Parks & Playgrounds_September 1976 to August 1978PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS (continued) more frequent patrol of Bayshore Golf Course in view of recent acts of vandalism. 1305). 90 Date 10/20/76 Memo #6014, Community Centers night activities, 11/3/76 deferred to Nov. 24, 1976. Ord. #78-2124 adopted as an emergency measure 6/7/78 providing for closing of City Parks, Playgrounds, Beaches and Golf Courses between certain hours (requested by Mayor Haber). (See Golf Course, Beaches) Memo #7001, update on establishment of exer- cise course in Pine Tree Park (requested by 7/19/78 PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS 1-0051.C1/0, 401') (continued) and North Shore Parks. Mayor Rosen complains of conditions also of facilities at handball and paddle ball courts in Flamingo Park. $20,000 included in Budget for repairs. (P.26) Mayor Rosen suggests streamlining of Community Center operations. City Mgr. to report.(P.29) Memo #5914, employment of 3 Park Attendant I's for Parks Division, approved. Memo #5939, personnel for No. Shore Ocean Front Park. Request to employ 5 Park Attendants, approved. Councilman Weinstein requested fre- quent patrolling of park by Police Dept, and 89 Date 9/29/76BH 9/29/76BH 10/6/76 10/20/76 PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS S I. 910 , SIC L 91 (continued) Date Commissioner Weisburd). Commissioner Weisburd's motion to appropriate $25,000 of Bike Path Bond Issue funds for construction of Vita Course at this location, died for lack of a second. 7/19/78 Commission approved policy to authorize expendi- 8/2/78 ture of necessary funds to construct a bicycle path in conjunction with an exercise course in Pine Tree Park, said funds to be appropriated from 1974 Bikeways $300,000 bond fund. Further, that Administration advise Recreation Consultants to give this project first priority, and that the necessary permission be obtained from Metro- politan Dade County (requested by Commissioner Weisburd). (See Bicycle Paths, Consolo Property,