20170208 RELEASE 2MIAMIBEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.oov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Philip Levine and Members of the City Commission FROM: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk DATE: February 3,2017 SUBJECT: City Commission At-Large Nominations for February 8, 2017 - Release # 2 Below please find the City Commission At-Large Nominations received to date for the February 8,2017 Commission Meeting. Changes made since Release # 1 are shown in red. BOARD AND COMMITTEES: 1. AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE VACANCTES (1) / POSSTBLE REAPPOTNTMENTS TO BE MADE (2): No nominations received. 2. ART !N PUBLIC PLACES COMMITTEE VACANCTES (1): . David Castillo (Release # 2, Page 5 ) Nominated for appointment (High degree of competence in evaluation of art history and architectural history, art, architecture, sculpture, painting, artistic structure design and other appropriate art media for display or integration in public places Category) by Vice- Mayor Malakoff. 3. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT VACANCTES (0) / POSSTBLE REAPPOTNTMENTS TO BE MADE (1): o Noah R. Fox (Release # 1, Page 5) Nominated for reappointment (Real Estate Developer) by Vice-Mayor Malakoff. 4. CULTURAL ARTS COUNCIL r lsrael Sands (Release # 2, Page 17 ) Nominated for reappointment (At-Large Position) by Commissioner Vice-Mayor Malakoff. 1 5. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Clerk's Note: On December 14, 2016, the City Commission agreed to postpone the appointments to the Design Review Board to the February 8, 2017 Commission meeting. VACANCTES (1) / POSSTBLE REAPPOTNTMENTS TO BE MADE (2): . Kathleen S. Phang (Release # 1, Page 11) Nominated for reappointment (Category 4: Architect registered in the US, or a professional practicing in the fields of architectural or urban design, or urban planning, or a resident with demonstrated interest or background in design issues; or an attornev in qood standinq licensed to practice law within the US) by Mayor Levine. o F. Michael Steffens (Release # 1, Page 35) Nominated for reappointment (Category 2: An architect reoistered in Florida or a member of the faculty of the school of architecture, urban planning, or urban design in the State, with practical or academic expertise in the field of design, planning, historic preservation or the history of architecture, or a professional practicing in the fields of architectural design, or urban planning) by Commissioner Alem6n. Nominated for reappointment (Category 2: An architect reqistered in Florida) by Commissioner Vice-Mayor Malakoff. o James L. Bodnar (Release # 1, Page 43) Nominated for appointment (Category 5: At-large position) by Commissioner Alemdn. Nominated for appointment (Category 5: At-large position) by Vice-Mayor Malakoff. o Pierre Leon Elmaleh (Release # 1, Page 51) Nominated for appointment (Category 5: At-large position) by Commissioner Alem6n. o Frank J. Kruszewski (Release # 1, Page 59) Nominated for appointment (Category 5: At-large position) by Commissioner Grieco. 6. HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE VACANCTES (4) / POSSTBLE REAPPOTNTMENTS TO BE MADE (1): No nominations received. 7. HEALTH FACILITIES AUTHORITY BOARD VACANCTES (0) / POSSTBLE REAPPOTNTMENTS TO BE MADE (1): No nominations received. 8. HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE vAcANCtES (0) / POSSTBLE REAPPO|NTMENTS TO BE MADE (1): No nominations received. 2 9. NORMANDY SHORES LOCAL GOVERNMENT NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT VACANCTES (0) / POSSTBLE REAPPO|NTMENTS TO BE MADE (3): o John E. Bowes (Release # 1, Page 67) Suggested for reappointment (Member of the Executive Committee of the Normandy Shores Homeowners Association) by Richard Hull, NSHOA President. o Carmen M. Browne (Release # 1, Page 77) Suggested for reappointment (Member of the Executive Committee of the Normandy Shores Homeowners Association) by Richard Hull, NSHOA President. o Brett A. Harris (Release # 1, Page 83) Suggested for reappointment (Member of the Executive Committee of the Normandy Shores Homeowners Association) by Richard Hull, NSHOA President. Nominated for reappointment (Member of the Executive Committee of the Normandy Shores Homeowners Association) by Vice-Mayor Malakoff. 10. PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES BOARD vAcANCtES (0) / POSSTBLE REAPPOINTMENTS TO BE MADE (1): No nominations received. 1 1. PERSONNEL BOARD vACANCY (1): No nominations received. 12. PLANNING BOARD VACANCY (1): o Nicholas R. Gelpi (Release #2, Page 27 ) Nominated for appointment (Category 1: Faculty of a School of Architecture Position) by Vice-Mayor Malakoff.l F:\CLER\$ALL\REG\COMMISSION MEETINGS\201 7\0208201 7\RELEASE * 2.docx 1 Mr. Gelpi's application was received on February 2, 2017. Pursuant to Miami Beach City Code, Sec. 118-32, "No person shall be appointed to the Planning Board...unless he or she has filed an application with the City Clerk on the form prescribed, not less than ten days before the date of appointment. The City Commission may waive this requirement by a 517 vote, provided such waiver shall only be granted one time per board, per meeting, provided further that any applicant granted such a waiver files his or her application prior to being sworn in as a member of these boards. 3 RESOLUTION TO BE SUBMITTED 4 David Castillo 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 6 g MIAMIBEACH NAME: Castillo CITY OF MIAMI BEACH BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FORM Last NameFirst Name HOME ADDRESS: 1040 Biscayne Boulevard, #3308 Miami Middle lnitial FL 33132 Apt No. Home No./Street PHONE: 3052839705 3055738110 City State Zip Code david@davidcasti I !ogallery.com Home Business Name: Davld Castillo Gallerv Address: 420 Lincoln Road, #300 Email Address position: art g?llery owner Mlami Beach FL 33139 StreetCityState Zip Code Punsuant to City Code section 2-22(41a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be affiliated with the city; this requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city. o Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months No o Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes o Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: No o (Please circle one): I am now a resident of: South Beach r I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below: I am an art historian and art dealer with 22 years of experience in the art world lncluding as museum curator, museum registrar, o Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? No Please list your preferences in order of ranking [1] first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Please note that only three (3] choices wlll be observed by the City CIert's Oftice. (Regular Boards of City) Cholce 1: Art in Public Places Committee Ghoice 2: Ghoice 3: Note: lf applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center: 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: po years of Service: 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children No if yes, please list the names of your children, their ages, and which programs. List below: o Have you ever been convicted of a felony: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Do you cunently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach codes: Nolf yes, please explain in detail: o Do you cunently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Are you currently serving on any City Boards or Committees: No lf yes, which board? o What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you currently hold membership in? o List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: r I am now employed by the dg of Miami Beach: No Which department? 7 The following lnformaUon le voluntary and ls neither part of your appllcatlon nor har any bearlng on your conlldcratlon for appolntmcnt lt ls belng asked to comply wlth foderal equal oppoilunlty reportlng rcqulirment8. Gender: Male Race/Ethnic Categories What is your race? Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be. Other Other Description: Are you Spanish/Hispanic/ Latino? Mark the "No" box if not Spanish / Hispanic / Latino. Yes PhysicallyChallenged: No NOTE: If appointed, you wlll be required to follow certaln laws whlch apply to cig board/commlttoc members. These lawe include, but ar€ not limited to, the following: o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2.459).o Prohibition ftom contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-1 1 .1 ).o Prohibition ftom lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami Beach Code section 2-26). o Requirement to disclose cartain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-'l 1.1). (re: CMB Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office, from having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself, or tho6e with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.61 1). Upon roquest, copies of these lawr may be obtained from ths City Cled<. "l hereby attest !o the accurary and truthfulness of the appllcation and have tccelved, read and wlll ablde by Chapter 2, Artlcle Vll - of the Gity Code "Standards of Conduc{ for City Ofricers, Employees and Agency Membel:." I David Gastlllo agreed to the following terms on 1111712016 2:46:36 PM Received in the Cfty Clerk's Office by: Name of Depug Clerk Control No. Date 8 Gallery History David Castillo Gallery opened over a decade ago under sole ownership after transforming a dilapidated warehouse in Miami, Florida into a 5,000 square foot gallery. In September 2014, the gallery relocated to the historic Albert Anis 420 Lincoln Road building in Miami Beach. David Castillo Gallery's focus is on conceptual curatorial models as they relate to art historical, cultural, and personal investigations of identity. The gallery works with artists committed to the integrity of their individual histories and studio practices as agents of contemporary climate. The gallery's represented artists have exhibited in prestigious venues such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art; Whitney Museum of American Art NY; MoMA NY; MoMA/P.S. 1; Tate Modern, London; Hirschhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden D.C.; Kunstmuseum Lucerne, Switzerland; Philadelphia Museum of Art; Denver Art Museum; Indianapolis Museum of An; Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago; Mass MoCA; MoCA Cleveland; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; High Museum of An Atlanta; Los Angeles County Museum of Art; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Kunsthalle Bern, Switzerland; ICA Boston; Albright-Knox Gallery, Buffalo; El Museo del Barrio NY; The Jewish Museum NY; Socrates Sculpture Park; Sculpture Center NY; ICA Philadelphia; New Museum NY; Bronx Museum; Brooklyn Museum; Creative Time NY; Pinchuk Art Centre Kiev; American Academy in Rome; Guggenheim NY, Venice, Bilbao & Berlin; White Columns; Art in General; Studio Museum in Harlem; Zacheta National Gallery of Art Poland; Artists Space NY; The Menil Collection Houston; J Paul Getty Museum LA and many other museums nationally and internationally; as well as every major cultural institution in South Florida. David Castillo Gallery has participated in art fairs in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Berlin, Miami, and Basel, including Art Basel Miami Beach, The Armory Show, and Frieze New York. Gallery and artist reviews include publications such as The New York Times, Art in 9 America, Los Angeles Times, Modern Painters, The New Yorker, ARTnews, Sculpture Magazine,Art + Auction, The Wall Street Journal, The Art Newspaper, Interview Magazine,Artforum, Financial Times, Time Magazine, The Washington Post, The Guardian, Village Voice, Newsweek, Flash Art, The Boston Globe, and San Francisco Chronicle among numerous others. The gallery exhibits important art historical material in the context of its program. Among the artists exhibited are Jean-Michel Basquiat, Louise Bourgeois, John Chamberlain, Jean Dubuffet, Marcel Duchamp, Wifredo Lam, Willem de Kooning, Morris Louis, Claes Oldenburg, Pablo Picasso, Sigmar Polke, Jesus Rafael Soto, Frank Stella, Rufino Tamayo, Cy Twombly, Andy Warhol, and many others. David Castillo holds degrees in History and Art History from Yale University and the Angelicum in Rome. Since 2000, he has dealt in important Latin American, European, and American secondary market works. Mr. Castillo has held positions at museums, including the Yale University Art Gallery. He continues to assist private clients in building their collections in addition to managing David Castillo Gallery and has lectured on various topics in art. 10 David Castillo 420Lincoln Road, Suite 300 Miami, Florida,33l39 USA +l 305 283 97 05 david@davidcastillogallery.com P RO F ES S IONAL EXP ERI EN C E 2005- present David Castillo Gallery owner/director (Miami, Florida, USA) Operational management and sales of shows including local, national, and international emerging and mid-career artists. Participation in art fairs in Basel, Berlin, Miami, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, including Art Basel Miami Beach, The Armory Show, Frieze New York, among others. Artists included in exhibitions at WhiUrey Museum of American Art; Socrates Sculpture Park; and Sculpture Center, all New York; Tate Liverpool, among numerous other institutions. Gallery and artist reviews in publications including Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, The New York Times, ARTnews, Los Angeles Times, Sculpture Magazine, Art + Auction, Modern Painters,The Art Newspaper) among numerous others. rn20l0, the Miami New Times voted David Castillo the "Best Art Dealer." TIME Magazine named David Castillo Gallery as one of the "10 things to do in24 hours" in Miami (2009). Also in2009,David Castillo was named one of Florida's "Top 100 Power Players" by Florida International Magazine;as well as one of the" Top23 under40" who are influential in shaping South Florida's cultural landscape, Poder Magazine.In 2008,the Miami New Times voted David Castillo Ga1lery "Best Art Gallery". 2000- present Secondary Market private art dealer (Miami, Florida, usA) Consignments and sales of artists including Jean-Michel Basquiat, Morris Louis, Pablo Picasso, Frank Stella, Andy Warhol, Tom Wesselman, Frida Kahlo, Wifredo Lam, Roberto S. Matta, Jesus Rafael 11 Soto, Rufino Tamayo, Joaquin Torres-Garcia, Remedios Varo, among others. 1997-1999 Miami Art Museum registration (Miami, Florida, USA) As registrar, I worked on every aspect of exhibitions management, and oversaw a preparatory staff. These were the first years of the museum as a collecting institution and involved categoization of the collection from the basics, including the hiring of numerous contract staff for proper cataloguing, dealing directly with donors and lenders. 1996-1997 Yale University Art Gallery curatorial (New Haven, Connecticut, USA) In the American Decorative Arts Department, I was responsible for daily care and categoization of objects in the collection, including research on a dictionary of Colonial American Silversmiths, with the Chief Curator of the department. EDUCATION 1997 BA, History, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA 1996 Extraordinary Certificate, Art History, Church History, Angelicum University, Rome, ltaly 1996 Independent study , Latin, Gregorian University, Rome, Italy LANGUAGES Fluent in English, Spanish, Italian Intermediate knowledge of French Beginner's knowledge of German LECTU RES ITALKS / P AN ELS 12 Art Center/ South Florida, Miami Beach, Florida, USA Bass Museum of Art, Miami Beach, Florida, USA Christie's Auction House, New York, NY (Miami Beach, Florida, USA panel) Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA Deering Estate at Cutler, Miami, Florida, USA Florida Gulf Coast University, Ft. Myers, Florida, USA Funding Arts Broward, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA Goldman Sachs, Miami, Florida, USA LegalArt, Miami, Florida, USA Locust Projects, Miami, Florida, USA Miami Art Museum, Miami, Florida, USA National Endowment for the Arts, Washington, D.C. (Miami, Florida, USA panel) National Museum of Fine Arts, Havana, Cuba New World School of the Arts, Miami, Florida, USA Perez Art Museum Miami, Miami, Florida, USA YoungArts Foundation, Miami, Florida, USA U.S. Trust, Miami, Florida, USA P RO F E S S I O N AL AF F I LIATI O N S Alumni Schools Committee (ASC), Yale College, New Haven, 13 Connecticut, USA Deering Estate at Cutler, co-founder artist residency, Miami, Florida, USA Knight Fotrndation advisory committee, Knight Arts Challenge, Miami, Florida, USA (3 years) 14 15 RESOLUTION TO BE SUBMITTED 16 Israel Sands 17 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 18 r{I\ I 1l BTACL{Axp Last Name First NametJ-o E JCow'fr n* St-dte Middle lnitial 3) t s I Address Business Name Work Telephone ,&L^ Cellular Telephone fol 9rt - )))3 City Zip Code Email address L,1*r, i 30 b,lt{ hotA'rutr frv 3{Occupation, lv1 t) -Tts2 Business Address City State Expires: Zip Code Professional License (describe) : Please attach a copy of currently effective professional license. Pursgant to City Code section 2-22(4la & b: Members of agencies, boards and committees shall be affiliated with the City. This requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a. An individual shall have been a resident of the C1y for a minimum of stx months; or b. An individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the City for a minimum of six months. o Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: yes ff or No E o Demonstrates ownership/interest in a business in Miami ftlach for a minimum of six months, v$(no u o Are you a registered voter in MiamiBeach:yes E or UJff o I am now a resident of: North Beach E souttr Beach E ltriaor" Beach E o I am applying for an appoi!bqcggsg-l have special-abilities, knowledge and experience. ptease tist betow: 4/ \ o Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? yes E "dftff- Please list your preferences in order of ranking [!J first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. please note that onlv three (3) choices will be observed bv the office of the iitv clerk. - Affordable Housing Advisory Committeef, Health Advisory Committee tr Parks and Recreation Facilities Board € I Art in Public Places Committee I Health Facilities Authoritv Board I Personnel BoardI Audit Committee D Hisoanic Affairs Commiftee'.r Plannino Board*'fi Board of Adiustment '*! Historic Preservation Board]k : Police Citizens Relations Committee -r Budoet Advisorv Committee ! l-lousing Authority,I Production lndustrv Council- Committee on the Homelessa Hyillan Rights Committee C,igfer Cities Prooram-'l Committee for Qualitv Education in MBX-GBT Adviso, Comrnitteet'l Sustainabilitv Cammitfaa ,-i Convention Center Advisory Board I Marine & \ /aterfront Proteciion Authority ! Transportation, Parking, & Bicycle-Pedestrian Facilities Committee A Cultural Arts Council.l Miami Beach Commission for Women C Visitor and Convention Authoritv t:lesign Review Board*C Normandy Shores Local Government Neiq hborhood lmDrovement C Youth Commission a Disability Access Committee * Board members are required to file Form 1 - "statement of Financial lnterest" with the State.frtf you seek appointment to a professional seat (e.g., lawyer, architect, etc.) on the Board of Adjustment, Design Review Board, Historic Preservation Board or Planning Board, attach a copy of youi currently-effectively license, and f-urnish thefollowing information: Type of Professional License License Number License lssuance Date License Expiration Date Page 1 of4 F:\cLER\sALL\aFoRMs\BoARD AND coMMtrrEES\BC AppLlcATtoru REvtseo 06142016.docx 19 € Note: lf applying for the Youth Center positions of the Parks and Recreations Facilities Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center and/or the North Shore Parks Youth Center: . Please describe your past service with the City's Youth Centers (include dates of service): r Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children: yes fl ruo ff lf yes, please list below the names of your children, their ages and the programs in which they participate: Age: _ Program: Age: _ Program: Child's name: Child's name: o Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Yes lf yes, please explain in detail: . Do you currently have a violation(s) of City of Miami Beach Code? Yes ff or f.tlf yes, please explain in detail: o Do you currently owe the City of Miami Beach any money? yes E orlf yes, explain in detail: o Are you currently serving on any City Board or Committeef v&*if"-tf lf yes, which board/commit teez lflf\-/ \ \-- o ln what organization(s) in the City of Miami Beach do you currently hold membership? r List all properties owned or in which you have an interest within the City of Miami Beach: o Are you now employed by the City of Miami Beach? Yes H o, Which department and title? o Pursuant to City Code Section 2-25 (b).-Qo you travegparent E, spouse E, child E Urotner H or. sister n who is employed by the City of Miami Beach? Yes Uor No,Ef lf "Yes,' identify person(s) and department(s): The following information is voluntary and is neither part of your application nor has any bearing on your consideration for appoinbnent. lt is being asked to comply with City diversity reporting requirements. Gender:Female Race/Ethnic Categories What is your race? T_-ILJ Nat ve-American/American lndian Page 2 of 4 F \CLER\SALL\aFORMS\BOARO AND COMMITTEES\BC APPLICATION REVISED 061420t6 docx E ntri"rrramericaniBlack I*fI CaucasianAl/hite E)i,rn or Pacific tstander 20 fJ otn", - Print Race: Do you consider yourself to be Spanish, Hispanic or Latino/a? Mark the "No" box if not Spanish, Hispanic, Latino/a. ider yourself Physically Disabled? NOTE: IF APPOINTED, YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO FOLLOW CERTAIN LAWS THAT APPLY TO CITY BOARD/COMMITTEE MEMBERS, THESE LAWS INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT L]MITED TO: o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying City personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459). o Prohibition from contracting with the City (Miami-Dade County Code section Z-11.1). o Prohibition from lobbying before the board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami Beach City Code section 2-26). o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-11.1). o CMB Community Development Advisory Committee: prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office, from having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself, or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.611). o Sunshine Law - Florida's Government-in-the-Sunshine Law was enacted in 1967. Today, the Sunshine Law regarding open government can be found in Chaoter 286 of the Florida Statutes. These statutes establish a basic right of a@ess to most meetings of boards, commissions and other governing bodies of state and local governmental agencies or authorities. o Voting conflict - Forrn 88 is for use by any person serving at the county, city or other local level of government on an appointed or elected board, council, commission, authority or committee. lt applies equally to members of advisory and non-advisory bodies who are presented with a voting conflicl of interest under Section 112.3143, Florida Statutes. Upon request, copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk. I HEREBY ATTEST TO THE ACCURACY AND TRUTHFULNESS OF THE APPLICATION; AND I HAVE RECEIVED, READ AND WILL ABIDE BY CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VII, OF THE MTAMI BEACH CITY COOE, ENTITLED "STANDARDS OF CONDUCT FOR GITY OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES AND AGENCY MEMBERS AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE COUNTY AND/OR STATE LAWS AND /' Received in the Office of the City Clerk by:wa.4 t/l)/ Name of Deputy Control No. ATTACH A CURRENT RESUME, PHOTOGRAPH AND A COPY OF ANY APPLICABLE PROFESSIONAL LICENSE. ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS, IF NECESSARY, TO PROVIDE REQUIRED INFORMATION. Page 3 of 4 F:\CLER\6ALL\aFORMS\BOARD AND COI\,,lMlTTEES\BC APPLTCATTON REVTSED 06142016.docx of Applicant J.- STATUTES ACCORDINGLY.'' "/ ft ^/D! 21 i,AIAAAIBTACH City of Miomi Beoch I Z0O Conveniion Center Drive, Miomi Beoch, Florido 33.l39, www. miomibeochfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C ityClerk@m iom i beochfl. gov Telephone: 305.673.7411 Fox: 305 673.7254 Acknowledgement of fines/suspension for Board/Committee Members for failure to comply with Miami- Dade county Financial Disclosure code Provision code section z-11.1(al (zl#usr J-frNryBoard Member's Name: I understand that no later than Julv l. of each vear all members of Boards and Committees of the City of Miami Beach, including those of a purely advisory nature, are required to comply with Miami-Dade County Financial Disclosure Requirements. This means that the members of City Advisory Boards, whose sole or primary responsibility is to recommend legislation or give advice to the City Gommission, must file, even though they may have been recently appointed. One of the following forms must be filed with the City Clerk of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, no laterthan 12.00 noon of July 1, of each year. 1. A "Source of lncome Statement" 2. A "Statement of Financial lnterests (Form 1)" 3. A Copy of your latest Federal lncome Tax Return Failure to file one of these forms, pursuant to the Miami-Dade County Code, may subject the person to a fine of no more than $500, 60 days in jail or both. Updated: Tuesday, October 04,2016 Page 4 ol 4 F:\CLER\SALL\aFORMS\BOARO AND COMMITTEES\BC APPLTCATTON REVTSED 061420.16 docx Signature 22 IsRAEL SlruOS . ISRAEL SANOS LEW, P.A. I t30 WASHINGTON AVENUE, THIRD FLoOR' MIAMI BEACH' FL 33139 IsRAELSANDs@GMAlL.coM (3O5) 951 .3333 WWW.ISRAELSANDS.COM MAILING ADDRESS: 3520 EAST FAIRVIEW STREET' MlAMl, FL 33133 Born May 16, 1955 in Guanajay, Cuba Admitted to the Florida Bar, 1979 EDUCATION Mastery program completed at Purposeful Planning lnstitute University of Miami School of Law: LL.M. Estate Planning J.D. (Dean's List) University ol Miami: B.A. (President's Honor Roll, Dean's List) EXPERIENCE Principal lsraelsands Law, P.A. Miami Beach FL (Rated AV) Solo practice, emphasis on Estate Planning and Probate Law' Legal Researcher Chasen and Associates, P.A. ,Miami, FL 2010 Reiearch on valuation discounts for family limited partnerships for WealthCounsel and on trans- jurisdictional recognition of same-sex marriages. Event Planner lsrael Sands Events 2001 -2009 Contract negotiation, concept design, vendor sourcing, and co-ordination of all lacets of special events for high-profile families, corporations, and government entities' TV Show Host MGM Networks Latin America 2001-2007 Wrote, produced, and hosted 78 episodes of Yz hour show Entre Petalos y Ramas. Conducted related presentations for large audiences in Spanish and in English. Founder, CEO, COO Flowers & Flowers 1e9o - 1e99 Premier flower/gift concept store in Miami, annual gross over $1 million. Pioneer South Beach entrepreneur, active in redesign and re-branding of Lincoln Road. Handled all aspects of management, operations, and publicity. Cultivated high net worth and celebrity clients. Work featured in Architectural Digest, W, Veranda, and many upscale publications; collaborated on internationally published advertising campaigns. Director of Sales, Counsel Domino Footwear 1979 - 1990 Product design, purchasing, and quality control in Southeast Asia. Developed and maintained distribution network in the U.S. and throughout the Caribbean, Negotiated all contracts and managed relationships with vendors and clients. LANGUAGES Native Spanish and fluent French. NON.PROFIT ACTlVITIES 201 3 2011 1978 1974 March,201 'l - Present 2012 - Present 2012 - Present Jan 2015 - Present Board Appointments: MiamiAmerican Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) South Beach Chamber Ensemble Miami Beach Cultural Arts Council 23 a rE q =o aoB ?EA Eal u,.ri -sE6 -E 'E'i : =E Eg:E! E E!-E.= r d 3EE E E E:EE g EEEE E€;= E il EEEE B BEE E iIL' c9 E E4.9.= = .e EET E E iE:E E E€EE E SEE =EEE E EEE E E3A f Jr_ b eEEft: .^ (O EE E E utlj \.; E: QTi8 I rG3i I5>F r.n o-<> * o-Cta t,.}E =CEE CL aa Tts EE6f lL i-OE H8i*8:O crt o- E __.t U -!n4 tr(^ g ttl -J a =l.ll :Cl -AU Sx F,\, .:Y-* zod F F.) $sin d=51Z J ir fI1e?ZrZt-l=(rI M3E*U)t-J>-S f;t=E+-\.vi J o o:!-E F-F1!OEt:r= frEE?Is* s5196E:{ fiEcgE l-to-"G;uea= FEJ EEBEurortrEF (o-o o LL o 0) (o a :foO a):o (oo .r Eg # .*(l, CJ o) CE x CIlFoo o)s -l- o IJE I (tr (JoJ f-()z o l J j F z a g 24 25 RESOLUTION TO BE SUBMITTED 26 Nicholas R. Gelpi 27 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 28 g MIAMIBEACH NAME: GelPi CITY OF MIAMIBEACH BOARD AND COMMITTEE APPLICATION FORM Nlcholas Last Name HOiIE ADDRESS: 5500 Lagorce Drive First Name Miami Beach FL Middle lnitial 33140 Apt No. Home No./Street PHONE: 646410-5168 646.410-5168 City ngelpl@gmail.com State Zip Code Home Business Name: GELPI Proiec.ts. Ltc Work position: Architecture ProQssor / Designer Address: 420 Lincoln Road, Suite 440 @ MBUS Miami Beach FL Email Address 331'00 State Zip Code Pursuant to Clty Code section 2-22(41a and b: Members of agencies, boards, and committees shall be afliliated with the city; this requirement shall be fulfilled in the following ways: a) an individual shall have been a resident of the city for a minimum of six months; or b) an individual shall demonstrate ownership/interest for a minimum of six months in a business established in the city. o Resident of Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months No o Demonstrate an ownership/interest in a business in Miami Beach for a minimum of six (6) months: Yes o Are you a registered voter in Miami Beach: Yes o (Please circle one): I am now a resident of: ltllddle Beach o I am applying for an appointment because I have special abilities, knowledge and experience. Please list below: I am an architecture professor at Florida lnternatlonal Unlversity, I have prllously taught archltecture at MlT, Ohlo State Unlver o Are you presently a registered lobbyist with the City of Miami Beach? No Please list your preferences in order of ranking fll first choice [2] second choice, and [3] third choice. Ptease note that only thrce (3] choices wlll be observed by the Clty CIerh's Office. (Regular Boards of City) Choice 1: Planning Board Choice 2: Ghoice 3: * Board members are required to file Form 1 - "statement of Flnancial tnterest" wlth the State. _ !f you seek appolntment to a professional seat (e.9., lawyer, architect, etc.) on the Board of Adlustrnent, Design RevlewBoard, Historlc Preservation Board or Plannlng Board, attach a copy of your currently+ffactivety llcense, and furnleh thefollowing lnformation: Type of Professional License License Number License Expiration Date Note: lf applying for Youth Advisory Board, please indicate your affiliation with the Scott Rakow Youth Center: 1. Past service on the Youth Center Advisory Board: 1o years of Service: 2. Present participation in Youth Center activities by your children No if yes, please list the names of your children, their ages, and which programs. List below: City License lssuance Date 29 . Have you ever been convicted of a felony: Nolf yes, please explain in detail: o Do you cunently have a violation(s) of Cig of Miami Beach codes: Nolf yes, please explain in detail: o Do you cunently owe the City of Miami Beach any money: No lf yes, please explain in detail: o Are you cunently serving on any City Boards or Committees: No lf yes, which board? o What organizations in the City of Miami Beach do you currently hold membership in? o I am now employed by the city of Miami Beach: No Which department? o List all properties owned or have an interest in, which are located within the City of Miami Beach: Gender: Male The following lnformatlon is voluntary and ls nelther part of your appllcatlon nor hac any bearlng on your conrlderaUon for appolntmont tt 13 belng asked to comply wlth fedoral egual opportunlty reportlng rcqulrements. Race/Ethnic Categories What ls your race? Mark one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be. Whlte Other Description: Are you Spanish/Hispanic/ Latino? Mark the "No" box if not Spanish / Hispanic / Latino. No PhysicallyChallenged: No NOTE: lf appolnted, you will be required to follow certain lawe whlch apply to clty boardlcommittee members. These laws lnclude, but are not limitod to, the following: o Prohibition from directly or indirectly lobbying city personnel (Miami Beach City Code section 2-459).o Prohibition from contracting with the city (Miami-Dade County Code section 2-1'1.1). o Prohibition ftom lobbying before board/committee you have served on for period of one year after leaving office (Miami Beach Code section 2-26).o Requirement to disclose certain financial interests and gifts (Miami-Dade County Gode section 2-11.'l ). (re: CMB Community Development Advisory Committee): prohibition, during tenure and for one year after leaving office, ftom having any interest in or receiving any benefit from Community Development Block Grant funds for either yourself, or those with whom you have business or immediate family ties (CFR 570.61 1). Upon request copies of these laws may be obtained from the City Clerk. f'thereby attrst to the accuracy and truthfulness of the appllcatlon and have recelved, ruad and wll! ablde by Chapter 2, Artlcle Vll - of the Clty Code "Standards of Conduct for City Offlcerc, Employeee and Agency Mombers." ! Nicholas Gelpi agreed to the following terms on21212017 8:12:28 AM Received in the City Clerk's Office by: Name of Deputy Clerk Control No.Date 30 EDUCATION TEACHING PRACTICE NICX GETP! ASSISTANT PROFESSOR FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY (e) ngelpi@fiu.edu (p)646410-5168 Masters of Science in Advanced Architectural Design, Columbia University, 2003. Bachelor of Architecture, Tulane University, Tulane School of Architecture, 2002. Florldo lnternotlonol Unlvenlty, Assistant Professor, College of Architecture and the Arts, August 2012 - present. Massodrusetts lnstitute ol Tedtnology, School of Architecture and Planning, Lecturer, August 2009 - January 2012. The Ohlo Stote Unlverstty, Austin E. Knowlton School of Architecture, Howard E. LeFevre'29 Emerging Practitioner Fellowship in Architecture, Visiting Assistant Professor, Architectural Design, September 2008 - June 2009. GEOI PROIECIS, Pri ncipo I EXOTIC CONCRETE / HOUSE, Miami Beach FL WYNWOOD GREENHOUSE PAR(, Miami, FL Miami, Fl 2011 - present Competition winning entry HOUSE PAINT PAyrLrOlV, Eastern Market, Detroit Michigan, Colloborotion with Artist Morkus Linnenbrink for Wossermon Projects TABLE DISTORTIOIV$ Wolfsonian Museum, Miami Beach, FL. Competition winning entry FORCE FRAMES, BEA Gallery Miami FL. PUBLIC STAND, Miami FL. THE UNFLAT PAVILION, Combridge MA MIT's 75& onniversory STEVEN HOtt ARCHITECIS, Designer Design Collaboration with GELPI Projects and L.E.FT. Architecture, NY + Beirut. Principals, Makram El Kadi + Ziad Jamaleddine. Built 2016 ln process, completion 2077 Built 2O75 Built 2073 Built 2073 Finolist,2oli Buift 2O11 New York, NY, 2m4 - 2008 AKBUK PENINSULA RESORT, Akbuk, Turkey, [Project Architect] THE HUDSON YARDg New Yorlq NY, [Project Architect] RIDDLED Furniture Series, [Designer] HORM, Treviso ltaly DE SHAW RESEARCH CENTER, New York, NY, [Project Architect] VANKE CENTER,, Shenzen, China, IProjectTeam] HIGHLINE HYBRID TOWER, New York, NY, [Project Team] POROSITY LUMINOSW EXHIBITION, Gallery MA" Tokyo, Japan, [Project Architect] NYU Deportment of Philosophy Building, New York, NY, [Project Team] SAIL HYBRID, Knokke Heist, Belgium, lProject Architect] BUSAN CINEMA COMPLEX, Busan, South Korea, [Competition Project Team] THE LOUVRE LENS Lens, France. [ProjectTeam] EXPERIMENTS lN POROSITY, Milan, ltaly, [Project Architect] Bibliothique Communautaire, Clermont-Ferrand, FR [Comp Project Architect] Porosity Bench, New York NY Johnson Trading Gallery,IDesigner] N ARCHITECTS, Project Monoger Canopy PS1, Long lsland City NY New York, NY, 2004 31 BOOKS ARTICI,ES 2014 2011 2011 2009 2005 CoNFERENCE PAPERS / PROCEEDTNGS 2016 2014 2017 Ge|pi, NicK, THE ARCHITEC-TURE OF FULL SCALE MOCKUPS / FROM REPRESENTATION TO REALITY. New York: Routledge (Taylor and Francis Group), Contract signed Oct.2014, Book Manuscript in Preparation, (expected publication date) 2017. 2015 "DETAILS," (Chapter introduction) in Manack, Mark, ed., OUT OF SCALE / AIA Smoll Projects Awords 2005-2014, ORO Editions, Spring 2015. ISBN: 978-1-941806-89-0, pp 153. [NPR] 2013 "Pervasively Exotic: Alien Concrete in Miami." CLOG, MlAMl. Masthead, Canada. (2013) 50-51. lPeer Reviewedl *Second Londscope of Miomi," Read, Alice; Gelpi, Nick; FALL SEMESTER / UNIVERSITY OF WYNWOOD, October,2014, in press. [NPR] "BALLOONING (HOLLOW THIN 3D)Notes on Proctice,'in Hirschman, Sarah, ed., TESTING TO FAILURE: Design ond Reseorch in MlTs Deportment of Architecture, SA+P Press, Cambridge, 2O77, ISBN:978-G9836654-0-i, pp194-195. INPRI "UNFUT PAVILION, FAST festivol of Art Science ond Technology, Project," in Hirschman, Sarah, ed., TESTING TO FAILURE: Design ond Reseorch in MlTs Deportment of Architecture, SA+P Press, Combridge, 2071, ISBN :978-U9835654-O-3, pp 239-2'14. [NPR] "Mockups," FORWARD: v 209: ORNAMENT, Fall2012. Volume 8, No. 2. fhe Architecture ond Design lournol of the Notionol Associotes Commr'ttee, Published bianually by the American lnstitute of Architects (Fall 2009) 14-20. [NPR] "Material + Assembly," Cox, Martin; Gelpi, Nick; in Carter, Brian; LeCuyer, Annette W.,eds., "EXPERIMENTS lN POROSITY: Steven Holl," University of Buffalo, Buffalo, 2005, ISBN 0-9771057- 1-7, P 35. [NPR] 20t6 20t4 2014 "PAINTING ARCHITECI URE: House Point Povilion in Detroit Michlgon," Proceedings of the AssociationofCollegiateSchoolsofArchitecturelnternationalConference. lnternational Conference I CROSS AMERICAS: Probing Disglobal Network, Santiago, Chile. 2016 "NATIVE ALIEN: Exotic Concrete House in the Tropics," Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture lnternational Conference. lnternational Conference I CROSS AMERICAS: Probing Disglobal Network, Santiago, Chile. 2016 "EXOTIC CONSTRUCTIONS / lncorporoting lnvosive Species in the Design-Build Studio," Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting. Halifat Nova Scotia. 2014 Fall Conference I WORKING OUT: thinking while building. "MOCK-PIAY / From Vorkurs to Digitol Fobricotion ond Design-Build," Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2014 Fall Conference I WORKING OUT: thinking while building. 'TABLE DISTORTIONS," Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2014 Fall Conference I WORKING OUT: thinking while building. "On The Edge of Foilure / UNFUT PAVILION," ?roceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2014 Fall Conference I WORKING OUT: thinking while building. 2014. 2014 32 2014 "ADAPTIVE FABRICATIONS: Ropid Directions in Design Build." Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture National Meeting. ACSA 102nd NATIONAL CONFERENCE: GLOBALIZING ACHITECTURE: Flows and Disruptions. 2014. 2013 "Mocking the Museum: Compelling Evidence of Premeditotion," Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting. Ft Lauderdale, FL. 2013 ACSA FAll Conference I Subtropical Cities. 2013. 2O!3 'THE UNFLAT PAVILION: A New Responsive Moteriolism + Adaptive Fobricotion.'Proceedings of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting. Ft Lauderdale, FL. 2013 ACSA FAll Conference I Subtropical Cities.2013. 2013 "Kinetic Forms of Knowledge for Design." ln Knowledge-bosed Design. Gelpi, Nick, and Shahin Vassigh. Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the lberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, 510-514. SiGraDi. Valparaiso, Chile, 2013. PRESENTED PAPERS AND TECTURES 2016 "PRACTICING PRACTICE," University of Miami, Miami Florida 2015 "BUILDING 2050," CONFERENCE, Miami Florida, Paul L. Cejas Eminent Scholar Fund, Co-Chairs Nick Gelpi and Elysse Newman, March 2015, funded conference $tC,000.00. 2074 "MATERIAL CONSEQUEVCES,'October 2014, lnvited Lecture, FALLSEMESTER Symposium/ University of Wynwood, Miami, Florida. 2OL4 "ON THE EDGE OF FAILURE / UNFLAT PAVILION," October 2014, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting. 2014 Fall Conference l" WORKING OUT: thinking while building." Dalhousie University. Halifax Nova Scotia. 2Ot4 'TABLE DISTORTIONS," October 2014, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting. 2014 Fall Conference | '\A/ORKING OUT: thinking while building." Dalhousie University. Halifax Nova Scotia. 2Ot4 "MOCK PLAY / From VORKURS to Digital Fabrication and Design Build," October 2014, fusociation of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting. 2014 Fall Conference | "WORKING OUT: thinking while building." Dalhousie University. Halifax Nova Scotia. 2Ot4 "EXOTIC CONSTRUCflONS / TNCORPORATTNG tNVAS|VE SPECTES tN DESTGN-BUtLD STUDtO," October 2014 Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting. 2014 Fall Conference | "WORKING OUT: thinking while building." Dalhousie University. Halifax Nova Scotia 2OL4 "SURFACE + CONSTRUCTS," September 2014, lnvited Lecture with Vladimir Kulic, GS Talks, part of Flagler Village Artwalk at Glavovic Studio, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 2034 "MlNlMAL"" June 2014, lnvited Lecture, CREATIVE MORNINGS MlAMl, The LAB MlAMl. Miami, Florida. 2Ot4 "ADAPTIVE FABRICATIONS: Rapid Directions in Design Build," April, 2014, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture National Meeting. 2014 ACSA 102nd NATIONAL CONFERENCE: GLOBALIZING ACHITECTURE: Flows and Disruptions, Session: Design/Build X-change, Miami Beach, FL. 2074 "MlAMl I LOCAL?," February 2014, lnvited Panel Discussion participant, for CLOG MIAMI book launch, The Wolfsonian, Miami Beach, FL. 33 2014"THE ARCHITECIURE of NEW TECHNOLOGIES" February 2014, YOUNG ARTS FOUNDATION, MASTERS CLASS INSTRUCTOR / LECTURE+WORKSHOP, Miami, Florida. 2013 "MOCKING THE MUSEUM; Compelling Evidence of Premeditotion otthe Perez Art Museum of Miomi,' October 2013, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meetint. ACSA FALL CONFERENCE: Subtropical Cities, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 2013 'THE UNFLAT PAVILION: A New Responsive Materialism + Adaptive Fabrication," October 2013, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture Regional Meeting. ACSA FALL CONFERENCE: Subtropical Cities, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. CURATED EXHIBITIONS 2015 "BUILDING 2050,' exhibition of 4 specific building lrom Lotin Americon Architects, Solono Benitez (Poroguoy), Mouricio Rocho(Mexico), Eliso Silvo(Venezuelo), Juon lgnocio Cerdo (Chrrel, MBUS Main Gallery Miami Beach, March 2015. 2Ot3 "DMWN FROM MlAMl," Curator, Exhibition Designer, December 2013 - February 2013, Fellow curators: Terry Riley, Alan Schulman, Jean Francoise Lejeune + Jacob Brillhart. Miami Center for Architecture and Design, Miami, Florida. 2OLG "DESIGN AND ITS DIMENSIONS," lnvited Group Exhibition in Miami's Moore Building, Young Artists lnitiative, Miami Design District, November 2016. 2016 "TEXTURAUS|x Recent Works by Gelpi Projects," Miami Beach Urban Studios, Miami Beach FL, September-October 2015. EXHIBITIONS 2016"5x5 Participatory Provocations," Group Exhibition curated by Kyle May, Kevin Erickson + Julia Van den Hoot. February $th 2016, University of lllinois at Urbana-Champaign. "PRODUCTIONS: ATMOSPHERES. OBJECTS. SURFACES," curated by Clay Odom, January 25 - March 4th 2016. The University of Texas at Austin, Mebane Gallery, Goldsmith Hall, Austin, Texas. PULSE Miami Beach Contemporary Art Fair, Potricio Sweetow Gallery, December 7-5 2075, lndion Beoch Pork, Miomi Beoch, Florido. Exhibition of 78 limited edition stools, o colloborotion between Morkus Linnenbrink ond Nick Gelpi. "RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES,'Curated by Felice Grodin, September 73th -Odober Zid ZOIS. the Fountoinheod Residency, Miomi, Florido. *THEFIRSTONEISCRAilTHESECONDONEISNUTS," House point povilion otWossermon Projects Gollery, Eastern Morket Detroit Michigon, September - December 2075. "The World of Mr. Somebody ond Mr. Nobody,' December 201d invited to exhibit Force Frame Stools, Curated by Sharon Lombard, Heidi Chisholm, Cathy Leff + Craig Robins, The Miami Design District, 91 NE 40th Street, Miami Design District, Miami, FL. 1NSIDE / 5 design projects by Nick Gelpi," (Solo Exhibition) August 201d invited exhibition curated by Helmut Schuster, The Vagabond Motel, pinup space / Gallery Miami, FL. MERIT AWARD OF EXCELLENCE, The Miami Chapter of The American lnstitute of Architects, 'Exotic Concrete House,'Category:'Divine Detoil' AIA Design Awards Program, October 2016 ACSA CROSS AMERICAS TOP PROJECT PRIZE, Santiago Chile. For project Exotic Concrete House + 2015 2076 2015 2015 20L4 2074 2016 PRTZES/AWARDS 2076 34 Paper titled "Native Aliens." 2015 MCHAP Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize, Nomination, for Projectl. "House Point Povilion," lllinois lnstitute of Technology, Chicago. 2OtG DEAN'S Research and Creative Work Award, FIU CARTA, Miami FL. 2015 HONOR AWARD OF EXCELLENCE, The Miami Chapter of The American lnstitute of Architects, "House Point Povilion," Category: "Divine Detoil'AIA Design Awards Program, October 2015 2015 FIU TOP SCHOLAR AWARD, April 2015, Category of "Award winning publications/creative work." 2014 "CURBED NATIONAL YOUNG GUN 2014," December 1" 2014, One of ten national award winners from over 35 finalists and hundreds of nominations nationally. 2Ol4 FIRST PI-ACE, WYNWOOD GATEWAY PARK COMPETITION, September 2014, Proposal Titled "Greenhouse." Collaborative Design Team, with artist Jim Drain and landscape architect Roberto Rovira. (First place from one of 230 submissions from 24 countries.) 2OL4 FINALIST, DAWNTOWN DESIGN BUILD DB2 COMPETITION, April 2014, lnternational Design/Build Competition, A Design Collaboration between GELPI Projects, Miami + L.E.FT. Beirut + NY. PROPOSAL - "PUBLIC STAND" Miami FL.(One of 15 finalists from 110 entries) 2OLg FIRST PLACE, SIX COMPONENTS AND A HANDFUL OF SCREWS, June 2013, THE WOLFSONIAN MUSEUM, MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA. PROPOSAL-"TABLE DISTORTIONS" (First place of three finalists selected as a result of online and in person voting by the public and judges.) 2OL2 FINALIST, DAWNTOWN DESIGN BUILD COMPETITION, November 2Ol2,lnternational Design/Build Competition. (One of sixteen finalists from over 110 entries of international applicants. Miami FL. 2010 HONORABLE MENTION, 2010, PAMPHLET ARCHTTECTURE COMpETtTtON / pRtNCETON ARCHITECTURAL PRESS, PAMPHLET Architecture 32: RESILIENCE, PROPOSAL "System Failure." 2OO7 FIRSTPLACE, First Annual R + D Award, ARCHITECr Magazine, September 2007, PROJECT: "Riddled Furniture." FELTOWSHIPS 2008 Howard E. LeFevre'29 Emerging Practitioner Fellowship in Architecture, 2008 - 2009, The Ohio State University, Austin E. Knowlton School of Architecture, PROPOSAL: MOCKUPS. SETECTED PRESS ABOUT DESIGN WORK OF NICK GELPI CURBED Doyle, Rachel B. "Meet Nick Gelpi: Materials lnnovator and Curbed young Gun," 01 December 2014, CURBED NATIONAL. Accessed 01 December 2014. htto://curbed.com/archives/2014/12l01/meet-the- 2014-curbed-young-guns-nick-gelpi.php MATERIA "Exotic Tile Emerges from the Everglades," 17 December 2014 MATERIA. Accessed 05, January 2015. h ttp :// mote ri o. n I / o rticle/exoti c-ti I e - e m e rges-eve rg lo de s/ IPRESS FOR PROJECT HOUSE PAINT PAVILION] ART COLLECTOR MAGMINE Steinberg, Claudia. 'Motown in Motion," 01 January 2015. Artcolletor Magazine, Germany. 35 ARCHITECTS NEWSPAPER Wachs, Audrey. 'Detroity Toity: Wossermon Projects, o new gollery spoce in Detroit's Eastern Morket, oflerc ort ond o plotform for urbon regenerotion,'16 November 2015. The Architects Newspaper, Accessed online 12 February 2015. http://archpaoer.com/news/articles.aso?id=8332#.Vksuzr83JoN ART DAILY "Wasserman Projects to open new independent, interdisciplinary arts space in Detroit," 03, September 2015, ART-DAlLY. Accessed 03 September 2015. http://artdaily.com/news/81167Wasserman-Projects-to- open-new-independent-interdisciplinary-arts-space-in-Detroit#.VehVepc3JoO INTERIOR DESIGN MAGMINE "Wasserman Projects Opens in Detroit's Eastern Market," 30, October 2015, INTERIOR DESIGN. Accessed 13 November 2015. http://www.interiordesign.net/articles/detaiU37173-wasserman-projects-opens-in- detroits-eastern-ma rket/ WALLPAPER "Detroit design: Wasserman Projects fuses art and architecture," 02, October 2015, WALLPAPER, Accessed online 13 November 2015. http://www.wallpaper.com/design/detroit-design-wasserman-projects-fuses- art-and-architecturef M bSghurGGrssTxMB.99 CURBED '14/asserman Projects Up and Running at Eastern Market New Gallery's First Show lnclude Grain Silo and lndoor Pavilion," 30,September 2015, CURBED, Accessed 13 November 2015. http://detroit.curbed.com/archives/2015/09/wasserman-projects-eastern-market-new-gallery- cosmopolitan-chicken-project-li nnenbrink. php THE SPACES "Wasserman Projects is a new creative hub in Detroit's Eastern Market," 25, September 2015. THE SPACES, Accessed 13 November 2015, http://thespaces.com/2015/09/25/wasserman-proiects-is-a-new-creative- hub-in-detroits-eastern-market/3/ ARCHITECTS NEWSPAPER "New Detroit urban arts venue Wasserman Projects set to open September 25," L3, November 2015. ARCHITECTS NEWSPAPER, Al N BLOG, Accessed 13, November 2015. http://blog.archpaper.com/2015/09/new-detroit-urban-arts-venue-wasserman-projects-set-open/ "New arts venue to celebrate Eastern Market grand openin&" 22, September 2015. MODEL D, Accessed 13, November 2015. http://www.modeldmedia.com/devnews/WassermanProjectsGrandOpening.aspx CRAIN'S DETROIT BUSINESS, "Wasserman Projects ready to add to Eastern Market mix: Art center, set to open Sept. 25, aims to contribute to daytime, nighttime activities," 15, September 2015. CRAIN'S DETROIT BUSINESS, Accessed 13, November 2015. http://www.crainsdetroit.com/article/20150915/NEWS/150909901/wasserman- projects-ready-to-add-to-eastern-ma rket-m ix IPRESS FOR PROECT WYNWOOD GREENHOUSE] BUSTLER "A closer look at the winning Wynwood Greenhouse garden park to be built in Miami," 05 October 2014, BUSTLER. Accessed 07 October 2OL4. http://www.bustler.net/index.php/orticle/o_closer_look_ot_ the_w i n n i n g -wy n wood_g ree n h ou se_to_b e_b u ilt_i n*m io m i ARCHITECTS NEWSPAPER Melcher, Henry. "A Greenhouse-lnspired Park To Bring New Public Space To Miami's Wynwood Arts District," 29 september 2014, ARcHlrEcrs NEWSPAPER / AIN BLoc. Accessed 01 october 2014. http://b log.a rchpa per.com/wordpress/a rchives/9 1772#.VCvq RVcytSE 36 BUSTLER "Wynwood Greenhouse" gets 7i ploce in DownTown's Wlnwood Gateway Pork Competition in Miami,' 29 September 2014. BUSTLER. Accessed 01 October 2014. http://www.bustler.net/index.php/article/wynhouse3reen3ets-lstJclace_ in_dawntowns_wynwood_ gatewayJrark_competition/ ARCHINECT Testado, Justine. *Wynwood Greenhouse* gets 7't ploce in DownTown's Wynwood Gotewoy Pork Competition in Miomi,30 September 2014. ARCHINECI NEWS, Accessed 01 October 2014. http://archinect.com/news/article/110179885/wynwood- greenhouse-gets-1st-place-in-dawntown-s- wynwood-gateway-park-competition-in-miam i THE MIAMI HERALD Viglucci, Andres. "Miomi ortist, orchitects win design competition for new Wynwood porlc" 25 September 2014. The Miami Herald. CURBED McCaughan, Sean. "Epic 'Greenhouse' Design Wins for Wynwood Goteway Pork," 25 September 2014. Miami.Curbed. Accessed 25 Sep 2014. http://miami.curbed.com/archivesl2Ol4log12S/epic-greenhouse- design-wins-for-wynwood-gateway-pa rk. php MIAMI NEWTIMES Bach, Trevor. "Wynwood ls Getting o New Park ond lt Looks Like o Greenhouse," 26 September 2014. Miami New Times. Accessed 26 Sep 2014. http://blogs.miaminewtimes.com/riptide/2014/09/greenhouse_park_coming_to_wynwood.php Brannigan, Martha. "Metro 7 Properties Focuses on Miami's Hip, lJrbon Real Estotg" 22 September 2014. Miami Herald. Accessed 25 Jan 2015. http://www.miamiherald.com/real-estate/article2205945.html TROPIC MAGAZINE McCaughan, Sean. "A Greenhouse Without the Gloss: Tony Cho Brings o Greot New Pork to Wynwood.' November 2074, Tropic Mogozine, pp 7U-705. Accessible online: http://tropicmagazine.u berfl ip.com/i/408559 37 38