Parks & Playgrounds_October 1975 to January 1976PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS Meeting Da(te Memo #5335, approved, request Of Nautilus Jr. HS to hold -2,0c).)0,010 carnival on City Park property, 11/28-11/30/75. 10/1/75 Memo #5425, request of M.B. HI School Music 12/10/75 Booster and Sports Booster Clubs to hold Car- nival Dec. 22-31/75. Request amended orally at meeting by Mrs. Siegal, to utilize Hi School grounds for carnival, with hours 3:00 to 11:00 p.m. Permission granted subiect to all condi- tions as recommended by City Mgr. as may be applicable to the school property. Use of So. Shore Park as alternate, per Mgr's recommendation, also approved PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS o -S l , i' 0 , c i & Memo #5426, appropriation for improvements to Friendship Corners & Community Centers, MP -104, $300,000.00 from the Nov. 6, 1973 bond issue, approved. 81 Date 12/10/75 Amending Chap. 2 and 25 of City Code, so as 12/17/75 to designate certain Parks and Recreation Dept. Employees as Litter Enforcement Of- ficers. Deferred to 1/7/76 meeting, for recommendation of Administration. Amending Chapters 2 and 25 of City Code so as 1/7/76 to designate certain Parks & Rec. Dept. em- ployees as litter enforcement officers, (de- ferred from 12/17/75). Requested by Councilman PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS 230 5-1,1/0.0/0 82 (continued) Date Sahl. Motion to defer FAILED of passage. Dis- cussion held. Councilman Sahl requested Admin. to give additional study as to possible solu- tions of littering problem and to come back to Council no later than Feb. 4, 1976. Councilman Sahl withdrew motion for adoption of ord. at 1/7/76 this time. Memo #5498, expansion of Annual Recreation 1/21/76 Division Carnival March 13, 1976, approved, subject to approval by the City Atty. of individual insurance certificates prior to commencement of carnival. Council approved closing of 10th St. between Ocean Drive and Collins Ave., for 1 day only (March 13, 1976),