Parks & Playgrounds_April 1972 to September 1973PARKS S. PLAYGROUNDS 75 Meeting Date At request of Mr. Dan Paul, Council established policy that no park lands be used for capital improvements and that City look to acquiring property for this instead. City Atty. advised this was an expression of 4/26/72 intent but not binding. Mr. Ellis Rubin requested adoption of Metro Dade Co. regulations be prepared by City Atty. thru Councilman Greene for July 5 6/2g/72 Proposed amendment to Chapter 25 of the Code regulating use of public parks,etc. was referred to City Mgr. for study and report at later date. 7C7 I. (Ito -0/14 7/19/72 PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS 305 ), 9/0, Q I" 76 Meeting Date Councilman Weinstein complimented Recreation Division for its fine park program in C resp i Park. Councilman Greene urged additional publicity be given by City to recreational activities sponsored by City in its Parks. Re: Installation of lighting in Polo Park, Martin Cavanaugh, appeared in support of request to install lighting, so teen-age children have use of facility during evening hours. City Mgr. was requested to submit estimate of cost of lighting Polo Park for consideration at Budget Hearing 9/22/72 and to identify property concerned as to whether it/s City or School Bd. property. 9/20/72 PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS -) C G } 77 Meeting Date Council approved naming square on Pine Tree Dr, bet. 40 & 41 St. in honor of Henry Liebman and erecting suitable plaque. 10/18/72 Councilman Greene proposed that City Mgr. develop some criteria to be followed by Council in future re: naming of property. 10/18/72 City Mgr. repeated his recommendation against policy outlined. 10/18/72 Memo 4194: request for use of South Shore Park for P.A.L. circus 3/17/74 approved. 9/19/73 Res. No. 73-14146 adopted, amending Res. 73-14125 adopted,on_9/19/73, for submission of Bond Issue