City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Dr ive, Miami Beach , Florida 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov
OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk
Tel: 305.673.7411, Fox: 305.673.7254
Email: CityCierk@miomibeochfl.gov
Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission
Kathie G . Brooks , Interim City Manager
Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk
January 15 , 2013
SUBJECT: City Commission At-Large Nominations For Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Release #4
Below please find the City Commission At-Large Nominations received to date. Changes made
subsequent to Release# 3 are reflected with an asterisk(*).
Affordable Housing Advisory Committee
No nominations received to date .
Art in Public Places
No nominations received to date .
Board of Adjustments
• Joy V . W. Malakoff -Nominated for reappointment by Mayor Matti Herrera Bower, Vice Mayor
Michael Gongora and Commissioner Deede Weithorn .
Capital Improvements Projects Oversight Committee
• *Tony Trujillo -Nominated for reappointment by Vice Mayor Michael Gongora and Commissioner
Exposito for the C4 Seat, Capital Budgeting/Finance.
Design Review Board
• Carol Heusen -Nominated for reappointment by Commissioner Deede Weithorn .
Historic Preservation Board
• Jane D. Gross -Nominated for reappointment by Commissioner Jorge Exposito , Commissioner
Deede Weithorn and Vice Mayor Michael Gongora .
• Josephine "Jo" Manning -Nominated for reappointment by Vice Mayor Michael Gongora and
Commissioner Jorge Exposito.
• Herb Sosa -Nominated for reappointment by Vice Mayor Michael Gongora .
Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council
No nominations received to date .
Miami Beach Human Rights Committee
• Alan B . Fishman -Nominated for reappointment by Vice Mayor Michael Gongora (Law
• Elizabeth F. Schwartz-Nominated for reappointment by Vice Mayor Michael Gongora .
• Carlos J. (CJ) Ortuno -Nominated for reappointment by Vice Mayor Michael Gongora .
• Monica Harvey-Nominated by Commissioner Jerry Libbin .
• Bradley A. Ugent -Nominated by Vice Mayor Michael Gongora , Commissioner Jorge Exposito
and Commissioner Deede Weithorn.
Normandy Shores Local Government Neighborhood Improvement
• Mark Wojak-Nominated by Commissioner Jerry Libbin .
Personnel Board
• Moj Khaghan -Nominated for reappointment by Vice Mayor Michael Gongora .
• Gabriel J. Paez-Nominated for reappointment by Vice Mayor Michael Gongora .
• *Lori E. Gold -Nominated by Commissioner Jerry Libbin.
• *Lori Kaye Davis -Nominated by Commissioner Jerry Libbin .
Board of Adjustments
• Joy V. W . Malakoff
M A 1 .. 41 teo f""E" ;:IQ ~ \1. vi.
H me ddress City
Home Telephone Work Telephone
::-'13-;·~a"'-"'"'~k,..._,..Ll'-'rti<U....''-h+--'---"'J,-----------Position: -~::....L..L..L..::3....£:":--------------
Buslness Name '
Business Address City State Zip Code
Professional License (describe)-----------------------------------------Expires : -------------
Attach a copy of the license
Pursuant to City Code section 2-22{4) a and b: Members of agen cies, boards and committees shall be affiliated with the city;
this requirement shall be fulfilled in the follo wi ng ways: a. An individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six
months; or b. An individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business estab li shed in the city
for a minimum of six months . · · · -
• Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes &J or No 0
• Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in M ia m i Beach for a m inimum of six months: Yes 0 or No~
• Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach : Yes~ or No 0
• I am now a resident of: North Beach 0 South Beach 0 ·Middle Beach ~
• I am apP,Iy ing for an appointment because. I have special ab il ities , knowledge and experience . Please list below: . , , (... a,. . ,
onlv three (3) choices will be observed by the CityCierk's Office. (Regular Bo.ards of City)
0 Affordable Housing Advisory Comm ittee 0 Fine Arts Board D Normandy Shores Local Government
Neighborhood Improvement
DArt in Public Places Committee D Gay, !.,asbian, Bisexual and Transgender D Parks and Recreation Facil itie s Board
Enhancement Comm ittee(G LBT)
0 Beautification Committee D Golf Advisory Committee D Personnel Board
Ql Board of Adju stment* * D Health Advisory Committee ~Planning Boa rd**
0 Budget Advisory Committee D Health Faci lities Authority Board 0 Pol ice Citizens Re lati ons Committee
0 Capital · Improvements Projects 0 Hispanic Affairs Committee 0 Production Industry Council
Overs iqht Committee .
0 Committee on the Homeless 0 Historic Preservation Board 'R' 0 Safety Committee
0 Comm ittee for Quality Education in MB 0 Housing Authority 0 Single Family Residential Review Panel
0 Community Deve lo pment Advisory 0 Loan Review Comm ittee 0 Sustainab ility_ Comm ittee
0 Community Rela tio ns Board 0 Marine Authority D Tenn is Advisory Committee
0 Convention Cente r Ad visory Board 0 Miami Beach Commiss ion for Women 0 Transportation and Parking Committee
0 Debarment Comm itte e 0 Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council 0 Visitor and Con vention Authority
0 Design Review Board* -k 0 Miami Beach Human Rights Comm itt ee 0 Youth Center Adv isory Board
0 Disability Access Committee 0 Miami Beach Sister Cit ie s Program 0 Waterfront Protecti on Committee
* Board Required to File State Disclosure Form
-kIf you seek appointment to a professional seat (e .g., lawyer, architect) on the Board of Adjustment, Design Review Board,
Historic Preservation Board, or Planning Board, attach a copy of your currently-effectively license, and furnish the
following Information:
Type of Professional License License NuifiBen-10 s Ht!T-:J AiiJ I
License Issuance Date , and License Expirati<r§>~iF Wd 5-jjQ ZIDZ
03 /\I383Cj
Note: If applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center:
1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: Yes 0 No 0 Years of Service: __ _
2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children Yes 0 No 0. If yes, please list the ·names of your children,
their ages and which programs . List below:
Child's name: Age:__ Program: ___ .:___ ___ ___, ____ _
Child's name:-----------------Age:__ Program: -------------
•Have you ever been convicted of a felony : Yes 0 or No~ If yes, please explain in detail:
• Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach cod~s: Yes 0 or No~. If yes, please explain in detail :
• Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: Yes 0 or No~ If yes, exp lain in detail
• List all propertie s owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: My bow" -lp'::\\f Ps''A~,.., N,.£:Ur.
• I am now emp loyed by the City of Miami Bea ch: Yes 0 or No~-Which department?---:------------
• Pursuant to City Code Section 2-25 (b): Do you have a parent 0 , spo use 0, child 0 brother D . or sisterO who is
employed by the City of Miami Beach? Check all that app ly. Identify the department(s): ...,7~ML..l<l2~------------
The following information is voluntary and Is neither part of your application nor has any bearing on your consideration for
appointment. It is being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting requirements.
Ethnic Origin: Check one or;_!ti1)
Gender: Male 0 Female~
~ White (Not of Hispanic Origin): All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Afri ca or the Middle East.
0 African-American/Black (Not of Hispan ic Origin ): All persons having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa .
0 Hispanic: All persons of Mexican , Puerto Rican, Cuban , Ce ntra l or Sou th American, or oth er Spanish cu lture or orig in, re gardl ess of race .
0 Asian or Pacific Is lander: All pers ons havin g origins in any of the orig inal peop les of the Far Eas t, Southeas t As ia , the Indian Sub contin ent. or
the Pacific Islands. This area includes, for example, Ch ina , Ind ia, Japan, Korea , the Ph ili pp ine Islands and Samoa .
0 American Indian or Alaskan Native: All perso ns having or igins in any of the orig ina l peoples of North America , and who mainta in
Cultural id entifica ti on thro~ tribal affi li atio n or community recognition .
Physically Challenged: Yes U or No 0
Employment Status: Employed 0 Retired I8J. Homemaker 0 OtherO ----------
Please remember-to attach a current resume and a copy of any applicable
professional license.
Attach additional sheets, if necessary, to provide required information.
6415 Pine Tree Drive
lVfia:rnl Beach,.FL 33141
305.866.1 772 (R)
305.778.7549 (C)
B eachjoJ;@ao l.com
UNIVERSITY OF 1vfiM1I-B.A., English cum laude
Institute of Financial Education-Certificate Degree
Florida Real Estate Salesman's License
American Institute of Ban...'<ing Courses
BAJ.'{I\ .. UNlTED
3 00 41st Street
Miami Beach, FL 33140
September 2006-Present
Bu_<iness Developrr.-ent; Mana~..ng Beach Market
555 Arthur Godfrey Road, Miami Beach, FL 33140
March 2005 to Jzme 1 2006
Senior Vice President/
Senior Mcrrk.et jy[anager
Executive Vice President
Business Developmen~; Marketing Director; Co=Ulli"t;;
COLO:Nl..li BAl"\t""K
901 Althur Godfrey Road, Miai·n i Beach, FL 3 3140
Jcmua:ryl997 to .'Yfarch 2005
Senior Vice President
Marketing Director; Coillli!ucil:"f Rel&~OD.S Cooniinator;
Business Develop.rr:;.ent Officer; Private Ba-uker
301 Arthur Godfrey Road, :Miarri Beach, FL 33140
June 1990 to Janu,_'rry]997
President/B ran ch
400 Arthur Godfrey Road, Miami Beach, FL 33140
Juiy 1986 to Jime 1990
Chairman's Aw:rrd, 1989
333 Arthm Godfrey Road, Miami Beach, FL 33l40
December 1980 to July 1986
Senior Vice Presidm t
Vice President/Branch };[cmager
Branch lv.fcmager
• Hotel Development Task Force, City of:Nliami Beach, 1989 -1994
Art in the Heart ofMiami Beach Festival Co -Chair, 1993-1994; Patron Purchase Chair, 1986-
• Histor:ic Preservation Board Charter Member, appointed by Mayor and Miami Beach City
Commission, 1982-1988
e Community Relations Beard, appointed by Metro-Dade Mayor aud County Commission.;
Chair, Youth Action, Partn ers for Youth, and South Beach Committees, 1978-1986
Miami Beach Ta.."'i.payers' Association Board of Trustees; President, 1986-1988
Youth Adv isory Board, appointed by Metro-Dade County Commission, 1981 -1983
• Various positions at North Beach Elemental)' School, including President of the Lea...-ning
Resource Center for Gifted Children, Legislative Chairman and Representative to the
Advisory Coll.Tlcil for Secondary Schools, 1975 -1980; rvf.iami Beach Senior High School PTA
Breaking Tf-r.e G-lass Ceiling Av;ard, I 998
~ 32.!1 Pfeiffer Com..rn.unity Serv ice Award, 1'1i8Illi Beach Chamber ofCom..rn.erce, 1997
§ :\Jiam.i Beach Mayor's Shming Light Award, 1997
• James McDollileli Outstanding Board of Governor Award, Miami Beach Chamber of
Commerce, 1996
3 Miami Tod<>v-"Achi~:ver," 1996 and 1997 BOOK OF LEA-.DERS
~ Miami Beach Co:mm.ission on rlJ.e Status of Women, "1994 Women Worth I0wwtng"
South Florida MR£E.Zine's "WomC!71 of Disrincrion .. " 1993-1994
$ Kiwanis Club "Distrr!guished President," 1993
o w1iami Beach Board of Realtors' "Outstamimg Ciri.zen ofthz Year ," 1986
o Key t o the City ofMiami Beach for "Distt-ngu ished Ser11ice ," 2003 , 1996, 1990, 1983
V A..i\iLEIGH FIJRi\TIURE SHOVlRO Ol\JS Corporate Officer/Owne r
4100 N.E . Sec on d Avenue , :t:vliami, FL 331 37
October 1997 to November 1980
a !vliami Beach Chamber of Comm erc e Boar d of Governors; Advoc acy Counc il; Ch airman,
1993-1996; Chairman-Elect, 1992-93; Treasurer, 1990-1992
• Miami Beach Chamber of Commer ce Pillars Trustee; past Chairman and past Executive
Board Memb er 1998 -2005
e New World Syw.phony National Council (formerly the Board of T rustces)
• Ki>vani s Club of Miarni Beach; President, 1992 -1993
s Harvard Club of .Miami and Radc lit""fe Alumna e Association
e Mount Sina i Medical Center Foundation Follilder
e i\rts & Busin ess Council Boad of Directors 2002 -2007
o City of!Y.fiami Beac h Planning Board, Vice -Chair, 2004-200 6; Chair 1991 -19 98; Vi ce-Chair
1989 -1991
e G.O . Bond Oversig."b.t Committee, City ofMi&-ni Beach, 200 5
City ofrvfiami Beach Zoning Board of Adjustment, Chair, 19 98-20 04
., Ci.ty ofMiam.i Beach Land Use Committee,, 1992-1997
• City ofi\iliami Beach Development Regulc.:ti ons Working Gro up Clmir, 1995-1998
• Metro-Dade County Parks & Recr eation Citizen's Advis ory ColiUil.ittee , 1994 -1998
" B:::.s s Museum Board ofTrustees , 1993 -1996; Friends Board ofDirectors 2003 -200 5
" Miami Design Presetvation League Trustee
c lu-t Center South Fl orida Board member 2004-2005
G Am erican Hea.r.-t Ass ociation, Miami -Dade County Chapter, Vice -Chair Board of Directors;
Hea..rt Ball MiWli, Chair; Mi&'lli Beach/Aventura Chapter , Pre sident, 1996-1998; Founding
Board Memb er, Miami Beach Division, 1994-1995
~ Leukemia Society Celebrity Waiter Fund Raising Co-Chair , 1993-1995
a Temple Beth Sb.ol om, Treasurer; Executive Board, 1993-1999 ; Beard ofTrus:tees, 198 7-199 9
Granado, Rafael
Ralph, good morning.
Frances, Francis
Tuesday, October n 2012 10:08 AM
Granado, Rafael
Mayor Bower would l ike tore-nominate Joy Malakoff to the Board of Adjustments for the next coming year.
Than k you,
Francis Frances, Executive Assistant to Mayor Matti Herrera Bower
1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139
Tel: 305-673-7035 I Fax : 305-6 73-7096 I W'Nw.miamib:achfl .cov
We era corr.mittad to providing exce/ient public serv ice and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrar.t, trcpice/, historic
tv\iPJ\;\1 -BEACH
Mr. Granado:
Mr. Rafael E. Granado, Cit y Cler k
Commissioner Deede Weithorn
October 23, 2012
Nomination-Ms. Joy V. W. Malakoff
Board of Adjustments
By means of th is memorandum, I would like to nominate Ms . Joy V. W. Ma l akoff for second
term on the Ci ty of Miami Beach Board of Adjustments.
Ms. Malakoff's experience includes years of honorable service to our city on the Planning
Board and previously on the Zoning Board of Adjustments . Ms. Malakoff has al5o been c:ctive in
many leading Miami Beach organizations including the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce ,
New World Symphony, Bass Museum of Art, and Mount Sinai Medical Center among others.
Ms. Malakoff is a long time Miami Beach resident and civic leader. She is a retired private
banker, a graduate of Miami Beach Senior High , attended Radc li ffe/Harvard and subsequently
graduated from the Uni versity of Miami.
It is with distinct pleasure that I present Ms. JoyV. W. Malakoff for re-appointment to the City
of M iam i Beach Board of A.djustments.
Thank you,
Deede Weithorn
Granado, Rafael
Subject: FvV: City Commission At-Large Nominations For vlfednesday, November 14, 2012
From: Gongora, Michael
Sent: T hursday, November 08, 2012 5:14 Pfvl
To : Granado, Rafael
Cc : Fontani, Diana
Subject: RE : City Commission At-Large Nominations For Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Thanks for the clarification . I will also join in re -appointing her (Joy V. W. ~~alakofrl after her current term expires.
Capital Improvements Projects Oversight Committee
• Tony Trujillo
NAME: Tru "illo Ton A --~~~-----.L-a~s7t'N~a-m-e--------------~~----------~F~irs~t~N~a-m--e--------------------~M7-i~dd~l-e~ln~i~tia~l----
HOME ADDRESS: 2104 1000 South Po i nte
Dr ive
Apt No . House No./Street
PHONE: 305 873 3992 305 428 5545
Home Work
Business Name : __ ....:.P-=a::..:n.:..:.ke"-'y'-'l::..:n.::.st:;.;it:.::u=te:...._ __________________ _
Miami Beach
Pos ition : President & CEO
Zip Code
Email Address
Address: ------~~------~O~n~e_C~r~a~nd~o~n~B~Iv~d--~----------~K~e~y~B~i~sc=a~y~n~e ________ ~F~L~~~------~3~3~14~9~~~--
No . Street City State Zip Code
Professional License (describe ): Expires: Attach a copy of the license
Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4) a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city ; this
requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of si x
months ; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city .
• Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months : Yes
• Demonstrate an ownersh ip/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months : No
• Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach : Yes
• (Please circle one): I am now a resident of: South Beach
• I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities , knowledge and experience . Please list below :
I have overseen capital building projects and have great interest in this area at the municipal level.
• Are you presently a reg istered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? No
Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1) first choice [2) second choice , and [3) third choice . Please note that only three (3)
choices will be observed by the City Clerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City)
"''' 0101 UH<J<J ICLI U I<J """\U Ll lV I
Art in Public Places Committee Miam i Beach Commission for Women
lo<>J •tifil"'<:~tinn ~nmm i ttoo ~. i o:>rn i Qoo:>l"'h r •• l t loro:>l t..r+c r,.,, Jnl"'i
Board of Adjustmen t* Miami Beach Human Rights Committee
Budget Advisory Committee Miami Beach Sister Cities Program
[1) Capital Improvements Projects Oversight Committee Normandy Shores Local Gov't Neigh . Improvement
Committee on the Homeless Parks and Recreation Facilities Board
Committee for Quality Education in MB Personnel Board
Communitv Development Advisorv Plannina Board *
Community Relations Board Police Citizens Relations Committee
Convention Center Advisory Board Production Industry Council
Debarment Committee Publ ic Safety Advisory Committee
Design Review Board * Sa fety Committee
Disability_ Access Committee Single Family Residential Review Panel
Fine Arts Board Susta inability Comm ittee
Gay, Lesbian , Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) Transportation and Parking Comm ittee
Golf Advisory Committee Visitor and Convention Authority
Health Advisory Committee Waterfront Protection Committee
Health Facilities Authority Board Youth Center Advisory Board
Hispanic Affairs Committee
Historic Preservation Board
Housing Authority
Loan Review Committee * Board Required to File State Disclosure form
Note : If applying for Youth Advisory Board , please indicate your affil iat ion with the Scott Rako w Youth Center:
1 . Past service on t he You t h Cen ter Adv isory Board : Years of Service :
2 . Present participation in Youth Center activities by your child ren If yes , please list the names of your ch il dren , their
ages , and wh ich programs . List below:
Chi ld's name : Age : Program : //•
Child 's name : Age : Program : 7f
• Have you ever been convicted of a f "'ny :_~N~o __ If yes, please explain in detail:
• Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: No If yes, please explain in detail :
• Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money : No If yes, explain in detail
• Are you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees: No If yes; which board?
• What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you currently hold membership in?
Name : SoFiK9 Title : _.=E~C~O:!!M~B!.--------------
Name: SOFNA Title :-----------------
• List all properties owned or have an interest in , which are located within the City of Miami Beach:
Apt. 2104, 1000 South Pointe Drive
• I am now employed by the City of Miami Beach : ___ _ Which department? __________ _
• Pursuant to City Code Section 2-25 (b): Do you have a who is employed by the
City of Miami Beach? Check all that apply. Identify the department(s):
The following information is voluntary and is neither part of your application nor has any bearing on your consideration for appointment. It is
being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting requirements.
Gender: Male Race: White
Ethnic Origin: Check one only (1)
Physically Challenged: No
Employment Status: _--=.E:.!.m'l:p:.:..:lo::...~yC-"e'-"'d'-----------Other:
NOTE : If appointed, you will be required to follow certain laws which apply to city board/committee members.
These laws include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459).
o Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11 .1 ).
o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami
Beach City Code section 2-26).
o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1 ).
(re : CMB Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office ,
from having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself ,
or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.611 ).
Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk.
"I hereby attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the application and have received, read and will abide by Chapter 2,
Article VII -of the City Code "Standards of Conduct for City Officers, Employees and Agency Members."
I Tony Trujillo agreed to the following terms on 1/25/2011 2:29 :12 PM
Please attach a copy of your resume to this application
NOTE: Applications will remain on file for a period of one
Tony A. Trujillo, Jr.
1 000 South Pointe Drive
Apartment 21 04
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
305-428-5545 (office)
305-873.3992 (mobile)
ttrujillo@pankev. orq
Senior executive with over 20 years of diverse for-profit and not-for-profit management experience at
The Pankey Institute, the premier continuing dental education center, and at lntelsat, the world's
leading satellite communications services provider. Extensive direct operational experience
managing human resources, government relations, corporate communications and branding. Highly
effective in building and leading human resources teams, representing an organization before the
legislative and executive branches of the federal government, and developing targeted
communications programs. Also served on not-for-profit boards of directors and engaged directly
with not-for-profit and for-profit boards.
Pankey Institute career highlights include:
Strategic Planning:
2007 · Present
Led first strategic planning exercise involving board of directors and management staff .
Successfully developed road map for the Institute's future, including strategic direction,
integration and execution.
Revamped all branding and marketing efforts to revitalize Institute image and
identity during a time of increased competition in the continuing dental education
Established and staffed development office to provide greater financial flexibility
and firmer financial foundation for the Institute .
President & Chief Executive Officer, The Pankey Institute
Responsible for all management functions , including finance , development,
marketing , strategic planning, human resources, communications, and facilities .
lntelsat career highlights include:
Corporate Integration:
Successfully led two integration teams --Human Resources and Branding --when
lntelsat merged with PanAmSat in 2006 . Human resources integration work focused on
staff selection and employee communications .
Achieved key goals of managing an objective staff selection process on time and
on budget , and keeping staff informed of integration progress continuously. Branding
integration work developed refreshed branding for the new company. Staff embraced
new mission, vision, and values of the company , which was key to the merger 's success .
Government Relations:
Human Resources:
Created the lntelsat government relations function to advocate lntelsat interests before
federal policy makers and served as the company 's liaison to the Executive Branch,
Congress and the Federal Communications Commission . Also established the
company 's political action committee and managed program to encourage employee
participation . Managed the PAC 's contribution strategy. Successfully represented
company 's positions to key policy and decision-makers , resulting in Congress passing four
different amendments related to the ORBIT Act which mandated lntelsat 's privatization . All
four amendments were signed into law by the President.
Successfully revitalized and managed all aspects of human resources , including
compensation , benefits , operations , and executive recruitment. Also led talent
review and succession planning exercises.
Served as management liaison to the Compensation Committee of the lntelsat Board
of Directors.
Corporate Communications:
Extensive experience in all aspects of media relations , speechwriting , employee
communications , crisis communications, and branding.
Executive Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer, lntelsat Global Service
Responsible for human resources , government relations , corporate communications ,
facilities management, and security .
During most of this transformational period when the company was privatized , sold to
pr ivate equity , then merged with second-largest competitor , was :
• Directly responsible for all corporate identity and branding activities , including
development of a new logo , collateral materials , mission and vision statements .
This initiative resulted in a cohesive , strong corporate identity and a more
engaged workforce which was better aligned with the company 's business
priorities and commercial objectives .
• The chief spokesman for the company , with responsibility for developing and
executing media relations programs , community and charitable outreach
initiatives , speechwriting , and employee communications . As a result of these
efforts , lntelsat enjoyed an enhanced corporate identity and a better informed
1990. 2001
• An excellent communicator who was keenly aware of the importance of
two-way communications with all the company 's internal and external
stakeholders to achieve a unified organizational direction and culture .
• Serving on and working with non-profit and corporate Boards . Effective in
engaging boards in the strategic planning process to ensure clear and
appropriate corporate and organizational goals .
• Managing directly over 50 employees and contractors and an annual operating
budget in excess of $35 million.
• Responsible, as the senior HR executive , for developing and adm inistering
compensation and benefits programs for the company 's 1,1 00+ employees.
These successful programs enabled lntelsat to retain the best employees and
attract highly qualified new hires.
• Known for a management style that was based on achieving consensus
whenever possible, that was collegial, yet results-driven .
Vice President, Corporate Communications, INTELSAT
Responsible for all aspects of corporate commun ications , including media relations
speechwriting , employee communications and publications . Successfully led effective
communications outreach to stakeholders .
Also establ ished first in-house government affa irs capability and represented INTELSAT
before the executive and legislative branches of the Federal Government , and before the
Federal Communications Commission.
Director, Corporate Communications, INTELSAT
Responsible for all corporate communications functions including media relations ,
speechwriting , employee communications , crisis communications and branding .
Additional Relevant Experience
Administrative Assistant to the Director General , INTELSAT , 1987-90
Senior Executive, Public and Media Relations , INTELSAT , 1985-87
Washington and Lee University School of Law , J.D., 1982
Vanderbilt University , B.A., 1979
Management and Leadership Training
University of Virginia, Darden Graduate School of Business Administration,
"Creating the High Performance Workplace," April1995 .
Completed numerous company-provided leadership and management
development courses.
Board Representation
Served as the lntelsat representative on the Boards of Directors of:
The Satellite Industry Association (SIA)
As chairman of the Board of Directors in 2005, testified before the U.S. House of
Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee 's Subcommittee on
Telecommunications on "Public Safety Communications from 9111 to Katrina :
Critical Public Policy Lessons "
SIA is a US-based trade association providing worldwide representation for the
leading satellite operators , launch services providers , manufacturers , and ground
equipment suppliers .
United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI)
The US TTl is a non-profit joint venture between leading US-based communications
and information technology corporations and telecommunications leaders of the Federal
Government who provide tuition-free management , policy , and technical training for
talented telecommunications professionals from the developing world .
The Arthur C. Clarke Foundation
The Arthur C. Clarke Foundation advances the work of noted science fiction writer and
futurist Sir Arthur C. Clarke. The Foundation 's chief goals are to stimulate creative
use of communications technologies to improve health , education and quality of life for
people everywhere .
Washington Space Business Roundtable
Served as chairman of the Roundtable , a leadership forum for the promotion of commercial
space business and education in the National Capital region.
Available upon request.
Granado, Rafael
From: Fontani , Diana
Tuesday , January 15, 2013 2:42 PM
Granado, Rafael
Cc: Gongora, Michael ; Martinez , Maria ; Prieto , Silvia
Subject: Vice Mayor Gongora 's Appointments and Nomination
Good afternoon Rafael)
Vice Mayor Gongora would like to make the following appointments and nomination:
Please nominate Tony Trujillo for CIPOC
Please re-appoint Tony Hernandez to the Debarment Committee
Please re-appoint Gabriele Van Bryce to the Sustainability Committee
Please re-appoint Regina Suarez to the MB Commission for Women
Diana Fontani Martinez, Aide to Commissioner Gongora
1700 Convention Ce nter Drive , Miami Be ach, FL 33139
T el: 305 -673-7030 I Fax : 305 -673-7096 I www.miamibeachfl.gov
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
Granado, Rafael
From: Paredes , Barbie
Tuesday, January 15 , 2013 12 :15 PM
Granado , Rafael
Cc: Commission Agenda
Subject: nomination: CIPOC , Trujillo
Ralph :
Commissione r Exposito would like to nomin ate Tony Trujillo to the Capita/Improvement Projects Oversight Committee
for the C4 seat titled Capital Budgeting/Finance ..
Contact information :
Tony Trujillo
Phone: 305-873-3992
Email : tatrujillo@gmail .com
We trust that you will find all in good order. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Best regards,
Barbie Paredes
Barbie Paredes, Aide to Commissioner J orge R. E xposito
1700 Conventio n Cen ter Dri ve, Miami Beac h, FL 33139
T el : 305-673-7030 I Fax: 305 -673 -7096/ Webs ite
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
Design Review Board
• Carol Heusen
taHI#ofJ4Y;I( P.l1. 0.1. P. t., 0. R. t., ~R.I.
B~te,. cfalutt-~1(
()l(t-~tulp ilfte~at/ol(al ~a~
Knowledge, Experience, Service and Integrity
Profiles of Success and Education and Affiliations since 1993
Member of Master brokers Forum (A distinguished network of realtor professionals
recognized as leaders in the industry
• G.R.I. (Graduate Realtor Institute)
C.R.S . (Certified Residential Specialist-est. 4% Nationally)
C.I.P.S. (Certified International Property Specialist-specific education to work with
foreign nationals)
Former Chair of Grievance with the Realtor association Miami RE
Present member on Arbitration with Realtor association Miami RE
Present mediation trained for Realtors 2012-
Served on Board of Directors of Realtor Association of Miami and the Beaches
(Miami RE) from 1999 until 2008 (local)
Present serving as governor for 2012 Miami Association of Realtors
• Present serve as Director with Florida Association of Realtors( FAR ){State)
• Present-2012 serve as president on two Condominium Boards in Miami Beach
• Present-President of North Beach Development Corporation (non for profit)
• Former Chair of the Fine Arts Board for City of Miami
Beach 2009 and 2010
Present serving on Miami Beach Design Review Board 2012
Active with RPAC
Mr. Granado :
Mr. Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk
Commissioner Deede Weithorn
December 5, 2012
Nomination-Ms. Carol Hausen
Des ign Review Board
By means of this memorandum, Commissioner Deede Weithorn would like to nominate Ms.
Carol Hausen for another term on the City of Miami Beach Des ign Revie w Board.
Ms. Hausen 's experience includes many years of dedicated service to our city as a member and
president of the North Beach Developmen t Corporations, a non-profit community advocate
program. Ms. Hau sen h as also been active in many committees includin g the Miami Be ach Fine
Arts Board which she served as its cha irperson. Ms. Hausen , a real estate professional,
curren tly serves on the on the Board of Go verno rs ofthe Miami Association of Realtors, she is
a Director of the Flo rida Association of Realtors , she is an arbitratorfor the Realtor Association
of Miami, and she is a member of the Master Brokers Forum, a network of approximately 200
real estate professionals recognized as leaders in the industry. Moreover, in 2009 Ms. Hausen
graduated from the Miami Beach Le adership Academy.
Mr. Hausen's extensive experience and passionate dedication to the responsibilities bestowed
on her as a member of the Miami Beach De sign Revie w Board makes her unquestionably
qua li fied to serve a second term. Should you ha ve any questions and/or concerns , please do
not hesitate to contact Commissioner Weithorn's office at extension 7105 .
A le x Fernandez
Commissioner Weithorn 's Office
We ore commrffed to provrding excellent public seNice and safe~; to all wr.o live, v.;ork, and play in our v:brant. tropical, historic community.
Historic Preservation Board
• Jane D. Gross
• Josephine "Jo" Manning
• Herb Sosa
NAME: Gross Jane D
Last Name First Name Middle Initial
HOME ADDRESS: 2900 Flamingo Drive Miami Beach FL 33140
Apt No. Home No./Street City State Zip Code
PHONE: 305-535-2900
Work Fax
Email Address
Business Name: !.!N~/A:!,_ ______________ Position : ---------------------
Address: Miami Beach FL
No. Street City State Zip Code
Professsional License (describe): Florida Real Estate License Expires: 9/30/2014 Attach a copy the license
Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4) a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this
requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six
months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city.
• Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes
• Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: No
• Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach : Yes
• (Please~ one): I am now a resident of: Middle Beach
• I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience . Please list below:
Experience and knowledge of historic preservation for 30 plus years in Miami Beach.
• Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? No
Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice . Please note that only three (3)
chojces will be observed by the City Clerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City)
Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Loan Review Committee
Art in Public Places Committee Marine Authority
Beautification Committee Miami Beach Commission for Women
Board of Adjustment* Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council
Budget Advisory Committee Miami Beach Human Rights Committee
Capital Improvements Projects Oversight Committee Miami Beach Sister Cities Program
Committee for Quality Education in MB Normandy Shores Local Gov 't Neigh . Improvement
Committee on the Homeless Parks and Recreation Facilities Board
Community Development Advisory Personnel Board
Community Relations Board Planning Board *
Convention Center Advisory Board Police Citizens Relations Committee
Debarment Committee Production Industry Council
Design Review Board* Safety Committee
Disability Access Committee Single Family Residential Review Panel
Fine Arts Board Sustainability Committee
Gay , Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) Tennis Advisory Committee
Golf Advisory Committee Transportation and Parking Committee
Health Advisory Committee Visitor and Convention Authority
Health Facilities Authority Board Waterfront Protection Committee
Hispanic Affairs Committee Youth Center Advisory Board
(1] Historic Preservation Board Youth Center Advisory Board
Housing Authority
Note: If applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center:
1 . Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: No ;.:.::;. __ Years of Service:----
2 . Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children .:..:N:.::o~-
ages, and which programs. List below:
Child's name : ______________ _ Age: ___ _
Child's name : Age:
if yes , please list the names of your children, their
Program : 25
• Have you ever been convicted of a felony : No If yes, please explain in detail :
• Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes : No If yes, please explain in detail :
• Do you currently owe the City of Money Beach any money: No If yes , please explain in detail :
• Are you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees : Yes
Wish to continue serving on Historic Pres. Board
• What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you currently hold membership in?
Name: Miami Design Preservation League Title: Board Member
Name : Miami Beach Botancial Garden Title: Member
If yes , which board?
• List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach:
2900 Flamingo Drive
• I am now employed by the city of Miami Beach : No Which department?
• Pursuant to City code Section 2-25(b): do you have a relative who is employed by the
City of Miami Beach? Check all that apply. Identify the department(s):
The following Information Is voluntary and Is neither part of your application nor has any bearing on your consideration for appointment. It is
being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting requirements.
Gender: Female
Ethnic Orgin: Check one only (1)
Physically Challenged: No
Employment Status: Homemaker
NOTE: If appointed, you will be required to follow certain laws which apply to city board/committee members.
These laws Include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459).
o Prohibition from contractlng with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1 ).
o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami
Beach Code section 2-26).
o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11 .1 ).
(re : CMB Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition , during tenure and for one year after leaving office,
from having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself,
or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.611 ).
Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk.
"I hereby attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the application and have received , read and will abide by Chapter 2, Article
VII-of the City Code "Standards of Conduct for City Officers, Employees and Agency Members."
I Jane Gross agreed to the following terms on 12/4/2012 5:41:56 PM
Received in the City Clerk's Office by : Date: I /2012 Control No . Date : I 12012 ------------------------Name of Deputy Clerk
Jane D. Gross -2900 Flamingo Drive -Miami Beach, FL 33140
305-535-2900 -305-321-0597 (cell) -jdgross@ hotmail.com
In September 1982 Jane was hired by Andrew Capitman and Mark Shantzis, the original pioneers ofthe Art
Deco District, to assist in the first hotel restoration of the Carlyle Hotel on Ocean drive. Her corporate
marketing background and willingness to work for a room at the Victor Hotel, free meals at the Cafe Cardozo
and a ridiculously small salary, as well as her knowledge and love of Art Deco, made this a perfect life-
changing move. After this , and because of her relationships with both Barbara Capitman (for whom she
campaigned for City Commission) and Leonard Horowitz (established color palate in district) became leasing
agent for the 30's Promenade (formerly the H.S . Kress Five & Dime -1201 Washington Avenue), the first
commercial historic restoration in the district. The owner served as a conduit in the early days, for anyone who
was interested in developing in the Art Deco District and Jane , then assistant to the President and Owner, was
appointed as the liaison to all potential investors. Jane assisted the New Y or club owners who restored the
Cinema Theater and created South Beach's first premiere nightclub, Club Z Enow, after many incarnations,
"Mansion"). She procured work for struggling artists who would pay he with artwork for lack of money.
Moving from the Victor to the Amsterdam Palace (now the Versace mansion) and then to the Locust
apartments (Cafe Des Arts building) Jane got rent reduction if she encouraged other young tenants to live
further south on Ocean Drive. On the construction side, Jane was liaison to all subcontractors, prepared bank
documents on both renovations and new construction . She haCi experience as a carpenter's helper many years
before. She also held positions for DACRA Development, working for both Craig and Scott Robins while
serving on the Young Professionals Board ofthe City o Miami Beach.
Since 1988, Jane 's focus has been on volunteer; work, including projects for Temple Beth Sholom (chairs
Project Isaiah which raises 2 tons of food each year for the Daily Bread Food Bank) annual Mitzvah Day tee-
shirt drive for the Community Partnership for the Homeless). Certified by Learn to Read Volunteers to teach
adult literacy (currently Project LEAD). Rea s weekly for WLRN Radio Reading Service (currently on eave
of absence to volunteer for I st gradeM:in ergarten reading tutoring in Miami Beach) was vice Presiden ofthe
Board of Cushman School Parent Association. Participates ongoing in toy drives, sweater drives, sneaker
drives , backpack and school sup,ply drives for needy children . A cancer survivor, Jane volunteers at the
American Cancer Society' Re ay for Life. She strongly promotes random acts of kindness such as driving the
elderly or domestic help home or to bus stops with her son, Jon. Responsible for weekly lunch at New Life
Homeless Shelter with her son and sister the summer of2003. (preparation, serving, cleanup)
Jane's pre-Miam· each career included: Assistant Corporate Controller at Sa~o · Paints Corporation in
Danbury, CT. w ere she was charged with computerizing all depts. Installed ami managed first custom color
systems in eas coast home center chains. Manager of Sales Services forMa chabelli Div. of Chesebrough
Ponds E:orp. (Aziza Cosmetics and Fragrances); Marketing Consultant te Micr ognosis for an innovative
rnone arket software system that revolutionized the trading floors (i)ll Wall Street. Subcontracted to provide
all necessary cable work for trading floor installations. V ruious freelance writing projects such as employee
anuals, product desc1iptions, instruction booklets, assembl¥ ins mctions as well as jingles, lyrics and some
comedy. Jane worked her way through college as art gallery mgr, ballet studio asst and carpenter's helper .
Education: B.A. Western Connecticut University; State of Fla . Real Estate License for 25 years
Associations: Executive Board Member Miami Beac Community Health Center, Board member ofthe
Miami Design Preservation Leagqe, Founding Member Woman 2000 , Board Member Miami
PACT representing Temple Betli Sholom
Membership samples : Miami Beach His orical Assn, Life member NCJW, Nat' I Trust for Historic
Preservation, Dade Heritage Trust, Urban Environment League, Amnesty International,
Greenpeace, Miami Beac 6£}.Tden Conservancy, Women for Women International.
Continued on page 2-
Page 2 -Community Service etc .
Jane Dee Gross-2900 Flamingo Drive, Miami Beach FL 33140
305-535-2900 (h) 305-321-0597 (c) jdgross@h otmail .com
Board of Directors-Miami Beach Community Health Center-6 years; Secretary of Board of Directors MBCHC-3 years
Honored as "A Woman Worth Knowing" by City of Miami Beach 2006
Neighborhood Police liaison - 2 years;
Co Chair Project Isaiah for Temple Beth Sholom (food drive benefiting Daily Bread Food Bank)-Started the tradition and chaired
for 9 years
Board Member, Miami Design Preservation League for many years and current
WLRN Radio Reading Service on air newsreader 1 0 years plus (served on the advisory boat d as well)
Board Member PACT (People Acting for Community Together) a social justice advocate consortium (representing Temple Beth
Sholom) 5 years. PACT reps 100,000 people in Miami Dade County
Literacy Volunteer for Miami Dade Public Schools (Kindergarten/1'1 grade at Mt. Sinai satellite as well as one year 4'" grade at
North Beach Elementary); Vice President Parent Association at Cusbman School 2 years : Class Mother Temple Beth Sholom pre
school 3 years; Classroom volunteer Hebrew Academy 2 years; Class Mother Lehrman Day School 2 years ; Team Mother various
sports teams 12 years plus.
Book, Food and Video drives to benefit Community Partnership for the Homeless many years.
Life member NCJW; Founding Member Women 2000
Sponsor : Yow1g Women's Leadership events , Swiflmver Society (Feinberg Fisher Elementary School), Miami Beach Women's
Conference, local HTV/AJDs social events (incl ding resident assistance) and various anonymous activities.
Education/Certification: BA Wcste Connecticut State Uni versity; State of Florida Real Estate License (25 years); Aautt Literacy
Certification (Laubach Method); Miami.Beach Citizen's Police Academy Graduate ; Miami Beach Neighborhood Leadership
Academy Graduate.
~f ~Joeco<-.-.
... ···-·····-
I: .At::'_ M
2012-2013 OFFICERS
Olga Vieira
Brian Alonso
Judy Pruitt
Francena Koch
Dolly Macintyre
Enid C. Pinkney
Bertram "Chico" Goldsmith
Marcia Anderson
Federico Fernandez
Joseph Furst
Matthew Greer
Unda Collins Hertz
Dwight Hill
Ruth Jacobs
Megan Kelly
Lois Randall
Vinson Richter
Susan Sheltey
Scott Silver
Sandra Suarez
Todd Trag ash
Lilian Walby
B.R. ~Randy• Witt
Aymee V. Zubizarreta
Walter Alvarez
Gay Bondurant
Ann Marie Clyatt
Gary Held
Adolfo Henriques
Jorge Hernandez
Sallye Jude
Penny Lambeth
Nancy Liebman
Bruce Matheson
Thomas J. Matkov
Will iam Murphy
George Neary
leslie Pantin
Arva Moore Parks
Rafael Penalver
Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk
Jeanette Poole
Norah Schaefer
Don Slesnick II
Herb Sosa
Ellen Uguccioni
Mary Young
Becky Roper Matkov
December 13,2012
Mayor Matti Bower
City Commissioners
1700 Convention Drive
Miami Beac~ FL 33139
o Hf:RITAGf:o
Dear Mayor Bower and Commissioners,
Dade Heritage Trust, the largest nonprofit historic preserVation
organization in Miami-Dade County, enthusiastically endorses the re-
appointment of Jane Gross to the Miami Beach Historic Preservation
Jane has excellent preservation credentials and has served ably with great
diligence and insight into the complicated issues confronting preservation.
She has been a great resource to our organization, as well, keeping us
infonned on important preservation matters.
Jane Gross will serve the community well and should be asked to continue
to serve.
Becky Roper Matkov, CEO
190 S.E. 12th Terrace, Miami, FL 33131 • Phone (305) 358-9572 • Fax (305) 358-1162
dadeheritage@dht.comcastbiz.net • www.dadeheritagetrust.org
Granado, Rafael
Paredes , Barbie
Wednesday, December 05 , 2012 10:03 AM
Granado , Rafael
Commission Agenda
Nomination : HPB
Commissioner Exposito would like to nominate Jane Gross to the Historic Pr eservati on Board for the Dade Heritage
Contact information:
Jane Gross
Phone: (305 ) 321-0597
Email: jdgross@hotmail.com
We trust that you wi ll f i n d all in good orde r . Sh ou ld yo u ha ve any questions , please feel free to contact me.
Best regards ,
Barb i e Pa r edes
Barbie Paredes, Aide to Commissioner Jorge R. Exposito
1700 Convention Center Drive , Miami Beach , FL 33139
Tel: 305-673-7030 I Fax: 305-673 -7096 I Website
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safaty to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
Granado, Rafael
Subject: City Commission At-Large Nominations For December 12 , 2012 -Release# 1
From: Gongora 1 Michael
Sent: Thursday1 December 06, 2012 2 :52PM
To: Granado, Rafael
Cc: Fontani, Diana; mgonqora @becker-poliakoff.com
Subject: RE: City Commission At-Large Nominations For December 12, 2012-Release # 1
I wil l also nominate Jane Gross for re-appointment to Historic Preservation Board
Granado, Rafael
Good morning Rafael,
Fontani, Diana
Wednesday, January 09 , 2013 11:33 AM
Granado, Rafael
Prieto, Silvia; Martinez, Maria; Gongora, Michael
HPB Nomination
Vice Mayor Gongora would like to nominate Jane Gross' re-appointment to HPB. Please confirm.
Thank you,
Diana Fontani Martinez, A ide to Commissioner Gongora
1700 Con ventio n Center Drive , Miami Beach , FL 33139
Tel : 305-673-7030 I Fa x: 305-673-7096 I www.miamibeachfl.gov
We are co mmitted to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
Mr. Granado :
Mr. Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk
Commiss i oner Deede Weithorn
December 6, 2012
Nomination-Ms. Jane Gross
Hi storic Preservation Board
Commissioner Deede Weithorn wo uld like to nominate Ms . Jane Gross to serve a second term
on the Historic Preservation Board.
Jane, a Miami Beach r esident since the 1980s, fought for the preservation of our now w o r ld
reno w ned Art Deco Di st r i ct. Together with he r husband , Comm issione r Saul Gross, Jane has
given back to hi s community more than what could eve r be exp ected from such dedic ated
public servants. Jane is an active member ofT em pie Beth Shalom and volunteers at the Daily
Bread Food Bank , Community Partnership forthe Homeless , New Life Family Shelter, Amer ica n
Cancer Society, WLRN Rad i o Reading Service for the Blind , and the Miami-Dade School System.
Furthermore, Ja ne has been a board member of the Miami Design Preservation League , People
Acting for Community Toge t he r {PACT ), and the Miami Beach Community Health Center.
This office is oft en asked to submit nomin ations for appointment to municipal boards and
committees, but ev ery once in a while the request comes from individuals of such great
personal and professional caliber that the nomination almost writes itself; Jane indeed
personifie s this de sc ription. Should you have any que sti ons a nd/or concerns, please do not
hes itate to contact Comm issioner Weithorn's office at extension 7105 .
Ale x Fern andez
Commissioner Weithorn's Office
'vVe ore commiffed to providing excellent public setv1ce and safety to oil who live. work, ond ploy in our vibron'. tropical, historic communi/'(
------,--,--------------------Position: ----------------------.4--
Business Name
Business Address City State Zip Code ______.
Professional License (describe)-----------------------Expires:::-::-:-:-::-:-=------
• Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? Yes
Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [2] second choice , and [3] th d choice . Please note that
only three (3) choices '-•Viii be obsen:ed by the City Clerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City)
0 Affordable Hous ing Ad vi sory Comm ittee 0 Fine Arts Board 0 Normandy Shores Local Government
Neiohborhood Improvement
0 Art in Public Pla ces Committee 0 Gay , Lesbian, Bise xual and Transgender 0 Parks and Recreation Facil iti es Boa rd
Enhancement Committee(GLBT)
0 Beautification Committ ee 0 Golf Advisory Committee 0 Personnel Board
0 Board of Ad j ustment* 0 Hea lth Advisory Committee 0 Plannino Board*
0 Budget Advisory Comm ittee 0 Health Facilities Authority Board 0 Police Citizens Relations Comm ittee
0 Capital Improvements Pro jects 0 Hispanic Affairs Committee 0 Production Industry Council
Oversiqht Comm ittee / ~
0 Committee on the Homeless ,k-1;-listoric Preservation Board 1_1 / 0 Safety Committee
0 Committee for Quality Education in MB 0 Housinq Authority '--..,./ 0 Sinqle Family Residential Re vi ew Panel
0 Community De velopment Advisory 0 Loan Review Committee 0 Sustainab ility Comm ittee
0 Community Relat ions Board 0 Marine Authority 0 Tennis Advisory Committee
0 Con vention Cen ter Ad v isory Board 0 Miami Beach Comm iss ion for Women 0 Transportation and Parkinq Committee
0 Debarment Committee 0 Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council 0 Visitor and Convention Authority
0 Desiqn Re view Board * 0 Miami Beach Human Riqhts Committee 0 Youth Center Advisory Board
0 Disability Access Comm ittee 0 Miami Beach Sister Cit ies Program 0 Waterfront Protection Committee
*Board Required to File State Disclosure Form
Note : If applying for You th Ad visory Board , please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center :
1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board : Yes 0 No 0 Years of Service : __ _
2. Present participation in Youth Center acti v ities by your children Yes 0 No 0. If yes , please list the names of your children,
their ages , and w hi ch programs . List below:
Child 's name : Age :___ Program : _____________ _
Child 's name :-----------------Age :___ Pro gram : _____________ _
F:\CL ER\$ALL \oFORMS\BOARD AND CO,\~MITTE E S \BC Application .doc
•Have you ever bee n con vi cted of a f elon y : Yes 0 or No ~yes, pl ease exp lai n in detai l:
• Do you currently have a vio latio n(s) of City of Miam i Beach codes : Yes 0 or N.....,_,...,f yes, please expla in in detail :
• Do you curre ntly ow e the City of Mi ami Beach any mon ey: Yes 0 or No
• What orga ni zati ons in t he City of Mia mi Beach do you currently hold membership in?
.f'v\1> f L ~-~
Na m e"'"~Q._~of\S<;-A , Ti tle -p .~,.~
• Li st all ~roperties ow ned or have an in te,rest in , which are located wit hin L!JfJ City of Mia m i Beach :
I ·c~ ~ ~M ~
• I a m now employed by the Cit y of Mia mi Beach : Yes 0 or No. Which departme nt?
• Pursuant to City Code Section 2-25 (b): Do you have a parent 0 . spouse D . child 0 bro t her 0 . or siste r 0 who is
employed by t he City of Mia mi Beach? C heck all that apply. Iden tify the departmen t(s): ~
The following information is voluntary and is ne ither part of your application nor has any bearing on your consideration for
appointment. It is being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting requirements .
Ethnic Origin: Check on e o~)
.~er: Male 0 F emale~
~ Wht te (Not of H:sp a;,:c Cngtn ): A! I pers ons haVJr;g on gtns tn any of the ongmal peoples of Europe , North Afnca or the Mtdd le East
0 Afri can-Am er i can/Black (Not of Hispanic Origin ): All persons ha ving origins in any of the Black racial group s of Af rica .
0 Hispanic : All pe rsons of Mexican , Puerto Ri can , Cub an, Cent ral or South Ame rican , or other Spanish cultu re or origin , regardless of ra ce .
0 Asian or Pacific Islander : All pe rso ns having origins in an y of the original peopl es of th e Far East , Southeast As ia, the India n Subcontinent , or
the Pacific Islands . T his area incl udes , for example , China , Ind ia, Japan, Ko rea , the Ph ilippine Islands and Somoa .
0 Am er i ca n Indian or Alaskan Native: All pe rsons ha ving origins in an y of the original peoples of North America , and who ma int ain
Cultu ral identifi cation thro~ tribal a~o n or community recognition .
Physically Chall enged: Yes W or No
Employment Stat us : Empl oyed 0 R etired.~ Homemaker 0 Other 0 __________ _
o Prohibition from directly or in directly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459).
o Prohibit ion from cont racting with th e city (M iam i-D ade County Code section 2-11 .1 ).
o Prohibit ion from lobbying before board /comm ittee you ha ve served on for period of one year after lea ving office (M iami Beach
City Code section 2-26).
o Requirement to disclose certa in f inancial interests and gifts (Miami -Dade County Code sect ion 2-11 .1 ).
o CM B Comm un ity Developme nt Advisory Committee : prohi b it ion , during tenu re and for one year after leavi ng office , from having
any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for eithe r yourself, or those with whom
you have business or immediate fam ily ties (C FR 570 .611 ).
Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Cle r k .
{ Lr 7--"-1 6-Se
Date Name of Ap
y : ___ ~--~~--~~------------~~~~----------~-------
Name of Deputy Clerk Control No. Date
Jo Manning
1460 Ocean Drive #408
Miami Beach, FL 33139
(305) 538-3270
I was born inN ew York City and received all of my schooling through undergraduate
level there. In 1961 I applied to the Peace Corps and met my husband, Nick Manning,
who is currently a part-time university lecturer and a producer of documentaries and
independent feature films. We both have graduate degrees from Syracuse University. My
husband had a Fulbright in India and we lived in Poona in the 1970's, where he taught at
the Indian Film & TV Institute . We have two children and five grandchildren and semi-
retired to Florida 7 years ago. Our son is involved in new business development in in
Coimbatore, India, and our daughter, who's based in London, is an independent
contractor who restores wall paintings and edits preservation/conservation documents.
I have degrees in English Literature and Library Science, and was the founder and
Director of the Reader's Digest General Books Library for over twenty years. I also
worked for ABC News and for Citibank, all in New York City. During that time, I wrote
for general interest magazines and professional journals, did book and movie reviews,
features, and edited newsletters . I moved to Florida in 1997 and have freelanced at the
University of Miami and Barry University and have also done research for a variety of
private clients, companies, individuals, and e-commerce groups.
In the early 1990s I began to write fiction, and was published in a number of little
magazines and national newspapers. My first novel was published in 2000, followed by a
second and a third, in 2002 and 2004. The second novel received an award from Booklist
magazine as a Top Ten Novel of2002. I also had stories in anthologies. In 2005, Simon
& Schuster published my first attempt at non-fiction, My Lady Scandalous, the
biography of Grace Dalrymple Elliott, a celebrated 18 1h century courtesan and memoirist.
I write freelance articles for magazines on a variety of subjects (the latest was a travel-
cultural piece in the November 2008 issue of Bonita Living) and give lectures (some
gratis, others fee-based) for organizations such as the Bass Museum, the Miami Beach
Regional Library, and private groups, including homeowner associations (1500 Ocean
Drive), charities (JAFCO/Jewish Adoption and Foster Care Options), and professional
groups (South Florida Writers).
I have always taken an interest in my community and have been a successful advocate for
historic neighborhoods. In St. George, Staten Island, I formed a group that fought against
the incursion of an unsuitable high-rise office building in a predominantly residential pre-
Civil War neighborhood of single-family homes and small apartment buildings. I have
been involved with parent-teacher groups and professional organizations throughout my
life and served in various offices in these associations.
Living in an historic neighborhood on South Beach, in The Drake, a Contributing Art
Deco Building, has been a privilege. Our buildings are the reason tourists and visitors
flock to the beach. We are the real thing! I have been condo board president of The Drake
for almost five years and active in the Miami Beach community, giving testimony at the
Historical Preservation Board, the Zoning Board, the Planning Board, the Beach
Preservation Committee, the Transportation & Parking Committee and at meetings of the
City Commission. I fought hard to keep the Electrowave a city-run entity.
I gathered parking usage statistics for Zone Five that proved on-street parking in the
historic neighborhood was necessary and of great importance to residents. Aligned
against us were businesses \vith access to garage space who nonetheless demand multiple
valet spaces to conduct their operations . I am not anti-business, not by any means, but I
believe in researching the facts in order to come to a fair solution to issues. I see myself
as a mediator and problem-solver. I do not rely on empty allegations or hyperbole to
prove a pojnt or to sway public officials. I do believe that citizens have a right to be heard
and I'm a good listener and communicator who's sincerely dedicated to historical
preservation and am an enthusiastic member of the Miami Design Preservation League.
To sum up , I believe that I have the qualifications: the energy, the intelligence, and the
will, to serve on Miami Beach boards and committees, including the Historic
Preservation Board. I have now put in two years on the Transportation & Parking
Committee and was influential in stopping a public works project -the widening of 23rd
Street-that would have cost taxpayers $5 million dollars. I sincerely believe in the
message of historic preservation-the fight is not over-to identify and preserve our Art
Deco heritage for future generations. Ours is a Contributing Art Deco Building on Ocean
Drive and I know that this is one of the major attractions for tourists who come to our
area, along with nightlife, good restaurants and beaches. It is not a poor second in terms
of attractions, but rather uppermost in the hierarchy of what makes Miami Beach such a
fabulous community in which to live and work.
It would be an honor to serve on the Historic Preservation Board, especially after two full
and active years as a working member-with an excellent attendance record--of the
Transportation & Parking Committee. Thank you.
***A list of personal references to vouch for my character, personal integrity, and ability
to serve will be provided upon request.
Granado, Rafael
From: Fontani, Diana
Friday, December 07, 20 12 3:10 PM
Granado, Rafael
Cc: Gongora, Michael
Subject: Nomination to Historic Pre servatio n
Vice Mayor Michael Gongora would like to nominate Jo e Manning forthe Historic Preservat ion Board . Please confirm .
Thank you, Diana
Diana Fontani Martinez, Aide to Commissioner Gongora
1700 Convention Cen ter Drive , Miami Beach, FL 33139
Tel: 305-673-7030 I Fa x: 305-673-7096 I www.miamibeachtl.aov
We are committed to providing excellent public seNice and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant. tropical, historic community.
Granado, Rafael
Good morning Rafael,
Fontani , Diana
Wednesday, January 09, 2013 11:33 AM
Granado , Rafael
Prieto , Silvia ; Martinez, Maria ; Gongora , Michael
HPB Nomination
Vice Mayor Gongora would like to nominate Jane Gross' re-appointment to HPB. Please confirm.
Thank you,
Diana Fontani Martinez, Aide to Commissioner Gongora
1700 Convention Center Drive , Miami Beach , FL 33 139
T el : 305 -673-70 30 I Fa x: 305-673-7096 I www.miamibeachfl.gov
We are committed to providing excellent public seNice and safety to all who live, work and play in ou r vibrant, tropical, historic community.
Granado, Rafael
Mr. Granado :
Paredes , Barbie
Wednesday, December 05, 2012 4:16 PM
Granado, Rafael
Commission Agenda
Nomination: HPB
Commissioner Exposito would like to nominate Josephine Manning to the Historic Preservation Board . for the At-Large
seat .
Contact information:
Josephine Manning
Phone: (305) 538-3270
Email: dnnwk2@june.com
We trust that you wil l find al l in good order. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Best regards ,
Barbie Paredes
Barbie Paredes, Aide to Commissioner Jorge R. Exposito
1700 Conve ntio n Center Drive , Miami Beach, FL 33139
Tel : 305 -673-70 30 I Fa x: 305 -673 -7096/ Website
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
Last Name
----------J....-'="-------\--J,;,.L--'--'-+--=_.::._-q.___;::..._ __ Position: ____ __/_----"7 ______ ....__-"' __________ _
Business Address City State Zip Code
----------Pro fessio nal License (desc ribe )-----------------------E xpires:~~--------
Attach a copy of the license
Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4) a and b : Members of agencies , boards and committees shall be affiliated with the city;
this requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a. An individual shall ha ve been a resident of the city for a minimum of si x
months; or b. An indi vidual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city
for a minimum of six months. -
• Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months : Yes~ or No 0 rA-l
• Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a busines~iami Beach for a minimum of six months: Yes ~r No 0
• Are you a reg istered voter in Miami Beach: Ye~or No 0
• I am now a resident of: North Beach 0 South Beach~ Middle Beach 0
• I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities , knowledge and experience . Please list below:
• Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? Yes
P lease list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [2] second choice , and [3] third choice. Please note that
onlv three (3) choices will be observed bv the Citv Clerk's Office. (Regula r Boards of City)
o Affordable Hous ing Advisory Committee I :...1 Fine Arts Board 0 Normandy Shores Local Go ve rnment
Neighborhood Improvement
0 Art in Public Places Committee 0 Gay , Lesbian , Bisexual and Transgender 0 Parks and Recreation Facil it ies Board
Enhancement Committee(GLBT)
n Beautification Committee I 0 Golf Advisory Committee 0 Personnel Board
0 Board of Adjustment* * 0 Health Advisory Committee 0 Plann ing Board**
u BudQet Advisory Committee 0 Health Faci lities Authority Board 0 Police Citizens Relations Committee
o Capital Impro vements Projects 0 Hispanic Affairs Committee J Production Industry Council
OversiQht Committee
0 Committee on the Home less I tKI.iistoric Preservation Board "iZ I u Safety Committee
o Committee for Quality Education in MB 0 Housing Authority 0 SinQie Family Residential Review Panel
0 Community Development Advisory 0 Loan Review Committee I 0 Sustainability Committee
u Community Relations Board 0 Marine P•.uthority 0 Tennis Advisory Committee
iJ Convention Center Advisory Board 0 Miam i Beach Commission for Women 0 Transportation and Park ing Committee
I 0 Debarment Committee I 0 Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council 0 Visitor and Convention Authority
o Des ign Review Board* 17 0 Miami Beach Human Rights Committee 0 Youth Center Advisory Board
o Disability Access Committee 0 Miami Beach Sister Cities Program 0 Waterfront Prote ction Committee
* Board Required to File State Disclosure Form
-tr If you seek appointment to a professional seat (e.g., lawyer, architect) on the Board of Adjustment, Design Review Board ,
Historic Preservation Board , or Planning Board, attach a copy of your currently-effectively license, and furnish the
following information: ------~-
Type of Professional License , License Number ~"'"' '
License Issuance Date
...._.-'J "',I ·UO ~::J },liJ , and License Expiration Date · ~ · -· ·
' ,.,....,,., "7 11"7
~'J•'I ~0 ::,-J.JUC.IUL
( _, ·'\ !'~ .. . -~ (j
o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459).
o Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1 ).
o Prohibition from lobbying before board /committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miam i Beach
City Code section 2-26).
o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami -D ade County Code section 2-1 1.1 ).
o CMB Community Development Advisory Committee : prohibition , during tenure and for one year after leaving office , from having
any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself, or those with whom
you have business or immediate family ties (C FR 570 .611 ).
Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk.
---J2DG -zvcv /k;r0> ~~11
Date NamJ of Appl ica nt (PLEASE PR INT) "' Applicant's
Recei v edinTheCityCier~sOfficeby:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Name of Deputy Clerk Control No. Date
831 9th Street, M iami Beach, Florida 33139
786.271 .6982 herb@herbsosa.com
A proven track record in verbal & written communications and excellent
public relations and cause marketing successes
Community activist, Miami historian, preservationist and freelance writer, Herb Sosa is a founding
member of, and currently serves as President of UNITY COALITION I COALICION UNIDA, the
leading non-profit 501 {c)3 Latino I Hispanic gay civil-rights nonprofit initiative, offering leadership
on issues that concern Latino I Hispanic LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) and other
minority groups across the U.S. since 2002 and most recently, producers of the Celebrate
ORGULLO Festival in Miami Beach. Sosa is also Publisher I Editor-In-chief of AMBIENTE Magazine,
AMBIENTE Magazine is the first & only LGBT publication offered in English, Spanish & Portuguese,
produced bi-monthly, offered free of charge, and distributed digitally around the globe to
thousands of its readers.
Mr. Sosa brings over 20 years of corporate and not-for-profit leadership experience in the
Previously, Mr. Sosa was Corporate Creative Director for Burdines Dept. stores, was
Executive Director of Miami Design Preservation League and the Art Deco Weekend Festival in
Miami Beach.
In 1995 Mr. Sosa created and developed the Ba-Balu Store concept in Miami & Miami
Beach, earning the store the unique distinction of being named one of Conde N'ast Trave ler
Magazines top 100 destinations in the world in 1996. Mr. Sosa has receive various career and
accolades from his peers, including the Up and Comers Business Leaders Award (1996), City of
Miami Beach Herb Sosa Day proclamation {1997), and featured in Cafe Con Leche, a
documentary on first-generation Cuban-Americans {1996). Sosa served as chairman of Miami
Beach's Historic Preservation Board for over six years , and has served on the Board of Directors of
the Miami Design Preservation League, Miami Beach Community Development Corp.,
Shelbourne & Fernwood HIV/AIDS Housing, and variety of other organizations throughout South
Florida. While president of Dade Heritage Trust, Sosa was honored to be involved in the
restoration and re-lighting of the 1925 Cape Florida lighthouse in Key Biscayne, culminating with
a Gala Re-Lighting Ceremony in July 1996, capping Miami's Centennial Celebration.
In January 2004, Herb Sosa was named one of Tentaci6nes Magazines Top Ten Latina/o
activists in the U.S. and in 2005 was named one of OUT magazines Top 100 LGBT Activists and
featured on LOGO TV. On April2008 Sosa was named Terra.com's Activist of the Month.
In 2009 Sosa received a City Proclamation from Miami Beach -Herb Sosa Day -for his
community work, was nominated for a Glaad Media Award in 2009 for Outstanding Digital
Journalism for his work in Ambiente Magazine and was named one of the 25 Most Influential
GLBT Latinos in the U.S. by miapogeo.com.
On December 1, 2009 -World AIDS Day-U.S. Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
recognizes Herb Sosa personally for his work in the community, along with that of Unity Coalition
and Ambiente Magazine, as she addressed the U.S. House of Representatives .
Currently Sosa is once again serving as chairman of the City of Miami Beach's Historic
Preservation Design Review Board and in May 2011was named one of 5 "People To Know" in
Miami Beach by the Miami Herald .
Editor-In-chief, Ambiente E-Magazine
831 9th Street, Miami Beach, Florida 33139
786.271.6982 herb@herbsosa .com
AMBIENTE Magazine is the first & only LGBT publication offered in English, Spanish &
Portuguese, produced bi-monthly, offered free of charge, and distributed digitally around
the globe to over 30 ,000 loyal readers monthly, with a direct market of Florida. the
Caribbean & Latin America www.ambiente.us
Herb Sosa Design
A full service image, public relations and web design service, with an impressive list of local.
national and international clients www.herbsosa.com
Freelance writer
Published locally & nationally in House King Magazine, Revista House King, Preservation
Today, Ambiente, SunPost. Miami Herald, Miamigo, Tentaciones & various other publications
2000 -2003
Executive Director, Miami Design Preservation League & Art Deco Weekend®
Non profit historic preservation organization, with over 600 members and year round
educational programs, the Art Deco Museum, the Art Deco Welcome Center. Art Deco
Weekend with over 500.000 visitors to Miami Beach each year, and dedicated to protecting
Miami Beach's seven historic districts and their architectural legacy www.mdpl.org
Responsible for 12 employees, 300 volunteers and a combined annual budget of $1 ,450 ,000
Owner, Babalu
A gift and memorabilia boutique for everything Cuban-With stores in Miami Beach, Bayside
and on the web, Babalu was named one of Conde N 'ast Traveler Magazines top 100
destinations in the world in 1996 and featured on various movies , TV and news shows.
Organizer, Espanola Way Artist Market
Created and managed the weekly Espanola Way Artist Market, including over 50 artists &
vendors weekly, entertainment scheduling and street improvements
Owner, Beach Image Group
Image development for small businesses including promotion, product design, advertising
and graphic services -Clients included The Govt. of Mexico, Commissioner Nancy Liebman,
Lorio's Restaurant. and Goodbodies Shop
Creative Director, Visual Presentation Products
A multi level design and manufacturing firm in Florida. Organizational and personnel
responsibilities of corporate retail design, product development and quality control of local
national and international manufacturing, supervising staff of over 80 in Florida with clients as
Lerner New York, The Limited, Bloomingdale's, Henri Bendel. and Burdines
Creative Director, Store Planning & Visual Merchandising, Burdines Dept. Stores
Oversaw for the corporate image and development of 42 department stores across Florida
& developed special projects for Federated Dept. Stores Corporate affiliates across the U.S.
Responsibilities included seasonal themes & development. new store concepts, fixture, shop
concept, mannequin design, and overall corporate image. Supervised 250+ employees,
and a 2.4 million annual budget.
Miami Beach Human Rights Committee
• Alan B. Fishman
• Elizabeth F. Schwartz
• Carlos J. (CJ) Ortuno
• Monica Harvey
• Bradley A. Ugent
i LD _: MIAMI BEACH -~-,. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH -~ v ", ' .--
NAME: r' s. \-\-MJ"N"' A\:czv:\
Last Name A-1 . ' ~rstN'ame 1\A .n Middle Initial
HoME ADDREss: ____ L\...:..;~~~-.!.-~0~-......:......,.o~-~~, -r-_---4~~:.....;""_;_v:....:::...(_____.; --L...~_;_:..::t:J:;::__A....L..::.~-==~==....:::6:.~t~Lf"='"~~
Aj!, N~. -House No./Street City State Zip Code
PHONE: ·mS S3l.-2_~ \i O
Home Wof1< Fax Email address
Business Name:-----....,.-------'---+---Position:--------------------
Address: _______ ~-~----~~-,--,-------~------~~~---~~~--No. Stre,'t _ City State Zip Code
Professional License (describe)----'----'------+--------Expires:. ______ Attach a copy of the license
· ·Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4) a and b: Merr1bers of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this
requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six
months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate own'!!rshij:llinterest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city.
• Resident of Miami Beach for a minim~m of six (6) months: Ye~ N~ o ·
• Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business,in ~ami Beacli for a minimum _ofsix (6)_months: v#or No o
• Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes~r ;No o . · · ~-~ .
• (Please circle one): I am now a resident of: Nor!th Beach South Beach · l.....lt!!.ddle Bea~
• I' am applying for·an appointment because I have sp~cial abilities, knowledge·and experience . Pleanlrst below:
• Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City rlf Miami Beach? Yes o or N~ _ · -
Please iist your preferences in order of ranking [1] first cl,oice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Please note that only three-f3)
choices will be observed by the Cltv Clerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City)
I o Affordable -Housing Advisory Committee o Marine AuthOritY
0 Art in Public Places Committee 0 Miami Beach Commission for Women
0 Beautification Committee DMiami Beach Cultural Arts Council
~Board of Adjustment• -fi Miami Beach Human Riahts Committee I
0 Budget Advisory Committee · o Miami Beach Sister .Cities. Proaram
0 Capital Improvements Projects Oversiaht Committee ! 0 Normandy Shores Local GoveminentNeiah. Improvement
0 Committee on the Homeless 0 Parks and Recreation Facilities Board
0 Committee for Quality Education in MB o Personnel Board
.D Community Development Advisorv 0 Planning Bo13rd* . _ ...
0 Community Relations Board 0 Police Citizens Relations Committee -(:
>. 0 Convention Center Advisory-Board o Production lndustrv Council _.' ' ~ --0 Debarment Committee o Public Safety Advisorv Committee ''-'
o Design Review Board* 0 Safetv Committee c. ·-;-. -~
0 Disability Access Committee i 0 Sinale Family Residential Review Panel .
0 Fine Arts Board o Sustainability Committee "" -n
o Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBn 0 Transportation · and Parkina Committee -"' :Jl. m
o .Golf Advisory Committee o Visitor and Convention AuthoritY
0 Health Advisory Committee -'il'Waterfront Protection Committee z.:.: &"
0 Health Facilities Authority Board o Youth Center Advisorv Board
o Hispanic Affairs .Committee
· 0 Historic Preseniation Board
0 Housing Authority
o Loan Review Committee · : *Board Required to li:ife!Sta~~Dls¢1~""~·111.'·~ 1 rr · '"·
Note: If applying _for Youth Advisory Board, please _indica ~e your affiliation with the Scott Raktw Youth Center: I 1 ,r
1. Past service rin the Youth Center Advisory Board : Yes b No o Years of Service: --..:......
2 . Present participat_ion i11 Youth Center activities by ~our children Yeso No _.tJ. If yes; please list the names of your children, their
ag~s., and which programs. List. below: ·1 . . · · · • · · ·
Chrld s narne: · · Age: ___ Program : ____________ _:.__
i Child's name: Age: Program:
F:\CLER\$ALL\oFORMS\BOARD AND COMMITIEES\BC A~pi i cation .do c /;· ~ .
•Have you ever been convicted of a fe.: Yes 0 ~r N~yes, please explain in eil: ' "
., Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Mia ~i Beach codes: Yes o or . yes , please explain in detail:
. I . .
• Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach an t money: Yes o or N~es,_explain in detail
• Are you currently serving on any City Boards or qommittees: Yes 0 or No . yes ; which board?
I ..
. . i
• What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do! you currently hold membership in?
Name : · I Title: _____ · __ _..:.... __________ _:.._
Name : ----------------+~--'---Title:. __________________ ___.;.
• I am now employed by the City of Miami Be~ch: ~es o or ~Which department? .
:. I . . . . .
• Pursuant to City Code Section 2-25 (b): .Do you hav~ a parent o, spouse o, child. o, brother o, or sister 0 who is employed by the
City of Miami Beach? Check all that ~pply. Identify the department(s): . .
. . . I
The following lnfonnatlon Is voluntary and Is nelther .. p~rt ofjyour application nor has any bearing on your consideration for appointment. It Is
being atsked to comply with· federal equal opportunity repo~ng requirements. · ·
Gender: KMale . . 0 Female ; .
c Origin: Check one only (1) · · I ··
. I
te (Not of Hispanic O~gin): All persons having origins I" any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa or the Middle East .
O ·Afrlcan.Amerlcan/Biack (Not of Hispanic Origin): All persons. having origins in any of. the Black racial groups of Africa. ·
· 0 Hispanic: All person~ of Mexican, Puerto. Rican, Cuban, 9 entral or South American, or other Spanish culture or origin , regardless of race.
0 Asian or Pacific Islander: All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, on
. the. Pacific Islands. This area includes, for example, China j India, Japan , Korea , the Philippine Islands and Somoa.
0 American Indian or Alaskan Native: All persons having origins in any .of the original peoples of North America, and who maintain
Cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community1
recognition . · .
Physically Ch.llenged: Yes 0 or NoD . . · .
Employment St~t~s: Employed Retired o ~omemaker o Other o ----~-;.._ _____ _
NOTE: If appointed, you will be required to
These laws include, but are. not limited to, the .. ..,..11,.. ... ,; .. , ...
laws which apply to city board/committee members.
. o 'Prohibition from diredly or indiredly lnhl'\vtr•n personnel (Miami Beach City Code sedion 2-459).
o · · Pro~i.t>ition from contrading with .the County Code sedion 2-11. 1 ). .
o Prohibition . from lobbying before hn, ... ttJr ... nrm .... itt~•A you have ~erved on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami'
Beach City :-. Code sedion 2-26). · · x
o Requirement to disclose certain financial and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code sedion 2~11.1).
(re: CMB Community Development Advisory : prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving Qffice,
.. . , from having any interest in or receiving any from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself ,
\·Qr !hose with whom you have business or family ties (CFR 570.611); . .
. Upon reqU(tSt, _copies of these laws may be from the City Clerk.
the applicattion and have received, read and will abide by Chapter 2, ·
City Officers, Employees and Agency Members." ·
, I
~ . . ·I
. .
i .
: I
I . I
Suite 204
300 Arthur Godfrey Road
.Miami Beach, Florida 33140
(305) 532-2810
The.Fiorida Bar, 1987.
Certified Public Accountant (Florida), 1987.
Solo Practitioner,
law Office of Alan B. Fishman, Miami Beach,
May 1 989 -Present.
Practice in real estate, bankruptcy ·and corporate ·
Therrel Baisden & Meyer Weiss, Miami Beach, Floriqa.
October 1987 -May 1 989, Attorney. Research and writing opinions and
memoranda involving banking and real estate law. T~ research in
partnership, corporate, foreign, estate planning and federal and state tax
controversies. Research and writing pleadings and memor~nda for civil
litigation proceedings. : 1
Michael J. Moorhead, Professor of .law, University of F,Jorida,
.. __ Gainesville, Florida. September '1985 -May 1987, Research Assistant.
·Researched labor law, administrative law and civil rights l~w to assist in
the preparation of articles for publication. Extensive use of WESTLAW
computer research and legislative materials. 1
Co-author, Florida Civil Practice Damages Chapter Six, (CUE Second
Edition, 1989 Supplement). '
Juris · Doctorate,
University of Florida College of law, May 1987.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Professi6nal Accounting
a~F~oc~ 1
The American University, May 1 984.
University of Florida College of law Merit Loan {1984-!1987).
The American University Merit Scholarship (1 981 - 1 984). ·
' :
·Charles Glover Scholarship (1 983).
Sidney .ludwig Foundation Scholarship ( 1 980 -1983 ). :
. Outstanding Student Service Award, Kogod College of Busin~ss
Administration, The American University (1984).
Chairman, Commencement Committee (1 983-1 984).
' :
I .
Senator, Kogod College of Business Administration Student Representative to
Faculty Senate ( 1983 -1984 ).
Student Representative, Senate Finance Committee ( 1983 -1984 ).
_Student Representative , Board of Trustees Finance Committee
(1983 -1984). · I
Assistant Ac,:ademic Advisor,_ ·entering freshmen (1983). I
Student Confederation Judge, Criminal and Conduct Code Tribunal
(1980-1981). .· I
Dade County Bar Association:
Director, Young Lawyers Section (1 988 -1991 ).
Treasurer, Young Lawyers Section (1991 -1993).
American Bar Association .
Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternity .
NAME: -~~c.;:Lb!.!:!u..J~CJ!b~~-------==f:;:::..Jfi4::R~~~~~~-----7:-~=-:-:-· ~::;-;--
Last Name 'FifSt Name Middle Initial
HOME ADDRESS: lQ '1 'D l.-\r H ... O \""' £<.Gl ~ S b~ (Y)l l)o("v-,\ ~ Ji;{_ :)S) 3 ~
t"') Apt No . House No./Street City State Zip Code
PHONE: _;)b'S"" • (o 1 L( ,1 1/2../L,..., .l.QI tf., r51>L--~artz.B
Home Work Fax Email address '9.:> ~ , ~
Business Name : [II ~(;,;~ J e.A .. Position: -~~..l..-.::::';_j,E?P~~--------
Address: ~~~~--~N~o-.------------~S~tr-ee-t~---------~--~--~ity------------~S~ta~te------~~~p~C~o~d~e----
Professional License (describe) F I~ 0~ :Jk J / Lj R)~ Expires: ~ Attach a copy of the license
Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4) a and b: Members of agencies , boards , and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this
requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways : a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six
months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city .
• Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes 0 or No 0
• Demonstrate an ownership/Interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months : Yes D or No 0
• Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes D or No D
• (Please circle one): I am now a resident ot North Beach South Beach Middle Beach
• 1 am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience . Please list below:
• Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? Yes o or No o
Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [2] second choice , and [3] third choice . Please note that only three (3)
cholcee will be oblerved by the Cltv Cltr!s's Office. (Regular Boards of City)
0 Affordable Housina Advisory Committee 0 Marine AuthoritY.
0 Art in Public Places Committee 0 Miami Beach Commission for Women
o Beautification Committee DJ4iami Beach· Cultural Arts Council
0 Board of Adjustment* /tcB.Adlami Beach Human Rjg_hts Committee
0 Budget Advisory Committee 0 Miami Beach Sister Cities Program
o Capital Improvements Proiecta Oversight Committee 0 Normandy Shores Local Government Neigh . Improvement
0 Committee on the Homeless o Parks and Recreation Facilities Board
0 Committee for Quality Education in MB 0 Personnel Board
0 Community Development Advisory 0 Planning Board*
0 Community Relations Board 0 Police Citizens Relations Committee
0 Convention Center Advisory Board o Production Industry Council
0 Debarment Committee o Public Safety Advisory_ Committee
0 Design Review Board* 0 Safety Committee
D Disability Access Committee 0 Single Family Residential Review Panel
0 Fine Arts Board 0 Sustainabillty Committee
0 Gav , Lesbian, Bisexual and Transaender (GLBD-0 Transportation and Parking Committee
0 Golf Advisory Committee 0 Visitor and Convention Authority
0 Health Advis~ry Committee 0 Waterfront Protection Committee
0 Health Facilities Authority Board 0 Youth Center Advisory Board ·
0 Hispanic Affairs Committee
0 Historic Preservation Board
0 Housing Authority
0 Loan Review Committee *Board Required to File State Disclosure Fonn
Note : If applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center :
1. Past service on the Youth Cent~r Ad~isory Board: Y~ 0 \Years of Service : __ _
2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by ;d?r""';lldren Yeso No o. If yes , please list the names of your children, their
ages , and which programs . List below :
Child's name : Age : ___ Program : --------------
Child's name: Age : ___ Program :
•Have you ever been convicted of a felony : Yes 0 or ~f yes, please explain in detail :
• Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes : Yes o ~If yes, please explain in detail :
• Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money : Yes 0 or ~f yes, explain in detail
• Are you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees: Y~r No 0 . If yes ; which board?
c .J?6
• What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you currently hold membership in?
Name: ____________________ Title : __________________ _
Name: Title : __________________ _
• List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach:
• I am now employed by the City of Miami Beach: Yes o or~ Which department?------------
• Pursuant to City Code Section 2-25 (b): Do you have a parent o, spouse o, child o, brother o, or sister o who is employed by the
City of Miami Beach? Check all that apply. Identify the department(s):
The following information Is voluntary and is neither part of your application nor has any bearing on your consideration for appointment It is
being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting requirements.
Gender: 0 Male Female
Ethnic Origin: Check one only (1)
hlte (Not of Hispanic Origin): All persons having origins In any of the original peoples of Europe , North Africa or the Middle East
0 African-American/Black (Not of Hispanic Origin): All persons having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.
0 Hispanic: All persons of Mexlcan, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American , or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race .
0 Asian or Pacific Islander: All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, on
the Pacific Islands . This area Includes, for example, China, India, Japan, Korea, the Philippine Islands and Samoa .
0 American Indian or Alaskan Native: All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of North America, and who maintain
Cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition .
Physically Challenged: Yes 0 or Noo.
Employment Status: Emplo~ Retired 0 Homemakero Othero _____________________________________ _____
NOTE: If appointed, you will be required to follow certain laws which apply to city board/committee members.
These laws· include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459).
o Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11 .1).
o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami
Beach City Code section 2-26).
o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11 .1).
(re : CMB Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office,
from having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself ,
or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570 .611).
Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk.
Please attach a copy of your resume to this application
NOTE: Applications· will remain on file for a. period of one-(1) calendar year.
Received in the City Clerk's Office by : ----:-:---~---::-:--,..----Date : _/ /2010 Control No . ----Date : _/_/201 o:L i/ /;I
Name of Deputy Clerk (
Professional License (describe)-------------------Expires: ______ Attach a copy of the license
Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4) a and b: Members of agencies , boards , and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this
requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six
months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city .
• Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes 0 or No 0
• Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes 0 or No 0
• Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes 0 or No 0
• (Please circle one): I am now a resident of: North Beach South Beach Middle Beach
• I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below:
• Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? Yes 0 or No 0
Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice . Please note that only three (3)
choices will be observed by the City Clerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City)
0 Affordable Housing Advisory Committee 0 Marine Authority
0 Art in Public Places Committee 0 Miami Beach Commission for Women
0 Beautification Committee 0 Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council
0 Board of Adjustment* 0 Miami Beach Human Rights Committee
0 Budget Advisory Committee 0 Miami Beach Sister Cities Program
0 Capital Improvements Projects Oversight Committee 0 Normandy Shores Local Government Neigh. Improvement
0 Committee on the Homeless 0 Parks and Recreation Facilities Board
0 Committee for Quality Education in MB 0 Personnel Board
0 Community Development Advisory I 0 Planning Board*
0 Community Relations Board 0 Police Citizens Relations Committee
0 Convention Center Advisory Board 0 Production Industry Council
0 Debarment Committee 0 Public Safety Advisory Committee
0 Design Review Board* 0 Safety Committee
0 Disability Access Committee 0 Single Family Residential Review Panel
0 Fine Arts Board 0 Sustainability Committee
0 Gay , Lesbian , Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) 0 Transportation and Parking Committee
0 Golf Advisory Committee 0 Visitor and Convention Authority
0 Health Advisory Committee 0 Waterfront Protection Committee
0 Health Facilities Authority Board 0 Youth Center Advisory Board
0 Hispanic Affairs Committee
0 Historic Preservation Board
0 Housing Authority
0 Loan Review Committee *Board Required to File State Disclosure Form
Note : If applying for Youth Advisory Board , please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center :
1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: Yes 0 No 0 Years of Service : __ _
2 . Present part icip ation in Youth Center activities by your chi ldren Ye sO No D. If yes , please list the names of your children, their
ages , and which programs . List be low :
Child's name : Age: ___ Program : --------------
Child's name : Age: ___ Program :
~ · .Clt~\S;l.LL\oF O RMS \BOARD A I'm COMMITTEES\BC: Applicotion.doc
•Have you ever been convicted of a felony: Yes o or No g""jf yes , please explain in detail :
• Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes : Yes 0 or No IW':'1(yes , please explain in detail :
• Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: Yes 0 or No rif yes , explain in detai l
• Are you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees: Yes 0 or No~f yes ; which board?
• What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you currently hold membership in?
Name : __________________________________________ Title :. ______________________________________ __
Name : Title : ___________________ _
• List all properties owned or have an interest in , which are located with in the City of Miami Beach:
• I am now employed by the City of Miami Beach: Yes 0 or N~hich department?-----------
• Pursuant to City Code Section 2-25 (b): Do you have a parent o, spouse o, child o, brother o , or sister o who is employed by the
City of Miami Beach? Check all that apply. Identify the department(s):
The following Information Is voluntary and is neither part of your application nor has any bearing on your consideration for appointment It Is
being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting requirements.
Gender: ~ale o Female
Ethnic Origin: Check one only (1)
0 White (Not of Hispanic Origin): All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe , North Africa or the Middle East
0 A!!:lcan-American/Biack (Not of Hispanic Origin): All persons having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.
~spanic: All persons of Mexican , Puerto Rican , Cuban, Central or South American , or other Spanish culture or origin , regardless of race .
0 Asian or Pacific Islander: All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia , the Indian Subcontinent, on
the Pacific Islands. This area Includes, for example , China , India, Japan , Korea , the Philippine Islands and Somoa .
0 American Indian or Alaskan Native : All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of North America , and who maintain
Cultural identifiCation through tri bal affiliation or community recognition .
Physically Challenged: Yes 0 or NOO.
Employment Status : EmployecN(" Retired 0 Homemakero Other 0-------------
NOTE: If appointed, you will be required to follow certain laws which apply to city board/committee members.
These laws include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459).
o Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11 .1).
o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami
Beach City Code section 2-26).
o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami -Dade County Code section 2-11 .1).
(re : CMB Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition , during tenure and for one year after leaving office,
from having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself ,
or those with whom you have business or immediate fam ily ties (CFR 570.611).
Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk.
Plea a attach a copy of your resume to thia application
NOTE : Applications· will remain on file. for a. period of one·(1) calendar year •
Carlos J. Ortuno
SAVE DADE, Miami , Florida
Executive Director, September 2008 -Present
HANDS ON MIAMI, Miami, Florida
Director of Development, January 2006-July 2008
• Lead strategies and research to identify, prioritize, cultivate, solicit, and steward all donors , partnerships , and prospects
• Communicate the mission and vision of Hands On Miami to the greater Miami-Dade community including individuals and
foundation , corporate, and government officials
• Manage the Development Department consisting of Corporate Services, Marketing and Communications, and Grants
• Oversee the day-to-day coordination of grant management; work collaboratively with all departments to fulfill grant applications
and reporting requirements
• Manage organizational membership database-creates profiles and tracks donors and prospects; and, in coordination with
staff, issues email announcements as necessary
• Collaborate with staff and consultants to ensure messaging for publications and website included donor-focused content
• Work with Board of Directors' Development Committee and the President and CEO to develop strategies to initiate and meet
fundraising and programmatic goals
• Attend all Board and Finance Committee meetings to submit and discuss fundraising and marketing budgets and reports ;
responsible for board member development training
• Lead the successful implementation of special events and projects ranging from 50-3 ,500 participants
• Successfully implemented a corporate volunteer program to engage companies in volunteer service
• Create, manage, and lead programmatic annual days of service and events including: Service Juris, an annual program to
engage the law community in volunteering ; Mayors' Reception, to fund raise for the Build a More Beautiful Miami Fund ; Martin
Luther King Annual Day of Service , and Hands On Miami's Annual Day of Service
Architectural Coatings Representative, June 2004-January 2006
• Responsible for the management and growth of a 1.8 million dollar archiTectural coatings territory
• Oversaw the development of high profile construction projects including the Arsht Center for the Performing Arts , Atlantic
Division Federal Reserve, Marlins stadium, F.LU . Law School, and Miami-Dade Overtown Transit Village.
• Performed presentations for board of directors and bu ildin g owners on the benefrts and values of Shef'Nin-Williams
• Problem solved , planned, and imp lemented recommendations for chatlenges customers faced with purchased products
• Generated new accounts through prospecting and research
• Managed budget for sa les territory through record keeping and management of funds
Social Studies Teacher, November 2003-June 2004
Physical Education and Health Teacher, August 2003-November 2003
Program Director, December 1989-July 2003
Leadership Miami
Points of Light Foundation
Association for Fundraising Profess ionals
The Fundraising School, June 2006
Received certificate for Fundraising Professionals
Bachelor of Arts in History , June 2000
Associate of Arts , June 1998
Advisory Board Member, The Zen Village, Coconut Grove, FL.
City of Miami Gardens , MLK Day Spoken Word Honorary Judge
Project Manager for Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce Corporate Citizensh ip Day
Proficient in Microsoft Office XP, M icrosoft Works , Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, PowerPoint, Excel , Outlook, and Visio
Pursuant to City Code section 2·22{4) a and b: Me ~bers of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this
requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six
months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownershiP/interest for/minimum of six months in a business established in the city.
• Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) m4nths: yerlttf or No o .-
• Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a businesS i~iami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes o or No V
• Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes~~r}.No o ·
• (Please~ one): 1 am now a resident of: North Beach . uth Beach Middle Beach
• 1 am applying for an appointment because I have spfial abilities, k o and experience. Please list below:
• Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City i f Miami Beach? Yes o 1}_ 0
Please list your preferences In order of ranking (11 first ~oice [21 second choice, and [31 third choice. Please note tt!at only thret (3)
choices will be obeerved bv the Cltv Clerk's Office (Regular Boards of City) I
o Affordable Housing Advisorv Committee I 0 Marine Authority
o Art in Public Places Committee I 'Niami Beach Commission for Women I
0 Beautification Committee I "jj..Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council ~
o Board of Adjustment* I "i'1_Miami Beach Human Rights Committee '?
o Budaet Advisory Committee I 0 Miami Beach Sister Cities Program
o CaJ)i!al Improvements Prolects Oversight Committee I o Normancty Shores Local Government Neigh. Improvement
0 Committee on the Homeless I o Parks and Recreation Facilities Board
o Committee for Quality Education in MB I o Personnel Board
o Community Development Advisory I o Planning Board*
0 Community Relations Board I o Police Citizens Relations Committee
0 Convention Center AdviSQry Board I 0 Production Industry Council
o Debarment Committee I o Public Safety Advisory Committee
0 Design Review Board* I o Safety Committee
o Disability Access Committee I 0 Single Family Residential Review Panel
o Fine Arts Board I o Sustainabilitv Committee
o Gay , Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender (GLen I o TransPOrtation and Parkir'lg_ Committee
0 Golf Advisory Committee I o Visitor and Convention Authority
o Health Advisory Committee I o Waterfront Protection Committee
o Health Facilities Authority Board I o Youth Center Advisory Board
0 Hispanic Affairs Committee I
o Historic Preservation Board I
0 Housing Authority I
0 Loan Review Committee I "Board Required to File State Disclosure Fonn
I Note: If applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow YoUth Center:
1. Past service. on the Youth Center Advisory Board: Yes b No o Years of Service:
2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by yo~r children Yeso No o. If yes, please list the names of your children, their
ages, and which programs. Ust below: J
Child's name: · Age: __ Program:
Child's name: I Age : Program:
F:\CLER\$ALL\aFORMS\BOARD AND COMMiillES\BC Appli lation .doc
•Have you ever been convicted of a felony : Yes o'r No~ If yes, please ·explain in detail:
• Do you currently have a violation{s) of City of MiJmi Beach codes: Yes o or No ')(tf yes, please explain in detail:
• Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach an~ money: Yes o or No ~f yes, explain in detail
• 'Miat organizations in the City of Miami Beach dJ you currently hold membership in?
Name: AJ/Pc I Title:. ___________ _
Name: I Title:. __________________________________ __
• List all pro · rties owned or have an interest in, .Jhich are located within the City of Miami Beach:
. .
• I am now employed by the City of Miami Beach: r•• D or Which department?_. ----------
• Pursuant to City Code Section 2-25 (b): Do you have a parent o, spouse o , child o, brother o, or sister o who is employed by the
City of Miami Beach? Check all that apply. Identify the department( a):
Th• following lnform~~tlon Is voluntary and Is neither part , your application nor has any bearing on your consideration for appointment It Is
being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity ra~ng requirements.
Gender: o Male l'{emale I
Ethnic Origin: Check one only {1) 1
0 Whll8 (Not of Hispanic Origin): All persons having origins In any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa or the Middle East .
0 Afrlcan..AmericaniBiack (Not of Hispanic Origin): All pehsons h·aving origins In any of the Black racial groups of Africa.
~Hispanic: All persons of Mexican, Puerto Rican , Cuban , tantral or South American, or other Spanish cu(Jure or origin , regardless of raoa.
0 Asian or Pacific Islander: All persons having origins In ahy of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, on
the Pacific Islands . This area includes, for example, Chin~. India, Japan, Korea , the Philippine Islands and Somoa.
0 American Indian or Alaskan Native: All persons having :origins in any of the original peoples of North America, and who maintain
Cultural identification through tribal affiliation or communitY recognition .
Physically Challenged: Vee o ~r NM I
Employment Status: Employed 0 Retired o J Homemaker o ~ero ______________________________ ____
NOTE: If appointed, you will be required to fol,low certain laws which apply to city board/committee members.
These laws Include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying lcity personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459).
o Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1 ).
o Prohibition from lobbying before board/comrhittee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami
Beach City Code section 2-26). I
o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11 .1 ).
(re: CMB Community Development Advisory; Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office,
from having any interest in or receiving an~ benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself ,
or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.611).
I Upon request, copies of th8S81aws may be o,.lned from the City Clerk.
"I hereby attest to the accuracy and truthfulneu /ot the application and have received, read and will abide by Chapter 2,
A lcle VII-of the Ctty "Standards of Co r City Officers, Employees and Agency mbers."
UJv I ftJ I Cit .
p!lcant'a Slg.rwtunt . Date ·I N me of Applicant (PLEASE PRINT)
P~ ~h a copJ of your .... u!M to ppllcatlon .. . . ~~.=·~ .. ~!'In"
. J 61
Monica Harvey
9 Island AYenue, #603
Miami Beach, FL 33139
I am very interested in serving on the Human Rights Commission for
whfcb I am submitting this resume. I am a graduate from Miami Dade
Coilege and haye been a resident of Miami Beach since 198D.
Work History:
1982-1992-l"rianager of a P1astk Surgery Center in Miami
1992 -1993-S.elf-ernp1oy erl/ Catering Company
1993-Present-Realtor at Esslinger Wooten Maxwell International
I was an activist in Chile in the early 1970s.
I was appointed to the Miami Beaeh Comm unit} Relations Board and
served from 2002-2006.
I voiuntet:red at the Children's Home Sodeiy for several years. (1998-
I am curren tiy a member of the ACLU Police Practices Committee. Our
main pu rp<Jse is to monitor poike practices in regards to minorities,
partkular1J during Memorial Day weekend in Miami Beach.
I am current))' serving in the Miami Bea.ch Commission f ar Women.
I vo]unteer and participste in other events in an unofficial capacity.
Adivism. is in my heart.
TO: Ra=aal Granado, City Clerk
FROM : Jerry Libbin, Commissioner
DATE: July17,2012
SUBJECT: Nomination for Human Righ~s Comm ins e
I would like to nominate Ms. rv\onica Harvey for the Hwi7lan Rights Committee. 1\'1s. Hartey has
been aver; adive pa.-ticipant in Human Righ!s issues since ~he early 1970's . She was an od~vist
in Chi le, has conducted volunt ee; work to bene Fir children at ;he Ch ildren's Home Society and has
I I F . 'b ,. h . I' oeen a memo er o many comr.111tees co.1iil u1•ng to uman ngn1s causes.
M s Harvey has volunteered her time through ths years as a r:1ember of ~he following boards and
c:~Tmiftas;: iv\icmi Baa.::h Communi'y Relations Board, ACLU Police Pradices end Miar.1i Beach
Cc·-nmission for \'Vom en.
1 . .1 '1 t, · 1. I 1 1 1 H a· h' ( .. , ~ or. cenc :n rnc~ rv.s. ;v 1orllcc n:Jrvsy \~.teL' a ~e a sre.::Jr ass:2t to t;-1c ·uman .... 1g 1S omm:hse .
f? MIAtV\I BEACH err! Of MtA ·M~ BEACH
N.AME: Ugent Bradley A
Last Name First Name Midd le ln.itia!
HOMEADDRESS: __________ ~1~2~1 ~3~E~l~R~ad~o~Sf~----~Co~r~a~I~G~ab~f~es~----------F-L ________________ 33_1~3~-A~------
Home No.!Sireet Cit>/ State Zip Code Apt No .
PHONE~ 3 0~9844707
~~ w~ ~
bradugen t@gm ait.co m
Email Address
B usiness Name: _,C,o::.ld,_·::..v.::e::.fi..:B,_,a"n'-"k,_,e,_r ___________ Position: Rsaltor-Associate.
Address: '1&91 Michigan A·;e Miami Beach FL 33139
No. S treet City State lip Code
Prafesss lonal License (describe}: Flo rida Real E;state License Expires: 03/31/14 AtmcfH er.;p~·tJ;a ik:mse
Pursua nt to C ity Code section 2·22 (4) a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committee~ shall be affiliatecf with the city; this
requ i rement shall be fulfi ll ed in the ioliowing ways: a) arr individual shall have been a -resident of ihe city for a minimum of sfx
months ; or b) an individual s ha ll demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months. in a bus iness estab lished in t1e city.
• Resident of Miami Beach far a minimum of six (6) months: Nd
• Demonstrete an ow;;e rshipfinterest in a businass in Miemi Beach for a minimum of stx (il) months: Yes
c (P is ese circle one): I am now a resider'lt of: So uth Beach I
• Are you a rsgi s~red vofsr in Miami Beech : No
• I e m applyin g for en appo in tment because I hava spacia l abUlti as, knowlec~e a nd experience. Pl ease llst be low:
M2jority of my dienfs and busines is on Miami Beach, and 1 rove the· city [
• Are you prese ntly a rag i srerec lobbyist vAt:r the Ci~l of Miami Beach? No
P lease list your preferances in order of ranking [1] first choice [2} second c hoice, and [3} th ird choice. Pleese note tha t onlv thrae 13}
cho ices will be observed bv the Citv C lark's Office. (Regular Boards of City)
Affordable Housing Ad 1Jiscrr Committee
.:.\ft. in Public Places Commftt::e Mzrine Authortty
8 e s ut~icction Cammrtes Mtami Beach Ccmmfss~n fer ~Vomen
8ca ia of Ad]ustmsut .. [2i Miar.1i Be ach Cutturai Arts Cot.:ncil
Budget F.d vi.so ry Commfttee [3] Miem! 8eae:h Hl.!mcn. Rights Comm itte e
Ca;;Jital !mproveme:-i:S Projects. OtJersigh: Comr:1h±e= Jitliaiili Re~ch Sister Ci ti a.s Program
Committee fer Qua rrty Education in MS" Ncrrnandy Shores Lccc:J Gov'E Nefgh.lmpruvame"lt
Committee on the Hometess Pzrks a11d ?~ecreatfcn fad\ities-Eaard
Comrnuni:;t DevElopment Advisory Personna! &card
Commu nity Rafat ion s Boa;j Pl2nning Board·
Convention Cente r P.dv!sory Board Po li:ce Cftizsns R.eiBtiou s Comm tttee
Production Industry Cccncil
Des ign Review Beard· Safsty Committes
nts2bility Accas.s Ccmmil±ee Singie t-crr:iiy Res id ential Rev iew Pena l
I [IJ Hne Arts Board St:stainab!lity Commrttee
Gey, l esb ian , Bisexual and 1 rc.nsgenCer (G!:..B i) 1 ennis Ad~isory COmml:tee
Go lf Ad,tiscry Committee Transpor..:tion and Pa(.·\ing Committee
Health Ad'lisory Committee Visiter c..1d Convention Au1hoMy
Health F acil!ties AtfJlority 5oard Waterfront Protecii un ComnrJt'.ee
Hispanic Affalis-Committee Youth CerTtar Adv isory Board
Historic PreseN3ticn· 8card Youth Genter Advisory Beard
Housing Authority
Note: If applyi ng for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiti ation wit'l the Scott Ra f<.ow Youth Center:
1. ?ast servic e o n t1e Youth Center Advisory Board: No ----Years of Service: ___ _
2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children :...N:.:o,_ __
eges , and which programs. List be lo w:
Chi!d's name: ________________ _ Age: ___ _
Ch ild's name: Age:
rf yes , pleesa li st the names of your' ch ildren, their
Pmgram: ________________________ __
• Have you ever been convicted of a felony: No If yes, please explain in detail:
··Do you currently-have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: No If yes, please expfain in detail:
• Do you. c urrently owe the City of Maney Beach an.y money: No If yes, please explain in detail:
• A.re ycu cu rrently serting on any City Boards or Committees: No If yes, which board?
• What organizations i'n the Cit'J of Miami Beach do you q.rrrently hold membership in?
Name: ______________________________ ___ Title:·
Name: Title: -------------------------------
• list all prope rties owned or have an in!erest i!:f, which are tocatec within the City of Miami Beach:
• I am now employed by the city of Miami Beach : No Which department?
• Pursuant to City c ode Section 2-25 (b): do you have a relative who is· employed by the
Clty cf Miam~Beach? Check all t'1at apply.ldeniify the department(s):
The followi'ng informatiorr Is voluntary and is netther part of your a;>plication nor has any bearing on your c onsideration for appointment tt is
being asked to comply with federal equal opportuncy'reporJng requirements.
G ender: Mala
Ethnic Org;n: Check cne only (1)
Physie<!\ly Challenged: No
E mployment Status: Employad
NOr!::.: If appointed, you will be rE!GUired to follow cer..ain laws wliich apply to city boardlcommittse members.
These faws include, buf ere r.ot fimitad to, !he folrowing.:
o Proh!oition f;om diractt.y' or illdiractly lobbying CitJ paroonnal (Miami 3each. Ct:y Coce section 2-459).
o Prohibition fu:Jm contrc.cting with the city (Miami-Dade Ccunly Code sect:or. 2-1 1.1).
o Prohibition irom lobbyi;:;g before boardh:ommittee you have served on for period of one year after laavir,g office (Miami
Beach Coce 3ection 2-2:0).
o Requirement to disclose certain. nne!1cial imeres~s and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code seciio~ 2-11.1 ). .
(ra: Cii;IS. Corrmunity Oe,teli:Jpment AdVisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one yeer efterleevln<; office,
from havirrg an y interest irt or receiving any bene Tit from Ccmmunit; Development Bloc'« Grant funds fer either yoursalf,
ortr.-ose wit'l whom you ha·<s cl.lsiness orimmadiate family ties (CFi'< 570 .611 }.
Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from tha C ity Clerk.
"I hera by attest to !ha accuracy and truthfulness of the appl ication and have received, r;;ad an<! •lll!l abide b'i Chapter 2, Article
VII-of the City Code "Standards of Conduct for City Officers, E mployeas and Agency Members."
I Bradley Ugent agraedta the following tenns on 10/18/2012 5 :03:0 5 PM
Race bed In the City Cler'.1's Office by: Date: I !2012 Control ~Ia. Date: I i2012 ---
Name of Deputy Clerk
Brad Ugent
Floridamoves.com Profile Copy
As a 35-year resident here, I know Miami Beach and the entire Miami area extremely
well. I can explain everything you need to make an informed decision about your next
real estate transaction, whether you are buying or selling property.
My clients know they can count on me for invaluable local insight. My success in pairing
people and properties is built upon the large network of professional and social
relationships I've developed throughout my career here . People realize they can trust my
honesty, integrity and straight-forward approach .
If you own a home or condo in the Miami Beach area and are considering selling, give
me a call . I have a complete grasp of what is selling and for how much. If you are
considering relocating here , I can pinpoint many truly attractive properties -both from an
aesthetic and financial perspective -that will meet your specific needs.
Give me a call, and let me show you how life on Miami Beach can be a dream come true.
Granado, Rafael
From :
Attachmen t s:
Good afternoon Raf ae l,
Fontani, Diana
Friday, October 19, 20 12 3:47 PM
Granado , Rafael
'Gongora, Michael'; Pri eto, Silvia; Martinez, Maria
PvV: Board application submitted by Mr . Ugent
Bradley A. Uge nt.pd f
Commis sioner Gongor a wou ld like to nominate Brad Ug ent for the Human Right s Committee. Please confi rm.
Thank you ,
D iana F o ntan i Martin e z , Aice to Commissioner Gongora
1700 Convention Cemsr Dri ve, ~111am i Sea ch, FL 33139
Tel: 305-673-7030 I Fax: 305-673-7096 t '"''"'w.mi2m!be2chft.aov
'lie -~~D_!!?mitr~1._-~qj?!9:!ldlfla exc.~~~t pubHt; se~lce . cnd_§cjet'f to a!f who.J!:f~~~~!:.'-!,< end . .olay Jn our vibr£:t1!, tro.o ica l, historic communffy.
Fro m : Go ngora, fv1ichael
Sen t: Friday, October 19 , 2012 11:54 AM
To : Fontani, Diana
Subj ect: PvV: Bo ard application sub mitted by r•lr. Ugent
Let's discuss lata.
Fr om: Hatfie 'd, Ul iam
Sent: Fiida y, October 19 , 2012 11:26 Af\1
To: i"layoi's Office
Cc : 'b raduge nt@gmc:i!.com'; G-anado , Rafc:e l; Prie~o , Sil via
Subject: Board application submitted by f'.'lr. Ugent
Bradley Ugent has submitted a board and comm ittee application and has expressed interest in
serving in one of the fol lowing boards:
1. Fine Arts Board
2. Miami Beach Cu ltural Arts Council
3. Miami Beach Human Rights Committee
Liliam Hatfield 1 Office Asso ciate V
1700 Convention Center D riv e, Miami Baach, FL 33139
Te l: 305-673-7 t 11 1 F2 x: 305-673-725 4 I 'NW N . m iam ibeachfi.ao v
!fie aia cor::mltted to providing exceiient pubf!c servic e and safety to aU who liv e-, war!( and p!E:y in cur vibran t, tropicel, bistodc ccrnmuntr;.
Granado, Rafael
Paredes, Barbie
Wednesday, November 07, 2012 3:1 8 PM
Granad o, Rafae l
Card illo, Lilia
Nomination: Miami Beach Human Rights Committee
Bradley A. Uge nt.pdf; Re: Mtg .: Ugent/Expos ito , candidate for Human Rights
Commissioner Exposito would lik e to nominate Bradley Uqent to the Miami Beach Human Riahts
Co mmittee. Attached please find Mr. Ugent 's bio and appl icat io n for your records.
Contact i nformation :
Bradley Ugent
Mobile: 305-984-4707
Email: bradugent @gm ail.com
We trust that you will find all in good orde r. Should you have an y questions, please fee l free t o contact me.
Best regards ,
Barbie Paredes
Barbi e Pa red es, Aide to Commissioner Jorge R. Exposito
170 0 Convention Ce nter Drive, Miami aeach, FL 33139
Tel: 305-673-70 30 I Fax: 305-673-709€ I Website
We are comm if<';d to providing excellent public service and safely to all who live , war'.< and r;fay in our vib ra nt, !;apical, historic communi~r.
TO :
Mr. Granado:
Mr. Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk
Commissioner Deede Weithorn
December 10, 2012
Nomination-Mr. Bradley Ugent
Miami Beach Human Rights Committee
By means of this memo randum, Commissioner Deede Weithorn exerts the power bestowed
upon her by section 62 -35(a) of the City Code to nominate M r . Bradley Ugent to an at-large
position on the City of Miami Beach Human Rights Committee .
Mr. Ugent, a real estate professional licensed by the State of Florida , is a South Beach resident
who appreciates the divers it y of our great community. Fo r many y ears Mr. Ugent has been
actively involved with and suppo rtive of organizations that are committed to minimizing and
eliminating discrim i nation and promoting equality and inclusion of all people.
Should you have any questions and/or concerns , p le ase do not hesitate to co ntact
Comm issi oner Weithorn's office at exten sion 7105 .
Ale x Fernandez
Comm issioner Weithorn's Office
\!Ve ore commiffed lo providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and ploy in our vibrant, tro,oicol, historic community.
Normandy Shores Local Government Neighborhood Improvement
• Mark Wojak
(01\SUl liNG
Qua!ificaUons I Edu ca ti o n:
F in ance
Appalachian S tate Univ ers ity 1987
University of South Caro lin a, 1992
Employment Hi sto ry:
201 0
2 008
200 0
1 998
Skills :
P rocess
Avansa Co nsultin g LLC
Axon Globa l
Spearhead Co n sultin g
Ocelot Cons ulting
Bri stol-Myers Sq uibb
Co -Managing Part ner
Program Manager I So lu tion Architect
Project Manager
Principle Consu lt ant
Sen ior Cons ultant
Pres ide nt
Sen ior Manag er
Prog r am Di rection capability includin g, Co re Pr ogram Delivery, Stak ehold er
Managemen: and S olution & Servic e Dep loym ent .
Prog ram leadersh ip and integration exp erie nce across Bus in ess & Sys tem So lu tion
project delivery and Applications Management.
SAP f ERP De liv er y capab ility ; including project m anagem ent, functional integr a~ion
expertise and en d-to -e nd project lifecycle de liv ery.
World -Class Supp ly Cha in Management & Logi stics Exp ert ise including Just-in -Tim e,
Lean, BP M, asset manag ement, strategic purchas in g , and bu sine ss process best
practices to dr ive rea l be n efits
So lution Architecture experience in 'big picture' needs assessment, design & int eg ration
T ec hnology SAP R/3, APO and ECC, Visio, MS-Ofiice Suite including MS Proj ect
Langu ages Fluent Eng lish an d German; basic Span ish, r udimentcry Fr en ch
Summ ary:
M a rk has directed project teams of up to 60 individuals to deliver business trans7ormation usin g SAP ERP
as the en ab ler. Hls experi e nce cons ists of 16 years of success ful delivery 2nd project mana(;e ment of
SAP ERP solution s . He provides a broad range of project m ana ge me nt, funct io nal and tec hni ca l skill s.
Clea r communication and lea d ership skill s sit a lon gs ide technical proj ect m a nag ement skill s and
ex perience , including p la nning, ri s:< man agement 2n d the und ersta nding a nd application oi multipl e
phased P roject M ana gem ent methodologies and tools.
Additionally , Nlark brings a strong understand ing of SAP's cross-functional integratio n, and deep strength
in Log istics and Supp ly C hain Manageme n t, including Rad io Frequen cy Device deployment, Mater ials
Man age ment including Purc has in g, in-a nd outbound logistics, an d seria l and batch man agement in both
loca l and globa l environments. Mark ha s been through multipl e full -cycle implementation s covering close
to 20 installations across multiple co untri es and industries . Mark has excellent leadership and coach ing
skills, is a strong liste ner, and is comfortable a nd efiec'ive communicating at all levels oi th e organization.
Mark's industry expe rtise includes aerospace & defense, pharmaceut ic als, utilities , public sector , and
consumer electronic s .
Selected Project Experience:
Company: Hospira
Dura tio n: 8 month s
Position : Program Ma nag er
Mark was th e Axon Program Manager to del iver Hosplra's two largest ERP programs out of se ven as part
of their FUEL initi ative. FUEL is a li gned with Hosp ira's overa ll s trat egy to improve margins and cash fiow
and drive a nd enab le sustained gro,,yth for the organization . The O peration s Op timization program covers
d is crete and p rocess manufacturing in an FD A-regulated environment and i ncludes all major
manufacturing related modu les. The HSST program covers CRM for medica l devices including sales,
billing, returns, warranty, repair, an d remanufacturing .
Key resp ons ibiliti es included planning, resource and sched ul e management, driving resolu tion of c ompl ex
issues, and working with management to achieve timely bus iness decisions.
Dura tion :
Ga inesville Re gional Utility
10 1'vfonths
Projec t Manager
Respo nsibilities
M ark was th e A.xon Project Manager to deliver a finance-oriented non -CCS Ut ility solution covering
F unds, Project, and Asset Management, Purchasing and Inventory Management, and Human Resources
on S AP ECC 6.0 along with Busine ss Inte llig ence 7.0. T he Fiv!I S transformation initiative goals included
better operational target setting, measurement capability and control as well as better ability to drive and
demonstrate cost reduction and improvem en ts in asset uti lization.
Key responsibilities include planni g, resource and schedule management, champ ion ing and educating
on Axon's Methodology, and working with GRU's uti li ty partner to deliver to targeted cost and schedule.
Company: Union Pacific
Duration: 2 months
Position: Project Manager
Responsibi liti es
Mark was the A'<on Project Man ager to deliver a se eping and business case stud y to determine the best
fit and e:stima~ed benefit for UP's supply c hain project for th e ir S AP-enabled business transformation
program . Axon's transformation methodology was us ed to drive out th e benefit and work in con junction
w ith UP executives to obtain their alignment with pro ject objectives as well as investment return. The
study was delivered on time and resu lted in UP executives approving budget to move forward in 2009.
Key responsibilities included planning , resource a nd schedu le management, runn ing SAP S upply Chain
related demonstrations, schedul ing and atte nding executive a lignm e nt sessions, and delivering the fina l
Company: Sm iths De tection
Duration: 11 months
Posffion: Project Managar
Respo n sib ilities
Mark was the .A.xon Project Manager for the successfu l del ivery of the REACH S AP project. The REACH
project is a global business transformat ion program crea\ed to redefine business processes while driving
down costs and inefficiencies using SAP ECC 6.0. SAP Bl Portal was used to provide the management
reporting system and KPI's required to maximize the use of the additional information flowing out of SAP
ECC. The implementation went live on time and under budget.
Key responsibilities included budget and resource management, project planning and tracking , driving
execution, coaching and mentoring, and integrating with De loiti e's change team while managing a team
of up to 40 consultants to go live with nine sites in the US and Europe.
Company: Pinellas Cou n ty UtiiWes
Duration: 8 months
Position: Mobilizatio n & Axon Project Manager
R es ponsibilities
Mark was the Mobilization Manager for the C IS project. The CIS project was initiated to improv e
integration, provide new channels for customer service , improve bill in g flexibility and correct ion handling
and improve ca ll center metrics. SAP CIS was chosen as the veh ic le to deliver and drive the desired
benefits. Scope included SAP Customer Interaction Center, Device Management, Se rvice l'vlanagament,
FI -CA, Bi llin g , and Materials Management.
Key responsibilities included preparation and negot iat ion of commercia ls, budget and resource
management, methodo logy and quality management, and project tracking to ensure milestones and
defiverab!es were de li vered on time and at or above expected quali ty .
Comp;;ny: Goodrich Lighting Systems
Duration: 8 months
Position: Ligh ting Systems Deployment Manager
Responsib il ities
Mark was the Lighting Systems Dep loyment Manager for deliv ering an on-t im e go-l iv e for 3 sites in 3
differe nt continents as part of the second phase of a Globa l SAP transformation program. He led Steering
Comm ittee meetings, drove deliv erab le completion , and managed key stakeholders. Mark played an
important role a rchitectin g and collaboratin g with E nterpris e an d Light ing management to ensure success
through managing change , risk, scope, and conflicting interests.
Key responsib ifl ties includ ed management of the full rep lacement of multip le legacy syste ms including
SAP R/3 and e nsuring th e successfu l incorporation of business critical customizat ions in the legacy SAP
syst em.
Company: Rockwe ll Co llin s
Duration: 4 months
Pos ition: Materials Management/MAO Speciafist
fV!ark was the MM Le2d for in tegrati ng 2 cu stom Asse t/Rental /Exchange system into R/3 on version 4.6C
without sign ificantly affectin g the current repair process as already imp lemented in SAP . Mark was
responsible for assess in g and simpl ifying an ex isting un-impl emented to -be design with th e objective of
using sta11dard SAP and S AP's future direction for Rotables Management and to develop a demo for
select scenarios.
Key respons ibili t ies include the ful l replacement of legacy functionality, pro vidi ng a str ea mlin ed user
interface that mai ntains tra nsaction times , and allowing for virtu al management of eq uipm ent poo ls.
Page 3 of 5
The NORD AM Gro up
11 m on th s
Position: Project Ma n age r
R espo ns ib il ities
Mark filled t he role of SA P S upply C hain Management Lead and later Project Manager for this multi-site
full su ite Aerospace and Defense imp lementation. 1VIark managed over 30 consultants and cliem staff
responsible for delivery to schedule, cost and resource planning, budgeting, scope control , and conflict
management. He led the blu e printing, design, configuration, and unit test of S upply c hain processes
including Quality and Materials Management.
Key responsibilities included leading the Supply Chain sub -teams and the Project in gaplfit analyses ,
des ign, configuration and testing , scope and issues management, and proj ect budgeting and contro l.
Company: Sikorsky Aircraft
Duration: 2 months
Position : fMIWM Con s ufting Lead
R esponsibilities
Mark was accountab le for the design and configuration of Inventory a nd Warehouse Manag emen t
structures in R/3 as well as capturing Material Master requirements for and develo ping a strategy for the
rol l-out of RF-enab led Inventory and Warehouse transaction s . Mark wrote functional specificat ion s related
to con vers :on of inv e ntory data into PJ3 in a 4. 7 Group in g , Pegging , an d Dist ri bu ti on , or GPO ,
env i ronment.
Compa ny: Pratt & Whitney
Duration: 8 months
P osition: IM;WM Consulting Lead -SAPConsolel RF rollout
1v!ark was accountab le for converting the legacy third-party RF midd leware sys tem to S.<\PConsole. Th is
included assisting w ith planning and seeping, des igning , and testi ng new transactions in a 4.58
enviro nme nt. ilcrk also kept the design compati!:Jie w ith PJ3 vers ion 4.7 across Materials Manageme nt,
Transport atio n, Inve ntory Management, and VVarehouse Management SAP modu les to a llow a seam less
tra .'1s it ion for the coming 4.7 upgrade
Key responsibilities included perform ing a gap/fit anal ysis a nd the des ign , spec ific ati on , config ur ation, and
testing a ll transactions as well as go-live support.
O ther Rel e vant S AP P r o ject Experience
Raytheon Technical Services
fsraefl Airlin e Industries
G oodrich Aerostructures
Spearhead Consulting
Ocelot Consulting
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Pos ition:
MM Lead -conversion of cus tom kjttlng solution to SAP
Materials Management Lead -Pre -Configured MRO s olution
Materials Management L ead
Material Mast<H Team Lead
Integrati on Consultant and Project Manager -Cli ents
included Carrier Corp . and Harman Consumer Group
President and Lead Consultant-Clients include Pioneer Hi-
Bred, Aircraft Bra kin g Systems, and Carrier Co~oorati on
Senior Manager -3-year Glo ba l SAP roflout
Page 4 of 5
Dura tio n:
6 monti1s
3 months
10 months
6 months
1 Year
3 Years
4 Years
C ertifications/Afiiliations
O ther
Fluent German; Conversational Span ish; Basic French
APICS, P1,_11
Reading, Philosophy, History, Travel, Tenn is, Boating/Fish ing
U.S . Go ve rnm en t Security Clearance
Page 5 of 5
CQii !iJI.TI/'IG
Granado, Rafael
Fr om:
Rodriguez, Enid
Tuesday, October 23, 2012 10:01 AM
Granado, Rafael
Martinez, Maria
Subject: FW: City Commission At-Large Nominations For Wednesday, October 24, 2012 -Release
Commissioner Libbin would like to add to the nominations Mark Wojak for the Normany Shores District.
Enid Rodriguez, Aide to Commissioner Jerry Ubbin
1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139
!el: 305-673-7106 Fax: 305-673 -7096 'Nww.miamibeachfl.aov
We ara committed to providing excel/ant public service and safety to all wM live, work and play in our vibrant, tropic&, histo ric communit'J.
From: Jerr; Lib bin [mallto :jerlib@ao l.com]
Sent: fvlonday, October 2.2, 2012 8:52 PM
To: Rodriguez, Enid
S ubject: Re: City Commission At-Large Nominations For Wednesday, October 24, 2.012 -Release#: 1
Mark Woj2k for the Normandy Shores District
Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 22, 2012., at 9:2.0 AM, "R odriguez , En id" <EnidRodriguez@miamibeachfl.gov> wrote:
E nid Rodriguez, Aide to Cornmissior:er JefTlJ Libbin
1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beech , FL 33 139
Tel: 305-673-7106 Fax: 305-673-7096 'INNI.miamibecchfi .aov
VIe are committed tc providing exc ef.!ant public s;;Nice and sa~aty to all wi;o fi•te, wcr'o end pl<:y in our vibran!, tropicel , hisroric conmunfty.
Fr om: Granado, Rafael
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 6:17 Ptvl
To: fvlayor's Ofi!ce; "jonahwolfson(Olwolfsonlawfirm .com ' (jonahwolfson@wo lfsonla vvfirm.com)';
'ionahwolfson@att .blackber;v.net'
Cc: Brooks, Kathie; Sklar, Max; Gomez, Jorge; Gomez, Carla; Sm ith , Jose; Granado , Rafael
Subject: City Commission At -Large Nominations For Wednesday, October 24, 2.012-Release# 1
Good evening Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission:
Attached please find Release# 1 of the City Commission At-Large Nominations recei ved to
date for the October 24, 2012 City Comm ission Meeting. A copy of the attached
resumes/cpplications is also being placed on your iPad Drop Box in a file called: RELEASE# i
Personnel Board
• Moj Khaghan
• Gabriel L. Paez
• Lori E. Gold
• Lori Kaye Davis
NAME: l< A A '=La~me 1 ~~ Middle Initial
HOMEADDRESS:Al:t:1 5l~oL/keU~r) }btl lA{~ a State ~~g ~tP
~HoNe,302 '31a1$$ .jfi7721141Jlt .?J058/o1QOii1 mlK@~
ome W • Fax Email address reed, W'J
Business Name: A:etEL G, ,JZ)Jtl)G" LLC Position : v,ct? e,ee5.}Den.JT
• ... " . . '. I :
Address : :$1\"7\,/\, E: • J"\s;' ..AzBoV~· • ' ' ' · n ' ... l 1 . .I! :" ··· :
No . street City State' Zip Code
Professional License (describe) fwP1 DA wOA-12... j R., 812c1~$ Expires: Attach a copy of the license
Pursuant to City Code aection 2-22(4) a and b: Members of agencies , boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city: this
requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways : a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six
months: or b) an individual•hall demq.,strate ownership/interest fo r a minim !Jm of·!iiX montj'ls In a b_uslne_!ls ~stablished In the city .
• • ' ' ' I • I ' • t • • t • •
• Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: ;Ya'Jj!or No 0 '
• Demonstrate .an ownership/Interest In a busines~ i~ Miami· Beacll for a minimum of six (6) months : Yes o or No ~
• Are you a registered voter In Miami Beach: Y• ){'or No 0 .. .
• (Please gg one): I am now a resident of: North Beach South Beach ~ldd~Bu~
• 1 am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities , knowledge and expen . Pi e list below:
• Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? Yes 0 or No o
Pleue Hat your preferences In order of 111nklng [11 first choice [2] second choice, and [31 third choice. Plwt not! that onlY thm C3l
h 1 will bt obMrwd bv the Cltv Clark'• Oflllce (Regular Boards of City) • sc li!lill .-,.a
o A1fordlble Housina Advllorv Committee 0 Marine Authority
0 Art In Public ·Piaca Committee 0 Miami Beach Commission for Women '
o Beautification Committee 0 Miam i Beach Cultural Arts Council
0 Board of Ad;., 0 Miami Beach Human Rights Committee
0 Budaet .. Committee 0 Miami Beach Slater Cities Program
0 Capitllll~mentl Oversiaht Committee 0 Norm•ngy Shores Local Government Neiah. lmproyement
o Committee on the Homelul 0 Partts and Reaaation Facilities Board
o Commtttee for Quality Education in MB ~eraoMel Board (l)
o Community Development Advisory 0 Planning Board*
0 CommunitY Relations Board 0 Police Citizens Relations Committee
0 Convention Center Advisory Board 0 Production Industry Couflcll
o Detwment Committee 0 Public Safety Advisory Committee
o Desig1 Review Board* 0 Safety Committee
o DisabilitY Access Committee 0 Single Family Residential Review Panel
0 Fine Arts Board 0 SustainabilltyCommlttee
o Gay , Lesbian, Bisexual .and Transgender (GLBn 0 TransPOrtation and Par1cina Committee
0 Golf Advisory Committee 0 Visitor and Convention Authority
0 Health Advisory Committee 0 Waterfront Protection Committee
0 Health Fadllties Authority Board 0 Youth Center AdviSOfY Board
0 HiaP81ic Affairs Committee
0 Historic Preservation Board
o Housing_ AuthO!ItY.
0 Loan Review Committee *Board Required to File State Disclosure Fonn
Note: If applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center.
1 . Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board : Yes 0 No 0 Years of Service: .
2 . Present participation ini Youth Cente~ activities by your children Yeso • Jijo 0.• If yes , please .list the names of you r" chillllren , the ir
ages , and which programs. Ust below: · '
Child's name: Age : __ Program: ·-------------
Chlld '.s name : Age:__ Program :
•Have you ever been convicted of a felony : Yes o or No)r If yes , please explain in detail:
• Do you currently have a violation(s) of citybt ~~a~t-Beach codes : Yes o or N~ If yes, pl ~a~~~;;x pi~lrr i ~'Ci etail :
..... . .
• • ~ (' • 1 'I ~ 1 ,
.. t t. . . ·, ... ' . • . . "
• Do you currently ow~ the City of Miami Bec;~ch any money: Y~ o o ~ No)(.-If yes ,.expl;;ti ~ in det~il
~ , \ • ~.. .. • .~... ·~ ."' ". ~ .. • .. !~..... • • , .. '••:~·~tlr •• ~.t ,-. I •<t "• '• •
. . I<
s in the City of Miami Beach do you currently hold mem ership in?
Name: 'i ' •• ,. 1 -~ -Title'::_..::·'-'---.....:.."__:;}:..:• _ _.. __ -"-':.........---------.. Name : __________________ Tltle:. _________________ _
• List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach:
'5161 c~noo~ Fvt, ~PH-M ,AI721 , VVt 6 ea 14o
• I am no"!' employed by the City of Miami Beach : Yes o "qr N ~hich department?-----------
• Pursuant tO City Code Section 2·25 (b): Do you have a parent o , spouse 6{ child D, brother D, or sister 0 who is employed by the
City of Miami Beach? Check all that ~pply . ld)8' the department(s):
The following Information Is voluntary and Ia neither part of your application nor has any bearing on your coMideration for appointment. It is
being asked to comply with t.dwal equal opportunity reporting requirementa.
Gender: 0 Male ~emale
Ethnic Ortgln: Check one only (1)
)(Wh ite (Not of Hiapanic Origin): All peraons having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa or ihe Middle eut.
D African-American/Black (Not of Hispanic Origin): All peraons having orig ins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa .
D Hlapanlc: All persona of Mexican , Puerto Rican , Cuban, Centnll or South American , or other Spanish culture or origin , r.gan:lleu of race.
D Aalan or Pac:lftc lallnder: Alt peraons having origins in any of the orig inal peoplea of the Far East. Southeast Alia, the Indian Subcontinent. on
the Pacific islands . This area includes, for example , China . India, Japan, Korea, the .Phlllppine Islands and Samoa.
0 American lnc:lan or Alakan Nlltive: All persons having origins in any of the original peoples of North America, and who maintain
Cultural identification through tribal aflli~n or community recognition .
Phyalcally Challenged: Yes 0 or NoD.
Employment Status: Employed)f Retired o Homemaker o Other o -------------
NOTE: If appointed, you will be requlr.d to follow certain laws which apply to city board/committee members.
These laws Include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459).
o Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11 .1 ).
o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami
Beach City Code section 2-26).
o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1).
(re: CMB Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office,
from having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself ,
or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.611).
Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk.
D Name of Applicant (PLEA E PRINT)
----Date: _1_12010
·('\ 'l ...
ioo.:'''' ' ·' ,-
5151 Collins Avenue, Mi ·Beach, FL 33140
305.772.4444 • mlk@morg
J.D., 1991
Journal of
Arts Law · · /Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts
Law School Senate Parliamentarian ·
Columbia ollege, Columbia University
B.A., magoo cum laude, 1988
English litlature Major
Phi Beta Ka pa .
The Florid Bar, United States District Court, S.D. Florida,
1995; New York State Bar, United States District Courts, S.D.
and E.D. ew York, 1992; New York State Real Estate
Broker, 2 8; Florida Real Estate Brok~r, 2010.
1996 to200
ghan-Miami Beach,.FL
· · ing in securities litigation, trusts apd estates
s actions and commercial litigation.. 1
baton Rudoff & Sucharow-New York, NY
Concentra d in '33 and '34 Act litigation and securities class
actions in ederal and state courts. Handled all aspects of
cases from discovery through trial and/ or settlement, post-
settlement distribution of recovery to clients and class
Greater · · Jewish Federation, 1999 to present
1 Wo en's Philanthropy President, 2010-11, Campaign
01 · , 2007 -{)9; 2008 Stanley C. Myers President's
Lea ership Award
The Vizcay , 2004 to present
Me r of the Board
MB Rakow Youth Center Advisory Board, 2007 to present
Languages Farsi, Spanish, French, It¥an
Interests -T avel, literature, Arts & Music
NAME: Paez Gabriel J
Last Name First Name Middle Initial
HOME ADDRESS : 1638 100 Lincoln Road Miami Beach FL 33139 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Apt No. Home No./Street City State Zip Code
PHONE: 786-443-4733 305-728-3006
Home Work Fax
Business Name: .:::S:::a~::.p'"''e-'-'n.!!tN_,_,i""tr..:::o ____________ Position : People Strategist
Address: 1688 Meridian Ave 7th Floor Miami Beach
No. Street City
Professsional License (describe): Expires:
Email Address
Zip Code
Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4) a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this
requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six
months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city .
• Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes
• Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months : No
• Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach : Yes
• (Please circle one): I am now a resident of: South Beach
• I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below:
I am a certified HR Professional
• Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? No
Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Please note that only three (3)
choices will be observed by the City Clerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City)
Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Loan Review Committee
Art in Public Places Committee Marine Authority
Beautification Committee Miami Beach Commission for Women
[2] Board of Adjustment' Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council
Budget Advisory Committee Miami Beach Human Rights Committee
Capital Improvements Projects Oversight Committee Miami Beach Sister Cities Program
Committee for Quality Educat ion in MB Normandy Shores Local Gov't Neigh . Improvement
Committee on the Homeless Parks and Recreatio n Facilities Board
Community Development Advisory [1] Personnel Board
Community Relations Board Planning Board *
Convention Center Advisory Board Police Citizens Relations Committee
Debarment Committee Production Industry Council
[3] Design Review Board * Safety Committee
Disability Access Committee Single Family Resid ential Review Pan el
Fine Arts Board Sustainability Committee
Gay , Lesbian, Bisexua l and Transgender (GLBT) Tennis Advisory Committee
Golf Advisory Committee Transportation and Parking Committee
Health Advisory Committee Visitor and Convention Authority
Health Facilities Authority Board Waterfront Protection Committee
Hispanic Affairs Committee Youth Center Advisory Board
Historic Preservation Board Youth Center Advisory Board
Hous ing Authority
Note : If applying for Youth Advisory Board , please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center:
1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board : No .;...;..;:;....__ __ Years of Service : _____ _
2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children .:...:Nc:o __ _
ages, and which programs. List below:
Child's na me: ________________ __ Age: ______ _
Child's name: Age :
if yes , please list the names of your children, their
Program :---------------
Program: 84
• Have you ever been convicted of a felony : No If yes, please explain in detail :
• Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: No If yes , please explain in detail:
• Do you currently owe the City of Money Beach any money: No If yes , please explain in deta il:
• Are you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees : Yes
Personnel Board Associate Member
• What organizations in the City of Miami Bea ch do you currently hold membership in?
Name: Citizen Police Academy Alumni
Name: -----------------------------
Title : Chairman
If yes , which board?
• List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach:
1 00 lincoln Road #1638
• I am now employed by the city of M iami Beach: No Wh ich department?
• Pursuant to City code Section 2-25(b}: do you have a relative who is employed by the
City of Miami Beach? Check all that apply. Identify the department(s):
The following information is voluntary and is neither part of your application nor has any bearing on your consideration for appointment. It is
being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting requirements .
Gender: Male
Ethnic Orgin : Check one only (1)
Physically Challenged: No
Employment Status : Employed
NOTE: If appointed, you will be required to follow certain laws which apply to city board/committee members.
These laws include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Prohibition from directly or ind irectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459).
o Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1 ).
o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leav ing office (Miami
Be ach Code section 2-26).
o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11 .1).
(re: CMB Community Developm ent Advisory Committee): prohibition , during tenure and for one year after leaving office,
from havi ng any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Deve lopment Block Grant funds for either yourself,
or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.611 ).
Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk.
"I hereby attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the application and have received , read and will abide by Chapter 2 , Article
VII-of the City Code "Standards of Conduct for City Officers, Employees and Agency Members."
I Gabriel Paez agreed to the following terms on 1/10/2013 8:13 :28 PM
Received in the City Clerk's Office by: Date : I /2013 Control No. Date: I /20 13 ------------------------
Name of Deputy Clerk
Gabriel J. Paez, PHR
100 Lincoln Road Suite #1638
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Phone 786-443-4733 (C) Email: gjp1225@yahoo.com
Summary: Adaptive bi-lingual Human Resources professional with progressive experience in all disciplines
in Human Resources; specializing in benefits administration, conflict resolution, labor and employee relations
and new hire orientation activities. Having worked on programs and plans to meet specific company
challenges and partner.ing with C-level to create a more effective department. Possess strong communication
skills that have proven to establish cooperative relationship w.ith all levels of clients (internal and external) as
well as adapting to different .industries. State of Florida-Notary Public
Organizati onal Development • Benefits • Payroll • Conflic t Resolution • Employee Relations • Immigrati on
• Compliance • Recmitment/Talent Acquisition • On-boarding/New Hire Orientation & Training
SAPIENT, Nliami Beach, FL
Senior Associate, People Strategist
Deve!opi ttg cotmmmities that Jrorks.
3/2011 -Present
Reporl lo the Direclor; provide supporl lo the entire creative personnel, production studio and specialized delivery in
North America. Also support two additional teams The Global Markets (Commodity Platform) Team and APAC region.
• Integral part of the Perfom1ance People Growth annual review team
• Contact person for the Global Relocation Team
• Employee Relations & Reduction in Force (RIF)
U IDAD, ~vf.iam.i Beach, FL
Career AJvisor
Developing comnmnities that u1orks.
Report to the Executive Director; given complete responsibility for d efining organizational culture while positioning HR
as a proactive partner to all business units.
• Drafted employee handbook and travel & expense policy manual
• Conducted compliance analysis (which included but not limited to I-9, FLSA, payroll, recru.ilment) with impact
analysis and implementation of correction plan
• Execute training needs in areas such as Sexual Harassment, EEOC Compliance, Progressive Discipline,
\V'orker's Compensation , etc.
• Conduct annual benefits enrollment campaign by informing clients of changes to benefits as we ll as leading
open enrollment meeting with associates
Gevity HR., ~Iiami, FL 2006-2008
Gevity is a professional mplq;•er ot;ganization (PEO) and p11blicjy-he/d co~tpat!J Jpecializing in bJtman reso11rces.
Reported to Professional Service :Manager; served the function of a Human Resources Business Partner to
90+ clients/1675+ employees.
• Lead the on-boarding of new clients per contract specifications-payroll, benefits and HR sy-stems
• Championed client issues and problems to final resolution wilh internal departments
• Conducted client scorecard through survey of management and employees, compare results to industry
standard s and offer recommendations to client by developing 12 month implementation plan of offered
services such as perf01mance appraisals, employee rewards system, 401(K) implementation, company
handbook, training, etc
• Conducted workplace investigations for clients on a requested basis as well as help clients develop and
implement policies and procedures and company handbook for employees
• Executed client training and communication requirements regarding training needs in areas such as
Sexual Harassment, EEOC Compliance, Progressive Discipline, Worker's Compensation, etc
• Conducted annual benefits enrollment campaign by informing clients of changes to benefits as well as
open enrollment meeting \V:ith associates at client locations
• 1Tvestigate d potential wage and hour v iolations and provide clients 'l.v.ith recommended corrective acrjons
to be in compliance with federal and state regulations
R yder System, Inc., iYiiam.i, FL
Commercial Fleet ~tJanage/1/ent hcadq11arters-corporate finam"li division .
Gabriel J Pa ez 2
Reported to Senio r HR Manager; served as Human Resources Generalist to 700+ corporate employees throughout
multipl e locations including international locations of Mexico and Chile.
• Contingency Planner for the Ryder Employee Disaster Fund; distributed $185k in grants while supporting Field
staff post Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana & lviississippi . R esponsible for manpower coverage of call center
• Coordinated on-site events to engage and integrate employees in helping the community
• Act as the liaison in staffing between candidates, hiring managers and H R for entire hire process
• lvfanaged employee investigations while recommending corrective actions to senior management
• Resolve d employee concerns willie providing guidance regarding FMLA/FLSA/ ADEA/EEO relate d issues
• Conducted exit interviews; gathered and maintained database for disseminating HR metrics for turnover reports
• Restructured new employee orientation from a 1-hour presentation to a 1/2 day comprehensive interactive program
• Administered HR processes, including annual performance evaluations, pay equity analysis and benefit enrollment
• Participated in the capacity of interviewer & assessor for the managerial assessment program & succession planning
Hertz R ent-A-Car, "Miami, FL 2002 to 2004
The leader in t•ebide rental
Reported to Employee Relations Manager and assisted in leading and directing the HR department, as well as
interpreting policies and proced ures to management
• Hertz Management Labor Agreement Bargaining Team member
• Compl eted the selection, performance appraisal and termination of employees
• Maintained all personnel records and ensured compliance to federal and state laws
• Reconcil ed an d audited benefit's and payroll system interface and responded to data issues
• Initiated employee relations investigations from initiation all the way through up to .including arbitration
• Administered benefit programs and assisted with the researching and resolution of complex benefits situations
• Coordinated and attended job fairs, interviewed and made recommendations in the selection of employees to fill
exempt and non-exempt positions and handled separation notices and exit interviews
• B .A. Human Resources 1-Ianagement-St. Thomas University, 1v1iami, FL
Memberships and Community Servic e
• Member .in good standing of Sl Ifu\.f & GMSIIRM
• City of Miami Beach Personal Board-Associate Member
• City of lviiarni Beach Police Citizen's Police Academy Alumni Association-Chairman
• Ci ty of Miami Beach Neighborhood Leadership Service Academy-Associate Member
Public Se rvi ce Awards
• City of Miami Beach Hispanic Heritage Month Public Sen-ice October 2009
Computer Skills
• Command of current software-Microsoft \Vord, Excel, and PowerPoint
• PeopleSoft-Oracle, SAP-HRIS; HireRight; ADP, PayCbex and Gevit:y payroll systems
Granado, Rafael
Fontani, Diana
Friday, January 11, 2013 1:07 PM
Granado, Rafael
Martinez, Maria ; Gongora, Michael
Personnel Boa rd
Vice Mayor Michael Gongora would like to nominate Gabriel Paez for re-appointment on the Personnel Board. Please
confirm . Thank you, Diana
Diana Fontani Martinez, Aide to Commissioner Gongora
1700 Con vention Center Dri v e, Miami Beach , FL 33139
Tel : 305-673-7030 I Fa x: 30 5-67 3-7096 I www.miamibeachfl.gov
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vib rant, tropical, historic commu nity.
NAME: Gold Lori E
Last Name First Name Middle In iti al
HOME ADDRESS : 3 Island Ave, PH H Miami Beach FL 33139
------------------~---------------------------------------------------------Apt No. Home No./Street City State Zip Code
PHONE : 7863907444 3055318401 hallgold@aol.com
Emai l Address Home Work Fax
Business Name: ,JA:o.L=L=.L;::C _____________ Position: _M_e_m_b_e_r __________________ _
Address: PH H 3 Island Ave Miami Beach FL 33139 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
No. Street City State Zip Code
Professsional License (describe): Ex pires :
Pursuant to City Code section 2-22(4) a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this
requirement shall be fulfilled in th e following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of si x
month s ; or b) a n individ ua l shall demonstrate owne rship/intere st for a min imum of si x months in a business established in the city.
• Res ident of Miami Beach for a minimum of s ix (6) months: Yes
• Demo nstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a min im um of si x (6) months: Yes
• Are you a reg iste red voter in M iami Bea ch : Yes
• (Please circle one): I am n ow a residen t of: South Beach
• I am apply ing for an appointment because I have specia l ab il ities, knowledge and experience. Pl e ase list below:
school psychometrist, lawyer, divorce mediator, Director of Professional Licenure in GA, GA
• Are y o u presently a registered lobbyist with the City of M iami Beach? No
Please li st your preferences in order of r an ki ng [1] f irst c hoice [2] second c hoice , and (3] th ird choice. Please note that only three (3)
choices will be observed by the City Clerk's Office. (Regular Boards of City)
Affordab le Housing Advisory Committee Housing Authority
Art in Pub lic Places Committee Loan Review Co mmitt ee
Beautification Committee Marine Authority
Board of Adjustment* Miami Beach Commission for Women
Budge t Advisory Committee Miam i Beach Cultural Arts Counc il
Capital Improvements Projects Overs ight Committee [1] Miami Beach Hu man Rights Comm ittee
Committee for Quality Education in MB Miami Beach Sister Cities Program
Committee on the Homeless Normandy Shores Loca l Gov't Neigh. Imp rove ment
Community Development Advisory Pa rks an d Recreation Facilities Board
[2] Commun ity Relations Board [3] Person nel Board
Convention Center Advisory Board Planning Board*
Debarment Committee Police Citizens Relations Committee
Design Review Board' Production Industry Council
Disability Access Committee Safety Com mittee
Fine Arts Board Single Fam ily Residential Review Panel
Gay, Lesbian , Bisexual and Transgender (GL BT ) Sustaina bili ty Committ ee
Golf Advisory Committee Transportation and Parkin g Com mitte e
Health Advisory Committee Vis itor and Convent ion Au th ority
Hea lth Fa cilities Au th ori ty Board Waterfront Protection Commi ttee
Hi spanic Affai rs Committee Youth Cen te r Advisory Bo ard
Historic Preservation Board
Note : If applying for Youth Advisory Board , please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center:
1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board : .:..;Nc.:;o __ _ Years of Service : ___ _
2. Present participation in Youth Center activities b y your children .:..;Nc.:;o __ _ if y es , pleas e list the names of your children , their
ages, and which programs . List below :
Child's name : ________________ _ Age : _____ _ Program: _______________ ___
Child 's name : Age : Program:
• Have you ever been convicted of a felony: No If yes, please explain in detail :
• Do you currently have a v iolation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: No
• Do you currently owe the City of Money Beach any money : No
• Are you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees : No
• What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you current ly hold membership in?
Name: EESAC committee Treasure Island Elem
Name: -----------------------------
Title: member
Title :
If yes , please explain in detail:
If yes, please explain in detail :
If yes, which board?
• List al l properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach :
• I am now employed by the city of Miami Beach : No Which department?
• Pursuant to City code Section 2-25(b): do you have a relative who is employed by the
City of Miami Bea ch? Check all that apply . Identify the department(s ):
The following information is voluntary and is neither part of your application nor has any bearing on your consideration for appointment. It is
being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting requirements.
Gender: Female
Ethnic Orgin: Check one on ly (1)
Ph ysically Challenged : No
Employment Status : -------------
NOTE: If appointed , you will be required to follow certain laws which apply to city board/committee members.
These laws include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobb ying city personnel (Mia mi Beach City Code section 2-459).
o Prohibition from co ntracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11 .1 ).
o Prohibition from lobbying before board /committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami
Beach Code section 2-26).
o Requirement to disclose certain financial in te rests and gifts (M iami-Dade County Code section 2-1 1 .1 ).
(re : CMB Community Development Adv isory Committee ): prohibition, du ring tenure and for one year after leaving office ,
from having an y interest in or receiving an y benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yo urself,
or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570 .611 ).
Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk.
"I hereby attest to the accuracy and truthfulness of the application and have received, read and will abide by Chapter 2, Article
VII-of the City Code "Standards of Conduct for City Officers , Employees and Agency Members."
I Lori Gold agreed to the following terms on 2/20/2012 5:36:24 PM
Recei ved in the City Clerk's Office by: -----------------------I 12012 Control No .'-1' V Date: I 12012 Date:
Name of Deputy Clerk
Granado, Rafael
Rodriguez , Enid
Tuesday, January 15, 2013 11:06 AM
Granado, Rafael
Martinez, Maria; Prieto, Silvia
Personnel Board Nomination -Lori Gold
Commissioner Libbin would like to nominate Lori Gold for the Personnel Board. Lori will submit an updated application
and copy of her resume shortly.
Thank you,
Enid Rodriguez, Aide to Commissioner Jerry Libbin
1700 Convention Center Drive , Miami Beach , FL 33139
Tel: 305-673-7106 Fa x: 305-673-7096 www.miamibeachfl.gov
We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
NAME: Davis
Last Name
Laurie Kaye
First Name Middle Initial
HOME ADDRESS: 5965 Alton Road Miami Beach FL 33140 -----------------~~~~~~----------~~~~-----------------------------------~---------------------------------------------------Apt No. Home No./Street City State Zip Code
PHONE: 305.790.6404 305.868.8724
Home Work Fax
Business Name: .::L~K:D..::C~o:.:..:n:•u~l::tl:.:.na.__ _________ Posltion : Principal
Address: 5965 Alton Road Miami Beach
No. Street City
Professsional License {describe): Expires:
Email Address
State Zip Code
Attach a copy the license
Pursuant to City Code section 2·22(4) a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this
requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six
months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city.
• Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes
• Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes
• Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach : Yes
• (Please~ one): I am now a resident of: Middle Beach
• I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below:
Extensive experience with education Initiatives both In paid positions and in volunteer positlo
• Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? No
Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Please note that only three C3l
cholcll will be observed by the City Clerts's Office. (Regular Boards of City)
Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Housing Authority
Art in Public Places Committee Loan Review Committee
Beautification Committee Marine Authority
Board of Adjustment* Miami Beach Commission for Women
Budget Advisory Committee Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council
Capital Improvements Projects Oversight Committee Miami Beach Human Rights Committee
' Committee for Oual"y Education In MB Miami Beach Sister Cities Program
Committee on the Homeless Normandy Shores Local Gov't Neigh . Improvement
Community Development Advisory I Par1<s and Recreation Facilities Board
..J.. community Relations Board '·' Personnel Board
Convention Centar Advisory Board Planning Board*
Debarment Committee Police Citizens Relations Committee
Design Review Board* Production Industry Council
Disability Access Committee Safety Committee
Fine Arts Board Single FamHy Residential Review Panel
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendar (GLBT) Sustainablllty Committee
Golf Advisory Committee Transportation and Parking Committee
Health Advisory Committee Visitor and Convention Authority
Health Facilities Authority Board Waterfront Protection Committee
Hispanic Affairs Committee 1 ;·,· .. -Youth Center Advisory Board
Historic Preservation Board
Note: If applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center:
1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: No ------Years of Service: ----
2 . Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children :.:N::::.o __ _ if yes, please list the names of your children, their
ages, and which programs. List below:
Child's name :Catherlne Davis
Child's name:
Age:.-17..__ _____ _ Program: tee Skatlna & Swlmmlna
Program: Age:
• Have you ever been convicted of a felony: No If yes, please explain in detail :
• Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach oodes: No If yes, please explain in detail :
• Do you currently owe the City ·of Money Beach any money: No If yes, please explain in detail :
• Are you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees: Yes
Community Relation~ Board
If yes, which board?
• What organizations in the City of Miami Beach-do you currently hold membership in?
Name: Alton Road .HOA Title : Secretary
Name: Miami Beach High PTSA Title: President
• List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach :
5965 Alton Road
• I am now employed by the city of Miami Beach: No Which department?
• Pursuant to City code Section 2-25(b): do you have a relative who is employed by the
City of Miami Beach? Check all that apply. Identify the department(s):
The following lnfonnatlon Ia voluntary and Is neither part of your application nor has any bearfng on your consldar.tlon for appointment. It Is
being asked to comply with federal equal opportunity reporting requirements.
Ethnic Orgin: Check one only (1)
Physically Challenged: No
Employment Status: Employed
NOTE : If appointed, you will be required to follow certain laws which apply to city board/committee members.
Thue laws Include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459).
o Prohibitlon from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11 .1 ).
o Prohibition from lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami
Beach Code section 2-26).
o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11 .1).
(re : CMB Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office,
from having any Interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself,
or those with whom you have business or Immediate family ties (CFR 570.611 ).
·· Upc)n request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clark.
"I hereby attest to the accuracy and truthfulnaA of the application and have received, read and will abide by Chapter 2, Article
VII-of the City Coda "Standards of Conduct for City Officers, Employees and Agency Members."
I Laurie Kaye Davis agreed to the following tenns on 519/2012J:27:01 PM ~. . . . .• tdJJ,...., ld-.0' ..),._ ~
Received In the City Clerk's Office by: Date: I 12012 Control No . Date: I 12012 ------------------------Name of Deputy Clerk
Over 25+ years of successful business management experience In a
broad spectrum of Industries as well as extensive leadership
participation in civic and community organizations. Unique ability to
assess current situations, create better team collaborations, and
bring about better performance in short order. Respected as a
motivational, lead-by-example manager. Outstanding
communication, administrative, analytical, and organizational skills.
Managed or directed:
• Mentor program for a non-profit with a budget over $7
million and development department for a non-profit with a
budget exceeding $5 million
• Sales/leasing program for $25 million mall renovation
• Retail department with sales exceeding $1.5 million
• Sales, operations, and personnel management for a 9~
office executive suite business
2000..Present LKD Consulting Group
Provide consulting and business support to a wide variety of organizations
including a federally funded not-for-profit academic achievement program,
a not-for-profit child care center, Montessori school, and a start-up
children's clothing manufacturer. Most recent projects required
orchestrating all elements of a school-to-work and peer-to-peer mentor
programs from concept and design to selection, assessment, matching
and training of mentors and mentees.
1993-1999 Executive Recruiter, The Farwell Group
Responsible for the client development, recruitment and placement
program for marketing and administrative positions for a recruiting firm
with billings exceeding $1 million. Conducted all interviewing, qualifying
and background checking of potential candidates for our client companies.
1992-1993 Interim Director of Development,
Children's Home Society
Volunteer role led to interim position directing the fundraising activities for
a large social service agency providing temporary shelter for abused,
abandoned and neglected children. Devised and administered fundraising
strategies, major donor events and annual appeal campaigns with a staff
of four.
1988-1989 Marketing Agent, American Express Corporation
Brought on board for a temporary position through grand opening of a 650,000
sq. foot mall renovation project. Successfully marketed the Mall bringing
occupancy from 65% to 95%.
1984-1988 Buyer, Cedars Medical Center
Administered the buying program for infant wear, children's wear and
toys for the gift shop of a 700 bed hospital. Responsible for a spending
budget of $30,000.
1982-1984 Sales and Purchasing Fiesta Farms
Managed sales and operations for a cut flower importer with sales
grossing $2 million .
1979-1982 Department Manager,
Federated Department Stores
Began as a college intern in Area Research in Cincinnati and after
graduating went to Burdines of Florida as the Assistant Buyer for Men's
Sportswear. Promoted to Department Manager in the largest
department store in the USA. Responsible for the sales and
merchandising program and a sales staff of seventeen.
1977-1980 BSBA, (Marketing) High Honors -
University of Florida
Miami Beach Senior High School PTSA President & Board Member
Peer 2 Peer Mentor Program
Coordinator 2009-Present
St. John's United Methodist Church Board Chair 2008-Present
City of Miami Beach
Alton Road Homeowners
Mt. Sinai Hospital
Miami Children 's Hospital
St. John's Child Care Center
The Daily Bread Food Bank
Guardian Ad Litem
Children's Home Society
Building Committee 2007-Present
Staff/Parish Relations Chair
Community Relations Board
VP/Secretary 2005-Present
The Cancer Lifeline Board
Hugs & Kisses Committee
Board Chair 1997-2003
Advisory Board 1992-2000
Volunteer Guardian 1991-1999
Infant Center Volunteer
Running, Yoga, Golf, Book Club , Travel