20121114 AM2MIAMI BEACH City Commission Meeting ADDENDUM MATERIAL 2 City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive November 14, 2012 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower Vice-Mayor Michael Gongora Commissioner Jorge R. Exposito Commissioner Jerry Libbin Commissioner Edward L. Tobin Commissioner Deede Weithorn Commissioner Jonah Wolfson Interim City Manager Kathie G. Brooks City Attorney Jose Smith City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Visit us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article VII, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. ADDENDUM AGENDA R7 -Resolutions R71 A Resolution Approving Special Event Permit No. 201377 For WMC OJ MAG, Produced By Jonathan Cowan Productions, LLC, From March 20, 2013 To March 24, 2013, As Well As Load- In And Load-Out. (City Manager's Office) 1 COMMISSION ITEM SUMMARY Condensed Title: A Resolution approving Special Event Permit No . 201377 for WMC OJ MAG , produced by Jonathan Cowan Productions , LLC , from March 20 , 2013 to March 24 , 2013 , as well as load-in and load-out. Key Intended Outcome Supported: Increase community ratings of cultural activities. Supporting Data (Surveys, Environmental Scan, etc.): Accord ing to the 2012 Community Satisfaction Survey , nearly six out of ten residents (57%) rated management of special events as excellent or good, yet this figure is down from 70% in 2009 . Residents of South Beach/Bella Isle and Mid Beach were more critical of management of special events . Six in ten business owners (59 %) gave the City high marks for management of special events that attract large numbers of people , this figure was down considerably from 2009 (74%). South Beach business owners were most critical of the City 's ability to manage special events , as 48% gave the City fair or poor evaluations . Issue: Shall the City approve Special Event Permit No . 201377 for WMC OJ MAG , produced by Jonathan Cowan Productions , LLC , from March 20 , 2013 to March 24 , 2013 , as well as load-in and load -out. Item Summary/Recommendation : As you know , the City has had an administrative policy in place for numerous years whereby no new special event applications would be considered during the month of March . This Administrative Policy was established because March is the City 's busiest month in terms of resource allocation due to it coinciding with college and high school spring break and existing events Winter Music Conference (and with it, the related Ultra Music Festival events), Winter Party , Miami Beach 13.1 and Funkshion Fashion Week . The City made this determination through the Major Event Plan in recognition that Police , Fire , Code , Sanitation and other critical resources were already engaged in enhanced staffing that precluded the availability of necessary off-duty details required for high impact public events However, the City received a request from Mr. Jonathan Cowan to host his event on public beach as he has outgrown the hotel pool at the Shelborne , and , additionally cannot use the location in the future do to a change in the management structure of the hotel. Considering that his event has been successfully held on private property for more than eight (8) years and the potential of losing the event exists , including the revenue generated and marketing exposure , the item was scheduled for discussion at the Neighborhood and Community Affairs Committee on October 15, 2012 . The NCAC discussed the subject and recommended the inclusion of criteria in the Special Event Guidelines to allow for the Administration to consider such requests . The City 's Special Event Requirements and Guidelines , along with the aforementioned proposed amendment to the City 's administrative policy regarding events during high impact periods such as March were considered by the City Commission at its October 24, 2012 meeting . After much discussion , the City Commission adopted Resolution No . 2012-2842 approving the proposed amendments to the City 's Special Event Requirements and Guidelines , including the amendment to the administrative policy with the condition that any new events considered for approval under this revised policy must be approved by a majority of the City Commission via Resolution . The Administration met with Mr. Cowan and his representatives to review the submission requirements for the Special Event Permit. Mr . Cowan was advised that the City must have a site plan draw to scale, production schedule describing the events load-in/out and event schedule , security and sanitation plan . At the time the agenda was printed on November 7 , 2012 , the Administration had not received the requested information. However, the documentation was received the next morning on November 8 , 2012 . A copy of the information submitted is attached for your reference. Do to the late submission , the Administration has not had sufficient time to review the application and assess the request. However , the applicant has advised the City that if this request is not considered at its November 14, 2012 meeting he would not have sufficient t ime to secure artists . At this time , the Administration is not able to recommend for or against the approval of the subject permit. City staff will continue to review the documentation and will provide the City Commission with as much additional information as possible prior to the November 14, 2012, City Commission meeting . Advisory Board Recommendation: IN/A Financial Information: Source of Funds: I I 1 Financial Impact Summary: I I Amount N/A Cit Clerk's Office Le islative Trackin : Max Sklar, Ext. 6116 Sign-Offs: De artment Director MAS KGB/MAS MIAMI BEACH I I Account Interim Cit KGB AGENDA ITEM 8 J I DATE II~ LY-12... 2 MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Ce nter Drive , Miami Beach , Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov TO: FROM : DATE: COMMISSION MEMORANDUM Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City J?'mmission Kathie G. Brooks , Interim City Manager/~_/--• November 14, 2012 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT NO. 201377 FOR WMC OJ MAG, PRODUCED BY JONATHAN COWAN PRODUCTIONS, LLC, FROM MARCH 20,2013 TO MARCH 24, 2013, AS WELL AS LOAD-IN AND LOAD-OUT. BACKGROUND As you know, the City has had an administrative policy in place for numerous years whereby no new special event applications would be considered during the month of March . This Administrative Policy was established because March is the City's busiest month in terms of resource allocation due to it coinciding with college and high school spring break and existing events Winter Music Conference (and with it , the related Ultra Music Festival events), Winter Party , Miami Beach 13 .1 and Funkshion Fashion Week. The City made this determination through the Major Event Plan in recognition that Police, Fire , Code , Sanitation and other critical resources were already engaged in enhanced staffing that precluded the availability of necessary off-duty details required for high impact public events . Events which have historically occurred on public property were allowed to continue, as well as events contained within private property or new corporate/ non-public uses related to hotel or Convention Center rentals . However, the City received a request from Mr . Jonathan Cowan to host his event on public beach as he has outgrown the hotel pool at the Shelborne, and, additionally cannot use the location in the future do to a change in the management structure of the hotel. Considering that his event has been successfully held on private property for more than eight (8) years and the potential of losing the event exists, including the revenue generated and marketing exposure , the item was scheduled for discussion at the Neighborhood and Community Affairs Committee on October 15, 2012, as this policy had been discussed by the NCAC previously on several occasions , most recently in January 2012. The Administration believes it is critical to be able to successfully manage public special events in enhanced staffing periods , like March. However, in an effort to maintain existing business, additional criteria was presented for consideration when reviewing these types of requests. The NCAC discussed the subject and recommended the following criteria be considered by the Administration when reviewing such requests: • Whether or not the event producer has had a successful track record of obtaining special event permits and producing events in the City for no less than five (5) years in a private venue and is in need of expansion . • Such applications would be considered on a first-come, first-serve basis , until such resources are no longer able to be reserved. • The event could not occur concurrently on both private and public property . • The City will consider the event's long-term , short-term, and indirect effects on local economic industries , including but not limited to hotels, restaurants, entertainment establishments , retail , and the City. • The City will consider whether the event is compatible with the surrounding neighborhoods and complements the ambience and aesthetics of the area in which it is presented . 3 Page 2 of2 November 14, 2012 City Commission Meeting Special Events Permit No . 201377 -Jonathan Cowan Productions, LLC • The City will consider the stress that such an event may place on various City services with expenses associated with additional crowd control, policing , security, parking , and traffic to be borne by the event producer. • The City will also consider the availability of these needed resources including time , people , money and equipment. • City services required for the event can be reasonably made available at the time of the proposed event. The City 's Special Event Requirements and Guidelines , along with the aforementioned proposed amendment to the City 's administrative policy regarding events during high impact periods such as March were considered by the City Commission at its October 24, 2012 meeting . After much discussion, the City Commission adopted Resolution No . 2012-2842 approving the proposed amendments to the City 's Special Event Requirements and Guidelines , including the amendment to the administrative policy with the condition that any new events considered for approval under this revised policy must be approved by a majority of the City Commission via Resolution. The Administration met with Mr. Cowan and his representatives to review the submission requirements for the Special Event Permit. Mr. Cowan was advised that the City must have a site plan draw to scale , production schedule describing the events load-in/out and event schedule, security and sanitation plan. At the time the agenda was printed on November 7, 2012, the Administration had not received the requested information . However, the documentation was received the next morning on November 8, 2012 . A copy of the information submitted is attached for your reference. Do to the late submission, at the time of the printing of this agenda item, the Administration has not had sufficient time to review the application and assess the request. However, the applicant has advised the City that if this request is not considered by the City Commission at its November 14, 2012 meeting he would not have sufficient time to secure artists for the event. At this time, the Administration is not able to recommend for or against the approval of the subject permit. City staff will continue to review the documentation and will provide the City Commission with as much additional information as possible prior to the November 14, 2012, City Commission meeting . KGB/11~\~W T:\AGE ~~~\11-14-12\Special Event Permit Jonathan Cowan Productions LLC MEMO .doc 4 PA R K I N G . ... . . . , . - - - PA R K I N G :r: J ! ~ ~ -· - . ... . . . . . . _ _ _ DR I V E f ' ~\ ~~\ 1 ·* \ * ! I 1! * \ \ \ \ ~~ *- " TO I L E T S * \ ~ lij *1 Rl M ** I I ~ \ T ~ .t OP E N LO T *\ \ f r A f DW A L K * , ~ <' DU N E S - ' . 15 0 ' - 0 ' < J5 ' - 2 f 1 4' - 9 1 • -1- ~ 50 ' - 0 ' 25 '-0 ' < -- l 50 ' - 0 ' I ' ~~ 1 \ E. M . T . GE N E R A T O R PR E P . RO O M I~ I I I \ ~ I l\ I . -< I' Q I ~ I Ql 1 1 ' BA R \ " 1\ I U! I :; E 1 m BA R / CO N C E S S I O N S V I P TE N T LI N E II ~ \ 1 ;? : : ST A G E GE N E R A L AD M I S S I O N ' \ g) I I ~ \ TE N T L I N E \ ~ ~ \_BAC~.WGE \ ~ ~-< BA R I Q \ \ § VI P BA R / CO N C E S S I O N S BA R BA R I 68 ' - 9 i ' * ~ l \~ OP E N BE A C H HIGH T I DE WATER LINE I 3 I \ BA R \ I I ~' \ \ I r; ; : 4 c= = = J 11 8 ' -10" k \ I I EN T R A N C E 1 \ ~ ~w" 15 0 '- 0 " I \ . J L . - - 1 ~ - , [ ,:i J L . . . . . . . . ~ & ~ -:;. ~~\ ., - ~ ~ . - oo ~ , a ~I DR I V E 1 " OP E N LO T BO A R D E" ! E R G E N c Y : 1 :wA ~ I LANE I I I G O N Z A L E Z A R C H I T E C T U R E EV E N T GR O U N D S HA R D PA C K E D SA N D -- _ ... . . OP E N BE A C H SO F T SA N D E N R I Q U E R E N E G O N Z A L E Z . A l A , L E E D ® A P ( 3 0 5 ) 9 7 5 5 5 9 7 W W W . G O N Z A L E Z A R C H I T E C T U R E . C D M W M C DL - 1 M A G B E A C H E V E N T C R E A T E @ G O N Z A L E Z A R C H I T E C T U R E . C O M . J O N A T H A N C O W A N P R O D U C T I O N S , L L C \ 0 30' 60' \ 180' 15' T I :HIGH !TIDE I I r ---' :WATER 1 LINE I I 120' SITEPLAN & SECTION SCALE: 1 M = 60 1 5 :r:Y ! ~ G O N Z A L E Z A R C H I T E C T U R E E N R I Q U E R E N E G O N Z A L E Z , A l A , L E E D ® A P 1 3 0 5 ) 9 7 5 5 5 9 7 W W W . G O N Z A L E Z A R C H I T E C T U R E . C O M C R E A T E @ G O N Z A L E Z A R C H I T E C T U R E . C O M W M C D . J M A G B E A C H E V E N T .J O N A T H A N C O W A N P R O D U C T I O N S , L L C AERIAL OVERLAY SC A LE : 1 11 = 1 00 1 6 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FOR SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT APPLICATION NO. SE 201377 GENERAL EVENT INFORMATION Applicant: Jonathan Cowan Productions , LLC Executive Producer: Jonathan Cowan Event Description: The purpose of this special event is to allow Jonathan Cowan Productions , LLC ("Producer") to host its annual Miami Music Week event for 2013 , which has been executive produced by Jonathan Cowan for at least the past eight (8) years. Event Location: Portion of the Beach East of the Dune on the Hard-Packed Sand , West of the Soft Sand , generally situated between 21st and 22nd Streets (with use of the area west of the dune for staging of production equipment, event staff and queuing of patrons). Event Dates: Wednesday , March 20 , 2013 through Sunday , March 24 , 2013 Event Times: I 2:00PM through 11 :OOPM Sound Check: 1 0:30AM through 11 :45AM Load-In Date: Tuesday, March 19 , 2013 (and morning of Wednesday , March, 20 , 2013) Load-Out Date: Monday, March 25 , 2013 (and evening of Sunday , March 24 , 2013) Proposed Occupancy: 3,500 patrons maximum EXECUTIVE SUMMARY WINTER MUSIC CONFERENCE ("WMC") 2013 -DJ MAG ON SOUTH BEACH - PRESENTED BY JONATHAN COWAN PRODUCTIONS LLC This WMC DJ Mag event, formally DJ Mag @ the Shelborne , has steadil y grown into the largest showcase of the world 's best talent in Electronic Dance Music in the world featured during Winter Music Conference week during March each year. Covered by DJ Mag in languages to over a million readers across the world , the event features artists such as DJ Jazzy Jeff, Luciano and the Cadenza Vagabundo's and Marco Carola to name a few. Each day consists of a different showcase featuring the best talent from an individual brand , management agency , or record label. This year 's 2013 event will move from the poolside at the Shelborne Hotel to the sands of Miami Beach on 21st Street. Each day will run from noon to eleven pm and will be sure to bring the best crowds , press and musical artists from across the globe. The following is a sample proposed schedule of events day by day: 7 • Wednesday -DJ Mag featuring artists such as David Guetta, Steve Angelo, Macioplex, Claude Von Stroke, and Way out West; • Thursday-Cadenza Featuring Luciano and his Cadenza Vagabundo's; • Friday -Enter featuring Richie Hawtin; • Saturday-Moog Music and Pacha Ibiza feat DJ Jazzy Jeff, Herbie Hancock, Bob Sinclair and Orbital; • Sunday-Music On Featuring Marco Carola. PRODUCTION PLAN AND SCHEDULE This five-day event will require one additional day for load-in/set-up and one additional day for load-out/break-down (beyond the actual five event days), along with the morning of the first day of the event and the evening of the last day of the event. The Producer will utilize a temporary roof structure/tent covering approximately 50% of the overall event site on the beach, along with a flooring system and fencing system surrounding the beach portion of the site, delivered and set- up/broken-down by EventStar. The sound system components will be loaded in by the Producer's sound engineer (Sonic Lab Audio). The phased load-in/set-up will begin at lO:OOAM on Tuesday, starting with tenting and flooring, then sound equipment and fmally movable items, and then again at 10:30AM on Wednesday. The load-out/break-down will begin at 12:00AM on Sunday evening and the entire beach and site will be clear by 2:00PM on Monday. The temporary roof structure/tent will be utilized to cover approximately 50% of the event area on the beach east of the dune on the hard-packed sand, west of the soft sand, generally situated between 21st and 22nd Streets, and the area west of the dune will be utilized for staging of production equipment, event staff and queuing of patrons. In addition to the off-duty police and EMT referenced below, the Producer will also contract private security staff sufficient in number to maintain security at all portions of the event site. OFF-DUTY POLICE AND FIRE RESCUE/EMT Off-Duty Police: The Producer will hire 8-12 off duty police officers for the event utilized in staggered shifts (ie . 8 officers at the start of the event increasing to 12 at the busiest time of the event). In addition, the Producer will hire 1-2 off duty police officers for the Load-In/Load-Out phase. Fire Rescue/EMT: The Producer will hire 2 Emergency Medical Technicians ("EMT") for the event. SANITATION AND PATRON FACILITIES The Producer will contract with a third party sanitation company to clean and maintain the areas in and around the event site. In order to provide sufficient facilities for the patrons, the Producer 8 will contract for the placement of portable bathroom facilities on site inside the main event site and within the staging/queuing area. RESPONSffiLE TICKETING POLICY In order to ensure each ticket used for entry is genuine, and also to ensure the event does not exceed the legal capacity (3 ,500 maximum) at any given time and day , all patrons who enter, regardless of whether tickets are pre-purchased online or at the event entrance, will be given a hard , water marked, and numbered , ticket, which will be scanned by professional scanners similar to those used at a pro sporting event or concert. Online ticket sales will be done via the third party company "want tickets " and limited in number online to ensure the event is not oversold , and those sales can be monitored both by the event Producer, as well as the City staff, for safeguard, but the ticket amounts allotted for pre-sale will be below the granted legal capacity as deemed by the City 's Fire Marshall. In addition to the foregoing safeguards , the event private security door staff will be placed at each entry and exit with manual clickers to ensure validity of tickets and control occupancy . 9