20130417 SM1MIAMI BEACH City Commission Meeting SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 1 City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive April17, 2013 Mayor Matti Herrera Bower Vice-Mayor Jonah Wolfson Commissioner Jorge R. Exposito Commissioner Michael G6ngora Commissioner Jerry Libbin Commissioner Edward L. Tobin Commissioner Deede Weithorn City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Jose Smith City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Visit us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article VII, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA C7 -Resolutions C7E A Resolution Authorizing The Donation Of Two (2) Freightliner FL60 Ambulances, In "As Is" Condition, To Our Sister City Of lea, Peru; And Authorizing The Donation Of Fifteen (15) Incomplete Sets Of Firefighting Protective Clothing, Forty-Five (45) Sections Of Hose, And Ten (1 0) Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), In "As Is" Condition, To Our Sister City Of Cozumel, Mexico. (Requested by Mayor Matti Herrera Bower) (Legislative Tracking: Fire Department) ( Resolution) C7L A Resolution Approving A Month-To-Month Extension Of The Agreement Between The City And Clear Channel Adshellnc. (Adshel), To Construct, Operate And Maintain Directory Structures In The Lincoln Road Area; With Said Extension Commencing On April18, 2013, And Terminable By The City, For Convenience And Without Cause, Upon Thirty (30) Days Prior Written Notice To Adshel. (Public Works) (Resolution) 1 1 Supplemental Material1, April17, 2013 C7-Resolutions (Continued) C7M A Resolution Approving And Authorizing The Mayor And City Clerk To Execute An Amendment To The Professional Services Agreement With Industrial/Organizational Solutions, Inc., Approved By The City Commission On July 18, 2012; Said Amendment To Provide Additional Testing Services During The First Contract Year For Police And Fire Entry Level Positions; And Requesting Additional Funding, In An Amount Not To Exceed $70,000. (Human Resources) (Resolution) R7 -Resolutions R7B A Resolution Approving And Authorizing The Mayor And City Clerk To Execute An Employment Agreement Between The City Of Miami Beach And City Manager Jimmy Morales, With The City Manager's Term Of Employment Having Deemed To Commence Retroactively, As Of April1, 2013. (City Attorney's Office) (Resolution & Agreement) R7G Bicycle Lane Along Prairie Avenue And Royal Palm Avenue 1. A Resolution Accepting The City Administration's Recommendation Following A Presentation To The Finance And Citywide Projects Committee On March 21, 2013, To Maintain The Current Width Of Prairie Avenue, As Well As Its Bicycle Lane, Pursuant To The Regulations Established By The Miami-Dade County Public Works Department; And Further Retaining Royal Palm Avenue's Design, As Proposed In The Construction Plans For Central Bayshore (Package A). 2. A Resolution Directing The City Administration To Continue To Evaluate The Reduction Of Prairie Avenue To Eliminate The Current Bicycle Lane, And To Further Study The Possibility Of Including An "Advisory Bicycle Lane" Along Both Prairie Avenue And Royal Palm Avenue; And Further Authorizing The City Manager To De-Program Work Associated With The Construction Of The Valley Gutters, As Well As Proposed Re-Grading And Milling And Resurfacing Along Prairie Avenue, As Outlined In Amendment No 2 To The Construction Contract With Lanzo Construction Co. For The Central Bayshore (Package A) And Lake Pancoast (Package C) Projects (And As Previously Approved Under Resolution No. 2013- 28163); Modifying Amendment No.2 To The Contract With Lanzo To Add To The Contract Funds For A One Inch (1 ")Overlay Of Asphalt Over The Current Existing Roadway, And Re- Surface The Street To A Drivable Condition (During The Approval Process, For An Advisory Bicycle Lane) By Providing For All Respective Credits And Charges (To Be Further Defined And Amended Into The Contract At A Later Date); Further Authorizing The City Manager Or His Designee To Negotiate The Changes To Amendment No. 2, As Set Forth In This Resolution, And Authorizing The Mayor And City Clerk To Execute The Revised Amendment No.2. (Capital Improvement Projects Office) (Resolutions) 2 2 Supplemental Material1, April17, 2013 R9 -New Business and Commission Requests R9D Discussion Regarding A Resolution Urging The United States Congress To Support National Immigration Reform That Leads To A Pathway To United States Citizenship And That Maintains The United State's Competitiveness In The Global Economy, And Further Directing The City Clerk To Transmit A Copy Of This Resolution To The Miami-Dade County Congressional Delegation. (Requested by Mayor Matti Herrera Bower) (Memorandum & Resolution) 3 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4 RESOLUTION NO. ____ _ A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE DONATION OF TWO (2) FREIGHTLINER FL60 AMBULANCES, IN "AS IS" CONDITION, TO OUR SISTER CITY OF ICA, PERU; AND AUTHORIZING THE DONATION OF FIFTEEN (15) INCOMPLETE SETS OF FIREFIGHTING PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, FORTY-FIVE (45) SECTIONS OF HOSE, AND TEN (10) SELF CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS (SCBA), IN "AS IS" CONDITION, TO OUR SISTER CITY OF COZUMEL, MEXICO. WHEREAS, the City wishes to donate one (1) 2000 Freightliner FL60 ambulance (vehicle numbers 1008 mileage 107,640) and one (1) 2002 Freightliner FL60 ambulance (vehicle 1012 mileage 113,581) (estimated remaining value of less than $25,000 each) to its Sister City of lea, Peru; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to donate fifteen (15) incomplete sets of firefighting protective clothing (no remaining value), thirty one (31) 50 foot sections of 1 'Y:! inch hose (no remaining value), fourteen (14) 50-foot sections of 2'Y:! inch hose (no remaining value), and ten ( 1 0) self contained breathing apparatus with air-tank and mask (market value $725 if refurbished estimated current condition value $350 each) to the Sister City of Cozumel, Mexico; and WHEREAS, these donations are expressly made in an "as is" condition and the City makes no representations as to the condition of the vehicles and equipment, and no warranties, either expressed or implied, and assumes no further responsibility on behalf of the City as to said vehicles and equipment. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA that the Mayor and Commission herein authorize the donation of two (2) Freightliner FL60 ambulances to the Sister City of lea, Peru; and authorize donation of fifteen (15) incomplete sets of firefighting protective clothing, forty five (45) sections of hose, and ten (1 0) self contained breathing apparatus to the Sister City of Cozumel, Mexico. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 1 th day of April, 2013. ATTEST: CITY CLERK T:\AGENDA \2013\April 17\vehicle donation reso2013.docx 5 MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOI-l EX~CUTION ·~ ~genda Item C 1 E Date ~-\1-13 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 6 RESOLUTION, _________ _ A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING A MONTH-TO-MONTH EXTENSION OF THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND CLEAR CHANNEL ADSHEL INC. (ADSHEL), TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN DIRECTORY STRUCTURES IN THE LINCOLN ROAD AREA; WITH SAID EXTENSION COMMENCING ON APRIL 18, 2013, AND TERMINABLE BY THE CITY, FOR CONVENIENCE AND WITHOUT CAUSE, UPON THIRTY (30) DAYS PRIOR WRITTEN NOTICE TO ADSHEL. WHEREAS, the City has an Agreement with Clear Channel Adshel Inc. (Adshel), for the construction, operation and maintenance of directory structures and street name signs at ten (1 0) intersections along Lincoln Road, which expires on April 17, 2013 (the Agreement); and WHEREAS, the Administration wishes to explore the use of different technology, perhaps smaller or interactive panels along Lincoln Road, that would be easier to maintain, and provide revenue to the City, (while at the same time, offering beneficial public use); and WHEREAS, at its February 6, 2013 meeting, the City Commission approved a referral to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee (FCWPC) to discuss the possibility of installing smaller fixed or digital advertising panels; and WHEREAS, at its February 20, 2013, the FCWPC recommended that the item be referred to the Historic Preservation Board to seek direction as to what type of directory structures are most appropriate for the Lincoln Road Corridor; and WHEREAS, pending this review process, and the City Commission's subsequent determination as to how to proceed, the City Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission extend the Agreement, on a month-to-month basis, upon the same terms and conditions and terminable by the City upon and for convenience, thirty (30) days prior written notice to Adshel. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA that the Mayor and City Commission hereby, approve a month-to-month extension of the Agreement between the City and Clear Channel Adshel Inc. (Adshel), to construct, operate and maintain directory structures in the Lincoln Road area; with said extension commencing on April18, 2013, and terminable by the City, for convenience and without cause, upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to Adshel. PASSED and ADOPTED this 1 ylh day of April, 2013. ATTEST: Matti Herrera Bower, Mayor Rafael Granado, City Clerk T:\AGENDA\2002\NOV1302\REGULAR\LINCOLN RD AMENDMENT RESO.doc Agenda Item C.. 7 L D;7e lf-17-1~ APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE &FO ECUTION THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 8 RESOLUTION NO.------ A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH INDUSTRIAL/ORGANIZATIONAL SOLUTIONS, INC., APPROVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON JULY 18, 2012; SAID AMENDMENT TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL TESTING SERVICES DURING THE FIRST CONTRACT YEAR FOR POLICE AND FIRE ENTRY LEVEL POSITIONS; AND REQUESTING ADDITIONAL FUNDING, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $70,000. WHEREAS, the City has a need to establish an agreement with a qualified provider of services to develop, validate, administer, score, report and review testing programs to determine qualified applicants for Police and Fire entry level positions and classified promotional classifications; and/or to provide consultation services in order to develop job analysis, entry level and promotional tests, scoring, minimum requirements for jobs, and background tests requirements for sworn and non-sworn positions; and WHEREAS, on July 18, 2012, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2012-27941, approving and authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Industrial/Organizational Solutions, Inc., for professional services for services related to testing services to determine qualified applicants for Police and Fire entry level positions, classified promotional classifications, and consultation services (the Agreement); and WHEREAS, the City has entered into the Agreement with the Industrial/Organizational Solutions, Inc.; and WHEREAS, the Agreement was executed for the services pertaining to the first contact year only and authorized Industrial/Organizational Solutions to provide testing services pertinent to the Police Promotional Process and general consultation services (i.e. development and recommendation for methods of selection for sworn and non-sworn positions); and WHEREAS, the City now has a need to conduct entry level recruitments for the positions of Police Officer and Firefighter I; and WHEREAS, in an effort to attract and maintain a workforce of excellence, the City has a need for the Industrial/Organizational Solutions to review, develop, validate, administer, score, and report selection mechanism, including testing programs, to determine qualified applicants for police and fire entry level positions; and WHEREAS, the Administration recommends approving and authorizing Industrial/Organization Solutions, Inc., to provide additional testing services during the first contact year for Police and Fire entry level positions, and requests additional funding, in an amount not to exceed $70,000; and WHEREAS, the City Manager concurs with the recommendation. Agenda Item C.. l M 9 Date Lt-n~ 13 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby accept the recommendation of the City Manager to approve and authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute an Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Industrial/Organizational Solutions, Inc., approved by the City Commission on July 18, 2012, to provide additional testing services during the first contract year for Police and Fire entry level positions, and requests additional funding, in an amount not to exceed $70,000. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ___ day of---------'' 2013. ATTEST: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk T:IAGENDA\2013\April17110 Solutions Additional Testing Services Reso.docx 10 Matti Herrera Bower, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE &F08 CUTION .. lil,o lu ~nom~~ RESOLUTION NO.-------- A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AND CITY MANAGER JIMMY MORALES, WITH THE CITY MANAGER'S TERM OF EMPLOYMENT HAVING BEEN DEEMED TO COMMENCE RETROACTIVELY, AS OF APRIL 1, 2013. WHEREAS, on March 13, 2013 the Mayor and Commission appointed Jimmy Morales as City Manager of the City of Miami Beach (City) to be effective on April 1, 2013; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City to provide certain benefits and to establish certain conditions of employment for Jimmy Morales in his capacity as City Manager; and WHEREAS, Jimmy Morales desires to accept the position of City Manager pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in the attached Employment Agreement, the terms of which the parties agree will promote his continuous productivity and efficiency in the best interest of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Employment Agreement between the City of Miami Beach and City Manager Jimmy Morales, with the City Manager's term of employment having been deemed to commence retroactively, as of April 1, 2013. PASSED and ADOPTED this_ day of _____ , 2013. ATTEST: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk 11 Matti Herrera Bower Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION Agenda Item RlB Date l/·/7 -8 EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT THIS EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is entered into, by, and between JIMMY MORALES ("Morales") and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA (the "City") (collectively, the "Parties"). WHEREAS, the City, acting by and through its City Commission, desires to employ Morales as its City Manager on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and Morales desires to accept employment as City Manager on those same terms and conditions; NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties as follows: 1. Recitations. Parties agree that the recitations above are true and correct and are incorporated as if fully set forth here. 2. The City agrees to employ Morales as its City Manager and Morales to so employed. Morales will devote his full working time to his duties as City Manager and will not accept or perform any other employment, paid or unpaid, while he is employed as City Manager except as expressly set forth herein or expressly agreed to by the City Commission by resolution and modification of this Agreement according to its terms. However, nothing in this Agreement shall prohibit Morales from occasional other work, such as teaching, writing, community activities, bono work, or civic or charitable activities as is appropriate to this position of City Manager, provided, however, that such work shall not interfere with Morales' duties as City Manager and shall not in any way reflect unfavorably on the City. Morales shall at all times apply his best efforts to the performance of his duties as City Manager. 3. Employment At Will. Morales is employed at will and serves at the pleasure of the City Commission. This Agreement and his employment may be terminated by the City Commission at any time and for any reason or for no reason, subject only to the express Termination provisions of this Agreement. 4. Duties. Morales will perform the duties of the office of City Manager as set forth in the Charter of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, and in the Code of City of Miami Beach, Florida, and all such duties customary and appropriate to this position of City Manager and such other appropriate duties as may be assigned by the City Commission or its designee from time to time. 5. Effective Date. This Agreement shall become effective April 1, 2013 (the "Effective Date"). 6. Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence at 12:01 a.m., April 1, 2013, and shall expire at midnight, March 31, 2015, unless terminated earlier or renewed as set forth herein. 7. Compensation. Morales shall City Manager as set forth in this Section 7. Section 7 shall be considered or treated compensation for performing the duties of Nothing other than those items set forth this as compensation, wages, salary, earnings, or 1 12 remuneration to Morales for any purpose whatsoever, including pension or for purposes of Section 448.08, Florida Statutes, or in arbitration. a. The City shall pay Morales a salary of annualized at $255,000.00 to be earned and to accrue bi-weekly. This salary shall likewise be paid bi-weekly according to the usual payroll practices of the City applicable to unclassified general employees. Morales may participate in the Section 457 deferred compensation plan offered by the City and may designate a portion of his salary to be contributed thereto according to the terms of the plan and applicable It is understood and agreed that any contributions to the plan shall be made by Morales and not City. The City agrees to review the annual salary and/or other benefits of Morales at the time of evaluation of performance as provided in Section and make adjustments as the City may determine. An annual salary review of Morales will be made year within 30 days after April 1 of each year. b. Insurance. The City will pay the full amount of premiums for the City- offered group medical and group dental plan selected by Morales, for himself and his eligible dependents. The City will pay the full amount of premiums for the City-offered life insurance policy on Morales. Morales may (or, if participation is mandatory, shall) participate in other City-offered insurance for which he is eligible on the terms applicable to unclassified general employees. c. Leave. Morales will be eligible to accrue, use, and convert leave hours to the extent and on the terms applicable to unclassified general employees. Performance Evaluation and Incentive. i. An annual review and evaluation of Morales shall be in accordance with the specific criteria developed jointly by the City Commission and Morales as set forth in Section 7 .d.ii. The Mayor shall provide Morales with a summary written statement of the findings of the City Commission and provide an adequate opportunity for Morales to discuss the review and evaluation with the City Commission. ii. Within 90 days of the Effective Date of this Agreement and annually thereafter, the City Commission, in consultation with Morales, shall set quantitative measures and goals upon which to evaluate the performance of Morales. Such measures may include, but are not limited to, the City's financial performance, progress on capital projects, improvements in customer service, and successful implementation of agreed upon priority initiatives. Based on the measures and goals established and the performance achieved pursuant to the City Commission's review of those measures and goals as provided in Section 7.d.i., the City Commission may provide to Morales a onetime Performance Incentive of up to 10 percent of the annualized salary amount set forth in Section 7.a. The Performance Incentive shall not be deemed a part of "base pay" or other earnings for purposes of pension. 2 13 8. The City will pay for, reimburse, or otherwise provide for the items set forth in this Section 8. These items are paid for, reimbursed, or otherwise provided because they inure to the benefit of the City and do not constitute compensation, wages, salary, earnings, or remuneration to Morales for any purpose whatsoever, including pension or for purposes of Section 448.08, Florida Statutes, or in arbitration. a. Vehicle. City will pay to Morales a vehicle allowance in the amount of $6,000.00 annually, paid in proportionate bi-weekly installments to reimburse him for the use ofhis personal vehicle for the benefit of the City. b. Moving Allowance. The City will pay to Morales a onetime allowance of up to $3,500.00 to reimburse Morales for reasonable moving-related expenses should Morales, in his sole discretion, choose to move his primary residence into the City during the first 12 months of this Agreement. The moving allowance will be paid upon submission of satisfactory documentation of the moving-related expenses. c. Information and Communications Technology Expenses. The City will provide to Morales adequate and reasonable information and communications hardware, software, and services to support him in the performance of his duties as City Manager. d. Subscriptions, Memberships, and Fees. Morales may include as an expense item in the budget of the Office of the City Manager an amount to be used to pay for such reasonable subscriptions, memberships, and and other similar costs, such as travel and lodging, as may be incurred for development and advancement related to, in support of, and inuring to the benefit of the City. No payment authorized hereunder may be made to an entity that illegally discriminates on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, age, disability, marital status, or sexual orientation. 9. The City Commission may renew or extend the original term of Agreement by resolution for succeeding periods as specified by the City Commission on the same terms and conditions as then set forth in this Agreement or on such modified terms and conditions to which it may agree with Morales. Should the City Commission not renew or extend the original or any succeeding term, this Agreement shall expire at the end of such original or succeeding term. Morales' employment shall simultaneously end with the expiration of the original or succeeding term or period. Should the City not renew this Agreement, it will either give Morales 90 days' notice of intent not to renew or, if no notice is given, the City shall, commencing upon the end of his employment, pay Morales an amount equivalent to 12 weeks of the salary amount set in Section 7.a. (the "Separation Payments"), along with all payments due for work performed through the date of termination and other payments due, if any, upon termination on the same terms and conditions applicable to unclassified general employees and shall have no further liability to him whatsoever. The Separation Payments will be paid bi-weekly according to the City's usual payroll practices. Should Morales accept employment prior to the expiration of weeks after the date of expiration of the original or succeeding term, the Separation Payments shall immediately cease and the City shall have no obligation to make Separation Payments then remaining unpaid. 3 14 10. Tennination by Morales. a. With Notice. Should Morales tenninate this Agreement by giving notice not less than 90 days prior to tennination, the City shall pay him in like manner as if the Agreement were not renewed. b. Without Notice. Should Morales tenninate this Agreement by giving notice less than 90 days prior to tennination, the City shall pay him any payments due for work perfonned through the date of tennination and other payments due, if any, upon tennination on the same tenns and conditions applicable to unclassified employees and shall have no further liability to him whatsoever. 11. The City Commission may tenninate this Agreement and, thereby, Morales' employment at any time, without or without notice, and any reason or for no reason. a. Should the City tenninate this Agreement without Cause, as defined in Section 11.b., it shall pay Morales an amount equivalent to 20 weeks of the salary amount set forth in Section 7.a. (the "Severance Payment"), along with all payments due for work perfonned through the date of termination and other payments due, if any, upon tennination on the same tenns and conditions applicable to unclassified general employees and shall have no further liability to him whatsoever. Should Florida law be changed to pennit a Severance Payment greater than that pennitted under law at the time of the execution of this Agreement, the City Commission will the amount of the Severance Payment set forth in this Agreement. In the event the City at any time during the tenn of this Agreement reduces the salary or other financial benefits of Morales in a greater percentage than an applicable across board reduction for all employees of the City or in the event the City refuses written notice to comply with any other provision of this Agreement benefitting Morales or if a majority of the entire City Commission in a public meeting requests that Morales resign then Morales may, at his option, be deemed to be tenninated at the date such reduction or such refusal to comply within the meaning and context of this Section 11.a. b. With Cause. Should the City tenninate this Agreement with Cause, as herein defined, it shall pay Morales any payments due for work perfonned through the date of tennination and other payments due, if any, upon tennination on the same tenns and conditions applicable to unclassified general employees and shall have no further liability to him whatsoever, including no obligation to pay the Severance Payment as defined in Section 11.a. Cause is defined as one or more of following: material breach of this Agreement; conviction of any felony; admission of conduct that would constitute any felony; conduct that would constitute a violation of any applicable code of ethics or professional conduct; conduct that would constitute malfeasance or misfeasance in office as those tenns are interpreted under Section 112.3187, Florida Statutes; or other similar conduct that the City Commission reasonably detennines merits tennination. 12. Morales shall become a member of the Miami Beach Employees Retirement Plan as a condition of his employment pursuant to the governing ordinance of the 4 15 plan (which plan, at the time of the execution of this Agreement, includes an accrual factor of 4 percent for the position of city manager). 13. Bonds. The City shall bear the full expense of any fidelity or other bond required of Morales in his capacity as City Manager under any statute, ordinance, or regulation. 14. Indemnification. The City shall indemnify and defend Morales or, at its option, provide a defense to Morales against claims arising out of and in the course and scope of his employment or function, consistent with and to extent of Florida law under Chapter 111, Florida Statutes, and a public official's right to a defense against claims arising from their performance of their public duties performed while serving a public purpose under common law of Florida. 15. Any notice hereunder shall be effective if made by delivery, postage paid, to the United States Postal Service or by a manner valid for personal service under the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure or by public statement on the record during a meeting of the City Commission in the presence of the party to whom notice is to be given. Notice, for purposes of this Agreement, is to be given to: City: Mayor Matti Herrera Bower (or successor) City of Miami Beach and Morales: 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 City Attorney Jose Smith (or successor) City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Florida 33139 Jimmy L. Morales (or heirs) 6815 Corsica Street Coral Gables, Florida 33146 16. No Assignment or Delegation; No Third-Party Beneficiaries. The services provided by Morales are considered unique and personal to him. Accordingly, Morales may not delegate or assign any duty, obligation, or benefit attaching or accruing hereunder. This Agreement is entered into and intended for the benefit solely of the City and of Morales and not for the benefit of any other person or entity. 17. Entire Agreement. Severability, Modification, Waiver. The provisions of this Agreement constitute the entire agreement between the Parties on its matter and this Agreement supersedes any other agreement, understanding, representation, or promise whatsoever. Morales agrees that he has relied solely upon the express language of this Agreement in determining whether to enter into this Agreement and not upon any other understanding or communication of any kind, whether written or oral. Should a court or arbitrator of competent jurisdiction determine that any provision or portion thereof of this Agreement is illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions or portions thereof shaH 5 16 remain in full force and effect. This Agreement may be modified only by a writing signed by both Parties and approved by the City Commission by resolution. Waiver of any right or of any breach of this Agreement by either party in any instance or instances shall not constitute or construed as a waiver in any other instance. 18. Construction. Governing Law, Headings. This Agreement shall be construed according to its language and not strictly for or against either Party, regardless of authorship. This Agreement shall be governed by and according to the laws of the State of Florida. Section headings are for convenience only and shall have no legal effect. 19. Arbitration. The Parties agree that any claim or dispute arising from this Agreement, its interpretation, its renewal, or its breach shall be settled in final and binding arbitration by a single arbitrator under the Arbitration Policies and Procedures of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. A panel of arbitrators may be requested by either Party and the Parties will select an arbitrator by alternative strikes. The first Party to strike will be determined by agreement or coin flip. Each Party may one time reject a proposed panel of arbitrators and request another. The party requesting any panel shall bear the expense of the request. The Parties shall bear equally the expense of the arbitrator and the location of the arbitration hearing. The Parties shall each bear their own litigation costs, including attorney's fees, court reporter and witness fees, if any. The arbitrator shall apply a preponderance of the evidence standard of proof. The party asserting a claim or affirmative defense shall have the burden of persuasion as to that claim or affirmative defense. The arbitrator shall not have authority to make any award of attorney's fees or the costs of the arbitration. The arbitrator shall confine himself or herself strictly to the language of this Agreement and shall have no authority to add to, subtract from, or modify any term or provision of this Agreement. The arbitrator shall have no authority to construe any law, regulation, rule, principle of law, decision, or provision or provisions of this Agreement or to make any award that would result in or obligate the City, directly or indirectly, to incur any debt, cost, expense, or liability in excess of amount initially budgeted, approved, and appropriated for the funding of this Agreement. Any such purported construction or award will be null void. The arbitrator's award shall be subject to enforcement or vacation by the Circuit Court according to law. Moreover, and without waiving the preceding limitation, in no case shall the City be liable for any punitive, consequential, indirect, or incidental damages whatsoever. [INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] 6 17 20. Counterparts, Electronic Signatures. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which together shall constitute a single instrument. Execution and delivery of this Agreement by electronic exchange bearing the copies of a Party's signature shall constitute a valid and binding execution and delivery of this Agreement by such Party. Such electronic copies shall constitute enforceable original documents. WHEREFORE, the Parties, after full consideration, including consultation with independent counsel, do knowingly, voluntarily, and intending to be legally bound, hereby enter into this Agreement duly executed on the dates written below. Attest: FOR CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk Matti Herrera Bower, Mayor ___ day _____ ,20 FOR MA.NAGER: Witness Signature Jimm JJv~ \.x.J ~ C 'f < 1JD '2013. Print Name 7 18 RESOLUTION NO. 2013-_ A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE CITY ADMINISTRATION'S RECOMMENDATION FOLLOWING A PRESENTATION TO THE FINANCE AND CITYWIDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE ON MARCH 21, 2013, TO MAINTAIN THE CURRENT WIDTH OF PRAIRIE AVENUE, AS WELL AS ITS BICYCLE LANE, PURSUANT TO THE REGULATIONS ESTABLISHED BY THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT; AND FURTHER RETAINING ROYAL PALM AVENUE'S DESIGN, AS PROPOSED IN THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR CENTRAL BAYSHORE (PACKAGE A). WHEREAS, on March 13, 2013, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2013- 28163, which approved Amendment No. 2 to the construction contract with Lanzo Construction Co. for Central Bayshore (Package A) and Lake Pancoast (Package C); said Amendment, in the amount of $3,723,986, to implement the proposed design change pursuant to the adopted Basis of Design Report (BOOR) Amendment, dated July 181h, 2012; and WHEREAS, during the City Commission meeting, concerns were raised by residents requesting that Amendment No. 2 also include (i) the reduction of Prairie Avenue to twenty (20) feet, plus two foot valley gutters (24 feet total), via the elimination of the current bicycle lane; and (ii) evaluation of the feasibility of including a bicycle facility along the BOOR amended roadway width of Royal Palm Avenue; and WHEREAS, the City Commission directed the City Manager to proceed with Amendment No.2, as presented and approved, concurrent with City staff further evaluating the possibility of incorporating the residents' aforestated requests, but without affecting the timelines and cost to the Central Bayshore (Package A) project; the City Commission also referred this matter to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee (FCWCP) for further discussion; and WHEREAS, in preparation for the FCWCP, City staff retained Atkins North America and Street Plans Inc., experts in the motor vehicle and bicycle traffic fields, in order to determine the feasibility of removing the existing bicycle lane along Prairie Avenue, and instead providing a bicycle boulevard along Royal Palm Avenue; and WHEREAS, based on the preliminary review of the current conditions, as well as data previously obtained, the team determined that it is not feasible to remove a bicycle facility on Prairie Avenue and replace it with another bicycle facility on Royal Palm Avenue, as the Prairie Avenue lane provides for connectivity advantages within neighborhoods and to adjacent collectors; and WHEREAS, the Miami-Dade Public Works Traffic Engineering Division has opined that the removal of the bicycle lane along Prairie Avenue would not be considered because bicyclists have a legal right to travel on all streets in the State of Florida, except where specifically prohibited (e.g. interstate highways and other limited access facilities);and WHEREAS, the conversion of one street (Royal Palm Avenue) into a more bicycle- friendly facility is not a justification to reduce safety for bicyclists on another street (Prairie 19 Agenda Item R7 G- Date L{-\t'f-1.3 Avenue); and WHEREAS, the County Public Works' position is that, apart from being a violation of Federal, State and County regulations, bicyclists would continue to use Prairie Avenue, due to its connectivity advantages, and without the proper protection granted by a separate assigned bike lane; and WHEREAS, on March 21, 2013, staff made its presentation to the FCWPC; in an effort to accommodate the desire to narrow Prairie Avenue and still provide a bicycle facility, staff proposed (as an experimental feature) an "advisory bicycle lane," and a second alternative to provide a bicycle boulevard on Royal Palm Avenue; and WHEREAS, given the current advanced stage of construction on the Central Bayshore (Package A) Project, City staff anticipates that proceeding to implement any alternatives at this time, would significantly affect the progress and cost of the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA that the Mayor and City Commission hereby accept the City Administration's recommendation, following a presentation to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee on March 21, 2013, to maintain the current width of Prairie Avenue, as well as its bicycle lane, pursuant to the regulations established by the Miami-Dade County Public Works Department; and to retain Royal Palm Avenue's design, as proposed in the construction plans for Central Bayshore (Package A). PASSED AND ADOPTED this __ day of ____ _. 2012. ATTEST: RAFAEL GRANADO, CITY CLERK MATTI HERRERA BOWER, MAYOR T:\AGENDA\2013\April 17\Bayshore Bicycle Lane Memo\Bayshore A_Bicycle Lanes-RESO 1 -ACCEPT,doc 20 RESOLUTION NO. 2013-__ A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, DIRECTING THE CITY ADMINISTRATION TO CONTINUE TO EVALUATE THE REDUCTION OF PRAIRIE AVENUE TO ELIMINATE THE CURRENT BICYCLE LANE, AND TO FURTHER STUDY THE POSSIBILITY OF INCLUDING AN "ADVISORY BICYCLE LANE" ALONG BOTH PRAIRIE AVENUE AND ROYAL PALM AVENUE; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DE-PROGRAM WORK ASSOCIATED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE VALLEY GUTTERS, AS WELL AS PROPOSED RE-GRADING AND MILLING AND RESURFACING ALONG PRAIRIE AVENUE, AS OUTLINED IN AMENDMENT NO 2 TO THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WITH LANZO CONSTRUCTION CO. FOR THE CENTRAL BAYSHORE (PACKAGE A) AND LAKE PANCOAST (PACKAGE C) PROJECTS (AND AS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED UNDER RESOLUTION NO. 2013-28163); MODIFYING AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO THE CONTRACT WITH LANZO TO ADD TO THE CONTRACT FUNDS FOR A ONE INCH (1 ")OVERLAY OF ASPHALT OVER THE CURRENT EXISTING ROADWAY, AND RE- SURFACE THE STREET TO A DRIVABLE CONDITION (DURING THE APPROVAL PROCESS, FOR AN ADVISORY BICYCLE LANE) BY PROVIDING FOR ALL RESPECTIVE CREDITS AND CHARGES (TO BE FURTHER DEFINED AND AMENDED INTO THE CONTRACT AT A LATER DATE); FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO NEGOTIATE THE CHANGES TO AMENDMENT NO.2, AS SET FORTH IN THIS RESOLUTION, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE THE REVISED AMENDMENT NO. 2. WHEREAS, on March 13, 2013, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2013- 28163, which approved Amendment No. 2 to the construction contract with Lanzo Construction Co. for Central Bayshore (Package A) and Lake Pancoast (Package C); said Amendment, in the amount of $3,723,986, to implement the proposed design change pursuant to the adopted Basis of Design Report (BOOR) Amendment, dated July 181h, 2012; and WHEREAS, during the City Commission meeting, concerns were raised by residents requesting that Amendment No.2 also include (i) the reduction of Prairie Avenue to twenty (20) feet, plus two foot valley gutters (24 feet total), via the elimination of the current bicycle lane; and (ii) evaluation of the feasibility of including a bicycle facility along the BOOR amended roadway width of Royal Palm Avenue; and WHEREAS, the City Commission directed the City Manager to proceed with Amendment No. 2, as presented and approved, concurrent with City staff further evaluating the possibility of incorporating the residents' aforestated requests, but without affecting the timelines and cost to the Central Bayshore (Package A) project; the City Commission also referred this matter to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee (FCWCP) for further discussion; and WHEREAS, in preparation for the FCWCP, City staff retained Atkins North America and Street Plans Inc., experts in the motor vehicle and bicycle traffic fields, in order to determine the feasibility of removing the existing bicycle lane along Prairie Avenue, and instead providing a bicycle boulevard along Royal Palm Avenue; and 21 WHEREAS, on March 21, 2013, a presentation was made to the FCWPC on two (2) alternatives that could be explored to accommodate the residents' requests; and WHEREAS, the first alternative is to further study the possibility of including an Advisory Bicycle Lane along both Prairie Avenue and Royal Palm Avenue; and WHEREAS, the second alternative is a concept of a bicycle boulevard on Royal Palm Avenue; and WHEREAS, given the current advanced stage of construction, City staff anticipates that the pursuit of these alternatives at this time, as well as any implementation of these two proposals, could not be recommended as part of the Project without significantly affecting the progress and cost of the Project; and WHEREAS, further exploring the possibility of an alternative bicycle facility on Prairie Avenue requires carving out portions of the currently approved and funded scope of work, and the respective credits and charges associated to these modifications would have to be negotiated further with the engineer of record and with the contractor. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA that the Mayor and City Commission hereby directs the City Administration to continue to evaluate the reduction of Prairie Avenue to eliminate the current bicycle lane, and to further study the possibility of including an "advisory bicycle lane" along both Prairie Avenue and Royal Palm Avenue; further authorizing the City Manager to de-program work associated with the construction of the valley gutters, as well as proposed re-grading and milling and re-surfacing along Prairie Avenue, as outlined in Amendment No. 2 to the Construction Contract with Lanzo Construction Co. for the Central Bayshore (Package A) and Lake Pancoast (Package C) Project ; modifying Amendment No. 2 to the Lanzo Contract to add to the contract funds for a one inch ( 1 ") overlay of asphalt over the current existing roadway and re-surface the street to a drivable condition (during the approval process, for an advisory bicycle lane) by providing for all respective credits and charges (to be further defined and amended into the contract at a later date); and further authorizing the City Manager or his designee to negotiate the changes to Amendment No. 2, as set forth in this Resolution, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the revised Amendment No.2. PASSED AND ADOPTED this __ day of ____ _, 2012. ATTEST: RAFAEL GRANADO, CITY CLERK MATTI HERRERA BOWER, MAYOR T:\AGENDA\2013\Aprii17\Bayshore Bicycle Lane Memo\Bayshore A_Bicycle Lanes-RESO 2-NOT ACCEPT.doc APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE 22 ~& FOfi~ECUTION ,,t,,\.1 rney~~~ MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AND COMMISSION MEMORANDUM To: Jimmy Morales, City Manager From: Matti Herrera Bower, Mayor Date: April 17, 2013 Re: Resolution Urging the United States Congress to support National Immigration Reform that leads to a Pathway to Citizenship Since the renaissance of Miami Beach in the 1970's, our City has been proud of the diversity of our visitors and residents. Our sparkling shores have acted as beacons of hope, drawing individuals and families fleeing from oppressive regimes abroad in search of a better life in a community that is accepting of their background. Today, we stand stronger as a community where, according to the 210 United States Census, over 60% of our permanent residents identify themselves as a race other than white or Caucasian, and 53% of that number identify as Latino or Hispanic. The United States has struggled with assimilation of immigrants since the days of Columbus. Florida's own struggles are 500 years old this year, as we mark the Quincentennial of Juan Ponce de Leon's discovery of La Florida in 1513. In all that time, the correct balance of openness and restricted access to America has never been reached. However, due to the bipartisan efforts of United States Senators Marco Rubio (R-Fia.), Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), and Chris Coons (D-Del.) we have the opportunity for real reform with the Immigration Innovation Act (1 2) of 2013. I am urging my fellow Commissioners to support this resolution to encourage the adoption of 1 · or any other national immigration reform that leads to a pathway to citizenship. I would also request that if adopted, this Resolution be sent to the Miami Dade Congressional Delegation. Thank you. MHB/fgr 23 Agenda Item g qD Date l(-17-13 RESOLUTION NO.------- A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, URGING THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS TO SUPPORT NATIONAL IMMIGRATION REFORM THAT LEADS TO A PATHWAY TO UNITED STATES CITIZENSHIP AND THAT MAINTAINS THE UNITED STATE'S COMPETITIVENESS IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY, AND FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION. WHEREAS, an overwhelming majority of Americans support a rational immigration system, whereby hardworking immigrants currently living in this country can obtain a pathway to U.S. citizenship; and WHEREAS, the opportunity for citizenship for its many and diverse immigrants has been one of America's historic strengths; and WHEREAS, the United States should also maintain its competiveness in the global economy by meeting the demand for high skilled workers in the U.S. so that jobs are not out- sourced to other countries and, instead, remain in the United States; and WHEREAS, in order to attract and retain the world's best and brightest workers, many of whom study in our nation's top colleges and universities, and to benefit our society and the U.S. economy, comprehensive immigration reforms are needed; and WHEREAS, among other things, national immigration reform should include: a reasonable timetable for a path to citizenship for America's undocumented immigrant residents; an increase in the cap on employment-based non-immigrant H-1 B visas from 65,000.00 to 115,000.00 with a market based escalator so that the cap can adjust based upon the demands of the economy; the lifting of a cap on the existing U.S. advanced degree exemption, currently limited to 20,000 per year; dual intent for foreign students at U.S. colleges and universities; the recapture of green card numbers that were approved by Congress in previous years, but have not been used and to exempt certain categories of persons from employment-based green card caps such as U.S. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) advance degree holders, persons with extraordinary abilities, and outstanding professors and researchers; and the reform of fees on H-1 B visas and employment-based green cards so that fees can be used to fund programs that promote STEM education and worker retraining; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby urge the United States Congress to enact national immigration reform legislation that leads to a pathway to United States citizenship for our nation's hardworking undocumented immigrant residents and which maintains the United States competitiveness in the global economy, and further directs the City Clerk to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the Miami-Dade County Congressional Delegation. PASSED and ADOPTED this ___ day of -----' 2013. ATTEST: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk F:\ATTO\TURN\RESOS\Supporting Immigration Reform 2013 24ocx