20160113 SM5MIAMIBEACH City Commission Meeting SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 5 Gity Hall, Commission Chambers,3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive January 13,2016 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alem6n Comm issioner Ricky Arriola Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Michael Grieco Comm issioner Joy Malakoff Comm issioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado VisrT us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article Vll, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City CIerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Aftorney. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA R7 - Resolutions R7D A Resolution Establishing A Policy Not To Hire lndividuals Who Use Tobacco Or Tobacco Products lncluding, But Not Limited To, Cigarettes, E-Cigarettes, Cigars, Chewing Tobacco, Snuff, And Pipes, And To Prohibit The Use Of Such Products Throughout The lndividuals' Employment With The City Of Miami Beach. (Sponsored by Commissioner Michael Grieco) (Legislative Tracking: Human Resources) (Additiona! I nformation) 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2 g MIAMIBEACH City of Miomi Beoch, ,l700 Convention Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33,139, www.miomibeochfl.gov C TO: Philip Levine, Mayor and Members MMIS MEMORANDUM the City FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager DATE: January 13,2016 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYORIAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE Clry OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ESTTABLISHING A POLICY NOT TO HIRE INDIVIDUALS WHO USE TOBAGCO OR TOBACCO PRODUGTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, CIGARETTES, E.CIGARETTES, CIGARS, CHEWING TOBACCO, SNUFF, AND PIPES, AND TO PROHIBIT THE USE OF SUGH PRODUCTS THROUGHOUT THE INDIVIDUALS' EMPLOYMENT WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. SUPPLEMENTAL I NFORMATION RELEVANT CURRENT MIAMI BEACH POLICY The City of Miami Beach currently has a Smoke Free Workplace policy in keeping with the Clean lndoorAirAct, Florida Statute 386.201 .211.The purpose of this statute is to protect people from the health hazards of secondhand tobacco smoke. SCOPE OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION The scope of this proposed resolution as to the non-smoking requirement applies only to employees hired pursuant to any employment announcement published after adoption of the resolution. Current employees will not be affected. The City is interested in promoting a healthful lifestyle; therefore, current employees who smoke and voluntarily participate in the City's Wellness Program will receive all the support needed to further their success in the smoking cessation programs that will be made available. BACKGROUND 28,600 adults in Florida die from smoking every year. For every person who dies, another 20 suffer from one or more serious illnesses from smoking. Cigarette smoking is the major single cause of cancer death in the United States. Lung cancer is not the only type of cancer that can be caused by smoking The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2013, about 174,100 cancer deaths were caused by tobacco use. Smoking can cause cancer almost anywhere in your body including the lung, mouth, nose, throat, larynx (voice box), trachea (wind pipe), esophagus, kidney, ureteral, bladder, cervical, bone marrow and blood. Smokeless tobacco products have taken a backseat to smoking for decades, but are recently gaining ground in overall usage and use among young people. Smokeless Agenda ltem Date R'-] D l-t2-lL3 City Commission Memorandum - No Smoking Resolution January 13,2016 Page 2 tobacco includes chew, spit, dip, snuff, snus and a host of new dissolvable products. They are simply not a safe alternative to smoking and they can be as addictive as, or more addictive, than cigarettes. Smokeless tobacco causes many significant health problems, including several types of cancer. Smokeless users have an 80 percent higher risk of oral cancer and a 60 percent higher risk of pancreatic and esophageal cancer. Smokeless tobacco products can also increase the risk of a fatal heart attack and stroke. ln addition, there is no scientific evidence that using smokeless tobacco products can help a person quit smoking. Using smokeless tobacco can still lead to nicotine addiction and dependence.htt p : //wuaru. f I o ri d a h e a lt h. q ov/p roo ra m s-a n d - se rvi ces/oreve nti on/tobacco-f ree-f lori da/ According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States, including nearly 42,000 deaths resulting from secondhand exposure. The total economic cost of smoking in the United States is more than $300 billion a yeat in direct medical care, lost productivity due to premature death and exposure to secondhand smoke. On Attachment A, there is information from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and can be found in a different format at the following link: http://www.cdc.qov/tobacco/data statisticsifact sheets/health effects/tobacco related mortalitv/ ln the public sector, the financial consequences are particularly important as insurance premiums and claims are mostly borne by taxpayer dollars. Health lnsurance Costs: The City of Miami Beach is self-insured and has two carriers who provide health insurance administrative services only (ASO). They are Humana, who has been the City's provider for a significant number of years, and AvMed, who started providing services to the City of Miami Beach when Humana and the Baptist Health Care System dissolved their relationship. While Humana does not segregate smokers and non- smoker, AvMed, who came on board on March 1,2015, does Using an average of 1900 eligible employees,423 or 22o/o oE covered by AvMed and 1078 or 56% are covered by Humana. The balance of the employee population is not covered by the City's health plans because they are not eligible, they prefer not to be, or have health care coverage otherwise. Set forth below are cost figures from each of our insurers: 4 City Commission Memorandum - No Smoking Resolution January 13,2016 Page 3 AvMed City of Miami Beach Respiratory and Lung Cancer lncurred:2015 Data excludes capitation and expenses related to prescription coverage Medical Claims Expenditures for Peoole with Tobacco Use Not all medical claims may contain a diagnosis for tobacco use, therefore a table has been added to include all respiratory and lung cancer costs for the employer group. Data includes lCDg and lCD10 diagnosis codes for COPD, Emphysema, Lung Cancer as wel/ as other respiratory disorders. Ihe issue with ICD codes and claims payment is the lack of speciftc of information conveyed. For example, if a patient is seen for treatment of a burn on the right arm, the ICD-9 diagnosis code does not distinguish that the burn is on the right arm. lf the patient is seen a few weeks later for another burn on the left arm, the same ICD-9 diagnosis code would be repofted. Additional documentation would likely be required for a claim for the treatment to explain that the burn treated at this time is a different bum from the one that was treated previously. ln the ICD-10 diagnosis code set, characters in the code identify righf versus left, initial encounter versus subsequent encounter, and other clinical information. CCS means Clinical Classification Software CCS* Level 1 Descriotion 3CS* Level 2 Descriotion PaidAmount DISEASES OF TH E RESPI RATORY NEOPLASMS RESIDUAL CODES; UNCLASSIFIED; ASTHMA CH RO N I C O BSTR U CTIVE P U LM O NARY D I S EAS E AN D B RO N C H I ECTAS IS OTH ER LOWER RESPIRATORY DISEASE OTHER UPPER RESPIRATORY DISEASE PLEURISY; PNEUMOTHORAX; PULMONARY COLLAPSE R ES P I RATO RY FAI LU R E; I NSU F F I CI E N CY; ARR EST (AD U LT) RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS SECONDARY MALIGNANCIES TOBACCO USE S r,zsg S 49i. S 1o,o2e S r,sea S rzo s 68,200 S +,org 5 oq,qta S ssg Grand Total S 1s1.418 Medical Claims Expenditures for all Resoiratorv and Luno Cancer CCS* Level 1 Descriotion CCS* Level 2 Descriotion Paid Amount DISEASES OF TH E RESPIRATORY NEOPLASMS ASTHMA CHRONICOBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASEAND BRONCHI ECTASIS OTHER LOWER RESPIRATORY DISEASE OTHER UPPER RESPIRATORY DISEASE PLEURISY; PNEUMOTHORAX; PULMONARY COLLAPSE R ES P I RATO RY FAI LU RE ; I NS U FF I Cl E N CY; ARR EST (AD U LT) RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS CANCER; OTHER PRIMARY SECONDARY MALIGNANCIES S Dt,zqg S 18,930 s 65,899 5 227,730S sa,on 5 68,2475 zzg,tsoS rss s 64.478 Grand Tota!s 860.616 5 City Commission Memorandum - No Smoking Resolution January 13,2016 Page 4 Humana City of Miami Beach November 1, 2014 through December 31, 2015 1 Malignant Neoplasms 2 Other/Unclassified 3 Malignant Neoplasms 4 Malignant Neoplasms 5 Malignant Neoplasms 6 Other/Unclassified 7 Malignant Neoplasms 8 Rare Diseases 9 Malignant Neoplasms 10 lnjury and Poisoning 11 Neoplasms (Benign) 12 Rare Diseases 13 GenitourinarySystem 14 Rare Diseases 15 Digestive 16 Signs and Symptoms 17 Signs and Symptoms 18 RetroviralConditions 19 RetroviralConditions 20 Pregnancy and Complications 21 Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue 22 Other Heart Disease 23 lnjury and Poisoning 24 Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Total 52s8,874 S3,043 s 18s,1s3 s62,02e s98,445 s2,336 597,74o Ss,899 s1o,8s7 577,077 s82,986 s4,728 5s9,723 S4,086 s6s,s37 s1s,2eo s63,841 s1,e46 s6,s37 s43,091 s48,8s8 s46,864 s44,3o2 S13,9s6 s822,729 S4s3 5788,432 Ss86 s100,908 53,tzo S96,209 So S83,s80 s73,16s S6,483 Ssz 576,208 s14,019 S67,014 s79s Ss1,286 s407 Ss2,8s8 s48,070 s10,248 S3,9s2 ss,401 S6,3so s36,109 s386.084 Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Termed Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Termed Termed Termed Termed Active Active Completed Program During Period Former Participant Declined Currently Enrolled Completed Program During Period Low Opportunity for lmpact Low Opportunity for lmpact Former Participant Former Participant Currently Enrolled Low Opportunity for lmpact No Response Declined Former Participant Completed Program During Period Completed Program During Period No Response Completed Program During Period Former Participant No Response No Response Currently Enrolled Declined Currently Enrolled Labor Related Costs: ln June 2013, National Public Radio (NPR) reported that smokers cost their employers approximately $5,800 per smoker, per year. And the biggest chunk of that comes not in health care costs, but in work lost during all those smoke breaks. That came in at $3,077, based on an estimate of five smoke breaks during the work day. http://www.npr.oro/sections/health-shots/2013/06/04/188631885/that-employee-who- smokes-costs-the-boss-5-800-a-year "The smoking breaks added up to a lot more than we expected," says Micah Berman, an incoming assistant professor of law and public policy at Ohio State University, who led the study, which was published in Tobacco Control. The researchers tried to be conservative in estimating the number of smoke breaks, figuring on five 15-minute breaks in an eight-hour workday, three of which took place during sanctioned break times. So the cost could well be higher. Furthermore, these figures do not include the sick leave used by smokers due to colds and other respiratory 6 City Commission Memorandum - No Smoking Resolution January'13,20'16 Page 5 diseases caused and/or aggravated by smoking and related impacts. Given that the City of Miami Beach draws applicants primarily from other public sector employers within the county, staff conducted a survey of Miami-Dade County public sector employers which revealed that six municipalities and one large private employer have instituted policies not to hire smokers without detriment to their ability to attract qualified candidates. Attachment B shows the organizations contacted and their respective responses to our questionnaire. RECOMMENDATION Given the actual costs and health related issues associated with the use of tobacco products, it is therefore recommended that the Mayor and City Commission approve the attached resolution to go into effect with the first employment opportunity announced effective upon adoption. lf this resolution in adopted, the City of Miami Beach will also join four police forces (Cleanruater police, Pinellas, Pasco and Hillsborough counties) and an additional seven other public sector employers across the state: Delray Beach, Sarasota County, Atlantic Beach, Flagler County, City of Hollywood, Hallandale Beach. Finally, Fire fighters, by law, must be non-smokers for a minimum of one year to be eligible for employment. ffiffi: , 7 ATTAGHMENT A ooF N -g EoJ,g ! oE E o o o JAo E': o !co E!o o E o!! _9! =oq 6co !Co->@g> !F: =N-t €oodC-3d =oo a! = o.o:s E:-E 3 Ei 9; !.11iI 3 si 3 e6-e: E ao.o 6;i60EE =tsH€ +.EfqA H o o d€frEHP:t i9 660!oa o'E€T 33kpH 6=0-= TE6E.;3 P E lb E F ii. 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