20161129 AAAfter Action November 29, 2016 City of Miami Beach Special Commission Meeting Page 1 of 6 Commission Meeting - Special City Hall, Commission Chamber, 3 rd Floor, 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alemán Commissioner Ricky Arriola Commissioner Michael Grieco Commissioner Joy Malakoff Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez (Absent) Commissioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Visit us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas/video streaming of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Chapter 2, Article VII, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach, entitled “Lobbyists,” requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the Office of the City Clerk. Questions regarding the provisions of the Code should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. To request this material in alternate format, sign language interpreter (five-day notice required), information on access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodation to review any document or participate in any Ci-sponsored proceedings, call 305.604.2489 and select 1 for English or 2 for Spanish, then option 6; TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service). In order to ensure adequate public consideration, if necessary, the Mayor and City Commission may move any agenda item to an alternate meeting date. In addition, the Mayor and City Commission may, at their discretion, adjourn the Commission Meeting without reaching all agenda items. AFTER ACTION Meeting called to order at 9:08:15 a.m. Fire Chief Virgil Fernandez led the Pledge of Allegiance at 9:08:48 a.m. ADDENDUM MATERIAL 1: C7 A After Action November 29, 2016 City of Miami Beach Special Commission Meeting Page 2 of 6 9:09:08 a.m. City Clerk’s Note: Pursuant to Ordinance 2015-3954, Sec. 2-12(3), addendum agenda item C7 A has been approved by Mayor Levine to be placed on the Commission Agenda. No additional vote is required. Sec. 2-12(3) Reads: Addendum agenda items – Any item not included in the agenda submitted to the Mayor and City Commission on the initial print day must be submitted by the City Clerk to the Mayor for a determination whether the item is to be placed on the Agenda as an addendum item. If the Mayor declines to place the item on the agenda as an addendum item, then the item shall be submitted to the City Commission for a vote and the item shall only be considered at the City Commission Meeting upon a finding by the City Commission, by a five-seventh (5/7th) affirmative vote. CONSENT AGENDA C7 - Resolutions 9:09:08 a.m. ADDENDUM MATERIAL 1 C7 A A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A VOLUNTARY COOPERATION AND OPERATIONAL ASSISTANCE MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF COORDINATING LAW ENFORCEMENT PLANNING, OPERATIONS AND MUTUAL AID BENEFIT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AND THE CITY OF FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA. Police Commissioner Michael Grieco Addendum added on 11/23/2016 ACTION: Resolution 2016-29655 adopted. Motion made by Commissioner Grieco to adopt the Resolution; seconded by Commissioner Alemán; Voice-vote: 6-0. Absent: Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez. Chief Daniel Oates to handle. Vice-Mayor Malakoff asked to delay the vote on this item as she is unsure of its purpose, and has not had time to discuss it with the Police Chief. She added that the Miami Beach Police Department needs to do a better job policing Miami Beach. Jimmy Morales, City Manager, stated that the City has entered into many Mutual Aid Agreements to provide police assistance with cities throughout Miami-Dade County, and some cities in Broward County. This particular agreement with Fort Lauderdale would provide police assistance for their upcoming boat show. Wendy Rich-Goldschmidt, Police Department Chief of Staff, stated that these types of agreements are common, and although the City has many Mutual Aid Agreements, it did not have one with Fort Lauderdale. Fort Lauderdale is requesting police assistance with After Action November 29, 2016 City of Miami Beach Special Commission Meeting Page 3 of 6 their upcoming boat show, and Miami Beach will then ask for their assistance during the Memorial Day Weekend. She believes the City Commission should approve the item. Vice-Mayor Malakoff stated that she approves offering Fort Lauderdale assistance for specific events, such as the boat show, but she reiterated that Miami Beach needs a better police presence. Commissioner Grieco stated that he placed this item on the agenda, because Deputy Police Chief Clements brought Fort Lauderdale’s request to his attention. Mayor Levine asked the City Attorney if there was an update on Miami Beach’s Air and Sea Show. Raul Aguila, City Attorney, stated that a letter was presented to the Air and Sea Show organizers with the security costs, and they are currently waiting for a response. REGULAR AGENDA 9:12:51 a.m. R7A A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD/COMMUNITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE AND APPROVING, BY 5/7 TH VOTE, FOLLOWING A DULY NOTICED PUBLIC HEARING, THE CO-NAMING OF CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE AS “MUHAMMAD ALI WAY.” Sponsored by Mayor Philip Levine ACTION: Resolution 2016-29656 adopted. Motion made by Mayor Levine to adopt the Resolution; seconded by Commissioner Arriola; Voice-vote: 6-0. Absent: Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez. Resolution to be transmitted to the Board of County Commissioners. Jose Gonzalez to handle. Mayor Levine stated that this is a very well deserved honor to the “greatest of all time” (Muhammad Ali). Short film presented by the Communications Department regarding Muhammad Ali’s experience in Miami Beach. Click here to view video. Mayor Levine stated that it is amazing that Muhammad Ali made history at the Miami Beach Convention Center. He read the following letter from Muhammad Ali’s wife, Lonnie Ali, into the record: “What an honor it is to see Convention Center Drive become Muhammad Ali Way. Miami became Muhammad’s home while he was still a young Cassius Clay. It was here he began his professional career as a professional boxer in earnest, under the watchful eye of Angelo Dundee. Muhammad loved Miami with its diverse ethnicities and cultures and lush landscapes. Years after he retired from the ring, Miami was the one place Muhammad would return to relive his days at the 5 th Street Gym on Miami Beach, reconnect with old friends and reminisce with Angelo and Helen. After Action November 29, 2016 City of Miami Beach Special Commission Meeting Page 4 of 6 Our family is thrilled that Miami has chosen to make Muhammad a permanent part of the city. Miami will always be a central piece of the Ali legacy.” Mayor Levine read the following letter from Lennox Lewis into the record: “Hello Philip. I would love to be there, but unfortunately, I’m not in town and really disappointed that I will miss the renaming of the Convention Center Drive. This is such a tremendous honor to Muhammad Ali and to the sport of boxing. This honor highlights that integrity and kindness are traits that should be admired. Boxing has served my idol well coupled with civic pride and highlighting and using some of our basic human qualities shows the true value of what sport can do. Congratulations on making this a reality for the city of Miami and to the legacy of Muhammad Ali. I’m honored that you thought of me but while I can’t make this event I look forward to when our schedule will align for your next event on Miami Beach.” Commissioner Arriola stated that he is very much in support of this item. He added that he is expecting his son to be born next week, and he will name him Noah Ali Arriola in honor of Muhammad Ali for all that he did for civil rights. Mayor Levine read into the record a series of quotes from Muhammad Ali: “ Float like a butterfly; sting like a bee ;” “ He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life ;” “ I hated every minute of training, but I said don’t quit, suffer now, and live the rest of your life as a champion ;” “ I’m the greatest. I said that even before I knew I was ;” “ Don’t count the days, make the days count ;” “ It isn’t the mountains you climb that wear you down, it’s the pebble in your shoe ;” “ Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth ;” and “Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand, I beat people up .” Mayor Levine passed the gavel to Vice-Mayor Malakoff, making her the presiding officer over the meeting. Mayor Levine made the motion to approve the resolution; seconded by Commissioner Arriola. Voice-vote: 6-0. Absent: Commissioner Rosen Gonzalez. Jimmy Morales, City Manager, explained that it is now up to the County to approve the co-naming of Convention Center Drive. Mayor Levine thanked South Street Boxing. Handout or Reference Materials: 1. Ad 1242 published in The Miami Herald; 2. Letter from Muhammad Ali’s wife, Lonnie Ali, regarding Convention Center Drive’s co- naming; 3. Letter from Lennox Lewis regarding Convention Center Drive’s co-naming. After Action November 29, 2016 City of Miami Beach Special Commission Meeting Page 5 of 6 9:24:50 a.m. NEW ITEM R9A DISCUSS RESCHEDULING THE DECEMBER 5, 2016 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION, RELATING TO THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD RECOMMENDATION THAT HISTORIC DESIGNATION REPORTS BE PREPARED REGARDING THE NORTH SHORE LOCAL HISTORIC DISTRICT AND THE NORMANDY ISLES LOCAL HISTORIC DISTRICT. Commissioner Alemán ACTION: Discussion held. Item approved by acclamation. The December 9 Commission Workshop on Affordable Housing will be rescheduled to a later date. A Special Meeting of the City Commission is scheduled for December 9 at 12:00 noon, in the event that the City Commission needs to further discuss or take action on the North Beach historic designation process that will commence during the December 5, 2016 Special Meeting of the City Commission. Thomas Mooney to handle. Office of the City Clerk to advertise the new Special Commission meeting. Commissioner Alemán stated that there is a Special Commission Meeting on December 5 to discuss the Local Historic Designation versus the Conservation District Establishment in North Beach. The purpose of the December 5 meeting is to explore the difference between the Planning Department and Historic Preservation Board recommendations. Any action to approve a recommendation would require a 5/7 vote, and given that the Mayor will be out of town that day, it may be difficult to reach the required votes. Commissioner Alemán was originally considering requesting that the December 5, 2016 Special Commission Meeting be rescheduled to December 6, 2016, but Commissioner Arriola will not be able to attend. Commissioner Alemán wishes to propose rescheduling the December 9 Commission Workshop on Affordable Housing to a later date, and replace it with a Special Meeting of the City Commission to take action on the December 5 meeting recommendations. Mayor Levine approved of Commissioner Alemán’s suggestion. Commissioner Arriola stated that the meeting could be held on December 6, but he does not guarantee he can make it, as he expects his son to be born on that day. Raul Aguila, City Attorney, stated that the December 5 Special Meeting of the City Commission will be for discussion and possibly take action, but another Special Meeting of the City Commission would be reserved for December 9 in case the December 5 meeting needs to be continued. There is sufficient time to advertise these meetings. Rafael Granado, City Clerk, stated that the December 5 Special Meeting of the City Commission will be advertised in the Miami Herald this Thursday, December 1; and the December 9 meeting change will be advertised in the Miami Herald on Sunday, December 4. City Attorney Aguila clarified the motion is to defer the Commission Workshop on Affordable Housing scheduled for December 9, and instead schedule an additional Special Meeting of the City Commission on that day, in the event that the City Commission needs to discuss or take action on the North Beach historic designation process. He added that the reason for these two meetings is that December 10 would mark the 60 th day of the Historic Preservation Board’s recommendation. The City After Action November 29, 2016 City of Miami Beach Special Commission Meeting Page 6 of 6 Commission has the ability to amend the Historic Preservation Board’s recommendation with regard to the designation and boundaries during that 60-day window. If action is taken, the City Commission will be authorizing Planning and Zoning staff to proceed with the designation report based on the recommendation. Vice-Mayor Malakoff stated that it is her understanding that the December 5 meeting will have presentations from, among others, the Historic Preservation Board, Planning Board, Design Review Board, etc. City Attorney Aguila confirmed Vice-Mayor Malakoff’s statement as it was the direction given at the last City Commission meeting. City Clerk Granado stated that the advertisement mentioned that these board members would be present at the December 5 meeting. City Clerk Granado clarified that the December 9 meeting will be at noon. Item adopted by acclamation. Meeting adjourned at 9:32:15 a.m. F:\CLER\COMMON\2016\11292016 SCM\11292016 REG FINAL.docx