20120208 LTC 025-2012MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC #,025-2012 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager ~ February 1, 2012 U U SUBJECT: REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS FOR THE FEBRUARY 8, 2012 COMMISSION MEETING Pursuant to the changes directed by the City Commission for meeting agenda distribution, the following reports will now be provided on a monthly basis via LTC and also posted on the City's website. 1. Parking Status Report -December 2011. 2. Informational Report To The Mayor And City Commission, On Federal, State, Miami- Dade County, U.S. Communities, And All Existing City Contracts For Renewal Or Extensions In The Next 180 Days. 3. Status Report On The Palm & Hibiscus Islands Underground Utilities Project. 4. CIP Monthly Construction Project Update. 5. Report Of The Itemized Revenues And Expenditures Of The Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency's City Center District & South Pointe (Pre-Termination Carry Forward Balances) For The Month Of December 2011. 6. Minutes From The Miami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) For The Meeting Of December 8, 2011. JMG/REP/lc F:\CLER\$ALL\UUA\Commission-Meetings\2012\Februay 8, 2012\L TC.doc ("") r-..;) = --; r-..;) -< -" ("") fT1 r-eo rr; I ::c ='" (.0 > 0 3: "T] a -,., .. 0 U1 rrl N :lJ m C) i~rl ,. j --:: ........... ill ':J ~ MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager /' / DATE: SUBJECT: February 8,2012 \rD PARKING STATUS REPORT -~ECEMBER 2011 During the month of December the Parking Department received revenue from different sources outlined in the categories listed below: REVENUE SOURCE DECEMBER 2010 I. Meters (Single & Multi Space)$l,653,952.25 II. Off-Street Facilities a. Garages and AHended 17th Street Garage City Hall Garage 7 th Street Garage Pennsylvania Ave Garage 12th Street Garage 13 th Street Garage 42nd Street Garage 16 th Street Garage $883,735.68 $320,613.03 $47,267.89 $125,874.26 $24,567.25 $43,506.07 $79,359.56 $30,504.61 $212,043.01 DECEMBER 2011 %INC/(DEC) $1,986,457.14 20.10% $953,314.41 $318,125.89 $43,958.35 ·$154,120.08 $60A22.99 $45,547.21 $93,960.55 $23,823.29 $213,356.05 7.87% (0.78%) (7.00%) 22.44% 145.95% 4.69% 18.40% . (21.90%) 0.62% REVENUE SOURCE NOVEMBER 2010 NOVEMBER 2011 %INC/(DEC) b. Joint Venture 5 th & Alton Garage $19,585.83 $40,127.35* 104.88% *46% of total revenue which represents the City's pro-rata share pursuant to the Development Agreement. REVENUE SOURCE III. Enforcement a. M-D Cty Pkg Violations b. Towing IV. Permit Sales DECEMBER 2010 $325,276.75 $308,176.75 $17,100.00 $290,420.99 a. Municipal Monthly Permits $117,030.39 b. Valet & Space Rental $85,004.39 c. Residential Permits $33786.21 d. Hotel Hang Tags (900 tags) $9,000.00 e. In Vehicle Parking Meter (186 iParks) $45,600.00 DECEMBER 2011 %INC/(DEC) $389,371.24 19.70% $369,52l.24 19.91% $19,850.00 16.08% $338,837.18 16.67% $81,441.73 (30.41 %) $154,445.31 81.68% $33755.13 (0.09%) $9,000.00 (0%) $60,195.00 32.01% February 8, 2012 City Commission Memorandum Parking Status Report -November 20 11 Page 2 of2 Meters: the increase of meter revenue is primarily due to an increase in the hourly rate from $1.50 to $1.75 south of 23 rd Street. Garages & Attended Lots: the overall revenue in the garages and lots increased by 7.87% due to an increase in 7 th Street, Penn Avenue, 12th Street, 13th Street and 16th Street Garages. In an effort to reduce operating expenses, the Parking Department continuesto decrease the number of labor hours for garage and attended lot operations including cashiers/attendants, supervisors. Operating expenses decreased by 7.44%; when including the additional expenses for the new Pennsylvania Avenue Garage, expenses cumulatively decreased by 5.34%. ' Enforcement: the 19.70% increase in revenue is a result of collection compliance. ( Permit Sales: the overall revenue increase in permits sales is a result of increased valet & Space Rental and IVPM sales. Additionally, non-resident IVPMs are available at Publix supermarkets and select Walgreens. Since August 2009 we have sold a total of 1143 devices to these retail stores (1080 to Publix and 63 to Walgreens). 5th and Alton Garage: The 5lh and Alton Garage is a joint venture project (parking garage) with the "Developer" (Berkowitz Development Group) containing 1,080 parking spaces. The Developer and City own 54% and 46% of the parking spaces, respectively, and profit/loss is also shared in the same manner. The City's revenue portion (46%) is $40,127.35; resulting in a total net income of $22,615.62 for the month of November 2011. Pursuant to the Development Agreement, the City receives its proportionate share of profit or must subsidize any loss. The City and Developer continue to jointly pursue initiatives to promote the use of the garage. These initiatives include but are not limited to "after hours" flat rate parking; valet parking storage; monthly parking; and strategically placed electronic signage directing users to the facility. Future considerations include promotional rates for "after hours"; valet parking storage; and park and ride options to the entertainment districts. Attached are detailed reports for each category listed above that comprises the total monthly revenue. Unfortunately the December 2011 information for the 5 th & Alton Garage was not available at time of rint and will be submitted at a later date. JMG/ F:\PING\ Diff % ~arages & Attended Lots Dec-10 $ 883,735.68 Dec-11 $ 953,314.41 $ 69,578.73 7.87% Towing & Parking Violations 11% Permit Sales & Space Rentals 9% $4,000,000.00 $3,500,000.00 $3,000,000.00 $2,500,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $1,500,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 $- Attended Lots PARKING DEPARTMENT REVENUE December-1 1 Meters Permit ::'a es & ::'pa!::e owing & Pgrking (SS & MS) Rentals Violations $ 1,653,952.25 $ 290,420.99 $ 325,276.75 $ 1,986,457.14 $ 338,837.17 $ 389,371.24 $ 332,504.89 $ 48,416.18 $ 64,094.49 20.10% 16.67% 19.70% Revenue 2011 ,....-___ Garages & Attended Lots 26% -~ii-------_ Meters (SS & MS) Permit Sales & Space Rentals Towing & Parking Violations TOTAL Dec-11 TOTAL $ 3,153,385.67 $ 3,667,979.96 $ 514,594.29 16.32% aDec:·l0 CDec.ll PARKING DEPARTMENT REVENUE YTD December-ll Garages & Attended lots Meters (SS & MS) Permit Sales Oct-11 $ 867,589.31 $ 1,689,714.18 $ 356,298.91 Nov-11 $ 929,506.04 $ 1,842,974.08 $ 306,020.51 Dec-11 $ 953,314.41 $ 1,986,457.14 $ 338,837.17 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 YTD $ 2,750,409.76 $ 5,51 9, 145.40 $ 1,001,156.59 $4,000,000.00 -,-------------------------------, $3,500,000~00 -/----:; $3,000,000.00 $2,500,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $1,500,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $500,000.00 $- . . ,. ~ ". • ~ 4 • ~ .. • ~ . ~ ~ ~. N Q) L.L.. lOYJI:ing& Paoong Yiolations TOTAL $ 362,213.28 $ 3,275,815.68 $ 382,613.98 $ 3,461,114.61 $ 389,371.24 $ 3,667,979.96 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,134,198.50 $ 10,404,910.25 aTowing &. Parking Violations DPermil Sales CMeter~ (55 &. MS) eGo rages &. Attended Lots 17th Street Garage -2G Ticket $ 258,205.89 Valet Monthly Permits $ 59,920.00 $ 318,125.89 $300,000.00 $250,000.00 $200,000.00 $150,000.00 $100,000.00 $50,000.00 $- Penns},lyania Aye Garage-G9 $ 49,642.99 $ 10,780.00 $ 60,422.99 II> 0) e o ~<.9 II>N ~ U> ~ PARKING GARAGE REVENUE CATEGORIES 1775Meridian 7th Street Garane CH Garage -G7 -lG ; 26,761.69 $ 141,370.08 13,416.66 $ 3,780.00 $ 12,750.00 $ 43,958.35 $ 154,120.08 II> I Ql > Ur-... «0-0) 0<.9 §<.9 e 'c dJ ~ ~ 0 o 0) ~<.9 2: 0 >-~ ~ e Ql- ~ 0 ~ El? '<l 0 II> r-...l? Ul 0-r-... ~ December-ll 12th Street Ggrgge-2A $ 40,997.21 $ 4,550.00 $ 45,547.21 Ql Ql 0) 0) e e 0 0 ~« <.9« II>N "Q;r-... ~. 11>- OJ' U) -£ -£ N C"') 13th Street Garage -17A $ 85,420.55 $ 8,540.00 $ 93,960.55 -« Qla) ~ . u; ~ "U 0 c ~ N 0 ""'<.9 !Ii $ !Ii 420d Street ~ 4,153.29 19,670.00 23,823.29 II> 0) e <3 (; _..c II> U Ql C 0« -£ '" 16th Street Gargge -Anchor TOTAL i 155,631.78 $ 762,183.48 20,124.27 $ 33,540.93 $ 37,600.00 $ 157,590.00 $ - !Ii 213,356.05 $ 953,314.41 CTicket aValal ClMonlhly Permits 17th Street Garage -2G Total Vehicle Peak Period Peak Vehicle Total Vehicle Date Day Entries Count Entries 1 TH 3881 20:00-20:59 624 613 2 F 4413 20:00-20:59 694 703 3 SA 4492 20:00-20:59 682 1058 4 SU 3801 17:00-17:59 627 858 5 MO 2781 20:00-20:59 474 512 6 TU 2336 18:00-18:59 369 544 7 W 2376 18:00-18:59 345 575 8 TH 2318 14:00-14:59 384 570 9" F 2905 22:00-22:59 417 761 10 SA 1647 15:00-15:59 403 1716 11 SU 3770 17:00-17:59 618 1352 12 MO 1419 18:00-18:59 310 519 13 TU 2347 17:00-17:59 391 513 14 W 2592 17:00-17:59 406 550 15 TH 2413 18:00-18:59 395 567 16 F 3211 18:00-18:59 448 766 17 SA 3670 19:00-19:59 705 1104 18 SU 3608 17:00-17:59 678 1152 19 MO 2385 17:00-17:59 434 665 20 TU 3042 20:00-20:59 470 711 21 W 3256 19:00-19:59 519 816 22 TH 3021 17:00-17:59 491 877 23 F 3532 18:00-18:59 548 1039 24 SA 2319 14:00-14:59 421 909 25 SU 2978 18:00-18:59 618 1030 26 MO 3584 18:00-18:59 687 1314 27 TU 3173 18:00-18:59 558 1292 28 W 3966 17:00-17:59 658 1274 29 TH 3675 17:00-17:59 600 1300 30 F 4510 20:00-20:59 682 1488 31 SA 3606 15:00-15:59 538 1568 97027 28716 ---------_._------- City of Miami Beach Parki ng Department Daily Vehicle Entry Report -December 2011 7th SI Garage - 1 G 16th Street Garage -ANCHOR Peak Period Peak Vehicle Total Vehicle Peak Period Peak Vehicle Count Entries Count 17:00-17:59 97 1120 17:00-17:59 169 17:00-17:59 108 1418 15:00-15:59 199 16:00-16:59 178 1564 17:00-17:59 232 15:00-15:59 171 1156 15:00-15:59 193 17:00-17:59 89 783 15:00-15:59 134 15:00-15:59 89 826 15:00-15:59 145 17:00-17:59 102 747 17:00-17:59 122 16:00-16:59 84 840 15:00-15:59 147 15:00-15:59 119 1050 15:00-15:59 163 16:00-16:59 273 1166 15:00-15:59 170 12:00-12:59 245 916 00:00-00:59 142 16:00-16:59 91 703 15:00-15:59 132 17:00-17:59 90 679 14:00-14:59 126 15:00-15:59 95 708 17:00-17:59 107 16:00-16:59 95 816 17:00-17:59 126 16:00-16:59 126 1058 15:00-15:59 169 15:00-15:59 194 926 23:00-23:59 117 14:00-14:59 211 798 00:00-00:59 136 16:00-16:59 157 745 17:00-17:59 132 15:00-15:59 128 825 14:00-14:59 144 16:00-16:59 152 853 17:00-17:59 137 15:00-15:59 156 898 16:00-16:59 131 16:00-16:59 207 950 14:00-14:59 135 14:00-14:59 175 769 16:00-16:59 111 17:00-17:59 195 954 16:00-16:59 150 1 6:00-16:59 291 1132 17:00-17:59 225 14:00-14:59 256 1234 15:00-15:59 220 16:00-16:59 270 1292 17:00-17:59 206 16:00-16:59 254 1387 15:00-15:59 208 16:00-16:59 244 1626 16:00-16:59 246 11:00-11:59 221 1624 16:00-16:59 230 31563 1775 Meridian Garage -G7 Total Vehicle Peak Period Peak Vehicle Entries Count 762 08:00-08:59 180 713 08:00-08:59 168 849 16:00-16:59 217 716 13:00-13:59 274 689 08:00-08:59 177 706 08:00-08:59 186 660 08:00-08:59 173 695 08:00-08:59 175 672 17:00-17:59 161 106 15:00-15:59 19 84 15:00-15:59 25 649 17:00-17:59 177 688 08:00-08:59 201 688 08:00-08:59 181 686 08:00-08:59 179 675 17:00-17:59 187 168 21:00-21 :59 41 87 16:00-16:59 20 619 17:00-17:59 169 658 08:00-08:59 178 637 17:00-17:59 156 620 08:00-08:59 163 552 08:00-08:59 146 93 14:00-14:59 21 46 19:00-19:59 9 110 15:00-15:59 23 538 17:00-17:59 137 567 08:00-08:59 147 542 17:00-17:59 154 555 17:00-17:59 122 135 17:00-17:59 22 15965 ----------- 12th St Garage . 2A Date Day Total Vehicle Peak Period Peak Vehicle Total Vehicle Entries Count Entries 1 TH 247 17:00·17:59 31 341 2 F 302 18:00·18:59 40 433 3 SA 274 22:00·22:59 47 604 4 SU 148 02:00·02:59 28 484 5 MO 181 17:00·17:59 39 297 6 TU 217 12:00·12:59 32 287 7 W 192 16:00·16:59 33 315 8. TH 239 17:00·17:59 40 296 9 F 258 12:00·12:59 38 495 10 SA 311 18:00·18:59 47 692 11 SU 185 06:00·06:59 36 508 12 MO 176 17:00·17:59 33 263 13 TU 185 17:00·17:59 36 279 14 W 237 17:00·17:59 38 245 15 TH 289 18:00·18:59 48 285 16 F 259 16:00·16:59 35 349 17 SA 217 17:00·17:59 38 494 18 SU 171 01 :00-01 :59 31 554 19 MO 199 17:00·17:59 43 323 20 TU 214 16:00·16:59 53 340 21 W 210 16:00·16:59 40 386 22 TH 219 13:00·13:59 36 393 23 F 201 13:00·13:59 30 465 24 SA 168 17:00·17:59 28 447 25 SU 153 17:00·17:59 24 566 26 MO 229 18:00·18:59 41 567 27 TU 270 15:00·15:59 47 540 28 W 307 16:00·16:59 58 592 29 TH 360 17:00·17:59 57 662 30 F 385 18:00·1 8:59 53 657 31 SA 286 17:00·17:59 50 554 7289 13713 City of Miami Beach Parking Department Daily Vehicle Entry Report. December 2011 13th StGarage . 17A Peak Period Peak Vehicle Total Vehicle Count Entries 15:00·15:59 51 427 15:00·15:59 63 466 16:00·16:59 88 166 16:00·16:59 97 126 14:00-14:59 52 407 16:00·16:59 52 408 16:00·16:59 49 409 16:00·16:59 50 451 17:00·17:59 70 406 17:00·17:59 106 137 11:00·11:59 102 123 15:00·15:59 42 412 16:00·16:59 49 464 18:00·18:59 39 393 16:00·16:59 43 429 16:00·16:59 62 406 16:00·16:59 73 150 16:00·16:59 93 109 16:00·16:59 67 398 17:00·17:59 59 396 15:00·15:59 70 418 17:00·17:59 66 385 16:00·16:59 87 379 16:00·16:59 86 127 16:00·16:59 114 74 17:00·17:59 116 156 15:00·15:59 102 358 15:00·15:59 100 322 17:00·17:59 103 369 16:00·16:59 106 313 00:00-00:59 83 149 9733 42nd St Garage. 8A Peak Period 08:00-08:59 09:00·09:59 06:00·06:59 22:00·22:59 09:00·09:59 16:00·16:59 08:00·08:59 08:00·08:59 08:00·08:59 07:00·07:59 08:00·08:59 08:00-08:59 09:00-09:59 17:00·17:59 09:00·09:59 08:00·08:59 08:00·08:59 08:00-08:59 08:00-08:59 08:00-08:59 16:00·16:59 09:00·09:59 08:00·08:59 06:00·06:59 08:00·08:59 08:00·08:59 08:00-08:59 16:00·16:59 08:00-08:59 08:00·08:59 08:00·08:59 Pennsylvania Avenue Garage· G9 Peak Vehicle Total Vehicle Peak Period Peak Vehicle Count Entries Count 90 579 13:00·13:59 159 95 891 13:00·13:59 196 29 1025 14:00·14:59 245 24 774 13:00·13:59 221 83 282 10:00·10:59 87 96 262 17:00·17:59 61 87 303 18:00·18:59 65 113 288 09:00-09:59 59 81 297 09:00·09:59 66 27 258 21 :00·21 :59 105 28 214 13:00·13:59 87 92 264 09:00·09:59 62 90 281 09:00·09:59 64 77 292 09:00·09:59 63 91 321 17:00·17:59 68 87 312 20:00·20:59 132 29 312 22:00·22:59 48 21 219 00:00·00:59 71 95 260 17:00·17:59 59 95 291 16:00·16:59 63 87 254 17:00·17:59 58 80 253 09:00-09:59 47 84 188 12:00·12:59 35 27 112 14:00·14:59 23 19 122 19:00·19:59 27 32 158 16:00·16:59 32 73 224 09:00-09:59 47 76 248 09:00-09:59 46 !O 221 15:00·15:59 39 63 258 21 :00·21 :59 72 32 298 23:00·23:59 113 10061 17th St Garage -Pennsxlvania Ave 2G Garage-G9 Dec-10 ~ 120,738.19 ~ 27,990.51 *Dec -11 705,770.96 33,907.89 DIFF !Ii (14,967.23) !Ii 5,911.38 % -12.40% 21.12% * Attendeo Labor amounts are estimates 42nd St Garage 8A 13th St ~rage- 17A 7% 12th St Garage -2A 5% Expenses 16th St Garage - Anchor 16% 7th SI Garage· 1 G 18% PARKING GARAGE EXPENSES December-ll 1775 Meridian 7th St Garage -12th St Garaae -13.th St Garage -42nd St Garaae - CH Garage -G7 1G 2A 17A 8A i 42,085.53 ~ 67,912.35 ~ 21,615.64 i 29,122.02 i 20,479.60 38,232.92 65,726.95 77,237.27 23,767.70 78,288.56 !Ii (3,852.61) !Ii (2,785.40) !Ii (4,378.37) !Ii (5,954.32) !Ii (2,191.04) -9.15% -4.10% -20.26% -20.45% -10.70% 17th St Garage -2G 29% Pennsylvania Ave Garage·G9 9% 1775 Meridian CH Garage-G7 11% $150,000.00 $100,000.00 $50,000.00 $- <l. .;, a 'c 0) ~ a > a ~ " c U5 c ClJ ..c c.. " Expenses YTD <t. « U N t'-.. c ClJ a ClJ -'6 0) 0) ClJ ~ ~ 0) .;:: ~ ClJ a a ~ " " a " Ll) U5 U5 t'-.. U5 t'-.. ..c -,E " N -,E C") 16th St Garage - Anchor TOTAL i 50,391.56 !Ii 380,335.40 58,295.73 $ 360,027.98 !Ii 7,904.17 !Ii (20,313.42) 15.69% -5.34% Dec-10 « ":--t- co ClJ 0) ~ ClJ 0) a B ~ " a U5 " ~ U5 -a c N '<t PARKING GARAGE EXPENSES YTD 17th Street Garaae -Penns),!lyania Ave 1775 Meridian 7th Street Garaae -12th Street 13th Street 42nd Street 16th Street 2G Garage-G9 CH Garage -G7 1G Garage -2A Garage -17A Garage -8A Garage -Anchor TOTAL Oct-11 ~ 102,019.98 ~ 34,307.44 $ 37,755.48 $ 67,347.99 $ 16,734.15 $ 27,722.93 $ 17,209.21 $ 59,272.27 $ 362,369.45 Nov-ll 102,092.74 35A24.14 $ 36,218.60 $ 60,871.11 $ 17,306.43 $ 22A45.87 $ 15,747.13 $ 82,985.82 $ 373,091.84 Dec-11 $ 105,770.96 $ 33,901.89 $ 38,232.92 $ 65,126.95 $ 17,237.27 $ 23,167.70 $ 18,288.56 $ 58,295.73. $ 360,021.98 Jan-12 $ - Feb-12 $ - Mor-12 $ - Apr-12 $ - May-12 $ - Jun-12 $ - Jul-12 $ - Aug-12 $ - Sep-12 $ - $ 309,883.68 $ 103,633.47 $ 112,207.00 $ 193,346.05 $ 51,277.85 $ 73,336.50 $ 51,244.90 $ 200,553.82 $ 1,095A83.27 $400,000.00 $350,000.00 '" 16rhSlroalGarogn_ Anchor $300,000.00 GA2nd SlrcelGarogo. SA al3lhSlreolGorogo.17A $250,000.00 a 12th Stroot Gorogo-2A $200,000.00 alth Slrool Garage. I G 81775 Meridian CH Gorogo. Gl $150,000.00 QPonm,ylvonia Avo Garaga-G9 $100,000.00 ~ .. _ .... ~. 1\ D 1711. Slroul Garag .. -2G $50,000.00 $. -------------"--"------------------- PARKING GARAGE EXPENSES CATEGORIES December-ll 17th Street Garaae -Penns)(iyania Aye 1775 Meridian CH 7th Street 12th Street Garaae 13th Street 42nd Street 16th Street Garane 2G Garage-G9 Garage -G7 Garage-lG -2A Garage -17A Garage -8A ~ TOTAL Security (SA & TransValue) ~ 34,477.88 ~ 6,160.58 ~ 7,470.92 $ 26,203.33 $ 1,754.01 $ 6,592.93 ~ 4,245.98 ~ 21,266.52 ~ 108,172.15 Attendant Labor** 49,548.52 77,896.74 8,020.37 $ 24,077.27 $ 72,236.59 $ 77,789.34 5,520.29 24,743.00 746,625.46 janitorial $ 8,100.00 $ 8,200.00 $ 6,368.55 $ 6,900.00 $ 1,660.00 $ 1,660.00 $ 2,540.00 $ 6,460.00 $ 41,888.55 Electricity $ 7,358.16 $ 2,130.06 $ 10,811.08 $ 2,833.49 $ 108.54 $ 2,043.88 $ 2,227.55 $ 2,387.28 $ 29,900.04 Maintenance * $ 6,286.40 $ 5,515.11 $ 5,562.00 $ 5,118.92 $ 1,478.13 $ 1,681.55 $ 3,754.74 $ 4,038.93 $ 33,435.78 $ 105,770.96 $ 33,901.89 $ 38,232.92 $ 65,126.95 $ 17,237.27 $ 23,167.70 $ 18,288.56 $ 58,295.73 $ 360,021.98 ~ , ~ ~ • I r-I n ~ ." pv, ** Attended Labor amounts are estimates. $50,000.00 $45,000.00 $40,000.00 .Securily (SA & TransValue) $35,000.00 CAllendonl Labor·· $30,000.00 .Janitorial $25,000.00 DEleclricily $20,000.00 aMainlenonca • $15,000.00 $10,000.00 $5,000.00 $- 17th Street Garage. Pennsylvania Ave 1775 Meridian CH 7th Street Garage. 12th Street Garage· 13th Street Garage· 42nd Street Garage 16th Street Garage· 2G Garage· G9 Garage -G7 1 G 2A 17 A . 8A Anchor REVENUE 2010 2011 Increase! LOCATION December December (Decrease) 17 St. Garage 320,613.03 318,125.89 (2,487,14) City Hall Garage 47,267.89 43,958.35 (3,309.54) 7th St. Garage 125,874.26 154,120.08 28,245.82 12th St. Garage 43,506.07 45,547.21 2,041.14 13th St. Garage 79,359.56 93,960.55 14,600.99 42nd St. Garage 30,504.61 23,823.29 (6,681.32) 16th St. -Anchor 212,043.01 213,356.05 1,313.04 SUB-Totals 859,168.43 892,891.42 33,722.99 Penn Garage 24,567.25 60,422.99 35,855.74 SUB-Totals 24,567.25 60,422.99 35,855.74 TOTALS 883,735.68 953,314.41 69,578.73 Revenue Expenses Profit/CLoss) Per Space Per Space Per Space 17 St. Garage 217.89 72.45 145.45 City Hall Garage 67.63 58.82 8.81 7th st. Garage 238.58 100.82 137.76 12th St. Garage 339.90 128.64 211.27 13th St. Garage 328.53 81.01 247.53 42nd St. Garage 38.42 29.50 8.93 16th St. -Anchor 265.70 72.60 193.10 Penn Garage 109.86 61.64 48.22 F:IP I NGI$PERSIP&LI2012IDecember2011 ITPC-December-2011 SJF ---_._------------------- CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PARKING DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL REPORT SUMMARY DECEMBER 2011 EXPENSES PROFIT/(LOSS) Percent of 2010 2011 Increase! Percent of 2010 2011 Increase! Percent of Increase! December December (Decrease) Increase! December December (Decrease) Increase! (Decrease) (Decrease) (Decrease) -0,78% 120,738.19 105,770.96 (14,967.23) -12.40% 199,874.84 212,354.93 12,480.09 6.24% -7.00% 42,085.53 38,232.92 (3,852.61) -9.15% 5,182.36 5,725.43 543.07 10.48% 22.44% 67,912.35 65,126.95 (2,785.40) -4.10% 57,961.91 88,993.13 31,031.22 53.54% 4.69% 21,615.64 17,237.27 (4,378.37) -20.26% 21,890.43 28,309.94 6,419.51 29.33% 18.40% 29,122.02 23,167.70 (5,954.32) -20.45% 50,237.54 70,792.85 20,555.31 40.92% -21.90% 20,479.60 18,288.56 (2,191.04) -10.70% 10,025.01 5,534.73 (4,490.28) -44.79% 0.62% 50,391.56 58,295.73 7,904.17 15.69% 161,651.45 155,060.32 (6,591.13) -4.08% 3.93% 352,344.89 326,120.09 (26,224.80) -7.44% 506,823.54 566,771.33 59,947.79 11.83% 145.95% 27,990.51 33,901.89 5,911.38 21.12% -3,423.26 26,521.10 29,944.36 -874.73% 145.95% 27,990.51 33,901.89 5,911.38 21.12% (3,423.26) 26,521.10 29,944.36 -874.73% 7.87% 380,335.40 360,021.98 (20,313.42) -5.34% 503,400.28 593,292.43 89,892.15 17.86% The 17th Street Garage has 1,460 spaces. The City Hall Garage has 650 spaces. The 7th Street Garage has 646 spaces. The 12th Street Garage has 134 spaces. The 13th Street Garage has 286 spaces. The 42nd Street Garage has 620 spaces. The 16th Street -Anchor Garage has 803 spaces. The Penn Garage has 550 spaces. 1/27/2012 REVENUE 2010 2011 Increase! LOCATION December December (Decrease) YTD YTD 17 St. Garage 929.657.44 944.993.02 15,335.58 City Hall Garage 135,259.71 118,545.67 (16,714.04) 7th St. Garage 442,643.42 427.081.05 (15,562.37) 12th St. Garage 127,178.39 127,653.63 475.24 13th St. Garage 255,872.81 273.733.31 17,860.50 42nd St. Garage 85,490.25 72,750.42 (12,739.83) 16th St. -Anchor 663,764.43 632.507.43 (31,257.00) SUB-Totals 2,639,866.45 2,597,264.53 (42,601.92) Penn Garage 54,452.27 153,145.23 98,692.96 SUB-Totals 54,452.27 153,145.23 98,692.96 TOTALS 2,694,318.72 2,750,409.76 56,091.04 Revenue Expenses Profit/(Loss) Per Space Per Space Per Space 17 St. Garage 647.26 212.25 435.01 City Hall Garage 182.38 172.63 9.75 7th st. Garage 661.12 299.30 361.82 12th St. Garage 952.64 382.67 569.97 13th St. Garage 957.11 256.42 700.69 42nd St. Garage 117.34 82.65 34.69 16th St. -Anchor 787.68 249.76 537.92 Penn Garage 278.45 188.42 90.02 F:IPI NGI$PERSIP&L 12012IDecember2011ITPC-YTD-December-2011 SJF -----------~ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PARKING DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL REPORT SUMMARY-YEAR TO DATE DECEMBER 2011 EXPENSES PROFIT!{LOSS) Percent of 2010 2011 Increase! Percent of 2010 2011 Increase! Percent of Increase! December December (Decrease) Increase! December December (Decrease) Increase! (Decrease) YTD YTD (Decrease) YTD YTD (Decrease) 1.65% 331,620.72 309,883.68 (21,737.04) -6.55% 598,036.72 635,109.34 37,072.62 6.20% -12.36% 111,605.01 112.207.00 601.99 0.54% 23.654.70 6.338.67 (17,316.03) -73.20% -3.52% 192,959.46 193,346.05 386.59 0.20% 249,683.96 233,735.00 (15,948.96) -6.39% 0.37% 55,563.19 51.277.85 (4,285.34) -7.71% 71,615.20 76.375.78 4,760.58 6.65% 6.98% 72,781.88 73,336.50 554.62 0.76% 183,090.93 200,396.81 17,305.88 9.45% -14.90% 52,085.07 51.244.90 (840.17) -1.61% 33,405.18 21.505.52 (11,899.66) -35.62% -4.71% 135,491.70 200,553.82 65,062.12 48.02% 528,272.73 431;953.61 (96,319.12) -18.23% -1.61% 952,107.03 991,849.80 39,742.77 4.17% 1,687,759.42 1,605,414.73 (82,344.69) -4.88% 181.25% 40,439.91 103,633.47 63,193.56 156.27% 14,012.36 49,511.76 35,499.40 253.34% 181.25% 40,439.91 103,633.47 63,193.56 156.27% 14,012.36 49,511.76 35,499.40 253.34% 2.08% 992,546.94 1,095,483.27 102,936.33 10.37% 1,701,771.78 1,654,926.49 (46,845.29) -2.75% The 17th Street Garage has 1,460 spaces. The City Hall Garage has 650 spaces. The 7th Street Garage has 646 spaces. The 12th Street Garage has 134 spaces. The 13th Street Garage has 286 spaces. The 42nd Street Garage has 620 spaces. The 16th Street -Anchor Garage has 803 spaces. The Penn Garage has 550 spaces. 1/27/2012 City of Miami Beach 5th and Alton Parking Garage Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2011 ending September 30, 2012 For the current month ending November 30, 2011 Total Revenues / Expenses Operating revenue: 484-8000-344405 5th & Alton Garage -Monthly $ 1,417.50 484-8000-344406 5th & Alton Garage -Transient 44,052.86 484-8000-344410 5th & Alton Garage -Tenant 26,125.00 484-8000-344587 Valet Parking (Off) -Taxable 15,000.00 484-8000-369999 Miscellaneous Revenue 638.00 Total operating revenue 87,233.36 Operating expenses: 484-0470-000312 Professional Services 2,083.33 484-0410~6603f3------Baiik-Fees-.... 536.30 484-0470-000314 Electricity 6,916.79 484-0470-000316 Telephone 561.61 484-0470-000317 Water 767.06 484-0470-000318 Sewer Charges 1,150.59 484-0470-000319 Sanitation Fees 132.26 484-0470-000321 Postage and Shipping 57.60 484-0470-000323 Rent-Building & Equipment 484-0470-000324 Printing 484-0470-000325 Contract Maintenance 14,034.82 484-0470-000342 Repairs/Maintenance Supply 360.00 484-0470-000343 Other Operating Expenditures 1,742.05 484-0470-000349 Other Contractual Services 9,731.25 484-0470-000368 Taxes & Licenses 484-0470-000375 Misc Insurance Total operating expenses 38,073.66 Nonoperating revenue 484-8000-361130 Interest-Repurchase Agreement 4.70 Total nonoperating revenue 4.70 Net income/(Ioss) 49,164.40 Transfers In Change In net assets 49,164.40 Net assets, beginning 105,934.15 Net assets, ending $ 155,098.55 Source -Berkowitz Monthly Financial Statements-CMB -GL 01/27/2011 Prepared by: Finance Department 01/27/2011-0 / ~ / Current Month Berkowtiz Development 54% Portion $ 765.45 23,788.54 14,107.50 8,100.00 344.52 47,106.01 1,125.00 289.60 3,735.07 303.27 414.21 621.32 71.42 31.10 7,578.80 194.40 940.71 5,254.87 20,559.77 2.54 2.54 26,548.78 26,548.78 57,204.44 $ 83,753.22 CMB 46% Portion $ 652.05 20,264.32 12,017.50 6,900.00 293.48 40,127.35 958.33 246.70 3,181.72 258.34 352.85 529.27 60.84 26.50 6,456.02 165.60 801.34 4,476.36 17,513.89 2.16 2.16 22,615.62 22,615.62 48,729.71 $ 71,345.33 Fiscal YTD CMB 46% Portion $ 3,319.84 41,056.11 24,035.00 23,046.00 307.28 91,764.23 5,290.82 420.18 3,181.72 612.31 966.00 1,448.99 116.39 53.00 1,484.88 14,254.11 2,189.60 1,037.35 7,853.37 36.908.72 3.64 3.64 52,859.15 52,859.15 16,486.16 $ 71,345.33 Multi Space Revenue 86% PARKING DEPARTMENT METER REVENUE % of USAGE Dec-ll Total Meter Revenue MULTI SPACE METERS Bill 35% CredilCard Ipark Revenue 3% ~_Single Space Revenue 11% Coin 8% IPARK DEY:ICE SALES QTY AMOUNT RESIDENT 139 $ 2,780.00 NON-RESI 47 $ 940.00 186 $ 3,720.00 IPARK DEVICE SALES Resident Non-Resident Od-11 118 47 Nov-11 119 87 Dec-11 139 47 Jan-12 Feb-12 Mar-12 Apr-12 May-12 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 YTD 376 181 .PARK SALES Dec-11 $25 -RELOAD SALES $50 -RELOAD SALES QTY AMOUNT 545 $ 13,625.00 156 $ 3,900.00 701 $ 17,525.00 .PARK SALES YTD QTY AMOUNT 615 $ 30,750.00 164 $ 8,200.00 779 $ 38,950.00 TOTAL RELOADS $ 44,375.00 $ 12,100.00 $ 56,475.00 $25 -RELOAD SALES $50 -RELOAD SALES Total Resident Non-Resident Resident Non-Resident 165 497 155 522 162 206 492 128 554 161 186 545 156 615 164 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 557 1534 439 1691 487 NOTE: IPark sales began on November 24, 2008. GRAND TOTAL $ 47,155.00 $ 13,040.00 $ 60,195.00 I TOTAL REVENUEI $ 53,800.00 $ 55,370.00 $ 60,195.00 I $ 169,365.00 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PARKING DEPARTMENT ELECTRONIC METER REVENUE COMPARISON December 2011 LOCATION Accounting Code # of Spaces IX· (Washington -4th & LincolnJ· On Street 480-8000·344501 lA· (1st SIreet & Ocean Dr.)· Off Street 480·8000-344502 lA· (1st Street & Ocean Dr.)· Allended 480·8000-344502 Tolol 1 B .(7B Wo,hinglon Avenue). Off SIreel 480·8000-344617 2X· (Wa,hington • 5th & Lincoln) . On SIreet 480-8000-344503 2B· (6/7 & Meridian) . Off SIreel 480-8000·344505 3X· (Collin' & Euclid Ave.) On Slreel 480-8000-344507 4X· (Allan 71h 51.· Dade Blvd.) . On Slreel 480-8000-344509 4B . (AIIon & 20lh SI..Purdy·Dode Blvd.) • On SIreet 480·8000-344511 4C· (We,I Ave & 17th 51.)· Off SIreet 480·8000-344512 4D • (We,t Ave & lincoln Rd. ). Off SIreet 480·8000-344513 5C· (Convention Ctr. Dr. & 17th Street) -Off Street 480-8000-344511 5C· (Convention Ctr. Dr. & 17th Street) -Affended 480-800()"344517 Tolal 5F -(Meridian Ave & 18th Street)-Off Street 480-8000·344519 5F . (Meridian Ave & 1 91h SIreel)· Allended 480-8000·344519 Tolol 5H .(191h Streel & Meridian Ave). Off SIreet 480-8000·344521 5M· (17th & Meridian Ave). Off Sireet (TEMP p.[OT) 480-8000-344506 5M· (171h & Meridian Ave) ·Allended 480·8000-344506 6X· (Collin, . 20lh 10 241h 51) . On Slreet 480·8000-344522 6A . (22nd SIreel & Park) . Off SIreel 480·8000-344523 6A . (22nd SIreel & Park) . Allended 480·8000-344523 Total 6B • (Collin' Ave & 21st SIreet) . Off Street 480·8000-344524 6B • (Collin' Ave & 21 ,t SIreel) . Allended 480·8000-344524 Total 7X -(Ocean -Biscayne -15th Sf) -On Street 4BO-BOO()'344525 7A . (Collin' Ave, 41h 10 151h 51) . On Sireel 480-8000-344526 7C . (Collins Ave & 61h 51) . Off SIreet 480.8000-344528 7C . (Collins Ave & 61h 51) . Allended 480.8000-344528 Tolal ax -(Pinetree-Allon -40th to 42nd 51) -On Street 480·aOOQ..344530 SA -(42nd Sireet Garage)-Off Street Meters 480-8000-344531 9B . (42nd SIreet & Royol Polm)· Off Street 480·8000·344532 9B . (42nd SIreet & Royol Polm) . Aftended 480·8000·344532 Total 9C .(40/41 Street & Chase) • Off Slreel 480·8000-344533 9D . (471h Streel & Pinelree) . Off SIreel 480·8000-344534 8E· (41" Slreel & Alton) • Of I 51 reel 480·8000-344535 9F .(41 ,t Slreel & Jefferson) . Off SIreel 480·8000·344536 9X . (Collins . 641h 10 791h St) . On SIreel 480·8000·344537 9A . (Harding & 71sl sIj. Off SIreet 480·8000-344538 98· (72nd 51. & Collins). Of 151 reel 480-8000-344539 98· (72nd 51. & Collins). Allended 480-8000-344539 Total 9C (Carlyle & 71st 51). Ofr SIreel 480.8000-344540 9D . (Collins & 761h 51). Off Slreel 480.8000-344541 9E .(71 sl 51. & Harding) • Off Sireet 480.8000-344542 F:\PING\SPERS\P&L\2012INEWMETER·FY11-12 SJF 291 62 o 62 12 370 25 68 491 213 66 30 95 o 95 97 o 97 27 27 o 236 14 o 190 o 190 442 591 14 o 14 396 11 173 o 173 99 16 40 30 527 49 o o o 14 33 31 Page 1 of3 2010 December $109,385.28 $21,011.81 $1,214.95 22,226.76 $923.25 $90,279.55 $537.23 $20,643.93 $135,929.07 $20,777.77 $16,765.10 $4,102.50 $14,599.00 6,420.56 21,019.56 $0.00 0.00 0.00 $1,430.12 $0.00 0.00 0.00 $51,937.43 $972.14 $0.00 $972.14 $93,296.64 0.00 93,296.64 $150,264.73 $239,951.15 $1,037.51 0.00 1,037.51 $23,134.24 $649.35 $4,469.93 0.00 4,469.93 $1,500.99 $0.00 $3,790.39 $674.97 $39,329.69 $251.14 $9,157.44 0.00 8,157.44 $91.64 $2,164.57 $1,711.19 2011 December $142,252.67 $35,118.52 $1,237.38 36,355.90 $292.09 $103,699.70 $992.02 $16,912.91 $147,332.63 $19,137.62 $22,449.50 $3,976.09 $/7,755.91 2,747.67 20,503.59 $0.00 0.00 0.00 $7B7.83 $0.00 0.00 0.00 $74,497.25 $927.99 $0.00 $927.99 $95,006.63 0.00 95,006.63 $158,972.71 $289,473.27 $701.90 0.00 701.90 $26,354.40 $600.54 $3,961.02 0.00 3,961.02 $1,316.72 $0.00 $2,656.90 $620.62 $37,399.50 $4,359.23 $13,290.64 0.00 13,280.64 $136.39 $1,597.56 $919.45 Increase/ (Decrease) 32,867.39 14,106.71 14,129.14 (631.17) 23,409.15 444.79 (3,831.02) 11,404.56 (2,640.15) 5,694.40 (226.41) 3,156.91 (515.99) 0.00 (642.29) 0.00 22,549.92 55.95 55.95 11,719.99 11,719.99 8,707.98 49,522.12 (335.61) 3,220.16 (49.91) (507.91) (194.16) 0.00 (1,123.59) (54.25) (930.19) 4,107.09 5,123.20 44.75 (567.01) (991.73) % of Inc/(Dee) 30.05% 63.57% ·69.36% 29.16% 92.79% ·18.56% 8.39% ·12.71% 33.91% ·5.52% ·2.45% flDIV/Ol -44.91% flDIV/Ol 43.42% 6.40% 6.40% 14.07% 14.07% . 5.80% 20.64% ·32.35% 13.92% ·7.52% ·11.36% ·12.27% flDIV/Ol ·29.72% ·9.04% ·2.43% 1635.39% 62.90% 4B.93% ·26.20% ·52.11% 1/26/2012 LOCATION 9F . (751h & Collins) . Off Sireel lOA· (lincoln Lane & Lenox) . OfF Slreel , OB . (lincoln lane & Michiganl-leose lOB -(lincoln lane & Michigan)-Attended Total 1 DC -(Lincoln Lane & Meridian) " Off Street 100 -(lincoln Lane &Jefferson· W) -OFfSlreet 10E -(Lincoln Lone & Jefferson· E) -OFF SIreet 10F· (Lincoln Lane & Euclid) -Off Sireet lOG -(lincoln Lane & Michigan) -Off Street 11 X ·ICollins & 11 Ih Sireet) . Off Sireet 11 X ·ICollins & llfh Slreet) . AHended Total 12X ·IWoshington & 91h Sireet) . Off Slreel 12X ·IWoshington & 9th Street) • AHended Total 13X ·IWoshington & lOth Street) . Off Sireet 13X ·IWoshington & 10th Street) . AHended Tolal 15X· (16th to 18th East 01 Collins). On Street 15A· (Washington, 17th to 20th). On Street 158 -(Convention Center Drive) . On ~freef 16X ·125th to 32nd, E of Collins) . On Street 16A ·135th to 43rd, E of Collins) . On Street 16B ·llndion Crk Dr, 27th to 32nd). On Street 16C ·llndion Crk· 33rd 10 43rd) . On Street 160· (Collins Ave & 34th St) . Off Street 160· (Collins Ave & 34th St) . Allended Total 16E· (Collins Ave & 35th St) . Off Street 16E· (Collins Ave & 35th St) . Allended Tolal 17X ·ICollins & 13th Street) . Off Street 17X ·ICollins & 131h Street) . AHended Totol 18X· (Indian Crk & 65th St) . Off Street 18A . (Collins & 64th St) . 011 Street 18A . (Collins & 64th St) . Attended Total 19X . (Collins & 46th Street) . Off Street 19X . (Collins & 46th Street) • Allended Total 19A ·ICollins & 46th Street) • On Street 19B ·ICollins & 53rd Street) . OFF Street 19B ·ICollins & 53rd Street) . AHended Total 20X ·ICollins Ave & 271h St) . OfF Street 20X ·ICoilins Ave & 271h St) . AHended Total 22X ·ICorlyle & 72nd St) . Off Street 23X ·IB3rd & AbboH). OFF Street 24X -(Normandy Isle & Bay Dr)-On Street F:\PtNG\$PERS\P&L\2012INEWMETER·FY11·12 SJF CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PARKING DEPARTMENT ELECTRONIC METER REVENUE COMPARISON December 2011 Accounting Cede # of Spaces 2010 December 480·8000·344543 106 $2,964.05 480-8000-344544 70 $35,2B 1.02 480-8000·344545 0 $16,355.14 480-8000-344545 0 0.00 0 16,355.14 480·8000·344546 141 $68,230.92 480-8000·344547 62 $27,383.79 480-8000-344548 19 $9,157.08 480·8000-344549 36 $18,520.68 480·8000-344550 21 $7,551.42 480·8000-344551 0 $0.00 480·8000·344551 0 0.00 0 0.00 480·8000·344552 23 $7,394.41 480·8000·344552 0 0.00 23 7,394.41 480-8000·344553 33 $lB,574.23 480-8000-344553 0 0.00 33 1 B,574.23 480-8000-344556 43 $31,493.28 480-8000-344557 91 $410.83 480·8000-344558 46 $4,037.14 480.8000-344559 7B $14,569.50 480·8000·344560 117 $17,768.66 480·8000·344561 219 $9,824.17 480·8000·344562 230 $14,738.32 480-8000-344563 64 $2,060.52 480-8000-344563 0 0.00 64 2,060.52 480-8000-344564 72 $2,906.54 480-8000-344564 0 0.00 72 2,906.54 480-8000-344565 54 $26,150.99 480-8000-344565 0 0.00 54 26,150.99 480·8000-344567 53 $74.55 480·8000-344568 67 $6,056.94 480·8000-344568 0 0.00 67 6,056.94 480·8000-344569 449 $62,984.47 480-8000-344569 0 20,811.23 449 83,795.70 480·8000·344570 19 $496.86 480·8000·344571 15B $4,922.14 480·8000·344571 0 0.00 15B 4,922.14 480·8000·344572 121 $4,295.59 480-8000-344572 0 0.00 121 4,295.59 480·8000·344574 45 $523.45 480·8000·344575 25 $46.75 480·8000-344576 102 $7,824.54 Page 2 of3 2011 Increase/ %of December (Decrease) Inc/IDee) $3,662.07 69B.Q2 23.55% $41,155.30 5,874.28 16.65% $16,355.14 0.00 16,355.14 0.00 0.00% $80,342.20 12,111.28 17.75% $30,627.90 3,244.11 11.85% $10,687.67 1,530.59 16.71% $21,769.68 3,249.00 17.54% $8,652.67 1,101.25 14.58% $342.64 0.00 342.64 342.64 DOIVIOI $10,975.91 3,5B1.50 48.44% 0.00 10,975.91 3,5B1.50 4B.44% $23,064.4B 0.00 23,064.4B 4,490.25 24.17% $32,854.86 1,361.58 4.32% $11,138.34 10,727.51 2611.18% $3,190.50 IB46.64) ·20.97% $18,799.05 4,229.55 29.03% $16,860.00 190B.66) -5.11% $14,992.37 5,16B.20 52.61% $19,487.54 4,749.22 32.22% $2,141.09 0.00 2,141.09 BO.57 3.91% $3,651.08 0.00 3,651.08 744.54 25.62% $34,569.01 0.00 34,569.01 B,41 B.02 32.19% $462.24 3B7.69 520.04% $8,959.96 0.00 B,959.96 2,903.02 47.93% $74,933.61 33,186.92 108,120.53 24,324.B3 29.03% $545.22 4B.36 9.73% $6,496.14 0.00 6,496.14 1,574.00 31.9B% $2,877.45 0.00 2,B77.45 11,41B.14) ·33.01% $308.06 1215.39) -41.15% $42.60 14.15) ·B.BB% $8,636.62 B12.0B 10.3B% 1/26/2012 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PARKING DEPARTMENT ELECTRONIC METER REVENUE COMPARISON December 2011 LOCATION Accounting Code # of Spaces 2010 December 24A -(Normandy Isle & Boy Dr) -Off Street 480-8000-344577 26 $1,562.93 248 -(Normandy Isle & V.ndome) -OFf Slreel 480·8000.344578 22 $BB7.46 24C -(Normondy Isle & Boy Rd 5/5) -Off Street 480·8000.344579 33 $1,746.24 25X -(Bonilo Drive & 71 st St) -Off Street 480·8000·344580 15 $289.67 26X -(Collins, 79th to B7th Terr) -On Street 480.8000-344581 2B3 $4,326.65 26Z -(Collins & B7th Streel) -Off Street 480.8000-344616 15 $48.11 lOX -(Lincoln Lane & Lenox) -OFf Street 480.8000.344582 99 $48,849.25 lOX -(Lincoln Lane & lenox -Attended 480.8000.344582 0 0.00 Tolal 99 48,849.25 26A'-(Collins & BOth Street) -Off Street 480·8000.344584 62 $0.00 26A -(Collins & BOth Streel) -Attended 480·8000·344584 0 278.82 62 278.82 26B -(Collins & B4th Street) -Off Street 480.8000·344585 62 $583.89 4E (Purdy & 1 Bth Street) -Off Street 480·8000-344586 39 $8,B89.17 4E (Purdy & 1 Bth Street) -Attended 480·8000-344586 0 0.00 Total 39 8,BB9.17 BG -(40th Street & Royal Palm) -Off Street 480·8000·344592 43 $3,335.52 BH -(40lh Street & Prairie) -Off Street 480·8000·344594 71 $3,316.12 26C -(Collins & 79th Street) -Off Street 480·8000.344600 34 $60.B8 26D -(Collins & B3rd Street) -Off Street 480·8000.344601 95 $24.11 26D -(Collins & 83rd Street) -Attended 480·8000·344601 0 $0.00 95 24.11 SLSPOO· (South Point Lot) -Off Street 480.8000·344602 215 $2B,594.03 SLSPOO -(South Point Lot) -Attended 480.8000·344602 0 5,213.0B Total 215 33,B07.11 4th & Alton Lot -Off Street 480.8000·344604 21 $B64.7B 4A -1833 Boy Rood -Off Street 480·8000-344608 0 $0.00 7D -lO-l1th & Collins (Lease) 480·8000-344529 0 $3,663.55 10H -(Lincoln Rd. So. & Lenox) -Off SIreet 480·8000-344611 0 $9,364.B4 , 4A -16th Street & Washington (lease) 480·8000.344555 0 $16,355.14 P4 -(137 Washington Avenue) -Off Street 480.8000.344516 0 $5,566.51 P50 -(24th Street & Flamingo Drive)-Off Street 480·8000.344619 23 $0.00 PSI -{23rd Street & Liberty Avenue East} -OffS/reel 480.8000-344620 20 $9,165.05 PSI -(23rd Street & Liberty Avenue East) -Attended 480.8000.344620 0 0.00 Tofaf 9,165.05 P52 -(23rd Street & Liberty Avenue Wesf) -Off Sireet 480.8000.34462 I 35 $10,570.44 P52 -(23rd Street & Liberty Avenue West) . Affended 480.8000.34462 I 0 0.00 Tolal 10,570.44 P85 -(71s1 Street & Byron) -OFf Slreel 480.8000.344618 0 $342.58 P85 -(71 sl Street & Byron) -Allended 480.8000·344618 0 0.00 Total 0 342.58 G7 (MMPF-1755 Meridicn Ave) 480.8000·344414 361.39 . <TOTAL . <$1,653;952;25· * credit card revenue pending adjustment. transfer to several other zones/accounts NOTE: ZONES WITH MULTI·SPACE PAYSTATIONS ARE ITALICIZED. F:IPINGI$PERSIP&L12012INEWMETER-FY11-12 SJF Page 3 of3 2011 December $1,835.00 $661.27 $1,753.34 $239.93 $2,720.13 $122.87 $58,761.79 0.00 58,761.79 $406.73 0.00 406.73 $804.27 $30,024.93 0.00 30,024.93 $2,492.26 $2,677.72 $275.04 $126.16 $0.00 126.16 $44,279.03 B,252.33 52,531.36 $1,201.24 $0.00 $3,663.55 $10,93B.61 $16,355.14 $9,7B5.B7 $0.00 $8,775.53 0.00 8,775.53 $10,530.47 0.00 10,530.47 $267.55 0.00 267.55 1,595.01 . ·$1;986A57,14 . Increasel %of (Decrease) Inc/(Dec) 272.07 17.41% (226.19) -25.49% 7.10 0.41% (49.74) -17.17% (1,606.52) -37.13% 74.76 155.39% 9,912.54 20.29% 127.91 45.88% 220.3B 37.74% 21,135.76 237.77% (843.26) -25.28% (638.40) -19.25% 214.16 351.77% 102.05 423.27% 102:05 423.27% 1 B,724.25 55.39% 336.46 3B.91% 0.00 #DIV/OI 0.00 0.00% 1,573.77 16.Bl% 0.00 0.00% 4,219.36 75.BO% 0.00 #DIV/OI (389.52) -4.25% (39.97) -0.38% (75.03) -21.90% > >$332,504:89 . > . 1/26/2012 City of Miami Beach Parking Department Profit & Lass Statement Garages & lots -FYl o/n G5 -17th Street G_aLaae-=-2G 2010 LOCATION ACCOUNTING CODE October 17th Street Garage -2G Revenue-Ticket 480·8000·344583 232,573.86 Revenue· Space Rental 480·8000·344583 0.00 Revenue-Monthly Permits 480·8000·344514 74,620.00 17th St. -2G REVENUE 307,193.86 (Sales Tax Excluded) Expenses Security Personnel 32,999.67 Attendant/Cashier labor 48,177.14 FP&l 7,639.82 Revenue Control E'luipment Maintonance 7,534.60 Armed Guard Revenue Pickup 485.33 Elevator Maintenance 4,454.50 Landscape and lot Maintenance 176.00 Surveillance System Maintenance 0.00 Garage Cleaning/Maintenance 9,647.02 17th St. -2G EXPENSES 111,114.08 17th St. PROFIT/(LOSS) 196,079.78 G7 -City Hall Garoae 2010 LOCATION ACCOUNTING CODE October City Hall Garage -G7 Revenue-Ticket 480·8000·344407 8,697.19 Revenue -Space Rental 480·8000·344409 28,823.48 Revenue-Monthly Permits 480-8000-344408 5,320.00 CHG -G7 REVENUE 42,840.67 (Sales Tax Excluded) Expenses Securily Personnel 3,989.68 Anendant/Cashier labor 7,521.77 FP&l 11,276.78 Revenue Conlrol Equipment Maintenance 0.00 Armed Guard Revenue Pickup 0.00 Elevator Maintenance 0.00 landscape and lot Maintenance 176.00 Garage Cleaning/Maintenance 9,721.00 CHG -G7 EXPENSES 32,685.23 CHG PROFIT /(LOSS) 10,155.44 F:\PING\$MAN\RAR\Parking Slalus Repofl\Garages FYII 2010 November 227,020.55 0.00 74,830.00 301,850.55 23,135.84 53,899.60 7,129.26 4,045.40 485.33 1,250.00 176.00 0.00 9,647.02 99,768.45 202,082.10 2010 November 26,064.49 13,416.66 5,670.00 45,151.15 3,987.13 10,726.01 12,224.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 176.00 9,721.00 36,834.25 8,316.90 2010 2011 2011 2011 December January February March 245,013.03 254,135.51 278,964.49 314,791.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 75,600.00 72,100.00 73,360.00 70,070.00 320,613.03 326,235.51 352,324.49 384,861.62 28,253.48 24,862.42 21,648.33 25,547.16 63,596.25 48,598.16 59,699.32 70,700.67 7,778.66 7,341.15 6,913.47 6,925.58 6,340.70 4,045.40 6,435.65 4,583.40 485.33 485.33 485.33 485.33 4,548.75 1,250.00 2,120.00 1,98950 88.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,186.00 9,647.02 9,647.02 9,647.02 9,647.02 120,738.19 96,273.48 106,993.12 122,108.66 199,874.84 229,962.03 245,331.37 262,752.96 2010 2011 2011 2011 December January February March 28,181.23 13,028.96 47,723.33 22,071.95 13,416.66 13,416.66 13,416.66 13,416.66 5,670.00 5,180.00 4,340.00 4,340.00 47,267.89 31,625.62 65,479.99 39,828.61 4,986.30 4,401.36 3,988.40 4,552.59 10,660.14 8,118.13 10,435.38 12,008.64 11,792.09 10,669.96 11,792.09 10,370.34 2,250.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,625.00 1,625.00 176.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,221.00 9,721.00 9,721.00 9,721.00 42,085.53 34,910.45 39,561.87 40,277.57 5,182.36 -3,284.83 25,918.12 -448.96 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 FY April May June Juty September 2010/2011 August TOTAl 269,476.68 240,759.79 202,849.53 233,813.09 195,567.29 224,999.97 2,919,965.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 73,080.00 70,700.00 72,415.00 71,540.00 71,820.00 71,120.00 871,255.00 342,556.68 311,459.79 275,264.53 305,353.09 267,387.29 296,119.97 3,791,220.41 19,547.88 19,547.88 24,895.98 27,980.33 23,230.45 25,057.64 296,707.06 51,306.53 49,257.00 51,350.43 56,918.44 44,003.49 51,507.99 649,015.02 7,557.20 7,663.56 7,599.97 8,413.52 7,564.23 8,248.36 90,774.78 5,861.65 7,104.40 4,045.40 4,347.40 5,475.40 4,404.15 64,223.55 485.33 485.33 485.33 485.33 485.33 485.33 5,823.96 2,199.12 1,329.12 3,301.12 1,743.00 2,430.00 1,250.00 27,865.11 44.00 88.00 5,258.00 220.00 220.00 176.00 6,578.00 697.00 697.00 0.00 697.00 697.00 697.00 5,671.00 9,647.02 10,027.90 9,647.02 14,547.02 9,647.02 13,000.00 124,398.10 97,345.73 96,200.19 106,583.25 115,352.04 93,752.92 104,826.47 1,271,056.58 245,210.95 215,259.60 168,681.28 190,001.05 173,634.37 191,293.50 2,520,163.83 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 FY April May June July August September 2010/201'1 TOTAL 10,422.45 9,20655 5,074.77 5,451.39 8,216.84 14,278.47 198,417.62 13,416.66 13,416.66 13,416.66 13,416.66 13,416.66 13,416.65 176,406.73 6,790.00 6,650.00 7,000.00 6,720.00 6,580.00 6,580.00 70,840.00 30,629.11 29,273.21 25,491.43 25,588.05 28,213.50 34,275.12 445,664.35 3,562.96 3,562.96 5,884.54 5,388.56 5,022.13 7,945.55 57,272.16 9,489.88 9,021.00 8,141.39 8,769.14 7,012.03 8,463.70 110,367.21 11,673.52 11,703.95 11,512.41 13,025.06 11,369.13 12,449.08 139,858.52 2,000.00 2,267.50 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 20,517.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,625.00 1,937.00 1,625.00 1,781.00 1,625.00 1,859.00 13,702.00 0.00 0.00 2,791.84 440.00 440.00 352.00 4,551.84 9,721.00 9,721.00 12,221.00 9,721.00 9,721.00 8,868.55 120,799.55 38,072.36 38,213.41 44,176.18 41,124.76 37,189.29 41,937.88 467,068.78 ·7,443.25 -8,940.20 -18,684.75 -15,536.71 -8,975.79 ·7,662.76 -21,404.43 1/26/2012 City af Miami Beach Parking Department Profit & Loss Statement Garages & lois -FYI 0/11 Gl -7th Street Garaae LOCATION ACCOUNTING CODE 2010 October 7th Street Garage - 1 G Revenue-Ticket 142-8000-344404 162,014.00 Revenue-Monthly Permits 142-8000·344404 16,650.00 7th Streel Garage - 1 G RI 178,664.00 (Sales Tax Excluded) Expenses Security 15,387.20 Attendant/Cashier labor 23,823.25 Landscape Maintenance 9,313.08 FP&l 3,340.14 Revenue Conlrol Equipment Maintenance 878.75 Garage Cleaning/Maintenance 7,810.05 Armed Guard Revenue Pickup 485.33 Elevator Maintenance 1,413.29 Surveillance System Maintenance 340.00 7th St. Garage· 1 G EXPE 62,791.09 7th St •• 1 G Estimated De 59,500.00 7th St. -IG PROFIT/(LOS! 56,372.91 G2 -l2th Street Garage. 2A LOCATION ACCOUNTING CODE 2010 October 12th Street Garage -2A Revenue-Ticket 480·8000·344504 31,003.73 Revenue-Monthly Permits 480·8000·344593 6,300.00 12th St_ -2A REVENUE 37,303.73 (Sales Tax Excluded) Expenses Security Personnel 822.49 AHendant/Cashier labor 11,773.18 FP&l 108.54 Revenue Control Equipment Maintanance 933.55 Elevator Maintenance 162.58 Garage Cleaning/Maintenance 2,084.93 Landscape Maintenance 528.00 Surveillance System Maintenance 0.00 !Armed Guard Revenue Pickup 485.33 12th St. -2A EXPENSES 16,898.60 12th St. -2A PROFIT/(LO! 20,405.13 F:\PING\$MAN\RAR\Pa,king Slalu5 Reparl\Garages FYII 2010 November 121,455.16 16,650.00 138,105.16 15,524.73 24,151.07 9,313.08 2,882.72 878.75 7,810.05 485.33 1,210.29 0.00 62,256.02 59,500.00 16,349.14 2010 November 39,648.59 6,720.00 46,368.59 821.96 11,924.06 108.54 933.55 162.58 2,084.93 528.00 0.00 485.33 17,048.95 29,319.64 2010 2011 2011 December January February 109,224.26 149,358.90 150,053.28 16,650.00 16,125.00 16,875.00 125,874.26 165,483.90 166,928.28 19,386.80 15,831.57 15,508.81 30,275.25 26,544.71 24,510.46 4,656.54 2,328.27 2,328.27 2,959.33 2,598.09 2,549.17 1,128.75 878.75 878.75 7,810.06 7,810.06 7,810.06 485.33 485.33 485.33 1,210.29 1,210.29 1,210.29 0.00 0.00 255.00 67,912.35 57,687.07 55,536.14 59,500.00 59,500.00 59,500.00 -1,538.09 48,296.83 51,892.14 2010 2011 2011 December January February 36,856.07 44,437.40 42,145.56 6,650.00 6,440.00 5,600.00 43,506.07 50,877.40 47,745.56 1,027.95 1,234.68 822.13 14,898.76 13,686.54 11,978.76 108.54 108.54 108.54 1,183.55 933.55 933.55 162.58 162.58 162.58 3 .. 484.93 2,084.93 1,900.00 264.00 132.00 132.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 485.33 485.33 485.33 21,615.64 18,828.15 16,522.89 21,890.43 32,049.25 31,222.67 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 FY March April May June July August September 2010/2011 TOTAL 233,678.48 191,078.47 207,970.15 146,783.34 194,214.03 149,015.94 141,524.28 1,956,370.29 12,525.00 12,675.00 11,830.00 11 ,830.00 11,830.00 11,900.00 12,750.00 168,290.00 246,203.48 203,753.47 219,800.15 158,613.34 206,044.03 160,915.94 154,274.28 2,124,660.29 18,833.50 15,085.96 15,068.78 19,194.25 24,546.88 16,184.38 24,170.37 214,723.23 39,180.32 26,798.91 25,253.00 25,342.81 28,199.36 21,938.63 23,729.45 319,747.22 2,328.27 2,328.27 4,656.54 4,656.54 11,841.35 11,641.35 9,313.08 74,704.64 2,674.33 3,093.91 3,071.90 3,256.56 3,305.55 3,080.30 3,389.69 36,201.69 878.75 878.75 3,273.58 878.75 1,237.50 878.75 878.75 13,548.58 7,810.06 7,810.06 8,190.94 7,810.06 7,810.06 7,810.06 9,400.00 95,691.52 485.33 485.33 485.33 485.33 485.33 485.33 485.33 5,823.96 2,123.79 13,748.90 1,721.90 2,011.90 2,649.90 1,876.90 1,286.90 31,674.64 0.00 0.00 595.00 922.00 170.00 170.00 0.00 2,452.00 74,314.35 70,230.09 62,316.97 64,558.20 80,245.93 64,065.70 72,653.57 794,567.48 I 59,500.00 59,500.00 59,500.00 59,500.00 59,500.00 59,500.00 59,500.00 714,000.001 112,389.13 74,023.38 97,983.18 34,555.14 66,298.10 37,350.24 22,120.71 616,092.811 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 FY March April May June July August September 2010/2011 TOTAL 52,553.27 50,914.97 44,244.87 33,807.53 39,511.19 37,117.75 39,646.76 491,887.69 5,460.00 5,530.00 5,390.00 4,600.00 4,950.00 4,620.00 4,620.00 66,880.00 58,013.27 56,444.97 49,634.87 38,407.53 44,461.19 41,737.75 44,266.76 558,767.69 916.74 734.52 734.52 4,806.65 1,142.07 734.28 918.15 14,716.14 15,862.54 12,100.74 11,768.38 12,930.69 14,945.05 14,153.52 13,260.80 159,283.02 108.54 108.54 108.54 108.54 108.54 108.54 108.54 1,302.48 933.55 933.55 1,618.00 933.55 1,292.30 933.55 933.55 12,495.80 162.58 172.87 172.87 172.87 162.58 162.58 162.58 1,981.83 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 3,300.00 1,951.00 2,135.93 3,060.00 27,786.65 132.00 132.00 264.00 396.00 528.00 660.00 528.00 4,224.00 715.00 0.00 85.00 0.00 212.50 0.00 0.00 1,012.50 485.33 485.33 485.33 485.33 485.33 485.33 485.33 5,823.96 21,216.28 16,567.55 17,136.64 23,133.63 20,827.37 19,373.73 19,456.95 228,626.38 36,796.99 39,877.42 32,498.23 15,273.90 23,633.82 22,364.02 24,809.81 330,141.31 1/26/20t2 City of Miami Beach Parking Department Profit & Loss Statement Garages & Lots -FYl 0/11 G3 -13th Street Garace -17 A .. _ .. __ ._- 2010 LOCATION ACCOUNTING CODE October 13th Street Garage -17 A Revenue-Ticket 480·8000·344566 80,299.04 Revenue-Monthly Permits 480·8000·344527 10,080.00 13th St, -17 A REVENUE 90,379.04 (Sales Tax Excludedl Expenses Security Personnel 1,755.44 Attendant/Cashier labor 13,899.70 landscape Maintenance 528.00 FP&L 1,924.91 Revenue Conlrol E,!uipment Maintenance 933.55 Elevator Maintenance 210.00 Armed Guard Revenue Pickup 485.33 Garage Cleaning/Maintenance 1,900.00 Surveillance System Maintenance 0.00 13th St, -17 A EXPENSES 21,636.93 13th St, -17A PROFIT/(LO 68,742.11 G6 -42nd Street Garace -8A 2010 LOCATION ACCOUNTING CODE October 42nd Street Garage -8A Revenue-Ticket 480·8000·344531 5,597.95 Revenue-Monthly Permits 480·8000·344595 21,700.00 42nd St, -8A REVENUE 27,297.95 (Sales Tax Excludedl Expenses Security Personnel 3,805.53 Attendant/Cashier Labar 4,542.03 FP&L 2,388.82 Revenue Conlrol Equipment Maintenance 1,244.74 Elevator Maintenance 762.00 Landscape Maintenance 440.00 Garage Cleaning/Maintenance 2,700.00 Surveillance Sysfem Maintenance 85.00 42nd St, -8A EXPENSES 15,968.12 42nd St, PROFIT /(LOSS) 11,329.83 F:\PING\$MAN\RAR\Patking Status Repot,\Garog9s FYII 2010 November 76,054.21 10,080.00 86,134.21 1,754.33 14,319.82 528.00 1,891.90 933.55 210.00 485.33 1,900.00 0.00 22,022.93 64,111.28 2010 November 5,287.69 22,400.00 27,687.69 3,803.11 4,723.63 2,275.87 1,244.74 450.00 440.00 2,700.00 0.00 15,637.35 12,050.34 2010 2011 2011 2011 December January February March 69,349.56 83,931.72 85,113.07 103,589.75 10,010.00 9,660.00 9,730.00 9,660.00 79,359.56 93,591.72 94,843.07 113,249.75 2,193.95 2,158.89 1,754.88 1,956.60 17,723.97 15,788.77 14,100.26 20,556.71 264.00 132.00 132.00 132.00 2,061.22 2,057.77 2,006.76 1,914.20 1,183.55 933.55 933.55 933.55 1,710.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 485.33 485.33 485.33 485.33 3,500.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 945.00 29,122.02 23,666.31 21,522.78 29,033.39 50,237.54 69,925.41 73,320.29 84,216.36 2010 2011 2011 2011 December January February March 4,604.61 4,642.04 15,193.45 5,442.05 25,900.00 21,560.00 25,340.00 22,260.00 30,504.61 26,202.04 40,533.45 27,702.05 4,756.15 3,804.92 3,804.32 4,241.64 5,913.26 4,712.01 5,444.38 7,498.14 2,445.45 2,292.51 1,890.20 1,966.05 1,494.74 1,244.74 1,244.74 1,244.74 450.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 220.00 110.00 110.00 110.00 5,200.00 2,700.00 2,700.00 2,700.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 929.10 20,479.60 15,314.18 15,643.64 19,139.67 10,025.01 10,887,86 24,889.81 8,562.38 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 FY April May June July August September 2010/2011 TOTAL 96,560.80 94,180.41 77,968.22 99,700.90 85,412.18 78,908.40 1,031,068.26 9,800.00 9,310.00 9,590.00 9,520.00 9,940.00 9,380.00 116,760.00 106,360.80 103,490.41 87,558.22 109,220.90 95,352.18 88,288.40 1,147,828.26 1,567.68 1,567.68 5,270.98 5,650.26 4,109.83 5,533.04 35,273.56 14,898.83 14,559.50 14,232.26 15,071.27 11,606.86 13,727.00 180,484.95 132.00 264.00 396.00 528.00 660.00 528.00 4,224.00 2,116.20 1,972.72 2,119.39 2,063.18 1,921.30 2,204.74 24,254.29 933.55 2,173.10 933.55 1,292.30 933.55 1,453.55 13,570.90 210.00 366.00 366.00 561.00 1,942.00 210.00 6,415.00 485.33 485.33 485.33 485.33 485.33 485.33 5,823.96 1,900.00 1,900.00 3,500.00 1,951.00 1,951.00 3,260.00 27,462.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 535.00 0.00 3,370.00 4,850.00 22,243.59 23,288.33 27,303.51 28,137.34 23,609.87 30,771.66 302,358.66 84,117.21 80,202.08 60,254.71 81,083.56 71,742.31 57,516.74 845,469.60 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 FY April May June July September 2010/2011 August TOTAL 5,926.05 5,909.34 5,827.09 5,434.58 5,849.54 4,715.89 74,430.28 23,100.00 21,700.00 21,665.00 22,540.00 21,770.00 22,190.00 272,125.00 29,026.05 27,609.34 27,492.09 27,974.58 27,619.54 26,905.89 346,555.28 3,398.52 3,398.52 3,400.68 4,250.85 3,397.43 4,248.15 46,309.82 4,669.38 4,669.38 4,712.01 6,548.77 4,882.75 6,682.34 64,998.08 2,133.63 2,899.44 2,244.52 2,295.08 2,369.15 2,397.80 27,59.8.52 1,244.74 1,603.49 1,244.74 1,603.49 1,244.74 1,244.74 15,904.38 450.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 1,186.00 450.00 6,448.00 110.00 220.00 220.00 550.00 440.00 550.00 3,520.00 2,700.00 2,700.00 2,700.00 2,799.80 2,799.80 5,040.00 37,439.60 0.00 181.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,196.00 14,706.27 16,122.73 14,971.95 18,497.99 16,319.87 20,613.03 203,414.40 14,319.78 11,486.61 12,520.14 9,476.59 11,299.67 6,292.86 143,140.88 1 1/26/2012 City of Miami Beach Parking Department Profit & Loss Statement Garages & Lots -FY1 0/11 G4 -16th StreetG Anch U'U:,jv -, ",v"u, 2010 LOCATION ACCOUNTING CODE October 16th Street -Anchor Garage Revenue-Ticket 463·80000344911 173,960.78 Revenue -Valet 463·8000.344587 17,152.79 Revenue-Monthly Permils 463·80000344903 47,100.00 16th St. Anchor -REVENl 238,213.57 ISales Tax Excluded) Expenses Security Personnel 7,171.77 Attendant/Cashier Labor 21,983.20 FP&L 2,615.61 Revenue Control Equipment Maintenance 1,462.50 Armed Guard Revenue Pickup 485.33 Elevator Maintenance 1,535.70 landscape and lot Maintenance 255.00 Garage Cleaning/Maintenance 7,252.13 Sanitation (Waste Removal) 254.88 Fire Alarm Service 250.00 Surveillance System Maintenance 0.00 16th St. -Anchor EXPENS 43,266.12 16th St.PRClFIT/(LOSS) 194,947.45 G9 -Penn AyeOUl;l Garage LOCATION ACCOUNTING CODE 2010 October Pennsylvania Avenue Garage -G9 Revenue-Ticket 480·8000·344411 192.52 Revenue -Space Rental 0.00 Revenue-Monthly Permits 480·8000·344412 0.00 Pennsylvania _ -G9 REVE 192.52 ISales Tax Excluded) Expenses Security Personnel 0.00 Attendant/Cashier Labar 255.75 FP&L 0.00 Revenue Control Equipment Maintanance 0.00 IArmed Guard Revenue Pickup 0.00 Elevator Maintenance 0.00 landscape and lot Maintenance 0.00 Garage Cleaning/Maintenance 0.00 Pennsylvania. -G9 EXPE 255.75 Penn Ave. PROFIT /(LOSS) ·63.23 F:\PING\$MAN\RAR\Parking Stalus Report\Garages FYI I 2010 November 141,588.70 25,919.15 46,000.00 213,507.85 4,925.64 22,699.61 2,702.79 1,462.50 485.33 1,535.70 255.00 7,252.13 265.32 250.00 0.00 41,834.02 171,673.83 2010 November 28,692.50 0.00 0.00 28,692.50 1,099.52 11,094.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,193.65 16,498.85 2010 2011 2011 December January February 145,175.72 173,821.53 181,146.73 20,867.29 20,100.93 34,488.31 46,000.00 44,200.00 45,500.00 212,043.01 238,122.46 261,135.04 7,671.84 7,642.44 4,927.21 28,349.38 23,349.28 22,423.15 2,549.24 2,506.48 2,471.73 1,712.50 1,462.50 1,462.50 485.33 485.33 485.33 1,535.70 1,535.70 1,535.70 85.00 85.00 85.00 7,252.13 7,252.13 7,252.13 265.32 265.32 265.32 485.12 250.00 250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50,391.56 44,834.18 41,158.07 161,651.45 193,288.28 219,976.97 2010 2011 2011 December January February 24,567.25 29,591.59 75,216.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,020.00 7,210.00 24,567.25 35,611.59 82,426.82 0.00 412.32 0.00 15,438.01 11,919.51 14,054.64 0.00 2,971.81 2,636.34 745.00 300.00 2,390.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,447.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 11,807.50 9,307.50 9,307.50 27,990.51 24,911.14 29,836.47 ·3,423.26 10,700.45 52,590.35 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 FY March April May June July August September 2010/2011 TOTAL 253,986.93 219,242.98 219,790.68 159,834.56 207,072.89 180,201.38 156,814.97 2,212,637.85 34,968.22 34,520.55 26,494.85 23,969.15 42,188.31 35,078.96 19,997.19 335,745.70 46,000.00 44,200.00 30,870.00 44,000.00 46,600.00 42,700.00 45,100.00 528,270.00 334,955.15 297,963.53 277,155.53 227,803.71 295,861.20 257,980.34 221,912.16 3,076,653.55 5,493.58 4,401.60 4,401.60 5,916.25 13,481.33 15,945.16 19,933.20 101,911.62 36,172.35 25,269.72 22,373.77 24,157.73 28,254.39 21,962.19 27,225.36 304,220.13 2,763.53 2,692.04 2,865.07 2,878.59 2,729.18 3,052.04 2,701.07 32,527.37 1,462.50 2,662.50 5,212.43 1,462.50 1,821.25 1,462.50 1,462.50 23,108.68 485.33 485.33 485.33 485.33 485.33 485.33 485.33 5,823.96 2,347.70 1,632.91 1,244.07 1,535.70 2,115.70 1,830.70 10,702.70 29,087.98 85.00 85.00 175.83 425.00 340.00 340.00 425.00 2,640.83 7,252.13 7,252.13 7,633.01 10,752.13 7,252.13 7,252.13 9,960.00 93,614.31 265.32 265.32 337.92 265.32 265.32 265.32 265.32 3,246.00 495.42 601.62 250.00 250.00 250.00 640.00 370.00 4,342.16 85.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 170.00 0.00 0.00 255.00 56,907.86 45,348.17 44,979.03 48,128.55 57,164.63 53,235.37 73,530.48 600,778.04 278,047.29 252,615.36 232,176.50 179,675.16 238,696.57 204,744.97 148,381.68 2,475,875.51 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 FY March April May June July August September 2010/2011 TOTAL 63,286.93 36,139.23 19,107.49 17,163.53 17,275.70 18,284.10 30,214.93 359,732.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,840.00 7,630.00 7,700.00 7,715.00 9,100.00 10,150.00 11,480.00 74,845.00 71,126.93 43,769.23 26,807.49 24,878.53 26,375.70 28,434.10 41,694.93 434,577.59 3,762.73 3,014.80 3,014.80 5,078.33 4,221.88 3,013.84 4,717.69 28,335.91 17,057.77 13,926.76 12,969.63 11,570.76 12,965.77 7,677.63 12,781.89 141,712.25 2,837.92 2,796.90 2,643.11 2,782.61 2,749.92 2,690.67 2,928.23 25,037.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 8,435.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,447.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,653.36 1,209.62 1,209.62 1,170.60 6,243.20 9,307.50 9,307.50 9,307.50 11,807.50 9,307.50 9,307.50 10,700.00 99,467.50 32,965.92 29,045.96 27,935.04 33,892.56 30,454.69 26,399.26 34,798.41 310,679.36 38,161.01 14,723.27 ·1,127.55 ·9,014.03 ·4,078.99 2,034.84 6,896.52 123,898.2311 1/26/2012 MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: COMMISSION MEMORANDUM Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager\~ February 8, 2012 0 INFORMATIONAL REPORT TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION, ON FEDERAL, STATE, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, U.S. COMMUNITIES, AND ALL EXISTING CITY CONTRACTS FOR RENEWAL OR EXTENSIONS IN THE NEXT 180 DAYS. The City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2000-24141, which provided that all existing City contracts for renewal or extensions, which by their terms or pursuant to change orders exceed $10,000, and all extensions or renewals of such contracts, shall be presented as an informational report to the Mayor and City Commission, at least 180 days prior to the contract extension or renewal date. Subsequent thereto, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2001-24332, changing the reporting requirement from $10,000 to $25,000. The Administration in addition to reporting on all existing City contracts, will now report information relative to Miami-Dade County, State of Florida, U.S. Communities and Federal GSA contracts that are approved for utilization by the City Manager. Pursuant to information contained in Miami-Dade County, State of Florida, U.S. Communities and Federal General Services Administration (GSA) bid list, the following are contracts that will expire within the next 180 days: DESCRIPTION 1. Guarantee Fence Corp. 2. Murray Fence Corp. 3. JOC Vertical 4. JOC Horizontal 5. JOC Electrical 6. JOC Mechanical 7. JOC Waterproofing and Painting 8. JOC Roofing 9. Professional CEI Services on an "As Needed" Basis Cast Iron Meter, Valve Boxes and Covers, 10. Manhole Frames and Covers 17 (MDDC # 8106-4/11) MG:,~_ :\AGE \20 -8-12\February 180 Day.doc J T VENDOR EXPIRATION RENEWAL DATE TERMS Fencing Services 7/31/2012 None Fencing Services 7/31/2012 None See Attached List 7/15/2012 Two Option years to renew See Attached List 7/15/2012 Two Option years to renew See Attached List 7/15/2012 Two Option years to renew See Attached List 7/15/2012 Two Option years to renew See Attached List 7/15/2012 Two Option years to renew See Attached List 7/15/2012 Two Option years to renew See Attached List 7/22/2012 None U.S. Foundry and Four Option Manufacturing 7/31/2012 Corp. years to renew Page 2 180 Day Report February 8,2012 JOC Contractors JOC VERTICAL Harbour Construction Team Contracting Matrix Construction BDI Construction Coastland Construction JOC HORIZONTAL Ric-Man International Envirowaste David Mancini & Sons H.A. Contracting Carivon Construction GEC Associates JOC ELECTRICAL Edd Helms GR Electric AGC Electric JOC MECHANICAL Thermal Concepts FXP Corp. Comfort Tech JOC PAINTING/WATERPROOFING Chuck's Painting Coastline Painting JCI International JOC ROOFING Weiss & Woolrich National Roofing Z Roofing Advanced Roofing Page 3 180 Day Report February 8,2012 Ambro, Inc. Bermello Ajamil & Partners, Inc. Bolton Perez & Associates Calvin, Giordano & Associates, Inc. Consul-Tech Construction Management, Inc. Corzo Castella Carballo Thompson Salman, P.A. C3TS) CIMA Engineering Corp. EAC Consulting, Inc. Keith and Schnars, P.A. MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. New Millennium Engineering, Inc. PB Americas, Inc. PBS&J, Inc. Target Engineering Group, Inc. MIAMI BEACH CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager ~ February 8, 2011 J DATE: SUBJECT: STATUS REPORT ON THE PALM & HIBISCUS ISLANDS UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PROJECT CURRENT: I. Status of the FPL, Atlantic Broadband and AT&T drawings: The FPL binding estimate and revised FPL drawings were received by the CIP Department on October 27,2011 and transmitted to ABB, ATT and a JOC Contractor in order to receive the estimates for their respective portions of the Work. A meeting was held on November 17, 2011, with ABB, ATT, the HOA and CIP to coordinate the ABB and ATT undergrounding. The ABB and ATT will be providing the HOA an invoice to re-engineer the drawings, once the HOA pays for the design service, they will commence with the drawings. In addition, CIP transmitted the FPL revised drawings to the PWD on November 3, 2011 for their review and approval. The PWD provided comments to the FPL drawings on November 16, 2011 to CIP. II. Status of the Neighborhood Improvement Project: On September 14, 2011, the City Commission approved Resolution Number 2002- 24853, authorizing the administration to enter into negotiations with the top-ranked proposer,Camp, Dresser & McKee, Inc (CDM) and should the administration not be successful in negotiating an agreement with the top-ranked proposer, authorizing negotiations with the second-ranked proposer, Corzo, Castella, Carballo, Thompson, Salman, Pa (C3TS); and should the administration not be successful in negotiating an agreement with the second-ranked proposer, authorizing negotiations with the third- ranked proposer, Calvin, Giordano, And Associates, Inc. The Consultant shall provide the City a Design Criteria Package for Palm and Hibiscus Island as well as a Master Design Criteria Package to be used as a template for other City horizontal right of way projects. The Palm and Hibiscus Neighborhood improvement project consists of landscaping / irrigation and street lighting, replacement of existing water main infrastructure, improved storm water drainage collection and disposal infrastructure including swale restoration, curb and gutter and other facilities, street resurfacing/pavement markings, sewer lining and repair, repair and/or extension of existing sidewalks to comply with ADA requirements, incorporation of traffic calming features, and the coordination of the undergrounding of utilities including Florida Power and Light (FPL), Atlantic Broadband (ABB) and AT&T. Pursuant to the termination of negotiations with CDM on November 22, 2011, the City requested a proposal from the second ranked consultant. On December 21, 2011, 1 Status Report on Palm & Hibiscus Island Project Page 2 of 2 C3TS submitted a proposal and the City was able to reach an agreement in the lump sum amount of $523,082. • September 14, 2011 :The City Commission accepted the recommendation of the City Manager to enter into negotiations with Camp, Dresser & McKee Inc (CDM) for the preparation of a Design Criteria Package which is intended to be bid as a Design Build project. • Negotiations with CDM were terminated on November 22, 2011. • Negotiations with the second ranked firm, C3TS, commenced on November 30, 2011. On December 21, 2011, C3TS submitted a final proposal that was accepted by the City. • February 8th ,2012: Design Criteria Professional Contract Award -Commission approval recommended. • August 2012: Design Criteria Completed.* • September 2012: Request for Proposals for Design Builder.* • December 2012: Design Builder Contract Award.* • June 2014: Construction Completion.* *Target Dates PRIOR HISTORY: III. Status of Utility Undergrounding Project: FV/DM/MER • The Hibiscus Homeowners Association (HOA) pursued a Special Taxing District with Miami-Dade County that was ratified via a Special Assessment on December 7, 2010. • The County has collected $510,816.96, from the Homeowners pursuant to language in the Special Taxing District Ordinance # 10-51. • The HOA requested that FPL provide a new binding estimate for the undergrounding of Hibiscus Island only. The HOA believes that the new estimate for the undergrounding of Hibiscus Island will come in at a lower cost than the binding estimate provided on July 15, 2010. FPL's binding estimates are valid for 180 days. • The City will request a new binding estimate from ABB and ATT once the FPL drawings are revised to reflect an open cut trench installation in the roadway. • Once the County receives the new binding estimate from the City and FPL (including ABB & ATT), the County will pursue floating a bond to cover the costs of the undergrounding project. • On August 8, 2011, Ian Kaplan, Hibiscus Island HOA President, requested that the County hold in abeyance the tax roll for the first year since the project is not expected to break ground this year. • The City and the County need to enter into an inter-local agreement in order to reimburse the City for the costs of the utility undergrounding project. The steps necessary for this to occur are as follows: 1. To date, the City of Miami Beach Commission has not adopted a policy to advance money for a private utility undergrounding project funded by public funds. As such, an item regarding this policy would require City Commission approval. 2. The City and the County need to reconcile the issue of FPL's requirement that they are paid upfront for the work. 3. Resolve the issue of whether the County can reimburse the City of Miami Beach for the total amount of the undergrounding project for work incurred as a result of the project. MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: COMMISSION MEMORANDUM Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager J February 8, 2011 0 D CIP Monthly Construction Project Update Attached please find the monthly update for active City of Miami Beach construction projects under the purview of the CIP Office. Attachment cc: Duncan Ballantyne Fernando Vazquez David Martinez District Project Mgr. Middle Beach Iglesias, E. Middle Beach Fernandez, D. Middle Beach Sanchez, O. Project Name 8ayshore 8P 8A -Central Streets/Sidewalks Improvements 8ayshore 8P 88 -Lower North 8ay Road -Streets/Sidewalks Improvements 8ayshore 8P 8C -Lake Pancoast Streets/Sidewalks Improvements 112712012 4:19:48 PM Monthly Construction Report Status through January 27, 2012 Scope of Work Package A -Central Bayshore -The area includes 40th Street, Flamingo Drive, the Sheridan Avenue Multi-Family Neighborhood, and the Central 8ayshore Community (single-family section). Scope includes street resurfacing, sidewalk repair, swale/planting strip restoration, installation of curb and gutter, enhanced landscaping, drainage upgrades, traffic calming, water main replacement, and improved on-street parking. Package B -Lower North Bay Road. Scheduled improvements include the installation of valley gutters and a stormwater system with two stormwater pump stations, injection wells, outfall repair and replacement, street resurfacing, water main replacement and decorative stamped asphalt flush traffic tables. Package C -Lake Pancoast -The area includes Flamingo Drive, Flamingo Place, West 24th Street to Pine Tree Drive, and Lake Pancoast Drive. Scope includes street resurfacing, sidewalk repair, planting strip restoration, curb and gutter upgrades, enhanced landscaping, entryway features, enhanced street signage, streetlight upgrades, water main replacement, and improved on-street parking. Construction Status NTP-1 was issued August 19, 2011. A Community Pre-Construction Meeting was held at the Miami Beach Golf Club on August 29, 2011. Pre Construction Meeting was held October 26, 2011. NTP -2 was issued October 31, 2011. Construction started on October 31, 2011. Work at the following locations will be underway the week of 1/23/12. -Sheridan Avenue from West 40 Street to West 41 Street -Royal Palm Avenue from West 40 Street to West 41 Street -Prairie Avenue from West 40 Street to West 41 Street -West 34 Street (North Meridian Avenue) from Alton Road to West 37 Street (Barry Street). Final staging area selection & confirmation is pending. Stash site adjacent to the golf course maintenance facility is a possible location. PWD terms were issued to CIP. PWD Environmental Department is preparing plans that specify remediation requirements by DERM for pricing by Lanzo. A Community Pre-Construction Meeting was held at the Miami Beach Golf Club on August 4, 2011. NTP-1 was issued on August 18, 2011. PreConstruction Meeting ocurred on December 5, 2011. Encroachment letters are in process by CIP and are scheduled to be mailed out by January, 2012. . TransFlorida must submit the schedule of values, submittal schedule, and construction schedule for CIP's approval prior to issuance of Notice to Proceed 2. This is pending as of December 30, 2011, but has been promised by Trans Florida the first week of January, 2012. Potholing of future drainage structure locations is scheduled to begin early January, 2012. Full construction mobilization is acheduled for February 1, 2012. A Community Pre-Construction Meeting was held at the Collins Park Library on September 21, 2011. NTP-1was issued on August 19, 2011. Pre Construction Meeting was held October 26, 2011. NTP -2 was issued October 31,2011. Construction mobilization is scheduled to commence in March 2012. This project is being constructed in tandem with the Central Bayshore A project. Pagel 0/38 District Project Mgr. Middle Beach Iglesias, E. Project Name 8ayshore 8P BE Sunset Islands 1 & 2 Streets/Sidewalks Improvements 4:19:48 PM MOl1th{V Construction Report Status through January 27,2012 Scope of Work Package E -Sunset Island 1 & 2 -Neighborhood #8. Scope includes upgrading the stormwater drainage collection and disposal system to handle a 5-year 1- day storm event, replacement of existing water mains to meet City Water Master Plan recommendations, street reconstruction with new pavement markings, and valley gutter curb upgrades. COllstructioll Status The Preconstruction Community Meeting was held on November 3, 2011. The Preconstruction Meeting was held on December 2, 2011 with DMSI. First and Second Encroachment Letters were sent to the community between November and December, 2011. NTP-2 was issued on December 12, 2011 with construction mobilization scheduled for Janaury 11, 2012. DMSI mobilized on January 12, 2012 with the staging area. They called for locates and installed the trailer in the park. Encroachment removal commenced the week of January 16, 2012. Page2of38 District Project Mgr. Middle Beach Iglesias, E. Project Name City Center BP 9A Streets/Sidewalks Improvements Monthly Construction Report Status through January 27,2012 Scope of Work The City Center Right of Way (Streets/Sidewalks) Infrastructure Improvement Project BP9A is a $12.6 million infrastructure project which includes the restoration and enhancement of right-of- wayslstreetscapes throughout City Center, including roadway, sidewalk, curb and gutter, landscape, irrigation, lighting, potable water, and storm drainage infrastructure. The project limits include the area bounded to the north by Dade Boulevard, to the south by Lincoln Road, to the west by Washington Avenue and to the east by Collins Avenue. COllstruction Status Construction commenced on August 24, 2009. The following is the current status of all improvements: Washington Ave: Water main replacement, storm water improvements, sidewalk replacement and pedestrian lighting installation are complete. The first lift of roadway milling and resurfacing is complete in both directions and second lift of asphalt on the northbound lane is complete as well except the intersection of 17th street. Final landscaping and irrigation is complete and Partial Turnover Package was transmitted to the Parks Department on May 31, 2011. The culvert repair work was completed on March 17, 2011 and final roadway reconstruction of the southbound lane is complete. Installation of the exfiltration trench on 20th St. & Washington was completed on May 12, 2011. All fire line and water service connections were completed. Lamping inspections have passed with minor exceptions. 18th Street: Water main replacement, storm water improvements, sidewalk replacement, pedestrian lighting (excluding wiring) is complete; landscaping and irrigaton completion is pending. Final lift of asphalt is also pending. James Avenue: Water main replacement, stormwater improvements, sewer main work (pending as builts for PWD Turnover), sidewalk replacement and pedestrian lighting installation (excluding wiring) is complete between Lincoln Road and 19th Street. TECO Gas line relocation was completed on December 2, 2010. The crosswalk header bands at the intersection of 18th and James complete. Irrigation is roughed in and landscaping is scheduled for the end of the project. The bumpouts on 17th and James are complete, only the crosswalks are pending. Pressure testing, water BacT samples and DOH certification were approved on 1/3/12. MetroExpress can proceed with fire line and water service transfers. Drainage repairs are pending to be completed by Envirowaste. 21st Street: Stormwater improvements, watermain and first lift of asphalt was completed prior to Art Basel weekend of 2010. Hardscape construction is complete. All fire line and water service connections were completed. Landscaping and irrigation in the bumpouts is to be completed towards the end of the project.Drainage repairs are pending. Liberty Ave: Storm water improvements, watermain and first lift of asphalt was completed. Hardscape construction and pedestrian lighting is complete. DOH certification was approved and all fire line and water service transfers were completed. First lift of asphalt is complete. FPL service point installation is complete on 19th st corner. Lamping Inspection was completed by Envirowaste to assess full scope of drainage repairs. 19th Street: Stormwater improvements, watermain and first lift of 1127120124:19:48 PM Page 30/38 District Project Mgr. Project Name Monthly Construction Report Status through January 17, 1012 Scope of Work COllstruction Status asphalt was completed. Hardscape construction and pedestrain lighting is complete. DOH certification was approved and all fire line and water service transfers were completed. Park Ave: Stormwater improvements, watermain and first lift of asphalt was completed. Hardscape construction is complete. DOH certification was approved and all fire line and water service transfers were completed. Drainage line repairs are pending. 20th Street: Drainage structures were installed between Collins and Liberty Ave. Due to Non Compliance Reports and Stop Work Directive issued to M. Vila on August 25, 2011, Contractor had to restore the area and comply with all Non Compliance reports prior to continuing drainage installations on the rest of 20th street. Road reconstruction between Liberty Ave and Collins Ave is complete on the south side. The watermain installation is complete except the service laterals (domestic, irrigation and fire). Hardscape reconstruction on the north side of 20th between Liberty Ave and Collins Ave is in progress. All gravity wells received FDEP Certification of Class V Well Construction Completion and water quality analysis and use authorization. The grates and grouting are pending. Fire line transfers began on March 24, 2011. Approximately 24 out of 37 connections are completed throughout the project. Remaining fire lines will be in progress at the end of January 2012. Lamping Inspections were completed by PWD and Envirowaste. Washington Ave between Lincoln Road and Washington Ct. are approved. James.Ave between 17 and 18 streets is also approved. James between 1'7 and Lincoln Road are pending repair due to infiltration as well as 21 street, 19th street and Park Ave. Envirowaste completed CCTV inspections and provided a full report and cost estimate on January 11, 2012 for repairs for a total of $190,000 excluding drainage structure repairs. Project is scheduled for completion by May 2012. ~:;:;;'~',!;::.;';A'i.'.:::O;;;'::;;;;';';:';Z:;;;'.;..~;,:,;,~:.:;;~,';i~~···'··,,···A·,·····'i·2~,:.:.,;:Z~~~,Zli.iliJ[iif0Y:J£i:Jj,~,,;wm:;; .. W:5:::,iJt:J,,~~"-¥vWHn;·i:iWfWW@YC;~*:n'gffir*ffiW.mwmmmmmmm;m:;m.wm,,'J&&%-r.K;ml$.;~.:~~:SjU~ii;~'~~~r;J.i..'W:l;%;.:t:"::i>!k;Wz...~£~:;~0.%i;,o£:;:;:~f::::.;<,::;Z;;]rx;;.,:,>;;:;,;s.~i.i;:~ill&":M~M%.-<m-«"B 112712012 4:19:48 PM Page 4 0/38 District Project Mgr. Middle Beach Cabanas, H./Jane Project Name Fire Station 2 -Bldg. A Monthly Construction Report Status through January 27, 2012 Scope of Work Administration Building A. -This building will be renovated 1 remodeled in its entirety and be made fully ADA accessible. This building has severe spalling throughout all the grade beams, reinforced beams and columns. The wood floor systems will be removed and replaced with structural concrete slabs. All existing structural deficiencies, such as cored structural beams will be corrected as part of the scope. The exterior building walls will remain untouched and structural repairs will be made on the interior of the building not to disturb the exterior historical brick finish of the building. New windows will be installed and structurally fastened to the existing beams to meet code. They will also match the existing historical look of the existing windows. New lighting, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing systems will be installed. The existing wainscot high, wall tile, which is located in the old machine room will be replaced as needed. The building will have a new roof installed and minimal site work as part of this scope. The entire building will serve as the main administrative offices for the Fire Department. The existing square footage of the building will be reduced from 15,094 to 11,305 square feet. The current building additions which are not of historical significance will be demolished and new "connector" additions will be added. Said additions will be a two- story element that will contain a connecting hallway between the buildings, stairs, restrooms and will also serve as exit points. These new elements will mimic the historical connectors that existed at one point in time. The building will also be renovated to meet ADA standards and an elevator in the main building will be provided. C01lstruction Status Demo permit approved 12/15/2009 BD100031 and interior demolition commenced on 12/20/2009, by H.A. Contracting and was stopped due to structural concerns on 2/15/2010. A shoring engineer was hired to develop a shoring plan and that scope of work commenced on 4/26/2010. The demolition was restarted on 4/28/2010 and has been completed. Project was awarded to Edgewater Construction. Building permit #B1001433. NTP#1 was issued and corrections to the documents had to be performed to the CPM, schedule of values and shop drawing submittals. This was due on 10/22/2010. Documents were resubmitted, reviewed and approved with comments. NTP #2 was issued on 10/25/2010. Pre construction meeting was held on 10/28/2010 at the site. Mobilization started on 10/29/2010. Project is progressing. We have encountered extensive spalling, more than expected, throughout all 3 buildings and the hose tower as well. Contract allowance for structural repairs has been exhausted. Change orders for the remaining unforeseen repairs have increase the construction duration by 28 days of non-compensable time. Project is progressing. An item went to the July 18,2011 commission meeting requesting additional funds for the structural repairs in the amount of $415,000. The item was approved. Construction continues and is approx. 80% complete. ~;';~1ful.t6.~Ht~];~:~'>.';:.':<:.\~~-l,::";It.,.~L~ ... ·.~:1IZ;;:"~~.;·~~·~;~~;Ji.~~;;;:"\~·2tr,7::,,~:.o.'iliWEm.%-hlU(.0.'i';\'>:~1,,~~~tf:.~i:;,,\:;,:x.~:mt:m.~~Wi@i:j=w·rwrwrWW?"%gm~l11Q.lhr1&.{J';.\%::~";~'t.",\.'-W'~'!f~~r~rmrM.i.~~~%~'iii.~;;ru;&';'M' .. :{L,-,<e.:;t~~~1:~a;::;.-:"$.:;"::;~~~0,%(;;'t~"i~U~;'~;;Z;.llii?;:Jj':<"a':;wW:~Ji~ 1127120124:19:48 PM PageS 0/38 District Project Mgr. Middle Beach Cabanas, H. Middle Beach Iglesias, E. Project Name Fire Station 2 Hose Tower Refurbishment Fire Station 3 -Overhead Door & Interior Doors Replacement 1127120124:19:48 PM Monthly Construction Report Status through January 27, 2012 Scope of Work The hose tower will be refurbished in its entirety. The bulk of the work will address structural repairs to the extensive spalling throughout the tower. The window openings were covered with non removable louver windows that preclude using the tower for ladder operations. The window openings and the glass block will remain untouched. The existing stand pipe system is inoperable and will be replaced with a new system. The building will be sealed, painted and re-roofed. The refurbishment will return the ability of fire companies to use it for high rise training. The interior hollow metal and hollow wood core doors are aged, not fire rated, beyond rated life expectancy scratched, utilizing non compliant hardware and, in general, not working properly. The exterior overhead, vehicle bay and doors do not close properly. COllstruction Status Selective demolition by H.A. Contacting has occurred and test results have been given to the structural consultant. Recommendation for repairs have been made and hose tower scope of work has been integrated to main building renovation scope and is part of the overall main project renovation. Plans were submitted for Building Department review and approved for permitting. Demo permit approved 12/15/2009 BD100031 and interior demolition commenced on 12/20/2009, by H.A. Contracting and was stopped due to structural concerns on 2/1512010. A shoring engineer was hired to develop a shoring plan and that scope of work commenced on 4/26/2010. The demolition was restarted on 4/28/2010 and has been completed. Project has been awarded to Edgewater Construction. Building permit #B1001433. NTP#1 was issued and corrections to the documents had to be performed to the CPM, schedule of values and shop drawing submittals. This was due on 10/22/2010. Documents were resubmitted, reviewed and approved with comments. NTP #2 was issued on 10/25/2010. Pre construction meeting was held on 10/28/2010 at the site. Mobilization started on 10/29/2010. Project is progressing. We have encountered extensive spalling, more than expected, throughout all 3 buildings and the hose tower as well. Contract allowance for structural repairs has been exhausted. Change orders for the remaining unforeseen repairs will be submitted and will possibly increase the construction duration. Project is progressing.An item will be going to the May comission meeting to request additonal funds for the strucural repairs. Plans were submitted for Building Department review and approved for permitting. Demo permit approved 12/15/2009 BD100031 and interior demolition commenced on 12/20/2009, by H.A. Contracting and was stopped due to structural concerns on 2115/2010. A shoring engineer was hired to develop a shoring plan and that scope of work commenced on 4/26/2010. The demolition was restarted on 4/28/2010 and has been completed. The overhead door, column and spalling scope of work was completed in mid August 2011 and the walk thru was held with Property Management and Fire on September 19, 2011. The punch list was completed on September 28, 2011. Interior door replacement is Phase 2 of the project and has not yet been scheduled. Page6of38 District Project Mgr. Middle Beach Sanchez, O. Project Name Indian Creek WaterlWastewater Rehabilitation 26th to 41st Streets 112712012 4:19:48 PM Monthly Construction Report Status through January 27,2012 Scope of Work The work consists of water main replacement, sanitary sewer replacement and asphalt re-surfacing along Indian Creek Drive from 26th to 41st Streets. ~ COllstruction Status The contract with Horizon was executed on May 28, 2009. Notice to Proceed #1 was issued by PWD on June 16, 2009. A pre-construction meeting with the residents and business owners was held on July 22, 2009, and an inter-departmental coordination meeting between all City departments was held on October 15, 2009. The contractor finalized the permit process in October 2009.The second Notice to Proceed was issued on October 22, 2009 and the contractor mobilized after receiving approval on the Maintenance of Traffic Plan and installed the advance traffic warning devices and safety barriers ahead of the work area. Water Main: 4,520 LF of water main has been installed between 26th and 41st Street (sta 30+00 to sta 75+20) as well as all the side streets at 27th,28th,29th,30th,31st,32nd,33rd,34th,36th, 37th,38th,39th and 40th. 35th Street is pending clearance of existing line and removal of a section and connection to new 12" water main. Road restoration and the first lift of asphalt over the trench line are complete between 26th and 41st Street. Flushing was done between 26th and 40th Street. Pressure test and Bacteorological Test passed on all the water main and side street and DOH had approved mainline between 26th thru 30th Street and side street between 26th and 30th Street. PWD is reviewing the As-builts from 30th Street to 41st Street and all the remainder side streets. Contractor completed the comments on the red lines for the water main between 35th and 41 st and side streets north of 35th Street (Le, locations of ARV, offset at water line, show offset below new 12" water line and remove red clouds, etc.). Public Works is waiting on a memo from CIP's inspector to forward the documents for DOH clearance. Meeting held on January 18, 2011 with HCI and PWD. PWD requested the contractor to re-established sample points, pressure test at intersection and chlorinate the line. PWD will coordinate with DOH the locations of sample points. The contractor will provide a cost proposal for review and execution by the City. The contractor provided the cost proposal and is being process by the City. PWD obtained approval of sample point locations from DOH and the contractor has re-established the sample points and began bacteorological tests. Sewer: Approximately 3,020 LF out of 3,100 LF of sewer has been installed on the mainline between 27th and 40th Street (sta 41+20 to sta 71+40). Road restoration and the first lift of asphalt on the trench line are complete ber.yeen 28th and 41st Street. Sewer is on hold and the contractor demobilized the well point system due to a conflict with an FPL duct bank which on the plans was shown to be at a sufficient depth to clear the proposed sanitary line. After excavation it was found that the FPL duct bank was shallower than as indicated on the plans and in conflict with the proposed sanitary sewer line. A meeting was held with FPL on May 18, 2010 to review if cables on the upper ducts could be relocated to the lower ducts and have the duct bank reduced in size to allow for the sanitary sewer installation. FPL indicated duct bank is too high and would be required to be lowered. FPL will have to procure for a dive team and will require a permit from DERM to perform the work. Page 70/38 District Project Mgr. Middle Beach Sinnes, A. Middle Beach Sinnes, A. Project Name Seawall Rehabilitation -Pine Tree Dr. & 63rd St. Monthly Construction Report Status through January 27, 2012 Scope of Work Restoration of seawall, new sheet pile wall, new concrete cap, and restoration of landscaping. Seawall Restoration -Sunset Lake Park Restoration of seawall, new sheet pile wall, new concrete cap, and restoration of landscaping. Construction Status 12/15/2010: Construction NTP II issued on 12/7/2010. Preconstruction meeting held with DERM. Sheet piling delivery pending. 1/6/2011 : Sheet piling delivery delayed because this was a special order. Anticipated delivery of the sheet pile is 1/25/2011. 1/24/2011 : Sheet pile installation to start on 1/25/2011. Anticipated project completion in Mid March. 2/17/2011 : All construction scope is substantially complete. Concrete cap was poured on 2/9/2011. Rip rap installation scheduled for the week of 2/21/2011. 3/15/2011 : Sod installed on 3/1/2011. DERM accepted project in full. 4/26/2011: Public Works issued a 2 item punchlist. Completion pending from Contractor. 6/24/2011: Building Depatment final approval issued on 6/3/2011. 8/15/2011 : Project final approval by Building Department received on 6/03/2011. Project transferred to close-out phase. Seawall, rip-rap boulders and sod replacement is complete. Closeout documents pending from Contractor. 1/6/2011 : Project is complete. However, one issue remains with the condition of the sod at the park. Parks Department to solicit a price to resod 60% of the sod at the park. The costs will be shared by all parties involved. This estimate is pending. 6.24.2011 A deductive change order was executed by the Contractor, to fund some re-sod work to be performed by Parks. This project is closed out. 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Area-wide street improvement may include: street resurfacing; swale restoration; repair of sidewalks; street lighting upgrades to correct deficiencies and provide pedestrian lighting; enhanced landscaping within the street Streets/Sidewalks; traffic calming measures and entryway features, even though not all areas will receive all the previously mentioned improvements. This project includes Biscayne Point (approx. 13,200 Lt.), Biscayne Beach (approx. 14,400 I.f.), and Stillwater (approx. 3,400 I.f.). Streetscape integrated with waterline replacements. Modifications to the BODR were approved on December 2009, the consultant is adjusting the design as per the BODR variations. It is anticipated that the stormwater system will have a cost increase of approx. $2,000,000 due to the addition of at least three pump stations and the corresponding pipes and structures needed. "Hold above-ground unfunded amount funding pending construction bids." 112712012 4:19:48 PM COllstruction Status AGC Electric started demolition of sidewalks on June 21, 2011. On June 24, 2011, AGC reported that they encountered utility conflicts on the northeast corner of Indian Creek Drive and 69 street. CIP met with PWD and a City surveyor to assist in locating the ROW line in order to determine if the mast arm location. Once the location of the mast arm was established, the proposed foundation of the mast arm was in conflict with an existing utility duct bank and the engineer of record had to modify the construction documents. A change order proposal was generated and approved. During a preliminary walkthrough with the County Public Works Department the County inspector noted that the proposed connection of the to the existing traffic signal disconnect will not be acceptable. The reason provided was that the existing disconnect is mounted on an existing FPL pole and the new County requirements mandate that all traffic signal disconnect are mounted on a standalone pole. The contractor will need to submit a change proposal in order to meet the County requirements. Additionally, the County is requiring that the existing control cabinet will need to be updated to the latest standards. 01/23/2012: Project is substantially completed. Contractor is waiting for the approval of change order to add a new service connection point to get final approval from Miami-Dade County. Once the change order is approved a final inspection will be coordinated to complete the project. Temporary Certificate of Completion (TCC) was issued on April 27, 2011. Punchlist is complete. Project was turned over to Parks Dept. on June 2, 2011. NTP 1 was issued to the Contractor on 05/06/11. Plan revisions for the VE changes were submitted in July 2011; however, PWD requested the plans incorporate 90-sec detention throughout requiring modification of the plans. After coordination with the Contractor, it was decided that plan revisions could be developed and permitted during construction and the schedule modified accordingly. NTP-2 was issed 08/24/11 with an effective date of 08/25/11. Water main installations and electrical conduit installations for the lighting system within Biscayne Point Island are approximately 90% and 75% complete, respectively. Water main installations and lighting fixture replacements on Biscayne Beach have commenced and are approximately 30% and 95% complete, respectively. Water main installations along Stillwater Drive are anticipated to start in approximately 1 week. Stormwater work and above ground improvements have not commence. The overal project completion is approximately 9% complete. Page 10 of38 District Project Mgr. North Beach Rodriguez, R. North Beach Rodriguez, R. Project Name North Shore -Byron Avenue Roadway Improvement Project North Shore -Dickens Avenue Roadway Improvement Project Monthly Construction Report Status through January 27,2012 Scope of Work Byron Avenue from 81st Street to 200' south of 87th Terrace is classified as an urban collector roadway located in the North Beach neighborhood in the City of Miami Beach. This roadway is part of the major network of roadways throughout the North Beach neighborhood and connects to Indian Creek Drive, which is another ARRA funded project. Construction work will include milling and resurfacing, striping, and pavement markings. Dickens Avenue from 71st Street to 81th Street is classified as an urban collector roadway located in the North Beach neighborhood in the City of Miami Beach. This roadway is part of the major network of roadways throughout the North Beach neighborhood and connects to Indian Creek Drive, which is another ARRA funded project. Construction work will include milling and resurfacing, striping, and pavement markings and bike lane striping and signage from 71st St. to 75th St. Construction Status Project was not able to start on time because new utility lines had to be installed ahead of the above ground work. Additionally, Miami-Dade County is requesting that the City of Miami Beach removed and relocate existing traffic signal junction boxes that are in conflict with the proposed work. The engineer of record is reviewing all comments issued by the County and will prepare the appropriate modifications to the plans. The two locations that are impacted with the County requirements are the intersections at 81 and 85 street. The City of Miami Beach requested a time extension from FDOT to extend the LAP agreement until March 31,2012. The time extension was granted. 01/23/2012: On January 23,2012 the engineer of record submitted approved revisions by Miami-Dade County Traffic Division that modifies the original design. These revisions will need to be reviewed by contractor since it adds additional scope to the construction of the intersection and signalization operation. 1) Notice to Proceed was issue on June 9, 2011. Contractor mobilized to a surface lot on June 10, 2011. 2) Carivon Construction has submitted change order for items not included in the original bid documents, as follows: a) Bike lane markings and signs b) Trench drains for bumpouts c) Additional sidewalk repairs not included in the bid documents. 3) Contractor mobilized on October 4, 2011, to Tatum Waterway Drive. The contractor had to stop work after 5 days because several areas had discrepancies with existing conditions and approved plans. Several meetings have taken place to resolve the discrepancies and the engineer of record is working on the solutions. 4) On November 23, 2011 the engineer of record submitted a new set of documents that responded to all outstanding RFI. 5) The City of Miami Beach requested a time extension from FDOT to extend the LAP agreement until March 31,2012. The time extension was granted. 01/23/2012: Work of the decorative paver crosswalks are taking longer then expected because of coordination with local schools and religious facilities. Other issues impacting the construction of the crosswalk at 73 street will be the design and approval of the traffic loop installation that will require county approval. HZ::£'jt&:<~,l;",,,,mf.:.'<;r.y,~,?;:h,>J..,::r,.::";::;";X;::i;:;;;;.~)f{K:.J:i;h~;}~"Jl..fmi&J»J:,J;~~ihlA,~'Zlli.8:};J.%~t;,:.';,;z.;;;:;':£;;J&3l~;IID."iJ;;~~'i;,;;'lii;:ijj,'i-;<;;;JJrzz;;;::;;z;:~w~*~~;:::iill>~::M:;W....i0t£,';"':;C"':':~;:i~·;;i-;';;;;}J;;Jti;iid-;;';:&iX&~imai&.tr'; .. :r.~;: .. :JX;;~a?;;w:;:;.;g.:i'\w';:;"~~J.~~:~",;.~;·:':'·;·····~ '';;'',.;.';;;':;'');"£;''~J.;;''::;:;''~,?~~ 1127120.12 4:.19:48 PM Page 1.1 of 3<'/ District Project Mgr. North Beach Rodriguez, R. North Beach Rodriguez, R. North Beach Rodriguez, R. Project Name North Shore -Indian Creek Drive Roadway improvement Project (ARRA North Shore -Water main lines crossing FOOT Right-Of-Way along North Shore -Water Main lines crossing FOOT ROW along 71 Street & Monthly Construction Report Status through January 27, 2012 Scope of Work Indian Creek Drive from Abbott Avenue to 71st Street is classified as an urban arterial roadway located in the North Beach neighborhood in the City of Miami Beach. This roadway provides a major connection between the North Beach neighborhood to the Middle Beach neighborhood. It is also a regional connection utilized by the coastal communities from the north to access the South Beach neighborhood of Miami Beach and also to access the City of Miami. Construction work will include milling and resurfacing, striping, and pavement markings. Place 8" DIP that encroach FDOT Right of Way along 71st St. Install water mains at the intersection of 71 Street and Abbott Court and include the entire alley. COllstruction Status Construction started on June 20, 2011. Project is on schedule. HA Contracting completed all concrete related work and milling and resurfacing of Indian Creek Drive from Abbott avenue to 71 Street. All temporary pavement markings were completed by August 29, 2011. The remaining work is the final application of the thermoplastic paving marking. The contractor has to wait approximately 30 days before the final pavement markings can be applied. Contractor is working on thermoplastic paving marking. Several areas are being reviewed by Public Works Department to add additional pavement markings at Carlyle Avenue to restrict intersection to a right lane turn only. Contractor is waiting for final approved plans to complete task. Contractor completed the work and now is working on the as-built documents to close-out project. 01/23/2012: Project is ready for final acceptance inspection. Inspection will be scheduled within the next two weeks. Contractor was given NTP 1 on September 3rd, 2010 and NTP 2 on January 6th 2011 Construction started on Carlyle avenue on January 11/2011 and is expected to be complete by early April 2011. This project was managed by Miguel Perez, CPC and on March 10, 2011, it was transferred to Roberto Rodriguez. 1) Original bid documents were not fully completed when Envirowaste provided bid price. 2) Currently, the CIP office is reviewing 15 different change orders for items not included in the original bid documents and field modifications due to conflicts with existing conditions. 3) Change orders are under review. Once the approved the contractor will mobilize to complete the milling and resurfacing of Carlyle Avenue and Bonita Drive. 4) On December 1, 2011, the change orders were approved. PM requested a new schedule from the contractor to complete the milling and resurfacing of Carlyle Avenue and Bonita Drive. 01/23/2012: PM requested final as-built documents of water main in order to schedule acceptance inspection of water main installation. Once the water main installation is accepted by Public Works Department the milling and resurfacing will follow. 01/23/2012: Acceptance inspection is scheduled for January 24,2012 with Public Works Department. to;~~;'-,;Jr.r~;~'jz;;',}M-,';;':,;:,'i;;:;;l"::-":k;J&;]},1:;Si~~'f.'?,~],'i~d;;}:';;;U;'?>J,.:;:~~;':. ~1;,*'':;,.'; .. X:'';:,'J:::;;ZJ2j;~,';;2i.:];''I:Zl])}ISmm-:~~,.';.~~~,i-::;};~~:n~;1i~i.~%'W~"W.t:wtX~S.¥,~-W;;;&Z...";'~~U%.'l@W''''''BF%"''&5J.'t};~"W-;::'J::H,;;.'tit;:'<'}'-,};;;~!;''Y'~W"W-W-;:iJWXf~.::::m:mlf8i,;.-~;;,~ril:S'«"J;&:rhl.~~ .... &;§!0.:®.Ji.0X;;':J1..2~:]:i2.W}'';;'i«l,'.GU'1d;l;~h"'Z-...'.'~<.~;;'." .:.t~<'?A'i.f«~.:i~"i(&i.~'«H~ 1127120124:19:48 PM Page 12 of38 District Project Mgr. North Beach Sinnes, A. Project Name Seawall Restoration -Rue Bourdeaux Monthly Construction Report Status through January 27, 2012 Scope of Work Restoration of seawall, new sheet pile wall, new concrete cap, and restoration of landscaping. Construction Status 12/15/2010: Construction NTP II issued on 12/8/2010. Preconstruction meeting with DERM pending. Sheet piling delivery pending. 1/6/2011 : Sheet piling delivery delayed because this was a special order. Anticipated delivery of the sheet pile is 1/25/2011. 1/24/2011 : The existing concrete footer at the base of the existing wall was demolished during the week of 1/17/2011. Sheet piling installation set to commence the week of 2/7/2011. Project completion anticipated for the end of March. 2/17/2011 : Forming and pouring of the seawall cap scheduled for the week of 2/21/2011. 3/15/2011 : Project substantially complete on 3/1/2011. DERM has not accepted the rip rap. Acceptance is being handled by Ocean Consulting. 4/26/2011 : Public Works issued a punchlist. One item requested videoing the outfall pipe to verify condition. 6/24/2011 : Project final approval by Building Department received on 6/14/2011. Project transferred to close-out phase. " W;:<,-'.{:.t:{{,";t;;~~Xi.-%;~:iXt.~J:::t;;:;;;.,;;;,;u;;ii'i>ii1;a::rdj;::':~;Y2i;J:"';;},-g;~v.:.;tx:..-;:<:,;~~:g~tr~i .. f$K~"XMt:.:g:::;.;mw.,:£1..'f-,":&~~~j~~:f.$mW)J£:.:~,;(*'i::.f«4!~~~~~~~:lf~'U;:;:~~W%J:~3i<W·*·W0?"?m¥:"lF"'W;·H(-":>;"~%am·iJ.~s£~·'W®mF~"llil:f"'i~Jlli':;;;,;5,'f.;:;'~~'~i\:'~::;':;';;;;'W:""'""W·"?:«?~'f-~~~~<WB.'Si<·~.:s-;;':€l:.f.::.&..",:t.:'0.':~ 112712012 4:19:48 PM Page14of38 District Project Mgr. North Beach Sinnes, A. Project Name Seawall Restoration -Rue Versailles 4:19:48 PM Monthly Construction Report Status through January 27, 2012 Scope o/Work Restoration of seawall, new sheet pile wall, new concrete cap, and restoration of landscaping. COllstruction Status 12/15/2010: Construction NTP II issued on 12/812010. Preconstruction meeting with DERM pending. Sheet piling delivery pending. 1/6/2011 : Sheet piling delivery delayed because this was a special order. Anticipated delivery of the sheet pile is 1/25/2011. 1/24/2011 : The existing concrete footer is to be removed during the week of 1/24/2011. Anticipated start of sheet pile installation is the week of 2/712011. 2/17/2011 : All construction activities have been stopped due to a directive from Mike Alvarez of Public Works. The location of the sheet pile wall was in the vicinity of a 24" diameter transmission water main. CIP will re- commence project after PWD completes the repair of a 16" transmission line at Pine Treellndian Creek bridge. All sheet piling and galvonized rebar are currently being stored at the Contractor's yard until project re-starts. 4/26/2011 : Project still on hold until released by M. Alvarez of PWD Operations. 10/31/2011 : Project has started. Sheet pile installation completed. 11/30/11 : Seawall completed. Rip Rap to be placed and inspected by DERM. 12/20/2011 : Building Dept. final approval received on 12/20/2011. Project transferred to Close-out phase. Page 15 0/38 District Project Mgr. North Beach Sinnes, A. Project Name Seawall Restoration -Trouville Esplanade M011thly Construction Report Status through January 27, 2012 Scope of Work Restoration of seawall, new sheet pile wall, new concrete cap, and restoration of landscaping. C01lstruction Status 12/15/2010: Construction NTP II issued on 12/812010. Preconstruction meeting with DERM pending. Sheet piling delivery pending. 1/6/2011 : Sheet piling delivery delayed because this was a special order. Anticipated delivery of the sheet pile is 1/25/2011. 1/24/2011 : Sheet pile installation anticipated to start the week of 1/31/2011. 2/17/2011 : All construction activities are substantially complete. Rip rap installation scheduled for the week of 2/21/2011. 3/15/2011 : DERM has accepted completed project. Contractor pending clean up and sod. 6/24/2011 : Building Dept. final approval received on 6/14/2011. Project transferred to Close-out phase. ~tM%Jjx;£·;r;;.t':..;Xi::l..'-;:2;:;:J;:,;:g~;.';r;~};g.:R.JfYi .. ~4&tii";&:u&Nr~:3Z.·.~~:;'~·;':::':':;.Y.:;;;j:.\,;.'.~t'~2W»;:jtB~'Wfu~;DX;C?,IT[:l.'~;J.~;J:]~mwm wnww"'t'·C,'it1.1:';''Q;.%-J?k~~'£&t&.:£.;;t£.~;:p'y;'%"fi-:.&-::r~m:si'iW~EM'ffimi=m''~-"''vni:"'f£2XSjJ:&'S.-%:m:?}k'<;~~;&'41%::ifii<J;;.§,&W,,?ii.:m<i;;..w1«>~:.;;.t,,;;-:;.~,::tr.~~:;;"1:;';;:&i:m-:tJ!«C*,~·m;.""~'~EE-m.&.';j;lUK';,.'Ei<~ 112712012 4:19:48 PM Page 16'0/38 District Project lUgr. South Beach Sinnes, A. Project Name 07th Street Parking Garage Structural Repairs FY2008/09 4:19:48 PM Monthly Constructioll Report Status through January 27, 2012 Scope of Work The project includes the structural restoration of the spalled concrete in the stairways, painting and waterproof coatings to protect the concrete. It also requires water proofing in the stairways. COllstruction Status 8/4/2010: The structural restoration at the SW stair tower is 80% complete. The painting of the garage ceilings is 95% complete. The waterproofing of the garage 2nd Floor is 10% complete. 10/6/2010: The structural restoration and waterproofing at the SW stair tower is complete. Painting of the garage is complete. Re-coating of waterproofing at level 2 is complete and the parking spaces have been re-striped. Structural restoration at NW stair is complete and waterproofing is in progress. Anticipated compietion of construction by 10/22/2010. 10/15/2010: Waterproofing complete at the NW Stairs. Repair of remainder of concrete spalls in progress. 10/27/2010: Project Scope complete. Contractor awaiting approval for change order to repair deficient stairwell doors and miscellaneous electrical conduit repair. 11/112010: Project complete pending punchlist items. Change Order BPO in progress. 11/15/2010: NTP II issued to Contractor for Change Orders. New hollow metal doors and frames to be ordered and installed. 12/15/2010: Electrical work in progress. Hollow metal doors pending delivery in mid January, 2011. 1/6/2011: Hollow metal doors added via change order are expected to arrive in late January, 2011. 1/25/2011: Hollow metal doors have not arrived. Pending delivery and installation. 2/17/2011: All change order work is complete. Final building department closeout is pending. 3/3/2011: Building Final obtained. 3/15/2011: Building Department required that the contractor pull a separate fire alarm permit for the conduit replacement. Permit application pending submission to the building department. 4/13/2011: Per conversation with Chief Electrical and Fire Protection Chief, Fire added a 3099 inspection to the electrical permit in order to Page 170/38 District Project Mgr. South Beach Sinnes, A. Project Name 1701 Meridian 2nd Floor Tenant Improvement MOllthly Constructio1l Report Status through Jam/my 27, 2012 Scope of Work Demolition and new build out for Fire Prevention offices. Improvements include: new ADA bathrooms; new air handling unit & associated ductwork; new ceilings & floors; and new paint finishes. COllstruction Status check Fire Alarm componets for function. Joint inspection effort agreed by both parties. Fire Alarm permit is not necessary. 4/27/2011: Fire test of the flow and tamper switch conducted on 4/22/2011. Flow and tamper was operational. Waiting on Fire Dept. sign off in order to close out the permit. 5/19/2011 : Electrical Final obtained. Close out documents received. Demolition commenced on June 6,2010. Design of Tenant Improvement underway. Demolition complete and finalized. HVAC DesignlBuild NTP 2 issued to FXP on 8/2/10. New AC unit delivered on 8/3/10. Permit for GC (Matrix) pending final acceptance from Building Department. 10111/2010: HVAC is complete. Construction is in progress and contractor anticipates completion of their contracted scope of work for 3rd week of October. Fire alarm contractor has submitted drawings to the Building Department for permit. 10/27/2010: Fire Final pending inspection today. All other inspections are approved. TCO application will be submitted upon receipt of Fire Final. 10/28/2010: All partial finals approved. TCC application submitted to the Building Department. Electrical, Engineering and Planning pending TCC approval. 11/1/2010: TCC issued by Building Department. Punchlist item work in progress. 1/5/2011: CO issued by the Building Department. Project Complete. i.;f;-?-;;;SX~B{';i;:;;;;~:.;.:}{e.<:0.:;;~lli~~%M'.$.~r."'~~;;.:;;:gy~;;.;;:.\:..:...{::-;;;:;;:z.%~"1;%:.mMmm:m:'mM~';;;;;.':;:~~W?WY··iW:@~¥:$;;~·¥&P>r·=w:i'W~~:"~x'k%;.~m~.!msl~ffi&~:<8K;:;l&Xb'0Z%~-'%..~~!.MI(;;;f.i.~:EiiW";J:.:;;;~0;;::'t.i:;..w.;:'~~M~';:%:M..qZJ .. ~:~:'dU&.~~""""·~)mYili·W~"WW<?i' 1127120124:19:48 PM Page 180/38 District Project Mgr. South Beach Fung, H. Project Name 225 Washington Avenue, SIU Office Relocation 4:19:48 PM Monthly Construction Report Status through January 27,2012 Scope of Work Renovation of building to accommodate the new SIU office relocation. COllstruction Status 10/11/2010: Building Permit approved. Construction to commence October 13, 2010. 10/27/2010: Walls are framed and MEP roughs are on-going. Rough inspections are being scheduled for the week of 11/1/10. 11/15/2010: Drywall installed. Finishing in progress. Painting of walls and installation of ceiling grid scheduled to be complete by 11/30/10. 12/15/2010: Acoustical ceiling grid complete. Floor slab pour back scheduled for 12/16/10. Walls painted. Telephone room transmitted to ATT on 12/17/10. 116/2011 : Ceiling installed and walls painted. Flooring start date scheduled for 1/12/2011. Exterior work on hold due to funding shortfall. Pending resolution. 1/24/2011: All final inspections are scheduled for the week of 1/24/2011. Anticipated TCO receipt by 2/212011. 2/17/2011 : TCO received on 2/112011. Additional funding is required to complete the rear site work scope items. A permit revision is in process for all changes to the exterior. 3/15/20.11 : Permit revision is currently with DERM. Upon DERM approval, building permit may be issued. 8/16/2011 : DERM would not grant approval because trees had been removed and could not be accounted for. Parks has identified that these trees were relocated to Bell Isle Park. Tree Relocation application must be . submitted. 08/22/2011 : Tree Permit submitted to DERM. Additional funding is required to complete the rear site work scope items. A permit revision is in process for all changes to the exterior. 11/30/2011 : Additional work at the rear site is on hold. No funding has been provided by Police for this work. Page 19 of38 District Project Mgr. South Beach Vieira, T. Project Name Botanical Garden 112712012 4:19:48 PM Monthly Construction Report Status through January 27, 2012 Scope of Work Proposed improvements outlined in the Master Plan adopted by the City Commission on January 13, 2010 are as follows: Phase 1 -Demolition of existing hardscape features, removal and replacement of existing fencing with oolite monolithic walls, relocation of garden entry, construction of various water features and ponds, construction of hardscape paths, plazas and patios, landscape relocation and plantings, irrigation and lighting; Phase 2 -Installation of oolite monolithic walls along the south and east perimeters, trellis work along the south wall, repainting existing buildings, and garden furniture and fixtures; Phase 3, consisting of improvements to the Collins Canal Corridor, to be designed as an extension of the Botanical Garden, has become a separate project called "Botanical Garden I Collins Canal Improvements". Phase 4 -Consists of a donor wish list to fund various improvements, such as shade structures, fountain refurbishing, and other site features, using private contributions. COllstruction Status Grand Opening took place on October 25, 2011. Punch list is 95% complete, pending only the replacement of defective light fixtures. Page20of38 District Project Mgr. South Beach Sinnes, A. Project Name City Center BP 9C Streets/Sidewalks Improvements (Lincoln Road) Monthly Construction Report Status through .Tanuary 27, 2012 Scope of Work Lincoln Road east of Washington Avenue. This project limits are Lincoln Road between Washington Avenue and Collins Avenue, and has been designed to address the needs of the commercial and retail area, as well as pedestrians, private and public vehicular access. The project includes roadway reconfiguration to accomodate uniform traffic lanes throughout, installation of landscape center median with uplighting, sidewalk replacement, installation of pavers on portions of the sidewalk that ranges in with from approximately 26.6 feet to 15.6 feet, paver crosswalks with ADA curb ramps, bump outs to formalize parking area and reduce the crosswalk distance, installation of street furniture, resurfacing of the asphalt pavement. The project supports the City Center RDA Master Plan. No additional Funding is being requested for the Project at this time. "Hold above-ground unfunded amount funding pending construction bids." COllstruction Statlls During the January 26, Mayor's Blue Ribbon Panel on Tourism -Lincoln Road Beautification Sub-Committee meeting, Mr. Gimelstein (Lincoln Road merchant) requested that staff evaluate issues related to the planting material in the center medians, and the need for loading zones. Consensue was reached to maintain the medians if the City would address the issues related to the landscaping as well as the loading zones. Following Lincoln Road Beautification Sub-Committee meeting, City Staff (Planning, Parks, CIP Departments and Chen and Associates) held further discussions regarding these issues. As a result, Chen and Associates modified the organization of the plantings within the median to allow for view corridors between the north and south sides of the street. Two loading zones were also added within the Project limits. The contractor's Notice to Proceed 1 (NTP1) was issued on March 17, 2011. A Community Pre-Construction was held on April 21, 2011. The Notice to Proceed 2 was issued on April 27, 2011. Installation of the sidewalk curb and gutter, decorative brick pavers, irrigation piping, and electrical conduits and wires are installed on the north and south sides of Lincoln Road between Collins and Washington Avenue. Streetlighting on both north and south sides, including uplighting is complete, up lighting in the median is to be installed in February 2012, and the electrical inspection for FPL to energize the system is completed. Planting of trees on the north sidewalk is complete, Addapave is 80 percent complete. Installation of the five (5) brick paver croswalk is complete. Irrigation is 80 percent complete. Planting of the trees in the median, and Adapave installed on the south sidewalk are anticipated to be completed in February 2012. The milling and resurfacing of the roadway will then follow. The Project is anticipated to be completed in late March 2012. 01/24/2011 : Sidewalks: 95% complete Landscaping: 45% complete Roadway: 25% complete Electrical: 90% complete Anticipated completion 3/1512012. ~!t...~ill0B:l;;;';~~%1.~'?$~E~~';;,i. ,~i}::~;J;,.";,,;f.:,§;;iJ.::.J;i;.-,:.:·~::~~~:i.'f..:';;;'XW~;U;£:~';';;lr£.~;;;~;~;;;',;::~mmmm~"ii>:'.-::Mmmmmmxmwr£s,r;;;;:~~~%uiIii.;a;;:;m;m;;;:~1.~~~-.;:X@'«&~"1;.;;j;t.:::«:W~~'::k;:Z~"';;:!{f;J.;Z;id;;'::~;;'-h~~~;;.:x;i;:i:~;';:::;~:;;'"';;Sfi~Jill;":g?f'j:&&~:;;';:;.m.~~fx",&{;;~ 1127120124:19:48 PM Pagel10/38 District Project Mgr. South Beach Sinnes, A. Project Name City Hall -Building Department Renovation Phase II 112712012 4:19:48 PM Monthly Construction Report Status through January 27,2012 Scope of Work Renovation of the different sections of the Building Department, located in the 2nd floor of City Hall. New reviewer's stations, demo interior glass partitions, new ceilings, new floors, new partitions and upgrades. COllstruction Status 10/11/2010: Phase II consists of 3 areas. The first area is 80% complete waiting for desk partitions. 10/27/2010: The funding allocation for the desk partition change order was received from the Building Department on 10/21/2010. BPO increase is being processed. Project is on hold until BPO increase is approved. 11/15/2010: The desk partition change order has not been approved to date. The reviewers stations are on hold until CO is approved. The violations office build-out is to commence on 11/22/2010. 12/15/2010: The desk partition CO was approved and the material is on order. Anticipated to be installed by January 15, 2011. Violations office build- out 90% complete. Final inspections scheduled through 12/20/2011. 116/2011 : Reviewers Station Millwork (CO) -anticipated for the week of 1/17/2011. Violations Office Complete. Conference Room pending Building Department vacating the space. 1/26/2011 : Reviewers station millwork delivery scheduled for 1/28/2011. Conference room start pending the tenant removing the existing office furniture. 2/17/2011 : Reviewers area complete. Conference room 80% complete. 3/15/2011 : All work complete except for one conference room change order for relocating electrical for floor electrical outlet. Change Order pending execution through CMB. 4/26/2011: Change Order still pending execution. 8/16/2011 : Phase 2 work is completed. Close out documents have been submitted by the contractor. Page22of38 District Project Mgr. South Beach Sinnes, A. Project Name City Hall -Building Department Renovation Phase III MOllth(V Construction Report Status through January 27, 2012 Scope of Work Renovation of the different sections of the Building Department, located at the 2nd floor of City Hall. New ceilings, new floors, new partitions and upgrades. Construction Status 4/26/2011 : Construction commenced on 4/18/2011. All work is being performed during nights and weekends as to not interfere with normal operations. 6/10/2011 : Base Contract construction work approximately 90% complete. Change Order for miscellaneous extra work submitted to Building for approval. Pending authorization and loading of the account and processing of the BPO increase. 6.24.2011 Change order for additional requested work has not yet been approved by Building Dept. Base Contract work 99% complete. 8.15.11 Change order for additional requested work has been approved by Building and currently being processed. Awaiting Finance approval. 8.30.11 Construction started again. Project scheduled for substantial completion by 9/15/2011. 11/30/2011 : Phase 3 Punchlist walk thru performed with contactor and Building Department. Work completed. Building to perform final walk thru with Contractor and CIP. %&'W~JJ,{i-:ih';J:;;L':,,·;::W:';.~lt;;;:<,;;;;;;i;';';i';~;;;";';f0:.~~"«<W«;rY"::""'5fifi·'n'~F·:·"~""""":'~~'«E.:·.;:u~t..$..;;X;;~:.Jw;,;;;;~..mmm.'&Y~~'fJ,&;.'i;.'t..';,{y'-Ji2X",*J:,;t~l1~jM.ru..,:<:;~mE~mWMJ<0.i:"H$.-;;l~;;~'jm;,m.~~!ilii:i<z:.~:'f;'..~:":',~':''.';;~;: .. {.l&h.Y,.,~~~J:.~;:·'3:nf:rYt 112712012 4:19:48 PM Page 230/38 District Project Mgr. South Beach Sinnes, A. Project Name City Hall -Upgrade Halon System Monthly Construction Report Status through January 27,2012 Scope of Work Replacement of two 45 pounds halon 1301 tanks by two new environmentally acceptable protection system (HFC-125). Construction Status 7/2/2010: All suppression systems have been installed. The fifth floor is pending replacement of the AC unit and sealing the room for pressurization. 10/6/2010: Permitting of the new AC unit for the 5th floor is underway. 11/16/2010: Permit received for the AC unit at the 5th floor. 12/15/2010: Mini-split AC unit has been installed. Pending installation of back-up AC unit. 1/6/2011: Testing of the ACunits is underway along with final inspections. All work complete. 1/24/2011: All work complete. An existing FA device in the room was found to be broken. The Property Management division must repair in order to complete this project. 2/17/2011: FA device has been repaired. Contractor pending final inspection and sign off. 3/15/2011: Mechanical and Fire Final Inspection scheduled for 3/1712011. 4/26/2011: Final sign off of all disciplines obtained on 4/21/2011. M:;'2':tJ£!];;TItJP£HiJ;";!;U;:;&;;;;;.;::,,:"'';:;:: .. 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(Includes budget for Phases A,B,C, and D). The interior hollow metal and hollow wood core doors are aged, not fire rated, beyond rated life expectancy, scratched, utilizing non compliant hardware and, in general, not working properly. The exterior overhead, vehicle bay, doors are aged and damaged. The hardware is worn and some doors do not close properly. The metal rails are also showing signs of age. A portion of Flamingo A, between 7th, Meridian, 9th, and Washington will be constructed via JOC as Flamingo F. It is intended that this construction will relieve stormwater bottlenecks from Washington Avenue while making water, streetscaping, and lighting improvements to this area. Construction Status 4/27/2011 : NTP I issued to Matrix Construction on 4/612011. Window subcontractor field measured all existing window openings on the 3rd and 4th floors on 4/23/2011. Field measuring of the 2nd and 1st floors to be conducted during the week of 5/212011. Shop drawings anticipated to be complete by 5/31/2011. 8/04/2011 : Building Permit issued to contractor. 8/05/2011: NTP II issued to contractor. 08/30/2011 : Material to arrive 09/27/2011. If material arrives on time, construction to start 09/29/2011. 11/02/2011 : Project started on 10/29/2011 and is curretnly at 40% completion. 11/30/11 : Project in progress and is currently at 75% completion. 12/30/11 : Project final approval by Building Department received on 12/23/2011. Project transferred to close-out phase. Alpine Construction, the original contractor, was terminated from the project and a mediated settlement agreement was negotiated and finalized by the City Attorney's office. Funds were retained from Alpine Construction's contract to complete the scope of work. A JOC proposal is being negotiated with Harbour Construction to complete the remaining scope of work. All six overhead doors and motors are completed and installed. Final inspection received 12/312010. The overhead doors were turned over to Property Management on May 30, 2011. Interior door replacement is pending. Project turned over to Parks Dept on September 26, 2011. Project turned over to PWD Operations on December 22, 2011. Pending receipt of closeout documentation from contractor. Pagel50/38 District Project Mgr. South Beach Cabanas, H. Project Name Multi-Purpose Municipal Parking Facility -4. Structure PM Monthly Construction Report Status through January 27,2012 Scope of Work This phase includes construction of the main building structure as well as site improvements such as landscaping and the new plaza area, street resurfacing, sidewalks, etc. COllstruction Status The MPMPF achieved a TCO for the garage portion of the facility on Friday, November 13, 2009. The lighting vendor, Cooper Lighting has advised the City that the S-3 lighting fixtures will be replaced at no cost to the City. Punch list items are pending and a structural investingation will be conducted under a different vendor. Page 26 of38 District Project Mgr. South Beach Sinnes, A. Project Name Multi-Purpose Municipal Parking Facility -5. Office Build-out Package MOllth~v COllstruction Report Status through January 27, 2012 Scope of Work A component of the City Hall Garage is to construct a 5-story office building (32,000 SF) along Meridian Avenue. The following Departments will relocate to this building: Parking, Finance, IT, OBPI conference room and Cultural and Tourism Department. Since construction completion in June, 2010, Team 5 has been performing fit out projects for each department tenant. Projects include window blinds, access control, specific security additions and a first floor breakroom for the finance department. Construction Status Project has received a TCO. HVAC final Test and Balance report completed and sent to the Architect. Pending final approval by MEP Engineer. Office furniture installation complete. Roller shade installation 95% complete pending punch list items. 10/11/2010: Roller Shades are installed. All furniture is installed. Miscellaneous additional tenant requests are being performed under a JOC with Harbour Construction. Permitting for this work is underway and JOC Contract is being processed. 10/27/2010: Permits for Breakroom and Misc. Items are still in review at Building Dept. Link's CO is pending low voltage final inspection from Gisnet and Fire Final. Fire requires additional stair sign age for final sign off. These signs are being supplied by the JOC Contractor. 11/15/2010: Permits for Breakroom and Misc. Items are still in review at Building Dept.(2nd round of comments) All items are completed for CO. Fire to reinspect on 11/18/10. 12/15/2010: Fire Final inspection pending clearing of FA Panel. Breakroom permit pending approval by Building Dept. 1/6/2011 : . The commencement of the breakroom project was issued on 1/6/11. Fire Final inspection for Link's CO is still pending the clearing of the FA Panel (being performed by Property Management). 2/17/2011 : All rough installations are complete. Anticipated completion of the breakroom is anticipated for March 10th, 2011. 3/15/2011 : Breakroom construction is substantially complete. Final walkthrough with tenant scheduled for 3/17/2011. 4/26/2011 : :::.8~:0;;;~;;';':~'';:::f(;':Jlt.<,:·.;;;,;;,:~rv:;;~:~~·;;;~'0~"&;;:·''%·r','?t:%;';;';;;f;;;;.m;:.?!,~;~;.~;;':;;;-&'%Wi§'*g:mwm~)jJJ.-£"I;ili:~&~-:Z:"~~'§!J;;':;",~,::.:n;%'-y';;;Rm=m:;';~~"":~..0;;;"'iZf;:;;i;Ji;;Uiiriil.~@'g~·!.;;;J~;:;~~:;'~::;f~2a;\i;]JX1:-'X;;;iJ.Z&"ill.ill.*-~~x<;r,:~X:.~,,~~~X;;:':.x~~Ja,-~s::>-J,:~"¥..'\i,:';'l<illi':&"2~m~~ 1127120124:19:48 PM Page 27 of 38 District Project Mgr. South Beach Dixon, C. South Beach Sinnes, A. Project Name MOllthly Construction Report Status through January 27, 2012 Scope of Work Police Building -Elevators Renovation Complete upgrade of the two (2) passengers elevators located at the main Lobby of the building and the one (1) service elevator located at the North end of the building. Police Garage Glass Blocks replacement Replacement of the existing glass block staircase at the Police Building Garage with Dade County approved impact glass system. 4:19:48 PM Construction Status Meeting scheduled for 4/27 to discuss all outstanding change order work. All base contract work was completed and inspected. 6/10/2011: Final Fire Department inspection of entire facility scheduled for 6/13/2011. 6/24/2011 : Final Fire Dept. inspection was conducted on 6/17/2011. Only pending item was the permit revision required for the 5th floor Egress Door (change to a NFPA delayed egress locking mechanism) between Tourism and IT Departments. 7/28/2011: Building Final issued. 8/02/2011; ProjeG~ has received a CO. The City Commission approved the Xpert Contract on January 19, 2011 The Contract was executed on March 17, 2011. The first Notice to Proceed was issued on April 25, 2011. The start of construction is antiCipated in mid May 2011. 09/06/2011 : Contractor mobilized. 10/11/2010: Contractor has obtained permit and is waiting for delivery of windows. Window delivery scheduled for the week of 10/25/2010. Installation to commence by 11/1/2010. Completion of Project by 12/1/2010. 10/27/2010: Contractor commenced work on 10/25/2010. 10/28/2010: Contractor installations approximately 50% complete. 11/15/2010: Contractor installations approximately 80% complete. Anticipated completion by 11/30/2010. 12/15/2010: Project completed on 12/212010. Pending final invoice and submittal of warranties. 11612011 : Retainage requested on 1/4/2011. Project Complete. All closeout documents have been received. Page28of38 District Project Mgr. South Beach Fung, H. Project Name Police Station Halon Replacement 1127120124:19:48 PM MOllthly Constructioll Report Status through January 27, 2012 Scope of Work Replacement of Halon system in level 4 IT room located at City of Miami Beach Police Station. Construction Status 09/02/2011 : Pre Construction Meeting held between Harbour Construction, IT department and CIP. Construction to start on 09/07/2011 }, 09/07/2011 : Contractor mobilized. 11/30/2011 : Project 80% complete. Anticipated completion 12/112011. 12/2/2011: Project complete Page290f38 ~t District Project Mgr. South Beach Sinnes, A. Project Name Seawall Improvements -Lincoln Road Street End 112712012 4:19:48 PM MOllth~v Construction Report Status through January 27, 2012 Scope of Work Restoration of the seawall, improvement to the adjacent Public Park and cul-de-sac located at the west end of Lincoln Road. New landscaping, new paved area, irrigation and exterior lighting. Drainage Improvements added at cul-de-sac due to existing ponding conditions. Construction Status Seawall construction complete. Outfall structures and rip-rap boulders installed. Drainage inlets and pollution control structures delivered. Installation underway. Underground work is 90% complete. Sidewalks and curb and gutters were poured on 10/7/2010 and 10/8/2010. Expected completion by mid November. 10/27/2010: Final tie in of 36" stormwater pipe to outfall structure pending the receipt of an internal compression fitting. When EnviStreets/Sidewalksaste receives, progress at the streetend park will recommence. 11/15/2010: Final installations of the park amenities have commenced. Bollards, light bollards, landscaping, irrigation, pavers, benches and street lighting installations anticipated to be complete by 12/3/10. 12/15/2010: Light Bollard bases poured on 12/15/10. Automobile bollards completed. All trees installed. Concrete paver installation scheduled to start on 12/16/10. 116/2011 : All streetend park work complete (pavers, benches, lights, landscaping, etc.). Permanent power pending from FPL (anticipated for mid January, 2011). Sub-prep and paving set to commence on 1/11/2011. 1/24/2011: All roadway paving is complete. Project completion pending FPL permanent power to energize street and bollard lights and to energize the irrigation controller. 2/17/2011 : FPL permanent power pending. Change Order work to the contractor for additional hedges is pending installation. Punchlist items for pavers are pending. 3/15/2011 : FPL provided permanent power to site on 3/11/2011. Public Works walk through for final acceptance scheduled for 3/16/2011. 4/26/2011 : Public Works Dept. issued a one-item punchlist (move trash can away from Fire Hydrant). Work pending completion. CIP arranging for final Page30of38 District Project Mgr. South Beach Sinnes, A. Project Name South Pointe Park 112712012 4:19:49 PM MOllthly Construction Report Status through January 27, 2012 Scope of Work Park Improvements consisting of the following: redesigned park entrance, new pavilion and maintenance buildings including a small concession area, new restroom facility, pedestrian walkways, playground, landscaping, irrigation, and site lighting. COllstruction Statlls department turnovers this week. 6/10/2011 : PWD has not issued final approval yet. Parks has accepted and is maintaining grounds. Building Dept. final acceptance pending PWD sign off. 6/24/2011: Building final approval issued on 6.21.2011. Permit is closed. PWD sign-off received from Hector Castro, Assistant Director on 6.20.2011. Project to transition into close-out phase. Project is in close out phase. Turf Replacement (Parks and Recreation Department) -Remediation report, including budget, a permit set construction documents and other particulars due from consultant on November 22, 2011. Scope includes removal and re-installation of several inches of soil/base, creating a drainage horizon, grading as needed, installation of new irrigation system, installation of new turf and plant material. Initiate remediation in April 2012 to avoid dry season. Playground (Parks and Recreation Department) -Completed. Opened on July 26, 2011. Pathways (Parks and Recreation Department) -Corrective method will involve reworking the existing material. This task will take place after the turf replacement and water feature remediation. Pylon lights -The existing lights will be converted to a fiber optics system to correct the issues that cause the continual failure associated with the copper conductor wiring during lightning storms. The work is tentatively scheduled for FY 11-12. Interactive Water Feature -CIP is in the process of engaging a JOC contractor to begin the remediation process of the water feature. The remediation will address deficiencies identified by the Florida Department of Health. Deficiencies noted included issues associated with the drainage and filtration system and the requirement for restrooms within 200 feet of the wet areas. Park Sign -Portions of the aluminum lettering of the featured park sign that was reportedly stolen is in the process of being ordered. The replacement lettering will be fastened with vandal-resistant fasteners. 11/30/2011: Replacement lettering on order. Page 31 0/38 District Project Mgr. South Beach Dixon, C. Project Name South Pointe Streetscape Phase II BP 12C Streets/Sidewalks Improvements Monthly Construction Report Status through January 27, 2012 Scope of Work The Project area encompasses the entire Public Right- of-Way between Fifth Street and Second Street, (excluding Third Street) west of Euclid Avenue to Michigan Avenue, including Michigan Court and Lenox Avenue between Fourth and Fifth Streets. The improvements include the replacement of existing water lines to enhance the water pressure and water flow, new storm water infrastructure to meet the Master Plan recommended level of service throughout the project area; Streetscape Improvements including traffic calming measures, enhanced pedestrian access, landscaping, irrication, lighting, and parking improvements. COllstruction Status Horizon Contractors (HCI) has completed the following: STORMWATER: The installation of approximately 6,160 linear feet of stormwater piping, 130 structures, 21 gravity wells is complete, including certification from FDEP dated April 22, 2010. On July 16, 2010, DERM issued a dewatering permit for the cleaning and testing of the South Pointe Stormwater system, with the exception of the contaminated areas. On 07/15/10 CIP requested that DERM include this area in the existing Class II permit and the request was approved. Tidal control valves are scheduled to be installed in January 2011. WATER MAINS: The installation of approximately 5,610 linear feet of water mains, 151 water services and fire lines have been completed, including the added scope of work (approx 1050 linear feet) on 4th Street between Jefferson Ct and Washington Avenue. HRS authorization to connect the new services has been obtained. The 4th Street water main, and the water main services connections are complete. Water main record drawings/as-builts are being finalized by the contractor for turn over of the system to the City. ELECTRICAUIRRIGATION AND LANDSCAPING: Inspections of the streetlighting system were conducted with PWD,HCI, Engineer of Record (EOR) and CIP. On 07/15/10, the EOR issued their inspection results/punch list of items which were completed by HC!. As- builts/record drawings are being prepared HCI for Final Certification by the EOR and turnover of the system to the City. The irrigation system preliminary walk through with Parks and landscape architect was conducted on 06/17/10, and on September 2,2010. A Final punch list walk through was held on December 10, 2010, a report from the landscape architect and Greenspace Managent is pending. ADA and Landscape inspections were conducted on 07/19/10. A Report was generated on 07/22/10. The Addapave installation throughout the project is complete with the exception of their replacement in a few tree pits where trees have died. The placement of the final lift of asphalt is 80% complete and is anticipated to be completed in Mid January 2011. Sod and groud cover on the streets is in process. DEMOLITION/RECONSTRUCTION: The administration is proposing during the January 19, 2011, Commission Meeting, milling and resurfacing, striping and pavement markings, addapave and healthy fertilization tree system, sidewalk replacement where the have failed, among other repair work on 3rd Street from Michigan to Washington Avenue. This work would be new i?t%:r"d@!«"JX:v.;;S<.t'..r«i2;',·:;"'~iA'i;>"i;;':zn;;:';"f<"'"3!.4.):i;;~:w;;il~3i&:;&";;'"---:,,;;;.~·~~.'~~~.61lli'&-2'&XJ~I'<t~gl':·-<"r·~;'X~::;:&~-;;w..~~W~kmw.J.T**rw ~lliW=mm'.f&.wm.WWi*ftf.U$,"~;:k%';;($:lfl;xr-&j'M.j}'~W::&:;'k~':J,:'.\~';&~~~~~~~{"Wh%."S;;:~~~;X.;5:;';S.g;,&;;:";;'~::::';'{~\'.-.%~"'&~Wi/Wi%&B·%W;:%)&d';'::".~;(,s,,\&~:;"~lliiiN:~f< 112712012 4:19:49 PM Page 32 of 3lJ District Project Mgr .. Project Name Monthly Constructioll Report Status through January 27,2012 Scope of Work COllstruction Status scope and would be constructed from February through May of 2011. Signage installation is complete. 116 calendar days have been added to the Contract Time and Substantial Completion is scheduled for March 10, 2011. Third street change order request proposed during the January 19, 2011, Commission Meeting for milling and resurfacing, striping and pavement markings, addapave and healthy fertilization tree system, sidewalk replacement among other repair work on 3rd Street from Michigan to Washington Avenue passed. This work is 80% complete. Certificates of Substantial completion for the Drainage Improvements, Water Distribution System and lighting System, were issued by the Engineer of Record on March 2, 2011. The Project Punch list was issued on April 19, 2011. The Project is currently being closed-out. ~;.f~:.:&}.&~'iJx:t~m.;E.0D.a:~·~~<Bi:<t~.;..:);r;:';;'.·;::~;:';;':·i-<.::;.'1~>.ill~~a;.~~;;";.:~:":C-;':<J.:":'"<"Jir:l~~~'Xi;~.:(,,*:rr-~Ml&~~"$'3Ji"JmJ.~R{W'M~M...~'E&:<;::R:·xs.-;::;':<=:·i4';'X';%f«~i:ill:..~1-~;;'~~~@::%l~iJ:i5<:>:ili.«~r·····~*--Vw«WYillDi:;;~";;~~Z·;'·.'.;:D.<r;'::"'~;;';14.C:D.mN.]%'<{iM@w."M-"'?';;;.~.J;:..r;';:"J.~ 112712012 4:.19:49 PM Page 33 0/38 District Project Mgr. South Beach Sinnes, A. Project Name South Pointe Streetscape Phase III, IV, & V BP 12D/E/F Streets/Sidewalks Monthly Construction Report Status through January 27, 2012 Scope of Work The Project limits are bounded by Ocean Drive to the east and Alton Road to the west, and include: 1st Street, between Alton Road and Ocean Drive Commerce Street, from Alton Road to Washington Avenue; Ocean Drive and Ocean Court, from 5th Street to South Pointe Drive; Collins Avenue and Collins Court, from 5th Street to South Pointe Drive; South Pointe Drive (Biscayne Street), from Alton Road to the eastern street end; Alton Road, from 5th Street to South Pointe Drive; Jefferson Avenue, between South Pointe Drive and 1st Street; 1st Street, from Alton Road to Jefferson Avenue; and Commerce Street and other adjacent alleys, roadways, and rights· of way. This project is included in the City of Miami Beach Streets/Sidewalks Infrastructure Improvement Program and the Public Works Citywide Water and Sewer Master Plan. The improvements include installation of new storm water infrastructure within Priority Basin 1 to meet the Master Plan recommended level of service; streetscape Improvements, including new sidewalks; and crosswalks, traffic calming measures and installation of bump-outs at crosswalks; enhanced landscaping within median, swale and bump out areas; pedestrian lighting; bike lanes; and parking improvements. COllstruction Status A Community Pre-Construction Meeting was held at the South Pointe Elementary School on December 7,2010 at 6:00 p.m. On January 3, 2011, the City issued NTP2, retroactive as of November 29,2010, Trans Florida Development (TFD) has obtained a Public Works Right-of- Way and the DERM Class V dewatering permit has been issued for the cleaning and testing of pipes. The DERM well permit and trench dewatering permits were issued. A Completeness Summary Report was issued to TFD on December 6,2010, and received by the CIP on December 14, 2010. Approximately 80% of the well structures and 50% of the wells have been installed and tested to date. TFD is currently working on the installation of the Pump Station at South Pointe Drive and washington Avenue. WATER MAINS: TFD has completed the installation of water main and is currently in the testing and certification phase. PWD has requested the installation of a new 12-lnch water main on Alton Road between 5th Street and South Poinrte Drive, and removal of the existing and lowering of the 20-lnch water main on South Pointe Drive from Washington Avenue to Ocean Drive. These water mains were designed by PWD, are currently being permitted, and cost proposal from TFD being evaluated. DEMOLITION AND RECONSTRUCTION: The medians along Alton Road and South Pointe Drive have been reconstructed. The 1 st lift of asphalt on 4th Street from Washington to Ocean, and Alton Road is currently complete. 2nd Street between Washington and Collins and Commerce Street are currently being reconstructed. Sidewalk, curb and gutter on Ocean Drive from 5th Street to 2nd Street is completed. Relocation of palms in the median on Alton Road is complete. Delivery of live oak trees for Alton are anticipated to be installed in October 2011. The irrigation meters are now in place for Alton Road and soils are being tested prior to delivery of trees. Installation of drainage structures, sidewalk curb and gutter, streetlighting and irrigation on Ocean Drive between 5th Street and 1st Street is complted, drainage structures on Collins Avenue is in process Preparation for the repairJreplacement of sanitary sewer line to allow pavement of 1 st Street will commence on 9/12/11, and pavement of 4th Street will commence shortly thereafter. 11/30/2011 : Watermain: 90% complete ;Z~"%:"~kY{.'g.'f;Xt;'1::;r .. ;:;",;;::t;::'Dl:.];;","":,:;:g'~i%:~:.xmill~:.J.ZE:'g::'~.~BI<~'Gf:<-'~~~~.8H«:-';'~2,'<w%h'4W;ff~~g:t':<-~'!.&~'fu2!'{:;;;:;·ili-;~lZ@.J.%&~'f~~;.;{&'·;i(;4.:"fi!:f.~W~;;:'~J:.";(:,~,l&W:.~;;:·1'f"';'''''··{·1~7;U;8i;;;:<,~,.:·::~,~;'i&%.~~~~;S;'>}~'-;{,;;i~\,.";'i;:;£-" .. :JJ«-ig,;:;\ 1127120.12 4:19:49 PM Page 34 0/38 District Project Mgr. South Beach Sinnes, A. South Beach Rodriguez, R. Project Name South Shore CC Chiller Pipe Replacement -Phase II Star Island BP 13A Streets/Sidewalks Improvements Monthly Construction Report Status through January 27, 2012 Scope of Work Replacement of exposed sections of the original chiller line pipes. Phase II of this Project involves additional chiller pipe replacement. The original scope for streetscape improvements on Star Island (approx. 4,000 I.f.) includes: street resurfacing, swale restoration, sidewalk repair and upgrades landscape lighting upgrades to correct deficiencies and providing additional landscaping uplighting, enhanced landscaping and traffic calming; all integrated with water line replacement (approx.1400 I.f.). Star Island does not fall within a priority basin, as described in the City's stormwater master plan. However, based on resident concerns with current drainage service levels, and following a discussion on stormwater drainage issues in non-priority basins during the May 29, 2008 Finance and Citywide Projects Committee, staff was directed to produce a design that conforms with resident wishes to re-slope the entire street in order that stormwater runoff drains toward the center median area. This design will include 3,800 linear feet of 6" concrete curve that will not disturb existing swale areas and encroachments and will eliminate existing roadway pondings directing runoff to existing inlets and the median area. The solution should meet the City's flood criteria for 2-lane residential areas for flood protection associated with a 5 year /24 hour design storm. Construction Status Stormwater: 80% complete Roadway: 50% complete Above Ground: 50% complete Estimated completion by 11/2012. 4126/2011 : Piping installation complete at all exterior locations. Subcontractor to commence with overtime interior work during the week of 5/312011. 6/8/2011 : Project Substantially Complete on 5/15/2011. Building Department final received. Project to transfer to Close-out phase. Close Out Documents received 6/612011. 8/04/2011: Final Walk Thru Conducted by contractor, Property Management and CIP. On January 13, 2011, a meeting took place to review bridge loading requirements from Public Works Department (PWD). It was decided at the meeting to postpone the notice of commencement until the requirements are clarified. A meeting with PWD is scheduled for February 8, 2011. Notice to Proceed cannot be issue until the guidelines for the bridge loading requirements are drafted and adopted by PWD. 11/30/2011 : All the conflicts on the roadway have been resolved, Trans Florida is working on a revised schedule and is projecting to complete the project by 2115/2012. The Contractor is planning to complete the first lift of asphalt for the entire island before the Christmas Holiday. 01/23/2012: Trans Florida completed the second lift of asphalt on January 17, 2012. On January 30, 2012 Trans Florida will be working on the entrace pavers along side of the guardhouse. This work will take approximately one week. ~i~:"i;.;lli.';;;:}~;:;2;;.;:;;;;'-;.;:;';;J%.'liliill~£X.)20~;;11.v~ ~· .. ,,:;'G.:U;JSJ;:;·;t~~'X'k=m:;~~:&:.'f.:\"ZJ-.'t.;;'Th-;%;j~%J1.\l:~;:&"%~.M1-~'11.~1x«;rwwrr%·~m.wra,'W.'$)Xi;:1-';;:"''';;f.{~~'2J~~):%.;';;-f:iZ~~~@2;.&~'E;(,io~~.'m;Z·~·~f~:;;'i<'ZJ.m.<;i~~'0&;tM8?iY£>:!.:';~l~.~:;.:;'~?;;;l,~,~~:;':,:&{'J;x.Jd;';i&~.a,zii<~K.~;;;~.@ 1127120124:19:49 PM Page 35 0/38 District Project Mgr. South Beach Sinnes, A. South Beach Dixon, C. South Beach Rodriguez, R. Project Name Sunset Harbor / Purdy Ave. Garage TOPA Phase III Venetian Islands -Venetian Causeway BP 130 Streets/Sidewalks 112712012 4:19:49 PM MOllthly Constructioll Report Status through January 27, 2012 Scope of Work Acquisition and construction of an approximately 460- space parking garage over retail to be owned by a private partner. Private partner is responsible for approximately 18% of construction costs for retail portion. The original contract amount for construction is $9.27 M (including private partner share). The capital budget sheet reflects the City's construction allocation. Commencement date for demolition was March 15, 2011. Original project duration is 12 months. South mezzanine level bar Streetscape improvements for the Venetian Causeway, from Dade Boulevard intersection to the City Line. Improvements to include sidewalk, curb and gutter, lighting, landscaping, traffic control device improvements, and gateway treatment. COllstruction Status 3/15/2011 : A limited NTP II for the demolition and test pile program was issued to BCBE on 3/15/2011. A full NTP II shall not be issued until the main building permit is received. 4/26/2011: The test piles and demolition have been completed except for the demolition of the Tremont Lot. The project is on hold (starting on 4/15/2011) until Scott Robins evicts Tremont Towing from the Tremont Lot. 6/8/2011 : Tremont Towing vacated the lot completely on 5/23/2011. Change Order #1 to BCBE for delay damages ($36,994) was executed on 5/19/2011 and included a 45 day extension to the Contract time. 8/30/2011: 2nd Floor slab -first pour complete. 2nd Floor slab scheduled to be complete by the end of September. 11/2/2011 : 1st floor -3rd floor structure completed. 4th floor slab final pour scheduled for 11-11-11. 11/30/11 : 1 st floor -4th floor structure com pleted. 5th floor slab final pour scheduled for 12/06/11. Crane scheduled to come down starting 12/14/11. Work has been completed by Live Nation, per the terms of their agreement with the City. The City has requested back-up documents for costs incurred by Live Nation in order to provide reimbursement. Back- up documents were finally received on November 9, 2009. CIP completed the review of the documents submitted on April 28,2010. CIP submitted request for additional information to Live Nation for supporting documentation. To date, no response received. 1 )On January 10, 2011, Community Asphalt stated to install Maintenance of Traffic at Rivo Alto. The work was postpone due to the ING Marathon taking place on January 30,2011. Work will resume on February 4, 2011. Construction of stormwater infrastructure is taking place at Rivo Alto and DiLido Islands. 2) On September 2011, the County reported that the overall status of the project was 35%. 3)On November 2011, the County reported that the overall status of the project was 40%. 01/23/2012: On December 2011, the County reported that the ovearll status of the project was 45%. Page 36 of 38 District Project Mgr. South Beach Rodriguez, R. Project Name Venetian Islands BP-13C1 -Venetian Causeway Cross Street Water Main MOllth{v Constructioll Report Status through JanllaI)' 27,2012 Scope of Work This project is part of BP-13C Streets/Sidewalks Improvements and targets water main replacements at Venetian Causeway Cross Streets, at San Marino, Di Lido, and Rivo Alto Islands, prior to Miami-Dade County Causeway construction activity. Construction Status On August 20,2010, Ric-Man International (RMI) began the notification to residents that work was beginning on the Venetian Causeway to upgrade existing water mains. On August 30,2010, RMI began to mobilize to Rivo Alto Island and started on Rivo Alto on August 31, 2010. By September 17, 2010, RMI had completed the four tapping connections to existing 16" water mains. All 8" water main installation at the south side of East and West Rivo Alto Drive was completed and the installation of the 8" water mains that cross the Venetian Causeway are completed. RMI is scheduled to complete the balance of the 8" water main installation on the north side of East and West Rivo Alto Drive during the week of September 20 through 24. On September 27, 2010, work began at Dilido Island. On October 4, 2010, RMI completed the proposed tapping connections to the existing 20" cast iron water main. On October 5,2010, RMI began the installation of the proposed 8" DIP water mains located at the intersections of and East Di Lido Drive and West Di Lido Drive and Venetian Causeway (Venetian Di Lido Way) On October 6, 2010, RMI began to chlorinate the new water mains at Rivo Alto Island. On October 11, 2010, samples of the water were taken for bacteriological testing. Results will be transmitted within a week. On October 26, 2010, pressure test were conducted at DiLido Island and approved. RMI is scheduled to start at San Marino Island on November 1, 2010. The water main that runs from Station Point STA 4+20 E to Station Point STA 1+19 W, (Approx. 565 L.F.) was completed on November 12, 2010. RMI is working on the lateral connections on the south side of the Causeway on west and east San Marino Drive. On December 15, 2010, RMI passed the bacteriological test on the last island (San Marino). Final domestic water connections to individual residences are taking place in Rivo Alto and DiLido Islands. On December 20,2010, RMI transmitted a request for rain delays, unforeseen underground conditions that impacted production schedule and PWD request to delay the connection of new water mains and capping and abandoning existing water mains until the end of the holiday season. This time extension request is for days only and will not incur additional cost to the City. Additionally, the requested time will not interfere with the Miami-Dade County Venetian Causeway Streetscape project. CIP is currently reviewing the request and will inform RMI of the actual days that will be approved. CIP Office is working closely with Public Works Department to schedule all the necessary water main shutdowns in order to complete the project. The scheCiule will also be impacted by the ING Marathon event ';:«:Xh':'(f:;x'i.."t:,'iliUg.~~'iiM'l1ff.b;i~m:':':':;''{lj.;:~!;;i..:.r4;;:;X::3;J.::;::z:.3:1ili'1T.z ... "&"%0dHJ.<!~:0~;.';Z{:;'~·.%.\'<-r.?i?J:ll~=.u¥«"i,'!m;'·1f"'W£~·';r£:K"4f!5f<8f."~~m?1JXtJ.!J~.:.ia~§':~'k~~gJS;'';'..R..''<J.,{;1i;;;;'::'~~1.-'til..fiTh.';Z>J.~T.;~~~.'i<N».'tf&it'ir,~i>.%*Kill:.~i.:ill&~~ML~";:2;:;:;;:';;.;''i;;';;:;,d&~l:~.,.:,w~.W~&~3~·«:n~.;;;;;:,~ 1127120124:19:49 PM Page 37of38 District Project Mgr. South Beach Sinnes, A. Project Name Monthly Construction Report Status through January 27, 2012 Scope of Work Washington Court Seawall Renovation Reconstruction of 315 Lf of seawall using vinyl sheet pilling with a reinforced concrete cap COllstruction Status occurring on January 30, 2011. Final cut/cap and abandon of existing line at Rivo Alto Island is being coordinated with FPL. FPL has an existing pole that is in conflict and encroaching with the proposed work. The FPL pole is schedule to be removed and FPL is currently removing the existing lines to new poles. Contractor submitted a change order proposal for additional water main installation at West Rivo Alto. The proposed point of connection, with the existing water main, occurred next to several large Ficus trees. In order to avoid damaging the trees, the contractor was directed to extend the water main an additional 60 linear feet to the south in order to avoid the trees. On November 3, 2011, the contractor was able to complete the final cut/cap connection that was pending. Contractor is completing the as- built documents in order to schedule an acceptance inspection. 01/23/2012: Contractor submitted the as-built for review. Once the documents are verified an acceptance inspection will be coordinated. 10/11/2010: Sheet piling installation is 60% complete. Estimated completion of Project: January 10, 2011. 10/27/2010: Sheet pile installation complete. Contractor commenced with excavation and formwork of the seawall cap. 11/15/2010: The first 100 I.f. of seawall cap was poured on 11/912010. The second section is being formed. Anticipated second pour date by 11/23/2010. 12/15/2010: Seawall Cap is complete. Forms are being removed on the last 100 If section. Backfilling operations on-going. Project completion anticipated for 12/30/2010. 1/6/2011: Manatee Grate installation pending as well as temp fence removal. Building Department final inspections scheduled for the week of 1/10/2011. DERM final inspection to follow. 1/12/2011: Building Final obtained. 1/26/2011: Project construction complete. DERM requested minor removal of existing debris in canal. 1/27/2011: Contractor submitted close out documents. i.i,~E;X;;~·"w.;".;;i.)Ji..J;;'X::.;;?~.ft00.f&~~l;a'iZ.':l~":';::;:':;').\::;':i';';,;";,,;{,;}:.i;'-:S:?<.-iiC.,k~~2,$.:x:.'i-x-::~\:;,;:;:~~~JW&~f(f.'«iM..~'?t:&;:r"(··"%W wwr~«t';;l..~~~%t%<7;[.~'.n:£mi:;';';~~!ffi&:.",'fu{;~;,r-i:g,;;J.;;f-..m:;m~~~~-'.£M<>;.'kW.~;';§X,.B4bnnr%W'",~ryr·wW·~;'~:~X!t',,'i?,,;:;;';!;':;':;':;:'~~~~~;M.:':8iWBXJ~'%l.;"i$.:r:';:iJf .... ;;;:.;.:u~~;;B'&~ 112712012 4:19:49 PM Page 38 0/38 REPORT OF THE ITEMIZED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES OF THE MIAMI BEACH REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY'S CITY CENTER DISTRICT & SOUTH POINTE (PRE-TERMINATION CARRY FORWARD BALANCES) FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 2011 Agenda Item LTC Date 2-08-2012 MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov TO: REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEMORANUM Chairperson and Members of the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, Executive Director DATE: February 8, 2012 SUBJECT: Report of the Itemized Revenues and Expenditures of the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency's City Center District and the South Pointe (Pre- Termination Carry Forward Balances) br the Month Ended December 31, 2011. On July 15, 1998 the Chairman and Members of the Board of the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency resolved that an itemized report of the revenues and expenditures of the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency, with respect to each redevelopment area, would be made available to the Chairman and Members of the Board of the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency at the end of each month. Further, it was resolved that such report would be made available no later than five days prior to the second regularly scheduled Redevelopment Agency meeting in the month immediately following the month for which such report is prepared and that the report would be placed on the Redevelopment Agency Agenda for the second meeting of each month as a discussion item. Because the distribution date for the second Commission meeting of some months falls prior to our receipt of bank statements for the month, we advised on October 21, 1998, that beginning with the report for the month ending October 31, 1998 all monthly Redevelopment Agency reports would henceforth be included as part of the agenda for the first Commission meeting of each month. As of September 30, 2005, the South Pointe Redevelopment District ceased to be a redevelopment area within the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency's jurisdiction. At that point, the City of Miami Beach assumed the responsibilities for the South Pointe Area. This report will continue to summarize the capital expenditures incurred for the South Pointe construction projects that have been appropriated as of September 30, 2005 and that are being paid from the remaining RDA South Pointe TIF balance. The attached material includes the following: Section A -South Pointe (Pre-Termination Carry Forward Balances) • Summary of Cash Basis Transactions by Project and by Expenditure Type for the Fiscal Years Ended September 30, 1988 through 2011 and the Month ended December 31, 2011 • Check and Wire Transfer Register Sorted by Project and Type of Expenditure for the Month Ended December 31,2011 • Narrative of Major Projects Planned and/or Underway Section B -City Center District • Summary of Cash Basis Transactions by Project and by Expenditure Type for the Fiscal Years Ended September 30, 1988 through 2011 and the Month ended December 31,2011 • Check and Wire Transfer Register Sorted by Project and Type of Expenditure for the Month Ended December 31,2011 • Narrative of Major Projects Planned and/or Underway SOUTH POINTE (PRE-TERMINATION CARRY FORWARD BALANCES) FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR THE MONTH ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2011 MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEMORANUM TO: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager FROM: Patricia D. Walker, Chief Fina~1 Officer February 8, 2012 /) ~ DATE: SUBJECT: South Pointe Financial Information for the Month Ended December 31, 2011 At the July 15, 1998 Commission/Redevelopment Agency meeting a request was made for monthly financial information for the South Pointe Redevelopment District. As of September 30, 2005, the South Pointe Redevelopment District ceased to be a redevelopment area within the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency's jurisdiction. However, this report will continue to summarize the capital expenditures incurred for the South Pointe construction projects that have been appropriated as of September 30, 2005 and that are being paid from the remaining RDA South Pointe TIF balance (pre-termination carryforward balances). The information has been compiled and is attached. Historical Cash Basis Financial Information The summary report included in the attached material reflects that during the period from October 1, 1987 through December 31, 2011 approximately $119,967,000 of revenues were received in the South Pointe Area. The primary sources of these revenues included: Incremental Ad Valorem tax $ 94,048,269 Bond proceeds 6,860,000 Land sale 5,187,944 Interest income 8,157,924 Rental income 3,169,547 Loan from the City of Miami Beach 1,000,000 State grant 350,000 Various sources 1,193,378 $ 119,967,062 The opening cash balance for October 1, 1987 was approximately $1 ,042,000; therefore, the total amount of funds available for the period was $120,999,000. On the expenditure side, approximately $110,782,000 has been expended from October 1,1987 through December 31, 2011. ~/Ve (Jre commifieci to provlc1infJ exce1fent public sa!vice Gnd safety to ali \.vno fIve, 'worK, end ploy in our I,litrontl tropicoj, historic commun{ty. These approximate expenditures were primarily made in the following areas: Cobb/Courts Project Debt Service Payments Portofino Project South Pointe Streetscape/Park Administrative Costs SSDI Project Marina Project Community Policing Washington Avenue Carner-Mason Settlement and Other Reimbursements Miami Beach Community Development Corporation Funding Agreement -530 Meridian Building -Affordable Housing Other Project Costs $ $ 16,384,670 14,028,441 12,330,291 36,626,678 7,353,341 6,446,941 5,913,256 2,465,482 1,541,983 1,044,733 1,500,000 5,145,924 110,781,740 The cash balance as of December 30, 2011 is approximately $1 0,227,000 consisting of cash and investments. tAl .. "lc~ rnm",,'Hect' In OC')\li~.jJ'n~ Coxreile",,' ("J'rl)/,;c Se!\lil"e (1(lri sofeh,1 to o/i 'vvho live, 'vvork, and ploy" in our vibrant, tropiccIi, historic. communit.,,'. \' 'It: .. Ie' ........ 11 ",.1,,,. oJ I"'" '1.,./':::1"'/ ., ... ' ". ,"'" ••. .... . .... ~ ",' • , ' SUMMARY OF CASH BASIS TRANSACTIONS FOR THE MONTH ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2011 RDA -South Pointe Pre-Termination Balances Summary of Cash Basis Transactions by Project Fiscal Years 1988 -2012 RDA-South Pointe Pre-Termination RDA-South Pointe Balances Carry Forward Prior Years FY 2012 OPENING CASH/INVSTMT BALANCE $ 1,041,730 $ 10,322,773 REVENUE -Tax increment -City 55,162,212 -Tax increment -County 37,562,671 -Tax increment (Interest) -County 26,627 -Tax increment -Children's Trust 1,296,759 -Bond proceeds 6,860,000 -Cobb Partners -Closing Parcel 1, 2 5,187,944 -Marina rental income 3,169,547 -Interest income 8,147,501 10,423 -Loan from City 1,000,000 -Grants (Fla. Inland Navig.; shoreline restore.) 350,000 -Other Grants 5,000 -St. sales tax (receipt -income for p'mt. to St) 209,358 -Daughters of Israel contrib.-reloc. Mikvah 28,000 -Consulting fee refund-Rahn S. Beach 27,026 -Olympus Hldg.-reimb. Portofino advertsg. 24,405 -Mendelson environ. reimb.lrefund 10,000 -Regosa Engineering refund -Marina 8,500 -Portofino DRI Payment from Greenberg T. 121,531 -Payment received from Greenberg T. for CMB 23,500 -Payment received from Olympus Holdings, Inc. 96,276 -Payment received from Marquesa, Inc. 2,000 -Contribution from Continuum II for S. Pointe Park 200,000 -Cost of asbestos remediation reimb.-Cobb 5,800 -Miscellaneous income 8,267 -Galbut & Galbut contrib.-reloc. Mikvah 3,500 -Murano Two, Ltd-Cash Bond per Agreement 242,000 -Other (void ck; IRS refund; Am. Bonding) 178,215 Total Revenues 119,956,639 10,423 Total Rev .IExpend. $ 55,162,212 37,562,671 26,627 1,296,759 6,860,000 5,187,944 3,169,547 8,157,924 1,000,000 350,000 5,000 209,358 28,000 27,026 24,405 10,000 8,500 121,531 23,500 96,276 2,000 200,000 5,800 8,267 3,500 242,000 178,215 $ 119,967,062 RDA -South Pointe Pre-Termination Balances Summary of Cash Basis Transactions by Project Fiscal Years 1988 -2012 RDA-South Pointe Pre-Termination RDA-South Pointe Balances Carry Forward Prior Years FY 2012 EXPENDITURES PROJECTS Cobb/Courts (16,384,670) Marina (5,913,256) Portofino (12,330,291) South Pointe Streetscape (36,549,830) (76,848) SSOI (6,446,941 ) Fifth St. Beautification (300,000) Beach Colony (I'scape/stscape/site imprvmt) (80,912) Marriott (53,061) Washington Ave. (1,541,983) Washington Ave Surface Lot (280,790.00) Oesign guidelines (43,708) MBTMAIMobility (32,225) S. Pointe Zoning (20,819) Alaska Baywalk (218,323) Victory/Community Gardens (174,477) Washington Park (50,590) Water/Sewer Pump Station Upgrade (1,062,751) (1,269) Flamingo S. Bid A R.O.W. (394,548) (7,936) Flamingo Neigh-Lummus (428,246) Potamkin Project (318,525) Lummus Park (103,916) Wayfinding Projcet (176,481) Jewish Museum of Florida (500,000) MBCOC Loan -530 Meridian Bldg. (1,500,000) 6th & Lenox Infrastructure Project (770,438) Beachwalk II Project (63,795) (2,982) Miscellaneous (60,132) Total Projects (85,800,708) (89,035) ADMINISTRA TIVE (7,336,232) (17,109) DEBT SERVICE/LOAN REPA YMENT (14,028,441) Total Rev .IExpend. (16,384,670) (5,913,256) (12,330,291) (36,626,678) (6,446,941 ) (300,000) (80,912) (53,061) (1,541,983) (280,790) (43,708) (32,225) (20,819) (218,323) (174,477) (50,590) (1,064,020) (402,484) (428,246) (318,525) (103,916) (176,481) (500,000) (1,500,000) (770,438) (66,777) (60,132) (85,889,743) (7,353,341) (14,028,441) RDA -South Pointe Pre-Termination Balances Summary of Cash Basis Transactions by Project Fiscal Years 1988 -2012 MISCELLANEOUS Carner Mason settlement City of Miami Beach (reimburse water main) Miscellaneous COMMUNITY POLICING TOTAL EXPENDITURES RDA-South Pointe Prior Years (946,163) (74,067) (24,503) (1,044,733) (2,465,482) (110,675,596) 10,322,773 lENDING CASH/INVSTMT. BALANCE =$============ RDA-South Pointe Pre-Termination Balances Carry Forward FY 2012 (106,144) $ 10,227,052 Total Rev'/Expend. (946,163) (74,067) (24,503) (1,044,733) (2,465,482) $ (110,781,740) RDA -South Pointe Pre-Termination Balances Summary of Cash Basis Transactions by Expenditure Type Fiscal Years 1988 -2012 RDA-South Pointe Pre-Termination RDA-South Pointe Balances Carry Forward Prior Years FY 2012 OPENING CASH/INVSTMT BALANCE $ 1,041,730 $ 10,322,773 REVENUE -Tax increment -City 55,162,212 -Tax increment -County 37,562,671 -Tax increment (Interest) -County 26,627 -Tax incremenl-Children's Trust 1,296,759 -Bond proceeds 6,860,000 -Cobb Partners -Closing Parcel 1 , 2 5,187,944 -Marina rental income 3,169,547 -Interest income 8,147,501 10,423 -Loan from City 1,000,000 -Grants (Fla. Inland Navig.; shoreline restore.) 350,000 -Other Grants 5,000 -st. sales tax (receipt -income for pmt. to St) 209,358 -Daughters of Israel contrib.-reloc. Mikvah 28,000 -Consulting fee refund-Rahn S. Beach 27,026 -Olympus Hldg.-reimb. Portofino advertsg. 24,405 -Mendelson environ. reimb.lrefund 10,000 -Regosa Engineering refund -Marina 8,500 -Portofino DRI Payment from Greenberg T. 121,531 -Payment received from Greenberg T. for CMB 23,500 -Payment received from Olympus Holdings, Inc. 96,276 -Payment received from Marquesa, Inc. 2,000 -Contribution from Continuum II for S. POinte Park 200,000 -Cost of asbestos remediation reimb.-Cobb 5,800 -Miscellaneous income 8,267 -Galbut & Galbul contrib.-reloc. Mikvah 3,500 -Murano Two, Ltd-Cash Bond per Agreemant 242,000 -Other (void ck; IRS refund; Am. Bonding) 178,215 Total Revenues 119,956,639 10,423 Expenditures Land acquisition (9,444,065) Legal fees/costs (9,392,304) Professional services (17,797,700) (71,286) Construction (30,674,379) (17,749) Utilities relocation (1,873,213) Environmental (416,044) Submerged land lease (2,017,803) Lease agreements (6,863,371 ) Miscellaneous (3,500,194) Property Taxes (389,260) Common Area Maintenance (131,140) Administration (7,336,232) (17,109) Debt Service/loan repayment (14,028,441 ) Refund of Cash Bond (242,000) Miscellaneous Projecl Cosls (2,103,968) Grant (500,000) MBCDC Loan -530 Meridian Bldg. (1,500,000) Community Policing (2,465,482) (110,675,596) (106,144) lENDING CASH/INVSTMT. BALANCE $ 10,322,773 $ 10,227,052 Total Rev.lExeend. 55,162,212 37,562,671 26,627 1,296,759 6,860,000 5,187,944 3,169,547 8,157,924 1,000,000 350,000 5,000 209,358 28,000 27,026 24,405 10,000 8,500 121,531 23,500 96,276 2,000 200,000 5,800 8,267 3,500 242.000 178,215 $ 119,967,062 (9,444,065) (9,392,304) (17,868,986) (30,692,128) (1,873,213) (416,044) (2,017,803) (6,863,371 ) (3,500,194) (389,260) (131,140) (7,353,341) (14,028,441) (242,000) (2,103,968) (500,000) (1,500,000) (2,465,482) $ (110,781,740) CHECK & WIRE TRANSFER REGISTER SORTED BY PROJECT & TYPE OF EXPENDITURE FOR THE MONTH ENDED DECMBER 31, 2011 ACH 10/04/11 Auto ded. 10/11/11 Auto ded. 11/30111 297 11/15/11 298 11/29/11 301 12129/11 296 11/08/11 296 11/08/11 299 12/13/11 299 12/13/11 299 12/13/11 293 10/13/11 292 10/13/11 295 11/08/11 300 12/15/11 294 10/18/11 RDA -South Pointe Pre-Termination Check & Wire Transfer Register by Project & Type of Expense Fiscal Year 2012 Payee Amount Type of Expense Fiduciary Trust International 349.32 Quarterly Fee 6/30/2011 -913012011 Fiduciary Trust Intemational 6,205.95 Accrued interest on investment purchase Fiduciary Trust Intemational 9,295.08 Accrued interest on investment purchase Cutwater Investor Services 416.64 Asset management fees for September 2011 Cutwater Investor Services 1,545.74 Asset management fees for October 2011 Cutwater Investor Services 421.69 Asset management fees November 2011 18,234.42 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 18,234.42 Professional services -Planning, engineering, Chen and Associates 108.98 administrative services Professional services -Planning, engineering, Chen and Associates 25,413.59 administrative services Professional services -Planning, engineering, Chen and Associates 27,715.72 administrative services Professional services -Planning, engineering, Chen and Associates 15,228.48 administrative services Professional services -Planning, engineering, Chen and Associates 1,181.74 administrative services 69,648.51 Wolfberg Alvarez & Partners 1,637.00 Professional Services Ph.2 1,637.00 TOTAL S, POINTE STREETSCAPE 71,285.51 Harbour Construction 5,561.72 Construction Services -Beach Shower 5,561.72 TOTAL S. POINTE PARK 5,561.72 Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc 1,269.16 Design 1,269.16 TOTAL WATER/SEWER PUMP STATION 1,269.16 Project or N/A Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration 2334 -S. Pointe Streetscape Phase IV 2335 -S. Pointe Streetscape Phase V 2333 -S, Pointe Streetscape Phase III 2334 -S. Pointe Streetscape Phase IV .2335 -S. Pointe Streetscape Phase V 2332 -S. Pointe Streetscape Phase II 2171 -S. Pointe Park 2312 -Master Sewer Pump Station South Pointe AGC Electric 7,936.22 Electricity for street lights at Lennox Ave. and 6th: 2230 -Flamingo Neighbourhood South 7,936.22 TOTAL FLAMINGO S. BID AlR.O.W. 7,936.22 Coastal Systems International 2,982.05 Professional Architecturall Engineering Service 2541 -Beachwalk II Project 2,982.05 TOTAL BEACHWALK II PROJECT 2,982.05 REPORT TOTAL $ 107,269.08 PAGE 1 OF 1 ATTACHMENT "A" SUMMARY OF MAJOR PROJECTS SOUTH POINTE PROJECTS (Planned and/or Underway) South Pointe South Pointe Streetscape Improvements Phase IT This project includes the replacement of existing water lines to enhance the water pressure and water flow, new stormwater infrastructure to meet the Master Plan recommended level of service throughout the project area as well as streetscape improvements including traffic calming measures and enhanced pedestrian access. The project area encompasses the entire Right-of-Way of Lenox Avenue, Michigan Court, Jefferson Court, Jefferson Avenue, Meridian Court, Meridian Avenue, Euclid Court and Euclid Avenue between 5th St. and 2nd St. (excluding 3rd St. east of Michigan). Project Management Department: CIP Office Total Project Cost: $16,225,067 Total CRA participation: $8,254,725 Source: Pg. 341 -Capital Improvement Plan and FY 08/09 Capital Budget South Pointe Streetscape Improvements Phase IIT-V South Pointe Park This project includes the installation of new stormwater infrastructure within priority Basin 1 to meet the Master Plan recommended level of service. The project limits are bounded by Ocean Drive to the East and Alton Road to the West, and includes: 1 st Street between Alton and Ocean, Commerce Street from Alton to Washington, Ocean Drive, Ocean Court from 5th to South Pointe Drive, Collins Avenue and Collins Court from 5th to South Pointe Drive, South Pointe Drive, Jefferson Avenue between South Pointe Drive and 1St, and other adjacent alleys, roadways and rights of way. Project Management Department: CIP Office Total Project Cost: $25,603,389 Total CRA participation: $4,927,566 Source: Pg. 343 -Capital Improvement Plan and FY 08/09 Capital Budget This project includes improvements to the 17 acre regional park per the City of Miami Beach Parks Master Plan, 1996. Elements include: redesigned park entrance, new restroom building, pedestrian paving, site lighting, playgrounds, signage, landscaping and irrigation. Improvements to the park will provide a memorable and safer park experience. The park is now open to the public and a grand opening ceremony was held March 22,2009. Project Management Department: CIP Office Total Project Cost: $28,246,772 Total CRA participation: $12,657,580 Source: Pg. 253 -Capital Improvement Plan and FY 08/09 Capital Budget Page 1 of2 South Pointe Coast Guard Booster Wastewater Pump Station-South Pointe Beachwalk II This project is for a new master in-line wastewater booster station to be located at lSI Street and Jefferson Avenue location. It is an integral part of the city-wide wastewater pump station upgrades that are currently under construction under the 1995 Water and Sewer bond. Project Management Department: CIP Office Total Project Cost: $24,431,281 Total CRA participation: $1,442,348 Source: Pg. 420 -Capital Improvement Plan and FY 08/09 Capital Budget The Beachwalk II project will establish a southern link between Lummus Park and South Pointe Park. Beachwalk II will be a 0.6 mile path running North-South, west of the dune system and east of Ocean Drive. The project will include an extensive dune enhancement component including use of turtle friendly lighting, removal of invasives, planting of native plants, dune fill, rope and post, and sand fencing. Additional objectives of the project includes physical improvements to support multimodal transportation, link bicycle and pedestrian destinations, increase pedestrian and bicycle safety, improve trail network connectivity, eliminate barriers that prevent bicycle trips, and develop future bikeway corridors. Project Management Department: Public Works Total Project Cost: $4,736,731 Total CRA participation: $2,800,600 Source: Pg. 455 -Capital Improvement Plan and FY 09110 Capital Budget Page 2 of2 CITY CENTER REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR THE MONTH ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2011 MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEMORANUM TO: Jorge M. Gonzalez, Executive Director FROM: Patricia D. Walker, Chief Financial Officer DATE: February 8, 2011 /1'~ ~ SUBJECT: City Center Redevelopment District Financial Information For the Month Ended December 31,2011 At the July 15, 1998 Commission/RedevelopmentAgency meeting a request was made for monthly financial information for the City Center Redevelopment District. The information has been compiled and is attached. Historical Cash Basis Financial Information The summary report included in the attached material, reflects that during the period from October 1, 1993 through December 31,2011 approximately $592,740,000 of revenues were received in the City Center District of the Redevelopment Agency ("RDA"). The primary sources of these revenues included approximately: Incremental Ad Valorem tax Bond proceeds Loews Hotel Exercise Option Resort tax contributions Draws from the line of credit from the City of Miami Beach Anchor Garage receipts Pennsylvania Garage receipts Royal Palm Land Sale Interest income Loews Ground Lease receipts Anchor Shops receipts Pennsylvania Shops receipts; Loan from the City of Miami Beach Contributions from GMCVB toward debt service payments Reimbursements from other state and local agencies Contribution from CMB Parking Department RDP Royal Palm Ground Lease receipts Contribution from New World Symphony Cost of Issuance Proceeds-Series 2005 From Various Sources Total Revenues $ 303,215,232 108,779,453 27,498,975 40,667,946 19,190,000 28,026,099 620,353 12,562,278 19,816,907 8,234,784 7,176,493 220,176 3,000,000 2,700,000 1,975,762 700,000 470,222 250,000 402,221 7,233,355 $ ___ 5_9_2_,7_40....;,_25_6_ On the expenditure side, approximately $504,790,000 has been expended from October 1, 1993 through December 31, 2011. These approximate expenditures were primarily made in the following areas: Debt Service Payments $ Convention Center Hotel Project (Loews Hotel) Lincoln Road/Bass Museum Loan Repayment to CMB Hotel Garage Project African-American Hotel Project Collins Park Cultural Center Colony Theater Anchor Garage Operations Pennsylvania Garage Operations Pennsylvania Shop Operations Administrative Costs Beachwalk Project Miami City Ballet Community Policing Secondary Pledge Repayments (Resort Tax) Wash ington Avenue Streetscapes Lincoln Road Project Water & Wastewater Pump Station R.O.W. Improvements New World Symphony Grant-In-Aid Capital Projects Maintenance City Center Greenspace Management South Beach Area Property Management Anchor Shops Operations Cost of Issuance-Series 2005A&B Movie Theater Project Purchase of the Barclay, the Allen and the London House for MBCDC Washington Avenue Bridge Restoration Loan ($630,987 - Refunded) Other Project Costs 159,751,248 61,516,007 30,467,142 18,247,976 12,968,666 17,093,460 6,512,868 19,120,042 308,267 85,512 19,367,087 5,233,711 5,487,984 20,043,765 2,385,000 3,198,183 1,443,063 1,228,541 2,356,207 15,000,000 11,343,456 27,430 2,018,882 1,877,624 375,047 182,200 14,154,643 700,000 72,295,912 Total Expenditures $ __ ~5;,.;.0..;.4:.;.' 7.;;.89~'.;.;92;;;.;3;.... The cash balance as of December 31,2011 is approximately $87,950,000. This balance consisted of the following amounts: Cash Balance Investments Balance Debt Service Reserves JMG~ IN $ 62,845,019 25,105,268 46 $ ___ 8;;..;,7..:,;,9;.;,5..;;.0,:..;,.3.;.,33_ SUMMARY OF CASH BASIS TRANSACTIONS FOR THE MONTH ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2011 Redevelopment Agency -City Center/Historic Convention Village Summary of Cash Basis Transactions by Project Fiscal Years 1994 -2012 Prior Years FY 2012 OPENING CASH/INVESTMENT BALANCE $ $ 68,824,841 REVENUE -Tax increment -County 122,025,423 12,924,079 $ -Tax increment -City 143,918,095 15,628,347 -Tax increment (Interest) -County 19,057 -Tax increment -Children's Trust 8,700,231 -Bond proceeds 108,779,453 -Rental income 258,482 -Anchor Garage receipts 27,358,557 510,250 -Anchor Garage deposit card receipts 30,788 -Anchor Shops rental income 6,928,408 159,844 -Anchor Shops rental deposits 88,241 -Pennsylvania Garage receipts 465,661 154,452 -Pennsylvania Garage deposit card receipts 230 10 -Pennsylvania Shops rental income 48,794 -Pennsylvania Shops rental deposits 25,000 146,382 -Legal settlement 100,000 -Loews Facility Use/Usage Fee 126,504 -Loews Ground Lease Receipts 8,234,784 -Loew Hotel -exercise option 27,498,975 -RDP Royal Palm Ground Lease Receipts 470,222 -RDP Royal Palm -Sale of Land 12,562,278.00 -New World Symphony Contribution 250,000.00 -Interest income 19,808,094 8,813 -Resort tax contributions 39,743,496 924,450 -Cost of Issuance Proceeds-Series 2005 402,221 -Bid deposits -hotels 375,000 -Bid deposits -cinema 100,000 -Loan from City 3,000,000 -Line of credit from City 19,190,000 -Cultural Campus 1,975,762 -St. Moritz Hotel -refund/reimbursement 925,450 -Reimbursements (GMCVB/RE taxes/Grants) 3,864,530 -st. sales tax (receipt -income for pmt. to St) 2,354,029 17,532 -Miami City Ballet environmental clean-up 31,698 -Anchor Garage insurance reimbursement 26,170 -Real Estate taxes refund 264,261 34,795 -Refund from Dept. of Mgmt Services 139,239 -Refund -Loews -Water/Sewer Impact Fees 331,241 4,302 -Refund -Police Salaries and Wages 698,677 -Miscellaneous/Prior Year Refunds & Voids 1,107,949 TOTAL REVENUE 562,178,206 30,562,050 $ EXPENDITURES PROJECTS African-American Hotel (12,968,666) Convention Hotel (61,516,007) Hotel Garage -Construction (18,247,976) Movie Theater Project (182,200) Lincoln Road (1,443,063) Beachwalk (5,233,711) Collins Park Cultural Center (16,819,308) (274,152) Bus Prop. Ctr. (159) Total Rev./ExQend. 134,949,502 159,546,442 19,057 8,700,231 108,779,453 258,482 27,868,807 30,788 7,088,252 88,241 620,113 240 48,794 171,382 100,000 126,504 8,234,784 27,498,975 470,222 12,562,278 250,000 19,816,907 40,667,946 402,221 375,000 100,000 3,000,000 19,190,000 1,975,762 925,450 3,864,530 2,371,561 31,698 26,170 299,056 139,239 335,543 698,677 1,107,949 592,740,256 (12,968,666) (61,516,007) (18,247,976) (182,200) (1,443,063) (5,233,711 ) (17,093,460) (159) Redevelopment Agency -City Center/Historic Convention Village Summary of Cash Basis Transactions by Project Fiscal Years 1994 -2012 Prior Years FY 2012 Chamber of Commerce Relocation Study (2,000) Colony Theater (6,512,868) Construction of Library (14,586) EastlWest Corridor (88) Electrowave (3,161) Garden Center (93) Guidelines (12,450) Old City Hall (499) 17th Street Surface Lot (256,887) 10A Surface Lot-Lennox (382,854) Streetscapes (324,849) 6th Street Streets cape (577) Botanical Gardens (209,879) (75,388) Transportation Mobility Study (32,225) Convention Center Storm Water Improve. (1,821,297) (23,464) New World Symphony (21,308,476) New World Symphony Park Project (14,408,904) (23,874) Washington Avenue Streetscape (3,198,183) Rotunda (101,122) R.O.w. Improvements (2,356,207) Flamingo (16 St. Corridor) (4,721) Flamingo Neigh.South -Bid A (10,186) Flamingo Neigh. Lummus -Bid B (456,047) Flamingo Bid C -N/EIW Neigh. (13,877) Beachfront Restrooms (431,147) Water & Wastewater Pump Station (1,228,541) Miami City Ballet (5,487,984) Wayfinding Project (324,219) West Ave/Bay Road Neigh. Improve. (687,720) Multi-Purpose Building Adj. City Hall (14,661,410) (11,963) Bass Museum (488,175) Purchase of the Barclay, the Allen and the London House for MBCDC (14,154,643) Alleyway Restoration Program (221,632) Lincoln Road Between Lennox and Alton (6,151,710) Lincoln Road Between CollinslWashington (263,725) (38,046) Little Stage Complex (287,813) Preferred Parking Surface Lot (526,649) Tree Wells Pilot Project (409,571) Washington Ave. Bridge Restoration Loan (700,000) Collins Canal Enhancement Project (178,361) (6,227) CCHV Neighborhood Improvements (7,095,516) (518,849) Animal Waste Dispensers & Receptacles (25,000) Pedestrian Countdown Signals (54,868) Maze Project -21st Street & Collins (135,000) Directory Signs in City Center ROW (4,500) (1,548) 24" PVC Sanitary Sewer Improvements (275,587) Bicycle Parking Project (9,013) Total Projects (221,645,910) (973,511) NEW WORLD SYMPHONY GRANT-IN-AID (15,000,000.00) CAPITAL PROJECTS MAINTENANCE (11,251,992.00) (91,464) Total Rev.lEx[2end. (2,000) (6,512,868) (14,586) (88) (3,161) (93) (12,450) (499) (256,887) (382,854) (324,849) (577) (285,267) (32,225) (1,844,761) (21,308,476) (14,432,778) (3,198,183) (101,122) (2,356,207) (4,721) (10,186) (456,047) (13,877) (431,147) (1,228,541) (5,487,984 ) (324,219) (687,720) (14,673,373) (488,175) (14,154,643) (221,632) (6,151,710) (301,771) (287,813) (526,649) (409,571) (700,000) (184,588) (7,614,365) (25,000) (54,868) (135,000) (6,048) (275,587) (9,013) (222,619,421 ) (15,000,000) (11,343,456) Redevelopment Agency -City Center/Historic Convention Village Summary of Cash Basis Transactions by Project Fiscal Years 1994 -2012 Prior Years FY 2012 CITY CENTER GREENSPACE MANAGEMENT (27,430) SOUTH BEACH AREA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (2,009,214) (9,668) ADMINISTRA TlON (17,302,242) (2,064,845) COST OF ISSUANCE-SERIES 2005A&B (375,047) DEBT SERVICE/LOAN REPA YMENT (155,555,580) (6,580,668) CITY OF MIAMI BEACH/LOAN REPA YMENT (30,467,142) ANCHOR GARAGE OPERA TlONS (18,329,045) (790,997) ANCHOR SHOPS OPERA TlONS (1,841,577) (36,047) PENNSYLVANIA GARAGE OPERATIONS (274,211 ) (34,056) PENNSYLVANIA SHOPS OPERATIONS (85,512) COMMUNITY POLICING (19,301,405) (742,360) TOTAL EXPENDITURES (493,353,365) (11,436,558) $ ENDING CASHIINVSTMT. BALANCE $ 68,824,841 $ 87,950,333 Total Rev.lExeend. (27,430) (2,018,882) (19,367,087) (375,047) (162,136,248) (30,467,142) (19,120,042) (1,877,624) (308,267) (85,512) (20,043,765) (504,789,923) Redevelopment Agency -City Center/Historic Convention Village Summary of Cash Basis Transactions by Expenditure Type Fiscal Years 1994 -2012 Prior Years FY 2012 OPENING CASH/INVESTMENT BALANCE $ $ 68,824,841 REVENUE -Tax increment -County . 122,025,423 12,924,079 $ -Tax increment -City 143,918,095 15,628,347 -Tax increment (Interest) -County 19,057 -Tax increment -Children's Trust 8,700,231 -Bond proceeds 108,779,453 -Rental income 258,482 -Anchor Garage receipts 27,358,557 510,250 -Anchor Garage deposit card receipts 30,788 -Anchor Shops rental income 6,928,408 159,844 -Anchor Shops rental deposits 88,241 -Pennsylvania Garage receipts 465,661 154,452 -Pennsylvania Garage deposit card receipts 230 10 -Pennsylvania Shops rental income 48,794 -Pennsylvania Shops rental deposits 25,000 146,382 -Legal settlement 100,000 -Loews Facility Use/Usage Fee 126,504 -Loews Ground Lease Receipts 8,234,784 -Loew Hotel -exercise option 27,498,975 -RDP Royal Palm Ground Lease Receipts 470,222 -RDP Royal Palm -Sale of Land 12,562,278 -New World Symphony Contribution 250,000 -Interest income 19,808,094 8,813 -Resort tax contributions 39,743,496 924,450 -Cost of Issuance Proceeds-Series 2005 402,221 -Bid deposits -hotels 375,000 -Bid deposits -cinema 100,000 -Loan from City 3,000,000 -Line of credit from City 19,190,000 -Cultural Campus 1,975,762 -St. Moritz Hotel -refund/reimbursement 925,450 -Reimbursements (GMCVB/RE taxes/Grants) 3,864,530 -St. sales tax (receipt -income for pmt. to St) 2,354,029 17,532 -Miami City Ballet environmental clean-up 31,698 -Anchor Garage insurance reimbursement 26,170 -Real estate taxes refund 264,261 34,795 -Refund from Dept. of Mgmt Services 139,239 -Refund -Loews -Water/Sewer Impact Fees 331,241 4,302 -Refund -Police Salaries and Wages 698,677 -Miscellaneous/Prior Year Refunds & Voids 1,107,949 TOTAL REVENUE 562,178,206 30,562,050 $ EXPENDITURES Administrative fees (31,684) Appraisal fees (125,368) Bid refund (230,000) Board up (60,758) Bond costs (211,440) Building permit fees (173,269) Construction (54,404,243) (274,152) Delivery (2,995) Demolition (203,195) Electric service (1,976) Environmental (354,908) Equipment rental (55,496) Hotel negotiation consultant (849,243) Total Rev .IEx~end. 134,949,502 159,546,442 19,057 8,700,231 108,779,453 258,482 27,868,807 30,788 7,088,252 88,241 620,113 240 48,794 171,382 100,000 126,504 8,234,784 27,498,975 470,222 12,562,278 250,000 19,816,907 40,667,946 402,221 375,000 100,000 3,000,000 19,190,000 1,975,762 925,450 3,864,530 2,371,561 31,698 26,170 299,056 139,239 335,543 698,677 1,107,949 592,740,256 (31,684) (125,368) (230,000) (60,758) (211,440) (173,269) (54,678,395) (2,995) (203,195) (1,976) (354,908) (55,496) (849,243) Redevelopment Agency -City Center/Historic Convention Village Summary of Cash Basis Transactions by Expenditure Type Fiscal Years 1994 -2012 Prior Years FY 2012 Hotel selection/study (263,357) Land acquisition (41,240,564) Legal fees/costs (2,770,339) Lighting (60,805) Lot clearing (34,771) Maintenance (245,288) Miscellaneous (762,046) Owner's representative fee & expenses (1,823,466) Postage, printing & mailing (27,855) Professional services (6,872,046) Public notice/advertisement (26,472) Purchase of the Barclay, the Allen and the London House for MBCDC (14,154,643) Refund of deposits (185,000) Reimburse closing costs to C.M.B. (3,000,000) Reimbursements (78,041) Relocation (131,784) Revitalization (960,522) Security guard service (277,825) Streets cape (401,312) Temporary staffing (69,158) Title insurance (25,271) Traffic parking study (8,600) Training, conferences & meetings (3,268) Travel & related expenses (28,730) Utilities (420,289) Washington Ave. Bridge Restoration Loan (700,000) Water/Sewer (impact fees) (25,240) Total (131,301,267) (274,152) • Miscellaneous Projects (90,344,643) (699,359) Total Projects (221,645,910) (973,511 ) NEW WORLD SYMPHONY GRANT·IN·AID (15,000,000) CAPITAL PROJECTS MAINTENANCE (11,251,992) (91,464) CITY CENTER GREENSPACE MANAGEMENT (27,430) SOUTH BEACH AREA PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (2,009,214) (9,668) COST OF ISSUANCE·SERIES 2005A&B (375,047) ADMINISTRATION (17,302,242) (2,064,845) DEBTSERWC&LOANREPAYMENT (155,555,580) (6,580,668) CITY OF MIAMI BEACH/LOAN REPA YMENT (30,467,142) ANCHOR GARAGE OPERA TlONS (18,329,045) (790,997) ANCHOR SHOPS OPERA TIONS (1,841,577) (36,047} PENNSYLVANIA GARAGE OPERATIONS (274,211) (34,056) PENNSYLVANIA SHOPS OPERATIONS (85,512) COMMUNITY POLICING (19,301,405) (742,360) Total Rev.lExeend. (263,357) (41,240,564) (2,770,339) (60,805) (34,771) (245,288) (762,046) (1,823,466) (27,855) (6,872,046) (26,472) 0 (14,154,643) (185,000) (3,000,000) (78,041) (131,784) (960,522) (277,825) (401,312) (69,158) (25,271) (8,600) (3,268) (28,730) (420,289) (700,000) (25,240) (131,575,419) (91,044,002) (222,619,421) (15,000,000) (11,343,456) (27,430) (2,018,882) (375,047) (19,367,087) (162,136,248) (30,467,142) (19,120,042) (1,877,624) (308,267) (85,512) (20,043,765) Redevelopment Agency -City Center/Historic Convention Village Summary of Cash Basis Transactions by Expenditure Type Fiscal Years 1994 -2012 Prior Years FY 2012 Total Rev.lExpend. TOTAL EXPENDITURES (493,353,365) (11,436,558) $ (504,789,923) ENDING CASH/INVSTMT. BALANCE $ 68, 824,841 ,,;$=~8;,;,7~, 9,;,50;':",;,;33;,;3= CHECK & WIRE TRANSFER REGISTER SORTED BY PRO~ECT & TYPE OF EXPENDITURE FOR THE MONTH ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2011 EBI~ *'''4 w" 11/15111 US Bank, NA W" 11115111 US Bank, NA 2842 10104/11 Formtec Water Products 2843 10104/11 Office Max 2871 10113111 Bloom & Minsker 2872 10113111 Jacob 1535 Properties, Inc. 2848 10106111 International Data Deposltory 2928 12108111 International Data Depository 2908 11115/11 Cutwater Investor Services W" 10104/11 Fiduciary Trust International 2977 12129/11 Cutwater Investor Services 2979 12129/11 Strategic Advisory Group 2978 12129/11 Cutwater Investor Services Auto 12131111 Suntrust WRE 10111111 Fiduciary Trust International TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 2885 10113/11 The Children's Trust 2884 10125/11 The Children's Trust 2854 10113111 City of Miami Beach 2881 10113111 Miami-Dade County OMB TOTAL INTERlOCAl AGREEMENT ADM. FEES 2934 12108111 The Gordian Group 2937 12113111 Country Bill Lawn Maintenance 2941 12113111 Joe Blair Garden Supply 2942 12113111 Lukes Sawgrass Landscape 2946 12113111 Superior Landscaping 294. 12113111 ValleycrestLandscape 2963 12115111 Country Bill Lawn Mainlenance 2959 1211Si11 Superior Landscaping 2963 1211Si11 ValleycrestLandscape TOTAL GREENSPACE MANAGEMENT 2647 10104/11 UIA Management, LLC 2853 10111111 Valleycrest Landscaping 2878 10118111 UIA M~nagemant, LLC 2911 11122111 UIA Management. LLC 2935 12108111 UIA Management, LLC TOTAL CAPITAL MAINTENANCE 2851 10111/11 EI Toro Exterminator Corp. 2901 11108f11 King Pumps,lnc. 2935 12108111 UIA Management, LLC 2938 12113111 EI Toro Exterminator Corp. TOTAL SOUTH BEACH AREA PROPERTY MGMT 2844 10104111 Security Alliance 2845 10104111 Security Alliance 2859 10113/11 Miami Beach Bicycle 2864 10/13111 Security Alliance 2880 10120111 Nextel/Sprint 2881 10120111 VerizonWreless 2885 10126111 City of Miami Beach 2890 10127/11 Security Alliance 2894 11101111 VerizonWreless 2900 11/08111 City of Miami Beach 2916 11/29/11 City of Miami 8each 2.25 12108/11 Advance Public Safety 2927 12108111 City of Miami Beach 2929 12108111 KustomSingals,lnc. 2945 12131111 Security Alliance 2966 12120111 Miami Beach Bicycle 2967 12120/11 Nextel/Sprint 2968 12120/11 Radiolronicslnc. 2974 12122/11 Security Alliance TOTAL COMMUNITY POLICING IMRE 12101111 US Bank WRE 12101/11 US Bank WRE 12101111 US Bank IMRE 12101111 US Bank IMRE 12101111 US Bank TOTAL DEBT SERVICE Redevelopment Agency ~ City Center DIstrict Check & Wire Transfer RegIster by Project & Type of Expense Fiscal Year 2012 .1'1[.jihj dtf!I!j i 4i'l§!?i 5,000.00 Trustee Fees 2005 Series A & B 750.00 Trustee Fess refunding series 1996A and 1998B Bonds 5750.00 774.45 Office Supplies 189.06 Office Max·Office Supplies 963.51 12,350.48 Professional Legal Services _ Re: Jacob 1535 Poperties, Inc. 7500.00 Settlement Agreement 19850.48 187.65 File Storage 94.08 File Storage 281.73 2,414.04 Advisory Services -For September 2011 936.23 Quarterly Service Fee 1,129,04 Advisory Services ~ For November 2011 Strategic Advisrot Group for consulting services relative tlo the expansion and enhancement of the Miami Veach Convention Center 72,002.04 CampuslOislrict, Pursuant to RFP No 33-10/11 1,125.53 Advisory Services -For October 2011 645.84 Bank Analysis Fees 78252.72 9577.53 Accrued interest on investments purchased 9.577.53 114,675.97 1,474,830.00 Reimbursement for Payment -FY 20010111 25.00 Reimbursement for Stop Payment Fee 1474855.00 253,531.35 Fiscal Year 11 Admin. Fee (Interlocal) 221782.43 Fiscal Year 10 Admin. Fee (Interlocal) 475.313.7B 1,950,168,78 357.96 Installationof the HTFS Uncoln Rd from Drexel to Michigan 90.00 October Maintanence 67.81 Equipment Repair & Servicing 41.62 October Maintanence 276.16 October Maintanence 750.00 Special Events @ Soundscape 90.00 November Maintenance 276.16 Mowing service for South Beach 25,480.90 Landscape Boardwalk and Soundscape 27,430.61 27,430.&1 Maintenance of the 1100 Block of Lincoln Road as provided in Section 52·6 of the Development Agreement between CMB and UIA Mgmt, 10,771.66 dated April 11, 2007 28,329.81 Soundscape Maintenance Maintenance of the 1100 Block of Lincoln Road as provided in Section 52·6 of the Development Agreement between CMB and UIA Mgmt, 10,577.60 dated April 1" 2007 Maintenance of the 1100 Block of Lincoln Road as provided in Section 52·6 of the Development Agreement between CMS and UIA Mgmt, 13,858.26 dated April 1" 2007 27927.00 Maintenance for the 1100 block of Uncoln Road 91.464,33 91,464.33 190.00 Exterminator Service 2,525.00 Repairs and Maintenance 700 Block ~ Unclon Road 6,573.00 Maintenance for the 1100 block of Uncoln Road 380.00 Exterminator Service 9,668.00 101,132,33 55,942.39 Security Service 13,696.77 Security Service 82.00 Bicycle Repairs and Maintenance 6,910.66 Security Service 226.13 NextellSprint ~ Communications 560.14 Aircards 225.62 Reimb.CMB -Visa: Sprint· Communications 13,920,11 Security Service 560.14 Air cards 264,245.39 Salaries and Benefits PPII18, 19, and 20 157,018.29 Salaries and Benefits PPN 21 and 22 2,750.00 Annual Maintenance of 11 pocket citations 166,210.84 Salaries and Benefits PP# 23 and 24 2,250,00 Extended Warranty for 5 pro lasers 40,258.73 Security Detail In Uncoln Rd. 1 & 2 and Beachwalk 199.99 Maintenance and Repairs of RDA CC police bikes 225.93 Patrol RDA cell phones for November 2011 400.00 Certifications of 14 Lasers Unit and 6 Radars 16677.00 Security Detail in Lincoln Rd. 1 & 2 and Beachwalk 742,360.13 742,360.13 334,000.00 1998 A Sinking fund interest 552,550.00 2005 B Interest fund 1,034,117.50 2005 A Interest fund 3,140.000.00 2005 A Principal fund 1.520.000.00 2005 B Principal fund 6.580.667.50 6,580,667.50 mtijmm· Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration 168-1985 RDA Administration Administration Administration 365·8000 Administration 168·1985 Administration 365-Booo Administration Administration Accrued Invesl Interest Interlacal Agreement Interlacal Agreement Interlacal Agree. Adm. Fees Interlacal Agree. Adm. Fees 168-9966 City Center Greenspace 168~9966 City Center Greenspace 168-99136 City Center Greenspace 168-9966 Cily Center Greenspace 168-9966 City Center Greenspace 168-9966 CIty Center Greenspace 168-9966 City Center Greenspace 168-9966 City Center Greenspace 168-9966 City Center Greenspace Capital Maintenance Capital Maintenanca Capital Maintenance Capital Maintenance 168-1985 Capital Maintenance South Beach Area Property Management 168-9964 South Beach Property Management 168-9964 South Beach Property Management 168-9964 South Beach Property Management 168-1124 Community Policing 168~1124 Community Policing 168~1124 Community Policing 168~1124 Community Policing 168~1124 Community Policing 168~1124 Community Policing 168~1124 Community Policing 168-1124 Community Policing 168~1124 Community Policing 168-1124 Community Policing 168-1124 Community Policing 168~1124 Community Policing 168~1124 Community Policing 168~1124 Community POlicing 168~1124 Community Policing 168-1124 Community Policing 168-1124 Community Policing 168-1124 Community Policing 168-1124 Community Policing Debt Service Payment Debt Service Payment Debt Service Payment Dobt Servic:e Payment Debt Service Payment PAGE 1 OF3 DDlI~ @tv 2864 10/13fl1 Security Alliance 2926 12106111 Security Alliance 2958 12115/11 Security Alliance ""RE 10f17/11 City of Miami Beach Auto 11/30/11 City of Miami Beach "'to 12/31111 City of Miami Beach 2889 10127/11 420 Lincoln Road Association 2919 11129/11 420 Lincoln Road Association 2916 11129/011 Miami-Dade Tax Collector 2877 10fl8111 Transvalue, Inc. 2920 11129111 Transvalue, Inc. 2962 12115111 Transvalue, Inc. 2946 10104/11 Supen'or Landscaping & Lawn 2959 12115111 Superior Landscaping & Lawn 2969 12120111 Superior Landscapin9 & Lawn 2874 10/14111 City of Miami Beach 2874 10f14111 City of Miami Beach 2906 11110fl1 City of Miami Beach 2906 11110/11 City of Miami Beach 2904 11/10111 City of Miami Beach 2904 11/10/11 City of Miami Beach 2950 12114/11 City of Miami Beach 2862 10113111 Omarcio Cleaning Service 2883 10125111 Sheet Metal Experts, Inc. 2898 11103111 Waste Management, Inc. 2923 12101111 Omarcio Cleaning Service 2930 12108111 Omarcio CleanIng Service Auto 12131/11 Suntrust 2917 11129/11 Haig'sService Corp 2922 12101/11 Heig's Service Corp 295' 12115111 Halg's Service Corp 2867 10113111 Thyssenkrupp Elevator 2910 11122111 Thyssenkrupp Elevator 2924 12101/11 Thyssenkrupp Elevator 2961 12115111 Thyssenkrupp Eleva lor 2895 11103/11 FPL 2921 12101111 FPL 2876 10/18/11 Miami Beach Redevelopment, Inc 2903 11108/11 Miami Beach Redevelopment, Inc 2852 10111/11 Impark Imperial Parking (impark) 2886 10127/11 Standard Parking 2899 11108/11 Standard Parking VlnRE 1012OJ11 Florida Department of Revenue 2975 12127111 Consolidated Parking Equipment TOTAL ANCHOR GARAGE OPER. 2849 10/06111 Miami Beach Community Development Corp 28B8 lom/t1 Miami Beach Community Development Corp 2902 11108111 Master Mechanical Service 2952 12115/11 COl Enterprise, LLC ""RE 10120111 Florida Department of Revenue TOTAL ANCHOR SHOPS OPER. 2923 12101111 Omarcio Cleaning Services 2930 12108111 Omarcio Cleaning Services 2951 12114/11 City of Miami Beach 2975 12127/11 Consolidated Parking Equipment 2976 12127/11 Vat1eycrestLandscape Auto 12131/11 Suntrust ""RE 10120111 Florida Department of Revenue 2912 11123111 Maria Ramos 2913 11123111 JlngZeng 2914 11123111 Nidia Martinez 2915 11123111 DiliionPa\e1 2931 12108f11 Clarita F, Flamenco 2932 12128111 Tiago Ramos 2933 12108111 Fidel Prida 2957 12115111 Hines-Attn: Matt Barry TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA GARAGE OPERATIONS Redevelopment Agency ~ CIty Center 015trlct Check & Wire Transfer RegIster by Project & Type of Expense Fiscal Year 2012 'hM'!,! iM!il'il·l§rH 23,919,84 Security Services 20,856,60 Security Services 13016.12 Security Services 5779256 2,492,75 Utility B11IIng 2,616.09 Utility Billing 2931,54 Utility Billing 8040.38 214,00 Refund for Two cards 1QZ.00 Refunding for over charging 321.00 327875.33 2011 Ad Valorem Taxes -Anchor Garage 327875.33 485.33 Armor Car Services -September 11 485.33 Armor Car Services -October 11 485.33 Armor Car Services -November 11 1455,99 765,00 Weekly Landscape -August & September 'II 170.00 Lawn Maintenance to Ancllor -October 11 170.00 Lawn Maintenance to Anchor -November 11 1105.00 44.98 Reimb,CMB-Visa: Atlantic Broadband 164,39 Reimb.CMB-Visa: An -Communications 150.35 Reimb,CMB-Visa: Atlantic Broadband 44.98 Reimb.CMB-Visa: An -Communications 275.00 Visa -Service call 1557 Washington Avenue 75,00 Visa -Replace electric locks and E-combination n~oo Visa reimb. for Att phone, EZ Pay and Atlantic Broadband 1529.70 6,459.33 Pressure Cleaning Anchor Garage 364.00 Drain Pans for NC Units 265,32 Anchor Shops waste service 6,460.00 Janitorial Services -October 2011 6460,00 Janitorial Services -November 2011 20008,65 5228.19 Credit Card fees 5228.19 750,00 Alarm Maintenance October 1 thru December 31, 2011 750.00 Fire Alarm Maintenance January through March 2012 Fire Alarm System Repairs & Service Beyond the Scope of 815.00 Maintenance. 2315,00 9,167,00 Elevator Repair at Anchor Garage FY 10/11 -1st & 2nd Installment 04,607,11 Elevator Repairs and Maintenance for Nov 2011 -Jan. 2012 413.00 Elevator Repairs 27792.00 Elevator Repairs 41982.11 2,701,07 Electricity ~348.30 Electricity 5049.37 188,073.83 Facility Use / Usage Fee -Jan-March 2011 72236.25 Facility Use I Usage Fee -July -September 2011 . 260,310.08 8,059.46 Salary Reimbursements 2,781,37 Salary Reimbursements -Cashier Services 27225,36 Cashiering services -September 2011 38066.19 15,279.84 Sales Tax 4,637.50 Revenue & Access Mainl, For Oct. Nov, Dec, 2011 19917.34 790,99&,89 7,667,23 Monthly Fees -August 2011 3n7.93 Monthly Fees -September 2011 11445.16 17,970.00 HVAC Replacement -Anchor Shops 5024.00 Installation, service and removal of 2011 Holiday Season Lighting 22994.00 1607.95 Sales Tax 1607.95 36,047,11 8,200,00 Janitorial Services -October 2011 8,200,00 Janitorial Services -November 2011 1,975.00 Reimbursement -Visa for York Lock And Key Co Inc 7,750.00 Revenue & Access Malnl For Oct. Nov, Dec. 2011 2380.22 Landscaper Mainl October and November 2011 28505.22 2768,56 Credit Card fees 2768.56 2,704.14 Sales Tax 17.00 Parking refund 9,00 Parking refund 7,00 Parking refund 5,00 Parking refund 16.00 Parking refund 9,30 Parking refund 5,00 Parking refund 10,00 Parking refund 2.782.44 34,056.22 Qfflmmm· Anchor Garage Operations 463-1990 Anchor Garage Operations 463-1990 Anchor Garage Operations Anchor Garage Operations 463-1990 Anchor Garage Operations Anchor Garage Operations 1990 -Anchor Garage Operations 1990 -Anchor Garage Ope~tions 463-1990 Anchor Garage Operations 463-1990 Anchor Garage Operations 463-1990 Anchor Garage Operations Anchor Garage Operations 463-1990 Anchor Garage Operations 463-1990 Anchor Garage Operations Anchor Garage Operations Anchor Garage Operations 1990 -Anchor Garage Operations 1990· Anchor Garage Operations 1990 -Anchor Garage Operations 1990 -Anchor Garage Operations 463-1990 Anchor Garage Operations Anchor Garage Operations Anchor Garage Operations 1990 -Anchor Garage Operations 463-1990 Anchor Garage Operations 463-1990 Anchor Garage Operations Anchor Garage Operations Anchor Garage Operations 463-1990 Anchor Garage Operations Anchor Garage Operations 1990· Anchor Garage Operations 4G3-1990 -Anchor Garage Operations 4G3-1990 -Anchor Garage Operations 463-1990 -Anchor Garage Operations 463-1990 -Anchor Garage Operations Anchor Garage Operations 1990· Anchor Garage Operations Anchor Garage Operations Anchor GalClge Operations 463-1990 -Anchor Garage Operations Anchor Garage Operations 463-1990 -Anchor Garage Operations Anchor Shops Oper. Anchor Shops Oper. 0465-1995 Anchor Shops Oper. 465-1995 Anchor Shops Oper. Anchor Shops Oper. 467-1996 Pennsylvania Garage Operations 467-1996 Pennsylvania Garage Operations 467-1996 Pennsylvania Garage Operations 467-1996 Pennsylvania Garage Operations 467-1996 Pennsylvania Garage Operations 467-1996 Pennsylvania Garage Operations 467-1996 Pennsylvania Garage Operations 467-1996 Pennsylvania Garage Operations 467-1996 Pennsylvania Garage Operations 467-1996 Pennsylvania Garage Operations 467-1996 PennsylvanIa Garage Operations 467-8000 Pennsylvania Garage Operations 467-BOOO Pennsylvania Garage Operations 467-8000 Pennsylvania Garage Operations 467-8000 Pennsylvania Garage operations PAGE20F3 .El!!BI~ Ai!iI§ 2905 l1110il1 The Konvier Stern Group 2960 12115111 Tews Cardenas LLP TOTAL PENNSYLVANIA SHOPS OPERATIONS 2972 12120111 The Gordian Group 2858 10113111 Metro Express 2870 10113111 Melro Express 2965 12120111 Metro Express TOTAL COLLINS PARK CULTURAL CENTER 2863 10113111 Raymond Jungles, Inc. 2893 11101fl1 The Gordian Group 2896 11103111 Harbour Construction 2897 11103111 The Gordian Group 2943 12113111 Raymond Jungles, Inc. 2944 12113111 Raymond Jungles, Inc. TOTAL BOTANICAL GARDENS PROJECT 2875 10118/11 Atkins North America, Inc. 2879 10120111 Atkins North America. Inc. 2860 10/13111 New World Symphony 2873 10113111 New World Symphony TOTAL NWS LINCOLN PARK PROJECT 2841 10104111 Chen & Associates 2850 10111111 Chen & Associates 2939 12113111 Envirowaste Services Group 2940 12113111 Envirowaste Services Group 2965 12115111 Envlorwaste Services Group 2964 12120/11 Chen & Associates 2984 12120111 Chen & Associates 2973 12122111 Chen & Associates CONVENTION CENTER STREETSCAPE 2886 10113111 The Gordian Group 2840 10104111 Berman, Renner, Vogel & Mandler 2947 12113111 The Gordian Group 2855 10113111 Harbour Construction 2869 10113111 Harbour Construction TOTAL MULTI-PURPOSE BUILD.ADJ.CITY H. 2891 10127111 Central Concrete Supermlx, Inc. 290' 11122111 Central Concrete Supermix, Inc. 2936 12113111 Chen & Associates 2973 12122111 Chen & Associates 2980 12129111 Universal Engineering Services TOTAL LINCOLN RD BTW. COLLINS AND WASHINGTON 2904 11110111 HarbourCons\rUction 2954 12115111 Glenn Dale Englehardt TOTAL COLLINS CANAL ENHANCEMENT PROJECT 2841 10/04111 Chen & Associates 2B5ll 10111111 Chen & Associates 2868 10113111 Universal Engineering Sciences 2948 12131/11 Universal Engineering Sciences 2964 12120(11 Chen & Associates 2857 10113111 M. Vila & Associates, Inc. 2970 12120(11 The Gordian Group 2971 12120111 The Gordian Group TOTAL CCHV NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS 2856 10/13111 Ideal Architectural Design, PA TOTAL DIRECTORY SIGNS IN THE CITY CENTER ROW REPORT TOTAL Redevelopment Agency -CIty Center DIstrict Check & WITe Transfer Register by Project & Type of Expense Fiscal Year 2012 81,648.79 25% I.ease commission for Gigil Penn Shops 466-1997 Pennsylvania Shops Operations Legal fees associated with the recently executed Penn Garage I.ease :===::]j3~8~B3~.6tO and Escrow Agreements (Gigi's 466-1997 Pennsylvania Shops Operations 85512.39 85,512.39 58.97 58.97 2,550.54 126,877.80 144,664.21 274092.55 274,151.52 the scope of work Includes the construction of an additional ADA Ramp on Park Avenue and 22nd street Collins Park & Rotunda Improvements Collins Park & Rotunda Improvements partial retainage release Metro Collins Park 3,125.00 Professional Services 670.98 Gordain fee from Harbour Construction Project. 58,414.81 Construction 1,177.22 Construction Professional Services Raymond Jungles (or Miaml Beach Botanical 8,875,00 Garden. :===::zj3~.1~25g.00t professioanl service Raymond Jungles 75,388.01 75,388,01 1,362.06 Signal Modification Plans ____ ~;"':~"'38"':::"--~ Signal Modification Plans 940.00 Reimb. Request for Park -Res 543-2007, 552-2007 :===='ti7~,6~33~.OOt Reimb. Request for Additionallmprov. -Res 543-2007, 552-2007 18,573.00 23,873.91 1,447.44 163.94 1,636.64 181.82 2,952.70 831.45 15,685.24 364.75 23,463.98 23,463.98 Professional Services Professional Services Envirowaste Fees for Culvert -Inspection Envirowaste Fees for Culvert -Inspection Envlrowaste Fees for Culvert -inspection Professional Services Professional Services Professional Services 198.95 JOC Fees for first floor break room 700.00 Mediation Costs :: ===:::Jj5ti'7@,'t4JOCFeeSfOrtirstfioOrbreakrOOm 1,416.09 10.202.86 Construction Services ::===~~3~43~.6tO Construction Services 10,546.46 11,962,55 6,548.50 3,043.94 19,078.75 6,107.21 3.268.00 38,046.40 38,046.40 Direct Payment for concrete Direct Payment for concrete Professional Services Professional Services Provide construction materials testing services 5,227.36 Construction Services :===i',~OOO~.~OOt: Supplementary Field Inspection Services 6,227.36 6,227.36 25,432.66 Professional Services 14,979.99 Professional Services 635.00 Professional Services 1,441.00 Geotechnical and Laboratory Testing Services :===~3~,57~O~.Ot' Professional Services 46,058.66 463,838.77 Construction Services 6,753.80 Construction Services ::===:lli2~,'~'7~.9t3 Construction Services 472,790.50 518,849.16 ____ ~~~:~:;;::~:~~ Professional Services -Design Services 1,548.00 11,436,558.82 365-2398 Collins Park Cultural Cenler Collins Park Cultural Center Collins Park CultUral Center 365-2398 Collins Park Cultural Center 365-2144 Garden Center Renovations 365-2144 Garden Center Renovations 365-2144 Garden Center Renovations 365-2144 Garden Center Renovations 365-2144 Garden Center Renovations 365-2144 Garden Center Renovations New World Symphony Park Project New World Symphony Park Project New World Symphony Park Project New World Symphony Park Project Convention Center Streets cape -ROW Convention Center Streets cape -ROW 365-2327 Convention Center Streetscape ROW 365-2327 Convention Center Streetscape ROW 365-2327 Convention Center Streetscape ROW 365-2327 Convention Center Streetscape ROW 365-2327 Convention Center Streetscape ROW 365-2327 Convention Cenier Streetscape ROW Multi-Purpose Bulld.Adj.Clty Hall Multi·Purpose Build,Adj.City Hall 365-2448 Multi-Purpose Bulld,Adj.City Hall Multi-Purpose Build.Adj.City Hall Multi-Purpose Build.Adj.City Hall 365-2664 LIncoln Road Between Collins & Wash. 365-2664 LIncoln Road Between Collins & Wash. 365-2664 Lincoln Road Between Collins & Wash. 365-2664 Lincoln Road Between Collins & Wash. 365-2664 Lincoln Road Between Collins & Wash. 2950 -Collins Canal Enhancement Project 365-2950 Collins Canal Enhancement Project CCHV Neigh. Improv. -Historic Dist. CCHV Neigh. Improv. -Historic Oist. CCHV Neigh. Improv. -Historic Oisl. 365-2616 CCHV Neigh. Improv. Historic Disl. BP9A 365-2616 CCHV Neigh. Improv. Historic Disl. BP9A CCHV Neigh. Improv. -Historic Disl. 365-2616 CCHV Neigh. Improv. Historic Disl. BP9A 365-2616 CCHV Neigh, Improv. Historic Disl. BP9A Directory Signs in Ihe City Center ROW PAGE30F3 ATTACHMENT "A" SUMMARY OF MAJOR PROJECTS REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS (Planned and/or Underway) City Center Collins ParkiStreetscape/Rotunda This project is for the renovation and redesign of Collins Park on the west side of Collins Avenue (approx. 4.5 acres) per Cultural Campus Master Plan after the demolition of the existing library. This project does not include Collins Park improvements on the east side of Collins Avenue (approx. 3.3 acres), for which design and construction are to be coordinated with the streetscape improvements and beach walk improvements. Project Management Department: CIP Office Total Project Cost: $10,342,106 Total CRA participation: $8,522,106 Source: Pg. 312 -Capital Improvement Plan and FY 08/09 Capital Budget Collins Park Children's Feature Colony Theatre Renovation This project is for the construction of a child oriented art/interactive feature as part of the Collins Park project. The project will complement the previously approved Collins Park project and will provide a needed children's space within the Collins Park/Oceanfront Neighborhood. Project Management Department: CIP Office Total Project Cost: $150,000 Total CRA participation: $150,000 Source: Pg. 289 -Capital Improvement Plan and FY 0911 0 Capital Budget This project is for the renovation of the existing ground floor restrooms of the Colony Theatre to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and to provide a remote trash disposal enclosure at an adjacent City owned surface parking lot. These projects are not going to be done concurrently. Project Management Department: CIP Office Total Project Cost: $734,690 Total CRA participation: $734,690 ($500,000 Grant Funded) Source: Pg. 117 -Capital Improvement Plan and FY 08/09 Capital Budget Page 1 of6 City Center City Center Right-of-Way Improvement Project (City Center-Commercial District BP9B) This project includes the restoration and enhancement of right-of wayslstreetscapes throughout the City Center, including roadway, sidewalks, curb and gutter, landscape, streetscape, irrigation, lighting, potable water, and storm drainage infrastructure as needed. The project limits include Drexel Avenue from Lincoln Lane to Lincoln Lane North, Pennsylvania Avenue from 16th to 17th Street, Euclid Avenue from Lincoln Lane to Lincoln Road Mall, Meridian Avenue from 16 th to 17t\ Jefferson Avenue from Lincoln Lane to 1 i h St., Michigan Avenue from 16 th to 17 t\ Lenox Avenue from 16 th to 1 ih, Lenox Court, Lincoln Lane to 16 th , Lincoln Lane from Drexel to Alton Rd., Lincoln Lane North from Washington to Alton, Washington to Dade Blvd, Convention Center Drive and 19th Street. Project Management Department: CIP Office Total Project Cost: $13,209,842 Total CRA participation: $13,209,842 Source: Pg. 310 -Capital Improvement Plan and FY 08/09 Capital Budget New World Symphony Garage Project This project is for The Frank Gehry-designed Pennsylvania Avenue public parking garage just west of the New World Symphony. This fully self-serve garage features 550 parking spaces and approximately 8,000 square feet of first class retail space. The garage provides access to the New World Symphony via a third floor covered walkway and is illuminated with LED lights at night that coordinate in color with lights on the protruding sunshade from New World Symphony's north fac;ade. Project Management Department: RDA Total Project Cost: $15,210,185 Total CRA participation: $15,210,185 Source: Pg. 199 -Capital Improvement Plan and FY 08/09 Capital Budget New World Symphony Park Project This project is for a new park which is an integral component of the overall Master Plan involving the New World Symphony Sound Space Project. The partnership between the City and the New World Symphony (the "Symphony") has resulted in the New World Center; a new, state of the art performance and recording facility which opened in February 2011 on City-owned land, with the adjacent City owned 2.85 acre park, SoundScape, which features a 7,000 square foot projection wall on the eastern front of the New World building. Complete with a world-class audio system, ExoStage after dark provides a canvas for video art, music, film and simulcasts of concerts playing inside the New World Center. This facility is a technological wonder designed by celebrity architect Frank Gehry and the first of its kind in the world. Page 2 of6 City Center New World Symphony Park Project cont'd ... Project Management Department: RDA Total Project Cost: $22,300,000 Total CRA participation: $22,300,000 Source: Pg. 273 -Capital Improvement Plan and FY 08/09 Capital Budget Multi-Purpose Municipal Parking Facility This project is a seven level parking facility having 651 parking spaces, approximately 32,000 sq. ft. of commercial office space facing Meridian Avenue and associated site improvements. The proj ect is located on the East side of Meridian Avenue at 17th Street in the City of Miami Beach Florida behind City Hall. The project is to be constructed in five separate construction phases: Demolition, Piling, Underground Utilities, Garage & Office Complex and Tenant Build-Out. The garage and office complex contract was awarded to the Tower Group. This project is currently in Phase 4 which includes construction of the main building structure as well as site improvements such as landscaping and the new plaza area, street resurfacing, sidewalks, etc. Project Management Department: CIP Office Total Project Cost: $40,140,255 Total CRA participation: $19,653,098 Source: Pg. 192 -Capital Improvement Plan and FY 08/09 Capital Budget and Page 10 of CIP's Bi-Weekly Construction Report dated January 15,2010 Lincoln Road between Collins & Washington This project is between the Lincoln Road Mall and the Beachfront Area, and will be designed to address the needs of the commercial and retail area as well as the pedestrian, private and public vehicular access. The project includes roadway reconfiguration to accommodate uniform traffic lanes throughout, installation of a landscaped center median with uplighting, sidewalk replacement, installation of a brick paver crosswalk with ADA curb ramps, installation of a bump out to formalize the parking area and reduce the crosswalk distance, installation of street furniture and resurfacing of the asphalt pavement. Project Management Department: CIP Office Total Project Cost: $2,488,093 Total CRA participation: $2,488,093 Source: Pg. 324 -Capital Improvement Plan and FY 08/09 Capital Budget Page 3 of6 City Center Collins Canal Enhancement Project Little Stage Complex The Collins Canal Enhancement Project includes the development of the Dade Blvd. Bike path, which is a recreational greenway that will connect to the Venetian Causeway Bike Path and the Beachwalk, as well as seawall restoration for the north bank of the canal. The major bikeway artery will tie into a regional network of planned recreational trails/alternative transportation routes, called the Atlantic Greenway Network, connecting five public parks, eight beach access areas, and seven regional parking facilities in Miami Beach. This project is part of the larger Atlantic Greenway Network which aims to promote the use of alternative transportation and reduce traffic congestion. The Collins Canal Project will provide environmental, social and human health benefits to the community. Project Management Department: Public Works Total Project Cost: $8,555,127 Total CRA participation: $1,600,000 Source: Pg. 94 -Capital Improvement Plan and FY 08/09 Capital Budget The Little Stage Complex project scope includes planning, programming, design, bid and award and construction administration, restoration and/or rehabilitation of the Little Stage Theater (Acorn Theater), Carl Fisher Clubhouse, Outdoor Dance Plaza / Bandshell (proposed to be demolished), and associated walkway areas adjacent to these facilities to accommodate pedestrian circulation and limited vehicular routes as necessary. Project Management Department: CIP Office Total Project Cost: $7,937,392 Total CRA participation: $637,200 Source: Pg. 121 Capital Improvement Plan and FY 08/09 Capital Budget West AvenuelBay Road Improvements The West Avenue/ Bay Road Improvements project is an area-wide street improvement which may include street resurfacing, swale restoration, repair of sidewalks, street lighting upgrades, enhanced landscaping and entryway features. The scope of this project includes West Avenue and Bay Road from 5th St. to Collins Canal, east/west side streets west of Alton Road from 6th to Lincoln Road and Lincoln Court, integrated with drainage improvements to Basins 7, 8, 11, 12, and 13 per the Stormwater Master Plan. Project Management Department: ClP Office Total Project Cost: $25,735,556 Total CRA participation: $750,000 Source: Pg. 357 -Capital Improvement Plan and FY 08/09 Capital Budget Page 4 of6 City Center CCHC Neighborhood Improvements -Historic District This project includes improvements to the stormwater collection and disposal system upgrades, water distribution center upgrades, roadway resurfacing and streetscape enhancements, landscaping, traffic calming installations, additional pedestrian lighting, and enhanced pedestrian linkages. The project limits are bounded by Washington Avenue to the west, Collins Avenue to the east, Lincoln Road to the South, and Dade Blvd to the north, and includes James, Park and Liberty Avenue, 1 i\ 18 th , 19 th and 20 th Streets, and 21 5t Street west of Park Avenue. The City entered into an agreement with Chen and Associates for the design of the project. Project Management Department: CIP Office Total Project Cost: $18,502,024 Total CRA participation: $18,463,939 Source: Pg. 309 -Capital Improvement Plan and FY 08/09 Capital Budget Botanical Garden (Garden Center) This project is for Phase II of renovations to the Garden Center. Phase I improvements, which are complete, included new fencing, new roof with related asbestos abatement, restroom renovations, exterior paint, new doors, trash cans, benches and other site furnishings. The Phase II project will include renovations to the building, entry, patio roof, pergola, maintenance area, site improvements, lighting, signage, planting, irrigation, interior renovations and interior acoustic improvements. Raymond Jungles, Inc. was ranked first by the committee as the firm to develop the concept plan prior to proceeding to design development. Project Management Department: CIP Office Total Project Cost: $1,851,925 Total CRA participation: $351,925 Source: Pg. 91 -Capital Improvement Plan and FY 08/09 Capital Budget Pedestrian Countdown Signals This project is to provide pedestrian countdown signals at key intersections. Pedestrian countdown signals provide an extra level of public safety. Pedestrians crossing an intersection can visually see how many seconds are left before the traffic light changes. Phase I of the program will provide for pedestrian countdown signals in thirty-two intersections. Project Management Department: Public Works Total Project Cost: $496,000 Total CRA participation: $56,000 Source: Pg. 480 -Capital Improvement Plan and FY 0911 0 Capital Budget Page 5 of6 City Center Directory Signs in the City Center ROW This project is for the installation of Monument Directory signs within the City Center neighborhood rights of way, in vicinity of City Hall, and on City Hall Campus Buildings to direct residents and visitors to City offices and services. Project Management Department: CIP Office Total Project Cost: $108,268 Total CRA participation: $108,268 Source: Pg. 434 -Capital Improvement Plan and FY 10/11 Capital Budget 24" PVC Sanitary Sewer Improvements This Sanitary Sewer Main Improvements project includes installing approximately 960 linear feet of 24-inch PVC C905 and 1190 linear feet of 8-inch PVC C900 pipe and fittings; 7 manholes, traffic control and all ancillary and miscellaneous work. As a result of added development within this sewer shed, the capacity of this Sanitary Sewer distribution system will need to be increased to convey the increased floor. Project Management Department: Public Works Total Project Cost: $646,031 Total CRA participation: $646,031 Reallocated -Reso# 568-2010 Source: Pg. 568 -Capital Improvement Plan and FY 11112 Capital Budget Page 6 of6 MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION MEMORANDUM FROM: Jorge Gonzalez, City Manager ~ Matti Herrera Bower, Mayor ~a; , iI January 25,2012 TO: DATE: SUBJECT: For Your Information-Provided by the Miami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Attached please find the summary minutes of the December 8, 2011 Metropolitan Planning Organization Committee meeting and the agenda for the upcoming meeting on January 26, 2012. MHB/lw ~. ~-. --•. ~ •• ~--, 1 .! : ~:") .,' '; ": We are committed to prOViding excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historiC community. METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION FOR THE MIAMI URBANIZED AREA GOVERNING BOARD SUMMARY MINUTES Agenda Item 2 MEETING OF THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2011 AT 2:00 P.M. STEPHEN P. CLARK CENTER 111 NW FIRST STREET COUNTY COMMISSION CHAMBERS The following members were present for the meeting of the Miami-Dade County Metropolitan Planning Organization on December 8, 2011: Board Member Zevin V. Auerbach Board Member Bruno A. Barreiro Board Member Steven C. Bateman Board Member Esteban Bovo, Jr. Board Member Jose "Pepe" Diaz Board Member Audrey M. Edmonson Board Member Dennis C. Moss Board Member Andre D. Pierre Bc:i"ard Member-Rebeca Sosa Board Member Javier D. Souto Vice Chairwoman Maritza Gutierrez Chairman Joe A. -Martinez . Non-voting member present: Mr. Gus Pego, FDOT District VI Secretary and Harold Desdunes, FDOT, District Director of Transportation Development. The following staff members were present: Mrs. Irma San Roman Interim Director, MPO Secretariat; Mr. Gerald Sanchez and Mr. Bruce Libhaber, Assistant County Attorneys; and Ms. Zainab Salim, MPO Board Clerk. . CALL TO ORDER Chairman Martinez called the meeting to order at 2:19 p.m. ROLLCALL Chairman Martinez requested Ms. Salim call the toll. Board Member Auerbach Board Member Barreiro Board Member Bateman Board Member Bell Board Member Bovo Board Member Diaz Board Member Edmonson Board Member Gibson Board Member Hantman Board Member Hernandez -Present -Present -Present -Absent -Present -Present -Present -Absent -Absent -Absent Board Member Heyman Board Member Jordan Board Member Monestime Board Member Moss Board Member Pierre Board Member Sosa Board Member Souto Board Member Spence-jones Board Member J. Suarez Vice Chairwoman Maritza Gutierrez-Present Chairman Joe A. Martinez-Present 1 -Absent -Absent -Absent -Present -Present -Present -Present .:Absent -Absent Agenda Item 2 Ms, Salim announced quorum was attained. 1.· APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chairman Martinez informed the Board that Mayor Matti Bower, City of Miami Beach, would be participating on the dais but is not currently a member of the MPO Board. . . Attorney Sanchez informed the Board that a deferral request for agenda item 6.A.2 . "Request by MPO Board Member Dennis C. Moss: Southwest HomesteadINorthwest Florida City Lucy Street Gateway" was submitted by the sponsor. Board Member Moss moved for approval of the agenda as amended. Board Member Edmonson seconded the motion. The agenda as amended was approved. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Board Member Bateman moved far approval of the October 20, 2011 minutes. Board Member Edmonson seconded the motion. The minutes were approved. 3. MPO COMMITTEES AND SPECIAL REPORTS A. CITIZENS' COMMITTEES 1. COMMITTEES VACANCY LIST Board Member Pierre appointed City of North Miami Vice Mayor Marie Erlande Steril to FT AC. . He appointed Paul R. Yavis and Richard Eze to CTAC. Board Member Barreiro appointed Francisco L. Moreno to CTAC. Chairman Martinez reappointed Komelia Tiede to FTAC. He also reappointed Zvi Krugliak to CTAC. 2. FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COlVIMITTEE (FTAC) No report provided. 3. TRANSPORTATION AESTHETIC REVIEW COlVIMITTEE (TAR C) Mr. Juan Crespi provided the Board with a PowerPoint presentation on T ARC activities including an overview of the AesthetiC Guidance and Action Plan for Transportation Projects in Miami-Dade County. (Contact the MPO Board Clerkfor a copy of this PowerPoint presentation). 2 Agenda Item 2 Chairman Martinez expressed concern that safety and crime prevention were not taken into account during the design phase of projects. Mr. Crespi responded that the crime prevention building manual is available and used by schools. He further stated that t~e manual is applicable to any project. Board Member Moss commended T ARC for staying focused and committed to the goal of aesthetically pleasing projects. Board Member Souto expressed concern with the amount of graffiti along the expressway in the downtown Miami area. He stated that more plants and shrubbery should be used to deter vandalism. Mr. Pego stated that the Department will follow-up on the concerns expressed. Vice Chairwoman Gutierrez added that agencies utilizing the design build concept need to figure out a balance between this type of construction and including an aesthetic component. Board Member Moss suggested that the MDX, FDOT, and the appropriate coUnty department coordinate to look at the design-build with an aesthetic feature that may be currently used by another agency so the best price could be obtained for these types of projects. 4. BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (BPAC) No report provided. . ·5. CITIZENS TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CTAC) No report provided. 4. ACTION ITEMS A. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 1. FY 2012 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (TIP) AMENDMENT: THREE SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL PROJECTS FM #4314981, FM #4315021 AND FM #4315041 RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE FY 2012 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (TIP) TO ADD THREE SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL (SRTS) PROJECTS FM #4314981, FM #4315021 AND FM #4315041 (ROLL CALL REQUIRED) Chairman Martinez opened the public hearing. Chairman Martinez closed the public hearing. Board Member Sosa moved for the approval of the resolution. Board Member Bateman seconded the motion. 3 Agenda Item 2 Chairman Martinez requested that Ms. Salim conduct a roll call vote. Board Member Auerbach Board Member Barreiro Board Member Bateman Board Member Bell Board Member Bovo Board Member Diaz Board Member Edmonson Board Member Gibson Board Member Hantman Board Member Hernandez -Aye Board Member Heyman -Absent -Aye Board Member Jordan -Absent -Aye Board Member Monestime-Absent -Absent Board Member Moss -Aye -Aye Board Member Pierre -Aye -Aye Board Member Sosa -Aye -Aye Board Member Souto -Aye -Absent Board Member Spence-Jones-Absent -Absent Board Member J. Suarez -Absent -Absent Chairman Joe A. Martinez -Aye Vice Chairwoman Maritza Gutierrez -Aye Ms. Salim announced the motion passed 12-0. 2. 2035 LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN AMENDMENTS: FLORIDA'S TURNPIKE ENTERPRISE (FTE) PROJECTS RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE 2035 LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN (LRTP) TO ADVANCE FLORIDA'S TURNPIKE ENTERPRISE PROJECTS (ROLL CALL REQUIRED) Chairman Martinez opened the public hearing. Chairman Martinez closed the public hearing. Board Member Bateman moved for the approval of the resolution. Board Member Pierre seconded the motion. Chairman Martinez requested that Ms. Salim conduct a roll call vote. Board Member Auerbach Board Member Barreiro Board Member Bateman Board Member Bell Board Member Bovo Board Member Diaz Board Member Edmonson Board Member Gibson Board Member Hantman Board Member Hernandez -Aye Board Member Heyman -Absent -Aye Board Member Jordan -Absent -Aye Board Member Monestime-Absent -Absent Board Member Moss -Aye -Aye Board Member Pierre -Aye -Aye Board Member Sosa -Aye -Aye Board Member Souto -Aye -Absent Board Member Spence-Jones-Absent -Absent Board Member J. Suarez. -Absent -Absent Chairman Joe A. Matiinez -Aye Vice Chairwoman Maritza Gutierrez -Aye Ms. Salim announced the motion passed 12-0. 3. FY 2012 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM· AMENDMENT: MODIFY THE COST OF A RESURFACING PROJECT FM #4252112 RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE FY 2012 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (TIP) TO MODIFY 4 Agenda Item 2 THE COST OF A RESUFACING PROJECT FM #4252112 (ROLL CALL REQUIRED) Chairman Martinez opened the public hearing. Chairman Martinez closed the public hearing. Board Member Sosa moved for the approval of the resolution. Board Member Souto seconded the motion. Chairman Martinez requested that Ms. Salim conduct a roll call vote. Board Member Auerbach Board Member Barreiro Board Member Bateman Board Member Bell Board Member Bovo Board Member Diaz Board Member Edmonson Board Member Gibson Board Member Hantman Board Member Hernandez -Aye Board Member Heyman -Absent -Aye Board Member Jordan -Absent -Aye Board Member Monestime-Absent -Absent Board Member Moss -Aye -Aye Board Member Pierre -Aye -Aye Board Member Sosa -Aye -Aye Board Member Souto· -Aye -Absent Board Member Spence-Janes-Absent -Absent Board Member J. Suarez -Absent -Absent Chairman Joe A. Martinez -Aye Vice Chairwoman Maritza Gutierrez -Aye Ms. Salim announced the motion passed 12-0. B. NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEM 1. SOUTHEAST FLORIDA REGIONAL PARTNERSIDP RESOLUTION APPROVING EXECUTION OF THE SOUTHEAST FLORIDA REGIONAL PARTNERSHIP SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES GRANT CONSORTIUM AGREEMENT Board Member Auerbach moved for the approval of the resolution. Board Member Diaz seconded the motion. The motion passed 12-0. 5. INFORMATION ITEMS A. SOUTH FLORIDA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY (SFRTA) STATUS REPORT Mr. Joseph Giulietti, SFRTA Executive Director, provided the Board with a PowerPoint presentation on SFRTA. (Contact th~ MPO Board Clerkfor a copy of the PowerPoint presentation. Vice Chairwoman Gutierrez expressed concern with the PowerPoint presentation and the argument that SFRTA runs on a "Privatized Business Model". She suggested that the authority look into its operations to determine where further improvements could take place. 5 i Agenda Item 2 , Board Member Sosa stated that residents input should continue to be a part of the SFRTA Board because it creates a balance. Board Member Barreiro stated that the resolution presented to the MPO unifies the three counties on this issue. He then expressed concern that the effort to completely privatize SFRTA may not be in the best interest of the public and the passengers of Tri-Rail. Mr. Giulietti informed the Board that SFRTA will return in January with a proposal to expand services in South Florida. Board Member Souto asked if SFRTA was amicable to meeting with international companies that may have an interest on investing in future expansion projects. Mr. Giulietti responded that being the Vice Chair of American Public Transportation Association (AMPTA) requires. constant meetings with companies from around the world that want to share technologies and expertise within the industry. He then stated that the SFRTA Board also encourages these types of discussions. Board Member Sosa moved for the approval of the resolution. Board Member Barreiro seconded the motion. The motion passed 12-0. B. 95 EXPRESS PHASE 2: PROJECT UPDATE Mr. David Tinder representing FDOT District N provided the Board with a PowerPoint presentation on Phase 2 of the 1-95 Express project. (Contact the MPO Board Clerkfor a copy of the PowerPoint presentation). C. 2035 LONG RANGE TRANSPORTATION PLAN (LRTP) REVENUE AND COST SUMMARY REPORT Mrs. San Roman informed the Board that the item was placed on the agenda at the recommendation of the Federal Highway Administration (FHW A). She stated that the information shown on the tables were part of the 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan Cost Feasible Plan which previously was approved by the Board. She concluded by stating that the tables are available on the MPO website to allow the public to review the information in a more user- friendly manner. 6; REPORTS A. :MFO BOARD :MEMBERS 1. Request by Vice Chairwoman Maritza Gutienez: Proposed Transportation Workshop Vice Chairwoman Gutienez informed the Board that everyone is invited to a roundtable discussion to build the areas of discoveries for the transportation summit that would be scheduled in Spring 2012. She concluded by stating that she has volunteered the MDX facility to host this roundtable event. 6 Agenda Item 2 Chairman Martinez stated that based on the membership of the MPO this Board could very well be the most important Board that exists within Miami-Dade County. He then encouraged the members not to treat the work accomplished by the MPO as a secondary Board. He reminded the Board that recent transportation data published did not rank Miami very well. He further stated that transportation is very important to the future of Miami and its ability to expand. He also stated that the proposed roundtable should include discussions with Public Works, MDX, FDOT, and Transit to determine what the issues are and how the Board wants to address them. He concluded by encouraging the Board to place more importance on thei:G roles as MPO Board members and make an effort to participate in this endeavor. He further concluded by requesting clarity on whether staff will conduct a calendar of availability or will a date be selected., Vice Chairwoman Gutierrez responded that staff will be sending out a list of potential dates to the Board. She further explained that the fIrst meeting is a roundtable discussion to set-up the actual summit which should take place in the spring. Chairman Martinez stated he will submit the areas of concern and encourages Board members to submit their areas of concern especially if they are unable to attend the roundtable discussion. 2. Request by MPO Board Member Dennis C. Moss: Southwest HomesteadINorthwest Florida City Lucy Street Gateway This item was deferred at the request of the Sponsor. 3. Request by MPO Board Member Audrey M. Edmonson: Discussion on Biscayne Boulevard Safety Enhancements within the MiMo between NE 50th Street and NE 7ih Street Mrs. Nancy Liebman, MiMo, informed the Board that the mission of MiMo is to protect, promote, and preserve the historic district. She further informed the Board that MiMo commissioned a professor from the University of Miami to develop a streets cape plan for the MiMo Boulevard. The purpose was to design a streetscape plan that would slow mo~orists down to allow the corridor to become more pedestrian friendly. She then stated that the FDOT's proposed improvements to the corridor are scheduled for the next 10 years which is too far away. She concluded by informing the Board that the City of Miami is currently considering designating MiMo an urban street. She further concluded by requesting the MPO Board to support the proposed designation. (Please contact the MPO Board for a copy of the streetscape plan and/or the signatures petitioning to FDOT). 7 Agenda Item 2 Mr. Desdunes informed the Board that the Preliminary Design and Engineering for the subject project started in 1997 and at that time the Board passed a resolution assigning the Upper Eastside community as the representative for this project. He said this was the first time the Department was directed to work directly with a homeowners association on a project. He then stated that the design was developed in close collaboration with the community. He further stated it would be extremely difficult to accommodate 10 ft. lanes and parallel parking on this corridor due to the heavy bus routes. Mr. Desdunes stated that the Department has tak~n the MiMo proposal into consideration and determined that the request would require an additional $1.5 million to incorporate the 10ft lanes and parking. He further stated that the MiMo proposal requires the Department to do more than restriping. He concluded by stating that the Department has conducted a study and has identified locations for implementation of flashing crosswalks to assist pedestrians in crossing Biscayne Boulevard. Board Member Edmonson requested clarity on how the Department addressed the Board's request to meet with MiMo on this issue. :Mr. Desdunes responded that the Department met with MiMo on multiple occasions to discuss this issue. Mr. Pego added that a more in depth study would· be required to further evaluate the request by MiMo. He then stated that the Department has continued to work with the community and has suggested that MiMo submit their concerns to the MPO. He further stated that it's the jUlisdiction of the MPO Board to set the funding priority of its state highway system. He concluded by stating that the Board would need to identify funding in order to include the study in the Work Program. Board Member Edmonson expressed concern that FDOT has not handled this issue properly. She then requested to defer the item to allow her an opportunity to meet with FDOT and MiMo. Chairman Martinez instructed staff to defer the item to a no-date certain and Board Member Edmonson will advise when to schedule the item. 4. Request by MPO Board Member Dennis C. Moss: Presentation on SR 826 Project Mr. Oscar Gonzalez, FDOT Public Information Officer, provided the Board a PowerPoint presentation for the SR 826 and SR 836 Interchange Reconstruction Project. Board Member Moss requested that the presentation be more comprehensive to provide a more detailed view of the impacts this project has on the overall transportation system in the corridor. Board Member Diaz commended FDOT and MDX staff for the public information being provided to the residents during the construction of 8 Agenda Item 2 the project. He concluded by suggesting that the detour and construction signage be better displayed to assist motorist during this project. He further concluded by requesting confirmation that funding for the 82 nd Avenue ramp is available as part of this project. Mr. Gonzalez responded that twenty-four (24) dynamic message signs will be installed to assist in displaying information on lane closures. Board Member Souto expressed concern that the sign age on SR 836 is not consistent. He suggested that the signage displaying Palmetto . North and South exits should be consistent. 5. Request by MPO Board Member Dennis C. Moss: Presentation on SR 1-395 Project Mrs. Vilma Croft .. FDOT, provided the Board with a PowerPoint presentation on the SR 1-395 project. (Contact the MPO Board Clerk jar a copy of this PowerPoint presentation). Board, Member Moss requested clarity on how the Department was handling the potential development within the corridor by companies within the casino industry. Mr. Desdunes responded that the Department has met with the engineers of Resort World to discuss the Department's plans. He further stated that the Department is waiting for the company to share its traffic numbers. He then stated that FDOT is being more proactive to avoid having to retrofit to whatever type of development that may occur in the future after the 1-395 project is completed. Mayor Bower requested that the City of Miami Beach be included in the discussions as it relates to the 1-395 project. She expressed· concerns that this is an additional entrance into Miami Beach that would be impacted by construction. Chairman Martinez informed the Board that state legislation is being proposed to limit local government on preempting impact fees on new development. He conduded that this issue is a concern to us all. B. COUNTY:MANAGER C. COUNTY ATTORNEY D. MIAMI-DADE EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITY 1. Status Report No discussion under this item. E. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (DISTRICT 6) .. No discussion under this item. F. MPO SECRETARIAT 9 1. MPO October Meeting Follow-up Report No discussion under this item. 7. . CORRESPONDENCE No discussion under this item .. 8.· . ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 4:45 PM. 10 Agenda Item 2 Chairman Joe A. Martinez Vice Chairwoman Maritza Gutierrez Voting Members Zevin V. Auerbach Bruno A. Barreiro" Steven C. Bateman "LYnda Bell Esteban Bovo Jr. Matti Herrera Bower Jose "Pepe" Diaz Audrey M. Edmonson Shirley M. Gibson Perla T. Hantman Carlos Hernandez Sally A. Heyman Barbara J. Jordan Jean Monestime Dennis C. Moss Andre D. Pierre Rebeca Sosa Javier D. Souto Michelle Spence-Jones Xavier L. Suarez Non-Voting Members (FDOT District 6) Gus Pego, P.E. Harold Desdunes, P.E. MPO Secretariat Interim Director Irma San Roman Contact Information %S. Zain.a6 Sa{~ Cferl( Miami-Dade MPO 111 NW First Street Suite 920 Miami, Florida 33128 305.375.450 7 305.375-4950 (fax) zsalim@miamidade.gov www.miamidade.go\'/mpo :METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION GOVERNING BOARD MEETING OF THURSDAY, JANUARY 26,2012 AT 2:00 PM STEPHEN P. CLARK CENTER 111 NW FIRST STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33128 COUNTY COMMISSION CHAMBERS AGENDA "I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA " 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES • " December 8, 2011 3. MPO COMMITTEES AND SPECIAL REPORTS " A. " CITIZENS' COMMITTEES 1. COMMITTEES VACANCY LIST " 2. FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE (FTAC) 3. TRANSPORTATION AESTHETICS REVIEW COMMITTEE (TARC) 4. BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN ADVISORY COM;MITTEE (BPAC) • Minutes 5. CITIZENS TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CTAC) 4. ACTION ITEMS A. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 1. FY 2012 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (TIP) AMENDMENT: MODIFY THE COST OF RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT FM #2499411 RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE FY 2012 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (TIP) TO MODIFY THE COST OF RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT PM #2499411 (ROLL CALL REQUIRED) 2. FY 2012 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: MODIFY THE SCOPE OF RESURFACING PROJECT FM #4291881 RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE FY 2012 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (TIP) TO MODIFY THE SCOPE OF A RESURFACING PROJECT PM #4291881 (ROLL CALL REQUIRED) B. NON-PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 1. REQUEST BY MPO BOARD MEMBER JAVIER D. SOUTO RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE MPO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO COORDINATE WITH RELEVANT MIAMI-DADE COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL OFFICIALS AND STAFF TO FACILITATE A STUDY TO BE PERFORMED BY FEVE AS TO THE FEASIBILITY FOR POTENTIAL TRANSIT CORRIDORS 2. SUPPLEMENTAL JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENTS: VANPOOLPROGRAM RESOLUTION APPROVING TWO SUPPLEMENTAL JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENTS AND A JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MIAMI-DADE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO) AND THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT) DISTRICT VI FOR THE SOUTH FLORIDA V ANPOOL PROGRAM 3. MPO BOARD APPOINTMENT TO THE LOCAL COORDINATING BOARD (LCB) RESOLUTION APPOINTING ISLARA B. SOUTO TO THE MIAMI-DADE LOCAL COORDINATING BOARD S. INFORMATION ITEM A. SOUTH FLORIDA REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY (SFRTA) FAST START PLAN FOR TRI-RAIL COASTAL SERVICE 6. REPORTS A. MPO BOARD MEMBERS 1. Request By MPO Vice Chairwoman Gutierrez: Regional Transportation Workshop Status Report 2. Request by MPO Board Member Dennis C. Moss: Southwest HomesteadlNorthwest Florida City Lucy Street Gateway B. COUNTY ATTORNEY C. MIAMI-DADE EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITY 1. Status Report D. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (DISTRICT 6) E. MPO SECRETARIAT 1. MPOAC Weekend Institute for Elected Officials 2. MPO December Meeting Follow-up Report 7. CORRESPONDENCE It is the policy of Miami·Dade County to comply with all of the requirements of the Amelicans with Disabilities Act. The facility for this meeting is accessible. For sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or materials in accessibleform.at, please call 305-375-4507 at least five business days in advance.