20130116 SM2MIAMI BEACH City Commission Meeting SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 2 City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive January 16, 2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower Vice-Mayor Michael G6ngora Commissioner Jorge R. Exposito Commissioner Jerry Libbin Commissioner Edward L. Tobin Commissioner Deede Weithorn Commissioner Jonah Wolfson Interim City Manager Kathie G. Brooks City Attorney Jose Smith City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Visit us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article VII, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA C4 -Commission Committee Assignments C4E Referral To The Finance And City>.vide Projects Committee Convention Center Advisory Board- Discussion Regarding lNG Marathon Use Of The Miami Beach Convention Center. (Requested by Commissioner Deede Weithorn & Vice-Mayor Michael Gongora) (Revised Memo from Commissioner Deede Weithorn} 1 Supplemental Agenda, January 16, 2013 C7 -Resolutions C71 A Resolution Setting A Public Hearing, Pursuant To Section 118-262 Of The City Code, For An Appeal Filed By W. Tucker Gibbs, P.A., On Behalf Of Sunset Islands 3 And 4 Property Owners, Inc. And Olga Lens, Of The Design Review Board's Order Relative To ORB File No. 22889 For 1201-1237 20th Street, Palau At Sunset Harbor, And Setting This Public Hearing For The City Commission Meeting Of March 13, 2013. (Planning Department) (Resolution) C7L A Resolution Adopting The First Amendment To The Capital Budget For Fiscal Year 2012/13. (Public Works) (Resolution) ii 2 IBE H OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Ms. Kathie Brooks, Interim City Manager Mr. Rafael Granado, City Clerk Commissioner Deede Weithorn January 14, 2013 Referral to Finance Committee: MEMORANDUM lNG Marathon use of the Miami Beach Convention Center Amendment: As per the recommendation of acting Assistant City Manager Max Sklar, Commissioner Deede Weithorn agrees to refer this item to the Convention Center Advisory Board. By means of this memorandum, Commissioner Deede Weithorn would like to refer to the Finance Committee an item pertaining to the lNG Miami Marathon booking of the Miami Beach Convention Center from January 23'd through January 25 1h, 2014. For 9 years the lNG Miami Marathon has used the Miami Beach Convention Center as the venue for marathon registration and for health and fitness expos. The lNG Miami Marathon has traditionally booked the same weekend in January for use of the Convention Center with 18 months in anticipation of the event. Though no scheduling difficulties have occurred in the past, the Miami Beach Convention Center may soon engage in an agreement with an event of priority booking status which would encumber the lNG Miami Marathon's use of the Convention Center during their traditional marathon dates in 2014. The spirit of this discussion item is to bring forth a solution through which lNG Miami Marathon, being an instituted event in our community attracting visitors from around the nation, may be accommodated for their 2014 event in the Miami Beach Convention Center -in keeping with what has become a tradition in south Florida of national recognition. On December 21'1 , 2012 Commissioner Weithorn's office advised lNG Miami Marathon, through County Commissioner Sally Heyman, that to obtain priority booking status they should provide independent third party audited statements reflecting that their event generates a minimum of three nights with 1,500 hotel rooms occupied on the peak nights in Miami-Dade County. These numbers must be approved by the Greater Miami Visitors and Conventions Bureau and the Convention Center Advisory Board. Should you have any questions and/or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at extension 6528, Alex J. Fernandez, Commissioner Weithorn's Office ond Agenda Item_...::::::::......:...:;;;;;;;;,.__ Date 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4 RESOLUTION NO;:.... ----- A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING, PURSUANT TO SECTION 118-262 OF THE CITY CODE, FOR AN APPEAL FILED BY W. TUCKER GIBBS, P.A., ON BEHALF OF SUNSET ISLANDS 3 AND 4 PROPERTY OWNERS, INC. AND OLGA LENS, OF THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD'S ORDER RELATIVE TO ORB FILE NO. 22889 FOR 1201-1237 20TH STREET, PALAU AT SUNSET HARBOR, AND SETTING THIS PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 13, 2013 WHEREAS, a process for review by the Mayor and City Commission of decisions rendered by the Design Review Board when requested by an applicant or any affected person has been established under Section 118-262 of the Miami Beach City Code; and WHEREAS, Palau Sunset Harbor, LLC was the applicant for a proposed 5-story, mixed- use development project, which was approved by the Design Review Board on October 2, 2012 and the Order for such approval was rendered on October 8, 2012 (ORB File No. 22889, 1201- 1237 20th Street -Palau at Sunset Harbour); and WHEREAS, a request for a re-hearing of the ORB decision pertaining to File No. 22889, which was requested by MAC SH, LLC, and Sunset Islands 3 and 4 Property Owners, Inc, was denied by the Design Review Board on December 4, 2012 and the Order for such denial was rendered on December 10, 2012; and WHEREAS, W. Tucker Gibbs, P.A., on behalf of Sunset Islands 3 and 4 Property Owners, Inc. and Olga Lens, has timely requested a review of the Design Review Board order rendered on October 8, 2012, pertaining to the proposed 5-story, mixed-use development project, (ORB File No. 22889, 1201-1237 20th Street-Palau at Sunset Harbour). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED THAT THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby authorize the setting of a public hearing on March 13, 2013 to consider the appeal filed by W. Tucker Gibbs, P.A., on behalf of Sunset Islands 3 and 4 Property Owners, Inc. and Olga Lens, of the Design Review Board's Order relative to ORB File No. 22889 for the project located at 1201-1237 20th Street-Palau at Sunset Harbour. PASSED and ADOPTED this ATTEST: RAFAEL GRANADO, CITY CLERK ___ day of January, 2013. MATTI HERRERA BOWER MAYOR T:\AGENDA\2013\January 16\Palau Project DRB File No. 22889 Appeal-PH Reso 1-16-13.docx Agenda Item C.1 I Date 1-1&-13 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 6 RESOLUTION NO.----- A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE CAPITAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2012/13. WHEREAS, the Miami Beach Capital Budget for FY 2013/13 was approved and appropriated via Resolution No. 2012-28017 on September 27, 2012; and WHEREAS, it is recommended the FY 2012/13 Capital Budget be amended to add appropriations totaling $1,158,325 to three projects highlighted in "Attachment C -Projects"; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment to the FY 2012/13 Capital Budget are included in "Attachment A-Source of Funds" and "Attachment B -Program". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby adopt the First Amendment to the Capital Budget for Fiscal Year 2012/13 as shown in Attachment A (Source of Funds), Attachment B (Programs) and Attachment C (Projects). PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of January 2013. Attest: Rafael Granado, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LANGUAGE AND FOR EXECUTION City Attorney Matti Herrera Bower, Mayor Date 7 ATTACHMENT A FY 2012/13 CAPITAL BUDGET SOURCE OF FUNDS Amended 1/16/2013 Half Cent Trans it Surtax-County ater Enterprise Fund ater LOG Reso. No 2009-27076 ct Fees a Department of Transportation (FDO Total Appropration as of 1/16/2013 8 ATTACHMENT 8 FY 2012/13 CAPITAL BUDGET PROGRAMS Amended 1/16/2013 Program Area 9 Capital Project Name in Utility Work Along Alton Rd. ATTACHMENT C CAPITAL BUDGET PROJECTS Amended January 16, 2013 Current Capital Budget Irrigation System -Alton Road (from 5th St. to Mi 1Oth Street End Improvement Project Total Amended 1/16/2013 Revised Capital Budget 10