20130313 AM2MIAMI BEACH City Commission Meeting ADDENDUM MATERIAL 2 City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive March 13, 2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower Vice-Mayor Jonah Wolfson Commissioner Jorge R. Exposito Commissioner Michael G6ngora Commissioner Jerry Libbin Commissioner Edward L. Tobin Commissioner Deede Weithorn Interim City Manager Kathie G. Brooks City Attorney Jose Smith City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Visit us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article VII, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. ADDENDUM AGENDA C4 -Commission Committee Assignments C4T Referral To The Land Use And Development Committee An Amendment To The Land Development Regulations Which Would Address And Clarify The Eligibility For Contributing Buildings In Historic Districts To Be Converted To Bed & Breakfast Inns Within The City Of Miami Beach. (Requested by Commissioner Michael Gongora) 1 Addendum Material2, March 13, 2013 R9 -New Business and Commission Requests R9J Discuss Resolution Urging The Florida Legislature To Grant Sales Tax Rebates To Benefit The Proposed Redevelopment Of The Miami Beach Convention Center ln The Event That SB 306 Is Adopted By The Florida Legislature And Miami-Dade County Voters Approve A Referendum Allowing Sales Tax Rebates To Benefit Dolphin Stadium. (Requested by Commissioner Deede Weithorn) R9K Discuss Resolution Urging The Miami-Dade County Board Of Commissioners And County Mayor To Oppose Contracting The "Airport City" Project To A Company That Violates The Intent Of CS/CS/HB 959 Prohibiting The State And Local Governments From Entering Into Contracts With Companies Engaged In Business Operations In Cuba Or Syria. (Requested by Vice-Mayor Jonah Wolfson) ii 2 & MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: Kathie Brooks, Interim City Man~ Michael Gongora, Commissioner'{]' March 11, 2013 SUBJECT: Referral Item for March 13 Commission Meeting MEMORANDUM Please place on the March Commission consent agenda a referral to Land Use and Development Committee an amendment to the Land Development Regulations which would address and clarify the eligibility for contributing buildings in Historic Districts to be converted to Bed & Breakfast Inns within the City of Miami Beach. If you have any questions please feel free to contact my aide Diana Fontani at ext 6087. MG/df Agenda Item C '-/ T Date .3-13-f'$ 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4 MIA/\1\IBE OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: Ms. l<athie Brooks, Interim City Manager Mr. Jose Smith, City Attorney Mr. Rafael Granado, City Clerk Commissioner Deede Weithorn March 11, 2013 MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: Resolution urging the State Legislature to grant Sales Tax Rebates to benefit the proposed redevelopment of the Miami Beach Convention Center The Miami Dolphins is engaged in efforts to secure public funding for the renovations of their stadium estimated to cost approximately $400 million. In their efforts, the Miami Dolphins garnished the support of the legislators in the State of Florida who approved an amendment to Senate Bill 306 which would allow the sports team to receive $90 million in State subsidies through sales tax rebates totaling $3 million annually over thirty years. The amendment to the bill would only be enacted should Miami-Dade County voter approve the legislation through referendum. As Miami Beach continues to pursue the redevelopment of its 52-acre convention center district, Commissioner Deede Weithorn would like to sponsor a resolution of the City of Miami Beach urging the State of Florida that the Miami Beach Convention Center-being a publicly owned facility which through its conventions advertises and attracts tourism to the State of Florida and which is pursuing a redevelopment of its facilities which could cost up to $500 million exceeding the minimum renovation cost set forth in SB 306-be granted an annual $3 million tax rebate over a thirty year period should Miami-Dade County voters approve the provisions for public funding for the Dolphins Stadium. The intent of this resolution is not to set forth an official position either in favor or against Senate Bill 306. However, should voters approve the provisions being proposed for the Dolphins Stadium, it Is the intent to obtain an equal sales tax rebate to benefit the Miami Beach Convention Center Redevelopment Project which through its enhancements will help us remain a viable destination for tourism generating conventions. Should you have any questions and/or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at extension 6528. Th~ Alex J. Fernandez, Deputy to Commissioner Weithorn We are com milled to providing excel/en! public service cmd soietc to off who lrve, work, ond piety in our vibr Agenda ltem---'B....!...q~J;..,___ Date 3-13-r3 _.:;:._~___;:::;_ __ 5 RESOLUTION NO. 2013-_____ _ A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA URGING THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO GRANT SALES TAX REBATES TO BENEFIT THE PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT OF THE MIAMI BEACH CONVENTION CENTER IN THE EVENT THAT SB 306 IS ADOPTED BY THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY VOTERS APPROVE A REFERENDUM ALLOWING SALES TAX REBATES TO BENEFIT DOLPHIN STADIUM. WHEREAS, Senate Bill 306 currently pending before the Florida Senate provides, among other things, that tourist development tax revenues may be used to pay the debt service on bonds that finance the renovation of a professional sports facility which exceeds $300 million in renovation costs and that is either publicly owned, on land that is publicly owned, publicly operated, or operated by the owner of a professional sports franchisee or lessee; and WHEREAS, SB 306 also provides for State incentives for professional sports teams through sales tax rebates totaling $3 million annually over 30 years, subject to referendum approval; and WHEREAS, should Senate Bill 306 be adopted by the Florida Legislature and a referendum passed by the voters of Miami-Dade County benefitting Dolphin Stadium, the City of Miami Beach submits that the Miami Beach Convention Center, a publicly owned facility which advertises and attracts tourism to the State of Florida, should also be eligible for and granted an annual $3 million tax rebate over a 30 year period to benefit the Miami Beach Convention Center Redevelopment Project to maintain the facility as a viable destination for tourism- generating conventions in South Florida; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission neither support nor oppose SB 306 but, rather, are in favor of an equal sales tax rebate to benefit the Miami Beach Convention Center Redevelopment Project which would meet the requirements for a sales tax rebate as its redevelopment costs could exceed $500 million. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Florida Legislature is hereby urged to grant a sales taxes rebate to benefit the proposed redevelopment of the Miami Beach Convention Center in the event that Senate Bill 306 is passed and the Miami-Dade County voters approve legislation benefiting Dolphin Stadium through a referendum. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ____ day of _____ , 2013. ATTEST: Ralph E. Granado, City Clerk F:\A TTO\TURN\RBSOS\grant tax rebates.docx Matti Herrera Bower Mayor 6 MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION MEMORANDUM To: Kathie G. Brooks, Interim City Manager From: Jonah Wolfson, Vice Mayor Date: March 11th, 2013 Re: Commission Agenda Discussion Item Please place on the March l31h, 2013, Commission Agenda an item to discuss the passing of the attached Anti-Odebrecht Resolution. Should you have any questions, please contact Leonor Hernandez at Extension 6437. Wo oro wmmi!led to providin9 oxcollc:ml public sorvico ond scdtl\ !o oil who lrvo, work, one! ploy in our vi Agenda Item R q K 7 RESOLUTION NO. Agenda Item No. __ Page No.1 RESOLUTION URGING THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND COUNTY MAYOR TO OPPOSE CONTRACTING THE "AIRPORT CITY" PROJECT TO A COMPANY THAT VIOLATES THE INTENT OF CS/CS/HB 959 PROHIBITING THE STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS FROM ENTERING INTO CONTRACTS WITH COMPANIES ENGAGED IN BUSINESS OPERATIONS IN CUBA OR SYRIA WHEREAS, Cuba is a totalitarian police state which relies on brutally repressive methods to maintain control including torture, prolonged incarceration and murder of its citizens as well as intense physical and electronic surveillance of both Cuban nations and foreign visitors; and WHEREAS, Syria is a barbaric reg1me that harasses and imprisons human rights activists and other critics of the government, including savagely slaughtering its own people to maintain power; and WHEREAS, both Cuba and Syria are considered by the United States Department of State as state sponsors of terrorism; and WHEREAS, HB 959 as enrolled and signed by Florida Governor Rick Scott in 2012 is an expression of the legislative intent and will of the State of Florida, to not do business with companies that are engaged in business operations and foster economic activities with state sponsors ofterrorism such as Cuba and Syria; and WHEREAS, numerous other states throughout the country have successfully enacted similar legislation to HB 959; 8 Agenda Item No. __ Page No.2 WHEREAS, Miami-Dade County voters affirmed the intent and spirit of HB 959 during the November 6, 2012 General Election by passing the non-binding county referendum by a supermajority margin of 62.42% in favor to 37.58% against; WHEREAS, Odebrecht International, a Brazilian company, is currently one of the Cuban military's largest business partners, in gross disregard to the repression and slave labor conditions the Cuban people are condemned to; WHEREAS, Odebrecht International has been given concessions by Cuba's military dictatorship over the critical Port of Mariel and the nationalized sugar industry; WHEREAS, Odebrecht International has expressed no desire to end its business relationship with Cuba's brutal military. WHEREAS, Odebrecht International, through its wholly-owned subsidiary Odebrecht USA, in defiance of the clear public will and intent of the Florida Legislature and supermajority of voters in Miami-Dade County, filed a lawsuit against implementation of HB 959, which said lawsuit is currently pending through the federal appellate court system; WHEREAS, notwithstanding the outcome of the aforementioned Odebrecht USA pending lawsuit, the government of Miami-Dade County has no legally binding requirement to enter into contracts with companies engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria as defined in HB 959 (such as Odebrecht USA), and thus may choose to do business with other companies not in violation with the intent and spirit ofHB 959; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission urge the Miami-Dade County Board of Commissioners and the Miami-Dade County Mayor to uphold the intent of HB 959 as signed into law in 2012. Specifically, the 9 Agenda Item No. __ Page No.3 Mayor and City Commissioners urge the Miami-Dade County Commission and the Miami-Dade County Mayor to issue a competitive bid process for companies that do not thwart and undermine the will of a supermajority of voters in Miami-Dade County and a supermajority of the Florida Legislature with respect to Regular Session 2012 HB 959. In particular, the Airport City pending project with the Miami International Airport should not be implemented with any company that is not in accord with HB 959. This Board further directs the Clerk of the City of Miami Beach to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the President of the United States, the members of the Florida Congressional Delegation, the Governor of the State of Florida, the Board of Miami-Dade County Commissioners, and the Mayor of Miami-Dade County. The Prime Sponsor of the foregoing resolution is Vice Mayor Jonah Wolfson. This resolution shall become effective two (2) days after the date of its adoption. PASSED and ADOPTED this __ day of ________ , 2013. ATTEST: RAFAEL GRANADO CITY CLERK MATTI HERRERA BOWER MAYOR 10