20120224 BMMIAMI BEACH Special City Commission Meeting City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive February 24, 2012 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower Vice-Mayor Deede Weithorn Commissioner Jorge R. Exposito Commissioner Michael G6ngora Commissioner Jerry Libbin Commissioner Edward L. Tobin Commissioner Jonah Wolfson City Manager Jorge M. Gonzalez City Attorney Jose Smith City Clerk Robert E. Parcher Visit us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article VII, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. Special note: In order to ensure adequate public consideration, if necessary, the Mayor and City Commission may move any agenda item to the alternate meeting date which will only be held if needed. In addition, the Mayor and City Commission may, at their discretion, adjourn the Commission Meeting without reaching all agenda items. Call to Order-4:30 p.m. Requests for Additions, Withdrawals, and Deferrals. REGULAR AGENDA We are committed to providing excellent public seNice and safety to all who Jive, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. 1 Special City Commission Agenda, February 24, 2012 R5 -Ordinances R5A An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 789, The Classified Employees Salary Ordinance Of The City Of Miami Beach, Florida, As Follows: Providing For The Classifications In Group I, Represented By The American Federation Of State, County And Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1554; Group II, Represented By The Fraternal Order Of Police (FOP) William Nichols Lodge No. 8; Group Ill, Represented By The International Association Of Firefighters (IAFF) Local 151 0; Group IV, Represented By The Communications Workers Of America (CWA) Local 3178; And Group V, Represented By The Government Supervisors Association Of Florida (GSAF) Local 100, In Accordance With The Negotiated Collective Bargaining Agreements And Providing For The Classifications In Group VI, Being All Other Classifications In The Classified Service Not Covered By A Bargaining Unit, Effective The First Full Pay Period Ending April 2012, An Across The Board Cost-Of-Living Adjustment (COLA) Of Three Percent (3%) And A Three Percent (3%) Increase To The Minimum And Maximum Of Each Pay Range; Repealing All Ordinances In Conflict; Providing For Severability, An Effective Date And Codification. First Reading (Included in Collective Bargaining Agreements & Approved by the City Commission in 201 0) (Legislative Tracking: Human Resources) (Deferred from February 8, 2012) R5B Unclassified Employees Salary Cost Of Living (COLA) Alternative A & B 1. Alternative A: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 1605, The Unclassified Employees Salary Ordinance Of The City Of Miami Beach, Florida, As Follows: Providing For All Unclassified Employees, Effective The First Full Pay Period Ending In April 2012, An Across The Board Cost-Of-Living Adjustment (COLA) Of Three Percent (3%), And A Three Percent (3%) Increase To The Minimum And Maximum Of Each Pay Range; Repealing All Ordinances In Conflict; Providing For Severability, An Effective Date And Codification. First Reading 2. Alternative B: A Resolution Providing For All Unclassified Employees, Effective The First Full Pay Period Ending In April 2012, An Across The Board Cost-Of-Living Adjustment (COLA) Of Up To Three Percent (3%) For Those Employees Who Are Not Currently At The Maximum Of The Pay Range Of Their Job Classification; And Providing No Adjustment To The Minimum And Maximum Of Each Pay Range. (Legislative Tracking: Human Resources) (Deferred from February 8, 2012) R9 -New Business and Commission Requests R9A Board And Committee Appointments -City Commission Appointments. (City Clerk's Office) R9A 1 Appointment Of Peter Chevalier For Commissioner To The Housing Authority. (Requested by Mayor Matti Herrera Bower) End of Regular Agenda 2 2 COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY Condensed Title: An Ordinance amending the Classified Employees Salary Ordinance (No. 789) as follows: providing for Classified employees represented by a bargaining unit, in accordance with the negotiated collective bargaining agreements (CBAs), and all other Classified employees not covered by a bargaining unit, effective the first full pay period ending April 2012, an across the board cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) of three percent (3%) and a three percent (3%) increase to the minimum and maximum of each pay range; repealing all ordinances in conflict; providing for severability, an effective date and codification. Key Intended Outcome Supported: Increase community satisfaction with City government. Supporting Data (Surveys, Environmental Scan, etc.): In the 2009 Community Satisfaction Survey, among the four (4) areas of customer service measured, 85.5% of respondents agreed that "the employees that assisted me were courteous and professional." Issue: Shall the City provide a classification and compensation system that is fair and externally and internally competitive; and consistent with the terms of the CBAs negotiated for the Classified employees covered by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local1554; the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) William Nichols Lodge No. 8; the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) Local1510; the Communication Workers of America (CWA) Local 3178; and the Government Supervisors Association of Florida (GSAF) Local1 00, by amending the Classified Employees Salary Ordinance to provide an across the board cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) of three percent (3%) to all Classified employees, and a three percent (3%) increase to the minimum and maximum of each pay range, effective with the first full pay period ending April 2012? Item Summary/Recommendation: An Ordinance amending the Classified Employees Salary Ordinance (No. 789) by providing for a three percent (3%) COLA effective with the first pay period ending in April 2012; and changing the minimum and maximum of the pay ranges. The five (5) collective bargaining agreements that were ratified by the Commission in 2010 included three percent (3%) COLAs and the adjustment of the ranges that were budgeted and approved by the City Commission as part of the 2011/2012 Budget process. Ratified labor contracts are legally binding and enforceable. Disputes involving labor contracts can be litigated through grievances and arbitrations, unfair labor practice charges before PERC, and lawsuits, all of which involve potential money or other remedies and defense costs. The Administration recommends the City Commission approve the Ordinance on first reading, and set a second reading, public hearing for March 21, 2012. Financial information: Source of Amount Account Approved Funds: 1 $1,600,000 Included in various Departmental salary budgets for FY 2011/2012 OBPI Total $1,600,000 Included in various Departmental salary budgets for FY 2011/2012 Financial Impact Summary: The COLA for the Classified employees represents an impact of approximately $1,600,000 to the City's FY 2011/2012 operating budget. This amount was budgeted and approved by the City Commission as part of the 2011/2012 Budget process. City Clerk's Office Legislative Tracking: Si n-Offs: Department Director Assistant City Manager Hilda Fernandez MARY MEMO CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES.doc MIAMI BEACH 3 AGENDA ITEM _ __...."--'-.a..::....:~ DATE---=;_:;__._....__ C9 MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission FROM: DATE: City Manager Jorge M. Gonzalez~ February 24, 2012 () Q FIRST READING SUBJECT: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 789, THE CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES SALARY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: PROVIDING FOR THE CLASSIFICATIONS IN GROUP I, REPRESENTED BY THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES (AFSCME) LOCAL 1554; GROUP II, REPRESENTED BY THE FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE (FOP) WILLIAM NICHOLS LODGE NO. 8; GROUP Ill, REPRESENTED BY THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIREFIGHTERS (IAFF) LOCAL 1510; GROUP IV, REPRESENTED BY THE COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMERICA (CWA) LOCAL 3178; AND GROUP V, REPRESENTED BY THE GOVERNMENT SUPERVISORS ASSOCIATION OF FLORIDA (GSAF) LOCAL 100, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEGOTIATED COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS AND PROVIDING FOR THE CLASSIFICATIONS IN GROUP VI, BEING ALL OTHER CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE CLASSIFIED SERVICE NOT COVERED BY A BARGAINING UNIT, EFFECTIVE THE FIRST FULL PAY PERIOD ENDING APRIL 2012, AN ACROSS THE BOARD COST -OF-LIVING ADJUSTMENT (COLA) OF THREE PERCENT (3%) AND A THREE PERCENT (3%) INCREASE TO THE MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM OF EACH PAY RANGE; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND CODIFICATION. RECOMMENDATION This Ordinance was scheduled for first reading on February 8, 2012, but was deferred to the February 24, 2012 Special City Commission meeting. The Administration recommends that the City Commission approve the Ordinance on first reading, and set a second reading and public hearing for March 21, 2012. ANALYSIS The City of Miami Beach has the following five (5) Classified employee groups that are represented by bargaining units: • Group I -Represented by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1554; • Group II -Represented by the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) William Nichols Lodge No.8; 4 City Commission Memorandum February 24, 2012 Classified Salary Ordinance Page 2 of4 • Group Ill -Represented by the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) Local 1510; • Group IV -Represented by the Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 3178; and • Group V -Represented by the Government Supervisors Association of Florida (GSAF) Local 100. In addition, the City has one (1) unrepresented Classified employee group, Group VI, comprising all other classifications in the Classified Service not covered by a bargaining unit. This group is often referred to as the "Others". By way of background, in 2010 the City and its bargaining units reached agreements to amend the prior three-year collective bargaining agreements with each of the five (5) bargaining units. The successor three-year agreements were approved by the corresponding bargaining unit members and ratified by the City Commission. In order to attain the Commission's goal of approximately $15 million savings in employee concessions for FY 2009/2010 and FY 2010/2011 for all Classified and Unclassified employees, the agreements contained the following provisions as cost savings components: • No cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) for the first two and one-half (2 %) years of the agreements; and • No merit increases for bargaining unit employees represented AFSCME; CWA; and the GSAF for a period of time specified in each of these individual collective bargaining agreements. When the merits resume, the maximum will be two percent (2%) instead of the previous maximum of four percent (4%). Eligible members of the FOP and the IAFF employee groups continued to receive their step increases during this period of time. Consistent with the concessions negotiated with the represented Classified employees (employees whose classifications are represented by a bargaining unit), the City imposed equivalent COLA and merit freezes on the unrepresented Classified employees (employees whose classifications are not represented by a bargaining unit (Group VI/Others)) and all Unclassified employees. An across the board COLA of three percent (3%) for all represented Classified employees was negotiated, effective with the first full pay period ending in April 2012 (approximately six (6) months into FY 2011/2012). Correspondingly, as stipulated in each of the collective bargaining agreements, the minimum and maximum of each pay range would increase effective the first full pay period ending in April 2012. Based on the provisions of the collective bargaining agreements between the City and its bargaining units (Groups I through V), as well as the City's past practice of providing COLA increases for unrepresented Classified employees (Group VI/Others) consistent with those negotiated for the Classified employees covered by collective bargaining agreements, the Administration recommends implementing a three percent (3%) across the board COLA, effective the first full pay period ending April 2012 (six (6) months into 5 City Commission Memorandum February 24, 2012 Classified Salary Ordinance Page 3 of4 the FY 2011/2012), for all Classified employees; increasing the minimum and maximum of each pay range correspondingly by three percent (3%); and amending Ordinance No. 789, the Classified Employees Salary Ordinance of the City of Miami Beach, Florida accordingly. The Ordinance amendment will ensure that the City has an employee classification and compensation system that is reasonable and competitive. This COLA adjustment is comparable to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the Miami- Fort Lauderdale area as of December 2011 which was 3.1% as well as the COLA adjustment provided by the U.S. Federal Government to all Social Security beneficiaries in January 2012 which was 3.6%. 3.6% COLA that all Social Security beneficiaries commenced receiving in January 2012. The proposed three percent (3%) COLA for unrepresented Classified employees (Group VI/Others) is consistent with those negotiated for the Classified employees covered by AFSCME; CWA; GSAF; FOP and the IAFF, and would become effective at the same time. No Classified or Unclassified employee who left the City prior to the date of implementation of the COLA effective the first full pay period ending in April 2012 will be eligible for this COLA increase. The COLA for the Classified employees (Groups I through VI) represents an impact of approximately $1,600,000 to the City's FY 2011/2012 operating budget. This amount breaks down as follows: Bargaining Unit I Group Approximate Financial Impact AFSCME (I) $240,000 FOP (II) $590,000 IAFF(III) $290,000 CWA (IV) $390,000 GSAF (V) $70,000 OTHERS(VI)/OTHERS $20,000 TOTAL $1 ,600,000* *These estimates were compiled during the preparation for the contract negotiations for the collective bargaining process that began in 2009 for the collective bargaining agreements that are currently in effect, and although the figures do not take into consideration current turnover rates, we anticipate the impact to be minimal. This amount was discussed, budgeted and approved by the City Commission as part of the 2011/2012 Budget process. The five (5) collective bargaining agreements that were ratified by the Commission in 2010 included three percent (3%) COLAs and the adjustment of the ranges. Ratified labor contracts are legally binding and enforceable. Disputes involving labor contracts can be litigated through grievances and arbitrations, unfair labor practice charges before PERC, and lawsuits, all of which involve potential money or other remedies and defense costs. 6 City Commission Memorandum February 24, 2012 Classified Salary Ordinance Page 4 of4 CONCLUSION The Administration recommends amending Ordinance No. 789, the Classified Employees Salary Ordinance of the City of Miami Beach, Florida by implementing a three percent (3%) COLA, effective the first full pay period ending April 2012 for all Classified employees, and increasing the minimum and maximum of each pay range correspondingly by three percent (3%). Based on the foregoing, the Administration recommends that the City Commission approve the proposed Ordinance on first reading, and set a second reading and public hearing for March 21, 2012. F:\HUMA\$aii\REG\ORDINANCES-COLA\FINAL 2012\COLA-MEMO CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES Amended 2.doc 7 ORDINANCE NO.------- AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 789, THE CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES SALARY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: PROVIDING FOR THE CLASSIFICATIONS IN GROUP I, REPRESENTED BY THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES (AFSCME) LOCAL 1554; GROUP II, REPRESENTED BY THE FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE (FOP) WILLIAM NICHOLS LODGE NO. 8; GROUP Ill, REPRESENTED BY THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIREFIGHTERS (IAFF) LOCAL 1510; GROUP IV, REPRESENTED BY THE COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMERICA (CWA) LOCAL 3178; AND GROUP V, REPRESENTED BY THE GOVERNMENT SUPERVISORS ASSOCIATION OF FLORIDA (GSAF) LOCAL 100, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEGOTIATED COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS AND PROVIDING FOR THE CLASSIFICATIONS IN GROUP VI, BEING ALL OTHER CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE CLASSIFIED SERVICE NOT COVERED BY A BARGAINING UNIT, EFFECTIVE THE FIRST FULL PAY PERIOD ENDING APRIL 2012, AN ACROSS THE BOARD COST-OF-LIVING ADJUSTMENT (COLA) OF THREE PERCENT (3%) AND A THREE PERCENT (3%) INCREASE TO THE MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM OF EACH PAY RANGE; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND CODIFICATION. WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach has approximately 1 ,487 Classified employees; and WHEREAS, Classified employees are categorized into 6 groups: Group I represented by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1554; Group II represented by the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) William Nichols Lodge No. 8; Group Ill represented by the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) Local 1510; Group IV represented by the Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 3178; Group V represented by the Government Supervisors Association of Florida (GSAF) Local 1 00; and Group VI comprising of all other classifications in the Classified Service not covered by a bargaining unit (hereinafter referred to as "OTHERS"); and WHEREAS, in 2010, the City and its bargaining units reached agreements to amend the prior three-year collective bargaining agreements (CBAs); and 1 8 WHEREAS, the successor three-year CBAs were approved by the corresponding bargaining unit members and ratified by the City Commission; and WHEREAS, in order to attain the Commission's goal of approximately $15 million savings in employee concessions for FY 2009/2010 and FY 2010/2011 and, the CBAs contained the following provisions as cost savings components: no cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) for the first two and one-half (2 %) years of the agreements; no merit increases for bargaining unit employees represented by AFSCME Local 1554, CWA Local 3178 and GSAF Local 100 for a period of time specified in each of these individual CBAs (eligible members of the FOP and IAFF employee groups continued to receive their step increases during this period of time); and when the merits resume, the maximum will be two percent (2%) instead of the previous maximum of four percent (4%): and WHEREAS, consistent with the concessions negotiated with the represented Classified employees (Groups I through V), the City imposed an equivalent COLA and merit/step freezes on the unrepresented Classified employees (OTHERS -Group VI) and the Unclassified employees for the same time period; and WHEREAS, an across the board COLA of three percent (3%) for all represented Classified employees (Groups I through V) was negotiated, with a corresponding increase to the minimum and maximum of each pay grade, effective with the first full pay period ending in April2012 (approximately six (6) months into FY 2011/2012); and WHEREAS, the COLA listed herein for the represented Classified employees (Groups I through V) is in compliance with the negotiated CBAs; and WHEREAS, the COLA listed herein for the unrepresented Classified employees (OTHERS -Group VI) is consistent with the negotiated COLA for the Classified employees (Groups I through V); and WHEREAS, the City's past practice has been to provide COLA increases to unrepresented Classified employees (OTHERS -Group VI) and Unclassified employees, consistent with the COLA negotiated by the represented Classified employees (Groups I through V); and WHEREAS, no Classified employee who left the City prior to the date of implementation of the COLA effective the first full pay period ending in April 2012 will be eligible for this COLA increase; and WHEREAS, there is a need to amend the salary ranges of Classified employees in order to ensure that the City has an employee classification and compensation system that is fair and internally and externally competitive. 2 9 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: Effective the first full pay period ending in April 2012, the minimum and the maximum biweekly pay ranges for the indicated Classified Employee Salary Groups will be changed to reflect an employee classification and compensation system that is fair and competitive. The following lines of Section 1 of the Classified Salary Ordinance No. 789 shall be amended as follows: GROUP I AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES (AFSCME) LOCAL 1554 Salary Ranges and Classification A. Salary Grades and Ranges GRADE 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2: ~ 42,92~ a9,8GG ae,a82 aa,48a aG,788 2s,aa4 2e,G7e 2a,99e 22,Q84 2G,a24 MINIMUM BIWEEKLY 1,700 1,565 1,440 1,325 1,220 1,122 1,033 951 MAXIMUM BIWEEKLY e9,a2G 2,746 ea,797 2,527 88,7~2 2,326 84,Ga~ 2,140 49,728 1,970 48,7eG 1,813 42,~ ~4 1,668 as,787 1,535 a8,ee8 a2,824 In compliance with Sections 2-407 through 2-410 of the City Code, entitled "Living Wage Requirements for Service Contracts and City Employees" (See Ordinance 2010-3682 and Resolution 2011-27752), the minimum and the maximum hourly rate for Ranges 2 and 1 shall be amended as follows: 3 10 GRADE 2 1 MINIMUM HOURLY RATE WITH HEALTH BENEFITS 10.94 10.72 MINIMUM MAXIMUM HOURLY HOURLY RATE RATE WITHOUT HEALTH BENEFITS 12.17 17.66 12.17 16.25 In compliance with Sections 2-407 through 2-410 of the City Code, entitled "Living Wage Requirements for Service Contracts and City Employees" (See Ordinance 2010-3682 and Resolution 2011-27752), effective October 1, 2012, the minimum and the maximum hourly rate for Ranges 2 and 1, shall be as follows: GRADE MINIMUM MINIMUM MAXIMUM HOURLY HOURLY HOURLY RATE RATE RATE WITH WITHOUT HEALTH HEALTH BENEFITS BENEFITS ~ 11.28 12.92 17.66 1 11.28 12.92 16.25 B. Grades and Classifications GRADE CLASSIFICATION UNION 10 BUILDING SUPERVISOR AFSCME 10 DIESEL GENERATOR MECHANIC AFSCME 10 FIRE EQUIPMENT MECHANIC AFSCME 10 MECHANIC Ill AFSCME 10 PEST CONTROL SUPERVISOR AFSCME 9 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR II AFSCME 9 IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SUPERVISOR AFSCME 9 MECHANIC II AFSCME 9 PARK SUPERVISOR AFSCME 9 PUMPING MECHANIC AFSCME 9 RECREATION PROGRAM SUPERVISOR AFSCME 9 SEWER SUPERVISOR AFSCME 4 11 9 STREET SUPERVISOR AFSCME 9 TREE MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR AFSCME 9 WASTE DRIVER SUPERVISOR AFSCME 9 WATER SUPERVISOR AFSCME 8 CONTROL ROOM OPERA TOR AFSCME 8 HEAW EQUIPMENT OPERATOR I AFSCME 8 SIGN MAKER AFSCME 8 STOREKEEPER II AFSCME 8 STREET LIGHTING TECHNICIAN II AFSCME 7 ASSISTANT PUMPING MECHANIC AFSCME 7 CENTRAL SERVICES TECHNICIAN AFSCME 7 FLEET SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE AFSCME 7 MUNICIPAL SERVICE WORKER Ill AFSCME 7 SEWER PIPEFITTER AFSCME 7 STOREKEEPER I AFSCME 7 WATER METER TECHNICIAN II AFSCME 7 WATER PIPEFITTER AFSCME 6 FLEET SERVICE WRITER AFSCME 6 MECHANIC I AFSCME 6 STREET LIGHTING TECHNICIAN I AFSCME 5 MUNICIPAL SERVICE WORKER II AFSCME 5 STORES CLERK AFSCME 5 TREE TRIMMER AFSCME 5 WASTE COLLECTOR AFSCME 5 WATER METER TECHNICIAN I AFSCME 4 MUNICIPAL SERVICE WORKER I AFSCME 3 MUNICIPAL SERVICE WORKER TRAIN AFSCME 3 MUSEUM GUARD AFSCME Note: There is currently no AFSCME classification in Grades 2 or 1. [THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] 5 12 GROUP II FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE (FOP) WILLIAM NICHOLS LODGE NO. 8 Salary Ranges and Classification A. Classification and Salaries JOB CLASS JOB CLASSIFICATION NO. MINIMUM MAXIMUM BIWEEKLY BIWEEKLY DETENTION OFFICER 5305 1548.00 11594.44 1903.92 11961.04 LIEUTENANT OF POLICE 5009 3230.77 31327.69 3739.62 31851.81 POLICE OFFICER 5011 1983.00 21042.49 2791.11 21874.84 POLICE OFFICER TRAINEE 8001 1685.55 11736.12 1883.85 11940.37 SERGEANT OF POLICE 5010 2929.30 31017.18 3230.77 31327.69 GROUP Ill INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIREFIGHTERS (IAFF) LOCAL1510 Salary Ranges and Classification A. Classification and Salaries JOB JOB CLASS MINIMUM MAXIMUM CLASSIFICATION NO. BIWEEKLY BIWEEKLY FIREFIGHTER I 5110 1685.55 11736.12 2791.11 21874.84 FIREFIGHTER II 5109 2929.30 31017.18 3230.77 31327.69 FIRE LIEUTENANT 5107 3389.96 3A91.66 3739.62 31851.81 FIRE CAPTAIN 5105 3926.60 41044.40 4329.08 4A58.95 6 13 GROUP IV COMMUNICATIONS WORKERS OF AMERICA (CWA) LOCAL 3178 Salary Ranges and Classification A. Salary Grades and Ranges Range Minimum Maximum Range Minimum Maximum H15 Annual $30,181.82 $43,712.28 H32 Annual $49,885.95 $78,813.63 H16 Annual $31,087.28 $45,023.65 H33 Annual $51,881.39 $81,966.17 H17 Annual $32,019.90 $46,374.36 H34 Annual $53,956.65 $85,244.82 H18 Annual $32,980.49 $47,765.60 H35 Annual $56,114.91 $88,654.61 H19 Annual $33,969.91 $49,198.56 H36 Annual $58,359.51 $92,200.80 H20 Annual $34,989.01 $50,674.51 H37 Annual $60,693.89 $95,888.83 ' H21 Annual $36,038.68 $52,194.74 H50 Annual $38,440.75 $56,214.19 H22 Annual $37,119.84 $53,760.59 H51 Annual $39,593.98 $58,462.76 H23 Annual $38,233.43 $55,373.41 H52 Annual $40,781.79 $60,801.26 H24 Annual $39,380.44 $57,588.34 H53 Annual $42,005.24 $63,233.32 H25 Annual $40,561.85 $59,891.88 H54 Annual $43,265.40 $65,762.65 H26 Annual $41,778.71 $62,287.55 H55 Annual $44,563.37 $68,393.16 H27 Annual $43,032.07 $64,779.06 H56 Annual $45,900.18 $64,079.98 H28 Annual $44,323.03 $67,370.22 H57 Annual $47,277.26 $73,974.05 H29 Annual $45,652.72 $70,065.03 H58 Annual $50,643.54 $69,309.08 H30 Annual $47,022.29 $72,867.63 H59 Annual $52,669.15 $80,010.32 H31 Annual $48,432.96 $75,782.34 H60 Annual $54,775.91 $83,210.72 [THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] 7 14 Grade Minimum Maximum Grade Minimum Maximum H15 Biweekly 11195.66 11731.68 H32 Biweekly 11976.25 31122.23 H16 Biweekly 11231.53 1l83.63 H33 Biweekly 21055.30 31247.12 H17 Biweekly 11268.48 11837.14 H34 Biweekly 21137.51 31377.01 H18 Biweekly 11306.53 11892.25 H35 Biweekly 21223.01 31512.09 H19 Biweekly 11345.73 11949.02 H36 Biweekly 21311.93 31652.57 H20 Biweekly 11386.10 21007.49 H37 Biweekly 21404.41 31798.67 H21 Biweekly 11427.69 21067.71 H50 Biweekly 11522.85 21226.95 H22 Biweekly 1z470.52 21129.75 H51 Biweekly 11568.53 21316.02 H23 Biweekly 11514.63 21193.64 H52 Biweekly 11615.59 21408.67 H24 Biweekly 11560.07 21281.38 H53 Biweekly 11664.05 21505.01 H25 Biweekly 11606.87 21372.64 H54 Biweekly 11713.98 21605.21 H26 Biweekly 11655.08 21467.55 H55 Biweekly 11765.40 21709.42 H27 Biweekly 11704.73 21566.25 H56 Biweekly 11818.35 21538.55 H28 Biweekly 11755.87 21668.90 H57 Biweekly 11872.91 21930.51 H29 Biweekly 11808.55 21775.65 H58 Biweekly 21006.26 2l45.71 H30 Biweekly 11862.81 21886.68 H59 Biweekly 21086.51 31169.64 H31 Biweekly 1,918.69 31002.15 H60 Biweekly 2,169.97 31296.42 B. Grades and Classifications Range Range Classification Grade Classification Grade Clerk H15 Complaint Operator II H26 Crime Analysis Specialist H26 Coin Room Money Handler H16 Financial Specialist II H26 Clerk Typist H17 Carpenter I H27 Dispatcher H27 Masonry Helper H18 Engineering Assistant II H27 Mason H27 Account Clerk I H20 Property Evidence Tech II H27 Admin Aide I H20 Data Entry Clerk H20 Carpenter II H28 8 15 Duplicating Equip Operator H20 Code Compliance Officer II H28 Permit Clerk I H20 Commission Reporter II H28 Police Records Technician H20 Financial Specialist Ill H28 Revenue Processor I H20 Police Fleet Specialist H28 Parking Enforcement Spec I H22 Planning Technician H29 Account Clerk II H23 Field Inspector II H30 Meter Analyst H23 Engineering Assistant Ill H30 Permit Clerk II H23 Parking Meter Tech I H23 Crime Scene Technician I H31 Property Evidence Tech I H23 Police Photographer H31 Public Safety Specialist H23 Revenue Processor II H23 Air Conditioning Mechanic H34 Code Compliance Admin. H34 Admin Aide II H24 Crime Scene Technician II H34 Admin Secretary H24 Building Inspector H34 Buyer H24 Electrical Inspector H34 Engineering Assistant I H24 Electrician H34 Field Inspector I H24 Elevator Inspector H34 Financial Specialist I H24 Engineering Inspector H34 Painter H24 Mechanical Inspector H34 Parking Dispatcher H24 Plumbing Inspector H34 Plumber H34 Account Clerk Ill H25 Admin Asst I H25 Pool Guard I H50 Communications Operator H25 Dispatcher Trainee H25 Pool Guard II H52 Parking Enforcement Spec II H25 Lifeguard I H52 Parking Meter Tech II H25 Lifeguard II H56 Code Compliance Officer I H26 Commission Reporter I H26 Lifeguard Lt. H58 Note: There is currently no CWA classification in Grades H19, H21, H32, H33, H35, H36, H37, H38, H39, H40, H41, H42, H43, H44, H45, H46, H47, H48, H49, H51, H53, H54, H55, H57, H59 and H60. 9 16 GROUPV GOVERNMENT SUPERVISORS ASSOCIATION OF FLORIDA (GSAF) LOCAL 100 Salary Ranges and Classification A. Salary Grades and Ranges GRADE 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 MINIMUM BIWEEKLY 66,6QQ 2,489 57,826 2,291 53,218 2,108 48,975 1,940 45,Q71 1,785 41,478 1,643 38,173 1,512 35,13Q 1,392 32,33Q 1,281 29,753 1,179 MAXIMUM BIWEEKLY 1Q1,482 93,394 85,95Q 79,Q98 72,793 66,99Q 61,654 56,738 52,215 42,768 B. Grade and Classifications GRADE CLASSIFICATION 15 BEACH PATROL OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR 15 CITY SURVEYOR 14 AIR CONDITIONING SUPERVISOR 14 CRIME SCENE SUPERVISOR 14 ELECTRICIAN SUPERVISOR 14 PLUMBING SUPERVISOR 14 SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR 14 SENIOR ENGINEERING INSPECTOR 13 COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR 13 FLEET OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR 13 PROPERTY MGMT OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR 13 PUMPING OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR 13 METERED SERVICES SUPERVISOR 13 SEWER FIELD OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR 13 WATER FIELD OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR 10 17 4,020 3,700 3,405 3,133 2,884 2,654 2,442 2,248 2,069 1904 UNION GSA GSA GSA GSA GSA GSA GSA GSA GSA GSA GSA GSA GSA GSA GSA 12 CENTRAL SERVICES SUPERVISOR GSA 12 ELECTRONICS/INSTRUMENT SUPERVISOR GSA 12 MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 12 PARK OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR GSA 12 PARKING OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR GSA 12 SANITATION OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR GSA 12 STREET LIGHTING OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR GSA 12 STREETS OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR GSA 12 WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR GSA 11 BACKFLOW COORDINATOR GSA 11 LEAD MECHANIC GSA 11 PAINT SUPERVISOR GSA 11 RECREATION SUPERVISOR I GSA 10 911 COMMUNICATIONS RECORDS CUSTODIAN GSA 10 CARPENTER SUPERVISOR GSA 10 PARKING FACILITIES SUPERVISOR GSA 9 SERVICE SUPERVISOR GSA 9 WATER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE GSA 6 TENNIS CENTER SUPERVISOR GSA Note: There is currently no GSAF classification in Grades 8 or 7. [THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] 11 18 GROUP VI ALL OTHER CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE CLASSIFIED SERVICE NOT COVERED BY A BARGAINING UNIT (A/KIA OTHERS) Salary Ranges and Classification A. Salary Grades and Ranges GRADE 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 ~ ~ MINIMUM BIWEEKLY 99,837 2,370 99,Q68 2,182 9Q,678 2,008 46,638 1,848 42,921 1,700 39,9QQ 1,565 36,392 1,440 33,493 1,325 3Q,788 1,220 28,334 1,122 26,Q76 1,033 23,996 951 22,Q84 2Q,324 MAXIMUM BIWEEKLY 96,641 3,828 88,94Q 3,523 81,848 3,242 79,329 2,984 69,32Q 2,746 63,797 2,527 98,712 2,326 94,Q31 2,140 49,729 1,970 49,760 1,813 42,114 1,668 38,797 1,535 39,668 32,824 In compliance with Sections 2-407 through 2-410 of the City Code, entitled "Living Wage Requirements for Service Contracts and City Employees" (See Ordinance 2010- 3682 and Resolution 2011-27752), the minimum and the maximum hourly rate for Ranges 2 and 1 shall be amended as follows: GRADE MINIMUM HOURLY RATE WITH HEALTH BENEFITS 12 19 MINIMUM HOURLY RATE WITHOUT HEALTH BENEFITS MAXIMUM HOURLY RATE In compliance with Sections 2-407 through 2-410 of the City Code, entitled "Living Wage Requirements for Service Contracts and City Employees" (See Ordinance 2010- 3682 and Resolution 2011-27752), effective October 1, 2012, the minimum and the maximum hourly rate for Ranges 2 and 1, shall be as follows: GRADE MINIMUM HOURLY RATE WITH HEALTH BENEFITS B. Grade and Classifications GRADE 14 14 14 14 14 12 12 11 10 9 9 8 8 6 6 5 CLASSIFICATION Employee Benefits Specialist Senior Electrical Inspector Senior Elevator Inspector Senior Mechanical Inspector Senior Plumbing Inspector Computer Operator Firearms Specialist Human Resources Technician Ill Human Resources Technician II Ice Rink Technician Human Resources Technician I Building Services Technician Administrative Aide 11/Risk Management Recreation Leader II Customer Service Representative Office Associate II (HR & IT) 13 20 MINIMUM HOURLY RATE WITHOUT HEALTH BENEFITS 12.92 12.92 GROUP MAXIMUM HOURLY RATE Other Classified Other Classified Other Classified Other Classified Other Classified Other Classified Other Classified Other Classified Other Classified Other Classified Other Classified Other Classified Other Classified Other Classified Other Classified Other Classified 4 Recreation Leader I Other Classified 3 Concession Attendant Other Classified 2 School Guard Other Classified Note: There is currently no OTHER classification for Grades 13, 7 or 1. SECTION 2: REPEALER. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. SECTION 4: EFFECTIVE DATES. The Ordinance Amendments set forth in Section 1 above shall become effective the first full payroll period in April 2012. A three percent (3%) across the board COLA for all Classified employees shall become effective the first full payroll period in April 2012. SECTION 5: CODIFICATION. It is the intention of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. The sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or other appropriate word. PASSED and ADOPTED this __ day of--------' 2012. Matti Herrera Bower, Mayor ATTEST: ORM & LANGUAGE 1. J1 J'Z. Robert Parcher, City Clerk Date 14 21 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 22 COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY Condensed Title: "Alternative A" -An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1605, the Unclassified Employees Salary Ordinance as follows: providing for all Unclassified employees, effective the first full pay period ending in April 2012, an across the board cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) of three percent (3%), and a three percent (3%) increase to the minimum and maximum of each pay range; or "Alternative B" - A Resolution providing for all Unclassified employees, effective the first full pay period ending in April 2012, an across the board cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) of up to three percent (3%) for those employees who are not currently at the maximum of the pay range of their job classification; and providing no adjustment to the minimum and maximum of each pay_ rang_e. Key Intended Outcome Supported: Increase community satisfaction with City government. Supporting Data (Surveys, Environmental Scan, etc.): In the 2009 Community Satisfaction Survey, among the four (4) areas of customer service measured, 85.5% of respondents agreed that "the employees that assisted me were courteous and professional." Issue: Shall the City provide a classification and compensation system that is fair and externally and internally competitive; and consistent with those negotiated for the Classified employees covered by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME); Fraternal Order of Police (FOP); International Association of Firefighters (IAFF); Communication Workers of America (CWA); and the Government Supervisors Association of Florida (GSAF), by amending the Unclassified Employees Salary Ordinance to provide an across the board cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) of three percent (3%), with the first full pay period ending April 2012? Item Summary/Recommendation: "Alternative A"-An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1605, the Unclassified Employees Salary Ordinance as follows: providing for all Unclassified employees, effective the first full pay period ending in April 2012, an across the board cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) of three percent (3%), and a three percent (3%) increase to the minimum and maximum of each pay range; or "Alternative B" - A Resolution providing for all Unclassified employees, effective the first full pay period ending in April 2012, an across the board cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) of up to three percent (3%) for those employees who are not currently at the maximum of the pay range of their job classification; and providing no adjustment to the minimum and maximum of each pay range. The Administration recommends the City Commission approve "Alternative A" approving the proposed Ordinance amendment on first reading, and setting a second reading, public hearing for March 21, 2012. However, should the City Commission not approve "Alternative A", the Administration recommends that the Commission adopt "Alternative B" which provides for all Unclassified employees, effective the first full pay period ending in April 2012, an across the board cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) of up to three percent (3%) for those employees who are not currently at the maximum of the pay range of their job classification; and providing no adjustment to the minimum and maximum of each pay range. Adviso Board Recommendation: Discussed and approved by the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee at the June and July 2011 budget- related meetin s as well as b the full Commission durin theSe tember 2011 bud et commission meetin s. Financial Information: Source Amount Account Approved of Alternative A $580,000 Included in various Departmental salary Funds: budgets for FY 2011/2012 Alternative B $418,000 Included in various Departmental salary budgets for FY 2011/2012 Financial Impact Summary: The City estimates an impact of between $418,000 to $580,000 (depending on which Alternative is adopted) to the City's FY 2011/2012 operating budget. This amount was budgeted and a()proved by the City Commission as part of the FY 2011/2012 Budg_et process. City Clerk's Office Legislative Tracking: Ramiro lnguanzo, Director, Human Resources I MIAMI BEACH 23 ~ MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov TO: FROM: DATE: COMMISSION MEMORANDUM Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission City Manager Jorge M. Gonzalez C\ __ / February24, 2012 ()'!"'"'n FIRST READING SUBJECT: ALTERNATIVE A: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1605, THE UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES SALARY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: PROVIDING FOR ALL UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES, EFFECTIVE THE FIRST FULL PAY PERIOD ENDING IN APRIL 2012, AN ACROSS THE BOARD COST-OF-LIVING ADJUSTMENT (COLA) OF THREE PERCENT (3%), AND A THREE PERCENT (3%) INCREASE TO THE MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM OF EACH PAY RANGE; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND CODIFICATION. ALTERNATIVE B: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA PROVIDING FOR ALL UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES, EFFECTIVE THE FIRST FULL PAY PERIOD ENDING IN APRIL 2012, AN ACROSS THE BOARD COST-OF-LIVING ADJUSTMENT (COLA) OF UP TO A THREE PERCENT (3%) FOR THOSE EMPLOYEES WHO ARE NOT CURRENTLY AT THE MAXIMUM OF THE PAY RANGE OF THEIR JOB CLASSIFICATION; AND PROVIDING NO ADJUSTMENT TO THE MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM OF EACH PAY RANGE. RECOMMENDATION The Administration recommends that the City Commission approve the Ordinance (Alternative A) on first reading and set a second reading and public hearing for March 21, 2012. If the Ordinance is not approved, the Administration recommends that the City Commission approve the Resolution (Alternative B). This Ordinance was scheduled for first reading on February 8, 2012, but was deferred to the February 24, 2012 Special City Commission meeting. BACKGROUND The City of Miami Beach currently has 401 employees who are considered Unclassified. These Unclassified positions range from entry level office associates and other administrative support positions to entry, middle and senior level supervisory and management employees. There are a total of 252 Unclassified classifications filled by the 401 Unclassified employees. 24 City Commission Memorandum February 24, 2012 Unclassified Salary Ordinance Page 2 of6 By way of background, in 2010, the City and its bargaining units reached agreements to amend the prior three-year collective bargaining agreements with each of the five (5) bargaining units in the City. The successor three-year agreements were approved by the corresponding bargaining unit members and ratified by the City Commission. In order to attain the Commission's goal of approximately $15 million savings in employee concessions for FY 2009/2010 and FY 2010/2011 for all Classified and Unclassified employees, the agreements contained the following provisions as cost savings components (these provisions also applied to all Unclassified and unrepresented Classified employees): • No cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) for the first two and one-half (2 Y2) years of the agreements; and • No merit increases for bargaining unit employees represented by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME); the Communication Workers of America (CWA); and the Government Supervisors Association of Florida (GSAF) for a period of time specified in each of these individual collective bargaining agreements. When the merits resume, the maximum will be two percent (2%) instead of the previous maximum of four percent ( 4% ). Eligible members of the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) and the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) employee groups continued to receive their step increases during this period of time. Consistent with the concessions negotiated with the represented Classified employees (employees whose classifications are represented by a union), the City imposed equivalent COLA and merit freezes on the unrepresented Classified employees (employees whose classifications are not represented by a union) and all Unclassified employees. The merit freeze was put into effect for the Unclassified and the unrepresented Classified employees prior to reaching agreements with the AFSCME, CWA, FOP and IAFF bargaining units. The merit freezes for the Unclassified employees, the unrepresented Classified employees and the GSA bargaining unit commenced October 1, 2009. The estimated savings for the two-year merit freeze (FY 2009/2010 and FY 2010/2011) for all Unclassified employees was $2,450,000. Given this, there have been no COLAs for any Unclassified employee since May 2009 and no merit increases for any Unclassified employees since October 2009. Furthermore, since FY 2007/2008 the management team (senior level and executive employees) has only received one (1) merit adjustment. In addition, Unclassified employees and the unrepresented Classified employees who participate in the Miami Beach Employees' Retirement Plan (MBERP) began contributing an additional two percent (2%) of their pensionable salary towards their pension effective January 201 0, thus reducing the City's portion of the Annual Required Contribution (ARC). ALTERNATIVE A An across the board COLA of three percent (3%) for all represented Classified employees was negotiated, effective with the first full pay period ending in April 2012 (approximately six (6) months into FY 2011/2012). Correspondingly, the minimum and maximum pay range for each represented Classified position would increase effective the first full pay period ending in April 2012. 25 City Commission Memorandum February 24, 2012 Unclassified Salary Ordinance Page 3 of6 Based on the provisions of the collective bargaining agreements between the City and its bargaining units, as well as the City's past practice of providing COLA increases to unrepresented Classified employees and Unclassified employees consistent with those negotiated for the Classified employees covered by collective bargaining agreements, the Administration recommends implementing a three percent (3%) across the board COLA, effective the first full pay period ending April 2012 (six (6) months into the FY 2011/2012), for all Classified and Unclassified employees; increasing the minimum and maximum of each pay range correspondingly by three percent (3% ); and amending Ordinance No. 1605, the Unclassified Employees Salary Ordinance of the City of Miami Beach, Florida accordingly. The Ordinance amendment will ensure that the City has an employee classification and compensation system that is reasonable and competitive. No Classified or Unclassified employee who left the City prior to the date of implementation of the proposed COLA, effective the first full pay period ending in April 2012, will be eligible for this COLA increase. The proposed three percent (3%) COLA for Unclassified employees is consistent with those negotiated for the Classified employees covered by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME); the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP); the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF); the Communication Workers of America (CWA); and the Government Supervisors Association of Florida (GSAF) and would become effective at the same time. This COLA adjustment is comparable to the 3.6% COLA that all Social Security beneficiaries commenced receiving in January 2012. This adjustment will provide additional incentives and competitiveness to attract and retain new and existing Unclassified employees. The City estimates an impact of $580,000 to the City's FY 2011/2012 operating budget for COLAs for all Unclassified employees. This estimate was compiled during the preparation for the collective bargaining process, which began in 2009 for the collective bargaining agreements that are currently in effect. This estimate did not take into account turnover rates, which have occurred and also included the adjustment to the minimum of the ranges for temporary employees. This amount was discussed, budgeted and approved by the City Commission as part of the FY 2011/2012 Budget process and is budgeted in the City's FY 2011/2012 Adopted Budget. ALTERNATIVE B In 2009, as part of the recommended classification and compensation study, the City's consultant, Condrey & Associates, made a recommendation regarding the issuance of periodic market increases (cost of living adjustments). By way of background, the purpose of the classification and compensation study was to examine the City's job classifications, make recommendations as they related to the City's classification and salary plans and appropriately update all job classifications to ensure internal equity and external competitiveness. Condrey & Associates recommended a number of personnel cost containment and best practices strategies to consider along with the classification and compensation plans. The most significant of these recommendations provided below. In addition, through 26 City Commission Memorandum February 24, 2012 Unclassified Salary Ordinance Page4of6 negotiations, a number of these recommendations were implemented and are referenced below: (1) Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) -Periodic market increases, similar to the COLA the City currently awards, should be limited to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the Miami -Fort Lauderdale area. Such increases should only be implemented when appropriate and deemed desirable by the City. (2) Step Increases I Merit Increases -Automatic step increases should be eliminated for all classifications where steps currently exist. In keeping with salary and compensation best practices, merit increases in the range of two percent (2%) to three percent (3%) should be awarded to employees meeting performance standards and whose current salary is below the maximum of the salary range for the position they are in. The current classifications in the City which include automatic step increases are the following: Lifeguard I, II and Lifeguard Lieutenant; Fire Fighter I, II, Fire Lieutenant, and Fire Captain; and Police Officer, Police Sergeant, and Police Lieutenant. With regards to merit increases, all other employee classifications are on a pay-for-performance plan, meaning that depending on how they perform during an evaluation year period, the employee is eligible for a merit increase of anywhere between zero and four percent ( 4% ). • For all classifications in AFSCME, GSA, unrepresented Classified and Unclassified employees, the maximum merit increases for general employees in the pay-for-performance plan was reduced, and now range from zero to a maximum of two percent (2%) versus the previous range of zero to a maximum of four percent ( 4% ). • Through negotiations with the CWA, the automatic step increases for the Lifeguard I, II and Lifeguard Lieutenant classifications were eliminated. These classifications are now on the pay-for-performance plan just like all other general employees. (3) Merit Increase For Employees Who Are Above The Maximum Of The Salary Range -Unlike the City's current practice of not awarding merit increases to those employees who are maxed out (other than COLA), the City should consider a policy that once employees reach the maximum of their salary range, a merit increase, based on performance, should be earned as a lump sum payment (one- time bonus) rather than being added to the base salary. This will help alleviate retention and motivation problems associated with employees who have "maxed- out" of their pay range. (4) Overtime-The City should strictly adhere to the overtime provisions in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and eliminate policies that provide more than what the law requires. In some cases, the City provides for double or triple time the salary for overtime worked, when FLSA only requires time-and-a-half. • For all classifications in the CWA, the City adheres to the overtime provisions in the FLSA and eliminated policies that provided more than what the law requires. In some cases, the City provided for double or triple time the salary for overtime worked, when FLSA only requires time-and-a-half. 27 City Commission Memorandum February 24, 2012 Unclassified Salary Ordinance Page 5 of6 (5) Salary Survey -To make sure that the City's pay structure remains in a competitive position, the City should conduct a salary survey every four (4) to five (5) years. As it relates to COLAs, Condrey recommended that periodic market increases (COLAs) should be provided but limited to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the Miami-Fort Lauderdale area. The CPI for the Miami-Fort Lauderdale area as of December 2011 was 3.1 %. The COLA adjustment provided by the U.S. Federal Government to all Social Security beneficiaries in January 2012 was 3.6%. Therefore, it is recommended that the already budgeted three percent (3%) COLA for Unclassified employees should be approved effective the first full pay period in April 2012 for any Unclassified employee who is not already at the maximum of the salary range of the position they currently hold. For any employee who may be less than three percent (3%) away from the maximum of the salary range of the position they currently hold, it is recommended that these employees receive the incremental percentage that would take them to the maximum of the salary range of their position. Below is a breakdown of the number of employees who have (1) reached the maximum of the salary range for their position; (2) whose salaries are less than three percent (3%) away from the maximum of the salary range; and (3) whose salaries are more than three percent (3%) away from the maximum of the salary range: CATEGORY #OF COST EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEES WHO HAVE REACHED THE 54 $0.00 MAXIMUM OF THEIR SALARY RANGE EMPLOYEES WHOSE SALARIES ARE LESS 9 $7,700 THAN 3 PERCENT (3%) AWAY FROM THE MAXIMUM OF THEIR SALARY RANGE EMPLOYEES WHOSE SALARIES ARE MORE 338 $410,000 THAN 3 PERCENT (3%) AWAY FROM THE MAXIMUM OF THEIR SALARY RANGE. TOTAL 401 $417,700.00 Although it has been the City's past practice to provide COLA adjustments to unrepresented Classified employees and Unclassified employees consistent with those negotiated for the Classified employees covered by collective bargaining agreements, the Administration recommends implementing up to a three percent (3%) across the board COLA, effective the first full pay period ending April 2012 (six (6) months into the FY 2011/2012), for all Unclassified employees who are not currently at the maximum of the pay range of their classification; without adjusting the minimum and maximum of the salary ranges for each classification. No Unclassified employee who left the City prior to the date of implementation of the proposed COLA, effective the first full pay period ending in April 2012, will be eligible for this COLA increase. The proposed COLA of up to three percent (3%) for Unclassified employees would become effective on the first full pay period ending April 2012, the same date COLAs 28 City Commission Memorandum February 24, 2012 Unclassified Salary Ordinance Page 6 of6 were negotiated by the five (5) bargaining units. Further, this adjustment will provide additional incentives and competitiveness to attract and retain new and existing Unclassified employees. It should be noted that while implementation of "Alternative B" is feasible, the implementation as a policy for Unclassified employees only may lead to compression issues. These issues may result in inequities between Classified and Unclassified positions and may also lead to difficulty in promoting internal applicants and may discourage upward mobility. CONCLUSION The Administration recommends approving the COLA of three percent (3% ), effective the first full pay period ending April 2012 (approximately six (6) months into the FY 2011/2012) for all Unclassified employees. If Alternative A is approved on first reading, then the Administration recommends that the second reading be set for a hearing on March 21, 2012. If Alternative B is approved, then the Administration recommends that the practice of providing for periodic COLAs without adjusting the minimum and maximum of the salary ranges for each classification be proposed and negotiated with each of the bargaining units during the upcoming contract negotiations for the 2012-2015 collective bargaining agreements to be consistent with the practice begun by the Unclassified employees. T:\AGENDA\2012\2-8-12\COLA-MEMO UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES.doc 29 ORDINANCE NO.------- AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1605, THE UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES SALARY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: PROVIDING FOR ALL UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES, EFFECTIVE THE FIRST FULL PAY PERIOD ENDING IN APRIL 2012, AN ACROSS THE BOARD COST -OF-LIVING ADJUSTMENT (COLA) OF THREE PERCENT (3%), AND A THREE PERCENT (3%) INCREASE TO THE MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM OF EACH PAY RANGE; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND CODIFICATION. WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach has approximately 400 employees who are considered Unclassified employees; and WHEREAS, during 2010, the City and its bargaining units reached agreements to amend the prior three-year collective bargaining agreements (CBAs); and WHEREAS, the successor three-year CBAs were approved by the corresponding bargaining unit members and ratified by the City Commission; and WHEREAS, in order to attain the Commission's goal of approximately $15 million savings in employee concessions for FY 2009/2010 and FY 2010/2011, the CBAs contained the following provisions as cost savings components: no cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) for the first two and one-half (2 %) years of the agreements; no merit increases for bargaining unit employees represented by AFSCME Local 1554, CWA Local 3178 and GSAF Local 100 for a period of time specified in each of these individual CBAs (eligible members of the FOP and IAFF employee groups continued to receive their step increases during this period of time); and when the merits resume, the maximum will be two percent (2%) instead of the previous maximum of four percent (4%): and WHEREAS, consistent with the concessions negotiated with the represented Classified employees the City imposed an equivalent COLA and merit/step freezes on the unrepresented Classified employees and all Unclassified employees for the same period; and 1 30 WHEREAS, an across the board COLA of three percent (3%) for all represented Classified employees was negotiated, with a corresponding increase to the minimum and maximum of each pay grade, effective with the first full pay period ending in April 2012 (approximately six (6) months into FY 2011/2012); and WHEREAS, the COLAs listed herein are consistent with those negotiated for the Classified employees covered by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1554; the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) William Nichols Lodge No. 8; the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) Local 1510; the Communication Workers of America (CWA) Local 3178; and the Government Supervisors Association of Florida (GSAF) Local 1 00; and WHEREAS, the City's past practice has been to provide COLA increases to Unclassified employees and unrepresented Classified employees (OTHERS -Group VI), consistent with the COLA negotiated by the represented Classified employees (Groups I through V); and WHEREAS, no Unclassified employee who left the City prior to the date of implementation of the COLA effective the first full pay period ending in April 2012 will be eligible for this COLA increase; and WHEREAS, there is a need to amend the salary ranges of Unclassified employees in order to ensure that the City has an employee classification and compensation system that is fair and internally and externally competitive. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: The minimum and the maximum biweekly pay ranges will be changed to reflect an employee classification and compensation system that is fair and competitive, effective the first full pay period ending in April 2012. The following lines of Section 1 of the Unclassified Salary Ordinance No. 1605 shall be amended as follows: CLASS AND PAY GRADES, SALARIES AND CLASSIFICATIONS GRADE 26 25 24 23 MINIMUM BIWEEKLY Determined by the City Commission 149,287 137,311 126,368 2 31 MAXIMUM BIWEEKLY Determined by the City Commission 240,981 221,773 204,095 22 116,296 4,607 187,828 7,441 21 1Q7,Q26 4,240 172,888 6,848 20 98,498 3,902 189,G79 6,302 19 9G,648 3,591 146,J97 5,800 18 8J,419 3,305 1 J4 ,7J1 5,337 17 76,769 3,041 12J,991 4,912 16 7G,a89 2,787 114,1Q8 4,520 15 68,Q18 2,576 1G8,Q11 4,160 14 89,8J7 2,370 96,641 3,828 13 88,G68 2,182 88,94Q 3,523 12 8Q,678 2,008 81,848 3,242 11 46,6J8 1,848 78,J28 2,984 10 42,921 1,700 69,J2Q 2,746 9 J9,8QQ 1,565 6J,797 2,527 8 a6,J82 1,440 88,712 2,326 7 aa,48a 1,325 84 ,QJ1 2,140 6 JQ,788 1,220 49,728 1,970 5 28,JJ4 1,122 48,76G 1,813 4 26,Q76 1,033 42,114 1,668 3 2J,996 951 a8,787 1,535 2 22,Q84 J8,668 -i 2Q,J24 J2,824 In compliance with Sections 2-407 through 2-410 of the City Code, entitled "Living Wage Requirements for Service Contracts and City Employees" (See Ordinance 2010-3682 and Resolution 2011-27752), the minimum and the maximum hourly rate for Ranges 2 and 1 shall be amended as follows: GRADE MINIMUM HOURLY MINIMUM HOURLY MAXIMUM RATE WITH RATE WITHOUT HOURLY RATE HEALTH HEALTH BENEFITS BENEFITS ~ 10.94 12.17 17.66 1 10.72 12.17 16.25 3 32 In compliance with Sections 2-407 through 2-410 of the City Code, entitled "Living Wage Requirements for Service Contracts and City Employees" (See Ordinance 2010- 3682 and Resolution 2011-27752), effective October 1, 2012, the minimum and the maximum hourly rate for Ranges 2 and 1, shall be as follows: GRADE MINIMUM HOURLY MINIMUM HOURLY RATE WITH RATE WITHOUT HEALTH HEALTH BENEFITS BENEFITS ~ 11.28 12.92 1 11.28 12.92 B. Grades and Classifications GRADE CLASSIFICATION 26 City Attorney 26 City Manager 25 Deputy City Manager 24 Assistant City Manager 24 Chief Deputy City Attorney 24 Chief Financial Officer 23 Deputy City Attorney 23 Fire Chief 23 Police Chief 22 Executive Assistant to the City Manager 22 Public Works Director 21 Assistant Police Chief 21 Assistant Fire Chief 21 Building Director 21 Capital Improvement Projects Director 21 City Clerk 21 First Assistant City Attorney 21 General Services Director 21 Human Resources Director 4 33 MAXIMUM HOURLY RATE 17.66 16.25 EMPLOYEE GROUP Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified 21 21 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 18 18 18 Budget & Performance Improvement Director Neighborhood Services Director Parking Director Planning Director Parks & Recreation Director Assistant Director-Building Assistant Director-Finance Community I Economic Development Director Cultural Affairs & Tourism Development Director Fire Division Chief Fire Marshall Information Technology Division Director Police Division Major Assistant Director-CIP Assistant Director -Community I Economic Development Assistant Director -Public Works Bass Museum Director Ocean Rescue Division Chief Budget Officer Chief of Staff City Engineer Code Compliance Director Community Information Manager Executive Assistant to the Chief Fleet Management Division Director Internal Auditor Labor Relations Director Police Captain Police Commander Procurement Division Director Property Management Division Director Public Information Coordinator Sanitation Director Senior Assistant City Attorney Special Assistant to the City Manager Transportation and Concurrency Manager Affirmative Action Officer Application Systems Manager Assistant Director -Neighborhood Services Assistant Director -Parking Assistant Director -Parks Assistant Director -Planning 5 34 Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 Assistant Director -Recreation Assistant Director-Tourism and Cultural Development Chief Accountant Expenditure I Treasury Manager Finance Manager Human Resources Administrator II Labor Relations Division Director Redevelopment Coordinator Revenue Manager Senior Capital Projects Coordinator Systems Support Manager Technical Services Manager Utilities Superintendent Account Manager -Finance Arts, Culture & Entertainment Director Assets Manager Assistant Director -Code Compliance Assistant Division Director -Property Management Assistant For Labor Relations Assistant to the Neighborhood Services Director Assistant Internal Auditor Call Center I Customer Service Manager Capital Improvement Administrator -Finance Capital Projects Coordinator Chief Accessibility Inspector Chief Structural Plans Examiner Code Compliance Division Director Community Development and Housing Division Director Construction Management Division Director Cultural Affairs Program Manager Economic Development Division Director Emergency Management Coordinator Employment Supervisor Geographic Information System Manager Grants Manager Historic Preservation Coordinator Housing Manager Manager-Finance Neighborhood Services Projects Administrator Office of Community Services Division Director Organizational Development & Training Coordinator Planning & Zoning Manager Preservation & Design Manager 6 35 Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Risk Manager Service Delivery Manager Special Projects Coordinator Streets, Lighting & Stormwater Superintendent Transportation Manager Assistant Director -Procurement Division Assistant Director -Sanitation Assistant City Attorney II Assistant City Clerk Capital Improvement Administrator Capital Projects Administrator Chief Building Code Compliance Officer Chief Building Inspector Chief Electrical Inspector Chief Elevator Inspector Chief Engineering Inspector Chief Fire Protection Analyst Chief Mechanical Inspector Chief Plumbing Inspector Civil Engineer Ill Claims Coordinator Community Development Coordinator Community Information Coordinator Community Resources Coordinator Database Administrator Employee Benefits Coordinator EMS Coordinator Environmental Resources Manager Film & Event Production Manager Financial Analyst Ill Human Resources Administrator I Implementation Services Manager Landscape Projects Coordinator Log Cabin Program Administrator Mayor I Commissioner Aide Office of Child Development Director Organizational Development & Training Specialist Park Facility Manager Parks Superintendent Police Plans & Policies Manager Principal Planner Project Planner/Designer PSCU Administrator 7 36 Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Public Information Officer Radio Systems Administrator Real Estate Economist Senior Auditor Senior Management Analyst Senior Management & Budget Analyst Senior Management Consultant Senior Network Administrator Senior Systems Administrator Storage Area Network Architect Tourism & Convention Director Traffic Engineer Transportation Coordinator Urban Forester Utility Billing Supervisor VOIP Network Administrator Assistant Director-Bass Museum Building Permitting Information Analyst II CDBG Projects Coordinator Central Services Coordinator Code Compliance Manager Code Compliance Supervisor Contracts Compliance Specialist Departmental ADA Coordinator Development Coordinator Development Review Services Coordinator Film & Print Coordinator Financial Analyst II Fire Protection Analyst Grants Writer I Researcher Information Technology Specialist Ill Inspection Services Coordinator Media Specialist Network Administrator Property I Evidence Supervisor Redevelopment Specialist Right-of-Way Manager Safety Officer Senior Planner Senior Plans Designer Senior Capital Projects Planner Senior Systems Analyst Senior Telecommunications Specialist 8 37 Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 Special Events Coordinator Structural Engineer Systems Administrator Administrative Manager Assistant City Attorney I Building Records Manager CDBG Program Analyst Civil Engineer II Communications Manager Community Development Specialist Construction Manager Cultural Facilities Manager Curator Curator of Collections Curator of Education Entertainment Industry Liaison Environmental Specialist Geographic Information System Analyst Housing Specialist Information Technology Specialist II Landscape Architect Legal Administrator Log Cabin Education Coordinator Management Consultant Parking Administration Manager Parking Operations Manager Police Records Manager Property Management Contracts Coordinator Records Manager Recreation Supervisor II Sanitation Superintendent Senior Procurement Specialist Systems Analyst Telecommunications Specialist Social Worker Transportation Engineer Victims Advocate Agenda Coordinator Auditor Executive Office Associate II Financial Analyst I Fleet Analyst 9 38 Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified 13 Grants Writer I Researcher Unclassified 13 Labor Relations Specialist Unclassified 13 Management & Budget Analyst Unclassified 13 Office Manager Unclassified 13 Human Resources Specialist Unclassified 13 Planner Unclassified 13 Procurement Coordinator Unclassified 13 Public Art Coordinator Unclassified 13 Public Information Specialist Unclassified 13 Security Specialist Unclassified 13 Special Events Liaison Unclassified 12 Bicycle Program Coordinator Unclassified 12 Building Permitting Information Analyst I Unclassified 12 Building Records Supervisor Unclassified 12 Civil Engineer I Unclassified 12 Community Development Technician Unclassified 12 Executive Office Associate I Unclassified 12 Field Agent Unclassified 12 Field Supervisor Unclassified 12 Homeless Program Coordinator Unclassified 12 Information Technology Specialist I Unclassified 12 Labor Relations Technician Unclassified 12 Legal Secretary Unclassified 12 Police Financial Assistant Unclassified 12 Police Public Information Officer Unclassified 12 Police Records Supervisor Unclassified 12 Registrar Unclassified 11 Case Worker Unclassified 11 Elder Affairs Coordinator Unclassified 11 Grants & Operations Administrator Unclassified 11 Ice Rink Manager Unclassified 11 Log Cabin Employment Specialist I Job Coordinator Unclassified 11 Media Assistant Unclassified 11 Office Associate V Unclassified 11 Sanitation Coordinator Unclassified 11 Truancy Prevention Program Coordinator Unclassified 10 Assistant Ice Rink Manager Unclassified 10 Code Violations Clerk Unclassified 10 Customer Service Liaison Unclassified 10 Paralegal Unclassified 10 39 9 Case Worker II Unclassified 9 Office Associate IV Unclassified 9 Field Monitor Unclassified 8 Graffiti Removal Coordinator Unclassified 7 Log Cabin Instructor Unclassified 7 Office Associate Ill Unclassified 7 Receptionist Unclassified 6 There is currently no classification in this Grade. 5 Office Associate II Unclassified 4 Log Cabin Driver I Instructor Aide Unclassified 3 Office Associate I Unclassified 2 There is currently no classification in this Grade. 1 There is currently no classification in this Grade. SECTION 2: REPEALER. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. SECTION 4: EFFECTIVE DATES. The Ordinance Amendments set forth in Section 1 above shall become effective the first full payroll period in April 2012. A three percent (3%) across the board COLA for all Unclassified employees shall become effective the first full payroll period in April 2012. SECTION 5: CODIFICATION. It is the intention of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida. The sections of this Ordinance may be 11 40 renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or other appropriate word. PASSED and ADOPTED this __ day of ________ , 2012. Matti Herrera Bower, Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE Robert Parcher, City Clerk ~_fi;N ~ 7-PI/2-Date T:\AGENDA\2012\2-8-12\COLA-ORDINANCE-UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES a.docx 12 41 RESOLUTION NO. ___ _ A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA PROVIDING FOR ALL UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES, EFFECTIVE THE FIRST FULL PAY PERIOD ENDING IN APRIL 2012, AN ACROSS THE BOARD COST- OF-LIVING ADJUSTMENT (COLA) OF UP TO THREE PERCENT (3%) FOR THOSE EMPLOYEES WHO ARE NOT CURRENTLY AT THE MAXIMUM OF THE PAY RANGE OF THEIR JOB CLASSIFICATION; AND PROVIDING NO ADJUSTMENT TO THE MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM OF EACH PAY RANGE. WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach has approximately 400 employees who are considered Unclassified employees; and WHEREAS, during 2010, the City and its bargaining units reached agreements to amend the prior three-year collective bargaining agreements (CBAs); and WHEREAS, the successor three-year CBAs were approved by the corresponding bargaining unit members and ratified by the City Commission; and WHEREAS, in order to attain the Commission's goal of approximately $15 million savings in employee concessions for FY 2009/2010 and FY 2010/2011, the CBAs contained the following provisions as cost savings components: no cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) for the first two and one-half (2 %) years of the agreements; no merit increases for bargaining unit employees represented by AFSCME Local 1554, CWA Local 3178 and GSAF Local 100 for a period of time specified in each of these individual CBAs (eligible members of the FOP and IAFF employee groups continued to receive their step increases during this period of time); and when the merits resume, the maximum will be two percent (2%) instead of the previous maximum of four percent (4%); and WHEREAS, consistent with the concessions negotiated with the represented Classified employees the City imposed an equivalent COLA and merit/step freezes on the unrepresented Classified employees and all Unclassified employees for the same period; and WHEREAS, an across the board COLA of three percent (3%) for all represented Classified employees was negotiated, with a corresponding increase to the minimum and maximum of each pay grade, effective with the first full pay period ending in April 2012 (approximately six (6) months into FY 2011/2012); and WHEREAS, as part of the adopted FY 2011/2012 operating budget approved by the City Commission, $580,000 was budgeted for all Unclassified employees to receive a three percent (3%) COLA effective with the last full pay period in April 2012; and a three percent (3%) increase to the minimum and maximum of each pay range; and 42 WHEREAS, during the February 24, 2012 Special City Commission meeting, the Administration presented to the City Commission an amendment to Ordinance No. 1605, the Unclassified Employees Salary Ordinance as "Alternative A", implementing a three percent (3%) COLA effective with the first full pay period ending in April 2012, and a three percent (3%) increase to the minimum and maximum of each pay range; and WHEREAS, the City Commission chose not to approve an amendment to Ordinance No. 1605, but instead approved "Alternative B", which provides up to a three percent (3%) COLA for those employees who are not currently at the maximum of their pay range for their job classification and does not provide any adjustment to the minimum and maximum of each pay range; and WHEREAS, the City estimates an impact of approximately $418,000 to the City's FY 2011/2012 operating budget, which is approximately $162,000 less than what was budgeted and approved by the City Commission as part of the FY 2011/2012 Budget process; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA that Unclassified employees, effective with the first full pay period ending in April 2012, shall receive an across the board cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) of up to a three percent (3%) for those employees who are not currently at the maximum of the pay ranger of their job classification; and providing no adjustment to the minimum and maximum of each pay range. PASSED and ADOPTED this __ day of--------' 2012. Matti Herrera Bower, Mayor ATTEST: Robert Parcher, City Clerk Date F:\HUMA\$aii\REG\ORDINANCES-COLA\COLA Unclassified Alternative B Resolution.docx 43 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 44 MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager ~ ~ February 24, 2012 Q SUBJECT: BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS -CITY COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Make appointments as indicated. BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 1. Affordable Housing Advisory Committee 2. Art in Public Places 3. Board of Adjustment 4. Capital Improvements Projects Oversight Committee 5. Design Review Board 6. Health Advisory Committee 7. Historic Preservation Board 8. Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council 9. Miami Beach Human Rights Committee 10. Personnel Board 11 Planning Board 12. Visitors and Convention Authority JMG/~ F:\CLER\$ALL\MARIA-M\B & C\Commission Memo B & C FOR 02-24-12.doc 45 Agenda Item ~ 9 A Date :L -J.t{ -12 Board and Committees Current Members Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Sec. 2-167 Composition: The committee shall consist of eleven (11) voting members with two (2) year terms appointed at large by a majority vote of the Mayor and City Commission: One citizen: 1) actively engaged in the residential home building industry in connection with affordable housing; 2) actively engaged in the banking or mortgage banking industry in connection with affordable housing; 3) two at-large who have resided in one of the city's historic districts for at least one year, and have demonstrated interest and knowledge in urban design and the preservation of historic buildings. 4) actively engaged as a for-profit provider of affordable housing; 5) actively engaged as a not-for-profit provider of affordable housing (Housing Authority member); 6) actively engaged as a real estate professional in connection with affordable housing; 8) actively serving on the local planning agency pursuant to Florida Statute § 163.3174 (Planning Board member); 9) who resides within the jurisdiction of the local governing body making the appointments; 10) who represents employers within the jurisdiction; 11) who represents essential services personnel as defined in the local housing assistance plan. Members of the Loan Review Committee, members of the Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC), Planning Board and Miami Beach Housing Authority may be appointed to fill any of the eleven (11) categories and serve as ex-officio voting members on this committee. If due to conflict of interest by prospective appointees, or other reasonable factor, the City is unable to appoint a citizen actively engaged in these activities in connection with affordable housing, a citizen engaged in the activity without regard to affordable housing may be appointed. City Liaison: Richard Bowman Appointments To Be Made : Michael Burnstine (7) Real Estate Prof. 12/31/2011 City Commission 12131/13 Vacancy: To replace (3) Rep. Labor Home Bl 12/31/2012 City Commission Stephanie Berman To replace (8) Local Planning Boar 12/31/2012 City Commission Jonathan Fryd To replace Roberto (6) Not For Profit 12/31/2012 City Commission DaTorre To replace Clark (9) Res. Juris. Local Gvt 12/31/2013 City Commission Reynolds To replace Dr. (1 0) Rep. Empl. with/ju 12/31/2013 City Commission Barry Ragone To replace Ada (4) Low-Income Advoc. 12/31/2013 City Commission Llerandi To replace Brian (1) Res. Home Bldg. 12/31/2012 City Commission Ehrlich To replace Lianne (11) Rep. Essential Serv 12/31/2013 City Commission Pastoriza To replace Robert (5) For Profit 12/31/2012 City Commission Saland Members: Name Last Name Position/Title Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: 46 Board and Committees Current Members Juan Applicants Amy Perry Arian Adorno Karen Fryd Mark Wohl Rojas (2) Banking/Mortgage Positionffitle 12/31/2012 City Commission Applicants Andrew Fischer Dr. Barry Ragone Marie Towers Positionffitle 12131/16 ~----~,~--~--,--~--==~=-------~--------~----------------~~ Wednesday, February 15, 2012 Page 2 of 52 47 AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE (AHAC) -Eligible Appointees November 2011 Categories-One Citizen: Past member/eligible and Applicants/eligible for appointment to REHCD willing to be re-appointed fill vacancy RECOMMENDATION 1 Actively engaged in the residential home Stephanie Berman/CarrFour Robert Sa land/Landmark Cos. Robert Sa land building industry in connection with affordable housing. 2 Actively engaged in the banking or mortgage David Smith/ LG Capital Juan Rojas/ Gibraltar Bank Juan Rojas banking industry in connection with Partners (Mtg. Banking) affordable housing. 3 Representative of those areas of labor David Smith/ LG Capital Partners (Mtg. David Smith actively engaged in home building in Banking) connection with affordable housing 4 Actively engaged as an advocate for Jeremy Glazer/Gov't program director/The Jeremy Glazer affordable housing Good Governmentment Initiative Stephanie Berman Barry Ragone 5 Actively engaged as a for-profit provider of Robert Sa land Robert Sa land Muayad Abbas affordable housing Muayad Abbas/real estate consulting/Urbanis Advisors 6 Actively engaged as a not-for-profit provider Stephanie Berman Stephanie Berman of affordable housing low-income persons in connection with 1 Actively engaged as a real estate Michael Burnstine Mark Wohl/real estate investments/Marcus & MarkWohl professional in connection with affordable Millichap housine: Adrian Adorno/real estate broker/New Age Properties Andrew Fischer/real estate owner-mgr/Euclid LLC Charles Urstadt/real esate broker/Urstadt Real Estate LLC 8 Actively serves on the local planning agency Jonathan Fryd Jonathan Fryd Jonathan Fryd pursuant to Florida State 163.3174 9 Resides within the jurisdiction of the local Clark Reynolds Michael Burnstine Stephanie Berman Arian Adorno governing body making the appointments MarkWohl Andrew Fischer Muayad Abbas Charles Urstadt Jeremy Glazer Jeremy White Marie Towers GuySimani Barry Ragone Robert Saland Arian Adorno 10 Represents employers within the Marie Towers/job developer/case GuySimani jurisdiction. worker/UNlOAD Guy Simani/business consulting- networking/YidBiz 11 Represents essential service personnel, as Amy Perry/hospital administration/ Mt. Sinai Amy Perry defined in the LHAP 48 Board and Committees Current Members Art in Public Places Composition: Two (2) year term. Appointed by a minimum of 4 votes. Sec. 82-561 Seven (7) members to be appointed by a majority of the entire City Commission, and who shall possess a high degree of competence in evaluation of art history and architectural history, art, architecture, sculpture, painting, artistic structure design and other appropriate art media for display or integration in public places. City Liaison : Dennis Leyva Appointments To Be Made : Lisette Olemberg Golds 12/31/2011 City Commission 12/31/14 Rhonda Mitrani-Buchman (TL 12/31/2012) 12/31/2011 City Commission 12/31/12 Vacancy: To replace Flavia Lowenstein Members: Name Elizabeth James Janda Megan Applicants Adrian Gonzalez Annette Fromm Antoinette Zel Britta Hanson Dale Stine Last Name Resnick Lloyd Wetherington Riley Elizabeth Schwartz Francis Trullenque Kathleen Kowall Leslie Tobin Lisa Austin Mark Alhadeff Molly Leis Pamela Palma Robert Barrera Silvia Ros Wetherington Janda Zarco Cyn Position/Title (TL 12/31/2012) Positiontritle 12/31/2013 City Commission Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/12 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/16 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/16 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/16 Applicants Position/Title Ana Cordero Anthony Japour Brian Levin Claire Warren David Lombardi Emma DeAibear llija Mosscrop Larkin Menezes Lisa Austin Maria Rodriguez Merri Mann Mykel (Michael) Tulloch Patricia Fuller Rosemarie Murillo Likens Stella Gelsomino Xavier Cortada Zoila Datorre 49 Board and Committees Current Members Board of Adjustment Composition: Two (2) year term. Appointed by a 5/?th vote. RSA 1-2 Sec 118· 1 <t1 Seven (7) voting members composed of two members appointed as citizens at-large and five members shall be appointed from each of the following categories (no more than one per category), namely: Law, Architecture, Engineering, Real Estate Development, Certified Public Accountant, Financial Consultation, and General Business. The members representing the professions of law, architecture, engineering and public accounting shall be duly licensed by the State of Florida; the member representing general business shall be of responsible standing in the community, and each member shall be bound by the requirements of the Conflict of Interest Ordinance of the city and shall be subject to removal from office for the violation of the terms thereof. No member shall have any financial or other interest in any matter coming before the board. Members shall be apppointed for a term of two years by a five-seventh vote of the city commission. Members of the Board of Adjustment must be either residents of or have their principal place of business in Miami Beach; provided, however, that this amendment shall not affect the term of existing members of the Board of Adjustment. City Liaison: Antonieta Stohl Appointments To Be Made : Alexander Annunziato At-large Bryan Rosenfeld CPA Sherry Roberts General Business Lior Members: Name Andrew Joy Richard Applicants Alan Fishman Avi Ciment Brian Ehrlich Dov Konetz Leser Last Name Resnick Malakoff Preira Gabriel Paez Jonathan Beloff Micky Ross Steinberg Rafael Velasquez Roberta Gould Scott Needelman Financial Consultation Position/Title Real Estate Developer At-Large Law Position/Title 12/31/2011 City Commission 12131/13 12/31/2011 City Commission 12131/15 12131/2011 City Commission 12131/13 12131/2011 City Commission 12131/13 Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: 12131/2012 City Commission 12131/15 12131/2012 City Commission 12/31/16 12131/2012 City Commission 12131/16 Applicants Position/Title Alexander Annunziato Brent Coetzee Brian Gilderman Elsa Urquiza Jessica Conn Josh Gimelstein Noah Fox Robert Newman Roger Houle ~·~~---~~~---~·~-~ .. -~,·~·-·,_.---···---~·-------------------~,__----------~ Wednesday, February 15, 2012 Page 5 of 52 50 Board and Committees Current Members Capital Improvements Projects Oversight Committee 2-190-127 Composition: The Capital improvement projects oversight committee shall consist of nine (9) voting members, eight (8) of whom shall be appointed by the city commission as a whole (at-large-appointees), and one (1) member appointed by the Mayor or designee, and one (1) non-voting ex-officio member selected from three nominees. The membership of the committee shall further be comprised as follows: 1. The mayor or his/her designee, who shall sit as a voting member of the committee, and shall also serve as chair person of the committee; 2. At least two (2) members shall be selected with experience in one of the following technical fields: a. engineering; b. architecture and/or landscape architecture; or historic preservation; 3. At least two (2) members shall be selected with experience in one of the following technical fields: a. construction/general contractor; or b. developer; 4. Two (2) members shall be selected with experience in the following technical field and/or the following category: a. capital budgeting and/or finance; or b .. citizen-at-large; and 5. The remaining two (2) members shall be selected from any of the technical experience categories set forth in subsections (2) or (3) above. 6. One (1) non-voting ex-officio member shall be either a member of the disabled community or a person with special knowledge of Americans with Disiabilities Acts (ADA) issues in order to provide accessibility-related input to the committee. · City Liaison: Fernando Vazquez Appointments To Be Made : Saul Gross (1) Mayor Designee Christina Cuervo (C5) Developer Eleanor Carney (C4) At-large Elizabeth Camargo (C2) Architect Vacancy: Members: To replace Fred (C3) Developer Karlton To replace Richard (C5) Engineer (Rick) Kendle 12/31/2011 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/2011 City Commission 12/31/2011 City Commission 12/31/2011 City Commission 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/15 12/31/13 12/31/15 12/31/13 Name Last Name Position/Title Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: Dwight Kraai (2) Engineer 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/13 Stacy Kilroy (C3) Const/Gen Contrac 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/13 Tony Trujillo (C4) Cap.Budg/Finance 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/16 Applicants Positionffitle Applicants Position/Title Ill-~""""' Wednesday, February 15,2012 Page 7 of 52 (Continued .... 51 Board and Committees Current Members Annsheila Turkel Cheryl Jacobs Dominique Bailleul lvette Isabel Borrello James Lloyd Josh Gimelstein Rima Gerhard Brian Ehrlich Christian Folland Gerhard Rima Jacobs Jacobs Jason Green Michael Laas Ronald Starkman 52 Page 8 of 52 Board and Committees Current Members Design Review Board Composition: Two (2) year term. Appointed by a minimum of 4 votes. Seven (7) regular members and two (2) ex-officio members. The seven (7) regular members shall consist of: two (2) registered architects, Sec.118.71 one (1) registered architect or a member of the faculty of a school of architecture, urban planning or urban design in the state, with practical or academic expertise in the field of design, planning, historic preservation or the history of architecture, or a professional architectural designer or professional urban planner one (1) registered landscape architect, one (1) registered architect, professional designer or professional urban planner, and two (2) citizens at-large. One person appointed by the City Manager from an eligibility list provided by the Disability Access Committee shall serve in an advisory capacity with no voting authority. The Planning Director, or designee and the City Attorney or designee shall serve in an advisory capacity. Residency and place of business in the county. The two (2) citizen-at-large members and one of the registered landscape architects, registered architects, professional designer or professional urban planners shall be residents of the city. City Liaison: Thomas Mooney Appointments To Be Made : Seraj Jason Vacancy: Members: Saba Hagopian Landscape Architect Registered Architect To replace Thomas Reg. Architect DeLuca To replace At-large Gabrielle Redfern To replace Michael Urban Planner La as 12/31/2011 City Commission 12/31/2011 City Commission 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/2012 City Commission 12131/13 12131/15 Name Last Name Position/Title Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: Carol Lilia Gary Held Richard Lorber Vacant Applicants Housen Medina At-large Urban Planner advisory/City Attorney Designee advisory/Acting Planning Director ex-officio/Disability Access Committee Positionffitle Alexander Annunziato Britta Hanson Daniel Garcia Elsa Urquiza Gilbert Squires 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/2012 City Commission Applicants Beth Dunlop Bryan Rosenfeld Elizabeth Camargo Francis Steffens Ileana Bravo-Gordon Position/Title 12/31/16 12/31/15 ~~~~~~--~~~~--;------------------------~~~----~~~------Wednesday, February 15,2012 Page 18 of 52 (Continued .... 53 Board and Committees Current Members Jane Gross Jessica Conn Larkin Menezes Leslie Tobin Michael Bernstein Ray Breslin Scott Needelman Zarco Cyn Wednesday, February 15, 2012 Jason Hagopian John Stuart Leonard Wien, Jr. Manuel Minagori Pamela Palma Roberta Gould Seth Wasserman 54 Page 19of52 Board and Committees Current Members Health Advisory Committee Sec. 2-81 2002· Composition: Eleven (11) voting members. Appointed by the City Commission at-large, upon recommendations of the City Manager: One (1) member shall be the chief executive officer (CEO's) or a designated administrator from Mount Sinai Medical Center, One (1) member shall be the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) from Stanley C. Myers Community Health Center or his/her designee administrator; Two (2) member shall be an administrator from an Adult Congregate Living Facility (ACLF). And/or an Assisted Living Facility (ALF); One (1) member shall be a representative from the nursing profession; One (1) member shall be a health benefits provider; Two (2) members shall be physicians.; Two (2) members shall be consumers consisting of: 1) one (1) individual from the corporate level and ; 2) one (1) private individual. One member shall be a physician or an individual with medical training or experience. There shall be one (1) non-voting ex-officio representative from each of the following: The Miami Dade County Health Department, the Health Council of South Florida, and the Fire Rescue Department. The director of the Office of the Children's Affairs shall be added as a non-voting ex- officio member of the board. City Liaison: Clifton Leonard Appointments To Be Made : Tobi Ash Nursing Profession 12/31/2011 City Commission Harold Foster Private Individual 12/31/2011 City Commission Shaheen Wirk Private Individual 12/31/2011 City Commission Baruch Members: Name Anthony Dr. Andrew Dr. Jay Dr. Stacey Kathryn Rachel Steven Maria Ruiz Marisel Losa Jacobs M.D. Health Provider Last Name Position/Title Japour ACLF Null man Physician Rein berg Physician Kruger Physician Abbate CEO MB Community Health Schuster ACLF Son en reich CEO/MI. Sinai/MH (NTL) ex-officio, Director of Children's Affairs Rep. from the Health Council of South Fla 12/31/2011 City Commission Term Ends: Appointed by: 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/15 12/31/15 12/31/15 12/31/15 Term Limit: 12/31/16 12/31/14 12/31/16 12/31/16 12/31/16 Applicants Positionffitle Applicants Positionffitle Caroline Cardenas Daniel Brady ivan Rusilko Michael Baum Paul Venette Wednesday, February 15, 2012 Charlotte Tomic Eli Strohli Jared Plitt Michael Steffens Samuel Reich 55 Page 24 of 52 (Continued .... Board and Committees Current Members Todd Narson Wednesday, Febntary IS, 2012 Page 25 of 52 56 Board and Committees Current Members Historic Preservation Board Composition: Two (2) year term. Appointed by a minimum of 4 votes. Seven (7) members. There shall be a member from each of the following categories: 1) A representative from the Miami Design Preservation League (MDPL); Selected from three names nominated by the League. 2) A representative from Dade Heritage Trust (DHT); Selected from three names nominated by the Trust. Sec.118·101 3) Two at-large member who have resided in one of the city's historic districits for at least one year, and have demostrated ineterest and knowledge in urban design and the preservation of historic buildings. · 4) An architect registered in the State of Florida with practical experience in the rehabilitation of historic structures; 5) A registered architect, registered landscape architect, professional designer or professional urban planner with practical experience in the rehabilitation of historic structures; or an attorney, or a licensed engineer who has professional experience and demonstrated interest in historic preservation.; 6) A member of the faculty of a school of architecture in the State of Florida, with academic expertise in the field of design and historic preservation or the history of architecture, with a preference for an individual with practical experience in architecture and the preservation of historic structures. City Liaison: Thomas Mooney Appointments To Be Made : David Henry Vacancy: Members: Name Dominique Herb Jane Josephine Wieder Lares To replace Norberta Rosenstein Last Name Bailleul Sosa Gross Manning Attorney Faculty Member Reg. Architect Position/Title At-large MDPL Dade Heritage At-large Applicants Position!fitle Andrew Fischer Daniel Garcia Francis Steffens Jessica Jacobs Josh Gimelstein Michael Bernstein Noah Fox 12/31/2011 City Commission 12/31/2011 City Commission 12/31/2013 City Commission Term Ends: Appointed by: 12/31/2012 City Commission 12131/2012 City Commission 12131/2012 City Commission 12131/2012 City Commission 12/31/15 12131/13 Term Limit: 12/31/16 12131/15 12/31/16 12131/14 Applicants Position/Title Beth Dunlop Elizabeth Pines Jeffrey Cohen John Stuart Marilys Nepomechie Morris Sunshine Raymond Adrian 57 Board and Committees Current Members Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council Composition: Three (3) years term. Vacancies submitted by slate of candidates provided by the council. Sec. 2·51 Eleven (11) members to be appointed at-large by a majority vote of the Mayor and City Commission. Effective December 31, 2001, concurrent with the expiration of the terms of six (6) members of the council, and the resulting vacancies thereon, three (3) members shall be appointed for three (3) year terms each, provided that one of those appointments shall be to fill the vacancy of the one (1) year term expiring on December 31, 2001, and three (3) members shall be appointed for two (2) year terms each. Additionally, effective December 31, 2002, no council member may serve more than six (6) consecutive years. City Liaison: Gary Farmer Appointments To Be Made : Zoila Ed a Gregory Vacancy: Members: Datorre Valero-Figueira Melvin To replace Ileana Bravo-Gordon To replace Solomon Genet To replace Israel Sands 12/31/2011 City Commission 12/31/2011 City Commission 12/31/2011 City Commission 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/2013 Oty Commission 12/31/14 12/31/14 12/31/15 Name Last Name Position/Title Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: Beatrice Daniel Isadore Marjorie Nina Applicants Annette Fromm Brian Levin Charles Million Elizabeth Pines George Durham Jean Fils Jonathan Parker Kumar Prakash Mark Alhadeff Merle Weiss Molly Leis Hornstein Novela Havenick O'Neill-Butler Duval Monica Minagorri Oliver Oberhauser Paul Venette Robert Barrera Tamra Sheffman Wednesday, February 15,2012 Position/Title 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/2013 City Commission Applicants Antoinette Zel Calvin Kohli Darin Feldman Eugenio Cabreja Janda Wetherington Jenna Ward Karlene Mcleod Maria Cifuentes Marrero Melvin Brazer Michael McManus Monica Harvey Nathaniel Korn Patti Hernandez Rebecca Diaz Robert Newman Wetherington Janda Position/Title 12/31/15 12/31/15 12/31/13 12/31/15 12/31/13 Page 33 of 52 (Continued .... 58 Board and Committees Current Members Zarco Cyn -----·------------------------------------------------------Wednesday, February 15, 2012 Page34 of 52 59 MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE .CITY MANAGER NO.· LTC # [ 005·20 12 l LETTER TO COMMISSION . I I I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: :. ----------_ _./ Mayo.r Matti Herrera Bower·and Members of the. City Comm'ission Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager C"A·~ January 6, 2012 u ·... Q Cultural Arts Council Vacancies· This .Letter to Commission is intended to provide you information regarding current vacancies on the Cultur~l Arts Council (CAC). There are currentlythree (3) vacancies on the CAC, resulting from the term.-limits. of Ileana Bravo ~_nd lsrat;~l Sands,. as· wen as the resignation of Solomon Genet. Three (3) .other members, Zoila Datorre, Eda Valero-Figueira and Greg MelVin, have expiring terms and are .. eligible for reappointment. Adhering te the guideliRes set for:th in the Ordinance e.$tabli.shing the CAC, a Nominating Committee was· convened ali November 14. 2011· to review and screen interested candidates for these positions~ -The City Clerk's Office provided the Nominating Committee with twenty .. eight (28) applications for the three vac~ncie~. and nine of those candidates met with the Committee and were deemed to be suitable candidates. · At its December 14, 2011 meeting, the CAC approved the recommendation of the Nominating Committee to request reappointment of Zoila Datorre, EdaValero-Figueir:a and· Greg Melvin, and to submit the names pf the appiicants whom they interviewed for consideration for the three vacancies. Those applicants were:· Cyn Zarco; . ·Oliver Oberhauser; Elizabeth .Pines; Robert Barrera; Mark Alhadeff; Merle Weiss; Michael McManus; Karlene Mcleod; and George Durham. The nine applications and resumes are attached. Pursuant to Section 2-55(d) of Ordinance No. 97-3075, as amended, establishing the Miami Beach Ctlltural Arts Council (CAO) "vacancies on the Council st'1all be filled by the Mayor and City Commission. In filling any vacancy, the Mayor and City Commission may seiect a replacement CounCil meillberfrom·a list ofthree·(3) candidates which ·shall be submitted by the remaining member:s of the. C.ouncil." .Fuitt.ler, "the individual members of the City Commission may supplement the Council's suggested iist with additional ~mas,·.of candidates or, if neither the candidates on the Council's suggested list ·nor the. atldit~al. ?.J names submitted Qy the indiVidual members of the City Commissien ;are appr<JVed;c..the ·m Council shall submit an entirely different list;• fc:wcoosiderati!Jn. p. ~·. ('") Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, JMG\HF\MAS\gf c: H.ilda Fernandez, Assistant City Manager Max A. Sklar, T.oarism ar.1d. Cultural D.ev:elopment Director Gary Farmer, Cultural Affairs·Prograni Manager F:\info\$ALL\Max\TCD\L TC\CAC Vacancies.doc 60 r1 I ··11 :X:i .CIT' : -;;.:; -• -o .,c: (./) ._. ·--m 0 &" :;l. ... '==' Board and Committees Current Members Miami Beach Human Rights Committee 2010-3669 Composition: The committee shall consist of a minimum of five (5) and a maximum of eleven (11) members, with one (1) out of every five (5) members, to be a direct appointment by the Mayor, and with the remaining members to be at-large appointments of the City Commission. · The members of the committee shall reflect as nearly as possible, the diversity of individuals protected under the City's Human Rights Ordinance. In keeping with this policy, not less than two (2) months prior to making appointments or re-appointments to the committee, the City Manager shall solicit nominations from as many public service groups and other sources, which he/she deems appropriate, as possible. At least one (1) of the committee members shall possess, in addition to the general qualifications set forth herein for members, a license to practice law in the State of Florida; be an active member of and in good standing with the Florida Bar, and have experience in civil rights law. The attorney member shall also serve as chair of the committee. City Uaison: Ralph Granado Appointments To Be Made : Walker Burttschell Elsa Urquiza Alan Fishman Elizabeth Schwartz Law Michael Andrews Members: Name Last Name Position/Title Carlos J Ortuno Dr. Barry Ragone Rafael Trevino Todd Narson Applicants Positionffitle Erik Carrion Luis Herrera Monica Harvey ----~~~~--~~---------------Wednesday, February 15,2012 12/31/2011 City Commission 12/31/16 12/31/2011 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/16 12/31/2011 City Commission 12/31/16 12/31/2011 City Commission 12/31/16 12/31/2011 City Commission 12/31/16 Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/2012 City Commission Applicants Position/Title Ivana Vento Michael Perlmutter William Warren Jr. Page35of52 61 12/31/16 12/31/16 12/31/16 12/31/16 Board and Committees Current Members Personnel Board Sec. 2·190.66 Composition: Ten (10) members appointed by a 5/7 vote. Six (6) of which shall! be citizens of Miami Beach not in the employment of the city, each having a different vocation; and three (3) regular employees of the City of Miami Beach, to be elected by the probationary and regular employees of the city and who shall be elected from the employees of regular status in the respective groups: Group I shall consist of the employees of the Police Department, Fire Department and Beach Patrol Department, Group II shall consist of employees who are in clerical and executive positions, Group III shall consist of all other employees, The Personnel Director is a non-voting member. City Uaison: Ramiro Inguanzo Appointments To Be Made : Michael Perlmutter (TL 12131/2012) 12131/2011 City Commission 12131/12 Rosalie Pincus 12131/2011 City Commission 12131/15 Vacancy: Members: Name David Gabriel Mojdeh Christopher Diaz Evette Phillips George Castell Ramiro Inguanzo To replace Barbara Patchen 12/31/2013 City Commission Last Name Position/Title Term Ends: Appointed by: Alschuler (TL 12/31/2012) 12131/2012 Paez 12131/2012 Khaghan 12131/2012 elected 07/20/2011 exp. 7/31/2014-Group I elected 06/26/2009 exp. 7/31/2012 Group III elected 07/23/2010 exp. 7/31/2013 Group II Human Resources Director City Commission City Commission City Commission Term Limit: 12131/12 12131/15 12/31/16 Applicants Positionffitle Applicants Position/Title Brent Coetzee Elsa Orlandini Raquel Elejabarrieta Wednesday, February 15,2012 Carlos Condarco Gail Harris Richard Preira 62 Board and Committees Current Members Planning Board Sec.118·51 Composition: Two (2) year term. Appointed by a minimum of 4 votes. Seven (7) regular voting members. The voting members shall have considerable experience in general business, land development, land development practices or land use issues. The board shall at a minimum be comprised of: one registered architect or a member of the faculty of a school of architecture in the state, with practical or academic expertise in the field of design, planning, historic preservation or the history of architecture, or a professional architectural designer or professional urban planner, one developer, one attorney who has considerable experience in land use and zoning issues, and one person who has education and/or experience in historic preservation issues. For purposes of this section, the term "education and/or experience in historic preservation issues" shall be a person who meets one or more. of the following criteria: (1). Has earned a college degree in historic preservation (2). Is responsible for the preservation, revitalization or adaptive reuse of historic buildings; or (3). Is recognized by the city commission for contributions to historic preservation, education or planning. No person except a resident of the city, or an individual having their main business interest in the city shall be eligible for appointment to the Planning Board. City Liaison: Katia Hirsh. Appointments To Be Made : Jonathan Bel off Attorney Jonathan Fryd Developer Henry Stolar General Business Vacancy: To replace Seth General Business Frohlich Members: Name Last Name Daniel Veitia Leslie Tobin Randy Weisburd Applicants Alexander Annunziato Beth Dunlop Bryan Rosenfeld Daniel Garcia Frank Kruszewski Gilbert Squires Jeffrey Cohen John Stuart Leonard Wien, Jr. Maria Gomez Michael Bernstein Wednesday, February 15,2012 Position/Title Historic Preservation Architect General Business Positionffitle 12/31/2011 City Commission 12/31/15 12/31/2011 City Commission 12/31/13 12/31/2011 City Commission 12/31/13 12/31/2013 City Commission Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/2012 City Commission Applicants Avi Ciment Brian Ehrlich Charles Urstadt Francis Steffens Gary Twist Jane Gross Jessica Conn Joy Malakoff Liar Leser Mark Alhadeff Scott Needelman 63 Positiontritle Page41 of52 12/31/14 12/31/16 12/31/13 Board and CommiUees Current Members Visitor and Convention Authority Composition: Two (2) year term. Appointed by a minimum of 4 votes. Seven (7) member who shall be permanent residents of Miami-Dade County. Sec. 1 02-246 The seven (7) members of the authority shall be representative of the community as follows: 1) Not less than two (2) nor more than three (3) members shall be representative of the hotel industry; 2) and the remaining members none of whom shall be representative of the hotel industry, shall represent the community at-large. Any member of the authority or employee therefore violating or failing to comply with provisions of this artide shall be deem to have vacated his office or position. City Liaison: Grisette Roque. Appointments To Be Made : Jaqueline Hertz At-large 12/31/2011 City Commission Jeff Lehman Hotel Industry 12/31/2011 City Commission Micky Ross Steinberg At-large 12/31/2011 City Commission Keith Menin Hotel Industry 12/31/2011 City Commission Vacancy: Members: To replace Elsie Sterling Howard At-large 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/15 12/3.1/15 Name Last Name Position/Title Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: Aaron Steven Applicants Antoinette Zel Calvin Kohli Christine Taplin Perry Adkins Diana Fontani Martinez Frank Kruszewski Harold Foster Israel Sands Jeffrey Graff Joy Malakoff Karlene Mcleod Margaret (Peggy) Benua Mykel (Michael) Tulloch Nesip Toykan Steven Gonzalez Wednesday, February 15, 2012 At-Large At-large Positionffitle 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/2012 City Commission Applicants Brian Richard Charles Million Christopher Todd Eric Lawrence George Castillo Ileana Bravo-Gordon James Lloyd Jennifer Diaz Karen Brown Leif Bertrand Mark Tamis Natalia Datorre Prakash Kumar Zahara Mossman 64 Position/Title Page50of52 12/31/16 12/31/14 IV\ I A/V\ I (VISITOR ,A,ND .. ~~ ......... ~ CONVENTION B E: /J\ C .. I·-~ AUTHORITY January 30, 2012 Mayor and Commission City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Dear Mayor and Commission: The Miami Beach Visitor and Convention Authority (MBVCA) would like to thank you for your support of pur efforts for FY 2011/2012. To assist the MBVCA in conducting business, we kindly request the reappointment of our Chair, Jeff Lehman and members Jacqueline Hertz, Keith Menin, and Micky Ross Steinberg. We will be sending another letter with a slate of recommendations for the vacancy caused by the term limit of our Chair Elsie Sterling Howard. Jeff Lehman, Chair (Hotelier) was appointed Chair of the MBVCA on January 27, 2012. He was appointed to the MBVCA in February 2008 after previously serving on the board from 2001 through 2007. He has been working in the Hospitality Industry in Miami Beach for the past 14 years. He is currently managing the Betsy Hotel, a boutique property in Miami Beach's South Beach. Prior to this, he assisted with the restoration of Miami Beach's historic gem, the National Hotel, and was the hotel's General Manager until it was sold in 2007. His extensive experience in the hotel and cruise industries span 30 years and has included positions in Tahiti, Japan, Hawaii, Seattle, San Francisco, Miami and his hometown, Los Angeles. He has also served as a board member on the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau Board of Directors,• Mayor's Blue Ribbon Task Force on Tourism and was the past Vice Chair of the Collins Avenue Reconstruction Task Force. He currently is on the Board of the Greater Miami & the Beaches Hotel Association. In 2009, Mr. Lehman accompanied Mayor Bower and a local delegation on a goodwill journey to our sister city of Fujisawa, Japan, to further this diplomatic and economic relationship. Mr. Lehman was re-elected as the MBVCA's Vice Chair in December 2008. · Jacque Hertz (At-Large) was appointed to the MBVCA in January 2008 and is an At-Large member. She is the founder and owner of Angel Care Management, Inc. and a longtime Miami Beach resident. Ms. Hertz is the current President of the Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health Center and the South Florida Guardianship Association and serves on several other boards including AYUDA, Florida State Guar:dianship Association, Miami Jewish Home & Hospital and is a Founder at Mount Sinai Medical Center and Miami Jewish Home & Hospital. Ms. Hertz's many recognitions include receiving 'A Woman Worth Knowing' award from the City of Miami Beach Commission on the Status of Women; a Humanitarian Award from Prime Time Seniors, Inc.; 'Woman of the Year'' award from the Junior Auxiliary of the Miami Jewish Home & Hospital, and a Certificate of Appreciation from the Circuit Court of the State of Florida, Eleventh Judicial Circuit in Miami -Dade County. · Keith Menin (Hotelier) was appointed to the MBVCA in February 2010. A resident of Miami Beach since childhood, Principal of Menin Hotels Keith Menin began his career in the hospitality industry at the front desk of The Shelborne Hotel while he was still in high school. Shortly thereafter, he attended The School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University and began to design his first hotel, The Sanctuary South Beach, at the age of 24. At 26, Menin had a new idea to convert a residential building on West Avenue, fronting Biscayne Bay to a hotel residence. Partnering with Morgans Hotel Group, Menin successfully created the impressive Mondrian South Beach. Menin has since developed Bentley Hotel South Beach, the Raffaello Hotel in Chicago and his latest venture the same hotel where he was employed at the age of 15, The Shelborne. A portfolio that even the most seasoned hoteliers would be envious of, Menin has added restaurants to the list such as Vesper Cafe & Brasserie, Pizza Bar, Bar Tanaka and Lucy's Cantina Royale. 777 17th Street " Suite 402A ~ Miami Beach, Florida 33139 " www.miamibeachvca.com o Tel: 305-673-7050 o Fax: 305-673-7282 65 Micky Ross Steinberg {At-Large) was appointed to the MBVCA in April 2010. Not only is she a successful Realtor with Palm Properties of South Florida, but she has deep roots in Miami Beach and continues to contribute to the betterment of our great City. Micky grew up in Miami Beach and is now raising her two year old daughter here with her husband, State Representative Richard Steinberg. Prior to dedicating herself full time as a Realtor, Micky worked in special event planning, nightlife and restaurant businesses in Miami Beach. Among her various civic involvements, Micky was a member of the Miami Beach Police Department's Police/Citizen Relations Committee, Public Policy Committee of Jewish Community Services, the Greater Miami Jewish Federation and is a Lifetime Member of Hadassah. Because of her civic involvement, Micky was recognized as a Woman of Valor by the Aventura Turn berry Jewish Center in 2008. The MBVCA continues to have a significant commitment to tourism and tourist-related issues in Miami Beach; recruiting knowledgeable and experienced members to our Board is critical. We are available to answer any questions, when and if they arise. Thank you for your attention. Ji ~oque areas Executive Director Cc: Robert Parcher, City Clerk MBVCA Board Members Harold Rosen, Esq. 66 ttl MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager FROM: Matti Herrera Bower, Mayor ~bv../ ·~ /IVt. tt(5 DATE: February 14,2012 SUBJECT: Boards& Committees: appointment of a member to the Housing Authority Please place on the Feb. 24, 2012 Special Commission meeting agenda my appointment of Peter Chevalier for Commissioner to the Housing Authority. His resume is attached. I thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Rebecca Wakefield at extension 6157. ·Thank you. MHB/rw We are cammilted Ia providing excellent public service ond safely to all wha live, work, and play in aur 67 Agenda ltem____..;..R_9_1\_\_ Date ;t -J<t -12--- CHEVALIER LLC Architecture & Construction Mgt. Friday, June 17,2011 Mayor Mattllierrera Bower Office of the Mayor & COmmission, 41 h Floor 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL33139 Email: matti@miamibeachfl.gov Re: Appointment to liousing Authority Commission Dear Mayor Bower: SBA HubZone Small Business Due to the unfortunate passing away of leonard Turkel, I have submitted my application for appointment to the Housing Authority Commission. I had already intended to do this when the term limit for this position would have been reached in October of this year. I feel confident that my experience as a board member of the Design Review Board and on construction management assignments in Miami Beach would enhance my ability to contribute to this position. I am hopeful that my past commitment to the ORB has demonstrated the qualities that one would desire in a candidate and gain the support of your office as well as that of the Housing Authority's Staff. Please find enclosed a copy of the application that I have submitted to the Office of the Clerk as well as a copy of my resume. I would be delighted to come to your office to meet with you and discuss this in more detail if that would help you with your decision. Peter A. Chevalier Chevalier LLC 145 Jefferson Avenue, #411 Miami Beach, Fl33139 T. 786.556.4569 F. 786.752.3258 E. pchevalier@chevllc.com 68 CHEVALIER LLC Architecture -Construction Mgt PETER A. CHEVALIER, MGMR FIELDS OF SPECIALIZATION Architectural Design & Planning Historic Rehabilitation/Adaptive Reuse Construction Mgt./Owner Representation EDUCATION Syracuse University, Florence, Italy Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York REGISTRATIONS Florida New York AlA CERTIFICATIONS SBA SMALL EMERGING BUSINESS SBA HUBZONE FIRM MIAMI DADE COUNTY CBE/A&E (Tech. Cert.) LEED Green Associate NAICS SERVICE CODES 541310 Architectural Services 236116 Construction Management, Multifamily Building Masters of Architecture (M. Arch II) Bachelor of Architecture 1991 1988 AR 94822 029785-1 30132814 01/25/2011 CBE App. Pending 2011 236220 Construction Management, Commercial & Institutional Building EXPERIENCE Chevalier lie was formed in Florida in early 2003 to deliver professional architectural services and strong construction management on behalf of its clients. Prior to 2003, Mr. Chevalier practiced architecture for ten years in Italy working in collaboration with Ricci -Spaini Architects in Rome & Florence, Italy. During this period, projects for international clients requiring strong project management skills were successfully completed in Italy, Albania, Kosovo and Egypt. Mr. Chevalier was a member of the design-build project team for the New USAID Headquarters in Cairo, Egypt, in collaboration with ABB SUSA and SOM, NY. Over the course of the eight years that Chevalier LLC has resided in Miami Beach, Mr. Chevalier has served on the Miami Beach Design Review Board for the maximum term of six years. Mr. Chevalier served as the DRB Chair for two years. Mr. Chevalier is currently a board member of the March Of Dimes, South Florida Chapter and the Miami Beach Community Church. Chevalier LLC 145 Jefferson Avenue, #411 Miami Beach, FL 33139 T. 786.556.4569 F. 786.752.3258 E. pchevalier@chevllc.com 69 CHEVALIER LLC Architecture -Construction Mgt Chevalier LLC has successfully delivered Architecture & Construction Management services on projects in South Florida including: • Burg Residence, Miami Beach, FL (Arch.-CM) • 111 Sunrise Avenue, Coral Gables, FL (Arch.-CM) • Terrazas River Park Village, Miami, FL (CM) • South Of Fifth Residences, Miami Beach, FL (CM) • Canyon Ranch-Carillon Phase I, Miami Beach, FL (CM) • Absolute Bay Lofts, Miami, FL (CM) • Broadspan Capital Offices, Miami FL (Arch. -CM) • Atlas One Capital Offices, Miami, FL (Arch.) • McDonagh Residence, Miami Beach, FL (Arch.-CM) SKILLS & INTERESTS Software: Autocad/Revit, MS Word, Excel & Project, Pro log Manager-Website Languages: English (Mother tongue) Italian fluent, Spanish basic, Creole (beginner) Sports: Boxing & Golf 70 MIAMI BEACH CJTY OF MIAMI BEACH BOARD AND COMMJTTEE APPLICATION FORM N~e: __ ~c~~~~~A_L~l~~~---------------T~er~~~~--------------~Ar~~~--- . Last Name First Name f _ C\ Middle Initial ~ HoME ADDRess: -=-y-~t~\ ___ __:_,1 ~~s::::;._~~~e;:-:-:.f~..!...:::,--=.;._VV\.:....:....JAV~~:::;..__ M1~ ~ FL > 3 13 _ t Apt No. House No./Street City State Zlp Code PHONE; 6 ~ss6-~ c..~~ . .~Jo.Jie.vOC:h.evtlc,c~ Home Work BuslnessName: C~w~r~ w_c_ Fax Emalt address Position: Avc..~+e.C... ~ Address: ___ 'l __ T.::"-------;:;;::::-::~------;:;-;;-:-~------:=----'-(-~~-:--- No. Street City State Zip Code Professional License (de&crlbe) _kL....:...:;:r_4~';;..1 -k.~.....:::::;.:L:::::...{:.;;;;___________ Expires: 't 0 { .3 Attach a copy of thellcerzse Pursuant to City Code section.2·22(4} a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an indiVidual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum at six months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of-six months in a business established in the city. • Resident at Miami Beach for a minimum at six (6) months: Ye~ or No 0 • Demonstrate .an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes~ or No o • .Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes~r No o · • {Please ~ one): I am now a resident of: North Beach South Beach Middle Beach • I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below: • Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? Yes 0 or No "fl Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice .. Pieaae note that only three (3) choices will be observed bv the Cltv Clerk's Office (Regular Boards of City) o AffOrdable Housing Advisory Committee o Marine Authority 0 Art in Public Places Committee 0 Miami Beach Commission for Women 0 Beautification Committee 0 Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council 0 Board of Adiustment* 0 Miami Beach Human Rjghts Committee 0 Budget.Advisory Committee o Miami Beach Sister Cities Program o Ca~ltal Improvements Projects Oversight Committee 0 Normandv Shores Local Government Neiah. ITTIProvement · 0 Committee on the Homeless 0 Parks and Recreation Facilities 'Board 0 Committee for Quality Education In MB 0 Personnel Board o Community Development Advisory 0 Planning Board" o Community Relations Board 0 Police Citizens Relations Committee 0 Convention Center Advisory Board D Production Industry Council.· o Debarment Committee o Public SafetY Advisory Committee o Design Review Board* 0 Safety Committee 0 Disability Access Committee 0 Sinale Family Residential Review Panel 0 Fine Arts Board 0 Sustainabllltv Committee 0 Gay, Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender (GLBD 0 Tra~portatlon and Parkina Committee 0 Golf Advisory Committee 0 Visitor and Convention Authority 0 Health AdVisory Committee o Waterfront Protection Committee 0 Health FacHitles Authority Board 0 Youth Center Advisorv Board 0 HisJ)!lnic Affairs Committee 0 Historic Preservation Board l')ff Housina Authority 0 Loan Review-Committee "Board Required to File State Disclosure Fonn Note: If applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center: 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: Yes 0 No 0 Years of Service: __ _ 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities ·by your children Yeso No o. If yes, please list the names of your children. their ages, and which programs. Ust below: Child's name: Age:_ Program: ------------- Child's name: Age:_ Program: F:\CtER\$All\oFORMS\BOARD AND COMMITTEES\BC Application. do~ 71 •Have you ever been convicted of a felony: Yes D or N~lf yes, please explain in detail: • Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: Yes o or N¥ If yes, please explain in detail: • Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: Yes 0 or No ~If y~s, explain in detail • Are you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees: Yes o or Noj( If yes; which board? • What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you currently hold membership in? Name: M~JM.4 ~ 6'a/f ~ Title:. __ vt{_· ~....;._,;;__·_ .. ------- Name: _______________________________________ Title:. ____________________________________ __ • I am now employed by the City of Miami Beach: Yes 0 orN . Which department?----------- • Pursuant to City Code Section 2-25 (b): Do you have a parent o, spouse 0, child 0, brother 0, or sister 0 who is employed by the City of Miami Beach? Check aU that apply. Identify the department(s): Tbe following Information Is voluntary and is neither part of your application nor has any bearing on your consideration for appointment. It Is being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting requirements. Gender:~ Male o Female ~hnic Origin: Check one only (1) ~White (Not of HispaniC Origin); All persons having origins In any of the original.peoples of Europe, North Africa ·or the Middle East. D African-American/Black (Not of Hispanic Origin): All persons having oriotns In any of the Black racial groups of Africa. 0 Hispanic: All persoll$ of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. D Asian or Pacific Islander: All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East. Southeast ASia, the Indian Subcontinent, on the Pacific Islands. This area Includes, for example, China, India, Japan, Korea, the Philippine Islands ·and Somoa. D American Indian or Alaskan Native: All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of North America, and who maintain Cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition. Physically Challenged: Yes 0 or NoD. Employment Status: Employe~ Retired o Homemakero Other o ____________ _ NOTE: If appointed, you will be required to follow certain laws which apply to city board/committee members. These laws include, but are not flmited to, the following: o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel {Miami Beach City Code section 2-459). o Prohibition from contracting with 1he city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1). o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving offiCe (Miami Beach City Code section 2.:26). o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and .gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1 ). (re: CMB Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office, from having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself , orthosewith whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.611) . .Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the Ctty Clerk. "I hereby atteGt to the accuracy and truthfulness of the application and have received, read and will abide by Chapter 2, · II-of the City C " dards.of Conduc for ty Officers, Employees and Agency Members." A( t, s-: Lr PerE."-t~. . c Heui4L 1 cw -±e~~~-.:....:..~=<:...>:~..t,..;,·--Name of Applicant (PLEASE PRINT) Received in the City Clerk's Offica by:----:-.,....--::-:---:--:::--:----Date: _t__aQ,iQ Control No.----Date: _t_/2010 Name of Oeputy Clerk 72 Board and Committees Current Members Housing Authority Composition: Four year appointment. Ave (5) members, appointed by the Mayor. Reso 7031 421.05 ~=~ Appointments must be confinned by the Oty Commission. At least one (1) member who shall be a resident who is current In rent in a housing project or a person of low or very low Income who resides within the housing authority's jurisdiction and is receiving rent subsidy through a program administered by the authority or public housing agency that has jurisdiction for the same locality served by the housing authority, which member shall be appointed at the time a vacancy exists. Oty Uaison: Anna Parekh Members: Name Last Name Positionffitle ----·------·-··----------·-·----- Emilio DeJesus Fernandez Eugenio Cabreja Leonard Turkel Michael Band Raymond Adrian Applicants Allan Hall Prakash Kumar HA Commissioner Tenant Commissioner HA Comm TL 1212011 HA Commissioner HA Commissioner Positionffitle Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: ---------------··--- 10/11/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 10/11/17 10/11/2012 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 10/11/18 10/11/2011 Mayor David Dermer 10/11/11 10/11/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 10/11/16 10/11/2014 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 10/11/18 Applicants Positionffitle ·--------------------------- Christian Folland Rafael Velasquel!: 73 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 74 (9 MIAMIBEACH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF CfiTY SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING NOTICE· IS HE·REs'Y given . that • the City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, will hold a Special City Commission Meeting on Friday, February 24,2012, at 4:3()p.m. in the.Commission Chambers, 3rd · floor, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida for the purp.ose of making appointments to the City of Miami Beach ~oards and Committees. In addition, the ·City Commission may discuss and act on other. City business at this meeting. All interested parties are invited to attend. Inquiries concerning this item should be directed to the City Clerk's Office, at (305) 673-7411. Robert Parcher, City Clerk City of Miami Beach To request this material in accessible format, sign language interpreters, information on access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodation to review any document or participate in any city-sponsored proceeding, please contact 305-604-2489 (voice) ~ ~. ~G)JtJlQ.f> ... ~7~,7-2)!~~~l:~ft~.fiVJI,.ij1,.;f;lQ~ap\j.J~~(CD~ ~)l\jijf1~A~f).IIJ,Pi.~( • TTY users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service). Ad # 692 ~ fo/17/V'& 2../?/!z 75 ' .... '•.·. '<::::~~