20170322 Miami Beach Youth BaseballMIAMI BEACH YOUTH BASEBALL Danny Berry’s Danny Berry’s Baseball provides boys and Baseball provides boys and girls diverse opportunities for physical girls diverse opportunities for physical activity through a variety activity through a variety of lof leagues, eagues, academies and camps.academies and camps. Little League Baseball, Incorporated is a Little League Baseball, Incorporated is a nonnon--profit organization whose mission is to profit organization whose mission is to "promote, develop, supervise, and "promote, develop, supervise, and voluntarily assist in all lawful ways, the voluntarily assist in all lawful ways, the interest of those who will participate in Little interest of those who will participate in Little League Baseball and Softball."League Baseball and Softball." START THEM EARLY! ALL GAMES ARE PLAYED AT North Shore Park FIRST WINTERLEAGUE 2015 FIRST FALLLEAGUE 2015 WINTER LEAGUE 2016 FALLLEAGUE 2016 IMPROVEMENTS MADE TO MIAMI BEACH YOUTH BASEBALL PROGRAM MIAMI BEACH YOUTH BASEBALL CLICK HERE TO SEE THE ACTION! https://vimeo.com/207556365