20151216 AA PAAfter Action December 16, 2015 Presentation & Awards City of Miami Beach Presentations & Awards/Commission Meeting City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive December 16, 2015 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alemán Commissioner Ricky Arriola Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Michael Grieco Commissioner Joy Malakoff Commissioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Visit us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video streaming of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article VII, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach, entitled "Lobbyists," requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the Office of the City Clerk. Questions regarding the provisions of the Code should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. To request this material in alternate format, sign language interpreter (five-day notice required), information on access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodation to review any document or participate in any City-sponsored proceedings, call 305.604.2489 and select 1 for English or 2 for Spanish, then option 6; TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service). In order to ensure adequate public consideration, if necessary, the Mayor and City Commission may move any agenda item to an alternate meeting date. In addition, the Mayor and City Commission may, at their discretion, adjourn the Commission Meeting without reaching all agenda items. Meeting called to order at 5:02:26 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance led by Chloe Steinberg and Julian Grieco. Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk, announced that item R7B has been deferred until January 13, 2016. ITEMS DEFERRED: R7B SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 1: R7C1 Memorandum & Resolution R7C2 Memorandum & Resolution R9B Memorandum C:\Users\Clerbarr\Desktop\Aa12162015 PA.Docx Page 1 After Action December 16, 2015 Presentation & Awards City of Miami Beach SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 2: R7A Memorandum R7E Memorandum R7C1 Additional Information R7C2 Additional Information Presentations and Awards 6:15:20 p.m. PA1 Recognition And Brief Presentation On The Re-Accreditation Of The Miami Beach Police Department By The Commission On Accreditation For Law Enforcement Agencies. (Police) ACTION: Proclamation presented. The City Commission proclaimed December 16, 2015 “Miami Beach Police Day” in the City. Police Chief Oates stated that the Miami Beach Police Department was re-accredited for the sixth time, having passed the rigorous standard. He stated that the team was led by Chief of Staff Rich Goldschmidt. He mentioned the four Captains who helped: Jones, Acosta, Delsey, and De La Espriella. He stated that the standard is going up, and instead of being re-evaluated every three years, they will be re-evaluated on a four-year cycle on a continuous year-to-year basis. Mayor Levine read the following proclamation into the record: “The Miami Beach Police Department is committed to professional excellence and accordingly, recently participated in a self-assessment including a review of policies, practices and processes that are internationally accepted best practices. Whereas the Miami Beach Police Department subsequently completed a thorough review by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, which included on-site inspections and a thorough review panel. Whereas the Miami Beach Police Department is acknowledged for many points of excellence, including the implementation of body worn cameras, the renewed emphasis to upgraded increased entry level, in service and executive development training, updated policies on the use of firearms, electrical weapons, Tasers, new hiring standards and a reduction in complaints of Police Officers. Whereas on October 2, 2015 the Miami Beach Police Department was formally acknowledged by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies for the 6th time with this new accreditation for a new three-year period. And now, therefore I, Philip Levine, as Mayor of the City of Miami Beach, hereby proclaim December 16, 2015 as “Miami Beach Police Day” in the City of Miami Beach.” 5:03:54 p.m. PA2 Presentation To Karen Rivo, An Activist And Member Of The City’s Education Committee. (Sponsored by Commissioner Micky Steinberg) ACTION: Presentation made. Ms. Rivo was presented with a Centennial Coin. Commissioner Steinberg explained that Karen Rivo is a community activist who has been involved during the past 16 years with the City’s boards, and especially for her dedicated work and service on the Committee for Quality Education. She is the force behind the nursing initiative at many of the schools and she cares about the community; that is why Commissioner Steinberg wanted to give Ms. Rivo something special. Commissioner Steinberg presented Ms. Rivo with a 2015 City Centennial Coin. Vice-Mayor Alemán recognized Ms. Rivo for all of her efforts and stated that it is because of her C:\Users\Clerbarr\Desktop\Aa12162015 PA.Docx Page 2 After Action December 16, 2015 Presentation & Awards City of Miami Beach efforts that thousands of schoolchildren have access to dental care. Vice-Mayor Alemán is inspired by her. Commissioner Malakoff thanked Ms. Rivo for everything she does for the community and added that she admires Ms. Rivo. Karen Rivo thanked Commissioner Steinberg for the acknowledgement and briefly explained the history of the Committee for Quality Education and its importance. She is interested in staying involved and looks forward with helping in health issues. She gave a special recognition to Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld for the extraordinary job she does. 5:46:43 p.m. PA3 Certificate Of Competition Presented To The City’s First Park Rangers For Successfully Completing The City Of Miami Beach Parks And Recreation Training Program. (Sponsored by Commissioner Michael Grieco) ACTION: Presentation made. Roll call of Park Rangers to receive Certificate of Completion for Training. Commissioner Grieco introduced Sergeant Alexander Torres, who has been assigned the Direct Supervisor to the Park Rangers. Fourteen full and part-time Park Rangers have been hired out of more than 800 applicants. The Rangers are all certified Code Enforcement Officers. The hope is to expand this program. Sergeant Alexander Torres thanked the City Commission and everyone involved in helping the creation of the Park Ranger Program. The Rangers are bicycle and ATV certified. They have been getting a great deal of positive feedback. He introduced the Park Rangers: Juan Reyes, Rodolfo Albaladejo, Robert Hanson, Joshua Eric Stephens, Devon Anthony Derreck, Daniel Vega, Carlos Gutierrez, Charles Brown, Anier Marrero, Marquise McEady, and David Antonio Castillo. Handout or Reference Materials: 1. Park Ranger Biographies 2. Email from Gloria Baez dated December 14, 2015 RE: Park Ranger Induction Ceremony – Timeline REGULAR AGENDA R2 - Competitive Bid Reports 5:06:30 p.m. R2A Request For Approval To Issue A Request For Proposal (RFP) No. 2016-042-KB For Design/Build Services For Stormwater Pump Station At Northeast Corner Of Convention Center Drive. (Public Works/Procurement) (Deferred from December 9, 2015 - C2F) ACTION: Request approved. Motion made by Commissioner Malakoff; seconded by Commissioner Steinberg. Voice-vote: 7-0. Eric Carpenter and Alex Denis to handle. TO DO: Hold a Procurement Workshop Eric Carpenter, Assistant City Manager/Public Works Department Director introduced the item, C:\Users\Clerbarr\Desktop\Aa12162015 PA.Docx Page 3 After Action December 16, 2015 Presentation & Awards City of Miami Beach which is requesting to install the two pump stations that will service the City Center neighborhood, as well as the future Convention Center. They are trying to get the RFPs out quickly to stay ahead of the critical path on the Convention Center. Commissioner Grieco stated that since the City Commission has recently been discussing CIP efficiencies, he suggested allowing Bruce Mowry from Public Works to determine whether the project should go out as an RFP, RFQ or ITN. Mayor Levine addressed the City Manager and asked to have a Procurement Workshop to discuss and streamline the process. Eric Carpenter and Alex Denis to handle. City Manager Morales stated that the type of procurement depends on the type of project; there is no standard way of dealing with all projects because they go on a case-by-case basis. Commissioner Grieco suggested leaving it up to Procurement and see what the best method to use is. Discussion held regarding manatee grates. Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez asked how long the RFP process for a stormwater pump station takes. Assistant City Manager and Public Works Director Carpenter replied that the process from conception to award takes approximately six months. He explained the RFP process. Mayor Levine asked if there is any authorization that could be given to the City Manager to speed up the process. City Manager Morales explained that the Code requires that RFPs come before the City Commission for approval. Raul J. Aguila, City Attorney, stated that there is no legal requirement that the City Commission authorize the issuance of Request for Proposal or Request for Qualifications; this was a policy direction given by prior City Commissions. He suggested for future solicitations for construction projects or Stormwater sewer projects, a motion can be made to have the solicitation approved by the Administration without having to go in front of the City Commission. Commissioner Arriola asked if authorization could be given to have RFPs ready as a package once approved by the City Commission. Discussion continued regarding the bid process and delays encountered on some projects. Mr. Carpenter added, for clarification, that this design/build contract falls under State Statute for “Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act,” and there is certain criteria that has to be met. C:\Users\Clerbarr\Desktop\Aa12162015 PA.Docx Page 4 After Action December 16, 2015 Presentation & Awards City of Miami Beach 5:12:49 p.m. R2B Request For Approval To Issue A Request For Proposal (RFP) No. 2016-052-KB For Design/Build Services For Stormwater Pump Station At 19th Street Between Convention Center Drive And Meridian Avenue. (Public Works/Procurement) (Deferred from December 9, 2015 - C2F) ACTION: Request approved. Motion made by Commissioner Malakoff; seconded by Vice-Mayor Alemán. Voice-vote: 7-0. Eric Carpenter and Alex Denis to handle. No discussion held. R5 - Ordinances 6:21:53 p.m. R5A Chapter 6 - Alcoholic Beverages An Ordinance Amending Chapter 6, Entitled “Alcoholic Beverages,” Of The Code Of The City Of Miami Beach, Florida, Article I, Entitled “In General,” Section 6-3 Thereof, Entitled “Hours Of Sale,” And Amending Chapter 82, Entitled “Public Property,” By Amending Article IV, Entitled “Uses In Public Rights-Of-Way,” Division 5, Entitled “Sidewalk Cafes,” Subdivision II, Entitled “Permit,” Section 82-388 Thereof, Entitled “Hours Of Sale Of Alcoholic Beverages; Enforcement,” To Clarify That An Alcoholic Beverage Establishment Permitted To Serve Alcoholic Beverages For On- Premises Consumption Until 5:00 a.m. May Continue To Serve Alcoholic Beverages For On- Premises Consumption And For Consumption At The Establishment’s Sidewalk Cafe Until 7:00 a.m. On New Year’s Day And During Certain Major Event Days Or Weekends As May Be Designated Or Approved By The City Commission; And Providing For Repealer, Severability, Codification, And An Effective Date. 5:01 p.m. Second Reading Public Hearing (Sponsored by Commissioner Grieco) (Legislative Tracking: Office of the City Attorney) (First Reading on December 9, 2016 - R5M) ACTION: Title of the Ordinance read into the record. Ordinance 2015-3984 adopted. Public Hearing held. Motion made by Commissioner Grieco; seconded by Vice-Mayor Alemán; Ballot-vote: 7-0. Office of the City Attorney to handle. Nick Kallergis, Assistant City Attorney I, stated that the amendment to the Ordinance, according to the direction given by the City Commission last week, provides additional hours for sidewalk caf és for beverage establishments on Ocean Drive, between 5th and 15th Streets. This would apply for New Year’s Day, and any other such days as designated by the City Commission, which would include January 2 and 3 as was approved by the City Commission last week. Commissioner Grieco stated that the City would not allow traffic on Ocean Drive for the New Year’s celebration. The Orange Bowl will host national championship games, and it could be confusing if the tables are allowed to be outside, but alcohol cannot be served until the extended hours. This is not contrary to the direction provided last year by the City Commission. Commissioner Steinberg thought they were only amending the Code for New Year’s Day, and any subsequent added holidays should go in front of the City Commission. Mr. Kallergis explained that the way the Code is written, before the amendment, it was always C:\Users\Clerbarr\Desktop\Aa12162015 PA.Docx Page 5 After Action December 16, 2015 Presentation & Awards City of Miami Beach January 1st and such other dates as designated. Handouts or Reference Materials: 1. Ad 1107 published in The Miami Herald R7 - Resolutions 5:13:23 p.m. SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 2: MEMORANDUM R7A A Resolution Accepting The Recommendation Of The City Manager Pertaining To The Ranking Of Firms, Pursuant To Request For Proposals (RFP) No. 2015-195-LR For Health Care Benefits Consulting Services. (Procurement/Human Resources) (Deferred from December 9, 2015 - C7I) ACTION: Resolution 2015-29245 adopted. Motion by Commissioner Steinberg, seconded by Vice-Mayor Alemán. Voice-vote: 7-0. Alex Denis and Sylvia Crespo-Tabak to handle. Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager, introduced the item. No discussion held. Handouts and Reference Materials: 1. Email from Alex Denis dated December 15, 2015 RE: RFP #2015-195-LR to provide health care benefits consulting services. 2. Letter to Mayor Philip Levine and City Commissioners dated December 15, 2015 RE: RFP 2015-195-LR Health Care Benefit Consulting Services. 3. Email from Garrett Moore dated December 15, 2015 RE: Memorandum - RFP #2015-195-LR with attachment. 4. Email from David Custin dated December 15, 2015 RE: RFP #2015-195-LR to provide health care benefits consulting services. R7B A Resolution Authorizing The City Manager To Decline, In Writing, The Owner’s Reciprocal Right Of First Refusal, As Required Pursuant To The Terms Of Section 36.2 Of The Agreement Of Lease (“Ground Lease”) Between The City (“Owner”) And 1691 Michigan Ave Investments LP (“Tenant”), Dated As Of September 1, 1999, Involving The Improvements To The Property (“Project”) Located At 1691 Michigan Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida; And Further Approving Tenant’s Sale Of The Project To CLPF - Lincoln, LLC GP, A Subsidiary Of Clarion Lion Properties Fund Holdings, LP (“Proposed Purchaser”), Subject To The Administration’s Successful Completion Of Its Evaluation Of The Proposed Purchaser In Accordance With Article 10 Of The Lease (“City’s Due Diligence”), And Payment To The City Of Its Reasonable Costs Incurred In Connection With The Proposed Sale Including, Without Limitation, Reimbursement Of The City’s Due Diligence Costs; And Further Authorizing The City Manager And City Clerk To Execute Any And All Closing Documents On Behalf Of The City. (Tourism, Culture & Economic Development) (Deferred from December 9, 2015 - R7T) ACTION: Item deferred to January 13, 2016. 5:13:45 p.m. SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 1: MEMORANDUM AND RESOLUTION C:\Users\Clerbarr\Desktop\Aa12162015 PA.Docx Page 6 After Action December 16, 2015 Presentation & Awards City of Miami Beach SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 2: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION R7C Expediting The Proposed South Beach Component Of The Beach Corridor Transit Connection Project Consisting Of A Light Rail Transit/Modern Streetcar System In South Beach 1. A Resolution Approving And Authorizing The Mayor And City Clerk To Execute A Memorandum Of Understanding Between City Of Miami Beach, Florida, City Of Miami, Florida, Miami-Dade County, Florida And Florida Department Of Transportation, District No. 6, For The Beach Corridor Direct Connection Project, Including Authorizing The City Contribution Of $417,000, Or 4.17% Of The Overall Study Cost. ACTION: Item withdrawn. Items heard in conjunction with R7C2. 5:13:45 p.m. SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 1: MEMORANDUM AND RESOLUTION SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 2: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2. Discussion On Options To Advance The Proposed South Beach Component Of The Beach Corridor Transit Connection Project, Consisting Of A Light Rail Transit/Modern Streetcar System In South Beach, Including Action With Respect To June, 2015 Unsolicited Proposal Received From Greater Miami Tramlink Partners. (Transportation) ACTION: Resolution No. 2015-29247 adopted. Motion by Commission Grieco, Seconded by Commissioners Arriola and Malakoff. Item heard in conjunction with R7C1. Jose Gonzalez to handle. Motion made by Commissioner Grieco to: • Move forward with Option 3 of the unsolicited proposal • Have a 120 day window for responses • RFP to be issued and the City Commission to be notified via an LTC • Include an application fee of $100,000, refund money if costs exceeds amount • Request resubmittal from the original proposal • Impose Cone of Silence After the fact resolution drafted. A Resolution Of The Mayor And City Commission Of The City Of Miami Beach, Florida, Accepting Receipt Of An Unsolicited Proposal From Greater Miami Tramlink Partners For A Light Rail/Modern Streetcar Project In Miami Beach, Authorizing The Administration To Solicit Alternative Proposals For The City Project In Accordance With Florida Statute 287.05712, And Establishing Certain Parameters With Respect To The Solicitation Of Proposals For The City Project. TO DO: City to continue to work with the FDOT, Miami-Dade County and the City of Miami to pursue funding for the City Project, and to pursue aggressively the remainder of the Direct Connect Project. Jose Gonzalez to handle. Kathie G. Brooks, Assistant City Manager, explained that the items discussed are to expedite the proposed beach corridor connection study. She explained that there are three C:\Users\Clerbarr\Desktop\Aa12162015 PA.Docx Page 7 After Action December 16, 2015 Presentation & Awards City of Miami Beach options, including Option 1, following an FDOT recommended approach, which would maximize Federal funding; the City would follow their process and our involvement would be limited to $417,000 in funding as well as limited work done by consultants. The timeframe for that is about three years for one phase by consultant, and seven years for engineering. Options 2 and 3 allow proceeding with the FDOT approach, while in parallel the City’s does its own environmental review and procurement, so if the process falters, they can move forward. They are seeking direction between any of those three options. In the MOU FDOT agreed; however, at a staff meeting with FDOT yesterday, FDOT changed their position and stated that the City would not be able to proceed in parallel to their process, as it would jeopardize the integrity of the environmental review. In addition, there were several concerns discussed previously regarding the larger share of funding and the alignment. Based on the above, the Administration is no longer recommending Option 1. City Manager Morales added that they were originally attracted to Option 1, because it had 50% Federal funding, but after discussions with the consultant, it became clear that the costs would greatly add up when considering costs of delay, escalation, and Federal guidelines. They do not believe it is the way to go given the priority this community has given the project. Ms. Brooks added that the environmental review and the work that needs to be done for P3 solicitation is estimated at $10 million. Mayor Levine stated that the County has worked on Baylink since 1965; FDOT has not built too many streetcars around Florida; he believes the time is now to move forward with a streetcar concept; and hopefully the County and FDOT will move forward. The City should not commit at this time, but continue the process to do all the environmental work that needs to be done, and move the procurement side at the same time. He thinks that by next year this will be ready to go, perhaps on a piece of property on Alton Road and 5th for the streetcars to go in and out of. The City needs to be a leader and commit to doing this. Ms. Brooks is seeking direction between accepting the unsolicited proposal, Option 3, or proceeding with an RFP process. Discussion held. City Manager Morales suggested withdrawing R7C1. Commissioner Malakoff thinks that Option 3 is the way to go, as an unsolicited proposal process, this is the fastest and most competitive method of procurement, and it costs the least amount of expense to the City. Discussion held regarding RFP process and timeframe. Ms. Brooks stated that the entire solicitation process takes from six to nine months. Commissioner Grieco stated that they are not accepting the proposal, but officially, they are doing an unsolicited proposal route, and suggested putting the notice out and have a response within 60 days; if the process takes more than 60 days, he requested to send the information via an LTC. Kathie G. Brooks to handle. Ms. Brooks explained that they prefer 120-day period. Discussion continued. C:\Users\Clerbarr\Desktop\Aa12162015 PA.Docx Page 8 After Action December 16, 2015 Presentation & Awards City of Miami Beach Commissioner Steinberg wants to send a strong message to the County that the City is being revolutionary in moving this forward, and that a change is going to be made in Miami Beach. The County and FDOT must partner with the City and work together. Vice-Mayor Alemán clarified that in a traditional RFQ process, requirements are defined for transportation solution. The question is if the City would have to hire an outside consultant to write those requirements, to compliment the skills of the City’s Transportation Department, versus with the unsolicited proposal where an outline of the vision is done and we tell the market to bring the best in. Ms. Brooks stated that the information needed will be developed through the environmental review process, but this allows it to jump-start it sooner. Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez stated that the City is foregoing Federal funding and she wants to make sure that the City definitely gets State funding if they go with this Option. City Manager Morales explained that there is a potential of 50% funding from the State. Mayor Levine clarified that they are only committing to move the process, to do the environmental study and do it in an expeditious basis. Commissioner Malakoff agreed to leave 120 days, not only for the environmental study, but to allow unsolicited proposals to come in. MOTION: Motion made by Commissioner Grieco to move forward with Option 3 of the unsolicited proposal, with 120 day window for responses, that this be issued and the City Commission be notified via an LTC. There is a range of application fees from $25,000 to $100,000; and suggested an application of $50,000 and that the City request a resubmittal from the original proposal to give them an opportunity for full submission. Ms. Brooks stated that the fee allows covering the cost evaluating the proposal. Consultant costs for a project of that magnitude are estimated at $100,000 to permit, and if any excess, if the evaluation turned out to be that expensive, the City would refund. Commissioner Grieco amended the motion accordingly, to $100,000, as long as it is going to the cost. City Manager Morales added that the City should impose a Cone of Silence to this procurement process. Discussion held regarding evaluation committee. C:\Users\Clerbarr\Desktop\Aa12162015 PA.Docx Page 9 After Action December 16, 2015 Presentation & Awards City of Miami Beach 5:30:41 p.m. R7D A Resolution Acknowledging Commissioner Ricky Arriola’s Decision To Voluntarily Forego The Full Annual Salary And Other Compensation And Benefits Afforded To The Office Of City Commissioner, As Hereinafter Set Forth In This Resolution (The “Commissioner’s Compensation”) For Fiscal Year 2015-2016, And Approving The Transfer Of Funds Equivalent To The Commissioner’s Compensation From The City Of Miami Beach To One Miami Beach, Inc. So That Such Funds May Be Expended By One Miami Beach, Inc. To Fund Qualified Needs And Projects, As Determined By One Miami Beach, Inc. (Sponsored by Commissioner Ricky Arriola) (Legislative Tracking: Office of the City Attorney) ACTION: Resolution 2015-29246 adopted. Motion by Vice-Mayor Alemán, seconded by Commissioner Malakoff. Voice-vote: 7-0. Office of the City Attorney to handle. 5:56:34 p.m. SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 2: MEMORANDUM R7E A Discussion Regarding Work Related To The West Avenue Bridge Across Collins Canal, A Pedestrian Bridge, Raising Of Dade Boulevard And Ancillary Improvements For The City. (Public Works) ACTION: Commissioner Steinberg made a motion to move forward the pedestrian bridge in conjunction with the West Avenue Bridge with a competitive bid procurement process and an add alternate for the bridge; seconded by Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez. Voice vote: 7-0. Direction: Put out an RFP for the West Avenue Bridge and an add alternate for the pedestrian bridge Eric Carpenter, Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director, stated that in trying to expedite the project they have re-evaluated different options. They received a proposal from Bergeron Land Development, unfortunately under the guidelines of CCNA the City cannot award to them at this time; however, there are other options; one to talk to the design firm to expedite delivery of the design documents and begin the permitting process with agencies ahead of time; another option is to go to design/build on the project and release an RFP by LTC, and Bergeron is welcome to bid on that project. Discussion held. Commissioner Grieco asked Mr. Carpenter to give a brief background summary of the item for the newly elected officials. Mr. Carpenter explained that the West Avenue Bridge is a project that has been committed to by the City, County and FDOT. The project lease began in the mid-2000s and was completed recently; they just awarded the design phase of the project to the same company who completed the PD&E at the October Commission Meeting. The contract is not signed yet for the design services, and due to the delay, they started looking at other options in trying to deliver the project as soon as possible; there is traffic congestion in that area and the goal is to bring traffic relief. Discussion held regarding funding. Mr. Carpenter explained that FDOT has committed to fund the design portion of the work, which is C:\Users\Clerbarr\Desktop\Aa12162015 PA.Docx Page 10 After Action December 16, 2015 Presentation & Awards City of Miami Beach about $530,000, which was awarded to Gannet Fleming. If they go with design build, under the contract Bergeron submitted, the City would spend about $300,000 of City’s funding, as opposed to get the funding by FDOT. However, the City would have cut a year off the project delivery. The concern is that in addition to potentially losing the money, they had some hurdles that needed to be overcome as far as procurement laws is concerned; they felt this did not meet those guidelines. City Manager Morales asked if they do a competitive design build, would the City get the FDOT money. Mr. Carpenter answered that it is possible, but may be difficult. In answering Commissioner Steinberg’s questions, he explained that the timeframe for the completion is late 2017 or early 2018. Under the Bergeron contract, they believe they can deliver the project by August of 2016. Discussion continued regarding funding and opening it up for competitive bidding. City Manager Morales recommended authorizing the Administration to move forward with the RFP for design/build, issued via an LTC, and doing an expedited process to award by the end of the first quarter and complete the project by next year. Vice-Mayor Alemán asked if there is a way to expedite the project for either the pedestrian bridge and/or the West Avenue Bridge with the change order. Mr. Carpenter stated that the challenge is that design/build on a project triggers the State Statute for CCNA, which is more stringent than just a purely construction. Commissioner Steinberg made a motion to move forward with the competitive procurement process bid; seconded by Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez. No vote taken. Discussion continued. Mr. Carpenter suggested that the best method to do the West Avenue Bridge is to do an expedited design/build RFP, issued by LTC, and add alternate for the bridge. Mayor Levine suggested doing the pedestrian bridge in conjunction with the West Avenue Bridge. Mr. Carpenter stated that it makes sense to put them together. Commissioner Steinberg made a motion to move forward the pedestrian bridge in conjunction with the West Avenue bridge to put out an expedited design/build RFP, issued by LTC; seconded by Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez. Voice vote: 7-0. City Manager Morales suggested public outreach for the pedestrian bridge. Commissioner Steinberg amended her motion to include Mr. Carpenter’s recommendation to add an add alternate for the pedestrian bridge. C:\Users\Clerbarr\Desktop\Aa12162015 PA.Docx Page 11 After Action December 16, 2015 Presentation & Awards City of Miami Beach R9 - New Business and Commission Requests AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Sixto A. Acea, Cat 6 (Not for profit) Term End 12.31.17 Term Limit 12.31.21 Appointed by City Commission Susan S. Hollander, Cat 7 (Real Estate) Term End 12.31.17 Term Limit 12.31.19 Reappointed by City Commission ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMITTEE Ombretta Agro Andruff Term End 12.31.17 Term Limit 12.31.19 Reappointed by City Commission Patricia Frost Term End 12.31.17 Term Limit 12.31.19 Reappointed by City Commission Chana B. Sheldon Term End 12.31.17 Term Limit 12.31.21 Reappointed by City Commission BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Barton S. Goldberg (Financial Advisor) Term End 12.31.17 Term Limit 12.31.19 Reappointed by City Commission Heidi H. Tandy (At Large) Term End 12.31.17 Term Limit 12.31.19 Reappointed by City Commission James Orlowsky (CPA) Term End 12.31.17 Term Limit 12.31.21 Appointed by City Commission HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE Karen Rivo (Nursing Profession) Term End 12.31.17 Term Limit 12.31.21 Appointed by City Commission Alan M. Nieder (Private Individual) Term End 12.31.17 Term Limit 12.31.21 Appointed by City Commission LGBT Stephen M. Fox, Jr. Term End 12.31.17 Term Limit 12.31.23 Appointed by Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez David Lancz Term End 12.31.17 Term Limit 12.31.23 Appointed by Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez MAYOR'S NORTH BEACH MASTER PLAN STEERING COMMITTEE Margueritte Ramos, Chair Term End 12.31.16 Appointed by Mayor Levine Nancy Liebman Term End 12.31.16 Appointed by Mayor Levine Daniel Veitia Term End 12.31.16 Appointed by Mayor Levine Carolina Jones Term End 12.31.16 Appointed by Mayor Levine Betsy Perez Term End 12.31.16 Appointed by Mayor Levine MIAMI BEACH CULTURAL ARTS COUNCIL Merle Weiss TL Term End 12.31.17 Term Limit 12.31.17 Reappointed by City Commission Peter (Roger) Martin (At Large) Term End 12.31.17 Term Limit 12.31.21 Appointed by City Commission Roger Baumann Term End 12.31.17 Term Limit 12.31.21 Appointed by City Commission Britta Hanson Term End 12.31.17 Term Limit 12.31.21 Appointed by City Commission Laurence Moser Term End 12.31.17 Term Limit 12.31.21 Appointed by City Commission MIAMI BEACH HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE Kenny Swartz Term End 12.31.17 Term Limit 12.31.21 Appointed by Mayor Levine PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES BOARD Dana Turken (Scott Rakow) Term End 12.31.17 Term Limit 12.31.19 Reappointed by City Commission Carolina Jones Resigned 12.30.15 PERSONNEL BOARD Ivette I. Borrello Term End 12.31.17 Term Limit 12.31.19 Reappointed by City Commission Matthew E. Krieger Term End 12.31.17 Term Limit 12.31.19 Reappointed by City Commission Michael Barrineau Term End 12.31.17 Term Limit 12.31.21 Appointed by City Commission Florencia Jimenez-Marcos Term End 12.31.16 Term Limit 12.31.21 Appointed by City Commission PLANNING BOARD Mark S. Meland (Land Use Attorney) Term End 12.31.17 Term Limit 12.31.21 Appointed by City Commission VISITOR AND CONVENTION AUTHORITY Jeff M. Lehman (Hotel) Term End 12.31.16 Term Limit 12.31.21 Appointed by City Commission *Appointments are effective as of January 1, 2016 C:\Users\Clerbarr\Desktop\Aa12162015 PA.Docx Page 12 After Action December 16, 2015 Presentation & Awards City of Miami Beach 5:31:20 p.m. R9A Board And Committee Appointments - City Commission Appointments. (Office of the City Clerk) ACTION: The following At-Large appointments and reappointments were made: AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Susan S. Hollander was reappointed in Category 7 (Real Estate Professional in connection with affordable housing) by acclamation. Sixto A. Acea was appointed in Category 6 (Not-For-Profit provider of affordable housing) by acclamation. ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMITTEE The following members were reappointed by acclamation: Ombretta Agro Andruff Patricia Frost Chana B. Sheldon BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Barton S. Goldberg was reappointed to the Financial Advisor Category by acclamation. Heidi H. Tandy was reappointed in the At Large Category by acclamation. James Orlowsky was appointed in the CPA category by acclamation. City Clerk Rafael Granado explained that a vote is needed for a member in the General Business Category. The votes are between David Lancz and Daniel Nagler. Discussion held. Daniel Nagler received four votes (Mayor Levine and Commissioners Grieco, Malakoff, and Arriola). David Lancz received three votes (Vice-Mayor Alemán, and Commissioners Steinberg and Rosen Gonzalez). Discussion continued. Neither candidate received the required five votes to be appointed. The City Commission requested the candidates meet with the Commissioners before the next City Commission meeting on January 13, 2016. Handouts or Reference Materials: Ballot votes HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE Karen Rivo was appointed in the Nursing Profession by acclamation. Alan Nieder was appointed in the Private Individual Category by acclamation. C:\Users\Clerbarr\Desktop\Aa12162015 PA.Docx Page 13 After Action December 16, 2015 Presentation & Awards City of Miami Beach Mr. Granado stated that a vote is needed between Alan M. Nieder and Dr. Frank A. Buttacavoli for the Private Individual category. Discussion held. Alan M. Nieder received five votes (Mayor Levine, Vice-Mayor Alemán, and Commissioners Grieco, Rosen Gonzalez, and Steinberg). Dr. Frank Buttacavoli received two votes (Commissioners Malakoff and Arriola). Mr. Nieder was appointed to the Private Individual category 5-2. Handouts and Reference Materials: Ballot votes HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk, announced that a vote between Steven Pardo and Jack Finglass for appointment is required. Mayor Levine stated that he has not met with Mr. Finglass, and would like to meet with him. Vote deferred until January 13, 2016. MIAMI BEACH CULTURAL ARTS COUNCIL The following individuals were appointed in the At Large Category by acclamation: Peter (Roger) Martin Roger Baumann Britta Hanson Laurence Moser Merle Weiss was reappointed by acclamation. MIAMI BEACH HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE Mr. Granado explained that Mayor Levine has one appointment. Kenny Swartz was appointed by Mayor Levine Discussion held. Commissioner Malakoff asked the members of the committee to inform the City Commission whether they would like to be reappointed to the Board. Rafael E. Granado and Marcia Monserrat to handle. PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES BOARD Dana Turken was reappointed in the Scott Rakow Youth Center Category by acclamation. PERSONNEL BOARD The following members were reappointed by acclamation: Ivette I. Borrello, and Matthew E. Krieger C:\Users\Clerbarr\Desktop\Aa12162015 PA.Docx Page 14 After Action December 16, 2015 Presentation & Awards City of Miami Beach The following members were appointed by acclamation: Michael Barrineau, and Florencia Jimenez-Marcos PLANNING BOARD Mark S. Meland was appointed in the Land Use Attorney Category by acclamation. VISITOR AND CONVENTION AUTHORITY Jeff M. Lehman was appointed to the VCA in the Hotel Industry category by acclamation. 6:06:17 p.m. SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 1: MEMORANDUM R9B Discussion Regarding The Collins Park Parking Garage Project. (Capital Improvement Projects) ACTION: Discussion held. Motion made by Commissioner Grieco; seconded by Commissioner Steinberg as amended. Voice vote: 7-0. David Martinez to handle. MOTION/POLICY DIRECTION  Continue moving forward in the same path  Facchina to do a cost assessment Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager, explained that the Administration, CIP and the Office of the City Attorney worked together and provided public notice to Zaha Hadid and Associates; the Architect went back to the drawing board and had made some changes to the design, and revised numbers that are much more in line, i.e., $28 million. David Martinez, CIP Director, explained that Zaha Hadid redesign is similar to the original design. Commissioner Grieco stated that over two years ago there was a bid put out to do a 486-parking garage in Collins Park at $23 million. There was some add on that the City requested for flood adjustment, and by then it turned into a $50 million garage. He is happy to hear that the price has been reduced. This money is earmarked. Discussion held. Mayor Levine asked if this is in line with what parking spaces are going on for today. Mr. Martinez explained that this cost is about a $58,000 per space. A regular space in a very efficient garage is no more than $20,000. This is an iconic structure. Discussion held. Mr. Martinez informed the City Commission that Zaha Hadid hired a local firm who had worked with Faena in the past, and they actually are familiar with the local market. Discussion continued regarding the design. Commissioner Arriola stated that the design is expensive and the City is spending a great deal of C:\Users\Clerbarr\Desktop\Aa12162015 PA.Docx Page 15 After Action December 16, 2015 Presentation & Awards City of Miami Beach money for capital improvement projects throughout the City, and there is a limit. There is a need to get a parking garage in this neighborhood. Commissioner Grieco explained that the funding comes from the parking fund and the monies are already allocated. Mr. Martinez stated that the projected net revenue is approximately $1.4 million based on the 17,000 sq. ft. retail of the ground floor and the parking income. Commissioner Vice-Mayor Alemán asked if the $58,000 per space includes the construction cost of the non-parking area, and Mr. Martinez answered in the affirmative. David Martinez, CIP Director, asked for direction to advice Zaha Hadid to continue developing their design with the new revision. Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez suggested negotiating with the designer to keep the spiral staircase. David Martinez to handle. Discussion held. Commissioner Grieco made a motion for a policy direction to continue in the same path, but get to the point where Facchina can look at it and do a real cost assessment; seconded by Commissioner Steinberg; Voice vote: 7-0. Mr. Martinez added that the cost assessment would come back in 60 days. 6:31:08 p.m. R9C Discussion Regarding Time Capsule 2066. (Sponsored by Mayor Philip Levine) ACTION: Discussion held. Motion made by Vice-Mayor Alemán, seconded by Commissioner Steinberg to refer the item to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee; Voice-vote: 7-0. Ramon Suarez to place on the committee agenda. Djordje Milekic to handle. RECOMMENDATIONS: Create a budget, identify the resources and bring back as a budget amendment. The Convention Center Hotel could generate $3 to 5 million of Art in Public Places and the Time Capsule could be commissioned to do the sculpture. REFERRAL: Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Branding Manager Djordje Milekic made a presentation for a Centennial Time Capsule 2066. Click here to view the PowerPoint presentation. Mr. Milekic stated that Mayor Levine had suggested connecting the Time Capsule project with the sea level rise and climate changes issues. Branding Manager Milekic stated that the mission of the ”2066 Miami Beach Rising Above” is to bring awareness to the challenges the City will face throughout the next 50 years. The project will consist of two segments: Time Capsule 2066 and ‘Miami Beach Jump’ Social Media Campaign. The proposed Time Capsule would be part of the climate change sculpture above ground, instead of underground, and will be located in the new C:\Users\Clerbarr\Desktop\Aa12162015 PA.Docx Page 16 After Action December 16, 2015 Presentation & Awards City of Miami Beach Convention Center Park. Miami Beach Jump would consist of photos and videos from a variety of Miami Beach politicians, celebrities and elected officials. The Social Media campaign will reveal residents, employees and visitors jumping in the air symbolizing staying above sea level. Five hundred of the best photo jumps will be part of the Time Capsule. Branding Manager Milekic stated that the project is a rebranding effort to send a message that Miami Beach is not only a vacation destination, but also a community that cares deeply about preserving their environment for future generations. He added that the timeline proposed is for the City’s 101st Birthday, and at the next Art Basel, a presentation will be made of the contents of the Time Capsule projected into the New World Symphony screen. He requested feedback and suggestions from the Mayor and Commissioners. Commissioner Joy Malakoff stated that everything looks great, but she had a question regarding the cost of the sculpture, and asked if the sculpture would be selected by the Art in Public Places Committee and come back to the City Commission for approval. City Manager Jimmy Morales stated that depending on what happens with the Convention Center Hotel, this could generate another $3 to 5 million of Art in Public Places and the Time Capsule could be commissioned to do the sculpture. Discussion held. Commissioner Steinberg stated that it is great and innovative to have a Time Capsule that is not underground. It is a good concept. Commissioner Arriola wants to use the Time Capsule as a tool to inspire future generations and City Commissions. He wanted to use the project as a stepping-stone for future brave and innovative feats that they will undertake. Mayor Levine asked City Manager Morales what is needed for the next steps. City Manager Morales stated they could put together a budget, identify the resources and bring back as a budget amendment. Commissioner Steinberg suggested referring the item to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee to make sure all resources are put together. Motion made by Vice-Mayor Alemán to refer the item to Finance and Citywide Projects Committee; seconded by Commissioner Steinberg. By acclamation. C:\Users\Clerbarr\Desktop\Aa12162015 PA.Docx Page 17 After Action December 16, 2015 Presentation & Awards City of Miami Beach 6:26:53 p.m. New Item – Early Voting during 2016 Elections Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk, asked for direction in regards to the 2016 Elections. The Miami-Dade Department of Elections is expecting the November Presidential Election Early Voting, to have a very large turnout. Miami-Dade Elections Department is suggesting moving the early voting polling place location to the Miami Beach Regional Library at 227 22nd Street for the 2016 Elections. The reason is that they anticipate a large turnout and the goal is to keep it at less than an hour waiting period. To get voters acclimated, the Elections Department wants to move the Elections there during March and August 2016, as well as the November 2016 Presidential Election. The issue is the lack of parking. It is up to the City to determine whether the City wants to insist in keeping the Early Voting at City Hall throughout March, August and November 2016, and keeping in mind that we may get complaints if the waiting period is longer than an hour in November. He explained that one of the options, as suggested by Mayor Levine, is to use the short-term meter-parking garage and cover it, but the Elections Department’s concern is with the voting equipment being protected at night. The Elections Department will ask for a State opinion if this is the option. Discussion held regarding closing of the P-lot during the Convention Center closure, and its impact on parking for early voting. Commissioner Steinberg stated that the City Commission agrees to keep Elections in City Hall, by acclamation. Mayor Levine added that they must look potentially at this concept of placing tents and Air Conditioning in the first floor of the parking garage, which is a huge space and serves the purpose. Rafael E. Granado to handle. End of Agenda Meeting adjourned at 6:43:02 p.m. C:\Users\Clerbarr\Desktop\Aa12162015 PA.Docx Page 18