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20121212 RELEASE 3
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk Tel: 305.673.7411, Fox: 305.673.7254 Email: CityCierk@miomibeochfl.gov TO: CC: FROM: DATE: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Member of the City Commission Kathie G. Brooks, Interim City Manager. Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk December 10,2012 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: City Commission At-Large Nominations For Wednesday, December 12, 2012 Release# 3 Below please find the City Commission At-Large Nominations received to date. Changes made subsequent to Release # 2 are reflected with an asterisk (*). Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (1 vacancy) No nominations received to date. Board of Adjustments (1 vacancy) • Joy V. W. Malakoff-Nominated for reappointment by Mayor Matti Herrera Bower, Vice Mayor Michael Gongora and Commissioner Deede Weithorn (Included herein: Resume, Memorandum from Commissioner Weithorn, and Updated Application). Design Review Board • Carol Hausen -Nominated for reappointment by Commissioner Deede Weithorn (Included herein: Resume and Memorandum from Commissioner Weithorn). Historic Preservation Board • Jane D. Gross-Nominated for reappointment by Commissioner Jorge Exposito, Commissioner Deede Weithorn*, and Vice Mayor Michael Gongora* (Included herein: Resume, Application and Memorandum from Commissioner Weithorn*). • Josephine "Joe" Manning* -Nominated for reappointment by Vice Mayor Michael Gongora and Commissioner Jorge Exposito (Included herein: Resume). Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council (1 vacancy) No nominations received to date. Miami Beach Human Rights Committee (2 vacancies) • Monica Harvey-Nominated by Commissioner Jerry Libbin (Included herein: Resume). • Bradley A. Ugent -Nominated by Vice Mayor Michael Gongora, Commissioner Jorge Exposito and Commissioner Deede Weithorn* (Included herein: Application, biography and Memorandum from Commissioner Weithorn*) Normandy Shores Local Government Neighborhood Improvement (1 vacancy) • Mark Wojak-Nominated by Commissioner Jerry Libbin (Included herein: Resume). Personnel Board (1 vacancy) No nominations received to date. F:\CLER\$ALL\REG\COMMISSION MEETINGS\12122012\AT LARGE NOMINATIONS-RELEASE 312122012.docx Board of Adjustments • Joy V. W. Malakoff EDUCATION JOY V. \V. NIALAKOFF 6415 Pine Tree Drive lVfiami Beach, FL 33141 305.866.1772 (H) 305.778.7549 (C) Beachjo}@aol.com UNIVERSITY OF 1JJAl\1I-B.A., English, cum laude Rl-\DCLJTIE COLLEGE-Deans List Institute of Financial Education-Certificate Degree Florida Real Estate Salesman's License American bstitute ofBfu-:L.lcing Courses EXPERIENCE BA.!.'IK"'"DNTI'ED 3 00 41st Street Miami Beach, FL 3 3140 September 2006-Present Business Development; rvfana~illg Beach lvfarket BEACH BJ. .• I"fK 555 A'ihur Godfrey Road., Miami Beach, FL 33140 Manh 2005 to Jmze 1 2006 Senior Vice President/ Senior lvfarkzt Afar.ager Lc.ecutive Vice President Business Development; Marketing Director; Comrrnmi:ty Relations COLONiAL B.Al'I"X 901 Arthur Godfrey Road, Y.Jailli Beach, FL 33140 Jarruary1997 to lvfarch 2005 Senior Vice President ~1arketing Director; CoiiJ..mucity Relations Coordinator; Business Development Officer; Private Banker JE:FFERSON Bk~X OF FLORIDA 3 01 P...,'i:hur Godfrey Road, "Miami Beach, FL 33140 Ju:rze 1990 to Janucrry1997 CE:N1RUST SA VTIGS B.Al"'i-:K President/Branch 400 Arthur Godfrey Road, Miami Beach, FL 33140 July 1986 to !Iine 1990 Chahwan's Award, 1989 AL'<1ERICAl'; SA'V'l!.~GS & LOA.l~ ASSOCL">.TION OF FLORIDA 3 3 3 kthw Godfrey Road, Miami Beach, FL 3 3140 December I 980 to July I 986 Senior Vice President Vice President/Branch Aianager Assista-rzt }vfrrtZager Brcmch A1anager Vice " Hotel Development Task Force, City ofMiami Beach, 1989-1994 • Art i.TJ. the Heart ofMiami Beach Festival Co-Chair, 1993-1994; Patron Purchase Chair, 1986- 1992 • Historic Preservation Board Charter Member, appointed by Mayor and Milli'Tii Beach City Commission, 1982-1988 " Community Relations Board, appointed by Metro-Dade Mayor and County Commission; Chair, Youth Action, Partners for Youth, and Sm.tLh Beach Committees, 1978-1986 G Miami Beach Ta\.payers' Association Board of Trustees; President, 1986-1988 ., Youth Advisory Board, appointed by Metro-Dade County Co:mmission, 1981-1983 • Various positions at Nor-ill Beach Elementary School, including President of the Learning Resource Center for Gifted Cr,jlcJren, Legislative Chairman and Representative to the Advisory Coll.TJ.cil for Seconda...-ry Schools, 1975-1980; rvfiami Beach Senior High School PTA A\VARDS § Brealing 17-;e Glass Ceiling Award, 1998 "' JfuJ. Pfeiffer Community Serlice A\vard, Yfiami Beach Chamber ofCorrL-nerce, 1997 " Miami Beach Mayor's Shining Light Awurd, 1997 " James McDoil._T]_eli Outstanding Board of Governor Avvard, Miami Beach Chamber of Corunerce, 1996 a ?vfiami Toda-v· "Achiever," 1996 and 1997 BOOK OF LEWERS ,; Mia1-ni Beach Commission on the Status of Women, "1994 Women Worth l0wwing" Recipient " South Florida MaSlZille's "Woman of Distinction, " 1993-1994 " Ki·wanis Club "Distrr1guishecl President," 1993 " l'vliami Beach Board ofRea!tors' "Outstartding Citizen of the Year," 1986 o Key to the Cit'J of Miami Beach for "Distir1guished Ser-vice," 2003, 1996, 1990, 1988 V A.~"'LEIGH FURl'iTTURE SHO~'ROOl'r.IS Corporate Officer/Owner 4100 N.E. Second Avenue, Miami, FL 33137 October 1997 to November 1980 COl\'Thffi"'NTrY LEADERSHIP-ClJRRENT ~ :tvfia:rni Beach Chamber of Commerce Board of Governors; Advocacy Council; Chairman, 1993-1996; Chairman-Elect, 1992-93; Treasurer, 1990-1992 • Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce Pillars Tmstee; past Chairman and past Executive Board Member 1998-2005 • New World Symphony National Council (formerly the Board of Trustees) s Kiwanis Club ofMia:rni Beach; President, 1992-1993 • Harvard Club of Miami and Radcliffe Alumnae Association e Mount Sinai :tvfedical Center Foundation Founder COllrTIVIDl'iTIY LEADERSHIP -PREviOUS <~ iuts & Business Council Board of Directors 2002-2007 o City ofrviiami Beach Plann1ng Board, Vice-Chair, 2004-2006; Chair 1991-1998; Vice-Chair 1989-1991 ,. G.O. Bond Oversight Committee, City ofl'vfiat--ni Beach, 2005 <; City ofMia.rni Beach Zoning Board of Adjustment, Chair, 1998-20D4 ,. City of Miami Beach Land Use Committee,, 1992-1997 ~ City ofMiami Beach Development Regulations \Vorking Group Chair, 1995-1998 • Metro-Dade County Parks & Recreation Citizen's Advisory CommTttee, 1994-1998 <! Bass Museum Board ofTmstees, 1993-1996; Friends Board ofDirectors 2003-2005 >) J\'fiami Design Preservation League Trustee (> Ari Center South Florida Board member 2004-2005 = American Heat-t Association, Miami-Dade County Chapter, Vice-Chair Board ofDirectors; Heart Ball Mias.ui, Chair; Mia.-rni Beach/Aventura Chapter, Presiden~ 1996-1998; Founding Board Member, Miami Beach Division, 1994-1995 $ Leukemia Society Celebrity Waiter Fund. Raising Co-Chair, 1993-199 5 " Temple Beth Shalom, Treasurer; Executive Bo&d, 1993-1999; Board of Trustees, 1987-1999 Granado, Rafael From: Sent: To: Ralph, good morning. Frances, Francis Tuesday, October 23, 2012 10:08 AM Granado, Rafael Mayor Bower ~;vould like tore-nominate Jov Malakoff to the Board of Adjustments for the next coming year. Thank you, Mll:;,M!BEACH Francis Frances, Exacutive Assistant to Mayor .Matti Herrara Bowar OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 305-673-7035! Fax: 305-673-7096! WNN.miamibeachfl.cov VVe are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to affrNho !!vel work and play in our vibrant/ tropical, historic communit'J. lv\ L~lv\l BEA H OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mr. Granado: Mr. Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk Commissioner Deede Weithorn October 23, 2012 Nomination-Ms. Joy V. W. Malakoff Board of Adjustments MEMORANDUM By means of this memorandum/ 1 would like to nominate Ms. Joy V. W. Malakoff for second term on the City of Miami Beach Board of Adjustments. Ms. Malakoff"s experience includes years of honorable service to our city on the Planning Board and previously on the Zoning Board of Adjustments. Ms. Malakoff has also been active in many leading Miaml Beach organizations including the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce) Nevv World Symphony, Bass Museum of Art, and Mount Sinai Medical Center among others. Ms. rv1alakoff is a long time Miami Beach resident and civic leader. She is a retired private banker/ a graduate of ~.J1iami Beach Senior High/ attended Radcliffe/Harvard and subsequently graduated from the Universitv of Miami. It is with distinct pleasure that l present Ms. JoyV. W. Malakoff for re-appointment to the City of Miami Beach Board of Adjustments. Thank you, Deede Weithorn Commissioner Granado, Rafael Subject: PvV: City Commission At-Large Nominations For Wednesday, November 14, 2012 From: Gongora, Michael Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2012 5:14 Pfv1 To: Granado, Rafael Cc: Fontani, Diana Subject: RE: City Commission At-large Nominations For Wednesday, November 14, 2012 Thanks for the clarification. I will also join in re-appointing her (Joy V. W. tv1alakoff) after her current term expires. 1 MIAMI BEACH MA\ ... Pd\'0 CE H me ddress City Zip6de 0-..,_.. -L • 11'*1 Home Telephone Work Telephone Email =-:\3-;·'r"-'a""-":'"'7-'k,._LJ,.,._..,.,"'"',._,·-hf-1.--"J"r---------Position: ----'u.=::J...LL-.:~1:-------:---------- Buslness Name ' Business Address City / State Zip Code Professional License (describe)----------------------Expires:-------- Attach a copy of the license Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4) a and b: Members of agencies, boards and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a. An individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six months; or b. An individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city for a minimum of six months. • Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes 8J or No 0 • Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six months: Yes 0 or No~ • Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes~ or No 0 • I am now a resident of: North Beach 0 South Beach 0 ·Middle Beach [gJ • I am apP.Iying for an appointment because. I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below: ·' ' itf.r ·• onlv three(3) choices will be observed by the City Clerk's Office. (Regular Bo;:>rds of City) 0 Affordable Housing Advisory Committee 0 Fine Arts Board 0 Normandy Shores Local Government Neiqhborhood Improvement 0 Art in Public Places Committee 0 Gay, L.esbian, Bisexual and Transgender o Parks and Recreation Facilities Board Enhancement Committee(GLBT) 0 Beautification Committee 0 Golf Advisory Committee 0 Personnel Board CJl Board of Adjustment* "'k 0 Health Advisory Committee 2i, Planning Board** 0 Budqet Advisory Committee o Health Facilities Authority Board 0 Police Citizens Relations Committee 0 Capita! Improvements Projects o Hispanic Affairs Committee 0 Production Industry Council Oversiqht Committee . 0 Committee on the Homeless 0 Historic Preservation Board 'W" o Safety Committee 0 Committee for Quality Education in MB 0 Housing Authority 0 Single Family Residential Review Panel o Community Development Advisory 0 Loan Review Committee 0 Sustainability Committee 0 Community Relations Board o Marine Authority 0 Tennis Advisory Committee 0 Convention Center Advisory Board 0 Miami Beach Commission for Women 0 Transportation and Parking Committee o Debarment Committee 0 Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council 0 Visitor and Convention Authority o Design Review Board** 0 Miami Beach Human Rights Committee u Youth Center Advisory Board 0 Disability Access Committee 0 Miami Beach Sister Cities Program 0 Waterfront Protection Committee * Board Required to File State Disclosure Form *If you seek appointment to a professional seat (e.g., lawyer, architect) on the Board of Adjustment, Design Review Board, Historic Preservation Board, or Planning Board, attach a copy of your currently-effectively license, and furnish the following information: Type of Professional License , License Nuitffie.d -/0 S. ~~>1313 Ai/J I License Issuance Date , and License Expiratiq!l§'~1f Wd §-jjO zmz 03/\)383t/ F:\CLER\$ALL\aFORMS\BOARD AND COMMITTEES\BC Application NEWLY REVISED NEW LANGUAGE.doc Note: If applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center: 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: Yes 0 No 0 Years of Service: __ _ 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children Yes 0 No D. If yes, please list the·names of your children, their ages and which programs. List below: Child's name: Age:___ Program: ___ ...__ ____ .,........ ____ _ Child's name:-----------------Age:___ Program: -------------- •Have you ever been convicted of a felony: Yes 0 or No~ If yes, please explain in detail: • Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach cod~s: Yes 0 or No~. If yes, please explain in detail: • Do you currently owe tlie City of Miami Beach any money: Yes 0 or No~ If yes, explain in detail • List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: My bow"-lp~\f (?,'_c.-1 N"'":Ur, • I am now employed by the City of Miami Beach: Yes 0 or No~. Which department?--------------- • Pursuant to City Code Section 2-25 (b): Do you have a parent 0, spouse 0, child 0 brother D. or sister 0 who is employed by the City of Miami Beach? Check all that apply. Identify the department(s): ,./DLv1.Lff2~--'------------ The following information is voluntary and is neither part of your application nor has any bearing on your consideration for appointment. It is being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting requirements. Ethnic Origin: Check one o~1) Gender: Male 0 Female~ ~White (Not of Hispanic Origin): All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa or the Middle East. 0 African-American/Black (Not of Hispanic Origin): All persons having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa. 0 Hispanic: All persons of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. 0 Asian or Pacific Islander: All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, or the Pacific Islands. This area includes, for example, China, India, Japan, Korea, the Philippine Islands and Samoa. 0 American Indian or Alaskan Native: All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of North America, and who maintain Cultural identification thro~ tribal affiliation or community recognition. Physically Challenged: Yes W or No 0 Employment Status: Employed 0 Retired l&l Homemaker 0 OtherO ---------- Please remember to attach a current resume and a copy of any applicable professional license. Attach additional sheets, if necessary, to provide required information. F:\CLER\$ALL\aFORMS\BOARD AND COMMITIEES\BC Application NEWLY REVISED NEW LANGUAGE.doc Design Review Board • Carol Hausen t(JJ&(JIIIof/4'tH( P.ll. t.l. P. !., t. R. !., ~R.I. 8,-,~,. &_fu,/"NOif ()If~ iot~Jp /trt&l"'(atiulfal ~a~ Knowledge, Experience, Service and Integrity Profiles of Success and Education and Affiliations since 1993 • Member of Master brokers Forum (A distinguished network of realtor professionals recognized as leaders in the industry • G.R.I. (Graduate Realtor Institute) • C.R.S. (Certified Residential Specialist-est. 4% Nationally) • C.I.P.S. (Certified International Property Specialist-specific education to work with foreign nationals) • Former Chair of Grievance with the Realtor association Miami RE • Present member on Arbitration with Realtor association Miami RE • Present mediation trained for Realtors 2012- • Served on Board of Directors of Realtor Association of Miami and the Beaches (Miami RE) from 1999 until2008 (local) • Present serving as governor for 2012 Miami Association of Realtors • Present serve as Director with Florida Association of Realtors( FAR )(State) • Present-2012 serve as president on two Condominium Boards in Miami Beach • Present-President of North Beach Development Corporation (non for profit) • Former Chair of the Fine Arts Board for City of Miami Beach 2009 and 2010 • Present serving on Miami Beach Design Review Board 2012 Active with RPAC www.carolhousen.com 3059928163 carolhousen@gmail.com OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mr. Granado: Mr. Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk Commissioner Deede Weithorn December 5, 2012 Nomination-Ms. Carol Hausen Design Review Board MEMORANDUM By means of this memorandum, Commissioner Deede Weithorn would like to nominate Ms. Carol Hausen for another term on the City of Miami Beach Design Review Board. Ms. Hausen's experience includes many years of dedicated service to our city as a member and president of the North Beach Development Corporations, a non-profit community advocate program. Ms. Hausen has also been active in many committees including the Miami Beach Fine Arts Board which she served as its chairperson. Ms. Hausen, a real estate professional, currently serves on the on the Board of Governors of the Miami Association of Realtors, she is a Director of the Florida Association of Realtors, she is an arbitrator for the Realtor Association of Miami, and she is a member of the Master Brokers Forum, a network of approximately 200 real estate professionals recognized as leaders in the industry. Moreover, in 2009 Ms. Hausen graduated from the Miami Beach Leadership Academy. Mr. Hausen's extensive experience and passionate dedication to the responsibilities bestowed on her as a member of the Miami Beach Design Review Board makes her unquestionably qualified to serve a second term. Should you have any questions and/or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Commissioner Weithorn's office at extension 7105. Alex Fernandez Commissioner Weithorn's Office \1'\/e are committed to excellent service and safeiy to all who five, vvork1 and in our vibrant. hist-oric community·. Historic Preservation Board • Jane D. Gross • Josephine "Joe" Manning lEl Ml NAME: ______ G_r_o_s_s __________________________ J_a_n_e ____________________ D ____ ___ Last Name First Name Middle Initial HOME ADDRESS: 2900 Flamingo Drive Miami Beach FL 33140 Apt No. Home No./Street City State Zip Code PHONE: 305-535-2900 Home 305-321-0597 Work Fax jdgross@hotmail.com Email Address Business Name: ,_,N"-'/A"'----------------Position: -------------------~-- Address: Miami Beach FL No. Street City State Zip Code Professsional License (describe): Florida Real Estate License Expires: 9/30/2014 Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4) a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city. • Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes • Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: No • Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes • (Please circle one): I am now a resident of: Middle Beach • I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below: Experience and knowledge of historic preservation for 30 plus years in Miami Beach. • Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? No Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Please note that only three (3) choices will be observed by the City Clerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City) Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Loan Review Committee Art in Public Places Committee Marine Authority Beautification Committee Miami Beach Commission for Women Board of Adjustment* Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council Budget Advisory Committee Miami Beach Human Rights Committee Capital Improvements Projects Oversight Committee Miami Beach Sister Cities Program Committee for Quality Education in MB Normandy Shores Local Gov't Neigh. Improvement Committee on the Homeless Parks and Recreation Facilities Board Community Development Advisory Personnel Board Community Relations Board Planning Board* Convention Center Advisory Board Police Citizens Relations Committee Debarment Committee Production Industry Council Design Review Board* Safety Committee Disability Access Committee Single Family Residential Review Panel Fine Arts Board Sustainability Committee Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) Tennis Advisory Committee Golf Advisory Committee Transportation and Parking Committee Health Advisory Committee Visitor and Convention Authority Health Facilities Authority Board Waterfront Protection Committee Hispanic Affairs Committee Youth Center Advisory Board [1] Historic Preservation Board Youth Center Advisory Board Housing Authority Note: If applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center: 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: !.!N..::o __ _ Years of Service: ------ 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children '-'N-=-o __ ages, and which programs. List below: Child's name: _______________ _ Age: ___ _ Child's name: Age: if yes, please list the names of your children, their Program:-------------- Program: • Have you ever been convicted of a felony: No If yes, please explain in detail: • Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: No • Do you currently owe the City of Money Beach any money: No • Are you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees: Yes Wish to continue serving on Historic Pres. Board • What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you currently hold membership in? Name: Miami Design Preservation League Title: Board Member Name: Miami Beach Botancial Garden Title: Member If yes, please explain in detail: If yes, please explain in detail: If yes, which board? • List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: 2900 Flamingo Drive • I am now employed by the city of Miami Beach: No Which department? • Pursuant to City code Section 2-25(b): do you have a relative who is employed by the City of Miami Beach? Check all that apply. Identify the department(s): The following information is voluntary and is neither part of your application nor has any bearing on your consideration for appointment. It Is being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting requirements. Gender: Female Ethnic Orgin: Check one only (1) Physically Challenged: No Employment Status: Homemaker NOTE: If appointed, you will be required to follow certain laws which apply to city board/committee members. These laws include, but are not limited to, the following: o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459). o Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1 ). o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami Beach Code section 2-26). o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1 ). (re: CMB Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office, from having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself, or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.611 ). Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk. "I hereby attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the application and have received, read and will abide by Chapter 2, Article VII-of the City Code "Standards of Conduct for City Officers, Employees and Agency Members." I Jane Gross agreed to the following terms on 12/4/2012 5:41:56 PM Received in the City Clerk's Office by: Date: I /2012 Control No. Date: I /2012 -----------------------Name of Deputy Clerk Jane D. Gross -2900 Flamingo Drive-Miami Beach, FL 33140 305-535-2900 -305-321-0597 (cell)-jdgross@hotmail.com In September 1982 Jane was hired by Andrew Capitman and Mark Shantzis, the original pioneers of the Art Deco District, to assist in the first hotel restoration of the Carlyle Hotel on Ocean drive. Her corporate marketing background and willingness to work for a room at the Victor Hotel, free meals at the Cafe Cardozo and a ridiculously small salary, as well as her knowledge and love of Art Deco, made this a perfect life- changing move. After this, and because ofher relationships with both Barbara Capitman (for whom she campaigned for City Commission) and Leonard Horowitz (established color palate in district) became leasing agent for the 30's Promenade (formerly the H.S. Kress Five & Dime -1201 Washington Avenue), the first commercial historic restoration in the district. The owner served as a conduit in the early days, for anyone who was interested in developing in the Art Deco District and Jane, then assistant to the President and Owner, was appointed as the liaison to all potential investors. Jane assisted the New Yor b owners who restored the Cinema Theater and created South Beach's first premiere nightclub, Cl , after many incarnations, "Mansion"). She procured work for struggling artists who would pay artwork for lack of money. Moving from the Victor to the Amsterdam Palace (now the Versac sion) and then to the Locust apartments (Cafe Des Arts building) Jane got rent reduction ifsh uraged other young tenants to live further south on Ocean Drive. On the construction side, Jane raison to all subcontractors, prepared bank documents on both renovations and new construction. She. perience as a carpenter's helper many years before. She also held positions for DACRA Developm rking,,tor both Craig and Scott Robins while serving on the Young Professionals Board of the Cit mmi~,,p~~~R. J!? '-il:~;l Since 1988, Jane's focus has been on voluntee · , inclu~ip~ .. p~ojects for Temple Beth Shalom (chairs Project Isaiah which raises 2 tons of food each r fortg~·\Da1ly Bread Food Bank) annual Mitzvah Day tee- shirt drive for the Community Partnershi the How~I~s~). Certified by Learn to Read Volunteers to adult literacy (currently Project LE s we.~kW·for WLRN Radio Reading Service (current! of absence to volunteer for 1st grad ga.~ten,.re~liing tutoring in Miami Beach) was vice Pre · en Board of Cushman School Pare A ciat),on:1l<t,Participates ongoing in toy drives, sweater driv ak~r drives, backpack and school drives;;for needy children. A cancer survivor, Jane volu at thl;)';·;··· American Cancer Society' lilY fo 'tt~;··she strongly promotes random acts ofkindn . elderly or domestic hel or !P • 'bps with her son, Jon. Responsible for wee Homeless Shelter wi on ~~J·~\~ter the summer of2003. (preparation, servin9~ .. . :-;}~?-:-~(~~}<'-::\ ~~~--'_:}{k~~c,;\~ -~· Jane's pre-Mia ch capa~t;in~luded: Assistant Corporate Controller at in J~liit~'Corporation in Danbury, ere she.;v:&s:~harged with computerizing all depts. Instal ~~agetl first custom color systems · co~§}.~o;~e center chains. Manager of Sales Services fi ~~WDiv. of Chesebrough Ponds orp. Aziz~~9.slhetics and Fragrances); Marketing Consulta ,'g,gno~is for an innovative mo:ti rket softwai'e system that revolutionized the trading flo Stfeet. Subcontracted to provide ssary cable work for trading floor installations. V ariou ing projects such as employee als, product descriptions, instruction booklets, asse s sti~ swell as jingles, lyrics and some c medy. Jane worked her way through college as art g gr, ~al.l&t studio asst and carpenter's helper. Education: B.A. Western Connecticut University; ofF Real Estate License for 25 years Associations: Miami Design Preservation Le PACT representing Temple Cq~~nity Health Center, Board member of the Fquncfilt'g Member Woman 2000, Board Member Miami lt o,.l~ .. ''rn. , ., 2nlr .(, Membership samples: Miami Beach~r~istoric , Life member NCJW, Nat' I Trust for Historic Preservation, Dad el"thg , Urban Environment League, Amnesty International, Greenpeace, Miami eac den Conservancy, Women for Women International. Continued on page 2- Page 2 -Community Service etc. Jane Dee Gross -2900 Flamingo Drive, Miami Beach FL 33140 305-535-2900 (h) 305-321-0597 (c) jdgross@hotmail.com Board of Directors-Miami Beach Community Health Center-6 years; Secretary of Board of Directors MBCHC-3 years Honored as "A Woman Worth Knowing" by City of Miami Beach 2006 Neighborhood Police liaison-2 years; Co Chair Project Isaiah for Temple Beth Shalom (food drive benefiting Daily Bread Food Bank)-Started the tradition and chaired for 9 years Board Member, Miami Design Preservation League for many years and current WLRN Radio Reading Service on air newsreader 10 years plus (served on the advis Board Member PACT (People Acting for Community Together) a social justice te consortium (representing Temple Beth Shalom) 5 years. PACT reps 100,000 people in Miami Dade County Literacy Volunteer for Miami Dade Public Schools (Kindergarten/! st gra North Beach Elementaty); Vice President Parent Association at C school 3 years; Classroom volunteer Hebrew Academy 2 years; C sports teams 12 years plus. t. Sinai satellite as well as one year 4'h grade at c ool2,years: Class Mother Temple Beth Shalom pre ther LehlJnan Day School 2 years; Team Mother various '<-- Book, Food and Video drives to benefit Community Partn Life member NCJW; Founding Member Women 2000 or theBo~~!e;s many years. Sponsor: Young Women's Leadership events, S Conference, local HIV/AIDs social events (in r'··· Societf(F;el~berg Fisher Elementary School), Miami Beach Wo g resider1,Usstst;mce) and various anonymous activities. Education/Certification: BA Wester Certification (Laubach Method); Mi oflh 1cut Stat~Jinlversity; State of Florida Real Estate License (25 year each C:itizen'tPolice Academy Graduate; Miami Beach Neighborh Academy Graduate. Granado, Rafael From: Paredes, Barbie Sent: To: Wednesday, December 05, 2012 10:03 AM Granado, Rafael Cc: Commission Agenda Subject: Nomination: HPB Ralph: Commissioner Exposito would like to nominate Jane Gross to the Historic Preservation Board for the Dade Heritage position. Contact information: Jane Gross Phone: (305) 321-0597 Email: jdgross@hotmail.com We trust that you will find all in good order. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Best regards, Barbie Paredes Barbie Paredes, Aide to Commissioner Jorge R. Exposito CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 305-673-7030 I Fax: 305-673-7096 I Website We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical. historic community. 1 I I OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mr. Granado: Mr. Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk Commissioner Deede Weithorn December 6, 2012 Nomination-Ms. Jane Gross Historic Preservation Board MEMORANDUM Commissioner Deede Weithorn would like to nominate Ms. Jane Gross to serve a second term on the Historic Preservation Board. Jane, a Miami Beach resident since the 1980s, fought for the preservation of our now world renowned Art Deco District. Together with her husband, Commissioner Saul Gross, Jane has given back to his community more than what could ever be expected from such dedicated public servants. Jane is an active member of Temple Beth Shalom and volunteers at the Daily Bread Food Bank, Community Partnership for the Homeless, New Life Family Shelter, American Cancer Society, WLRN Radio Reading Service for the Blind, and the Miami-Dade School System. Furthermore, Jane has been a board member of the Miami Design Preservation League, People Acting for Community Together (PACT), and the Miami Beach Community Health Center. This office is often asked to submit nominations for appointment to municipal boards and committees, but every once in a while the request comes from individuals of such great personal and professional caliber that the nomination almost writes itself; Jane indeed personifies this description. Should you have any questions and/or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Commissioner Weithorn's office at extension 7105. Alex Fernandez Commissioner Weithorn's Office 'vVe are com miffed to excellent seNice and to all who live, vvork, ond in our v~:brant, historic community. Granado, Rafael Subject: City Commission At-Large Nominations For December 12, 2012 -Release # 1 From: Gongora, Michael Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2012 2:52PM To: Granado, Rafael Cc: Fontani, Diana; mgongora@becker-poliakoff.com Subject: RE: City Commission At-Large Nominations For December 12, 2012-Release# 1 I will also nominate Jane Gross for re-appointment to Historic Preservation Board 1 Jo Manning 1460 Ocean Drive #408 Miami Beach, FL 33139 (305) 538-3270 drmwk@;juno.com dnnwk2@juno.com I was born inN ew York City and received all of my schooling through undergraduate level there. In 1961 I applied to the Peace Corps and met my husband, Nick Manning, who is currently a part-time university lecturer and a producer of documentaries and independent feature films. We both have graduate degrees from Syracuse University. My husband had a Fulbright in India and we lived in Poona in the 1970's, where he taught at the Indian Film & TV Institute. We have two children and five grandchildren and semi- retired to Florida 7 years ago. Our son is involved in new business development in in Coimbatore, India, and our daughter, who's based in London, is an independent contractor who restores wall paintings and edits preservation/conservation documents. I have degrees in English Literature and Library Science, and was the founder and Director ofthe Reader's Digest General Books Library for over twenty years. I also worked for ABC News and for Citibank, all in New York City. During that time, I wrote for general interest magazines and professional journals, did book and movie reviews, features, and edited newsletters. I moved to Florida in 1997 and have freelanced at the University of Miami and Barry University and have also done research for a variety of private clients, companies, individuals, and e-commerce groups. In the early 1990s I began to write fiction, and was published in a number oflittle magazines and national newspapers. My first novel was published in 2000, followed by a second and a third, in 2002 and 2004. The second novel received an award from Booklist magazine as a Top Ten Novel of2002. I also had stories in anthologies. In 2005, Simon & Schuster published my first attempt at non-fiction, My Lady Scandalous, the biography of Grace Dalrymple Elliott, a celebrated 18th century courtesan and memoirist. I write freelance articles for magazines on a variety of subjects (the latest was a travel- cultural piece in the November 2008 issue of Bonita Living) and give lectures (some gratis, others fee-based) for organizations such as the Bass Museum, the Miami Beach Regional Library, and private groups, including homeowner associations (1500 Ocean Drive), charities (JAFCO/Jewish Adoption and Foster Care Options), and professional groups (South Florida Writers). I have always taken an interest in my community and have been a successful advocate for historic neighborhoods. In St. George, Staten Island, I formed a group that fought against the incursion of an unsuitable high-rise office building in a predominantly residential pre- Civil War neighborhood of single-family homes and small apartment buildings. I have been involved with parent-teacher groups and professional organizations throughout my life and served in various offices in these associations. Living in an historic neighborhood on South Beach, in The Drake, a Contributing Art Deco Building, has been a privilege. Our buildings are the reason tourists and visitors flock to the beach. We are the real thing! I have been condo board president of The Drake for almost five years and active in the Miami Beach community, giving testimony at the Historical Preservation Board, the Zoning Board, the Planning Board, the Beach Preservation Committee, the Transportation & Parking Committee and at meetings of the City Commission. I fought hard to keep the Electrowave a city-run entity. I gathered parking usage statistics for Zone Five that proved on-street parking in the historic neighborhood was necessary and of great importance to residents. Aligned against us were businesses with access to garage space who nonetheless demand multiple valet spaces to conduct their operations. I am not anti-business, not by any means, but I believe in researching the facts in order to come to a fair solution to issues. I see myself as a mediator and problem-solver. I do not rely on empty allegations or hyperbole to prove a pojnt or to sway public officials. I do believe that citizens have a right to be heard and I'm a good listener and communicator who's sincerely dedicated to historical preservation and am an enthusiastic member of the Miami Design Preservation League. To sum up, I believe that I have the qualifications: the energy, the intelligence, and the will, to serve on Miami Beach boards and committees, including the Historic Preservation Board. I have now put in two years on the Transportation & Parking Committee and was influential in stopping a public works project-the widening of 23rd Street-that would have cost taxpayers $5 million dollars. I sincerely believe in the message of historic preservation-the fight is not over -to identify and preserve our Art Deco heritage for future generations. Ours is a Contributing Art Deco Building on Ocean Drive and I know that this is one of the major attractions for tourists who come to our area, along with nightlife, good restaurants and beaches. It is not a poor second in terms of attractions, but rather uppermost in the hierarchy of what makes Miami Beach such a fabulous community in which to live and work. It would be an honor to serve on the Historic Preservation Board, especially after two full and active years as a working member-with an excellent attendance record --of the Transportation & Parking Committee. Thank you. ***A list of personal references to vouch for my character, personal integrity, and ability to serve will be provided upon request. Granado, Rafael From: Fontani, Diana Sent: To: Friday, December 07, 2012 3:10 PM Granado, Rafael Cc: Gongora, Michael Subject: Nomination to Historic Preservation Vice Mayor Michael Gongora would like to nominate Joe Manning for the Historic Preservation Board. Please confirm. Thank you, Diana Diana Fontani Martinez, Aide to Commissioner Gongora OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 305-673-7030 I Fax: 305-673-7096 I www.miamibeachfl.gov We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. 1 Granado, Rafael From: Paredes, Barbie Sent: To: Wednesday, December 05, 2012 4:16 PM Granado, Rafael Cc: Commission Agenda Subject: Nomination: HPB Mr. Granado: Commissioner Exposito would like to nominate Josephine Manning to the Historic Preservation Board.for the At-Large seat. Contact information: Josephine Manning Phone: (305) 538-3270 Email: drmwk2@june.com We trust that you will find all in good order. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Best regards, Barbie Paredes Barbie Paredes, Aide to Commissioner Jorge R. Exposito CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 305-673-7030 I Fax: 305-673-7096/ Website We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. 1 Miami Beach Human Rights Committee • Monica Harvey • Bradley A. Ugent Monica Harvey 9 Island Avenue, #603 Miami Beach, FL 33139 305.790.1234 monica@monicaharvey.com I am very interested in serving on the Human Rights Commission for whiCh I am submitting this n~sume. I am a graduate from Miami Dade CoHege and have been a resident of Miami Beach since 1980. \Vork History: 1982-1992-I't1anager of a Plastic Surgery Center in Miami 1992-19:93-Self-employed I Catering Company 1993-Present-ReaHo:r at Esslinger \Vouten Maxwell International ResHy. Activities: 1 was an acth,ist in Chile in the early 1970s. I w:as appointed to the Miami BeBch Community Relations Board and sened from 2002-2006. 1 volunteered at the Children's Home Sodety for several years. (1998- 2004) 1 sm currently a member of the ACLU Police Practices Committee. Our main purp{Jse is to mm:litor poike practices in regards to minvrities, parti1:ularly during MemDri:al Day weekend in Miami Rea{;h. I am currently serving in the Miami Beach Commission for Women. I Yolunteer and participate in other events in an unofficial capacity. Activism is in. my heart. /v\fAMI BEACH OFFiCE OF THE /v\?.YOR AND COMMISSiON MEMORANDUM TO: Ra'asi Granado, Cir.,; Clerk I FROiv\: Jer;y Libbin, Cornrnis3ioner DATE: July 17,2012 SUBJECT: Nomination for Human Righ1's Cornmirree I' I I I'' . ~ j '\ • H f I I I R' ' c ... \) u I -i 'NOU.a IKe ta nomrnafe IY\S. t·/~on1co 1 o:vey or tne numan 1ghfs ommmee. ~~·1S. 1 1arvey no;) I •. ,. . '. H' n· I . ' .I I 1 ~-ol S' •. ' ' oeen aver/ CCi!Ve pantcipanr tn iumcn K1gnts 1ssu.es smce rne ear1y: Y/ s. ne \VGS an OCtlV!Si in Chi lei has conducred volunteer 'vvork 1"0 beneFit chi!dren 01" ~he Childrer/s Home Sacie;y and has I I r ., . •I 1..' L h • I , oeen a memoer ol many corTHTt~tfees co:llribUitng 10. urnan ngnrs causes. U I • I • I ~ ,. -I I cl h r 'h ( p ' b ·:l· 1 t tarvey na~ vo:unieerea .121 1ime rnrougn rns years as a rT!BrTL. ... ·2i oi r ~e iO:iO\Vtn·g ·OOi(::. ana CO,Ttrniftes.s: Beech C'omrnuni~· R.e!ations Boord! ACLU Police Procrices and beach Ccrnmission for V'-/cmen. i G1T cerfc:n the~ HJrvsy be c creor asset ro rhe Human Riohts Cornmlh"se. ~ v JL/ er Granado, Rafael From: Sent: To: Subject: Here is my Bio. Brad Ugent Floridamoves.com Profile Copy bradugent@gmail.com Wednesday, October 24, 2012 12:39 PM Exposito, Jorge Re: Mtg.: Ugent/Exposito, candidate for Human Rights When it comes to helping people realize the dream of living the good life in Miami Beach, I pride myself on providing the ultimate in valuable information and unequalled customer service. As a 35-year resident here, I know Miami Beach and the entire Miami area extremely well-the neighborhoods, the huge array of condominium buildings, the school districts and much more. I can fully explain everything you need to know in order to make an informed decision about your next real estate transaction, whether you are buying or selling property. My dients know they can count on me for invaluable local insight. My success in pairing people and properties is built upon the large network of professional and social relationships I've developed throughout my career here. My clients realize they can trust my honesty, integrity and straight-forward approach to helping them with their real estate needs. Miami Beach and the surrounding area draw people from around the world. As an avid traveler, I meet people throughout the country and abroad, and !love telling them about the endless opportunities and wonderful Florida lifestyle we enjoy here. Actually, as a world renowned destination long kno·Nn as 1'the playground of the rich and famous", Miami Beach is recognized by people everywhere as one of the top places to cal! home. Miami Beach sells itself-mv job is to help you buy or sell wisely. As a REALTOR"' ·with Florida's #1 real estate services firm and Miami Beach's dominant market leader 1 I have access to the most innovative and effective marketing and sales tools in the industry. Coldwell Banker's 96% global name recognition and powerful internet presence mean your property will be exposed to the most potential buyers possible/ and my pledge of unparalleled focus on helping mv clients with their real estate needs has been the cornerstone of my success. Here are just a few reasons why I am with Coldwell Banker/ and how mv services can take your home or condominium from "for sale'/ to /'sold": ------Original Message----- From: Exposito/ Jorge Sender: Paredes, Barbie To: Bradley Adam Ugent Subject: Mtg.: Ugent/Exposito, candidate for Human Rights Sent: Oct 2.4, 2.012. 12.:2.5 PM Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T in MIA1V\!BEACH ~ N.AME: Ugent Last Name Bradley First Name A Middle Initial HOME ADDRESS: 1213 El Rado Sf Coral Gables FL 33134 ------~~~==~--~~~~----------------------------Apt No. Home No.fStreet City State Zip Code PHONE: 3059844707 ~~ ~~ ~ bradugent@gmait.cam Email Address Business Name: .::C:.:o:.:.ld=-':c."""e""fi-=B:.:a:.:.n:c.k:.::e::.r ___________ Position: Realtor-Associate. Address: i o91 Michigan Ave Miami Beach FL 33139 No. Street City State Zip Cede Professsional License (describe}: Florida Reat Estate Ucense Expires: €)3/31/14 Pursuant to City Code section 2·22(4) a and b: Members of age.ncies, tJoards, and committee:s shall be affiliated with the city; this requirement shall be iulfilled in the iollowing ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six months; or b) an individual shail demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months. in a business established in t'le city. • Resident of MiarGi Beach fer a minimum of six (6) months: Nd • Demonstrate an o·,vnership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (S) months: Yes • Are ycu a ragist;:;red voter in Miami Beach: No "' (Please circl.e one): I am now a residen-t of: Sou!h Beach • I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below: Majority bfmy clients and busines is on Miami Beach, and I love the·cityt • Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the Cit>; of Miami Beach? No Piease list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Please nate that only three (3} choices will be observed bv the Citv Clerk's Office. (Re·~ular Boards of City) Affo;d·abie Housing P..dvisort Committee Lean Review Committee Art tn Pl.!:b!ic Places Corrmfuse 1\ri2rfne Authority 8eaut~lcation Commitee Miam\ Beach Ccmmfsstcn fer 1Nomen [21 fv1larni Beach Cu~tural Arts Cot..:ncit Budget Adv1.sorf CommiTtee [3} iVirami Beach HL!ma:-~ RJgh-rs Ccmmtttee Capftaf lmproveme:"tts Projects Ove1sight Cornm(ttee Miami Ceach Sister Cities Program Committee fer Quafrtv Ed1:..:cation 1n MB Normandy Shores Local Gov'f Nefg_h_ !mproverr:er:t Cornmtttee an the HctT1.e(ess P2rks ar:d Recreatrcn Fad\Wes Board Community Oeveropment Advisory Personnel Board Communfty Refations Board Pl~nning Board' Ccnventfon Center Ad:v!sory Board Paih:e CH:izsns P,&latians Committee Debarment C0mmittee Production Industry Cc~ncif Destgn Revfevt Board"' Safety Commitc&e Ofsability Access Co-mmittee Single ramiiy Resfdentral Kevlew Pane! Fine Art3 Board' St:stainabilJty Ccmmittee Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLB 1) Tennis Advisory Committee Gdf Advisory Gommittee Transportation ar,Q. Parking Ccfilmittee H-ea\th Advisory Cornmtttee Vls!tor and Con·.rention AuthoriTy Health Fadlitfes Authari~ Soard Wat<=rfront ProtectiDn CDmmittea Hlspanfc Affafrs Committee Yor-ih Center Advisory Board Historic Presen.ta:ton· Beard Youth Centar Advisory Board Housir1g Authority Note: If applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affina:ion with the Scott R.akow Youth Center: i. Past service on the Youth Genter Advisory Board: No ----Years of Service: ___ _ 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your cr:ild;en '-~;:.;·o:.-__ eges, and which programs. List below: Chlld's name: ________________ _ Age: ___ _ Child's name: Age: If yes, please list the narnes of your children, their Program: ________________________ _ Prograrn: i I I J I I • Have you ever been convicted of a felony: No If yes, please explain in deta1J: ··Do you currently have a violation(s) of Cfty of Miami Beach codes: No If yes, please expfain ln detail: • Do you currently owe the Ctty of Money Beach a11y money: No If yes, please explain in detail: • P..re you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees: No If yes, which board? • What organizations ih the City of Miami Beach do you currently hold membership in? Name: ---------------------------Title:· -------------------- Name: Title: ------------------------------- • List all properties owned or have an interest ih, which are tocatec! within the City of Miami Beach: • l am now employed by the city of Miami Beach: No Which department? • Pursuant to City code Section 2-25(b}: do you have a relative who is· employed by the Clty of Miami Beach? Check all that apply. Identify the department(s): The fol!owfng fnformatiorT is voluntary and is nai:thar part of your application nor has any bear[ng on your consideration for appointment. tt is baing asked to comply with faderal equaf opportunity·reparting raquiraments. Gender: Male Et'1nic Org;n: Check one on!y (1) White Physica!iy Challenged: No Employment Status: Employed NOTE: If appointed, you will be required to fo!low certain laws which apply to dty boardlc:6mmittee members. These laws Include, but are not rimited to, tfte following.: o Prohibition from direc'"J.y or indirectlY lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach-Cit'J Coca section 2-459).. o Prohibition from contr.=.cting wfth the city (Miamf-D2de County Code section 2-11.1). o Prohibition fium tobby1ng before boardk:ommittee ye~u have served on for period of one year after ieaving ooffice (Miami Beach Code section 2-2&). o Requirement to disclose certain finar.clal interests and gifts (Miami-Dade Couflt'J Code sectioR 2-11.1 ). . (re: CMB Community Development Advisory Cammrttee}: prohibition, during tenure and for one year after~aving office, from havirrg any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Devefoprnent BFo~-1 Grani funds for etther yourself, or those with whom you ha'la business or immediate farnUyties (CFR: 570.61 i }. Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the Clf'J Clerk. "l hera by attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the appllcation and have recei"ved, read and v.iJr abide by Chapter 2, Article Vll-of the City Code "Standards of Conduct for City Officers, Employees and Agency Members." I Bradley Ugent agreed to the following terms on 10/iB/20:12 5:03:05 PM Received in the City Clerk's Office by: Date: f /2012 Controf No. Date: I 12012 ------------------------------------ Name of Deputy Clerk Granado, Rafael From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Good afternoon Rafaei 1 Fontani, Diana Friday, October 19, 2012 3:47 PM Granado, Rafael 'Gongora, Michael'; Prieto, Silvia; Martinez, Maria FW: Board application submitted by Mr. Ugent Bradley A Ugent.pdf Commissioner Gongora would like to nominate Brad Ugent for the Human Rights Committee. Please confirm. Thank you, Diana Diana Fontani Martinez, Aide to Commissioner Gongora CFF!CE OF THE 1\tAYOR .AND COMf\AlSSlON 1700 Convention Center Drive, r;liamf Beach, FL 33139 Te!: 305-673-7030 I Fax: 305-673-7096 i WNN.miamibeachfl.oov From: Gongora, tv1ichael Sent: Friday, October 19 1 2012 i1:54AM To: Fontani, Diana Subject: PvV: Board application submitted by tvlr. Ugent Let's discuss later. From: Hatfield 1 Liliam Sent: Friday1 October 19 1 2012 11:26 Al\1 To: Mayors Office Cc: 'bradugent@grnail.com'; Granado! Rafael; Prieto! Silvia Subject: Board application submitted by fv1r. Ugent Bradley Ugent has submitted a board and committee application and has expressed interest in serving in one of the following boards: 1. Fine Arts Board 2. Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council 3. Miami Beach Human Rights Committee l.iliam Hatfield, Office Associate V CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Tei: 305-673-7411( Fax: 305-673-7254/ wvtN.miamibeachfLaov V'/e are CO:Ti:'"iitted to prollidir;g exce;i'&nt pubf!c S.9nifce ar;d safety to a if who five, iNOrk and play In our vibrant, tropical, historic community. 2 Granado, Rafael From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Ralph: Paredes, Barbie Wednesday, November 07, 2012 3:18 PM Granado, Rafael Cardillo, Lilia Nomination: Miami Beach Human Rights Committee Bradley A. Ugent.pdf; Re: Mtg.: Ugent/Exposito, candidate for Human Rights Commissioner Exposito would like to nominate Bradley Uqent to the Miami Beach Human Rights Committee. Attached please find Mr. Ugent's bio and application for your records. Contact information: Bradley Ugent Mobile: 305-984-4707 Email: bradugent@gmaii.com We trust that you will find all in good order. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Best regards, Barbie Paredes Barbie Paredes, Aids to Commissioner Jorge R. Exposito CITY OF ~.J\IAMI BE.L',CH 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 Tel: 305-673-7030 f Fax: 305-673-7096 I Website We aFe comrnittad to pwliding excel! ant public service end safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mr. Granado: Mr. Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk Commissioner Deede Weithorn December 10, 2012 Nomination-Mr. Bradley Ugent Miami Beach Human Rights Committee MEMORANDUM By means of this memorandum, Commissioner Deede Weithorn exerts the power bestowed upon her by section 62-3S{a) of the City Code to nominate Mr. Bradley Ugent to an at-large position on the City of Miami Beach Human Rights Committee. Mr. Ugent, a real estate professional licensed by the State of Florida, is a South Beach resident who appreciates the diversity of our great community. For many years Mr. Ugent has been actively involved with and supportive of organizations that are committed to minimizing and eliminating discrimination and promoting equality and inclusion of all people. Should you have any questions and/or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Commissioner Weithorn's office at extension 7105. Th~ Alex Fernandez Commissioner Weithorn's Office We are committed to providing excellent service and scfety to all who live, work; and in our vibrant, historic communily. Normandy Shores Local Government Neighborhood Improvement • Mark Wojak MARKWOJAK AVANSA~< CONSULTING Qualifications I Education: Finance MBA BA Masters Appalachian State University i 987 University of South Carolina, 1992 Employment History: 2010 2008 2005 2001 2000 1998 1993 Skiffs: Process Avansa Consulting LLC HCL Axon Axon Global Feanix Spearhead Consulting Ocelot Consulting Bristol-rvlyers Squibb Co-Managing Partner Program Manager I Solution Architect Project Manager Principle Consultant Senior Consultant President Senior Manager Program Direction capability including, Core Program Delivery, Stakeholder Management and Solution & Service Deployment. Program leadership and integration experience across Business & System Solution project delivery and Applications Management. SAP/ERP Deiivery capability; including project management, functional integration expertise and end-to-end project iifecyc!e delivery. vVorid-Class Supply Chain Mailagerr.ent & Logistics Expertise including Just-in-Time, Lean, BPM, asset management, strategic purchasing, aild business process best practices to drive real benefits Solution Architecture experience in 'big picture' needs assessment, design & integration Technology SAP R/3, APO and ECC, Visio, MS-Office Suite including MS Project ! Languages L.. . -. Summary: Fluent English and German; basic Spanish, rudimentary French t'v1ark has directed project teams of up to 60 individuals to deliver business transformation using SAP ERP as the enabler. Hls experience consists of 16 years of successful delivery and project management of SAP ERP solutions. He provides a broad range of project management, functional and technical skills. Clear communication and leadership skills sit alongside technical project management skills aild experience, including planning, risk management and the understanding and application of multipie phased Project Management methodologies and tools. Additionally, ~vlark brings a strong understanding of SAP's cross-functional integration, and deep strength in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, including Radio Frequency Device deployment, Materials Management including Purchasing, in-and outbound logistics, and serial and batch management in both local and global environments. Mark has been through multiple full-cycle implementations covering close to 20 installatons across multiple countries and industries. Mark has excellent leadership and coaching skills, is a strong listener, and is comfortable and effective communicating at ail ieve!s of the organization. t'v1ark's industry expertise includes aerospace & defense, pharmaceuticals, utilities, public sector, aild consumer electronics. MARKWOJAK AVANSA~ Selected Project Experience: Company: Hospira Duration: 8 months Position: Program Manager Responsibilities Mark vvas the Axon Program Manager to deliver Hospira's two largest ERP programs out of seven as part of their FUEL initiative. FUEL is aligned with Hospira's overall strategy to improve margins and cash flow and drive and enable sustained gro~,~ilh for the organization. The Operations Optimization program covers discrete and process manufacturing in an FDA-regulated environment and includes all major manufacturing related modules. The HSST program covers CRM for medical devices including sales, billing, returns, warranty, repair, and remanufacturing. Key responsibilities included planning, resource and schedule management, driving resolution of complex issues, and working with management to achieve timely business decisions. Company- Duration: Gainesviffe Regional Utility 10 Months Position: Project Manager Responsibll1ties Mark was the Axon Project Manager to deliver a finance-oriented non-CCS Utility solution covering Funds, Project, and Asset Management, Purchasing and Inventory Management, and Human Resources on SAP ECC 6.0 along with Business Intelligence 7.0. The FMIS transformation initiative goals included better operational target setting, measurement capabi!ity and control as vve!l as better ability to drive and demonstrate cost reduction and improvements in asset utilization. Key responsibilities include planning, resource and schedule management, champroning and educating on Axon·s Methodology, and working with GRU's utility partner to deliver to targeted cost and schedule. Company: Union Pacific Duration: 2 months Position: Project Manager Responsibilities Mark \Nas the Axon Project Manager to deriver a seeping and business case study to determine the best fit and estimated benefit for UP's supply chain project for their SAP-enabled business transformation program. Axon's transformation methodology was used to drive out the benefit and work in conjunction with UP executives to obtain their alignment with project objectives as well as investment return. The study was delivered on time and resulted in UP executives approving budget to move forward in 2009. Key responsibilities included planning, resource and schedule management, running SAP Supply Chain related demonstrations, scheduling and attending executive alignment sessions, and delivering the finai product Company: Smiths Detection DuraNon: 11 months Position: Project Manager Responsibilities Mark vvas the Axon Project Manager for the successful delivery' of the REACH SAP project The REACH project is a global business transformation program created to redefine business processes while driving Page 2 of 5 MARKWOJAK AVANSA~ (QMSUl.TING down costs and inefficiencies using SAP ECC 6.0. SAP Bl Portal was used to provide the management reporting system and KPi's required to maximize the use of the additional information flowing out of SAP ECC. The implementation went live on time and under budget. Key responsibilities included budget and resource management, project planning and tracking, driving execution, coaching and mentoring, and integrating with Deloitte's change team while managing a team of up to 40 consultants to go live with nine sites in the US and Europe. Company: Duration: Position: Pinellas County UtilitJ"es 8 months Mobi!Jzation & Axon Project Manager Responsibilities Mark was the Mobilization Manager for the CIS project. The CIS project was initiated to improve integration, provide new channels for customer service, improve billing flexibility and correction handling and impro'le call center metrics. SAP CIS was chosen as the vehicle to deliver and dri 1re the desired benefits. Scope included SAP Customer Interaction Center, Device Management, Service Management, FI-CA, Billing, and Materials Management. Key responsibilities included preparation and negotiation of commercials, budget and resource management, methodology and quality management, and project tracking to ensure milestones and deliverab!es were delivered on time and at or above expected quality. Company: Duration: Position: Goodrich Lighting Systems 8 months Ughting Systems Deployment Manager Responsibilities rv1ark was the Lighting Systems Deployment Manager for delivering an on-time go-live for 3 sites in 3 different continents as part of the second phase of a Global SAP transformation program. He led Steering Committee meetings, drove deliverable completion, and managed key staker1olders. Mark played an important ro!e architecting and collaborating with Enterprise and Lighting management to ensure success through managing change, risk, scope, and conflicting interests. Key responsibilities included management of the full replacement of multiple legacy systems including SAP R/3 and ensuring the successful incorporation of business critical customizations in the legacy SJ'IP system. Company: Duration: Position: Rockwell Co!fins 4 months Matedafs Management/MRO Specialist Responsibifitfes Mark was the MM Lead for integrating a custom Asset!Rentai/Exchange system into R/3 on version 4.6C without significantly affecting the current repair process as already implemented in SAP. Mark was responsible for assessing and simplifying an existing un-implemented to-be design with the objective of using standard SAP and SAP's future direction for Rotables Management and to de'lelop a demo for select scenarios. Key responsibilities include the full replacer.1ent of legacy functionality, providing a streamlined user interface that maintains transaction times. and allowing for vi1iua! management of equipment pools. Page 3 of 5 MARKWOJAK AVANSAp CG:NSULTiNG Company: The NORDAM Group Duration: 11 months Position: Project Manager Responsibillties Mark filled the role of SAP Supply Chain Management Lead and later Project Manager for this multi-site full suite Aerospace and Defense implementation. Mark managed over 30 consultants and client staff responsible for delivery to schedule, cost and resource planning, budgeting, scope control, and conflict management. He led the blueprinting, design, configuration, and unit test of Supply chain processes including Quality and Materials Management. Key responsibilities included leading the Supply Chain sub-teams and the Project in gap/fit analyses, design, configuration and testing, scope and issues management, and project budgeting and control. Company: Duration: Sikorsky Aircraft 2 months Position: !ivi!WM Consulting Lead Responsibitities Mark was accountable for the design and configuration of Inventory and VVarehouse Management structures in R/3 as weil as capturing Material Master requirements for and developing a strategy for the roll-out of RF-enabled Inventory and Warehouse transactions. Mark wrote functional specifications related to conversion of inventory data into PJ3 in a 4" 7 Grouping, Pegging, and Distribution, or GPO, environment. Company: Pratt & Whitney Duration: 8 months Position: IM/WM Consulting Lead-SAPConsole/RF rollout Res pons lbiliti es Mark was accountable for converting the legacy third-party RF middleware system to S,1\PConsole. This included assisting with planning and scoping, designing, and testing new transactions in a 4.58 environment. Mark also kept the design compatible with R/3 version 4.7 across Materials Management, Transportation, Inventory Management, and Warehouse Management SAP modules to a!low a seamless transition for the coming 4.7 upgrade Key responsibilities included performing a gap/fit analysis and the design, specification, configuration, and testing all transactions as weil as go-live support. Other Relevant SAP Project Experience Company: Raytheon Technical Services Israeli AirUne Industries ARDEC-US Army R&D Goodrich Aerostructures Spearhead Consulting Ocelot Consulting Bristol-Myers Squibb Position.· MM Lead-conversion of custom kitting solution to SAP i111aterfals Management Lead-Pre-Configured MF?.O solution Materials Management Lead Materfa! Master Team Lead Integration Consultant and Project Manager-Clients included Carrier Corp. and Harman Consumer Group President and Lead Consultant-Clients include Pioneer Hi- Bred, Aircraft Braking Systems, and Carrier Co~ooration Senior Manager-3-year Global SAP rollout Page 4 of 5 DuraN on: 6 months 3 months 10 months 6 months 1 Year 3 Years 4 Years MARKWOJAK Training/Qualifications/Interests Languages Certifications! Afiiliations Interests Other Fluent German; Conversational Spanish; Basic French APICS, Piv11 Reading, Philosophy, History, Travel, Tennis, Boating!Fish!ng U.S. Government Security Clearance Page 5 of 5 Granado, Rafael From: Sent: To: Cc: Rodriguez, Enid Tuesday, October 23, 2012 10:01 AM Granado, Rafael Martinez, Maria Subject: FW: City Commission At-Large Nominations For Wednesday, October 24, 2012-Release #1 Commissioner Lib bin would like to add to the nominations Mark Wojak for the Normany Shores District. MlAMlBE.ACH Enid Rodriguez, Aide to Commissioner Jerry Ubbin OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMiSSiON 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 7ef: 305-673-7106 Fax: 305-673-7096 www.miamibeachfl.cov !lie are committed to providing excellent public ser1ice and safety to ali who Jive, wofr< and piay in our vibrant, tropical~ hfsforjc communjty. From: Jerry Ubb1n fmanto:ier!ib@aol.com] Sent: ~1londay, October 22, 2012 8:52 Pr'! To: Rodriguez 1 Enid Subject: Re: City Commission At-Large Nominations For 'Wednesday) October 2.41 2012 -Release# 1 Mark vVojak for the Normandy Shores District Sent from my !Phone On Oct 22, 2.012., at 9:2.0 AM, "Rodriguez, Enid" <EnidRodriguez@miamibeachfl.gov> wrote: Enid Rodriguez, Al'de to Commissioner Jerry Libbin OFFICE OF THE MJWOR f\ND COi'v1N11SS!ON t 700 Convention Center Drive, Miar1f8ea.ch, FL 33139 Tal: 305-673-7106 Fax: 305-673-7096 www.miar;<ibaachfi.co'/ VVe are comrnitted to providing excellent public servfce and safety to aff who five, wcrk and play in our vfbrent, tropical, historic community. From: Granado, Rafael Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 6:17 Pf\'1 To~ fvlayor·'s Office; "tonahvvoifson(ciiwolfsonlawfirm .com' (jonahwolfson(ciiwo!fsonla\vflrm .com)'; 'ionahwolfson©attblackberrv.net' Cc: Brooks, Kathie; Sklar 1 Max; Gomez 1 jorge; Gomez, Carla; Smith, jose; Granado/ Rafael Subject: City Commission At-Large ~.Jominations For Wednesday, Octobe1 24, 2012. -Release# 1 Good evening Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Comm\ssion: Attached please find Release# 1 of the City Commission At-Large Nominations received to date for the October 24, 2012 City Commission Meeting. A copy of the attached resumes/applications is also being placed on your iPad Drop Box in a file called: RELEASE# '1 -AT-LARGE NOM\NATIONS.pdf l