20160113 SM 2R5G MIAMIBEACH City Commission Meeting SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 2 Gity Hall, Commission Chambers,3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive January 13,2016 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alem6n Commissioner Ricky Arriola Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Michael Grieco Comm issioner Joy Malakoff Commissioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Vlslf us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article Vll, Division 3 of the Gity Gode of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Gode sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA R5 - Ordinances An Ordinance Amending Miami Beach City Code Chapter 2 "Administration," Article Vll "standards Of Conduct," Division 5 "Campaign Finance Reform," Encompassing City Code Sections 2-487 "Prohibited Campaign Contributions ByVendors," City Code Section 2-488 "Prohibited Campaign Contributions By Lobbyists On Procurement lssues," City Code Section 2-489 "Prohibited Campaign Contributions By Real Estate Developers," And City Code Section 2-4gO "Prohibited Campaign Contributions By Lobbyists On Real Estate Development lssues," By Providing That, Commencing On March 1,2016, Members Of The City Commission Or Candidates For Said Offices Shall Be Prohibited From Either Directly Or lndirectly Soliciting, Accepting Or Depositing Any Campaign Contribution Regarding City Elected Office From A Vendor, Lobbyist On A Procurement lssue, Real Estate Developer, Or Lobbyist On A Real Estate Development lssue; Providing For Repealer, Severability, Codification, And An Effective Date. 10:30 a.m. Second Readinq Public Hearinq (Sponsored by Commissioners Micky Steinberg & Michael Grieco) (Legislative Tracking: Office of the City Attorney) (Continued from December 9, 2015 - RsG) (Revised Memorandum & Resolution) 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2 1,1 lAivilBEACH City of Miomi Beoch, 1700 Convention Cenier Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33I39, www.miomibeochfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY RAUI J. AGUIIA, CITY ATTOR.NEY TO: COMMISSION MEMORANDUM MAYOR PHILIP LEVINE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION CITY MANAGER JIMMY MORALES FROM: DATE: sfi{,'^++?',i'=8 JANUARY 13,2016 J"' [-- SUBJECT: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND C!ry COMMISSTON OF THE CIry OF MIAMI BEACH INCREASING STRINGENCY OF CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ETHICS LAWS BY AMENDING CITY CODE CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VII "STANDARDS OF CONDUCT", DIVISIONS 5 THEREOF, TO PROHIBIT AS OF MARCH 1, 2016 MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMTSSION AND CANDIDATES SEEKING SUCH OFFICE FROM DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY SOLICITING, ACCEPTING OR DEPOSITING CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS FROM A VENDOR, LOBBYIST ON A PROCUREMENT ISSUE, REAL ESTATE DEVELOPER OR LOBBYIST ON A REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT ISSUE. Attached are minor revisions to the Ordinance following further review by Justice Cantero. For ease of reference I have attached a redline version, denoting the new language in bold, and a clean version. The attached Ordinance is intended to supersede the version that was submitted in your regular Agenda Packet. RJA/mmm Agenda ltem R {A Date t't 3.lL F:\ATTO\AGUR\RESOS-ORD\2016\Amending City Code - Campaign Contribution\o1-13-'16 2nd Memo Campaign Prohibition.dod 3 (Redline Version - changes denoted in bold) ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSTON OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING MtAMt BEACH CITY CODE CHAPTER 2 "ADMINISTRATION", ARTICLE VII "STANDARDS OF CONDUCT", DIVISION 5..CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM", ENCOMPASSTNG CtTYCODE SECTIONS 2.487 "PROHIBITED CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS BY VENDORS", CITY CODE SECTION 2488..PROHIBITED CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS BY LOBBYISTS ON PROCUREMENT ISSUES", CITY CODE SECTION 2.489..PROHIBITED CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS BY REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS", AND CITY CODE SECTION 2490..PROHIBITED CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS BY LOBBYISTS ON REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT ISSUES", BY PROVIDING THAT, COMMENCING ON MARCH 1, 2016, MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION OR CANDIDATES FOR SAID OFFICES SHALL BE PROHIBITED FROM EITHER DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY SOLICITING, ACCEPTING OR DEPOSITING ANY CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION REGARDING CITY ELECTED OFFICE FROM A VENDOR, LOBBYIST ON A PROCUREMENT ISSUE, REAL ESTATE DEVELOPER, OR LOBBYTST ON A REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT ISSUE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, as reflected by its prior adoption of legislation on the issue of Campaign Finance Reform, the Miami Beach City Commission has found and determined that legislation is necessary for the preservation of the integrity of representativedemocracyintheCityofMiamiBeach, in eamPaign eentributiens whieh unfairly influenee eleetiens and ereate the influeneed by speeial interests in order to combat quid pro quo and its appearance; and WHEREAS, pursuant to concerns expressed at recent meetings of the Miami Beach City Commission, and among City residents and other members of the public, questioning the ability of City Commission members to solicit City vendors under existing laws, the City Commission has determined that the potential (and certainly the perception)forMthegrantingofquidproguofavorsexists,arising from the donation of a political contribution, and that the present ability of our elected officials and candidates to solicit and accept all such donations, whether directly or 4 (Redline Version - changes denoted in bold) indirectly, creates an unacceptable appearance of conflict which undermines the confidence of the public in our municipal system of representative democracy; and WHEREAS, the below legislation is thus presented as an amendment to the City's Code of Conduct in order to provide for stricter ethics laws than currently exist under State or County ethics codes, by prohibiting members of the City Commission, or any candidate seeking such Office, from directly or indirectly soliciting, accepting or depositing a campaign contribution from those donors found to be most involved in creating the appearance of corruption; said donors being "vendors," "lobbyists on a procurement issue," "real estate developers," or "lobbyists on a real estate development issue," as said terms are defined in Chapter 2, Article Vll, Division 5, Sections 2-487 through 2-490 of the Miami Beach City Code; and WHEREAS, by narrowly tailoring this legislation as stated above, the City Commission is pursuing its goal of re-instilling pubtic faith and trust in the government, while accomplishing its legitimate, compelling government interest of maintaining public confidence in its elected officials and in avoiding appearances of public corruption stemming from the potential unlavuful quid pro occasioned by the solicitation and acceptance of the subject campaign contributions at issue hereinbelow from the subject class of prohibited donors. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CIry OF MIAMI BEACH AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Miami Beach City Code Chapter 2 entitled "Administration," ArticleVll entitled "Standards of Conduct," Division 5 thereof entitled "Campaign Finance Reform," encompassing City Code Section 2487 "Prohibited campaign contributions by vendors", City Code Section 2-488 "Prohibited campaign contributions by lobbyists on procurement issues", City Code Section 2-489 "Prohibited campaign contributions byreal estate developers", and City Code Section 2-490 "Prohibited campaign contributions by lobbyists on real estate development issues", are all hereby amended in the following manner, upon the effective date of the ordinance, to read as follows: Sec. 2-487. Prohibited campaign contributions by vendors. A. General. (tl (a) No vendor shall give a campaign contribution directly or indirecfly to a candidate, or to the campaign committee of a candidate, for the offices of mayor or commissioner. Commencing on the effective date of this ordinance, all proposed city contracts, purchase orders, standing orders, direct payments, as well as requests for proposals (RFP), requests for qualifications (RFQ), requests for letters of interest (RFLI), or bids issued 5 (Redline Version - changes denoted in bold) by the city, shall incorporate this section so as to notify potential vendors of the proscription embodied herein. (b) i No candidate or campaign committee of a candidate for the offices of mayor or commissioner, or member of the City Commission, shall directly or indirectly solicit. acceptl or deposit into such candidate's campaign accountanycampaigncontribution@fromavendor'Candidates (or those acting on their behalf), as well as members of the City Commission. shall ensure compliance with this code section by confirming with the procurement division's city records (including City of Miami Beach website) to verify the vendor status of any potential donor. ii For purposes of Subsection A(1Xb)i hereinabove, the term "indirectly solicit" shall be defined as the situation in which a candidate, campaiqn committee of a candidate, or member of the City Commission activelv coordinates or directs another person or entity to solicit a vendor for a campaiqn contribution, as prohibited above. The term "indirectlv" shall also be defined to include ffi those instances in which a candidate for the offices of Mavor or Commissioner. or a member of the City Commission, solicits a vendor for campaign contributions for a political committee which supports or opposes candidates for City elected office, regarGlless of whet . (2) A fine of up to $500.00 shall be imposed on every person who violates this section. Each act of solicitino, giving, acceptinq or depositing a contribution in violation of this section shall constitute a separate violation. All contributions deposited by a candidate in violation of this section shall be forfeited to the city's general revenue fund. (4) As used in this section: * * * (d) The term "political committee" shall have the meaninq ascribed to such term in Florida Statutes Ch. 106, as amended and supplemented. (e) The term "candidate" shall have the meaninq ascribed to such term in Florida Statutes, section 97.021(5). as amended and supplemented. 1 This portion of the City's Campaign Finance Laws prohibiting direct or indirect solicitation or acceptance of certain campaign contributions, applicable to Code Sections 2-487 through and including 2-490, shall be effective as of Janue+y March 1, 2016 in order to obviate issues of unlawful retroactive legislation. 6 (Redline Version - changes denoted in bold) Sec. 2-488. Prohibited campaign contributions by lobbyists on procurement issues. (1) No lobbyist on a present or pending solicitation for goods, equipment or services or on a present or pending award for goods, equipment or services prior to or upon execution of a contract, purchase order, standing order, direct payment, or purchasing card payment shall solicit for or give a campaign contribution directly or indirectly to a candidate, or to the campaign committee of a candidate, for the offices of mayor or commissioner. The term "lobbyist" shall not include those individuals who lobby on behalf of persons and/or entities in connection with their provision of goods, equipments or services not exceeding $1000,000 in a City of Miami Beach fiscal year wherein city commission action is not required. (b) i. No candidate, or campaign committee of a candidate for the offices of mayor or commissioner, or member of the city Commission. shall directly or indirectly solicit, accept or deposit into such candidate'scampaignaccountanycampaigncontribution@froma lobbyist subject to the provisions of this ordinance. Candidates (or those acting on their behalf), as well as members of the Citv Commission, shall ensure compliance with this code section by confirming with the city clerk's records to verify the lobbyist status of any potential donor. ii. For purposes of Subsection (1Xb)i hereinabove. the term "indirectlv solicit" shall be defined as the situation in which a candidate. campaiqn committee of a candidate. or member of the City Commission activelv coordinates or directs another person or entitv to solicit a lobbvist on a Drocurement issue for a campaiqn contribution. as prohibited above. The term "indirectlv" shall also be defined to include ffi those instances in which a candidate for the offices of Mayor and Commissioner, or a member of the City Commission, solicits a lobbvist on a Drocurement issue for campaiqn contributions for a political committee which supports or opposes candidates for Citv elected office= for a pa*ieular eand . (3) A fine of up to $500.00 shall be imposed on every person who violates this section. Each act of soliciting, giving, acceptinq or depositing a contribution in violation of this section shall constitute a separate violation. All contributionsdeposited by a candidate in violation of this section shall be forfeited to the city's general revenue fund. 7 (Redline Version - changes denoted in bold) (5) The term "political committee" shall have the meaninq ascribed to such term in Florida Statutes Ch. 106, as amended and supplemented. (6) The term "candidate" shall have the meanino ascribed to such term in Florida Statutes, section 97.021(5). as amended and supplemented. Sec. 2-489. Prohibited campaign contributions by real estate developers. A. General. (1) (a) No real estate developer shall give a campaign contribution directly or indirectly to a candidate, or to the campaign committee of a candidate, for the offices of mayor or commissioner. Commencing on the February 15, 2003, all applications for development agreements and for changes in zoning map designation as well as future land use map changes shall incorporate this section so as to notify potential real estate developers of the proscription embodied herein (b) !. No candidate, or campaign committee of a candidate for the offices of mayor or commissioner, or member of the Citv Commission. shall directlv or indirectlv solicit, accept or deposit into such candidate'scampaignaccountanycampaigncontribution@froma real estate developer. Candidates (or those acting on their behalf). as well as members of the Citv Commission, shall ensure compliance with this code section by confirming with the city planning department's records (including City of Miami Beach website) to verify the real estate developer status of any potential donor. ii. For purposes of Subsection A(1Xb)i hereinabove. the term "indirectlv solicit" shall be defined as the situation in which a candidate. campaiqn committee of a candidate. or member of the Citv Commission activelv coordinates or directs another person or entity to solicit a real estate developer for a campaign contribution, as prohibited above. The term "indirectlv" shall also be defined to include ffi those instances in which a candidate for the offices of Mavor and Commissioner, or a member of the City Commission. solicits a real estate developer for campaiqn contributions for a political committee which supports or opposes candidates for City elected office-+ega+dless Mate fer ei+eleeted effiee. 8 (Redline Version - changes denoted in bold) (2) A fine of up to $500.00 shall be imposed on every person who violates this section. Each act of solicitinq, giving, acceptinq or depositing a contribution in violation of this section shall constitute a separate violation. All contributions deposited by a candidate in violation of this section shall be forfeited to the city's general revenue fund. (4) As used in this section: (d) The term "political committee" shall have the meanino ascribed to such term in Florida Statutes Ch. 106. as amended and supplemented. (e) The term "candidate" shall have the meaninq ascribed to such term in Florida Statutes, section 97.021(5), as amended and supplemented. Sec. 2-490. Prohibited campaign contributions by tobbyists on real estate development issues. (1) No lobbyist on a pending application for a development agreement with the city, or application for change of zoning map designation or change to the city's future land use map shall solicit for or give a campaign contribution directly or indirectly to a candidate, or to the campaign committee of a candidate, for the offices of mayor or commissioner. (b) i. No candidate, or campaign committee of a candidate for the offices of mayor or commissioner, or member of the Citv Commission, shall directly or indirectly solicit. accept or deposit into such candidate'scampaignaccountanycampaigncontribution@froma lobbyist subject to the provisions of this section. Candidates (or those acting on their behalf), as well as members of the Citv Commission, shall ensure compliance with this code section by confirming with the city clerk's and planning department's records to verify the lobbyist status of any potential donor. ii. For purposes of Subsection A(1Xb)i hereinabove, the term "indirectlv solicit" shall be defined as the situation in which a candidate. campaiqn committee of a candidate, or member of the Citv Commission actively coordinates or directs another person or entity to solicit a lobbyist on a real estate development issue for a campaign contribution, as prohibited 9 (Redline Version - changes denoted in bold) above. The term "indirectly" shall also be defined to include bul-net-be limited-{e those instances in which a candidate for the offices of Mayor and Commissioner, or a member of the City Commission. solicits a lobbvist on a real estate development issue for campaiqn contributions for a political committee which supports or opposes candidates for Citv elected offic ffi. (3) A fine of up to $500.00 shall be imposed on every person who violates this section. Each act of soliciting, giving, acceptinq or depositing a contribution in violation of this section shall constitute a separate violation. All contributionsdeposited by a candidate in violation of this section shall be forfeited to the city's general revenue fund. (7) The term "political committee" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Florida Statutes Ch. 106, as amended and supplemented. (8) The term "candidate" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Florida Statutes, section 97.021(5), as amended and supplemented. SECTION 2. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. lf any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. SECTION 4. CODIFICATION. It is the intention of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. The sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or re-lettered to accomplish such intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or other appropriate word. 10 SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect March 1,2016. PASSED and ADOPTED this _ day of ATTEST: (Reline Version - changes denoted in bold) ,2016. PHILIP LEVINE MAYOR RAFAEL E. GMNADO CITY CLERK (Sponsored by Commissioners Micky Steinberg & Michael Grieco) , APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE ^& FOR EXECUIION8qOrFL-rlt' CityAtlomeY Dote F:\ATTO\AGUR\RESOS-ORDuo15\Amending City Code - Campaign Contribution\1-7-15 Bold Redline (RC) O'1-13-'16 Ordinan@ Campaign prohibition.docx 11 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 12