20150127 SCM SM11915.2015 MIAMIBEACH Special Gity Commission Meeting SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 1 City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive January 27,2015 Mayor Philip Levine Vice-Mayor Joy Malakoff Commissioner Michael Grieco Commissioner Micky Steinberg Commissioner Edward L. Tobin Commissioner Deede Weithorn Commissioner Jonah Wolfson City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Visrf us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video streaming of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Ghapter 2, Article Vll, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach, entitled "Lobbyists," requires the registration of all lobbyists with the Gity Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the Gity Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the Office of the City Cterk. Questions regarding the provisions of the Code should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA R2 - Gompetitive Bid Reports R2A Request For Approval To lssue Request For Proposals (RFP) No. 2015-103-ME, For The Development Of A Convention Headquarter Hotel Adjacent To The Miami Beach Convention Center. (Office of the City Manager) (Memorandum from the Mayor) 1 r,:..-.,s I-- 1915.2015 TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.JECT: Development of Convention Hotel Adjacent to the Miami Beach Convention Center Please include this memorandum as supplemental material to Agenda ltem No. R2A, scheduled to be heard at the City Commission's January 27,2015 Special Commission Meeting. The City Commission has adopted various Resolutions over the years in opposition to gambling in Florida. Attached as Exhibit "A" are several prior Resolutions expressing the City's long- standing anti-gambling policy. It is my position that the Development and Ground Lease Agreement for a convention hotel adjacent to the Miami Beach Convention Center must contain provisions ensuring that there is no association in any way with gambling in Miami-Dade County. Accordingly, I would like for the following language to be included in the RFP as part of the minimum requirements of the Hotel Project: As of the date of execution of the Lease and thereafter throughout the term of the Lease, Developer and any individuals or entities with any ownership interest in the Hotel shal! not directly or indirectly own, operate or manage any establishment offering or othenrvise engaged in gambling or wagering of any kind in Miami-Dade County. This restriction shall also apply to any of Developer's successors, assigns or transferees. Any purported transfer that violates this provision shall be null and void and of no force and effect. The failure to comply with the foregoing restriction on ownership of gambling interests in Miami-Dade County and/or the use restriction prohibiting gambling of any kind on the Leased Property shall constitute a material breach of the Lease, entitling the Gity to triple the Base Rent being paid at that time and, if such breach is not cured within a reasonable time, immediate termination of the Lease. Agendd ltem RZ A MIAMIBEACH City of Miomi Beoch, I700 Convention Center Drive. Miomi Beoch, Florido 33139, www.miomibeochfl.gov MEMORANDUM Jimmy Morales, City Philip Levine, Ma January 26,2015 Agenda ltem No - Request for Authority to lssue RFP 2015-103-ME for Date l-2-7-152 The restriction on ownership of gambling interests in Miami-Dade County and the use restriction prohibiting gambling on the Leased Property are fundamental provisions of the Lease. The foregoing restrictions may not be modified except by a 617 vote of the City Commission and approval of such modifications by at least sixty percent (60%) of the voters voting thereon in a City-wide referendum, in the same manner as required for approva! of the initial Lease pursuant to Section 1.03(bX3) of the City Charter. Additionally, the City Attorney's Office should be directed to develop any and all appropriate language to include the foregoing restriction in the Lease, and any other instrument that may be required to implement the restriction, such as a covenant running with the land, etc. I believe the above language should be included in the RFP in the interest of full disclosure, so that all prospective proposers are aware of the City's position and requirements with respect to this important policy concern for our City and County. Attachment: Exhibit "A," Prior Resolutions 3 Exhibit "A" t- I RESOLUTTON NO.r 2A14-ZBS29 L___._ A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY 'OF NilHTrllI BEACH, FLORIDA, STRbNGLY REAFFIRTT{ING RESOLUTION NO. 2011.27812 TIVHICH URGED THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO REJECT ANY AND'ALL EXPANSTONS OF GAMBLTNG lN FLORIDA, INCLUDING LEGISLATION THAT ITTIOULD LEGALIZE "DESTINATION GAS|NOS." WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature is currently considering various measures that would substantially expand gambling in the State of Florida; and WHEREAS, on December 14,2011, the Mayor and City Commission passed and adopted Resolution No.2011-27812 which urged the Florida Legislature to reject any and all expansions of gambling, including legislation to legatize 'destination ca$inos," in the State of Florida: and WHEREAS, the Maybr and City Comrnission of the City of Miami Beach sbongly reafiirm the position expressed in' fresolution No. 2}fi-27812; which is attached hereto dnd incorporated hereiri by reference, and wish to maintain Resolution No. 2011-27812 in full force and effect. Nolilr, THEREFORE, BE lT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COilIMISSION OF THE CffY OF Mnml BEACH, FLORIDA, that, by a unanimous 7{ vote, the Mayor and City Commission hereby strongly reafiirm Resolution No. 2011-27812 which urged lhe Florida Legislature to reject any and all expansions of gambling in Florida, including legislation that would legalize "destination casinos.' PASSED AND AD0PTED this fft, day of March, 2O't4. ATTEST: Ralph Granado,APPROVED AS TO FOBM & I.ANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION F:\ATTO\WRN\RESOS\CagIno Gamblhg March 20l4.docx 4 RESOLUTION NO. 2}ll-27812 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND clW COi'JllUlSSlON OF THE CITY OF IUIIAMI BEACH, FLORIOA, URGING THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO REJECT ANY AND ALL EXPANSIONS OF GAiJIBLING, TNCLUDING LEGISLATION TO LEGALIZE "DESTINATION CASINOS" IN FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Ftoilda Legislature is cunentty considering various measures that would substantially expand gambling in the $tate, and WHEREAS, the legistation being considered would allow for casino operations that rival in size and scope the gambling operations existing in Las Vegas and Atlantic City; and WHEREAS, notwithstanding the assurances of gambling promoters, historically, large scale casino operations cannibalizi non-gambling businesses and have caused, for instance, the shuttering it torty.percent of all restaurants and one-third of all retail businesses in Atlantic City; and WHEREAS, our communig will bear the severe and painful economic and social costs that atuvays accompany expansive gambling, including the misery of individuals and families louched 6y problem gimbling a$ they are at higher risk of divorce, bankruptcy, child abuse, domestic violence, crime, and suicide, and WHEREAS, expanded gambling promotes comrption of the governmental process as immensely wealthy gamOting companies from all over the world seek to receive benefits from state govemmental entities that regulate their existence and profits, and WHEREAS, if gambling interests are allowed to obtain major casino expansion, full scate casino and gamLling oplrations will became commonplace throughout our community and our State, and WHEREAS, inward facing mega-developments will privatize publrc streetE, destroy the pedestrian experience of downtown neighborhoods, exacerbate traffic, and denigrate the quality of life in our community; and WHEREAS, the false promises of increased revenue and jobs, like the broken promises that accompanied the lottery an$ other gambling expansions, are intended to convince Floridians to make a fool's gamble with their future, and WHEREAS, based upon the foregoing concerns, the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, hereby urge the Florida Legislature to rejec{ any and all expansions of gambling in the State of Florida, including any legislation which would legalize so called "destination casinos ., 5 Nolry, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY colrmtsstoN oF THE CtTy OF MIAMI BEACH, FLOBIDA, that the Florida Legislature is hareby urged to reject any and all expansions of gambling, including legislation to legalize so called'destination casinoso in Florida. PASSED AND AOOPTEO this (A day of December, 2011 ATTEST: ffi &r^,#-r F'\ATTOITURinRESOSlCasino Gambling.docr 6 RESOLUTION NO.201 1-27812 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CIW COMIilISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI tsEAGH, FLORIDA., URGING THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO REJECT ANY AND ALL EXPANSIONS OF GAilBLING, INCLUDING LEGISLATION TO LEGALIZE "DESTINATION CASINOS" IN FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature is currently considering various measures that would substantially expand gambling in the State, and WHEREAS, the legislation being considered would allow for casino operalions that rival in size and scope the gambling operations existing in Las Vegas and Atlantic City; and WHEREAS, notwithstanding the assurances of gambling promoters, historically, large scale casino operations cannibalize non-gambling businesses and have caused, for instance, the shuttering it forty percent of all restaurants and one-third of all retail businesses in Atlantic City; and WHEREA$, our community will bear the severe and painful economic and social costs that atways accompany expansive gambling, including the misery of individuals and families touched 6y problem gimbling as they are at higher risk of divorce, bankruptcy, child abuse, domestic violence, crime, and suicide, and WHEREAS, expanded gambling promotes comrption of the governmental process as immensely wealthy gambling companies from all over the world seek to receive benefits from state governmental entities that regulate their existence and profiis, and WHEREAS, if gambling interests are allowed to obtain major casino expansion, full scale casino and gamUling opLrations will became commonplace throughout our community and our State, and WHEREAS, inward facing mega-developments wilt privatize pubtc streels, destroy the pedestrian experience of downtown neighborhoods, exacerbate traffic, and denigrate the quality of tife in our community, and WHEREAS, the false promises of increased revenue and jobs, like the broken promises that accompanied the lottery and other gambling expansions, are intended to convince Floridians to make a fool's gamble with their future, and WHEREAS, based upon the foregoing concerns, the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, hereby urge the Florida Legislature to reject any and all expansions of gambling in the State of Florida, including any legislalipn which would legalize so called "destination casinos j 7 NOVI', THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY coMtuilssloN oF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Florida Legislature is hereby urged to reject any and all expansions of gambling, including legislation to legalize so called'destination casinos' in Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED this /ff4 day of December, 2011 ATTEST: IE*rr.a'' iC) * i,nrIonploililu ,t furY-,# APPROVEO TS TO F'\ATTO\TURN\RESOS\Casino Gambling.docx 8 g MIAMIBTACH oFFlcE oF THE uivon AND coMMtsstoN MEMORANDUM TO: Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager FRoM: MattiHerrera Bower, Mayor P &- rt\lif DATE: December5,2011 SUBJECT: R9 ltem: Discussion Regarding a Resolution Opposing the Expansion of Gambling in the State of Florida Please place on the Dec 14,2011 Commission meeting agenda a discussion regarding a resolution opposing the expansion of gambling, including "destination resorts", in the State of Florlda. The resolution is attached. I thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. lf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Rebecca Wakefield at extension 6157. Thank you. MHB/rw V.leqe*nnilrloFatflgercefentpuSilcrenlceonds:f+tyoollr+lrofre, wc*\adphynw *i agenOa ltgm Bq f4 Date_ l?-ltl-ll 9 RESOLUTIQ!{ HO.2S08-26927 A RE8OLUTION OF THE iIAYOR AIdD CITY CCII[TfriI$SION OF THE CITY OF M|AMI BEACH, FLORIDA, SUPPORTNG TI'IE RIGHT OF THE CffY TO DECIDE AND TO EXERCISE LOCAL COHTROL WITH REGARO TO CASINO GAililBLING W]THIN TT5 JURISDICTIOil, YyHEREAS, in response to nelirs arlictes raporting that a committee. financed by lacal develop€rs, was investQating the pos*ibility of a proposed amendment to Sre Flnrida Constitution to allow for Cliss lll gambling at various sites within Miami-Dade County, including in the Clty o{ Miami Beach, the Mayor and GiS Commission adopted Resotution Ho. fOOA-26925 on October 8, 2008, opposing casino gambling in the City; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission of the City af Miami Beach support the right of the iity to decide and lo exercis€ local control with regard to casino gambling within its iurisdiction. HOW THEREFORE, BE 1T DULY RESOLVED BY THE T{AYOR ANO CITY coHlitssloH oF THE ClTy OF mtAi,Il BEACH, FLORIDA, that, in ddition to opposing casino gambling in fre City of Mlami Beach, the Mayor and. City Comrnission silbpo* ttre right 6f me City to decide and to exsrcise local control with regard to casino gambling in tl'p City of Miami Beach. PASSED and ADOPTED this ATTEST: 7rh day of Octcrber 2008. iPTN(yUEDAS TO roRf{te IAhBLABE tFOrtryrcUTIOH// Mayor Robefi Parcher F:iiEo\TURN\RESOS\C&ino GsJltbllng and $rppctrnE Rigil ol Loc.l Gov to Choss€.dqq 10 ? TO: FROful: DATE; SUUECT: E MIAMI BEACH OFFICF OT lHE MAYOR AND CO,\4,\,,1:S5iQT.I Jorge M. Gonzalez, CitY Manager Jonah Wolfton, Cornmissiongr ffiober 2.2008 Aganda ltem plaase ptace ffi the oclober 7, 2008 commigsion meeting aganda a discusslon ltern regarding til;;rtbitity of r"sino dn Oring in the City of Miami Baach, as highlighted in a series of recent MiamiHsrald ertidEs. tf you hava any questions, please eOntac{ John Heseman at extenalon 6457' JWjrr MEA4ORANDUM Agenda Item {ZfG 11 RESOLUT:ON i'to.2008-?;692i A RESOLUTION OF THE IT AYOR AHD CITY COf'ilHlSBlON OF THE CITY OF iIIAIIIII BEACH, FLORIDA, OPPOSING ANY INITIATIVE T€ A!,IEND FLORIDA'S CONSTITUTION TO ALLOW CASINO GAII{BLING IN ilIIAM! BEACH. WHEREAS, local news articles have reported that * committee, finand by local developers, is investigating the possibility of writing an initiative for a proposed casino amendrnent to the Florida Constitution to allow for Class lll gambling at various sites within Miami€ade, including in the Ch of Miami Beach; and I/!IHEREA$, the Mayor and City Commission are opposed to casino gamb,ling in the Ci$ of Miami Beach and oppose any efforts to bring casino garnbling to the City of MiamiBeach; and WHEREAS, in view sf the ooncem of the Mayor and City Commiesion with regard to the prcspac"t of casino gambling in Miami-Dade County, the Ci$ Manager and Ci$ Attorney's Cflice are hereby directed to investigate and research any and all methods to oppose and preveni casino gambling in the City of Miami Beach. NOUY THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RE$OLVEO BY THE MAYOR ANO CITY COllrtHlSSlON OF THE CITY OF MlAltll BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission oppose casino gambling in lhe Cig of Miami Beach and the City Manager and City Attnrney are hereby directed to research and investigate any and all methods to oppose casino gambling in the City of Miami Beach. PA$$ED and ADOPTED this ATTEST: dsy oJ 0etobet 2008. APrcYESA$TO FOfi}l,I E LENGUAGEt 7th fi**"1' *"u**- Robert Parcher City Clerk *lv bylmr Mayor F: latlo{TU RMRE$OS\Casi no ifl South Floride.doc 12 g AAIAIIAIBEACH OtrTtCT OT Htr MAYOR AND COMMISSION TO: F{.Oltrt: DAIE: SUBJECT: plaasa place on the October 7, 2008 Cornmission meeting agenda a discussion iterfi ragading *re posiiSititycf casinogambling intheCityof MiamiBeadr, ashighlighted in a seriesof re*nt Miaml Herald articles. lf you have any questions, please mntast John Hafrernan at extensian 5457. JVr//jh rrem fZ fO MTMORANDUM Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Managar lJonah Wolfson, Commissioner fl^" Oclober 2, 2008 a-r( 'Agenda ltem Agenda Date_to.?-a{. 13