South Shore Community Center_January to May 1969COMMUNITY CENTERS (SOUTH SHORE) BOOK PAGE
and approved by Council on January 15, 1969.
Names of architects interested in performing
work filed. 1-2-69
Resolution #12608 adopted authorizing execution
of contract with Morris Lapidus at fee coinciding
with A.I.A. standard form --8% of total cost of
project, exclusive of land and landscaping, with
additional proviso that project will not exceed
28,000 - 30,000 square feet, and fee will not
exceed sum of $23,000. City Manager urged to get
construction underway rapidly. 1-15-69
54 118
54 136
Resolution #12616 adopted authorizing City
Manager to negotiate for purchase of Lots 9 and
10, Block 73, Ocean Beach #3, and if negotiations
fail, authorizing City Attorney to institute
condemnation proceedings to acquire property for
Community Center. 1-15-69 54 144
City Mgr. directed to have Appraiser S. Z.
Bennett proceed with acquisition of property
for So. Shore Community Center 4/2/69 54 325
Toal to seek extension from HUD on So. Shore
Community Center; and to consilt with Civic
groups as to views. 4/16/69 54 365
Book Page
Council approved Toal's recommendation to
construct bldg. using Scheme 2, estimate cost
$419,700 ($165,000 from bond issue; $254,700
from Govt),balance by City ($75,400 approx.)
Motion adopted that Scheme 2 be approved; that
City appraiser proceed with purchase of needed
properties; that architect proceed with plans;
appraiser given 8 wks. to acquire properties,
if not by purchase, then City to condemn. Toal
to relocate residents of bldgs. involved.
5/7/69 54 382