20120606 SM2lD MIAMI BEACH City Commission Meeting SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 2 City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive June 6, 2012 .. Mayor Matti Herrera Bower Vice-Mayor Jerry Libbin Commissioner Jorge R. Exposito Commissioner Michael Gongora Commissioner Edward L. Tobin Commissioner Deede Weithorn Commissioner Jonah Wolfson City Manager Jorge M. Gonzalez City Attorney Jose Smith City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Visit us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article VII, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA I i ~ j I I Supplemental Material2, June 6, 2012 R7 -Resolutions R?E Resolutions Authorizing Agreements With Various External Entities To Assist The City In Implementing The Action Plan To Address Potential Corruption And Misconduct: 1. A Resolution Approving And Authorizing The City Manager And City Clerk To Execute A Memorandum Of Understanding Between The City, On Behalf Of Its Police Department, And The Federal Bureau Of Investigation, Miami Area Corruption Task Force, For The Purpose Of Identifying And Prosecuting Public Officials And Law Enforcement Officers At The Federal, State, And Local Levels Of Government Involved In Public Corruption Throughout The Southern District Of Florida. 2. A Resolution Approving And Authorizing The City Manager And City Attorney To Negotiate An Agreement With Miami-Dade County, On Behalf Of The Miami-Dade County Office Of The Inspector General (MDCOIG), To Authorize The MDCOIG To Provide Independent Investigations Into City Practices And Operations In Order To Prevent And Detect Fraud, Waste, Financial Mismanagement, Employee Misconduct, Or Other Abuses. 3. A Resolution Approving And Authorizing The Mayor And City Clerk To Execute An Agreement In The Not To Exceed Amount Of $45,000, With Miami-Dade County, Florida, On Behalf Of The Miami-Dade County Commission On Ethics And Public Trust, To Develop And Provide A Comprehensive Ethics Training Program For City Employees Who Hold Positions That Are In Regulatory Areas Of The City. 4. A Resolution Authorizing The Administration To Negotiate A Professional Services Agreement, In An Amount Not To Exceed $150,000, With Crowe Horwath, LLP For Services Related To Auditing The Processes Of Certain Regulatory Departments Or Divisions; And Should The Administration Not Be Able To Successfully Negotiate An Agreement With Crowe Horwath, LLP, Authorizing The Administration To Enter Into Negotiations With TCBA Watson Rice, LLP; Authorizing The Mayor And City Clerk To Execute An Agreement With The Successful Proposer Upon Completion Of Negotiations By The Administration. (Police/Building/Human Resources) (Revised Memorandum) R?H A Resolution Approving, In Concept, The Grant, To Miami-Dade County, Of: 1.) A Temporary Ingress- Egress And Construction Staging Easement (Or License Agreement); And 2.) Two Perpetual Non- Revocable Easements, For The Construction And Installation Of A 60-lnch Diameter Sanitary Sewer Force Main In, Over And Under A Portion Of South Pointe Park; Provided, However, That The Aforestated Conceptual Approval Be Subject To And Contingent Upon Continuing Negotiation Of The Agreements Between City And County Staff, Which Agreements, If Successfully Negotiated And Finalized, Shall Be Subject To Final Approval By The City Manager And City Attorney; Further Authorizing The Mayor And City Clerk To Execute The Final Agreements, If And When Finalized; Further Accepting The Recommendation Of The City Manager And Authorizing A Waiver Of The City Permit Fees In Connection With The Activities Contemplated In South Pointe Park Under The Aforestated Agreements, As Well As In Connection With The Right-Of-Way Permit To Be Issued By The City For The Portion Of The Project That Will Entail A Closure Of The Right-Of-Way On The West Side Of Washington Avenue, From Commerce Street To South Pointe Park, And Commerce Street, From Washington Avenue To Alton Road. (Public Works) (Memorandum) ii Condensed Title: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY, AND THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, MIAMI AREA CORRUPTION TASK FORCE, FOR THE PURPOSE OF IDENTIFYING AND PROSECUTING PUBLIC OFFICIALS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS INVOLVED IN PUBLIC CORRUPTION. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY TO NEGOTIATE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL (MDCOIG, TO AUTHORIZE THE MDCOIG TO PROVIDE INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATIONS INTO CITY PRACTICES AND OPERATIONS IN ORDER TO PREVENT AND DETECT FRAUD, WASTE, FINANCIAL MISMANAGEMENT, EMPLOYEE MISCONDUCT OR OTHER ABUSES. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT IN THE NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT OF $45,000, WITH THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY COMMISSION ON ETHICS AND PUBLIC TRUST, TO DEVELOP AND PROVIDE A COMPREHENSIVE ETHICS TRAINING PROGRAM FOR CITY EMPLOYEES WHO HOLD POSITIONS THAT ARE IN REGULATORY AREAS OF THE CITY. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO NEGOTIATE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $150,000, WITH CROWE HORWATH, LLP FOR SERVICES RELATED TO AUDITING THE PROCESSES OF CERTAIN REGULATORY DEPARTMENTS OR DIVISIONS; AND SHOULD THE ADMINISTRATION NOT BE ABLE TO SUCCESSFULLY NEGOTIATE AN AGREEMENT WITH CROWE HORWATH, LLP, AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH TCBA WATSON RICE, LLP; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SUCCESSFUL PROPOSER UPON COMPLETION OF NEGOTIATIONS BY THE ADMINISTRATION. Key Intended Outcome Supported: Increase Community Satisfaction with City Services; Increase Resident Satisfaction with Employee Contact; Attract and Maintain a Quality Workforce; and Ensure Expenditure Trends are Sustainable over the Long Term. Supporting Data (Surveys, Environmental Scan, etc.): N/A Issue: I Shall the Mayor and the City Commission approve the Resolutions? Item Summary/Recommendation: At the May 9, 2012 City Commission, four recommendations to promote clean government and to root out and/or prevent corruption were proposed by the City Manager. The City Commission voted to defer and refer these items to be discussed at the May 17, 2012 Finance and Citywide Projects Committee and/or the May 18-19, 2012 City Commission Retreat. These items were proposed as a result of the April11, 2012 arrest of seven city employees who were arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) on charges, including conspiracy to commit extortion. These arrests and alleged misconduct by a few city employees represent a huge betrayal not only of the public's trust, but of our entire organization. In my Letter to Commission (LTC) #105-2012, dated April 24, 2012, the administration delineated actions taken and proposed to be taken to address issues raised by these arrests. Specifically, I proposed a five-point approach that is intended to support the City in our efforts to root out employee misconduct and corruption, and improve upon or create the necessary processes to prevent this from occurring again. One of the five actions has already been initiated; Commander Hernan Cardeno has been re-assigned from the Police Department to provide day-to-day oversight. In addition, a review of Code Compliance and Fire Inspection cases is also underway, being handled by our City's Internal Audit Division. The other four following proposed actions require Commission consideration and approval. These four recommendations remain as important today, and are submitted once again for your consideration: 1) Authorizing the City Manager and City Clerk to execute a Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Miami Area Corruption Task Force. This will enhance the City's MIAMI BEACH AGENDA ITEM __._R_l'-e"'--- DATE 6-b -1'2.- ability to engage in public corruption investigations, and allows us to leverage the Task Force's resources in this regard. The City was invited to participate in the Task Force. A proposed MOU is attached to the memo. The proposed MOU was discussed at the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee meeting of May 17, 2012. The Committee endorsed the City Manager's recommendation, as put forth on May 91 h, and recommended approval of the proposed MOU. 2) Authorizing the City Manager and City Attorney to finalize the negotiations of an agreement with the Miami- Dade County Office of the Inspector General (MDCOIG), authorizing the MDCOIG to provide independent investigations into city practices and operations in order to pre'l(ent and detect fraud, waste, financial mismanagement, employee misconduct or other abuses. The MDCOIG would serve as the City's Inspector General and operate independently to initiate investigations, as well as respond to calls and complaints about potential wrongdoing. A draft scope of work is attached to the memo, and discussions continue with the MDCOIG on the terms of the engagement. Authorization for the City Administration, in conjunction with the City Attorney's office, to finalize negotiations is recommended. The final negotiated agreement would be brought back to the City Commission for approval. 3) Authorizing the City to enter into an agreement with the Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics and Public Trust, to develop and provide a comprehensive ethics training program for city employees who hold positions that are in regulatory areas of the city. Each employee would receive 12.5 hours of specialized training over six months. A total of 230 employees would receive this training, and this program is in addition to the current training provided to all employees. The proposed program of work is attached to the memo. Commissioner Tobin was tasked with contacting the Director of the Commission on Ethics directly to discuss this further. I recommend that the City Commission approve the proposed program, as I previously proposed on May 91h. 4) Waiving competitive bidding and authorizing a professional services agreement, in an amount not to exceed $150,000, with a qualified firm for services related to auditing the processes of certain regulatory departments or divisions. This follows the same approach I took with the external audit of the Building Department by Watson Rice a few years ago. The scope includes, but is not limited to, reviewing organizational structure and culture, internal controls, processes, and operations. Departments/divisions to be reviewed include the Code Compliance Division; Fire Inspection process; Parking Enforcement Division; Fire Prevention Division; Public Works Department (permitting processes only); Planning Department (permitting process, concurrency fees, impact fees and other related areas); and Special Master Process. A draft scope of work is attached to the memo. At the May 1 ih Finance and Citywide Projects Committee meeting, the Committee approved the issuance of a request for "Expressions of Interest" from identified firms and recessed the Committee until June 1st. That solicitation resulted in the receipt of six responses, which were reviewed by the Committee on June 151 • Two firms were selected for interviews on June 5, where the Committee recommended that the City enter into negotiations with Crowe Horwath, LLP, and should those negotiations not be successful, enter into negotiations with TCBA Watson Rice, LLP. The four recommended actions are as important today as they were on May 9th. It is recommended that the Mayor and City Commission approve all four resolutions. Adviso Board Recommendation: Finance and Citywide Projects Committee on May 17, 2012 (continued to June 1 and June 5); Commission Retreat, Ma , 2012. Financial Information: Source of Amount Account Approved Funds: 1 $150,000 (Audit) TBD I I 2 $ 45,000 (Ethics) TBD 3 TBD (MDCOIG) TBD OBPI Total $195,000 Financial Impact Summary: City Clerk's Office legislative Tracking: n-Offs: Department Director Assistant City Manager lD MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachA.gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission FROM: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manage DATE: June 6, 2012 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY, ON BEHALF OF ITS POLICE DEPARTMENT, AND THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, MIAMI AREA CORRUPTION TASK FORCE, FOR THE PURPOSE OF IDENTIFYING AND PROSECUTING PUBLIC OFFICIALS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS AT THE FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT INVOLVED IN PUBLIC CORRUPTION THROUGHOUT THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY TO NEGOTIATE AN AGREEMENT WITH MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, ON BEHALF OF THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL (MCCOIG), TO AUTHORIZE THE MCCOIG TO PROVIDE INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATIONS INTO CITY PRACTICES AND OPERATIONS IN ORDER TO PREVENT AND DETECT FRAUD, WASTE, FINANCIAL MISMANAGEMENT, EMPLOYEE MISCONDUCT, OR OTHER ABUSES. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT IN THE NOT TO EXCEED AMOUNT OF $45,000, WITH MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ON BEHALF OF THE MIAMI- DADE COUNTY COMMISSION ON ETHICS AND PUBLIC TRUST, TO DEVELOP AND PROVIDE A COMPREHENSIVE ETHICS TRAINING PROGRAM FOR CITY EMPLOYEES WHO HOLD POSITIONS THAT ARE IN REGULATORY AREAS OF THE CITY. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO NEGOTIATE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $150,000, WITH CROWE HORWATH, LLP FOR SERVICES RELATED TO AUDITING THE PROCESSES OF CERTAIN REGULATORY DEPARTMENTS OR DIVISIONS; AND SHOULD THE ADMINISTRATION NOT BE ABLE TO SUCCESSFULLY NEGOTIATE AN AGREEMENT WITH CROWE HORWATH, LLP, AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH TCBA WATSON RICE, LLP; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE SUCCESSFUL PROPOSER UPON COMPLETION OF NEGOTIATIONS BY THE ADMINISTRATION. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Adopt the Resolutions. City Commission Memorandum June 6, 2012 External Organizational Audit Page 2 of 10 KEY INTENDED OUTCOMES SUPPORTED Increase Community Satisfaction with City Services; Increase Resident Satisfaction with Employee Contact; Attract and Maintain a Quality Workforce; and Ensure Expenditure Trends are Sustainable over the Long Term. BACKGROUND On April 11, 2012, five (5) Code Compliance and two (2) Fire Department employees were arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigations on charges including conspiracy to commit extortion. These arrests and alleged misconduct by a few city employees represent a huge betrayal not only of the public's trust -but of our entire organization. Their irresponsible actions have now cast a negative light on the vast majority of our employees, who are hard working, dedicated men and women committed to our mission of public service. They also paint an unfair picture of the hard work and efforts by the Mayor and City Commission to provide honest guidance and vision for this community. The LTC also delineated the administration's actions subsequent to the arrests. More specifically, I proposed a five-point approach intended to support the City in its efforts to root out employee misconduct and corruption, and improve upon or create the necessary processes to prevent this from occurring again. One of the five actions has already been implemented; Commander Hernan · Cardeno has been re-assigned from the Police Department to assist the Code Compliance Division by providing day-to-day oversight of the staff. In addition, a review of Code Compliance and Fire Inspection cases is also underway, being handled by our City's Internal Audit Division of the Office of Budget and Performance Improvement. Commissioner Weithorn met with me and staff to discuss potential approaches to this internal review, and we will continue to seek her suggestions and input as that process proceeds. The other four proposed actions require Commission consideration and approval. These items were briefly discussed during the May 9, 2012 City Commission meeting, with only one item being approved at that time, pending further discussion. Subsequently, three of the items have been discussed, at some level, at either Committee meeting, or at the Commission Retreat. They are once again submitted for your review, consideration and approval. 1. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, MIAMI AREA CORRUPTION TASK FORCE The Miami Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has established the Miami Area Corruption Task Force (MACTF) for the purpose of maximizing inter-agency cooperation and formalizing relationships between the participating agencies, for purposes of coordinating policy guidelines, planning, training and public relations relative to public corruption. The mission of the MACTF is to identify significant Public Corruption investigations throughout the Southern District of Florida. The MACTF consists of a specialized group of investigators and prosecutors who are responsible for the identification, investigation, prosecution, and forfeiture of all assets involved in such cases. The MACTF also works to identify and develop new cases of corruption by both Public Officials and Law Enforcement Officers on the Federal, State, and Local levels of government. It is intended to enhance the effectiveness of Federal, State and local law enforcement resources through coordinated initiatives, using the most effective investigative and prosecution avenues to investigate, convict and incarcerate offenders. Current MACTF members include the Federal Bureau of Investigation; City of Miami Police Department; United States Attorney's Office -Southern District of Florida; United States Department of Housing and Urban Development -Office of Inspector General; United States Department of City Commission Memorandum June 6, 2012 External Organizational Audit Page 3 of 10 Transportation -Office of Inspector General; Internal Revenue Service -Criminal Investigation Division; City of Hialeah Police Department; and the United States Environmental Protection Agency -Office of Inspector General. Participation in the MACTF allows the participating agencies to utilize the task force as a force multiplier. In the course of discussions relating to the recent arrests, the City Manager, the Miami Beach Police Department (MBPD) and the FBI discussed the City's participation in the MACTF. Both the FBI and the City felt that this was a mutually beneficial partnership, as it establishes an ongoing relationship between these two law enforcement entities. The invitation for the MBPD to participate also demonstrates the FBI's confidence and trust in our Police Department's leadership and investigative staff. The proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City and the FBI was discussed at the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee at their May 17, 2012 meeting. Chief Raymond A. Martinez and FBI Supervisory Special Agent John Jimenez, supervisor of the Public Corruption Task Force, were in attendance to discuss the details of the MOU and requirements for participating in MACTF. Participation in the MACTF will benefit the City and the MBPD by providing access to the full benefit of the Task Force's investigatory support and capabilities to attack corruption now and in the future in Miami Beach. The proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the FBI and the City of Miami Beach on behalf of the MBPD (ATTACHMENT 1), would allow the City to assign a sworn police officer full time to the MACTF to work in conjunction with their personnel in investigating and prosecuting public corruption. Participation in the MACTF will benefit the City and the MBPD by providing access to the full benefit of the Task Force's investigatory support and capabilities to attack corruption now and in the future on Miami Beach. In addition to the assigned officer, other Police Department investigative personnel will also be deputized to have special training and clearance to work with MACTF. The term of the MOU is for the duration of the MACTF operations, and can be terminated at any time upon written mutual consent of the agencies involved. There is no additional cost associated with the City's participation in the MACTF beyond the City's continued funding of the full time sworn officer. The FBI covers costs associated with providing a car (including fuel), phone, training, and reimbursement of overtime. Additionally, the City will participate in the distribution of funds from any seizures. As part of MACTF, the officer would be under the FBI's supervision, and would report to the Internal Affairs chain of command. Special Agent Jimenez explained that the reporting done would be FBI reports, which could not be disseminated outside of the FBI without the FBI's approval. Communication with the Miami Beach Chief of Police would be done on a "need to know" basis; would depend on the scope of the case; and would be left to up to his discretion. Although there is no time commitment required for participation, Special Agent Jimenez stated that since there is a learning curve in investigating public corruption and FBI procedures, that his recommendation would be a minimum of a three to five year commitment. As a result of the discussion, the Committee endorsed the City Manager's recommendation, as put forth at the May 9, 2012 City Commission meeting, and recommended approval of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU}, and that the item be brought to the full Commission on June 6, 2012. City Commission Memorandum June 6, 2012 External Organizational Audit Page 4 of 10 2. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL AND THE CITY, TO PROVIDE INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATIONS INTO CITY PRACTICES AND OPERATIONS IN ORDER TO PREVENT AND DETECT FRAUD, WASTE, FINANCIAL MISMANAGEMENT, EMPLOYEE MISCONDUCT OR OTHER ABUSES. As you have been advised, shortly after the news of the arrests, the Mayor and I reached out to Miami-Dade County Inspector General Christopher R. Mazzella about the possibility of the Miami- Dade County Office of the Inspector General (MDCOIG) providing our City with their services to investigate and review allegations of waste, fraud, abuse, employee misconduct and mismanagement. It is my belief that it is important that employees, residents and business owners alike report conduct that is not consistent with the integrity we expect of our public servants and, when doing so, those reporting such activities must feel confident that their call and concerns will be properly investigated. Likewise, it is beneficial for the City to have available an independent process to investigate any reported fraud or employee misconduct, such as concerns with the City's procurement and regulatory functions, especially as it relates to matters that may not rise to the level necessitating the FBI's involvement. The Mayor and I met with Mr. Mazella and his staff on April 18, 2012, to discuss the possibility of a formal relationship between his office and our City. The Inspector General was receptive to such an engagement and we began laying out the basis of an engagement agreement. As you may know, the MDCOIG was created in 1998 by the Miami-Dade County Commission, through County Ordinance, and has the authority to "review past, present and proposed County and Public Health Trust programs, accounts, records, contracts, and transactions. The MDCOIG investigates allegations of fraud, waste, abuse and misconduct amongst public officials and County employees, as well as contractors and vendors doing business with the County." To carry out this function, the MDCOIG is empowered with the ability to require the production of documents and records in the possession and control of the County, and has the power to issue subpoenas, where necessary. The MDCOIG can also require reports from any County official, County agency or instrumentalities regarding any matter in its jurisdiction; to report on and recommend to County government on whether a particular program, contract or transaction is financially sound, reasonable, necessary or operationally deficient; to conduct random audits; and to provide general oversight of department programs and large-scale construction projects. The MDCOIG has oversight of over 40 county departments, including Aviation, the Seaport, Transit, Housing, Community and Economic Development, Water and Sewer, Solid Waste, Public Works and the Public Health Trust (JMH). Since 2007, the MDCOIG has been serving as the Inspector General for the Miami-Dade County School Board through an lnterlocal Agreement. The MDCOIG's powers do not extend to municipalities. A proposed Agreement between the City and Miami-Dade County, on behalf of the MDCOIG, would authorize the MDCOIG to provide similar services to the City. Staff members from the MDCOIG, City Administration, City Attorney's Office and I began working to refine a proposed Agreement setting forth the authorized powers and duties of the Inspector General, if contracted to provide these services to our City. As we are the first municipality to propose this type of an engagement with the MDCOIG, no existing template for that type of Agreement exists. The negotiated Agreement would be brought back to the City Commission in for final approval. Please refer to the attached DRAFT Scope of Services for this Agreement (ATTACHMENT 2). The following generally describes the role of the Inspector General and the scope of services that would be contemplated to be provided through the Agreement, to be further negotiated: City Commission Memorandum June 6, 2012 External Organizational Audit Page 5 of 10 • It is intended that the organization and administration of the MDCOIG will be sufficiently independent to assure that no interference or influer:~ce external to the MDCOIG adversely affects the independence and objectivity of the Inspector General. The Inspector General considers this an integral component of any engagement with their office. • The MDCOIG may exercise any of the responsibilities, functions and authorities contained in the Agreement upon his or her own initiative. • The Mayor and Commission, City Manager, City Attorney, City's Internal Auditor and Miami Beach Police will cooperate with the MDCOIG to achieve the goals of preventing and detecting fraud, waste, financial mismanagement, employee misconduct or other abuses, and promoting accountability, integrity, economy, and efficiency in government. It would be anticipated that, subject to any limitations which may be specifically delineated in the Agreement, the MDCOIG would be authorized by the City to: • Serve as the Inspector General for the City during the term of the Agreement. • Randomly or in response to complaints, conduct any reviews, audits, inspections, investigations or analyses relating to departments; offices; committees; activities; accounts; records; procurement processes (e.g. how bid specifications were established; how the bid process was managed; and the activities of the prospective bidder, its officers, agents and employees, lobbyists, City staff, and elected officials); contracts; transactions; past/present/future programs and agencies of the City: employee compliance with established policies and/or standard operating procedures of the City (including the operations of departments or divisions of the City with regulatory oversight of city/state/federal codes such as, but not limited to, fire, parking, planning and zoning, building, property maintenance, noise, etc.); and allegations of employee misconduct. • Require reports and the production of records from the Mayor, Commission, City Manager, City officers, employees (except any files or reports relating to litigation that are subject to attorney-client or other similar privilege) and entities under contract with the City. • Staff and support a "hotline," which shall be operational throughout the duration of this Agreement, to accept calls from individuals reporting alleged fraud, waste, financial mismanagement, employee misconduct or other abuses. Such hotline shall be advertised by the City. The MDCOIG will not, whenever possible, duplicate the work of the City's Internal Auditor, Miami Beach Police Department Internal Affairs Division, Miami Beach Human Resources Department, City Commission, City Manager and City Attorney, or of the State Attorney's Office or Miami- Dade County Commission on Ethics. It is understood, however, that the MDCOIG's audits, investigations, inspections and reviews may from time to time address the same or similar issues or activities being reviewed by the aforementioned entities. In such cases, the MDCOIG's audits, investigations, inspections and reviews will be conducted separately and independently from those entities, and upon conclusion, the MDCOIG, where appropriate, will refer the disposition or finalization of any audit, investigation, inspection or review to the appropriate City entity for any additional action. The MDCOIG understands the concerns that have been raised by the City Attorney's Office with regards to privileged information, in particular when it may involve litigation against Miami-Dade County. Language to address this concern has been discussed with the City Attorney and would be further flushed out for inclusion in the final Agreement. The proposed Agreement would be for a term of three (3) years from date of execution by all parties, and would be renewable for an additional term; any additional term would be determined and agreed upon by both Parties. The Agreement may be terminated for any reason, including City Commission Memorandum June 6, 2012 External Organizational Audit Page 6 of 10 convenience, by either party by thirty (30) days' written notice to the other party. We continue to discuss the proposed engagement with the MDCOIG and would request that the City Commission authorize the City Manager's office, in coordination with the City Attorney's office, to continue to negotiate the proposed scope of services for the Commission's future consideration. 3. AGREEMENT WITH THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY COMMISSION ON ETHICS AND PUBLIC TRUST, TO DEVELOP AND PROVIDE A COMPREHENSIVE ETHICS TRAINING PROGRAM FOR CITY EMPLOYEES WHO HOLD POSITIONS THAT ARE IN REGULATORY AREAS OF THE CITY. As you know, on April 13, 2012, immediately following the arrests, I contacted the Miami Dade County Commission on Ethics and Public Trust (Commission on Ethics) and spoke to their Executive Director and General Counsel Joseph M. Centorino about having the Commission on Ethics assist the City of Miami Beach with specialized ethics training for all city employees in regulatory functions. While the City currently provides and requires ethics training for all City employees, I believe that additional, tailored ethics training focused on the issues and challenges faced by all of our regulatory employees in the Building, Code Compliance, Fire, Parking, Planning and Police Departments was and is necessary. On April 19, 2012, Mayor Bower and I along with other city staff met with several senior-level staff members from the Commission on Ethics including Mr. Centorino and Deputy General Counsel Miriam Ramos, to discuss this comprehensive ethics training. On April23, 2012, Michael Murawski, Advocate for the Commission on Ethics had separate and individual meetings with senior-level staff from the city's Code Compliance, Fire, Parking, Organizational Development, and Internal Audit areas to gather additional information and details about the city's past and intended efforts pertaining to training on ethics, particularly for the employees in the regulatory areas of the city. By way of further background, in 2004, I appointed a team from throughout the city to develop curriculum and deployment strategies for each of the city's priority training areas which include: ethics, diversity, sexual harassment, customer service and team building. Course content was developed in consultation with the Human Resources Department, the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics, the Office of the City Attorney, and other external subject-matter experts. Training in each of these areas was geared specifically to each city department and made available to all city staff. By 2008, all employees were required to attend these trainings (employees are required to attend the Ethics course every two years). In addition, in 2011, an on-line electronic learning system was procured which allows the city to provide access to all employees of these required trainings 24- hours-7 -days-a-week. The city is in the process of making this system available to all employees this month. The training that has been discussed with the Commission on Ethics would provide additional, specific and much more in-depth training to all employees who are in a regulatory area of the city. For now, the Commission on Ethics has been asked to first focus on employees in the Code Compliance, Building, Planning, Fire (Inspections) and Parking (Enforcement) areas of the city. It is expected that in the near future, a similar training program will be provided to other city employees. Attached is the proposal submitted by the Commission on Ethics (ATTACHMENT 3). The proposal includes: 1) Multiple sessions of intensive and interactive training for all employees and supervisors engaged in the areas of (1) fire inspection; (2) parking enforcement; (3) building inspection; City Commission Memorandum June 6, 2012 External Organizational Audit Page 7 of 10 (4) code enforcement; and (5) planning. Each employee would receive approximately 12.5 hours of training. 2) Training for approximately 230 employees. 3) The Commission on Ethics is prepared to design, conduct and conclude the initial training within six months. The proposed sessions include the following over the six months of training (provided through approximately 12.5 hours of training, per employee): 1. Introduction to Ethics -Interactive lecture and discussion led by staff from the Commission on Ethics on public service ethics, governmental organizational culture and professionalism. 2. Provide a detailed presentation on the code of ethics requirements for public employees emphasizing issues such as gifts, conflict of interest, and exploitation provisions particularly relevant to employees engaged in a regulatory role. These will be illustrated with case examples. 3. Presentation and discussion of legal and administrative consequences of illegal and unethical activity by public servants, including the participation of former public employees whose conduct led to termination. 4. Presentation on the laws that govern bribery, including a discussion of illustrative criminal cases from Miami-Dade County and elsewhere. 5. Presentation and discussion on the special integrity challenges presented by the regulatory environment in the City of Miami Beach, including presentations by a retired management- level employee of a local government municipality. 6. Interactive group discussion led by staff from the Commission on Ethics on six hypothetical scenarios directly relevant to issues confronting regulatory personnel. 7. Design and implement a "train the trainer" program for supervisory level staff which addresses the need for an on-going strategy necessary for building an ethical organizational culture with oversight controls and in-service ethics training throughout city departments. 8. Private and confidential one-on-one sessions to be conducted with all regulatory employees by staff from the Commission on Ethics to discuss and address past and future ethical concerns raised by their personal and professional experiences and providing each of them with an opportunity to suggest changes and/or improvements in the workplace that could help create a stronger ethical climate. 9. The Commission on Ethics will issue a final report summarizing all the training sessions and include recommendations for follow-up training and implementation of long-term management strategies to help prevent future corruption. The cost estimate for the proposed training by the Commission on Ethics is $45,000. Given that there are approximately 230 employees that would participate in all of the trainings described above, the per-person cost for the six month period (12.5 hours per employee) would be approximately $195.65 per employee, or $15.65 per hour of training. As you may recall, at the May 9, 2012, City Commission meeting, Commissioner Tobin was tasked with contacting Mr. Centorino directly to discuss this proposal further. It continues to be the Administration's recommendation that the Mayor and Commission approve the proposed enhanced ethics training program, as delineated above. City Commission Memorandum June 6, 2012 External Organizational Audit Page 8 of 10 4. NEGOTIATION AND EXECUTION OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH A QUALIFIED FIRM FOR SERVICES RELATED TO AUDITING THE PROCESSES OF CERTAIN REGULATORY DEPARTMENTS OR DIVISIONS. As you may recall, at the April 16, 2008 City Commission Meeting, the Commission authorized the hiring of an outside auditor to perform an audit of the operations and processes of our Building Department. At that meeting, the Commission appointed Commissioner Deede Weithorn to work with the administration to develop the scope of work for this process, and to assist the administration in identifying/selecting a firm and negotiating an agreement for services. After meetings with various consultants, Watson Rice was subsequently selected to perform the organizational review and operational analysis and their report provided specific recommendations to improve the operations of our building development process. Similar audits for other City departments and divisions have been discussed since then, including for the Capital Improvements Projects Office, Code Compliance Division and Parking Enforcement. At the May 9, 2012 City Commission Meeting, the Administration presented a memorandum which, in part, would have waived the competitive bidding requirement, by 5/?ths vote, and authorized the City Manager to negotiate and execute a Professional Services Agreement (PSA), in an amount not to exceed $150,000, with a qualified firm, for services related to auditing the processes of certain regulatory departments or divisions. The process recommended by the Administration mirrored that of the process used to select and hire Watson Rice to conduct an organizational review and operational analysis of the Building Department in 2008. The functional areas to be covered under the proposed PSA included the Code Compliance Division; Fire Inspection process; Parking Enforcement Division; Fire Prevention Division; Public Works Department (permitting processes only); Planning Department (permitting process, concurrency fees, impact fees and other related areas); and Special Master Process. While all of these reviews are important, the Administration proposed to prioritize and complete the audits of the Code Compliance Division, Fire Inspection process and Parking Enforcement Division first. In order to expedite this process, an initial meeting was convened on April 23, 2012 to discuss the potential scope of such an audit. The attendees included Commissioner Weithorn and Dr. Morris Sunshine (both of whom offered their assistance); Hilda Fernandez, Assistant City Manager; Kathie Brooks, Director of the Office of Budget and Performance Improvement; Patricia Walker, Chief Financial Officer; Stephen Scott, Building Director; Kristin Tigner, Assistant Building Director; Robert Santos-Aiborna, Code Compliance Division Director; and Hernan Cardeno, Division Commander assigned to the Code Compliance Division. Based on the input from the participants in this meeting, it was concluded that the minimum criteria necessary for a firm to conduct these audits would include the following: • experience with similar regulatory systems, including dispatch-based processes; • that it be a Florida Firm (registered in the State of Florida), preferably with a South Florida office; and • that Staff assigned to the project from the successful firm must have at least one of the following certifications: o certified public accountant; o certified fraud examiner; o certified fraud specialists; or o certified public auditor. City Commission Memorandum June 6, 2012 External Organizational Audit Page 9 of 10 An expedited timeline was envisioned for the component of the review relating to the Code Compliance Division, Fire inspections and Parking enforcement, with complete reviews of these three areas within 120 days of contract execution, with separate final reports to follow on each individual area of review within 30 days. The balance of the areas for review would follow a timeline to be determined at the time of PSA execution. If a contract is successfully negotiated by the end of June, field work on the first three audit areas could take place between July and October, with final reports for those three areas due in November. A timeline for the completion of the external audit of all other areas would be developed with the selected firm. Attachment 4 includes the DRAFT scope of services proposed at the May 9, 2012 City Commission meeting. At the May 9, 2012 City Commission meeting, the City Commission approved the waiver· of competitive bidding, but referred the concept of the performance audit to the May 17, 2012 meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee (Committee), where the Committee (and any other members of the City Commission who wished to participate) would further refine the proposed scope, have the Administration develop the appropriate purchasing mechanism(s), and bring the item back to the City Commission at its June 6, 2012 meeting. At the May 17, 2012 Committee meeting, the Administration was directed to send out a request for "Expressions of Interest" from identified firms. The Committee meeting was recessed until Friday, June 1, 2012, when the Committee would reconvene to review the responses from firms, and determine which ones would be interviewed. The original deadline for responses was at 4:00 pm on Tuesday, May 29, 2012. The deadline was extended to 4:00 pm on Thursday, May 31, 2012. Attachments 5, 6, and 7 are the original request for Expression of Interest, and two deadline extensions that were sent to the various firms. The request for Expression of Interest was sent to the following firms: • TCBA Watson Rice • Marcum • International Data Consultants • Ernst and Young • McGiadrey • • • • • Berman Hopkins Wright and Laham Deloitte and Touche Carr, Riggs and Ingram Cherry, Bekaert and Holland KPMG The following firms submitted responses by the deadline of Thursday, May 31, 2012, at 4:00pm: • TCBA Watson Rice • McGiadrey • Marcum • Cherry, Bekaert and Holland • Process Design and Development • Crowe Horwath (PD2) The Finance and Citywide Projects Committee met on Friday, June 1, 2012 to review the responses and determine which firms they would shortlist to interview. The Committee decided to interview Crowe Horwath and TCBA Watson Rice. I provided a recommendation to Commissioner Weithorn that the Committee should select Crowe Horwath, to provide the City with a fresh perspective. The Committee interviewed firms on Tuesday, June 5, 2012 and selected Crowe Horwath, LLP as its top ranked firm. Crowe Horwath, LLP (Crowe) is one of the largest public accounting and consulting firms in the United States. Under its core purpose of "Building Value with Values®," Crowe assists public and private company clients in reaching their goals through audit, tax, advisory, risk and performance services. With offices coast to coast and 2,500 personnel, Crowe serves clients worldwide as an independent member of Crowe Horwath International, one of the largest networks in the world. The network consists of 150 independent accounting and management consulting firms with offices in more than 580 cities around the world. Crowe's national Public Sector Services practice is City Commission Memorandum June 6, 2012 External Organizational Audit Page 10 of 10 comprised of over 250 professional, providing assurance, financial advisor and consulting services to over 450 federal, state and local governments and other public sector entity clients nationally. Crowe's Florida clients include the State of Florida, Miami-Dade County, Broward County, Broward Sherriff's Office, Port Everglades, and the cities of St. Petersburg, Tampa, and Palm Beach. As I did on May 9, 2012, I recommend that the Mayor and City Commission proceed with the outside performance audit as soon as the PSA with the successful firm is approved and finalized. CONCLUSION As you know, in the past I have initiated investigations of criminal misconduct whenever any information has come to my attention -several years ago when I received information about our Building Department, and most recently about our Procurement Director. I have sought out assistance from the State Attorney's Office and the Miami Beach Police Department, and even allocated investigative resources to ensure that criminal behavior is rooted out and removed from our organization. As I have advised you, I spoke with U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, Wifredo Ferrer, and assured him that the City will continue to provide its full support to his office and the FBI as the investigation continues. I and others from the City have met with representatives from the FBI on several occasions since April 11 to assist in their investigation and provide any information they have requested. The Administration once again recommends that the Mayor and City Commission approve the attached resolutions which will assist the City is further identifying any internal weaknesses and process improvement needs, in particular in our departments and divisions with regulatory roles, and in rooting out inappropriate conduct at any level of this government. In summary, this includes: 1) Authorizing the City Manager and City Clerk to execute a Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Miami Area Corruption Task Force; 2) Authorizing the City Manager and City Attorney to finalize the negotiations of an agreement with the Miami-Dade County Office of the Inspector General (MCCOIG}, authorizing the MDCOIG to provide independent investigations into city practices and operations in order to prevent and detect fraud, waste, financial mismanagement, employee misconduct or other abuses; 3) Authorizing the City to enter into an agreement with the Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics and Public Trust, to develop and provide a comprehensive ethics training program for city employees who hold positions that are in regulatory areas of the city; and 4) Authorizing the Administration to negotiate a Professional Services Agreement, in an amount not to exceed $150,000, with Crowe Horwath, LLP for services related to performance auditing of the processes of certain regulatory departments or divisions; and should the Administration not be able to successfully negotiate an agreement with Crowe Horwath, LLP, authorizing the Administration to enter into negotiations with TCBA Watson Rice, LLP; authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement with the successful proposer upon completion of negotiations by the Administration. These steps remain as important today as they were on May 9, 2012, and I urge your approval so that the City may promptly implement these initiatives. ATTACHMENTS JMG/hmf/ri COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY Condensed Title: A Resolution Conceptually Granting Two Perpetual Easements And A Temporary Construction Easement (Or License Agreement) To Miami-Dade County, For The Construction and Installation Of A Proposed 60-lnch Diameter Wastewater Force Main In South Pointe Park, Subject To Final Negotiations And Approval Of The Aforestated Agreements By The City Attorney And The City Manager; And Further Authorizing A Waiver Of All City Permit Fees Related To The Agreements, And To The Right-Of-Way Permit To Be Issued By The City In Connection With The Portion Of The Right- Of-Way To Be Closed On The West Side Of Washington Avenue, From Commence Street To South Pointe Park, And Commerce Street, From Washington Avenue To Alton Road . Key Intended Outcome Supported: Supporting Data (Surveys, Environmental Scan, etc.): N/A Issue: I Shall the Mayor and the City Commission approve the Resolution? Item Summary/Recommendation: The Miami-Dade County Water and Sewer Department (WASD) is relocating a new 54-inch wastewater force main under the Government Cut navigation channel. While assessing the condition of the existing force main, WASD found several sections that were in danger of failing. At the March 21, 2012 City Commission meeting, WASD stated that it needed to make an emergency by-pass. The City Commission then directed WASD to proceed in the "safest, fastest, and least impactful" way. City staff reviewed the alternatives and recommended a route along the west side of the Apogee Condominium. WASD conducted negotiations with representatives of the Apogee, which were ultimately unsuccessful. As a result, WASD has determined that, in order to get the project done, the proposed route would be through South Pointe Park, Washington Avenue, and Commerce Street. In order to construct and install that portion of the project that will run through South Point Park, WASD has requested that the City grant the County the following: three (3) agreements within South Pointe Park: 1) Temporary Construction Easement (or License Agreement), 2) A permanent non-revocable subsurface easement and 3) A permanent non-revocable utility easement. Due to the complexity of the project, and concerns about impacts to South Pointe Park and the South of Fifth Street neighborhood, the City Attorney's Office and the City Administration recommend that the City Commission approve the grant of these agreements to the County, in concept, subject to successful negotiations between the City and the County of the final agreements. In the past, a fee of $10.53 per year was charged to private developers for the use of City property for private construction purposes. For example, this fee is charged whenever a public right-of-way is temporarily obstructed or used for a staging area. Currently, the fee charged for use of a City property is based on a market value appraisal of the area to be occupied. In the instant case, based on a fee of $10.53 per square foot, per year, the total fee for the use of the construction easement area by WASD would total $351,764.65 per year. In addition, WASD will have rolling closures of the west side of Washington Avenue, from Commerce Street to South Pointe Park, and Commerce Street, from Washington Avenue to Alton Road. Per City Code, a public right-of-way permit will be issued, which would require the payment of a permit fee of $10.53 per square foot, per year. In this case, however, since the project is being built by a public entity for a public purpose, the Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission waive the aforestated City permit fees. THE ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDS ADOPTING THE RESOLUTION. Advisory Board Recommendation: I N/A. Financial Information· Source of Funds: 1 Amount Account Approved OBPI Total ~~~~~------------~--------------------~------------; Financial Impact Summary: City Clerk's Office Legislative Tracking: FHB/RWS, Public Works 6565 Sign-Offs: Department ~)ef7 1 Assistant City Manager FHB~ I JGG I I City ~nager JMG~~----/ T:\AGENDA\2012\6-8"-f2\WASD South Pointe Park Easement-SUMMARY.docx UG MIAMI BEACH AGENDA ITEM ----'RT---:1,-"-:-::c- DATE b:b-f '2- MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: COMMISSION MEMORANDUM Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager\\.~ June 6, 2012 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING, IN CONCEPT, THE GRANT, TO MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, OF: 1) A TEMPORARY INGRESS-EGRESS AND CONSTRUCTION STAGING EASEMENT (OR LICENSE AGREEMENT) AND 2) TWO PERPETUAL NON-REVOCABLE EASEMENTS, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF A 60-INCH DIAMETER SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN IN, OVER AND UNDER A PORTION OF SOUTH POINTE PARK; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT THE AFORESTATED CONCEPTUAL APPROVAL BE SUBJECT TO AND CONTINGENT UPON CONTINUING NEGOTIATION OF THE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN CITY AND COUNTY STAFF, WHICH AGREEMENTS, IF SUCCESSFULLY NEGOTIATED AND FINALIZED, SHALL BE SUBJECT TO FINAL APPROVAL BY THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE FINAL AGREEMENTS, IF AND WHEN FINALIZED; FURTHER ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER AND AUTHORIZING A WAIVER OF THE CITY PERMIT FEES IN CONNECTION WITH THE ACTIVITIES CONTEMPLATED IN SOUTH POINTE PARK UNDER THE AFORESTATED AGREEMENTS, AS WELL AS IN CONNECTION WITH THE RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT TO BE ISSUED BY THE CITY FOR THE PORTION OF THE PROJECT THAT WILL ENTAIL A CLOSURE OF THE RIGHT- OF-WAY ON THE WEST SIDE OF WASHINGTON AVENUE, FROM COMMERCE STREET TO SOUTH POINTE PARK, AND COMMERCE STREET, FROM WASHINGTON AVENUE TO ALTON ROAD. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION The Administration recommends approving the Resolution. FUNDING No funding is required. BACKGROUND The Port Of Miami will be dredging Government Cut to allow the new super Post-Panamax vessels access to the seaport. In advance of the dredging, the Miami-Dade County Water and Sewer Department (WASD) is installing a new wastewater force main under the Government Cut navigation channel that will replace the existing force main that is too shallow for the proposed depth of Government Cut WASD South Pointe Park Easements June 6, 2012 Page2 of5 The new force main was proposed to reconnect to the existing force main at Fisher Island, and at a shaft in the water southeast of the Miami Beach Marina. The construction methodology called for the contractor to expose and support the 54-inch main and to install a by-pass through a "hot" tap, connecting the by-pass to the 54-inch force main while sewage is flowing through it. However, while assessing the condition of the existing force main, WASD found several sections upstream of the proposed "hot" tap location that were in danger of failing. At the March 21, 2012 City Commission meeting, WASD made a presentation in which it stated that it needed to make an emergency by-pass around these sections of its force main. The City Commission then directed WASD to proceed in the "safest, fastest, and least impactful" way. To accomplish this, WASD indicated that it would need to construct a new shaft on Miami Beach, similar to the one on Fisher Island. It provided several alternatives to the City (Attachment A). City staff reviewed the alternatives and recommended a route along the west side of the Apogee Condominium that it believed to be the safest, fastest, and least impactful route (Attachment B). WASD conducted negotiations with representatives of the Apogee which were ultimately unsuccessful. As a result, on April 26, 2012, WASD decided to move forward with the project by using a route which would entail going through South Pointe Park, Washington Avenue, and Commerce Street (Attachment C). The City Administration has been meeting with WASD to ensure that it develops a schedule and construction methodology that provides the "safest, fastest, and least impactful" project. The requested approvals before the City Commission today pertain to three (3) proposed agreements that the County is requesting in connection with Phase 2 of the project, which specifically impacts South Pointe Park, and which proposes the construction of a 1 00 feet deep shaft that will be connected to the already built in-water shaft. ANALYSIS As part of Phase 2 of the proposed project, the County is requesting that the City enter into and/or grant the following three (3) agreements, which will impact South Pointe Park: 1. Temporary Construction Easement (and or license agreement) for ingress and egress and construction staging for Phase 2 of the project -in addition to ingress and egress from Washington Avenue, through the Park to the Phase 2 construction staging area, the 33,405 square foot staging area is necessary for the installation and construction of the sanitary sewer main (Attachment D); 2. Permanent Sub-surface Easement-a 8,407 square foot area for a casing pipe and wastewater force main between -20 feet and -80 feet NGVD (Attachment E); and 3. Permanent Utility Easement-a 14,678 square foot area for the maintenance of the wastewater force main (Attachment F). The County has submitted drafts of the above agreements to the City for its review; however, at this time, the City Attorney's Office recommends that the City Commission NOT approve the submitted documents, but rather continue to negotiate final documents, which will include additional terms and conditions that better serve and protect the interests of the City. Due to the complexity of the proposed project; its impact on South Pointe Park; and the potential disruption to users of the Park and to the South of Fifth Street neighborhood in general, there are still numerous issues that need to be addressed with the County (and WASD South Pointe Park Easements June 6, 2012 Page3 of5 which have not been included in the draft agreements submitted by the County) before final agreements can be executed. The following are some of the concerns which need to be discussed further and, when agreed to by the parties, memorialized as part of the final agreements: 1. The impact to the Park and to the South of Fifth neighborhood must be fully studied. At this time, the City Code limits construction working hours in residential neighborhoods from 8AM-6PM on weekdays, and 1 OAM-4PM on Saturdays; provided, however, that the City has the discretion to extend such hours upon written request to, and approval by, the City Manager. The proposed construction schedule submitted to the County by the Phase 2 general contractor, Ric-Man Construction Inc. (which schedule has NOT been approved by the County), contemplates a 54 week construction schedule for Phase 2, but is understood to be based on an assumption of extended hours for construction (i.e. 6:30AM to 6:30PM, Monday- Saturdays, for the 7 % month period which entails the construction of the shaft, and then 24/7 for the 4 % period which entails the construction of the micro tunnel ). Again, the proposed schedule has NOT been approved by the parties. From the City's end, the Administration will be seeking input from the surrounding neighborhood as to whether it is more desirable to have a shorter overall construction schedule, which would necessarily entail extended hours of construction, or whether shorter hours of construction are desirable, which will extend the overall construction schedule. 2. Again, in order to minimize the impact to the users of the Park and to the surrounding neighborhood, a Construction Mitigation Program needs to be developed by the County, in conjunction with City staff, and subject to the City's final review and approval. The Program is intended to be a detailed written plan which will be incorporated as part of the temporary easement (license agreement), and which will address issues during construction including, but not limited to: a traffic plan for ingress-egress to the site; securing of the perimeter of the site, as well as additional security (if deemed necessary); hours of operation; whether a City on-site representative is required for all or a portion of the construction period; City participation in weekly on site meetings with the contractor; City receipt of written status reports to track the progress of construction and address issues resulting from construction activities that affect the City; mitigation plans for noise, lighting, and debris and dust removal; and protection of City structures facilities, and improvements (i.e., including, without limitation, the Rehburger art work, the pump room for the fountain, the Washington Avenue plaza pavers, landscaping and turf and grass, etc.). 3. The indemnification, insurance and bonding issues need to be clarified; particularly given the fact that, as a governmental agency, the County's liability is limited by State statute. The City has to assure that it is FULLY PROTECTED against potential claims for property damage and/or personal injury as a result of the construction activities and the County's use of City property. In order to ensure this, an additional indemnification will need to be requested from the County's contractor. The City should also, in conjunction with obtaining the standard indemnification, obtain an environmental indemnification. 4. Post construction restoration, including repair of any damage to City property during the construction period, needs to be clarified to ensure that the City is made "whole" at the end of construction. This should include, without limitation, repair and/or replacement of any underground utilities-whether known or unknown-which are impacted as a result of the County's activities. WASD South Pointe Park Easements June 6, 2012 Page4 of5 5. The County needs to acknowledge that the City may not be able to provide as-built drawings of underground existing site utilities within the Park; therefore all staging and/or work being done within this area should be at the County's (and/or its General Contractor's) risk; such that the County needs to assume liability for any damage(s) caused as a result of unforeseen site conditions (i.e. the underground utilities). While the City Administration acknowledges that the County is anxious to commence construction activities with regard to Phase 2-the phase involving South Pointe Park, and which requires the City to grant approval of the three requested agreements (the temporary easement or license during construction, and the two permanent easements for the actual force main, once constructed and installed)-it recommends that the action taken by the City Commission today be to grant CONCEPTUAL APPROVAL of the proposed agreements, SUBJECT TO SUCCESSFUL NEGOTIATION BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE COUNTY OF FINAL AGREEMENTS. It is, for the time being, an equitable compromise: it allows the County to keep the project moving forward, in order to meet its deadline for completing construction of the force main prior to the dredging of Government Cut, while also reserving the City's rights as to final approval and execution of the agreements, subject to further negotiation and discussion of the additional terms and conditions that need to be incorporated into the County's drafts, in order to protect the City. It also allows the City to receive feedback from the South of Fifth Street neighborhood, as well as incorporate any additional recommendations and/or terms and conditions that emerge as a result of the City Commission's discussion of this agenda item. When a private developer occupies a City right-of-way for private construction activities/purposes, a per square foot fee is charged for the period of time that the property is being utilized. In the past, $10.53 per square foot per year has been charged whenever a public right-of-way is temporarily obstructed or used for a staging area in conjunction with a private construction project and/or development. The fee charged is based on a market value appraisal of the area to be occupied. If we were to use the $10.53 per square foot here, the total fee for the use of the construction easement area by WASD would total $351,764.65. In addition, since WASD will have rolling closures of the west side of Washington Avenue, from Commerce Street to South Pointe Park, and Commerce Street, from Washington Avenue to Alton Road, per City Code, a public right-of-way permit will be issued that requires the payment of a permit fee of $10.53 per square foot, per year. As the project is being built by a public entity for a public purpose, the City Administration recommends that the City Commission waive all City permit fees for the Phase 2 portion of the project (within South Pointe Park), as well as the portion of the project (Phases 3 and 4) which will entail closures of the public right-of-way along the west side of Washington Avenue, from Commerce Street to South Pointe Park, and Commerce Street, from Washington Avenue to Alton Road. CONCLUSION The Administration recommends that the Mayor and the City Commission approve, in concept, the grant to Miami-Dade County, of: 1) a temporary ingress-egress and construction staging easement (or license agreement) and 2) two perpetual non-revocable easements, for the construction and installation of a 60-inch diameter sanitary sewer force main in, over and under a portion of South Pointe Park; provided, however, that the aforestated conceptual approval be subject to and contingent upon continuing negotiation of the agreements between City and County staff, which agreements, if successfully negotiated WASD South Pointe Park Easements June 6, 2012 Page5 of5 and finalized, shall be subject to final approval by the City Manager and City Attorney; further authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the final agreements, if and when finalized; further accepting the recommendation of the City Manager a/nd authorizing a waiver of the City permit fees in connection with the activities contemplated in south Pointe Park under the aforestated agreements, as well as in connection with the right-of-way permit to be issued by the City for the portion of the project that will entail a closure of the right-of-way on the west side of Washington Avenue, from commerce street to South Pointe Park, and Commerce Street, from Washington Avenue to Alton Road. Attachments: A. WASD Emergency By-pass Alternatives B. City Proposed Emergency By-pass Alternative C. Project Alignment and Construction Phasing D. Sketch and Legal Description of Proposed Sub-surface Easement E. Sketch and Legal Description of Proposed Utility Easement F. Sketch and Legal Description of Proposed Construction Easement JMG/JGG/FHB/JJF/RWS T:\AGENDA\2012\6-6-12\WASD South Pointe Park Easement-MEMO.doc Attachment A Attachment B Sketch of Proposed Force Main location w+E s Attachment c & ~--~ ;s9 I ~ I~~ ~~~ . wow:::t .. · II~~~~~~ ~J; I { ~ ~~~~;., !I~ ~! j (f) Z_! <(W ~z a:::Z w<C :c:c (f)() l.J_ EXHIBIT "A" VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE Attachment D A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 1 0, TOWNSHIP 54 SOUTH, RANGE 42 EAST MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA A e -, 1350 S.W. 5711-1 AVEN..E v 1 no ~~~~.FLORIDA 33144 ALTERNATE 3 -C.M.B. TEL< 305> 265-5030-FAX. <305> 265-5033 I. THIS IS NOT A FlaD SlRveY. DRA\\11 BY: a.~s. SHEET OiECt<Eil BY: J.R.A. DATE: 05/07/2012 1 & I ~~OfJ1 1TV~ CERTIFICATE OF ALJn.IORIZATIONo EB u 5098 JlddUb Jl .fld CERTIFICATE OF ALJn.IORIZATIQNo LB u 5098 -·....-·~ E-MAIL• .J2AVINOoAVINOAIIDASSOCIATE5.COM TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT VICINITY MAP JORGE R. AW<O, PE, PSMf 4996 JOB No.: 10116.00 Of' 3 SHEETS z ow (f)::> ~z ww tt~ w ..., SOUTH POINTE DRIVE (BISCAYNE AVENUE PER PLAT} I ---RIW --------~-- - -;0;;:;;;;-T -;-;:Y-LINE t t 1 OF SOU"!H POINTE DRIVE i::!. --~+- i::!. N8T38'57"E (BASIS OF' BEARINGS) --------------------~:;;::-;----------.. , SEC110N 10-54-42 I I I .::~posr:::E cor·~Dor.m·m.H·-:1 / I I i·~·;::, D ?6;-:t":t. P:~ ?"%.94! II I I ; ,....., .... ;;,. -:'-J'-.1, • .., •••• '-1 • I I ~ {::" I WESTERLYLINEOFA~I /IS~ 1·"5/ 100.00 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY I I ~ Ci !Sf a. PER o.R.B. 12566, PG.2910 I x a.. 1 <e cr f ----RIW I ~& E LLJ I ----...... FOR WASHINGTON AVENUE I I 5;; I <: ~ - - - --1---1 -• (!) .::::> 1 I I T ---L------------------I Is~ ~lm 1.0 I I I .-----t---j;:a.. (/)~I j!"\~5 LOT4 I I 0 O I ~ ~ \; -vI BLOCK 8 I LOT 2 I I f5 :< ~ ~ I _j I I I "souTu Bo::-r.c1-1 Di•RK" 1 1 1 ~lf1 ;;;:: 1 1 BLOCK 71 I :: :-Mo •• : -0 ~ I E . . II LOT 3 (PB. G PG. 77) ~--=: ~ -f--~ ~ g I I "so~.;a: ~E;G~P7~}RK I LO i I I I • ~, I I I _j __ --....... I 1 "'------~\ / -;r---APOGEE CONDOMINIUM I' I 1 "' --L--_l_-_j / \ ;.-·. w D ?6l":t.":t. ::>r.: ?394"i I I ........ / \ \'...'·'"'·£). -· :vvo : V·-· ' I /-,_ ........ / ./ '\ I I~ i5 f"':::.. LOT 6-BL0£i4-I - ./ ' 1 / :g "-g 1 '"" ......_ •souTH B:=f.;CH PARK" 1 ./ , ', 1-I 1 -,_o 2 -...... (PB. 6 PG. 77) I L•106.71 ,-I u !AI I -.....; I R•100.00' ,, 'SO's I &~ /41 ~6;;, ................ LOT 5 I \ b-61"08'20. ,, ~ld I ,_i 1• &[ I ........ __ ... _,.,~,.,..._..' ... '.~~--2\~ I §(5 /111 I ........ ...J.. ~~co. I o..IIJ I;... I .....,.,~ II I :1-kl I I 0 • I ~~7.~~~·~~ 1-~ I IW•o I I It). \ \ \ \ \ \ \ " ........ ........ ....... ....... ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ --I. TI-llS IS NOT A FlaD Sl.RVEY. -• 2. BEAI<!INGS SI-IOWN I-B1EON AI<E 6ASEO ON AN ASSUMED M621DIAN ALONG n.e SOLJTI.l RIGI-IT OF WAY Lir-E OF SOLJTI.l POINT DRIVE. N 87'38"57" E. I b~ I ~~I I I I I I TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT o· ao· 160' GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE : 1"=80' LEGEND PB. PG. O.R.B. C.M.B. Plat Book Page Official Records Book City of Miami Beach v 1 no = ~~. FL~IDA 33144 AL rERNA rE a -c.tv1.s. ::;::.·::.... SHEET A e -, 1350 S.W. 5ml AVF!N.J!f. & A~~~tUTI~ ~~:~!"~~~~ ~0~a TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT DAre os;o1~2 2 -·IUtHSIS•II.IM!Ya. =~~~~~~=~~~~at SKETCH TO ACCOWANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEAL SCALe AS_$iOV*l JORGE R. AlnNO, PE, PS.tf 41196 JOe No.: 10116.00 OF 3 SHEETS LEGAL DESCRIPTION : A Parcel of land located In Section 10, Township 54 South, Range 42 East, City of Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 8, "SOUTH BEACH PARK" as recorded in Plat Book 6 at Page 77 of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida; thence run South 10"47'36" West for a distance of 155.76 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the hereinafter described parcel of land; thence continue South 10"47'36" West for a distance of 224.57 feet to a point; thence run North 65"35'19" West for a distance of 95.80 feet to a point; thence run North 33"29'26" West for a distance of 259.94 feet to a non-tangent point on a circular curve concave to the Southwest and whose radius point bears South 34"57'44" East from this point; thence run Easterly along a 100.00 foot radius curve through a central angle of 61"08'20" for an arc distance of 106.71 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a circular curve concave to the Northeast; thence run Southeasterly along said circular curve a 214.07 foot radius through a central angle of 33"14'25" for an arc distance 124.19 feet to a non-tangent point whose radius point bears North 07"03'49" West from this point; thence run South 10"47'36" West for a distance of 128.71 feet to a point; thence run South 55"51'44" West for a distance of 15.98 feet to a point; thence run North 84"12'20" West for a distance of 36.26 feet to a point; thence run South 05"57'40" West for a distance of 40.00 feet to a point; thence run South 84"12'20" East for a distance of 50.79 feet to a point; thence run North 55"51'44" East for a distance of 47.11 feet to a point; thence run North 10"47'36" East for a distance of 119.97 feet to a point; thence run North 60"15'06" East for a distance of 18.42 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing an area of 33,045 square feet or 0. 76 acres, more or less. A e -, 1350S.W.5mlAVEN..e SIJITE207 v 1 n o WEST MIAMI. R.ORIDA 33144 Ta< 305> 265-5030 -FAX. <305l 265-5033 & a ~~nr1 &1TV~ CERTIFICATE OF AIJTI.lORIZATJoo EB u 5098 ~~~Ub Jl M CERTIFICATE OF AlJ11.10l<IZATIOO LB u 5098 -•I'UII'N!IIS •IUM!'Ialll E-MAIL• ..RAVINOoAVINOMOASSOCIATE5.COM ALTERNATE 3 -C.M.B. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION I. TI-llS IS NOT A FlaD SlRVEY. DRAWN BY: B.J.S. SHEET OiECKEO BY: J.R.A. DAlE: 05/07/2012 3 SEAL SCAlE: AS..SHOWN JORGE R. A'olNO, PE, PSM# 4896 .JOB No.: 10118.00 Of 3 SHEETS Attachment E (J) Z....J <(W ~z o:::Z w<( II (J)O u_ VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST 1 /4 OF SECTION 1 0, TOWNSHIP 54 SOUTH, RANGE 42 EAST MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1-This nSKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTIOW to create a permanent subsurface easement is based on recorded documents. 2-This Certification is only for the lands as described, it is not as certification of Title, Zoning, Easement, or Freedom of Encumbrances, ABSTRACT NOT REVIEWED. 3-There may be additional Restrictions not shown on this survey that may be found in the Public Records of this County. Examination of ABSTRACT OF TITLE will have to be made to determine recorded instruments, if any affecting this property. 4-Ownership subject to OPINION OF TITLE. 5-Unless otherwise noted, this Firm did not attempt to locate Footings and/or Foundations (Underground} 6-This nSKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTIOW has been prepared for the exclusive use of the entities named hereon. 7-Precision of Closure 1:10,000 Urban Class Survey. 8-Tfie Bearings and Distances stated herein are based on the Mercator Grid System of the Florida East Coast Zone, as adjusted in North American Datum 83/90. .!ll!:miS! I. Tl-!15 IS NOT A FlaD SLRVeY. A e -, 1350 S.W. 51TJ.l AVEN..E v 1 no =~~~.FLORIDA 33144 'fa( 305l 265-5030-FAX. <305> 265-5033 & I ~~DPJI 1TV~ CERTIFICATE OF AlJl'l.KlRIZATIOO EB u 5098 JlddUb Jl Ld CERTIFICATE OF AlJl'l.KlRIZATIOO LB u 5098 ININ!I!RII•...-•ILIM!YOIIS E-MAIL• .RAVINOoAVINOAf\DASSOCIATES.COM ALTERNATE 3 -C.M.B. PERMANENT SUBSURFACE EASEMENT VICINITY MAP DRA'ill'l BY• B.J.S. SHEET t----1 CHECt<ED BY• J.R.A. DAle 04/17/2012 1 JORGE R. A\lNO, P£. PSM# 4996 JOB No.• 10116.00 OF 3 SH£ETS z ow (/)::;) \ ' ---R/W o::z ww I l:t~ w ...., --~+-----------~----~O~G~TOFWAYUNE P ~ 1 OF SOUiH POINTE DRIVE ~ 0. NB7'38'57"E (BASIS OF BEARINGS) ______________ _ -----------I ---------~~:;iH LINE OF I SECTION 10-54-42 I I I I t~P ()G~::r:: (:C::NDC:f-iiiNiUt\=1 I "33 .., ..... ?394\ I I I !O.R.B. 26 ! ~s~:~~· LINE~ A~~ / t; f21. §" / 100 00 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY I I .., ft !S! 0.. PER O.R.B. 12566, PG.2910 I ~ <o I <( fE I ----R/W 0' 80' 160' GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE : 1''=80' FOR WASHINGTON AVENUE I liil a; I~ 0.. I 1 & ~w -r--T - - - - - - --1---/ ;:·i.: £? ji I ~-- ----I 0 ~ -LJ.J I I I ---.1.------------r-----~---t;Q. 'IE~ 1 ~ I Lors LoT4 I 1 15 ~~~~1 31 I I LOT:; BLOCK 8 "SOUTH BEACH PARK" (PB. 6 PG. 77} I LOT 2 I ;z :tJ s I BLOCK 7 I I I -_L-_j §iE I ~I "SOUTH BEACH PARK" I ~--=. I I IJI.g I I (PB. 6 PG. 77} I LO i I I 3::1 I I ______ _j __ --..... I IQO.o· ~ L ~ _j ------------,-7----'/-..... R/w ---- -- \;/ I /\ .... t / ' I I .... / ' ~~POGEE I I .... - / / \ C0r·m0r¥1lr·.ii\JM I j ,_ 'r-::::_ LOT 6-BL0Ei4-:' / ' {O.R.B. 26133. I 1 ~:.. i5 1 ""'-...·souTH a~cH PARK I / / ',, P. ;-:";_'_?.394 '.! I I !D ~ ~ I .... (PB. 6 PG. 77} I , , -1 1 .o""' "-' I ~ or 5 ' I I ..,-0 I .... ~ . I '',~ ~ I I • t? ,_ j5 ..._ ..._ ~~ I ~~ :g ~~ I '--l. LE GEND .... , I I 0) .ce 0:.(:$ I .... , I I f'l PB. PG. O.R.B. C.M.B. Plat Book Page .... ,,, I I I --..J Official Records Book City of Miami Beach -----------I I I I I I~ '· /~ t;... \ \ /;of" i~$~~~~J: /!.~1~-~I·W_\~-~~ ~:J I; SU·~V .... ···· · ., . · • SK' • ,.. S ;••,·· 1 ~{·~·2~o·~E~~2~25~·-~~,~~~~~f~'iv~·!\.~·~~t:.~·::r-o~;:, j :.-~. ~ >-N 84"12·20• w i8 /,\._.!-. ~. ( 194.5J' _50(0.-79-.---/~~, .... o., ~ "-. POINT OF ~-~-,..,~~ '-. P .. :""' BEGINNING N84"J2'20'"W ~~ .... {" "' '-.... "~•T!"'•· ~ ..ot<' .s, .... ~.~ "'"' ·:t~. "("n_~ "Q. '-. ~ V,l:f?;;::<.. if ,: '"·~ 1:;!. ~'>'" .._ '-'l.J.~:-.,, .,v ' "~S "' .r.· '..J..' ~ ........ 'Tv.:-.., : ,... Q.:: .v;, ·~ ~~~ ' ·::: }·· r."7u~4 v-•.. r;oi{'~· ,, ~~"f.> ' ..._ • ~18;: sir}:.: hv c, 'J-~<q. ..._ ... f? :;:.~· '--!!!:s ... \ -~ ~ "'-.... t..:o!D '· .. li:J'"' ~Q. ..._--·as;"'·· .......... :' .. / I. TI-llS IS NOT A FIELD SIRVEY. -. 2. BEARINGS Sl-lOWN J.S1EON ARE BASED ON AN ASSUMED 111611DIAN ALONG TI-E SOIJ1l.l RIGJ..IT OF WAY LIJIE OF SOUTJ..I POINT DRIVE. N 87'38"5T E. I EXISllNG ELEVATION GROUND VARIES ELEV.•(-)20.00' r-.-~.....,....,....,.....,.....,,.....,....,....,.j_l NGW 1929 ELEVATION 1-'-'......_......_........_........,~_l VARIES 40.00' SUBSURFACE EASEMENT TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE SHEET A e _, , 1350 S.W. 571l-l A va-Le ALTERNATE 3 -C.M.B. DRA'IIN BY: B.J.S. v 1 no =~~.FLORIDA 33144 TB..< 305> 265-5030 -FAX. <305> 265-5033 & !~~ltUTI~ CERTIFICATE a= ~IZATIOO EB u 5098 -·PUiftSII·aJMYOIS ~~~~~~:=~~~~SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRfTION ::u\lNO.~-~-=~,:;,:: PERMANENT SUBSURFACE EASEMENT CHECKED BY: J.R.A. DAlE: 04/17/2012 2 OF 3 SHEETS LEGAL DESCRIPTION : A permanent subsurface Water Main easement to construct, repair, maintain and operate water main facilities together with all uses appurtenant thereto, beneath that portion of the lands within the City of Miami Beach in Section 10, Township 54 South, Range 42 East of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida, said easement lying below elevation (-)20.00 feet NGVD 1929 being horizontally described as follows: Commence at the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 8, "SOUTH BEACH PARK" as recorded in Plat Book 6 at Page 77 of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida; thence run North 6535'08" West along the South Line of said Lot 1, Block 8, "SOUTH BEACH PARK': for 14.41 feet to a point; thence run South 10'47'36" West for a distance of 291.09 feet to a point; thence run South 55'51'44" West for a distance of 47.11 feet to a point; thence run North 84'12'20" West for a distance of 50.79 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of a 40 feet wide M-DWASD Permanent Subsurface Easement; thence continue North 84'12'20" West for a distance of 194.53 feet to a point on the Southwesterly Line of Parcel II as shown in Fortin, Leavy, Skyles, Inc. survey number 2001D-061-1, that is also the Mean High Water Line of the Easterly Shoreline of Biscayne Bay; thence run along said Mean High Water Line North 32'13'24" West for a distance of 50. 77 feet to a point; thence run South 84'12'20" East for a distance of 225.81 feet to a point; thence run South 05'47'40" West for a distance of 40.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of said 40 feet wide M-DWASD Permanent Subsurface Easement, containing an area of 8,407 square feet or 0.19 acres, more or less. A e ,. , 1350 S.W. 5ml AIJSILE v 1 no =~~~.FLORIDA 33144 TB...C 305l 265-5030 -FAX. C305l 265-5033 & a ~~nri''T'~ CEI<TIFICATE OF ALJTI.KlRIZATIQNo EB ~~ 5098 llddUL 1l M CEI<TIFICATE OF ALJTI.KlRIZATIQNo LB u 5098 -·PU>NIIS•8LIMYCIIS E-MAIL= .RAVINOtAVINOAt-DASSOCIATE5.COM ALTERNATE 3 -C.M.B. PERMANENT SUBSURFACE EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION I. THIS IS NOT A FIELD SlRVCY. DRA'tllol BY: B.J.s. SHEET CHECICED BY: .J.R.A. DAlE: 04/17/2012 3 SEAL SCALE: A!W!ItO'M< JORGE R. AlolNO, P£, P91.# 4996 JOe No.: 10116.00 OF 3 SHEETS (f) Z.-1 <(W ~z o:::Z w<( II (f)(_) l.L. EXHIBIT "A" VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE AttachmS!nt F A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST 1 /4 OF SECTION 1 0, TOWNSHIP 54 SOUTH, RANGE 42 EAST MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA A • -, 1350 S.W. 57Tl-l AVEN..E v 1 no ~~~~.FLORIDA 33144 TB..< 305> 265-5030 -FAX. <305> 265-5033 I. "ll·!IS IS NOT A FlaD Sl.RVE:Y. DRA'M'I BY: B.J.S. SHEET OiECI<ED BY: ~.R.A. DATE< 05/07/2012 1 & 1 ~~nr11T11~ CE!2TIFICATE OF AIJT!.lORIZATIOI'Y EB u 5098 .ll dd UL .llli'Jd CE!2TIFICA TE OF AIJT!.lORIZA TIOI'Y LB u 5098 -·I'UIH!IIIII•aRIII!YORS E-MAIL• J<AVINOeAVINOAN:>ASSOCIATE5.COM ALTERNATE 3 -C.M.B. PERMANENT EASEMENT VICINITY MAP .JOR<lE R. AWIO, PE, PSIIf 4896 ~ No.• 10116.00 OF 3 SHEElS z OUJ cn::J o::z UJUJ \ " ---R/W l:t~ UJ ..., --~t- LOT 3 WEST MIAMI, R.OI<IDA 33144 ----R/W o· 80' 160' GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE : 1"=80' LEGEND PB. PG. O.R.B. C.M.B. Plat Book Page Official Records Book City of Miami Beach DRAI'M BY: B.J.S. SHEET 1----1 OiECKED BY: J.R.A. 2 A e , , 1350 S.W. 5711-l AVEN.E VI no SUITE207 ALTERNATE 3 -C.M.B. Ta< 305l 265-5030 -FAX. <305> 265-5033 PERMANENT EASEMENT DAlE: 0510712012 & A~~ltUT!~ g::~:g~~ g:; =:~i:~ ~: ~~ SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRfTION SEAL scm; AS.Si--·.....,.._·IIIIM!I'CR8 E-MAIL· .RAVINOoAVINOAJIDASSOCIATEs.COM JORGE R. A\1NO, PE, P9olf M196 JOB No.: 10118.00 Of 3 SHEElS LEGAL DESCRIPTION : A Parcel of land located In Section 10, Township 54 South, Range 42 East, City of Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows: Begin at the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 8, "SOUTH BEACH PARK" as recorded in Plat Book 6 at Page 77 of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida; thence run South 10"47'36" West for a distance of 155.76 feet to a point; thence run South 60"15'06" West for a distance of 18.42 feet to a point; thence run South 10"47'36" West for a distance of 119.97 feet to a point; thence run South 55"51'44" West for a distance of 47.11 feet to a point; thence run North 84'12'20" West for a distance of 50.79 feet to a point; thence run North 05"47'40" East for a distance of 40.00 feet to a point; thence run South 84"12'20" East for a distance of 36.26 feet to a point; thence run North 55"51'44" East for a distance of 15.98 feet to a point; thence run North 10"47'36" East for a distance of 128.71 feet to a non-tangent point on a circular curve concave to the Northeast and whose radius point bears North 07"03'49" West; thence Easterly along a 214.07 foot radius curve through a central angle of 3"59'04" for an arc distance of 14.89 feet to a point on the Southwesterly extension of the Westerly line of a 100.00 foot Right-of-Way per Official Book 12566 page 2910 for Washington Avenue; thence North 10"47'36" East along said Southwesterly extension for 147.03 feet to a point on said South Line of Lot 1, Block 8, "SOUTH BEACH PARK':· thence run South 65"35'08" East along said South Line of Lot 1, Block 8, "SOUTH BEACH PARK': for 41.16 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing an area of 14,678 square feet or 0.34 acres, more or less. A e -, 1350 S.W. 571J.l AVEN.E v 1 no ~ ~~~. R.ORIDA 33144 Ta< 305l 265-5030 -FAX. <305l 265-5033 & a uunr1 &1TPu CEI2TIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION> EB u 5098 .IJ.~dUL Jl .fJd CEI2TIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION> LB u 5098 1!NCN!15111, P1.A>NS1S •I!UM!YaiS E-MAIL: -RAVINOoAVINOAN:>ASSOCIATE5.COM ALTERNATE 3 -C.M.B. PERMANENT EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION I. THIS IS NOT A FieLD SI.RVEY. ORA\IN BY: B.J.S. SHEET CHECKED BY: J.R.A. DAlE: 05/07/2012 3 JORGE R. AWIO, PE, PSIA# 49116 JOB No.: 10116.00 OF 3 SHEElS