These statutes e*a5ti*r a baslc rlght of access t6 most meetings of boards, commlesions and other goveming bodies of state and local goverrnental agendes or iutrori6ee. o Votlng confict - Form 8B is for use by any piraon eeMng at he county, clty or ofrer local level -of govemment on an appolnted or eleded board, coundl, commiselon,juthqlty or committee. lt applicd eqtially to meiflborE of adfrsory and non-advlidry bodlcr who am presented wllh a vollng conflicl of lntereet under Sedion 112.5't43, ftifiOa Ststutee. Upon rcqueat, coples of theec lanr may be obtelnedffom the Clty Clerk I IIEREBY ATTEST TO THE ACCURACY AND TRUTHFULNESS OF THE APPUGATION; AND I HAVE RECETVED; READ ANDWILL ABIDE BY CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VII, OF THE MIAT'I BEACH GITY CODE, ENTTTIED "STANDARDS OF CO'TIDUCT FORCIIY OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES AND AGENCY MEiiBERS AID ALL OTHER APPLICABLE COUtrlTY ANDTOR STATE LA]vS AND STATUTES ACCORDINGLY." PLEASE ATTACH A GURRENT RESUME, PHOTO:GRAPH AND A GOPY PF ANY APPLICABLE PROFESSIONAL LIGENSE. ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS, IF NECESSARY, TO PROVIDE REQUIRED INFORMATION. the Office of the Clty Clerk by: F;rcLERliALLraFoRMs,\BoARo Ar,rD co[m{mEEsBc AppLlcArroN **,53rn"*?#oro;.0.", 13 AAIAMIBEAChI Glty of iliomi Beoch 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33.l39, www.miomibeochfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CIW CI.ERK CityClerk@m io m ibeoch f . gov Telephone: 305.673:741 I Fox 305.679.7254 Acknowledgement of fineslgusPension for Board/Gommittee Memberc forfailure to comply wlth illami.Dade county Financial Dlsclosurecode provislon Gode section2-{l.i(i) (2t - Board tember,s'Name: I understend that ng.lat91 than Julv 1. -of eqc.h vear all members of Boards and Committees of the City ofMlami Beach, includihg those of t p3reffidvisory nature, are iequired to comply with Miami-Dade CountyFinancial Disclosure Requirements. This means th* tne memUerd of C1y nArii,6w Boards, wnoiJ Jot" otprimary resporslbility is to rsmmmend legislation or glve advice to the CrtyConimission,'must file, eventhough they may have been reeenfly appointed. $ 9t-tte follgwi!9 forms mqgtig4s with the clty Clerk of Miami Beach, 1700 Gonvention center Drive,MiarniBeach, Florida, no laterthan lzoonoon of Julyl, of each year. 1. A lSource of lncome Statement, 2. A "Statement of Financial lnterests (Form 1)" 3. A Copy of your latest Federal lncome Tax Retum Failure to lile one of these forms, pursuant to the Miami-Dade County Gode, may subject the person to a fineof no more than $500, 60 days in Jail .or both. Updabd: Friday, June05, 2015 FlcLERr$/{LLbFoRMs\BoARD AND co}nirnEEsrgc AppucArox R*3#ft1&lfr..*, 14 JACK L. FINGIASS E-Mail: <JackFins@msn.com> Objective: My objective is to be appointed a member of the City of Miami Beach Design Review Board. Profile: I have been a Senior Architect with the federal government for approximately 23 years. I have served the states of Virginia and Maryland as a preservation architect, architectural historian, and proiect manager. Wellversed and experienced in using and applying federal, state, and local historic preservation laws and ordinances. Proficient at resolving comptex space planning architectural design issues, historic designation procedures. I have routinely review drawings, historic register nominations and designations, conducted research, analyzed facts, and have made sound, fair and workable recommendations to resolve problems. As an effective communicator, I have a collaborative, collegial working style. I am able to work with diverse groups of people to create outstanding problem resolutions. I have worked on the design of major government buildings, from the largest to some of the smallest (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission four building headquarters to small individual 18s century houses) for 40 years, solving compatible design issues of every type. Sele'cted Accomplishments: senior Architect. U.S. Nucleor Regulatory Commission, woshington, DC 2003-2014 senior Archited, Progrom Mo noger. lmmigration & Notu rolization serui ce, U-5. Deportment of tustice & U.S Deportment of Homelond Security Federol Historic Preseryotion Olficer (FH4O) t9g6-2003 Senior Architect. U.S. Office of Personnel Monogement, Woshington, DC Federol Historic Preseruotion fficer (FHpO). Architect certification by the U.s. government tggT-7996 Restorotion Architect. velsey Architects & Planners, kthesdo, Morytond 19g6-1997 Obtoining Moster of Business Administrotion in Reol Estqte & lhrbon Developmenl The Americon lJniversity, Woshington, DC lggT-lggg Project Monoger. Historic Preseruotion projects in Washington, DC & Annopolis, MQ Americon Construction Compony, lnc., Woshington, DC 7992-19g6 Director, Technicol Preservotion Seruices..Morylond Historicol Trust, Annopolis, MD. Design Review Boord, Architect Member, Annopolis Notionol Historic Londmork Historic District tg74-1997 Historicol ArchitecVArchitecturol Historion. virginia Historic Londmork Commission, Richmond,VA 1972-1974 Education: MBA, Real Estate and Urban Development, The American University, Washington, DC 19gg M$ Architecture (Historic Preservation and Urban planning), Columbia University, New York, NY tgl2 BFA, Architecture, Carnegie-Mellon University, pittsburgh, pA tgTl 15 BA, History Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA Personal Statement: I have worked on the design of hundreds of buildings and residences large and small over my rO year career, in urban areas and in park settings. They have ranged from the headquarters of major government owned and privately leased buildings to private residences of all types, styles and sizes ln my positions as government architect, preservation architect and project architect, I have been engaged in the design review process on hundreds projects by architects and developers atl over the country. I presently live in an emerging historic district in Miami Beach (North Bay Road) in a contributing historic structure, located at 5001 North Bay Road. My house was designed in 1951 by the world-renowned architect, Norman Giller. lt is a fine example of Mid<entury modern architecture, and one of Giller,s best smaller houses. Living in this house is a privilege that I looked fonrard to before moving here from washington, DC. My concerned neighbors and I are trying to historically designate as many period houses as possible, and create certified historic districts. I am attempting to certify my own residence. I am not anti-business or development by any means. There are some truly spectacutar ultra-modern architectural projeas that have been realized in Miami Beach , created by world -class architects & developers that have made Miami Beach a continuum of design excellence throughout its 100 year history. As an architect, I love and appreciate buildings from all periods that exhibit thoughtful design and elegant detailing befitting one of the greatest of America's cities. Thoughtfully designed new buildings can occupy an honored place in the city's architectural history and can be appreciated by a compassionate a nd open-minded preservationist like myself. I believe in researching facts in order to arrive at fair solutions to perplexing issues. I am a good tistener, analyst, mediator and problem solver. I believe that my long invotvement in historic preservation, my dedication, energty and intelligence will serve me wel! as a member of the Miami Beach Design Review Board. Sincerely and respectfully submitted, Jack L. Finglass 1971 16 17 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 18 Sfeva n J. Pardo 19 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 20 @ MIAMIBEACH CITY OF MIAMIBEACH BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FORIII NAME: Pardo Stevan Last Name HOME ADDRESS: First Name Middle lnitial PHONE: Apt No. Home No./Street City State Zip Code Spardo@pardogainsburg. com Home Buslness Name: Pardo Galnsburo pL Address: 200 S.E. 'lst Street Suite 700 Work Email Address position: Attorney Mlaml Florlda 33131 Street State Zip Code Pursuant to Clty Code section 2-22(41a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this reguirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city. o Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months Yes e Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: No o Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: yes o (Please cirde one): I am nor a resident of Mlddle Beach o I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below: Real Estate and Constructlon Law Attomey for more than 30 years o Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? No City PJeqse list your Pr{erencgg in ordet.of La.nkr-n-g []f rst toice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Ptease note that only three (3) cholces wlll be observed by the Gltv Clerk's Clfflce. (Regular Boards of City) Choice l: Historic Preservation Board Choice 2: Choice 3: Note: lf applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your afiiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center: 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: po years of Service: 2. Presant participation in Youth Center activities by your children No if yes, please list the names of your children, their ages, and which programs. List below: o Have you ever been convided of a felony: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Do you cunently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beactr codes: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Do you cunently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Are yo.r cunently serving on any City Boards or Committees: No lf yes, whictr board? r what organizations in the city of Miami Beach do you cunenty hold membership in? Name Tifle MiamiBeach Chamber Member o List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: 21 . I am now employed by the clty of Mlaml Beach: No Which department? The followlng lnformadon ls-voluntary and ls nelther part of your appllcatlon nor has any bearlng on your conslderatlon for appolntment. lt lsbelng asked to comply wlth federal equal opportunlty reportng re{rilrements. Gender: Male Race/Ethnic Categories Vlltrat ls your race? Mark one or more raoes to indicate what you consider yourself to be. White Other Description: Are you Spanish/Hispanic/ Latino? Mark the "No" box if not Spanish / Hispanic / Latino. Yes PhysicallyChallenged: No [{OTE: lf appolnted, you wlll be requlred to follow certaln laws whlch apply to clty board/commlttes members. Theae laws Include, but are not limlted to, the followlng: o Prohiblton ftom direc{y or indlrecfly lobbying city personnel (Mlami Beach City Code section 2-459).o Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1).o Prohibltion from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving ofice (Miami Beach Code sec{ion 2-26).o Requirenent to disclose certain financial interests and gifls (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-1 1 .1 ).(re: CMB Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office, from having. any interesl in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself, or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.611 ). Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtalned from the City Clerk "l hereby attert to the aecuracy and truthfulnege of the appllcatlon and have recelved, read and wlll ablde by Chapter 2, Arflcle Vll - of the Clty Code "Standards of Conduct for Clty Ofltcers, Employeea and Agency iiembers." ! Stevan Pardo agreed to the followlng terms on 12141'i2O1S 9:29:32 pM Received in the City Clerk's Office by: Name of Deputy Clerk Control No.Date 22 STEVAN J. PARDO EDUCATION Miami Beach Senior High Schoolo Silver Knight Nominee, Speech and Debate (1977) r State Champion, Congress (1975 - 1977)o State Champion, Oratory (1977) e National Honor Society Duke University . Public Policy Studies Majoro Summa Cum Laude (Phi Beta Kappa)r White House lntem (1979 - 1980) Duke Law School o Moot Court Board o Guest Lecfurer Class of 1977 B.A.1981 J.D.1984 PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT Greenberg Traurig, et al. o Attorney (1984-1996) o Shareholder - Litigation Departrneut (1993 - 1996) Ztrco & Pardo, P.A. - Attorney (1996 -2002) Pardo & Gainsburg,LLP - Attorney (2002 - 20LI) Pardo Gainsburg, PL - Attomey (2011 - Present) PROFESSIONAL / PHILAIITHROPIC ORGAI\IZATIONS Florida Bar Association Duke South Florida Alumni Association Miami Beach Jewish Community Center Chair - Construction Committee Temple Beth Shalom Vice President / Board ofTrustees Chair - Sanctuary Renovation Committee Maried to Adrienne Friesner Pardo Children: Daniel, Carly and Joshua American Bar Association International Network of Boutique Law Firms (INBLF) Dade County Bar Association Young Presideots Organization - America's Gateway Chapter Former Chapter Chairman Greater Miami Jewish Federation Former Chair - Attomeys Division 23 24 lvan Cano 25 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 26 g MIAMIBEACH NAME: CANO ctwoF m|Ailt BEAGH BOARO AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FORM Last Name HOMEADDRESS: First Name Middle lnitial PHONE: Apt No. Home No./Street City State Zip Code lvan gcanoJr@yahoo.com Fax Business Name: mlemi Beach Gav prlde. lt{c position: Executlve Olr€ctor Address: ll30 Washlngton Avenue, lst FLoor illaml Beach FL Home Work Email Address 33139 Pursuant to Gity Code soctlon 2'22111a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be amfiateO witn tfre citla thisrequirement shall be lulfilled.inlhe following ways: a) an individuil shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of sixmonths; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interesl for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city. o Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months yes . Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months; yes o Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: yes o (Please circle one): I am now a residont of: South Beach o I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experienca. please list below: LGBT Actlvlst, Global Human Rlghts Advocate, Enhanclng businees ln Mlami Beach o Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? yes Street State Zip Code Please list your preferences in order of 91klng I lfirst ctroice [2]second choice, and [3] third choice. please note that only three (3)cholces will be observed by the Glty Clerk's OfEce. (ReguliiBoards of City) Cholce 1: MiamiBeach Human Rights Committee Choice 2: Choice 3: Note: lf applying forYouth Advisory Board, please indicate youraffiliation with the sffi 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: No years of Servi@: _ 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children No if yes, please list the names of your children, their ages, and which programs. List below: o Have you ever been convicted of a felony: No lf yes, please explain in detail: City o Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: No lf yes, please explain in detail: r Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Are you cunently serving on any Cig Boards or Committees: No lf yes, which board? o what organizations in the city of Miami Beach do you currenfly hold membership in? o List all properties owied or have an interesl in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: o I am now employed by the city of Miami Beach: No which department? n/a 27 Tha followlng lnforrnation lr-votuntary and lt nolth.r plrt ot your appllcadon nor has any baadng on your con3idGradon fo, appolntmcnt. lt l!b.lng !!ked to comply wlth federal cquel opportunlty ttporting ruqulrm.nta, Gender: Male Race/Ethnic Categories What ls your raoe? Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be. Other Other Description: Hispanlc Are you Spanish/Hispanic/ Latino? Mark the'No'box if not Spanish / Hispanic / Latino. Yes PhysicallyChallenged: No NOTE: !f appolnbd, you wlll be requlred to follow cedeln lrwr whlch apply to clty board/commltteo mombrrr. Thcrc lawr lnclude, but.ro not llmltBd to, the iollowlng: o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying clty personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2459).o Pohibition from conlracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2.1 i.l ).o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year afler leaving ollice (Miami Beach Code sec.tbn 2-26).o. Requirement to disdose ceriain financlal interests and giffs (Miami-Dade County Code section 2- (re: CME.Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, from having any int6rest in or receiving any beneft from Community or those wlth whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR Upon requort, copl.t of th... laws mey be obtalned from thc Clty Glerk. :'-l-h.r.-by .tts.t to tho lccuttcy and truthfuln..3 ot tho rpplication and hav. rccelyod, read and wllt ablde by Ghaplcr 2, ArtlcteVll - of the Clty Code "Standerdt of Conduct fior clty Offlcorc, Employeer and Agency Xemberr." I tvan Gano agrced to the following terms on idrt6r201{ 6:00:21 pt Recelved ln the City Clerk's Offce by: Name of Deputy Clerk Control No.Date during lenurc and for one Development Block Grant 570.611). 1 1.1 ). year after laaving office, funds for either yourself, 28 Ivan G. Cano ) ivangcanojr@yahoo.com Obiective To acquire a position utilizing my experience in hospitdity and become a valuable member of at organization that offets an opportunity for advancement. Experience 2012-ptesent Miami Beach Gay Pride, Inc. - Miami Beach, EL Executive Directot 'Assure that the origination has a long-range strategy which achieves its mission, and toward which it makes consistent and timely progress. 'Provides leaders in developing progtam, organization and Enanciel plans with the Board of Directors and staff, and carry out plans and policies authorized by the board. ' Promote active and broad particrpation by volunteers in all areas of the organizations' work. "' ' ' Maintain of6cial records and documents, and ensure compliance with federal, state and local regulations. 2009-2011 SOBE MIAMI,ILC / The Palace - Mami Beach, FL Genetal Mahaget 'Designed and Responsible for all food and beverage operations using recipes, procedues and systems to ensure standards for quality food, safety, senrice and facility maintenance. ' Upgaded services within a 92 seats facility to ensrue a better reputation and renrm guests. ' Created and implemented systems to optimizing revenue and cost, oversaw the marketing and sdes campaign while strategic planning for maior holidays on the beach with a $3M ennud budget and increased revenue by 30oh and pro6t margins. ' Adhered to the standards of local, state and federal laws for five departments totaling 50 iritemal guests. ' Created & Produced 126 St events dwing major holidays while focusing on Community Charities ' Strengttrened the telationship of City Govemment including Specid Events Dept, Commissioners, Code Compliance, and Police DepB Locd Charities, and Neighborhood Business Committees 2005-2008 Career Education Colporation, Inc. San Francisco, CA Ingtructor/Food & Bevetage Manager - Califomia Qulinaty Academy . Monitored budgets and payroll records, and reviewed 6nancid. 'Ttained, hired and Employee performance organized aad directed worker training Programs in Front of House, Bar Area and Aloha system, resolved personnel problems, hire new staff, and evaluate employee performance in dining and lodging facilities; assess staffing needs, and recruited staff using methods such as newspaper advertisements or attendance ai job fairs; establish standards for personnel performance and customer service; and scheduled staffhours and assign duties. 'Host and guest service duties; schedule duties offacilities or catering services for events such as banquets or receptions, and negotiate details of arrangements with clients; investigated and resolved complaints regarding food quality and service; monitored employee and patron activities in order to ensure liquor regulations are obeyed Guckenheiner, Inc - South San Francisco, CA Food Senice Assistant Managet ' Satisfied the needs of the client and customer by providing high quality, cost effective food serice; Prepared and monitored trnit operating budgets. ' Interviewed and hired unit staff employees h accordance u,ith corporate, client, Federal, State and local regulations; participate and led in establishing corporate employee training and development programs; supen ised, directed and scheduled the activities of 25 food senice personnel 'Malntained sanitary and safe operadon in accordance with all regulation including I{ACCP guidelines to prevent food borne illnesses. ' Established effecdve communication channels u,ith customers and client managemenr which provide a system of feedback on the overall success of the operation. Thii feedback Ied to dre implementation of operational improvements that better met he needs of both clients and customers. 200L2005 29 Ivan G. Cano 1998-2003 1996 - 1997 1994 - 1996 1994 - 1996 Entrepreneur - San Fmncisco, CA Indepcndent Event Producet (contract) ivangcanoir@yahoo.com 'Designed and produced 75 events, including fundraising for non-pro6t organizations, public and private parties, and travel conferences. ' Directed all aspects of event production and logistics coordination, including developing budgets, recruiting spoosors, negotiating vendor terms, cootdinating food and beveragi senrices, and designing invitations; created marketing plans and advertising campaignJaimed at reaching speciEc audiences and increasing attendance at events. AIDS walk and Dence (New York, L\, sF, Atlanta) Mller & Zeichik - New yotk, Ny Ptoducetre Assistant 'x.ecruited and super'ised 500 volunteers per city for mailings, daily frrnctions, phone banking, canvassing, Pre/Post and Day of Event production. . Solicited 75 corporations for sponsorship and In-kind donations.. Maintained all fnancial aspects of 5 offices in the United States. AIDS Bike-A-thon @oston -New York, califomia) pallofta and Associetes - New york, Ny Logistics Associate Directot ' Managed travel services for over 3K cyclists and crew members of each Ride Event and u_ansportation of equipmeng tent cites and mobile kitchen units with a $2 million budget. 'Formulized staff/crew manuals and emergency protocols ad managed vlp sewices including Pre/Post events and maior special Events leading up to t}re main event...Coordinated pledge donations of 3.5K members totaling $5M. New York ifl '94 - Gay Games IV - New York, Ny Accounte Receiveble ' Managed ttavel services for over 3K cyclists and crew members of each Ride Event and transportatinn o{equipment, tent cites and mobile kitchen units with a $2 mrllion budget. ' psrn,lizgd staff/crew manuals and emergency protocols ad managed vlp senices includhg Pre/Post events and major Special Events leading up to the main event...Coordinated pledge donations of 3.5K members totaling $5M. Volunteering 2012-present World OutGames Mami 2017 - Mami Beach, EL Founder aad Co-Chaitmaa, ' Bidding Team and procured a Human Rights, Sports and Cultural event for Greater Miami 207U2013 Mayor's GLBT Enhancement Cornmittee Chaitman - Mami Beach, FL ' Searching ways to enhance the LGBT community and strengthening our Tourism 2009-2012 Miami Beach Pdde 2009 - 2Ol2 - Miami Beach, FL Board Mcmbcr, Eateftainment Committee Chair 'Logistic Coordinator, Street FIag Creator and Coordinator and Latin Stage, Creator and produce ' 2009 - 15K+ attendees, 2010 - 25K+ attendees; 201 1 - 40K+ attendeeJ 2009-2011 Winter Party Festival /Task Force - Mami Beach, FL Night Events Committee Membet . Direct of Club Events, Z00g/2010 2007-2009 California Culinary Academy Educational Foundation - San Fmncisco, CA Membet, Boatd of Directots 'Development Director, chair of Fundraising and Event Coordinator Education 2003-2004 Califomia Culinary Academy - San Francisco, CA 'Associate Degree - Le cordon Bleu Hospitality & Restauant Management 30 Bradley A. Ugent 31 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 32 4 MIAMIBEACH NAME: Ugent CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BOARD AND COMMITTEE AFPLICATION FORM Bradley A Last Name HOME ADDRESS: First Name Middle lnitial Apt No. Home No./Street City State Zip Code bradugent@gmail.comPHONE Home Business Name: Coldwel! Banker Work Fax posilion: Realtordssociate Email Address Address:1691 Michigan Ave Maami Beach FL 33139 No. Sbeet City State Zip Code 4ttrch d capy rrlp ,rcenspProfesssional License (describe): Florida Real Estate Ligense Expires: O3B1l14 Pursuant to Clty Code sectlon 2-22{41a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this requirement shall be fulfilled in the folloring ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownersfii/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city. o Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: No o Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes o Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: No . (Please cirde one): I am now a resident of: South Beaqh o I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below: Majority of my clients and busines is on Miami Beach, and I love the cityt o Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? No Please list your preferences in order of ranking fll first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Please note that onlv three (3) choices wil! be observed by the City Clerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City) Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Loan Review Committee Art in Public Places Committee Marine Aulhority Beautifi cation Committee Miami Beach Commission for Wonen Board ofAdjustrnent.I2l Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council Budget Advisory Committee t3] Miami Beach Human Rights Committee Capital lmprovements Proiects Oversight Commlttee Mhml Beach Sister Cities Proqram C;ommittee for Quallly Educailon in MB Normandy Shores Local Gov't Neigh. lmprovement Committee on lhe Homeless Parks and Recreation Facilities Board Gommunity Development Advisay Persmnel Board Community Relations Board Planniru Board' Conventim Center Advisory Board Police Citizens Relations Committee Clebarment Committee Production lndustry Council Design Revieu/ Board'Safety Committee Disability Access Committee Single Family Residenlial Review Panel lll Fine Arts Board Sustainability Committee Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender(GLBT)Tennis Advisory Committee Golf Advisory Commitlee Transportation and Parking Committee Health Advisory Committee Visitor and Conveniion Authority Health Facilities Authority Board Waterfront Protection Committee Hispan ic Affairs Committee Youth Center Advisory Board Historic PreservaUon Board Youth Center AdMsory Board Housing Authodg Note: lf applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center: 1. Past service on the Youlh Center Advisory Board; 16 years of Service: 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children No if yes, please list the names of your children, their ages, and which programs. List below: Child's name:Age:Program: Program:Child's name:Age:33 . Have you e\rer been convicted of a felony: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Do you cunently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: No lf yes, please explain in detail: . Do you cunently owe the City of Money Beach any money: No lf yes, please explain in detail: . Are you currenUy serving on any City Boards or Committees: No lf yes, which board? o What organazations in the City of Miami Beach do you cunently hold membership in? Name: Tifle: Name: o List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: Tiile: o I am now employed by the city of Miami Beach: No Which department? o Pursuant to City code Sestion 2-25(b): do you have a relative who is employed by the City of Miami Beach? Check all that apply. ldentily the department(s): Thc followlng information Is voluntary and is nclthar part of your appllcation nor has any bearing on your conslderatlon for appolntment. tt ls balng asked to comply with federal equal oppoftunlty rcportlng requltcments. Gender: Male Ethnic Orgin: Check one only (1) Physically Challenged: No EmploymentStatus: Employed NOTE: lf appolnted, you wlll be requlred to follow certaln taws whlch apply to city board/commlttee members. Theee laws include, but are not limlted to, the following: o Prohlbltion from dlrecty or lndirecdy lobbying clty perconnel (Miaml Beach Clty Code section 2-459).o Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11 .1 ).o Prohitition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for perbd of me year after leaving office (Miami Beach Code sec{ion 2-26).o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-1 't.1). (re: CMB Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office, from having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Comniunily Developrnent Block Grant funds for either yourself, or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.61 1). Upon requeel, coples of these lawe may be obtalned lrom the Clty Cterk. 111-t *"_UV attest to the accuracy and truthfulnesg of the appllcatlon and have received, read and will ablde by Chapter 2, Artlcle Vll - of the City Code "Standards of Conduct for Clty Ofilcers, Employees and Agency Members." I Bradley Ugent agreed to the following terms on 1O11812012 5:03:05 pilt Received in the City Cle*'s Ofiice by: Name of Deputy Clerk Date: I 12012 Control No. Date: I DO12 34 DRAFT MARCH t4,2ott Brad Ugent Floridamoves.com Profile Copy As a 35-year resident here, I know Miami Beach and the entire Miami area extremely well. I can explain everything you need to make an informed decision about your next real estate transaction, whether you are buying or selling property. My clients know they can count on me for invaluable local insight. My success in pairing people and properties is built upon the large network of professional and social relationships I've developed throughout my career here. People realize they can trust my honesty, integrity and straight-forward approach. If you own a home or condo in the Miami Beach area and are considering selling, give mc a call. I havc a complctc grasp of what is sclling and for how much. If you arc considering relocating here, I can pinpoint many truly attractive properties - both from an aesthetic and financial perspective - that will meet your specific needs. Give me a call, and let me show you how life on Miami Beach can be a dream come true. 35 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 36 William H. Warren Jr. 37 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 38 (9 MIAMIBEACH NAME: warren, Jr. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BOARD ANB COMMITTEE APPLICATION FORM Wllllam H Last Name HOME ADDRESS: First Name Middle lnitial Apt No. Home No./Street City State Zip Code bwarren@bdrinsu rances.comPHONE: Home Work Fax Business Name: Berrefits Deslgn Resources. lnc. Position: Presldont Address: 11-H 407 Llncoln Road illaml Beach Email Address FL 33139 Sbeet City State Zip Code Professsional Liense (describe): Florida lnsurance License Expires: April 2013 Att,lch a copy,rp ,,cc,sp Pursuant to Clty Code sectlon 2-22(41a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be afiiliated with the city; this requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six months: or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest lor a minimum of six months in a business established in the city. . Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: yes . Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes . Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: yes . (Please circle one): I am now a resident of: South Beach o I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below: A resident of Miami Beach since 1994, have done worft with 2 equlity organizations in iliami-D o Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beacfr? No Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Ptease note that only three (3) choices will be observed by the GiEr Clerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City) Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Housing Authority Art in Public Places Committee Loan Review Committee Beautifi cation Commiftee Marine Aulhority Board of Adjustment'Miami Beach Commission for Wonen Budget Advisory Committee Mhmi Beach Cultural Arts Council Capital lmprovements Projects Overshht Conmlttee 1l Mhml Beach Human Rlghts Committee Commlttee for Quallty Educatlon in MB Mlami Beach Sister Cities Program Committee on lhe Homeless Normandy Shores Local Gov't Neigh. lmprovement Community Development Advisory Parks and Recreation Facilities Board Community Relations Board Personnel Board Convenlim Center Advisory Board Planning Board' Debarment Committee Police Cilizens Relations Committee Design Review Board'Production lndustry Council Disability Access Commitlee Safety Committee Fine Arts Board Single Family Residential Review Panel Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender(GLBT)Sustainability Committee Golf Advisory Commitlee Transportation and Parking Committee Health Advisory Committee Visilor and Convention Authority Health Facilities Authority Board Waterfront Protection Committee Hispanic Affairs Committee Youth Center Advisory Board Historic Preservation Board No. Note: lf applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scot Rakow Youth Center: 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: p6 years of Service: 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children No if yes, please list the names of your children, their ages, and which programs. List below: Child's Age: Age: Program: Program:Child's name: 39 . Have you ever been convicted of a felony: No lf yes, please explain in detail: . Do you cunently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: ilo lf yes, please explain in detail: r Do you cunently owe the City of Money Beach any money: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Are you currently serving on any City Boards or Commiftees: No lf yes, which board? r What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you cunenfly hold membership in? Name: Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce Tifle: llember Name: Miami-Dade Gay and Lesbian Chamber Tifle: Member of Gommerce e List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: 8t0 llth Street, ApL202 r I am now employed by the city of Miami Beach: No Which department? o Pursuant to Caty code Section 2-25(b): do you have a relative who is employed by the City of Miami Beach? Check allthat apply. ldentify the department(s): The followlng lnforma0on ls voluntary and ls neliher part of your appllcatlon nor hae any bearlng on your contlderatlon for appolntm€nt. !t 13 balng asked to comply wlth fodoral equal opportunlty ruportlng requlnoments. Gender: Male Orgin: Check one only (1) Challenged: No Employment Status: Employed f'thereby attest to the accuracy and truthfulnes of the appllcation and have received, read and wlll ablde by Chapter 2, Arlcle Vll - of the Clty Code "Standards of Conduct for Clty Ofilcers, Employees and Agency tembers.', I Wllllam Warren, Jr. agreed to the followlng terms on 111612012 5:54:07 pI[ Date: I D012 Control No. Dale: I 12012 NOTE: lf appolnted, you will be requlred to foltow certain laws which apply to city board/commlttee memberc. These laws include, but are not llmited to, the following: o Prohititbn from direcdy or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2459).o Prohititbn from mntracting wilh the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11_1)_o ProhiHtbn from lobbying before board/committee you have seryed on for period of one year afler leaving office (Miami Beach Code section 2-26).o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code seclion 2-1 1 .1). (re: CMB Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office, from havirB_ any interest in or receiving any beneflt from Communlty Developnrent Block Grant iunds for either yourself, or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.6i 1). Upon request, coples of these laws may be obtalned from the Clty Clerk. Received in the City Clerk's Offce by: Name of Deputy Clerk 40 Alan B. Fishman. 41 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 42 r s l\nan n Z9 :7 NATUIE: MIAMIBEACH CITIY OF MIAMI BEAGH HOi'E ADDRESS: BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FORM \, - - -.:--, J City State Zp Coderi' \1- /Strget PHONE: - - )Home' Work Fax Position: Emailaddress I IBusiness Name: t- State , Zp Code Professional Licenso (dsecribe)Atlach a copy of the llcense Pursuant to Clty Code stction 2-22141a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shal! be aff1ated with the city; this reguirement shall bb fulfilled in the followlng ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of tre city for a minimum of sixmonhs; or b) an individual shall.demonstrate own'ership/interest br a minimum of six monihs in a business eitaUtisnea in the city. o Resident of Uiami Beactr tur a minimum of six (6) months: ye9fur No n i o Demonstrate an ornership/interest in a busineii.inlamiaeiidbra minimum of six (6) months: yg|Cor ilo o o Are you a registerbd voter in Miami Beacfr: yecjff Xo n -- / ' :e (Please &E one): I am novtr a resident of: iiortr Beach South Beach (ffioOta geacB o I am applying fordn appointment because I have specialabiliUes, knowledge and experienEFl&gffi-oetor: o Are you.presendy b registered lobbyist with the city of Miami Beach? vec o or xo{ I Please list-your preferences in_order ofranking [fl firct {rolce IQ second.c!-oice, and [3] third ctroice. pleasq note that onlv tirme (3t cholces wlll be obcelved by the crtv cterk'i6tiica. (Regurai Boards of city) .T- tr Afiordable Housino Advieorv Committee tr Marine Authoritv tr Art in Public Places Gommittee tr Miami Beacfi Commission 6rWoman tr Beautification Committee E MiamiBeacfi Culh.rra!ArtE Coundl Eoard of Adju8tment' S Miami Beacfi Human RlohE Commlttee r Euoget Aovisory G(xnmittge E Mlami Beacfi Sister CiUes Pmoram tr Uapilal Ulprovements Proiects Oversisht Commlttee E Nomandy Shorcs Local Govemment Neioh. lmorcvement tr Committee on the Homeless _E Pgrks and RecreaUon Facilities Board , E Committee for Quality Education in MB E Pemonnel Board E Community DeveloDment Advisorv E Planning Board' Q Community Rehtions Board rydice Citizens Rdadons Committee '. = -a tr Convention Center Advisory Board O Produdion lndustrv Council ' .i , = : .\r- u ueDarment commifiee El Public Safttv Advisorv Commillee : -; rI ; tr Design Reviar Boardl ElSafetyCommittee , ? lltr Dlsability Accese Committee O Single Familv Residential Review Panit. 'n J O Fine tuts Board O Sustainability Committee a I u sav, Lespnn, utsexuat snd Tranggender (GLBT)E Transportation and Partino Commlftee st' t r.rt B Gotf Advisorv Committee E Msilor and Conrrention Authoritv H s t4 tr Health Advisory Corrmitteg Waterffont Ptdection Committee 7: ED Health Facilities Authbrity Board E Youth Center Advisory Boad i H oo tr Hispanic Afiairs Coqrinittee tr Historlc Preservation Board tr Housing Authgrity u Loan KEvlew (/ommmgg 'Board Requimd to Ftlo Stab Dlictosur€ Fffi Note: lf applying for Yorhh Adrrisory Board, pleasa indicate your afftiation with the Scott Rakory yorIGILf,f 1. Past service on the Ybuth center Advisory Board: yes E No tr yearc of seMce: ;2' Preaenl participationiin Youth Center aclivities by your children Yeso No;o. trlfiJlpuase list the namesj of your children, theirages, and which programs. List below: Child's name: I Age: _ Program: Age: Program:Child's name: F:\CLER\$ALL\oFORMS\BOARD AND COA4IVI|TTEES\eC af, piicotion.doc 1r43 .Have you ever been convicted of a felony: yes n or n2\rves, ptease explain in detait: o'Do you cunenfly have a violation(s) of cig of Miami Beach codes: yes tr or yes, please dxplain in detait: o Do you currenily owe the city of Miami Beach any money: yes E or No o Are you currenfly serving on any ci$ Boards or commiftees: yeg I or No o'What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you cunenily hold membership in? Name: Name:Title: o List all properties orl b an intTest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach:)oSf A,<-^* tJLVl- 3j lLl) o I am now employed by the City of Miami Beach: yes O or tlbj o Punruant to city Gode section 2'25 (b): Do you have a parent E, spouse o, chird o, brother E, or sister tr who is employed by theCity of Miami Beach? Check a[ that apply. iUentfo the department(.t --- The iollourlng informadon lt Yoluntary and ls nelther tiirt of y_o_ur appllcatlon nor has any bearing on your conslderauon for appolnhrsnt lt lsbeing asked to compry wrth lbdent c{ud opporruntty riporting o"-,i,ir.,,,i"ii.' Gender: trfu"r"tr Female one only ('l) /afiite (Not of Hispanic origin): All peBons having orlglns ln any of the original peoptes of Europe, North Africa or the Middlg E*tE Afrlcen'Amerlcan/Black (Not of Hispanic origin): All pqrlom having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Aftica. E Hbpanlc: All personl of Mexican, Puerto Rican, cuban, centnl or slu0rLerican, or other spanish culture or origin, egardless of race.E Arhn or Paclflc tstanden All.persons having or(lins-in.any.of.the originel peoptes of the Far East, southeasl Asia, the lndian subcontinent, onths Pacifc blands. ThG area includes, for example, ctrina, tndia, r"pi., k-"riihe phltippine tstands and somoa. E Amerlcan tndtan or Alagkan Nadve: All persons having. origins in any of the orlginal peoples of Noilh America, and wtro maintain.Culturalidentificationthroughtribalaffliationorcommunity;cognition. NorE:.lf ifpolnt$'.yoy will be raquired to follow certatn laws which appty to ctty board/corrltt""ilnluillThese laws lnclude, but arc not llmited to, the following: --!' 'Y-r-'vYi" o Prohibltion from directly.or indiredly tggoylry ci-ty_personnet (Miami Beach City Code section 2.{59).: 3::l+gli:l [lI pt!*,Ll,ns with rri citv (rvriimi-Dade county code secrion z_1,1.11.o ' Proh'bition ffom lobbying before board/committee you havi served on for period of one year aier leaving oftce (MiamiBeqEi City*. Cod.e section 2-26), - - . J - o Requirement to disclose certain ftnancial interests an-d gifls (Miami-Dade County Code eec,tion 2-11.1).(re: cMB community Development Advisory commineli; |.tiuition, _orring tlnuie and i; o-n. y"", afrer leaving ofiice,from having any interest in or receiving anv oe.1en-norii ,i"rqq,r_qerer6prenieir& c*"t tunds for either yourself ,orthosewithwhomyouhavebusinessorimheoiatefamirvtns(ciitzo.erri. Upon rcquesf copies of these taws may be obhlned from the clty clerk. Retired B Homemaker O Other E ffiArtiela Vll - trf t}grCitv llada cG!a6-/-J- -r ^^^r---^Article Vll - of lIegity Cade "Standards of Glty Officeru, Employees and Agency Membec.,' 44 I FESSIONAL t PUBLICA I EDUCA I : i : : i ; xonons ho ACT-IVITIES::l ALAN B- F|SHMAN, ESQ. The Florida Bar, 1987. Certified Public Accountant (Florirja), I 987. Solo Practitioner, Law Offtce of Ahn Florida. B. .Fbhman, Miami Beach, i Therrel Batsden & Meyer Weiss, Miami Beach, Florlda. October I987 - May 1 989, Attorney. Research ard wrltini opinlons and rrnpranda involving banking ard real c$aE law. Tax research in partn€rshlp, corporate, foreign, estate planning and fedenl hnd state tax conuoversles. Research and wrltlng pleadings and memorinda for clvll latigatbn proceedings. I . Michasl J. Moorhead, Professor of .Law, Unlverslty of Elorlda,'-Gainenrille, Florlda. September'I985 - May :t987, Risearch Assistant. 'Researched labor law, administratlve law and clvil rlghts liw to asstst in the preparation of arthles for pUhatirn. Extenslw use of WESTIAW Iay t 989 - Present. Practice in reat esfrte, bankruptcy ,and corporate !aw. I oomputer rcsearch and legblatfue materiab. I I Co-author, Florida Civil.P0rctice Damages Chapter Six, (CUE Second Edition, 1989 Supplement). i I i I I I Juris' Doctorate, Unlverdty of Florida College of Law, May 1987. Bachelor of Science tn Eusiness Adminlstration in professidnal Accounting ard Finance t i The American Unlvercity, May 1984. j I : Unlversity of Florida Collego of Law Merit Loan (19g4 - h ggZl. The American University Merit Scholanhip (t 9BI - 1994). Charles Glover Scholarchip (1983). Sldney Ludwlg Foundation Schotarship (t9g0 -l9g3). Outstrnd[]lg Stderfi Servbo Award, Kogod Cdhge of Businiss Administration, The Amgrhan Univercity (l 994). Chairman, Commencement Comrdttee (igbg - r-gA+). I : i I I I 45 ,t MEMBERSHIPS: Senator, Kogod College of Business Administration Student Faculty Senate (1983 - 1984). Student Representative, Senate Finance Committee (198 Student Representative, Board of Trustees Finance (1983 -1984). Assistant Academic Advisor, .entering freshmen ( 1 98 3 ). Student Confederation Judge, Criminal and Conduct Code T (1980 - 1981). Dade County Bar Association: Director, Young Lawyers Section (1988 - lggl). Treasurer, Young Lawyers Section (l g9l -1993). American Bar Association. Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternity. 2 to - 1984). 46 ;t ffir't . .,s B 47 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 48 Jarred L. Reiling 49 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 50 g MIAMIBEACH NAME: Relllng CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPUCATION FORU Last Name HOUE ADDRESS: . First Name Mlddle lnltial Apt No. Home No./Street City State Zip Code PHONE: Home Work Business Name: Gelbor Schachter & Greenberg, P.A. Positon: Associate Aftorney Address: 1221 Brlckell Avenue Ste.2010 Miaml Jrelllng@gsgpa.com Email Address FL 33131 Purcuant to Cfi Cole-section 2-22(41a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this requirement shall be fulfilled in the following wa)rs: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate orynership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city. o Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months Yes o Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: No o Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: yes o (Please circle one): I am nonr a resident of: South Beach o I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below: Attorney wlth experlence ln: advocatlng for students wlth disablllties; asslstlng vlctlms of vlolence and chlld abuse; fiederal gov o Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? No Street State Zip Code Plea5e list your preferences in order of r_ilkinS [!l first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Please note that only three (3] choices will be observed by the Clty Clert's Ofllce. (Regular Boards of City) Choice 'l: Miami Beach Human Rights Committee Ghoice2: Police/Citizens RelationsCommittee Choice 3: Disability Access Commiftee Note: lf applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Soott Rakow Youth Center: 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: po years of Service: 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children L if yes, please list the names of your children, their ages, and which programs. List below: o Have you ever been convicted of a felony: No lf yes, please explain in detail: City r Do you cunently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beacfr odes: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Do you cunently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Are you olnently serving on any City Boards or Committees: No ll yes, whictr board? o what organizations in the city of Miami Beach do you cunently hold membership in? o List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: . I am now employed by the clty of Miaml Beach: No Which department? 51 The following informaton is-voluntary and is neither part of your applicatlon nor has any bearing on your consideratlon for appointment. lt lsbelng asked to comp!1r with federal equal opportunlty repordng re<iriircments. Gender: Male Race/Ethnic Categories What is your race? Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be. White Other Description: Are you Spanish/Hispanic/ Latino? Mark the "No" box if not Spanish I Hispanic / Latino. No PhysicallyChallenged: No NOTE: lf appointed, you will be requlred to follow certain laws which apply to clty board/committee memberc. These laws include, but are not llmitod to, the followlng: o Prohlbitlon from dlrectly or lndirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach Cig Code section 2-459).o Prohibition from mntracling with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1).o Prohibition from lobbying before board/commitEe you have served on for period of one year after leaving ofiice (Miami Beach Code sedion 2-26).o Requirement to disclose certain financial inlerests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section Z-11.,1). (re: CMB Community DevelopmentAdvisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office, frorn having any interesl in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself, or thos€ with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.611). Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk. "l hereby attest to tho accuracy and lruthfulness of the application and have received, read and wttl ablde by Chapter 2, ArgcleVll - of the Clty Code "Standards of Conduct for Cltyr Offlcers, Employees and Agency Memberc.', ! Jarred Relling agreed to the following terms on1111912[15 2:48:16 pM Received in the City Clerk's Offce by: Name of Deputy Clerk Control No.Date 52 IARRED L. REILING '' JarredT f,eiling@gmail.com EXPERIENCE: Practice/ Clerkships/Fellowships Gelber Schachter & Greenberg, P.A. Associate United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Miami, FL I aw Clerk to the Honorable Beth Bloon United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, Miami, FL l-.aw Clerk to the Honorabh Adalberto Jardan Presidential Management Fellowship Pohg Coansel- U.S. Fool and DragAlninistration: CenterlorTt,bacnt Pruducts 8/29/2011 -9/21/2013Faitlt Ba*d Spedali:t (on rvtatfun) - U.S. DePartment o/Jwtice: Ofice o/ tlte Ast*tant Auornrl General 5/9/2012 - 9/g /Z}i,z o Selected rn highly competitive, llagship leadership development program as one of approx. 700 frnalists from national applicant pool of orcr 10,000 to develop leadership capabilities rn the federal government o Resolved legal and policy issues concerning the application of the Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act, the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, and regulations and pohcies affectrng the regtrlation of tobacco products o Led center-wide workgroups as Project l\{anager and chairing working subgroups on focused poliry development o Represented the Center Director at senior leadership meetings within DOJ and at the V4rite House o Contracting Offrcer Representative, Level II (certified to manage government contracts up to $10,000,000) Florida International University College of Law, Miarni, FL 8/13/2014 - 12/5/2014 Afiunct Prufestor o Taught Introdustion to dre Study of Law to first-year law students David A. Clarke School of Law - University of the District of Columbia, Washington, DC S/'t /2012 - 6/7 /2013 ASunct Pmfessor o Taught legal research and writing to fust-year law students (Course titles: Lawy'ering Process I & ID o Presented at the 2073 Capital Area Legal r0Triting Conference EDUCATION Florida Intemational University College of Law, Miiuni, FL Juris Doctor, ltnnma cam laude May 2011 o Valedictorian (R.ank: t/133); GPA: 3.8/4.0 o SntdentAuonel4Ptosemarv Barkett Appellate Inn of Court o Executiue Editor- Slnposiun,FlU LawRevieut o Cbanpion Tean d,r Best Oralist,2010 Intramural Moot Coun o JadicinlExam-Hon. AdalbertoJordan, (01/11 -05/11) o TopTwenE Oralist- Supemgionab,Jessup Int'l Moot Courro Cll, Education Advocacy Clinic (01 / 1 1 - 05 / 11) o Rccipient, Community & Public Service Excellence Awardo Floida Bar Foundation Fellow - Domestic Violence Project o Rtcipient, Excellence in Sen ice to the CLnic Award o Rtseorch Assistant, Prof. E. Romdn o Eight Book Aw-ards (tughest class grade), including: o TeachingAssistant, Prof. IlaJ. Klion Er,'idence, Family Larv, Business Organizations, Fl:rida o Prcidtnt, Board of Advocates Constirutional Law, Clinic, & Legal Writing Florida Atlantic University - ffonors College,Jupiter, FL Bachelor of Arts, cun latrfu,I-rberal Arts May 2008 o GPA: 3.6/ 4.0; Outstanding Thesis Au'ard Recipient - Dome$ic Viohnce and l\atiae Ameritan lYomen: (k)claining SoaervignE BAR MEMBERSHIPS 8/31,/2015 - Present 7 /3/2014 - 8114/201,5 9/30/2013 -7 /2/2014 Florid4 No.93930, adm. Nov. 2011,FLa. Bar Committee on Diversiq' and lnclusion New York, pending, passed Jul. 2013 exam D.C., No. 1018011, adm.Jan.2074 53 JARRED L. REILING . References page REFERENCES Dan Gelber, Esq. Adam Schachter, Esq. Gerald Greenberg Esq. Gelber Schachter & Greenberg, P.A. 1,221Bickell Ar,rnue Suite 2010 Miamr, Florida 33'131 -3224 Main. (305) 728-0950 The Honorable Beth Rloom United States District Judge United States f)istrict Court for the Southern District of Florida 299 Eest Broward Blvd. Room 207 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Tdephone: (954) 769-5680 E-mail: beth_bloom@flsd.uscourts.gov The Honorable Adalberto Jordan United States Circuit Judge United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit 99 N.E.4th St. Ste. 900 Miami FL33132 Telephone: (305) 523-5560 E-mail: aiotdan@ce11 .uscourts.gov Robin Appleberry J.D., LL-I\{. Center for Tobacco Products U.S. Food & Drug Administration 9200 Corporate Blrd. Rockville, MD 20850 'l'elephone: (301) 796-3098 Email: Robin.Appleberry@fda.hhs.gov Eugene Schneeberg Center for Faith-Based & Neig[rborhood Partnerships U.S. Department ofJustice 810 7th Street NW Washington, DC 20531 Telephone: (202) 307-0588 Email: Eugene.Schneeberg@usdoi.gov The Honorable R. Alexander Acosta Dean Florida Intemational University College of I-aw 11200 SU(/ 8th St. Miama Florida 33199 'I'elephone: (305) 348-1 118 -h,marl: acosta@fiu.edu 54 55 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 56