20170301 SM1c7J MIAMIBEACH Commission Meeting SUPPLEM ENTAL MATERIAL 1 (2t24t2017) City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3'o Floor, 1700 Gonvention Center Drive March 1,2017 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alem6n Commissioner Ricky Arriola Commissioner Michael Grieco Com m issioner Joy Malakoff Com m issioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Commissioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Visit us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Ghapter 2, Article VIl, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk priorto engaging in any lobbying activitywith the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA G7 - Resolutions A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO. 6 TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATIONAL SOLUTIONS, lNC., DATED APRIL 12,2013; SAID AMENDMENT INCREASING THE SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT DURING THE FIFTH CONTRACT YEAR TO INCLUDE TESTING PROCEDURES FOR THE LIEUTENANTAND CAPTAIN PROMOTIONAL PROCESSES, IN THE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $58,058.00, INCREASING THE AMOUNT OF THE AGREEMENT TO APPROXIMATELY $5O2,OOO.OO. Human Resources Supplemental updated on 212412017 (Resolution & Attachment) 1 Supplemental 1, March 1,2017 R5 - Ordinance R5 Y AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 789, THE CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES SALARY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING CLASSIFICATIONS TO GROUP V REPRESENTED BY THE GOVERNMENT SUPERVISORS ASSOCIATION OF FLORIDA (GSAF): CODE COMPLIANCE SUPERVISOR, COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR, PROPERTY/EVIDENCE SUPERVISOR, PUBLIC SAFETY PAYROLL ADMINISTRATOR, SECURITY SPECIALIST, AND UTILITY BILLING SUPERVISOR, ALL OF WHICH WERE PREVIOUSLYCLASSIFIEDAS UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES IN ORDINANCE NO. 1605, THE UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES ORDINANCE; AMENDING AND READOPTING ALL CLASSIFICATIONS AND GRADES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER; RENUMBERING ALL SALARY GRADES; DELETING THE CLASSIFICATION OF WATER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE; AND; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. First Readinq Human Resources Commissioner John Elizabeth Aleman Supplemental updated on 212412017 (Ordinance) R5 Z AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 789, THE CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES SALARY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: ADDING THE FOLLOWING CLASSIFICATIONS TO GROUP VI BEING ALL OTHER CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE CLASStFtED SERVTCE NOT COVERED BYA BARGATNTNG UNtT (COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS "OTHERS"): BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICER, ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNICIAN, EXCELLENCE PROGRAM ASSESSOR, FIRE INSPECTOR I, FORESTRY FIELD INSPECTOR, PARK RANGER, QUARTERMASTER, RECREATION AIDE, SCHOOL LIAISON OFFICER, SEASONAL RECREATIONAL AIDE, SOUND ENGINEER, STOREKEEPER III, STORMWATER OPERATOR A, STORMWATER OPERATOR B, STORMWATER OPERATOR C, STORMWATER opERATOR D, TRADESWORKER il (FACtLtTtES MAINTENANCE TRADESPERSON), TRADESWORKER r (FACTLTT|ES MATNTENANCE WORKER)TRAFFIC CONGESTION FrELD SPECIALIST, WASTE WATER COLLECTION OPERATOR A, WASTE WATER COLLECTION OPERATOR C, WASTE WATER COLLECTION OPERATOR D, WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATOR B, WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OPERATOR A, WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OPERATOR B, WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OPERATOR C, WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OPERATOR D, WATER METER TECHNICIAN A, WATER METER TECHNICIAN B, AND WATER METER TECHNICIAN C; DELETING THE FOLLOWING CLASSIFICATIONS: ARTS, CULTURAL & ENTERTAINMENT DIRECTOR, AND COMMUNITY/ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR; DELETING A DUPLICATE CLASSIFICATION FOR A SEASONAL POOL GUARD; AMENDING AND READOPTING ALL CLASSIFICATIONS AND GRADES lN. ALPHABETICAL ORDER; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. First Readinq Human Resources Commissioner John Elizabeth Aleman Supplemental updated on 212412017 (Ordinance) 2 Supplemental 1, March 1,2017 R7 - Resolutions R7 C A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE FOLLOWING IN REGARDS TO THE 2017 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL (MLB) ALL-STAR GAME FAN FEST, TO BE HELD IN THE MIAMI BEACH CONVENTION CENTER AND ON WASHINGTON AVENUE, FROM JULY 7 THROUGH 11,2017: THE WAIVER OF RENTAL OF HALLS AAND B OF THE MIAMI BEACH CONVENTION CENTER, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED ONE HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($13O,OOO); AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ASPONSORSHIPAGREEMENTWITH MLB, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE CITY MANAGER, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1OO,OOO), IN SUPPORT OF THE2017 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL ALL-STAR GAME FAN FEST TO PAY, IN PART, FOR REQUIRED POLICE AND FIRE OFF-DUTY SERVICES FOR THE FAN FEST; THE WAIVER OF SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT APPLICATION, PERMIT, AND SQUARE FOOTAGE FEES, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED SEVENTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($17,500); AND THE SPECIAL EVENT CLOSURE OF A MAJOR ROADWAY FOR SOUTHBOUND WASHINGTON AVENUE FROM 17 STREET TO DADE BOULEVARD, FOR EVENT ACTIVATION AND LOADING FROM JULY 2, 2017 AT 8:00 A.M. UNTIL JULY 13,2017 AT 6:00 P.M., CONTINUOUSLY, AND INCLUSIVE OF RUSH HOUR PERIODS. Tourism, Culture and Economic Development Supplemental updated on 212412017 (Updated Memorandum & Resolution) 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4 Agenda ltern C7J- Date 3-l-t7 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO. 6 TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATIONAL SOLUTIONS, lNG, DATED APRIL 12,2013; SAID AMENDMENT INCREASING THE SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT DURING THE FIFTH CONTRACT YEAR TO INCLUDE TESTING PROCEDURES FOR THE LIEUTENANT AND CAPTAIN PROMOTIONAL PROCESSES, !N THE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $58,058.00, INCREASING THE AMOUNT OF THE AGREEMENT TO APPROXI MATELY $5O2,OOO.OO. WHEREAS, on July 18,2012, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2012-27941, approving and authorizing the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with lndustrial Organizational Solutions, lnc. (Consultant), for testing services to determine qualified applicants for Police and Fire entry level positions, classified promotional classifications, and consultation services (the Agreement) in a not to exceed amount of $75,400.00; and WHEREAS, on April 17, 2013, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2013-28182, approving an amendment to the Agreement (Amendment No. 1) to provide additional testing services during the first contact year for Police and Fire entry level positions, in an amount not to exceed $70,000.00; and WHEREAS, on October 16, 2013, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No.2013-28396, amending Resolution No.2013-28182, approving an amendment to the Agreement (Amendment No. 2); said amendment increasing the scope of the Agreement to provide testing services for the Ocean Rescue Division of the Fire Department, in an additional amount not to exceed $ 38,000.00 (Amendment No. 2); and WHEREAS, on October 22, 2014, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2014-28775, approving Amendment No. 3 to the Agreement; said amendment increasing the scope of the Agreement to provide testing services for the Fire Department, in an additional amount not to exceed $71, 000.00; and WHEREAS, on July 8,2015, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 2015-29061, approving Amendment No. 4 to the Agreement; said amendment increasing the scope of the Agreement to provide testing services for the Police Department during the third contract year, in an additional amount not to exceed $120,000; and WHEREAS, on February 10, 2016, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No.2016-29291, approving Amendment No.5 to the Agreement; said amendment increasing the scope of the Agreement to provide testing services for the Police Department, in an additional amount not to exceed $ 69,400; and WHEREAS, the Police Department requires the services of the Consultant during the fifth contract year in connection with the testing procedures for the Lieutenant and Captain Promotional Processes, in the total amount not to exceed $58,058, increasing the total amount of the Agreement to an amount not to exceed $501,858.00. 5 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAM! BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Amendment No. 6, to the Agreement between the City and lndustrial Organizational Solutions, lnc., dated April 12,2013; said Amendment increasing the scope of the Agreement during the fifth contract year to include testing procedures for the Lieutenant and Captain Promotional Processes, in the amount not to exceed $58,058.00, increasing the amount of the Agreement to approximately $502,000.00. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of 2017. Philip Levine, Mayor ATTEST: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE 6 I N DU STR IAL/E] RG,A.N IZATIoN,AL S o LUTIoN 5 ExpEtrT::l ,tt TH!: scrFjt't[]F {f tr irllFtl lrt :iArif-\, qr-r ts tlatrlrr Statement of Work Client: Miami Beach Fire Department Project Title: Lieutenant and Captain Promotional Processes The purpose of this document is to describe the components of the project that will be performed and to document the associated costs. The table on the following page will describe the anticipated profect steps and associated costs. Should any component of the project need to be modified, IOS will contact the client and explain the required modification and any associated pricing change. Any future change in the proposed prolect must be mutually acceptable to the City of Miami Beach and lOS. Approximate Commencement: February 20 I 7 7 The following tables contain potential options and breakdowns of the project steps/components and the associated costs. The City of Miami Beach will determine which options/processes to be selected. Project Kick-off and Planning: Phone conference or face-to-face meeting to review project details, finalize project timeline, discuss expectations, and assign roles and responsibilities Candidate orientation: DeliverT of candidate preparation presentation for both ranks (department may choose to do this via online video). Written Examination Development Develop 175 draft items for the multiple- choice iob knowledge examinations. Review of examination questions with SMEs to conduct CVRs and Angoff ratings; and to select final 150 questions for the Captain examination and the Lieutenant examination. Written Examination Administration: Administer written exams, scoring and response to cand idate appeals/challenges. Assumes one adm i nistration. (additional days needed for on-site appeal sessions would be billed at the rate of $ 1,000/day) Written Examination Appeal Session Administration: I l/O Staff member on-site to administer appeal session and collect appeal responses. Two days on-site at the rate of $ I,000 per day. Oral Assessment Development Design and development of two oral exercises each for the Captain and Lieutenant assessments. Oral Assessment Administration: lncludes assessor training, administration oversight of the assessment, scoring, and preparation of results, appeal Oral Examination Appeal Session Administration: I l/O Staff member on-site to administer appeal session and collect appeal responses. Two days on-site at the rate of $ 1,000 per da Project technical report to document iob analysis, validation, outcomes, recommendations for the future, etc. 8 Assessor Recruitment for 8 assessors Assessor costs (per diems, sites, meals, travel etc.). OFF-SITE cost = $8, 980, ON-SITE cost = $ 12,360. (breakdown is presented below)Paid by the City Facility procurement costs for exams, assessments and appeal sessions Ad min istrative expenses (printing, sh ipping) IOS staff travel expenses, estimated at 5 trips: o I consultant, 2 days for orientation o I consultandanalyst I day for exam admin o I anabrst 2 days for exam appeals o I consultant and l-2 analyst(s) for 2 days for oral admin for 2 days of oral aooeals Billed directly to City TOTAL Project InvestmenUCost Assessor Arrangement Options OFF-SITE lN CHICAGO (4 assessors, 2 +l for 3 days, 4 assessors (trainins + assessinq videos for assessor to train and work (2 rooms, 3 $ I 25/day per room $ I 2/assessor per day Mileage reimbursement for assessor driving (estimated 60 miles TOTAL 9 *l/O assumes that the city will be responsible for securing assessors, providing all accommodations for assessors, securing facilities (test administration facility, assessment center site). l/O can provide a revised SOW or a change order if the city desires for l/O to manage the coordination of other aspects of the process, such assessment sites, assessor recruitment and accommodations, etc. The above table identifies all facets of the project for which l/O Solutions is being engaged. Should any of the project components need to be modified or additional components/facets added, the proposed hourly rates ($175/hr. for consultants; $65/hr. for item writers; $2S/hour for administrative) will be applied and appropriate price adjustments will be made. l/O Solutions will submit invoices according to the following schedule: l/3 upon project commencement, l/3 after development of the assessment center, and l/3 upon completion (the technical report will be billed as a separate item). The proposed price is fixed-firm and will be invoiced according to the above schedule. The line item detail is presented for reference. Authorizations: Acceptance by Client: I acknowledge that I have reviewed this Statement of Work and hereby authorize l/O Solutions and its representatives to commence work on the project components as described herein. Signature of Authorized Agent Title of Authorized Agent Date Acceptance by IOS: IOS agrees to conduct the work outlined herein according to a both parties. timeline that is mutually agreeable to Signature of Authorized Agent Title of Authorized Agent Date 10 Agenda ltem RSY Date ?I-TT ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND GITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAM! BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 789, THE CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES SALARY ORDINANCE OF THE GITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, BY ADDING THE FOLLOWING CLASSIFICATIONS TO GROUP V REPRESENTED BY THE GOVERNMENT SUPERVISORS ASSoclATloN oF FLORIDA (GSAF): coDE coMpLtANcE supERvrsoR, COMMUNICATIONS SUPERVISOR, PROPERry / EVIDENCE SUPERVISOR, PUBLIC SAFETY PAYROLL ADMINISTRATOR, SECURIry SPECIALIST, AND UTILITY BILLING SUPERVISOR, ALL OF WHIGH WERE PREVIOUSLY GLASSIFIED AS UNGLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES IN ORDINANCE NO. 1605,THE UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES ORDINANCE; AMENDING AND READOPTING ALL CLASSIFICATIONS AND GRADES tN ALPHABETICAL ORDER; RENUMBERING ALL SALARY GRADES; DELETING THE cLASS!FlcATloN oF WATER sERVlcE REPRESENTATTvE; AND; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILIry, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City has approximately 1,600 employees what are members of the Classified service; and WHEREAS, the Classified service are categorized into six (6) groups: Group I represented by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1554; Group ll represented by the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) William Nichols Lodge No. 8; Group lll represented by the lnternational Association of Firefighters (IAFF) Local 1510; Group lV represented by the Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 3178; Group V represented by the Government Supervisors Association of Florida (GSAF), OPEIU, Local 100; and Group Vl comprising of all other classifications in the Classified service not covered by a bargaining unit (commonly referred to as "Others"); and WHEREAS, there is a need to amend the Classified Salary Ordinance to add eight (8) classifications, which have been deleted from Group Vll in the Unclassified Salary Ordinance No. 1605 and moved to Group V represented by the Government Supervisors Association of Florida (GSAF) as stated in the Public Employees Relations Commission (PERC) Final Order Clarifying Certificate 1205, Case No. UC-2016-019; and WHEREAS, there is a need to delete the classification of Water Service Representative; and WHEREAS, there is a need to amend and readopt all classifications and grades in alphabetical order for ease of reference. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE GITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. The salary grades for Group V are hereby re-numbered as follows for the first pay period ending in April 2016. 11 GROUP V: GOVERNMENT SUPERVISORS ASSOCIATION OF FLORIDA (GSAF) Local 100 A. Salary Grades and Ranges Annual salary based on 2080 hours Der vear GRADE MINIMUM MAXIMUM 515 67,323.29 108.738.72 514 61,961.26 100,071.87q13 57,023.59 92,096.45512 52,477.46 84.753.62 511 48,293.19 77,997.98 510 44,443.74 71,780.92 509 40,902.31 66,062.28508 37,642.13 60,795.31 507 34,641.40 55,949.56 506 31 ,880.17 51 ,490.61 The salary grades for Group V are hereby re-numbered as follows for the first pay period ending in July 2017 GROUP V: GOVERNMENT SUPERVISORS ASSOCIATION OF FLORIDA (GSAF) Local 100 A. Salary Grades and Ranges Annual salary based on 2080 hours per vearGRADE MINIMUM MAXIMUM 515 69,342.99 1 12,000.98 514 63,820.10 103,074.03 513 58,734.30 94,859.34 512 54,051.78 87.296.23 51 1 49,741.99 80,337.92 510 45,777 .05 73,934.35 509 42,129.38 68,044.15 508 38,771.39 62.619.17507 35,680.64 57,628.05506 32,836.58 53,035.33 The salary grades for Group V are hereby re-numbered as follows for the first pay period ending in July 2018. GROUP V: GOVERNMENT SUPERVISORS ASSOCIATION OF FLORIDA (GSAF) Local 100 A. Salary Grades and Ranges Annual salary based on 2080 hours per vear GRADE MINIMUM MAXIMUM515 71.423.28 1 15.360.91 514 65,734.70 106,166.25 513 60,496.33 97,705.12 912 55,673.34 89,915.12 12 GRADE MINIMUM MAXIMUM 511 51,234.25 82,748.06 510 47 ,150.36 76,152.38 509 43,393.26 70,085.47 508 39,934.54 64,497.74 507 36,751.06 59,356.89506 33,821.67 54.626.39 B. Glassifications and Grades The following Classifications and Grades for Group V of the Classified Salary Ordinance No. 789 shall be amended as follows: GROUP V: GOVERNMENT SUPERVISORS ASSOCIATION OF FLORIDA (GSAF) JOB CODE CLASSIFICATION SALARY GRADE 5207 91 1 Communications Records Custodian 510 4211 Air Conditioning Supervisor 514 4025 Backflow Coordinator 511 5403 Beach Patrol Operations Supervisor 515 4405 Central Services Supervisor 512 3004 City Surveyor 515 3153 Code Compliance Supervisor 513 5202 Communications Supervisor 513 5218 Crime Analyst Supervisor 514 501 3 Crime Scene Supervisor 514 4230 Electrician Supervisor 514 4229 Electronics / lnstruments Supervisor 512 5116 Fire lnspection Supervisor 516 4303 Fleet Operations Supervisor 513 4331 Lead Mechanic 511 4051 Maintenance Supervisor 512 4021 Metered Services Supervisor 513 4221 Paint Supervisor 511 6004 Park Operations Supervisor 512 1811 Parking Facilities Supervisor 510 1 803 Parking Operations Supervisor 512 4269 Plumbing Supervisor 514 5506 Police Records Supervisor 510 5307 Propertv/Evidence Supervisor 515 1144 Public Safetv Pavroll Administrator 512 4011 Pumping Operations Supervisor 513 6107 Recreation Supervisor I 511 13 JOB CODE CLASSIFICATION SALARY GRADE 4045 Sanitation Operations Supervisor 512 1814 Securitv Specialist 512 3142 Senior Building lnspector 5143106 Senior Engineering lnspector 514 4052 Service Supervisor 509 4003 Sewer Field Operations Supervisor 513 4032 Street Operations Supervisor 512 6125 Tennis Center Manager 506 1132 Utilitv Billinq Supervisor 514 5211 Victims Advocate 511 1610 Warehouse Supervisor 512 4004 Water Field Operations Supervisor 513 4026 Water Meter Supervisor 512 MZ @ive 09 SEGTION 2. REPEALER. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. SEVERABILITY. lf any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect on the day of day of 2017. 2017.PASSED AND ADOPTED this ATTEST: Philip Levine, Mayor Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO Underlines denote additions; S*riketn+eughs denote deletions FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION (Sponsored by Commissioner John Elizabeth Alem6n)O** ?u A !s/zCttvlttomevrz Dote 14 Agenda ttem (SZ Date--a-I-i7- ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OFMIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANGE NO. 789, THE CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES SALARY ORDINANGE OF THE CIry OF MIAM!BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: ADDING THE FOLLOWTNG CLASSIFICATIONS TO GROUP V! BEING ALL OTHER CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE CLASSIFIED SERVICE NOT COVERED BY A BARGAINING UNIT (GOMMONLY REFERRED TO AS ',OTHERS,,): BUILDING GODE COMPLIANCE OFFICER, ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNICIAN, EXCELLENCE PROGRAM ASSESSOR, FIRE INSPECTOR I, FORESTRY FIELD INSPECTOR, PARK RANGER, QUARTERMASTER, REGREATION AIDE, SCHOOL LIAISON OFFICER, SEASONAL RECREATIONAL AIDE, SOUND ENGINEER, STOREKEEPER III, STORMWATER OPERATOR A, STORMWATER OPERATOR B, STORMWATER OPERATOR G, STORMWATER OPERATOR D, TRADESWORKER I! (FAC!LIT!ES MA!NTENANCE TRADESPERSON), TRADESWORKER t (FACILIT!ES MAINTENANCE WORKER)TRAFFIC CONGESTION FTELD SPECIALIST,WASTE WATER COLLEGTION OPERATOR A, WASTE WATER COLLECTION OPERATOR C, WASTE WATER COLLECTION OPERATOR D, WASTEWATER COLLECTTON SYSTEM OPERATOR B, WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OPERATOR A, WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OPERATOR B, WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OPERATOR C, WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OPERATOR D, WATER METER TECHNICIAN A, WATER METER TECHNICIAN B, AND WATER METER TEGHNICIAN C; DELETING THE FoLLowlNG CLASSIFIGATIoNS: ARTS, GULTURAL &ENTERTAINMENT DIRECTOR,AND COMMUNITY/ECONOM!C DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR; DELETING A DUPLIGATE CLASSIFICATION FOR A SEASONAL POOL GUARD; AMENDING AND READOPTING ALL CLASSIFICATIONS AND GRADES !N ALPHABETICAL ORDER; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILIW, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City has approximately 1,600 employees what are members of the classified service; and WHEREAS, the Classified service is categorized into six (6) groups: Group I represented by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 1554; Group ll represented by the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) William Nichols Lodge No. 8; Group lll represented by the lnternational Association of Firefighters (IAFF) Local 1510; Group lV represented by the Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 3178; Group V represented by the Government Supervisors Association of Florida (GSAF), OPEIU, Local 100; and Group Vl comprising of all other classifications in the classified service not covered by a bargaining unit (commonly referred to as "Others"); and WHEREAS, there is a need to amend the Others Salary Ordinance by adding thefollowing classifications: Building Code Compliance Officer, Environmental Technician, Excellence Program Assessor, Fire lnspector l, Forestry Field lnspector, park Ranger, Quartermaster, Recreation Aide, School Liaison Officer, Seasonal Recreational Aide, Soind Engineer, Storekeeper lll, Stormwater Operator A, Stormwater Operator B, Stormwater Operator C, Stormwater Operator D, Tradesworker ll (facilities maintenance tradesperson), Tradesworker I (facilities maintenance worker), Traffic Congestion Field Specialist, Waste Water 15 Collection Operator A, Waste Water Collection Operator C, Waste Water Collection Operator D, Wastewater Collection System Operator B, Water Distribution System Operator A, Water Distribution System Operator B, Water Distribution System Operator C, Water Distribution System Operator D, Water Meter Technician A, Water Meter Technician B, and Water Meter Technician C; and WHEREAS, there are obsolete classifications and a duplicate classification in Group Vl that should be deleted; and WHEREAS, there is a need to amend and readopt all classifications and grades in alphabetical order for ease of reference. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAM! BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. The Grades and Classifications for Group Vl of the Classified Salary Ordinance No. 789 are amended and readopted in alphabetical order and the classifications, and grades are amended as follows: **{< GROUP Vl: OTHERS *** B. Classifications and Grades CLASSIFICATION GRADE Afrs;€ultural&Entertainment Di reeter 11 Buildinq Code Compliance Officer 15 Case Worker Assistant 2 r 4 Computer Operator 17 Environmental Technician 12 Excellence Prooram AssessorPa{-Time 2 Fire lnspector I 15 Firearms Specialist 17 Forestry Field lnsoector 12 Human Resources Technician 14 lce Rink Technician 12 Park Ranoer 16 Quartermaster 12 ZRecreation Aide 16 CLASSIFICATION GRADE Recreation Attendant 5 School Liaison Officer+0 Seasonal Pool Guard 11 Ste€s€ne+P€€l€ue+d 602 Seasonal Recreational Aide s 7 Sound Enqineer 24 Senior Electrical lnspector 18 Senior Elevator lnspector 18 Senior Mechanical lnspector 18 Senior Plumbing lnspector 18 Storekeeper lll 12 Stormwater Operator A 12 Stormwater Operator B 11 Stormwater Operator C 8 Stormwater Operator D b Tradesworker ll (Facilities Maintenance Tradesperson)19 Tradesworker I (Facilities Maintenance Worker)14 Traffic Conqestion Field Specialist 11 Wastewater Collection Svstem Operator A 12 Wastewater Collection Svstem Operator B 11 Wastewater Collection Svstem Operator C q Wastewater Collection Svstem Operator D 6 Water Distribution System Operator A 14 Water Distribution System Operator B 12 Water Distribution System Operator C 11 Water Distribution System Operator D 8 Water Meter Technician A 14 Water Meter Technician B 12 Water Meter Technician C 11 Water Meter Technician D g SECTION 2. REPEALER. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION3. SEVERABIL!TY. lf any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. 17 SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect on the day of day of 2017. 2017.PASSED AND ADOPTED this ATTEST: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk Underlines denote additions; Strik*nreugh€ denote deletions (Sponsored by Commissioner John Elizabeth Alemdn) Philip Levine, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION q.r//7 - Dote 18 Resolutions - R7 C COMttfl SSION MEMORAN DU M Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager March 1,2017 AAIAMI BE*CH TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE IUAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CIry OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE FOLLOWING IN REGARDS TO THE 2017 NIAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL (MLB) ALL-STAR GAME FAN FEST, TO BE HELD IN THE MIAMI BEACH CONVENTION CENTER AND ON WASHINGTON AVENUE, FROM JULY 7 THROUGH 11, 2A17: THE WAIVER OF RENTAL OF HALLS AAND B OF THE MIAMI BEACH COIWENTION CENTER, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED ONE HUNDRED THIRry THOUSAND DOLLARS ($13O,OOO); AUTHORIZING THE CITY I/ANAGER TO EXECUTE A SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT WITH MLB, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITYATTORNEY AND THE CITY MANAGER, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1OO,OOO), IN SUPPORT OF THE 2017 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL ALL-STAR GAME FAN FEST TO PAY IN PART, FOR REQUIRED POLICE AND FIRE OFF.DUTY SERVICES FOR THE FAN FEST; THE WA]VER OF SPECIAL EVENT PERMITAPPLICATION, PERMIT, AND SQUARE FOOTAGE FEES, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED SEVENTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($17,500); AND THE SPECIAL EVENT CLOSURE OF A MAJOR ROADWAY FOR SOUTHBOUND WASHINGTON AVENUE FROM 17 STREET TO DADE BOULEVARD, FOR EVENT ACTIVATION AND LOADING FROM JULY 2, 2017 AT 8:00 A.M. UNTIL JULY '13, 2017 AT 6:00 P.M., CONTINUOUSLY AND INCLUSIVE OF RUSH HOUR PERIODS. RECOMMENDATION Adopt the Resolution. ANALYSIS On Tuesday, July 11, 2017, the Miami tUarlins and Marlins Park will host the BSth Major League Baseball All-Star Game, known as the Midsummer Classic and a tradition that goes back to 1933. This is the first time the Marlins or Miami-Dade County have hosted this event. The event, which pits the best players from the National League against the best players from the American League, is an opportunity to welcome local, national and international baseball fans and provides major exposure for the destination around the world. The 2016 MLB All-Star Game, held in San Diego, CA, was covered by 2500 writerc and broadcasters on 57 television and radio netwoks in 14 languages to over 150 countries/ tenitories, showcasing the host city to Page 664 of 1073 19 over'l 00 Million homes. As part of the weekend and days leading up to the MLB All-Star Game, a series of annual events is planned at Marlins Park and throughout Miami-Dade County. One of the most prominent, popular and well-aftended event of this period is the annual MLB All-Star Fan Fest, wttich will be held in Miami Beach from Friday, July 7, 2017 until Tuesday, July 1 1, 2017. The MLB All-Star Fan Fest will be held inside the Miami Beach Convention Center's Halls A and B, as vrrcll as have activations on the abutting southbound lanes of Washington Avenue, from 17th Street to Dade Boulevard, attracting up to 125,000 fans throughout the course of MLAAII-Star Fan Fest festivities. tt/ajor League Baseball has contracted rooms at Miami Beach Hotels for this week, inclusive of the W South Beach, Royal Palm and Gates Hotels. MLB estimated a total economic impact of All-Star week to the San Diego region in 2016 of $80 Million, and projects an economic impact in2017 of $70 Million to Miami-Dade County. Other Miami Beach hotels and venues will likely attract additional parties and events throughout the week. ln partnering with the Miami Sports Commission, Miami-Dade County and the Miami Marlins to bring this event to Miami-Dade County, the following requests are made to the City Commission, to be amended to Major League Baseball's contracil license agreement with Global Spectrum for use of the Miami Beach Convention Center from June 30, 2017 to July 14,2017 for the MLB All-Star Fan Fest. ' Waiver of rent for the Miami Beach Convention Center's Halls A and B for the duration of the event, including event days load in and load out, with a value not to exceed $130,000.00.' Sponsorchip payment of $100,000.00 to Major League Baseball, in part, pay for off-duty Police, Fire and other City service required to manage MLB All-Star Fan Fest.' Waiver of special event permit fees (application fee, permit fee and square footage fee) for the enclosed and ticketed use of southbound Washington Avenue as a sponsor and event activation area, not to exceed $17,500.00.' Permission to close southbound Washington Avenue, a major roadway in the City of Miami Beach, from 17th Street to Dade Boulevard, from July 2,2017 at 8:00 am until July 13,2017 al 6:00 pm, inclusive of rush hour periods, for MLB All-Star Fan Fest activations, load in and load out, per the attached Transportation Department approved lt/aintenance of Traffic (MOT) Plan and required offduty Miami Beach Police and Fire staffing. As part of this sponsor agreement, MLB will offer a $10 discount to Miami Beach residents for tickets to the MLB All-Star Game Fan Fest, and will provide 1,000 tickets to the MLB All-Star Game Fan Fest to the City in accordance with the City's policy regarding the use and distribution of tickets to events and productions occuning at City-owned venues and/or City sponsored events as adopted in Resolution No. 2014-28638. CONCLUSION The Administration recommends adopting the attached resolution, allowing closure of southbound WashingtonAvenue, waiving up to $147,500.00 in facility rent and special event fee waivers, and providing a sponsorship payment in the amount of $100,000.00 to Major League Baseball. KEY INTENDED OUTCOMES SUPPORTED Maximize The Miami Beach Brand As AWorld Class Destination Page 665 of 1073 20 Amount 1 $100,000.00 Account 1 Resort Tax acci # 160-4300-000349 Legislative Tracking Tourism, Culture and Economic Development ATTACHMENTS: Description n MLB All-Star Garne Fan Fest MBCC contract o MLB All-Star Game Fan Fest MOT u MLB All-Star Gane Fan Fest Resn Page 666 of 1073 21 LICENSE AGREEMENT MIAMI BEACH CONVENTION CENTER THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into this 31"t day of January 2Q17, by and between Global Spectrum, L.P., d/b/a Spectra Venue Management ("Licensor''), as agent on behalf of City of Miami Beach (the "Owner"), having an office at 3000 N.W. 125"'Street, Seagis Building Center Office, Miami, FL 33'167-2515 and Major League Baseball, a corporation ("Licensee") having an address at 245 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10167. WHEREAS, the Owner owns the Miami Beach Convention Center (the "Center"), located in Miami Beach, Florida and has engaged Licensor to manage and operate the Center on the Owner's behalf; and WHEREAS, Licensor is authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of the Owner for use of space within the Center, Licensee desires to license space within the Center, and Licensor agrees to license such space, under and subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein. INTENDING TO BE LEGALLY BOUND, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS AND PROMISES CONTAINED HEREIN, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: l. Specific Terms of License. Portion of Facility (Premises)License Period License Fee East Exhibit Halls approximately 250,000 gross square feet. 6130(12:01 A.M.)-71612017 (Fri-Thur) Move-ln717-1112017 (Fri-Tue) Show 7112-1412017 (11:59 p.m.) (Wed-Fri) Move-Out $130,000.00 for space rental based on (7) move-in days @ $3,250.00 per day, per hall for (2) halls; plus (5) show days @ $6,500.00 per day, per hall for (2) halls; plus (3) move-out days @ $3,250.00 per day, per hall for (2) halls. Pending Cig of Miami Beach Commission renial waiver aooroval. East Side 2"" Level Meeting Rooms Meeting room availability may be impacted by the construction/renovation project for the temporary relocation of MBCC services. Final meeting room availability will be confirmed by the Licensor no later than 60 days prior to the initial move-in day. 6130 (12:01 A.M.)-71612017 (Fri-Thur) Move-ln717-1112017 (Fri-Tue) Show 7112-1412017 (11:59 p.m.) (Wed-Fri) Move-Out lncluded in above license fee. A. EVENT DESCRIPTION: MLB Allstar Fanfest B. EXPECTEDATTENDANCE: 34,000 C. DEPOSIT: Major League Baseball will assume full responsibility for any additionat rental and building expenses incurred by Major League Baseball for this event. $130,000.00 Space Rental License Fee I Page 667 of 1073 22 D. Event Requirements: (1) Minimum Licensee perimeter security requirements of two (2) security guards are required on-site beginning one hour prior to event hours through one hour after event hours, with a four (4) hour minimum. One (1) security guard will be required at the loading dock during show, move-in and move-out. Additional Security will be required for events serving alcohol and must be scheduled through Licensor. Licensee must utilize MBCC Security for staffing at building perimeter entrances. Licensee may supplement MBCC Security with additional staffing through the contractor of Licensee's choice. (2) Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) are required to be on-site a minimum (1) hour prior to through (1) hour after event hours and must be scheduled through Licensor for all public events; and/or all events where alcoholic beverages are served. (3) Fire watch and Police coverage will be required and coordinated through the appropriate Cig of Miami Beach departments. (4) Exclusive equipment and services, including food and beverage, telecommunications, utility services and rigging and production personnel can be ordered through Licensor or its designated service provider, at an additional cost. Preferred audio-visual service and equipment is available on-site. (5) Additional equipment (staging, chairs, risers, dance floors, etc.) are available at an additional cost, based on available inventory. Existing inventory wilt be provided at no charge. Labor for equipment set-up and room re-sefs will be billed at prevailing rafes. Please see current Building Users Guide for rates. Rafes are subject to change. E. Food & Beveraqe: Centerplate ("F&B Provider") is the EXCLUSIVE FOOD & BEVERAGE PROVIDER of the Center. No food or beverage of any kind will be permitted to be brought into the facility by the patron or patron's guests or invitees without prior written approval of the General Manager or Food & Beverage Director. Food items may not be taken off the premises; however, excess prepared food is donated under regulated conditions to agencies feeding the underprivileged at F&B Provider sole discretion. F. Shipment to the Center: Licensor will not accept any deliveries or freight shipments prior to your event move-in. Only your decorator or on-site representative is responsible for receipt of any & all deliveries. G. Special Conditions: 1. LicenseFeeincludesgeneral cleaningofcommonareasandrestroomsduringoccupancyincludingeventhoursandone(1)hour prior to and (1 ) hour after event. Additional cleaning services are available as follows:i. A minimum of four (4) staff will be required for janitorial cleaning, and additional as deemed necessary by Licensor.1. Cleaning shall not include individual booths.2. Any cleaning necessary (before, during or after event hours or upon move-out) shall be billed to Licensee at prevailing rates. ii. Garbage dumpster removal will be required (one removal minimum) at prevailing rates, and scheduled as necessary per Licensor. First dumpster removal is provided complimentary. 2. Pursuant to Section 1 5 of the General Terms and Conditions, Licensee shall be responsible for all registration and/or ticketing for this Event. Licensee shall not be obligated to provide to Licensor complimentary tickets or admission credentials for the Event. 3. Coat check locations shall be managed and operated at the Licensee's discretion exclusively through Centerplate, subject to their prevailing charges for such services. 4. Licensor will provide, without additional cost to Licensee, full house lighting, heating or air conditioning for Licensed Space during move-in, event hours and move-out. Licensor reserves the right to limit use of air conditioning during periods when overhead freight doors are open, to prevent undesirable condensation within the space. 5. Event install/removal is inclusive within Licensed Space (as identifled per section l.B. above). Any additional space and dates will be subject to availability and additional cost. 6. Licensee has the exclusive right to sell, distribute and otherwise promote the sale of MLB merchandise and products of MLB 2 Page 668 of 1073 23 sponsors or partners within the MBCC. 7. Decorations and decor will be approved on the interior property of the MBCC. Any d6cor thal competes with existing advertising rights, for example, soft drinks, are subject to prior written approval of Licensor. All decorations and decor can be displayed at no cost. Any damage or necessary clean-up will be billed to Licensee at cost of repair or cleaning. Outside signage is subject to approval and in compliance with City of Miami Beach ordinances. 8. All rigging must be coordinated through Licensor and its IATSE personnel. Per point charges will be waived, however standard rigger labor rates will apply. 9. MBCC will provide full venue paging system with microphone in the FanFest Technical Office. 10. MBCC will allow Licensee's prefened cable TV service to provide arcess to the facility to provide cable TV service to the FanFest. 12. Expressly for the use of the media, all media ports and/or connections existing in the venue will be provided at no charge. 13" The MBCC will provide atl closed-circuit signage to FanFest at no charge. All materials must be fumished ready-to-install per our system specifications before implementation. MBCC will not incur any costs to upgrade our systems to accommodate FanFest. 14. Licensor acknowledges and agrees that is the intention of Licensee to assign this Agreement to Major League Baseball or its subsidiaries and affi liates. 15. Re-keying and keys or access cards to meeting rooms are to be furnished at no cost to Licensee. Appropriate charges will be applied for lost ol unretumed keys or access cards. H. Other: All equipment, building services and labor required for the event will be billed at prevailing rates per the Building Users Guide and is payable (10) days prior to the event. All additional charges for equipment and building services incurred during the event will be payable at settlement for the event. THE ABOVE TERMS ARE SUBJECT IN ALL RESPEGTS TO THE GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ATTACHED HERETO, WHICH ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN AND MADE AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS AGREEMENT. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have duly executed this Agreement by their authorized representatives on the date set forth below. Licensor: GLOBAL SPECTRUM, L.P., D/B/A SPECTRA VENUE MANAGEMENT As Agent By: Name: Matthew Hollander Title: General Manager Date: Licensee: MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL Name: Ethan Orlinsky Title: SVP, Legal Business & Club Affairs Date: By: ) Page 669 of 1073 24 II. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1 . Grant of License; Premises. Subject to the terms and conditions herein set forth, Licensor hereby grants to Licensee the right and license to use the rooms/space described in Section 1., located within the Center (the "Premises") for the limlted purpose of holding the event described in Section I. (the 'Event"), andnotforanyotherpurpose. Licenseeshall nothaveaccessrightsorprivilegesinortoanyotherpartoftheCenterbesidesthePremises,exceptforthe privilege of ingress and egress through the public corridors in the Center, on a non-exclusive basis, as necessary to utilize the Premises. Unless agreed otherwise in writing by Licensor, the Event is by "invitation only" and will not be open to the public. 2. Dates of Use. Unless this License Agreement (the "Agreement") is earlier terminated pursuant to the provisions hereof, Licensor grants to Licensee the right to use the Premises for the Event on the date(s) and time(s) set forth in Section l. (the'Term"). The Term may not be extended by Licensee without obtaining Licensor's prior written permission (which permission may be withheld in Licensor's sole discretion). ln the event the Term is extended pursuant to the preceding sentence, Licensee shall be responsible for any additional fees and costs required by Licensor in connection therewith. 3. Duties of Licensor. Except as may be otherwise specified in Section I.D through 1.H., Licensor shall, at the sole cost and expense of Licensee, provide (or cause to be provided), any and all personnel as may be required by Licensor (in its sole discretion) to properly staff the Center for the Event and for the proper and safe presentation of the Eveni, including without limitation personnel to crowd control, first aid (EMT), fire personnel, badge checkers, supervisors, janitorial staff, telecommunications staff, internet technology staff, box office staff, ticket takers, concession and catering staff and other necessary support services customarily provided by Licensor for a like event, as applicable, and additional items, equipment, personnel and seruices (such as telephone, internet and other services and utilities) which Licensee requests to be provided in connection with the Event and which Licensor is reasonably able to provide, all of which shall be subject to the approval of Licensor. lt is understood by Licensee that services, labor and equipment will be provided only to the extent of existing available inventory and in consideration of other Center events and activities. 4. Non-Refundable Deposit. A non-refundable deposit in the amount set forth in Section l.C is due and payable to Licensor according to the payment schedule set forth in Section l.C. Such deposit shall be credited to the License Fee and reimbursable expenses described below. Licensee shall not be entitled to the payment of any interest whatsoever on the deposit paid to Licensor. This deposit is non-refundable withoul regard to whether Licensee makes use ofthe Premises. lf the deposit (or any portion thereof) is not paid on or before the due date(s) specified in l.C, Licensor may terminate this Agreement, in its sole discretion, by providing writen notice of termination to Licensee. Any such termination shall be in addition to any other right or remedy available to Licensor at law or in eguity arising out such breach by Licensee, including Licensor's right to recover damages. 5. License Fee. ln consideration of lhe license granted hereunder, Licensee agrees to pay to Licensor (i) a license fee in the amount set forih in Section 1., plus (ii) reimbursement for any and all costs incurred by Licensor in connection with Licensee's use of the Premises, including, without limitation, costs incurred fortheprovisionoftheitems,servicesandpersonnel describedinSection3above. UnlessotherwisesetforthinSectionl.F,all suchfeesshall bepaidby LicenseepriortotheEvent,accordingtotheschedulesetforthinSectionl.C. Anyadditional costsrelatingtochangesintheeventrequirementsshall,unless othentrise agreed by Licensor, be paid by Licensee and billed to final settlement. In the event Licensee fails to remit payment when due of any amounts due, interest shall accrue on such overdue amounts at the rate of 1 Yz o/o per month (18% per annum), or the maximum rate permitted by law, whichever is less. Unless otherwise agreed by Licensor, payments shall be made by money order, wire transfer, or certified check. 6.Dsle@.s!s: A. ln the event Licensor is not able to tender possession of the Premises to Licensee because of any delay, then as long as such inability continues, the License Fee shall be reduced pro-ratably. Licensor shall also be liable to pay any and all costs incurred by Licensee including, but not limited to, personnel overtime costs, as a result of Licensor's inability to tender possession of the Premises. B. Should Licensee fail to vacate and surrender the Premises at the end of the License Period, Licensee shall pay to the Licensor $500.00 per hall,perhourforuseandoccupancyforthatportionofthePremisesthathasnotbeenvacatedandsurrendered. Further,theLicensormayremoveandslore all goods and chattels at the sole expense of the Licensee and may dispose of any such property if, after the expiration of five calendar days, the Licensee has failed to remove the property from the possession of the Licensor. The Licensor shall not be liable to the Licensee on account of so removing, storing, or disposing of any property as provided by this Section and Licensee shall save and hold Licensor harmless from any liability hom another Licensee who is prevented from occupying lheir licensed portion of the Facility due to the holding over of the Licensee. 7. FoodandBeveraqe:Licensorshall havetheexclusiverighttoprovidefoodandbeverageservicesinconnectionwiththeEvent,actingthroughtheCenter's contracted food and beverage provider, Centerplate ("F&B Provider"). No other individual or organization is permitted to bring food or beverage products into the Center without lhe express written consent of Licensor. 8. EventRequirements. Licenseeshall providetoLicensorall necessaryset-upinstructions(personnel,equipment,utilities, layout,etc.)fortheEventno later than sixty (60) days prior to the commencement of the Term (or, if this Agreement is executed and delivered less than sixty (60) days from the commencement of lhe Term, then immediately upon execution hereof). Such instructions shall include a copy of a full and complete floor plan for any exhibit at the Event. lf such instructions are not provided to Licensor by such date, or if changes are made to such instructions after they have been provided to Licensor and Licensor incurs additional costs or expenses as a result of such changes, Licensee shall be responsible for such additional costs and expenses at Licensor's prevailing rates. No set-up of any exhibits may begin wiihout proof of approval of such floor plan by the Fire Marshal of the City or County in which the Center is located, as applicable, and by the Licensor. 9. Advertisinq and Promotion. Licensee shall not publicize, or permit to be publicized, the Event prior to execution of this Agreement by Licensor. Licensee the Event shall be subject to the prior written approval of Licensor (which shall not be unreasonably withheld). All print and broadcast materials associated with the Event shall usetheofficial facilitynaine. Licensorreservestherighttodisplayorsell,withoutlimitation,advertisingandpromotionswithinandabouttheCenter,andto retain all income from such display or sale. Licensee shall not interfere with, block, remove or otherwise disturb advertising or promotions wiihin or about the Center without the prior written consent of Licensor. Signs containing commercial or sponsored advertising messages must be approved in advance in writing by Licensor. Lic€nsee agrees to open the Event to the public in accordance with advertised times and in compliance with Center policies, 10. Licenses: Permits. Licensee shall secure prior to commencement of the Term, all licenses, permits and approvals that may be required in connection with the use of the Premises for the Event, including without limitation those required by ordinances, rules andlor regulations of governmental authorities, and all licenses required by any performing arts societies such as ASCAP or BMI for music or other copyrighted works to be utilized or displayed at the Event; provided, however, Licensee shall not be required to secure any permits for the general occupancy of the Center, or any music licenses from SESAC (each of which has previously been secured by Licensor or the Owner). Licensee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Licensor and the Owner from any and all claims, fees, 4 Page 670 of 1073 25 expenses, costs or damages, including reasonable attorneys'fees and court costs, suffered or incurred by such parties in connection with any breach of this paragraph. 11. lnsurance. A. Coveraoe. Licensee shall obtain, at its own cost and expense! with insurance companies currently rated A Vlll or better by Best's Key Rating Guide, commercial general liability insurance that insures all operations of Licensee contemplated by this Agreement. Such insurance shall name Global Spectrum, L.P. and the City of Miami Beach as additional insureds. Such insurance shall be written with a limit of at least One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence combined single limit for bodily injury, property damage and personal injury. Licensee shall also maintain, at its own cost and expense, with insurance companies currently rated A Vlll or better by Best's Key Rating Guide, commercial automobile liability insurance, including coverage for the operation of owned, leased, hired and non-owned vehicles, in the minimum amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per accident (Pl and PD combined single limit). Such commercial general liability insurance shall be primary to and not contributory with any insurance coverage or self-insured program of Licensor and Licensee and their insurance shall have no right of recovery or subrogation against the Licensor. Licensee shall also maintain, at its own cost and expense, workers'compensation insurance in respect of all employees and any borrowed, leased or other person to whom such compensation may be payable by Licensee. B. Certificates. Certificates evidencing insurance required pursuant to this Section 1't shall be provided to Licensor not less than thirty (30) days prior to commencement of the Term, provided that if this Agreement is executed and delivered less than thirty (30) days prior to the Term, the certificates shall be provided immediately upon execution of this Agreement. The policies shall also provide, and the certificate shall so note, that the coverage may not be canceled or that a major change in coverage may not be implemented without at least thirty (30) days' prior written notice given to Licensor. 12. Indemnitv: Limitation on Liability. A- lndemnification. Licensee hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Licensor and the Owner and their respective officials, officers, directors, agents, employees, successors and assigns from and againsl any and all claims, damages, expensesr costs (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees) and liabilities (collectively, "Claims') arising or alleged to arise from (i) any breach of this Agreement by Licensee, (ii) any alleged or actual violation or infringement by Licensee or its employees, agents or contractors of any copyright or other intellectual property right of a third party in connection with the Event or activities occurring at the Event, (iii) the use of occupancy of the Center by Licensee, its employees, agents, conlractors, exhibitors, invitees, guests or patrons, and (iv) the acts or omissions, or violation of any applicable law, rule, regulation or order, of or by Licensee or any of its employees, agents, contractors, exhibitors, invitees, guests or patrons. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the obligations of Licensee in this paragraph shall not apply to the extent the Claims or Costs arise out of the gross negligence or intentional misconduct of Licensor or its employees or agents. B. Condition of Premises. Licensor makes no warranty or representation to Licensee of any kind (express or implied) regarding the suitabiliiy of or compliance with applicable laws by the Premises, or any portion thereof, as built, for any aspect of the use Licensee expects or intends to make of the Premises. Licensee further agrees that the Premises shall be delivered by Licensor to Licensee "AS lS," "WHERE lS" and "WITH ANY AND ALL FAULTS'and without warranty, express or implied, as to the merchantability or fitness for the use thereof for any particular purpose. C. LimitationonLiability. Licensorshall notbeliableunderanycircumstancestoLicenseeortoanythirdpartyforanyindirect,special, punitive or conseguential damages, or loss of revenue or proflts, arising in connection with this Agreement, even if Licensor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Furthermore, Licensor shall not be responsible or liable for any injury or death to person or loss or damage to property sustained by Licensee, its employees, agents, exhibitors, contractors, or any other person claiming through Licensee resulting from any condition, accident or occurrence in or upon the Premises, unless such injury, loss or damage is due to the gross negligence or intentional misconduct of Licensor or its employees or agents. D. Survival. The provisions of this Section 12 shall survive any expiration or termination of this Agreement. 13. Compliance With Laws and Rules of the Premises: Taxes. Licensee shall fully abide by, conform to and comply with, and shall cause every person under its direction or control who is connecled with the performance of any aspect of this Agreement to fully abide by, conform to and comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and ordinances of the United States of America, the State of Florida, the City of Miami Beach and their respective agencies, as well as all rules,regulationsandpoliciesof Licensorfortheuse,occupancyandoperationofthePremises. Licenseeagreestopaypromptlyall taxesassessedonits activities at the Center hereunder, including any sales tax on the payment of Licensee's fees hereunder (which shall be in addition to the amounts due hereunder). 14. Use of the Premises. A. Dutv of Care: Return of Premises. Licensee shall use the Premises in a safe and careful manner. Licensee agrees noi to do or allow to be done any act which shall mar, deface or injure any part of the Premises, nor shall Licensee change or rearrange any equipment or other property on the Premises without Licensor's prior written approval. Upon expiration of the Term, Licensee shall deliver up to Licensor the Premises in as good condition and repair and in the condition received at the beginning of the Term, excepting usual wear and tear. Upon expiration of the Term, Licensee shall immediately remove from the Center any and all property, goods, or other effects belonging to, or brought into the Center by, Licensee, its employees, agents, contractors, representatives, guests or invilees. lf Licensee fails to do so, Licensor may store or cause to be stored any such property at Licensee's expense- Alternatively, Licensor may deem such property to be abandoned and sell such property in such a manner and to such an extent as is permitted by applicable law, and apply the proceeds of such sale(s) in a mannerdetermined by Licensor in its sole discretion. B. Licensor Access and Control. Licensee shall, and shall cause its employees, agents and exhibitors and contractors to, follow any and all rules,regulationsandpoliciesoftheCenter,includinganyinstructionsofLicensor'srepresentativesregardingLicensee'suseandoccupancyoflheCenter. ln licensing the use of the Premises to Licensee, it is understood that Licensor does not relinquish the right to control the management thereof and to enforce all necessary rules and regulations. Licensor shall at all times have the right to limit the number of people attending the Event, for the purpose of ensuring the safety of people and property at the Premises. C. Disorderly Conduct. Licensor reserves the right at all times to refuse admission to or to cause to be removed from the Event, the Premises and/or the Center any disorderly person, including Licensee's employees, agents, conlractors, exhibitors, guests and invitees, as determined by Licensor in its sole discretion, and in the event of the exercise of such authority, Licensee hereby waives any and all claims for damages against Licensor and the Owner on account thereof. D. Other Events. Licensee acknowledges that other events or activities may be scheduled within the Center during the Term in areas other than the Premises. Licensee acknowledges that the public parking areas sunounding the Center are not exclusive to or for the Event contemplated by this Agreement. 5 Page 671 of 1073 26 Licensee agrees to adhere to a "good neighbor' policy and will not permit or allow to be permitted, any activity in the Premises that will disturb use of other areas of the Center by any other individual, entity, organization or event. E. Broadcastinq. Licensee shall not televise or broadcast the Event or any part ihereof without the prior wriften approval of Licensor (which may be withheld in Licensor's sole discretion, and may be conditioned on Licensee paying an additional fee for the privilege to broadcast the Event, or Licensee procuring additional insurance to cover such broadcasting activities). F. Dravaoe. The Licensor and the Owner and their respective officials, officers, directors, agents, employees, successors and contracted service providers will not be responsible for the acceptance of any and all drayage, to include: crates, packages, equipment and/or any other chattels, before, during or after the licensed Term of the Agreement. All drayage must be delivered and accepted by an authorized official, officer, director, agent, employee and/or General Service Contractor on or after the first day Licensee takes possession of the licensed area(s) outlined in Section l. of the Agreement. Drayage delivered to the Center beyond the licensed Term will be deemed undeliverable and returned to the original origin. 15. Tickets/Box Office. A. Sale of Tickets. Licensee shall provide for the sale and diskibution of all tickets to the Event. Licensee will not permit tickets or passes to be sold or distributed in excess of the maximum capacity of the Premises, as determined by Licensor in its sole discretion. B. Taxes. Licensee shall be responsible for filing of federal, state and local tax retums and the payment of all sales, admission, excise and other taxes due, if any, in connection with the Event or admissions thereto. Licensor shall have the right (but not the obligation) to collect and/or withhold any such taxes or business license fees due in connection with ticket sales, and to remit such taxes directly to the proper authority or agency. 16.@lntheeventofacancellationbyLicenseeoftheEvent(exceptasmaybeauthorizedbySection1B),nodepositrefundshall be made. Additionally, and unless indicated olherwise in Section l.H above, Licensee shall be obligated to pay the full amount of fees contemplated to be due hereunder had the Event actually occured, including without limitation the Food and Beverage Minimum. The parties agree that Licensor will be damaged by any such cancellation, and that the exact amount of such damages would be either impossible or inconvenient to prove, and that the amounts set forth in the preceding sentence are a reasonable estimate of the amount of such damages. The parties further agree that such amount shall constitute cancellation fees, and not a penalty of any kind- The remedies set forth in this section are in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other rights or remedies Licensor may have, at law or in equity, in the event of a breach or cancellation of this Agreement by Licensee. Licensor shall use reasonable efforts to re-rent the Premises, and license fees received by Licensor in the re-renting of the Premises shall reduce cancellation fees owed by Licensee by a like amount, with such reduction not to exceed the full amount of the cancellation fees owed. lT.Proqrams.NoveltiesandMerchandise. UnlessotherwiseagreedbyLicensorinwriting,Licensorreservestheexclusiverighttooperate,orcontractfor the operation of, a coat checkroom and program, novelty and/or merchandise sales at the Event (including without limitation programs, t-shirts, CD's, books, cassetle tapes, DVD's, VHS tapes, lapel pins, photographs and souvenirs), and to receive all income therefrom. 18. @ina!!g. Either party may terminate this Agreement in the event the other party fails to perform any of its material obligations under this Agreement, and such failure has not been cured within fifteen (15) days (or 5 days in the event of a payment default) after the date on which the breaching party receives written notice describing such breach in reasonable detail. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event Licensee fails to provide the insurance certificate required herein by the date due hereunder, or if Licensor may suffer irreparable harm as a result of the breach by Licensee, Licensor shall not be required to wait any period of time before terminating this Agreement or pursuing any remedies hereunder or under applicable law. Any termination of this Agreement shall notprejudiceanyotherrightorremedyavailabletothenon-breachingpartyatlaworinequity. lntheeventLicensorlerminatesthisAgreementduetoabreach or default by Licensee, Licensor may retain as damages any fees paid by Licensee under this Agreement (including the deposit), without prejudice to any other legal rights or remedies Licensor may have. 1 9. Force Maieure. Should Licensee be unable to take possession of the Premises or present the Event due to an Event of Force Majeure, neither Licensor nor Licensee shall have any liability under the Agreement and Licensee, as its sole remedy and relief, shall receive a refund of any uncommitted or cancelable advance payments less any expenses incuned by Licensor in preparing for the Event. The term "Event of Force Majeure'shall mean any and all acts of God, strikes, lock-outs, acts of the public enemy, Iaws, rules and regulations of governmental or quasi-governmental entities, wars or warlike action, anest or other restraint of govemment (civil or military), blockades, insurrections, riots, terrorism or terrorist threats, epidemics, earthquakes, hurricanes, storms, floods, washouts, fire or other casualty, civil disturbances, explosions, threats of bombs or similar intenuptions, confiscation or seizure by any govemment or public authority, nuclear reaction, radioactive contamination, accidents, or any other causes, whether of the kind herein enumerated or othenvise that are not reasonably within the control or caused by the party claiming the right to delay the performance on account of such occurrence; provided, however, in no circumstances shall the monetary inability of a party to perform any obligation contained in this Agreement be construed to be an Event of Force Majeure. Upon removal or cessation of the Event of Force Majeure, the parties' respective rights and obligations hereunder shall be reinstated for any and all subsequent sessions of the Event remaining in the Term (if any). The Parties expressly acknowledge and agree that the occurence of Zika virus transmissions within the City of Miami Beach, Florida or elsewhere shall not constitute an Event of Force Majeure under this Agreement. 20. Non-Discrimination I Americans With Disabilitv Act. Licensee agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment to be employed in the performance of or in relation to this Agreement, with respect to the hire, tenure, terms, conditions or privileges of employment, or any other matter directly or indirectly related to such employment, whether on account of race, marital status, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientationsorhandicapexceptwherebasedonabona-fideoccupational qualification. WithrespecttotheEvent,Licenseerecognizesthatitissubjecttothe provisions of Title lll of the Americans With Disabilities Act, as amended (ADA). To the extent that Licensee reconfigures, modifies, alters, rearranges, or otherwise prepares or'sets up' the Premises or any other portion of the Center in order to accommodate the Evenl, Licensee shall be responsible for ensuring that such areas comply (and continue to comply throughout the Term) in all respects with the ADA, including without limitation with regard to accessibility, usability, and configuration. Licensee shall be solely responsible for providing auxiliary aids or any modification of lhe Premises or other portions of the Center that may be required in order to accommodate the Event, and for ensuring that the policies, practices, and procedures it applies in connection with the Event are in full compliance with the ADA. 6 Page 672 of 1073 27 21, l&s.e!!@.' A. Entire Aoreement; Amendmenls: Governinq Law. This Agreement represents the entire understanding of the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any and all prior und6rsmndings, written or oral, among the parties hereto' This Agreement may only be modified or amended by a subsequent written agreement signed by an authorized re-presentative of Licensor and by Licensee- This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida applicabie to contracls mad-e and to be perfoimed in such state, without regard to conflicts of laws principles. B. Notices. Notices by Licensor and Licensee to each other shall be deemed duly given if (i) delivered personally with a signed receipt evidencing such delivery, (ii) transmitted by telecopier with confirmation of transmission, (iii) mailedby certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, or (iii) delivered by duly recognized air courier service to the addresses indicated in the opening paragraph hereof. All notices sent to Licensor shall be sent to the attention of General Uarialer ana also to Global Spectrum, 3601 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Attn: General Counsel' C. Assionment. This Agreement shall not be assigned nor.shall Licensee's right to use.the Premises be sublicensed by Licensee without the prior written consent of Licensor in each instance, wnicn mav te *iii',t'ruto in Licensor's sole discretion. Licensor may assign this Agreement al any time to any party including, without limitation, any successor owner or operator of the Premises. D. No Aoencv. The relationship between Licensor and Licensee is that of independent contra_ctors and not agents or employees. under no circumstances shall this license be considered a contract of partnership or joint venture. Neithei party shall be liable for any of the debts,. accounts, obligations or other liabilities of the other party, its agents or employees, and neither pirty shall have any authority to obligate or bind the other party in any manner except as may be expressly provided herein. E. Waivers. No waiver shall be effective unless in writing and executed by the party to be charged with such waiver. No waiver shall be deemed a continuing waiver in respect of any subsequent breach or default, whether of similar oi dissimilar nature, unless expressly so stated in wdting' F. severability. The invalidity or unenforceability of any particular provision of this Agreement shall not affect the other provisions hereof, and this Agreement snal nE constiled in all respeits as if such invalid or unenforceable provision were omitted' G. Effectiveness of Aqreement. This Agreement will not be effective or binding upon Licensor until it has been executed and delivered by Licensor. H. Rules and Reoulations. The Rules and Regulations as conlained in the Build Users Guide are hereby incorporated into this agreement' l. General Manaoer,s Discretion. Any matter not expressly provided for herein shall be within the reasonable discretion of the General Manager. J. Complimentary Space. Allowance ol a S% cap of the total net square footage utilized available for verified and approved complimentary booths: Approved comptim66i;ths would typically include not-for-profit organizations, educational exhibitors, or other community service-oriented displays generating no direct or indirect revenues or expense to the Show ManagemenVlicensee- K- Licensee Outside United States. The Licensee hereby represents, warrants and covenants that (a) Licensee and anyof its owners, affiliates, officers, dlrectors, effiloyees and agents involved in providing s-ervices under this Agreemenl, will comply with all applicable anti-.corruption laws, including the u.s. Foreign corrupt practices Act and the ur arioery aciand any other applicable jurisdiction; (b-) in carrying out its responsibilities under the Agreement, neither the Licensee nor any of its owners, affiliates, officers, directors, empioyees or agents will offer' promise or give anything of value' directly or indirecfly, to (i) any oovemmenrotficialin order to influence official action or otherwise obiain an improper business advantage, (ii) any other person while knowing that all or any portion ot tne money or thing of value will be offered or given to a Government official or (iii) any other person in order to induce them to perform their work duties disloyally or otherwise improperly; (c) neither the Lice-nsee nor any of its owners or affiliates ia directly or indirectly owned or controlled, in whole or in part, by any Government Entity or Gor"rnmeni ofii"ial and no owner, partner, officer, director or employee of lhe Licensee or of any parent or subsidiary company of the Licensee is or wili become a Government otficial during the term of thls Agreement; and (d) no government is investigating or has in the past five years conducted, initiated or threatened any investigation of the Licens.ee or any of its owners, affiliates, officers, directors or employees for alleged board, commission, court or agency, whether civilian or military, or any oi the above, however constituted, a government-owned or government-controlled association, organization, uuiiness or enterprise, a polificai pariy. rnl term "Government Entities" also includes public international organizations, i'e' organizations whose members are cruntries, or territories, jovemments of,countries or tenitories, other public international organizations or any mixture of the foregoing. .Government oflicial,, means any public or elect]ud officiut or officer, employee (regardless of rank), or person acting on behalf-of a national, provincial, or local government, including a iepartment, "g"n.v, instrumentality, state-owned or state-controlled company, public international organization (such as the united Nations oiwortd B;k), or political pirtv, 6irtv official or.anycandidate for politicat office. officers, employees (regardless of rank), or persons acting on behalf of an entity that is financed in rlrg; ;ea;ure through piblic approp,riations, is wid_ely. perceived to be performing government functions, 6i nas its key-officers and directors Lppointed by a governirent should also be considered "Govemment Officials'" 22. Convention Center Renovation and Exoansion Proiect. Licensee hereby acknowledges that during the Term herein, the Center may be undergoing construction in connection with that certain capital project to be undertaken by owner; which project is currenfly referred to as the "Mlami Beach Convention Centei Renovation and Expansion Projecf' (the "Project")' Licensor shall endeavor to keep Licensee informed of significant Project developments which Licensor determines may have a material impact on Licensee,s use of the premlli, or portioi.rs thereof, for the Event. 1o the extenl practicabie, Licensor shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to minimize any such material impact to Licensee's use of the premises (or portions thereof) ior the Event. lf, despite such efforts, Licensor and Licensee mutually determine that the project is expected to materially impact Licensee's use of the Premises (or portions thereof)for the Event, the parties shall use mutual good faith efforts to identify and "giu! ,pon alternate piemiies within the Center for the Event, oi for the portion(s) of the Event materially impacted by the Project, subject to such attemate prei"l."i'I"ing available. lf the pa(ies are unable to mutually agree upon alternate premises within the Center, or such alternate premises are unavailable, then Licensei may terminate this agreement by providing written notice to the Licensor no less than thirty (30) days prior to the start of the Event. ln such case, neither party shali have any tiiuititlito the other except tiat Licensor shall return any advance deposits paid by Licensee to Licensor, less any out of pocket expenses incurrid by Licensor in connection with the Event (which Licensor may retain). 7 Page 673 of 1073 28 Licensee acknowledges that during the Project there may be times where normal construction activities may create noise, vibration, dust, or other environmental impactsthatmaybeobservablewithinth-espaceslicensedunderthisAgreement. Licenseefurtheracknowledgesthatduringtheprojecttheremaybe modifications to the entry, egreis, loading, and circulation spaces that may include, but may not be limited to the creation of temporary passages within the facilitythat may occur within or adjacenl to areas of ictive construction, the relocation of entry or exiting doors, the assignment of specific loading docks, and other temporary adjuslments to the movement of people and freight through the Center. Licensee acknowledges that the conditions identified in this Paragraph are an anticipated element of the use of the Center'during the Projict and as such do not constitute a material impact on the Licensee's Event as defined in the Section. [END OF AGREEMENT] 8 Page 674 of 1073 29 30 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE Ii/|AYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE FOLLOWING IN REGARDS TO THE 2017 rulAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL (MLBIALL€TAR GAIIJIE FAN FEST, TO BE HELD IN THE MIAMI BEACH CONVENTION CENTER AND ON YI'ASHINGTON AVENUE, FROM JULY 7 THROUGH 11, 2O17: THE I,IIAIVER OF RENTAL OF HALLS A AND B OF THE MtAMt BEACH CONVENTION CENTER, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED ONE HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($t30,000); AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A SPONSORSHIP AGREEIUIENT WITH MLB, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY AND THE CITY MANAGER, IN AN AITIIOUNT NOT TO EXCEED ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($TOO,OOO}, IN SUPPORT OF THE 2017 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL ALL.STAR GAME FAN FEST TO PAY, IN PART, FOR REQUIRED POLICE AND FIRE OFF.DUW SERVICES FOR THE FAN FEST; THE WAIVER OF SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT APPLICAT|ON, PERI,IIT, AND SQUARE FOOTAGE FEES, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED SEVENTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLI.ARS (${7,500}; AND THE SPECIAL EVENT CLOSURE OF A MAJOR ROADWAY FOR SOUTHBOUND WASHINGTON AVENUE FROM 17 STREET TO DADE BOULEVARD, FOR EVENT ACTIVATION AND LOADING FROM JULY 2, 2017 AT 8:00 A.M. UNTIL JULY 13,2017 AT 6:00 P.M., CONTINUOUSLY, AND INCLUSIVE OF RUSH HOUR PERIODS. WHEREAS, Major League Baseball (Mlr-B) has chosen Miami-Dade County, the Miami Marlins, and Marlins Park to host the 88'n annual Major League Baseball Atl-Star Game, also known as the Midsumrner Classic; and WHEREAS, the MLB All-Star Game and festivities are broadcast on 57 television and radio networks in 14 languages to over 150 countries or territories; and WHEREAS, the MLB All-Star Game willbring a projected $70 Million in economic impact to Miami-Dade County, inclusive of hotel bookings in Miami Beach; and tttHEREAS, MLB All-Star Game festivities will occur throughout Miami-Dade County, inclusive of the MLB All-Star Game Fan Fest which will be held at and next to the Miami Beach Convention Center from July 7 ,2A17 through July 1 1,2017; and WHEREAS, MLB will offer a $10 discount to Miami Beach residents fortickets to the MLB All-Star Game Fan Fest, and will provide 1 ,000 tickets to the MLB All-Star Game Fan Fest to the City in accordance with the City's policy regarding the use and distribution of tickets to events and productions occurring at City-owned venues andlor City-sponsored events as adopted in Resolution No. 2014-28638; and Page 676 of 1073 31 WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach is a partner with Miami-Dade County, the Miami $po*s Commission, and the Miami Marlins in attracting this event to Miami-Dade County for the first time in MLB's history; and WIIEREAS, the Administration recommendo that the Mayor and City Commission approve the waiver of the rent of the Miami Beach Convention Center's Halls A and B, in an amount not to exceed $130,000.00, for the MLB All-Star Game Fan Fest; authorize the City Manager to execute a sponsorship agreement with MLB, in a form acceptable to the CityAttorney and City M*nager, in an amount notto exceed $100,000.00, in suppo(of the 2A17 MLB All-Star Game Fan Fest to pay, in part, for required police and fire off-duty services for the Fan Fest; waive the special event permit application, permit, and square footage fees, in an amount not to exceed $17,500.00, and approve the special event closure of a major roadway for southbound Washington Avenue frorn 17 $treet ts Dade Boulevard for event activation and loading from July 2, 2A17 at 8:00 a.m. until July 13, 2lfi at 6:00 p.m., continuously, and inclusive of rush hour periods, NOVII, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RT$OLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COM[,llS$lON OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEAC]|, FLOH.IDA, that the Mayor and City Commiesion hereby approve a waiver of the rent of the Miami Beach Convention Center's Halls A and B, in an amount not to exceed $130,CI00.00 for th* MLB All-Star Game Fan Fest; authorize the City Manager to execute a $ponsarship agreementwith MLB, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney and the Ci$ Manager, in an amount not to exceed $'!0S,000.00, in support of the MLB All-Star Game Fan Fest to pay, in part, for required police and fire *ff-duty services for the MLB All-Star Game Fan Fest; a waiver of special application, permit, and square footage fees, not to exceed $17,500.00; and the special event closure of a major roadway for southbound Washington Avenue from 17 Street to Dade Boulevard from July 2,2017 at 8:00 a.rn. to July 13, 2017 at 6:00 p.m", continuously, and inclusive of rush hour periods. PASSED and ADOFTED this day of March, 2017 " AfiEST: Fhilip Levine Mayor Rafael E. Granado Ci$ ebrk APPROVED AS TO FORM & IANGUAGE & FCIR EXECUTION T:\AGENDA\2017\3 - March\TCE*\r\{LB A$G Fan FestWLB ASG Fan Fes Reso.doc Page 677 of 1073 ),"*, €E{k *g,r,C*vAnornv"r* Oota 32