20120224 SCMAfteraction February 24, 2012 Special Commission Meeting City of Miami Beach Prepared by the City of Miami Beach – City Clerk’s Office M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\AFTERACT\2011-2012\2012\Afteractions\20120224 SPL\Aa02242012scm.Doc Page 1 of 12 Special City Commission Meeting City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive February 24, 2012 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower Vice-Mayor Deede Weithorn Commissioner Jorge R. Exposito Commissioner Michael Góngora Commissioner Jerry Libbin Commissioner Edward L. Tobin Commissioner Jonah Wolfson City Manager Jorge M. Gonzalez City Attorney Jose Smith City Clerk Robert E. Parcher Visit us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article VII, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's Office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. Special note: In order to ensure adequate public consideration, if necessary, the Mayor and City Commission may move any agenda item to the alternate meeting date which will only be held if needed. In addition, the Mayor and City Commission may, at their discretion, adjourn the Commission Meeting without reaching all agenda items. Meeting called to order at 4:54:18 p.m. ADDENDUM: Motion made by Commissioner Libbin to add item C4A to the Agenda as an emergency item; seconded by Commissioner Góngora; Voice vote: 5-0; Absent: Commissioners Tobin and Wolfson. C4A Referral to NCAC – Mission Statement for Proposed Ad Hoc Tennis Committee. (Bower) A A R5A Amend Ordinance No. 789, Classified Employees Salary Ordinance (COLA). 3 R5B Unclassified Employees Salary Cost Of Living (COLA) Alternative A & B. 23 R9A Board And Committee Appointments - City Commission Appointments. 45 R9A1 Appoint Peter Chevalier For Commissioner To The Housing Authority. (Bower) 67 Afteraction February 24, 2012 Special Commission Meeting City of Miami Beach Prepared by the City of Miami Beach – City Clerk’s Office M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\AFTERACT\2011-2012\2012\Afteractions\20120224 SPL\Aa02242012scm.Doc Page 2 of 12 CONSENT AGENDA ACTION: Motion made by Commissioner Libbin to approve the Consent Agenda; seconded by Commissioner Góngora; Voice-vote: 5-0; Absent: Commissioners Tobin and Wolfson. C4 - Commission Committee Assignments ADDENDUM: C4A Referral To The Neighborhood/Community Affairs Committee – Discussion Regarding Creating A Clear Mission Statement For The Proposed Ad Hoc Tennis Committee. (Requested by Mayor Matti Herrera Bower) ACTION: Referred. Barbara Hawayek to place on the committee agenda. Kevin Smith to handle. REGULAR AGENDA R5 - Ordinances 4:57:23 p.m. 5:44:52 p.m. R5A An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 789, The Classified Employees Salary Ordinance Of The City Of Miami Beach, Florida, As Follows: Providing For The Classifications In Group I, Represented By The American Federation Of State, County And Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1554; Group II, Represented By The Fraternal Order Of Police (FOP) William Nichols Lodge No. 8; Group III, Represented By The International Association Of Firefighters (IAFF) Local 1510; Group IV, Represented By The Communications Workers Of America (CWA) Local 3178; And Group V, Represented By The Government Supervisors Association Of Florida (GSAF) Local 100, In Accordance With The Negotiated Collective Bargaining Agreements And Providing For The Classifications In Group VI, Being All Other Classifications In The Classified Service Not Covered By A Bargaining Unit, Effective The First Full Pay Period Ending April 2012, An Across The Board Cost-Of-Living Adjustment (COLA) Of Three Percent (3%) And A Three Percent (3%) Increase To The Minimum And Maximum Of Each Pay Range; Repealing All Ordinances In Conflict; Providing For Severability, An Effective Date And Codification. First Reading (Included in Collective Bargaining Agreements & Approved by the City Commission in 2010) (Legislative Tracking: Human Resources) (Deferred from February 8, 2012) ACTION: Ordinance amended to exclude The Fraternal Order Of Police (FOP), The International Association Of Firefighters (IAFF) Local 1510, and deferred to the March 21, 2012 City Commission meeting. Lilia Cardillo to place on the Commission Agenda. Ramiro Inguanzo to handle. Carla Probus, spoke as a resident and a 20-year employee of Ford Motor Company as a non- union employee. She stated that she doesn’t think it is fair to treat one group of employees different that the other. Afteraction February 24, 2012 Special Commission Meeting City of Miami Beach Prepared by the City of Miami Beach – City Clerk’s Office M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\AFTERACT\2011-2012\2012\Afteractions\20120224 SPL\Aa02242012scm.Doc Page 3 of 12 Jorge Gonzalez, City Manager, introduced the item. Discussion held. Ramiro Inguanzo, Human Resources Director, explained the process. Mayor Bower stated that she understands adjusting the maximum but asked why adjust the minimum? If the minimum is not adjusted, then the employees will have more steps. Jorge Gonzalez, City Manager, stated that the minimum could be left alone and increase the maximum only. He added that this was not negotiated with the unions and will need to be negotiated. Motion made by Commissioner Libbin to table both R5A and R5B until after the board appointments; seconded by Commissioner Wolfson; 6-0; Absent: Commissioner Tobin. 5:43:56 p.m. Commissioner Wolfson distributed to the Mayor and Commission City Charter section 3.01. 5:44:52 p.m. – R5A Commissioner Libbin expressed his concerns, for the record, about increasing the salary ranges and about the additional 2% the unclassified employees had to contribute to the pension, with the understanding that the unions would also have to contribute the 2% as part of the negotiations, and the unions didn’t implement the increase until much later. Ramiro Inguanzo, Human Resources Director, explained that the unclassified employees and the employees in the Governmental Supervisors union, GSA, began contributing an additional 2% beginning January 18, 2010. When the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFSCME, and Communications of America, CWA, contracts were finalized the employees in those unions began contributing the additional 2% in October, 2010. It was agreed that the GSA 2% contribution would begin in October rather than January. Commissioner Libbin asked if the unclassified employees who were contributing the additional 2% since January were also moved like the GSA employees to the October. Ramiro Inguanzo, Human Resources Director, stated that the unclassified employees’ contribution start date was not changed to October like the unions. Commissioner Libbin stated that the 400 or so unclassified employees were not treated equally. Discussion continued. Commissioner Tobin asked that perhaps the City Attorney can think through one issue; the City negotiated with the other party, and the negotiation was dependent on the approval of a third party. The third party, being the Pension Board, stated that at least half of the deal made is a “no go,” because in their opinion, it was illegal, and this needs to be resolved in court. His question is that if there is a contract, and it is dependent on the approval of a third party, then what happens with this contract, since the contract as negotiated is not valid. He asked the Legal Department to research this issue and discuss at the Retreat. City Attorney’s Office to handle. Discussion continued. Afteraction February 24, 2012 Special Commission Meeting City of Miami Beach Prepared by the City of Miami Beach – City Clerk’s Office M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\AFTERACT\2011-2012\2012\Afteractions\20120224 SPL\Aa02242012scm.Doc Page 4 of 12 Jose Smith, City Attorney, stated in reference to the appeal on this issue, that it is at the District Court of Appeals. The City has filed its brief and has asked to expedite the appeal but the other side has refused to agree to expedite it. Discussion continued. Jose Smith, City Attorney, recommended to stop discussing legal theories, issues and arguments and to schedule an Attorney/Client Session at the March 21, City Commission meeting. City Attorney’s Office to handle. Jorge Gonzalez, City Manager, explained that the question being discussed deals with the FOP and the IAFF. The Government Supervisors Association of Florida (GSAF), The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), and The Communications Workers of America (CWA) are not affected by this litigation and contractually the COLA needs to be approved. He suggested approving these on first reading today and on time for a second reading in March to be implemented in April. Discussion continued. Commissioner Exposito asked if this will set any precedent for The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) and The International Association of Firefighters (IAFF) as far as not dealing with them in the same fashion. Jorge Gonzalez, City Manager, explained that he does not think so because with FOP and IAFF, the City is dealing with specific legal issues. This legal matter does not apply to the other unions. Jose Smith, City Attorney, stated that the discussion earlier had to do with the Police and Fire Pension Board. Discussion continued. Commissioner Exposito emphasized his previous question; if making a decision for the GSA AFSCME and The Communications Workers of America (CWA), without including the FOP and IAFF, is there any precedent set that they may attack the City Commission on later. He added that for the sake of expedience he does not want the City opened to problems later. Jorge Gonzalez, City Manager, stated that he does not believe this is a precedent issue and explained that since the City skipped COLA’s the first two years, all of the contracts are coming at the same time in the third year. Jose Smith, City Attorney, asked Don Papy to explain if there could be a potential claim filed with the Public Employees Relation Commission (PERC). Don Papy, Chief Deputy City Attorney, stated that there could be a claim filed with the Public Employees Relation Commission, (PERC), and he does not see this setting a precedent. He added that those two (2) unions, (FOP and IAFF), are expecting, pursuant to the contract, to receive the COLA at the same time. There is a difference with these unions because arguments have been raised that are different for these unions, but it could for other reason end up with a claim with the Public Employees Relation Commission, (PERC). Discussion continued. Jorge Gonzalez, City Manager, stated that the best solution is to approve the ordinance for first Afteraction February 24, 2012 Special Commission Meeting City of Miami Beach Prepared by the City of Miami Beach – City Clerk’s Office M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\AFTERACT\2011-2012\2012\Afteractions\20120224 SPL\Aa02242012scm.Doc Page 5 of 12 reading on March 21st with an Attorney/Client Session at that meeting, and second reading on April 11, with an effective date less than 10 days. Items deferred to the March 21, 2012 Commission Meeting. 6:13:38 p.m. R5B Unclassified Employees Salary Cost Of Living (COLA) Alternative A & B 1. Alternative A: An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 1605, The Unclassified Employees Salary Ordinance Of The City Of Miami Beach, Florida, As Follows: Providing For All Unclassified Employees, Effective The First Full Pay Period Ending In April 2012, An Across The Board Cost-Of-Living Adjustment (COLA) Of Three Percent (3%), And A Three Percent (3%) Increase To The Minimum And Maximum Of Each Pay Range; Repealing All Ordinances In Conflict; Providing For Severability, An Effective Date And Codification. First Reading ACTION: Item deferred to the March 21, 2012 City Commission meeting. Lilia Cardillo to place on the Commission Agenda. Ramiro Inguanzo to handle. See discussion with item R5A. 2. Alternative B: A Resolution Providing For All Unclassified Employees, Effective The First Full Pay Period Ending In April 2012, An Across The Board Cost-Of-Living Adjustment (COLA) Of Up To Three Percent (3%) For Those Employees Who Are Not Currently At The Maximum Of The Pay Range Of Their Job Classification; And Providing No Adjustment To The Minimum And Maximum Of Each Pay Range. (Legislative Tracking: Human Resources) (Deferred from February 8, 2012) ACTION: Item deferred to the March 21, 2012 City Commission meeting. Lilia Cardillo to place on the Commission Agenda. Ramiro Inguanzo to handle. 6:13:39 p.m. Commissioner Wolfson distributed, for the record, a copy of the City Charter and a copy of an old ordinance related to this item and stated that the City Charter provides, under section 4.01 and 3.01, that the City Manager and City Attorney compensations shall be fixed by ordinance. In the past, Ordinance 1605 has not set forth the specific compensation. What Ordinance 1605 stated for the past 12 years is that the salaries are “determined by the City Commission,” which is not fixing the compensation. The salaries have been fixed by resolution. The City Charter is very clear that this shall be done by ordinance, because ordinances require two readings and a public hearing. He requested from the City Commission that the City Charter is followed. Jose Smith, City Attorney, requested clarification. He stated that for over 30 years the ordinance showed the salary ranges for the City Attorney and the City Manager and asked what exactly is being requested to be fixed? Commissioner Wolfson explained that the ordinance needs to show the salary and all compensations associated with the salaries for the City Manager and the City Attorney. Legal Department to handle. Mayor Bower stated that whatever is required by the City Charter should be in the ordinance. Afteraction February 24, 2012 Special Commission Meeting City of Miami Beach Prepared by the City of Miami Beach – City Clerk’s Office M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\AFTERACT\2011-2012\2012\Afteractions\20120224 SPL\Aa02242012scm.Doc Page 6 of 12 Commissioner Tobin stated that he was just handed this information and has had no time to review it, and requested the City Manager and the City Attorney to also review the materials. Discussion continued. Mayor Bower stated that she has not read it, and that this should have been distributed prior to this meeting for everyone to review. She stated that being ready to speak on this at this point and they will follow the City Charter. Jose Smith, City Attorney, stated that he would bring back an ordinance for the City Commission to debate. Handout or Reference Materials: 1. Miami Beach Charter and Related Special Acts, Article III. City Attorney, Sec. 3.01 distributed by Commissioner Wolfson. R9 - New Business and Commission Requests R9A Board And Committee Appointments - City Commission Appointments. (City Clerk’s Office) ACTION: The following appointments and actions were made: Affordable Housing Advisory Committee: Robert Saland (1) Res. Home Bldg. Term ending 12/31/12 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/14 David Smith (3) Rep. Labor Home Bld. Term ending 12/31/12 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/14 Jeremy Glazer (4) Low-Income Adv. Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/17 Muayad Abbas (5) For Profit Term ending 12/31/12 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/17 Stephanie Berman (6) Not for Profit Term ending 12/31/12 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/14 Mark Wohl (7) Real Estate Prof. Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/17 Jonathan Fryd (8) Local Plann. Bd. Term ending 12/31/12 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/13 Arian Adorno (9) Res. Juris Local Govt Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/17 Guy Simani (10) Rep. Empl. W/Juris. Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/17 Amy Perry (11) Rep. Essential Serv. Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/17 Art in Public Places Committee: Lisa Austin Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/17 Rhonda Mitrani-Buchman (12/31/12) Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/12 Lisette Olemberg Goldsstein Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/14 Board of Adjustment: Lior Leser (Financial Consultation) Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/13 Sherry Roberts (General Business) Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/13 Bryan Rosenfeld (CPA) Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/15 Elsa Urquiza (At-large) Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/17 Capital Improvements Projects Oversight Committee: Elizabeth Camargo (C2) Architect Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/13 Eleanor Carney (C4) At-large Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/15 Christina Cuervo (C5) Developer Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/13 Brian Ehrlich (C3) Developer Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/14 Convention Center Advisory Board: Joshua Wallack Term ending 12/31/12 Appointed by Commissioner Tobin TL 12/31/19 Afteraction February 24, 2012 Special Commission Meeting City of Miami Beach Prepared by the City of Miami Beach – City Clerk’s Office M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\AFTERACT\2011-2012\2012\Afteractions\20120224 SPL\Aa02242012scm.Doc Page 7 of 12 Design Review Board: Jason Hagopian (Reg. Architect) Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/15 Manuel Minagorri (At-large) Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/17 Seraj Saba (Landscape Architect) Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/13 Health Advisory Committee: Tobi Ash (Nursing Profession) Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/15 Harold Foster (Private Individual) Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/15 Dr. Baruch Jacobs (Health Provider) Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/15 Shaheen Wirk (Private Individual) Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/15 Historic Preservation Board: David Wieder (Attorney) Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/15 Henry Lares (Faculty Member) Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/13 Housing Authority: Charles Chevalier (HA Commissioner) Term ending 10/11/15 Appointed by Mayor Bower TL 10/11/19 Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council: Zoila Datorre Term ending 12/31/14 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/14 Eda Valero-Figueira Term ending 12/31/14 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/14 Gregory Melvin Term ending 12/31/14 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/15 Charles Million Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/17 Merle Weiss Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/17 Miami Beach Human Rights Committee: Michael Andrews Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/16 Walker Burttschell Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/16 Alan Fishman Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/16 Elizabeth Schwartz (Law) Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/16 Personnel Board: Michael Perimutter (TL12/31/12) Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/12 Rosalie Pincus Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/15 Planning Board: Jonathan Beloff (Attorney) Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/15 Jonathan Fryd (Developer) Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/13 Henry Stolar Gen. (Business) Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/13 Charles Urstadt (General Business) Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/17 Safety Committee: Robert Rabinowitz Term ending 12/31/13 Appointment by Commissioner Góngora TL 12/31/17 Visitor and Convention Authority: Peggy Benau (At-large) Term ending 12/31/12 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/17 Jacqueline Hertz (At-large) Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/13 Jeff Lehman (Hotel Industry) Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/13 Keith Menin (Hotel Industry) Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/15 Micky Ross-Steinberg (At-large) Term ending 12/31/13 City Commission Appointment TL 12/31/15 Afteraction February 24, 2012 Special Commission Meeting City of Miami Beach Prepared by the City of Miami Beach – City Clerk’s Office M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\AFTERACT\2011-2012\2012\Afteractions\20120224 SPL\Aa02242012scm.Doc Page 8 of 12 5:06:44 p.m. Affordable Housing Committee: ACTION: Anne Parekh, Office of Real Estate, Housing and Community Development Director, explained the item. Motion made by Commissioner Góngora to appoint the slate as per page 48 of the Commission Agenda; seconded by Commissioner Libbin; Voice vote: 6-0; Absent: Commissioner Tobin. 5:09:55 p.m. Art in Public Places Committee: Motion made by Commissioner Góngora to reappoint Lisette Olemberg-Goldstein and Rhonda Mitrani- Buchman; seconded by Commissioner Exposito; Voice vote: 6-0; Absent: Commissioner Tobin. Motion made by Commissioner Libbin to appoint Lisa Austin; seconded by Commissioner Góngora; Voice vote: 6-0; Absent: Commissioner Tobin. Board of Adjustment: Commissioner Góngora suggested deferring the Board of Adjustment because it needs a 5/7th vote. 5:10:36 p.m. Capital Improvements Projects Oversight Committee: Motion made by Commissioner Góngora to reappoint Christina Cuervo, Eleanor Carney and Elizabeth Camargo; seconded by Commissioner Exposito; Voice vote: 6-0: Absent: Commissioner Tobin. Motion made by Commissioner Góngora to appoint Brian Ehrlich to the (C3) Developer category; seconded by Commissioner Libbin; Voice vote: 5-1; Opposed: Vice-Mayor Weithorn; Absent: Commissioner Tobin. 5:12:20 p.m. Health Advisory Committee: Motion made by Commissioner Libbin to reappoint Tobi Ash (Nursing Profession category), Harold Foster (Private Individual category), Shaheen Wirk (Private Individual category), and Jacobs Baruch M.D., (Health Provider category); seconded by Commissioner Góngora; Voice vote: 6-0; Absent: Commissioner Tobin. 5:13:15 p.m. Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council: Motion made by Commissioner Góngora to reappoint Zoila Datorre, Eda Valero-Figueira, and Gregory Melvin; seconded by Commissioner Exposito; Voice vote: 6-0; Absent: Commissioner Tobin. Motion made by Commissioner Góngora to appoint Merle Weiss; seconded by Commissioner Wolfson. Motion made by Commissioner Libbin to appoint Charles Million; seconded by Commissioner Góngora; Voice vote on both nominations: 6-0 Absent: Commissioner Tobin. Afteraction February 24, 2012 Special Commission Meeting City of Miami Beach Prepared by the City of Miami Beach – City Clerk’s Office M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\AFTERACT\2011-2012\2012\Afteractions\20120224 SPL\Aa02242012scm.Doc Page 9 of 12 5:15:28 p.m. Board of Adjustment: Motion made by Commissioner Góngora to re-appoint Sherry Roberts to the General Business category; seconded by Commissioner Libbin. Appointment made by acclamation. Motion made by Commissioner Góngora to re-appoint Bryan Rosenfeld to the CPA category; seconded by Commissioner Libbin; Voice vote: 7-0. Motion made by Commissioner Libbin to reappoint Lior Leser to the Financial Consultation category; seconded by Commissioner Góngora; Voice Vote: 7-0. Commissioner Góngora nominated Elsa Urquiza to the At-large category and Commissioner Wolfson nominated Alex Annunziato to the At-large category. Ballot #1: Elsa Urquiza 6 votes Alex Annunziato 1 vote The City Clerk announced the following: Commissioner Libbin Elsa Urquiza Commissioner Tobin Elsa Urquiza Commissioner Exposito Elsa Urquiza Commissioner Wolfson Alex Annunziato Commissioner Góngora Elsa Urquiza Vice-Mayor Weithorn Elsa Urquiza Mayor Bower Elsa Urquiza Handout or Reference Materials: 1. Ballot votes 5:20:00 p.m. Design Review Board: Motion made by Commissioner Góngora to reappoint Seraj Saba to the Landscape Architect category; seconded by Commissioner Exposito; Voice vote: 7-0. Motion made by Commissioner Libbin to reappoint Jason Hagopian to the Registered Architect category seconded by Commissioner Góngora; Voice vote 7-0. Commissioner Tobin stated that he received a call that the architect serving on the Planning Board would like to move to the Design Review Board to the Architect category. He explained that it is Leslie Tobin, no relation, and that he told her to speak to the rest of the Commission. Commissioner Libbin nominated Mickey Minagorri to the At-large category and Vice-Mayor Weithorn nominated Roberta Gould to the At-large category. Ballot #1: Manuel Minagorri 4 votes Roberta Gould 3 votes The City Clerk announced the following: Commissioner Exposito Manuel Minagorri Commissioner Libbin Manuel Minagorri Commissioner Góngora Manuel Minagorri Vice-Mayor Weithorn Roberta Gould Commissioner Tobin Manuel Minagorri Afteraction February 24, 2012 Special Commission Meeting City of Miami Beach Prepared by the City of Miami Beach – City Clerk’s Office M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\AFTERACT\2011-2012\2012\Afteractions\20120224 SPL\Aa02242012scm.Doc Page 10 of 12 Commissioner Wolfson Roberta Gould Mayor Bower Roberta Gould Handout or Reference Materials: 1. Ballot votes 5:26:09 p.m. Health Advisory Board: Motion made by Commissioner Libbin to reappoint Tobi Ash to the Nursing Profession category; seconded by Commissioner Exposito; Voice vote: 7-0. Motion made by Commissioner Góngora to reappoint Harold Foster to the Private Individual category; seconded by Commissioner Exposito; Voice vote 7-0. Motion made by Commissioner Libbin to reappoint Shaheen Wirk to the Private Individual category; seconded by Commissioner Exposito; Voice vote: 7-0. Motion made by Commissioner Libbin to reappoint Dr. Baruch Jacobs to the Health Provider category; seconded by Commissioner Exposito; Voice vote: 7-0. 5:27:43 p.m. Historic Preservation Board: Motion made by Commissioner Góngora to reappoint David Wieder to the Attorney category; seconded by Commissioner Wolfson; Voice vote 7-0. Motion made by Commissioner Góngora to reappoint Henry Lares to the Faculty Member category; seconded by Commissioner Wolfson; Voice vote 7-0. Commissioner Tobin requested leaving the Architect position open since the Architect currently serving on the Planning Board wants to transfer out. Leslie Tobin needs to speak to Mayor Bower in reference to her wanting to transfer from the Planning Board. 5:29:40 p. m Miami Beach Human Rights Committee: Motion made by Commissioner Libbin to nominate Monica Harvey. Motion made by Commissioner Libbin to reappoint Walker Burttschell, Alan Fishman, Elizabeth Schwartz, and Michael Andrews; seconded by Commissioner Góngora; Voice vote: 7-0. Monica Harvey to contact Mayor Bower for a possible appointment to this board. Afteraction February 24, 2012 Special Commission Meeting City of Miami Beach Prepared by the City of Miami Beach – City Clerk’s Office M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\AFTERACT\2011-2012\2012\Afteractions\20120224 SPL\Aa02242012scm.Doc Page 11 of 12 5:32:48 p.m. Personnel Board: Commissioner Exposito nominated David Richardson. Motion made by Commissioner Libbin to reappoint Michael Perlmutter and Rosalie Pincus; seconded by Commissioner Exposito; Voice vote: 7-0. Commissioner Góngora nominated Brent Coetzee. Commissioner Exposito requested to defer the two nominations until after they meet with the City Commission. 5:35:08 p.m. Planning Board: Motion made by Commissioner Libbin to reappoint Jonathan Beloff to the Attorney category; seconded by Commissioner Góngora; Voice vote 7-0. Motion made by Commissioner Libbin to reappoint Jonathan Fryd to the Developer category; seconded by Commissioner Góngora; Voice vote: 7-0. Motion made by Commissioner Libbin to reappoint Henry Stolar to the General Business category; seconded by Commissioner Wolfson; Voice vote: 7-0. Commissioner Góngora nominated Charles Urstadt to the General Business category, Vice-Mayor Weithorn nominated Michael Bernstein to the General Business category; and Commissioner Tobin nominated Gary Twist to the General Business category. Ballot #1: Charles Ustadt 4 votes Michael Bernstein 2 votes Gary Twist 1 vote The City Clerk announced the following: Vice-Mayor Weithorn Michael Bernstein Commissioner Exposito Charles Urstadt Commissioner Góngora Charles Urstadt Commissioner Libbin Michael Bernstein Commissioner Wolfson Charles Urstadt Mayor Bower Charles Urstadt Commissioner Tobin Gary Twist Handout or Reference Materials: 1. Ballot votes Afteraction February 24, 2012 Special Commission Meeting City of Miami Beach Prepared by the City of Miami Beach – City Clerk’s Office M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\AFTERACT\2011-2012\2012\Afteractions\20120224 SPL\Aa02242012scm.Doc Page 12 of 12 5:40:54 p.m. Visitor and Convention Authority: Motion made by Commissioner Libbin to reappoint Jeff Lehman to the Hotel Industry category; seconded by Commissioner Exposito; Voice vote: 7-0. Motion made by Commissioner Libbin to reappoint Jacqueline Hertz to the At-large category; Commissioner Góngora; Voice vote: 7-0. Motion made by Commissioner Libbin to reappoint Keith Menin to the Hotel Industry category; seconded by Commissioner Góngora; Voice vote: 7-0. Motion made by Commissioner Góngora to reappoint Micky Ross Steinberg to the At-large category; seconded by Commissioner Exposito; Voice vote: 7-0. Motion made by Commissioner Libbin to nominate Margaret (Peggy) Benua to the At-large category; seconded by Vice-Mayor Weithorn; Voice vote: 7-0. 5:42:56 p.m. R9A1 Appointment Of Peter Chevalier For Commissioner To The Housing Authority. (Requested by Mayor Matti Herrera Bower) ACTION: Motion made by Vice-Mayor Weithorn to appoint Peter Chevalier to the Housing Authority Commissioner category; seconded by Commissioner Góngora; Voice vote: 7-0. Handout or Reference Materials: 1. Ad in the Neighbors Section of The Miami Herald Ad #692 2. Ordinance 2009-3642 Re: city code Chapter 2, Article III, Section 2-22 (19) 3. Ordinance No. 2010-3681 Re: Sec. 2-22 (20) of the City Code, Chapter 2, Article III. 4. City Commission At-Large Nominations for Friday, February 24, 2012, Release 9 &10 – 02/24/2012 - End of Regular Agenda Meeting adjourned at 6:19:26 p.m.