20120208 Add 1ea- MIAMI BEACH City Commission Meeting ADDENDUM MATERIAL 1 City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive February 8, 2012 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower Vice -Mayor Deede Weithorn Commissioner Jorge R. Exposito Commissioner Michael Gbngora Commissioner Jerry Libbin Commissioner Edward L. Tobin Commissioner Jonah Wolfson City Manager Jorge M. Gonzalez City Attorney Jose Smith City Clerk Robert E. Parcher Visit us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article VII, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. ADDENDUM MATERIAL 1 C7 - Resolutions C7N A Resolution Authorizing The Execution Of An Agreement With Corzo Castella Carballo Thompson Salman, PA (C3TS) In The Negotiated Lump Sum Amount Of $185,345 For Basic Services; And An Additional Not To Exceed Amount Of $85,316 For Other Direct Services; And A Not To Exceed Amount Of $15,000 For Approved Reimbursables, For A Total Fee Of $285,661; For A Design Criteria Professional To Prepare The Design Criteria Package For The Sunset Islands 3 & 4 Neighborhood Right -Of -Way Improvement Project, Which Is Intended To BeA Design Build Contract; And To Serve As The City's Representative During The Selection Of The Design Build Firm For The Project, Concerning The Evaluation Of The Responses Submitted By The Design Build Firms; Review And Approve For Compliance Of The Detailed Working Drawings For The Project; And To Evaluate The Compliance Of The Project Construction With The Design Criteria Package; Pursuant To Request For Qualifications (RFQ) 04-11/12; With Previously Appropriated Funding From Stormwater Fund 431, Water Fund 420, And Additionally Appropriating Funding In The Amount Of $70,567 As An Advance From General Fund Operating Contingency, With Reimbursement To Be Identified As Part Of The Annual Capital Budget Process. (Capital Improvement Projects) 1 Addendum Material 1, February 8, 2012 R9 - New Business and Commission Requests R9Z Discussion Regarding A Resolution To Waive The Convention Center Fee Only For Stem Tech Olympiad 2012 Scheduled For April 26-29, 2012. (Requested by Commissioner Jorge R. Exposito) 2 COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY Condensed Title: A Resolution Of The Mayor And City Commission Of The City Of Miami Beach, Florida Be Adopted, Authorizing The Mayor And City Clerk To Execute An Agreement With Corzo Castella Carballo Thompson Salman, PA (C3TS), In The Negotiated Amount Of $ 185,345 For Basic Services; And A Not To Exceed Amount Of $ 85,316 For Other Direct Services; And An Additional Not To Exceed Amount Of $ 15,000 For Approved Reimbursables, For A Total Fee Of $ 285,661, For A Design Criteria Professional To Prepare The Design Criteria Package For The Sunset Islands 3 & 4 Neighborhood Right -Of -Way Improvement Project, Which Is Intended To Be A Design Build Contract; And To Serve As The City's Representative During The Selection Of The Design Build Firm For The Project, Concerning The Evaluation Of The Responses Submitted By The Design Build Firms; Review And Approve For Compliance The Detailed Working Drawings For The Project; And For Evaluation Of The Compliance Of The Project Construction With The Design Criteria Package, Pursuant To The Request For Qualifications (RFQ) No. 04-11/12; With Previously Appropriated Funding From Fund 431 - Stormwater Bonds 2011, And Fund 420 - Water & Sewer GBL Series 2010; And Additionally Appropriating Funding In The Amount Of $70,567 As An advance From General Fund Operating Contingency, With Reimbursement To Be Identified As Part Of The Annual Capital Budget Process. Key Intended Outcome Supported: Ensure well-maintained infrastructure and Ensure Well Designed, Quality Capital Projects. Supporting Data (Surveys, Environmental Scan, etc.): The 2007 Community Satisfaction Survey noted 82% of North Beach residents rated recent capital projects completed as "excellent" or "good" compared to 89% of residents citywide. Issue: Shall the Mayor and City Commission approve the resolution Item Summary/Recommendation: The Consultant shall provide the City the services to develop a Design Criteria Package for Sunset Islands 3 & 4 Neighborhood ROW project (the Project). The Project consists of replacement of existing water main infrastructure, improved storm water drainage collection and disposal infrastructure including swale restoration, curb and gutter and other facilities, street resurfacing / pavement markings, sewer lining and repair, repair and/or extension of existing sidewalks to comply with ADA requirements, incorporation of traffic calming features, consistent with community preferences and the incorporation and coordination of the undergrounding of utilities including Florida Power and Light (FPL), Atlantic Broadband (ABB), Sprint and AT&T. On January 06, 2012, C3TS submitted a proposal in the amount of $ 308,375 (fee included basic services, other project direct services listed below, and $15,000 for additional services). Following negotiations, the City was able to reach an agreement in the lump sum amount of $ 285,661 (Schedule B) as follows: Basic services are comprised of the following tasks: Planning (Site Verification and Analysis) Design Criteria Package - 30% Design Development Documents Bidding and Award Services Design Builder's Design Phase Design Criteria Professional - Construction Phase Services Total for Basic Services Traffic Analysis and Assessment Topographic & Specific Purpose Survey Update Underground Utility Verification Bridge Loading Monitoring & Compliance Measures Evaluation of Existing Sewer Drainage Calculation Encroachment Analysis and Survey Updates Total for Other Direct Services Reimbursables Total Fee $ 32,100 $ 44,070 $ 9,895 $ 16,780 $ 82,520 $185,345 $ 1,606 $ 20,504 $ 20,354 $ 1,598 $ 26,434 $ 5,144 $ 9,676 $ 85,316 $ 15,000 $285,661 The fee for basic services, including Site Verification and Analysis, Design Criteria Package, Bid and Award, and Design Criteria Professional - Construction Phase Services, represent approximately 4% of the project construction budget of $4,500,000. Advisory Board Recommendation: • Source of Fun . nt Amount Account Approved 1 $ 88,906 431-2318-061357 2 $ 46,450 420-2318-061357 PDW 3 $ 79,738 420-2318-000356 4 $ 70,567 011-9975-000356 OBPI Total: $285,661 City Clerk's Office Legislative Tracking: Mattie Reyes, ext. 6884 • Depart nt rector ssistant City Ma er/Chief Financial Officer City Mf(ngej F "11 PDW JM�Gjj ,,//"' �_ T:\AGE2\2-8-2012\Sunset Islands t3 & 4 - DCP Award - SUMrydoc 789 m MIAMIBEACH 3 AGENDA ITEM DATE m MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Matti H. Bower and Members of the City Com ssion FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager DATE: February 8, 2012 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH CORZO CASTELLA CARBALLO THOMPSON SALMAN, PA (C3TS) IN THE NEGOTIATED LUMP SUM AMOUNT OF $185,345 FOR BASIC SERVICES; AND AN ADDITIONAL NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT OF $85,316 FOR OTHER DIRECT SERVICES; AND A NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT OF $15,000 FOR APPROVED REIMBURSABLES, FOR A TOTAL FEE OF $ 285,661; FOR A DESIGN CRITERIA PROFESSIONAL TO PREPARE THE DESIGN CRITERIA PACKAGE FOR THE SUNSET ISLANDS 3 & 4 NEIGHBORHOOD RIGHT-OF-WAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, WHICH IS INTENDED TO BE A DESIGN BUILD CONTRACT; AND TO SERVE AS THE CITY'S REPRESENTATIVE DURING THE SELECTION OF THE DESIGN BUILD FIRM FOR THE PROJECT, CONCERNING THE EVALUATION OF THE RESPONSES SUBMITTED BY THE DESIGN BUILD FIRMS; REVIEW AND APPROVE FOR COMPLIANCE OF THE DETAILED WORKING DRAWINGS FOR THE PROJECT; AND TO EVALUATE THE COMPLIANCE OF THE PROJECT CONSTRUCTION WITH THE DESIGN CRITERIA PACKAGE; PURSUANT TO REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) 04-11/12; WITH PREVIOUSLY APPROPRIATED FUNDING FROM STORMWATER FUND 431, WATER FUND 420, AND ADDITIONALLY APPROPRIATING FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $70,567 AS AN ADVANCE FROM GENERAL FUND OPERATING CONTINGENCY, WITH REIMBURSEMENT TO BE IDENTIFIED AS PART OF THE ANNUAL CAPITAL BUDGET PROCESS. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Approve the Resolution. KEY INTENDED OUTCOME Ensure Value and Timely Delivery of Quality Capital Projects; Maintain City's Infrastructure. FUNDING The Bayshore / Sunset Islands Basis of Design Report (BODR) was adopted on April, 9, 2003. Construction and contingency funds for streetscape, drainage and water line replacement improvements, identified in the BODR for the Bayshore / Sunset Islands neighborhoods total $13,665,602. This amount includes $4,255,791 in General Obligation Bonds (GOB) to fund construction and contingency for surface (above -ground) improvements in the Central Bayshore, Lower North Bay Road, Lake Pancoast and Sunset Islands 1, 2, 3 & 4 neighborhoods. The BODR notes that "The Sunset Islands had received funding for surface improvements through a 4 Commission Item - Sunset Islands 3 & 4 Neighborhood ROW Improvement Project February 8, 2012 DCP Agreement Award Page 2 of 5 number of different programs for improvements to entrance features and gate structures at both the north (West 29th street) and south (Sunset Drive) thoroughfares. Because of these previous improvements no specific streetscape projects are identified for the Sunset Islands". Of the $4.25 million in GOB funds identified in the BODR, only a nominal amount of $13,871 was earmarked for the Sunset Islands. Since then, as the Central Bayshore, Lake Pancoast, Lower North Bay Road, and Sunset Islands 1 and 2 projects have advanced through design and into construction, the combined total estimated project costs for the Bayshore / Sunset Islands neighborhoods (including Sunset Islands 3 and 4) have grown to $53 million, including $8.2 million for above -ground improvements, of which $2.2 million is for the Sunset Islands. The increased figures reflect additional scopes, including road reconstruction versus resurfacing, complete replacement of water mains, and improved stormwater drainage levels of service. Because of delays associated with efforts to advance the undergrounding of overhead utilities, design efforts for the Sunset Islands 3 and 4 neighborhood improvements had been stalled until more recent efforts to advance a design criteria package so that the project could be awarded as a design build project. The lack of a design made it difficult to develop a budget amount for the above ground improvements. For this reason, the above -ground budget for the Sunset Islands 3 and 4 remained unchanged from the original allocation. Contracting the design criteria professional will make it possible to define the project's above -ground scope elements and develop the above- ground cost estimates that would form the basis to appropriate the funds to cover the neighborhood's surface improvements. A portion of the funding necessary to complete the development of the design criteria package has been previously appropriated in the Capital Budget; specifically, Fund 431 - Stormwater Bonds 2011, and Fund 420 - Water & Sewer GBL Series 2010. The remaining amount of $70,567 represents an approximate proportionate share of the professional design fee associated with the above ground component. Funding in the amount of $70,567 is to be appropriated from General Fund Operating Contingency account number 011-9975-000356, with reimbursement to be identified as part of the annual capital budget process. Additional funding needed to cover the cost of above -ground improvements (primarily road reconstruction), presently estimated at $1.2 million, will similarly be identified and approved by the Commission through the fiscal year 2012/13 capital budget process. BACKGROUND On May 16, 2001, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2001-24387, approving and authorizing the execution of the professional services agreement with CH2MHill, Inc., pursuant to Request for Qualifications (RFQ) 134-99/00. On April 9, 2003, the City Commission approved Resolution Number 2003-25171, approving and officially adopting the Basis of Design Report (BODR) for the Sunset Islands 3 & 4 Neighborhood Right of Way (ROW) Improvement Project. The BODR identified the priority improvements that set the goals and objectives for the ROW Improvement Project. These improvements include but are not limited to the following: • Street resurfacing / pavement markings /sidewalk repair • Enhanced landscaping / planting strip restoration • Curb & gutter • Streetlight upgrades • Drainage upgrades 5 Commission Item - Sunset Islands 3 & 4 Neighborhood ROW Improvement Project February 8, 2012 DCP Agreement Award Page 3 of 5 • Waterline replacement and upgrade • Replacement of existing water main infrastructure • Coordination with franchise utilities undergrounding and relocation of poles On March 2005, CH2MHill, Inc submitted the 30% design documents to the City and subsequently the project was placed on hold because the residents requested the undergrounding of its overhead utilities, which includes Florida Power and Light (FPL), Atlantic Broadband (ABB), Sprint and AT&T. The HOA, during its August 24, 2010 meeting, elected to hold another general membership meeting to discuss the community's desire to underground its overhead utilities and create an assessment per homeowner for the entire amount. This meeting was held on September 28th, 2010 and the membership has decided to move forward with utility undergrounding scope via a City sponsored Special Assessment. During review of the ROW project with the HOA, regulatory issues related to the existing roadway width were discussed with the members of the HOA and they expressed concerns with the 10 -foot minimum travel lane requirement. During subsequent discussions including the HOA, City of Miami Beach Public Works Department (PWD), Miami -Dade County Traffic (MDC) and Capital Improvements Projects Office (CIP) staff, MDC stated they would approve 9 -foot travel lanes for two-way streets and a 10 -foot travel lane with a 5 -foot multi -use shoulder for one-way streets on the Sunset Islands. However, the proposed design requires 24 -inch valley gutters as part of drainage improvements. The valley gutters would need to be installed outside of the required travel lanes. The HOA held an island -by -island vote to decide if the roadways should be converted to one-way. The results supported the one-way travel street modification on both Sunset Islands 3 & 4. The Miami -Dade County Public Works Department approval of the one-way traffic flow was granted on August 24, 2010. On October 28, 2011, the City issued Request for Qualifications (RFQ), No. 04-11/12 for a Design Criteria Professional (DCP) to prepare the Design Criteria Package for the Sunset Islands 3 and 4 Neighborhood Right of Way Improvement Project, which is intended to be a Design Build contract. The selected DCP shall serve as the City's representative during the evaluation of the responses submitted by the Design Build firms and provide the City with the recommendation to award. The DCP shall participate in the review and approval process to assess compliance of the Design Build firm's detailed working drawings for the project; The DCP shall also be responsible for the evaluation of the project construction for the compliance with the Design Criteria Package, applicable codes and standards. On December 14, 2011, the City Commission approved Resolution Number 2011-27793 authorizing the administration to enter into negotiations with the top-ranked proposer, Corzo, Castella, Carballo, Thompson, Salman, PA (C3TS); and should the Administration not be successful in negotiating an agreement with the top-ranked proposer, authorizing negotiations with the second - ranked proposer, Calvin Giordano and Associates, Inc; and should the Administration not be successful in negotiating an agreement with the second -ranked proposer, authorizing negotiations with the third -ranked proposer, Atkins, Inc. ANALYSIS The Consultant shall provide the City the services to develop a Design Criteria Package for Sunset Islands 3 & 4 neighborhood ROW project (the Project). The Project consists of replacement of existing water main infrastructure, improved storm water drainage collection and disposal 6 Commission Item - Sunset Islands 3 & 4 Neighborhood ROW Improvement Project February 8, 2012 DCP Agreement Award Page 4 of 5 infrastructure including swale restoration, curb and gutter and other facilities, street resurfacing / pavement markings, sewer lining and repair, repair and/or extension of existing sidewalks to comply with ADA requirements, incorporation of traffic calming features, consistent with community preferences and the incorporation and coordination of the undergrounding of utilities including Florida Power and Light (FPL), Atlantic Broadband (ABB), Sprint and AT&T. On January 06, 2012, C3TS submitted a proposal in the amount of $308,375 (fee included basic services, other project direct services listed below, and $15,000 for additional services). Following negotiations, the City was able to reach an agreement in the lump sum amount of $285,661 (Schedule B) as follows: Basic services are comprised of the following tasks: Planning (Site Verification and Analysis) $ 32,100 Design Criteria Package - 30% Design Development Documents $ 44,070 Bidding and Award Services $ 9,895 Design Builder's Design Phase $ 16,780 Design Criteria Professional - Construction Phase Services $ 82,520 Total for Basic Services $185,345 Other direct services as follows: Traffic Analysis and Assessment $ 1,606 Topographic & Specific Purpose Survey Update $ 20,504 Underground Utility Verification $ 20,354 Bridge Loading Monitoring & Compliance Measures $ 1,598 Evaluation of Existing Sewer $ 26,434 Drainage Calculation $ 5,144 Encroachment Analysis and Survey Updates $ 9,676 Total for Other Direct Services $ 85,316 Reimbursables $ 15,000 Total Fee $285,661 The fee for basic services, including Site Verification and Analysis, Design Criteria Package, Bid and Award, and Design Criteria Professional - Construction Phase Services, represent approximately 4% of the project construction budget of $4,500,000. The negotiated fee is commensurate with the level of improvements contemplated in the scope of services for this project. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that a Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida be adopted, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Agreement with Corzo Castella Carballo Thompson Salman, PA (C3TS), in the negotiated amount of $185,345 for basic services; and an additional not to exceed amount of $85,316 for other direct services; and a not to exceed amount of $15,000 for approved reimbursables, for a total fee of $285,661, for a Design Criteria Professional to prepare the Design Criteria Package for the Sunset Islands 3 & 4 neighborhood Right -of -Way Improvement project, which is intended to be a Design Build contract; and to serve as the City's representative during the selection of the Design Build firm for the project, concerning the evaluation of the responses submitted by the Design Build firms; review and approve for compliance of the detailed working drawings for the project; and for evaluation of the compliance of the project construction with the Design Criteria Package, pursuant to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) 04-11/12; with previously appropriated funding from Fund 431 - Stormwater 7 Commission Item - Sunset Islands 3 & 4 Neighborhood ROW Improvement Project February 8, 2012 DCP Agreement Award Page 5 of 5 Bonds 2011, and Fund 420 - Water & Sewer GBL Series 2010; and additionally appropriating funding in the amount of $70,567 from General Fund Operating Contingency, with reimbursement to be identified as part of the annual capital budget process. ATTACHMENTS: Schedule A - Scope of A/E Services Schedule B - Consultant's Compensation Fee Table Schedule C - Hourly Billing Rates Schedule JMG/D /DM/mer T:IAGENDA1201212-08-121 Sunset Islands 3 & 4 - DCP Award - MEMO.doc 8 SCHEDULE A SCOPE OF SERVICES Task One 1: Phase One Schematic 30% The DCP shall become familiar with the Project site through frequent site visits, research, and examination of any record drawings, as applicable, including the 30% Schematic Phase documents dated February 25, 2005, the approved Basis of Design Report, the FPL preliminary drawings dated April 11, 2011 (and latest revisions thereto) and shall notify the City of any existing site condition omitted from or incorrectly shown on record drawings, as may have been reasonably discovered. Frequent visits shall continue until the Design Criteria Professional (DCP) is thoroughly familiar with the Project site, problem areas, and existing hazardous conditions, if any. The City will facilitate the DCP's access to the Project site, as needed, for investigative purposes. The DCP shall be responsible to provide the City with the following services as part of this task: Task 1.1: Evaluate and update the 30% schematic plans dated February 25, 2005 and compare the scope of work contained therein with the approved BODR. The DCP is to make any and all revisions necessary to these drawings as requested by the Agencies Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) over the project and incorporate said revisions into the 30% schematic drawings and become Design Criteria Professional / Engineering Professional for these documents. The DCP shall identify all the necessary requirements with all applicable AHJ over the work and/or utility providers and coordinate the work to make sure that there are no conflicts in the drawings and update the drawings accordingly for the design/construction of the Project by the Design Builder. Task 1.2: Evaluate the existing outfalls and ascertain if any upgrades will be required to conform to the proposed storm water system (see Task 2.1). Task 1.3: Analyze the cost estimates for this Project and provide an updated construction estimate in format provided by the City. Task 1.4: Provide a proposed project schedule and construction phasing plan for approval by the City for inclusion in Design Criteria Package. Task 1.5: Coordinate with FPL, AT&T, Sprint and Atlantic Broadband (ABB) for conversion of overhead electrical, telephone and cable to underground and incorporate as an Add Alternate to the 30% Schematic Plans. The consultant shall become familiar with the requirements of the FPL application for installed facilities agreement for UG conversions and provide all specifications to address conditions of the agreement related to the project. Identify requirements for use of contractors certified by FPL. Task 1.6: City shall contract with a consultant to provide a constructability and value engineering report including verification of project construction cost estimates and schedule. DCP shall provide necessary revisions to the design and technical requirements to address value engineering and constructability concerns. 9 Task 1.7: Coordinate Phase 1 Environmental Report and provide a Phase 2 Environmental as required by DEP/DERM or any other AHJ. Task 1.8: Coordinate with existing topographic and specific purpose survey provided by the City and updated survey information. Task 1.9: Coordinate Geotechnical Soils report information and additional testing including asphalt core results as required for the project. Task 1.10: Provide Drainage Calculations and preliminary drainage analysis to substantiate proposed 30% storm water design. Task 1.11: Prepare a Traffic Analysis and Assessment as needed for to obtain approval from Miami -Dade County Traffic Division. Task 1.12: Update the Encroachment Analysis and Survey and coordinate with CMB / PWD encroachment policy. Task 1.13: Prepare requirements for monitoring for compliance the bridge loading requirements. Task 1.14: Update the Public Works Manual which contains the City's specification and design standards for work in the right-of-way. This shall be used as the basis of Task 1.15. Task 1.15: Create a "Master Design Criteria" boilerplate package to be re -used by the City for future project specific Design Build projects. Task 1.16: Coordinate and conduct the necessary meetings with appropriate City staff and the Homeowner's Association to review the proposed scope of work and any other issues that may impact this Project. The DCP shall prepare and distribute minutes of meetings with the City regarding this Project. Task 1.17: The DCP shall seek review and approval of the 30% schematic design documents and Design Criteria Package including but not limited to the following agencies: • City of Miami Beach Public Works Department • City of Miami Beach Parks Department ■ City of Miami Beach Planning Department • Miami -Dade County Water & Sewer Department ■ Miami -Dade County PWD Traffic Engineering Division • Miami Beach Fire Prevention Division • Florida Department of Environmental Protection • Miami -Dade Department of Environmental Resource Management • South Florida Water Management District • Florida Department of Health • Florida Department of Transportation • US Army Corps of Engineers • US Environmental Protection Agency As part of this task, the consultant will prepare documents for review by the AHJ. Specific activities will include: 10 1. Submit documentation for review and approval. 2. Provide responses to request for additional information if requested by the permitting agencies. 3. Perform all required communication and coordination with regulatory agencies. Task 2: Design Criteria Package Task 2.1: The DCP shall coordinate with the City, as to the methodology, procedures, format and other specifics that the Design Criteria Package shall contain. The DCP shall study all issues and requirements relating to and affecting this Project including, but not limited to, the following: 1. The project requirements and scope as specified in the approved BODR dated March 2003; The City has requested that the Consultant develop a new approach to stormwater based on valley gutters on all roads with catch basins and required road pavement improvements in this neighborhood (not included in the BODR). a. Prepare technical report that investigates the existing stormwater system, proposes improvements required to meet a 5 -year, 1 day level of service, and presents a schematic plan; the report will also include the relevant drainage calculations or as required by the Stormwater Master Plan. b. The DCP c. Prepare specifications, plans and details for design of stormwater system with conveyance in form of valley gutters and catch basins located approximately 200 feet and with improvements that address water quality, improvements to existing outfalls, upsizing of 4 outfalls and added new tideflex valves. d. Provide profiles of the drainage system during update to 30% plans. 2. 30% drawings submitted by your office dated February 25, 2005 will also be evaluated for inclusion of the additional scope: a. Update of existing conditions on base sheet with additional field measurements and observations. b. Incorporate latest updated survey and geotechnical/asphalt core reports. Include Professional Utility Locating Services (EM & GPR technique) and/or soft digs for verification of any horizontal & vertical locations of new utilities placed over the last few years. c. Prepare updated survey information to existing condition drawings and incorporate new areas of demolition as required for the installation of the additional paving and storm drainage improvements. d. All roads will be reconstructed and re -graded as necessary to improve drainage; road width will match existing. e. All roads will have 24" valley gutter installed as edge treatment and the valley gutter will be included in determining the total pavement width. f. Water mains will be relocated where necessary to allow for new storm drain piping. Coordinate/revise the plans to include additional 8 inch water main (WM) segment on north side of bridge. Provide profiles during update to 30% plans for WM design. g. Drainage inlets and piping will be added where necessary to improve drainage on both islands. 11 h. Hydraulic modeling will be performed as the basis for the pipe size design, as well as the adequacy of the existing outfalls. The proposed system design basis will be the 5 year — 24 hour storm event. i. Drainage Computations will be calculated based on the revised design. 3. Evaluation of the neighborhood's infrastructure requirements with respect to this project including but not limited to, the existence or lack of the necessary utilities and/or surrounding infrastructure not included in the BODR and the 30% documents. a. Coordinate the conversion of electric, telephone and cable television utilities from overhead to underground and identify any potential conflicts. b. Coordination of the existing gas services within the project area and identify any potential conflicts. 4. Outfall Cleaning & CCTV Report provided by Envirowaste dated December 2010; coordination with proposed storm water collection system for new outfalls and retrofit of existing outfalls; processing of easements: a. As determined by hydraulic modeling, undersized outfalls will be identified and recommended pipe sizes will be provided. It is assumed that 4 outfalls will need to be upgraded including either upsizing the pipe, replacing pipe due to condition and/or sea wall repair. b. The City will be responsible for determining if easements exist to allow for replacement of the piping and identify landscaping and structures that may be affected. If new easements are required, the DCP shall provide documentation required and the City will be responsible for obtaining required agreements. 5. Contamination Screening Evaluation Report prepared by PSI, dated December 8, 2010. a. A site assessment report is available for inclusion in the documents; The DCP will review and identify any work to be provided by the Design Build firm, i.e., the report states that asbestos -containing cementitious piping (existing water lines) may be present and the Design shall include requirements for testing and the asbestos abatement per regulatory requirements; In addition, fill material utilized during construction of the islands may require further assessment. 6. DERM Permits a. DERM has capped the Class II permit fee at $28,750.00 for this project. b. Include all necessary plans, specifications and other documentation for approval of Dewatering Permit by DERM and City; Coordinate with guidelines developed for the Bayshore Packages. 7. WIFI locations to be maintained as per City's requirements. 8. Updated as -built drawings, existing utilities plans and/or atlases provided by the PWD, existing geotechnical reports, and surveys of the neighborhood. 9. New Federal Government Guidelines on Truck Maximum Weight per Inspection Report. 10. Truck Load Control and Monitoring Plan including requirements for Bridge Inspection Report at Pre -Construction and Post Construction and monitoring of bridge loading during construction: 12 • Legible log with Company name, tag number, delivery location and weight • Guidelines for restriction of bridge use 11. Traffic report and one-way traffic modification plan with recommendations from Miami - Dade County for inclusion of traffic circle at north side of entrance bridge and extension of the existing walkway along Sunset Drive to Sunset Island 3 bridge. 12. Coordination of Encroachments with PWD and the HOA. Update of the list of encroachments. 13. Water meter relocations - Prepare plans, specifications and details for relocation of water meters in the rear easements to the right of way (ROW) and for abandoning the existing watermain located in the easement. This task will include a schematic plan of each affected residence showing the location of the existing meter(s), location of directional bore(s) and other pertinent information to effect a complete scope of work. Task 2.1: The DCP shall prepare the Design Criteria Package for bidding by incorporating all information as required by the City, and all federal, state, and applicable local codes. The preparation of the design criteria bidding documents shall include, but not be limited to the following: 1. Finalize all design criteria for the Project (clearly defining the entire scope of work to be performed) to be utilized by Design -Build firms to bid, design and construct the Project. The design criteria shall include issues related to infrastructure design analysis of the schematic phase 30% design, performance specifications, and all the requirements from the AHJ over the project as stated in Task 1.17. 2. Preparation, coordination and incorporation of all construction related documents, including front-end documents, specifications, DCP procedural manual, and any other guidelines as required. 3. Coordination of bidding documents and other related deliverables, to ensure consistency of Design -Build bid documents. 4. Preparation of estimate of probable construction cost (Design -Build) based on units (area, volume, etc.) and prepared in Construction Specification Institute (CSI) format or similar component breakdown for the City's review and approval. 5. The DCP shall consult with the City in preparation of the design criteria bid documents and shall seek approval from all applicable City staff prior to bidding the Project. Task 3: Bidding and Award of Contract Task 3.1: The DCP shall assist the City in obtaining bids and in the award of the Design Build contract for the work that was bid pursuant to the Design Criteria Contract Documents. At a minimum, the DCP shall: • Distribute bidding documents to Design Build entities and maintain log. • Conduct and document pre-bid conferences, including minutes of all meetings. • Respond to bidder's inquiries. • Prepare and issue addenda, clarifications, information bulletins, etc., as approved by the City. 13 • Assist the City in the analysis of bids and in determining the lowest responsive bidder. ■ Make written recommendations to the City on the award of the Design Build contract. Task 4: Submittal Requirements During the period of this contract, the DCP shall provide the requisite sets of documents to the City for review at the different levels of completion as determined by the City. The DCP shall submit to the City five (5) complete sets of contract documents and one (1) electronic copy or as otherwise requested by the City, after award of the Construction Contract, including all addenda, for Design Build contract for signing purposes. Task 5: Design Builder's Design Phase Task 5.1: The DCP shall, at minimum, monitor the Design Builder's design phase as follows: 5.1.1 The DCP shall instruct the Design Builder's Engineer of Record (EOR) to prepare all required drawings utilizing CADD (vector format). 5.1.2 The DCP shall instruct the Design Builder's EOR team of the City's requirements as to the various phases of design and approvals required and/or mandated by the City. 5.1.3 Coordinate and monitor the Design Builder's design phases (Phase 60% and 100%) and recommend approval or disapproval to the City. 5.1.4 Respond to all inquiries and evaluate alternatives presented from the Design Builder for compliance with the bidding documents and possible City approval. 5.1.5 Coordinate all stand-up and/or City reviews with the Design Builder and the City or others as required including, but not limited to, the following: City's Public Works Department, City's Parks and Recreation Department, Planning Department, Building Department, Fire Department, DERM, DOH, DEP and any other AHJ. 5.1.6 Review all Design Builder's documentation at all phases of design, submit and obtain review comments and subsequent approvals from the City's consultants and/or departments having the authority to review the Project. 5.1.7 Assist and monitor the Design Builder's design submittals and subsequent approvals from other agencies having jurisdiction and utility companies having jurisdiction over the Project. By performing reviews, monitoring approvals and making recommendations, as described in Task 5.1 items 1 through 7 above, the DCP does not assume the Design Builder's contractual responsibility and professional liability, in whole or in part, for any design and/or contract documents prepared by the Design Builder's EOR. Task 6: Construction Phase - General Administration of Construction Process Task 6.1: Observation The DCP shall ensure and require that the Design Builder's EOR team provide construction administration of the construction to ascertain compliance with all approved construction documents. This shall include, but not be limited to construction administration of the Design Build Construction Contract as set forth in City's agreement with the DCP and in the General 14 Conditions of the Design Build Construction Contract, unless otherwise provided in City's agreement with the DCP. On the basis of on-site observations as the DCP, the DCP shall keep the City and Design Builder informed immediately in writing of the progress or lack of progress and quality of the construction work ("Work") and shall endeavor to guard the City against defects and deficiencies in said Work. The DCP shall at all times have access to the Work, whether it is in the preparation stage or in progress. The DCP shall not have control over or charge of and shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work, since these are solely the Design Builder's responsibility under the contract. The DCP shall not be responsible for the Design Builder's Schedules or failure to carry out the Work in accordance with the contract documents. The DCP shall not have control over or charge of acts or omissions of the Design Builder, subcontractors, or their agents or employees or of any other person performing portions of the Work. The DCP shall receive a look -ahead schedule provided by the Design Builder, appropriate to the stage of construction, in order to determine potential problems and probable solutions, and report it to City on a regular basis. As part of the DCP's basic services, the DCP shall conduct at least one monthly Project visit/meeting at the Project site during construction to review the Design Builder's progress and approve payment requisitions. Moreover, the DCP shall also conduct on-site observation visits during the construction of the Project. Compensation for each authorized site visit shall be determined during negotiations at a lump sum cost per site visit for the DCP (EOR and Engineering consultants). The frequency of the on-site visits will be determined by the City's Projects Manager ("PM") based on the Design Builder's schedule. The DCP shall provide a report to the PM, in accordance to the outline shown below for each authorized site visit. Site visit shall mean a visit authorized by the PM to the Project site (of at least one hour duration at the Project site) by one or more DCP professional staff or consultants, for the purposes of observing the Work performed by the Design Builder. Either the DCP or its consultant(s) shall complete and submit a site visitation report to the PM which shall contain, at a minimum, the following information: ■ Site visitation report number. • Name and location of Project. • Name of contractor/subcontractor. • Time of visitation and weather conditions. ■ Project site administrator sign -in and sign -out. • Site personnel on-site by trade. • Progress/quality of work by trade. • Photographic record (if required by the City). • Remarks. Task 6.2: Progress Reporting The DCP shall prepare a monthly progress report in the format acceptable to the City containing at minimum the following: 15 • Summary Project Data Sheet. • Executive Summary. • The status of project items, such as requests for information, change orders, shop drawings, non -compliances, and others as appropriate. Task 7: Design Builder's Submittals The DCP shall review and evaluate samples, schedules, shop drawings, and other submissions for conformance with the Design Criteria Package and the Design Build Contract Documents. The DCP's review of any submittal, to the extent of the review required, does not constitute an approval of the entire assembly of which any given item is a part. The DCP shall require the Design Builder to be responsible for compliance of the shop drawings with contract documents and that the Design Builder notifies the DCP in writing of any deviation in the shop drawings from contract documents or design criteria. The DCP shall select (after consultation with the City) all colors for all finish materials from their color charts or prepared by the Design Builder. The DCP shall conduct reviews and evaluations, and respond appropriately with reasonable promptness in order to cause no delay to the progress of the Project, as outlined in the Design Builder's City -approved submittal schedule. The DCP shall also prepare in a timely manner change order items, including the proper documentation, for the City's review and approval. The DCP shall assemble, for transmittal to the City other written items required of the Design Builder including, but not limited to, shop drawings, guarantees, operation and maintenance manuals, and releases of claim and record documents. Task 8: Substitutions The DCP shall review and evaluate in a timely manner, for the City's review and approval, substitutions proposed by the Design Builder, for conformance with the Project requirements. The DCP shall establish submittal requirements in accordance with the City's guidelines and incorporate them into the Design Criteria. Task 9: Quality Control The DCP shall evaluate the materials and/or workmanship for conformance with the Design Build Contract Documents, evaluate quality control testing reports, advise the Design Builder and the City immediately of any unacceptable materials and workmanship the DCP may discover and ensure that the Design Builder take appropriate action to remedy unacceptable conditions. Task 10: Agencies Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) The DCP shall monitor and cooperate with the City's Public Works Department, City's Parks and Recreation Department, Planning Department, Building Department, Fire Department, DERM, DOH, DEP and any other AHJ and shall advise the Design Builder _ito provide information and explanations as requested. The DCP shall advise the Design Builder to respond to any deficiencies noted by the AHJ's in the documents and during construction, by administering the necessary changes in the plans or taking the necessary action during construction within five (5) working days from receipt of written notification of the situation by the AHJ. Task 11: Certification for Payments The DCP shall require that the Design Builder's EOR review and approve all requisitions for payment prior to submitting them to DCP. The DCP shall review the Design Builder's notarized requisitions for payment, along with the schedule of values, the Project schedule, and other requirements as noted in the construction contract and shall determine the amounts to be 16 paid to the Design Builder and shall recommend for City's approval certificates for payments in such amounts. These certificates will constitute a representation to the City; based on site observations by all appropriate designated specialists and / or engineering disciplines and on the data comprising the application for payment that the Work has progressed to the point indicated. By recommending a certificate for payment consistent with the Design Build Contract documents, the DCP shall also represent to the City that, to the best of the DCP's knowledge, information and professional judgment, the quality of work is in accordance with the Design Build Contract Documents, unless the City has been notified to the contrary in writing. However, the issuance of a Certificate for Payment shall not be a representation that the DCP has made any examination to ascertain how and or for what purpose the Design Builder has used the monies paid on account of the Contract. Before approving the Design Builder's requisition for payment, the DCP shall review the status of the Design Builder's record documents and verify that they are up-to-date and accurate to the extent visual observation of the Work will disclose. The DCP shall be responsible for obtaining the contractor and subcontractor's partial releases of lien from the Design Builder prior to processing subsequent payment applications. The DCP shall process the Design Builder's requisitions for payment in accordance with the timeliness established in the general conditions of the Design Build Contract. Task 12: Record Drawings Upon completion of construction, the DCP shall coordinate and require that the Design Builder's EOR, utilizing record data provided by the Design Builder along with the EOR's own record data, shall revise and update the original working drawings showing all changes made by addenda, substitutions, change orders or field instructions during construction, in accordance with the Design Build Contract. After original working drawings have been updated by the Design Builder's EOR to conform to the record data, and after review and approval of these record drawings has been obtained from the DCP and the City, the DCP shall require the EOR, at the Design Builder's expense for duplication, to furnish the City these documents pursuant to the Design Build contract. Task 13: Operations and Maintenance Manuals (O&M) The DCP shall coordinate the acquisition of comprehensive O&M testing reports; trouble shooting procedures; warranty files; starting -up testing procedures; shutdown procedures; training materials; emergency full load and part load operations and others as required. Task 14: Substantial Completion Upon notification from the Design Builder's EOR that the Project is substantially complete including, but not limited to, the Design Builder's contract and all Regulatory Agency and Life Safety Standards, the DCP shall promptly perform the following: Conduct inspections to determine the date or dates of substantial completion for the Project. If the Project is found substantially complete and in accordance with the Design Build Contract Documents, the DCP shall then certify that to the best of the DCP's knowledge and professional judgment the Project has been constructed in accordance with the Contract Documents, and shall furnish such other certifications as required by applicable laws or regulations. If the Project is deemed to be incomplete, the DCP shall notify the Design Builder in writing of the deficiencies and shall verify the Design Builder's correction of the deficiencies, as required, and shall then certify as stated above. 17 Upon certification by the DCP that substantial completion has been achieved, the City representatives, accompanied by the DCP, shall perform a substantial completion inspection of the Project as outlined in the Design Build contract. If deficiencies are still found, the DCP shall assemble a punch list of comments from any participants representing the City in the inspection and shall evaluate each comment to determine whether or not they are part of the Construction Contract. Any not -in -contract (N.I.C.) items shall be further evaluated by the DCP and recommendations made to the City by the DCP whether they should be added to the Contract as change orders or be handled by some other vehicle outside the Contract. The DCP shall provide to the Design Builder the official, edited punch list within five (5) working days, and shall verify the correction of in -contract punch list items. Task 15: Final Completion If the DCP finds the Project to be complete and acceptable, the DCP shall obtain the City's approval to advise the Contractor of acceptance and commencement of the warranty period. Task 16: Projects Closeout Upon acceptance of the Project by the City as outlined in the Design Build contract, the DCP shall immediately commence the closeout of the Project, finalizing all aspects of the construction phase, including: obtaining from the Design Builder's EOR all required submittals, such as marked -up record documents, warranties, operating and maintenance manuals, releases of claim; updating and submitting record documents; verifying the Contractor's completion of punch list items; assisting the City with respect to the final inspection by all AHJ's; completing the processing of any remaining contract change orders; evaluating the assessment of liquidated damages, if any and reviewing and processing final payments to the contractor(s). Task 17: Additional Services If additional services are required during the performance of the work, they will be requested by the City and negotiated in accordance with the Contract requirements. Task 18: Reimbursable Services The City may reimburse additional expenses such as reproduction costs, underground utility verification costs material testing / abatement and/or any other service as required for successful project completion. 18 SCHEDULE B CONSULTANT COMPENSATION 19 1111111 IHJ I 1111111 IIIHHhI It I o1 ' I11! a} = I of Const Budget._,__ of Cont Budget of Cont Budget of Const Bud t __,_ _ EN _ il mumul_,} giAg _ ._ 1_t4_ 1Nlv Iv.-,) am 0. S w : w' S f Si R: S u w 8 o$ r1 s g I Ss„81 w� 1w 1 1 1 $ w 7. ! I a o; S m S I , rn o Si ti I 1 I I i I t1 i s S s E I 1 li 11 m 52.975.00 I 91,060.00 $0.00 sg.8"88 www c 88 88ww 8 wmwgm .3mmm.+ PLUwN �w .�nwag.w $$SS$SS e$ ,qwl$wwwwwwww ww 8.8.Sm$Sg$S m� ww ww ww 5159.790.00 m c- iiirig 1 I S1'llhIIIIIiHL mee t1 IlIlIF E L N N e mm a ejei NIN iN le a Nm e e !N N N V" III IIIi le! NI 111 11 i I ro 1 e IIGI 1111111III III1 I H. 1m 11111. 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NV VN iTaport Indicates that additional testing is warrented, then ad5tionel services would be required 1 g 18 '2'2 � N NN NN1N IN I1I'1?i JV Nry I; N N m i U a m1 j I i ; 9 l i, ''' �;#t6 m of Existing Facilities & Documents_ I LidA Poulson anA Fvdrmtw Fviwenn Minna & documentation ^m a� tl�m l imLL cTs _ � a ®�. ? ® - a ry � :fit ��la S IE .xi�m .emj� m soIeo�.'c n c ac. ; U o c ' g. o m. aa�cq stsm $E:� s m U U gl� o�mga Ela sill U 41O 2uality Assurance / Quality Control Award of Contract Construction Contract Document Review &d Document Delivery Pre -Bid Conference Addenda lasaance Technical Review Panel Participation (See Note 1) D/0 with GMP Contract Award A48id Contract Documents Iider's Design Phase DCP Instruct DB's EOR toprea_are dans DCP to Instruct DB's EOR on City Requirements Coorninate & Monitor DB 60% and 100% Design Phases Resseed to Inquiries, Evaluate Alternatives Coordinate Stand-up reviews with City and other AHJ Review DB phase submittals, coordinate City comments & approvals nosier A monitor nn nnbmlaele to other AHJ al ml 311 hi t E 4d1 '=�$'�W i�� q8l$ is mo a�=m � �OIW r ro - 33810 ¢¢OI f I I c , '$ 1, mtm `d Certification for payments Record DravAngsoaori4nation O&M Manuals coordination Substantial Completion Ind ounchllst o. am Uu u.6 vises 1y11T�nal �rafhc Ayrsis & Asseament (submittal of final design to MDCPYY) Contamination Sreening Evaluation Report (See Note 2) Phase 2 EnvironmentalAseessement - Budget is c ��c gz,a=e m ,a�m m'��vW� $Jam - c m .0 w Mc 3mE-cc m mcwoo = m - 11 'o 3 �' m' m m Services (Allowance) 1 Reimbursabies (Allowance) Total Staff Hours Total Staff Cosi G ry r `wM a 11111 MU IUUUIIIUI e; - - Task 42.1 - Task4.2.2 1 tiN Ias Task 4.2.10 v Task -50 Other Sar Task 56:214 Task 6.2A " eo vimvvvv !A;rrl"C�. -1 mN" :� Task Additional Task 7.0 -Additions 2 ®v i O'-<E Marti Beach RFC (ATR PrnlwM Nn SCHEDULE C HOURLY BILLING RATE SCHEDULE 21 SCHEDULE 'C' Name of Project: Sunset Islands 3 and 4 DCP Miami Beach Miami Beach RFQ: #04-11/12 Date: January 27, 2012 HOURLY RATES Project Principal $150 Project Manager $120 Senior Engineer $120 Engineer $101 Senior CAD Tech $60 CAD Tech $55 Clerical $35 Senior CEI Inspector $90 m MIAMIBEACH OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager Robert Parcher, City Clerk FROM: Jorge R. Exposito, Commissioner DATE: February 6, 2012 SUBJECT: Agenda item: STEM TECH Olympiad 2012 Please place a discussion item on the February 8, 2012 Commission Meeting agenda regarding a resolution to waive the Convention Center fee only for STEM TECH Olympiad 2012 scheduled for April 26-29, 2012. We trust that you will find all in good order. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact my aide, Barbie Paredes at 6457. Best regards, JRE/bp We are committed to providing excellent public service and safes., to all who live, work, and play in our vibral Agenda Item Rq Date Z- 5-1 2 _ 23 RESOLUTION TO BE SUBMITTED 24