20130204 SCMSpecial City Commission Agenda, February 4, 2013 MIAMI BEACH Special City Commission Meeting City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive February 4, 2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower Vice-Mayor Michael G6ngora Commissioner Jorge R. Exposito Commissioner Jerry Libbin Commissioner Edward L. Tobin Commissioner Deede Weithorn Commissioner Jonah Wolfson Interim City Manager Kathie G. Brooks City Attorney Jose Smith City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Visit us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article VII, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's Office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. Special note: In order to ensure adequate public consideration, if necessary, the Mayor and City Commission may move any agenda item to the alternate meeting date which will only be held if needed. In addition, the Mayor and City Commission may, at their discretion, adjourn the Commission Meeting without reaching all agenda items. Call to Order-9:00a.m. Requests for Additions, Withdrawals, and Deferrals . R9 -New Business and Commission Requests R9A Board And Committee Appointments -City Commission Appointments. (City Clerk's Office) (Requested by Mayor Matti Herrera Bower) R9A 1 Board And Committee Appointments. (City Clerk's Office) End of Regular Agenda THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK <9 MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeochfl .gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission FROM: Kathie G. Brooks, Interim City Manager /A~ DATE: February 4, 2013 SUBJECT: BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS -CITY COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Make appointments as indicated. BOARDS AND COMMITTEES 1. Affordable Housing Advisory Committee -(2 Vacancies and 4 Reappointments) 2. Art in Public Places-(2 Vacancies and 3 Reappointments) 3. Board of Adjustment-(1 Vacancy and 2 Reappointments) 4. Budget Advisory Committee-(2 Reappointments) 5. Capital Improvements Projects Oversight Committee-(1 Vacancy and 4 Reappointments) 6. Design Review Board-(3 Reappointments) 7. Health Advisory Committee-(5 Reappointments) 8. Historic Preservation Board-(4 Reappointments) 9. Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council-(1 Vacancy and 3 Reappointments) 10. Miami Beach Human Rights Committee-(2 Vacancies and 3 Reappointments) 11. Normandy Shores Local Gov. Neighborhood lmpvr.-(2 Vacancies and 1 Reappointment) 12. Personnel Board -(3 Vacancies and 2 Reappointments) 13. Planning Board-(1 Vacancy and 2 Reappointments) 14. Visitor and Convention Authority (3 Reappointments) Please see the "Agenda -Agenda Archives" for the continuously updated Releases of City Commission At-Large Nominations listing current information about which applicants have actually been nominated. The Agenda-Agenda Achieves is located at: http://miamibeachfl. gov/cityclerklscroll.aspx?id =66724 Alternatively, the Releases can be found by going to the City's main portal located at http://miamibeachfl.gov; and under the CITY MEETINGS section, located on the right hand side of the webpage, click on the "Agenda -Agenda Archives" link; thereafter chose the first listed Commission meeting, and click on City Commission At-Large Nominations. KGB/REG @ Agenda Item J~ 9 /} F:\CLER\BOARD AND COMMITTIES DATABASE\BOARDANDCOMMITTEES MEMOS\Commission Mer Date O ~-:fl l./-C).[}j 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Ce nt er Drive , Miam i Beac h, Flor ida 3313 9, YfflW mio mjbegc hR.gov OFFI CE OF THE C ITY CLERK, Ra fael G ranado , City Clerk Tel: (305) 673-7 41 I , Fox: (305 ) 673 -7254 Email CityCierk@mioml beoc h.gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower and Members of the City Commission Kathie G. Brooks, Interim City Manager / .y-i /-. February 4, 2013 Subject: BOARD AND COMMITIEES ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: That appointments be made as indicated. ANALYSIS: Attached is the Board and Committees Report which provides a detailed listing of all board and committee members, vacancies, reappointments to be made, and the list of applicants that have filed applications with the City Clerk's Office. Additionally, for your convenience, below you will find the list of current board and committee vacancies. (Note that the below list does not include reappointments to be made.) VACANCIES BOARD OR COMMITTEE: TOTAL MEMBERS APPOINTED BY: TOTAL PAGE Affordable Housing Advisory Committee 11 City Commission 2 Page 1 Art in Public Places 7 City Commission 2 Page 3 Board of Adjustment 7 City Commission 1 Page 5 Capital Improvements Projects 9 City Commission 1 Page 7 Oversight Committee Community Development Advisory 14 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 1 Page 12 Commitlee Commissioner Jorge Exposito 1 Commissioner Michael G6ngora 1 W e are committed to providing e xce llent pvblic service and safely lo all who live, work and play in ' Agenda Item I-:<9 /t-I Date Od.-a L[ _;)!) 13 BOARD OR COMMITTEE: VACANCIES TOTAL MEMBERS APPOINTED BY: TOTAL Community Relations Board 17 Kathie G. Brooks, Interim City Manager 1 Convention Center Advisory Board 7 Debarment Committee 7 Disability Access Committee 8 Golf Advisory Committee 12 Marine Authority 7 Miami Beach Commission For Women 21 Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council 11 Miami Beach Human Rights Committee 9 Miami Beach Sister Cities Program 24 Normandy Shores Local Gov. 3 Neighborhood lmpv. Parks and Recreational Facilities Board 10 Commissioner Michael Gongora Commissioner Jorge Exposito Mayor Matti Herrera Bower Commissioner Jerry Libbin Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson Commissioner Michael Gongora Commissioner Michael G6ngora Mayor Matti Herrera Bower Commissioner Ed Tobin Commissioner Michael G6ngora City Commission City Commission Mayor Matti Herrera Bower City Commission Commissioner Jerry Libbin Commissioner Michael Gongora 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 PAGE Page 14 Page 16 Page 17 Page 19 Page 23 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 36 Page 37 BOARD OR COMMITTEE: Personnel Board Planning Board Police Citizens Relations Committee Production Industry Council VACANCIES TOTAL MEMBERS APPOINTED BY: 10 City Commission 7 City Commission 17 Commissioner Jorge Exposito Commissioner Michael G6ngora 7 Commissioner Jerry Libbin Mayor Matti Herrera Bower Single Family Residential Review 3 Kathie G. Brooks, Int. City Manager Panel Tennis Advisory Committee Transportation and Park ing Committee 7 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 14 Commissioner Ed Tob in Attached is a breakdown by Commissioner or City Commission : Q) KGB/REG/Ih TOTAL PAGE 3 Page 38 1 Page 39 2 Page 41 1 1 Page 43 1 3 Page 45 1 Page 47 1 Page 48 Board and Committees Current Members Affordable Housing Advisory Committee Sec. 2-167 Composition: The committee shall consist of eleven (11) voting members with two (2} year terms appointed at large by a majority vote of the Mayor and City Commission: One citizen: 1) actively engaged in the residential home building industry in connection with affordable housing; 2) actively engaged in the banking or mortgage banking industry in connection with affordable housing; 3) two at-large who have resided in one of the city's historic districts for at least one year, and have demonstrated interest and knowledge in urban design and the preservation of historic buildings. 4) actively engaged as a for-profit provider of affordable housing; 5) actively engaged as a not-for-profit provider of affordable housing (Housing Authority member); 6) actively engaged as a real estate professional in connection with affordable housing; 8) actively serving on the local planning agency pursuant to Florida Statute § 163.3174 (Planning Board member); 9) who resides within the jurisdiction of the local governing body making the appointments; 10) who represents employers within the jurisdiction; 11) who represents essential services personnel as defined in the local housing assistance plan. Members of the Loan Review Committee, members of the COmmunity Development Advisory Committee (CDAC), Planning Board and Miami Beach Housing Authority may be appointed to fill any of the eleven (11) categories and serve as ex-officio voting members on this committee. If due to conflict of interest by prospective appointees, or other reasonable factor, the City is unable to appoint a citizen actively engaged in these activities in connection with affordable housing, a citizen engaged in the activity without regard to affordable housing may be appointed. City Liaison: Richard Bowman Appointn1ents To Be Made : Muayad Abbas (5) For Profit 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/17 Charles Urstadt (8) Local Plann. Bd. 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/17 David Smith (3) Rep. Labor Home Bid. 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/14 Juan Rojas (2) Banking/Mortgage 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/16 Vacancy: To replace (6) Not for Profit 12/31/2014 City Commission Stephanie Berman To replace Robert (1) Res. Home Bldg. 12/31/2014 City Commission Saland Members: Name Last Name Positionffitle Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: Amy Perry (11) Rep. Essential Serv . 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/17 Arian Adorno (9) Res. Juris Local Govt 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/17 Guy Simani (10} Rep. Emp l. With/Juris. 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/17 Jeremy Glazer (4) Low-Income Adv 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/17 Mark Wohl (7) Real Estate Prof. 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/17 Applicants Positionffitle Applicants Positionffitle Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Page 1 of 52 (Continued .... Board and Committees Current Members Andrew Fischer Britta Hanson Gotlinsky Barbara Karen Fryd Prakash Kumar Wednesday, January 30, 1013 Barbara Gotlinsky Dr. Barry Ragone Julio Lora Marie Towers Page2Q{51 Board and Committees Current Members Art in Public Places Composition: Two {2) year term. Appointed by a minimum of 4 votes. Sec. 82-561 seven (7 ) members to be appoint ed by a majority of the ent ire City Commission, and who shall possess a high deg ree of competence in evaluation of art hist ory and architectural h istory, a~ arc hi tectu re, scu lpture, pai nting, artistic structure desi gn and othe r appropriate art media for d ispla y or integ ration in pu blic p la ces . City Lia ison : Dennis Leyva Appointments To Be M ade : Jam es Lloyd 12/31/2012 City Commission Janda Wetherington 12/31/2012 City Commission Megan Riley 12/31/2012 City Commission Vacancy: To replace 12/31/2014 Oty Comm ission Eli zabeth Resnick To replace Rhonda 12/31 /2013 Oty Commission Miitiran i-Buchman Members: 12/3 1/16 12/31/1 6 12/31/16 Name Last Nam e Position/Title Term Limit: Li sa Lisette Applicants Ad rian Gonzalez Annette Fromm Antoinette Ze l Cindy Brown Cyn Zarco Austin Olemberg- Goldstein Da vid Lombardi Em m a DeAibear Jonathan Porcelli Leslie Tobin Ma ria Rodriguez Merri Mann Mo ll y Leis Rosemarie Murillo Likens Susan C araballo Zoila Datorre Wedn esday, January 30, 2 013 P os ition/Title 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/2013 City Commission A pplicants Positiontrit le Ana C ordero Anthony Japou r Christina LaB uzetta Claire W arren Dale Stine Elizabeth Schwartz Francis Trullenque Kath leen Kowa ll Lisa Austin Mark A lhadeff Michelle Ricci Pa tri cia Fu ller S ilvia Ros Weth erington Janda Page 3 of52 12/31/17 12/31/14 Board and Committees Current Members Beautification Committee Sec. 2-36 Com position : Eigh t (B) members, seven (7) of whom shall be direct appointees by the Mayor and City COmmissioners. The chairperson of the Mayor's Ad Hoc Garden Center and COnservatory Advisory COmmittee or designee who shall serve as a non-voting ex-officio member. City Liaison: Jo hn Oldenburg Appointments To Be Made : Silvia Rotbart 12/31/2012 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/14 Members: Name Last Name Positionffitle Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: ---------------------------------------------- Daniel Nixon 12/31/2013 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12/31/15 Lidia Resnick 12/31/2013 Commissioner Michael G6ngora 12/31/17 Lucero Levy 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jorge Exposito 12/31/17 Maria Koller 12/31/2014 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12/31/15 Moni Cohen 12/31/2014 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12/31/18 Terry B lechman 12/31/2013 CommissionerEdTobin 12/31/18 Ex-officio Chair of Mayor Ad-Hoc Garden Center Applicants Positionlfitle Applicants Position!fitle -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ana Cordero Christoph er Tod d Cindy Brown Daniel No vela Darin Feldman Dina Dissen Dr. Corey Narson Flavia Lowenste in-E iortegui Francinelee Hand Kay Coulter Lily Furst Marina Novaes Marivi Iglesias Michelle Ricci Mitchell Korus Peter Vallis Rabbi Daniel Sherbill Steven Gonzalez Tiva Leser Wednesdtl)', January 30, 1013 Page4of51 Board and Committees Current Members Board of Adjustment Composition: Two (2) year term. Appointed by a 5/7th vote. RSA 1·2 See 118- 1"t1 Seven (7) voting members co mposed of two members appointed as citizens at-large and five members shall be appo inted from each of the fo llowing categories (no more than one per category), namely: Law, Arch itecture, Engineer ing, Rea l Esta t e Development, Certified Public Accountant, Financ ial COnsultation, and General Business. The members representing the professions of law, architecture, engineering and public accounting shall be duly licensed by the State of Florida; the member representing general business shall be of responsible standing in the community; the member representing the field of financial consultation shall be a Certified Public Accountant, Chartered Financial Analyst, Certified Financial Planner, a Chartered Financial COnsultant or investment advisor registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, or someone recognized as having similar credentials and duly licensed by the State of Florida. Members shall be appointed for a term of two years by a five-seventh vote of the dty commission . Members of the Board of Adjustment must be either residents of or have their principal place of business in Miami Beach; provided, however, that this amendment shall not affect the term of existing members of the Board of Adjustment. City Liaison: Antonieta Stohl Appointments To Be Made : Joy Malakoff At-Large Richard Vacancy: Preira Law 12/31/2012 C ity Commission 12/31/2012 City Commis sion To replace Andrew Real Estate Developer 12/31/2014 City Commiss ion Resnick Members: 12/31/16 12/31/16 Name Last Name Positionffitle Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: Bryan Elsa Lior Sherry Applicants Rosenfeld Urquiza Leser Roberts Alexander Annunzia to Avi Ciment Dov Konetz Gary Twist Jessica Conn Josh Gimelstein Micky Ross Steinberg Noah Fox Roberta Gould Wednesday, January 30, 2013 CPA 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/15 At-Large 12/31/2013 Cily Commission 12/31/17 Fin. Cons. TL 12/31/13 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/13 Gen. Business TL 12/31/13 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/13 Positionffitle Applicants Positionffitle ----------------------~------------------------------ Anthony Atala Brian Eh rl ich Gabriel Paez Guy Simani Jonathan Beloff Michael Bernstein Muayad Abbas Robert Newman Scott Needelman Page5of52 Board and Committees Current Members Budget Advisory Committee Sec. 2-44 Composition: Nine (9) members . Seven (7) direct appointments with Mayor and each Commissioner making one (1) appo intment. Two (2) at-large appointments: one (1) certified public accountant and one (1) for a financial advisor. City Liaison: Kathie Brooks Appointments To Be Made : Jacqueline Lalonde Marc Gidney Members: Name Last Name Antonio Hernandez Sr. David Lancz Dushan Koller Jack Benveniste John Gardiner Laurence Herrup Stephen Hertz Applicants David Richardson Eric Lawrence Gregory Carney John Bowes Lisa Ware Oliver Oberhauser Rima Gerhard Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Financial Adv. C. P. A. Positionfl'itle Positionffitle 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/201 2 City Commission 12/31/16 12/31/14 Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jorge Exposito 12131/16 12/31/2014 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12/31/18 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12/31/15 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12131/2014 Commissioner Jerry L ibbin 12/31 /2013 Comm issioner Michael G6ngora 12/31 /2014 Commissioner Ed Tobin Applicants Dwight Kraa i Gerhard Rima Jared Plitt Lance Richardson Noah Fox Regina Suarez Ronald Starkman Position!l'itle Page 6of52 12/31115 12131116 12131/17 12131 11 6 Board and Committees Current Members Capital Improvements Projects Oversight Committee 2-190-127 Composition: The capital Improvement projects oversight committee shall consist of nine (9) voting members, eight (8) of whom shall be appointed by the city commission as a whole (at-large-appointees), and one (1) member appointed by the Mayor or designee, and one (1) non-voting ex-officio member selected from three nominees. The membership of the committee shall further be comprised as follows: 1. The mayor or his/her designee, who shall sit as a voting member of the committee, and shall also serve as chair person of the committee; 2. At least two (2) members shall be selected with experience in one of the following technical fields: a. engineering; b. architecture and/or landscape architecture; or historic preservation; 3. At least two (2) members shall be selected with experience in one of the following technical fields: a. construction/general contractor; or b. developer; 4. Two (2) members shall be selected with experience in the following technical field and/or the following category: a. capital budgeting and/or finance; or b. citizen-at-large; and 5. The remaining two (2) members shall be selected from any of the technical experience categories set forth in subsections (2) or (3) above. 6. One (1) non-voting ex-officio member shall be either a member of the disabled community or a person with special knowledge of Americans with Disiabilities Acts (ADA) issues in order to provide accessibility-related input to the committee. City Liaison: Fernando Vazquez Appointments To Be Made : Robert Tony Dwight Stacy Vacancy: Members: Rabinowitz Trujillo Kraai Kilroy (C5) Engineer (C4) Cap.Budg/Finance (2) Engineer TL 12/31/13 (C3) ConsUG/Cont.TL 12/13 To replace Eleanor (C4) At-large Carney 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/2013 City Commission 12131/17 12/31/16 12/31/13 12/31/13 Name Last Name Positionfl'itle Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: Brian Christina Elizabeth Saul Applicants Ehrlich Cuervo Camargo Gross Wednesday, January 30, 1013 (C3) Developer (C5) Developer TL 12/31/13 (C2) Architect TL 12/31/13 (1) Mayor Designee Position/Title 12/3112013 City Commission 12/31/14 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/13 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/13 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/15 Applicants Positionffitle Page 7 of 52 (Continued .... Board and Committees Current Members Annsheila Turkel Cheryl Jacobs Dominique Bailleul lvette Isabel Borrello James Lloyd Michael Laas Ronald Starkman Wednesday, January 30, 1013 Anthony Atala Christian Folland Gerhard Rima Jacobs Jacobs Josh Gimelstein Rima Gerhard Page8of51 Board and Committees Current Members Committee for Quality Education in MB Sec. 2-190.134 Composition: The committee shall consist of fifteen (15) voting members and three non-voting ex-officio members to be comprised as follows. A representative from each of the following eight schools, selected by the Parent Teacher Assodation: North Beach Elementary, Biscayne Elementary, Feinberg-Fisher Elementary/ South Pointe Elementary, Nautilus Middle School, Miami Beach High School1 Ruth K. Broad Elementary School, Treasure Island Elementary School, and seven (7) members of the pub lic with knowledge or expertise with regard to education issues who shall be direct appointments by the mayor and city commissioner with no more than three who can be employed or contracted by Miami-Dade County public shcools. The City Commission shall designate two {2) of its members to serve as City Commission liaisons who shall report to the City Commission actions of the Committee for Quality Education; the City Manager shall further designate a member of city staff to serve as a liaison who shall report the Committee's actions to the City Manager. City Liaison: Leslie Rosenfeld Appointments To Be Made : T iffany Beverly Members: Name lvette Isabel Karen Kay Keren Sheila Elisa Leone Heid i Tandy Ivette Birba Jill Swartz Leslie Rosenfeld Usa Simon Heckler Heller Last Nam e Position!fitle Borrello Rivo Coulter TL 12131/13 Bajaroff Duffy-Lehrman 1213 1/201 2 Commissioner Michael Gongora 12/3 1/2012 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31118 12 /31 /16 Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: ------- 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jonah M . Wolfson 12/31/17 12/31/2013 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12/31/15 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12/31/13 12/31/2014 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31/15 12/31 /2014 Commissioner Jorge Exposito 12/31/17 Rep. of the PTA for Biscayne Elem entary 06/30/13 Rep. of PTA for Nau ti lus Mid dle School 06/30/13 Rep. of the PTA for Feinberg Fisher Elem . 6/30/13 Rep. of the PTA for MB Sr. High School-06/30/13 ACM/City Manager designee Matti Herrera-Bower Rebeka Cohen Rep. PTA for Ruth K. Broad Elementary -6/30/13 City Commission designee Rep . of the PTA North Beach Elem. School -6/30/13 Rep. of PTA for T reasure Island Elem. 06/30/13 Oty Comm ission designee Sof•a Emuriel Vaca nt vacant Rep. of the PTA Sout Pointe Elementary -6/30/13 Applicants Positionfl'itle Applicants Positionffitle --~------==~~-----==~----Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Page 9 of 52 (Continued. ... Board and Committees Current Members Aida EI-Matari Elaine Litvak Judith Berson-Levinson Laura Cullen Loren Pearson Marina Aviles Mia Glick Wednesday, January 30, 1013 David Crystal Jill Swartz Kathleen Kowall Laurie Kaye Davis Maria Cifuentes Marrero Marjorie York Robert Fairless Page 10of51 Board and Committees Current Members Committee on the Homeless Composition: The committee shall consist of nine {9} members, three {3) to be appointed by the Mayor and each COmmissioner to appoint one (1). Sec. 2-161 The chairperson of the COmmittee on the Home less or his/her designee shall serve as a non-voting ex- officio member of the COmm unity Relations Board. Each member of the committee shall be selected from membership in an organization such as, but not limited to the following: Service Providers: Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health, Salvation Army, Better Way, Miami Dade County Homeless Trust; (Civic Representation: North Beach (North Beach Development Corp), 41st Street {Middle Beach Partnership), lincoln Rd (Marketing Council), Washington Ave (Miami Beach Dev. COrp. and /or Washington Ave Task Force), Ocean Dr (Ocean Drive Improvement Association), Collins Ave (Hotel Association), South Po inte {Sou th Pointe Advisory Board to the Red. Agency); member of the general public with personal experience with homeless issues CDBG Project Coordinator (ESG Emergency Shelter Grant Provider), city officials, representative from the Police Department and the City Attorney's Office as ex-officio members. City Liaison: Katherine Martinez Appointments To Be Made : Rabbi Daniel Sherbill Members: Name Last Name Annsheila T u rkel Cary Yee Quee Dale Gratz Gail Harris Jonathan Kroner Usa Ware Prakash Kumar Rachael Zuckerman Applicants Deborah Ruggiero Eda Valero-Figueira Helen Swartz Luis Iglesias-Ramirez Mitchell Korus Recio Sullivan Rosemarie Murillo Likens Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Position!fitle Tl12/31/13 P osit ion!I'itle 12/31/2012 Commissioner Michael G6ngora 12131/19 Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: ------- 12/3 1/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/201 4 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31 /19 12/31/19 12/31/14 12/31/16 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jorge Exposito 12/31/17 12131/2014 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12/31/13 12/31/2014 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12/31/16 12131 /2013 Comm issioner Deede Weithorn 12/31/17 Applicants Debra (Debi) Quade Emma DeAibear Kimberly Diehl Melissa Mokha Muayad Abbas Rosalie Pincus Stephanie Berman Positionffitle Pagell of52 Board and Committees Current Members Community Development Advisory Committee Composition: Committee sha ll be composed of fourteen {14) members. The Mayor and City Commissioners shall each make two (2) direct appointments. See. 2-190.110 The fourteen (14) direct appointees shall fulfill the city affiliation requirement in either of the following ways: 1) At least seven (7) appointees shall either be: (a) Miam i Beach residents, for a minimum of six (6) months, in non -target areas or (b) either city residents, or non-residents, who hold a leadership position in organizations that provide community development services to low and/or moderate-Income people or neighborhoods, preferably within the city, provided, however, the organization that the appointee holds such position in cannot be a current or future recepient of city CDBG or HOME funds. 2) The remaining appointees shall either be: a) A resident or a locally desginated community development target area for a miminum of six (6) months; or, b) Demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six (6) months In a business established in a locally designated community development target area for a minimum of six (6) months. City Liaison: Brian Gillis Appointments To Be Made : Dona Vacancy: Members: Name Adam Andrew Christina Harvey James Karen Marina Mark Michael Zachary Zemo To replace Ra chel Umlas to replace Josh Gimelstein To replace Aida EI- Matari Last Name Position/Title Greenberg Fuller LaBuzetta Burstein Weingarten Fryd Aviles Haye s Bernste in Cohen 12131 /2 012 Mayo r Matti Herrera Bower 12131 /1 7 12/31 /2014 Com missi on er Jorge Exposito 12/31/20 13 Commissi one r Michael Gongora 12/3 1/201 4 Co mmi ssioner Deede Weithom Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: ------------------ 12/31/2014 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12/31/19 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12/31/20 12/31/2014 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12/31/19 12/3112013 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31/14 12/31/2014 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31118 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31117 12131/2013 Commissioner Jorge Exposito 12/31/20 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jonah M . Wolfson 12/31/15 12131/2014 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12/31/16 12131 /20 13 Commissioner Michael G 6n gora 12131119 Applicants Positiontritle Applicants Positio n!fitle ----------------------------------------- Alejandro Doming uez Bruce Klaiber Dr. Barry Ragon e Jeffrey Feldman Juan Rojas Mark Wohl Wednesd4y, January 30, 2013 Aria n Adorno Derrek St ee le Jean Fils Jeffrey Graff Kay Coulter Mi chael Rotbart Page 12 of 52 (Continued. ... Board and Committees Current Members Russell Hartstein Steve Berke Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Page 13 of 51 Board and Committees Current Members Community Relations Board Sac. 2·190.11 Composition: The board shall consist of seventeen (17) members. Eleven (11) members shalll be voting members to be appointed in the following manner: Seven (7) direct appo intments, with the Mayo r and each City Commissioner appo inting a member. Three (3) members shall be appointed by the City Manager and one (1) ex-officio member shall be appointed by the Miami-Dade Community Relations Board from its membership. Four (4) non-voting, ex-officio members shall be the chai rpersons or designees of the following: Commission on the Status for Women Committee on the Homeless, Hispanic Affairs COmmittee, and Police/Citizen Relations Committee. Two (2) non-Voting ex-officio,: the police chief or his or her des ignee and the d irector of the Bureau of Children's Affairs. The composition of the board shall be reviewed every two (2) years. City Lia iso n: Lynn Bernstein Vacancy: Members: Name Adam Barbara Brad Darin Debra Laurie Kaye Rabbi Solomon Robert Seth Lisa Ware Maria Ruiz Marjorie York Patty Hernandez Applicants To replace Jacobo Epelbaum 12/31/2014 Kathie G. Brooks, Int. City Manager Last Name Positioo!fitle Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: Kravitz 12131 /2013 Montero 12/31/20 14 Fleet TL12/31/13 12/31/2013 Fe ldman 12131/2013 Schwartz 12/31/2014 Davis TL 12/31/13 12/31/2014 Sch iff 12/31/2 013 Sen a 12/31/2013 Fe uer 12/3 1/2014 ex-officio of Police Citizens Relations Committee ex-officio of Miam i-Dade Comm. Rela tion Board ex -officio Police Chief Designee ex -officio of the Committee on the Homel ess ex -officio Director of the Bureau Childrens Affair ex-officio of MB Commission for Wom en ex-officio of Hispanic Affairs Committee Positionffitle Applicants Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12/31119 Commissi oner Jorge Exposito 12/31/15 Comm issioner Deede Weithorn 12/31/13 Kathie G. Brooks, Int. City 12/31/19 Manager Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31/15 Kathie G. Brooks , Int. City 12/31/13 Manager Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/15 Commissi oner Michael G6ngora 12/31 /19 Comm issioner Jerry Libbin 1213 1/20 Posit.ionffitle Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Page U of 52 (Continued. ... Board and Committees Current Members Andres Asion Dale Gratz David Crysta l Elia ne Soffer Ivan Rusil ko Jean Fils Luis Herrera Peter Vallis Troy Fabien W edn esday, Jtlllllary 30, 2013 Claudia Moncarz David Alschuler De rrek Steele Irene Valines Jacobo Epelbaum Lori Gold Mia Glick Sofia Emuriel Page/So/52 Board and Committees Current Members Convention Center Advisory Board Composition: The board shall consist of seven (7) voting members. The Mayor and each Commissioner shall make one (1) direct appointment. Sec. 2-46 The chairperson of the board of directors of the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce or his/her designee shall serve as a non voting ex-officio member. The Chairperson of the board of directors of the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau or his designee shall serve as a non voting ex-officio member. Administrative representatives from the management group, Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau, and the city manager's office shall serve as non-voting ex-officio members. City liaison: lenny Timor Vacancy: Roger Abramson Appointments To Be Made Members: 12/31/2012 Commissioner Michael Gongora Name Last Name Position!fitle Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: Lips 12/31/2014 Commissioner Jorge Exposito 12/31/19 Alan Frank Joshua Leon Stuart Tim Kruszewski 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12/31/18 Wallack Manne TL 12/31/13 Blumberg Nardi ex-off. Global Spectrum Adm Rep. ex-officio, GMCVB Adm Rep 12/31/2014 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/3112013 Commissioner Deede Weithorn Bob Balsam Ita Moriarty Stephanie Ruiz Vacant ex-officio, Chairperson Bel. Of Dir. MBCC ex-officio member of the City Manager's Office Applicants Barbara Gotlinsky David Lombardi Gabrielle Redfern Gotlinsky Barbara Mark Wohl Michael Steffens Rocio Sullivan Wednesday, January 30, 1013 Positionffitle Applicants Barbara (Bunny} Patchen Eric Lawrence Gayle Durham Liliam Lopez Michael Rotbart Robert Newman Position/Title Page 16of52 12/31/19 12/31/13 12/31/15 12/31/17 Board and Committees Current Members Debarment Committee Sec. 2-190.128 Composition: The committee shall consist of seven (7) voting members to be individually appointed by the Mayor and Commissioners. The com m ittee's purpose is to evaluate and, if warranted, to Impose debarment as provided in Sections 2-397 through 2-406 of the City Code to exclude a contractor (and, in limited instances, a bidder or proposer) from city contracting and city approved subcontracting. Cfty Lia ison: Alex Denis Vacancy: To replace Melvyn Schlesser To replace Stephen Zack Members: Name Last Name Anthony Broad Antonio Hernandez Jr. Darius Asly Dr. Ronald Shane Joseph Hagen Applicants Brian Richard Lance Richardson Zachary Cohen Wednesday, January 30,2013 Position/ride Position!fitle 12/31/2014 Commissioner Jorge Exposito 12/31/2014 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: --------------- 12/31 /2014 Commissioner Ed Tobin 1213 1/16 12131 /2014 Commissioner Michael Gongora 12/3 1/18 12/31/2013 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12/31/17 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12/31/17 1213112013 Commissioner Jonah M . Wolfson 12/31/15 Applicants John Bowes Michael Perlmutter Positlonffitle Page 17of52 Board and Committees Current Members Design Review Board Composition: Two {2) year term. Appointed by a minimum of 4 votes. Seven (7) regular membe rs. The seven (7) regular members shall consist of: 1) two architects registered in the Untied States; Sec.118.71 2) an architect registered in state of Florida or a member of the faculty of the school of architecture, urban planning, or urban design in the state, with practical or academic expertise in the field of design, planning, historic preservation or the history of architecture, or a professional practicing in the fields of architectural design, or urban planning; 3) one landscape architect registered in the state of Florida; 4) one architect registered in the United States, or a profesional practicing in the fields of architectural or urban design, or urban planning, or a resident with demonstrated interest or background in design issues; or an attorney in good standing licensed to practice law within the United States; and 5) two citizens at large. One person appointed by the City Manager from an eligibility list provided by the Disability Access COmmittee shall serve in an advisory capacity with no voting authority. The Planning Di rector , or designee and the City Attorney or designee shall serve in an advisory capacity. Residency and place of business in the county. The two (2} citizen-at-large members and one of the registered landscape architects, registered architects, professional designer or professional urban planners shall be residents of the city. City Liaison: Thomas Mooney Appointments To Be Made : Carol Housen At-fa rge Marilys Nepomechie Architect Lilia Medina Urban Planner Members: 12/3112012 City Commission 12/3112012 City Commission 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31 /16 12/3 1/17 12/31/15 Name Last Name Positiooffitle Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: Jason Hagopian Registered Architect Leslie Tobin Registered Architect Manuel Minagori At-large Seraj Gary Held Richard Lorber Vacant Applicants Saba Alexander Annunziato Cyn Zarco Elsa Urquiza Gary Twist Jeffrey Cohen John Stuart Lands. Arch. Tl12/31 /13 advisory/Qty Attorney Designee advisory/Acting Pla nning Di rector ex-officio/Disabi lity Access Committee Positionffitle Wednesday, January 30, 2013 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/2013 City Commission 12131 /2013 City Commission Applicants Andres Asion Elizabeth Camargo Francis Steffens Jean-Francais Lejeune Jessica Conn Seth Wasserman Positionffitle Page 18 of 52 12/31/15 12/31/16 12/31/17 12/31 /1 3 Board and Committees Current Members Disability Access Committee Composition: The Committee shall be composed of: 2006-3500 s 2-31 A board quorum of eight (8) members and requiring at least eight (8) votes for board action. Fourteen (14) voting members who shall be direct appointees by the Mayor and City Commissioners. 1) persons having mobility impairments; 2) deaf and/or hard-of-hearing persons in the community; bli nd and/or vision impai re d persons in the community; 3) mental, cognitive or developmental disabilities; 4) the industries of tourism and convention, retail, hospitality (restaurant or hotel), and health care (or rehabilitation). 5) One non-voting ex-officio member who is either a member of the disable community or has special knowledge of Americans with Disabiities Act (ADA) issues. As per ordinance 2011-3731 , in addition to other power and duties, the chairperson of the committee may designate a committee member to attend meetings of other city agenc ies, boards, or committees for the purpose of prov iding and obtaining input regarding accessibilty related issues and reporting to the dissability access committee on matters set forth in subsection (b) so that the disability access committee may provide recommendations to the city departments specified in subsection (b) or to the city commission. As per Ordenance 2012-3757 amended Sec. 2-31(0) to increase the number of members from seven{?) to fourteen (14) and amended the quorum requirement City Liaison: Vacant Appointments To Be Made : Wendy Vacancy: Members: Name Andrea Lisa Barbara David Dr. Susan Helen Lee Russell Unger To replace Andrew Feuerstein To replace Elaine Litvak To replace John Bennet To replace Lawrence Fuller Last Name Position/I'itle Travaglia Gotlinsky New Solman Swartz Weiss Hartstein Wednesday, January 30, 2013 12/31/2012 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/16 12/31/2014 Commissioner Jerry Ubbin 12/31/2014 Commissioner Michael Gongora 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12/31 /2013 Commissioner Jerry Ubbin Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: 12/31/2014 Commissioner Jorge E xposito 12/31/19 12131/2013 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31/19 12/3112014 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12/31/15 12/31/2013 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12/31/19 12131/2013 Commissioner Michael Gongora 12/31/18 12/31 /2014 Commissioner Jonah M . Wolfson 12131 /19 12/31 /2013 Mayor Matti Herrer a Bower 12131 /19 Page 19of52 Board and Committees Current Members Sabrina Susana Cohen Maroder-Rivera Ex-officio member 12/31/2014 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31/17 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jorge Exposito 12/31/19 Applicants Positioo!fitle Applicants Position!fitle ~~--------------------------------------~---------------- Ann Thomas Britta Hanson Rabbi Solomon Schiff Rafael Trevino Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Page10of51 Board and Committees Current Members Fine Arts Board Reso 2000-24216 Composition: Fourteen (14) members with Mayor and City Commissioners appointing two (2) members each. The Miami Beach Fine Arts Board promotes the work of contemporary visual and cultural artists/ enhances the appreciation for the arts in the community at large, and provides econom ic stimulation to under served neighborhoods. City Liaison : Gary Farmer Appointments To Be Made : Jamie Dokovna Members: Name Last Name Positionlfitle Britta Hanson Carmen (Maria) Lopez Carrie Wiesenfeld Deborah Ruggiero Ellen Brazer Judith Berson-Levinson Lizette Lopez Melissa Broad Michael McManus Michelle Ricci Nathaniel Korn Tamra Sheffman T iva Leser Applicants Positionffitle Allan Hall Beverly Heller Caroline Cardenas David Lombardi Emma DeAibear Francinelee Hand Gregory Carney Janda Wetherington Jenna Ward Liliam Lopez Merri Mann Nelida Barrios Seth Feuer Zahara Mossman Wednesday, January 30, 2013 12/31/2012 Commissioner Michael Gongora 12/31/17 Term Limit: Term Ends: Appointed by: ~~------------ 12/31/2013 Comm issioner Jorge Exposito 12/31/19 12/31/2013 Comm issioner Michael Gongora 12/31/20 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12131 /15 12/3 1/2014 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12/31 /1 8 12/31 120 14 Commissioner Jorge Exposito 12131 /17 12/31120 13 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12/31 /16 12/31/2013 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12/31/20 12/31/2013 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31/15 12/31/2014 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/17 12/31/2014 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31/20 12/31/2014 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12/31/15 12/31/2014 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12/31/15 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jonah M . Wolfson 12131/15 Applicants Ana Kasdin Bradley Ugent Dale Stine Dina Dissen Flavia Lowenstein-E lortegui Francis Trullenque James Weingarten Jeffrey Feldman Josephine Pampanas Marjorie O'Neiii·Butler Mia Glick Patti Hernandez Wetherington Janda Position!fitle Page21 of52 Board and Committees Current Members Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) Ord. 2009-3635 Composition: The Committee shall consist of fifteen {15) voting members, with three {3) members to be directly appointed by the Mayor, and two (2) members to be directly appointed by each City Commissioner. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the in itia l membership of the Committee shall be comprised of those current members of the Mayor's Gay Business Development Committee, choosing to serve on the Committee, with any additional members (as required to complete the total number of members of the Committee) to be appointed at large by a majority vote of the City Commission. City Liaison: Diana Fontani Members: Name Last Name Billy Kemp Chad Richter Cindy Brown Dale Stine Daniel Spring Edison Farrow Ivan Cane Jorge Rich a Karen Brown Laura Veit.ia Mar ivi Iglesias Michael Bath Nelida Barrios Thomas Barker Willis "Chip" Arndt Jr. Applicants Brian Richard Elizabeth Schwartz Michael Andrews Rebecca Boyce Silvia Ros Walker Burttschell Wedn(!jday, January 30, 2013 Positionffitle Positionffitle Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: -------------------- 12/31/2014 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/16 12/31/2014 12/31/2013 12/31/2014 12/31/2013 12/31/2013 1213 1/2014 1213 1/2013 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31/16 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12/31119 Comm issioner Michael Gongora 12/31/17 Comm issioner Jorge Exposito 12/31/16 Comm issioner Jerry Libbin 12/31 /16 Commissioner Jonah M . Wolfson 12131 /17 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31 /17 12131/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31 /1 7 12131./20 14 Commissioner Jorge Exposito 12/31 /16 12131 /2013 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12/31/18 12131/2014 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12/31/17 12/31/2014 Comm issioner Deede Weithorn 12/31/16 12/31/2013 Commissioner Michael Gongora 12/31/16 12/31/2013 Commissioner Ed Tobin Applicants Christopher Amisano Ivana Vento Rafael Trevino Richard Murry Steven Adkins Position/Title Page22of51 12131/16 Board and Committees Current Members Golf Advisory Committee Composition: The committee shall be composed of twelve (12) members. Consisting of eleven (11) voting members, seven (7) by direct appointment by the mayor and city commissioners,and four who shall be the presidents of the Bayshore and Normandy Shores Men's and Women's Golf Association. The city manager or his designee shall serve as a non voting ex-officio member. Sec. 2-76 The chairperson of the Golf Advisory Committee or his designee shall serve as a non-voting, ex-officio member of the Recreational Centers and Parks Facilities Board, to be renamed the Parks and Recreational Facilities Board. City liaison: Kevin Smith Appointments To Be Made : Jeff Vacancy: Members: Name Jeffrey Jenifer John Joseph Michael Blumenthal To replace Gregory Carney Last Name Positiontritle Cohen Caplan Barker Conway Piazza 1213112012 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12131115 12/31/2014 Commissioner Michael Gongora Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: 1213112013 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12131/16 1213112013 Commissioner Jorge Exposito 12/31/17 1213112014 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12131115 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12131118 12131/2014 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12131/17 President for Women's Golf Assoc. MB Golf Assoc. Kevin Smith Applicants Daniel Novela Mitchell Korus Ronald Starkman President of the MB Golf Club Members Assoc. President, Normandy Shore's Men's Golf Assoc. President, Normandy Shore's Women's Golf Assoc. ex-officio, designee of the City Manager Positionffitle Applicants Jane Hayes Robert Sena Zachary Cohen Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Position/Title Page 23 of 52 Board and Committees Current Members Health Advisory Committee Sac. 2-81 2002- 't'lO:A Composition: Eleven (11) voting members. Appointed by the City Commission at-large, upon reco mmendations of the City Manager: One (1) member shall be the chief executive officer (CEO's) or a designated admin istrator from Mount Sina i Medical Center, One (1) member shall be the Ch ief Executive Officer (C EO) from Stanley C. Mye rs Co mm unity Health Cen t er or his/her des ignee admi ni strator; Two (2) member shall be an administrator from an Ad ult Congregate Living Facility {ACLF). And/or an Assisted Living Facility (ALF); One (1) member shall be a representative from the nursing profession; One (1) member shall be a health benefits provider; Two (2) members shall be physicians.; Two (2) members shall be consumers consisting of: 1) one (1) individual from the corporate level and ; 2) one (1) private individual . One member sha ll be a physician or an indiv idua l with med ical tra ining or experience. Krug er Physician 12/31/2012 City Comm ission Nullman Physician 12/3112012 City Commission Re in be rg Physician 12/3 112012 City Commission Japou r AC LF 12/31/20 12 City Commission Name Last Name Positionlfitle Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: Baruch Harold Shaheen Steven Tobi Todd Juli e Zaharatos Maria Ruiz Jacobs M .D . Health Provider Foster Private Individual W irk P riv ate Individua l Sonenre ich CEO/Mt. SinaiiMH (NTL) A s h Nu rsing Profess ion Narson C EO MB Co mmunity Health Rep . fro m the Health Council of Sou th Fla ex-offi cio, Director of Children's Affairs Position!fitle 12/31 /2013 City Commiss ion 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/201 3 City Commission 12/31/2014 Cit y Comm ission 12/31 /2013 City Commission 1213 1/201 4 City Commission Applicants Applicants Position!fitle ----------------------~~------------- Caroline Cardenas Jared Plitt Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Ivan Rusilko Michael Steffens Page 14 of 51 12/31/15 12/31/15 12/31 /15 12/31 /1 5 Board and Committees Current Members Health Facilities Authority Board Composition: Four (4) year terms. Five (5) members shall consist of; two (2) health providers, Sec. 2-111 one (1) individual in the field of general business who possesses good standing in the community; one (1) accountant and; one (1) attorney. The chairperson of the Health Advisory Board shall serve as a non-voting advisor to the Authority. Members shall be residents of the City. Florida Statute 154.207 No term Limits. City Liaison: Patricia Walker Members: Name Allison Arthur Marc Mark Sidney Last Name Stone Unger Umlas Sinnreich Goldin Positiontritle Attorney Accountant Health Provider Health Provider General Business vacant Chairperson, Health Advisory Board Applicants Miguel Antonio Aviles Rosalie Pincus Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Positionffitle Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: 6/19/2013 City Commission 6/1912016 City Commission 6/19/2014 City Commission 6/19/2015 City Commission 6/19/2014 City Commission Applicants Position/Title Rachel Schuster Shaheen Wirk Page25of52 FS-154-207 FS 154-207 FS-154-207 FS 154-207 FS 154-207 Board and Committees Current Members Hispanic Affairs Committee Sec. 2-190.21 Composition: The committee shall consist of seven (7) members, with the Mayor and each Commissioner making one (1) appointment. The chairperson of the Hispanic Affairs Committee or his/her designee shall serve as a non-voting ex- officio member of the Community Relations Board. City Lia ison: Nannette Rodriguez Appointments To Be Made : Luz Members: Name Rojas Last Name Positionffitle 12/31/2012 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12 /31/19 Term Ends: Appointed by: Term limit: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ana Cecilia Antonio E li ane Francis Ida Patti Applicants Israe l Sands Luis Herrera Rafael Trevino Velasco Purrinos Soffer Trullenque Percal Her nandez Wednesday, January 30, 1013 Positiontritle 12/31/2013 12/31/2014 12/31/2014 12131/2013 Commissioner Michael G6ngora 12/31/18 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12/31/17 Commissioner Jorg e Exposito 12/31/17 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31 /15 12/31 /20 14 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12/31116 12/31/2013 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 1213 1115 Applicants Jeffrey Cohen Luis Iglesias-Ramirez Regina Suarez Positionffitle Page 26 of 52 Board and Committees Current Members Historic Preservation Board Composition: Two (2) year term. Appointed by a min imu m of 4 votes. Seven (7) members. There shall be a member from each of the following categories: 1) A representative from the Miami Design Preservation League (MDPL); Selected from three names nominated by the League. 2) A represe ntative from Dade Heritage Trust (DKT); selected from three names nominated by the Trust. Sac. 118·101 3) Two at-large member who have resided in one of the City's historic districts for at least one year, and have demonstrated interest and knowledge in architectural or urban design and the preservation of historic buildings. 4) An architect registered in the state of Florida with practical experience in the rehabilitation of historic structures; 5) An architect registered in the United States, a landscape architect registered in the state of Florida, a professional practicing in the field of architectural or urban design or urban planning, each of the foregoing with practical experience in the rehabilitation of historic structures; or an attorney at law licensed to practice in the United States, or an engineer licensed in the state of Florida, each of the foregoing with professional experience and demonstrated interest in historic preservation. 6) A member of the faculty of a school of architecture in the state of Florida, with academic expertise in the field of des ign and historic preservation or the history of architecture, with a preference for an ind ividual with practical experience in arch itecture and the preservation of historic structures. All members of the board except the architect, engineer, landscape architect, professional practicing in the field of architectural or urban design or urban planning and un iversity faculty member of the board shall be res idents of, the city, provided, however, that the city commission may waive this requirement by a 5/7ths vote in the event a person not meeting these residency requ irements is available to serve on the board and is exceptionally qualified by training and/or experience in historic preservation matters. City liaison: Thomas Mooney Appointments To Be Made : Dominique Bailleul At-large 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/16 Jane Gross Dade Heritage 12/31120 12 City Commission 12/31/16 Josephine Manning At-large 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/14 Herb Sosa MDPL 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/15 Members: Name David Henry Ira Applie.ants Last Name Wieder lares G iller Alejan dro Dom ing uez Elizabeth Camargo Francis Steffens Jessica Jacobs Josh Gimelsteln Marina Novaes Raymond Adrian Wedn esdtzy, January 30, 2013 Positiontritle Attorney FacultyMem_ TL 12/31/13 Reg. Arch itect Positionffitle Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31 /2013 City Commission Applicants Andrew Fisch er El izabet h Pines Guy Simani John Stuart Marilys Nepomechie Morris Sunsh in e Position!fitle Page 27 of 52 12/31/15 12/31/13 12131 /1 7 Board and Committees Current Members Housing Authority Com position: Four year appointment. Five (5) members, appointed by the Mayor. Reso 7031 421.05 Appointments must be confirmed by the City Commission. At least one ( 1) member who shall be a resident who is current in rent in a housing project or a person of low or very low income who resides within the housing authority's jurisdiction and is receiving rent subsidy through a program administered by the authority or public housing agency that has jurisdiction for the same locality served by the housing authority, which member shall be appointed at the time a vacancy exists. City Liaison: Anna Parekh Appointments To Be Made : Eugenio Members: Name Cabreja Last Name Emilio DeJesus Fernandez Michael Band Peter Raymond Applicants Chavelier Adrian Adrian Gonzalez Barbara Gotlinsky Damian Gallo Julio Lora Wednesday. January 30.2013 Tenant Commissioner Positiontritle HA Commissioner HA Commissioner HA Commissioner HA Commissioner Position/Title 1011112012 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 10/11/18 Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: 10/11/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 10/11/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 10/1112015 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 10/11/2014 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower Applicants Allan Hall Christian Folland Gotlinsky Barbara Prakash Kumar Position/Title Page 28 of 51 10/11/17 10/11/16 10/11/19 10/11/18 Board and Committees Current Members Loan Review Committee Sec. 2-166 Composition: The committee shall consist of seven (7) voting members whom shall be direct appointments by the Mayor and City Commissioners. The finance director or his/her designee and the city manager or his/her designee shall serve as non- voting ex-officio members A member of the Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) shall be designated to serve as a non-voting ex-officio member of the LRC in order to facilitate communications between the LRC and CDAC. City Liaison: Rocio Soto Appointments To Be Made : Eric Lawrence 12/31/2012 Commissioner Michael G6ngora Members: 12/31117 Name Last Name Position!fitle Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: Jay Dermer 12/3112014 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12/31/18 Juan Torres 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/15 Mario Coryell 12/3112014 Commissioner Jorge Exposito 12/31117 Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli 12/3112013 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31117 Michael Rotbart TL 12131/13 12/31/2013 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12/31/13 Steve Zuckerman 12/31/2014 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12/31/14 ex-officio member of the CDAC Patricia Walker ex-officio Finance director or his/her designee Applicants Allan Hall Stephanie Berman Wednesday, January 30,2013 Positionfl'itle Applicants Position/Title Lance Richardson Page29of52 Board and Committees Current Members Marine Authority Sec. 2·190.46 Composition: The marine authority shall consist of seven (7) voting members, who sh all be direct appointments by the mayor and city commissioners, and one non voting, ex-officio member of the authority, who shall be a representative of the city marine patrol. Appointments to the authority shall consist of individuals who have had previous experience in the operation of or inspection of either marine vessels or marine facilities Including experience in various types of boat activities, including fishing in the waterways of the city. The members of the marine authority shall have the right and duty to consult with any member of the city administration for technical or other information pertaining to the matters before them. City Liaison: Mercedes Carcasses Appointments To Be Made : Stephen Bernstein Antonio Maldonado Vacancy: To replace Joel Aberbach Members: 12/31/2012 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12/31/2012 Commissioner Michael Gongora 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/18 12/31/17 Name Last Name Position!fitle Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: Christopher Todd 12131/2013 Co mmissioner Jorge Exposito 12131 /14 Dan iel Kipnis 12/31 /2013 Commissioner Jonah M . Wolfson 12131 /16 Maurice Good beer 12/31 /2014 Commissioner Jerry Li bbin 12/31/19 Sash a Boulanger 12/31/2013 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31/18 Michael George ex-officio MB Marine Patrol Applicants Positionffitle Applicants Positionffitle ----------------------------------------- Alex Espenkott er Elaine Roden Joel Aberbach Matthew Paulinl Robert Glick Wednesday, January 30, 1013 Christian Folland Jacobo Epelbaum Jonathan Beloff Paul Friedman William Cahill Page30of52 Board and Committees Current Members Miami Beach Commjssion For Women Com position : Twen ty-one (21) members. 2007-3570 s 2190- 1 Each of the seven (7) members of the comm iss ion shall appoint three (3) members. The chairperson of the Comm ission on the Status of Women or its desi gnee shall serve as a non- voting ex-officio member of the Community Relations Boa rd. City Liaison : Wanda Geist Appointments To Be Made : Claudia M on carz 12/31/2012 M ayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/17 Regin a Berman 12/31 /20 12 M ayor M atti Herrera Bower 12/31/17 Rocio Sullivan 12/31/2012 Commi ss ioner Michael Gongora 12/31/19 Vacancy: To replace Laura 12/31/2013 Commissioner Michael Gongora Cullen To replace Ana 12/31/2013 Commissioner Ed Tobin Kasdin Membe rs: Name Last Name Positionffitle Term E nds: Appointed by: Term Limit: Debra (Debi) Quade 12131 /2013 Commissione r Jerry libbin 12131 /19 Elsa O rland in I (TL 12131 /13) 12/31 /2013 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12131 /13 Francinelee Hand 12131/2013 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12131 11 6 Gertrude Arfa 1213 1/2014 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12131 /1 4 Jessica Conn 1213 1/2014 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12131 /1 9 Karen Edelstein 12131/201 4 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12/31/15 Lau ra Bruney (TL 12/31 /1 3) 12/31/2014 Commissioner Jorge Exposito 12/31/13 Leslie Coller 12/31/2013 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12/3 1/1 5 Maribel Quiala 12/31/2014 Commissioner Jorge Exposito 12/31/16 Marjo rie York (TL 12/31/13) 12/31/2013 M ayo r Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/13 Mercedes Carlson 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jorge Exposito 12/31/18 Monica Harvey (TL 12/31/13) 12/31/2014 Commiss ioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12/31/13 Nikki W eisburd 12/31/2014 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31/15 Regina Suarez 12/31/2014 Comm issioner Michael G6ngora 12/31/17 Roberta Gould 12/31/201 3 Commissione r Deede Weithorn 12/31/15 T iffany Lapciuc 12131/2013 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12/31/17 Applicants Positionffitle Applicants Positionffitle Britt.a Hanson Dale Gratz Diana Fontani Martinez Eda Valero-Figueira Jennifer Diaz Judith Berson-levinson Maria Begonia Calcerrada Ma rie Towers Ma~orie O'Neill-Butler Merle Weiss Molly Leis Natalia Datorre Rebecca Boyce Wendy Kallergis Wednesday , January 30, 2013 Page31 of 51 Board and Committees Current Members Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council Composition: Three {3) years term. Vacancies submitted by slate of candidates provided by the council. Sec. 2-51 Eleven (11) members to be appointed at-large by a majority vote of the Mayor and City Commission. Effective December 31, 2001, concurrent with the expiration of the terms of six {6) members of the cou ncil, and the resulting vacandes the reon, three (3) members shall be appointed for three (3) year terms each, provided that one of those appointments shall be to fill the vacancy of the one (1) year term expiring on December 31, 2001, and three (3) members shall be appointed for two (2) year terms each. Additionally, effective December 31, 2002, no council member may serve more than six (6) consecutive years. City Liaison: Gary Farmer Appointments To Be Made : Daniel Novel a Beatrice Hornstein Marjorie O'Neill-Butler Vacancy: To rep lace Ileana Bravo-Gordon Members: Name Last Name Positionffitle Charles Million Ed a Valero-Figueira Gregory Melvin Isadore Haveniok TL 12131 /1 3 Me rle Weiss Nina Duval TL 12/31/13 Zolla Datorre Applicants Positionffitle Annette Fromm Bradley Ugent Christina LaBuzetta Elizabeth Pines George Durham Jason Witrock Jean-Francois Lej eune Jonathan Parker Maria Cifuentes Marrero Michael McManus Monica Harvey Nathaniel Korn Patti Hernandez Robert Newman Tamra Sheffman Wednesday, January 30, 2013 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/15 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/15 12131 /2012 City Commission 12131 /15 12/31/2015 City Commission Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/2014 City Commission 12131/2014 City Commission 1213 1/2013 City Comm ission 1213112013 City Commission 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/2014 City Commission Applicants Antoinette Zel Calvin Kohli Cyn Zarco Eugen io Cabreja Janda Wetherington Jean Fil s Jen na Ward Karlene Mcleod Mark Alhadeff Molly Leis Monica Minagorri Oliver Oberhauser Rebecca Diaz Steve Berke Wetherington Janda Positionffitle Page32of51 12/31/17 12/31/14 12/31/15 12131 /13 12131 /17 12/31 /1 3 12/31114 Board and Committees Current Members Miami Beach Human Rights Committee 2010-3669 Composition: The committee shall consist of a minimum of five (5} and a maximum of eleven (11) members, with one (1) out of every five (5) members, to be a direct appointment by the Mayor, and with the remaining members to be at-large appointments of the City Commission. The members of the committee shall reflect as nearly as possible, the diversity of individua ls protected under the City's Human Rights Ordinance. In keeping with this policy, not less than two (2) months prior to making appointments or re-appointments to the committee, the City Manager shall solicit nominations from as many public service groups and other sources, which he/she deems appropriate, as possible. At least one (1) of the committee members shall possess, in addition to the general qualifications set forth herein for members, a license to practice law in the State of Florida; be an active member of and in good standing with the Florida Bar, and have experience in civil rights law. The attorney member shall also serve as cha ir of the committee. City Liaison: Ralph Granado Appointments To Be Made : Rafael Trevino Carlos J Ortuno Dr. Barry Ragone Vacancy: To replace Michael A ndrews To replace Todd Members: Name Alan Elizabeth Walker William Applicants Narson Last Name Fishman Schwartz Burttschell Warren Jr. Andrea Lisa Travaglia Christopher Amisano Lo ri Gold Monica Harvey Rachel Umlas Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Positionfritle Law Positionffitle 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/16 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/16 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/16 12/31/2013 City Commiss ion 12/31/2014 City Commission Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/2013 City Commission 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower Applicants Bradley Ugent Ivana Vento Lu is Herrera Prakash Kumar Positionffitle Page33of52 12/31/16 12/31/16 12131116 12/31/19 Board and Committees Current Members Miami Beach Sister Cities Program Sec. 2-181 Composition: The Coordinating Council is the governing body of the overall Sister Cities Program. The council shall consist of; one (1) representatives per Sister City affiliation and, nine (9) other members. All of these members are appointed by the mayor. The members of the coordinating council shall be persons who are interested in furthering the purpose of the program. Any person interested in furthering the purpose of the program may become a member of an individual sister city committee upon approval by the coordinating council. To qualify, the person shall present a resume and a letter of interest to the committee chairperson. These members are appointed by the Mayor of the City of Miami Beach for two (2) years. City Liaison: Diana Fontani Appointments To Be Made : Bruce Reich Nahariya, Israel TL 12131/13 Gary Twist Fortalaza Brazil Stephanie Trinidad other George Neary other Jessica Londono lea, Peru Faye Goldin other Zaiven Beitchman other Ileana Bravo-Gordon Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Annette Fromm other Jennifer Diaz Santa Marta, Colombia Vacancy: To replace other Veronika Pozmentier To replace Daniela Krumlov, Czecx Rep. Linden-Retkova To replace Michael Fujisawa. Japan McNamee Members: Name Last Name Elaine Roden Jacobo Epelbaum Jenna Ward Nuccio Nobel Ray Breslin Roberto DaTorre Wendy Kallergis Applicants Ana Kasdin Beatrice Hornstein Charles Million Darin Feldman Gabriel Paez Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Positiontritle other other Almonte, Spain Cozumel, Mexico Brampton, Canada other Pescara, Italy Positionffitle 12131/2012 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/13 12/31/2012 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/17 12/31/2012 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/16 12/31/2012 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/16 12/31/2012 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/17 12/3112012 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12131/18 12/31/2012 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/14 12/31/2012 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/19 12/31/2012 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/19 12/31/2012 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/19 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/17 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/19 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/19 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/16 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/16 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/16 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/19 Applicants Positionffitle Ann Thomas Bruce Klaiber Claudia Moncarz Francesco Stipo Gregory Carney Page 34 of 52 (Continued. ... Board and Committees Current Members Israel Sands Josephine Pampanas Luis Iglesias-Ramirez Maria Rodriguez Michael Tichacek Raymond Adrian Walter Lucero Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Ivan Rusilko L uis Giraldo-De Ia hoz Marcella Paz Cohen Michael Rotbart Rabbi Dan iel She rbill Tamra Sheffman Page35of51 Board and Committees Current Members Normandy Shores Local Gov. Neighborhood lmpv. Sec 34-175 Composition: The Advisory Council shall be appointed by the Board of Directors (City Commission) and composed of three members of the Executive Committee of the Normandy Shores Homeowner Association. On behalf of the Board of Directors, the City Clerk shall solicit from the Executive Committee the elig ibity list of its members for appointment consideration. The Advisory Council shall be composed of the three members of the Executive Committee of the Normandy Shores Homeowne rs Association as per Resolution No. 97-22449 adopted July 2, 1997. City Liaison: Ronald Loring Appointments To Be Made : Ronald Vacancy: Loring Optometric Physician Members: To replace Geoff Green To replace Manuel Minagori Name Last Name Positiontritle New Member Applicants Andrew Fuller John Bowes Marie Towers Monica Minagorri Tegan Eve Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Positiontritle 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/1 9 12/31/2014 City Commission 12/31/2014 City Commission Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: 12/31/2014 City Commission Applicants David Alschuler Jonathan Porcelli Mlguel Antonio Aviles Sofia Emu riel Positiontritle Page36 of52 12/31/14 Board and Committees Current Members Parks and Recreational Facilities Board Composition: The board shall be comprised of ten (10) members. Sec. 2-171 Seven (7) direct appointments made by the mayor and each commissioner. The chairperson of the following boards/committees or their designees shall serve as nonvoting ex· officio members of the Parks and Recreational Facilities Board: 1) Beautification committee, 2) Golf Advisory Committee, and 3) Youth Center Advisory Board (See Beach Preservation, ex-officio member.) Members of the board shall demonstrate interest in the City's Parks and Recreational Facilities and programs through their own participation or the participation of a member of their immediate family. City Liaison: Kevin Smith Vacancy: Members: To replace Jeffrey Forster To replace Uzette Lopez 12/31/2013 Commissioner Michael Gongora 12/31 /2013 Commissioner Jerry Llbbin Name Last Name Positionfl'itle Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: ---------------------------------------- Amy Harriet Jonathan Leslie Meryl Rabin Halpryn Groff Graff Wolfson (TL 12./31/13) TL 1213 1/13 12/31/2014 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/13 12/31/2014 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12/31/15 12/31/2014 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12/31/17 12/31/20 14 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31/15 12131 /2013 Commissioner Jorge Exposito 12/31/13 Daniel Nixon vacant vacant Ex-Offido member Beautification Committee Ex-Officio member of the Youth Center Adv. Board Ex-Offi cio member of Golf Advisory Commttee Applicants Positiontritle Applicants Positionffitle ~~------------------------------------~~----------------------------- Annette Cannon Dolores Hirsh George Castillo Jason Witrock Maria Cifuentes Marrero Mich ael Steffens Moj deh Khaghan Pau l Stein Walter Lucero Wednesday, January 30, 1013 Dana Turken Eleanor Carney George Durham Jonathan Parker Maria Rod riguez Miguel Antonio Aviles Moni Cohen Peter Vallis Page37of52 Board and Committees Current Members Personnel Board Sec. 2·190.66 C ompos ition : Ten (10) me m be rs appoi nt ed by a 5/7 v ote. Six (6 ) of wh ich shalll be ci t izens of Miami Beach not in th e e mployment of the c ity, ea ch hav ing a different vocation ; a nd three (3) reg ula r employees of the City of Miami Beach , t o be elected by the probationary and regu lar employees of the city and who shall be elected f rom the employees of reg ular status in the respecti v e groups: Group I shall consist of the employees of the Police Departme nt, Fire Department and Beach Patrol Department, Group II shall consist of employees who are in clerical and executive positions, Group III shall consist of all other employees, The Pe rsonnel Director is a non-voting member. City Liai so n: Carla Gomez Appointments T o Be Made : Mojdeh Gabriel Vacancy: Members: Khag han Paez To replace David Richardson To rep lace David Alsch uler To repla ce Mi ch ael Pe rl muter 12/3 1/2012 C ity Commission 1213 11201 2 C ity Commission 12/31/2013 City Comm issi on 12/31/2014 Q ty Com mission 12/31 /2013 City Co mmission 12/31/16 12/31/15 Name Las t Name Position!fitle T e rm E nds: Appointed by: Term Limit: Rosal ie Pincu s 12/31 /201 3 Ci ty Commission Christopher Diaz Evette Phill ip s George ca stell Vacant Applicants Elsa Orlandini Laurie Kaye Davis Richard Preira elected 07/20/2011 exp. 7/31 /2014-Group I elected 07/09/2012 exp. 7/31/2015 Group m elected 07/23/2010 exp. 7/31/2013 Group II Human Resources Director Positionffitle Applicants Gail Harris Lori Gold Wednesday, Janu ary 30, 2013 Positionffitle Page 38of51 12 /31/1 5 Board and Committees Current Members Plannjng Board Sec. 118-51 Composition: Two (2) year term. Appointed by a minimum of 4 votes. Seven (7) regular voting members. The voting members shall have considerable experience in general business, land development, land development practices or land use issues; however, the board shall at a minimum be comprised of: 1) one architect reg iste red in the state of Flo rida; or a member of the facu lty of a school of architecture in the state, with practical or academic expertise in the field of design, planning, historic preservation or the history of architecture; or a landscape architect registered in the state of Florida; or a professional practicing in the fields of architectural or urban design, or urban planning; 2) one developer who has experience in developing real property; or an attorney in good standing licensed to practice law within the United States. 3) one attorney licensed to practice law in the state of Florida who has considerable experience in land use and zoning issues; 4) one person who has education and/or experience in historic preservation issues. For purposes of this section, the term "education and/or experience in historic preservation issues" shall be a person who meets one or more of the following criteria: A) Has earned a college degree in historic preservation; B) Is responsible for the preservation, revitalization or adaptive reuse of historic buildings; or C) Is recognized by the city commission for contributions to historic preservation, education or planning; and 5) three persons who are citizens at large or engaged In general business in the city No person except a resident of the city, who has resided in the city for at least one year shall be eligible for appointment to the planning board. The City Commission may waive the residency requirements by a 5/7ths vote in the event a person not meeting these requirements is available to serve on the board and is exceptionally qual ified by training and/or experience. City Liaison: Katia Hirsh. Appointments To Be Made : Jean-Francois Lej eune Arch itect Daniel Veitia Historic Preservation Vacancy: To replace Randy General Business Weisburd Members: 12/31/2012 City Commissio n 12/31/2012 City Commission 12/31/2014 City Commission 12/31/17 12/31 /14 Name Last Name Positionffitle Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: Charles Henry Jonathan Robert Applicants Urstadt Stolar Bel off Wolfarth Alex Espenkotter Andres Asion Avi C iment Dominique Bailleul Fran ci s Steffens Gary Twist Wednesday, January30, 2013 General Business Gen. Bus. TL 12/31/13 Attorney Developer Positionffitle 1213 112013 City Co mmission 12/3112013 City Commissio n 12/31/2013 City Comm ission 12/31/2013 City Comm ission Applicants Alexander Annunziato Anthony Atala Brian Ehrlich Elizabet h Camargo Frank Kruszewski Guy Simani Posltionffitle 12(31 /1 7 12/31113 12/31 /15 12/31/17 Page 39 of 52 (Continued .... Board and Committees Current Members Jack Johnson Jessica Conn Joy Malakoff Mali( Alhadeff Muayad Abbas Robert Sena Wednesday , January 30, 2013 Jeffrey Cohen Joshua WaUack Marina Novaes Mario Courtney Noah Fox Page40of52 Board and Committees Current Members Police Citizens Relations Committee Composition: Th e committee sha ll consi st of seventeen (17) members, fourteen (14) of wh om shall be vot ing members. Sec. 2-190.36 The members shall be d irect appo intments w ith the Mayo r and City Co mmi ssi oners , each making two (2) individual appointments. One (1) non-voting ex-officio member shall be from the non -admini strative personnel of the police department selected by a majority vote of the non administrative personnel. Two (2) additional non -voting ex-officio members shall be the police chief (or a designee) and the city attorney (or a designee). The chairperson of the committee or his/her designee shall serve as a non -voting ex-officio member of the Community Relations Board. The Police/Citizen Relations Committee shall be assigned to the Police Department. Recommendations for appointment to all voting and non -voting membership selected by the Mayor and Commission shall be obtained from; the Spani sh American League Against Discrimination (S.A.L.A.D.); the League of United Latin American Citizens (L.U.L.A.,C.]; The Anti-Defamation League, (A.D.l.); The Dade Act ion Pac; the Nationa l Assoc iation for the Advancement of Co lored Peop le (NAACPA); t he League of Women's Vote rs, and any other organizations deemed appropriate. The voti ng members of the comm ittee shall have know ledge of and interest in Po li ce Commun ity Relat ions and t heir impact on the City of Miami Beach. City Li ai son: Chief Raymond Mart inez Appointments To Be Made : Mi chae l Vacancy: Members: Name Grieco To replace Gianluca Fontani To replace Jared Dokovna To replace Beverly Aberbach Last Name Position/Title 12/31/201 2 Com missioner Michael Gongora 12/3 1/1 9 12/31/201 4 Commissioner Jorge Exposito 12/31/2014 Co mmi ssioner Michael Gongora 12/31/2014 Commissioner Jorge Exposito Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Claire Warren Dina Dissen Glend a Krongold Hope Fuller Jared Plitt Jonathan Parker Mitchell Korus Nelson Go nzalez Steven Oppenhe imer Wal ter Lucero Al ex Bello Non -adm . Personne l of t he PO R. Martin ez Po li ce Chi ef Wedn esday, January 30, 1013 1213112013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bowe r 12/31 /1 8 12/31 /1 4 1213 1/15 12131/201 4 12131/2014 12131/2013 12131 /2013 12131 /2013 12/3 112013 12/31/2013 1 2/3 1/201 4 12/31/2013 Commiss ioner Jerry Libbin Commiss ioner Ed Tob in Commissione r Jerry Li bbin 12131116 Commissioner Deede Weitho m 12131/15 Commission er Jon ah M. Wolfso n 12131 /19 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/18 Comm ission er Ed Tobin 1213 1/15 Comm issioner Jona h M. Wol fson 12/3 1/17 Commissioner De ede We itho rn 12/3 1/19 Page 41 of 51 (Continued. ... Board and Committees Current Members Steve Rothstein City Attorney Designee Applicants Alejandro Dominguez Barbara (Bunny) Patchen Christina LaBuzetta Deborah Ruggiero Eugen io Cabreja Irene Va lines Kimberly Diehl Laura Marilla Marina Aviles Michael Perlmutter Richard Preira Steven Gonzalez Wednesday, JIJIIuary 30, 2013 Positiootritle Applicants Alex Espenkotter Bruce Klaiber David Crystal Erik Goldman Irene Valines Jessica Jacobs Laura Cullen Maria Begonia Calcerrada Melissa Mokha Rachel Schuster Rosemarie Murillo Likens Tegan Eve Positiontritle Page41of52 Board and Committees Current Members Production Industry Council Sec. 2-71 Composition: The council shall consi st of seven (7) voting members, t he Mayor and each Com missi oner shall make one direct appo intment. All regu lar membe rs sh al l have knowledge of the fashion , fil m, new med ia, prod uction, telev ision and or record ing in du stries of the city. Each of th e six (6) indus tries sha ll be rep resented by at least one me mber, but no more tha n three (3) members, wh o are di rectly in volv ed with that industry. City Li aison: Graham Wini ck Vacancy: Members: Name All ee Be lkys Bruce Ivan Noreen Applicants Irene Valines Li sa Ware Paul Friedman To repl ace Iva n Pol Recording Industry To replace Joyce Galbut Production Last Name Newhoff Ne rey Position!l'itle Fashion {TL 12/31/13) Production Orosz Fashion Parron News Media Legault-Mendoza TV/Film Positionffitle Wedn eJday, January 30, 201 3 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12/31/2014 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower T e rm E nds: Appointed by: Term Limit: 12/31 /2014 12/31/2013 12/31/20 14 12/3 1/2014 12/31/2013 Applicants ----------------- Commiss ioner Jorge Exposito 12/31 /1 3 Com missioner De ede Weithorn 12/31/18 Commis sio ner Ed Tobin 12/31 /15 Commissioner Michael G ongora 12/31/16 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12/31/17 Posltionffitle Karlene Mcleod Natali a Datorre Page 43 of52 Board and Committees Current Members Safety Committee Sec. 2-176 Com position: Committee consists of fourteen (14) members who shall be direct appointments, two (2) appointments shall be made by the Mayor and each Commissioner. The members shall have knowledge of and i nterest in the safety of the citizens of the city. Ordinance 2010-3710 requires that one of the two direct appointments by the Mayor and each of the City Commissioners be Citizen Emergency Response Team (CERT ) certified. City Liaison: Sonia Bridges Appointments To Be Made : Jerry Marsch (TL 12/31/13) Members: Name Last Name Position!I'itle 12/31/2012 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/1 3 Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: --------------------------------------------- Alfredo Rey Barbara Gillman Baruch Sandhaus Calvin Kohl i Irene Valines Jane Hayes Jason Witrock Jeannette Egozi Jeff Gordon Joel Aberbach Marcell a Paz Cohen Michelle Green Oren Lieber Applicants Michael Perlmutter Michelle Green Robert Blumenthal W illiam Cahill Wednesday, January 30, 2013 (TL 12/31/13) Pos itionffitle 12131/2014 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12/31/17 1213112014 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12/31113 12131/20 13 Commissioner Jorge Exposito 12/31 /17 12/3 1/2014 Commissioner Jerry Ubbin 12/31/16 12/31/2014 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31/19 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12/31/17 12/31/2014 Commissioner Jorge Exposito 12/31/19 12/31/2013 Commissioner Mic hael G6ngora 12/31/17 12/31/2013 Commissioner J onah M . Wolfson 12/31/19 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/2013 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12/31 /201 3 Commissioner Michael Gongora 12/3 1/2014 Com missioner Ed Tobin Applicants Positionffitle Michael Tichacek Orlinda Perez Perez Silvia Rotbart PageUof51 12/31/19 12 /31/16 12 /31/19 12/31 /1 4 Board and Committees Current Members Single Family Residential Review Panel 2006-.3529 Composition: The panel shall be composed of three {3) members, two of whom shall be architects an/or other registered design professionals, and one shall be a resident of the City, each to serve for a term of one (1) year. Panel members shall not deliberate in more than four (4) meetings per calendar year unless requ ired due to inability to satisfy the quorum requirement. Panel members shall be chosen by the City Manager or designee on a rotating basis or as available from a list of not more than 20 architects and/or other registered design professionals, as well as a list of residents of the City. In developing the list of registered professionals, names should be submitted from the following associations: (1) American Institute of Architects, local chapter (2) American Society of landscape Architects, local chapter (3) American Planning Association, local section (4) The Miami Design Preservation League (5) Dade Heritage Trust - Liaison: Thomas Mooney Vacancy: To repla ce Daniel Registered Design Pro f. 12/31/2013 Kathie G. Brooks, lnt. City Manager Vietia Jorge Gutierrez Registered Design Prof. 12/31/2013 Kathie G. Brooks, Int. City Manager (TL 12/31/14) Rafael Sixto Registered Design Prof . 12/31/2013 Kathie G. Brooks, Int. City Manager (TL 12f31/1 4) Members: Name Last Name new member Applicants Oliver Oberhauser Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Positioo!I'itle Positionffitle Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: 12/3 1/2 013 Applicants Position/Title Page45 of 51 Board and Committees Current Members Sustainability Committee 2008-3618 Composition: The Committee shall consist of seven (7) voting members, one each to be directly appointed by the Mayor and each City Commissioner. A Commission er, appointed by the Mayor, sha ll serve as a non- voting member and shall serve as the chairperson of the Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to provide gu idance and advice with regard to the City's efforts to provide and promote general environmental im provement t rends, or "Green Initiatives," and "Sustainable Development", which is herein defined as a pattern of resource use that aims to meet community needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can be met, not only in the present, but in the indefinite future. The Committee shall make advisory recommedation s to the City Commission and the City Manager to promote Citywide Green Initiatives and to promote and provide plans for Sustainable Development in the City of Miami Beach. City liaison: Vacant Members: Name Last Name Commissioner Gongora David Doebler Debra Leibowitz Gabriele Van Bryce Lanette Sobel Lily Furst Luiz Rodrigues Mitch Novic k Applicants Amy Tancing Elizabeth Pines Kimberly Eve Michael Laas Walker Burttschell Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Position/I'itle Positiontritle Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jerry libbin 12/31120 12/31/2013 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12131/15 12/31/2014 Commissioner Michael Gongora 12/31/17 12/31/2014 Commissioner Jorge Exposito 12/31/17 12/3 1/2013 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12/31/16 12/31/201 4 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower Applicants Andrea Lisa Travaglia George Durham Marivi Iglesias Russell Hartstein Positionmtle Page46 of52 12/31/15 12/31/16 Board and Committees Current Members Tennis Advisory Committee 2012-3773 Com position: The COmmittee shall be composed of severn (7) members, each of whom shall be a voting member who has demonstrated a high degree of interest, participation, and/or expertise in the sport of tennis. The Mayor and City Commissioners shall each make one direct appointment to the committee. The Mission of the Tennis Committee is to improve the lives of residents by promoting the development and sound management of public facilities dedicated to the sport of tennis in the City of Miami Beach and to make recommendations, as appropriate, to the City COmmission and the City Administration. The powers and duties of the Committee shall be to provide advisory recommendations regarding the use, operation, management, and development of public tennis facilities to the City Commission and the City Administration for such action as the City Commission and the City Administration may deem appropriate. Two years after the September 12, 2012 effective date of this Ordinance, the City Manager shall bring the provisions of this section before the City COmmission for its review and consideration. City Liaison: Julio Magrisso Vacancy: To replace Lizella Lopez Members: Name Last Name Ca rrie Joh nson David Berger Dolores Hirsh Gayle Durham Jeffrey Forster Tegan Eve Applicants Ki mberly Diehl Melissa Mo kha Stephen Donnelly Vicki Petruzzelli Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Positioo!fitJe Position!fitle 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti He rrera Bower Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: 12/3 1/2014 Commissione r Deede Weithorn 12/31 /20 12/31/2013 Comm issioner Jorg e Exposito 12/31/19 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jonah M . Wolfson 12/31/19 12/31/2014 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31/20 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12/31/19 12/31/2014 Commissioner Michael G6ngora 12/31/20 Applicants Marl e ne Pross Mi c ha e l T ichacek Steve Berke Positionffitle Page47of52 Board and Committees Current Members Transportation and Parking Committee Composition: Committee shall consist of fourteen ( 14) members. Sec. 2-190.91 The Mayor and City Commissioners shall each make one (1) appointment, with the other members of the committee to be composed of members from the following community organizations, each of which must designate a permanent coordinating representative: 1) Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce's Transportation and Parking Committee, 2) Miami Beach Community Development Corporation, 3) Ocean Dr. Association, 4) Miami Design Preservation League, 5) North Beach Development Corporation, 6) Mid-Beach Community Association, 7) Lincoln Rd Marketing, Inc., On an annual basis, the members of the committee shall elect a chairman and such other officers as may be deemed necessary or desirable1 who shall serve at the will of the committee. Seven members of the committee shall consist of a quorum of the committee and shall be necessary in order to take any action. The members of the voting committee shall have knowledge of and interest in Transportation and Parking and their impact on the City of Miami Beach. The members of the board shall be officially designated by their respective organization, and letters certifying that designation shall be forwarded to the Miami Beach City Clerk. City Liaison: Saul Frances Appointments To Be Made : Josephine Vacancy: Members: Name Dr. Corey Eric J.P. Scott Seth Pampanas To replace Maria Mayer Last Name Positiontritle Narson Ostroff Morgan Diffenderfer Wasserman 12/3112012 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/14 12/31/2013 Commissioner Ed Tobin Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: 12/31/2014 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12/31/18 12/31/2014 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12/31/18 12/31/2013 Commissioner Michael Gongora 12/31/14 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12/31/15 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jorge Exposito 12/31/16 AI Feola Rep. for the Ocean Dr. Imp. Assoc. 12/31/12 Delvin Fruit Rep. for Mid-Beach Community Assoc. -12/31/12 Jo Asmundsson Rep. for MBCDC 12/31/12 Mark Weithorn Rep. for NBDC 12/31/13 vacant Rep. for Lincoln Road Marketing vacant Rep. for MBCC 12/31/12 William "Bill" Hahne Rep. for MDPL 12/31/13 Applicants Position/Title Applicants Positionffitle Wednesday, JIJituary 30, 2013 Page 48 of 52 (Continued .... Board and Committees Current Members Cheryl Jacobs Eleanor Carney Gianluca Fontani Jacobs Jacobs Julio Lora Rima Gerhard Steven Oppenheimer Wednesday, January 30, 2013 David Alschuler Gerhard Rima Ivana Vento Jeffrey Feldman Orlinda Perez Perez Sasha Boulanger Page49of52 Board and Committees Current Members Visitor and Convention Authority Composition: Two (2) year term. Appointed by a minimum of 4 votes. Seven (7) member who shall be permanent residents of Miami-Dade County. Sec. 102-246 The seven (7) members of the authority shall be representative of the community as follows: 1) Not less than two (2) nor more than three (3) members sha ll be representative of the hotel ind ustry; 2) and the remaining members none of whom shall be representative of the hotel industry, shall represent the community at-large. Any member of the authority or employee therefore violating or failing to comply with provisions of this article shall be deem to have vacated his office or position. City liaison: Grisette Roque. Appointments To Be Made : Margaret (Peggy Benua At-Large 1213112012 City Commission Aaron Perry At-Large 12131/2 012 City Commission Steven Adkins At-large 12/31/2012 City Commission Members: 12/31/17 12/31/16 12/31/14 Name Last Name Position!I'itle Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: Jaqueline Hertz At-large TL 12/31/13 12/31/2013 City Commission Jeff Lehman Hotel Industry TL12/31 /13 12/31/2013 City Commission Keith Men in Hotel Industry 12/31/2013 City Commission Micky Ross Steinberg At-large 12/31/2013 City Commission Applicants Positionffitle Applicants Position/Title ~~----------------------------------~------------- An toinette Zel Ca lvin Kohli Christine Taplin Christopher Todd Eric Lawrence Harold Foster James Lloyd Jennifer Diaz Joshua Wallack Karlene Mcleod Seth Feuer Zahara Mossman Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Brian Richard Charles Million Ch risto pher Amisa no Diana Fontani Marti nez George Castillo Israel Sands Jeffrey Graff Jonathan Porcelli Karen Brown Natalia Datorre Steven Gonzalez Page50of52 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/15 12/31/15 Board and Committees Current Members Waterfront Protection Committee Sec. 2-190.122 Composition: The committee shall consist of: seven (7) voting members, one appointed by the Mayor and each Commissioner, and three (3) non- voting ex-officio members to be comprised as follows: 1) Seven (7) citizens having an interest in the preservation of the dty's beaches and the purposes of the committee, 2) The city's environmental specialist as an ex-officio member, 3) An individual appointed by the Miami Dade County Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM), Natural Resources Division who holds the position of Special Projects Administrator II as an ex-officio member and, 4) A member of the city's Beach Patrol. City Liaison: Elizabeth Wheaton Appointments To Be Made : Matthew Krieger (TL 12 /31/1 3) 12/31/201 2 Comm issioner M ichae l Gongora 12/31/13 Charles Fisher 12131/2012 Comm issioner Deede Weithom 12131/1 8 Members: Name Barbara Jeffrey Morris Paul Robert Last Name Hershkowitz Feldman Sunshine Friedman Kraft Position!I'itle Term Ends: Appointed by: 12/31/2014 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12/31/2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower Term Limit: 12/31/14 12/31/19 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jorge Exposito 12131/15 12/31/2013 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31/16 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12/31/16 Brian Flynn Joe Fisher Lisa Bot ero ex-officio, Miami -Dade Co. Dept of Env. Res. Mgmt. ex-offido, City's Beach Patrol Ufeguard II ex-officio, City's Environmental Specialist Applicants Alan Fishman James Weingarten Luiz Rodrigues William Cahill Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Position!fitJe Applicants Andrew Fuller Kimberly Eve Silvia Rotbart PositionffitJe Page 51 of52 Board and Committees Current Members Youth Center Advisory Board Composition: The board shall consist of ten (10) members, Sec. 2·186 seven (7) of whom shall be voting members affiliated with the Scott Rakow Youth Center. Two (2) student resident users of the facility shall serve as non-voting ex-officio members; one (1) of these student users must attend a middle school, and the other must attend a high school. The director of the office of children's affairs shall serve as a non-voting ex-officio member. The chairperson of the Youth Center Advisory Board or his designee shall serve as a non-voting, ex-officio member of the Recreational Centers and Parks Facilities Board, to be renamed the Parks and Recreational Facilities Board. City liaison: Ellen Vargas Appointments To Be Made : Esther Paul Vacancy: Members: Egozi Choukrou Stein 12/31/2012 Commissioner Michael Gongora 12/31/2012 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower 12/31/17 12/31/16 Name Last Name Position/Title Term Ends: Appointed by: Term Limit: Annette Dana Jeffrey Michael Stephanie Maria Ruiz Applicants Aida EI-Matari Rebecca Diaz Cannon Turken Graff Burnstine Rosen ex-officio student rep. of a Middle School ex-officio student rep. of a High School ex-officio Dir. of Children's Affairs Positionffitle Wednesday, January 30, 2013 12/31/2014 Commissioner Ed Tobin 12/31/18 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jorge Exposito 12/31/15 12/31/2014 Commissioner Jerry Libbin 12/31/16 12/31/2013 Commissioner Jonah M. Wolfson 12/31/19 12/31/2013 Commissioner Deede Weithorn 12/31/15 Applicants Positionffitle Andrea Lisa Travaglia Page51of51