Planning & Zoning Commission_December 1964 to October 1965PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION (cont.) and that this committee shall perform the duties and responsibilities which devolve on such committee under the Workable Program for Community Improvement. 12-16-64 47 405 Report of Citizens Advisory Committee for community improvements read. Copies of report to be forwarded by Committee to Metro Commission and appropriate depts. of County government. 7-7-65 49 164 3. Book Page PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Eugene J. 4ei_ss resigns from Citizens Advisory Planning Committee. Councilman Malek placed name of Simon Wikler in nomination for this Council -at -large appointment. Action deferred. 9-15-65 49 285 Appointment of member to Citizens Advisory Committee deferred. 10-7-65 49 324 4. Book Page Dr. Simon J. Wikler elected to Citizens Advisory Committee - term expires Dec. 2, 1965. 10-20-65 49 340 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION 5. Book Page •Citizens Advisory- Committee for Community Improve ment Appointments: all terms expire 12/2/66 Charles Weinberg, Larry Taylor Benjamin Zimmerman, Samuel Smietan Adrian Thal 12-16-65 49 505 "At Large" appointments: Louis Shafkin, Maurice Un:er, Dr. Simon J. Wikler 12-16-65 49 505 Citizens Advisory Committee for Community Improvement appointments: (expire 12/2/66) Irvine Kimmel 2-2-66 50 78